03/04/1963 - 00023363�
cotmrclL r�zn�u��s _ N�,PCx �, 196;
A regular meel;ing oF tlle Ctity Council of the City of Fxidley ras called to order Uy
Nra�or Nee at 8:p7 P.M,
D4ember: ?reeent• Brook, Johaiison, PTee, Wo1he
T�tembers Absent• Sherician
Diotiion by �Tobanson to ap;orove the mi..utes oi the re�uler meet�ng of February lo� 1963
_ti prepared and received. SecoitdEd b� Brook. Upon a voice �ro�e� zhere be�,�g no i�sys;
the rocion c�sried unaninousl.�.
A4et�on by Johanson tio approv� the minutes of the �peci�l meeL-in� of Febru�iry ?0, 1963
�s prepared and recetived. °econded by Broolt. Upoi� a vo2ce vote, tl2ere bei�� r_o eays,
thc- moLzon carried u��aoimously.
APFROtirAL 0,+ PfIPIUTBa - SPfCIIaL P�iETII�dG ?'EBRUP,Ri' 2<`, 14(j:
Councllmau rlolke sza�:eo thati on gage 22 oP Coui,cil Miautiee, tihe last p�ra��rapr sl��ould
be correcc�d to rcad� "tne lncent wae thet the Cicy Az�ornev cl�eck �s�itn ttie A�,torney
General's oiizee and give the Covnczl a decl�r��tio� ae to the legUliti9 of servi-i� on
the Pi.S,�S.S.D. Doard �nd acce�tin� money for sarne.��
_�fotioi by Johansou to appreve
as am°adec. Seco�ded b,y Brool:
car�ied unanimouely.
the �inutes of F,l�e spec�c 1�neeti�7r, oi' F�-�U-�vary 2c, 196�
. Upot2 a voice votie, the;-e beina ,�o ��ays� i,he nror,ion
Covlzcilman WoLke recommended the i��me of Richard Margei�, 101 �i9tL Flvenue V. ]�. N10-
tlon by �ao71=e zo 2ppotint Richard Langen to the Build�ng Boarct Por ine term of one
�ear. �econded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, -.r�ere beiug no n�ys, tihe macion
carried vna��i�7ously
D7ayor 1Vee requestied the Couneil to pea-rnl� three citi�cn� wl�o lisr� bee � aery rood re-
�arding a ee�aer probl.em and wished to be heard �t tib�a tiime, theT? b��n� N.r. C.D.
IQe�siue, Mr. �dward nhrer_s, and Mr. Trygve Jacobscn. P4r. Dieisliie spoke ��e�,ardia�
zLe �aater damage it� the basemert oS hls home. He etated �he ti�lsur�nre im n d�dn`t
come ouc for abou� a-nonth, and �ahen i,hey d-�d comc out the Crty Man��eer was ,��ith
them, N1r. Aieisius said tihe stiatic;nent was made oP �ahy ti�as it c1e, *zed up and i aised
tihe queat�on to the Council ?i ,aould they keep such z sroell, and etaLed they threw
tihe �aorst oP the ma�:erial Gway, Mr. 1'de?�sius 1*�qu�red ���hy tine set�lement ���as 'oeing
helc] baek so lon�: Ci�,� Eng?neer Brown ecated 117ere *aere Lt��o difFerenl, con�litions,
one �i�s a breal� and o'�e �aas a�oa�;er problem. The Cltv P?an^,�ee statiect tihis ��as the
case whera the City *.aas iluuhing m�lus on Au�ust the lOth 3nd ti�aiei bacl�ed up into
basemeul,s an r,he `cS00 �lock on M1s�iESippi into 5 homes. These honie owneis llad sub-
mitted clditns which nere tiurned over to t��e insuiance company, mhe City Manager
steted the insurance company had f�nally denlen zhe clalm�. FSc i,old the Council
thac, in November� nrr. Neleius had t�rit�en a leLLe-r to Lhe Counctil ��kir�g their coii-
sidera�ion. l',t that t2me the Councll had been �ivei: � copy of chis letter ?nd the
iour letters that had goae to the insurance company and i+ was a11 turned ovei ta
the Citi�) Attarney for a report and re�riew.
CounciZ�nan P�'rook raished to knew why �his request was turned down and tre City
PQanager staied +he}+ didn'ti �ive a-reason, th�y had ,7ust denied it, Councilr,�an
Johaneon s �ated he couldn' L thir.k of' a �ime when th�= i�surat�ce company had paid
a claim, i;h��, the C�t�� of Przdley ceri,alnly was�'t getting the proper �nsur�nce
coverage. Councilman L�rooli stntcd the final direci,ion b;� the Councll h�d been to
have the Clty !1t+orney report and he caished to hear �rom D4r. Kohlan.
C�t� !?ttor«ey Kohlan stated there shouldn't be an3� quesL-xon th.�L the c]��Zm exists.
The only o,uestioi�, he Gtated� is th� amoun�: of the claim. Mr. Koh1a7, sald he had
see« tne prcpert� persoaally, �hzt the ta� other clalms are not substaniial but
that with a Srerified report he did�`t feel they could or should be quesLioned.
P4r. I�olilar stated he had been told tnere 12ad been aboui. 3 inches oP T,�ater in the
basemenL-, that pictures oF the �ame wex�e n� the �ail and he was satlsfied �hac
the dama�e wa� sustzined. Iie statecl that on one premise �;he v�ashing machii�e wa�
removed aiid tYie claim for that parr,y for �i250.00 included z��ashing machine. Caty
AL-torney i{ohlan st�ted the other t:�o claims were Sor $5�0.00 and :�1,500.00 re-
�peetively. City Atcorney Kohlan said he dtdn'c ieel he eould reeczrttti�y:d the p2y-
ment oP all oP the�e cl�ims in r,he amout�ts �hey were claimed. He suggested thac
if the insu'ranez com�any zs not w�lling to pay these elaims, the ouly tihi?ig he
could advise theee peo�le to do ;aould be to sue the C�ty. Mr. �eisius explained
i,hat tl�e les�, Lime he had called the insurance man he had been told by this ad-
,7tisLer tha� it �aas not c�red if the insuraace company os�ed him seven mi111on
dollarv, that he elther take y�50.00 or nothing and the ii.snrance ad,7uster had
�lammed zhe recelver.
Afayor �lee �tated he �,aould be in E'acor an�l approve of the dlsposal of the three
mznor claii,�s� zi posszble, in the amounte oi �25�+•00, 5�50.00, and �'>G5.00.
Mr. Ahrens of �31 A4is�issippi Street N.E, stiated he nad �>4,200.00 soaked i� h1s
basement and if Council d2cln't beleive zhe damage, they were each �aeleome to in-
spec�. 6ome of this money ',��as in tile� wood, doors, pingpong table� etc. Coun-
cilman Bxook r�ised the question if' thzs were c�aused by oiork done by the Public
Ldo�-Z:e bepari.ment and was al2ewered that ic wa�.
Councllm�n Johanson st�ted he felt the Council should pay the three minor claims
and send a contractor to chec� on tLe ttao large claims. Covnc�lman �n'ollce stal-ed
he ��ould like to �r_spect tlze pre�nises. Connciln:zn Broole asked hoa high the watier
ti�as ln Atr, Ah��erG basement and *aas tioln ir :aas szx ii?cLes hi�'n. Cou�cilman Brooli
szaled he �lso ielt Lh:t m�ter�zls dried ouz even though the wood was �aarped ai;d
doors he felt the Couacil should eend anothei man to inspect this �cb �nd get
anotiher b2d for lti.
Motion by Johanson to authorize p��yri�i�t to zhe following on cl�lms ior damage to
basements in the ar�ountis shoian•
P4r. 1�. Ziglnrd
olFl PZiesisei�roi Street SS.E.
i�1r. Carl Lwidin
�'S1 Misstssippi S�:reet ^i.E.
DRr, C.D. nTeisius
621.P4ississippti SL-ree'� N L,.
Seconded by Drook. Unon z volce votea L-here beirg no nays� the motion carried
P+lotion by Johansol to �end a compezent contractos' to the iol�owing 1lsted homes�
havc damaaes aprox�aised, and retur,� Flgure to the City Councl7:
M�°. Edward Ahrene
831 MissassipFi Streeti N.E.
Mr. Trygve Jacobscn �1 500.00
811 Mlsslssippi Street PI.r..
Seconded by Woll.e. Upon a voice vote, therc- being no nays� the motiion ca_rr�ed
Motion by Johanso❑ rhat City Manager be insr,ructecl to dra�'� a ler,ter to the �n-
surance compa�y i,hat tLe City Council Peels there is �o need to continue p��ying
insurance p_remiums tYiat we are, Zi� ��o eve�t, gett�ng proper �_asura��ce coverage.
Councilman Woll�e steced he agreed °nth Counc�lman Johai�son, bul, he felt that Coun-
cil should investiigate siid tr� to get � betier pol�r_y anci noti a]1o�, themsclvee to
have a large clalrn pl2ced a gainst ;heia, tiia'� he wa= not reque;�ing to d-rop insu_r-
ance covesage.
Cour_cilma�� ti7olkc- seconded �he motlor, sub,7ecz �o including that tt is not a matter
o� drr��pin� che lasura�ce, �t is a mattier of str�iightenin� �t out.
Councilman Brook st��ed that �° the insurance con�par_y does �ot want to �ive the
� CZty proper cosrera�e� l;hey shoulc� dron them, Upo,- a votce vote, 2here tc-in5 no
nays� che rao�ion carried unan�mouely.
PU�dLIC 'rTEP.RI?QG - ORDSA?4DiCP TO AP�1EP� ORD1T_JADrC� 1_VG. 70-P,-2A l�,ND h-�A•
The CitS- l�ana„e� re�d the Notice oz Hearing. !`�ayoi P?ee annoL�nced th�.s ��ae � public
'�ea^ing. No or�e appeared for or ahainst the aoove descrtiUed ordi�����cr,
It `�as explai�ed th�, ordinance estarlisl2es L-sio i�e�a ordilances. The R-2n, is fo_r
�wo Laniil}� dwelli��e, �ide by side, and the R-311 ia fo� multi�le d,aelli�i� oalp.
Mayor Nee declarecl the hear2ng closeci.
The City .Zanager gave the :ecpnd readiiig of �bo`re desca�ibed ordir �nce, ile explained
the reaeor for the present R-3 has multiple dti�ellzngs perm�tted i� it but �t �]so
provides, on a epeclal use permiti, ozher thi�;�,s thaL cari be bull'� ir. R-3 a�d etzted
there had been a reluct�nce on atiy rezonlr,g on the b�s�s tha� the Plznn�n� Coia�tssion
mighi rezone a pieee of propercy to build a�; a�a'rtment bu�ldin� ai�d zhis piece oi
property mi�ht be sold and a speclal use pe�•mit c�ould then be granted for sor,�etl��ng
e?itiirely dii'ferent. The City Manager expla�ncd their �uggeGtion was that rhere be
� a class_�"ication in �ihieh onl,y multiple d�aellliigs can be built,
Counc�lman Soha�son e�ated i.h�� P�ayor Nee had suages�ed to hlm oi. Item ane oL (1�)
in ordlnaace regarding R-2 DisLrictG. i� R-3 i�ere c'_�anged to R-2, this would in-
crease the land sizes. Councllme,n Johanson sa�d �!e uroula like tl,1s amendmen� i7-
Motion by Johanson th�it, thls be �ccepted as �econd -reading oi' above ordinance�
that it be adopted and published. Secor_ded �y Brook.
Mozion by Johanson �}in� thls ordat2ance be amendecl, �� Paragraph 11, Ii.em 1 to read,
the requireraen�;s are ocher*aise the same as in tne R-2 DistricL.
Ctity At;torncy Kohlan statcd he was raising �,he oueetiion as i�o putting thai, chan�e
in on this ardinance and �f it might not creaLe � dirierence oi treatm�nt on non-
uniioxm el2ssii'icat�on �s far as �he R-3 D�str�cl, i� concerned. He atGted 'ne would
rooL advise putiting it in �he ordznance at this tlme, Mayor 2dee raisod the quest�o�
lt the title were changed to R-2B� t�ould it L-hen Gtand? City Attorney iiohlau
answere�3 tnati iu order to :Zt l,h� s ca �.egory oi k-2B a ne�a area t,ould have L-o Uc
found. It uould be lxmized only to multiple dwelling cat�rying the restirictions oi
R-2 and �hat would elimi��a�e that kind oi' cr�Licis-n, I?e ra�sed tihe question ii
area changes were to be ���ien out oi R-3 and put ti�to R-2 iiisLricts. Thz C�ty
M?r_�ager st�.t�d they ;aere creaLii�g a new distr�eti and .ahy conld�''t �r rever� to R-2?
Mayor AT�e si;�ted �h2t it would be less complicated iF it wer� made R-2B i_istead ot
R-2A. Counc�_lman idolke renuested the niatter he dropped until iL- had Ueen pursued
� Purther. Motion by Gioll_e to tiable thie mat�e� i,emporarily. Moz�o� failed i'or l�cY_
of a second.
Couucllman Johaaso?i st,ated that due to the corFuelon, he ��ou1d now niove to drap his
amended r�otion. Prayor AT°e st�ted thc first moiZO� wa, on the tal�le.
Clty ALtprney Iiohlan e�pla2ned ordlaance in detail. 13e stated this sug�e°ted chan�e
as a 2B Dis�,rict would re�trict the 2B area Lo n�ultiple dwellin�s aad -require a
higher area. Coancilnan Wo�ke �tated the Councii had spenti many hours o�� tihe gas
franc�.lee whlch triey �+ere a11 willing to accept. No�N, he explained, t1�2y �.�ind up
wii,h an ordinance wlth regard �o buildir��� that he had reque=ted `his be ta'cled be-
c�iusc it had been pr�sEntied improperl�� and G�as ;�ot understood. He st,ted hE ,�oti�ld
like �o hear from thc C�ty �.ttorae,y, tha�, he also doLih��d ;,hether thie *„ould afieci
m2n,y buildiitigs in Fr�dlev and z�as still asl�ing zhat tki5 item be tiabled for more
clar� I'icai�ian.
� ��
P4otiion by llol�-e to table until the next r�FUlar mEeting �he second reading of Or-
�lnance to amend Ordinar_ce No,'70 - R-jAr `'�econded by Brook.
Cc�uncllman Johanson iaieed the que=�tion to the Cit� Attorneg z� Ccunc�].man uTO11ie
h^d th� ri�ht to overx•ide his motzon, C�ty 9tL-orne� Kohlan �tated that Cou��cilmai
Johan=on'� moLion ❑as to pass ord_nance without the amendmenL. I3e wtatecl the mo-
tzon Eo cahle ie ,� px�ocedni�l inotion and it does take precedence as i'az� ae parli-
men�ary ru1F; a°e conceri2��. Iti �a.�s e�plained the mo1:�_c�n is siow for a tabling
unLil the nexc rc-gti7cr meeting and it can and should be vo�ed upon. On the motion,
i'nase voting aye; Ifo11�e; tho�e cpposed, Brool�, Veey Johanson. Mot�o� L�lled.
Councilrnai2 Wolke s�zd th�� a� ha had understoo� i_t, �?r, �oh�nson had moved to amend
thie ordlnanec <nd then withdrew the amendment, SI2s ob�ec�.iony 1�e ea�lalned, was
no� that he w�nted to curtail the ordinance or stop it, he was ,7ue+ lookinQ inr
cl�r,l�cation. i�4ayor Nee stated l�e had felt �he Councll coald appl� R-2 instead o�'
R-3A. Cou.icilman ?1olLe eta�ed he was wiLlzn� to vate on �t, trrat 1�e nacl n�thing
a�-c�inst it. �
0_� che m=�i� r,otion (motior b;� Joh�nson tl�iat this be accepted as seeo�id reading o2'
above ord�n�,ricei that it b� adopted an,l publiehed, Seco°ided 'o� Brool�) those votin�;
aye, Brook, Joh�r,so�, �`Jee Opposecl, Z7olke, S4otian fall�
Thomas Greig, c�tir,eu, �cated there ti��s only ene thing he wanted to linow, 4dherE�
on the A�enda, ,r,�� the Council. P9ayor°11Tee s�^ted �hEy were on Item 2 and it had
been dei'e,ted.
BSDS - TTjRPE 7'RUCkS (Oi�iVE➢ 1VOOPr. AARCH 4, ]963;:
Ihe Ci�y Nlaua�er read l;he bids �ahich -�ere opened and rec2,ved that noon. Coanci]mar_
�3eoo1�, Clt�� ;�,n�zneer Cal t�ro�rn aad S'i.pt. Les Chesney taere piesen� �or �t!e open�ng
with Lhe City ivranaper. Zi, �a2s e�tplalned tio �he CizS� Councll there is sufflcieat
money in ,iie Capital Outi1�y oF the Public Works Department plus �ellin� the present
�ruck to che �date-r Departmeni: for 5�300.00 and Fiater Depax �ment partic�pating fo-r
half oi these p�ch�ip� 1'or this purchaee to be m�de, p2r. Bro`an, i� ��ae st,ated�
wc�ti�ld like to secommend the Chevrolete Crom Osseo Motor Coanpan��. CLi;y $ngineer
Bro��n �tatei zhey di�n't know a�ything about che Garo�ood body but zelt it �,aould
n�eez the specif�cztions, or�d �i' �t dld mee� the speciiicatian�, he stated tio the
Cou�c� 1, ihe� ��ould 11Y,° to pux�chr�se the Chevole �s wi Lh G�r��ood body,
Paron Wioto-r^
New Brlghtor � PRinn
�;aszslde Ford
683 T. 7�h 5 treet
Sti. Pau1. P9znne�ota
TLdO _l�2 'PO�f PICK UPS
DelivF�y Total irade Net
D51 LP I il
;5 aa. �p4i�g,.oa $1i�+2.o0 �3355•0�
@ 5'70o Gv�a
3o a�. 3997-00 45o.ao 35�+7�00
� 500o cvw
2 1�?_ 7JU1`�� TRUCSw
�elivery iVeti.
35 au. :�4y7g.00
45 da.
45 a�. 502�,00
Os=eo D4or,or Co. �i5 dw, 3730.00 5�0.00 3?30.00 '+5 de„ li602.00
Osseo� Minnesota @ 5000 GVW C�;Add �?_20.
(b) Deduct �i106.40 Garwood Body
stud raheel
Nlotion by Johan�on to authoxize tihe acczptance of the bid of Ossza Motor Comp�ny.
Seconded b� BrooL, lipo�� � voice vote the motion carried unanimouely.
At th2e pointi Councilnian Wolke wa� given the �loor and ��1d l�e *�anted to go on re- �
cord in iront oi n�emberw and people �iz the commuuity that i'c had been staL-ed� for.
�ome resson, he hacl beneil�,ed �s a councllman through various ��eans as a pro�st Lo
h�mseli �nd cou]cln't vote o�1 cexza�n issues, and he expressly asked Mr. K_aspsza� of
t,he Frzdley ➢fev�s co hav� these statiement� aublishea in the same reg�rd zh�� athex�
stat,ements had been l,ublishecl, that he personally had never Uenef'ited any diiferen�
thar. �ny other contractor in the Cit�> oF Fridley isi Muzneapolis or any other com-
mw�it� t,hrough the assietancc- ox• k!elp oi the P/i�nneapolis Gas Company, thaL- he hedn't
any peisonal �ain. He stat�d that he had Poughti ior L�2� o�C�ice ag councilmun six
ye-�rs previous :���d laas elected� tliat he though� he had done a good �ob and ra�% three
yeais ago� wae unoPposed and won through �o alliance �aith anyone else. He Purther
stated he had do��e a pret�/ good job and intended i:o ao a�ood �ob. Couiticil-nan Wolke
� ��
etai,ed that everythin� he had done �,as tio �Le best �f hls ability, th�t .� man h�cl
to have eourare to come For��ard. He _°u-rther �tated th�t hc hac no p�rty aiiilisi,�ons
and no boeses to Lencl to or bow to, �;hai, he di3 u�hsti he thought was right. I3e Gaid
he did i�hat he �hough� bee�. ['o: the average ���dividual at�d .��s eouncilman tio �he Lest
oY his ability� and witil� his �ahole hear+. Tt r�as further s�ated b-� Council,nau i,JolY,e
that �t tines there are cert,ain �hzngs that he mi�ht do �;hat do i.ot pi�ase the iu�,7-
crit,y or the rainorii,y� r,hat thic w�s .oMet�in� he coulcln't co� zrol, tliat he ouly did
what he f'elL T�as -rlgh�. ?1e stal;ed he had voted on �he Gas Franchise i,nie d;,y oe-
cause he ?elc it was a good thin^ for the City of L'r�dley ;ad ��,00] thinU as a meir-
bei oi' the communtit,y. [Ch�s was a right he ]�zd as a citizen of the UiiiLed Statee.
� i4r, jJollce stiaLed thes�c had been enough reflection o£ his character. He iutei7ded to
run �gain for councalman and represent the people of rhe City and not only Lhs �aoid
:�f zhe City. Councllmati Wolke stated that the Council ?�ucl Ueeu pressed �eou� urtity
and didn't �et it, that, previcuslV they had nisa�z°eed but had unity, Lh�ti h� taas
c3isgusted with zhe Council of the City of Prid]_ey �s it no�a stands.
Notlaz by Johanson to adopt Resolution �30-1953 rcgard,ng the estaUlishi��g of work-
ing conditions for on-eale employees eCfect�ve U� oC �lurch l, 19�3• Seeonded Uy
Erook. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the moiion carr�ed L�na,zimously.
The C�ty hia�za�er stated �he-re were two � tems to be acted upo�i. The,y aere 7tems 1
and 2 of Boarcl o: Appeals T�inutes as Folloc��
SOiJ�'F Z5 FF�ET Or LOT ]0, ALL OF LOT 11, P]OA`1H 10 FPET OF LOT 12, BLOCK 5, PLvT�10U�'�
i✓_otion by Johanson that thc Citv Couzcil concur ia�Lh Lhc- 1•econmc-nciaLion of tne Boaid
oi Appea7_s and �rai�t L-he request fer a variauce �e cbove stated. Seconac:d by L?•ool�.
Upon a voice votie, �,here beting no e!�ys, the mocloi� carxied unanamou�l,�.
1 A1�1D 2, BLOCTf 2, CEPITi�L V1EW b9P.D70R, SIaP� �EING 73Li5 �lGH[�TAY ��65 PIORTF��,AST - REC?UEST
BY CHARLES S. COk ^ -- -- - - - — - -
The CiLy Man2ger r2ad zhe above named public 12ea2ing iequest and ex�lainerl r,here is
a dedlcation ior a service road, Mo�tion by l^lolke to concur with Lhe reco-,�mecdatior,s
of the Boarcl of 2ppeal5 stiibjecc to tihe v�aiver oP the frort vard set buc'_= but irom
�he service road, i12at chc- �0 i'cet be irom the piope�°�y iro�s a�d �o� ��hc p��i,�cul�r
property. Seconded by I3rook. Upon a voice vote, �:here being no nayG; llie motion
carried u�animously.
� 12� 13� and l�+_ BLO�K_ 22� FRIDI.EY PARK 9➢DI`['IOTd
1he Cttiy 1�Ianager sLetic-d th2s �etion had been tabletl t=°or, February 13� 1��3= MoBlon
by [7o1ke to coiicur ��itn the recommendatio�� of the Builcll��g Doard ou the �bove listed
i'r,en�. S°conded by Brooic. Upon a vmec vote, there be�n� no nnys, tne metion carried
'Phe C�ty Ma°ieger s�a�ed there ti�as one aten rt,hat eeedecl action b�+ L1�e Ciry Counc�l.
N1ot�cn hy Johanson tiha� the City Cou�xil table action on the 3Uove llsted �zem unL-t1
the meetu�t of MaicY� lP�tih. He evplsined th�t 1ie wished to meet with membere of Lhe
Flanninn Commiesior_ re�;arding ±'7e�r rea�oi�s for the denial. Saeonded by i�iolke,
Atcorney `�te�� �rt Ifvalhe�m ��peared o� beh�1P oF Unlimited Opportunities tio e::plai�l
and ��°eeeni plat o? prop�rty, F1e inPorttied the Cou^cil th�t the request, ct th-�s
time was to rezon2 Lote 1 and 2, ah�t the ori19 practical use oi this 1�nd was iar a
comme�ci��l venture thi� bein�; a gas �tation, a restaraunt, and a dairy sl,ore �,�hich �
are plamied, lle t'urther explained �he ver.ture i�;volvcs the expei.diture pf some
$100,000,0U. Cour:cilman Wolke etAted thts as ar area that h�s to be developed and
he would personall�� loolc into this with Mr. Kvalheim, ii' it were poes�ble i,o meei,
him, a?_�o the County -reoresenzative, ��e thare °eemed to be a questio-� o�' traffic
strcet �cc2ss ptoblem. Coupcilni2� t^loll;.° Further stated it is the obl�gatlon oz the
Cicy Council to checl=_ Znto mattex�s <uch as this ann ii it is the2r de9zre, they can
iever�e the decasio�� oi the Flamlv2g Conunie�ion,
Upo� s voice vote, Chere hein� ,io n�ys, the motior carrled unaaimously.
Nia�,ion by dohan�on to reeeiv� the reeoiutiou *x�om Biooklyn P�rk �n regard to tl?e
�i.;.S.S.D. and pl�ce on Fi]e. Seccnd b� ?olke. Upoi a�roice vote� tl�ex� Fea»g ��o
ney�, zhe riotion c�r��ied u�animouelv D7�°. iCaspGZali, represe itative oL th� Fridley
1`�e��s re�ti�ested a eumm�zp oi the c��text of the resolution and M�yor Nee seplied �he
re^�lut,�on vyas a cop,y aeUi�ig the sever�nc� of tihe distr�ct and i7otice thereoC,
Motiion by '�'olY_e to recelve the abot�e descr�bed commui2ication and plr�ce of file. �
Seco�ded hy Tohanson. Upoi� a vo�ce vo�e, there Ueing no nays� the motioi� c�arried
The C!ty Ma,���er read and explalned the above descrlbed letter, that the n�a�or pur-
po�e of tne signals ���ould be To control traif�c o� East River Road. That i+arrancs
on these two parilcular sect�ons shouldn't be f'ollotiaed by the boolz, The City Mana-
g�i esated thaW the sigcal ehoti�ld also g� cu Osborne Roa3 a�,d Eas� River Road, he
had x�eqL�ested saine ard had bee� under the impressiou that the Cou�t,y had rzuthorized
theee signals. Fie sup;�;ested the Czty Council should conLlnue to ur�e the Cour,ty to
=place signale at Osborne Poad and East River Poad. Citizeu Thomas Greip sta-aed he
vaishecl to �'o or� xecord Lhat he was vholeh�artcdly Ln i'avox� of these ctira signals� that
they we�°e needed �=t both eorners, Councy Commissioner Mike 0'Banno�2 uas preeer_t ind
s1;°led he h�d rece�verl a letter in this regard and l��d mac with Jake Lu»dheim, Cou^ty
Engine�r. 1Nr. Lurdhelm had tolcl him U�hen he said lizs Lmpre4slo� wa� �hat the two
si�nals i�ei•� goin�; in Ta;s that it dicln't ��arr��nt �t �t this present tinie. The b�d
Zz �•ra� expl�ined, ior the �in,nal �z �:s{, River Road and Mississippi will be let Junc
>rd. St was expl�lne�i tnere is oae oi.her uay to remedy th�s and that would be to
have the Fridlcy Ci�y Couucil cut the speed doun on East River Road. A7r. 0'Bannon
�c�ted that he �,�s in iavor oi' this him�eli. P�r. Lundheim �aas not in iavor and stated
l�c would tty a�d have sigials in a�d operating Jul,y l�t and iP it warrantied it he
aould try t,o get the other sigiels in also. Mayor Nee stated it did seem to hlm w�tih
tl�e amount of money tnati Fridle�l contrabutes to the Cou�ty, they shou7d be �b1e to �
get some co��elderation. The Ciz;/ T4anager xaised the question -co NIr. 0'Bannon of a
meeting w�zh the State Traffic Er.gii�eer, N1r. Jim Darrell, that he felL Nir. Darrell
zaould go �long ��nth the reques c a id mighi. retract the St�tes opinion. A1r. 0'Baanon
stated he t�ouLd be happy to meet at �ny ti1me.
Motion by Johanso-� to rec2ive the letter �rom the County Lngineer� Mr. Jake L�zndheiio�
xerarding tr�If�c vignals ai�d pl�ce on i'ile. Seconded by Brook. U�on a t�olce vo+e,
there rein� no naVS, the motion carrled unanimously.
Mr. 0'F3am�on �°equzsced floor for �urther reports. IIe state3 he had con�;acted Reppe-
senta�ives Burche�te and PTOrdin. There as � state bill �e�axdan� cencus�s _n ancl
it is pretty mizcri on lt� way� he reported. T_he County, he relatied had ma0e a;e_
solutioe e�t the Board Meeting favorin� tl�e StiaY,e 8�11 and Gpecifically Gt�,Led �hrt
the Cii,y of Fr�dley, Coou Rapids� Blaiiie� Columbia lleights and ;pring Lal_e P�rk be
included. The Serate Bill is �jp5 ancl tihe Tjou:e File Tiill is �66�. It �aas exPlained
the represeutat�t�es would appreciate any correspondence Zn regards Co the feeli•�g
reg�rding the ig'S census„ also, chat it would be up to Lhe �rlllage� and ci�ies ta
pay for their oian censuses if this pasaed.
Or, Tha reportiinb oF the Ma2n Street Right-oi-ti�ay, I�r. p'Bannon sta+ed he na� t�lke�i
� �n th the City Mai��ger and thought he had letters that dated back tio the year 195�
�n the mon�h of October. At that time the�'e was a resolutioi =ent �o the County
thai I;he City oi' l�ridley would obtain the �i;ht-of-W�y for the �TOrth ei�d ot ��'I�in
Streei,. A lettier, he furth^� ii�Formed the Com�cil; �aas =ent to Bob Johnson, County
Attoreeya on Octob2r 23� 195y. 'lhe resolutlon ��as pasecd �nd a lettcr sent to Mr.
Kirchman of the City on October 16. This bid is betng let the 3rd oP June and it
was expl�ined �,o the Council yf the Cit� ot Fradley doesr,'t Lave the r3_gl;t-oi-�aay,
the bia �aould aot be lei.
bir, 0'Bannon tihen raised the questioa {;o tlie Council re�ardinp Lhe sex�vice roads on
r100 ar_d when tihey ��ere cha_�ged, did the City Council recommend or condemn this 13nd�
He further expinli�ed tY�ey ch�nged the eerv�ce =road oc ;�100 and cut 1L out� rcierrl;ie,
he sa1d, to the service road from 53zd tio Untversitiy ?� PAay oi last year tha� �aae
approved ai�d cnanged in November oi' �ne same year. Co�anc� lma i� idoL'�e s �� Led tiha t P�ir,
0'Bannon wae not there, the,y ciidn't knota what nis problems nere a�d Council did iahat
�hey ie11, wae r2ght� bhat �he Councll had deFended him a�d t,he Ctity oF Frldley dnd
everyone else ��]�o was a fee owner or property ow�er to tihe best or che_r knovledge
at che ti;me. Councilm�n Wolke sr,ated tihzt A4r. 0'Bannon may hav� suffesed � cer�2i,�
amovnt QF damage but d1d t,hink, at +hi� time, it �aould bc poor pQlicy and �udgmeut
to go 'oack and change what they h�d doile� Lhat the ��icement had been ��;Lered in�Lo
�az'ah che State. Mr. C`Banneii sta��d h° had ncve�° been notiiled of the chan�e� zn.a�
as �n owner oF the propert,y, he h�d the right i.o be oot?fied. Cow�cil��an '�Tolke
s�ated tihls was the ob�ect of hls prese�ting the proteet so chat it is a m�ti,er of
record. P2r. 0'Bannon atated he pe�sonall;� -�,Loughi, iti z�ould be c benePlt to the Cti�-y,
and be coulda't understa��d why �he are� referred Lo l�ad been ch�nged and Coancalmaii
� LdolLe r�pl�ed that he had been st'rongly oppos�n to Gome oF tihe cha�ges that had
happer,e3 in the area.
Mayor Nee relwed zre auestiori oi �he property+ o�aner� and the City Fi��shi"� the othc-r
loops and was thie the type oi s�reet T�Lr. 0`Bannor was reParri�g to� and was r,o]d
thie ��ou1� 6e a11 staze propPrty.
At this po�nt Councilman ��iolke inter�ected, aad qvestloi�ed �ec�rd�rig �o �oheatG Ru1eG�
��ho had the �1oor.
Counc�lman Johaoson stated that at the tim� oP +�egoti�Lio�s �a�ch the Stzj,e, he could
eee Uomc of t}te error�� bu�, Councal h�d felt tihe e d result w�s the be°t the,y could
oU�rii��. Ne requested �ha� Mr. 0'I3annon speak t�ith the C� Ly P�lai��ger Fo�° a compleze
explar�ation o£ the entyre :��tter. Counc�lman U7oll;e �ave � votc of tLunits to P4r.
0'Banno� for appea_r,�zg beiore l,he Counci-.
2'hc City PYana�rer steced this was a request for tl�e wazver oi �169.00 �or p�_�°k pui-
poees by �he a�ove company aud a req_uest for `he spreadin; oier a per_cd o� ��❑ years
ttie asseasmente ios' l�teral sewer and wa�e?- m�i�ze. Councx]man STollie st�ted l,lsis Taas
the �xea hE �aaa =amili�r 4iith, thac the par1= _und a�oti�ld be deleted or t.?.e ,��ove, bu�
zhat tihe queeclo�� oi �he time of �ayment waG someL��ng L-hat the Cii,y Atitorney should
rule on beeause it �s normal t1tiaL pay7,�e�tit be �aid ir_ one �ear a�2d Council �hould hold
� thzs ir_� abeyance for C2cy P.tt,orn�y`s rtiling.
S4otion b;� Wolke co ��a�tie r,he par�� paymenl, reouix�emee�, o? �16j.00 to Arvid Cailao7 &
Son, Znc. in t�e Summit P4aaor A�nex, 2nd Additio;. Secondecl bv Jol�sneon. Upon a
voice voi,e, the^�e oeing na nays, the motioi� carried unan�irously.
Motipn by ;+Iollce to reier to C�_ty .lttorne� Kehlan the reouest co spread ovcr a period
oi r.en years the assessments i'or luteral sE�aer �nd water in��ins iri SumTaz� Manor �'�n-
ixeh, 2nc� 9dditio��, give zhe City Maoager a reeomme��da�ioi� of cahaL is fe2sible eo
that �G may be prese�tied �t the next _rE�;ular r:eeting. �Secondecl by Joha��son. Upon
a voice vcte, the�^e be�ng i�o aays� the mot�on ca?'r�ed uiia�i�ousl��.
�_ � �
]�layox� tQee =Lated t1�at Dir. 0'Bannon, CoLnl; Comm?ssioner� had suggested +,re Citp oP
T'ridle;� �end carrespolde�ce +o the legisl�tor� ��hlch uovld provide Cor a new censu�
in 1955. P".otion b�a Giolke that a let�;�r be caritte,�� z,o the Annka County Le�ialators
supporti�E Senaze File �15�5 and House Pile ;r66�'�. SecOnded by Johanson. Upon a
vozce vote, tliere bei°�� no :��ys, the notion carried unanzmously.
PSotion by Johanson to instruct the Citz� Manager to proceed 4�ith the purchase or co�- �
demnatlon proceedings zo obtair the lands necessary i'or the right_of-�,�ay oY Aiain
Street. Secoi,ded r�y Tdolke. Upon a voice votie, there being no nays, the motion
e�rried unanimously.
The City ^Z�ns�ger iead ttie above described let�.er to the City Council. Clty flttort�ey
Kohl2n :tiated he washed to com�nent on thzs tiub�ect, For the irform�tzoz� of the Coun-
cil, he Statecl, the only one ti�no can ordcr plans snd spec�?acatlous For i.he berefit
uP the City so that propertiy c��7 be assessed far �P�e improveuien�s ie this Council
and ncz any priv�tie �nc�ivldu�l.
The Ci��� M�n�ger st�ted Lhat �t the time various permits and plats were be�ng con-
s�dered, N1r. Pe�erson stated he would put in service road with plans 3nd spec�2ica-
tioizs to be approved by tre City. I-�e also s�equeet�d L-hat the Clty assess anytihi�7g
c-lsz by the abuttin� proper�;� oaaers. The Councll said, az that time, the� would
considet tihls. There �aas� he further ?n�orm�d the Council, the probl�m of the Har-
stad Pxo�erL; and he ?�ad -ttemp+zd to c�t,ai�. ar; easementi from Mr. Haret2d. He had
been ln contact �n the last �lx to e7ght taeeks oiith Mr. Peterson and ha h,d ordered
plans ai;d speci?�catzo>>s and, City P4anager stated, re nnderstands they will have to
meet tiaith the fL�ll approval oi' the City. The Cltiy PRanager furth�r stated he d�d �
not ;.now 1�'P4r. Petereon underetood �hat he was expected tio get the service rnads
tn wittl a deadline oi Jt1ne lsc. It was suggested the CoUxic,1 eould set up 1c-gal
steps to �ut this ir� motlon. iti wa° fur�hex explained by i,he City Mar.age-r �he ori-
�inal ide3 ��as that 1�7r. Peterson �aould put the roads Ln 2nd Clt,y �vould attem;��, to
assees the property ownez°s. Councalmaiz Joh�»soi� szated �1' tbia were done, Counczl
would have to hold publlc hearings �nd was it satisfactory for tnzs developer to
continue with �,he plans ar_d specif'�cations. Cit,y AttoY•riey kohlan said �he Council
could order ?l;. The Crty Nianager explained they coulcl give dlrection as to how
Council ��aancs this developer zo proceed, �i.d vhat they t;ish developer to ao onee
these plans are dra�n�.
City �ttorne� Kohlan eL,tied iF l,he Clt}� ie goin� to be�ir any part of the zxpense �nd
aseess any paxt to the benefii;ed property, �t would be necessary Cor the City to
��uthorize LhE work, in the First instance, the❑ they iaculd have to hold a pL�blic hear-
in�. �-layor Piee razsed the question sf this w�sn't normally done on the baszs of a
Mo�ton by Joh�nso� lhat �G soon a: �lans and specifzcatio�s are ready, 1Y znd when
they r�eet :alth �he aaproval oi the rnglneering Department at7d City CGUncilr tihat
Council proceed �o advertise �or a public he,ran6 ta all properties affected� thiv
to i��clu�le all �treets a°d service roads also 'rererred to iu �bove described letter
iro*n Nlin�iesotia Tndus�rial Parlis. Seconded by BrooY_•
Mayor NEC- ,�tai.ed that ae he v�ide'rcL-ood this, ��' City did not older the �lane anci
specti�ic��t�.one, tihe❑ �he Citiy i= not going to particlpate in i,he cosL- of the plans. ,
Citizen V.S". D�agel xaised i,he qti�eetion that these p1anG and s�eci�'icatio�isa in
addztir� '�� �;heGe nx°operzy o��nezs, �aould serv7ce matty people and i�as this correct,
i,h^t p1�.7s and �pecxfication_s nad never betore been handlzd in �Y12s mainex• e;ccept,
whe» �t ��as only the property owners' 1a�d and nb one else �aas ai'fecL-ed. Counc�l-
m�n �c�hanson �tiated i,r�s w-�s gol��g �o be done accordin� �o tihe speciiica{.ion ol
the Ci�,y or P'°idley dnd Councilm�n idolke �tated t12e relationshia reierti 9n �'ze same
way. Ize furthei expl�i,�ed the plans, no ma�;ter �aho dra��s them, have to come up tp
the approval ofi t1�e Cityy thai; the clevelo�er Le goi�g �o vpen�l tihe moneyy che City
is no�,. The f_'Zl-y =a�ll Yio1d the publie hearing oi�l,y� i£ che}� approve a� che plans
anc7 speciiic�t�ons, A represenbative pr�senti lor D4r. 1'etereon of I�4tinneso�:a In-
��2stlzal Y�r1ce, Ine., stiated that Mr. Paceredtlh�d said he would pa,y ior e.�erychin�
he nut in.
Z'he C�tiy Ma�ager recalled that Ray Carlson of Fridley Lumber ar,d se eral ozher people
Prom Nor�;h QP 73rd �lvenue �aare aL the Councll meet�n�, aiJ the �ime they were cone2c!er-
�x�� the crossovzrs. At that time, he statcc3, T4r. Pelerson hud e�id he would put in
serv3ce ro�ds so ti�et those e�fec'tecl 'Vorth oP 73id coulcl have �ccess to tiei^vice roacis,
The C�ty Council d�d state, �� �hac tlme, thati. if an�� oP tY?ia land could be �eseesed,
the�) would do so. St was� ne recalled, A7r. Carlson �ii2d P�r. Harstaci -��ho c�lled tio get
service drives and crows overs �n sp that r��hen �1�e Stal� took eomc- oul, thev would not
aiFect peoplc 1�Torth of �3rd. Thomas Greig� citizen, s�a�ed he d�dn't w�deietand a i�
that m�n�er and reqtiiestied 2 t'�all explaina�lon. Iti w�s sta?ec� this should have bee�� in
t�e minutes oP that parti�ular �eeting, that N!r, PP-�e��so�� s�ic? �i��t these ser�=icc ioadG
would Ue put 1?1 and then, tf th�y woul_d be ior r,he good of zhe rest of the propertiy
o�aners, at would be asseesFd b�cic.
P�Iayor Nee stated that Cii.y Attorne,� Kohlau had satd tLey *aeie consider�ng tLc cost oF
Lhe design, iiot the co�t of the etreet and iF che City aid �ot order tlie speciFic�z�ons,
they cou]d aot ae�ess for 1t. Mr. Greig statc�d �tzLe �.�asn't the concepL 1ie had bee�� �ivea.
Counc2lman Joh�nson instructed Lhe City P4anager to oota�n � copy of �ri�itee i�� ouestiion
�nd ma�l it to Mr. G-reig.
Upor a vo�ce vote� there being no nays, the motio❑ cari�ed una�2mousl;�,
! he City Nanager read the abozre letzer from Dfr . James Hereley, Tioard o� rIealtb witih
°egard to tihe removal oP s�rUCture from property ❑� Section l, �1ocL 1j OnaNa; Park�
£'cidley. St *ras nxpi��ned the Czt� had reraoved .,he bu�ldting and li; =aaG cleterminen,
bp eurve3�, i.na� p�rt of the strueture exieted on citv nro�erty. Mr. FTF•n�lcy recom-
mended the C�ty rebate �1F0.00 to Inerso��s� owner oJ' nroperty; Cor �cttii,,� r�d oC this
structure. SIe fur�;'_ic-r stntFd it taould be a sav��i� r,o reb�tc tne ��F0.00 r�i,hei th�in
a�tempt to estaLlish i:he f�ct of how mtich bu�lding aas on cit� propert,y or ho.� much
on tLe Ivereons.
Motio� oy Th'o1'_�-e �o concur wizh che recommendeitlo� oi tne C�Ly Health Inspector, Mr.
IIensley� and retate �40.00 to property ewner li,ted ,�t�ove. Seconited by Joliai2�on.
�'pon � vozce vote' there oe�ag no na�s, zhe mot�on casr�ed vnan,r�ou�ly.
?�tii,h reg�rd to �he secoi.d item reterred to �n r.ir. FTen�ley's let{,er on the se-surtrey
cf the Carl Sorenson prope-rty, �t was reported �t�a� no impiovements have beer made
and no at'tempt to abate rhe ntals2nce 1�d been m�,�1e. Cow�c1.L�,,an i��olLe etated he cioubted
wheLher the Councl] had to delve inr,o this, that wha_tever Citz� Attorney kol�lran aoLild
recommend� he �aould move �o folloia to attempti to tiy and -b�te �he nuisr-iice.
Ci'cy Attorney Kohlan reported that re had asked Attorney Stewart Kvelheir thte even�ug
�i a �ezter had been taritbet. U3� C�r1 �Sorenson �u�Llioriznig �nd directin� tlae tear�,�g
dowu of t,his Uuilding. Mr. Kohl�n sugges�,e:: the Counc�l �llow P4r. Y_zralhcim to checl_
into this at�d direcz his clien� �n this regarti.
b7ation by �rlolke that C �i.y Councll �uthorize the zzcor�e,y Sor i�r. Carl Scran�on to
pursue thc above matter aad m�ke a proposal at a late-- n�eet�ng. Seconde& Y�y Brook.
TJpon a voice vote, tYierc being no nays� tl�e motaon carrled unammously,
Counc�lman Wolke etated that al�ng, these sar�e 11nes �alth re�ard to h�zardous �r.d m1i-
sance praperty there ls � plece or property abou� 2]/2 Stireet 3�d 61eL Sireet, Fe
suggesi;ed that P+Ir. IIensley make a survey oi' thts entire are3 a�id Teturn witr � xecom-
mendatlon of vra� is to be done, Cowticil�ran Sohanson iu�th�r suggested a �hecl, o��
�he propertiy on Fast Rlver Road at about 6�i 1�2.
!'he C�ty Natiager s�id he saould report these requests to M-r. Hzi-��ley.
IL was exnlained bv tihe Ci�y Manag�r tl-�t letter� ha� �t�ted everv;hiag i; so miich �:
douh� that the Comr��ttee teiti i,hey could �iota ut ch�s ti�ae, s��tisfy the -reauest or ihe
Ccu•ZCil. b9ation oy Woll�e to receive the above deecriu�d letter �,�d nl�ce on i'ile.
Seconded by Johanson. Upoa a nolce vote� tricre being no nays, the mo�.�on cairied unai�-
There ��Ere na vls�tois.
Mot�o17 by Johan�on tio a���rovF p�Vment of Genern] Claims �f8198 throu�h �3261�. Seconded
by S��ollie. Upon a vo�ce vote, 1.heie being no nays, the motio_i c�rried un� �lmouti]y.
vfo��on by Jo'_�ansot� to appr�ve paynien� o° Liauox Claims �50�6 tI�rou�h ;�5109 Seco-sdecl
by ?�Iolke. Upon a vo7ce voie, i.her� beinh no nays, the niotiou carrzed unanimously.
i�IO tion by Flolfie to a pprove �ayAnent os Pub12c Utilitiee Claime �''Z382 through {�2400.
Seconded b� JoiianGor. Lipon a volce Yote, there beYng no nays, tne mof,lori carried
TLe Czi,y P1an�_ge� st�zed �haL focar e-c�,mbles of pro�erzy o�n�ers assess�i�euts ?�ac� uee�
�°aque�ted at the pravious meezing aud were senv L'o CoanciL.
P4ayoi 1�'ee ��iehec. 'to l�now zf thle wae flnanciclly f�aszble� and Citiy Attorney I�ohlan
siated t���� ]^ad no ob�ecno�� from the Courty �r�d w�ulcl�i't have any ob�eetloi7 es far
�s ;lte 1c�a .i�s co� rcrned.
Mo��or� �y 6iolLe tl2a� adm,nist;°Rti�on be d,racbed �o prepare mat�ria� ior a reearead oC
special aseees�nents zn �bove described aFiected erea. �S�con@ed by Brook. Upon a volce
vote, �he_re be�ng i2o n�ys, t,Yie inotzon carried unanimousl�.
City Attox�ney r;oLlan ��rae excused from tre rreeting.
�SOLU'PIG'V i�3� -19h3 DELET1nIG SPFCII�L 11SSE�SSr��Ei4T;
"'hc �bczre describzd d�letlo�i wae eri.plained 'oy r-iti� �",leri� J3runsell. Alotior! by Johanson
�o adopc Res�lucion �31-1��j :�utY;orizln� �.zd direeting �hc deletang oL' the sp2elal
�e,sesement ]iszed a�bove. �econded by �-�olke. U7aon a vo�ce vote, thera being no naye,
Fhe mo'cio� carried uiz2niinoasly.
J?ESOI UT10AT r�?-196� � PT I'S"?'I1dG CL;RTAIPi SI'PCI1aL P.. SiSSI�,ENTS_
Cits� C1er�� Brv�sell eYplaincd Lhiti nas � large lot o� which t1�e c�nte'c �nctiori 4�as
eold priux• to the �doption oF presenL- or�7�n°�c�^ and one o� �hese pleces '�ad l�een solrl
off a�,,d �'�ei�e w=s �o �p]it, tihaz tihe}� nad beei� carried on the same descrlpUyon. P?o-
Lion b-� U�olke to a�o�a' �e; olti�tio� �32-1�63 �vtil�oriziog ���cl dtixect� i; tihe splittin� ot
certali� speci,� ���A��mei,t��. 6econded b,-a Joha�son. Upi�n a volee vote� there being
no i^ays, the mot�on carried unanimeusly.
Motio❑ b� Johanso� zo adopt Reeolvtlo� jf33-1963 abatting certain epeeial assecsm�nte
oi� i,ot (, Elocl> l, Oeborne A4anor 2nd Addltioi7. SecondEC� by Brook. Upon a voice vote,
tYiere beir�, no �:vys, Lhc- motion carried unanimously.
?FSOZUTZOnY /f34-z963 rr2POSZnc zo�� I�Lt�z2:,•
Motiic�n b� �Jo1Ye �Eo a3opL Reeolution {��4-I.963 `_mpos�ng 1ot�d 1iTaite on ptiabllc streets
and hl�'hw�ys i❑ Lhe Czty oF Fr�dle;+ and have �ame publis7Zed. Secozicled by Johanson.
Upon a volce �roLe, there beit_� ro t7aye� the motiori carried una*�imousl`y,
Councilmnn �r�ol��e etat�d he t�ishnd the prZVllege ar mavi�zg on this aa there Y!ad becn
��iecuss2on<_ reg�nding same. t9otiou bp Wo1ke to edopt Pesolutxon �-35-7-963 relsting
ro F13RA-OF�SL COG�'P�P.Gr; FOR CI^1Y rMPi,OYE�S, Seconded Yay Johanson. Ui?on a voice vo1�e,
there �e3ng no i_a�s, t1�� u�ozlon earried u��anamot2sly.
Councllman Johanson stated he felt L-he idea reieri�ed to ir the abo�e rizscribeC rcporL-
���s �ood bLit �here zrez°e � few qL2estio�s that he had <znd would suggest thati th�s Ztem
� G.� 7
be conL-�nuc-d to a later meet�_ug with the llquor store nianager ancl the c�ty manager,
PROti�cn b}� Sohanson to uable to a speclal meetinF on the lltl� of A4arch at � P.l��i. the
Consi,der�tion o= i.�auor Store 11cl�inistr�tive Organiza�ion. Secoi,ded l�y Woll:e. Upon
a vo�ce vote, trere be�n� no r.ays, tl�e motion carried unanimousl}�.
w,mITTOP3S :
The Ci�y b4a�a�er presented a petilziou brought iu late repi�even�zi�t r,he ❑rc-3 �crvin`
� tL� blower plant i;hat ��as bein� l�u�lt. Re svg�esied tih�r, Li tl-�e Ccur.ctil receive
this petit2o�i and ii' there z�ere auything ti,rong aiLh i,, they zaould brlag it bacls oi,
tne i'laor.
MQ�.ion l�y Soh�nson to acrept PetitiiQns �3-1963, H1�-1963 a�d ��5-19�3. 6ecQoded by
Broolc. TJpon a vo�cE vote� chere �eing no ��a;�v, tine mot�oi. carried un�nimousl�.
I�iotion by Johaneon �,o approve the following apl�oin�,�er,t:
PTame Poe2t�on ,9alary Replace�
Taalter Ylilliam Schoenlie Pat�:-t�me :�,2.iF0 (old) Pe�a
1000 Lynde ➢r�ve i��ortheast 13artender fb?_.SO (new) Part-t�mc-
Frldley� P?�nn�sotia Siore %f3 p�r hour Position
�econded by Brook. Upoa a voice vote, 'chere �aen o no n�3�s, the mor,ioi� carrled unanimously.
Ma,yar Nee requested an explan�tiion Crom City Cler�; BrLUisell on �he above descr�'oea
sp11tt5ng oi assessments, Cit,y Clerk Brunsell ex�l�ire�l they laere t=�o p�eces of un-
platited prpper�y i,hn�; �,ere carried under tihe sorae deecr3ption ans tr�s �aas merel��
� putt� �g i:he assessruent onto the property.
Plotzon l�y Jc�hanson Lo adopt P.e�solution �36-1y63 a�.�thori�i �� and clireeti»g bhe splr,-
�ing oz eertaii� speclal asses,hmenLs descr»ed �l�ove. �ecouded by Woll_e. U�on a vo�ce
vc�te� i.her•e being no na�sa tihc moLlon c�rri�d u,�clnoLiely.
I✓�ayor �Tee raisecl che qves�.tion of an� othei busi,�ess to be T�roU�ht o❑ tihe floor thie
eve�n �g.
Councilmi�� Johazson �tated he rac a resoluTion Lhat he wiehed to uresznt �o �he Coun-
cil� read 1or t1'ie Fir�� time ancl p]aeed oa -i1e. Hc reqvested chati tl�e C�ty Ma_in�er
p1acP th,s item on �kie Ag2ada �'oi �k�e 18th oi' h_arch �r �hich t,r,�e he at��ted he ��euld
probaply mo�%e Por � ts adopt�_on, EIe i'urther e��l��ned thai, thiv resolt�tiio, per�,_nn�
to che �1.S.S.S.D, and didn`t Feel he coulc7 t2�r,� ��_me ovei to City ",lto��ey i;ohlai
Ce� eons�dera'��oi�, Counc,ilma-� Johanson then re�d the aUove decerioed :��ola�ao��.
Iie �tated that hc �aovld like the Counc�l to s�u��y this ibem �°or lhe �a�� t,�o .aeeL�.
7'homas G-re�g� citiizei2, inqu�red �F he har'� an �1l,eri��i,e progr�n. Con7cilman Joho��von
ea�d tl2at ise did, iF cae rzeolvtioo did pass, he ��oL�ld ae1- ior x�evlev =ai�n 1;re C�t�>
of N�anneapolie and he �aould .�sk �or a ret�nti�ii b��sin. Ms. G'r^ig �:ked Co�»cll-na�_
Johansnn �F 1�e had stua�er,� tihls as rauch as ae 'thou�rh� he snoulQ, ona �id he +.1��,_}_;
in tIle fULure; the bc-�L th�ng v�s to Taithclra�,� fo2 zhe ,�ood oP everybo�'y co>>ce�°ned .� 1
� �tatEd tl:�s �ao�?ld apply tc sr�thing �hati wovld come up in zhe Sut,uie. Counc�lma.�� Jo-
lzanso�ti s���ed he s�acerely �'c1t thet �,h2 tiaay the =i.S S.S,D. �ias set ;�p, it ��as det<i-
meutal to l,lie City o� P2,�d1.ey. Mr. Gre2g a�3Y_ed iS he Lh�t�,�h� zlie ru�ure nould sho��
that Pxidle�� coald gain b�+ 4�! thdraUnng a� tliie �ur�e. I�, wae etaced zhati �,hei,�e�° lt
as tl,s be,sL p1�n or tl�e ponres� pl�n� it is roerely a su�z�oci�ion, Mr. Cre�g Furthex
quest�oned �f Lir. Joi�a�ison �ras ln ch�°,�°ge o£ 'cl�e i'�c�: ❑i^d if' he 7�:de : m��L=1_e th�t,
€�t �ha� �ir,�, iP he s�ele to �111 th�s bV a resolu�_on, th�i he shauld tit�nd to bc cor-
reczed ten ycars f'rom noea. Councslw�n ,7oh�ncon, e�az°d; yee� Zt bec�r�e � Zna�ze�� o['
1"E COT'd .
P�r. Gre�� ��stecl he z�antied to point out zh�j, abon�, i'�v� or �is }�e3rs ��FO tze kiad a�i�ed
that se�aer tin3 water be pui, in zlze C�ty ol Pr1d1e-,a��d Counc2lm�n Joli�?�o�� :�° ona ot'
the D1,=sentit2e votc-�. He �a��? &�nin ,�i�r�n �n opportivail;y to do the x�5ht tnln_g 2nd
row he wae puti,'t�r� iu a reeolution to l�ill_ the PT.S.�9.S.D, Counczlm�7 Johanson stated
ti,�{, pqr. C.rPip would fi��d, in th� minutee, G�here he h2d bp��� c�oalnst til�e serer and
?�aaP,er sone ye.�is a�r�. 1�r. Gmi� si,ated he nisned to have i� li^�ozan �hai. if thic t1�3ng
di_dn'L �o ihrouah, he liud pui iL o� record th�� hc ,�as 100°i� in favor of i� �i�cl *aanted
it _rot=e�� be�orid a do�abt ch��t zi he iaade a���et�,kc he t�anted hzs votce recorcled.
Councilmart Johaneo� re�lie�3 tha+, all he could s�y T�z�s rhat ii° thc ma�ority ot ti17e
Cou��ei]_ �rote�3 op thie he would be �atieiied, Lhat he hac3 nc� ldea if zt would p�s�
ox� iiot� but ti7ie wa� now 12e ielt about ihe stzb�ect and hc iritended to bring lt vp
p7�-, Kaspv�Gf�� Fridley IieU�e repreeentative� rr,ised l,he quesLlon ii tne PT.�.S.S.D. wa:;
.� legal �overrmential cat�tiy ,�nd i� the 7e���lator the o,ily body who can change this,
Nayos Paee stated the ,L�iw pio�t»clPc1 th�ti e city m�y be aevesed nzL'h ihe eonsent of the
N,S.S,�;,D., �C it �e on petir,ion oS Lhe governi�g body within the dYStrict af che
dtssolutlon, Cou��cilm�i� Joh.anson eti�ce� he aas not asking ror the dissoluzian oF the
N,S.S,S.D., Lhat his re�solutition st,ated speciF2e�lly the City of Fridley and nothing
else. P1s. Grei^ Gti��ed +hat peoi�le tihat l�a�re � Ieu� selfier motives of theis oian would
1'arce eveiyone Cc lose the whcle tihing.
N4�yor Vee asl,ed tbe Cou�czl �o st�y a short while followiT,g i��eeti�g to 9pea�i tiatith
I�hr. ComGtocli of Co;nstock a�d Davis.
�ot�oi. by Wolke to adJoLn°n regular meetiug of Niarch �+, 1363
�neetiag ad�oti�rn2d.
4aspeclfully subanitted.
/' � ' >
�/ �R� r�!'�-(�rr •"'" `�'L �c-2_
i titi
�ue Misl=owic
Secret�ry to the Counci7
Sr�c�i Co�m�CZti r�EZ�I�vc� - tV��cri il; 1953:
2�layor Nee declared the
�. � �,��
I�?ayor - Wz1 J. 1�Tee
A Speci?1 Meets�g ol the Councal oi the City oi' rridle3�z�4s called co order by act-
ing Mayor Joh�nso*� at B;Oj P.M.
pleml�ere PiP4ent: BrocK, .7ohausor�, Flolke
P4embers Absent: l�ee, Sheridan
, 1
A�enex�al d!scussion period was held by councilmen wath Mr. Bob McGuire, liquQr �tore
mana�ei; who s,aG preeent� regardtn� rate� and figures. Councilmaii Joh��nsor stated he ,
hzd a questio�� -reharclir� the .�2.�E5 per l�oux paid the bartenders, and how did this r�-
l�te to � 4�� hour aeeis'? ge had understooa the resolution c�aa based on the �i8 �ours
�nd i,he bartendere rece3v� tame and one-h�lf tihe l�s� d�y or a�ay v�eek ia�s conaides�ed
as 52 hour� al; straight +ime. It was e�plained tkie Ci�y rEally h�s no �;8 hour men,
or_ly ��0 hour men and there are 3 part-t�rt�e meil in both stores. Cou�cilman Iirook stated
he didn't unde-rszand Tahy t]�e CiL-y Ghould employ 1�8 hour weeY, me�, that P�ix. P?cGulrei
he ielt, ileeded part-time help a�id 1P the city were to out a 40 hour mara ,i7, lt would
help. Ms. R�cCuire etated the� v��auld then hnve to go �o e sw?,�g man and a-aised t�e
questlon of w}1ose cho�c� was it, the men or zhe city, o�hen thep went on �F8 hours. It
.aae explain=^d �t tia�s the t�en`s cY�o�ce at �hat timcy they did��'t feel tney were raak�n,r��
e�aough noney,