03/11/1963 - 00023359� �� �he DiesE,�tia� �ro-�ee, He ���s a^ain given an opportur�ii;y to clo the ,^ight thi2�, and now �e �aa° pvttln� lu ��eeoluti�on �.o lT�l.l the I�T.S.F�.S.D. Covncllm�� Joha»�son stated th,t Mr. Gr�,�; would fi�d; zn �Lhe in�nutea� v�hPre he h�d he�❑ ag��i��st tihe sener �nd ��ater �o�ue }e2i� aFo, T�Y. C=ie�� etated he wished �o risv2 2t ls�otan that li' chi4 thing didr't �o throo;h, he h�d put it oi� ?ecord that he was 100� ia� i�.vor oi it ��d n�nt2c� t t �rovc n beyond ;� �loub � tl�a t if he r�ade � m� s �� ke he o�an ted his voice -recorded Counc�l�t»�i Jon�zneon 'replted lhat all he could eay was that ii the ma�ority oi rhe C'ounci7_ vote�? o�i thie hn would re e�t�sfied, that he had iio idea if il would pass or ��ot� Uut Lhi� �.�� rotia ]Ze felt �bout the sub��ecti and he znte,�ded to brli�g it up P4x. l�aep�.a'�, Frld]e� ?Te�ae repre�eitative, z�ieed the que�h�io� i[ t12e Di.S.S.S.D. was ^ 1a�a1 governmenti�7 c��t�tiv �ncl �s zne ]egielator th° onl.y body ti�ha can ch2nge thls. Playor Nee sts'�ed the law provic�en tha c a cii;y m�y be severed >>i Lh the consent oi the N.S.S.S.D., if iti �G on pet,ition oI tine Aoveriiing body �=�ithzn zhe d�strict of the disrolu��o��. Cou�ctlman Joha�,son :tated he was not a,sking i'or the niseolutlo❑ oi the P.S.S.S.D., ihal his re�olution staL-ed spec�Fics,lly L-he Cii;y oi' Pr�dley �ind noth��g els�. PRr. Grcl�_, sl,ated tha; teople �ha� hrave o rew selfisn mot;�vee oi' their onn would force everyo��e to loee the �ahole �hzrg. P�lavor lTee re7rer� �he CoLn�ci1 to etav 3 short; wh�le following mceting �o spejk ��ith n2r. Comszocl of Comstiocl� a�c� Davis. Niot�oa by i�?olke to zd�ourn xegulzr meeting oE' Nlarch 4, 1963 meeting ad�ourn�d. Raspectfully submitted % ,� ,G/r ./��aE M_/1 pi��] i�Cc..� �L�-A--�4 �c-2_ Secre:ar�� to the Counci7 �'1'PCI?L COUNCIL DTEmT�iG - i�E1RCFT ll; �963. Ma3>or Nee declared the �%� � � �1_. � i )�8V07.' - wl�� o J. �T22 A Speclal N:eeti-�E oF 'r,he CoLirr_ll o� the Clty of Frldle5� r�as called io o:der by act- ing Nayoi Johar�son at c�:05 P.M. POLL CALL D4embere Pre�ei�t, Members Absent: OLll BiJS1NEISS 5rook, Joh�ncon, `n7oll�e I��c�, Shericizn IS�?OUR STOP,E AllMIlVTSTRATIVE ORGAPiIZP.TTOnS (TABSD 3�G�6j). � � A general discussion per�od tvae held by councllmen ioith A7r. Bob McGuirc, liquar etore manager; i.ho wae present, re�ardi�2g r�-�zs and fi_gures, Councilrnan Johanson st,atied he � had a question re�arciin� the ��2.�+5 pzr hour paid 1,he bar�,er�dere� anrl how did this re- latie to a 48 hour wee1-? FIe nad m2derstood the resolutiion was �ased on the �43 hours �nd the bartenders recelvc i,ime and one-half zhe lawL d�y or G pay weeli t�as considered �e 52 hours at str�ight time. It was erplain°d the City really kias no 1'-8 hour mei�,, only 40 ]iour mei2 and there are 3 part-t�rae men ln both stores. Coui�cilman Brook stated he didn't u��derstand �.alry �he Cit,y ehould employ 48 hour nee_k_ men� that ur. t��cGuirey he ielt� needed part-time help aud iL tl�e c�t,y �aere to put a�0 hour maiA �ny it �aoulcl help. Mr. P�cGLi7re sL�r.ed they vould then have to go to a swing man and raised the nuestior, of wLose choice was it� the men or thz city� when they v�ent on 1'.8 hours. It wa� explained lt zaa� the mer_'s cho�ce at �hat tirne� they dldn't ieel they were raak�ng e��ough �oney. L__.I � �g� Councllm�n t�rook said that� he ?elt� if the Cyty had i,o liire a p�rt-time man �he}� ;aould ?iave co pay him :�20.00 a day and tha � as long as there is a aeecl i'or a pai .- zime man, they nould be 3s i�e11 oPf at �IO hovrs per weel=. Mr, P1cGti�ire �ta�ed til�e} �aould need some part-tl-ne help. Part-time help, locatio��s ar;d �ime aere discuseed. Councilman Wo11=_e ei,atied they nere ta1l��ng abou� rwo nore fu11 ti�e men. Mr. �`�cUuire e'�2tied at t�as hls u�aa.erst�=ndir!g wlth � six dav a caeel= operatiion on the bGrs� lti ls dlfflcult, to Peti eood hc-lp and it maae less l�er�on�e] to m�i�age -i.id less =c72-r_d��li�iS, etc. a to h�ve them oi� a ZI-S h�ur woek. The Cltz� Nlan�.gcr svggestecl the scl�adulzng aad attempt, to comparc it� �hati so many things are not guaxanCeed to pa-rt-time �aorker�. He �urther statiecl that L'nls schedule could be prepared S�itLin a*aeelr �and Coui�cll could generally approve this schedule �air,h �he sug�e^ted chan�,e e�;cept for �.he s�lariee oi' the head bartenders. Councilman Johansoa raised the question wltl� the pre:eut scneduling i` �t was posszbl� tio hsve one manaF,•er and one head birtender to�eLher. Mr. PZcGuire tated he would have somebody thati had so?ne co��tro1 ati the baie �11 d�y ]on,;. The screral oeLail work �aould be done during tihe day and tihe head bartienders on the nighL ehiFt i�ould talse c�re ot the other problens that �vou7_c] �^rlse� ihe questio-� zaas raised by Couri- cilman SJOlke iz Pnr. PdcGulre t�as an �n e�;�n.t hou'r day and was tiold he �rae no1.. 1Rr. MeGuire stated he felt the more people he had worY.i��g the Li� hours pzi weeli, �l�e better o�f the City zaould b°. The Cit3� Manager st��ec�, iegGrding thc assiez�i��t �o tne liquor ma�ager's �ob and unioiti, that this pereon wou13 make his oan arr�ngements w�th �he Ci�y and it wa� pointed out that if tihe essistant would�,'r, lilce tinelx hoLres or p?}�, ne could �laays go witl� 2 grieva�ce to their u�2ion, that the citti doesn'r. expeet �hese n�en to wc;rk a:traight �i hour shi_'i,. N,'r. P7c�uire :�t,ztecl a sp1Lt; ehifi. or over 48 hours is always poestble t,o use as � grlev�nce. Couucilm>>, Brooii requested to ,noti, vhat -�he dui.ie� oi �he head bartezder u�ould be and stated h�ti th�nk,ng wa� i�h�t th° assls�.ant to the m�t�a�er shou]d be a u��n th�t ehould b� L-le to ta:re tile m.na�er's nlace �f he were i11, etc.; this assl�tant shoLild be =ao-r}:��,�, evenings. It ��as stated this person wzs listed ior �50.00 a month more on 48 nours and Co�ancilrra� Bxook sLatied 1ie �'elt there i�as ne need °or a he�d bar�e��der, the marager is furuished a car and he can taY,e th3ti car tio r��ke these other ba1s. He fnrBher statied he could see iio reason ti�hy the ass�atanti manag2r shoulcl iiot o�ose ti�� 1,he b�r-s and gitie orclers� that Lhis man should be i❑ a positso�� �.o tend bar if ceeded, Lhat � Le�d �aarte�der ��as not needed. Mr. McGuire etated ��ith the s,ystcm as it is set up, ii. �-�kee abouc 3 1�2 to 4 hou�e each day Lo line everytihiTZg up, i�iclur�in� rle ieadtin� oP me�ers, capping botibles 2nd a11. the cletail *aork. 0� c1�ecic c&57ia� ��1one; he eKplalne� Zt take° one mar �1one, becau>e tl�ey lzave to make three i;o iour zrips �o �ae bcn�-. Councilman Wolliz stated he felt the money on tLe liquor operatia�, had bce� madc s��ce the C�ty had chznged to the rne�er systiem �,iid coniro7led help. I'rr. P�!cGuire s1,�Lzd the o��ly tY�ing people are ?ntEreeLed in noza is thelr o�n p�y cnec�. Couucilr���, ?�rook sa�d he noulc� like to see tLe men �o on s�0 hour �•�ee1� becauee the tia�uries �aeie �ust contlnuing to go up �ncl �ailh vsications comina o�� wouldn't �r, be nueh bezLe� �o let some work �18 hours rather thaii h�re p�rt-tlme �el�. S�lr. I��icGuire �a�d he had IQy2d off o�ie part-time man and girl and would like to hatie this scheJule decs.dec3 o�i so tha t he covld p1an. �l'he City I��ianager c��ted 'Lhe ru�gecl,ecl change amot�i t �o a�2�00.00 s�vlr_g and th1.e set-up -�e on th° «eTa pa5� se�le. Ilith thi= ie�rr:,nge�reut� he erplai�ied� �hey i�ould s�ve �y21E0G.00 on the nei� rate �s op}�osed to U�hat they l�ad beio3�e. P ge?2era1 discussloi� wau hcicl on the hourly ratie of' the barterders s��d Coti,ncilma'; "sSolke si,a�,ed he and Councilm�.n Johanson were tl2e i�rl� ��du�l� who l�ad w� �ted tne bar_ tenders to have a�ood salary. Ic ��as mentiored by Cou�cllm�r_ JohanGOn that, �ct�- a11�� ��2.�F5 �p Lour Ls�z`t a very large w�tre, He �sLed Lhc Council l� zhey tia�nted to accept ihe proposec seL-up anu wazt for Pigure= tio re re�iirned ;�izh one �ssistant �o the m�n�ger. Councilm�n 5i•oo'_� stated one assiecant ,o cLe man���,ei would bc <<�Lis- f'ac�cor}� bu� not a Lead bartiender. The Ci-y Manager stated tihai, h2s xecnmmencictione on the he��l b2rtender �nd �ssi�tant to t'he iranager �,ould give somebody some at��horit��� �ah,ch they didn'L have 'oefore. � They would 6e ��or}=Zig b�rtenders but �aoulc; be somebody tha ; others covl_d turii to. Counc�iman Jahans�n et�ced if 2� could b� 1,or.ied out� rt ahould be on a 40 hour weeL. It ��ns e:cplalne� by �he C�ty PIauagcr criat if Council �ro�ald care �oi 1�ile en��eeted c??anve �t could be changed to r 1�0 hour weelc. This would pu� somebody �n �uthorit,y szx days a iaeek on tlae nigh� shitt. L'ouncilm�n Tao1�.e stated he Pe1t they had plcked up .� i��creasE or� the baie �� the rnetihod o� operatzon the} had '�uti in� they had picYed tii� the aet profit fror� zhetir loel�s� e�c.� tiha�, they had in�,t�gurated on tihe liquoi e�1es plus ihe total �ros� s31es. Councilman Broo;� �nqulxed t��hat �:?�e net percen�a�e ��.� �he previous yeer. Cir,S� Tre�- surer Brunsell st�ted that i» 19E�1 -�t t���-.s 1L�5 �et aCtex iatexeGt ancti in l�lu2 lt vas ]2.67 aet, after lntierest. Councllm�n 1�IoL'�e .�sLed nhy they ��ere in r.he povittion of two hi�n �alaMicd i2div�duals �i.d attempting i,o ecoitiom2ze �nd chen muLre the ope�-�- tion pay o?'l, Mr. I�ScGuire stated tihat he zaorLs a71 d�y a��d some�;irnes t�ao and rhxee ��� riigl� ts be-r wee]c, th3i maybe the old ;�t-up z�as ti�rong �md perhaps he ect�l� shoTa l;hem � savu��e, `Che City Manager e�atied thesj i��re attempting �o eorrac� any n_stiaLes as they ner�t al�n�, Councilman i1oll�e said th�s was Paae �o � deg�°ee. The C�ty Nan��e-r e:l�loired l,ra� parti of the pex•eonnel �roblems tiaere that thcre 2��as��'t cnough clireetio,� �n e�ch b�r anc� �hev were ��,ot �;ett2ng alongy etc. Th�s, he stated; �aaF one s°c�so*� lahy l�e had �one along aitr Mr, P4cGttire on h�s suggectaon ::o have a head bartender �ri eacl� bar Loi the Pul� len�th of' i,ime it �aes open, Co�a�2cil�t2n �IoL� nsLed sf �some o�' the �aoik c�uld�i't be clelegatied io so�neoae th�t d�di_'t ccst as much r�oney; Por ex_a��pley eoulcl `t somebody tiake eaie ot che loel,s. TLs C�ty P4anagex' saicl one of tha reasonE so�, havi�g 3�ria��egei do the lock�ng is he ie responszblc for the � opera�lon ���d ii �nme�!2e ��ei°e hi'red to c7o ,7tii�st thac� Z4r. P4cGu�re �shou�d �ri31 be o�i 'ao� ol 7r.. Mr. R1cGuire statedr he fe1t� zhe hzad b�iLender shoulC still do th�s, tha� �f he L-�id � head b_ir��ender, 1;ha'. ma� �aou13 be pald and ba1sP e�> >ncF�°esi, �ust to protect h,_� �oh. Cov-�c�lr�an Wolke r,��ed tY;c ❑ues�ion of ho:a �aa�7y l�ours pi.r. PacGu�-re ,ad his ae�lsti�nt ��orli� 1i0 oi� �F�� i�ours oer wPP�z �nd was told �hey norY_ 55 or 60 hours p2r �aeel�:, Couacilmn�l Brook st^te] rc didn't feel 'the head bar�euc�er n2s wort�h the 1-and of � ra i se �hey �,ere ta�'_�in�, auoat. Councalma�i Joh�n,so?� suggeezed t;he coU-�cil �ec�pL this SeLedule .ub�ect co the ch�»ees. Mocioa by Broo�i that the head barzender shall �eccive `�5.00 per ti�eEk moxe than the LF%' hour per ro�eeli bartender. �ecoraed by r^Tolke. Upon a voice ���o{;ey Lhere being ,zo �,.i�s, the °�otion carried una-�lmot,el-/- A eene7•al d �scueeti��i i� �s theu lield on the liquor m�n��er, Nir. P4eGuire's �alary. CouncLlman Slolk� statecl h�e pleaeure was not to pay thF l�quor man�ger a3 nuch a� z,ie C� �y Cle?°k. I��Ir. t"cGuire etatied they h�d had an agreement wlth l�iin and sho�,�ed same to Cour.c�1 membere. Tt c,»s mentloned there v�2s qit�te a spilt bett�ee� �;he mai?�eer and ��sG�etzi7�� m=n��er, o�e Le�i�J �ib50.OG to tihe aGsis�ant mana�er and j;800.00 L-o ihe m�na- �er. Councilman Johan�on r�ent�oned �;hls T�ou1a bo a�100.00 ralse Sor Joh•i Nrer� anc� Counc i lman l�iolke statecl �hc il7creaee �aae gxeat enough, there tiaas no point an gosng fUrt}]BY'. L4oclon bv [do].lce t12nt tre l�o_�tion as assist,a�: to the ma�°�ager be paid a� the r�te of �'>650.00 per month, Seconded ��� Bx�ool�. Upo�� � voice vote, there b�ia� �io nays� the moi.ioi2 carriefl unan2mousl-�. Nlotlun by i�dolke trat upo� �°ecommendatlon of the liquor store ma �ager aiid c1t�� ma��- �?�r t�ict follo`��tin� �er, be �ppoi�ted to l,he�r po�i�:ion�• Ac4'�. to Mgr. - He�d i�artendex Head Bartender Seeonded b� Biook - - - � ohn I?reha - - - Ed Ld2gel - - - Dicx Larse� � Upon a voice votie, there Ueir_g no n�ys, tne motlon carried una�iimouGl•�. Counc�ln�an i,JoLke stated tha� he ag�i�;, d�d ��ot see the Galary on p�r t�zth the City Clerk's, tha� the cl�,y clerlr tzn� a�rEZter degree of respoi,�ib�liiy and a greater Ctegree of tFCh.tcslity. Counc�lman Wo1ke ^ta�;ed the salary oi the llcuor n,anager should be held rlown a little and checl; reorg�niz,etlon oS the heads of the departments. R4r. b�cGuire etaLed thls would ir�d�caLe L-he Council was not eatzsfaed with his wexk ancl ir, w�s his tiinder�ta�di�g, ��ith this agxee�nent he had been glven, thar, iP �ne� �siere �attis�ied; Le caould be �tive� a rllse. Councilnian Johanson si.atcd that he had bee,� a pnrt ol';12a� agceerent but a�s acttir_�; mayor L�e was noE in a posltzotl io m�ke a motzon. Councilman Brook asked if it was possible to tal:e � compromise. Mr. Mc- Guiie scutVd he probably ��ould h�ve come tio work sor the Clty z��ithout the raise out it had bee�i otPex�ed l,o hin, he h��d not reouesr,ed iz� that zt taas the ��x�eement of the CiL-y and ��hey h�d oFxered che st�rti��g ealary and i��e lncrease if they o�ere satisfied wi�h the �ob he iaa� doing. Coui7c11ma2 Wo1ke requested ar_d at�tlior�zed c�n evaluation of tha c�larles a�d �rorking condi�ions oi' tI�e cit� clerk, and ciLy trcasurcr arid city engii�eer� that the presc:nt arrangementi was not 7ood and the Council had done tne salar,y arr�i���ng without re- �_lizing i� �nd, he 1'el�, 1L �aas a eerloue problem. Mayos Nee arr!ved at �•55 P.P�I. P�iotlon by Brool� to increase the salar� of the liquor stiores m�naoer to iS800.00 aG of Februar� lb, 1963, Seconded Uy Nee. Upor. ,� voice V0�2a there being ao r_ays� the � � � ' ��� mocioil carried unantmously. ihe �peciai mEet�ng of the Prldley C3ty Council taae decl2ied ac��o2ir��cd Uy actin� Mayor Jonauso�i. P�ayor Nee scated he had hoped tihat perh�ps the n�embels of 1.he Council �aould ;�ay for a short pertiod of' time to lzsten to mer�bers oL the �LS.S.S.D., malel,,� because the Aoard had devcloped a much tigh�er a�zd much more conszivative propo�al than the one tihat had bEei� co�sidered before. Pflayor Ivee sa�c� the nea proposal met soime of thc ob�ectlo�s that some of the mer,ibers had. Councllman �dolke requested that noLes be taken and =ent Lo Councll members. Reepectfully submitited, �� - i %�� ��� Sue h11:ko�,iic Secr,et;iry i,o i,l1e Couticil k�LIGULAR C�l1IQCIL L�ETLiG - MARCH 18, 1�63 /� / f i1 �Y)f�Y\1 �' �/ 1/ 1/ �w" V Na;�or - uii117 � . Piee A rebu]4r rneei;ing of the Citiy Council o� tihe Ci�y of r'ridlzy was callecl to oider bzr Naqor Pree a� 8:03 P,N1. ROLL CALL• Niembers Presen�;• BrooL-� Johan�on, Pfee, Shericla i, r�7o11-� P4embers L�b�sent: 1�one APPROVAL OF MINiFP�S - Sl'�'CIAL MEETTNCr 1�1ARCH G, 1963 • Mor,ion by Johanson �o approve the minutes ot the spc-cz�il mPezi�� oi March 4, ig63 �s prepared �nd received. 8econded by Sheridan. Upon a voicc vote, th�_re bei��� no nsys; tihe motioi� carrlecl unanimously. 4PPROV�11, OF btINTTPLS -�EGi]LAR A'��TSNG, Ml?RCH �, 1963: Motiion by �ohanson to atiprove �Le minutes oP the regul�i meeting or P�arch �i, 1903 as prep�red and received. Secanded b�� H2�o1�. Upon a voice vote, tihere beiiie oo nuys� thc mo t� oa ca-rri�d unar.imoue7_y . up�OV1.L OF NfIi�T[IrI'PS - SP��CIP.I, P4EEITTDiG� P7FLRCH 11� 1903_ P�o�ion by ��ohaneo� tio approve tihe mii�utes ot tihe special meeting ot �7arch 11� 1963 a� prepzred a id received. Seconded by S,Iolke. Upon a�%oice vo1:e, there Uein€, �o trye, �he motion cars�ied unanimously. At t�ns roo�nt Councilman Johanson ra�sed a quesr,ioi� a= �o Council procec�ure. Ae et�TerA that in �he past feTa n�eeticgs it �eemed that eacn zime he hac mJde �� r�otio � thn� �aould normally be duly seconded and turu°d to Lhe �loor �°or discuaelo�i, Cou�ic�l h�d been allowing the audtience to talce p�rb ia tihe qUect�o�ing oF tl»ee motio�.e. Courcilmar Johans��� stated he ielt th�s wae out oi' order� t1e�t o�� has ow�i behalf zhe cou.�cilne� were mos� wel.come to �]uesr.toia, but; tiaovld p2•eEer Phe a�adie��ce did ��ot. He rur1;1_er st�tc-d �;l��s sYioti7d pert��1 co a1.1 counc�lmeli. Nayo�• "Iee �L�te�l if thie �,as t,hE con- census of the ent� re Conncil, tLcy �aould oper�tc � � tn� s m�,�nex . TLc c�' ire Counc,l agr�2d.