05/06/1963 - 0002330422�
s�atec he didn'L- ?_now ��nat could be planncd, a� this time, for Pui;urc- plannln�,
l�vt that zt �ould me-ic investigaiing arc-as th�t do not have servicee, ihis
�aould entail � eeaxch oF the asbuilt plans ana pul�lic -v�orks departr�ent recorcle.
D4a�o?� TTee ra �; ed the ques Lzon� Lha L in prenaratiion Cor the _�oad � n Guestion,
�here waen't Gu�Lh�ng �n particular �h;it needed to be done and P7r. Comsi:ocl.
rep7ied tha.t ti,ae correct,
Motion bv Joh�nso�� Co accept p-rel�ninary rcport on necessary atilit�� crossaxi�e -
Old Centxal, N1�ssisstipp� i,o Osbor�e and pl_ac� on i'ile. Seconded by HreoL. Upon
� voice votc-, �here being no nays, the mot�oiz carr�ed unanirnously.
Mayor �iee inquired it' rhexe �iere anyone p+•esent Lhat hacl any further businese
tio diSCtiss.
P�Ir. Richai�d Don_lin was present �nd requer,tecl, in the nar;e of the Par_L; Debartment,
re��nisslon �,o secure bids for a li�k.i:ed soflball field at Fridl�5� Commons. IIe
stn-ced tYiey ��ould -_urovide po1�s� 1iAht ii�turev, do the traming and h�r?�ing of
lishts but that he neederl the actual ia�rin� done. Ile explaii.ed the-re are three
t�pes oP lights snd re proposcd tc set up a recrea��onal nark L-liis year and add
m the liehts the nexL year, FIe Purther etiaL-ed that it mighz mean they 5aould
have to c,ke ;�7,000 or .o oui, af the bond issue. In explaining his plan he
Lolc� zhe City� Coune�l �hcs� 1�ghi,� o�ould be oi_f' at 10 P.M., thai, he h2d order2c�
resid�nti�1 parking only eigne ancl no par�cii7g eigi�s to be plaeed properl3�, that
he was requeetln� the pol�ce zo tag peopie taho vlolated the signe thtis year. ?Ir_
also etated the}+ .�ei�e PenczerU Fridley Commons and would be able to control ba11s,
cronds, ei,c.
;dction by Johanvon to authorize the tinstalla�ion oi lyglits for soFtball �nc� the
appronriatlon of some bond monies� tiS necessary. Seconded by f3rook, Upon
a voice vote5 ther� bcing no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
Ihere bein�; no �urthei� bUSlness, Niayor Nee deciared i,'�e meeting ad�ourned.
a�Gpe�trully =uUm�et�a,
��/�-- '�2�F��r � -c-�-
ue 1`4�e1=_o�+lc
Sec�°etary to tne Coame_1
�Cruz�� courrczL r���TZn�c - n�l�i o, 1963:
���� � �
�- - �'� �
Mayor - 7_iam J. P?ee
�! regul�r meetin;; o" tL� CiLy CoLmcil of thc Citi}� of Fridley,wa� called f,o order
by p4ay�or Diee a+ � Oj P.b'I,
Nie?�bers Present Joh�.nson, 1�Iee, �heridan, ��rollie arrlved at 8:2o P.r�.
Members AUsen� broolc
�notion by Johanso�� to ap�,rave the r��lnu�es oi the regular mecting nf l�pr�l 15, 196j
as prepared and recelved. Seconded b�� Shericl�n. Upon a vo�ce vote, th�re
being no n�ys� the mot�on carr�ed unan2mous7�.
OLD t�US11�35:
IiPPLIC:?TIOr�i P6R �ER�?^TAL OF ��ILEft PEP,wIT (TA3Lr,D 4�15�63) :
P4ayor r�lee announcFd i.his w:_�s an anplica�ioi� ior renewal oi' a trziler pern»_t 1-,hat
had L-een preuiously tabled. Councilman Johan�on expla�aed chai l�e c�as responelbl�
for &akinP th�r, applicants be p'resei�z and that normally i,hesc �ern�tis are orly
issued because oi harashlpti, etc.� and other than fo-r good reason if a trailer is
being used for perrria�ent livin� �u�rters, r,hev should be ii� a tr�iler parl;. P�I_s.
LeRoy Olson t,as present and explained ther� �are no homes to s�eak ot around tl7eir
nelchhnrhood arld the t-railer is on a lot as Ulg as what .aoulcl be used �'or r, house, th2t
She end her 1�usban� own tihe p�rcel oP 1�i2d c?��b trailer 1s sit�aated on and �ay
assessments on s�me, that tihis is the only bu�ldin� sii;e on i;liis pa'rcel at lan�i.
Mrs. 01son iurL-her expla�ned she cares For her• *riotl�er, who is �11, ancl lives �n the
� Motion by Johanson to granz approval of traaler pexmit to LeY,o� and 17axy Oleo�� o�
6600 ��ridley Strect Northe�et� F'r�dle}�� Dlinnewota, Seconded by Sherldan. U�on a
voice vote� there bcing no naye� thc moLion carriccl unanimousl5�
Playo� Nee announced Lh1s was a public hearin� oi� an ordii�nce amending Ordinance No.
70 e�tablishin� ne�a �oning class�iications. Tl�e CiLy I�anamer read the notic� of
hearin�, and Ea�laa_ned the ordinance. He �tated the City oC Frldle5+ 1=as �a R-2 zor�e
�,i�ycl� permiti,s tnalti�ple d�aellings but they are lxmZted in s1�e b;J larger �rea ?eauir-
ements. In P,-3 che C�_ty hae other things taeeines multipl° d,.�c-li�n�s� �i; was er,p]ain-
eda �nfl th2s uould °ez up a multilpl� d��°11ing zone whic7� ��oialcl be lirmi;ed to double
bung�,loi�s. R-3A would mean t1:at zt would be st�ic�ly multii�le d��elling �no aotihing
else sroald be granted, �,he Cii;y P4anager explained, and �1vr *aotiild a�pl� �.o future
zonir�g only, not past or Frt�esent.
iKayor l�ee �s�_eci 1i atir,�eae rrished to be hear� re�arding the abozrP descr_l�ed pablic
hesr�n�. Dio one ap�cared in favor of' o-r i�� opposi�ion to the deecr�bed �ublic
hearing, Pdayor ?�Tee declared Y,Yie hearin� closed,
City e1t�7rney =iohlan explalned to the Cltv Cc�unail the land purchae� t-rom Lonc� 2�
Pi^opertiiea Inc.� 2nd recor�meticled the purchase c{" same for t{�1P75.00 to setitle thc
claim ol' �he Plazn+lif� Lard & Pro��er+,�es� Inc.
P�iat�_on by Jol�anson to pUrehase Lot t�rer_ty-oize (21), �a Blocic Len (10), Donr.av ti
LakecLec� _��iaaor Ilclflit�or� and tihir�� (30) ieet oF Loz titaenty-1,v�o (22j', 131oc1� tea (10)�
Danciay's Lal��v�c-w R�anor Aoclatioa for tl�e sum oP �p1G75•00. Secondecl by �Shcric��n.
IIpon a voice vote, there beii^p no navst tha mot�on c�rried ununlmotiiel�-�
PUELIC `�I'.RING - F,�102�TIdG LO'?'S 16 111V� 17, �RCOIiVIPrrl ADDTTIO�Q (R-1 `PO R-j) L1i�ID FIRS'P
Mayor 1Vea announe�d Lhis iaas a pu��Iic hesuing ae the reroning oF Lct� 1( and 17,
Broo7-Vien Addil,LoL Lro,o 3-1 to P,-3, 'Phe Ci��j l�faus�,cr r�ad th� no6�cc oP h���r�n� anu
e�pletined t1�e area inaoitied. P4a-in'c iSee aal=_ad �I �nyonc ,�ic?�ed �o be he��rd rEaGrdin�;
the abo•re descrlbe3 �ublic heerting. i�lr. uoG� Haretaa, o��+ner �i pivp�rLy, appc�,Ed
tn i'aVCi o= Gl;e �^e,on���g.
Co�ancilmaa i7o11;c �r-rYVed a�, u:20 P.IN.
NL�. A. E. I,2['�onx 6u16 C11a�ae1 P.oad� a�pe��°ed L`o �lu2stion the access oa Lvc�a Lane
and st€�ted he had no ob�ec�,2ons i;o titie -i•e'.�.oning. Councilnan Jok�aneon °a,�eQ the
� quc-�tton Lo �4^. F�rs�ad rega-�i�ng the pzoblem oF ttle etirc�; in Fr�n� o" 1�1�s oP�'lce
bullding. I�2r. T3aretad ��ated 11e a�.dn't kno�r er>aotily tahat the eity wantecl of I�im.
Th2 CL'ty Mau�apar eapla�r_ed he had asked Nir. YTarstacl for 30 feet i'or scrv�ce road
and t�s. H�rstad ecar,ed he *�an�ecl tu knoz� idhet ai �olild cost liim. !�"�. Harstad
furL-her sti�Led 'ne didn't particularl� need � se�vice �oad a�ld certainly uot a heavy
i,x�uck eerVice ro�d, �thac he aleo had ProbJ.eras ��t�,h � s�aall. loti nevt to hiz� CuL
Taould be nillsng to negoc��ce vrth tLe C�tv oJ' T+'iidley Oi.y Lngineer bro'�n asio
tne road coat �aou7_cl be abotiit �6.00 a fronT �'ooti. Nla,�or �Vice deelexed the nearino
Dia�or Vee aanounced �l�tis cia„ a secoi2d i'eading oi an ol�din�nee v�ezzing an allev
�n L'loc�r 16, Plymouth Addition, The Ci�,y P�faaager �ave second realing oi a s�acl
ord it;anca .
I�4oL�on by lrr,ll;e Lo �ecept this as zhe second rtading oi' Ord�nance �r234 vacating
a11c-y in i�locli IG, PlyinouL-h Addition, ado�ti an7 rniblish same. Seconded by Shc-r-
idan. Upon a volce vote, there being rio nays, t'�e motion carrled un2nimously,
1ST I�DDIT10iT; �
Mayor Nee anzionnced tht� lvas � second re�dln� of an ordznance vacating a por�aois
ot an easement in Yarkvi�t� Oa1cs, lst Ildditlon. The City Nlnnager gave second
read=lig oP ss�d ordlnance.
I�Iptiou by ;herld�n to aceepL thls �s the 4ecor.d reading oF Ordinunce 7j23j vaeating
� portioxr of easementi in Parkview OaLs, lst Addit�e�n� adopt and publish same,
Seconded Ly Johanson. lipon a volce vote, thc-r�: beinr-, no nays� thc matzo� carriec
�v�T2ioV (2ABLi,� ,15, 3 �
I�layoi Nee announced thls ti�as �,he �ir�ti re�ding af �n ordinance vaeatzn� a portaoa
oi an alley ln Blocl; 12, rlymouth �lddition which had beer tabled April 15, 1g63.
The City Manager s�ated the public hearing w�s held in Nove*�ber o° 1g62, councli-
man Wolk� eiated the reason this ordinance wa� c�elayed was that there *�ere garages
at the end oi' the alley in c�uestiion out the iten had been cleared. The CiLy
Man�ger �ave the ,'irsL- rezdin� oi an ordivance vacating a portion oF an a11ey in
]31ocL 12� Plymouth Addltion.
i�fotion by LdolUe tha+, tliis b� accepted as i'irst reading of an ordinar.ce vacat,ing
a po�^i.lon of an a11ey zn B1ock 12� Plymoutih Additlon. Secondecl b,y Johanson.
Upon a vp,ce vote, there veing no naysy the mot�on carried unatlimously. �
Nlayor Nee announccd this was the second reading oi' an ordinance amend?ng Zon�ng
Ordin��nce Aro. 70 establisYun� new zoning classiF�cation�. 7'he CltS� t4anager �atie
�econd x•eading oJ' sa,d ordinance.
MoL-ic�n by Johanson to accep� Fhis a� the second re�ding of Ordinance %�236 �meti�ding
Zoning Ordin�nce SIo, 70 eetaY%1�sLing new zonin� classtiiications, ac�opt and pub7ish
sam�. Seconded b�� S.ieridan. U��on a voice vote� there being no na,ysr the motion
carried unanimously.
Nayor Nee announced this v�as � public hearii2g on an ordlnance 2menclin� the Zoning
Ord�nunce lio. 70 �na explzined thle was the expandin� of definitions ln che 7oning
Or�c�inanee tc make iL moz•e i'ler,ible. The Cli�� Manager re�d the Nozice of Hearzng
and stated the P:Lann ng Commisslon had held a public hearing and recommended
approval o;' the amendmen� to the Ci�y Councll. Caty l.i,torney Kohlan etated he had
redreez the form of the ordinzi�ce and �eparated things and ltemized th.e�i. D7ayor
Nee asked if �here �aere anyone preGent who wisned to be heard L�ith regard to the '
above dESCribed public heasinp.
No one appeared in favor oF or in opposition to tihe descrlbed public hear��a.
Ma�or lez declared the hearing closecl.
mhe City D4anager gave tihe tirst reading of an orc'ln2nce zo am�nd the Zonl�ig
Ordinance PTO. 70, ;ect�on 5•10, by adding the u�ord�: °TSursing Eiome, Rest Iiomes,
Homes �or the Elderly,° iollo��ing the ��ords: "Convalescenb :ome". Matyon by
Sheridan tio accept this as tne F�-rst readzeg af sa�d ordinance. Seconded by L��oll�e.
Upon a voice vote� there being no n�3�s� the mation carried unanimousl��.
�ayor 7��ee �aiiovnced i,his ��as a pabl�c he�r�ng o❑ Inprovement SW �0'3 al�c �sl:ed the
Ci�,� iKanager i,o eriplaiu same, The C�ty P�Iana�er expla!ned this was the �ns�allal��on
oi �sencr ��,cl roatie-r goin� Soutn on LasC River Road ❑e�r pown�ng Bor, and involvin�
the Pure ALr P,�st Ho�nc. i�9ayor Vee a�ken i_ thcre �»re an}�one preeziti �aho �,ilshed
to be lieard ?�ith regard tio the above deecrzbed pvblic riearing, Nirs. �ai;cre�
Jackson oC j700 Laet River Road appeared and etat�ci tihe�x v,e.as aerc tl�e sa;nc zs
thcy had Ueen beior�, There were no other persone prescnt ln ��avor of or ���
opposit,ion to i,hc descrtibed puUlic htaring. A9ayor 2dce declared the he�rin� cloGed.
M�yox Nee st2ted �;he CLty Council had been requested to delay the above de�crZbed
iLer� uni,il i�Say 2Gtn. S•4o{�tion Uy Johanson L-o cic-la-�� r,he pui�l�c '�iearii�� on tihe Clual
plat o" Spring BrooLC Pa-rlc Second Addlcion to Na�� 20th.
Nlayor D;ee asLed �i �here T�re.e�e an��otle present ��l�o �aished to be hc-ard re��,a��ding tlie
ordering� of final pl_ans and spECi_ticatio��s �� SW a��3. Alr. Han�on, renre°entat�ve
o_' Nortiern 0�°dinance, �aas pre�en�, i�1_�, Comstocl; ot Comstock & Davis, Inc,, con-
evlting engtineex•e, sL-atFa the altc-rnar.e was se�aer on tre Eaet side of i.he _n�h�ay
�nd wai,er on tne i,�esc side, l.?��t the presen� ecwer �;oes do�an I;o Down�ng Box. Mr.
Coms�oek recomMended Route ��l oT plan �hoo�1� to che Ci�y Comzcil. Councllm�n
Sher�dan sza'ced he �e1t the'�-e :�cia items th�t aLPected the dec�eion tin bin� mat�er.
One thing was t>>�t the Count� had buti ia hot mir, a��d in tre futiure ,p there is
some development aould L-12�s nlov�de Lhe �aci]�i._c-� �n loop the �,azei i�ai� a�d aleo
�e serv�ced by aaritary se�aer. The b�sic line �� on the east sice, �t was explain-
ed. ^ha Highi�ay Depactment nas part of �1�e r2�h1,-oi-:»y and thE �iecc o'�u�=d b.
Stiucteb�ke-r a� unde�^ contempla��on. Par'c of the black top w!11 be damapecl if' L'he
ca_ty ��on10 �tay �,� tlie righ�-or-�aa�� to �ut yn com.ectzons. l�;ay°or 1�e2 �s�-=u �S
there -��ere a��i'ety e,ueation iavolved and Mr. ComsBocu ans�aFred tha� he cudr,'t
l�.no�s. Cou,icllman Uiolke ra�,ed t�e aue�ti�n oe fhe eaniL��•y sewe-r, �ee�e tl�ere �;,y croFe-
pvar�; TRr. Cor�s�.ock si;a-ced tiYiere �,rere »one proposed. Cioe�-overs u�ere �e?°er�11�;
discussecl. Zi �+as st�tel there is � croer-over .t the pteser� t�,�e. I��i. Co�vstoc,
eypl�>>nerl 'ch� only -okii�� cney �ic1n't hsiz�e a�, tne presen� �imc ls t-�e loopi��� 01' a
water ma2n and �C sl�ot�'Ld be delayed timcil. th¢y knou hon �be comu�eici:�l pro�Fr��ee
�ail7. be developed. tlayo'� Lice aelced Mr. Comstiocl, and �as re�Sfirmed _n hie ques-
'cloti2 1f hze; _�'ecomme��dai.iou ir�� thati Route ��l ��a� the hest unlees tne��e `aeie �oiae
� � rm comr�� i:tme�� t on t�ie Stuclebake� proper �, .
i�4a;��or Nee ?nnovnced a�e�olu�; � oa vould be la oi c7cz . Counczl^�an Soh��isoii ->>]ccd i C
final pl�as tad speciCic�t�onv ti�oul.d be directed �o Cit,, ��',n�-iizc2t Brown unde� i,he
ize°,� po� ic ; .
Motion by �cnaitis�t. L-o �dopr, 1;esoluLion �6�I-19t�' autnoi_sn�g and orderin� ���iprovr-
r�ent lnrl Pin�1 pl�as and speeiP�cation, fo� S1J ry'G3 (P�.�° Pir P,�rsing Nome), zou�-
��o c�ea��na��o�� tc oe P,ou�� ��1, Seconded 1�<� 51i-rid���. ��poi� � �oice vo�e, Li��_re
being no n� �'s, che a�o ci on c�rr� cd uti?ailimoc�l��
'Pi�e Ci-�}r 742n�eer tieot�es�ed Lhe Citi,y Council ��ec.�tie tli� ��iinu�F�� o� lhe l�pr�l 24�
1963 3vzlttsng �aa�d meec,ra�. l�iot,�on oy Shesiu n to r� ce�v� tnc mir_ti,Le� oP ti�ie
T3uildir_� ���srd r�aeting 1ti�1� oi Ap!^Ll_ 2�I, 1��.�. Seco��icd t; �;ol.lie. Upo.i � vo�c�
vote, tihere bein� no �ays� che inot�on carriec u>>���imcasly.
SPL�'C��L 1��5�'TIPG 01V T�IE� LSPPLICA`1'TOV T'Or-t La Pii7J_L]) 1�fG P� �P�ST PY 7. ��I. IIE\FS`L'Pll COP1YaYTY
TO COAi6'IPUG1' A BOD�r �4�t�P ,`�DT�IT101�i 35 ��ET DY 20 =�'�SPIT FOR 'P1�' L'RTDL➢v �O��Y S]i��P 1!-
5755 UPiSV_I�Sl^Y uVTl�C[JF, I�OP7't7fiLAST; LOTS 1 APID 2, BLOCii 3, CT'TY VTPrn� /\DDITION - CO?;
S7'RUC'PTOPd TO BE OP COD�CRLTL+d AnID S1^C�1Z�L AT 1111T I�SI'L�IA7'rD CO3`l' Oi�' �Ti,000.00�
ThE C�ty M�nager e.�plaii�ed thls �aaa a i�que�t Lox an �,du�rion to a o��l; erop.
7�4otion 6,y N�ol'__e tiha L E_tie builc�ing Pettnti � �,o D. T1. 3ai � Lo�l Company oe gra 7i,ed to
c�ns tr�ic , r, bo��� ahop zdd� cion 3: Eeet by 20 fc�r, ('or tih� F,°id]_ey Body uhop on
Tots 1 at2d 2, Elock 3� CtiLy Vie�� ��dit2on a�d 1n�L tnc rc,2 �;��1ci requilement oe
�,a;ved so lo;7g as the co��s �rLletioa con�or.�s to tl7a ul�r, submi � �c d, o� coade�l r� �
Johaason. Upor� a voic� vote, P,h�re beii�� ❑o i�a��; lY�e ro��on eax°2i�d u��an�*�oa�l�.
BOL17�D OF �1PYT'�.LS i���`TSD7G PfIT!`iJ`PLS, APRIL 2�i
r OR A
u.SD-1 OF OkDIS�i(!NCL N0.
P4ayor n�ee announced tisis was a public hearing on a request for � va-r�_ance of siac-
yar� requirenent to permit tr.c const�°L�ction of a garage. The Cicy D�ana�er teac?
tl�e proposed reque�t on the public l�ec.rzng and ex_plalned same, Mr, LeRo�� Andersoni �
Person reoues Lin�; vartance, vas present. Met�on '�y �doll_e to cancur ��ith the
3o�rd oi' Apoeals and eppr�ve the above desci°�bed variance. Seconded by Sl�erid�n.
Upoix a �o�ce vote, �.here be1n�; no n�ys, the motion carrizd unanzmou�ly.
Mx�. Duane ideleon ���ae present to anstiaer any qi�estions in the above regard. Motion
b3� Ti7oll�e to co.�cui with the Boara of Appeals and grant the abo�-e oescrlbed *�alver
to perr�it coristructlon of a detached gar�ge, Seconclect by Johaneon, Upon a voice
vote, ihere beiag r.o nays� the motion carried unanlmously.
zom sPLzT Rrqu�s� tz. s• If
75 FPL'T OP SOU7'Fi 200 1�ETt
;ll PRH�. P��ItTTN9 I�2AR7'Tti�f; LOT 6
TLe City Managcr read the recommendzttion of the Planning Commission. Citg Tn�lncex•
Brov�n erplained clns party ���nts to retein a homeste�d in the mzddle and sell of=
an area 75 Peet by 200 feet on the Eaet and tihe ti7est 25 feet, the owner of Lot 11
u�ould lilie �o acqu�re, Mr. Bro�an Purtiher ctated Ehis meets �all i,he ordi_r_�ance re-
qu�remenLs and thc-re is no problem on �aaf,er and sewer. Cour.cilman Sheridan s�ated
thati �ust east of the 100 zeet of tine lot is an old service station on the 75 toot
n4o��_on b 7 Johaneon to concur �ait-h t1�e recommend3tiion of the Planning Comm-LSeiot� and
approve the above deecrl'oed lot spllt. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a volce vote,
there hein; no naye, zhe motion carzied Lmaniniously.
The Ci�y i�ian�ger read a le�tier received from U�hite Investrnent Compan�i regzrdin�
the gravel arc-a. Na��or PTee inquir�d if z�stie had been made. Air. E. G. Julum,
repr�sent�ng `�7h�-�e Tnves�;ment Comnany� stat-ed that �ests ha�3 beeiz madc and t,hey
�iished permis��<m to cont�nue mining. Councilman Sheridan stiated he h�d inspected
the are� oritih the Clz}� Marn�er and RFZr pou�las Fiendereor_� and all items woulcl have
to be ascerz:ained beCorc Le could malie any reservat�on of any kind on this inqu�ry,
that zf it coul� be reclaimed for a residential district by tihe leveling aFLer
comnlezion oi o]d I31gh�,aay 65, there would be some merit to it. Councilr�an Sheridan
turther stazed he had underetood tihat each spring there Taas F�ater stand�ng ��� .his
area and th�t zF someth�ng could ec worL=ed ouL along these lines, it L�oulc� beneiit
the area, He �xpla�ned �hat resldents in the area would not be interested in seein-
the pit oper�te for five or ten yeers and inquired if �t was economically
Feas�ble for 3arto� Construct,�on Company to come ln� �ust for tihis period, and them
turn �t over to Gomeone else. P�1a�/or nTee lnquzred if ti�:le to the property �a�s in
the name of �rlill�am Johneon a�2d ��as told it t-ias. Councllman U�olke stated he f�lt
tihe C1tiy Attorne,y srould give an opinioi� on the legalzty oS clxe pat o�eratio� bePor�
anythin� coLild be done. City Attorney Kohlan stated lt ls not che kincl o? z t]iing
he would �ive an ansi�er tio immefliately. It wac ex�lazned tha� �c is no� �no*�n
ah�t the owne�° mi�ht a;ree to i�ant to t�lie and ihat Barton Construction mighti change
the contour oi Lhe land buc tlais would need more than �ust restoring the level thati
ls t,aken out �f tihc- properi�y is to be made use�ul.
Mr. Julum statied tiliey were only plannzng on buyin� eleven acres and Gtated thati i°1r.
� �
Johnson had asti.ed tihem tr sell t;he property and Barton Construc�ion Company was
interested 2n �t, that F�rton Construction had told his company �hey would bc
i,aL'ing cu� 11,000 c��'�ic yard� on one paxttievla� pro�ect. He stateo that ne zaati
under �he iripress�.on �hat �hey could �o only to a certain level and �t ,aas �vat
a mattcr oC usin� �he zop �nd 7evel.tn, the balance of the propex•cy.
Mr. G. J. Vorley of 6217 Centra.l �venue N. FI. :ta�ed Le had �iX chLldren and had
1ivEd at thl� parl;�eti�lar ac�dress Cor Cii"tee,� yea� s, t'rat he hacl no desise co have
gravel truel:s nea� door to �iim in order to �ccommoc3ate o nezgyhorhood haz�rd. H�
lurt'_ier qtateo, he woula 12ke to have rnore zhaa a levelin� oi' the 1ann� �hat his
property abutts clie Johnson pcoperiy and it is a hazard.
Sfr. �. ?�pp of ]450 l,�ce Cr°ek �oad t�as a7su preseut in opposi�ion anci etar,ed l;h�s
grave� �p, c n€�v� wor�.ed only s1ig1�i,15�, l.oat, � nuniber o� years t�revlotls, J, W� C-rsi�
Co. tiad n�o�;ec gravei day and ri�ght, It ta��s d�sclosed Lhe�°e T�as i.o be a 1'ence,
ora_ginnll,); thaL bhe pit Ss a haz32d to children and tihar '�i'PCS nave Fa71en ia.
NLr, 2��p�� stered he ���shed tc r�comn�end t,11at l!L�. ?7i11iaia Johnsoi2 i�e made Lo clea�;
ix'�� �tiis place� th2t a 1+4r. P�u1.so� hns ]1ad his pi� fil7ed u� ancl the hole th�t �s
there �_ow cannot be ia_lled properly. IIe Eurl;ier e1.a�ed that �F it �s t,�°ue that
D4r, Johnson vould allo,a �he cilgg�ng oi 150 iecC �n de7�th� ir, coulrl nr-ver oe filled.
A4r. %ip� preseritel � oeticion oi' the �buttln€� ne��hbors to the C� ty Counc�l and
N'taced tl�at ���ey ��antcd a beaucilul restiflential aro� and nould lil�e �o i2�.ve thtis
area clean�'d �ip, tnaL ther•E ere numerovs dump�nge and would 121re to h_ave the C�ti
Coune�7 ciear thls �natter, i�4a�or l�iee aeVed iP auyone ieculled tihe d�te oF t1�e
prezr�ous co;ntnerc-�al man2ng. There was no one present u�ho lcn�w i,he o�;�ct daLe oi' the
preti�ou: commerc�21 ni�uzng but tiL �aws etated Lhe2e has been some 1'rom Lime �o ��mc-.
A�r, 7ipp Curther in,ormed tY_e Cit�� Counc�l th�t �he aouttin� oei�hbors �roLld liY,e zo
bc no1,9i,ed eC �ny t�me Lhe aontitzg lalas are �han�ed or z �ravel p1l startiod iu The
Lxame�liate vicln�ty because Lhey all are concerncd, �nd thati at tlle present time
tliey Utouicl ltke to h�ve Mr. Johntion clean up his pruper�;,�.
Cotitucilm�n Sheridan innuired ia" there were �,a� other access co �his particu]ax
propert}• otner �hun throu�h NIr. Johnson'e piopert}� �nd mas told �here �aere thiee
d�P=erent accesses. Reeidentis 4roiced the op�nion that ii a bond ��ere to be
po�ced, they vaould like to havc it hi�h enough to take cai�e of any °itivatiion.
� Pdr. Ne�1 �enoz,�ein� oi' 1342 T,-Iillcrest Dr�ve� vLated it bad been about sut }�ear�
since there had becn any gravel taYen out of the pit commercislly �nd did st�te
there wae ��ater in tihe plt in the spring. PJayor PTee stated he Ielt the queetion
�t han3 „as iihether or not thls was a non-conforming use and ti°e Ci�;y A{;torney
should possibl;� ansTter it. Mr. Wal.ter Reedbe2Q oi' 0127 Woody Lane was piesen�
�nd stcted he i�as 1ii�erested ma�nly �o wh�� could be done ii� the future, t>>a�, sorae
of the land �s in its natural state and some ofit �: t•he �rave] �tit� He Purther
stiated that alt �ravel or dirt operations shoulc� be included ii� dc-cision to be
reacred c� the area.
Councllman Grolke ,sa_d tL�t for the bene'�ti o(' tihe ree�d�nts in the �rca, ;i tlic
C-��L?/ Councll 42eYe to go a1o�g ��� t'h the gi�ivel be���� 1,�h�n tney +aoul�l in�i^ti on
�n el�va t �o�ti 'oei�ig es cabl�shed ar_d it wovl d h��ve to bP en�;i neereo but t;�cy �cul-i
haJe co look ac a�l �ic�e� of 2l; berore ti?�ey eould det,ermii�e, Poi the i_'ut�re, re-
�ar�tng buiidiur� eiL-es, stc. �4r. %ipp s'cated he le�L i[ bhi� ccn�truct�o❑ compa��y
ro�exe a�loiaed Lo opa^atc t]2e �iaac-1 7�it� ii, �nould be titnder tre di�°ectio� cF the
C1ty Council. Councilman i�To11�c stated ib r�ighi, be a�oo�l tl�inr; to �a�e some ot
th� s�r2ve1 otiiti i� the City Pnglneer ti�ouad s�,y iti might oe �rlv� sa'o1e, and they
2:ou�d est,abl�sh a g,��ea g-�'sde, Pir. Zip� tinq�i�°ed ii' �hc xesidente t�flected would
be notyiied co tYey could attend any "usth�r m�etil2�; �n r��i� i°eoazd on�i ��as told
they ;ar�uld be notified,
NLr. I+4otley st�tted �;tie grevel uir ho7e �ids alic,cl}� 75 Fee: c!e�p and tr� people �i��o^P
n€arnes ar� oii -�h� list ,�o-a1d all wan�, u maiicd noL-!cc. Re-a, lJcnderson �-�aticd l�c-
would be concern�d abont the egress �nto 'the �ravel pit, tha't i� ��ould be aeros�
� h3s prop�rty and ,°ec�mmended i£ 1ti �r oul.y fo� one op<�tatiou� Lh3t e�,rFSS bc i;hiough
the Jol,ason p�opet��� thaz the egress fiam Central �aou1�3 not be �� �r�cilzcnl su=-
gescion. Cctir_�c�1m�u Sh�r�dan a�atecl Lliar, ratnex tna�, >>��+,e zhe enginee?°r �lo ary ;ior'
the Cot�uctil slieti7cl he �aPozrnad ce_ard°ng a non-eorFo�r�,inc iaae arid �al_e�;her T�e c�m-
�a,�y �hati te Mal�iag th,� p�onosal wouifl be tia �'a�ro2 0l' 2t„ Councilm�a Tloll=e �a�d
he Selt the conatritetion company Fhotiilcl �tat 'orr,l� r�co�na�andarione re^ardii�� len�,th
of tlmc oi' operztion, �^esLoration, etc. Cotu�cilman S7.e�s��n said �h�� �i1 rev�e,�in�
'ch�F p� t he didn'� f'e�]_ th� t� t �iou.L�l Ye cconoi��ic�llV �'e�°lbl� f�i r,i7e 3ai t,�n Co�-
strtact,on Company tio �1iee thls land for this o•�� �v�o�ecti ann raetore Lhe �ronerrp
,n t,1�e mai�nei ihe CiUy Couactil �,iaulfl �.���nt �L. I�ir. ZtipP Iu-rtl�er etrLed to �hP Coun-
cil th�t al t;hie paiti�ctiil��r conti�°acLor Lurns lot�n a,�y propoe-�l, �h� _re�id��nt:- �n
the oeig�Lo-rhood Cee1 they �,ou:Lcl no� laaat tLi� pi'o opene� ur, �L all, tihc�y ,o�ild
wani. �n,d oper�t�en etoppe7 coiaple�eiy aad wonld o�ari tl�e C� �-� C�uncil to �,,1-e am;
t�ece�sacy action Co �ae to �t thaz �_u is 1.eve1°d or1'. N^dor f�ae �L,a�,ed �1,e City
Gou,�cil reco�oi�ed the neece and ieelin�s ot �hP �ci�hkorroo�3 oad then closed the
��ayor l�ice �°t��cQ thaL the recommend�t�on of' Che Plennin� Co�ami�sion s,�e tio pioceed
tio ��ne�d Orcliience Plo. 70, �uitn reg,�rd Lo land a�ea r�aLiarcr7entti I'oi m�alt�ple
d�aellin�; "rovre� tLc Pire L�ectio.7 npl�lpii�� �o sep�ra-ced Y�uildinge ai�d �he �econd
eec.,�or �ppl��nr; to conaected l,uildii7as. The C� �y l�fan2ger expl�znecl ii' Lovr �e�ai�ite
u��ite ��ou1d xcoui�°P �0,000 sovaiF �ee�, zhe5� roiil�� �oiiti ttiao together anfl cons�ittite
��ne tihxuc��n°s, ,1�nt th�y eoul3 on13� i°^duce lan3 2'eqnireme,3cs 13y 10�0. B�sed on
tilze �,�ay i� rc��=d� the-� eould liatre �our scruett�res 1F t�ao r�ere t�ed together.
Cou�2c-ilman ��'oll e �1,a �o it rr�de ^o di1'_°eience Tmbat nuraber oL vnita �here tiacre,
tf they s�nf to tie tlm�i tor,c�hcr� r,hati land area only �e ��ducecl� t1�az ��`5�000 �
�quaxe feel. �iovld be re qutired fo� each reF,�rdle.ss o� t��hat the tying it2 �ogethar
�»L�ld �a�� tihe�,� could �lo. Nayot Nee e1.�ted he �elt iz ti��s � good thii�g. Tl�e
Cit�� C7a°�o��r es�lained the P]anntin� Co�nmie�lon �a�e ati��re of thE �'ac� thc�t tnere
aeems to 6e � t1 End � n�.he n�ore 1ur-urious �partmen t4 bein� �;ied to�etre; i,i a
?�oup but are ',r„iz�F� no, to g��rt t�ian too �=�rge an ad�rant��,e,
Ivotio�i b7 ibLc ro concurr ��i�n tne recommend�tion ol ti�e P1ann�n� Com�i�s�on 3nd
pxoceed to huve he�r�n�s. Seccndcd bv Sher�d�n. Upon � i�o�ce vote, tillere beiae
nc n3ys, ��ie inot�o� car_r�cd unanin�ously.
COP�"_JIVICA.J 10f� S.
CITV TREASURT� CI�OSIl�iC> OiiT (�F :�Wj,' �i�F ?�U1�Ji �1TVD S��l�j �i7 FUPrD:
Nfot-on b,� v'olRc to ❑utLoriea the Finanec- Director to t�anePet outvLauding bonc'ls �o
the Revolv,ng Fund closimh ou� SW,� 4�F and SW� 47. Secoti7ded by �ohaneon. Lpon a
voicc- vote, tN,ere be�np, no itrys, the a�otioa cariied ti�nan2���cusl;i.
A^�RIC4N 73UILD7D]G i�SP12'F}TL4P�C�, COPA1'Alliti: S�CP,P�1S11' I1Y �ANITORT�IL RAZL'S•
t,Iot�on b5� 11o1'�ce to n�moY,ti�te a i�es contract ,aizn the A7erican Dti�ilda:�g A4aintenance
Comp�ay ,�it1 rn �ncrease in rronthly bil]ing oi �'�6,75 ezfective T4ay 1, I�63. �
�5econdecl �y Johanson. Uuor �,zoic� voce, the-ee bcutig n� nays, tbe moi,ion ca�°ried
Ir,o;�o» by JohanGOU r.o rece-`v� the nlotice oP Bo�rd oi t�qualizar�_�n P�ieeLing, set �ai�e
i'or �ame .�nd publish. Seconded �� SYetidan, Upon a voice vote, chere bein� no
Lays� zne mo�ion carrleC ua3nimouely.
The CLC�� Mana�,ei ei.atied ther� *aas one othei �iece c� p2opert�� ln qvesiion. P1i�.
T.eoi.�rd `Cicr�cn, l�art}+ .�I�ose p�°operty ��as in questionr +�as present. It was e�,-
plalned tbese assce�men'c� ��e:c•e �laeed on a bo11_ ho�nesZte and iL` taould appeer
ther° �hould be anoth�r asse�smen� on anoth�r home sire. P�i2yor ATee eiatecl tihaz
legi�lation had been pae�ed o�nere �t �9 pernill;tEd and ir�quired m�' Mr. 'Phos'sen
12aw qu, ckly he would rec�vire nn �ns�aer to this problem. Covncilmen ��Jol�cc sugge� Lcd
that P!L. Thorsea paV 1?iE ralces and assessmanta undez protest a� � m��ter o.0 r°coid
unt11. tbe m�ttex nae vettle�i.
COMS'i'OCK Aiv'D DAVic�Il`TC.__ SS� �9:
Cotii��c�lman Sheizdan annowiced t1aHt Mr. Diron 'ti�1 called hlm this avet��n� Gnd �
wanti�d to addres� �he Counczl. ts. D�aon �i.ater7 he *aas not con�zi6utiing tio the
�lxaina�e �rEabut �aae contribut�ng to hlm ai�r7 Pur�,her st�ted he i'e1t he �,�a, ,7uvt�-
i'ied in zsl;iing tha� this asse�smanl, be removed frcin his property, t�Ix. Comstocic,
coasul tin� enp,ineer, v�a�l ,o1d him arzer exam�_r_in� prope,^ty Le should 17ot '�ave
been i�cluded in zne clrazn��,e are'�, AZr, Comstoeh etaLed t�z2t pait oi t�e }�roblem
is the sLUb stieet, and �� tLis reimatnti� t2zeii Lhe �ds•a7na�° *aould be bacl_ to CY'er�
Lanc- r�nd t12e !•m°ner ol Lot s'> ��ou1d log� cally be in the d� stryct� �£ � t Zs abaudorned�
lt ��ould Le ir�po,s�b�e ior the water to clrain b�ek. Mr. ComstocY �'vrther expla��ed
tiva shovld be remot�ed fro�a the asses�s��ent roll, trat as a�Seneral rul_e, any pro-
peities bhat abtat on a s�ieet are Lncluded in �� �seee�mei�ti.
Plotion 1�v :'el.'_�e r,i�a* above desc-ribed 1Lem � pl�ced on the 2gend� Por ehe n�xz re�olar
t +� '�
me2ti�.g oi �.he City Co;.i1c:.1 anrl consultan� engtnecr be ��i� t� uc�;ed to b,-� t�� ��3c1� tional
tinform�zaon tio s2�cl meet�n;. Se��iic7ed by cheridan. Up�n � vo3ce voze, Tn,�re be�n�
ao nays, tha lnotion cae�i•ied unani�ously,
Councilman Sltiei�,�1�i2 sc�tec3 ho nad ,°erti�ested 1,lvc ttcxn be placed on Ag.n9�. He
� explalne� tha'� the p��opexi;y in quest�on �aae �he Gottw�ldt p�°operry and zt �ae put in
n«;h an over-al1 e �oi m aewei �ra-P�°ovetne�ti a���7 tr»t rep�� t�aoulcl p� obablv no1; be
ready For soine ��irne. 'Phc persons o�1�o h2ve �iiis prol�ertz h�ve keen slou[iea L��
having to 6e�, eto�m se�ae�° problEms ouL ol t! c�aav, P'1r. SheTir�an sai�i he hac batn
told this could be remov��d so t1^e,se peraons could �roc�ed, th�ti � r,or�n-�ry �a�
bein; p1.�,mied i'o'r tiLe propei t5� and he had l�een i,olfl rl�,�,t iP Lh� o„�2r; mai��zr.�n�d
certia,n ,�xades Lhc:�e ti�oulcl be no ��roUlea�. �lie Jevelnper rPa7�z��s thnc on ���
o�*�r-i1.1 sbor�a �ener, l�e �n11 'ce Un6��it2 n c.,strir�. N�r. l�laluLUS� .�. c piesPri rE-
Pt�a,�enting oT�n��°s of 1z�,c7 ���c, aca�ed zhe b1�re 1-�z>e Lee°� i� ti��c Pla�,s ^n�l Plann�-�,,
Colnmissio��5 bnt tiie�e br-ing held �t� ahe�a�cc- �a1'�i� �r,o1n. �e;��,_ pi°��,1e�v ,��� „._su
cace oJ'.
Tiot�on. by She��iQ�n tha1, 'c12e eor�sul'rinh eng�neei� ce ._�iil.oc� F�i Ln r-no���° �, p�o-
pecr,y i��mediar,el.y Di�rrn of �7a�t Idoo�°e Lalrc� �>>�i,•, �i;�' ii,�sr m„ne ���°v,c� �o�d
ar�uLti�� 'P,H. i��� �t thi�s 1oc�tioi7 I'»m Siorm ,;%„�2 Tnip�-ov�--�ent Fro,iccL 1 0. ��2�
uecondel bv Son-�is�v. Upo» a�rolce vote� tPo1, l�-���_ •o ���-°, thr n�olio, c.°�r�F,l
nna,��l,ou�l� .
RT(71�f?SOiT, �-�L���. :`1;4I�C��'P t�1E'LO�,�S�D T_dlL�`V7T�i�' Pl,t,i,.
'f_"ne Citi�o ilan���er c��la�noC� �o elie Cta�� Cot�nc 1 ��_ ,�.,ovc- i����e1 ie�� i_, _,., �.
�ai-+°,° of dePOSiL �o`r pa21�s. Citz� L�nr�nee_ �ro„�� � i,1te' �aer� ie,°� gou� o_ia,n-�l
lots a�2d �l2ere are �o�i se�ea rddition�l loi�. ���� ir�1,�r ,�r17=� _' �_,� ,�i,� inc:-
�oach a,� the� c- liac� iwe�n so �P p �-pl�ler ��a � �h t�i ol l:�- � n oi �L , � o „� -� �i,-
da�osi�� Coti�i�c-i1 shoul.cl e� in�2 �,a tc o�°ia_inial ii�; i��° �- �, .
NoL�on b; ?lol1-e no�: tio eoi2s�dei the fbtiii ha_ ��� 1ot �l.r,� co,-_�1�_r��r� '��_ ��a �o�
oP pa'r1> depo�ititi in AYe1.ol�nd Lal��vte-.� P7.nt. o�co�ile� e`.1�_�J�n, ilpo. - Joicr
-vo�e, cl�e-,°e ��ein�; no �ays; �l!a mo��on carr2Fd vi7���imou�lt,
A2ot2�n 1�� Joliai�^on Lo ��ai,re en,in� ��rii2g es����r rm,ir� '�� _.�ce� i��piov,r�n�,_.
�9ccoud�d by ��021_� Upon ,, vo�cc z�ote, t1a�Te 1�F.nr io n�r,�� tt.E mot�o: carr-en un^ai-
�aouQ1.� (T�ote TLe rec aon Po-r �Na2��ii�� engi��=�r� r,�, �°c� o� i s Lhst �o�.� c� 1. hee
pe� tiio��s Znclud�c tin St-ee�.. ?logrs�m i'or 14��)
l�c� tlon by I'o] lsc li�e c
aind noted and, at r,he
Secce��ed l�y Shericl;an.
vi�vri! mousl�.
chs �nnz�=r oI �,sse��s�ner�t� cvFi � l,•�r- � �i period b�: �°ecr, ���
L2me o- sp�°eadirg aeses �enl-.� ��cL��rm,�-tiior o v� rh�-2 iridF�.
Upal� � �olac vute� L'nEie bci- ; nn n�, ,-.,1 P niotio� c°s _,�,d
P'[r. bi. C. P1��m oP o�52 C�aet Rl�cr t�o�d �a2s pi��en1, r^-��di �iq the ilor�h °un�,�rb-.,
SamTaxS� Se��er D��tii^zct. Ra sLated he h2c� ic�=�l ��2 ii;_e7c i�i �,1_ P'Iini�e;po�_, �(, �°
�a the l�ast ,aee] re��r_-di��g thP �iol�osed pro�cct ��;�'� tihc- fees or ,�or,tee i7�c� t�
da te ��ere c��er "
��00;000 an<< he t�,��ltiad to ls'no �hc�c i,hes� ��oi_,e�= ri=d Ueen eE�` sti
P4a�or I�IeE ea.olained t'r_�L mo�ltias had b�en sne,�T no:i.l=, oa thP �,�live-,� of n�-e�+, ph'/:-
ical and geo�2aphic so�°ve��s� rotrtiing �in9 ��ral��-�invrv le�i�-e, z,lao �=��ri,.�esn�g nl���c-
at2o �pec�iic���o�2s. 1e�21 lc�es, �r�ini��isvxat�cs F�e�, t��tFr pollutioi,, co��rc�l� hcas-
i��gs an� ��ir,nesses iox s�ine. I`x. �lt�in inquzre�� N�h�, ; I'ec -.roul�1 l;e cliarge�. on �h _..
'�io�ect ancl +,ias a g2vei° Pee �raived zr _fbc r,hi� pro��ecl, ���1 ioi *�r��+1, pereenr,�rc.
Ci,a;��2� D�ee 2�ised t��e yu=_etio� to P'r, G�mstocl o_ Cometocl: and Datrie, 1ac , eonsnlc-
i�1g engznc�m^s. il_' ne Lne�a tah�t t12e contr�ct .��r�e�nei2t �,��.s rer,been TiSS^D and � idl"�d
Constali,�ats, ��as rt a percet�ti��ge cha-�ge oI �h� °ir ished �ob' D�r. Conatocl� �r,aierl �T
�,as a common atrrn�;e�neni,; a ce_�ta4n l�er��ntaqe io3 �iP]�iaino�°y norl� o��� � cart���
percentage {o� detiai=_ p7a�i5 an� s�ee�i'icnt�o,� ��n, a�e�°v�i�°� percenta;e ior �ener�l
svbe�'ns!on, thaL pre11m1aar�� I�e w25 zhtie2-qu rte2r of or_� per ce°��, P7r 'Itn�
ael,ed �ihati t`ie teta�_ ove, a11 percet�tage bnsed on '�,ti�enl°-o�e mi]lion �loll�rs =�a�
and t'ly . Cornsi.oei_ si,a tacl he �7as not sure bilz �-c- LhovE,'n- it ,_s titrce-otior ;e�'° or one
per cenC on zhe piel��inary and �hiee-qusrtiei� or the deta_l p1��s �nd :pec�Eicat�ol�s
�2tid dian't recall Lf geae?°�l erpervision oa� tinree-qL»rtic2� ol o�� one pc�° cenL.
n�, Coi-stoc'� Purther s�.�ted that iti t��e ezthex� 4 3�4 or 5�o ror �he �ota1 pro,7ecti,
and recG71er3 f.he oi21_y fee f,hac ��ae bil_led on complete ��orL �a�s ��SS�000.00. 1'7r
Plum in��uired iF �12erc �aould be any vay k�e cou7d receive a detatile�l cop� oC these
iees. Mayor Nee state� t]ieU �rere pul�lic cecorde �nd P7'r. P1ti1m coulcl v�e�i ,same at
the oFr,ces of N1�dlet,d.
Mr. V. M. Id�p;el �aas present and e�;azed that residente 2n ihte area �ad no� rece2ved
;heir tax °t;�tewznt yel,. T?2e l+inance llirectol st,ateci -chc Coun�;y wn5 possibl5� �
1r{ tie le �e ^e �i, � n�� them ouL c1u� to e,ctr� �aorl: on certain pl�ts b�t they should
be in rhe mall shortiv. �
l��•. Pni�e 0'Bannon� Coun�,�/ Coi'nr�iss�on�r� was "�resEnc aed scated tn�-c seve'rel. monchs
�2e�rtous he �ia�l a�7ec1 the Covnctl aboui the iigl_^_i,_oS-wa�r on h�ain Btleet. '1he C�ty
P�i2e,�e°� et�te�l ne�� had bcen nehotsat2ng �,it� °1:ti�debaker Corpoiation but, 1�acl r�-
ce�vzd ❑o rcpiiesf�on� :,'�ae tompanj� as yeL. Mr. 0'Banuon sa�d the contr�c� caoulo
bF le'L the 3rd of June �n tl�is ar�ta �nd zf zhe C-1Li� Gounell wishe��l tne Counby to
con�Zemn reo,u�red ]_and, tl,eti ��oulJ do so and r,ill che Ci�y oi' Pr�dley =or sarne.
The Cit�� Mana�ex er,pl��ned �l�at condern�aty�,2 takes ���ency d�ys, Councilman Sher_3an
et�ted „r�az pe�l��pe Couaczl shovlc� �llo,� �,he Covnt,y to �tart eonclemn�ti�oi� �7ro-
ceedinge �nd the Cit� o� rzidley roul�? -aork as it 1�ad with carapan�s in q�aestion.
M? . D'Bai;non eti�ted ii h%��l been �uLhorizPd i,Lls day, tihaz un]ess tiNe City of T'ridl.e�
wovl�7 ob�ect, ch� Co�.�nl,v oI Ai2oka ti.aulci beqin conde�nrat�on �roaeedin;e an� the C�tti
cou1� contilnue on the Ebl�c� thej� h2ve l�een pt�rsl.zing.
R�SOLUTSO11i I/ �5-1�03 !�C2USP.ID�Cr T�S DF�ZN�UF�1�lP LANDS:
P'r. 0'Bannon c�rp]��necl to til,e Cit;� Council theie ��as pro�er�v ,�uet North oF 44�ea-
iseipp� Si,ieel; oa C6zh A�renue i.hat has a Ltiro i'oot strip 'chati is tiax delinquenL and
hc si,a.,ed it �iould be to �1�e 'oeneP� � oF z�e C1{.s� oi Fridle�� to ta2e �t oP?' Lhe tar
roLs. P� P C� cy I��aaag,ei etated he h�d the legal desci�iptlon oP Lh2s particul�i
eect�on of piopexry.
?Io�tiori by SohanRoa to ��loati Y,r'SO�,UiION �j' 65-t963 Gcqulr�ng tia�c d?1�nquent land de-
scrib2d �° 'tY�e T,oLe 2 and j� B1oc1� ��� Cai°lsoa's 6rmmit I�lano'r� Lots �F� anfl !FL+� �
B7oc1: 1?, SpriuR hrook Perl�., Del�nie Addi�ion, OuL-la� A(escept E 83' oi ti,� ��17.5'j
(except ��,j' o*' riJ 251.5 �� 1e�cept � 83' oi' rv 33�+.5') (escept GS l�°, oi E 2�19`�
taacept E�3'� (except L� 1�2 0l L�' 1h�'� �except �art zo ilengel�.
Ser_�nded 'oy 4�o1'_�e. Upon a voice 'vot,e, there being no na}��y -che motiion catr��d
un�uii, ou=,1e
tJr. 0'Bannon c�ate�l 1.ha�. in Lhe P7vmoL�th Ilddztion there ase some 1'orLy fooL lots
�I2at �re valne7ess an�� he recommended to �he Ctity Council 1.1�a1, the� ba �tiven to
ad�olnln�' piope7^��� o-anet� �or a noininal fee so the peop7e coulQ 't�Y� care oP t'hese
lo-�G. He inqui�^ed o� Lhe Clt�� C�u�cil ii' the� v�ould oermit spl�ts of i,h�s k1nd.
Counci lman ti7olkc a ta�:e�9 ti.e� e shoul rl be eomatihing � n the covenan t� th� t, coulca
ta�e c�re o1 i,ha� t�,pe oC probl�m. Mayo-r Nc� stz�ced �iie cotienants a�ou]t1n'� app15�
as ��a as '�he i�stiinnca oi' pe�°rriitis, Cow�cilr^an She!�i�an seid he ielt it �aould in
t��e re��pect ol an o�ni�r not be�n�, ub1P Lo �u�lcl o'r using it Fo� a hoeae sitc.
Councilmai2 ilollze =tiatzd this �iouLd not be comUir.�ng tLe loL-s� that th2� ��ould Ue
,_ssvi«h a non-bull�lable d�ed ior � Porty foot Iot ancl {.h� owaer of land �aould Lave
c*ao deeds. IL �ias sugPested zl�at Mr. 0'B�nnoi2 conPer witYi Clty Llttorney i�ohlai�
on '�his rnal,ter.
PI;TI�f_'TOIdS �
I�iotson bz� Jahea:�or, to recPizrc Pei,�tioas Pdo. 13-�9�3, l�l-1g63, 15-1963� 17-i9�3
ana -8-1���3 ana tiurn over Lo proper persons ?or procees�ng. SecondEr7 by 6heridan. �
U�on a voice vote, the�e 7��1a�, no �i�y�� tl�e mot2o� earrle@ unani�rotiisly.
Niotion b�� S?�erid�n t,o reeeive Petii�ion� nio. 1(-1��3 and 1�j-1��3 and gizse �o 'thE
dtiie�ts ar.�� UL1L-c�ns CommitPcc for o_ocessin�. Seconded by Wo1kE. Upon a volce
vote, 'cbe�°e heiag no nays� ��lie inot�on ca1°r�ed una��i�`aously.
CL�1 II"LS .
14otioi� by ilolYc to aporove_ paymenz oi General C]aliae ;�76 througl: ��lj�. 6econded
i�;� Joh<�=_on. U�en a vo�ce .rc�ey tihere be�_n�' 7o nays� i,he mot�lon carrlec� unranirnousl�i.
Protiio� by Johan�o� io approae pa3,me�t of L�guor C'layme ��j265 ��rou�h ;�5309. Secondevl
Y�y S;ci��l,n. L'no�� c x=oi_ce vo�e, trexc bein� ��o nays, tl�e n�otlo« c�rsti�d un�ai�r�ously.
2Aotzon bv Sheridai to al�prove �ayr�eau or Public u-��ltit�cs Clai*^� ,21F35 iliiou;r
µ� ,- r
,rr�]_0. �cconded �; rirol-e. Upon a voice voze, tr��e b�-n� no na��; thc mot�on
ca,eiccl ti��7an�r�ously.
Ci ty L ng � n�e� Dro-rti e tatecl hr l�ucl rECO?�mender1 to tihc C i ty Mana�cr Lhaz �io �a o � �7?
� as�timate� l:o �. 4I, EaeLay sncl Conpany, I�2e.. os Y�•rc, 2, �*aeneon ruomp�_i�� v= pz�d,
tlaat ile ��as nob cea'teiTt, a-�. �l�is poiat ti�heth=r c� noL �m- addi'�_on l,�otl nu7�;
'h��-° �,o be �]oi2 bec�titr_� 'vc2�outi �eet d� ta a_id otsrr r_la�n ��l1lc'i l�e 'n2�. �' Fr ��i
nas not been innde �zra�laol� bti cha constiili:.�n� er,r�;r_eei�. 1`1�yor '�'���_ ����at_�e�l re-
���r�1ii��, the c�aesti�n �:he C�ty F�ng�neei '�ad o,- z�A �'--_� i�em ot `�- 11. ','„ �= 'ie,°e
z�a� 1'alltme ��2 meet��e `lle �pee�P,e�tione. T��� C11�, -�n�incei ��tatc�7 i�ie�° ,ae
enou,r ou�FT,ZOn in hi� m-nd io� „o xcco,�raen<� �aym�nt t zhi� I i�a. Coa�cil�.a-
r4oli�e r21s2d �he question of pa��nelt �:0 1`�fr Com�tocl�, co�°ul{in_ ��i����ieer� �,�� ��s°
told b}� �4r. Gpiastoc�- 1�hat �be concract docn��ea�- �� l,�rcr� thc Council ����1 p�-, -,'nP,a
��n l-o a poiti�� ,�al t�i,� e�_tima-�° ���s iuliill�_�, Th�l porzlo, ol "�c eoil�° c� tl��
CatS° rtid z��tn th°�,e companies. Co�t�eilr��n `-�o]hc �k'rtc��l -}��- as ahF ,,�r, .._ ���,
coa�ple� he i'el� cl�e Cltv �,a�° obli,n,ateJ {;o n-�-� �}��� e.,r�r���i,e nn�,�� th� Ci-�,
-� ,
En�lree�� "�d � dcii��itie reGson for �oti pnyin -�i�e.
Mo��nn by F�ol_ke tl»t the Pol.loinn� de�r�^�bed retii� =te 1�F °�pprove�i in t1iP ^mow�b
of 321,771_.90
D. �d„ "r_icl�e�, � Cor�peny� Tnc T�_zir,�ic 1,�2 (Parf,�l�
1�'�11 �7�^ive�s,t� 11Ttenti� ??,-LC�� ].mPr�v����r� ?ro�ec�,
�St, Patiil )�, �4iiinceoti [�,27,77L �0
31i -L
�SecondeJ by Shat?dan. Cou�c�Laon Johanson °c°r�_r� t1�����_ ',-,� been �nou;l� poiitis
b2oug124 co hi� a��e�tio_i in tliie iaatte� te �iuc�noa c�P �,��,ne��L oi �s��r^ ��. Tl_�
rtizptur�ne, oF a pi��e T;a= d�ecuaeed w�r,Yi �he C��� C��i�ncil o�� wa� °t�ti2c1 �ha�_ ii
r�ad beei, 2c�a �red, Mc�yos I�le� inctiiiied o1' t�?-. Co�ns,`-ocl_ �� th� � d�d�' c ra� �� ❑i�;
qiaest�on �n his mi�u aboL� tihzs pro�ect. Nt-r. Comstocl. �tateci �,h�ii 1L ��idn",
zh�r, � � ,�as 2 ioalPtinettioti in 'clze co�n�ress�r of tr� �vu�l�lin�; �ha c��uGecl „his r��p-
ti�z-i o1' a*�ii�c. Le �uithel expluine�l ztiera r�ci been a conierence hc]�i °nd �t
l��d Laei� de',erm�neo the pipe Jid pass the on;*�n,_1 U?'essvre te�t e�en zhot.,,l� �t
oid r��l. Upo�7 a�011 ca1.''_ vo�_c; tbese vorin�, ��ye, l�ice; S7ic,���i�ii. '.^i,�ilc, ,>>os=
o�Pase�7 � �ohsi�isoe. N1ot2ou c� ri ien.
Re�a2d�nG Tvz�m�re f�7 froia D. tiT. Hic7 e�/ �. CompanT�,, l�ic,, I�l�,ior ldc�_ c�pl.a�red th��
w�s a71 ,��ec=��i��cal ecu-�pmei�t in th� f'tltsa+io�i pl�,nt an�i �nauircd oi' c1e r_, �„
ensinee2� his o?inion on this est�mate. Ci+, Lr�z�-ee; Bro e s?1,ea 1^ c ldr' I, ==no��
iF �=i�y blan�e cotiild be �iaced on t3e contrac`,o� o�° not but tl�at l�F li2d mam� qt.c�-
+tions ��g�rding tihe t?ttrar,2on p12nL. zTe rt�rtl°er ^L��tie�l f.r�is comprn,y L���1 r1o� me�
l,he ,^'�eci('iea�yoiti��; t11at he had �ome iii�.l �^hecl 1i�si� aarl t�etie -tem� ;��� �ior
o,z �l��s c�2ecl� li^ti, 1ea;�or A�ee �_nc{u,iecl oi ?[r. Co���°�,oc�: a.l�at the 70�� rei_i,�i,7rr
amou��t �a��i1d he, N�i. CrnneL-ocL- r,tated �ie colaldn'1; -,-, a�, ti�te time. Couaoilma�,
i7o11�e <�eLed it ao�t1�1 be :�13,353,�� i,titihheld r�ecai�°� there h�ci bcen $112,n00.00
p�,d ancl C�vncil ��oc1d bs ra�,ai�2ing ovex `y�i13��00.00 ^"r. Coinstocl, EYpl����ed c12�°
v�ae 211 �be mec-�an2e�1 equ:�praent lnv�de �he bnildiiip, ancl �z di� iiic7ude sone
elec�itical Taorl;. N1�VO�' PTee lnqo�red oF p1r. Cora�tocl if he had es<^.mine� c1�F cei'�ic�e�r
oP the r�ulvre zo r�eec tihe ❑l�ecil'yc,�tioti2�. ti�r, CnmeLocl; ^«i�l he ,°aF nol ,'�m,�i��-
nitih z�hat t}�e c�_tiy eegl��cer wae rePerr�np i.o. iVawor N�c iiirb-^ei i�at.�red i;' ;�4r.
G`or,�stocP_ *�as cor_vinced the �13,000.00 P��ure �rauld tal�e care oi any chan;es or
repairs. 1�ir. Co�n�i,ccl- 2.splained i,h�ti a11 coiizr^cLN 1�ase 100% pE,�ormanec aiir
p���r�er_r bo��cls zitid the,y gua2anov t�!e -�otik and iP and „hen �l�e pro�FCt ie _iccepzP.l
there wotld be a year's :�aintenanc� on th� �xo�ect �l_�o. Ccii'�ci]man :'.licr�l�n
exrola�ned th�,s nad oeen the reason 1�e h�d eeeanue th� ai�proval p�' tl!e iirsr, rocion.
b4ot,pi, bz� Sheiidan ?;hsti Lho 1'ollowiag cleaeribec3 Lei�z�^�te i;t( be approvPd•
D. W. `Iicl.e� & Companya Lne. se czmate j�7 (Iz-rzinl}
13�'1 Ui�lversi�t;: �1�enue Taa;,ex SmpiotieirerL pxo���ct
St. Paul �i, Minnesot� (SChedt�l� 2) 47;2��,3 �'��
� �+-�Y
Seconded by 'rlolk_e. ��o+� � ro11 cal� vo�e, t�,o�e z�o��n,�, �ye, �ShEtidr��_, iti'olke, 1"ee,
tllose opposcci, Tohanso�. r'Iottion carried.
I+�o ty�n b,y 1,�o1=-e tlla t ��P � o1loe�n��, c�EFCCtibcd F° tiiaatie� he ; 7�nro�rPd
Perr}� P.. Swenson Company
�i 32 F,nd, cot �-oii-;burtl�
Ss. ��al 1, �,�,2neeoaa
PCTPy A. S�'PI�F011 COrpP��1v
1+32 ����a�co�t-on-Foiirth
;L. Pau] 1, P"�mze�o��
J3stimate f 12 (Par�2s1)
i�i�i,er lmprover�eni, Pro�ecc 3�--J
(Schedu7e ��1) ;!�11,�+ZF2.0�4
�s�imate q�lj (Parr�_al)
ti�ate= Isi�ro�Ta�e,iL Px�oJFCr, 3�-�
(Schedule ��l) ��,�,1��7.7�i
Saeondecl ry .'�eZZC<aa. ]�kyor Tiee unqu�red *�h�n tl�e C1t� or i�r,81e3� h�ci reeeiJerl
t3ese c�tiirstie� ��2�1 ��as tihere azv reaeon i'or the�r noa�-pa3�menc. Cit» EnEineer
13rcwn �zatec� he h�d �he same cor�mun�^ on tiheee e�ti�oGtes ae tl�e others, that
there .�!�z°c� S��u1«, onP L��np on z_'ae roof t�hie� hr��3 ler�hecl. Cou�2eilma!2 ti'olh�
I,a te� tl�ere ���� � vonc Pni �'aulLz� ,�or',mansl ip 6tinti T�nu1.�l cove� �h� s ite��. P1o��o�^
1TP2 sta'�P1 tiLe C� eV shovlr pa�y its bi17_e 'out i�' there w�ere any reasou ror i�on-
p�,'7mFnt tihe Cooncil ehovlc� be tc�l'a. Upon a rol7_ call �iote, L-'nose vot2cg �ye,
�To7L=e� ^�ce� �9ne2id�t, ti�oce c�pposed� Jo12at�son. P4ot�o-� eari2ecl.
Not,o�i bv 'olke lo ep,,xove �av��cnt to P,cCrossa❑ Compa_t� ior khe co�npletion o°
est,imaLc of StrePt ?mp,�overaen:, Ptio�ect {�159 �n thE amount o� �1�21i.00 si�h�ert to
�'�e�d lev�?+a cL^�r'- 12�°I ol' 2��erne lictPD 1n October, 1961, cor�t�lete any it;c-ns ai�G
�el,tilc, �72.00 b�11 f�r cl.c.� iine, Hai,h^Nay La�e (Par�, ot 5t. 1g�0-1 Fro�ect�. Seconc�ed
��y �"r°eiid=i2. U?�on a voicP vo;e� t,$ere 'oeir�� no nai�e� t1^� moLion carx'Zed unanl��ovuly.
Siation b�, �ol��»�on to ,ra.t all l�ce,ises on p��es 67 Ehrougl, 7!i a� P«y G, 1963
rne� t�n; on _',i� Zr Llic City C7eil<`° o]"iice. Seconc7ed by SLtriclan. UNon a vo�ce
votie, i,liere beti�� �20 �ay�, '�L� ,aoi,lon cariied orlsiiimously.
Rr:,OLU'�IOTi f C�,-1'��3 1'!?CL7�TITdF PIFLIT`�If?l_RY RI?POR2' 9�ID OR17FF1NG PU�T7(; S1�P.TNG
�1T. 1"^=�-�� -- --- - ---- -- ------- -- —
`Th! C,_�y til�.ne„�°r �tr�,erl tihr-� h�cl oeen unoblc ro�et eompla�e Aeseesment Ro�l cua
-�p.�l�l I1'.VL � i "F9il � Li�r; U L; il � U�' ��"° iiC2i]Tl�r� 'Gilc :"� �il.°.'�P 118C� �.7ZB�7 iuQC1J UYll"BSO]_is2C�
�_ ��rra ^eo�z -i�>>-�1on�_. �IoLaon 1�- Src��r',-�; „o ado�.. R7150LU1'I016 r�u(_1Jr,� ieccs�T-
iu�. ��i� p_c.] �n ���: re->�ri snl �. :lic� a Puolic h°,a���n, on cl�e ,a�tter o� thc coe-
�rilaclLOn ��' e-��.nn �,�piov�ir���L�� (-;tiseez Pro��eti No„ rT-l�'�3-l�. Seconciec Y�y
J��,ap�on. Upon : sroice tior�, �L�ze b�u,F i�o �_,,-7e; tlte z�otion cati�ed unauisaouel�,
P,P��>OLU'�70: ''" _�o��� 1��u1id5i��.'nLvC FUt�&
l'hc C�r} Pa�ne cr r l�L� ir�d Lhrt �w�m��1��� r,}�P C�t° Co�mcll ^�pro;re�s va�^iouc en-
ocn�litu���° ,>> 1,t >>°,l �2� �iec�.r'_rl thi_ tie�i �t. ��ou1� bc �qorF �'e�s�'�i2 'ta stitr� i�,
tp on �� nti�_te,�l- r� -z , ir po�s�1,1�. Ffr i�xLher c;p1�!ned I,li: na� i,re itii-sL i�-
^oitii �on n;al.ir- -l�z� te��_v�'et=. P-io�-�on by �1o1}?e to a�lopt 3L;SOLTTi'SOlV ,�C'7-1��3
�n�l_i,� tir °�cicr-: o� ce, L��,� �:,ind;- '_o� �he P�re�; qu�rLe� oC 1�i�3, Secouded Ly do-
1�e2-o� ilpn� ,_ vol^__ voLe, P�e�•c beuz<, n� �-Se� Lhe xriotic��_ ca?iied viti-�vi�ousl��.
R�s'�SOI�U7'7G�i ;;t "-19c3 '_���CP,IVING LI�IAL PLl1S�5 41dD S?'LCIT�'ICU_ZZO�iS 111ID OR�LRI�TC� L��llS -
- r,� -� 3 --- — --- -- -- -- — -_ — -- — - - - ---
P,ioL_o�� k�- Jorti.n_o-� Lo tinopt H,-��;90LII'I'It�J �;��G�-l��j o��eri�i� in�pxovemccz, a��roval o£
�l �n� oa� oi r;rz ��ir =docri is--��Fizt �or bids o" .��! �yu3. Seconrl.ed by Shei �dai�.
Upoit o'do_c� a�ZC� tL rc hein; no n�;�� �]ze tio�2on ca�ried uaanimouel}�.
L'JTY ;Ci100L R�CR,s[S'CIO�i COI��S`I.^,�SSOST PA_TfSU�'�, APHIL �I, 1963� PRIl� l�i� 19u3 drID
'1PFIL 2�, -���3 ----- -- - -
P�'oti�on b}� �o��a�.�,on to �°PCe-z�� �h_ Clt-i-Sc7ieol �emaa��_oA� Cormniseaon Nl�mites or
�inr�1 L, 1J 3, 9�?��1 1��, 1��3 9�a�1 Il7,rtl ?�� 1�63. Sec�adc�d by °he��_dsn. U�on
-i vo,ce voca, :b�_:e bel�7� no ��ys, tJ,e r.o��on car2l�d ua� �iiaously.
1'� ;��as aniionn�ed r,h �L � propo��l n��l l�Pen mad� to tix°an:FEr appro�zira�,ellr �,a500 00
i�°ori �lie ro�lr�t�x-7 l�a °efeirin�, to part t,,me hclp �i� ch� Paxlcs aad Pla;/gic2�pds
�ub-CornmiLticc rud�et ro t7-,e P�cs_aL2oi2 Com*n�e��ion Bud�e�. No�ioiti by �Io]ke ro �,ra�2t
npprov�l oC zhc tr��is�;F�1° oC lu�,�l� bv Che Parlis ,�nd °la;��,_ouada S^��b-Co_a�v�r'cee �ot
to ����cee�] 9���506,G0. S��^onded by S�ier,dan. Uoon a voice �rote� �1tierE b�ing no na�js,
;.ha ro �� o�z ca� � i�, unqnraous� tr.
Az»o�� ������,�2,,;
P4c�tio�� by Joh�tieo�- ��»t L-he �olla�m�_no appoirTments l,� :ppi�over�:
TT �n^�
Jr�cauella�e P.n4i Parcal�
j(51 P'o�_roe SF,r•�et AT, G�
PTinne�pol� � �2; r4inneaotia
� ��BSS �,2II
� 1�1"v
`�2: 2 , 00
H� rtn-1�1
�_nc P-ea��cros Jarvinci� Accouatln� ",2(�'�.QO Carol
G65� Jacl;�on S+reet D�.➢. C1ei•k �r r JoYi ��o,
Pridley �2� TLmesota J- ��o�zl�
SeccoO�d b�� Gdo7ks. U�o�i a voice votie, L'aere be�n�, a�o � iys, v�x rio�ion c�ir�cl
C'FfCf?C+� OR➢E : 7� 3-�ST. 19F2-z9
Motlon b�� Johar:on �o �ppiove Change Order ��� ie�,�rdinh streeh� Pro�ecr St 1a�2,
SclicduJ_e ?_ A. Seconded by 9_.e�^iclan. U��on � voice v�r,e, Ll'ere beinc ao n��s, 'Lhe
motlor car�1°d unantimoucJ}�.
T12e Cit,y Pta2�ger ennounced cno bioE had bee�° rcceived, onF lroi�i 1'rt-Count� P�,b-
licat2one, -nc., i� rh� a�noixnt oP �193j,50 a_n� the otlier F.ro�� Sa�,�i�ne P�°�n+,in�
in zh� ar�ovt2� of �y'�730,00. 1'Ao�lon k�y Joh���son t]»1 Ll�e Ciz,y N!a:�agFl be autL^oiized
to procear� Til+n �namal reporti and acc,e�� the b�d oI tiian„reno P��nt�ng in ti;�� sv�a
o�' �73G.00. S�conda7 b� �dollre. U�on a vcue votic, t1,e-e beii�g co 2ay�� i,ne
I7o�1G11 cJlrl°C( u4�711IDOU51y.
R�SOLII'�TOPi ��69-1953 �"CPRTIF'YID�C OYRl'_AIDi SPECSAL ASS-�S�'���31T�9 - dW ,fZFU-L�
`I'h_e C� c�� P�la�2ager ��plaii2�d th=�� T�ae the 2ecerl if��iag of czi ta, n�peci�l a�se��-
ments =ron� � ter� y�ar bas�s eo the twency yca'r ps-rLOde �ti ���s ft»'1,'iex c"pla�ned
this 1-�ac o_� al1 prope�°tYes eKCept tliose *��here the peopl� za��o �acl pair? ��t least
i1.; o^ a71 0� tneir taae�, o« those T•�ho liave alre�dy patd tle s2me, the re^�ain-
oer w�71 be spread o��er 79 years. Mocion b;� Sliertida°i i;o �do�� Reeolueion !���-
1��3 recertiP�+i�^g certa�n s�oe�ial a�sse�sments on 3W ��4�-1�. Peconded ty Johansou.
Upori � voice vote; there beiu� ti�o nays, t12e motion carrieci unnnimou°1y.
REPGt = Grr NIGHti�LAY S'1'OPP4 SFidEP, COP�I'P;�P1C�:
A�lr. L"arr.�ez,ocic s`,atied it ��as d��licvll, io �e11 the Couuc�l, _t t,hi: tii�e, ,7usL
wlic-re c'�cy varc vit7� c?ii�° project and that ac� soon ;s it n;s the �;ener�l PPeliii��
ti� iiniit the ��erl. �o �he hi�liz�ay xlg��t-oi-weo, �be�� ,�o��l�] no LnnqFr 7oor �t ��P
pi•o�ec� �s an en�ire d��iaage pro�ec�. TL- ,ias su��es'L�d t12aL F7°i�llcy ru2 tihe
5'oLtZh Universstg 1.L1ze up to tne H1�lnaay �100 ancl ColumbLa Heights votiild ni�t� tuLe
thls study and z�hen Fridley etiv�ly for 1Vor'Lli end had been coi7pleLer7, nic7� �hoce
two� Fiidley *�ould h�ve i,hc- eorreet ilo�� for tbe H��hway Depari,mei�t �nd the}� Taocicl
t�lse lt C-ro�v �:hat pointi out to �;he ryser. Tl_e C� l� P'iana�e,° �-sr,� 7iped this Taas
�Q�ati �hey h�cl. �'elt �t i,he co�i'arenee the cno covi�cils oL Pric'�1ey �nd Columb�a
He131�tis �;oulcl agre� r,o, N_r. Com�stoels stia'ced i� iae has feeling i;li�t lt ��ould be
eap�a�ticd irom Colorabl� Reigllte �nd F_idlcy aoat'3 �n�titute �t in atozher area,
t7at Y�e 12a�1 �n�3ics�ed rho,� �aould r�comm�n�l Column,� Hei;Lt� engii�eering cunsult-
ancti handle L`hi,� s�ud�, i1e �t��Portned tYie Clry Coui2c,l thal, al�atevei nr3n_�e;ne�t� ,re��
mioulcl wish to make taa6 c�lxectly �n the�r h�_nus.
Tl�e C��y T�an�ger stiiggesLec� t1�aL the Cotinca_1 could autl�orL�e t1�c p�rocPedw�� to
s�art 2nc7 have aa a�reem�-nt reLurnecl �o �,hem, he -,ovl�] �s�stiime L17e eoneulr.�nti�
weti�ld want a 7oiat contract ti�izh botih eii,2es. Arti �grcemenl iaoula i�ave to be
brough� Uack tio the Counc�_1 ?loor Poi° approv.l, Le er,pl�uncd. Dlr, ComsLocl�_ etated
t�e largeeL prol�leia wae �h�ti Columbi� 3eighte -rntied '�o solve tihe SouL-h U�7ivereit��
prob]en� arid Frirlle,v z+an'LCd to solve t1�e �TOrt'�, Oniver�i�,y �r_�1 t]igl.����+,� llepar�;ment
is �n che cenrer� L1�at 1�is Ciym racl des�gned �a stor�n °e��'er ni1;h an �1te�°�at� plan
oc t�p to �2ghna3� �y`100 but it la �i2 � ntel�mtinery �tiag�e. Councilnian Joh�n�on
siagge�ted ihac t17e C�tiy P4anager ne�ptiate Taith thc firm oP consulc�n� en��neere
=rom Colur�ula "rIe�ghte i� o�°der to obtaln some vx�,limin�iv ii�ures.
1�?ozzo;l h5 Johai�son tbaC C2z,� R9anager be auL'norized to nego�iat,e an a8rcement oi'
Ll,E propoeal Lor enr,zneering eervicce <<�ith Columbi� He�gh�s �i� rei'erence to i,he
�oint storrr sewer pio�ecL, S2conded by Wolke. Upo-t a vo�ce tioL'e, there beir!g
no t2ay�� Lhe motion carrlec� u��ntmouuly,
]�lotion hy Sohai�son r.o aCOp� R�SOLVSlOAi f70-l�0'3 auLhorizing and d�rect�nP the '
s�litl;ing oP spec�al asse.sments on Lot 5, BlocL 2, Spr�ng V�11ey 1lddltlon.
Secoi�ded bp b�ol�-e, Upoi� � vozcc vote, �her�e bein� no ti�.�ys, the rr,oiion ca�ried
tinal�ltnously .
Notion by ]oY.anso�z co ac�opL RL;ULUTIOPd ��(1-196j authoriz��€ and directing the
spliLLin� oF GpEC�al assessmentic on Parcel 10; Sec�ion 13• �Seccnded by llollce,
U��on a �zo�ee voLe, tl�ere b�i�� c�o �a3>s, tlie motion earried tmani�ooitely.
Motiion by Jnhnnvo� �o adopt RP,SOL.UTSOPr {�72-1�03 �utihorizing and dlrecting the
eAlittiap., of speci�l aebe�sme�2te on Parcels �G00 and 9306� Seczion j. Seconded
b� i,?ol}.e. Jpou a voice �rote, t�ere being no nays� the 7�,otion carr�ed unanimously.
Motion by JoY�ansoi� to �dopc RFSOLU'I'IOPi %�73-1963 �uthorizing �nd directietig the
�pli�tii;g o� speclal asNe�smenl„ en Parcel 3u�0, I�amilton'� Add�tton to Mecha,z�es-
vilte. Secon�'�ed b;� Wo11�e. Upon a voice vote� tl�ere bein� s�o ne.ys� t�e motlon
c�rcied un�nlmously.
City Attolney I�onlan expl��ned nith Tegard co I�Zr. Leonard Zhorsen and t'_xe
a�poLtlomtient o� l,he speci�l assessmente oti� Parcei 200, Sq1�an Hills Addltion_
thi� mattez involves a m�ttcr of pol�cy propo�i'a�_on, fIe ezated that I✓�s�. Thorsen
olane a double bun�,alo�� and �ssessmc-ntie h�ve been on thie propertiy slnce 1959. ,
7'his 7ast yeas• i_n_ 1^e2 tl�e�, efi'�etPd a spllt c�i �t�e owner�hip, Idorma7l}>, there
„�ou1d �e no real pioblem in �plitt�ng a piece �C propert-� cloti�n the middle, it
nas expla�ned. 'Phe 7tem City Atto,°ney Kohlar. �,ished the Council io be a�aare o^
-,aas 1.h=t the oria.,�i��1 assessmc-nL on thtis property w�G only for one buLlding site
�nd tl�e tiotal aseessment �s noz as gieat as uhat �t i�oulc� hav� Leen. Cjt� �1tto-�ne�
Rol�la,� farri,er �lated he i'�1� �hc� Council could aoti�ori�e the spl�t hur they ���culd
l�aez to aceepL Lhe asse��ment �s �ti was made. 1he loc slze of 103 =c'et tiaas tre2tied
�s oi2F bu�"lding elte when iL �°hovld have l�een asseseed ae tTao btitil�.i�g sites.
Coim�ilmai� urolLe z�2ived tlie queetiion i1' neia 7ag�slatiior. �uould �o into ei'i'ect on
a�arlmcl�L build�i�tis, Taoulfl this p�rT,icvlai° piece be �PCected� City P.titox•ney
Kohlan suE,oesied tihis ltcrr Ue de7aped For fw�tLer �tudy, and co��s�der,tlon.
The FinancE Dl�ector �c2tied thaL- one of Lhe rensons I'or i,he two paxeels �s the
t�ao l�omeeteads. The original assPSument fo�� eac12 buildtin� sit� in z1�is area T�as
appr�ox!n�aLel� �0�0.00. iP i��eEd ,he �ve�tiioil to the Council �_P tkey wanced to
foie�o th2� eszr� char�e as lonE �s Prir. `Phor9er! i4 ta�_iag �!dvanzage of t�ao i�ome-
eteacls oi noz. 'I}e Counr,y�, it aas expla�ned, �17ould not k�ave asse�eed tihe t�io
halves buC tl�e 1�roperty *��as ��oti divided �t the t�me the TYiorsen� iient into t'_2c
a-rea .
Ci �,� A �torn�y S'ohlan °econo�ei�ded to t:�e City Cnuncil L-ha c he bc allo�,ed mor� tiir�e
on tl°a. ^�atee�° to gzve thert� Lhe proper ansU�er. SQotion by Wol1�e tio ca�le t12E
above iteio unt�1 the nest rF�+lar meeL�ng, Second�d by Shex•idan. Upon a voice
vot�, 1,heie bein� no a�nye� the rnction carxied unanimovSl.y.
City Atitorn�y Kohlan rec�lled Lo l,he C,ty Councll tre suit i,l�at lirvid Carlson ,
� Sonti hao st�x�ted on the „�ul�i�lc Dtiaellin� Ordinaz�ce. Sle er,plained tihet as oI'
the firFt of M2r� �udge he�e� h�d rulecl che Jicc-i�ce �e� ln Fridle�� i� c��c�. Tt
ia not void, he a�cplaz��ed� bec�tilse it iF erce�=,siv� but in re�din� 1t i,h�
langcage �°eZatliip to inspec�,ions ai2d suc1� o� the prazn�ses would be timorope��.
City Attoi•i�ey 2�ohlai� sta Led I,r� ordinance could be correc rec� ear� ly �o prov �de
Cor const�tut��onal 1:ypc zilepectlon� t1^ai, ��ears nrev2ous �ha3•e was rlp c,ucst?ot�
in peoplet minda, inc�udza� elie courts thati i,l�e�e �npsectlone made by =r�rious
people o�� an adm�n�eziat�ve level �+ere proper, Cit� P�torney SZOh1�n r�l2ted
�net�nces �:' s�me to lhc� C�ty Co�ancil. He F��thcr e�<pl�lned 'chat the �dea oi'
tl�c � nspeci� on i. to inspect it to see z C' i L 7 s ii2 good ccndi Cioo, c-zc . y so the}r
voULci not 7�e ulspect�n�, and lookin� for -violaLion�. M��or N�e stated he Fclt
contient =hould b� ��veu to �n �7speczlon on � one dag notice, that he ;�as con-
vinced they cotiild ru�ke thie ordin�nce vio2k <«d chotiald. C�ty L1L-coraEy L�ohlao
2 � �-
4vG�eFted the Cytiy ma7�e z�o refuads, 9a�9, altio, tl°�r �7Ud�e's rulinr, °'_�ovl� not
be ��n�nlecl ai cl��� timc.
N?otion by Johanson tio co��Pirm the P1ecz,ior '�Plc� b�, th_ Fri61c?� E'irc Dcl��ita��nt,
t,hcar vote beii�� as 22 in Pavo2 oe e1���1o31n,�- � i�alltiimc- Fi°c Prevert�o» T-�-
spento_° �ad G vot�s �n Paz+ox� of employ2n� a ii�ll`,7�e P'i?e Ch�eL Iti was
e�p'_atinad �he voce �zd been 12e1d on the �setiiov� Thrusda-�. SeeondPd b,, idoLe,
Counetil�,au Y�o�?�e e�;pla2»ed z72e P-�re Depar�-,mcnt had �n«�eetecl putttinr� �he T'i1e
� Ch�ei'�o�� a aori��7_ to?cera s�lary, parhaps �500 00 a peai or an a�prox�n��te sum.
Upoa � voice vote, i,l�e�°e being no nays, tl��e ,notio�; carriPd un��ii�ooely.
'�D� OUI:N -
�her� be2ng no �'ti�rCLer busineGe, t4ayor PTe� declared Lh� rePtinc ad�ouined.
Res�ectCullv sti�b,�l��;L-e�3,
7 / f
/ �� ,{�' (} �
��. / � ,L V�,� ' " y �_��
� � �r,'�t.�� � � �� �
S've '_ :. _oti�ic Pl[1Y07� - �l�11-_2m J. lree
Sccretary tp iPE Co��acil �
1',ISGUL�SF COU]VCI� i9Ei�°PI�TCd - Iv�AY 20, 1963:
� A reguiar r�eeBin� of i;he Cizy C'ovncil oS 1;hc Citi� oP r-r�dley ���s called to o�°der
by P�2tioi DTee 2 � �.06 P.�.
I�iember� P�°ese��t Brr,o�, doh�,��Qn, I�eE� T7o1ke
1�Ze^nbei^e [lbticnt� Sl�e2idan
�1PYROV�SL 01 N�T�iU'1�S - R�_GIT,[1R IvICLTT��iG, iLAY 6, 190�
City Engi�^_eex Broti+n addressed Lhe C�t;> Couuc�l, an�l evl��°essed L�i? wish tio mal:c
�ezrer2l cor�mect� zn reg�;°d �o th� mla�aties of P1a.� ��; lJo3 ��it7i re�ard to ihc pay-
me72t oC es �� ua Les. I�e sta ced trai, lt, ti��e l! i s 1'ee1.i��� that =f the m�i LtenGuce
bopds to r;�e D. 1J. 1t2c1=c� ��d Comp�:n/, Iac., or Pe�xz y A. S��e�^son Co�npany go -nco
ei'zece �,it1i a kno��n cieSicicne��, ti7ie bonds ��o��1d not cover an} Lno�.�n dePicim7cy.
Se sLated 'Curther° -�h�t ];e ���isl�eu � legal op���on on Lhi� matter as ��c clidu'�;
agree Zr1Lh the payn,eiit oP �stiu��tes. N,�yor PTce rhised tibe quesi;�on tio Lhe
C�ur,e�1 il 2ny member ��ould tiaieh to moclii'y �!�e mirutes. City ]�n�iaeer Bxot���
sc�ted he lelt tl�e 1eg21 quastion shotild be r_leared o�2 tiY,e maintei°a=ce bond�, or
�abetncr the Ci�� o£ F'rtidley iaoalcl 2Lt;omattieallz, �ccepti �Lne pro�c-c�L He fvrt,Ler
�xpl.�ined ic ��as a i�ct th�t� o�rc_ the �i�oe e� p�ied, he ha3 ma�le rcq�iesLs ior
� ini�rma�ion oi test da'ta� tb�.t thtis test data a�� neceesas�l �o comple�e �etite a
o.C' 'Ll�e a�jtitem. Cit�� L+'nglneer Br�o�an p_cs2ntFd to the Couucil a docuiaen�L �uhicL
et2tied the iilte-r s��i�l wamplae rleliverec� to T�ai_� Cit� Teet�n�, Compauv on
October 11� 1963, rlie d2te ot the roporti be1i�� Diovcn�bc�r 21, 1952 znd copies ��cre
eenl, t� Comscoc'i �acl Dev�s, Inc., D, r7, 3ic�E�° ai�d Co�npan� �nd Perr�� 11. S�aansoo
Co�n�vny� that chi� ��as �� teat,i�g of che fi�Tr�tion p]��t ]'lltcr�_n� ;:�rd system.
IIe iortler e�plained tihr�t he t�nc� liis sup�r�ntanc�e�t, hac7 asl_ed ror Ln�se and
other si��i°1�r iepo2ts anc� itn un'�il 'Lr�s zlme �.h�s 1,e�1; repoxt had been hidden,
tl2�t � bi11 i'or saiae had been sent �o tl�e con-ul..ing e����ncPring iirm rathcr
than Go the C�ty hall �n�� had been plaeed on hls decic only thi� da; �t. 4 P.M.
Ci�y Ln,rieer B;.°oT�n sc2ted rhaL� because 1�e h�d beer ti.�blc te �et �eszs made
th�t he t�.ac' x'eqveezed ovei 'ci�e p�st eix i,o tti�elve mo<<tnF� he had been unabl� to