06/04/1963 - 00023267I ' � i � '�� �� � ' � � ii �� , ,� 61 �� � The City��vleti�a�er�raiaed the quesj,ion if �his ee�aer line taas so located on i�1�e 73rd r'ight�oi=wey that this 2�F foat wide street wauld be direct3y over it or could i�t �golto'ohe s3de of it� that perhaps it could be located to one side arid"ofP, een�ter it irom directly over the line. Mr. Comstoc:; �tated it appeared to'him 't11is,�'was'of minor consequence� that if they had to dig up 20 or 30 Feet� it wastl't�a major thing hut if they are talking ebout replacin� the entire line depehdingjon'I�he evidence� he felt that would decide the improvement. Motion by Johanson to authorize the temporary construction of' a t�>mporary base on 73rd Apenue� Ab1e 5treet to T. Ii. ��65. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, t,he motion c�rried unanimously. A diecuss3on,was held on the purchase of equtiptnent to televise lines through- out the eity end Councilman Wolke stated he wa� not a�alnst b�aying iti bi�i tlie City should hsve someone who could operate it ond perlZaps buy Jn on a i.r�al basis with the training of help to be a part of i;he purchase. i� � Motion by'Wolke to attempt i,o secure a demonstration of televised equlpment on tha� part of the sewer line between Able Street� to T. H. ��65 using the Clty of Fridley personnel. Seconded by Brook. Upon a�oiGe vote� i,l�ere be�n�; no nays, the motion� carried unanimous2y. ADJOURNi , , There beit�g qo further business, Mayor Nee declared t,he meet-ing ad�7ouzned. respectfully ,submitted: (� l��P/ ���e�l�`G� % Sue Miskowic Secretery to,the Council SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING - JUPi[' 4, 1963: Mayor -ir?�11 ` J. Nee A'�speciel'meeting of the City Council of the City of Fridley wa� cal]ed to order by"Mayor Nee. ROLL CALLt4'` Members Preaent: Brook� Sohanson, Nee� Wollce Members�Absentt�' Sheri@an �, i,�i, WATVER OF NOTXF'ICATION OF ME�TING: '� , Niotion by Johanson to waive the notification of ineetzng and consider this a ; Special Me'etirig,of the Fri�ley City Council. Seconded by 13rook. Upon a volce vote� there bein� nd nays, the motion carried un�nimously. �� APPOINTMN7NT 0�' CTZ"1 ATTORNPY: Motion tay Wolke to retain the firm of Sigal, Savelkou7,� Cohen, and �ween, Attorneys at'�.aw� es"the City Attorneys, ior the City of Fridley. A4oLion f>>]ed for^lack of��a,secondito the motion. ;� ' � i � Mo,tion b� Brook to'retain the firm af Hral], �m�th, Hedlund, Ju�Ler, F'orsberg and Mer].in, Attorneys at Lew� as the City Atiorney�, i'or i,he Cit,y ot Prid]ey and Earl Ieensee as the prosecuting at.tox�ne�� i'or i.he Courti a L the ra tP of :�15.00 per hour. Se�onded by Joh.�nson. Upon a roll call vote, t} ose voi;in�, ��ye, Brook� Johanson, Nee. Abstn�ning, Wolke. Mot1�n carried. �� nn,lotr�N: Th�re UernE; no further bueiness, Ma,yor Nee declared RespecLPially submitted: n � % C . � ---�-�� �� �� .���Ci Sue P�Z�]<oi�ic SECrct,ar/ Lo the Council nr�FC7�r, co[m�ci�, r����ING - Tunn. ]o, 1963• I,' , � � ,. the meetit�g adjou�ned. '� i � � � �` �, Mayqr, ; i ' am Nee i F� �����t+,l' � J� � � „�',��� � Thc meetin� �aas called to oxder b,y Mayor Nee at 12:40 P P�Fmbrr^ Present: W�ll�e, Ne�, };roolt Dqcn�hcr� Ah�ri�t,• Sher�da��, Jol��.nson I ,� '�r,i�� ' i. „ �M.',i';'' ;. i k}sSOLT_�TT�Pd TiO. 102-7963 A1dARDTNf: DID FOR CONS`PRUCTION PROJECR' SS#64; � �� � �i,� Th� Cit� Mnn��;�r adv2sed 1}�e Counc�l that the btids had been openec} at noon, i,iu;� da»� b}� himeelf in th� preseiice of E. V. Comstock� Consulting Eng'Ineer� Darrel C1ark� Lnglneerin�; �csistant� Mayor Nec� and Councilman Brook. The Cii;�� Manager• read the bide as £ollows; � BT]�I1RR Cx�'�t�{1 1?xc�ivating Co. 5272 Wee t 73ro�d�aay Minneapolis, P�4iunesota Iiarbnro�ea R f,ons Rotttc af j Oseeo, Minnesoi,a SandsLrom & Hafner (�49 P'orr;�t Dalr Road PSew Pri�hten 12� Minn. PIn DrPOSIT Si,. Pflul P'. 8. M. 5 /� P70 BTD Travelers 5� LL1MP SLIM BID $ 9,�350.56 6,700.00 "COMPS�]TSON� � TIME - - - - - � „ � I I ;� ;� , , � � � i -� �^�As Spe�cified Knul,�on-,;eurer, Inc. Pacific 7�G613.00 'j� Qell Days� 593G Xerxea North Nat�onal �,� ��� � A1�m�eapolie 30� M2nn. j�.�• ��, ' � '� �,i,.,,�� Jamc= D. Wolfe Co. Ohio E,t322.92 ��if�,9�1����7 2227 �a.Gt Co. Road "F" Parr.iers " � St P�ial 1(�� Minneso�a 5% � �;I,�S ��,i`',.�, �;' � � „ �ti '��' �� i �' � Walbon Fxcavat�ng Co. P'ideli�y & 9��37P•09.�i , ``;i,�,0�Ca1.�Day,s � 321+2 Hit�,hway �b" �A"p�sit � ��� , ���' � r,' � , ,�i�' , , Minneapnlis 18, Minn. 5�, � ;���'i; ;� � ,,i. � Mayor P1Fe ae�ked the Concu]t;ng 7�n�ineer if he had any commerits ori the bids, nnd Mr. Comstock advised tHat it appeared that the� 1ow'�bid wee ap��oximaiely 12.3��1ii�;her than the engineerin� e,timate in the preliminarq report� �nd tha I, S�nd4l,rom and f[a£ner was the appareni, low bidder with 'a� ,bid •pf $67p0.00. Motzon hy Councilman Lirook, seconded by Councilman Wolke,�to�a�doPt��tlie��iollow- in�; rE,c�lut�on that the bid for Storm Sewer Improvement Proje,ct'#&4 be,awarded to the �pparent low bidder, Sandstrom & Iiafner for $6700.0O���sUbjeot�to e i,abulaL�on of' all bids b,y the Consulting Engineer. Upon a voiGe'pote� there being no neye� Itti�yyor Nee declared t,he motion carried. �« ,� �, ��� �p � � li,' , �'+ 1 „����I'II 'Y�i� � �� __I J