07/01/1963 - 00023232� I , � �'li � ,����n61;�i1,�,�f i • �� �". ���$ � ,,;�;���� '�' i i i � , � ^ SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - SUNE 24� 1963 � � �, d��,�i` � -,o � � �ii r' , �',,��il' . , „ r. `rv�, ui � �n. �,� � � The mee�ing taae'i,called�to order by Mayor Nee � ��I, ,' � � � � ��,, , � RO�,L'CALLt � ��� �� , . at 8•00 P. M. at the C�C,� Hall. Membera Pi�esent;';`; Mayor Nee, Councilmen Joh�nson, Wolke, Brook, Shericlan Membera �Rb`aent'i �'�None , t. �� �1' �� �I�� � BUREAU INSP�CTOR: � �. , � ', � �i�,i�`�., � � i The 9cree�l�.ng,,yQb�lIDq�ttee consisting of G1en Jahanson, Chief Robert S. Huohes oi the Frlley Fdre'�;Department� Chie£ Palmer�o? the City af Mix�neapolis £+ire Depart- ment� Chi�i SchG7mugge of the City of St. P�ul Fire Depertmenti� and Chief Berg of the Minqesota �atete Fire Prevention Bureau were present. They matle a report to the Cotancil',"tha't bhey had interviewed six pereons who had epplied for the 3Fire Marshal p0�ition, and their unanimous recommeridation to the Council was Mr. Robert Aldrich.''A•Imot'�,on was made by Councilman Wollce, seconded by Councilman Sheridan, to concur with,the find'ings of the Committee. This bein� put 1,o s vote, was car- ried vnanimouely: ' ,� I ;; 4, RESMBURSEMENTaFO�t' SCREENTNC3 COMMT`Pi`EE: I ,�, A mot3on'wa��made by Councilmfln Broolc, seconded by Councilman Woll;e Lhat the City reimliurae,'�kie three outside Chiefs a sum of $40.00 each, elon�; with a letter oi thanke for 'their� assletance and cooperation in aiding the City in fiu�ling a qual- lfied,peYSOn fo� the Fire Marshal position. CONSIII�RATION OF INTERSECTION OF MISSISSIPPI S'PRP,1��T AND UIVIVGRSI'PY AVPNLJE NORTI�AS'P: A genexal,,'d�.ecueeion followed. Na �ction mas talcen. � � ;( i � � n A➢JOUAP7MEN�': , � �' There bein'g��no fur�ther�buslness, the mee�ing w�s declared ad,7ourned by Ma�or Nee gt 9:��0 ��. �M., ,, i, „�� Respectfully submit ed:, ib , Reymo E. Shex ,dan Acting Secretary'�rto the Council ,�� � ,'"�ILji� ��� � REGULAR COUNC,IL,t�EETING '- JULY 1� 1963 , � � � '; ayo� . PSe___�e - — A reg�lar�meetin� of the City Gouncil af the City of Fr�dley war, by Meyor Nee, et S:a2 P.M. � , � � , � ��i „i ; ROLL CALL: calLed to order Membexs Present;; ISee, Broolc, Sheridan, Wollce, Johanson arrived eiL �.lj Y.M. Me�bers Absent: , None , �, �� �� ,, , �� �, ��i��,, � �� APPROVAL OP MTNCITF; - FtEGi7LAR MEPITING, JUNE 17, 1963: ;��9i;;�Jl!� ',,��°„'"`� � � „ ����'L ��+', � � ''' Mayor Ne�P s La I,ed he wi;�had mrnntes oP June 17, 19ti3 corxected �ori' pa�e �7 xegard- ing tLe P�Flrson Ree,oning Request in Lhe sr:cond pare�raph to'Teod� "Ma�o� Nee re- quested t�o kno�a iC Mr. Pearson would ob�ect i,o an R-3A zoning,s�,th;er tht�ti'R-3 anci expla2nPd ctie R-�permite a number oi o�her uses,"', i�;,�' �h��,i����r�I,rr�� ,��iv� �, n I�''� i��f ,,,,� �I �, �� �I'� � �, i�� � City ALtoYney :;mith requc�stecl the City Coune�l correet minutea�l'nT Pa�e'17;of Jtmc 1'7, 1963 me�eting unrlEr the t�tle of �mer�ency Oxdinanee�#^��+0 to read t1�gt an Pmer�;onr.y ,�r�tSnance ��2k0 wae move3 by C�uncilrnan 47olke. ' h' I, � � Mot,lon by �dollce to amend minutes to read i,hat an Or3inance #2�p�iwa's� ,movecl �by, � Councilman 1Jolke. Seconded by SYleridan. Upon a voice votey �the,re�b,eir�g' no nays, the mol;ion carried unanimotiiely. I�, „ Motion h,i ;;her�d<<n Lo a��provr� �)�c m�nutes oC j,he Regular Meetipg�oY 7une 1,7� 19�3 e� Prepared, corrected �nd recelved. Seconded by Brook.��Upon,& voice vote� there bern�� no nuys� the motion carrxed unanimously. �'���' r, �' � � i;^[' � � I�'�,14' y � � � i ' ,' APPROVAL OP MTNIJTI��5 - SE'�'sC7AL ME7;TING, JUNE 24, 1963: �' ���� � � � � � � i � ,, � ���, i i i � �;i i ��r i�i t��otion by Wo11�e i,o approve the minutes of the u eciel. Meetin "" ' r P g;,oi Jizn� 24i;� ,�963� ne prepareQ and received, Secni7ded by Sheridan. Upon'e voice°�YOtej!ihere be-� in� no nays� th� motion cnrried ui�enimously. � �,' E��'' �:�''I' � ��� �� � �� , � � � OL➢ HUS ZNI :3> : i ' , �'� I Mayor Nee announced there was no old business NEW RU�INL'GG: „ ��, "' �ii;� � �, , i,,��li,�i �i . � , � ,9,' � � i PiTBLIC HBARING OIQ ASSESSMCNTS - uWi�59: � �y ; , ,��t��„�,,;��' ����Id,�, Mayom Nec announced this was a public hearing on Sewe� anc��WateT S�mprovement Pro�ecL �f59. 'T'h�� C3ty Manager read the Notice of HeariYtg�. ,°tAAyor'Ne�e �inquir,ed� if there were anyone preseni, taho wished to be heard regarding the'above described public hearing, �dr. Ernest Fowe7.1 of 6241 Sunrise DriVe *aas'�resent�to Speak riii,h regard to h3rd Avenue and stated he had no ob�ectione. 7'here w@s, riO, one, present who ex�reGSed oppoaition. Mayor Nee declared ihe pub�l,ic,�heg�i�ng,�closed, The Finance Officer explained to the City Council that he ah`d��. Com�:tocky con- �u11,1ng englneer� h�d discuesed this matter and a�reed,�that��P�,�Li'#�`,Bre�C�nted i.o the Clty Council� as illu�trated, was the moet acceptable.!,,;,Mayor Nee ennounced th�t a motion would be in order £or a resolut2on on same.� ���G,�i������,�1+ , ��r, i �`� , ���� �' ' P i i�N, i�� �i� �,�� � RESOLUTION ��1�(-1963 ADOPTTNG TIIF �SSE95MENT ROT.I,i - SW� #'$?: ���r i,'j° ', �„?`���'�a.�y, � � ��� 6�� �;�SE;�� . ��`�iii�� ;'� � Mot�on l�y Johanson to adopt Resolntton �107-1963 adopting�the'.+�ass�asm�ht+�roll' £or Sewer and Water Project No. 59 based on Plan #1 ae presented by,',the Finance OffiePr. Seconded by 5heridaxi. Upon a vuice vo�e� th�ere b,ei�n;��;no, nays„the motion carried unanimou�sly. �'�;,,'' ����� � ��, ' ' „'y�"iiH �,,,� .i. � : j',i' PUALIC FiE;P.RIN�= ON IMPROVEMENT - 9W {�i3: �i ��i��I��� � � � �� ' � � i ��y ��'� '�d1'� '�'v' a,l'�', �r�� �,,� �i�i i,� � .,; „ Moyor Nee announced this was a public het�ring on Sewex and;Wet2x Imlprovetnent #63. The Cli,y Manager read �he Notice oP Hearing on impxoyemen��B. '��I��a,yox,"Nee���,�riquired I � r k . -, if there was ai�yone present who wished to he heard regard�ng��t�}ie'sliov'e, d;�scritied improvement. Mr. Robert Jeneen� �ttorney for the Studeb'&kes;GorpoY's'�i0a-y,address being 2�i00 1S`C National ➢ank, Minneapolis, appeared beiore� tlie;�,Ci�y.� Cout�q'31, re- garding Parcel �{4700. Mr. Sensen expressed his thank5 to the'�,,City,,Council for allowin�r him Y,o be heard and expla�ned the first notice sen'�'i,to,hig,'�'clignt.was roysleid. FrP �tated that hls clieni�'s basic object3on�was tky�' t��;�they,did,�pot �!,I petiLion Por l,has improvement and were making no profitable ,t�l�b oi„�the property at this time, tYiat lt became n�cessary to point out objeCt�ionBiTegfl�$ing,'costs on both waLer and sewer. He further stated his cllents'foUnd the al�ernativep ass¢6smenL more profitable because it ioreed the origi.natox"t¢,�pay Pki more'propor- tionai,e slia�-e. EIe suggeeted to the City Council that in;;view;'of the Paet they ��vl'�', I ^ ,� ' ` ' � ___) ��� + d{ },'}I1i����i � i� ' �� m�i ��' I'lie,l� ane ohljr'�3mpxoving vacant 12nd� it would not be unreasonable l,o meke tha waLer and sewer beneYlts'per square foot slightly &iFferent. Anothor a.ltern�i;ive eu�;- �i, '�,ges,^ted by Mr'��°J'�ns�n"�and one more acceptable to the Studebak�r Corporat,ion would be ,ii'; �he�Cbtitl`013 WqTe willin� to defer assessnients- until such ra time �ihen they have aax4i�po'�'r`�Unity�to make a profitable use oi the property� that it vias possi- �bl�� thaG'i �1ve�c 801ne� othex' use undex the present zoning� this sewea� and wa tex wouldn't loe'adequate. Mr. Jensen requested the Council enteri,ain the tihought to'defe'r or et leest consider the possibillty of making a dzetiucl.ian betwer�n the assessment,by StUdebeker Corporation or by the Pure Air Iic��L Ilome� that it il'�!Iwag�nqt�rieCes,s§ry tp�find�a present he�eiit an order to install an improveme�t, � , Etfie'�,'pree0t'�t.,l���te��,tfbeing ono of �he �i'¢c�or� that shoul,d be cons�dex•ed by the Council.' Mrr�Jensen stated the improvement to i,he Pure Alr Rcst F�ome �s immed- iate and reque,eted'a reconsideration on the present baei� ot 1,lie tissessmant,s. �' Ma�or NeeE„inquired oP Mr. Comsi.ock, consult2ng engineer� ii' this wera r�ow b�erd on -the p1Bri'W,here the.Pure Air Rest Home us�umes the cost of i.he crossings, Th�> Finance Q�fiCe7 explsined the new caossZngs would be a part of this contraet and .t1lis �.s`,iilcluded' �in the prices presented, etiat ther� are too proposed met,hods oi recoVerj.ng the cpatS; one by asseesing all propert�ee on a F�°ont Jout basis anc� the alteYn'�te�would be chargin� the Pure Air itc�t Homt the a�di6ional $Fi732.00. CoUrici].�'an Wo]ke,inquired who owned Pareel ��a7G0 and tdas told the StudFbaker Corporati0�4 aAd ^Northern Ordnsnce otans the balance oP 1,he properi.y. �;�,' " � i � Mr.� HarFison�Dilworth� attorney� tahose acldress i� W-1252 lst IdaLional Sank Build- 1ng� S�.�Pap��;�ppeared'beiore the City Council represent3ng 1;lie PtiirP Air Reei Home on 'the qltern8te assessm�nt ot ascessi��� Lhe toi,al co�L o�' c�ossing Lo i.l�e Pure�'Ai��,itest`,�iHome: 'He s�al,ecl tha�� ultimately, the Studebaker Corpur,�tion land would beriEf�'�'i�]�;,om'thie crocsing� and �n t1ie. Event they nould gei, w1.�1, is i�e�erred to6ae ai�Y��t'�',fin`dila�x�� �hey o�ould have to tear Lh1s line up re6ard]eas. Council- man�,Johansomr't�nquired of Mr.-COmstoc;c� con�ul�in� engznce=r, �_f Lhey v�ro lollo��- ing� the�prop0aed'layout, that re had no�iced oii tihe sErvice �°0��3 Lhrze °�.�s �3 watex main and'the C3ty-Counc�l had been tol�l ti,ey could nok usc; �� h1r. Coi��- atoek adsWera'd�'they sti31 had no cleartznce ou iL bu�,, ]�e Fr-1L, Lki�� CiLy o" I�'ti�t- � ley� co,Ul$ pre,vai'k. on the Stiate to use thie �rontage rc7ad. C�7tiiucilrusn �o:an�on r requested,lto�lcnow 3f this �•�as �� unit price bi�l. Mr. ComsLock e:apl�ined this �;a� I �he plon ,�that b�,ds were rece �vecl on� thn t L�L� J� Ly percnita h,3Q l�ePn : u�rn� Lted L�� I the.Miniiesota,�state Highway Pepartment and th��� were t,o1d l.hey �li�� n�t like I,o permit ut�lities on a froni,��e ro�Q but Lin° Cily of Fridley h,l b�ei� ��h��� fo prevAil�on,the�State prevlously. Cit'y Engj.neer�Bz�owt� steted hc� had beeu 1ii conl,ac� wii,ki tkxa Mi7mesol.ri llighnay Departme'nt�oh'sttather mat�er �nd had iuqulrcd atiout Lhe utilil,y pcxin��. 'Phc 9tatemefit �m�de by the State Hti�;hr��y I7e�art,m�nti kiarl bPen t.h�t 1Lis p]a" �,�ould t�ot be app�oved �and bhe cox�sultin�; engineere v�r�� told over a niorl,Yi ;E�,o 1,1iaL �.t eould be 3,n the xight-of-way but not uu�lur Lhe peve�m�nt. 'Pli� C�Lp Lu�luuer fur,ther stated that accordinp, to a le{,tex trom ihe consulting engineex tihe Changes "were ma'de by the fl�.ghway llepartment and they say they �.ou1d uot appx�ove it at ell. � � � � ��, �� � Mr. Comstock�'I��Orisulting engineer� explained �u Lhe originr�l hlghway s•apox•L submitted by'k}18 concern to Lhe Minnesota fli�l�,�ay Department, Lh�s li�e.l Ueen submitted and �it��was now garL of f�6�4 and tliey liould el]oro� r�o util2t�es �nEid� the,�propbsedjfenee. Their next choiee wt�s Lo move the u�:ilitiee oui, in the irontgge' road �and �he highway depari�met�t ❑ould not approve Lhis Mr. ComsLocic iurthex�',explbined'th@,'purpose of a£rontege ro��d is to service th�� abutting pa�o- ' pexties� and'�they had as:,umed they would have more convers�tion on tLis titem before they'would get approval but did i'eel tin�y aoul�l psevrz1 on �t, Mnyor Nee ingtiired if the State Hi�hway DepartmenL denied tlii o re�quers� L, �ioul�i � L llirn com'e beck to the Council. Councilman Sheridau inquired iI' t1�e fioni,a�;e road ( would be s ci�ty street and wa� told it riould be. Mx . Cometocl�� : Lated they w��uld Inot recommend,to the City Council any mov�ng oi' utizlitzes unt�l tlie ht��La NigL- wr3y Departmen$ said they had to, as this wa� a logicnl spot to in:ta]1 Ll�e facilities; further�. the perrriit haid been �ent in June 5th. i I There wa's no one present fx•om NorLhern Ordnc�nce in favor of o7• in oppo;,ii.,on to the proppeed" improvement. Alayor Nee declarad the hearin� clo:�ed. City Attorney',Smith expleined to the Cit�+ Council the5r would have to m�lce a det'erminet90ri�that they werc� poiti�; to proceed bc�cau�e i£ th�y decided �3iCirmai�ve- ly���then' the'y"'could teke up the que�tion of l�tting thE bids, mh� method aY I' i, �� �� „ , � � �P��� � c�asessment, would not have to be determined th�s evening but�§;;Idetesmiliat�on was ' necessary tn �ro ahead with the project and consifler bide��;,'�hat'i��We,xB�;beiDre'them and an ai'i'irmFlt,ive vote wae necessaxy before �he bids ,coUld�"�'�M'�'takep"into consid- er�tioci. Councilm�n Johanson st�ted thet he was concernedisbout�th'e;'7,e,tting of bidG due to thr� confusion of different point� taken into consideratj.ori, ,� � � � �•IGI ,i� ,� �' � � � u, ,s�� �� � � R�� oLUrzort �#zo8-i963 rM�ov��NT sw�63: ° � ' ` � � � , ' � �' �� � , � ' ,' , Mot�on by F7olke to adopt Reso]ui,ion #108-1963 and proeeed WithlT�OpYOVement SW��3. �econcled by �hPrir7an. Upon o ro11 cell vote� L-hose voting„exe�`�'��Br�oqk��5heridan� � Wolke� Nee. Those opposed� Johanson. Motion caxried. �, j�,;' �-'^`��p��� � , ?i�� �r� , ,li� � Mayor 2Jee inc�uired of Mr, ComstocY. that as FIerbst Constructiop,Was the-1.Ow.bidder � and thPre wae n recommendation on it at �he laet Caunc3l meeti�ng���,would��,,'this recommendni,ion eti11 be in ettect and was told it was. " �� ',r�,��� �, �, � , Councilman Wollce �ntmoduced the following reeolut;ion anti' moved�iite I,�doAt'ion. ��,�, � � � � � ���,, , , �t�soL[rrzorr rto. io9-i963 � ��;��� ����� �'��` ' � � „ � ��„�� � , '� I, . A RESOLUTiON AWARDING CONTR4CP ON 5EWER AND WATL'R #63 � ' , *r � � . � � ,� ws i o . 0 IL 0 THE CITY OF FR2DLEY SO�TIA" e 011 S� I C RL,�OLVED BY TfI� C UNC F ,,,MT��� ��N�E I' � � � a � � ���• I ., I� l. 'Phe Counczl fir�da thaL i,he lowc�t �espon�ible bidder foai cone'tructilon�oP ikie �mprovement work des��;na�ed ps: ; i', ," �„'� ' Io , Se4�cr �n�1 Water Pro7ect jfSW63 ir Herbst Constructlon'�Co,� 1�550'H3ghway #10 Min�eopolis, Minnesota; whose bid is the amount of �20�23'�r18"w�:th;complet- �on time as specified. That said bid is hereby aCCepted��'qnd�t�ie,�G,�ty ManQ- - ger nnd M���or in offlce on dete of execut,ion of the contract'axte'h�reby nuthorivec] and directed to enter in1:o n contrr�et with '�a;id bid$er Por and in behalf of 6he City oi FridleY• �;�' ,�, ��'�� m;��,, ��' ", � i� ,r ,i` � y.�i "�Id'�7, ' i �, ' � � —1 AbOP'PED BY TI3E COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRTDLEY '1'HIS 18�'' I)A"I, OF��'�CTl,Y� I 19��. � �.Bi;���� �,n�i,� � �u�� � � � MAYOR - �liam ;Jx: e�e � ��� � I!'i,�� � � ��; ��� I i," CIDTY MANA6ER - arl P: e�ner ��� ,�'.;�h�'�) �! �'' �'s�,Y' r.';i �, � i ''"r;{i.Ni�dir����,'„'ll.�.,,,,','; �'r The motion for the adoption of the above resolution w�s��,�dub'y,��,�ieppt�ded ,by,,°;Coun; cilman Sheridan and upon e voice votL being taken thereon, the�pfolLowing mem- bers vot�d in fr�vor thereof: Sheridan� idolke� IIrook� Nee:;' '�;1�; ,���; � ,� ' �� ��dl ��' � a i � . The follo�aing members voted aga�nst the same: Johaneon �'���' i' ,�,r ' „ I � Wf�REUPON SAID RESOLUTION WAS DECI�FIRED DUI�Y PASSED AND ADOPT�D� ,.�,,�; "�< ,;��� � ,', ,"�i, i . , , , PUBLIC J�ARING - FINFlI� PLAT - RIVERWOOD MANOR: �� � I� '�,�'f1 '�'"', i ' . ' i Mayor Nee aonounced thie was a public heoring on the,ftGnal,p}s,t Of,Rive]wood Manor. The City Manager read the Notice of Hearing. MayoY����,�E,�sta'ted'�the�City Counetl h�d xeceived a letter 1n this re�ard fxom W. J,.,iEhg��,h8rat��asking,that assesamente for utilities be coniputed on a longterm ba�3.s;fo;,6psyments. Mayor Nee aske� iC there were anyone present who wished to be�heard,�'�sQga�d�in�i��the final plat ot' Rlverwood Manor. � �� �;v �`i�n� � ,�"''�L,�'' , � Ip 7" " � �� � ' i ' ' i ',i� , Mr. iIos�ard Crabtree of 7100 E3st River Road V�as presen�t`snd 'ak9�e'dr ��e i w�,e ,,the _ , owner of Lot � Ln the proposed addition. Councilman J�ohs�sopi'nqp�.Te�dlr6gard- ing the street in the area and Mr. Crabtree st�ted it�'�was'a�60,��foot�'street. Councilman Wolke requeated an explana�ion of the �treete in the�ai'ea'and:$he City Engineer explained same. No one appeared in opposi,tion"6^tQ thei,fin�l�plat of Rive���aood Manor. Mayar Nee declsred the public hear3'ng'��C7.o5ed',` ,� ,,,� ' '� ,i��,�h�i�," '�� ,� � �;_II, • i i Motion by uhPridsn to accept this as�the £�nal plat of RiV'e,'i�t��lod,Nl�uor,. ,S,eeonded by Sroolc. Upon a voice vo�e, there being no nays, th�e'';moti0�ri����5arried�,unanimously. A dascucsion wss held on assessments and which lote had"bU11ti%nge., �ity Engineer Hrown si.a�ed t,hat� at preseni�� i�here were two lots wi'th ,hoUe�� �;oT� them.'�� i �`�� id° � � �� �"' ' � , � � � � �� h , I� ���I���i� , . � �Ill��qi������ � �� ,� i�f i� „ � � , Motibn l�y''Wpl�,�'���the�t a11 improvements 3n the plat ofi Riverwood Manor where i,here are,existing.hOmes be on a 20 year basis and the balance oY the plat where tlrere are:;neW lbte are to'be assessed on a one year Uaszs the same as has pr�viously been�done: ,.Seconded�by dohanson. Upon e voice vote, there being no ❑ays, the motion Caxr�ed,�nnanimously. � ,� ,��'���i, s'si' �s- N�,� "^� � � � � � �'' � � , � . � � ,. ,�,k:-, BSDSP'- sT�, -196'��;_l� (OPENED i3ooN, 7ULY 1, 1963)�. � �, The City Matiage�,°atated he had opened the bids wiLh City Engineer Bro��n and Derr- e11 C1aTk'oY tk�e'Engineering Department present. The followirag bids wcre announced as reEe�+ibd: �'�`�'I�%��, � � '' ,;'�,„, „ ,;,i Cornpletlon Datz � t, .; -- — --- — Alexandex Cons�t��petion Co. Trava�ers 5'�� $43,487.15 �� ��lendar Daye 464�,Hiswatha,Avenue Minneapol�.s, Minneaota �'' I � �,�I��; � Barton �Coqtiaot�ng Co;. TYaveler,s 5'� �1+7,200.00 90 Calendar Days Ose�o, Minn�sota ° � i' i Dunkley 5uYfacii�g,Co.� Inc. F�merican Insurance. $33,797,b2 1�� Calendc�r Daye 3756 GusrYd�stxeet N.E, comp�ny 5� Minn�apolis,''N4innesota ,� , „ C. S.�NZpQ�+bae��ny�,Tnc. ' Pacific National �47,016.1b 75 Ca7en�tar Days Raut� 2�PBiox v��2' ' Insurance Co. � 0'ssso, r M�!"nnesd�a � ��� � � � � ,,, Mayor Nee,re�c�depted a recommendation oi" Caty L:nQLneer Brown. The CiRy Lnginaer stat'e$ Mn, 'purtkley of Dunkley Surfacing Ca.� Iiic. had called an�l sa �d lie had ma3e an errox' ��.n� h�.srHlaid and wished to bP released ot' the eword. The errox• was in con- c'rete eU�'b and �uttex computin�, Mr. Dunkley h�d ,tated he Yiacl b1� ai, �1.19 per �; fdot,'and'�kte+,h�di meant ,to bid at $2.19. IIe haci ea2d i1' th� City C,ouzicil would allow him�,to have it for �2.00 he would be favorable. City En��neer Iiroian as]ced City-IAttorney'�Smi�'th for a recommendation. Ci�,y Attorney 6mii.h �te�ted tha� as il�is was 'the low, bid '�he City Counc2l would need to �rive hla�. Dunlc]e,y noLica Lhat he has ten dayer^to eYi'tex into the contract and su�gestEd th�t Councll acrrpt his bid ae the 'Zow'�bid' and"�perhaps ae a second pax•t oI the motion that it be s t,ai.ed LYiat 1n even't; He �wouShc default to enter into the conl,r�ct as required� i,t�=�t 6hF City P7an- eger��be,��u�horized to �ive notice to the next lowest bidd�r. City ALLoz•ney SmiLh explained thet"Mr. Dunkley might choose noi. to a��ter into the coniracL „nd ]ose the bid. Co�ancilman Johan&on requeeted i.o know hotia rnuch work Mr. Dunk7ey had left in Frid- ley.',City Engineer Srown rep]ied that Mr. ➢unkl�y had about 10/ or 1;,�, left of the work he was �doing. Councilman Jokiansor� su�,r;eeted to the City Conncil tliat Mr, Dunkley be held to this oid and if he z�oulrl choose noi, to eutei into the con- tract'� that it be given to the next low blddFr. ,,, Motipn by Wo�l,key,�to aeee,pt the bid o�' Dunkley Surfacing Ca.� Cnc.z 375G Grand Street N:E.� in',the amount or $33,7g7.�2 and in the event; w�thiu ten days it is not "aceepted'� t�te City Council would grant the r�ward to Alexander Con;truotioo Co., 46�F1 Hlawatha Avep�ie in the amount of $43:%Fi'7.15. Seconded Uy ➢xoolc. Upon a voice votey thexe'tiei�g no'nays� the motion et�rried unanimously. � �� ` �� , ' , �' � I' ,�; ' BUTTrDTNG.80ARD�'i���ETIPI�, J(1NE 27, 19�3: � � i� �, � � N+ , CONSIDERATIdi! ORz','�"WO APPLICATiONS FOR BIIILDING YL;RMITS BY Il�RtdARD JULKOWSKI FOR The City Mana��T read the reconmendation of the Iluilding Boasd. Ms. Julkowsk_i was present Zn favor of the applications. Motion Y�y Johanson to concur caith t,hc recotnmandation of the Bullding Board and approve the issuance of two,building per- mits,to Bernard Julkowski for eleven unit apartmenb bulldings et 11�0 -'j5th Avenve 1Vortheast' and �F76 - 75th Avepue Nottrhea�t, �ecodded by Sher�dan. Upo❑ � voice vote� there'being no nays� the motion carried unans�oucly. �� �� � ��„ � � � APPLICATION BY BPRNARD JULK04751CI � �.�/ �i♦ wvnliiunu� -`� a•un1 .oi' �v PL�P�1 rv11R'�Hlq!"bFJ1'11v�y1LiU C�ST ��iJJ�00U.Q0: _ "_________�— i � � � �I� ,, � The Ci Ly Mema�er rcad the reconrtnendatioei oi the Building Boo �x'd:� �Io'tibn �by�Ifohfanson to concur with i,he recotmnendation oP the Bu�ldin� Board and,fi�prbXe'the'iBS'uance of a building permit to Bernard Julkowski for a eemen� A'nd�'st��l�i'n�qstrial build- ii7g �t 7�1j F�r Street Northeas�. Seeonded by Wolke: � I'' ' � � ��� �I����i i{ ,��� �i � Cotmci2mnn Sheradan stated Lhat in the Bualding Board Minut�ePi��here'°Wae��gi'/en,an � estimated cost oS �;65,000.00 i�nd inquzrecl if thtis incltaded tti'e�,yeq�ipm�nt��or jusi, the building. Mr. JulY,owski �+as present and explained this°Weg jiiet the build- �n�; but �t woiald be built in eections and th�t one building tvould be'eXtended for i, i an entire block. Mayor Nee iu9uired if there were eny u�i�.it1�!'�ee�v'�oea�'�3n lthis area and was told there was none. Upon a voice vote, there��e�.ng'up nays� the �, mot�on carr�ed unanimously. 1",,p'I,;' 6;"'i�'' : Jf " � ��,p„ �,� � � ��. � �. � � , �i��� , �� PLANIdING COMh17S620N MRETING, JIJNF, 27, 1q63; �� " - � � �i�;i,� '��,,',1�� ,�I'ytiiJ��,, COTdTINU�;D PUIILIC HFARING - GFORGE NOR`�ON. ET AL. 'LOA �C�-12: 'AUDI'�(DIt'3 SUBDZVIS7�N 9foy, Lu7"5 � x1Vll j Tu x 3, Lu'L5 4— lj '1'v'H—jA1 `%`�"'i'" ' , — �n ti' � � J��yi� iio-�'i'�� I�o Mayor Plee �nnounced �his was a continued publlc hearing. on�,'tk�e;l�r�zonlpg�,��oP 'pudi- Lor'r, SuY�d ivi n ion �{(39� Lot� 2&, 3 to H3 Lots 4 t,hrough 1�' ,to �R �; 3A'. �" � �� i ; �I Mot,ion by Johans^on to concur with the recommendation of trhe�Pl9nn�ng'Cou�ission on the resonin,q ,3nd order a public hearing on Audi�ox's Sub33,Viis$pl�'���8���� �,ots 2 anQ 3 Lo R• 3 and T M q 4 tl�rough 13 to R-3A. Seconded by WOik.e:;I ,�Uptln ��S vp� ce voi,e� �,hPrc bein� no�nays� thc motion carrxed unanimously. ,l, '" ' � � i �;' ' ��, ,'� 11� � 's'� , , i BARRET'r & kRAN7 APARTMI;N`�' GROUP PLAN REVISSON j�l - EIA7CES RSVER ZOTB: ' , — --- ,�;., � � � �.4 � s I,��� i ,��' �'r� ,, d'� ' The City Dlar�aper read tt�e rPCOrmnendatione and proposals of, the,Platiriing �,qmmies2on aiid couLart wit,li Mi. Johti� Flnnsen, superinY,�ndant o£ 9chpol Dis�triCt �14��,s'lso the ei,orm se�rcr relocation, sl;reete and �edicatyons neces�S9ry„'�,,,�plus�r¢g,USaways and openin� �nto the river so there would be � free f].nw intb;"the;river!'.i St was rxplr,2ned to the Clty Councal the archii,eets are driawiz�g,j�g�ir�e plana,�l� �Mr. Ei�rretl; aud Mti°. Kranz were p�°eset�L to anewar questiotl5�. � M9����i�l�i'Ie9`"�ai�ggestefl to tl�e C, L;, C`rnmcil the Qetting oP h��rtn�s Lor vacat�ons. ,�'he ����i�y'M�nagex ex- plarnec� t i�ere viould be thrce or Pou2 mee tin� s bePore a11 the �`1i3fUk'�u��3.on �wou�d b�� av€,�labl� �ud then the Council coulc� �ct on same. � ,��� r,,'�°'; ,�� I' ;; Moi�ao» L, J+�h��oEOn to concux ��ith 1,1�e recommouclations oi the �lanning Co�imiseion oud set public liearin�s Por vacating i.he portipn oi' Chas,les' S�'�TQet�,'�ying,Weat of 11nn,� „�2°c�i„ �econded b,y Woll.�. Upou a vo�ce vote�'thex���be-zhg,no nays� f:he moL�ou c°� ried ut�animously. � ���,' � ''� � � � , �'i,� � �J � J,6�����'� �, , „ � �� ,.,i�, VAL"ATIOLS (;;AV �fF3-04) �AST TtIVFPLAND COURTS - LORRIE JOHNSON':�''�?I1�LEY`-PARK,_ BLOCIy 2� 2?_, �23: � � � ,, h' �' � � � ����� � �; � Thc� Ctity Mon�gEr r¢od thc� reco���mendation oi the Planning C,�ptqu�'i!esion.' C'S�ty �Aft- +,orney �m�th :a��ceted to th? Ci1;y Couneil tlte vaaatiri'g�6t�,'st�`�'e,t�sy,'�hAt��as,� P7ayo�° P7re �tai,ed, �he C�ty had no desix'e 1;o develop witkl�,�k�c;��tre,Et�pat�eTM ther� ie at pre�ent� and aomeone would eventually make�use�n�l',;i'the,�V�caY,ed streeta. ��' � tf '� �` r� � i �,�'I,'� � � Mol,�p» l�,y koll.� Lo concur i+ith l,he recommendntion of the P18.nri,37]g';�orpmi,ssiani �n�' p�•oc�eQ wil,h i,he vacntion oP tz�o fu11 ��idth stree�e and' a�1 .tt1� alleya� sub- �ect to �lydlcn�,ion for street purpose5 of 30' `R�W along"'�he��S`,O�UtY}t�dge, ahd,��24' R�'r7 alon�; the east edge oL Fridley� Parli� Block 21�22; �a�n@�,e�'3:�?,�'JeCt�z�dey}���iY`� ; Sherid�n. Upon a volce vote, there being no nays� tha' moti0 ��;��IIaTI',te��un�@,n�lnouuly. COMMUIVICATLOt9: � ',,,, � �ri , �, T.C.M.A. CONFPRLNC�; �i'� � iii� , � � i� �, ill,�� •����: . Mol,ion b;,� � ot�anson to authori�e i,he L'ity Manager to attend �th�� 49th�•Annaal �Con- fereilce ot Ll�e Internatiqnal Czty Manager's Associatiqtl 3n D�tlYezt, on�,Oe,t'ober 13 i.o l7tlt, 1�C,3. Seconded by Sherldan . Upon a voice vote�',th�re'being`n0 nays� i,h�. rnot�on c�rr�ed un�nimousl,y. �i � ( __� I_J � p �i�l � � �Il. LOT SPT�IT:� ��1H6�MI93IS3TPPS STREET: , i��� i� ���� � � � Mayan�NAe,,announeBd this was a communic�tion frorn C7.erence R, Olson of 1G68 N[iss- issippi'�Street'l'Northeast regarding a lot eplit. The City Manages explained that Mr.'Olson;cou],di��by splitting doian the center� do thi� if he L�ad I'ive ricres or more:�, Hot�'e�erj�„�he �city hed �aken enough fo2 r� street and iaith wYia1, he hnd lefr, he frould hava����,q,�replat instead oi' spliiting and he tiaaen't awore oI' Lhis. Coun- cilinen Wdlke z��quested to know if Mr. Olson h�d a o�ater prob]em �nd was told he hod. � � � Motion Uy'Wolke to authorize thr lot split for Clarence R. Olsou of luE8 Mississ- 1ppi,Street'NOrtheast. SecondPd by Sheridan Upon a voice voi,e, LhE�r�� beinU no nayd��tbe�,moti�in carri�d unanimouuly. � �., , �� �EXTEftSION';OF.PLAT RECORDING TIME - CHARLEY ADDTTTON: � 4 ,,, . . Mayoi Neet�annou�tced�ithis was a communicaLion i'xom Mr, and Mre. Charlee Seekon, Jr., of 6450 TayloT','9treet Northeas`t. The City Manager �tated this was a request for an'e:cteneion of,�time oY the recording of o pl�t, that there is � ninety day re- cording time limit ar�d thie has pa�sed. ; Motion by Wolke���'�hst��he extenszon oS' time be grnnted Mr. and Mrs. L'harlea �eekon� Jr. oi"64.50 Taylor'Street Northeast regarding the recordin� oi tl�eir plat. Se- conded 6y JOhanBOn. Upon a voice vote� there heing no nays� the raotton carricd unanimov§1y:� ��� COUN7.'X ENGINEER:`CSAH �35 (OLD CEN`[RAL): , - The City'Aqqnager�expla3ned to the City Council they had had a brieY communicai,ion from�the,'cpnsulting engineer on this item and th�s would be done only according io Coune3l di'rection. Mr. Comstocic� consulting ene,�neer, stated his I u•rri had sub- mitted a lettex which the City Council had f11Fd appror.zniaLely six i;e2b:s previous nnd excep't for'the sexvice lines} there would t�e no hardship� if Council �rere tc� provide no more,,i'acilities. The Cti�y M�nager su�gested tc� the City Council they could'sUthorizei,��him��ta�send the County a cerl,lfied copy t0 proceeQ taith the above mentioned road'.I-' , Moti'on by JohensOn� to advise the County of Anoka Highway Dep�rtnient i.o proceed withireconstruct3on of Old Cent,ral North of Mississippi Street. Seconded by Brook., Upon e�voice vote� there being no nays� the mation c�rried unanimousl,y. MARK'�70NE6��SI,EAST'RIVER ROA� AND MISSSSSZPPT STRELT: � Mayos' Ne'e �atinoaIICed this was a communicatzon �'rom Mark Jonea x•egaxding thE Mobll station on Eaet River Road ❑nd M�sstissippi SLrc�et. Motion by Shexid�n I,o receive end p1sGe,on file the letter from Mark Z. Jonec Co. of 5506 I,al;ev�ew Di!ve, Minn- eapolis 2�F�''MinnesRta. Seconded by Johaneon. Upon a voice vote, therc being no neys��the;��m0�ipn carried unanomously. I �, CITY�ATTORNEY:�� Pk]RMIT #£39314 (PT.P.RAILWAY): MaYor NCe annq�ineed this was a commundcation from City Attorney Wyman :�mlth re- gaxdYng the S�'oxm Sewex Easement under Great Northern RailWay Compeny aud North- ern Paeific'Railway Company South of Osborne Road. The City Mana�er r•cad the abovC descx'ibed 1e�ter ond expla�ned this had been agreed to and GreeL Northeen Railway wa6 eager to have it ex�cu'ted. Ctity Flt1,�rney 3mith recornmended In the Council that thie'item be epproved �is 11, had been �bout three yeaxs tht�t GreaL Norbhern Railway had been weiting for a perrniL. He furtlier explain�d Lkie proprri,y hadn't been a�seased and needed to be assessed, that ttie City of F'x�idley need� to work with the railroad and it seems the City thould let Lhem F�_le i,his permit �- and there'ia otherwise no benefits received. MotiOn by SBeridan to authorize the M�yor to si�,n and execu�e cop�es attested Uy the �ity Clerk�and�forward same to Mr. SempF oI' Lhe Great Northern R�iliaay Comp- any and Northern Paciflc Railiaay Company. Seconded by Sroolc. Upon a voice votc, �there�being no'�Saya�'the mo�ion carried unanimoue7y. � � i , �,,,' � COMM[INICATIDN FROM CHET HERRTNGLR REGARDING P CP,L WORI4u PERMIT: Motion by'Johanson to iseue a Fire Works permii to Mr. Chet Herr�ng:>r 1'or tLe �T00 Twin'Dr3ve�,Tn �heatre. 3econded by Brook. Upon a voice vote, there Ueing no nays, the plqtion earried unanimously. �� P�TITION PROM RES � �� ° � , , "'���� � o �� �' I,�� � � � � � i � i IN MAR7AN IIILT,S AllDITZON RPGARDING, CI�'1' WATFA: �, ; ,,, � � ', . . � � � �, il� , �I d �' � � Councilman 0heridan announced to �;he City Council that' he'�kia������xge�C�ved� a��peit�'tion from i.he residents of Marian Flills Qddition and they'were�,aaklt�g��{��tG'�C�i��,y,;to'talce immediate ei,eps re�axding the low watex condition.'� ThAy�had,a�'6$�ted�� t�he�;ife�lt the condii,ion wae very dangerous other Lhan the inconvenie'riee.�,, 1'hejpe,�,itibnGWas'si�ned 6y i.an pxopE�rL,y owners. Councilman ;iheridan etated he;had knoW'ri�-'�his ,petition would Y�e preseni,ed tb the Councal �nd discussed the matter w�,'�h�the'�cohs,ulting engincer� Mr, Comstock, on the telephone, that because the��i����r+�'�.g�'�so 1ow in this area 1� could be dangerous Prom o fzre stondpoint. � �� � i��,' `��� '�' J�'I „ �.'n;rbivdiol��� '��,-., '�„� � Mr. Comsi,oc}: expl.ained that he wotald have an officiel z'epor� 'bji'�;�th2' QeY'�,mee't3�g� Y-hat he Pel1, I,hcy were �alkiug about the installation oi twp.'cli��ffer'eAt booeter pumps. IIr� Fxpl�ined there is a booster pump Lhat exists' whiC�� t,railef8t'al,�Water i'rom Llte low system to tha high syetem and Les Chesney� o�£ th�����,�ity�'�k�e h�c�����5ome problems �?tt,inp it atar�ed. Mr. Comsotek stated therA'��is'+Qss,�t��blem��i'f1����he�' high are�, the bottom elevation is 1032 and �the street Alevatiotti�,k�'���,Pie�'C� ���'eet is 1031 �nd 12ome4 Eire built coneaderably higher. He fur$her=�X;iTained�s��to"tYiain�ain a 20 lb. pressu�°e, it �aould be neceseary to provide a bposte,rl��6'�tatl0u,�o;'several of thc pxroperLies. Thexe is one proUlem with it and that,ie`'"tihat�many,sexvice lines now connected are; 12" lanes and those homea wi11� have�,�o�al px��saUx'e�„�whieh s3�atiild bc utili�ed� that it �e c� matter oi rerouting��lSe'�'�32,'�,��t�oh�1'iite.�'� �'��, . �i� > ;'ad4.,hi.l i9d'r„� �i, Counctilman JoY�an�on inquired what kind oP mone,y they were spe¢kirig,��68 3�n expen- d��ur��a. Mr, Comsi.ock replied that one o£ the things that' had�.delayed it was t,he 1o�a arc�s, thF otl�er a1l�rnsitive would be bo replace' paYt"b��'�1'�,ti]i�h a eix ine1� ]ino. Coimcilman Sheridan inquirecl 1f at i.he time of:�Clie��'tie�up ec,roas the higJiaz�y, t1iiE could be zsolnted without �n additional ,1ine� �at�d;.}u�e�;'�,�1d`;7�,icould not. The isol�atlon of areos was discuseed for a tpo or ��hTeeii,yenb(��fe�;i'io,d ��o lceep � liigli �nr�u�h water t�ble. Mr, Cometoe7c sta�ed that"���f'�,�he,CounCiJ�,�wanted t,o m�lce a❑ invv,tment in i,h�e 1lne� it would still ¢llow theD��•�ta-c�p� tttis�Bnd_ l,hey wou1�3 havc to provide o boosi,er i'acil: t,y and rem�ve,� the ;tie ��.j;riea � fro�q th�� matin ltine. Councilman Sheri�l�n asked if it would be g' �oo�d,ii.dea��to �giVe; apthor- izat�on Cor a couple oi alternafes. Mayor Nee inquixed thep'pux'poee,oi���the,boos- �er pump and �aas told that kiasic�lly� it would raiae the press,ure'i�3n' tl�e; '�ank. � � � l�� ' �' � k � :, , J '� Motion by 5heridan to receive the petatiion From the reeidet�ta�iin Mar'ienqHi7�ls and ploce on f�le. Seconded Uy Johanson, Upon a voice vote�,,thexe beiri� no n�ys� the mol,ion carried unammously. �� �' , .I���� �, � N�F!'� „ � MoLion by Sheridan to tnstruct Comstock and Davis� consUl:tiri`g":,erig�.�7e�r,9�"'�0 , return �a�th a r��port Fur the nex� meeting on 1,he pressure,�sygtiem� �'or, the Mar,- ian H�llc r�rea. Seco�dec1 by Johanson. Upon a voice yotej����here '�eLn��,no nays� the motion carr�ed uaanimola�l,y. �� ��i:il�i �i � � ' � i ' i �, "�li' ? ,;�I � , y� Ji�� � ,iii vzszmox;�• � �'r,,l� '�G���� �h � � y ,, �� �! ��, � P4r. Dave Verville of 921 OvPrton Drive was Pre9ent with,s 2+e��eq�,7EroID°�k�e'Frid- ley Jaycee's. He eteied they would wish Council permis�sior�,�ti�.',use��i�,pekei Park on Au�uv L the 15th Por a Regzonal Meetii�g with eppxoXims'tq;1y����'S. Jaypeej§ ,.oto,, be preeen� for tl�e mee�in� and aoca.al p,atherin�. The C�ty;�Mdn�geY±,'�"�ated they were not asl;ing_, i'or exclusive use of the park hut i� hed bea�"s'tated they would have refrPShmente and wante� Council approval. �.p'.��'�� ��,: ,. ,� i �- Mo�ion b,y� dohenaon to grc�nt the request to the F`ridley Jaycee�',s G�q�holdK�a, Re�ional Meeting in ?ocke Park on August the 15th. Seconded by Wo1ke�, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� tbe motion carried unanimously. �� ��+,�'� °i � � �� � :�li ; �i S� � Mr. Seldon Tremblatt of Mill C?ty BuildArs was present pnd�'st�a�,edlhe�,�was con- crrned about tYie surfacing oP 73xd Avenue� that he had telket�;;to the City Engi- neer in this regard. He fuither stated that as a builde,r„'t,h�,y���vere��suf£ering in l,he �rea and so were the home owners� tha�; the str�et;ie;,�a�'dl�y.$deq��ate �to move traffic and they don't have any access. �Ie explainQd„i�q,�;r�,`the �$:jty„�,Co�ncil that l�e had bcen spend�n� a gxeat deal,of money in�'�he �"a�eB'e.i1t���,�Wqtild„�l�ke,�,to linow Ii' t,hia problem eouldn't be resolved. �i���;�+�p'��� ' � '� '4� i( ,���I �} � ,�, ' �"' �. �u, f'I' .�I, The C�ty Maneiger �xplained to Mr. Trembla£t that the-,Ci'ty��En��neer,'�,hod been � directed by the City l7ouncil to design and proceed �Wi,�th'„73�C$i�Ava;nue�, pr,3.�ari�ly tl�e service drive at thie point; Che balance�,�had irsen appsOV�C���'�,byL'�he.�$�t9te'„ Iiigh�aay Department but that there was e possibi�ity ai,aom�'`;�r�ou&�� ¢ri��he-aewer l�ne and the City Engineer had been reluctant to place a road on"ground,which � �li i'� � ' �'� � � , u L Id , � I I .� _i � i� �� � �� , ; could be dsmaged' very shortly, tIe iurther explained i.he Cai:y Cc�unctil hnd �ul,l�ar- laed the'telev�.sing of these llnes and at ihc moment they were �roxl,u�g on P.b1c Street to Highw'�y �65 to �et a temporary road ii,. City Engineer Brown explained the 11nE Lxotn Ab1e "traet to Hi�;h�.:ay �fu5 hsd been Lucketed and a leak i'ound and that� at t;he Uoi,Lom of the pzpe, �,l,ere i:; i'�v� inches of saad a,nd as soon �� this wee rep9ired� they would procee�l. `l'h.r C! I.y Manager finquired oY Clty Pngineer Ilxozan on the pm°t�un of tt,e ro�+�l �ivm tligh����� f�1+7 to Van Bvren Stxeet and tdas told i,he Cz{.y fl�„ineer ha�l recutm�a��d<<1 �I.ic pio- �ect go aheed lF new pav2ng cou7� be p7obecL��l. Cou�icilman G]nL:t c�yu� �i� d L� �now if the City Engineer was pzopooii7g to Le1ct��se Px'om Il�gtiway if�� /.,11 Lhe �i�,y across. Couno��.lrt�an Johanson �nqulred oi' Ci�y NLi,ornej+ umith Ll�af. 1i� ]i.�u px�viuusly suggested the City Engineer giv2 the Cauncll :� comple t� rr:port, dr�Q �,l�0 61i;� C c,l�� consull:ing en�ineex have available a11 dat,� plus �!11 picture� �ahacli �_ould ln, n�,�de avnllable. Mr'. Coms�ock, cansultin�, engrn�-er, stuLed they Yi�fl c�cl� ❑„e°I ;ome in- iorm3baon the�'eaPly per�, oi �11� w�ek �n tL!� ��:��,��x�l an�] stuted Ll�-c� i��� �, br�.�i ln the serv�ce' l�ine on 73 1�2 rlvenua nhich sep�ii had be�;un oe� lfa�ln_ed�,i ��t�d si.ated he was� aertain �he televlsing :aoulr� cho�,a *ih�t otLier pxohlrai,s l���d it�vrlop� �I. CounCilman Johr�nson sta{.ed it seemed foolish tu cpend thousand�� of �lollars to put on blecktop when lines are contimaously Lte�aLing. Mr. Leon 61a�:,.e❑ ol hTadsen Realty was pFesent and inquired what the px•o��cted time scheduL� donl3 be to ��,ci, �he line taken care of' From H�gh�day ���F7 cn lli�,liw��y ��65. C�ty I?ap�,in�E�° l;�u�iii stai�ed he would prooeed with nuthorizetion irom Il�e Cjty Couu�il i,uL� viLki Ll�e infoxmata4n �$ey had, to dete� the line ehould Le televisrd. Mr. A]��i<<ii �-xpl��ne�l to the City COUnci1 that thte nas � bad year foz husiness Und �L i� ru�,king lt �usL that' mueh more'° Cerrible for their company and he *�as �ttempting to poii i out L1ia l, as eVidently �h� Couneil eoulcln'� sEern to c�ri°�v� •it �n ans�aer L1�at, Lini� vas v.ilu- oble and it is l�ein� tal;en up »iLh this proce�•� ��nd wha�. lie �aarte�l Lu L uo�� was how long dt w0u].d �ake. Counc i 1r.ian .Tohanso�l e L ii.ed tha l. 1 f thE= C21.y Counc � 1 cou1�1 �et a]ett�r i'rbm the contracLor w17o had installed thc line i,o Lh�� eFf�-c�. tYi=Y, rai�y breaks in, theix� line after it had been b1aeL<1;oppe�i F�ould be I,alcc.n ca re o� by hna until such time as the bond *aer•c� re7eased, th�y could r;o ❑hea3 ��ith t,i��• rcp�ir and the road. � I Mayor,Nee inquired of the City �ngineer �f Lhe �,eleviein� were auiL�u�z�d ilus I evening how lon� would it be bef'ore {;hey m�ould pruceed. C�{.y I�;>>� iuE,er L'ro�in stated the con�ract for the street work had Ueen let the previous yc-ar but the t,wo problems were how'quick could the televising be done ❑nd ho�� zL �ould be fl- nanced and fur�her� it wonld t�ke weelts to bail out the line;, Coun�Llman WolkE asked the City Eng3neer if he Taere a:;suming there zaas sand in the leie Y�om V��u Buren Street tti Hlghway Trli7 �nd ��as told ihriL h� iaas. City P�n,��rn�t�7 �ro��u �'urtl�r r iniormed the Citjr Council that every leak l,Lat hr,d been found� 1,hc coni.i,�cl,ur had been notiiied and he hed repa�red same. Counciln,an Fiollce eslced iI vy :,aying tYiere w�s five inches o?' sand in the 1ine, dld tlu° CiL�� Fn;;ineer mean LI�F enl,ire llne, The City �ngine'er steted he wss not s�ying �hc cnl.ire linP bec;in: e Lli� r�, i, eand �n 2t� that with the sand in �he 1�ne �t 1;2�� pceeent time, il�e,y� �ouldn't ctiecl infiltration. Counci3mt�n She'ridan atated the City Council ;aoul�l have Lo make a drLeirtns�i;ion whether to televise the lines� 1,hat he didn't, beltieve � t was tli�= re;,pcn: ibllity of the contractor; iurther, the maintenance t�on�i is beyond tl�e yeor period �mrl {,he original contract did not require the te]rvi:in€, of the ]�rn.: a id tliis body should authorize the expendlture. Com�cilm•an ;h�•r�dan stated he� ��ou1�1 uot be :, part of tellin� '�he contractor to pr�y for televieing lines Lhat lia�l t,ren put in two and dne-half to �hree years ago. Councllrri�n �fohaneon replied Ll�at anytiiae they aere talking avout a million dol7^rs wos•th oC lines, l�e didn't, iiel the cori- traotor ehoulcl be able to le�ve the job witl�out t.he c�ty txying to �;eL so�rie r��m- bursement. Couneilman Wollce stated lt apperared to him that, a€;r�-nl lr•�l was �ssumption and if this c�as pzroved� i,he contractox• ehou]d he notiYie�3 unc� it � otil�i be t�ken care�oY� that ii �11 line� ti�ere to be televised� d11 the bi�1s ,ec��ved in the future would be higher. Couucilman uhr-_s��7on asserted th�it �i the f'tnal inspeciion o? l,ines would xequire televisin� iL t,as going to have tu be iarlttrii in the specifications� that the City Councl] coul�ln't ask busi�essnn_n Lo clo somo- thing that Wesn't written into the �7ob. Councilman Johanson asked 2f authorization i'or the bl�cktop etreet ;liouldu't t�e �iven if it was felt the sewer and water contsactors :houldn't be Y,v7d x•espon�ible. Councilmar, Sheridan stated that before this could be done, they shcml�7 nccepi, �,,}i� ltne. Councilman Brook inqinred i� the Clty Council shouldn't �n�thori�� t}ie Cit,y Engineer to ehe,ek �hE entix'e line i'rom H� ghvay ���F7 t,o Hi ghway �F j, f� n�3 out � f there ie anythimg wron� end f�s it. aY �Y Mol,�ri b,d Lrook to aui,hori�,e the City �ugineex• ro �eleviae the lina betro�een fI I gh�day ��LF7 ❑ud Able Street and to L�aYl eand. Motion failed," � � �� Mr. Niad���n � i,rited i��rc� ma�Jc l�e I c�ro Gtep. P���yor Dfe� been second�d. he had b�=cn told it was aut.omatic procedure the� inspecttions c� line wa: t+cceptPd and 'Lhc+t, he felt, it would be the next �taL�d il vnc hi� opinion thnt the previous motion should h3ve Msyor N�e 7•r]_�nquished Llie gr�ve] i,o Act�n�; Ma,yor Johanson. Mnl�on 1;;� I�iool. to authorizE� th� City F;nE;inrer to televlse the line between Pr��tr�,ay ;�`h'7 ar�d �tble ,treet, to bail sand and report findings to Mr. Comstock, ronsulr,in�� en;;ineer and the contractor, Mr. Mike H�fner. Councilmen Sheridan inqutire�I, �}��jt cj�sumtng thc moi•i�n wr�uld pass and the engineering c�epartment �iould F�o nhrn�l �n�� clean linee and 1,elevise and assumin�r that it was acceptable, aoul�l I,hr C�i,y Council accepi; l,his line nnd releose the contraCtor from his bond. Cow�c�Jm��n F�roo1� s�ai,ed he 1,hought 7L- would. Councalman Sheridan saked sf rltie couLr-�c{,o� ,�nould not be a pari oi' this inspection and the City Engineer replied thai, hc .rould. Councilmon :;heridan inquired if this would-be,done'iih one in- �pection or �aould it, take mm•e than one inspection. Councilma,ri'Brook stated if, could br donc� in one inspection. Mayor Nee si:ated it had been inepected in the nor•mal s��nee. Mr. Comstocic �xplained to the City Coune3l that �w'�en' the, project 4�as comp]etrd, infiltration leste ��ere made and the liries were lamped and Yt vae cert�f�c�l �,}��t, Lhe lin� was in compliance z�ith specifications. $e, further ex- p]a�n�d l,lic contraci,or hQr� rnr�de eomc rep�iz•s anc3 that he saas certain that thc posiLlon oI Lhe contractor �.�as that ii the City Council would $ell,him What w�s wronFt h� woulrl fix it,, thai, it �aould be an advanta�e 'to the City to have� the con- Lract,or cher_I: his lines and cle�n and lamp them. City Engineer Brown explained 1,1�e cnni,rr�ci.ox had offered Lo Jrimp the line�. Cyty Attorney Smith announced thP leg�l probleme, �nvolved herc uiould be if the cosL oS the televising would be be- yoe�l Lhe normeil amounL ior b�Qs. C�unc i]_m�iii J�)ianson tt�quim�l ol' Counc� Lnan Brool; ii he woulQ care to withdraw Inr inol,ion �n ordcr tYi�t thc� cont,�°�cLor coulcl L� contacted. Motion withdx�a�m bti Counc�lnian Rroolc. Gave1 returned �o Mayor Aree by Acting Mayor Johaneon. Moi,ion b� Jol�sineon to have [landstrom and Hafner Construction Company contacted in or,9��r that {hcy clec�n� 1�mp and inspect lines £rom Trurik Hi�;hway ���+7 to Trunlc ➢��;hwa�t ����5• Seconded b,y L�rook. Upon a voice vo�e, there beang no nav�� ihr m����on c�rr�ed unanimously. i C I�1 TPtiS . Motirni b�+ Glolke to approve p,vyment of Geueral Claim� #�+58 through %�575� ;ecou�led by ,^,herid�m, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carri��d lanat��mously. ' � Mat�on by Sh�xidan to approve payment of Zzquor Clazms #5�+�+3'through �5�+6�+. ,�c�ndrrl hy 'rlolke. Upon o voice vote� there reang no nays, �he'mot3on carried iari�nuuou<1y. � � p�foi � �n h�i „r� I Pe to �pprove pa,yttieni, of Publ� c Utilities Claim$ �2605 through �%?627. �pcon�lcd bv ,Sherar7an ITpo» a voice v�i,e, �here hein� np'nays, the mot�ori carricrl unanamoiaely. ' 3�1, � `�' iMA�f TI S • Mo1�on by yroLke to approvo il�r fo�lowan� estimate: :;z�i��l�•srom ° liafnPl EsL�mata ��: (Paxtaal) 749 f'a c�� {, v,ltr Road ;dater lmprovement Pro,7ect No. 34-K TJ��: Ax i��hlon 12, Minnecol,� (jdater '1'ransmission Line) $ 7,8g3.02 ;;��con�lc��7 h;, ;�heridan. tJpou � voicP vote� there treing no nays� the motion ca�itF°d nn:in�mritt�ly. � _ � � � �� � ', ' „ Moti�on by Wqlke, to Hpprov� the followirig estirn�te: Comstock and �Aavis, Inc. Estimate 7�1 - h'-3�+-L (Sch.A) Consulting Engineers Estimate #�'j - W-34-J (Sch.2) lk4b Counby Road; "J" Estimai�e ��7 - W-31F-L (Sch.A} Minneapol3s'32� Minneeota Eetimate �7 - 6&SS��58 Estimate {fu - SEW#55 Estimate E�9 - ��I-31�-K �stimate �13 - bI-34-J (Sch.1) :� , 112.50 227.25 49.50 50.50 356.25 92.G3 �0.5� 9�9•13 Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, Lhere being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sh�ridan to approve the Sollowing eellmate sub�ect t.o ihe approval and releese,by the City Engineering Department: � Dunkley Suxfacing Company Fstimate �5 (Partial) ST.1962-2A $ 9,045.61 3756 Grand Street Northeest Fstimate �5 (P3rtial) ST.1962-2II 60.69 Minneapolis, Minneeote Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no nays, the moi,ion carried unanimously. LICENSES: Motion by Wolke to approve the £ollowing licensee: ELECTRICAL Commerical Electric Company 181 E. Sixth Street St. Paul l� Minnesota EXCAVATING Clemens C. Bushard 20fi2 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota GENERAI, CONSTRACTORS Inter City Garage Builders Highwey 10 and Univ. Ave. PT.P. Minneapolis 21� Minnesota Joseph L. Maciaszek �+359 Washington St. NE Minneapolis� Minneaota S & W�Constructio❑ Co. 8046 Fairchild Minnea�iol�s'32, Minnesota Robert'Tousl�y' 1335 Lou�siana Avenue Minneapoli's�26� Minnesota MASONRY Osco Cement Contrscting Co. 7250 Central Avenue NE Minneapolis 21� Minneeote Valley Masonry, Inc. 6�+25 Cloverdale Avenue No. Minneapolis 2$, Minnesote W & A Constxuction Company 6349 Portland Avenue Minne�polis� Minnesota by: August E. Hansen by. Clemens C. Bushasd l�y: Joseph F. Shun by: Joseph L. Machiaezek by• Clinton Whaley by: RpUert Tousley b,y: James Oberg by: Robert J. Schleferli by� Arnte Andersen IV�W VPW PFNPWAT ItLPIEWAL IV�W NEW REN�WAL NP�W I�NF�WAL D� DIL, RCTRNIN� Viking FIeaf,it�g & Air Cand. Co 6�F09 Goodrxch Avenue South St. Lou�s Park� Minnesote GENERAL RoUeri, £. Cnrlson 13C2 onai�da,r2 St, N� Pridley, Mi�tnesota Seconded by Sheridan carr2Pd unanimou�ly. � by: Carl W. Norman , NEW' by: Aobert L, Carlson NEW IIpon � voice vote, there being no naye� the motion , Counc�]man Sohanson inquired if' the Git,y Council had the epproval from the Chief of Police on the licenses regarding 'Perry's Club. The Finance Officer str�ted th<y were all approved. The City Manager inquired if,the previous licenae� hed Ueen released and the F'inance Officer replied th�ey,had. , Motion by Wolice i.o approve the followin� licenses: CAPE °Terr,y's Club" E061 Unxversity Avenue N.E. I'ridle,y 21, Minnesota CIGARETTC "Tcrry's Club" 6061 Univexsit,y Avenue NE Fridley 2l, Minnesota ON SAI,E "Terry'e Club" 6061 Univ�rsit,y Avenue NE Przdl�y 21, Minnesota C�arence P. Heutmaker Clarence P. Heutmaker Clarence P. Heutmaker�, � TAVGRN i i i "Terry's C1ub" ' 6061 Univa:rsit,y Avenue NE Fridley 21� Minnesota Claren�e P. HeUtme,keri,�� ���NEW � � � `�I �� �i� Secorided by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nay&� the motion carried mlanimously. , � � i � � � SPEC7AL ASSESSMENTS - LOTS 57 AND 5�3� BLOCK H� RIVERVIEW AEIGHTS: " Mayor Nee annovnced this wa� a request for an abatement on special assesa- ments on Lots 5% and 58� B1ock H. Riverview Heights by Mr,. Steve Gabri4k�. The City Mana�er stated he concurred with the recommendation o�' the Finance Officer in that the City not abate one oi' two service connection assessments. � Mo�2on by Johai�son to deny the reques� by Mr. Steve �rQ�ick Pox at1 abatement on sFec2a1 asse�sments on Lots 57 and 58� Block H� Riverview'Heigkl,ts. Seconded by Wolke, Upon a vo�ce vnte� there being no naye� the motion carried unanimously. ;� , SHALLOW WATF.R SERVICE - 6211 STARI,ITP� BOULEVARD: � �,'� ��' i� � The Cit,y Manager explained i;o the City Counc�l this was a reques,t brought to the atteni,ion of the City Council previously by Councilman�,;Wo,lke where,in Mr. Le^ter Thorrtad of 6211 Starlite B6ulevard was attempting"to xecoVer' i'rom fihe Clty of Fridley �91.00 for thawing of pipep due to a shsllow water � ,si, � � 1 „ ; \' I' i I' i �'' ��NEq i'� � , � � �NEW --� �� „ �. ` � � � ,�, , � TRANSFFR _J � � �_ .� � � � �'�,,� ;, serviae,.,d��St�kuas furthex explained Mr. Lea Chesney, Superinl�endent of Utilities, felt this',was"$ reasonable amount for the City to pay as it had been dis- covered that �tlie serv3ce line needed tp be lowered. City Attoroey Smith adr�ised'the City Council they could legally pay thie bill. �c �, � �� „ � Motion by Wolke to approve payment to Mr. Lester Thorstad of 6211 Star]iLe Boulevard'the'^,'sum of $91.00 i'or payment af bjlls incurred in i.lie tha4nng of pipes. 3econded by Brook. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, i,he motion carr'ied �unati�mous'1y.� � i „, sPECIAL�ASSESSt�NT sPREnn - ss�51: The Finance Officer explained to the City Counc�l �he public tiearing had been held on the above mentioned improvement. Gouncilman Johanson stated it had been hie impression they were �roing to put thzs all under one starm sewer aesessment.' Mayor Nee inquirnd of Mr. Comstock, consulting en�;ineer, z�hen they woul'd be going ahead with the Mississippi Si,reet storm s�wer. NLr. Coms,tock repl�ed thAt he was not familinr taith this project� i;hat, if the City Council w3ahed'any in£ormation, he would have it i'or the nex1, regular meeting. Councilman'Jok�anson inq_uired yf monies could be taken from General Taxes for this �mpxovement until such time as the balance oF the improvement ie put ln, that this was the it�dication the City Council haQ given the property ovners at the time it'was put in. Councilman Wol};e su�e,ested the huldin� oF the hearing gnd asses'sing at the time. Mayor Nee asked if the City would be abandonning the'line and stated that if propert,y owners were �ssessed at the present time'the City wouldn't be able to assees them at a later date. Mr, Comstock inquixed if this w�s the property wh�ch had been dici,ated by cour-L action and told it was. Councilman Johanson explained that at the time of' the hearing on this project� the people were tolcl they would not be a=sessed until such time as the over all storm sewer �aould be installed and were told there would be a,public hearing. Mayor Nee stated they should heve a repori, from the'Pconsi�lting engineer before a hearinh would be held. Phe P'inance 0£fi"cer's'tate"d that if a report from the consu]ting eng�.neer ���as wanied, t,he hearing could be held the first part of Augusl,. biotion by Jphenson to authorize the consulting engineer to oUi,ain more �nEor- mation relative to the drainage distr3ct. Seconded by Skieridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the moi,lon carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS: Motion by Sohanson to approve the followin� appo�ntments: NAME Jean Mari,e Ritter iFl Rice Creek Way Fridley 32� Mirinesota POSITION Switchboard Receptionist Cashier Earl Williem Moore Full-time 88j3 Tyler Street NE Bartender Spring Lake Perk, Minnesota Store �2 ;iALP.RY :�262.00 per month t"�2.45 per hour �f� hr.ueek P,E PI.t1C�IS ,lane Tarvinen 'Phoma s Luncl Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voicc vote, there bein� no nays, 1,he mottop � carried unanimously. �� RESOLUTION #110-1963 CONFIRMING ASSESSMENTS - BI�OCK 1, OSDORITE MANiOR SLCON➢ ADDITION: i Mayor Nee�requASted'an explanation o? the above entitled resolution froni the City Manager. 'The Ci�y Mena�er stated that� apparently� som�= af ttie property in question had not been assessed as it had been under contracT to the Wood- crest Baptist Church, The P'inance Offic� explained the properi,,y was purchased i� by contraci; rrom the Woodcresi; Baptist Church and the church had contsol"'of it and the County hafl taken i� off the tax ro11s. He further explai,ned.the contract had been broken and the property had reverted back to'the,owners ; and the Caunty Auditor had asred the City of Fridley to recertify t�ese ro�ls. The Cotmty iG unable to get the 1962 taxes payable in 1963 but thie"Iwould recertii'y that assessment rol). for these particular lots. ' , Motion by Johaneon to adopt�ReGolution �{ilo-1963 confirming special assese- ments on Lo1,� 3, 4,-5, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 1, Osborne,Manor,second ri Addition. Seconded b� Sher�dan. Upon a voice vote� there being po'nays� the motiun carried unnnimously. „ R�SOLUTION ��l]1-1963 REQiJ�STING ]3RIDGE WALKWAYS; � � � Meyor Nee stated that epparently the Railroad and Warehouse'Commisgi,�on'has the auihority ta order the installation of walk�aays on bridges. Motion by Sheridan t,o adopt Resolution #111-1963 requestin� the Railroad and Warehouse Conimiselon to order Northern Pacific Railway to install Welkways on Bridge Number 16. Seconded by Broolc. Upon a voice vote, there being no'nays� the mot2on carrled unanimously. � i � I �; � TERMIPI�ITION OF UNRECORDED PLl1T - FUTURE I3EIGHTS ADDITION: �ir�^ ° � � �� Mayor Nee annaunced this item was with re�ard to the �erm�na��on`of an un- � recorded plat in the Future Heights Addition. The City Manager,eXPla3ned that if the developer still wanted to plat, they would et&rt,over�and th'�s l area vould, in any event� be destroyed by the State Highway Depertment.,,' Mayor ATce inquired if the developer had been advised. City Engineer Br,q�n, si;ai,ed the last communication received from the developer explained they,'� were waitin� for the State Highway decision. �� i i i Motion by Johanson to terminate the unrecorded plat of the FUtuse He'�i�hte� Addition. Seconded by Wolke. City Attorney Smith advised the'City�,COUncil, there was no problem on the above listed item ae the owner had ari oppontµnity I to replat. Upon a voice vote� there 6eing no nays� the motion cstTied�unani- i mously. ,� � _� ql � RER,UEST FOR P.}CCPPTION TO CLFARANC� RtiQUIREMENT - TELEPHONE COMPANY,;' �"t,�lv � �� n��� Mayor Nce announced this was a request for exception 1,o clearancejre,4ui'rement by Northwestern Sell Telephone Company. The City Manager stated the'tele- phone companv had an additional permit request and the City`!;�p6lneer, woixld explain. City Engineer Bro�an explained the telephone compsny,has'a',,feeder line t,hat the,y are allowed certain crossings for,on �ast River Road and, there are a f'ew places where they run into guide posts and,lines�,�tc.��,., and they want to move it in. Tf at any time the City of Fridley� it was explained� wants to dig sewer and �•roter llnes� the telephone company will protect tYieir conduits at their own expense, �r, � Dlotion by Johanson to grant the permit for request for except3on to, clear- ance reauirement to Northwestern Bell Telephone Company subject�tp,reserya- tions made by the City of Fridley Engineering Department. Se,conded by Wolke. Upon a vo�ce vete� there being no nays, the motion carried una,nimou83y: � 'PENiPORARY ,STORA� SEW�R CONNECTiOPT AT 53RD - COTUMSIA HESGHTS: , , �ii 1i' �i Mayor Piee annonncPd thie item was with regard to a temporany�atorni sewex � connection requested by Columb�a FIeights where they apparently,can put storm water in san3tary sewer. The City Manager stated he sub�itted,this ii.em wibUaut comment. The Columbia Heights City Mana�er, it'',was explained�,, had st�ted i;hey were ei.ill interested in this connection: The City Erigineer �xplaiued to t,he City Council that Columbia Heights will reserve�for"them- selves the same amount of water dumped into the sanitary sewer,. The�City Manager explained that previously� tY115 item had,been held'in'iabeyaplce � until Mr. ComsLocic� cansultin� engineer� would hear from Coluulbia H�ights. � I, ' � �� •I�li x ��i � I i Mr. Comstoek 'ei�ated he had spoken with represeni,atives of Columbia lIeighte two or t7iree� Iti,mss and had received no information. City �n�ineer Rrown stated that'he• had been told as soon ae i.he perrnanent storm s�l�er prol�]em is resolved� they,would remove this temporary storm sewer. , The City Manager suAgested to the City Council i.hey could advise thaL �nfor- matrion should be received from the consu]t�ng engineer before any aciion could be' taket�'on th3s matter. Mr. Comstock st�ted there wer? i;rio i,hin,ns he �uas concerned about� one being the design conditions on this Lempoi�ry line and the second thin� was what had existed tdhen Columbia'$ei�hts and Pr�d]ey — shared the cost of a teroporary line and Columbia Heights now wants i.o con- nect a temporary line into a temporary line. Motion by Sheridan to approve the Columbi_a IIeights Request for ;torm Sewer Temporary Connection at 53rd Avenue Northeast on a temporary Uasie sut,,7ect to conditions imposed by tYie consulting en�;ineer=, Comstocic and Davis, Inc. Seconded,by Srook. Upon a voice vote, there be�ng no nays, i,he moLion carried unanimously. t � �� � i � RESOLU7,'ION �112-1963 RECEIVING PRELIMINARY REPORT AIdD ORD�RZNG PIJSLIC AF'hRTTTfL _ CLT l • , I Mayor Ne@'annpuneed this was ��ith regard to a resolutlon reeeivin�; a pr�lim- inary repor�t� and ,ordering a public hearing on Sevrer and Weter �f 6] . Tl�e City Managex explaiped the City Engineex felt the Cii,y should have the €;eneral conditioYS9;reviHed before the City would go any Furthex on thi� pro�ect and some of 'the soil'conditions mi�ht requize dtffer�nt specifications whirh might incXeaae,the dollar emount-s in the Notice of Hearing. I3e furi.her ex- plained he had spoken to Mr. Cpmstock, consulting engineer, hrtef'ly and he didn't feel it,would make much differance regardi.ng costs and :sccondly they have BaconlDriVe to consider for sewer and �aater. The City M��naeer si,ated this sewer and watex was in the pro�ram last year and was delcLed by reason of objec�ion and lack of easement bnt that a pet�tion had been x�ceived recentlyifor Lot Nine which riould bc� water dead-endin� on a hydrant and � feasib3lity letter had been received from the consulting engineer. Mr. Robert Cavin of 7�t32 Bacon Drive was present and questioned tkie service on Conrad Street� that if the City Council r�as talking 250 feet oF sec�er, he actually would�have to pay half of tt. It tras explained to Mr. Cavan tl�e preliminary cpst figures for his area yrould be approximately :��E,?03.?_5. Mr. Cavin raised no objection. The Clty Manager cug�ested the Cit,y Council could o�der plans'and speM fications if i,hey felt that between no�a ,3nd thc public hearing and orderin� of plans and specifications their engltieers co�ald make up general specifieations for Council approval re�;ar3in� �oi1 conc7�tior�s and what ef�ect it will have on conditions. Motion by Johanson to adopt Resolution ��112-19n3 receiving t,h= prel�m mary report arid cal'1in� a Public Hearin� on the inatter of i;he construc�,ion ot certain impxovements - Water and Sewer Pro7ect [do. 61. Seconded b�i Brnok. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the moLion carx•ied unanimously. RESOLUTION �113-1963 TRANSPERRING FUNDS: Mayor Nee announced this was a re�olution calling for the trensferr�ng ot funds. The Ci�y Manager stated that rather than transl'errin�; funds at, the end of the year� they had transferred funds ai, the Sirst quarter, this would be the second auarter, there would he another transfer in SrptemUcr __ and one at the end of the yeas. Motion by Johanson to adopt Resolui.ion �113-19G3 makin� 1�ransfcrG of certain funds, Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote} Lhere being no nays, tlie motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF FIRE DEPARTMENT PAYROLL: Motion by Sher3dan to'approve the Fridley P�re Department Payroll in i,he amount of $8�914.00. Seconded 6y Johenson. Upon a voice voi.e, there beinrr no noys, the motion carr3ed unanimously. � �y PXPFlNSIOPI OP ST�RAGP SPACE FOR �f� uTORE• The Cii,v M�na�;e7• explained the Liquor Si.ore Manager� Mr. Magu�.re� would like i.o cnntact someone who huilds this t,ype of storage tn add to the ��} ;tore sLorage �pace so that tliey can get, the most out of the storage space and also add a lar�;er cooler, i � � � Mayor Nee stnted there wac a lerger etore avnilable at Holly Shoppi�n� Ceni,er, Rir�.her� the lucation of the empty skiop is very good. , Councilman Drool: stated he didn't feel i,be liquor store should be moving ar,ound. Motion by Wnl.ke to authorize the City Manager to investigate othex,alter= I natives for %r�E Liquor Store. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote� there � being no nays� the motion carr�ed unan�mously. � �� ��; ��' � , i� ,� ,� �� � � OTSIER SUBINE;GS: ' i �, � � � , I � Mayor Nee expla�ried �o �he C21,y Council that a meeting had been,held ai�'the City Hall inth t,he Caordinating Committee and interested persotis on, the ;new Civi]. Center� tliat notices were sent out and only eight,'or,nine persone had appeared From over sixty notices. He furtiher explained that �diacuaeions ; had bPen held re�arding the preseni, site. The C3ty Manager atat�fl�,the ''� Archii,ectvral Fteview Committee which had been set up to, review�,,propoga7,s� �' , and also to talce a look at the site had two members present�'namely Mr: , Minder and Mr. Hagfors, Councilman Brook had raised a question'ion the site � and Mr. Minder had stated he felt hia committee had looked at�various sites and because oi' i;he economic factor involved had felt thie present site was {,he px•oPer site, The City Manager stated it appeared to �he,committee that they would .like to know exar_t1y where the City Council stood o�7 thi+s,`site. Counc�lman Johr�nson stated he vas still in ?avor of the present site but he did feel they rahould ao ehead and build a fire station. Councilman Brook si,al,ed tit .�as hie opinion the fire station should be built on Misaiesippi Street for trai'fic reasons and the Civic Center should not 'be built at the present time, Councilman Wolke stated it was his opinion the Couneil 6Hould � buy some quonset buildings and use them temporarily. Councilman Johanaon inquired of the f'iE;ure Smile,y and Associates� Architects�-h8d give� ion the _� F'ire Department and wes told about $16b�000. Chief Robert Hughes oi' the� I'ridley FirP De��artment wes preeent erld stated a new Fire Stetlon,�in;Haetings had ,7ust been completed including everything at a cost of �105�000._ „ �; 1 qn CounciLnan Broo1c told Chief Hughes he had made a statement that they should build the ftire department facin� Mississippi Street as it �rould be accessi- ble and eas�er for traffic and requested the opinion of the £ire chief.� Mr. fhaghee �tated that Mississippi Street was the best loc9tio[1. �COarle�lman Brool> inq�aired jt they build a fire station, why couldn't they�tase part ot' it for city ofF�ces. „ � � A discussion ��as held regarding the Riedel property on Misaissippi $treet And the possib�lit�es af same. Councilman Sheridan inquired what the asking price oP Lhe Riedel property had been and was told they were asking $165,Op0 and ii, �ia� appra�sed ior $4f�,000. Cc�uncilman Brook aia�ed the'r���ty did have the ripht to condemn and buy property. The City Manager;e�Cpl�uin9'fl";,�hey YJad run �nto i,est borings which were not satisfactory and theq had al&o'considered the problem of unloading the present Caty Hall. Mayor Nee at$ted this item needed an er,pree�sion from the C�ty Council. „ � � Councilman Erook inquired of Mayor Nee if he washed to conaid,er �He entire Civic Center or a part of it. Mayor Nee stated ib was hisnfeeling they,,;i should considex the enttre Civic Center. Councilman Johanson atated he ' � laould like to l�ave the City Council raccept the desi�n as,it,was �'iven tq, � them on the present site but instead of building it'complete�,bu3Td jue'�'+i � the Pire Deparf,r,ent. Chief Robert Hughes stated that with'thei,cas�';Of huts as an addition to the Fire Station, it wouldn't pay to put'them up and tear them down later, Councilman 4/ollie stated they were spending moni,es foY' rent and they would be needing more room; further,�£hey he,d a; �ood de�al,lofF equipment and would be getting more and they should have,a place wkiere this could Ue away from the center itself. IIe further,atated'„there was a �ood deal of poor land available For heavy equipment storage and'iuRin-, tenance butldings. � � � � The City Manager suggeeted t,o the City Council they have a,me�;tin� with � � � �.; , � , the Archi6e�etux�al,Review Committee. Mayor Nee etated the City Council �houl3 solidify this item as� divided� tl�ey would not Ue able to c�rr?r i� Lhrou�h. Councilman Sheridan sta�ed the first thing they had to do was decide on the sitc, and it was his opinion they should consider the entire Civic Crnter. ADJOURMNENT: � � Thexe bei'ng no further 6usinese� Respectfu].iy �'ubmitied: � �-c� 5 e iskowic Secret�ry to the Council , , the mettin� was declared ad�ourned by Mayor Nee. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MINUTES - JULY 8, 1963: �� � � YQR - Flill�.a . Nee A Meeting,of the Board of Equalization uas called to ordes by P4ayor Pdee st 8•10 Y.M. Present'at xo11 eall: Nee, Brook, Johanson, S}ieridan, Tdolke Property owners present were: (1) Mr. Sol Gunzburger -- 6209 Baker Avenuc Bloek 6� Lot 6, Moore Lake Highlands 4th Addition � Plat #$6f380, Pnrcel �{120 Asked aboUt depreciation on his property (house buil� in 1956� Mayoi asked Mr.iHerrmann� City Aesessor to check on bhis parcel of laand. � (2) Mr. Dalton J. Mat2ke- 140'4 Mississlppl Street Dlock 1� Lot 3, Sprin�3 Valley AddiLion � ' � P1�� �59125� Parcel %�120 Asked when does depreciation start? A�r. Hr_rrmann advi�ed Lhat �t �iae G yeai's from�the first entry on the book�. (3) Mr. Tom F].annery -- 1�65 Ononadago Auditor'� Subdivision �129� Lot ]1 � P1at #54167� Parcel ��740 Requested review of his property� chle�; complaint - Special Ass��srnente. (4) Mrs. Leanard H,7ort - 1434 onona�p;� Auddtor's Subdiv�eion {�129, Lot 22 Plat 7��j�H167� Parcel ��1660 Complained�about Specia] Assessmenta. The'Council eigned the certification of i.he va7_uat,ions to the Counly. A�JOURNMENT: Motion by Councilman Johanson, seconded by Counc�lman i3rook to ad,7utarn t,he rneei,�nh. Vernice Larson C� -�� Act3ng Secretary - Assesaor`s Office � �'.,.,w`u" �`'"`-,'� MAYOR - Will� rri J. Nee ,