07/22/1963 - 00023216J C� Seconded bv Bx•oo]{ t�nanitnou�ly. ADJOi1RN: Upon a voice vote� there being na nays� the mbti'on'caxried , ,, � p � Motion U,y WolY,e i,o ad,7ourn the segular Council Meeting of July 15� Tg63. SAconded by Johau�son and Mayor Nee der.lared the meeting adjourned. Upon a voice vote� there bcing no nays� the motion carried unianimouely. �"� ��� Rc; pcct f'ii] ly �,uUin itted / / � . � . / i' „ , ticl.o��ic Secrei,�ary to the Councll cYECT4L COUPiCTL NIEPTISdG - JULY 22� 1963 ,, , �/V "�/w�v�+� MAYOR - Wil ' m J. Nee , � ' �� � A speci�7 meet�n� of the C�i;,y Council oF the City of Fridley'was called;to order bv Ma�+or Piee ai. 8:55 P•M• ROLL CALL Members Pi•e: rni, Nee, Eirook, Sheridan� ti'ollce Member� l�h.F�nl • Johnnson � �I MINNESOTA STA'T'E HTGAWAY DEPARTMENT - HE: STORM DRAINAGE,MEETTNG REQ,idES`I'ED Br DISTRCC`I' FNGINF]ER: � i �� � . 'r Mr E. J. A1cCtiihrey, District ]sngineer� Mr. D. F. McFadden� 'De��'tyiDi�strict Engi- neer, Mr. P. G. Velz, Hydraulic En�ineer� Mr. F]oyd Lauman�,Assistant HyflravTic Englneer �aere pre�eni, to diecuss �uith the City Council the,la��'e��'Storm drainage studiee of thr Minnesota St¢te Hi�rRway Department and Columbi'a',�HelgSts C,onsulting Fn�inee�°;s c�esigne consisi;ing of Plans �1-1� B and C involving'anlb,ut£al.l.,',�alpng f�<91F (FIigliway ��100) from University to the Missi:;sippi River-'and alOng 45th Ave- nnc PSorthnas�r, extended West to the Diississipp� River ixom HighWay #�4�7'ori � com- binat�on Lhereoi'. Mayor NPe announced thr_ above described meeting and xequested��,that�I�r. Comet;ock, consull,inp, en,�lneer i'or Fridley� give an explanation of the,�itUatio� ,and recom- mendata�±n^. Mr. Cametock exp]ained i,o the City Council that'a���ew fi0nths pre- viou� L}�ere was a meetln� held ry the Columbia Heights enginee�'s'and City of Fridley enguieer� and cit,y manapers. This had been brought &bout by,°the„Council of th� City oP Fx•idley reque�ting euch a meetin�. At th'is meeting it was sug- �estEd tl»1, anoi�her study be made on joining the North Univexsity,and South Universtii�j pro,7ects into a common outlet to be constructed in'a"ri'ght-bf-way of �h9� . The II� �12tray Department mc�de a design a�xid the iigureg � weYg 'reVieWed •by the consu] tin�� eilr�Lrieers for ColumUia lieights and they have issued and e�ddendum {�one to the Storm Drainage Report and� ai, the present time� it'h&s been d3scussed by the CiLy Managers and there mi�hG be some slight reviaions.���',The`City Manager steted he had called the City P�an�ger of Columl�ia Heights on th�;x',ego�t,and he was to have met on Frid�y and was unable to contact him. � +'�o°'��',,I,'„ � 'r1 %I Mr. Comstnck re�d the recommendation to the CiLy Covnc�.l tha�'��Ihad� been dr&,wn. The recommendation covered three Uasie deeign^ for storm drairiaga� plan #A=1 �nvolving the �+2nd Street outlet as wall as the North University a'nd immedi�te area t,o the Sou1.h; Plan ��S �.aae a stud� that the Iiighwoy Depa,rtri7ent made on the � , „rf ' ' ��� i � � ii � � � i � r � .— � __, �, � ��, � , J �I reali�nment ofi�trhe 3outh'Umvexsity pxo,7ects af6er the joint repox�L wae svbmii,ted to them;'Plaq'��C was a �oint project comblmng South and North llnsvrre�ty wii,h a common outlet 'qm #691�', Mr. Comstock further explained the recommendat,ione are that it ia �'the,' opinion of the engineers tYiat Plrin �B is prei'�raLle and negoi,iations ' between the partiea involved might be the nexL stPp. He state3 ttiat accompanyin; the report� in" the exhiUits and appendix were some f�gures to �ive the ma�nztude of the pro„ject,and to compare routes; also, r.wo lei,ter� from Ra1ph D. Thomas, con- sulting engineer'of Co],pmbia fIeights� �oere included in the repori. �pproving Plan ��R. � Plan #B rlas,presented to the Cit,y Councal and explained by N�r. PdrCubrey, Distriri, Engineer, oP the Minneaota State Highway Department and Mr. Comstocic� consulting engineer. ,It Was explained that both Plan A-1 nnd Plan B invo]ve t�,ao outlets to the Miss3rsippi River and they are all on a comparaUle basis. Plaii B is several hundred thousa�d,dollars eheaper� t,he members of the Highway Departrneni, explained. Mayor Nee inquired if this agreemeni, were entered into if it would take care o!' the North Universi,ty area and was toTd by Mr. Comstock that it would not. Coun- cilman Wplke inquired if the 72 inch line would take care of the problems on tlie South end. Mr, Comstock replied that it woiald. Mayor Nee asked �f resident� Ln the affeated'area already had an assessment spread and was told that some had been assess�d'but,not all� the area south of 49th Avenue had been ossessed. Mr. Coni- stock explained he was not certain who had been assessed� the 1'inance OPficer would be able �to explain that portion of the projeri„ Councilman Wolke inauired how much money wae"bein� estimated for the entire pro,7ect and was t,old $1�Gi35,000.00 of which $j63�000.00 was estimated for Columbia Heights� �367,000.00 ior Prid]ey and $356�OOO.pp for the Highi�ay Department. �'',�i � It was explairied to the City Council this study �aas made by Ra1pYi D TYiomas and Assoc�ates and ithere was a cost comparative report which included i,he //G94 ]ine which was previously designed by the Minnesota Highway Department 2nd some of the other lines from 52nd on up and inc�.ude" i,he Sullivan Lalce llne. It also in- cludes the S3rd Avenue line from University �venue East and the 5�ith Avenue area and j6int study that was made by Columbia lIeights, Minnesota Highti�ay PFpartment and Fridley. � Plan #C included the design that the Minnesota Ifighway Department Ilydraulic Sec- tion had recen�ly made� it was explained and Ra7ph D. 7'homas and E1s,ociatee h�d attempted to put this on an equavalent basis. Mr. Comstocic ii�Formed the Cii.y Council the flrst thing would be the selectlon of a proposal and i;he next step would be the cost sharing wii,h Columbia HeightG. Councilman BrooL iuquired �f the watet was a11, supposed to flow South and North totiiards i.he h�ghTaay that Lhc 72 inch litle wouldn't be bi� enough to handle the problem. IIe wa� to]d tLis cza� correct� the �ine would then become a 108 inch line. Mr. Comstocic explained Lhe ali�nment is on University Avenue where it goes to a 120 inch line and it goes to 48th Avenue �lortheast from that point �;o ��69lI and it would k�e a 120 iuch line and at that poinb thexe is an equalizing section and Lhe pipe is a,;ain xcducerl to lO8 inches. This is staf�ted at k9th Avenue �ortheast on tY:e desi�,n calcu]_a- tion�. Councilman Brook stai.ed there was a que,_t,ion zn his mind i;hai, aL tl�e Lime the 72 inCh lime was put in� t,hat pr�rtacular pipe was supposed to diaiu eleven hundred acres of land, Mr. Comstock �i,ated i,haL �ras correct r�nd Llns was why theq are now asking for another 72 inch line along side of it plus a pipe hy thc� tracics. Couneilman Brook asked if it wa�n't correct that the 72 inrh line at the time it'was ittstalled was supposed to flra�n Soiath and Plorth �nd �sn'1; this the same area'where now they are asking for anothex 72 inch line plue anoi,her line on 45th'. `�he repr'esentatives from the Highway Department stated this was desiEned by the'engineering firm fox Fridley at that timc and was cies��ned for Tah�t had been the intended use and depended how much was included. It was fnrt,her explained that Fridley would not lose the use of the pipe already installert, that it woulc� be used to l00 pex cent capacity. The representatives froni the State Highway De- partment,stated they did not feel they were overdesigning� thai, the design nas based on overl,and fioo7. Mayor Nee inqui,red if� on tt>>s particu],ar pxo�ect, there was pressuxe from the State Hi'ghway pepartment. Nr. McCubrey stated there was as this tnc]urles tihe latera],sy catch basins snd al1 other installations. A discussion period was held rele,tive'tO,the expediency of outPall line� apparent ueed for en ep,ree,rment in the immediate tltture;and cost figures for the entire pro,7ect. Reprcr�entatives from the,Highway Department si,ated they had tried to figure the State's �hare and hop�� Fridley and Columbia Heights ��ill be able to get together end split the balance of the coats. � i� Mayor PTee inaiiired zf whethez° or not Pridley ��ould a�{ree with Columbia H�i[�hts on the plan, ��ou]d Fridley et911 need the 72 inch line on ��69�.� Mr.'Comstock replied Ihe lJne would be neceseary to servire the North: Un3vex�ity'interchenge and the inl,c�x:ecLion oF South Universlty and Sullivan I.ake outfall. Councilmon Wolke LnquLred if Columb9a Iic�e�;hts doesn't like any par� of the, plan going to the Missis,sippi River on 451,h Avenue, would it be possible, that �they cauld dump morr *,�ater through various metl2ods. He was told Columbis I3e3ghts"could,�riot �aith- oul, i,he permission of Fridley, Councilr.,an Sheridan sta{,ed:1P,Columbia H�ights oiouldn't 1-e in favor of Pl�n A-] and B� Fridle,y mi�ht have to put�more water up to ��(9ZF Frorn i,h� Sou{,h end. Cuuizcllman bdolI;e ex��ressed the opinion �t;o the re- pre:;entai,ive; of the Flz�;hway Department that wh�t they were e�yitig is Fridley would sLi]1 be at the mercy oi Columbia He�ghts and was toZd if -Columbia Heights does not, a�ree crith the plans and does not enter into any agrePment,.on' 9torm ` sewers� i.heir wa�er could xun downbill anto Fridley on the surPace.and�Fridley could not, stop them. Councilman Wolke stated if Frid�,ey was gding to help Columhi� TIei�htg on Sullivan L31ce, the,y shoUld be made to pay�,'�heirlshar� of this storm se��er and xnquired oi' Lhe representatives dif the Mi,nnesoCa State'Hi�h- way Depart,irent �ahat tYiey could do to help lridley get Columbia,Aeights to sh�re the proposeci j>lan. The represent�tives of the Iiighway Department stated their relations wzth Columbia Heights F�ere good. i� � � �� �,� � � Mr. McCubre� s{,at�d that Columbia Helghts was interested in ge�ting University Avenu� huilt and if i,hey don't go alang with the plan, they won't";get UniversiLy Avenue bui]t, also, Fridley should be able to get some kind of�an agreement,to get the Rul]avan Lalce outlet in with Columbia Heights and thiw.would be another levern�c. Cotinc;ilman Wolke �r.ouired what could be done in the,design to stop thP flou of Sull�van Lalce into ��6a4. Mr. Comstoek replied� it�Cthe Sullivan Lake ei,udy, ii, �bowed the pond wou]d flood a considerable area includit]g e,drivin� ran�e ]n Lhe ar�ea. He further explained they had been in communication with the Conserv�tion Depart,ment to eee what could be done for the Fridley,axea stQr.m water goin�; t,o i,he creelc and it is conservative to approve the oqerflow,fr;om Moore Lake ' to R�ce Creelc. i � � � � Cou�cilnian [doll�e inquired if M. S. A. Punds could be used ori sbme streete for etorm s��acr and could the street, as a drainage area� pick up £unds:' The C�ty Council w�s tnld by representatives of the HYghway Department,that it'was, I possible. Mr. Coms�;ock inquired if it was possible to get mun�.cip$1 �State'Aid for dra�n�ge �ahere laterals won't be construeteduntil streeta,d,aTelconstructed. The City Council was told this was possible iF the State'iHigt�Way,Department'had a comm7l,ment th�i, they would btit2ld the etreets. Mr. Comstock'I�i.hquired i��' it m�de any c�iffc°x•ence whether tlze storm conduit as 3n the'StateYAi�l Street or whether ii, is � block away. Tl�e City Council was informed,it',�.e-where the State Azd weter �oe� and the City would be paid for the run ofi�no�matte,t��;�where it 2s taken. Mrl,hods of comput2n� �ame were discuesed. • ��� �,� ��'�° i'i� � �� „ Mr. McCubrey e�;p]ained i.he a�reement 15efore the City Council fox tkre area;necess- ary to r.�nszder was �1�°�4�000.00 ancl explained the area it include,d,and,what,would be involved. Tt was explained the share of the State is �107�0OO.OQ,in this portion. i � � �E^ Mayor Nee inqu9red iF what �aas needed was a res��ution o� �94�wi�th�ox�without ColumUia Heighi,s consent. Mr. Cometock stated that once there is'a general a�reF°ment, thf�n the question is the coet and ii' the communitie8 would be able fo worl; together they would be able �o reach a deeision on the^�psojeet.',r�It�was stated th�L Columbia Height� would probabl3� be interested atid'a�'ee'„to Plan'E and the only grobZem would be hoc� they will ehere the proposal;�8nd with that infor- mation, a public hearing could then be held. �; i; ,ti" � � The CiL�� Manager stated the at;reement with the Minnesota Aigh�ray D2�artment� as written� ��a,ys cash whsch the City of Fridley couldn't do as;8ieity,as the City � Council would have to hold public hearings, and they have no b&sie'on which to raise id�e mone;y. Mr. McCubrey stated that he had made �'suggeetion that a pay- ment plan could be worked out w�th t,he State but'he had been told it possibSy was not, legal, hut that State Aid Funds would certainly he1p.,Mayor Nee,proposed if the State could finance the pro�ect for Fridley� it was,donceivsble they could pay for it out oi' generel taxes. It �aas explained how Sta�te'A3d FUnds' could be used to redcace i,he casts oP the over-all project. Mayor Nee"expl$ined to,ty�e representaLive, of the Hi�hwa,y ➢epartment� that in specula�ting'on general,taxes ver�ua epecial a�sensments� the City ai' Fridley couldTl't,�,caYxy�tYlis�qn taxe& w�Lhoui; an eler.tion. "r � ' i I ' I� ' � ;� u The City Mana�er�suggested to �.he City Council the passin> of a resolution regar�- in� the agreement with the Sta�e Hi�hway Depari,ment. He fux•thexsuggested the re- solution� as presented by the State Highziay Department, should be chE:cked hy the City Attorney:^ Mayor Nee su�gested the passing of a resolution concurrin� taith Pl�n B to show Columbia Heights the City Council of. Fridley was in favor oP same. Mr. McCubrey'felt the passing oF such a resoluLion would be eatisiactory for the present with the City Attorney conPerring �,a�th the Attorney Ceneral�' otPice to make certain i.t would !�e accepted. Conl�cilman S1�eridan stated to the City Council 1,hat �n coni'r;rrinp=_, ,iii,li Mr. McP3ddr�n� he adviaed th'e' City Council does iiave a*,oedge on Columbia lIei�,lit� on Plar� A-1 und �uggasted to'the C3ty Council a meeting �a2th Columbia Heighl.s to apY�rove i,his nlan. bfayor Nee stated it was his Ceelin�; this pro,7ect needed 1.o be dpne Councilruan Sheridan sta�ed that when an approval wac reached l�it17 Colwnbia Hei,�,}�,.G, at that tim��the perceptages would have to be worked out, +hat� up t.o Lhe psesent, there has been no'benefit where the assessment h�� been spread. Tl-e City LInE,ineer pxe- sented maps' to, the City Council shoo�ing tahere i,he assessment, h�ci bFen spread. Mayor Nee iinqUired of the representatives of thc State Hi�;h��ay DEpar�,rnent iF the Council of the City of Fridley passed a motion to express the intenf oi' i;he Coun- ci1 to agree to Plan B� would it be possible to tind out if ihe Ill�h>>ay Dep��rtment could finance Fridley and then Frtidley could levy one or one and or�e_kialf mill�. THe City Manager suggested to the C1ty Councll the CmLy �ttui•ney l�c rncluded �ri all phases of this project, Councilman Wolire su��gested the Clty flttoxney be al- lowed to draw a xeeolution sYiotirin� that •Fridley is in a�,*reement to Plr�n B �uU�eci. to any revisions that I'ridley would have to h-ave and that I'rldley dr�ee a�x•ee to the plan� as designed and presented, with iinancing to be discuescd. The City Attorney inquired if the City Council u�slzed to act on a resolut�on 1,1r,� ev�ning. Mayor Nee stat,ed that all the City Council �aLShcd to do w�s �xpress 1�� tlic- FIigh- uay Depaxtment, and Columbia lieight� Lhey �re in at�reement wiLYi thc pl�us as pre- sented. , The City Manager inquired o, tYie representativ�s zi' August, t.hc SLIi vould be satis- --` factory for the following meei;ang as it �aould s,ive the Council r,- the City oF Frldle� time i;o 'meet r�ith the Council of Columbia lIeiF�,hi;s. � �soLUTZON #i1G-19h3� Mol.ion by' Wolke to adopt R]sSOiLfTIOSd ;��116-196?� , Amendment D1o. l. to Preli�ainary Report� of the Joint Storm Drt�ina�e Study, I'iidley-Columbia Hei�}ii,e, A[innesota Highway Department of November� 1<j61 prepared by Ralph D. TLoma: and Associates, Inc.� Engineers� Minneapolis� Minnesota� Juie ]963, generally approv2n, Plan B provided the same is approved by the City of L'olumbia lieight,s tiatt>>in a zcasonable period of time and providtng further� that suitable methods aY fin�ncu�f; j,h�s im- provement can be developed. 9econded by'�Sheridau. Upon a ro11 ca11 vote lhpsP voting, aye, I��ee, Hroolc, Sheri- dan� Wolke. '�hose opposed. Plone. Motion carrled unanimously. � ADJOURN: T�ere being nq 'further business, Mayor NPe declared the special m�°r�ting of' July 22� 1963 adjoUrned. Respectfullyisubmitted� I �" � iskowic Secretary to'�the Council YOR -� J. F—i/ Jee_e