08/05/1963 - 00023201�
A re€;ulur meeting of t,he Clty Cotimcil of the City of Fridley �ras called to order
by Mayoi• P1ee at �9:15 P. M. � � � �
Members Fre�ei�t: Nee� Johansoi�, Sherid�n� Wollce, Brook,� arrived',at f3:25 P.M.
Meuiber� AU�,ent• PIonP
Mot,iou Uy Jolann,on 1,0 �pprov� I,he minu'Les oi' tlie Regular Meetln� of July� 15, 19G3
as prepar��� and received. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice,vote�l, th6re being
no na�s, i,l�c mot�on carx�ied uuanimnusly.
APPP,OV�1L OF MI�1iJT�5 - SPECIAI� MfETING, SULY 22� 1963: , �
Motion by �Iolice to approve the minutes of the upecial Meeting of July �2y 1963 as
prepared and received. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice yote�'there'6e3ng no
nay�� 1.he moi,ion carried unanimously.
� ,
-�65 �_ W. 250'
h9ayor Nec annonnced this was a contlnued hearing on sewer and water improvement
on Drookvie�� Drive and stated there waa a recommendation from Lhe Gity Matlager
1;hat thiG Ltem be tablPd until the meeting of August 19th� but,thi.s,did involve
a hardshzp for at leasi, one party present thie evening and rgcommended it to
be opened for consideration and receive the remarks of those'preaent bei'ore
{;ablln�; �I;em. The City Mranager explained the area involvefl,and sts,ted be,had
loolmd �nio the matter and ii; did appear to him Lhat everybody tkiat could b'e
assesse�i had been assessed and there is stall one connection comirig to a pro-
perty o�anPr dopending on how the loi,s are split. The City Manager^�urther„stated
he would pxefer that the Finance Director be present �o look into the matter fur-
ther and malce a better report on this item. Mr. Talbot, home,owner'„in the area,
raised the question if they �aere going to be assesaed. Mayor Nee;replied that iF
he had been assessed once, he could not 6e assessed aga3.n. Mr: Lindbloom� home
o�aner in the area� statcd originally he had been assesaed for �'lotQ and now,
to i,he beel, oi' hie knowledge hc had been assessed for 3 lots apd.now he had been
told hc �ias aesessed for 2 lots. Mayor Nee etated he was assuming,that the on7.3�
matter {,he City Council was coneider3ng was whether this'iasea;neededtj4is ser-
viae at all and the matter was bei'ore the Council because'oi the paving ,Program�
tha1, if there �aere some way to pave the street and still acknowledge the obliga-
tions of (,}ie City, it might be to the best interest of everyone� but the City
Council z�ould rai,her not pay £or this item this year.
Mayor Nee raised the quest,ion to Mr. Lindbloom tif he had any idea� 3p the,near
ful,ur��, o� wani,ing to split hi� 1ots, Mr. L�ndbloom replied thalt he had no in-
tention oi'�loin� this �t the preeeirrt tlme. Mayor Nee inquired�'3f,it would be
pose�Ulc to �;et an easement so they cou].d provlde servicea and'get the streets
paved. D1r. Lindbloom answered Lhat he d�dn't know� as it would'�be'dependent on
locai,ion of eesements and oi,hrr problems. Councilman Sheriden�iinqUix'ed of Mr.
Lindbloom houi his home was �ituated on his lot and was told,i'�„�faced East and
the locaiion z� to the South, that Mr. Lindbloom eould get�tw�o',mo�'e��lot9�"ttl�
thc Diorth. I� �,+as further stat,ed that at the time this mettex' was originally
brou�=,h1. Lc� the attention of 1,Yie Cit,y Council� it was thought Lqt 7,would be
3 lot� anc� ii.`�ould be serv�red by sanitary sewer but it present�d a problem
of street suri'ar_ing if two loi,s would be on Brookview. Mayor Nee stated to
Mr. Lindb]oom t,hat if he h�d paid for two lots, the third connection wopld not
be pald For. N�r. Lindbloom re�lied he felt he had pa3d fOr'three'¢onneCtions.
Counc�lman Droo}: arrived at °�:?_5 P. M.
� � �
_. �
Mr. Talbot�explained to the City Council the sewer line thr�i, is tnetc�lled �e
adequate �'prlonly one home at the preseni,. Mayor Nee announced Lhat a motion
wouLd be in Order to�continue the hearing uni;zl the meeting oP Aut;usi; 19th,
Motion by, dohanson to continue the hearin�; on Si�W Trnprovemet�t - Droolcview Dr�ve,
until August�l9th� 1963. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a volce vo1.e� i,here being no
nays, the motion carried unanimously.
� �,- � � i � �� � �
Mayor�Nee',ann'ouhced this was a lot split request on I.oi,s 23, 24� 25, 131ock 15, �n
Fridley Paxk and there had been a recommendation from the P13nninF, Coicimissioii
recommending the same.
Motion'by Wolke'to concur w�th {.he recoirimendaCion of the Plac�nin6 Commission and
grant the,lot split request zn Lots 23� 24, 25, Slock 15, Pridley Parl,. Seconded
by Sohanson.� Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carr�ed unanicnou�ly.
Mayor Nee announced this item 1�as a�urlic hearing on a requesl. Foi• tlie rezoninE�
of Lots two through tliirteen, Audtitor's Subd�vision Ptumber d9. Tlie Ci1,y b1anager
read the Notice of Hearing. Mr. George Norton, owner of the prope-rLy, was p,-es-
ent'. Mayor Nee inquired if there were anyone present who wished to l�e heard se-
garding.the'above described requeet for rezon7n�;. Mr. Nortan presentc�d prelun-
ina�y platis and eketches to the City Caunc�l. Mayor llee ut,ated I,l�e only reserv-
ation he' had I,was that this land rezonin� he executed in tlii:; marme-r, oi;hert�iec
Fridley would have land zoned for many differenl, property ounei°s. b".ei9or P1ee stni,Ed
he was not cer�ain if the City Council could malce contingencies ti�itli regax�d to
rezoning. Mayor Nee inquired if there �rere anyone present wl�o r�as opposed to tL�
- rezoning: There'was no one preeent in oppositicn. P�Iayor NF�e declared the puUl�c
hearing�iclosed on,the request for rezaning �n Lots ttio throug,l� t}» rLeen� Auditor'�
Subdivision Number F39.
Mo�ion by Wd11ce to accept as the firsl; readin�; �n ordinance to amr�ud l,l�c Zou�n��
Ordinance of the City of Fridley� Minnesota by making a chan�,e ni �oi�ri; cli�LYicts,
Lots two throu'gh thirteen Aud�tor's Subdivisson Ido. 89. Secouded by ]3roo1:. Up-
on a voice vote� there beiny no nays� the motsoii carried unanimously.
D7ayor'Nee announced the public hearing on the vacation oI a drain��e easeniFr,t.
The City, Manager read tlie Plot� ce of Iiearing. Councilman Woll,e inquirea t�here i;Le
drainage easement was located and zaas shown �arne on map. Mayor Plce �uquired if
there were'anypne present who wlshed to be heard wrt,h xegsrd to Ll�c vacation of
the drainage easement. There was no one pres�nt tn favor oJ' or �n opposiLion
to the vacetion of the draina�e easemeni.. Mayor Nee declaTCd th� publlc hearin�
Motion by Johanson to accept as first readin� ai1 ord�nance under Sect,ion 12.07
of the City Ch'arter to vacai,e the dralnage and utility easement located on Lot l�
Block l; Don,'s 3rd Addition. Seconded Uy Slieridan. Upon a voice voLC•, ther�
being no na��, the motion carrled unanimously.
- ,
Mayor Nee announee3 871s item was a public hearing on the vacating ot' etreets and
alJ,eys in Blocke 21 and 22� Fridley ParL. The City Manager x•ead the IVotice of
Hearing and expleined the area to the Ctity Council. City Engineez I3rown presented
maps to the City Council and er.plt�ined same. Pnayor Nee inqu�red �f there were
anyone preset�t who wished to be heard *��ith re�¢rd to the vacat,inEr, oi' stireets and
a17.eys'in Blocks 21 snd 22� Pridley Park. There t�as no one present in favor o�' or
tn oppositlon to the proposed vacations. Mayor Plee declared Lhe puUlic hearing
Moi.lon b}+ Shciidnn to accept as the First reading an ordinance under Section
12.07 of thc Cit,y Cizarter to vacate streets snd c�lleys 3q the City of Fridley�
I�locks Pl, and 22� Fridley Parlc. Seconded by Brook. Upom a voiceivote�,lthere
bein� no na,ys, ilie motton cerried unanimously. ,
Mayor Pice armounced this was a pub2ic hearing regarding the vscetin� of a por-
tion of Charle� Street. The Cit,y Monager read the Notice of $eBri'ng ahd explained �
the area In quesLion. Mayor Nee inquired of the City EnginaeT iP��tHe�City of
Pridley had �ccess ¢nd was told there was no new dedication. Mayor Nee�,inquired
if this item �houldn't be held in abeyance until a dedication.',were;8lvenl:� The
Cit,y b7anager replied that requirements were such that a dedicati,on'"w,ould�have to
he ,�iven. Dlayor Nee inquired ii' there were anyone present who Wished to be heard
Yn th regard to vacating a port,ion of CharZes Street. There,was'no one present in
fc�vor of or in opposit,ion to the proposed vacation. City Englneel? Brown'stated
the storm se�rer would have to l�e relocated in the gre8. The Ci�tyiManager replied
the ownere hed promised thiity feet for Lhis relacation. Mayor„�Nee'declared the
public hcar.�ng closed.
Mo{,ion by Johanson i,o accept, as the first reading r�n ordinance under Section
12.0'7 of tlze Csty Charter to vacate a portion of Charles Street i»'the City of
Fridlcy. Seconded by IIrook. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays} the mo-
tion carried Lmanimously. „
Mayor Sdee announced thie wae a public hearing on the final Plpt oiPHerwal� Second
Addation and i;he item in order was the consideration o£'the,repor,t oP the plann-
in� Cnmmiesron where they recammended the approval of the preliminery plat of
Aerwal, Sccond Addition. Coiancilman Johanson inquired if it wa9 clear in the
minds oP i,he C�ty Council hota they were going to cover the storm seyi�r cost in
this �rea. Ma3�or Nee asked if they could concur with the Planning' Commission
bet'ore tl�is m�tter wae discussed. Motion by Johanson to'concu'r with the recom-
mendation oI'1;Yie Planning Commission and approve the prelimine,riy,pl&t of Herwal�
Second Aridition. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon e voice vote� there being no nays�
the motion carx•ied unanimouslv. ,
Mayor Nee requcsted the City Manager xead the Notice of'Iiearing,on!Hersab���Sec-
onrl AddiL�on. Mr. k'ahlquist was present in favor of and to explain,the area to
t,he C�ty C'ouncil. Mr. Comstock, consulting engineer� stated they had oral per-
miseion from Llie State Hi�hwa,y Department whcre they wauld apprOVe a'temporary
Ilne but not a r�torm ^ewer contract in a ditch, Mr. Sol Gunz}ie'rg�r'„�jome� oWner�
was pr�sent, in opposition. Mayor Nee inquired if there were'anyone� elae present
�n favor oF or in opposition to the final plet of Herwal, Second Addlti,on. Mayor
Nee declared tlie publLc l�earing, closed. �, �
D4oi,ion b-� Sher_•idan i;o accepi; th�a plat as the final plat of He,rwal� Second Ad-
dit2on. >c-,conrlcd Uy Johaneon. Upon a vo�ce vote, there bein� no�naye�ithe
motion carried unanimously.
MaYOr Nee announced thPre had not been a quorum of the I3uildidg Bpax'd'�at the
above meerinP but tltie recommend�t�ons had been made and the, C,1ty�„Couneil�was
atatYiori�ed i;o move on the iterne ira �uestion. � i� �1I�i''
�;' �
The City Manager explained to the City Councll the recommendg�ion�of the'Build-
in�; Rr�ard mPmber: and statsd their recommendation on some k�.nd of re�ulation
on hoiase movin�. He furi,her explained there are some regulatibns relative ta
house mov�iig thai, wou7d be good and suggested if the City CouneiliwoUld like�
hF �aould rrc�s�•nt, these to the C�ty Attorney for his recommendations.,' ,
, �; �
Motion by Wolke to,deny the request by Arthur PPltzer, Roube �2, Anol:�, Miuneeota
ta move a house,from 4306 Un�versity Avenue Nartheast to 355 IIugo SLreeL Northedst
(Lots'64� �i5� 66'� Block A� Riverview F[eights. Seconded hy Sohansoii, IIpo❑ a voicr-
vote, there bein� no nays, tl,e motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced this was an application for a permit by Kurt Marn�Pacl,uring
Company',tq eqristruct a manufactuz'ing and storage addition to their present build-
ing and i't;had,been recommended by the members of the Auildin� I3oard Por approval.
Motiori by Wolke that the appl�cation for a permiL by Kurt Mz�nufacturing Company
to construct e manufacturing and storage additlon to thelr preseni.l>u7ldin� at
5�� �in Stxeet Northeast oi' �t,eel and concl'eLe, 1110 feet Uy �F8 xeei, Ue :;ranteS.
Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carx•�ed
, , ,
Mayor Nee'announced thie was a request for a building permi_i. by Midland Coopera-
tives for,e warehouse addition to 1.heir preseni, f�ci]ities at 5E Pd. L. Highway
#100 and it had been recommended by the membere of the Buildinf�,I3oax�d lor approval.
Motion by Wolke to grant the request for a Luildin� permit hy the Nidland Coop-
eratives for'e,,warehouse addition to their present facilitie�s at 56 N. F. Highway
�100 with a width of 216 fcet �nd a depth of 420 feet ae tt is drr�wn end alEO,
grant the waiveT neceseary ot {,wo feet. Secondc=d Uy Sherid�n. Upon � voice vote,
there being no'n&ys� the.motion c�rried unanirnously.
blayor,Nee'snnounced this was a request for a Uuilding permit by Vid P4Fta1 Worlce
at 4300 Main Street Northeast to build a factory and warehouse eddztion to the
present'factory with�a width ot' 60 feet and a depth of 50 feet. The City Manager
explained the�members of the Building Board h�d suggested that the eouth facing
of the additd�on be made of the same material and desi�n as the front o£ tlie older
structure wo�zld be when renovatefl in their recommendation for approval.
Motlon by,Wolka to �rant the request for a building permlt by Vid Tdet�,l l-Iorlcs at
4300 Main'S�reet Northeast to build a factory and warehouse addit2on to the pre-
sent faCtory with a width of 60 feet and a depth oF 50 fee1; and � toLal square
footage of 3,aoo feet of cement and eteel consttuction as per recommendation of
the Building Board members. Seconded by Sherldan. Upon a volce �rote, there bc-
ing no nays� the'motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee,announced this was a public he�rtin„ on a request for a varzance to permiL
construction oY a family room on rear of t;ara�e at 243 Ely 3trzet P?ortheasi.. The
City Mariager ;ead the recommendation of the Doard of Appeals and f-x.plained that,
apparently, Lhis ��me petitioner had received a variance for a famlly room and
the Board oi'�lppeals had inepect,ed same and it appeared to them"ithet instead
oF a fam�_ly r�om, tt wae being made into a kitched., It was'£u�t�ler',.expl�ined
the btnlder is epplyin� for tl�is variance. Mayor Nee stated tii�el i�ea�iqn oc-
cured to him how the Auilding Inspeetor had allowed this to happe�: The recom-
mendation of t,he Board of AppPa]s was that i;he variance be denied! The question
�aae r�ieed il some assurance could Ue �riven that the room'additd�on Would be a
family roam ratl�er th�n a kitchen and Mayor Nee replied an 6.e"6iz�ance,of this
lcind ��ould do no good. Councilvian Wolke stated that� he �feltj one�,,of the'prob-
lems was t,ha1 costs were runn�np, too h3gh and lt shouldn'�t �hati�„ito,�,be`-a hard-
ship, t,hai; anyone ehoutl be able to build behind a garage. '� �, I' ,
Motion by �-7o]ke to tablc the rec�uest for a variance from Sectio,� S,�lA oi� Ordin- '—
ance No. 70 Uy ��aiver of side ,yard requirement from 10 feet,to"5 feet toipermit
cons��,����on of' a famlly room ori rear of �araEe on Lots 15 and','16� Block 14�
Sprin�n ark �ddition. Seconded by Brook. IIpon a vaice vote�^tkiA�e bein� no'
nays, the moi,i�n carried unammously. � !' i�"� �:
i, �� � h,� i ;' �
BOARD OF �PPLATL MEFTTPTG� JULY ?Il� 1;�63: ��� �_� ' �
�� t � � ,�, ' �� � ' ,
Mavo�° Vee ani:ounced 1,Yiis was a public hearing o�i a request ,for a v8riance from
Section 7.2A of' Ordin�nce NumUer 70 by waiver of lot depth requirement from 25
feet i;o l; feei to permzt construction of a one Famil;� dwelling. ,The City Man-
ager� r�ad the recommendation of the Board ot Flppeals and stated the questlon
had �roLe in looking at the plaris that a portion of the rear roof of'the house
did e�c�en� two ioet from the reer yard. ����� ,,�
Motion oy Joh�neon to concur with the recommendation of the $oard�of Appeals �
and �rant the requeet £or a var�ance from Section 8.2A of Ordinance Number 70
by F�aiver or ]oL depth requirement from 25 feet to 13 ieet to �,permit construct- J
iov oi' a one famil,y dwelling on Lot 3, B1ock l, Ahlstrom's Addi�ion� Anoka
Counby� Alinnesota. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� bher� bein�,no
nays� the moL�o� carried unanimously. � , ������
, ' - - � � " ��" �
PLANPilNG CODMA7SSION MGETTNG� dUI�Y 25, 1963: �� � � � ��
� _ ^ _
_i�in ��
Na,yor I�ice announced this was an ztem of a screen planting on th� east,boundary
of the Spartan Store. The City Manager read the reco�tendati,on,of the Planning
Commiss�ou and stat,ed this item had been before the Planning Commission seversl
t�mes and ii, appeared this sketch was not too objectionable'to;Dr. Mathews� owner
an nrea. The City Manager explF�ined the original plan would have'required the
expendii.ure of some $5�000.00. ,�;� ' � � ��
,� � �
Motaon by Wolke to concur with i,he recommendat,ion of the Planning Cbmmission
and accept, the proposed sketch, which does meet the requirement of',the City�
Ordinance� fox• +,he Spartan Store east boundary� planting strip.,' S�COnded by
Sheridan. Upon a voic� vot,e, there being no nays� the moti0n caraied unanimously.
,r,.i,i '
The City Manager explained that some!Lime° previous th3s item'was'SUbmitted'to
the Buildin� St,andards subcommittees. This particular'discuesion was du2 'to
the fact they Yiad attempted to come up with and pxOVide a��prav3e�.'AAl�hexeby a
person �ri�hin„ to build a family room et the rear of a garage,wayldy,not have
{,o appear befbre the Board oF Appeals, their recommendation belYig t,k��'t al family
room coul�l he attacY�ed prov� ded there ��ere no windows on that, �id'e', Qnd �provided
the gara�c =:a, fire-proofed on all three sides including the ce�.ling.' It Was
explalned L-he Planning Comm�_ssion had then �all:ed this over and't1�e 61ty,,Manager
had euggested i.he City Attorney be asked for en opinion of, pu�ting IEhis �ar,ti-
cular provision in the Zoning Ordinance. � le{,ter on thie had'been'rece'ived and
st?tes thai. if this were put i❑ thc 7,oning Ordinance as part'o� tile "Loning Or-
dinance i,hat it, would be set up that if someone didn't tieve�an'attached,�arage�
' �,
they cbuld,�still put,in the f�mily xoom, that n five foot side yard vou]d Ue se�j,
up with';or'without,an attached garage. The Planning Commission� ii, was furthex•
�stated��had re,�ommerided that this particular ordlnance not be passed.
Motion bq Johanson to continue the consideration of the aetbacks For family rooms
at the 'rear of �aragea to an undetermined date in the ful.ure. Secondzd by Sheri-
dan. 'Upo$I,a�'I`voice Vote� there being no nays� the moL2on cerried unanimously.
^,� ii
Mayor Nee announced this was a 1ot split requect by Roy �+Iillman on Lot 2, Blocic
1� Brookview,;2�d Add3tion. The City Manager read the recommendation oi' i.he P]an-
ning Commission. City Eng�neer Broian presentcd surveys to members oC the Ci1,,y
Council. Councilman .7ohanson stated that at t,he ttme the streei �n qiiesi,ion uas
blacktopped� that at the public hearing the residents south of it tiiere opposed
1000 pe'n c'en-� so,the owner� Mr. Madsen, had stated he would dro in and blacktop
the entire stxeet and when the lots were sold the residents cauld pay 1ii�n. No
one ever he,s� it was stated� but the person selling that lot ar lots has a choice
lot and he'wasn't charged for any sssessments aed Lhe ]oi.�aas mado more valuablc
by at least $�00.00.
Motion by 4Tolke to approve the lot split requcst by Roy Willrean on Lot 2, Filocl:
1, 8rookvi'ew'2nd Addition. Seconded by Ilrook. Upon a vnice votc, Lhcre be�ne;
no naye� the motion carried ur.animously.
Mayor Nee announced��this item wae the recelvinq of Parlcs ¢nd P1�ygroLmcls SuU-
Committe''e'�leetipg� also� the recammendation by the Planning Commissiou to concur
with the Perka;,and Playgrounds Sub-Committee and recommend to the CiLy Council
the' paxehase'io�' lands and worldn� �greement with the School Iloeird of Dic trict ��1�I.
The City,Mana�er'read the recommendation of th� Plannin� Commis�io❑ and expla�ned
thet the Schpol Board is willing to go alon�; with the idea of a p�irlc and felt it
should have the approval of tl�e City Councll rather than �pend any more money on
the propE"rty;� I� was noted this would save the purchase of a park tin this area
and,that is why the Park Board is recommending it. Mayor Nee� stai,ed he t'elt i.hi�
was an excellent idea and it is ❑lao bein�; docie in i.he m�el, moderii ��ail, systcros.
Mot'ion Uy'Sheridan'to concur �aith the recommendation of the Plenning Connnission anrl
authorize,�City Attorney S�th to eontaei; thc Rchocl Doard of D�_stxict, /�11� xela-
tive to developing a working a�rreement. Seconded by �roolc. lTnon a voice voi,e,
there baing no naya�'the motion carrieft Lmarilrriouely.
The Cit� I�Iana�,er read the ser_ond recommendatlon o? the Planninq Conauiesio�� r^
garding the'pqrchase of six lots in Riverview IIeights and ste�ted i,hat sometiir�e
in the'� pas,t t2ie 'City Council had authorized negotiatzons for the :;ix loi.: plus
the poesib�ility of obtaining i.�ao others. The figure arrived at is no�� $42j.Op
perilot and the�'appraisal the City of P'rldleV had received was hti��her. Cotme�l-
man Wolke inquired as to the size of the lots and w�;s told tlie�y vere appx�o?c�-
mately 25 feet by 150 feet. The City Manager erplained t.herc= were pxoLably some
assessments on thia land but not a great deal and the City Council tiad authorized
the negotiati'ons up to �600.00 per lot, Councilman Wolke inqulred ialiich sLreets
the�e ],ots bordered on �nd �iae told between Ironton, iiugo and Broad St,reets. C�ty
Attorney Smith inquired what the lot numbers irere and was tulcl chey wrre Lots 3j
through 1F2 incluaive� B]ock Ii.
Motion by,Wolke^to�concur with tYre recommanrlaL�on of the Plann9ng Cornmission aad
authorize 'purchase of Riverview Heights Lot: numbers 35 througl� 42 inclueive,
Block H at approx�mately ��+25.00 per lot c�itl� further understranding thai, the City
of Frid'ley as'sume special assessmerts relat�ve i;here to. Secmidc3 b�; ,fohanson,
Upon a voicevbte� t,here bein�; no nays� the moi.�oiz carx•ied t�narumous7�.
Mayor Nee retired from the CoLmczl Tahle� �*cive] to acting M.�,ye�r Joliaiwon.
`Che City b7ar,a�;rr read the recommendation of the Planning Commisaion: City En�lneer
Brown presented a eketch i.o the City Council oi L-he preliminaryl,plat,�63-06 and ex-
pl�ined same. The Cit7y M�na�er statPd this area was one that becsuse of the tri-
an�;ular eizc• of I,he 1ot� t.he oianer was unable to split and i�,had'to be replatted.
Mot,ion hy Wolke Lo concur wii,h the recommendation of the Planning Commisaion and
accepL l,h�G as the pre]3minary plat of Wayne's Addition� I,ot 50��Block J� River-
view i�ei�;hts and Lot 13� Revised Auditor'e Subdivision #103 and set a publiC hear-
ing. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being n0',n�ye,! the'mo�ion
carr��d unanimouely. '��
Mayor TSre rrl,urn�d to the Coimctil Table, gr�vel to Mayor Nee
� � �
M�,yor Plee announred this was a puUlic hearing on the preliminary p].at for Gund-
erson Terr�c�. �Phe City Mznager read the recommendation of the Planning Commisslon.
City Eng�necr Brown presentcd maps to the City Council of the area., City Attor-
ney Smith rnqnired if P'ireside Drive was being dedicated by this plst. City
Engineer T�ro�m rPplied that it was. Councilman Sheridan�inquired of,Cit,y Attorney
Smtth �fii, wouldn't be better to have exceptionc included in the'plat and wa�
told �t noG contingent. Mayor i4ce inquired if other owners in area had been
conl,aci.ed �ho�aL �oining in the plrat and was told they had not.
Motion hy Johanson to conrur with i.he recommendation of the Planning Commission
and approve thxs as the prellm�nar,y pl�t ��63-01, Gunderson Terrace� Lot T2� ParL
oi' Lo1, 15, Auditur's Subdivision �129 except the �ast 20 feet mf South 222 feet
and set a public hearing. Seconded by Srook. Upon a voice vote� there being no
nays� the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Br�ok inquired if the City Coun-
ctl shouldn't instruct the Ctty Manager to contact owners in thelarea to join in
the plat as propoaed. There was no Council action taken bqt the,City,Council
stated t,hey ��ould like the City P4anager to contact certain paTties involved,in i
the plai. to eee if they would 7.ike to ,7oin in this plat, , I
° ' � __J
i °' �
Meyor T��ce announced this was a rezonzng request by E,& M S➢evelopmeht,Company for
area ca]lr�d Commerce Park. The City Manager read to the City Cotanci,l the' recom-
mendation oF the Planning Commission and explained there wae'en omission which
he read �nto the mot�on of the Plannin�; Commis�ion which,would be'spproVed at
tl7e following meei,ing of the Plr�nning Commission.
Motion by Johanson to concur T,iith the recommendation of the,Planning Commission
and deny i,h� rezoning request by F. & M Development Company Yegarding Commerce
Parlc to amend Ser.tion 5.7 oC the 'T,oning Ordinance of the City of Fridley.,Seconded
by Sherid�n. Upon a roll ca]1 vote� those vot�ng in favor of,the motion��Johan-
son, Sherlr�an� NPe; those oppoGed to the motion� Wolke; those,ab�taiming� Brook.
Mo��on carrted. �
Mayor Nee ��nnounced Lhis was a request by �he firm of Dorsey�i0wen'���Marquar��
Windhorsi, and [desT,, Attorneys at La�a, to Ue heord regarding the �bulldingi permit
requrst by the Pure OYl Comoany. The City Manager read to the City Council the
lei;trr from said firm under i,he name of Duane E. Joseph. Maybr�j�Iee,stated there
was a report from the Safet,y Committee on thi� matter. 'Mr.'Duane E� JoSeph'was
present �nd reouested they be allowed to illustrai.e briefly on"this„matter� that
it had rome Ur_Core the Fridley Council previously through the Planning Commission
�n April, tl�at i{. had been approved by them and followin� this� the isauance of
a special use permit had been approved. He further stated that� sizbsequently�
ii; had Leen approved b� the Du3lding Committee; it was also befor8 the Q,Qunty
En�ineer and the City Engineer and approved and then�refe`rreil'�tb t11e�,Tra�fic Com-
mitteF, i,hat �t, was his understanding that the Traffic Commit;te'e tiad recommended
4 4+
driveways be'placed thirty i'eet back iT�stead o� t��enLy-f�ve fFeti bacic Fx•om the
road. Th�s wa's not done� he explained� on the basls of ordinance buL w�lh tt�e
idea o� tra�`fic control and his farm ielt 6ha1; the proposnl 1,1��� 1hPy hnd sub-
mitted to the Tsa£fic Committee atid all oL};ec rommittF•es ader�Lia`ely controls tbc
traffic� that,it is the best controlled tr2Cfi� �lan in F'ri��1Fy aL Lhe przseni.
time. T1r. 'Jpsyph asserted tl�ere F�as no other service stAtii�n in Pxidlcy th�t hae
this kind oi' control anr� h1:; client and he felt zhey were betng d�scriminal.ed
against; thatithey did subm�t Lhey were as tini,r-x•ested in pub]_zc safeCy ,s anyone
else and�felt that this station �2as safe. Fiixther� thet each iamc they moved the
� building back� they lose parl�ing space.
Mayor Nee inquired where tYie aprons for 1,hi; s�xvice station ��ou1d drain. r1, �ias
explained there was no topog available but the proposed draLnage sias explained
and a discussion held on how this would be donc. Mayor Piee innutred as to the
owner oi the property end was told the Pure 0�1 Company has an option on it but
Mr.TM'eisen oWns it� thet there Zs a lettPr of ���,reement betwF•er 1,r . Tlieieen and
the Pure Oil Company.
Motion by Joh&,nson to issue L-he building perm�L zahich had b�en prev��usly author-
ized to the Pure Oil Compeny £or � eervice stat�on on the coi^i�� �f UniversiLy
Avenue Northeast snd Missi�sippi Street. Seconded Uy Broolc. Counc�linan Arool�
stated the Safety Commiti.ee ha3 recommended thai, the servic�= eLeL;on be set bar.lc
some 30 feet and inquired �rhy l,his could not he done, thai, �e Pe=li, ir, �i,uld be
set back thirty feet. Cotancilman Drook was told that the Pure Oil Company fe1T
it would aerVe� ho beneficla] use� that i;o move i.he cervice r,i,F,i.ion Urarb would
cause the los,9 of parking spece and there are no oUjective standerds proposed by
ordinance.�' It was further stated by represental.ives of i,he Puxe Oil Comp�ny that
at the other three intersectlons there are no cLmb cuts or traF£ic• controls ��hai,-
eoever� that it is commendable to have these arcl 'Lhey had ati,�ni�>Lec� lo do i,h�e�
that their cur6 cuts and set,bacic� are be Lter than in any othe=x• cm nex oI the coni-
munity nozu.
Dr. Wright of the Safety Committee stated ho �ilshed to rebut souie po�nts, Tliat
hZS comm3t,tee believed this zntersection tirill have l�eavy traffic �nd t,hey would
— like to clear the four corners but it is impossible. Furth�r, that �s L-his corner
is the only corner to be bui1L they do h�ve an inf7.uence oC not buildzeg any mor•e
i of the othex l�ind. Mayor Nee inquired if there were anyone psesent uho wished t,o
amend the motion on the coz�dition of tne setbacl: recommende3. Counc�lman Jol�an-
son stated that irom a saiety standpoint lt Zs qood but from an euglncering stand-
point it ian't: Upon a roll call vote� those votin� in fabor of i,he motion Plee,
Wol,ke� Johaneon� �rook. Tho�e opposed, Shexidan. Motion c�rried.
The City Mane�er read to the City Council the communication fro�r Llalter L. Bush,
Jr.� attorney,at 1aw� and explained that� basically, i,his wou]d be t1�P amount oi'
taxes that p¢rty in questaon would pay to tYie City of Fridle,y ba,e•d oii the valii-
ation oP hio prppexty on the i.ax books� thai, they are not, actually asking For
reimbureementlfor ta�ces but lt is a matter of' principal. The City Manager sug-
gested to the'City Council that the City of Fr�dley do get this matter off the
books and clea'r up the suit� that the iaater l�nP in question �s in a.id Fridlcy
does need this on 7th Streei,.
Motion by Wolke to purchase Lot t�aenty-one (21), in Blocic ten (LOI, llonnay'�
Lakeview Manor Addition and thirty (30� feet of Lot Twenty-Two(22), Block ten
(10��, Do4n�iay`s �,akeview Manor Addition for the �,um oz :�1,900.00. Seconded by
She'r3de.n.� Upon a voice vote� there being no nay,s„ the motion carried unanimously.
ThA City Manager read to tlie City CoUncil the communication from the b'riclley Re-
creation Comntission stating the Cormnission would like to have the City's permis�-
ion Yox exclusive �ight to operate the Morre LaP.e Beach Concession Stand, ster•tin�;
Zn the SUmmer'of '1j6�. Councilman Sheridan stated this idea e�houLd Ue tlioughtoui,
mor,e thoroughly� thdt it could cost the C�ty of Fridley more tlian i,hey �aould de-
rive from it',' The City Manager explained that all purchases uould he on consign-
ment. Councilman Wolke suggested 1,hat rather than deny �he ceque,i., it shou]d,
perhaps, be looked into.
� l�
D"otion b}� S?ollce to continue the request Uy Y,he Recreation Comtnissiori regard-
zn� thr ��r�c�,�31on at Moore Lake Reach until the meeting of,AU�us� 1�9th:;'
�econded hy Sherzdan. Upon a vo2ce vote, there beiag no naYS� Ghe mo�i,or�� �
carried unan2mously. f � , �
-- � i�
Mayor Ti�e annnunced this was a petltion for the vacation of Riverv�ew Terrace
i'rom 7�tli �tre�t south to Broacl Avenue. The C?t,y Manager expleined to'the
C�ly Crnancil i,hr problem inv��lved and stated the owners felt the texes were
too liiql� �nd �.��re unable to l�uild homes in the area. "'
Motion by Joh3neon to receive the communication from Mr, Jaeger,,and Mr. Strub
�nd place on f�le. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no
nays� the motion carriad unanimouslv. ���' I �
OMAN. �RF,I�^:
The CLLy P4nna,�;er sugge�ted thc referral of the above matter to'the City
Attorney to sce if there was any l�ability ronnected. Mr. W. R, Oman was
pre^eni, io sho�� photos and to explain Lo the City Counc3l the eutting of'
branchec ofP Lrees wh2ch he owried. �� �I
Moti�n Uy Joh�n;;on to refer claim of W, R. Oman to City Attorney Smi'th for
inslYiict,ion ancl advlee at i,h� n�act re�,ular meetin�; on AUgust 19th� 1<j63.
Sc�cond�r) �y Sdnike. Ilpan a vo�ce vote� there betng no nays� the moti'on carried
tman�mously. "
'Phe Citv i4onaEPr explained to thP City Counci]_ th� letter i'rom Alexa�nder '
Construciion Company requestLng a permit to operate a gravel'pit on the
Ylill�nm <<oh�isan property' in 1.he C�ty of Fridley and si,ated that if the
proposal wos aloa��; the lines tahich the Cii�y Council nad daecussed� that'"
perhap; th�y sUould refer thic ltcm to the City Attorney to check and make __
it airt��*ht for i,he protection or the City and then contact the� resi�denta '
in i,he �ren �nd �how them i.his proposal and explain to them how'it would be
propoeed ln �pread this pro,7ect over three to four yeara: Councilman
J��hansn�� rrque;ted to know uhat they considered tn the way of re$trictions.
Counc�lman SYi��ridan stated th�t whatever the City of Fridley told Alexander
Consi,r�_action Company the performance bond would probably be in the amoutSt
i,hat the enginPering department p7us the Clty Counczl would�feel_we8' 9us'tified
eeemed l;o eatisfy Mr. Wm. C. Grymme of Alexander Construc�ion�Ctlmpany. Mr.
Grimmc had si,al,ed he zaould do the work ac they progressed'and'it wae believed
th�t at least l,he way Mr. Grimme spoke there was some intent the"City Council
had not had before. �� � �
� p
Moi,ion U,y Sheiid9n to refer the proposal o£ Alexander Coastruction Company
for a requcsi, to operate a gravel pit on the William Johnson propesty,in the
City oi rridle,y to the City Attorney for appraisal and report"on August 19th�
1963• Sccond�c7 by Joht�nson. Upon a voice vote, there being nol'nay6,�"the
mot�oi� carr�ec� vnanimously. �i I',
P1r. S. Av�lhc�m, attorney at, law representing o�aners� was present Yegarding
the rezoning of Hutchinson`s Plat on East River Road and OsbOrne Roa�d'and — I
s�.ared the inierested parties wPre willin� to and already had^'��IDpYo$�ed a��• � �
traff'�c consultant; further, that a reeommendation had been med�e'on,Apriil
11th to employ 6h� services of a rrafiic consul�ant so that they kiafl fe1ti�'���
this nas neces�ar,y and had employcd the services of a person wHo;Wae in public
work and had him malce a recomm�ndation on same. This recommendat3ori�r'it was
stated� conForms to thc recommend�tion that wa� made by the Streete,'end i
iJti7it�es sub-committee on Apri] 11Lh t�nd that� since this prOblem���appears
{,o �e the problem in question, Mr. Qvalheim stated� they felt''�hat `thia '
�' ��'� � i �� �
�; _k
�redommendation'm3ght be accepted and �this property rezoned. He �'uri,her
explained,their original appearance before the Clty Council had been two
and one-h�lf years previaus and they had done et�erything with respect to
this larid''tp',�IconiOrm to the rules and regulations, il�rther� i.he i;�io houses
oti' ��the� lattfl' ��,�n� 'qvestion were vaeant and substandard and remnval and the in-
stalYatiot� ofi�other facilities wauld benefit the City of Pridley. Mr. �valheim
sta'ted the traific problem could be worked out.
Mayor Nee�stated that Mr. Kordiak, County Comm�ssioner, had voted a�aii�st
the installing o�' traffic light at that cornex•, tihat Mr. Kordialc didn't feel
a traific light was necessary at Osborne and Fast River Road and if he could
� be coxlvinced�r,'9uch a light was necessary so that street light c�ould be �natalled,
thie item could be reconsidered. It was generally agreed the matt,er should be
placed on the agende for AugusL 19t$� 1963 fos• reconsideration.
A letter from E& M Development Company, in the form of e peia tion was pre�enCed
to'the City Cpuncil regarding the pavino of �9th Avenue Plorthea5t zurl Rice
Creek Boulevard. City Attorney Smith explained this could be proces�ed iF a
signed statement waiving assessment hearings could be received.
Motion by'Johanson to receive the petition from E& M Development Company
for the paving.of 69th Avenue Northeest �and Rice Creek Boulevard c�nd reFer i,o
the'City Manager foT processin�. Seconded by Sheridan. Upoxi a voice vote�
there' being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee read'to the City Coimcil a letter of connnendation From Mrs. Fiarry
Manley. The City Manager t�as zequested 1,o send a letter of appreciatlon to
Mrs. Manley,'
Mr. Howser of the Howser property c�as pre�ent regardin� the Collii�s property.
He wtated they were renting yard space and rnshed to put in u hou�P Crailer
as a temporary office buildinc behzs�d the fenced in area. i�. was expl�ined
there is a shop that belongs to Mr, Dexter and t,l�e trailer ]�ousc� tiiould be
located peax the'shop. Councilman Wolke requested to know the length of time
the permit was'askefl for and was told one year.
Motion by Wolke �to issue a ti°ailer perm�t Lo Mr. Howser as e� t.empus�ar�y ofLice
building on the Collins proper�y for one year upon the paymeni, of �.he Fees
necessaiy. S'econded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there bein�; no nays,
the motion carried unanimously.
Mr.,LeRoy Anderson of 75Ei1 Alden Way wes present regarding t,he pavin�, oF
streets in his area, He explained to i.he Cit,y Councxl that lr�st Ju]y 30th
the street was going to be surfaced and thzs spring he was told it uas �oing
to be surfaced and he had now been L-old the City Council hac3 deleted this
st�eet fx'om the year's surf�cing program and onshed i,o lcnow why; Y,hat l,hey
did have etorm'sewer but no street. Mayor Nee explained the reason it wa�
deleted v?as b"ecauee there wa� a storm sewer problem and jt would l�e3ve been
very burden'sbme on only three people in the area to Yiave tl��=, irn��tovPmerit put
in. The City Council was told the people iu the area felt rht=y ti�re payinF;
for more than their ehare at the present. Mayor Nee expla�ne�d the dasit,n oC
� the street called for dra2nage to a small area aboui, i,he middle of Ll�e road
and the drainage district involved a ver5� small amount of propei°ty t]iat had
to go around, the St. Paul Watzrworks; thai, t,t�e Ca ty EnginePr }iad advised
a�ainst bui]ding a street wlthout storm drainagr_ and 1,he Cit�� Coun�il hrul
felt they shou7.d try and find anol;her solution Uecau�e tlie need For Ihe si,orm
sewer occurred out of the desire t,o pave the street.
City Engineer Srow� explained that Mr. Andersan's pr�l,lem is thnt hc is out-
side the proposed draina�e area and it would mean the paving of a short sec-
tion of street. Mayor Nee si.ated the quesLion �aould Ue ��heLher tl�� resjdents
wauld Uc wi1L nF, to enter into such an agreemeni,� that the residents�that
had appeared beFore the City Cotancil had spid tlze problem of s�orAt,dra3n�ge
iG createcl by paving the road, Lh1t as it appeared to the City'iiCoUncil"there
wotiild be only threa or Pour properties �hat ��ould pay moat�,of�r,�the�'eob`t;,'�r,
M�yc�r Nee ctated tha� if �he area would be willang to assume a�qprop,Or�io�nate
share of 'he cost oF t,he draina€;z 1ine, the picture would be dif�exen� be-„
caizsz it does occur as a rceu7_� of paving. 2he City Manager W�.a ddTected,
to drav up a proposel on costs and other possibilities in this'area','
� � i � � � �
Mr. Mayna2•d Rasmussen o�' l�',00 Lake Street was present regard3n� SprYng Br,00k
Park E1ddiLion. He expla3ned to the City Council they w3she�1 '�0�"�T�e.t twp ,
model home�e Cor the area but they u�ere unable to get building.,;peY�mi�s� �hat
l,h�v t�nd r� problem wh2ch is noti� ten weeks old and an a,�reement'on'the storm
se�aer ��Yi!�:li h,rl been talked �Uoui, ti�s go�n� {,o be made. The City Manager
su�gc�clecl to t,he Ciby Counc�.l i.hat Mr. Rasmussen meet with City Attorney
Sniii,h lo �;et i,his agreement dra�an and the mati,er resolved. , The sgreement was
i,o be lhaL t,lie storm see�er �.= lar�er than what normally is required and in
order to �et, a vacation of � serv�ce road� this party was to agree'to pick
up the coe,i. Mr, RasmuGsen stated they had a �ood home promotion eet for
SFptcmber 2f,h �i�d i�,�aas st�71 possible but they couldn't get the building '
permits due to the ��et the n�;reement 1�ad not been dra^an �nd,if Gouncil
acl,���, ���re n�1, taken this evening �t �aould be another two week9'beiore,i�
Yias ar,a�n pxe:,ented. City ALtorney Smith explained to the Citq Council that
t�uild�n�; perm2tc had Ucen issued sub�ect to apreements and inqixis'ed iF the
hearni�; h:�d becn he]d, The City Manager explained that every,thing was in,
ordex u� i.lt t,hc� exception or Lhe a�;reement bein�; drawn� that the, iinal plat
had b�en �pproved. City Attorney Smith suggested the issuing o� the building
permil,s �uh�ect to the agreement bEin� drawn. �,
„ �
Moi,�nn bv Wo1Lo to issti�e builrling �ermita to Mr. Maynard�'Rasttlussen bn Lots
ty�o and three or I,ots three and i'our on Liberby Street and that no occupancy
permit can be issued until �preemeni, regarding storm aewer is 5igned. Seco,nded
Uy Johraneon. ilpon a voice vo�.e, there being no nays� the mo�ion carried,unan-
,�„ I
� �
Motion by 4lolke Lo approve payment of General Claima #678 through �$12.
Secon�led by Jo}ianson. Upon a voice vate� there be3ng no naye� the motion
carrl�d nnanimour,ly. . �;
h1ol.�on by �llericlan to apprnv� payment, of Liquor Claims #5509 throu�h #5551�
Seconded by ,iohanson. Upon a voice vote� therc'being no nays� the motion
carried unan2mou�ly. �
P1otion bv Drool: Lo approve pa,ymenti o£ PuUlic iJi.ilities Claims #2668'through
�f2701�. SPCOndc�d by Soh�nson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the
mot�on c�rr�ed uuanimously. �
Mot�on hy Wollce i,o approve tlie fol]owing estlmates
Dunkl�y Surfacing Comp2ny
375� Gx��nd 8treet Northeast
MinnPapo7 i_� � 2d� nnesott�
A]exander Con�i,ruction Company
4C41 IIiawatha Avenue South
Minneapol7s 6� Minnesota
Seeonded hy Johanson
carrjed lauammously.
� �, i I; �
Retimate �6 (Partzal}, � '
1962-2A streets � ��$15,�3�7•Z5�
I'' �
Estimate �f6 (Partial) �'
1952-2B Streets , � �,2��,�4�7,.17, �
Estima-�e �1 (Part3al�� '�; � ��� � ,� � ��
i "' � ,
1963-1 Stxeets ��10��3�1+�.11i ,
Upon a voice vote�
there being no nays'� li,the� ���oti�o�
, � �
� '
� �i'�i
Councilmari�Wolke inquirsd if Randall and ner�;lwid had ever bepn pai�� foi° Lhe�r
work on Mlesisaippi Street uhich l�ad come t,o approxir�ately �`,�700 ,and the Lill
for same',hed beerl $240D and the definite i,otal cost oF eame. `Phe C�tv Manr���,�c
explained�that� originally, the City Council har9 appxoved tlie estiimate but
that he would give them a summary of the iteiT�. Mayor Nee inquired il, at eome
point� the reeponsibility far the �5700 could no1, Ue arrive�l at, Lh�r,Pqr.
Lametti� coritractor� was call]n�*, regardinf thec� repairs on h91�s�ssjpp� Street,
Councilman She;riden inquired with rFgard to l�cer�se�s if the C�t�� Co�mci]
r�ished �o issue a license for a used car lot to Frid]ey Aui,o F�ofly, 1,7�af,, to
his knowledge'there was an insuFficient �rea for a used car lot, a: LY,e addre�s
mentioned.�, 'Mr. Carl Paulson o1 �+30 57tYi Plare Northeaet sf,atPn tl�si if Lhe
City Council were referring to the �'ridley Au�,o l�ady, the ne���;hbors nta�te the,y
are infririgin� on their property� that.it was a�reed criginnlly ��t�en tL��ut per-
mit was issued that there was i,o have been a 1�Pd�e built alon� Uiiiv� rs� ty
Avenue. Councilman Wollce explained to Mr. Paulson tk�at the lot U�=7� �nd the body
shop is owned by the body sliop owner and Lhe ��roperty had ha�en trarisPc�r�°ed.
The,City Manager suggested Lo the City Council they hold thi� ltceo�E in abey-
ance for f,urther study.
Motion by Johanson to approve the tollozau�� licenses:
Bartholomew Cleaners Jame: D. Ilartholomec;
1415 West Sroadway
Minneapolis� Minnesota 55411
Bartholomew Cleanere Ger�]d Ames
1415 Broadway West
Minneapalis� Minnesata 55411
Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� t,here bein� no nays� th� uioi.�on
carried unanikuously.
Motion by Wo1ke to approve i,he fo]]owing contr�c�l,os's licenscs:
G1obe,Electric Company
57?0 Excelsior Boulevard
blinneapolis 16, Minneso�a
KwalBten'Ej,eotric Company
9�5 Park'Avenue
Minneapolis� Minnesota
d. A. Danens�F�^Son, Inc.
5106 Brookside Avenue
Mill City Heating & A�C Co.
13005 E. �.(th,Avenue North
Minneapolis 27� Minnesota
Sassco� Tnc.
475 Sth Avenue N.W.
New Brighton� Minnesota
by: Arvo Koponen
by: John F�tialsten
by: J. f . Danens
by: Will�am Stevenson
by: ElainF .Tensen
� �;
AdolpH�on & Peteraon� Ine.
6701 West 23rd Street��,''` �
Minneapolis� Minnesota 55426
Engesether Construction Co.
1F601 }3oone Ave�nue North
Minneapolis ?_�i� Pqinnesota
Kraus-Anderson, Inc.
5�l South E�ghth Stree`t
Minneapolis, Minneeota
Lakeland Br3ck & Stone Co. �
147 Craig Wey N.�. � , '
Fridley 32� Minnesota
Sheldon M7rtenson
1289 Skywood I,ane N.E.
Minne�apolis� Minnesota
, ,,
Sassco, Inc.
�75 - Fith Averiue N.W.
NeyiI3r�ghtom, Minnesota
Easl,man Plumbing Company
561 — 36th Av u N�'
�.-„� f ,
� � �.� j ;dl���� �. �
i � , l�� �i9��li�� {��"w� � i.��� �
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,.by�;., Uharles �Pet�redn ��,+s�;J�;,� �;; �'����.,�,�el�aweL' I
� � ��r,'pl�; ,,��Y�i 4� k�„ d,,, '���
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I ' ` � � ' � "# � k' ,'�'.t", I�;I,! �� ��,th,`;i �,,ar:'�d'ii�{W�, <4; �
i�y: Ronald EngPSetlier „'�;,�,�I l��' Re�i'ewal�
, �� '�I',, �'4�^`;�'�;.',i;.'�7'a�i�',
" I��- , _� �� ,
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i ' e � �ipp�`�� i�� � ��� 1 �� ����Yfly� � �� �
i . 5 at�.�1�I�IC�� �Jir� I
by: �R. Meekan � ��;'°,a�u���°2k����'-�., B r�ewal
' ' i i��i "���t���,li,�p^.��i*�"�. �gy .eti�li I
`� �:Ihi,t� !'�;,� 1.^� � d
'� ' ' ",i 17�. � '�' ��.�v4"�',� y. �IfiQ i ,�
� �� � e� �i , a,', . i. '�}� i ��Mil'�'��i� �i���k�v��' �bp`��iYVE'�'� ( �
' x � ��� ��s� �� ,
t�y�:'�tC�xylo,Czidhraj�;°"'� '���:.,p�'���p�3,a ��', $e�n�w�l' ,
a ,,: �R:y�;,,�, ,,'3����mqp�^.:�r;}�.{t �, ��i� �
�`', ' ' , ' , '(.e�;�� }I��NM1'V�,�,tia n, tx �
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�� � � �'�, �i'' `i��'��'� ��.,'� 'GA;��`�rtXiz. � ,�., ����'i
by:. ,Sheldon Mortenebn,� � ;.r.�;����d,',�=�g�+'S1'�tr� l�e w�al ��
� � .i�,y�v I���,�����iil;�� �'�I{��4{CAi ���li:',
� °; Ysi, P�a, �,.�, .�J, � � I�
� � � r,�z'�a.S���„r���J��l��9f��",�'�����"��'��"�.,'�����
','' °" I�I''u. r� 5��� f� y � ��
, , '( � �� 1 � 'nr,�eer,er,' ,`4�; '
' i�hr, ,n,� _.,�� ,d
by: Elaine Jensen ,^' '��,,';"i�l,;y��,'I',��, ' Repewal �
, � � i;�i;"�����,',-n''�y'�,�, �;�,,
� � , '�� ,i� y� °�ie�r4��� �'�-�t' LI J � I
1i �`^t��ll ti �'��61�i �iv�' '
' �' � ��`"��irr ^ �1���I�17�� i ,y������#±y,,� I1��; C7 i I
en e . ,„�„°.di��e'„�S�'h� ��I' ", �
i � � `�,ry°. �. .� i�to� ,
P � ��
Minneapol�s, �Rinnesota by: Bruee Fastmen i ,��I�''�Ir � � New
� ;;',',,,�' "a�H;� `,� ,',�„ '
LaVahn Srotl-e �, �
i 1'�J� IL1C. �� '"i`�14�f�y�.a`�kJdi�r '^����.tn �
� Ii
, Lf, � ti ri� ,
4�(78 Lynde�le Avenue North I-'yt,r,4��. ��.v:u, ti„ �
Minneapolie� A9innesota by: Roberi LeVahn ,��� ��'��
. fi �Y�.� ;'�i }�
, , � �', �, �h� �, ,e'� z,�i }� i�p
Seconded by Broak. Upon a voice vote,�� there beit��g�',no��,[�.�i9a,S��'
carried unanimously. � � , -a'�' "��h
i � ',, , ,;',i, ,i�ya;ii
ORDINANCE AMENPTNG OftDSNANCE 18 , ' ��� ��� �� �� ����'
# 3 (vErmORS): , , .:,��
�� � � �„`','tt�;rl
Meyor Nee announced �t�hi�s wae the iirst��rea8ing o�', sn oY�fli.%�"hc��
Ordinance �lt�g ,regarding vendors wh�,ch�, gives the 'mew', t�.���m '
and prohabits saun$ broadaast, � ' "��;y'E�ji�i��,i;
' ' ' ` ' fi'.i,ti�`�•i���•'�^�P
Motion by Wolk�: that this be considerea as the firs'� 1',�at�liiig,��
amending Chaptex 16'of �„the �City Code pi' Eridley and ,sp�c�E��e���
16.03 end 16,Oj2 tk�erAOP�; so as to limit the� �im�' o�i``�s�x�`qt ��i
't71a city lim3ts and„ tio �i�bH3bit any�no��se or;,¢ound makYi3`�'�d��v3
�rucks or equipmen�,' Seconded by Brook. Upon a�voi�e,V,pt�,r�t
•� 15 , � i�' I
nays, tl�e motyon carraed vnanimous ,
� � �� � �� � � , '� Qi��'�µYr°� iyf���
PETITIONS: � � � � ��sr,',`Jo,K
� `,,'rv � ii�'�'��
� , ; ',p�, ��x=.�r
Mayor Nee announced the receipt oP a petition �'or yta'�s�,end`�:����
from Fir i.o Llm and E1m to Oak but thst petit3on was Wj�9se'cm1
Lion of own�aa wa�'involved. '� � � � ``'3&„�,�""�^�II
i � ' � ,� +3 y°
� ' � � � i •, � � i� � . � � , � , , � ' i„ .�ya'�n��`� �"���il
Motion by Jah�nson�"to reeeive Pe�itioiis �27,=1J63��a�d��c��'1�Q�����
to tlie Cit,y Mraneger'%or"'�processing.�' 'S�conded by'Brook':b,l',�i0t���
th�re being na nays� the moLion carried �unal�imous,ly., ''" '�J
� ' �� � � � �,� ;���s:.'���I��,�
' � ' � ri'�.t,yay`�a� �
� � � � i , �� i ��ti�; �w�u �I�
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Msyor Ne
on the n
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the mati
Mdtvion, �
ing he�d
nays� $b
7�1 �d � �, i�, �i � ��
�;��, , �
��i� �� $ � , i ' i i ' . � � i
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'� s� 7"'x , r� �
9 g,8"d'; tliis, war a � letter ���fving �irices'� xe�aYdiri� a�phalt con-
i �
�' �;�'�b're,j se.rqe being Shqrewood Lovn�e, ,, Ci�ty Engineer Brown
b�@,�,Ctt�',Couhcil these �qu�ted pricec could not be compared with
��'±�ta�e.,�tk�ey, ,it�csude ,matexi'iaT, excavat�ng ;and replacemsnt zrith
F 3.Chz�+���tld�, be"�]ti'eker} t'hat bad spotp wou7�d t�e taken out
a',�n�i'#?a,a;�o�,ncludesimiac�llaneous work�in ^theaeiprices. Tl�e
3�gg�s'�t�e,�, to ,the, City Ctl'uncil if they wished to agree to this
� �Q' �it� �o,n two purchase, � ord,�ers . , � � � �
��,��`,�,�� ' '�-x �. ', i, ' � i „ ' . ,, ; � , ,
d��on,'�p�autk�orize,�the�City of Fridley bp�,prace�ed w�t}� the
" Qeuted,,and draw,n�by Nor�hern Asphalt;Cons�ructiqn Company
+�P��'�;5?'�"�&ir siork� ;aspk{alt curb�,n� and �'aePhalt pede �tr3an
'r9eO,d �;b"l�,igey �„�iig�Way,65� �'Fr�idley, Minneso�ta. Seconded by
�t��a vpice vota�'��here;bein� no nayo� the�mo#ion�carriecl unan-
n�;a �. ° � � �
3�� ",' . . ;'
�QA �,i,�lquired �z�hat� hg,�i �ee�n done wLth,regaxd �to the walk-in
���I.r�,�'he �C,�ty"�Manager'iasked if the �ity� Coune�.l n�ehed the
�(�+or did they w�sh,to xeoonoid�r the�oi�'ex,�tp"enlar�re the etox•e.
ri'oYz to advise Mr. Art Ckiristenson oi the Shoppin�; Cent,er that
��dley��appxeciates his,o�Tei� for space but does decline sazd
jQTixe ythe expansion o� tlie, cooler on Siore ���I. Seconded by
�,�a+p ETpok stated there � wpt�ld have to be � same , o,ther i�orlt done
I;y,�; theu�xoom necess�ry fp�^;the coaler� �tu�t a compreesox should
�xed;as,�it•would �e,n�ceGeary. Upon a voice vqte, there being
qtiqn carriea unanimous�,y,
'F�s • .K , � ,� � . � � �r
�yy,,,� , �
l� �flliirt . a� ,.�, •� � , , i � �
'�t', A i� �q��,,, „,r , , �
� _ �' ,��,, ,, , , .
�anqoUnCed'a resolUtion would be in order for the rAOtice o£ hearin�;
� �����'y�� ,Motion by Wolke �o�adop� i2esolution ��117-196j pTOVZd�ng
13Q'"h�e��.r�gito cons3d�r the necessity for special taxes and for
�,k:t9��c',SJ.ev��s-in pxcess o�' normal city charter'txr. limits and publish
�'�'s�me: -9econded by Sheridan'. Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys�
n',car�deii uxienimously.
, ,
� ,� ; ,; ,i
� ;'�,,' '
� � k, ,
�SION MED2ING MIPIU'1'�;5; �JULY 16, 1g63: `
iN o,' . � � � �
oA�t;to receive the minutes af the Recreation Commission Meet-
s�"�.963. Seconded by S,xook. Upon a voice vote� tUere being no
carried unanimously.
,. �� �n�� r�f sp1�i'Idnwv i�� ', , i i � � I �,
� , ,i,, �,��,I�� „•, i � �
The�����,tjk�+MAli4gex�re'ad to the City Coun'cil a resolu�ion on Storm Se1�er Ne�o-
tiatidna���xece'iY.,v3'�`g.�two feasibility Reports, and calling a heasing on the
imprpvel0ent ��1$ efie;t�fl the esi,ima�ed eqat of this improvement was $6�9,000.
� �,� ���zr�iP"`, "��"`hf.. �t�i,_�;�',`� „ ; � �, , �ii',,;. , �
�Me,J!� x� a�'4`i,ir�d�of,PCity'�,Attorney' S�pitl�a,wha�. w�s necessary Fox• this reeo�
�1titF�.�� ,��`� 'E�`��ttbi!ney Smith�explained'�he boundary deecript�on init,ially was
�drac�ty Vox�i�94�,Ontfall Draina6e P�o,ject� the area which had been discussed
wi"t17 � `ia��e3gh�9a that after that� meeting� it wae ���ougYit i,hat the
� �� r,q���e�� ���� ��'�.`i�zt� Ppr,t��+gOf ,Hi�hway"�100 � and � North oi 61.s',fii� Aveuue Nortlieast should
J,���3� �q �a:;����+31i2��her 'explained e ppb�ic hearing�l�d�'been Yxeld by the
� I �'rid���i,���b�ei�,ti�but;;i't k�d�been he1;d some time pas�t and4`���he boundary would not
�be a8•C`v,���t���,���hat thie item ahould be returned to �he�'Couneil iloor on the
�19'bh�`o�Aitgti'§'���fl i'the coneulting engirieer would have� , a�t that L-3me, the
boundar��`'],imit�'<,8esigned for the second project. The City Mane�;er stated that
atr the,�iT��Vi.oVS �meeting the City Council had directed �he Cii,y At1,orney to set
uP '��'�'�"^��,�p�;;1Yt; oY�der to inaure that' all matters wer6 �roperly covered
legallyii '�°QOUilcllmsn,Sheridan inquired iY tl�e estimated cost of thi� report
froID,CotQe�tleic'„snd,DBVis wa� included in the figure that had k�een mentioned.
,s i . e.
�Citiy,�t�,vi�1@y��Smith`°steted ihat it was and �hem were two saparAtF� letters on
each pxoject,y.�`that it was the total of those two estimated fi�ures.
, ,�', �
, �� � � ,�
, �;, � ,I,II,
� .�s ..; ',���'I�,`�
, �,'
,a w 'li' ,.7
� r�
Mot�on 1�y ido71;�• to pd6pt Re=ulution /�118-1963 receivin� the engineering xe-
pori, �nd =rLtixi�; a_public heartng on #6j�F Outfall and the Nor,Ch University
Sto�-m Dra�nz�e line. Seconde� by Sheridan. Upon a voice vot�i� there being
t�o n��,ys, i,he motion carried �anani�nouely. � • �
Coui2cilnan �herxdan stated that following their meeting with tkle City Council
oF Columb�� Heights� he had �iven some consider•ai.ion to and wanted to aee the
City of Fr�dley and it� off�cials in the best negotiating poei�iom regarding
�,lns cooperative agreement bei;ween the other two parties and in discussin�
with maLlcr wzt,l� other membexs oF the City Council� he thought�it�'woul.d �he
advanta;eous io L+'ridle,y a� a ciiy, Cor what ii, might coet, to' have a'report
made I,o surve� the idea of possibly using 61st pvenue Northeast or some'other
way other than Hzghtasy 100 so that Fridley could go into negotiat�.or�a and tell
other repreeerit,atives FridlFy could go anoi;her way� becauee'the,value'oi'the
participafi�n 1n this line on I�ighway �100 to Fridley is only�a;cex'tain, '
amount. "I�� FuxLhEr st,a�ed that wk�ether the City of Fridley wovld ever use
th� oi,h�� ❑ltrrnative would };e somei,h�ng else but at least the City,Couneil
v�ou1�1 1.rio�� �f tJiey were using Hrpbro�ay �100� ii' it were a nego�3�.te�d poin� or
an econom�cal Fotint. Councilman Sreridan exploined he had'brjefly c,orisdlted
with iliF conci�lt�ng en�aneer, Mr. Comstocic, and had been told'�,$hat it,'voiild
poes�bly riot, Ue as ecouomic�l for Pridley to use 61st Avenue N,ortkeast but'
he 1z�d hec❑ unable to tell. unt,il facts and fi�ures wer'e ,pooled'}together. �
Counc i lnian ?do]]�e inquired thc� amoun t of monies that would be necessary for
=uch a report. Mr. Comstack replied he had �;iven no recent corisider',nt7on to
the amouni oi' dollars. Councilman Sheridan etated his thinking was the City
Council co�al� spend in the nei�hborhood o(' $500.U0 for such a report and �t
��oiald �;ive tho r�ty Council a?�ett,er return in t,heir negotiations Iwith 'the
oLhc�r tL;o Part,ies. Mayor Ne� sLated he Felt this was a good idea. Council-
nian lohaurnn aE,r�ed, ae did Oouncilman Brook. Mayor IVee inquixed of fiir.�'
Comstocic il' hP could give an cstuuai,e as to th� cost of such a repont. 'Mr.
Corr�� Lnck �v,qr,�3s L-ed an inPormnl mee t�ng wii,h thc Ci �y Covneil at whYbh� all�'
Fipzar�s I}ml, riave been collc�c6�d to date coulr� be considered���ottier.f'ncia and
d�lo on �h�• ��en sur� z�a c.f.�. nnd c.a.� t7�e various lines and��'�heir es�;i-
mal,ed co�,fe nnd stated that al, thv �ame time he would have eomebhing �or the
C�ty Crn�n� i]_ ��oncern�n� a pzoposal as to what, wonld'b� involbed� Por'�';an alter-
nai,�ve roui,�^. It wae �enera]l,y a�,�eed to have an iniormal'mee�,i:��4lg,'�qn Mo�iday�
Aut;usi, 1P�h. � �� � �
Rl�, ;OLZ�TT�1I �f119-1963 - RE: P�I?. �DD';UND BERG: '
i 4 i I
Councitman Sl�Pridan explalneo to 1,1�e C�ty Council cie had a re�olut;io�n, to pre-
senfi �al��cl� c•oncerned a Mr. P;dmunfl Der� who had �xpex�d8d labox'f']'unds;to �fi'i.11
iu � L�o�i1�v��d ensement at i,he r_orl,heo�k, intere�ci,ion-of h1s property at
Ptillrn,»°c F'1 �r,e� and 53rd Ave��u� nTorrhea°L and wishe�d to const�ubt a fenee�on
tUc Go�a11� �dqe of his propertv bui, i.hree feet inLo the easeme�tt of the City
o[' Fri�31�,y. � �
P4otion 1��� ,^,li�r�rl��n to adopt RL;,°,OLLITIOV �llq-1��3 authori2ing Edmund Berg to
nr� ^ns��,�r�ni, ❑1; t,lie northe�et ivtcr�ection of Fillmore Street'and'S3rd Avenue
PTortlie,�st for il�c erectnon and maint,enancP o£ Fence, all at his,awn expense.
„erandFd 1,�+ Joh�nson, Upon a voicF vote� there bein� no nays�, the'�knotion,�'
rarrJed un�ininrou,ely. � , , ���� �
CiL� �,ng�n�ci R1oTan repor�ed to Yl�n City Councal i:he pre],iminary aewer report
Crorn M� .�✓���i�3�a• ot 0uburban Lng�necrin�r Compai�y wauld be ready'�on ,the 1,5th oP
Isvgnst ,�nl ;,n anCormal meetinp; cotiild be he]d tt�en. It was gepei'allg�,agreed
to meet �nfc�rmally on this matLer. � ",���',^,'�', ,
li� „
Ctt,y f�ngineer Srown requested of Rlayor Nee that his res�,gttatib,n��be;pii'icdaSly
accepi,�d. P4ayor Piee rep].led to City Engiueer Brown tha� his res3gris$iori was
not in otdcr �� �t taas not addreased to the City Manager. �� '_ �'' �
�i �
T}�eie bein€-, no fnr�her bueinees� Mayor Nee fleclaied the regular''�,meeting�of ��
Augnr !, �� 7 r)63 ad jburned. ; x us � �� �
'' '
Re�pecti'u1lY ^ubmitt,ed� a� � �
�� /
�cti�_ � ,',��;i��s'�v`�-
�� I� i -1 o�n r
Sccr�i.nr;� i,o i.k^ Council
� �'
'" MAi'OR - Fi l' iam' J. Nee
_ , ,
_ _�