09/30/1963 - 00023132��� SPECIAL MEETING - SEP`PEMBER 30� 1963: A Spectal Neeting oi' the City Council of the City of Pridley ��as called to order at 8:12 P, M, by Mayor Nee. ' ROLI, CAL�L: Member� Present: Vee� Wolke� Sheridan, Johanson� Brook arr�ved at E�:4D P. N1. Members Absent: None NEW BUSINESS: PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT - POLK STREET - STORM SEWER: Mayor Nee announced th�s �as a public hearing on �tocro se��er improvement on Polk Street anci requested the Cii;y Manager rezd the No�,ice oF Fiearing. The City Mana- ger read the Notice of Hearing on Improven,erits. hla,yor Nee explained in general the area under conuideration and �nqulred if there were onyone preeent ��ho wished to be heard regartiing this improvement. P�Ir. Harvey Rattner oi' Lyndale Buildc-rs, Inc., was present and inquired the purpose of the Public Hearing as the worl: had already been completed. City Attorney Sm1th eriplained this public hear�ng was to authorize the work that had been done. Mr. Rattnzr stated that pursuaat L-o the roll� tnis was Storm Sewer Pro,7ect �53 which the Clty Council would be pass- ing a resolution on authorizing the work to be done and staLed he wculd waiL for the passage oF the resolutian to �peak. 'Inere were no ob�ections against the Polk Street storm sewer. Mayor irTee declared tihe public hearing on �mprove- ment for Po1k Street Storm Sewer closed. � RESOLUTION �139-1963 ORDERIl�3G THE II�7PROVEMETiT - POLK S`I1ZEE'P - STORM SEWCR Mayor Nee announced the item in question Yaae �he resolution orderin� the improve- ment on tihe storm sewer for Polk 6treet. Motion b5� Sheridan to adopt RLSOLUTIOV �139-190'3 ordering improvemei7t and Cina1 plans and speciPicat�ons, Storm Sewer Pro�ect PIo. 53 - Polk ;treet. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no n�ys, �he motiion carried u:�animously. PUBLIC HCARING ON ASSESSMENT - SS�53' Mayor Nee announced this was apublic hear�ng on the assessment for Storm Setiter Improvem�nt Pro�ect No. 53. The City Manager� read the Notice oi' Hearing. Mayor Nee requested thc Cii.y Manager d�scuss br�e�ly what the Czty Council coald pro- perly consider. The City Managcr explained this hearing was to determ�ne the valid ob,7ections Lp the assessment; that th�s was the purpose of t,he hearing� to be a}11e to kr_ow t�ho was objecting� why and whether or not they had a valid ob- jectlon to their assessment �gainst tneir piece of propert,y. A4ayor Nee stated from the�e proceedings ad,7ustments could be undertaken in the courts but residenis, ln order to do so� should register thelr protiesLs at this hearing. Ci�,y Attorne;� Smith explained residents should pz•otest if they dlsa- greed u�ith the procedure and should register tneir names and addresses in order � to have them on record� that the law says they can make either oral or wrlttien ob,7ection and if the Citiy Council proceeds with the levy of the assessments, residents have a right to appeal in the courts. He further explained i:his was somethang they would have to ^ive attendance to promptly. It was explained by Mayor Nee this taas the hearing on the assessment spread. VAN BUREN STREET - ABLL STR�ET, 75TH AVEATUE AND 7o'TH AVEP7UE: A resident inquired if this was ever brought up on September 4th o;' l�st year; t?�at the September 4th meeting of last year, as he rememUered it, was a hearing on streets and he had thought it *aas to be brought up at the time oF drainage on ���� each lot. Mayor Nee explained that most of the construction wae undertaken ander {��53 and the hearzngs were held in 196i and 1}62, at least a year ago with the exception of one part of the pro,7ect and stated he would take the items in question by area. `i'he Finance Officer stated there were certain questions that had been xaised and recommended to the City Council the hearings on Schaf£er's Addition be laid over until the iollouing week� explaining they all have dizf- erer,t rates� problems, etc., and this area did not necessarily have anything to do za�th any other areas. The question *aas ra�sed by a resldent that he wished to be able to compare the ' cost,s between this area and Osborne Manor. The Finance Dificer expl�ined the rGtes per hundred square feet, that, the5� were only having a hearing on the orork done on Project �53 and this area had nothing to do with the line on Pro�ect �5�y th3t the contract on that pro7ect was let in September of 1962 and the item in questzon was the wark done in these different areas since Septenber 4th. The Firance Oi'ftcer further explained the enganeer had separated the cost� and al1 of theee had been pct together� tihat in each area the rate pes� foot is difPerent. Councilman Johanson st�d he had dlscussed the li�em in queetion prior to the meeLing w�th the Finance Olficer and the consultan� enganeer and because o? the suggestions they had ra�sed and important point� wncreb� they could prob3bly stabilize the assessment roll, he wished to continue the item. PAotion by Johanson to continue until the next general business meeting on Oct- ober 7th� �963 the Van Buren Street� Able Stseet� 75th Avenue and 76th Avenue Notice oP hearing of �ssessment for storm sewer Improvement Pro�ect No. 53 listed as Item 1 on hearing notice. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motiion carried unanimously. P�s� of Bourdeau. `s Spx ing Brook Parl: Addition: Mayox 1See announced t,his portlon of the hearing was the plat of Botiirdeaux's Spring Brook Park Elddztion an_d stated the price per hundred square feei was $4.0�+. h4ayor Nee inauired ii L-hcre �.�ere a,nyone present who vishen to be heard regarding thi, item. There was no one present to enter any object�ons. � Rivertaood Manar (72nd and Easi, River Road): Nayor Nee annouticed this portion oi thc haering v�as the Riversood Manor, 72nd �nd Ea�� R9ver Road area and stated thc- prlce per hundred square feet was $1.08. Mayor Nee snquired ii there were anyone present who *aished to be heard regard- ing this item. There was no one present to enter any oL�ections, �nna ai�d Charles Street - Robyn's River Manor� �ast Rzver Estates, and Hayes River Lots Additions• Mayor Nee announced thls portion of the hearing wa� on Anna and Charles Street, Robyn's P,iver Manor, East R�ver �states and Haye� River Lots Additions and stzted the �rice per hundred square feet w�s �,5,03. Nayor Nee inquired if there were anyone present who r»shed to be heard regarding this ltem. NLr. John Hayes or 5930 �'ast River Road was presei2ti to ob,7ect and -wished his ob,7ection entered into the records. He stazed he o�aned Lot ore (1) Block two (2) ai' Ha�es River ?ots ard t.ias being assessed $1�056,30� that t?�e other plats 1n area had moxe frontage and they are paying one-third of what he was, P1a3�or Nee ex- pl�lned the assessmenti was spread on an are� basis and Mr. Hayes replled these people had more are�. Mr. Hayes e;�pla�ned to the City Council he had 21�000 square i'eet� a 1ot 100 x 200 and he had sold to Nr. Schwartz 240 feet and Y!e �aas paying less. Councilman Johanson explained to Mr. Hayes the areas and draznage district. T17ere ��ere no other oLjec�ors. ' Rivert��ood Manos (72nd and �ast Rlver Road): The above item was reopened by Mayor Nee at the request of Mr. Nagel, who o�as speal=_ing for a resldent who wa� not alaare the �ten had been taken under con- sideration. Mr. DTagel inquired for Mrs. Edith Hale if thie amount was esti- mated and had the pra,7ect been put in as� to her knowledge, she had never beee notlfied thc �ob was be�ng done. The Finance Officer stated that notices and statements had been sent out a year a�o �nd this area had �een petitioned for. Councilman Johanson explained to Mrs. Hale this improvement was petitioned £or in 1961 and referred to the C1ty Council �n June of 1j61, a preliv�inary report was requested in 1961, preliminary plans and specifications received ln 1�62, hearing heln in July of 1962 and final plans and specificatione ordered ln July of 1962, Mayor Nee stated it had legal publication, if nnt by mail, in � �� the offlcial newspaper and it was not only the law but before the lasr, the in- tent of the City Council ta secure the best publication and i,otice thcy possi- bly could� that al1 they could do was make their best eFFort, Pdr. Carl Pau1- son� resident, inquired of the Cit;� Council if they could malce it a po�nti to have this matter taken up with Mrs. Ha1� as she was not in a posltaon to pay this amount and would like to have it spread over a period of years. Council- man Johanson stateci the age-old argument of people li�ring at the bottom or top of any hill had always felt they wez•e not responsible fox water and it was a � question that had never been answered as to hot� property �,aas assessed for s�orm sewers� furtner that ir Mrs. Hale were to write a ietter, the City Council o�ould attempt to help her alleviate her problem an her particular lot. Mayor Nee iu- quire3 if S�Yxs. IIa1e ar.d any other persons wlshed to enter ob�ections. 1 � Mrs. Edith FIale� 7780 East Rlver Road was present to ob�ect and wished hex• ob- jections regardin� this assessment be cntered ?nto the records. Mr. and A4rs. Benedict Novak of 115 - 71st Way N. �., were present to ob�ect and wished their ob�ections xegardzng this assessment entered into the records. Mayor N=e inquired if there v,ere �nyone else preser.L- whc wished to enter any ob,7ections. There were no other persons p:esent to enter any ob,7eciions. Fe�l�-Street - Lynde Drive �o the Soui,h: Mayor Nee anr.ounced this portion of the hearing �aas regarding Polk Street, Lynde Drlve to the South and sta�ed the prlce per hundred square feet was �',.3L. Mayor Nee inquired if there were anyone presert taho Fiished to be heard regardii�g this item. Mr. Jerry Manley was present regarding Lot three(3), Parcel 1100, Audi- tor's Su6divislon �25 in the sum oP �j0�F.11. Mr. Manley sLaTed the ob�ection he orished to raise was that 1.here is no drainage in this area whatsoever� th�t any tirae there ls any amounl, of moisture �t stays ln the yard, thzt they could not understand wh,y they were being assessed oihen Lhere is no drainage, Mr. Man- ley inquired oi Councilman Sheriflana as he lived near tihere� if he thought there was any drainaoe. Mr. Comstock� coneulting engineer, explained there taas an extension on Polk Street from the exis�ing si,orm sewer on Lynde Drive� south to the platted addition; that thzs would be the future lateral to tihe future strc-et and would run South� that it does drain the area that can get to the pipe at the present time and the purpose is to drain the strEets. Mr, Comstock fur�her ex- plained there are many areas where lands abutting are 1o��er and would have to be filled, that i,nis ctas a normal problem in any drainage dzstrict. Councilman Sheridan znouired of Mr. Manley if the lot ln question was the entzre parcel owned by Mr. Dlanley's mother and was told it iaas. Councllmati Sheridan explalned that he thought *aYiat they were speaking about was that part of the land had been sold under a Contract for Deed but it was still in Mrs. Manley's title and Lh�t was why the entire lot was included in the assessmenl-,. Mr, P4anley stated �he persou they had sold to was Mr. Wahlqui:-t �nd he said he was pa�ing assessments and they didn't understar.d why they were also pa y_ng. Councilman S'�eridan explained they had with Idahlauist Corporation a Contract for Deed but the property had not beea sige�ed over until the cor_tract were satiefted �nd� in the meantime� they d�ould be asse�sed as the owners of t1?e property� 1,hat the Ci1,y had no knot�ledge of this priva+,e contract and they should volce an ob,7ection to the assessment and have it refi�ured on the basis oi the new lines on the basls of zhis private contract. Councilman Sheridan stated he wished, with Council permissioni to enter an ob,7ection For Mrs, Manley on Lot three (3), Parcel 1100, Auditor's Sub- division #25 on the assessment roll of this storm sewer Fro�ect �53 including Polk and Lynde Dr�ve area. It was expl�ined by Mrs. NL�nle�✓ that Lyndale Build- as had erected a zaa11 at the base or the h�ll and it i'orraed a hole so r,hat when it rained there vas water that stayed and formed a poi7d� that the State I-iighway Department had e�ren put in a pump and drazned �he water onto the h�ghwa}� th�s past spring but they did consider Lyndale Builders good neighbors. Mot�on by Sheridan that on the acsessment roll o-' storm sewer Pro�ect ,�53 �nclud- sng Polk and Lynde Drive area� that this erea be broken down according to the plat Mrs. Manley woula present to the City Clerli and have hlm refigure i�: on the revised basis thati there ie a privata Contract Por Deed and there is no lm oti�ledge of this to the City of Fridley at �he moment. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimousl��. Mot,ion byySheridan to e�ter an ob�ection into Council records Sor Mrs. P4anle�� on Lot� i,hree (3), Parcel 1100� Auditor's Subdivlsion f25 on the assessment roll of this storm sewer Project �53 including Polk ancl Zynde Drive area, ;econded b,y Johanson. Upon a voice vote� �here being no nays, i.he motion ca-rraed unan�mously. � 4� A1r. Harvey Rattner of Lyndale Builde-rs t7as pr�sent and �pologized to Nirs. Manley ior the inconvenience of the water gatherinb on her land, that the grade had been lower than her lot in the erea and the wall they had constructed wa snecess- ary because of Mrs. Nlanley's lot, He i'urther explalned that what had happened ir general area by developing� unfort-unatiel� the water ��on`t go doi�n to Polk Street and thcre was nothing they could have done to prevent this but that he would have his foreman invesiigate. Mr, Rattner furtner stated he had no ob- �ections to this assessment, the only request he had was that at the time the sto-rm sezaer �ob was �nstalled on the balance of Lynde Drtve they had in escrow a sum in exces� of �3}466.00 and reque�ted his firm be re�mbursed for trie bal- ance� that thcy had paid all the sts�eets with the exception of one a�d lf the City Council wished to kithhold Por the stub on Filmore Street, kie would have no ob�ection. Ma3ror ll"�ee requested that D4r, Rattner proceed with hi� request through adm�nistrative chanels. There were no other persons �resent to enter Gny ob�ections. Os6orne Manor: Mayor �Vee announced thtis portioi7 of tne public hearing was with regard to the area known as Osborne Manor and stated the prire per hundred equare feet was �il.11. Mayor Nee inquired if there �aere anyone present who wished to be heard re�arding this item. �1 resident raieed the question that as they had bcen- assessed for sewcx�, was this for a storm se*uer lateral and was told it was. Fic furthcr inquired in i,ne area South of Osborr.e Manor, had the residents been assessed. Mayor Diee replied they were, that it had been put �n by the developer and pa�d #'or �� caeh. The quesl,lon was raised of what did this improveme�t in- clude and Mr. Clarli of the City Engineer Departmenti explained the area, ma�ns� and pipeline and catch basins involved, si,ating thls had been put in the pre- vio�s summer. The Finance Offlcer explained there is one assessmenz now and the �aaring for tr�s improvemeat was held together un t,h the street hearing las� September 4th anci the xesidents were �uoted a price of �145.00 a lot For storm drainage and this averages out to about y�'120.00. Mayor Nee inquired if there ��ere any other questions or ob�ections to be entered into tLe records. There were no persons present to enter any ob�ections. Street - L=�ndc llr•ive to the South: Councilman Sreridan rec�uested thc City Council return to the itier� regarding Lynclale Builders and stated tl�e reason this item was added to the contract was that tre CitS� Councll iaas advised there would be a suit involving the City 3nd Lyndele Builders rcgarding dralnage and at the time the discussion was that if Lyndale Bullders o�ould put in the conduit on this line tnis ��ould be thelr por- tion oS the particular contract. Councilman Sheridan etated that it would be �n order to �nstruct the �ssessment roll to bP eh�nged to that effeet. A4otion by Sheridan to continue until the next general business meeting on �ct- oller 7th� 196j the Polk Street L3mde Drive to the South area notice ol hearzng of assessment for storm se�aer Improvement Pro,7ect No. 53 llsi,ed as Item 5 on hearing notice. Councilman Sheridan explained the� thls wou13 eliminate a11 ot the South portlon of the lots of Lynda.le Huiiders and project less the cost oS' the stub caould be assessed a�ainst the balance of the area. Councilman Johanson stated this would probably be a suit again�t the Cltiy of Fridley by Lyndale 13uilders and inquired what could be done before the next business meet- ing. The City Manager statEd they would talk to Lyndale Builders and try to arrive at some kind o? a�reement. Councilman Wolke stated this informati.on should have been �n the hands of the City Council before {,hzs time and Lyndale Bulldere should have been lni'ormed ��hen they were present this evening. Coun- cilman Joh�nson suggested tha� before the October ']th u�eeting the City Attorttey shou]d be brouoht up-to-date on ��hati hao transpired so far so that he could give the City Council an opinion, that negotiat�ons should 311 be made. Scconded by Brook. Upoei a vo�ce vote, there being n_o r_ays� the motlon carrzed nnanimously. Mayor Slee announced that u�ith two exceptions, the £loor could enter��ln a motion con-irming i,he assessmenl, roll. Mayar Nee declared the public hearing cloeed. F2ESOLUTION ��14C-1963 CONFIRMIPIG ASS�SSMEAIT ROLL - 55;�53• Motion by Johaneon to 2dopt Reuoluticn h�11H0-1963 confirming the Assessn,enl, Ro7.l on Storm Sewer Pro,7ect �53 notin� the ob�ectors and deleting items L-hat were continued. Seconded b� Sher2dan. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no neys� the motion carried unanimously, ' ' ' �`�a]� PUBLIC I�'ARING - MSLL LEVY: Mayor Nee announced the ltem in q_uestion wa� Lhe public hearing on Lhe mi11 levy far the Cit� oi Pridley. The City Manager r�e�d the Notice of IIearing. Na,y�pr IQee announced ii' there aer� anyone present -v�ho wished a copy of the piopcsed budget� they could have a copy� that he ti�as certain ever�one realized this wa: a rather comp],icatied bud�et and further s'�ated the Cit,�,� Council had thoroughly worked over the proposed budget, hut that all membere of the Council i�ould -wzsh to hear views oP everyone on the tiudget. Mayor Nee requested the Ctii,� Nanager ' explain the mill levy. The City Nlanager expla�ned t,he assessed valu�ation and mill rate� stating tne City Council tried to arrive at the best mil7. rate that was possible but that the needs are submitted to the County and depending upon the fin�l assessed valuation tihe Count3� comes up ��ith, they set �he mill rate. Hc further explazned the mill rate last yeer t-�ae estlmated to be �0.�+2 mills, the State of Minnesota had put a 10��0 inerease on the valuation and dropped this to 34.46 mi]ls. mhe City Council, at thi� poinc of deli%dex•atlon� he eYp]ained; had arrived at a 38.4843 mill levy and zt could be moz•e or less than the pre- vsous year� but that} at this po�.nt, they feel it i� fairly soltid. The City Manager further expla�ned the Cit3� cloes not expect thi� mill rat� Lo chan�e as it did last year. Mayor DTee opened the meet�ng for any questions from the i'loar. Mr. Carl Paulson requested t,he itcros be taken beginning wlth t12e General Fuind a��d explained in order and stated he wished to comment on the City Coune�l Budget as a�ainst the previous year's budget. Counc�lman Johanson explained the salaries of the Ma,yor and Council were estimated ar, �9�120.p0 for 1964 as against $9,000.00 for 1963 ann explained the various monies needed for printing and publiehing: sec- retar��� etc.� ��ith a total bUdget for the City Council of .�i17,150.00, Councilman Wo1Y,e �lso explalned that in 1961 and 1962 the City Council didn't show �ny sec- s•etarial salary as that had been charged off and the City Council now had it's own secre�ary. Mayor PTee explained a large part of the load this year had come on by the first payment of tne Park Fund. Mr. Elmer Johnson stated to the City Council th�t he had a problem he *aished clarif�ed and ?t had to do iaith the case i.hei� he had ruled lt was out of order 1 tnat certain magazlne companies could scll certain commodizties and lt had been si,ated this car_e had cost the City of Fridley tb7j}000,00. He Purther st�tecl L-he attornaes for tihe magaz�ne company h�d made two appearances in court� that �n the firet �ppearance no p1e� wav made and the� had come up the followin�; Friday zaith the plea for dismissal on the grounde that commadities tiiere rnoying in In- terstate Commerce and this company was from out oi' tYe state. A4r JoLnson furcher stated th�t following the suggestion oi the City Atitorney ai, that time he dicl concede and did diemiss the case and he wished tihis to be confirmed by i,he City Clerk at this timey that this case did not cost the C�ty �75,000.00 ras had been reported but only �pproximately �400.00, that he Purther had enough in�ormation and witnesses to starti z defamation suit. Mr. Johnson t'urther ai'ilrmed the case was sett=ed out of court by the City of Fridley paytng the attornies fees -or the magazine coMpany and the amount �rae �`400.00. The Cii,y Clerli stated Mr, Johnson raas correct� the amount of settlement iaas approximately �430.00 and the Czty never did settle a loss for �75�000.00. It w�s stated by Mr. Carl Paulson that the Ci1y Counc il or the Ctity of Fridley should be vexy much concerned �out increased taxes, that i� z�as impor�an�, for them to keep thF taxes dotan ar,d reque�ted the City Council stay t�zthin the limits imposed by the Charter at 30 mills. A4a�or Nee infox•med tne residents the City Manager had suggested that he point out the C�neral Pund is about 31 n�ills aloi�e and the balance oF it is debt serv�ce, statutory req_uiremen+s, etc.; that the mill lev;� is approximated at 3�•6 mi11s. Councilman Johanso?7 explained the City Counc�l had reduced this budgec by some four mills and over �50�000.00 and the budget ��as still seme $85,000.00 over a year agoa that employees do have to get � a cost of living inerease but that he agreed with Mr. Paulson, the City Council could Meet again and see zf the Budget could be reduced. He Further stated that Ccurcilman Sheridan had been out of town when the City Counci] had met and they had not had �n opportunity to talk t,his over w�th ?�im and that Councilman Slier�- dan should be �iven an opportunity to go over the Budget hel'ore he accepts it, that Councilman S^lolke aiid Brook might have ocher suggestions also. The City Man- ager stated that in ordzr to get the Budget needs i,o the County� the C�{,y CoLm- cil would have to approve the second reading on Octobex� 7th and suggested the ordinance ecve-r�rg the Budget Ue given it`s firstrcadin� and changee could be made befcre �ctober 7th. Councllman Brook explalned the needs of the Police De- partmenta�F four men. Councilman �iolke explained the SLate Aid Iiigh�aay Construck- ion, also� that Frldley �,aould be getting revenues from ?�. �•�� Mayor Nee explained to those present in terms of mills what the incrcase in dol- lars -v�as. Mr. Paulson stated since 1959 and untll toda,y, the costs haven't in- creased that much and the mill rate has doubled, Councilman Johanson stated in 196�+ $22�000.00 alone ro:ould be street lighting and in 1961 there weren't many street lights in Fridley; also, $82,0OO.OQ would be spent on Parks and Recre�tlon and �.here was �lso maintenance �f these parks and this was all a part of the Budget and there oias a need ior all oF this necause this was what the people want. Mayor Nee stated the City Council could cut the Budget to about $ nills iF the people don`t �aant the services; the Council *aae only interested in giv- ing the people services they o�anted. ' It o�as stated that �ahat the people wcre interested ln mainly iass tahat each mill costs in tax dollars; that last year there was an overall deduction but ye� taxes iaen� up roughly 10�0 on the avera�e home, It was further stated that taxes have taken two successzve hlkes and it as unde-rstood tney ro�ill take �nother hike thls coming year and what people are ti�orrled about is the trend of the times. The C�ty M�;�_�a�er c-xplained the most money in taxes the Cit;+ represente is 13�a and it has been as low as 11%. Total property tax bills were discussed. The City Manager explained that on a$17,000.00 home in the City of Fridley t,oday this mill r,�te bein� talked abovt ��ould amount to appTOxiniately �58.96 and to give an example he pointed out that a t� cut of $1�000.00 on the budget would save a homeowner about nine cents. He further explained a mill based on the valuation from the Coiznty; that �1�000.00 is less than one-tenth ot a m�ll. N1r. Paulson statied it seemed to him there saas a moral value involved, t�here there are other services being taxed; that people are paying certain taxes throu�n i,he water 'oills, eewer breaks and ltnes aro there would be more oi theni. Mr. Paulson inUUired how al] this would be f�nanced. Mayor Nee repl�ed this wou13 con�e ouL oi the sewer revenue funds. P�is�. Paulson ine�u�red vrhere there vtas a profit on aeF�er revenue °unde. Councilman Johanson expla�ned the ��ater bill anci stated the seiaer bill is �reater than cahat the costw to sell the services are and vhen the bond� are paid oFi, they would give the City a chance, at some future datie� to reduce the water bills. Inquiry was made as to why tihe public hearing for the Budget was thls late. The ' Clty Manager expla�ned iti had been set up for September 16th and the o_°ficial newspaper didn`t publish the eot�ce but that zt had since been publlshed three timee as required by la=,a. Councllrnan Johan�on stated iz it was satisfactory w�th the residents, the City Counci7 could accapt this first reading of the ordinance on tihe Budget ancl it would be returned to the flaor and p7acad on the Agenda ror tihe next regular meeting. Mr. Elmer Johnson stated that he felt tihe Police Department &tdaet c�l�ed for some study, that the percentage of increase ln the Police Budget �s g3.7 in zYie last three years. He Further etated that the Bud�et of the Nunicip�l Court had increascd only �E3°/�� zn the last three years. fdr. Johnson explalned if �he City Council were going to hire more policemen he would have caore work and his bLdgei; :hould 'oe changed. Councilman Johanson explained the members of the City Council ]2ad taken quite a dim vieia of one policeman ridin� in a squad car alone at nighi, and �here nas indicat�on that the City Council did �aan1. in the even7ngs t�ro men in the car instead of one man riding alone. Mr. Sohnson ln- quired if his departruent did a reappraisal of their needs� would lt be entier- tatinc-d. City Attorney Smith replied the Budget could be changed either way. Councilman Johan�on informed Nlr, Johnson Le would have to �o tnrough the City Manager to do it becaixse it kiad been presented to hl�n. Mayor Nee inquired of Nr. Johnson if thr Budget he had submitted been cut. The City D4anager stated it had not, that he had h,�self lncreaaed it with some �3,600.00 i'or the prosecutor that taasn't in last year's Budget. Councilman Sheridan stated he wished to meet with the City Council ei�her to- ' gether er individually to discuss the Budget� thai, he wished to further acquaint 12imself with some i�ems ii; the Sudget. ISe furi,her stated he had a couple oP items to be removed that ��ould mean proi�abl� a mill decrease. Councilman Jo- hanson inauired tif the-re were any possiblity they could meet at 7 P. M, on Thursday prior to a meeting wlth the Flre Department. Mayor Nee declared the public Hearing on the mill levy for the Budgetclo�ed. ' � � FIRST REl1DIIdG OP ORDII�TAbiCE l�DOPTING 19u'�+ BJDG�T: Not�on b5� Sohanson to adopt tLls as the Firar, readang of the Iludget Cor the Ftis- cal Year 1��4. Se:conde�' b�a Brook. Upor a voice vote, there being �o nays, �he mot.lon casr�ed un�nimously. P.DJOURN: mhere being no Purther business� A4ayor Plee declared the Speci�l Meeting of Sep- tember 30� 1963 ad�ourned, Respectfully submitted, J � � i� _ 1�f1 % � �Lr% c- _,____--�-=�= ' •'°����. Siae Nfiskowic Secre�ary to the Counc�l �_ � �� 1 1 i `I - G ; � c ,c � �" 1 �--�'�� �<— iAYOR - Willia� . N � � SPECIAL COUNCIL N'EETING - OCTOBER 3� 1963 -& P. M, 9 Speclal bieeting of the Czty Conncil o?' t,he City of Fridley was called to order ati B:15 ?, �• by Mayor Nee. ROLL CALL: Members Present• PTee} Wolke� Sheridan� Johanson, Brooli MemberN Aesent: None CANVASS OF PRIMARY ELECTION OF OCTOBER Motlon by Wolke that in accordance with Section �+.05 of the Charter oF tihe City oS Frldley� the C1ty Councll declares the results ot the 1963 Prlmar3� Electlon to be as follows: Wd. 1 Pr. 1 Wd. 1 Pr. 2 Ward 2 Ward 3 TOTALS A. The total number of ballots cast was, 1664 Ward 1 - Precinct 1 Ward 1 - Precinct 2 Ward 2 Ward 3 TOTAL 369 321 �-- _- 5�g 1664 B. The votes ior each candldate and number of defective and not voted ballots �s as Follo�as. P�NNICIPAL JiJDGF SPOILED OR NOT �OFIIVSON YOHLP.N CRABTCtF� DEFECTTVE VOTED 166 152 21�— 302 83�+ 73 T 53 125 300 �zs i1� 115 T 521 2 z 1 5 2 1 1 �+ � �� COUIVCILP4AP� 1ST WFiRD K_IIiKI3.AM FIPGLER BROOK rdd. 1 Pr. 1 75 wa. 1 z�-�. 2 139 TOTALS 214 C-RAEFF KOZLAK r�rd• 3 59 3�+ TOTnL 5� ?!i 15�+ 115 � 50 238 165 SPOILED OR 11TOT l�7HITNORE DEFECTIVL VG�D 21 3 1 �— 3 66 3 4 COUIITCII,MlIN 3RD WARD SPOILED OR WOLi� BANDEL WRTCsHT DEFECTIVE 59 266 i67 1 59 266 167 1 NOT VOTED 3 3 C. The following t*ao neople are hereby declared to be the winners in the Primary Election for MUNICIPP.I� JUDCE: Elmer M. Johnson Fioward Pti. Crabtree ➢, The following t�.�o people are hereby declare@ to be the winners in the Primary Election for COUNCILMA;U� 1ST GIARD: Doeald E, Wegler Jack 0. Kirkham E. The following �wo people are hereby declared to be the winners in the Pr�mary Election for COUNCILMAPI� 3RD WARD: Vern �3. Bandel John Co Glright SIGNED: CITY OF FRIDLEY COUNCIL M�;hiBER5 Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there be�n� no nays� the mot�on carrie� unanl�ously. CONSIDERATION OF CONII'LETIOPT OF S�P. 1962 CON2'RACT: P✓tayor nlee announced chis item wae the consYderation of the completlon of the 1962 S�ree� Contract. A letter fTOm Dunkley Surfacing Compan5� was presented to the Czty Counczl. t4r. Comszock� consult�n� engineer, explained the le�ter to the Cii,y Council in detail making necessary corrections such as in the iirst paragraph there should Ue added the streets 75�%h Avenue fx°om Able Street one and one-half blocks West and also the same should be noted in the thir3 para- graph or same document, the nam�d stireet Riverview Terrace iVorth aF 62nd Glay was placed r�ther zhat Ashton �lvenue v�hich had been incorrectl,y znserted. Na;�or Nee ?nquireQ if Dunkley Suriacin� would run tests on the two streets in quest�on and �Mas L-old che,y would� that this would be one of the areas z�here mox•e teG�s will have to be run and possibly completely replace the street. Councllman Johanson znquired if the ihickness an� volume of the mat had been discussed and was told Zt had� that P�r. Com�tock had met at the City Hall and ' � '