10/03/1963 - 00023122, � L J � � �� Mr. Comstock inquired if there y.ouldn't have to be another ag-reerrent, wn�ch would be the basie the bond wi11 be furn�shed on and i,his could be spelled oui; at that t�me, that the normal bond ls for 100% oi the contract. City ?ctorney Smith expl�ined that as lon� as the Maintenance Bond is based on the tiotal con- struction� it is easy �o iigure out the portioi2 the etreets represent, tnat ior the ?irst year ra uill be 100°;`0 of '�he enntract �nd for each year thereaiter rt will be a separate bond. Mr. Comstock stated if' i.his Gias handled on a sc-paraze a�reement, 1t would be sai,isiactor��. A 3iscusalon period was held on how �hls contract should be written. City Atuorney Smith expla�ned the t�ing to do �s when Mr. Dunkley puts up the Malntenance Bonu� Zt should Ue the total amount oi the contract for the fir�t yesr� then it ie c�lcul-��ed and he brin�s �_n a ne�a 6ond. Mr. Comstock stated the problem was ;�hat agreement lt was tied ini,o, the basic plans or speciiications or t�hat. Motion by Sheridan to authorize the execution oI the a�reement presented by the City [�ttorney and approved b5� Roger Dunkley of Dunkley Surfacing Company. Se- conded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no nays1 the moti2on casried unani�ously. ADJOURN: There being no iurther buslness, N,ayor Nee declared thE Special Mcezing oi' October 3rd, lg'o3 ad�ouzned. Respectfully sunmitted� � 1 � _�/ , � � , '` ' {�.�c�€%; �',f���c�-�ir�. S`ue Niskowic Secretary to the Council SECOnTL� SI'�CT�L COUPSCIL ^+fEFTINC, OF OCTOBER 3, 1963; i ? �- �I i� �f ! � %' ,i �.G..��w� " . ��E�-� YOP - Willia J. _ ee M��yor Nee convencd the Spccial Meeting at 10:00 o'clock P.M. Members present at Roll Call in ans��ering Lhe Roll Call waived written notice of th�e m�eting. Members Present: Nee, Sheridan, Wolke� Brook, �ohanson PURPOSE OF TrtTs SP�CTI�L MPETING: The purpase of tne specia] meet�ng i= for the reccipt and disposit�on of photo- ccples of tt��o affidavits, one received from Al Pepper� and one Fron� Ina Parsons� dated September 2o and 30, 1g63. RECEIPT Or AFFIDAVIIS: Motion by Sh�ridan� seeonded by Johanson� to recclve photocopies of the twc aff'iciavits. Upon a voyce vote, 1;here being no naye, Ma or 1lee declared thc- motion carried. DISPOSITIDN OF AFFIDAVITS: Motion by Sher�da r seconded by i,dolke, that tl�e Cit�; Council, upon advice of tihe City'� legal counsel, iorward the tvo aFfldavits t,o thc County Attoroey, Robert Sol�nson� far �ahati action he m�y see i'�t to �ake, Upon a roll call vote, tl�ose voting "aye"� Sneridan� idolke, Nee, Brook� Johai�son. Those voting "Nay"� none. Mayor Vee declared t,he moL_on carried. �,_�� ADJOURNi_�NT: There being no iurther business, M�yor PTee declared the meetin� ad,7ourned. I;e.pectfully sub7iitted: : L �, r�� �r�� � �. r i � �'�ci��L'�� V % i'v l��'.lZ.r'i °i�-- ���' '� ����� - Larl P. Wa�ner —! N�YOR - Y111�i m J. Pd�e � �1r.ting Secretary to t�7,� Council �, REGiILAR COUNCSL MEETING - OCTOBER q,1g63 A regular mc-eting of the City Council of' the City of Fridley was called to order by Mayor Nee at �:lj P. M. ROLL CALL: Members Present� Pdee� Sher�dan, 47olke� Johanson� Brook arrived at 8•45 P. M, Members Absent• None APPROVAL 0�' M1MITLS - RFGi7LAR MEETING� SEPTEMB�R 16� 1g63: Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes of the Regular Meetin� of September 16, 1�63 as prepared and received. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motiioe carried unanimously. APPFOVAL OI' MIPIUT�S - SPECIAL b1EETING, S�PTEMBER Motion '�y Wolke to approve tre minutes of the Special Meeting of September 23� ig63 as prepared and received. Seccnded b,y Sherldan. Upon a voice vote� there being no 7a�s, L-Le motion carried unanimously. APPROVAI, OF MI]VTUTES - SPECIAL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 30� 1963: Motion by ,Tohanson to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of September 30� 1963 as prepared and received. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no naysr the niotion carried unanimouslx. APPROVAL OF MCNUTES - SPECIAL MEETINGa OCTOBER 3, 1963: Motion 'oy Sherid�n to approve the mlt7utes �f the Special Meeting of October 3� i953 as prepared and received. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the r�otion carri�d unanimously. APPROVAL OF P4IPTUTES - SECOND SPECIAL MEETINGy OCTOBER 3� 1963: Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes of the Second Special Meeting of October 3, 1963 as prepared and received. Seconded by Sherldan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. OL➢ BUSINESS: � �