10/03/1963 CB & SP - 00023124� � � �I FIRST RE�',DIAfG dP' ORDINkATCL ADOPTING 19o'�E BUDGLT P'iotior by Johanson to adopi, thi� e�s the ftirst reading of the Budget for i,he Fis- cal Year 1964. Seconded by $rook. Upon a voice vo�e� tnere being no uays� tihc motion carried unanimously. tiDJOURN: There being no Curther �usiness, ASayor Tdec declared the Special Meeting of cep- tember 30� 190'3 ad�ourned. Respect£ully submitted, . "� �,1 , , ,� - / ��/�...[ p f `�`CI �..� l � ��i �/1 �*�ll�[m '�II / Size S435kowic��� Secretary to the CauneZl �� !� � ,� - --, i ��� � � - �' � � � - — i �,�.,. ,_ - , ��-a � LAYOR - 4Tlll� a� _ . Nee � ,, ;✓ 5PECIAL COUNCIL MEETIPIG - OCTOBER 3a 1963 - ES P. M. A Spec�al Meeting of the City Council of the Cit,y of Fradley was callec3 to ord�r at 8:15 P, M, by Mayor Tdee. ROLL CALL: Members Present: PTee� Wolke� Sheridan� Johanson, Brooli Members Absent: None CANVASS OF PRIMARY �I:�CTION OF OGTOSLR l, 1963; Motion by Wolke that in accordance with Sectiion 4.08 oF the Charter of tihe City of Frydley� the C1ty Council declares the results ot the 1963 Primar5� Election to be as �ollows: G1d. 1 Pr. 1 idd. 1 Pr. 2 GTard 2 Ward 3 Tb`PALS A. The total number of �allots cast was: 1664 rdard 1 - Precinct 1 jdard 1 - Precinct 2 �v'ard 2 Wwrd 3 TOTAL 369 321 �5 -_ _�� _ 166�F B. The votes for each candidate and number eF defective and not voted ballots �s as tollows. P4UNICIP_AL Ji7➢GF SPOII�D OR IVOT JOIIl'dSON ROHLAN CRABTRL+'L+' DEFPCTIVE VOTE➢ 166 152 �— 302 83�+ 73 �9 53 1L� 300 128 11�— �15 0 - 521 2 2 1 5 2 1 1 LL �� COU�TCILA7AAT 1ST WAR➢ SPOILED OR KIRICHAM 'vTEGLER BROOI< �,+IIHITMORE DEFECTIVE wd. 1 Pr. 1 75 154 115 21 3 t�ia . 1 Pr . 2 139 �ST� 50 �I 5 ToTAls 214 238 165 66 3 GFtr-,iFF K07_I�F1K w�. 3 59 3� 2'oTaL 59 3!+ VOT VOTED COiJDTCILMAPT 3RD WARD SPOSLED OR A10T WOLKL IlANDEL WRIGHT DEP'�'CTIVE VOTED S9 �c 266 167 266 167 1 3 � 3 1 3 4 C. The following two people are hereby declared to be the winners in the Primary Election zor MUNICIPAL JU➢GE: �lmer M. Johnson IIou�ard M, Crabtree D. The following t*ao people are hereby declared to be the winners zn the Primary Elect�on for COUNCIiS�1F1PT, 1ST WARD: Donald E. FTegler Jack 0. Kirkham �. The folloiaing �wo people are hereby declared to be the winners in tl�e Pramary Election f'or COUNCILMAN� 3RD WARD: Vern G. Bandel John C� Glrzght SIGNEll: CITY OF FRIDT.F'Y COUNCII� MEMBERS Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there be�_ng no nays� the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF COMI'LETIOPT OF ST. 1962 CONTRACT: M�yor Nee announced thie itum was t,he consideratiion of tihe completion of the 1�62 S�ree� Contract. 9 letter from Dunkley Surfacing Company was presented to the City Councll. Mr. Comstocl=� consulting engineer� explained �he letter to the City Council in detail mak�ng necessary correctzons such as in the first paragxaph there should be added the streets 75�h Avenue from Able Street one and one-half blocks West and also the same should be noted in the th�rd p�ra- graph of" same document� the named street Rlverview Terrace North of 'o2r.d Way was placed rather that Ashton Avenue v,hich had been incorrectly inserted. Mayor Vee tinquired ii Du�kley Surfacing kould run tests on the two streets in quest_on and was told they would, that this wou13 be one of the areas where more tests wi11 have to be run and possibly completely replace the street. Councilman Johanson inquired if the thickness and valume of the ma� had beer d�scussed and was told it had� th�t �Ir. Comstock had met at the City Ha11 and t � 1 _i_ �-�� Mr. Dunkley was willzng to do exactly whati he had beei� requested and invited Mx. Comstock to 4�ritie the lel,ter to the City Council saying he would w�gn same hUt Mr. Comstock had declined and informed ]zim he �aould have to write his own letter. Councilman Johanson lnquired zf Mr. Comstock was satisfied �7�th the letter. Mr. Comstock stated chere might possibly Ue some advantages to tihe letter, that Mr, Dunkley wap willing to sign an agreement on the tk�o question- able streets and over a three year period Fridley might want to ch�nge th� word= ing a little; �lso� Mr. Dunkley would suppoit �his w�tr a Maintenance Bond. _N,r. Comstock stated tne entire matter uas conc�ngent on St, 10 and .12. City Ai;to'rnc-y � Smath inqulred if those didn't deal wlth the interchan�es and was told they aid. Mayor l�ee inquired if thl� caas ratner thart Lhe extra inch oi' m�t an Van Burei� Street that had been olecussed. P+ir. Comstock replied tliat 1L �aas and it �oea pose a problem since �here is conere�e curb and gutzer or that street; also, thaL on 59 l,/2 �da,y it taould be possable to pixt an additional ma� on that since there is blacktiop curb and gutter. Mayor Nee inquired if this could be f'eat'_zered out and was told i� could. Cit,y Attorney Sm2th inquired wh�t taould happen lf during the third yeax the streeti or sub-base i�as skippin� or oreaks up, b4r. Comstock replied 7t d�dn't appear to be clear to h!m what Nr. Dunkley �aould propose to do. CiL-y Attorn�y Sm�tL stated he wanted some insurance irom him tihe road nould be ^ond, Mr. Comsl,ock replied t;�i� has been discussed with Mr. �unkley th3t iI' something was goii�g zo be m�de in terms of a guas•anty lt would be �ust that; iL �aould have tio cover sub-base, base or mat regardless of the cost. Counczlman Johanson stated Mr. Comstoc}c knew a� oi the previous meeting how the City Councll felt about this and it appeared there would hav� to be another meeting between f4r. Comstocl_, L-he City Tiana�cr and the Ci�y Attorney znd have tbis matter returned to the City Council. Councilman i^lolke statcu to the City Counc�l he telt they negotlate carong, tiiat Pirst of all} they had turned to the consulting engineers and asL=ed for au opin- ion on thyG matter and the opinion taas given to the Cii.y Counc�l oF z��l�at the en�inecrs thaught �eas proper and Lhe negol.iating should be done by the City Mana- ger �nd the City e1ttorney. He fur�ner stated to the C�ty CoUnc�l ua�� i'irst o£ all� asl�ing them £or lacts and then askinJ them to arhitrate. Councilman Johansor � agreed wlth Counellman 6?olire and stated the Cit� b7anager and the CitJ Attorney should handle tnis maLter. Councilman Braok lnqulr�d if lt would be proper ior Mr. Comstock to lzelp negotiate. Co�ancilm�m S+iollce replied he didn't think so� thai,u�hen tihis would be all done, Mr. Comstock wou]d stlll have to accepc the streets and tell the C?ty Council if anything was *arcng. C�uncilman BrooL ass- ertea if F'ridley had a City �ngineer, he �aonid have to s�_L in �,ith the City Mann- ger and City At�orney and now that Mr. Comsi.ock had been hired to be the Cicy Engineer� he felti he shoul� meeti with tihem. Mayor N�e explained the queation of the amendment on the penalty was �tr�c�:,ly an en�ineering item. Cicy l�ttorney Smath iniormed the Clty Council the Clzy b9anager� Mr, Comstock and he had met be- fore Mr. Comstock had met wi�h b4r. Dunkley and d�scussed al�ernatives. re furtLer 3uFgested that trith the present comments and proposals from Mr. ComstiocL, the City Ma�ager and 'n_e eould now prepare a propo�al and �et Ni-r. DuxLkley'e signatu-re and have �ame available ati thc next meetinU, tha� Mr. Dunliley should ve requlred to satisFac�nrily take care of the road during a period to the satisfacu�on oi the City Engineer and felt Mr. Dunkley would agree to that. Councilman �M1rolke statied it wae not up to the engineer to accept the road} �t was up to the City Council. Councilman Johanson replied that before they would release tne Perfora�- ance Bond� they would get a report Prom the en�ineers to see it it i, ap to stal2d- arcts and the Citq Council could then acceot it. Motion by Jonansoe to instruct �he City Manager and City 9ttorney r,o ne�otiate wzth Dunkley Surfacing Company a document �:o considei what 4�ould be legal and reasonable concerning i;he completion of St. lyG2 Contract. Seconded by Brook. Mr. Comstock stated the City Council t�as straying irom the baslc problem and that ' was the specifications which he hadn't written which the City Council uantied him to eni'orce and he h�ould� that iz these secti!ons are entorced, the �ob iaould not be dane and this �7as ��hat tihe contractor had eatid, that Lhe entiire matter lies be- �ween the City oi' Frldley and the Contractor. Nr. Comstock further informed tnc Clt;� Counc�l that if i:hi� sectlon was not changed he would feel obli�ated� as acting en�ineer� to so notify the cantraetor as he had not�_fied the City. Coun- cllman Cdolke inquired lf tY!e Clty Counc�l r�ere willin� to relax i,he speciticat�ons and� if so� it uhould 6e put in the form oF a motion. Counczlman Johanson stated they would not reduce the epecif'icata.ons unt�l they had a proposal from Dunl�ley Surfacing Campany. Mayor Nee explalned that at �he time of the document being presented by the City Manager and City Attorne,y Snnth something could be done. City Attorney Smi�h explained the suggestion was thai, the City Councll not en�orce �U it providing that this Maintenance Bond is extended an extra two years and all other performance se�zsfactory, Upon a vo�ce vote� there being no nays, the motion carrled unanimously. DZSCiJSS ION OF 1964 BiTDGET: Mayor Nee announced this item was the discussion of -che 1964 Bixdget and inquired if there were anJone present who wished to be heard, Mrs. Jo3�ce Mitt�lstaedt � of the League of Women Voters wa4 present and stated they had been given to understand that the City Council has consider�d dra�ping from the proposed Bud- get a full L-ime Park Director. It was explalned to the City Council the League of Womer. Voters had studeed the recreatzon faczlities ir Frid�ey. Mrs. Mattel- staedt read to the City Counc�l this report� that they do favor the hiring of a fL�ll tlme dixector �ho aould be in chare of Recreational and Park Programs and they do recommend the hiring of a full time Park Direetor. Mayor Nee ex- plained 'ne was not ccrtain how much the Council had saved by cuttin� thas person out of the IIudget. Mrs, Mittelstaedt explained they h�d felt 7t would be a savin^ to hire a full time director by elim�nat�ng part time activii;ies and having all on one salary. Councilman Johanson inquired if Mrs. Mittelstaedt had seen a copy of the Budget for 1904 in yrhich there was $82,000.00 budgeted fox Parks and Playgrounds. Mayor 7`dee �nquired how much the Recreational Budget had been reduced. The City Manager replied it had been reduced by �3�32�5.00. Mayor Vee inquired of Mrs. Mittelscaedt ii they kere proposzng one person y7ho would be the Parks and P]aygrounds Director. He was told this was correct� they would accept thls and there taould be better coordina�ion obtalned. Counezlman Johanson explazned the numbers of emplp�rees and directors who would be ti�orking part time the followin� summer. Mayor Nee explained that part of the problem was that Fridley doesn't get any money from the school system for recreation ancz lnauired �ihat would a Full ti�e person be doing in the wintertime. Mrs, Mittelstaedt replied they felt this activity �rould keep l�im busy plann�ng� etc., plus winter recmatlon aei,ivities. Councilman Wolke sUated the proposal was to eliminate part of the Park Program ancl include recreatzon; this would eliminate the posi- tion Dick Donlin held. Councilman Johanson stated the Park Director pretty � well supzx�vises �he nei�hborhood parks and all the miscellaneous ,7obs. Council- man 4iolke explalned the biggest problem is the City Council was talkzng �E32000.00 for Farics and Playgrounds and that is about 13�0 of the total Bu�get and it was qul�e a bit of money. He further stated that most of the people are concerned about the cuttzng of the Budget and understanding they c�ere all interested in the Recreation Program� they have just so mueh money to spend. Councilman Jo- hanson suggeated keeping the item of the Parkc and Pla}�grounds in mind and go- ing over the balance of the Budget. The City Manager suggested the Council con- sult with the Park Board before maYing any changes as they don't believe a com- binatYCn Park and Recreation Director would be the answer� that they had thought there should lae a fu7.1 t�me Parl; and Recreation ➢irector� their argument bein� Mr. Messick couldn't fully supervise tPe P.ecreation Prog'rarn� he couldn't buy the equipment-, watch the budget and all these otiher dutie� and do a thorough job on plamm�g. Councilman ��lolke eaplained the reason for this is that �t was secondary to NIr. Messicl< and others and af they had a fulltin�e man, this ' aauld be tiis �ob and he :�oulci have a s�.ary to compensate hlm for his efforts . Councilman Sheridau znqulred regarding the Police }3udget and stated lt u;as be- ing incrPasea 60%. A discuss�_on �ras held s•egarding the r,eylace�-� ments for 1963 ar�d Mavor Plee stated the budget iaas actually being Increased about li0%. ^ihe Clty Mana�er explained the increase �n salaries amovnted to about �11,000,00. Caunc�lman tidolY_e inqulred of the total �rowth zn population fo-r Fridley durin� the prevlous year. The Clty Manager replled the figure from i:he Planning Commi�sion early this ycar was 19�502 people and tYie esti- mate Prom Nor::i��vestern Be11 'Pelephone-Co.� was someVihere around 23�000, that � would be a gro�dth between 3�000 to �;,000 people. Councllman Johansor req_uested oF the C�ty Council that two men be dropped from the Police Budgei,. The ques- tion saas ra�sed by resideni;� present why the Ci,y Council should cut the Bud- get at all and Councilman Jo:�anson replied the Crty Manager had altaays pre- sented to l,he City Council what he ielt was a ver,y good budget and he had never found fault vaith his bud�ets bUt tt was tmposs�ble to gzve a free kand i7ith the Budge�. Pflayor Nee si.ated this tiaas the proposal of the Pollce Dc�- parrmenz to achie�Te the scheduling or ttro men in the polzce cars and it ri�d Ueen conside-red a week pretnous and Council had agre�d to it. Council:nan Jonanson replied that he had misu�,derst,00d l�a that zt stlll mlght take two years to put two nen in z c�.r and Fridley had never accomplished anything in one year. V _ ` jj� � V 1d_ Counczlman Wolke asked ii Council couldn't meet L-he Pol�ce Budget for me�� half- way. Cpuncilman Sneridan stated he �iould rather delete 1;��o men from the pro- poeed budget and go bacic and give an incre�ae i.o tihz older men. Councilm�n Jo?�anson explained the Ghzei of the departmer_� had aslced fos a�600.00 ra�se ior himseli and nothing Sor hzs Sargeant. mhe C�.ty Manager explained 'che reason the 2jo Fawre which had been previously mentioned as a raise fo-r the patrolmen wasn't �,iven was ihat the department was � almost even i�ith �;he surrounding arna in salary. Councilman Johai�son repliec� they were noi, basing their salaries on tihe Minneagzlis and St. Paul area. Councilmar. idolke stated cl�e real heart oi' tl�e Police Deparr.ment� even though Fridley had a good chief is the iact therc rere �ood men unc3er hir� and this 2� figure vas set up ar.d these men �;ere looking toru�ard to ita that last year they iaere held down and suggested to Lhe City Man�gcr triis ��as �omethii�g they should b� carezul about, that the departmeni� heads manage to get Lhei_r� increases in and the people that havF notj�in,3 ta say aboUt tiie oudget are at thelr mercy. Coui7- cilr,�n Sheridan explained to the City Counc�l he had tr�ed to ati;ack thls rtem irom d�fferent positlons and adding four :�ew men from tihe outsa�le iaould mean another nec� automo�aile and further stated he ,�ould prefer to see t��o rnen deleten from the budget azd have the presznt staif oei, �ome liind of justiFica�ion. Coun- cilman tilolke sta�:ed that Fridley wculd need a foot patroln��n soon, �h�t v+lth ne°.� shopp�ug areas opening all of the timc, s�ore people are unable at tia�es �o coi2- trol the groups that g�ther and cause trouUle. ^he City Manager stated he u�ould strongly urge to tt�e City Counczl they stay to the goln� rate paid police��en i� the metropoli��n area. Cauncilman 4lolke replied they .iere not concecned t�i�h other Police Departmentsa they i�erP concerncd ,ith their policemen. Motion by Broo}: to drop two ?nen scneduled ?or July lst� 1�64 Crom the Police De- partment Bu3�et and sdd a?_�� per montih increa�e to thc patrolmen. Secornied b;,+ Sheridan. Councilman Sherldan inluired i!' the Sargeant's increase Taas ?_%� and was told it was more than 2%. Upon a voice vote� L-1-_ere being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � Councilman Sheridan requested an explanation o� Exhibit 1 on D�Ut Service in i,he amount o° �26�000 airlwhai; was the l�oad they ti7ere referring to. The City Manage'r expla�ned tne �tem in detail and stated it �s for GI-34 and there wcre some speclal improvement pro,7ects a1so. Councilr��n Sner�dan inquzred if Lhc IN'�ter Depa-rtment wa� not seli' sufzlcient. mhe Citiy Manager replied that ir, was partly eo, r,hat a big reserve was necess�ry to build ii� up and there ��ould prooablsr be no mill levy the nexz year. Counctilman Wolke in�ulred hola rnuch money �.�as taken oui, oC that departmer.t, last year. The Ci1�� Mana�er stated he d�_d mt have the figu_re at the moment. Councilman Sheridaa inquired if i,he bonds L-hey ���ere referrin? to c�ere revenue borids and ��as told by the City INaneger �hey ,aere noi , they ti�ere General Obligattion Bond� and i1. was explained that bec�use o' �he facL- tLe City has to puti in a heavy reserve �t the begina�ag it couldn't be l�andled th�s yeaz. Councilman Wolke stated people had been lead to be7icve that sewer and zaai,c-r ue- partnents were dei'unct. The City M�nager s�epl�ed that neii-her departmei2t �;as. Councilman Sheridan st2ted �f i,he zaater and se�aer Faere depleted, than th?� acmunt should be charged a,�ainst these departreents rather than i,he iaater and sewer tund. The City Alanager explained the only use of tl,e ,7a ter iund wuuld be the =oater works departmcnL. Councilman Ulollie st;�ted it was n�s opinion t,�al, some oi �hese things should be ch�nged to dilferent categories and t�e m�ll rate Gcmuld 1�e puti <ahere 1t belonged A dzscuesion periad o�«s hc-ld regarding l,he dispositi�n � water and sev�er fac�litiee, worli, el,c. The City� blana�er repl��d �he i-Iater Dep��t- ment, was maling enough money bui, not enough to pay off the bonds. Councilman Sher�dan stated he had no othes quest,on� on the Budget Uui, did have � a better understand�_ng than he had had previou�ly. He �urther stated there h:d beeu one ztem that hadn't been apprcved that h� had asl:ed the consulting engiueers ror and had aslced th�m bccaur,e i,hey had be�n aittiu� on statements on some work' they have been au�hcri:ed to do and had done and he h�d seen nothing on chis� thai, Mr. Cometock was to rave i.urned in what niontes he had coming up to this po�nt. Councllman SheridG❑ stated he didn't Feel it ��as rihht �hat the consul�ants shovld tinance the C�ty oi' Fridley over a period oe t�ao Lo s'our years. The City Mai�ager st�ted thie had not been preseni,ed by tne consul'cinP engineers. Mayor Nee stated i� addition to thati item the Contin�zncy F'wzd �aas loi�er than �ras sai'e and ui�less there ys something elsei�here in thz Budget it slould be ralsed. t�� ^ih� Czty TranaEer re�lied they h��d al��ays cn�ne un3er the Sud�et. Counc�lman Ldolke stated the i,ran��er was also cut back from �he Llq�uor Store Pund. Councilman Shertidan stated he thought the L�qcor operation shoolo be eroke aL all times, ihet the City ot' Fridley shnuld not have a large reserve in �ne Liquor P'und. Councilman Brook st�ted there i�as a certain amourt for bonds alone that was neces�ary but i;hat the 1lquer niaa�ager carr�ed too large � stcck. A liecues�on periocl was held and everyone agreed tha�: Liquor Store ��1 ahould be closed u�it�i a ninec,V da}+ notice. Ma;�or Nee stated he was coxicerned aUouti Lhe Contangency Funrl be�n� too lou,�, tihat the Ci�;y Council was talking about a g�reater drain on it such as L-he Fire D�partmznt constructior_ and they were at a noint where it �aas wlcertain. Counc�lman Brook rai,ed the questzon to the City M�nager ii prices at all liquor stoxes were the same and could this be checked. Tne Citv Manager re- plied they *aere srpposed to oe. Councilmar, Brook gave his reason for the ques�ion ty explaining there were tim�� when thcre was a reason for prices goin� down and he h�d rriade a purchasc far��i1.25 �,ahen thls item was being sold at other stores for �1.09. Ma�or Nee stated he zelt Fridl�y was priced too hi�h generally. Counctlm�n Brook explained this was something that was impor- tani, in oper�tzng a retail store and could� possibly, be checked. Mayor Nee explained to the Czty CoLmcil the present Budget didn't contemplate the kind oi drai� tl.ey w�re �alking about and there was nothing to t�ke care oi thc ltem �a�'�h the Firc- ➢epartment in the Budget and further stated he didn't feel it nas responsible to approve the budge� as it st,ands without pro- viding for the �]O,OD0.00 it w=11 cost Fridley. Cauncilman Johanson explazned thcy h�d a carryover of approximately .�'i27,000,00 and felt thPy �,ould h^ve this same amount left over the following year. The City i+ianager expla�ned they had had �o use some oF that $27,000.0o for the budget �nd it r�as a maaimum that they would have. Councilman Sherlda suggested that as the Council had cut some- thing outi o' the Police Depari,ment close to $10�000.00� �dould the City Council aant to leave the millage as lt is and pu� �t zn the Cont�ngency Fund. Mot�on by Sheridan to �lace the sav�ng irom the Pclice Eudget into the Con- tiingency IL�ex�ve Fund. Seconded b�� Brook. Upon a voice vote, there being no na�s� ±ne motion cariied unanimously. PIRE DEPARTMENT� AEQUFSI^ FOR MORE SP.4CE� Mayor Nee announced this u�as tihe consideration ot the Fire Depa,rtme�t proposal i'or an er.p�nsion of the�r £acil�ty. The City Manager stated Chicf Robert Hu�hes or the F��e Departmc�nt had stated the department y�ould approve of v�hatever the City Councll wished. Motion by Sherida>> that the City Coune�7. of Frzdley cons�der the proposal o=' the Fire Department for an expansion ol their facility. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a-roll call vote t?ZOSe voting a,ye, 3dee� [dolke� Sheridan, Johansony Brook. P?one opposed. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Johanson that the Ci1.y Manager be authorized to contiact Ms�. Fverett Heule a d arrange a �reeting with the Fridley Ftire Department at the first pos�i- ble moment to dr��; plans and speclfirations For a chree bay add�t�on to the present faczlities. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote those voting aye, Brook, Johanson, Nee Glolke. Those opposed, Sherida». Motion carried. Council- man Sh�ridan si.ated h?s reason For bein� opposed �aas that Smiley and Associates, he felt, should h�ve been contacted as they dreya original plans. CONSSDERAT7ON OF COMPI,ETION OF �962 STREET CODPI'RACT: Clt� P.ttorney Smith explained to the City Counc�l that Mr. C�mstock had called Ms. Dunkley and he was pre�ent� that he had draftied an agreement that was a;reeable *�ith Mr. Dunkley. City Attorney Smath read snme to the Council and e.splained tl�at what they ��c-re doinr o-�as waiving the provision c�ith the streets comple�ed but the provision still applaes to the streets to be iinishe3, that ins�:ead of a one year Maintenance Lo:ad on the chree years inspected, there 4;auld be a three year Niaintenance Bond and Mr. Dunl�ley had speclfically stated he caoul�l correct tl;e strc-ets. Couneilman Sheridan znquired if zt sl�ouldn't be Urought up to thc� speciiic�tions oJ' the aSorementioned contract ar� a norm�l contYacty chaL- he had felt i�: should be � lii.tle tighter as the original co�z- tract has speclfied a definit� msz. � � ' � � � �ve� Mr. Comstock inquired i�" there wouldn't have to be ai.other agrcemenL wh�cn would be the basis the bond will be furnished on and thie could be spelled out at that uime, that the normal bond is for 100� of the contr�ct. Citiy ��I;orney Smith explaine�3 that as long as the Mairitenance Bond is ba�ed on the total con- struction� lt is easy to figure out the portion the streets repxesent, that ior the first year :t *rill be 100p of the contract and for cacb yea'r thereafter it wi11 be a separate boi7d. Mr. Comatock stated ii this was handled on a separate a�reementy �t would be satisfactory. A discuseion period was held on hoo� tt7i� coatract srould be written. City iit�orney Smith expla�ned the t�in� to do is when Mr. Dunkley puts up the Maintenance Bond� it should Ue the �otal amount oF the contract ?or thc f�rst year� then it is calcul�tied and he Urings �n � uew bond. Mr. Comstock stated tihe problem was z��hai, agreement �� iaas t�ed into, the basic plans or specifications or vLat. Motion by Sneridan to �uthorize the execution ot the agreement presented by the City Attorney and approved b5� Roger Dunkley of Dunkley Surfacing Company. Se- conded by Wollie. Upon a volce vote� i.here being no nays, tihe mot2on carried unanimously. ADJOURN; There being no iurther business, D4ayor Nee cleclared tlie Spec2al Prtcetiing oi October 3rd, 1963 ad�ourned. Respectfally submitted} _� r � A /�� �i . Ly�,{�.f�!,� ./,/��U'lc-�-G�,?zt�' -- Sue Miskow,'c Secretary to the Council Sr,CDATD SPECTAL COUNCIL PsfE;ETING OF OCTOBER 3� 1963: � �'� i � � i � r�� .l` JV'w"�VL''i� �i�-�� � YOR - WZ71iat J�ee ! Ma9or nTee convened the Speclal Pdeezing at 10;00 o'clock Y.M. bSembers presen� at Roll Call in answerin�; the Roll Call k�aived *aritten .�otice of this meeting. Members Present: Nee, Sheridana Zdolke, Rrook, Johanson PURPOSE OF T� SPP�C�L ���'TIS,G: The purpose of the speaial meeting iv for the receipt and 3ispoeition oF photo- copies of t�do ai'fidavits} one received from A1 Pepper, and one Crom Zna Parsons, dated September 26 end 3�� 1953. RECEIPT OF AFFI]JAVITS: Motion �y Shericlan� seconded by Sohanson� �o receive photocopies oP the ti,o affidavlts. lipon a voice vote, there being no naye, Ma or Ne2 declared thE mot�on casr�ed. DISPOSITTON OF AFFIDAVI`IS: Motion by Sherida � seronded by �dolke� that the Cic� Council� upon advice of �he City's legal counsel, iorward the two afi2dav�cs to thc County Attorney, Robert Johnson, i'or what �ction he �ay see fit to cake. Upon a roll call vote, those voting °aye"� Sher�dan� Wolke, Nee� Brook� Jo��anvon. Thase voting °Nay", none. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. �� A�JOI7RNNI�NT: There being no i'L�rther business, Mayor Nee declared the meetin� adjourned. Fie�pecifully eubniitted ,� / G !} � �' '' � � i ' � ` � "�,.� �. r . , ` � G�-2'�-�(i �,/ .,!/Z���-�'9!�Z..r.�1�- P.. �� t -. � I'ar1 P, Wageler , MAYOR - Wi17,i m J. Nee Acting Secx•etar,y to t�e Council ` REGULF.R COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBLR 7,1963 A regular meeting oF the City Council oi' the Citiy of Fridley was ealled to order b y Mayo?- Nee �t fl:15 P. M. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Nee� Shexidan, Wo1ke, Johan�on� Brook arrived at 8:1+5 P. M. Member� AYasent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGTILAR MEE`I'ING� SEPTEMBER 1'0� 1963: � D4otion by Johanson to approve the m�nutes of the Regular Meeting of September 16� 1963 as prepared aed received: Seconded bj� Wolke. Unon a voice vote� thzre being no nays� the motion carrled unanimously. APPROVAL OI' MINUTLS - SPECIAL MEETTNGt S�PTEMBER 23� 1963: Motion by Wollie to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of September �3, 1963 �s preoared and received. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� thexe being no nays, the motlon carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - SPECIAL N�ETING, SEPTF;MBER 30, 1963: Motion by Sohanson to approve the minutes of the Spacial Meeting of Seutember 3�J� 1963 as prepared and received. Seconded by Sherldan. Upon a voice vote, there being no na.ys� the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAi, OF MINUTES - SPECIAL N�ETING, OCTOBER 3, 1963: Motion by Sheridan to approv� the minutes of the Special Meeting of October 3, 1�53 as prepared and received. Seconded by Johanson. Upon �a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carrien unanimously. � APPROVAZ OF MIATUTES - SECOND SPECTAL MGETING, OCTOBER 3, 1963: Motiion by Johanson to approve the minutes of the Second Special Meetirg of October 3, 1963 as prepared and received. Seconded by Shexid�n. Upon a vo�ce vot?, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: