11/05/1963 - 00023474�� COINCTI, MINUTES - NO`T�1BER 5s 19�2 A z�e;ular me�t7ng oF the City Counc-i_l was called to arder by i"fayor Greig '�t BfC� P.P4� ROLL CAI,L: Members present: rreig� Johansen� Sh�ridan� Wolke (arr3ved at 8:05 P,P�.) Nee (arr�-ved 8:10 P.M.) Members absPni,: Nolza_ AP°ROVAI, OF n�SNUTL"S; Motion by Jol:anson ta aFprov� th� minutes of the October 15� 1962 regular meetino, Seconded b�r Sheridan. Upon a�ro, ce vot�3 there bei np no naysy thF moLion carried unanirnously. _ OLD �3USINE55: SECO�ID ?�EADrNG OF ONDTN9NCE NO. 220 VAr,p [Z1rG PORTION Ota STRERT - GARDFNA A�7ENU�s �� The City Mariager read the above ordinance� Motion by Sheridan to accept this as the second reading oF tne a obve ordinance and have it pub7ished. Snconded by Johanson, Upnn a voice vote5 there being no naysy the motion carr �ed unanirrious]_y. BI�S °COI�4PACT° C4�S: Th� City P4ana�er read i,he bids which iaere r�ceivtd from the Minar Company and irom Tnm Ward Motor Sale� on one compact station wa�on and one compact sed;n. The Ci_ty Mana�er stated that he Felt the Valiant statton wagon and seda� w�re the best buy. Motion b?j Johanson ta award the bid to Tom Ward Motor Sales Comoany� Ar,oka� NIinnesota for the Compact 5tation Wagon and Cornpact 1_F-Door Sedan in the amotint of $3,918o00y as the Council fan�s tY�e bid Lhe most advantaPeous to the C�_t,y. , Co�anci7man Wolke arrived at 8:0� P.M. Motion seconded b,y- Sheridan. Those voting in favor� Creigs Johansoni !niolke. Opposedy Sheridan5 (Nee ab,ent) The motion carried. BiJITDIN('. YERN1Im �- ROYAL ELECTRIC COMPAI�rY (TABLED 10-1 j-62 ) FOR 51 - 77iH inTAY NORTHE�IST: i Mr« Johanson pointed out i,hat ther� nave baen three other build�ng pexmits issu�d to Roy Peiei�son where public sewer ie not a-railable in industrial areas. Nlotion by Johanson to issue th� permit to the 3oya1 Electric Co. for 51 - 77��1 irTay �iortheast proztiding thep petition for sewer and water. Councilman N�e arrived at 8:10 P.Nt. Mot�_on wa� seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote� i,here being no napsy the mation carried �inanunously� PIIBLT^ H��RIn1G � FZ�TAI� YLAT � C.D. HUTC�IIIdSO�I�S A➢DITION: Mr� Rrewn� the Ci�r Engineer� explained the plato Mr. Kvalheim was presenL 2s�d staLed that the plat was dra'wn in accordance �rith the recotruaendations of the °lanning Comm�ssion9 an� it does meet the ordinance. A�uAstion was asked �f ther� iaere buildings on tae propert,-y. Mr. ICvalhesm st�ced that i,he hovses wo�ild be removed in the fu{,areo NIr. Broti,m rointed out th� location oP the houses and garages on two of the 7_ots, 17r. She�°idar stated that h� had rio furtMe-r questions. Motion by Shcridan to close tt2e hear�ng on i,he final plat of Hutchinson's Additton. Secended by Joharvsan. IIpon a troice vote� there being no naysj the motion carried unanimausly. APPROUAL OF �'TNAL PLAT � C.D. HUTCHTNS'�V'S 9D�iTION: Nlotion by �ahans�n tn anprove tk�e final plat of C.D, Hutcn�nsonfs � ' � 7� Addition and authorize the N!a7or and C7_erk 10 sign same, Seconded by P7ee. Upon a voice vote� thzre being no na�s� ihe motiion carr�ed unana- mously. PIJBLIC HEAZING OPd TNiP�O��F�"iEAIT - 731_?D A��ENUE IQOPTHEAST: The City NIana�,er reaci the nocice of hearZng. r�r, Ne� stated tl2at he i'elt Mr. Madsen should sign a petition ior str��t for this part of Mel ody n4anor. Tir, Brown� the City Fngineer� presenl,ed the plans and specifications for the job, Several people sbepped iorward to vietiv � t,he plans and speci�ications and Mr. Brown explained the �lans to Lhem in detail. A quest�_on was asiced if th�re U�as any mo�zep in escrosa for this street. It raas stated that there was not. John Mil�_er� Nlelodv Nianor �ddit�_on� asked who was �;oing to be assessed for t'-ziG i_m�rocemen�,_ The City �`�anager s{,ated tY._at F,Yie beneiittnd prope� Ly ,�u1d be as�essed! bot it has r_et been definitely decided �rThat the exact am�unc would be. For the Froperty on the norZh side� it would probably be sr,me�ahere in the r.eighborhoos of $30�0OO,OG. Mr. 1�rolke stai.ed that he felt. that i,h� developer z��ould take care o±' it. Mr. DeCarboa taho l�ves �_n 1'4el�d;� i�anor 9ciditiona asked if the peop]e pay £or half eF t.he residen1,1a7_ st�°ePt, ��*ho will pay for the other �ide. It was ey-pla�_ned tha� tl e peaple on the north sicle �roulo be assessed for half of the rESideiitia�_ sLree+a and the people on the south side of the overall ri�?hi,=ei-way for hat{' of an industr�a]_ street. Mr. Johanson poin+ed out that i,he developer zs requ�red by the platting ordinance to pu� in the necessa,y s{.reets and surface them, Ther� k�eino no further discussion on I,hc mattiera the Ma�ror declared the hewrin�; closed. PUETIC FTEARING - VACATTON OF FO�TION OF ALLEY -� BLpGK 12, PZ�MOUTH ADDZTIGN: �� Tne Citiy� Manager read the notice o? hearing. Tr�P City Planagex• sLe�ted that �,here is a petition reqaesting iracatton o� a portion of the a11E,y in B1ock 12 signea bp 100� of the neople involced �i� the port�_on oj' the � alley to be vaca;,ed. The Ylanning Commissson lZad tecommended Lhat tk�is aile,y be vacated. Motion by Nee to receive the petition and nlace it on iile. Seconded b�r Sheridan. Upon � vo�ce vote� i,here be��g no na��s� the mo�ion carrtied unanimously. Mr. ��dolke asked if thex°e were anp garages on i,nE propert}r to thE> nor�h of the por�tlon of the a11ej whicn t�rould not be var,ated. It ��ras staLed tha1, i.hei'e were, Mr. Sheri_�3ar_ asked why the City was nc�t tracat�n� l,he :vhole a7_ley. People should have 2ccess to u�e tke a11ey at Uoth ends. Mr. Nee asked if a17 of the people in the blocic �ot a no�ice oF' this hearing, TYie City Engineer stated that they d�d. Ther� being r.o iurther d�_sr,ussion� the Ma,yor declared the hearing clos�d. Mot2o» by Wolke to order t1�e ordinance drawn vacating the alley in Block 12� P7_ymauth Fdd- tticn, Seccnded by Johanson. Those voting in favoi�, Greig, Johanson? WoL'+e3 A;ee� Opposed� Sheridan. The :netiian c�rr�ed, PiTBLIC HPARTNG OTi FIVE I'O�T STR�,1 EkSE�iTEnIT VAC4TTOAi - LOT 1b, BLOCK 2 SP�ZD3G BROOK PARI� A�➢ITION HOvT : �� �� The City Nianager read i.he noL,ce o_f hearin�. Nr. Brown �xplained i,hai_. Lot� 18 thrcugh 20 in this block wer� bu11t on under one ownersh�.p, Th� easement vacat� on rec�uest i:, for Lot 16, and t,he m,mer �aould na�re a pprexvnat�,ly � S feet frontag� i£ t!�is five i'oo� vacai,ion were granted, bJ adding i,his tn the property they uou7d have on Lotis 16 and 17. Ntr. taolke asked Urhat this would leave for the street. Mr. Rx�ovm e,plaine� � this �,roL.ld 7_ea�re 6� ieet for Street, i4r. dohans�n askecl of r�ahal, use tr�is w6u1d bea if she could not get a bualdin� per,nit. Mr, L�iollce asked ii the property owner coula acquire more proper,,� l,o the nnrth, Mr. 73rocvn stated that this was under separate ownershlp. Thexe UetnF r.o further discussiona the Mayor declared tne nearing c]_osec, There c�as some further discussion as to wtiether or nol, �Y,'e eaec;��iert snouZd be granted x,efore it is determined wh�ther or no� a bullding pernri�, could be obtaired for i.he properLVe t•sr. Urclke stated that t.he Council could table this request until the hu�lding pet�nit is reqL�esLcc], Motion by Johanson tYiat it is the consensus of the Coni;cil that it will act favorably on thi.s vacation request zt' a builo�r_� �e��:nii, can be gru:i.ed, Seconded b�r �s�olke. Upnn a vcice vote, there bein� no nays? the metti�n carried unariimously. d� .� ifi-31�-L, -� PUMPTPnG INS'LALLATZON � WF'L�S �3 9NF) #�5 � OPENED P,PR �� AI1iD RFSOLTTTION 7Q0. 1T1-1� A'��AR�IldCr �1ID TO TH. The Cii.y Nianager �°ead 1,he bids t�ahich Urere received as fo� iows: BIDT)� s. 3ID S3CURTTY SGH. "A'" �CH. "S" SGH. "C" Acton Construction Co. 1871 West Count� Road C St„ Pau 1 � Nlinneso{,a 5`� - U.S� �idelit�r & Snreti Compa��y BErgerson�Cas�,re7_Zy Inc� "?3120 infayzata Blvd. �7nneapelis 16y Msnn� K% - S L. Patii1 P�_re k� Marine Jacl; Fi�ch�x• UTell & Pump St. Cloudy Minnesota 5°� ° Gre�i American Ins. �� D. �,d. Hickey R_. Co,� Inc� 18�1 i7niversity Aven_ue 5 L. Pau1; M�_nnesota 5% - SeaUaard Surety Co„ Layne�'I Lnneso La 31�i7 California �t. N.�. M�_tLneapolis� NtinnesoLa 5;6 - Tr9_nicy Ins. Co. $31a7�2a00 �3��775.00 $28,9d8.00 �29,47�000 �29,256000 $?5,739.oa �56,1�l�i.oa No Bid No Bid Na Bid 1`Io Eii d ��-8,520.00 $�6,K2o.ao $16,78�.00 $�6,981.00 COP�iP, TIN1E 65 Calendar Days 60 Calendar Days 7D Calendar Days 70 Ca7.ennar ➢ays C al. A-50 Day,9 B-70 Days C�70 I�ays 1�1?^. Wo1ke aslce� what Schedu7_e� "A" and "B'" were. Mr. Les Knut�ons Comstor,k and Davis� 7nc. sLateci that Schedule "A" was for a turbine pump and a subm mersible pLUnp� and Scriedn]e "B° uras ior the gas engine and engir.e base� etc. ancl Schedule "C" �nras a coml��_r_ation o£ the above two items. Pix•. Knutson sLabed that the loUr bid for �he combinecl schedulesy or for Schedule "C" was tre D. tid. Hi_ekey Co.� Inc. Tne second low combZnation would be a�rarding Scheclule "A"' to the Fischer Well and °ump Compan,y and the Schedule "B" to th� �.W. �Iic'key 8c Company� Inc� Mr•� Aiee �sked why thas was pui, out on two separaLe sr,hedulcs. Mr. Knutson stated that tYie equipmer_t involved is not necessarily rel�ted in the two b�_ds. Nro ILnutson st,ated that they wou7_d recommend that t4he bid be awarded tc� the D.W. H�ckey A• Cc�hpany� Iric. for Schedule "C". Mot�_on b}- Johanson to adopt the resolut;on aUrard2ng the contract for Pumping Instal7- ai�ion for Well #3 and UTel1 �5 to Lhe D.W, Hickey Rc Company� Inc. i.n the , amount oi °L�6�520,OG to be complei,ed in 70 calendar days. Seconded by Sheridan. TJpon a vo�ce vo1,�5 there being no naJs� the motion carried unan�3nously. Councilman Johanson introduced the followin�; resoluti ari and moved its adcptlona RFSOLU'PION NG. 18:1.-1962 A RESOLUTION A'�iARDi�iG GONTB.ACT ON W9TEr� TMPROV�MENT PROJECT N0. 3�:�L. B� IT RESOLVED BY ^_'fiE COi1PSC?T OF THr CITY OF FRIDLEY, NIT]�iESOTAi as tollows: lw The Gouri�il finds that t'r�e lowest resnonsible bidder £or construction oF the �mprovemer.t vrork de� ��nated as. Water Improvement Pro�ect No, 3LG-L (nLUnping Installatioa -� G�Tells � � � � #3 and #5 is the D. 1r1. Hickey �c Company� Inc., 18�t1 i7niversit�% Avernaea St. Paul# Minnesota; whose bid is in tl,a amcunl, of (SGH. "C") $1�6a520.00 with completlon tune in 70 Galendar D�ys. That said bid is hereby acce�ted� and the City Mana�e-r and Mayor in o£fice on aate of executiion of the contract are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with s�id b�ddei for and in behalf of the CitJ of FridJ_ey. ADQPT�D BY TF_TE CaU1�TC7L �F THE CSTY 0� FRT�LEY" `PHIS �TN DAY GF IdoVF,�+IPER, 1962. MAYOR -� T, E, Grr�ig � C��^�C � , �Cl��,�,'—� CITY t�!ANAGER - Ear1 P. Wa�r The motion�forNthe adoption of the above r�solul��_on �ras duly s�conded 6y CounciL-nan Sheridan� and upon voice vote being i,akezi thereona the foll�wing members voi.ed i±s favor thereof: Gre�o, Sherldar,� Wo]_ke, �1eea Johanson. and tFie fol7owing members vnted against the s,me: None WH��EIIPON SAI➢ HESOLUTIOPI WAS D�CT.9RED DIILY PASSED AND ADOPTED. RF,SOLUTION IQO. 182-1962 0�➢ERSNG IS4PROVII�[EVT FOR STR�;ETS The C�ty Manager suggested that the Gouncil take no action on +,he bids received and opened at noon� November 5, 1y62 until the improvement is ordered and the bids are ordered� since the bids invo7ve 73rd Avenue � Nortiheast constructaon as well a� other work pr•eztious7y authorzzea. Mr. Brown explained tYiat Schedule '�A° of the b1c�s is lor 73rd ASrenue Nort'�east deletion �n eveni, work was not ordex�ed in. 11r. Gdolke asked vrhat i,he assessment would come to per foot. NIr, Broz�,� stated t�at thzs had not been calculatect� but the bids we?°e under the En�;neer's prelim- inary estimate. Mr. Brot�r_i stated that there is appror,imately 7�700 lineal feet of curbin�� and if this is assumecl as ron�*i,ly equal to assessable footage� the cost would he C� $��.00 a foo1, eyual to $30,800.00, Motion by Johanson to adopt the rasnlution orc:er�rig the impravement i'or 1962-� streets. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no na;�sy the motion carried unanimouslv. � RESDLUTS�}N A10. 183-1902 ORDERING BTDS FOR 3TREETS ].y62-4: Motion bJ Johanson to adopt the resolution ordes�ing bids for Streets 1962-1,. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vcate,there being no najrs, the motion carried unaniunously. L:lf�l CCM° P AIY: The City Man2ger read the uids which were receive3 for the 1962-� S�reet Project. He stated that tl�ey were opened in the presence cf Councilman Sheridan� Councilman Wolke� City 1�4an2ger iNagner, ancl NIr. C�ark o£ the C�_ty Engineering �epartment. The Y�1ds are as fo3lows: BIDDFft & PID SECURITY LUMP SUI�T AZTFPN�TE ��'A'� CONIPI,GTION DEDUCT TIME Jay ��T. Craig Company 1811� Cali_fornia St, n;.�. Nirsieapolisa Minnesota �% - Travelers Ins. C. S. McCrossan� Snc. Route 2� Box 322 Osseo� T49nnesota 5°� - Trinity Universal ��,5,355.ao 553,995.50 $29,�7)_,50 �34,�7s�5o July 15� 196� AS S�EC1f1P.C� (� 74 Alexander Constriaction Company �j61�1 Hiawatha Avenue T4irmeapol_1s, Minneso ta 5� - Travelers Ine. Dus�kley SurPac� ng Compan�� 37�5 Grand St. Na�;o Minneapolisy P�ir,nescta s� - PaciCic Nai,ionstl InG, Coo noc to cviceed $2 t �'00, 00 $67�105.00 $�]-s 500„00 �36,500.00 $22�000�00 9ec. l� 1962 June 15� 1962 Dec. 1s 1962 June 15� 1963 There was disr.ussian as to whether or not the bi�s for the street sur- Fac�.ng should b� a�,aarded this Fall or not, or wnether part c�f it shoulc� be avaarded this Fa11� bu1, delete 73rd Anenue for this Fall. Mr. Brown explai.�ed that the contract r,alls for only base work on 73rd Avenue Northeast k�e done this Fall, weather permitting, Motion by Johanson i,o adopt �,he resolut�on awarding the lump sUm b�d in the amount o£ - $I�7-y500.00 for the complete job to the Dunkley Sur£acing Company. Seconded by Tdeea Upon a voice votei there being no nays� the motion carried Lmanimausty. Councilman JoY�ar.son introduced the iollowing resolul.ion and moved its adoptioa. RESOLUTION No. 181�-1962 A RFSOLUT_T_ON AWARDING [3�TiTRA�T �PT STR�PT T_f'4PROTTF�[1�;AiT YROJECT 1962�1�. BE IT R$SOLVED 9Y TEIE COUPdCIL OF THL' CI`C'Y OF FRIDT�F:Y� T�IINAiESOSAy gS f0]_�OWS: 1. The Counc�l £inds that t��e lowest responsible bidder for cr,n�truction of the unprovement, Z.TOrk designated as: Street Imprcvement Pro7ect No. 1962-Lt (Street Constructiony Re- r,enstrucC�on and Parkin� I,ots} is tl�e Dunkley Surfacing Company� 375F Grand Street Vortheasty Minneapolis, Minnesota; whose bid is in the amount o£ $41�500.00 (Lump Sum Sid) with completion time December Z' 1962 (weathPr pe_rmitting} or June 15, 1963o Tkiai, said bid is hereb� accepted� and �h� CitJ ilanager and Mayar in �ffice on d�te oi' execution of the w ntract ar� hereby aut�orized and directed to eri.er into a contract with said bidder for and in behalf of tYae Citj* of Fridley, ADOpTED BY THE COiTNCIL OF THE CT7Y OF FRIDLrY THIS 5TH DAY OF ivavr��Brr�, i962. -r-_ �l i ` ' P " - MAYOR - T. E. Grei� - . -�� ` J � � , C,- � � � C,Cv�i' �l � L.�- e`�-�ntrc�-. CI'i'� MANAGER d Earl P. Wa���e� The moti�n for the adoption oP the above resolui,ion was duly seconded b,y Ccuncilman Neey and upon vo�_ce vote be�_ng taken thereon� the i ollvwing meni�ers voted in ia�or thereof: Greig� Sheridan� Udolke� Neey Johanson. and the toliac�ring membex•s voted aga�ns� the same: Pdone �.�I�EI�UPOA1 S4ID RFSOLUTZOPI �nTA5 DECI,ARED DULY PASS�D 9�TD ADOPTED. COUNCIL PCLiry �n TH R-�GARDS TO STA`PE AID STREETS: 1Iotion b=� �iee to amend the resaZvtian setting forth the policy for this State Aid Street Asscssment as followse L� � � � � � Section 5... That t'_ne polic}r o£ the City Councll �_n respecti to thls State Aid Street, 1m�ro�rement (within the Right-of-Ura,y limics)7 shall ba to assess the abuttirg �roperty oumers far bene£its received� with residential properties asses�ed on Lh� haszs of standard res� dent,ial street des; gn and � ndus �r�,�, propex•i,ies to be assessed or. t7e basis of standard indus�rial street design� (All �iithout re�ard to iahether StaLe Aid £or part o£ t�e eost o_ the Gonstruction �s received or not), Secended b�i �her�dan. Upon a voice vete� tiiere l�Etng na nays� the motiion carried unanlmously. RFSOLUTION N0. �8�i-1962 AMENDING RESOLi1TT0A1 DTO, 176'196� ORDFT��SG Motion by �TOlke to adopt the abotre resoluti.on, 5econded by Nee. Upon a voice trote? there betng no na,ys� t?ie motion c�xx•ied unanirriously. Mr, Sheridan su��ested that the City Manager have a reso�ktlon dratirr up sett�_ng forth Council policy for all State A�l Stieet assessments in the Ci_tJ of Fridley. BO.+�RD OF APPEALS MIlQUTES -- OC'1`OBER 17� 19b2: FOR SID� YARD AND 3�`Pr,ACY 0 �N The �3oard o£ Appeals had recommencled approval ��' this variance re��ios c. Motion by Wo.lke to concur in tkie recoirm�e�idai,ion of the Board of Appeals anri grant the above -cequest. Seaonded b,y Pdee. TJpon a voice vo Le, trere being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BOAFiP OT+ A�PEAIS InINUT�S - OC`l'UBER 31� �962: �OA SZllE 'iARD LOT 3, BLOCK 1. RTCP CRrFK The 3oard of Appeals had recommended den;al of �,l:;s recnaest. Nr. H�ff, peti�ioner� was pre�ent and e�lained the situation of the Council. ;ie stated tkiat he had signatures ?rom all of his n2ighbors apgrotring the request for the variance. Mr. ido7_ke stated that the Cour_�il should cha�ge thE ordinance on this matter rather than lceep grant�n� these �rariar_ce rer�uests� h?r. Uiilli�n Zaig� 21�2 69th Avenue Northeast si,ated t13at he lives across the street frc�ri Mr. Huff�s property� and siated that he iaould approve this request tc build a familv ro�rr� within 5`_'eet oF the 1ot Zine. He stated that a family room is something that is fa�rly recent in buildinga and felb the City ordinances should he am�nded to take care of this. Mr. j�lolke stai.ed lhat he does not want to denJ th�_s r�quest� but felt that the ordinances should be chanued to allow the house to be built tiiis way in the first znstance. PZotiion by Johanson to grant this variance request. Seconded by Plee, Upon a voice vote, those voting in favor� Greigi Johanson� Sher�_dan, Nea. 4Jolke absta,n�d. The motlen carr2ed, Mr. Wolke stated t?�e reason he aus�a�ned vras tYiat ne is a bu�_lder and he did not feel that it wa� right 1'or him to vo�e on this matter in ihis case. Bts?LDIPdG BCARD MTi�'�TTE� - OCTGBER 2�� 1962: Notion by Nee t,o receive the mi_nutes of i.�"�e Builcling Baar1 icr OcLober 2�,�� 19�2 and place them on file. Seconded by Slz�iidan. Upon a vo�_ce vote� there be�ng no n�ys} the motion carried unanimousl_y. BiJILDi'&:� BOI��D MINUTES - OCTOBr�. 31, 1 Moticn by �rlolke i,o grant }�e alove t�s;o building permi'�s. Secanded by Diee. IIoon a voice votea there beir,g no nays� the m�t�on carr•�ed unanimously. ( �� �� �TA-�Y�;AI COl��STRUCTlODi COMPAL"�' APPLTCATION �'0� n RUIT,DINC� PERMIT FOR AI3 PT�.�IT�PLEF Or- 1�7Ti? P1�ACE AT�� THEAST: .p__ W___�_ ��. __.� Mot,ion by Johanson to tab1P this mai,tier uni,il later in the meel,3ng o:h�n tLe �rdinances go��erning rnizlt�ple dwe2lYngs �re-re to be brought un� Seco�ideri hy Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, there be?ng no nays� the motion carried unarvnousl�r� PLADiNIPSG CONm'IISSTOnI P4IlyUTBS m OCTOBF,R 25' 1962s_ PLAT r�r TFTL�' BLACY�i`4AR ADDITIOl�i (PoS. ��+2�-2L�) BEING P4RT OF e The P7asLning Commissiot� had reco�rsier�ded approval or tn�5 preliminary plai,o The pr�liminary pla� vras presentecl to the City Counail. Motion b�J i�Tol'_Te Lo apr�rn-v� this as the preliminary plat of the B1ac?m�ar Additi_on. SecondPd by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote5 there bei_ng no na7s, the raoti�n carried unanimou:,7_�rn ➢TaCUSS?ON OF PARK PROP��FtTY - PORTTDN OF AREA BOiJt�IDF.D BY 68TH AVEN[TE bIO�TT.I�+ASTy M15STSSTPT'S STREET, HI�=FPn1AY Sy AND JACY,^a0N STRE_F,T DiORiH: ^1h� Plannir_g Comriissio.i recommended taaL the Citg Council gei, an anpraisal of tti� parcelo descrzbed in area Por park pr�p�x��;� pur_poses. It was pointed out that the City does own pai•t of thts pmperty now. T,4�°. A1 Mes;�i�k was prasen�, a_nd �t� �ed that he �aas preseriting i�he Git.y �vith a peL�_��ioi� witr LQO signai,us�es cn it rPquestin� that, park propert,y in the are� be arquired and developed„ He �aas presentinP this in be- half of i,he �eo�1e i'o_r• onr, block depth surround-_ng the pro?o,ed area. �Iot2on b�� Johanson ta recezve the petzt�on and p]_ace it on file. Seconde� �y Nre. Upon � voice vc++�j there be� ng no na,ysy the mot�on carri�d una_iimo,zs�_3a Motion b�r Johanson to order an appraisal oi' th_s pi°opertv as recommended by tt�e Plannino Gonunissi:�n. Snconded b�� Tdee. Upan a voice vote� there being no nays� t,he moi,�on curried unanimous.l,�ru �EOOP�I4ErSDATI0N5 C!f' THE t�LAl^�NIiQC'� C(�Ml1ISSI0N RET,ATZVli '�0 I,OT A?i�� R�+QUIRE- MSiVTS FUR MULTI?L� D�,Jh'I,L71d 5: �� � Mra I�Iagner, the Czty T4:��eer, eYpla�ned the reaommendations of the Dlai�ning Commission rahieh were �s follrnas: l. Proinde ior 15y000 squar� reet for tl�e £irst iour multiple dwelling units �n R-2 and 3-3 areas� Provide y00 square feet of land area Por each bedroorn unzt over one. Reta�n �resei7t 1�500 square l'ee-t rox� each unit over °our in R-2y and 1s000 squara £eet £or each unYt o�rer fou-r in R,3 Zones„ (Thus a four-'�lex wo;ald require 17s000 souare Leet,�) 20 �� Gl�ange sforag� spacz per unit from 15 square f�et to 1�0 square Seet. El�r�ina r,e Seci��on BwC Erom Orchnance Tdo. 213. Nc ar.t9 on was taken a t this Poini, of the meeiing. , COMPNNIl;AT�_ONS: ��SIGIQATION OF ROB�RT J. HUG�IES FROM THE BUZLDTIJG.30AziD: - N;�°� ;dolke sug€;ested tha� Mr. Bud Huele h� aa�patnted to thc� t�ui].ding �3oard. Mr. Wo1ke ��en� to call Mr. Huale on the ohone to see ir he vrould accepL tLe appointment. Thsre caas no act�_on +sken on 1,his. F�1DLEy CITY BAND - LETm�R OF THANKS: - P�fa1;i_on by P1ee t,o recei-ve this letter and plara. it on file. Seconded by Sneridan. UUon a vo�ce votes there bein� no na�*s� the moti_on carr�2d unan- �nouslp. � � � Mr. Peterson was present representipg School District #16. He stated that he felt that the School D��trict should be assessed along the 76th Avenue side of th'eir property rather than on the west side of their property. He stated that the Sehool �istrict would also agrea to pay along the north side of their property. He stated that tt,eir sehool faces Osborne Road. The City Manager pointed out that if this area had been all �rivately owned, it would have been assessed on two sides of it, There was considerable discussion as to whether or not � the property ahould be assessed on the west side o£ the property or on the south side or how much it shou]d be assessed for, Mr, Peterson stated that the school does occupy the whole tract. Metion by Johanson to receive this letter £rom School District #16 with reference to special assessments and place it on file. Seconded by Wo�ke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. ETTER FROM ERCO. INC. WITH REFERENCR TO PERFORMANCE BOND ON MFADO�'LARi➢5 SF,CON➢ ADDITION: �co, Inc. had requested that a performance bond be waived for the water and sewer installation in Meadowlands Second Addition and statad that they would guarantee the installation for a period of one year after the date o: final inspection. Nh�. Kohlan etated that this would be all right if an agreement could be worked out and signed. Mr. Brown stated that it wauld be all right with him� if they would agree to complete maintenance of the lines thamselves for one year after the Council accepted them. Motion by Johanson to accept or approve the request af Erco� Inc.,to waive the performance band requirement £or sewer and water in the Meadow]ands Second Afldition plat providing an agreement similar to the one drawn up for Melody Msnor is signed by :�co, Inc. Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion aarried unanimously. LETTER FROM NORTH SUBURBAN SANITARY S��,��R DISTRICT ?,IITH RET�'PRENCE TO THr � SEWER FACILITIES REPORT: ! The City Manage� stated that there were dopies of this report available. Motion by Johanson to receive this letter and place it en file. Seeonded by nTee. Upon a voice vote� ther�, being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, ,� The City Manager read the letter from Comstock and Davis} Inc. In the letter it was stated that the total cost would be $2,080.00 plus the cost of purchasing or leasinP the lot. The questian was asked if this were done� i£ it would help the water problem in the area. Mr, Knutson of Comstock and Davis, Inc, state3 that the water wou].d recede more rapidly� but there would be some ponding immcdiately after s rain. One of the residents in the area stated that Mr, Glover had told him that he could not sell thia lot� as tYie Council would not let him build on ii„ There was discussion on ttie drainage of the area and the grade of the road in the arece. Darothy Berger was present� and asked if Nr. Glover (owner o£ the lot) was receiving rant ii�om the City now for ttiis lot. It was stated that he was not, Mr„ Berger asked if Mr. Glaver is responsible for this, It was str.ted that he could not 6e held responsibls at +his time, Mrs. Berger stated that tre Ek�gineer was requested to look into this matter� ar.d she £elt the � recot�nendation of the F�ngineer should be accepted. A question was asked on what it would cost the property owners in the area. Ms•. I�ohlan stated that the cost of this could be part of the overall sewer project. Mr, Wa1ke stated that this lat in question was undoubtedly set aside for storm drainage in the original plan. h1r, Johanson suggested that an appraisal of the lot be o6tained. Mr, U!olke stated that the cost of installing this fence and the excavatior. oF the lot should be charged to the entire drainage area. Motion b� Johanson to direct the City Manager� Engineer� and Attorney to make arrangements �( m for the leasing of the property� and start necessary construction work and invest,igate i,he purchase of the premises, and make a report back to the Council on the purchase� and that the �2�080.00 £or the excavation, the fence} the street repair, and cleaning should be inc]uded in and added to the cost of the overall storm sewer projent for the area. Seconded by Johansona Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� tt�e motion carried unanimously, TRfILFR SPLES IN LOT 9, AITDITOR�S SUBDNI5ION N0, g8; Mr, Louis Momchilovich stated that he wished to put a temr�orary trailer sales on Lot 3� Auditor's Sixbdivision No, 88. He stated that ]he would only wani, to put in a temporary instal]ation £or a period of three years. The City Manager pointed out that this area is not zoned commercial at the present time� hut is zoned R-1. The Council suggested ta Mr, Momchilovich that he proceed with rezoning for the area if he hopes to put a ca�ercial business or establishment on the property. CLAIMS; Motion by Johansan to approve General Claims 7362 through 71�27. Secondod by k'olke. Upon a vaice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously, Motion by Nee to approve Liquor Claims 4�oi through 4754• Seconded by Johanson. Upon a vo�ece vote� there being no na,ys, the motion carried unanimously. Motion b,p Sheridan to approve Public iTtility Claims 213g through 21$7.• Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously, ESTIMAT�S: Motion by Johansan to approve the following estimatea: Com3tock and Davis� Inc. Consulting Engineers iy46 Count,y aoaa ��a�� Minneapolis 21� Minnesota Final Estimates s&ss#24-B S&ss#2L,-A w-34-E l+� 34-H, Sch. �}1 W-31,_H, 5ch. #2 k�-34-H, Sch. �`3 UI-3[,-H, Sch. #4 St. & SS#43 ST, #1y61-1 ST. 1961-3 w-34-� W-34-D ti�-34-� TOTAL D. W. Hickey & Company� Inc. W-34-J, Estimate �3 Sandstrom & Hafner� Znc. S5�53� Estimate #1 Barbarossa & Sons 55&S&W#5$� Estimute #2 Moratgomery Con�truction Co. w&s#59, �stimet� �1 IIunkley Surfacing Co. Dunkley Surfacing Co. ST. 1962-2A, Fstimate #1 ST. 1462-2B, Estimate #1 � 4,377.R3 b,4g7.16 1,307.57 1,869.10 544.09 45E.98 705.35 505.57 1,171.59 22a.4o 960.75 1,819.4D 2.526.41 �z2,96o.30 �24,327.00 zi,99z.4p 26,546.40 Q,041.18 19,034.10 9,525.78 � � �I �J ! li � I I �J Barton Constructian Co. Dunkley Surfacing Co. ST. 1961-2� Estimrate �f2 Tennis Courts #1 - Commons TOTAI, TOTAL 7� c-�, � 23,400.63 6.466,?2 9R135, 333, �1 ?�158.294.11 Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� tho motion carried unanimously. LICENSES: Motion by Johanson to approve the licenses found on Pages 59 and 60 in the Navember 5� 1962 agenda. Seaonded by Nee. Upon a voice vate� there being no na,ys� the motion carried unanimously, #(See end of minutes) Motion b,y Nee to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by b'olke. Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys, the motion carried unanimously. R�CREATION CONiMI55I0N MINITTES - SEPTb3+IBER 20. 1962: Motion by Nee to receive the minutes and place them on file. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. RECREATION COh1MISSIGN hTINUTFS - DCTOBER 18, 1962: Motion by Nee ta receive the minutes of the October 18, 1962 meeting and place them on file. Seconded by kTOlke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimausly, Mr. Nee pointed out that the School District has withdrakm from their participation in the joint recreation board. JOINT MEETIrG OF RF,CREATION COMh1IS5I0N AND SCHOOL BOAR➢ OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICS #14 - OCTOBER 18. 1962: Motion by Wolke to receive the minutes o£ the October lSa 1962 joint meeting and place them on file. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimouslv. Motion by i�ohanson to receive this petition and place it on file, Seconded by Nee. Upon a voiGe vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously, Motion by Johanson to receive this petition and place it on file. �econded by Nee. Upon a voice vote} there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, OBJECTORS TO SPECIAL ASSESSME;NTS: The City Manager announced that the following objections had been received with respect t4 special assessments: �U Mr, & Mrs. George Balthazor - Lots 2& 3� Auditor's Subdivision No. 94 subdivision of Lot 10, also known as 1368 & 1366 Highway /�100 N,E, Letter of objection of special assessment approved October 10� 1962 as Storm Sewer portion of ST. 1960-1. Sv�anstrom Company� Inc. Objection to Special Aasessment by: Nehls� Anderson, Levander appraved by Gouncil October 10� 19b2 Zempfer, & Monson as Storm Sewer portion of ST, 1960-1. on praperty in Swanstrom's Covrt Addition. Northern Pump Company by: Dorsey� Owen, Niarquart Glindhorst & West Lot 37� Auditor�s Subdivision No. 39. Appe,�l to District Court af Special Asa�ssment levied by Reso- lution on October 1, 1962� Project SW#50 (Liquor Stare Area) Motion by Sheridan to receive these objection communications and place them on file. Seconded by Jahanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. The City Manager explained the resolution in detail, Motion by Johanson to adopt the resolution establishing working conditions� wages and hours for Fhnployees employed by the Nfunicipal Liquor Store (Off Sale). Secanded by Nee. Upon a voice aote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, CONSIDERATION OF RET[RN OF ESCROW DEPOSIT TO OTTO OSTMAN - OSTMAN'S THIRD ADDITSON: Motion by Johanson to return the eserow deposit of �235.21 for Ostman's Third Addition to Mr. Ostman. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CHL�iGE ORDER /f2 FOR STORM S�lER AND SLSdET? AND 17ATER PROJECT N0, 58: Mr. Kmttson eacplained the nature o£ t,he chan�!e order. Motion by Nee to approve the above change order. 3econded by Johanson. Upon a voiee vate� there being no na,ys� the motion carried unanimously. CHANGE ORn� �'2 FOR STORM SEl�,�Fl? PROSECT NO. 59: Mvtion by Johanson to approve the above change order. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. �PPOINTN�NTS: Motion by Nee to approae the following appoila�ment: Shirley Marie Jansen 1676 Lois Drive New Brighton, Minnesota Ehll Time �1�255 Waitress per .T3r, Store �2 Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimov.sly, Replacee Lucille Marth CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCF7 AMF.RIDING ORDINANCE N0. 70 - F1RST READII3G: The City Manager stated that this would carry out the two basic requests o£ the Planning Co�rm�ission. There was discussion as to whether certain changes should be made in the zoning ordinance� or in some other ord- inance. The City Attorney added the word "additional'� to Para�raph "B° in this amendment to Ordinance No. 70, found on pa�e 87 of the November 5� 1962 a�er.da. Motion b�* Johanson to accept this as the firat reading of the above ordinanee� as corrected by the City Attorney, and set a public heering an it. Secohded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no nays� the motion carried unanimous]y. � � � �� FIRST RFADING OF ORDINANCF. AMENDING ORDINAA10E N0. 213: There wa� some discussion on this, Mr, Johanson stated that he had no further questions on it. Aiotion by Johanson to accept this as the First reading of the above ordinanr,e, Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READSNG OF ORDZNAnCE REGULATING PARKING: � Mr. Kohlan explained portions o£ the ordinance. He explained Section 5� which prohibit3 all night parking in all residential areas or in all areas, Section 6 deals mainlq with public land such as school lands, Nu�. Ne�3 asked what would happan under Section 5� if a oar was breken down� and had to be le£t on the street. Mr, Kohlan stated that ordin- arily the people would call the police� so that they would know the car was disabled. Mr, Kohlan stated that the Council could speci£y on which atteets the pe.rking would be limited i£ they wished. Mr. Sheridan atated that the streets and curbs are very expensive, and now the City Council is going to prohibit the people £rom parking on,them, Mr. Nee stated that he would rather see Section 5 apply to certain streets only� Maymr Greig stated that there were problems with snow plowing last Fall and Winter� but this apparently is taken care in one of the other sectio�s of the ordinance. Mr. Nee suggested that the Police Department post the streets where there is to be no parking, and the burden should be on the Police Department �ather than on the people. Mr. Brown, City Engineer� asked if the publishing referred to, meant this should be published in the paper. Mr. Kohlan stated that it does not necessarily mean that it would have to be published in the paper. Motion by Nee to accept this as the £irst reading of t�e ordinanc� regulating parking. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being na nays� the motion carried unanimously. CONSI7FRATION dr SE�a�E'� SERVSCE -$EAL - TALMADGE �s�AY: �The City Manager stated that Mr, Kohlan stated that it was a 1ega1 e�cpenditure for the Citq to pay part o£ the cost n£ the service line in this instance, There was some more discuesion on t}iis. Motion by Johanson to table consideration o£ this request for ttiro wPeks� or until a bill is received on the :natter. Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote� thWre being no nays, the motion carried unarimnusly. OT SPLIT REQUEST - L�TS 7 AND 5. SPRING VALLEY ADDITION: The City hfanager stated that when this property was,originally discussed b-r the Council� it was not known that part of the propertp had already been sold to someone else� and he would recommend turning this over to the Parks and Pla,ygroun�s Sub-committee to s�e if thPy would be interestzd in the property. Motion by Nee to refar this matter to the Parks and Playgrounds Sub-committee for recommendation as to whsther or not the property that would be left available for park purpo�es would be desir- able for a park. Seconded by Sohanson, Upon a voice vote, the,re being no na,ys� the motion carried waanimously. LEASc� FOR 1 Ip.UOR STORF. #1: The Cit,y Ntanager stated that he had sent a leiter prior to October 1} 1962 s�atin� that the City would terminate its �ease on Liquor Store i/1. He had talked to Mr. Carlson on this matter once, but he had not heard from Mr. Carlson since. The City 1'`ianager stated that the City has � several alternatives: to renew the lease on the same basis, on a month to month basis� or to close the store out. Mr. Nagel stated that he had talked to Mr. Carlson� and Mr. Carlson was having a lease drawn up. REZONING R�QIIEST BY JOHN FLAIvTNERY - OPONDAGA STR��T: Mr. John Flanery was present and stated tha± he would like to have this rezoning request fol�owed through. He would like to have a public �earing set on it. Motion by Sheridan to set a puUlic hearing on this rezoning 'or November 19} 1962, or December 3r 1962, Secon3ed by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the motion carried unanimousl,y. �� LOT SPLIT REQII�'ST: Mr. Wolke re-opened the matter of the lot split reauest on Lots 5 and 7� Spring Vallev A�dition. Mr. Wolke asked if there was access to this property, It did not show on the map. The City Manager stated that there uras nn access at the present time. PRFSCNTATION OF CLAI� BY JOHN TII,LER AGAINST TF� CITY OF FRIDLEY AND PAT�OI,NIAN DONALD B�NNFTHUM IN THE; AA.'OUNT OF $7.500.00: The City Manager presented this claim to the City Council For tfieir attention. STaTE OF MI�T�iESOTA - STORh1 SL[�� AGREEMF'NT #53495: The City Manager sugges�ced that this agreement be made available to the Council upon receipt �rom the State of Minnesota of the other portion that hae been under negotiation� and that the Consulting L'n�ineers advise the Council on the total agreement, when it is ready� perhsps at the meeting of November 19, ]96z. COUI9TING OF SALLOTS AT �LECTIONS: Mr, Nee asked i£ the counting of the ballots wae open to the public. It was stated that it was. ADJOURNM�IT: There being no flarther business� tha Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. Respectflilly submitted: � Marvi , Brunsell Secretary to the Council # Licenses approved: $XCAVATING Gopher Sewer & Ldater Service, Inc. 781� Central Avenue N.F. Minneapolis 32� Minnesota John A. Nelson L+Sccavating Co. 660 - 39th Avenue N.E. Minneapolis 21, t�innesota �AS SERVIC,S Standard Heating Company Q10 West Lake Sireet Minneapolis, Ninnesota GENERAL CONTRPCTORS Chet Anderson Construction Companq 401 - 97th Avenue N.l�l. Coon Rapids, Minnesota Barac Construction Company 1276 IIniversity Avemie St. Paul Q� Minnesota MAYOR - T. E. �reig, by: Patrick James Neelan by: John A. Nelson by: Tony Ferrara by: Chet Anderson by: Alexander Barac New Renewal Renewal New Renewal � � , � , � Ben Arawiecki Mora Minnesota Wachtler Oil Company y101 G.'est Broadway Minneapolis 27, Minneaota HEATING Standard Heating Company 410 ?dest Lake Street Minneapolis� Minnesota Thompson Air Gonditioning Co. 3212 4iashington Avenue North Minneapolis 12, Minnesota PLUMBING r.dward C. Heine 2920 C. Berkehire Lane North Minneapalis ?7� Minnesotn WELL DRILLINQ Torgerson 4Ie11 Company 1L,D6 - 13th Avenue North Minneapolis� blinnesota OTHFR LTC�ISFS• CAFE LICENSE Theresa N. Mangels 10801 Washington 5t. N.F„ Coon Rapids, Minnesota TAVERN LICENSE Theresa N. Mangels 10801 Washington St. N.P. Coon Rapids, Minnesota CIGARETTE LICEDISE Tt!eressa N. Mangels 10801 Washington St. N.�. Coon Rapids� Minnesota m RETAILFR'S (ON-SALE) (OFF-SALF.) NON-�NTaKIGATING MALT LTQUOR LICENSE Theressa N, Mangels 10801 Washington St. N.E. Coon Rapide, Minnesota by: Ben Ifrawiecki by: Ren See Richard Wachtler b,y: Tony Ferrara bp: Floyd M. Tho.�npaon by: Fdward C. Heins b,p: Ordean Torgerson dba: Terry's Club 6061 Universitg Avenue N.�, Fridley 21� Minnesota dba; Terry's Club 6061 University Avenue N.E. Fridle�r 21, Minnr.sota dba: Terry's Club 6061 University Avenue N.E. Fridley 21, Minnesota dba: Terry's Club 6061 IIniversity Avenue N.I. Fridley 21, Ninnesota New New Renewal New New Renewal c�5� :�