11/27/1963 - 00023012�,te� ��_.s;�> �- .
- ° .
Wolke stated it was hds feeling the City Council should be the ones that should
be sitting down and listening instead of a Committee. Covncilman Sherzdan re-
plied this committee could gather the facts to�ether and the City Council
would evaluate them, Mayor Nee stated.that in talking this over with Mr.
Minder, he thought they should not sign the contract but didn'ti feel they should
withdraw from the meeting.
Mayor Nee suggested to the City Council this committee be formed and if a
good proposal were arrived at with everyone's best intereets, they covld eon-
sider it. Councilman Wolke suggested that perhaps they should request that
the N.S.S.S,D, withhold the withdrawal untll Fridley hae this chance to eval-
uate this proposal. Mayor Nee stated it would have to be done i�ithin thirty
days or they would go ahead with the contract and the N.S.S.S.D. had agreed to
hold this until the end of the contract and the reque�t for withdrawal had been
xeferred to the attorney for the N.S,S.S.➢.� Mr. Andy Kohlan. City Attorn�y
Smith explained that s date is set in the petition for Fridley and that the
withdrawal has le�al value� as stated� Dut it doesn't prevent negotiat�on to
take place. -
Councilman Sheridan inquired ii the motion should be amended to lnclude that
the proposal should be drawn within thirty days. Motion by Sheridan to amend
original motion to include that the proposal shall be drawn within thlrty days.
Secanded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion
carried unanimously.
Mr. Les Knutson of the consulting engineering firm of Comstock and Davis, Inc.
stated he wished to present a matter that had been called to their attention
this day by Darrell Clark� engineering assistant at Fridley, and it was a pro-
posal to add some additional construction to Water and Sewer Improvement �61
which is under contract and being constructed. It was mentioned there is an
old plat that has not been accepted by the city at this time.
Motion`_by Johanson to approve Change Order #1-1963 sub,7ect to the approval of
the City Manager when it is presented. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice
vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
The City Manager stated he wished to acquaint the City Council that a Notice of
Electzon Conte�t had been served on the City Clerk� the contest being between
Elmer Johnson and Howard Crabtree. City Attorney Smith explained thie saas a
judicial proceeding and required no action by the City Council.
There being no further business� Mayor Nee declared the meeting ad,7ourned.
Respectfully Submitted; . , _
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�.�e.P% -�T-�-�s�-�-� �'t��M.ti -
r�ue Miskowic - MEIYOR - W J. Nee
Secretary to the Council
A Special Meet�ng of the City Council of the City of Fridley was called to
order by Mayor Nee at 7:50 P.M,
Members Preeent: Nee� Sheridan� Johanson� Brook arrieved ai, 8.15 P.M.
Members Absent: Wolke •
rrEw Busrn�ss:
Mayor Nee announced the item under conslderation was the possible relocation of
- utilities presently located between T. H. y'�47 and Main Street extended from T. H.
�694 to 57th Avenue Northeast. The City Manager.explained it was proposed to
put a crossover in and run it to lines that are installed, also to have the gas
� line moved out of the right-of-way. It was explained the Minneapolis Gas Com-
� paRy has its own private easement� also� that the utilities �re to be relocated
� at the expense of the Minnesota State Highway Department. The Clty Manager fur-
—' ther explained the point under consideration had arisen when this property was
originally owned by Franklin Traasformer and then by Studebaker Corporation. IIe
stated the A. D. Strong Compang�� realtors� has a prospect for the sale of this
property which would be about 209060 square Feet of warehousing space and would
employ approximately 250 people� that it would be a good thin� Por the City of
Fridley. He further explained he had talked to the State FIighway Department and
they would Ue willing to relocate their crossover so it would be possible for the
City of Fridley to use Main Street. The approximate cost of moving v7as discussed
and 3t was explained Fridley would get the assurance of the department that they
could and would do this and take the service across the right-of-way so that Frid-
ley could reach lines. Mr. Comstock� consulting engineer, stated the approxim�te
cost;of moving and relocating the sewer and water lines would be $55,000.00. The
City Manager stated he had talked.with the representative from the A. ➢. Strong
Company� who had called the person responsible at the Studebaker Corporation and
it had been said they would not pay for 3dy of the relocation of lines� but want
them relocated. The representative from the A. D. Strong Company, had said he
eould get Studebaker to pick up a portion of it. The City Manager explalned that,
regardless of this� they had the Minneapnlis Gas Company problem and its relocation
and expense in �ame.
�1lternatives in relocatin� setaer �nd water ]ines were discussed and tne City
Manager explained the decision to re]ocate could be authorized thzs evenin� and
I i the lines could be re�.bcated and it could be paid as a betterment ln a certaln
E amount, Councilman Sheridan sug�eeted the Council could relocate the crossin�
� a� Main Str�t and pick up a portion of the tab which would be approximately
$13�200.00. The City Manager sugge;;ted �,kiis right-of-way be put in and it could
be abandonned the following year as the Minnesota State FIighway Department had
to know immediately the decision on i,he crossovers. Councilman Johanson inquired
if the City Manager hadareconmendaL�on. The City Manager replled the crossover
should be re�ocated and�telt the City of Fridley could come to a declsion with 1,he
Studebaker Corporation and the Minneapalis Gas Company so the taorli could begin.
Councilman Johanson inquired iihat F�ould hoppen if the Council authorized the L�orl;
and dealt with Studebaker Corporat�on later. The City Manager replied tihat, per-
haps� he might still be able to �egotiate wlth them,
Councilman Johaneon stated this work would have to be authorized but in�uirtd how
it would be paid for. Mayor Nee replied i,hey would possibly have to r�ise the
sewer rates regardless as he had talked to the Finance Ofi'icer on the Seaer Fund.
Councilman Sheridan explained that if the Council authorized Lhe crossing at Main
Street and spent monies for sewer and water now� in the future, tt�ey ml�;hi,ta�nt
to relocate the line from the center to Main Street and the City would pick up
-the �13,000.00 expense, The City Manager sLated the StudebaY,er Corporation treas-
urer ha& said they didn't want to pick up the tab. The City Manager further stated
- that he felt if the City went into this pro,7ect and if within one year thls pro-
perty was sold the Studebaker Corporatlon �ould be told they had to pick up the
tab� if not, they could be given a twenty year spread. It was explained they
could also be charged lateral charges and there can be some �ustificntlon in picli-
� ing up at least a part of this. Mayor Nee stated they didn't know that the pro-
I, perty would be used as a �ahole unit, City Attorney Smith inquired lf�this pro-
i— perty had ever been charged for laterals. The City Manager replied they hadn't
had time to check that but assumed they were not. It was er.plained this facility
eould serve both stdee of Main Street and a portion of the monies could be d�rived
t'rom an overall basis. Mayor Nee inquired if the Water Fund could be charged.
The City Manager replied the way the bookkeeping ie set up, a11 the utility monies
�' go into one fund. Councilman Sheridan stated he felt they would get the roentloned
�13�000.00 back and it could be justified� that if� before the services are put
in� they would want them relocated, this crossover could be �bandonned.
� 1 4
t ti. �Y.
The City Manager stated to the City Council t}»t all he Yiad to give the Minn-
esota StaL-e Highzaay Department was the dec�sion on Zahether or not they N�ant
the crossover and he could tell them to proceed on the assumption they will
put this crossover in. He further stated he would get in touch with Stude-
baker Corporation and the Minneapolis Gas Comp�ny with City Attorney Smith.
Councilman Sheridan stated he didn't feel the Minneapolis Gas Company was
.of any concern at this time. The City Manager replied he merely wanted to
inform them oY any decisions. Mayor Nee stated,if Fridley abandonned ats
aasement on the property� they stlll had their own easement. City Attorney
Smith explained the City Council should tell the Minneapolis Gas Company they
expect them to move their installation.
Mr. Comstock, consulting engineer� inquired if there were any structures in
the vicinity that were using the facilities. When told there were not, he re-
plied if that were true, a shorter distance of relocating facilities could be
determined and the MZnnesota State Highway Department could do es i.hey v�ished.
$e explained that� possibly the right-of-F�ay line from 57th Avenue Northeast
cauld be used but it would have to have some study. The City Manager.inquired
if they wouldn't want to provide service for both sides of the street. Mr.
Comstock explained the service could be run up Main Street and it would be
shallow work. '1'his cauld be done providing there are no services on 57th Ave-
nUe. Mr. Comstock explained to the City Council this would delay the decision
even though if might cost a few more dollars. The Cit� Manager suggested the
C3ty Council could authorize this work subject to a feasibility report on the
possibility of an engineering determination.
He iltrther suggested they could authorize him to advise the Minnesota State
Highway Department they want the mentioned facility tut previous to this he
ehould be authorized to investigate the new possibility Mr. ComstocY. had men-
tioned and if the consulting engineers and the City Engineer relay that they
feel this can be done� he should not relate this information to the State High-
way Department.
Motion by Johanson to euthorize and direct the City Man�ger to advise the Minne-
sota State Highway Department that the City Council of Fridley �ishes to have
the proposed cross-over of Trunk Highway �k694 moved westward to the Main Street
right-of-way, this direction sub,7ect to a determination by the City Manager, con-
sultin� engineer and city engineer that a proposal to relocate these utilities
on the East edge of the mentioned property is not more feasible. Seconded by
Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there beln� no nays, the motion carried unanimouely.
Mayor Nee announced the item in questlon was the consideration of purchase oi'
addit�ional property or rental of office space. The City Manager explained to
the City Council that e¢eryone was talking about buying the house on the addi-
tional property ior purchase and it was not the coneideration� that the City
Council had talked in the last two to three years oT purchasing the property
and the house was incidental. He further explained that if i,he City of Fridley
is planning on purchasing this property, they might not �ei� a better prlce later
and it might� possibly� chan�e hands. He stated he had talked to the Finance
Officer and he felt payment for the exponding of the i'ire station could be
changed� that the property could be paid for and they,could defer, the �50000.00
for the fire station which could be paid for out of the liquor funds. The City
Manager stated that because a house is on the property they could put the draft-
ing and civil defense and the assessor's office there and it would be�saving
to the Qi�y and the library could be left at its present location and they
would be picking up a saving in rental in the use of the house.
The City Manager stated the consideration at hand ic whether or not to purchase �
the land� at this time� for $25�000.00 and the City Council would have to in- _;
form Mr. Oman before December lst� 1963. Councilman Sheridan stated he could
not see the saving in the January lst moving of $3,000.00. Councilman Johan�
inquired if Mr. Oman had-said he would sell the property in June� also� there
was one major point to be cleared up at the present and that was the question
i? this Czty Council had decided this was where the Civic Center would be built,
The City Manager stated he had talked to different people and they w�re not in-
terested in the �+ 1�2 acres that the City Hall was located on add the only
other answer would be another urban renewal of the area.
Councilman Brook arrived at 8.15 P. M.
Councilman Johanson inquired what they were going to do with L-he present oifices
rented,if;they did not take possesaion of the Oman property in June. Councilman
Sheridan explained to ,the City Council that when he noticed the consideration he
had asked,the City Manager to have the�C3ty Assessor check the Natlonal Tea pro-
perty� that he had heard from a reliable source and was lnclined to believe that
the Natiottal Tea Company was not in the best position because of poor business.
Councilman Sheridan stated the City Assessor had giv,en size of lot, square foot-
i age of building� facilities� etc; that further, he felt it would be �aorthwhile
� i looking into and perhaps the preeent lessee m�ght 6e interested in gettang out
�I and some terms mzght be arrived at with the ouiner of the property. Councllman
Sher3dan suggested this might be something th�t could be used ior a City fIall
and it has 14�400 square feet� is-heated and air-conditioned but appraisals would
be necessary. Councilman Sheridan stated that one vast expanse is heated and air-
conditionyd but when it would be partitioned oPf� it might have tio be repiped and
in the mechanics they would Ue losing the air conditioning and heating. Council-
man Sheridan stated there could be movable partitions and �he heating and air con-
ditioning,could be utili2ed. He further stated that in discussing a building such
as this ope with people� the init3al construction cast of the building itself was
about $6,00 or $7.00 a square ioot and the City Counci,l would be talking about a
building under $10',00 a square foot and the C�ty would have its offices within
the close proximity, �Councilman Johanson stated that some day they should have a
Civic Center. Councilman Sheridan replied they were talking about a half million
dollars �nd this City cannot afford it._ Counc�;lman Johanson stated this was true,
and if so, they could continue to plan on the present site and pick up another
third of an acre and they had already co�itted themselves to an addition on the
Fire Department.
Couneilman Brook stated it was to his sorrow they had authorized the addition to
the Fire�Department that� as he had previously stated, he felt the City Council
should look at a pyece oi' property in that it is worth to the Cit,y of Fridley,
not to the Fixe Depmrtment. He 1'urther stated that some peo�le feel this is the
area for the neta Civic Center but he did not, that everyone knows a City has a
main etreet and he didn't feel a main street should be decorated with a City Hall,
� a iire department and a police station as these are always built a block or two
`! off of the main ctreet, Councilm�n Brook stated the Cljy Hall property is valuable
from a businees standpoint� that if this p¢ece c,i' property had a shopping center
on it, it would be an 3ncome to the City of Fridley and the City would be bene-
i'iting. He further etate�i if a Civic Center were built on the preeent site the
property would be dead s�tock and of no benefit to the City and he wished to see
the City Hall in another area. Councilman Brook asserted that as for putting
the Fire Department building on University Avenue, he had voted for it but, to
his sorrow, as it should have been located on Mississippi Street where no U
turns would have been necessary. It was explained by him that the revenue from
the present property would more than off set the loss that they would undertake.
Councilman Brook stated if the City Council were to authorize a Fire Station on
Mississippi Street� he believed they could erect that etation for the same price
that the Hastings Fire Department did without any problem and the fire department
would be located on a street that goes across from East to Weet wlthout any turns.
Councilman Brook stated there was a section of land on Mississippi Owned by the
Riedels and it had been stated they couldn't build there because of peet and he would
rather see the City FIa11 built there or on some other property. Councilman Brook
further stated that as for the land, they should be able to sell the present pro-
perty owned by the City and malte a proi'it, that owning property on the main street
for a City is wrong as they could be to�o blocks ataay or more and residents could
find it and th�y could be deriving benefits from it. Councilman Johanson inquired
of Councilman Brook the t�eason for voting for the flre sLation addition. Council-
man Brook replied they had had an immediate need for space for new Fire trucks,
' that previously� he had asked Council consideration for placing �he Fire ➢epart-
ment on Mississippi Street. Councilman Johanson stated the people of Fridley
wouldn`t go for a revenue bond issue, The City Manager explained to Councilman
Brook that he was saying that Mississippi Street is not a main s�reet and it is
and in a few years� University Avenue would be less of a main street that Mi�s-
iss3ppi Street.
Mayor Nee stated the item would be tabled for iurther consideration at which timc
it would come up as old bueiness. Councilman Brook inquired of the City Manager
if he had ever contacted Mrs. Riedel. The City Manager replied that he had and
� �� `�
�he wanted about $165,000.00 for the property with a different amount
per acre depending on the frontage on Mississippi Street and other
parts of it� that he had reported same to the City Council; that�
Purther� there had been an appraisal on the property for about
$48�000.00 by the City and� following presentation� there was no
further recommenflataon. Councilman Brook statad he still felt the
City of Fridley should take the Riedel property under condemnation '
if they had to in order to obtain it and it would still be less
money� that the Riedel property should be invest3gated and if there
is a chance to scquire more property� they should. Councilman
Sheridan stated he felt this was the time to talk this over. Mayor
Nee suggested that Councilman Brook cheek the files when all this
had been anallzed as it had all been presented to the City Council
at one time and it was then they had abandonned the idea of the
Riedel property. Councilman Brook stated it was a known fact the
present Ci�y property would be a revenue to the City and commercial
businesses would build there and the City Hall eould be constructed
off oi a maan street. Councilman Sheridan 3nquired ii Councilman
Brook knew the Riedel family. Councilman Brook xeplied he had
known them many years previous but felt they should negotiate
with them and if Mrs. Riedel doesn't want to negotiate� the land
should be taken under condemnation� other than this determ3nation�
he stated the National Tea property would also be wise to eonsider.
Mr. Gardner, County Librarian, was present and stated� upon
inquiry, that the Library locataon on Mississippi Street was more
desirable for location, street lighting, parking space� etc. Mayor
Nee replied they would not recommend moving the library. The
City Mana�er stated his suggestion was to move the assessor's
office� civil deiense and engineer's office and they could save
;72820.0(7 in rental. �
Councllman Brook stated the entire item should be returned to
the Coordinating Committee. Councilman Sheridan inquired if one
of the recoimnendations of the Coor-dinating Comm3ttee hadn't
been the suggestion of a more desarable site, The City Manager
replied they had started with this recommendation. Couneilman
Sheridan suggested to Councilman Brook that he contact the Riedel
property owners before the next re�ular meeting, that the deeision
was whether the City Council authorize the purchase of the Oman
property but only at the appraisal price and as far as the Riedels
would be concerned, arrangements could be made �hat they could
certainly live there at the site and that could be a part of the
consideration that the house remaln there until they would be
gone. Councilman Sheridan stated the determination with the Oman
property had to be made within a period of time and it would be
advantage�us to the City to own it but felt if they were not
going to use the present site� they should not buy it. There was
no action taken.
There being no further business� Mayor Nee declared the special '
couneil meeting of November 27, 1963, adjourned.
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Respectftizlly submitted�
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� Su� Miskowic ✓ ayor - Wm. J. F3¢e �
Secretary to the Council ��
A second special meeting of theCity Counc�l of the City eaf Fridley was
called to order by Mayor Nee at 9:30 P.M.
Members Present: Nee� Sheridan, Johanson, Brook
Members Absent: Wolke
Mayor Nee announced the problem of the N,S.S.S.D, withdrawal petitions
had come at a meeting he had attended the previous n�ght of the North
Suburban Sanitary Sewer District, that Andrew Kohlan� attorney for
the N.S.S.S.D,� in a letter had advised the Board of the N.S.S.S.D.
� that since the action of the petitions from Fridley apparently
passed the resolution requesting detachment was done on November
llth� a legal holiday� this action would not be valid unless it was
demonstrated to be unnecessary action and the petition didn't
demonstrate that it was necessary in any event. The Board� it was
explained� would be derelict if they acted on this petition
because there is the poss3blity of someone pursuing it to the con�rary.
Mayor Nee stated that rather than argue it with the Board, he had thought
the City Council of Fridley could possibly go 6ack and put a new
date on their petition� but if Fridley did abandon the petition now�
they might be in a worse position eoncerning the liability of the
construction contract, Mayor Plee further st�ted he wasn`t sure if