12/03/1963 - 00022993� � � Council Agenda for the 16th of December� 1963. Seconded by Wolke, Upnn a uoice vote, there being no naysa the motion carrie3. Mayor Nee stated tnat Mr, Ehlers should be congratulated on this pro�ect, CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLANS FOR FIRE STATION: Rr,SOLUTION �19G-196i ACCEPT- VOLUNTEER FIREMEN'S REL�F ASSOCIATION: Plans for the addition to the fire station were presented by N1r. Smiley, architect. Mayor Nee stated the item under consideration was a resolution accepting and approving plans for an addition to the fire station, adver� tising for bids an3 entering into an agreement with the volunteer associatlon. Motion by Johanson ta adopt RESOLUTION #196-1963 aceepting and approving plans for an addition to the City Fire Station and advertising for bids and the entering into the arrangements with theFridley Volunteer Fzremen's Relief Association. Seconded by Wolke. Mayor Vee explained the Fire De- partment would build and fiaance the additZOn and the City of Fridley would rent it back from them and eventually the City would oan it. Mr. Jack Kirkham� councilman to take office January lst� stated his opinion of the new ad3itaon to the fire station was far removed from what has been done and he c�uld not offer much in the way of constructive criticxsm ot this timea that he did not appreciate the location or the way the Civic Center is planned facing the wrong street. Councilman Brook stated he agreed with Mr. Kirkham. Upon a roll ca11 votea those voting aye, Nee, Wo.lke, Johan�on. 'Fhose voting nay� Brook. Motion carried. Councilman Brook stated he i'elt the Fire Departmentshould have been built on Missis�ippi Street and he believed the majority of the firemen felt the same way. ADJOURN: There being no further business� Mayor Nee declared the meeting ad,7ourned. Respectfully suhmitted� - -'�- � � ,7 �f � ; � , l _:,r" c�% i �.G-?�'�«'���'% Site Maskowic Secretary to the Council I. .� ,� K � % %/ G ' � + u �i/l,�"w�.�"4 t'V� _ �� C��\ MAYOR - Wm, J�`�ee /, , COUNCIL MINUTES - SPECIAL MEETING - F3P.Yi'S SCIIOOL - DECEMBER 3� ig63 Mayor Nee called the meeting to order at 8:10 P. M. Mayor Nee appoffinted City Clerk Marvin Brunsell acting secretary for the purpose of taking the minutes of the meeting. ROI,L CALL: Members PresFnt: Johanson� Nee� Brook Members Absent: Sheridan, Wo1ke Mr. Nagel from the Board of the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer Dastrict was also present. PUBLIC HEARIIdG ON DETACHMENT FROM 'FTiE NORTH SUBURBAN SANITARY SEWEA DISTRICT: Mayor Nee explained the purpose oP the hearing. The City Manager read the ��� � ) �� notice of hearing and also the petition of detachmen't� detaching the City of Fridley fr�m the North Subnrban Sanitary Sewer District. Mayor Nee announced that h� had received a letter at 5:10 P.M. tonight from the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer nistrict. The City Manager read this letter, and also a letter dated Deeember 2� 1963 from Mr. Andrew Y�ohlan� Attorney for the District, Mayor Nee asked if there was anyone who wished to speak in favor oi continu3ng in the North Suburban Sanitary 5ewer Distriet. N1r. Bailey Tiller� 1535 Gardena Avenue N.E.� spoke, He stated that the only thing the people have seen so f'ar is the two engineering reports. Mr. Tiller � made several other comments on the subjeet of continuing with the District. Mayor Nee asked if there was anyone who wished to speak in favor of a sep- aration from the N.S.S.S.D. Mr. Bergman� 5501 Regis Trail� spoke. He stated that the Metropolitan Planning Co�ission has the obligation and the authorit,y to see that Fridley is provided with sewer serv3ce in the fn�tare. Mr. Bergman said the Metropolitan Planning Commission had several reasons why they thought the Minneapolis-St. Paul Sewer District should be expanded. He stated the public has had the opinion that they must stay with the N.S.S.S.D, or pay the consequences, such as having no industry come into the District. Mr. Carl Paulson spoke in i'avor of separation from the N.S.S.S.D, He stated that the city at the present time has proper facilities and the City does not have specific terms or conditions from the Board of the N.S.S.S.D. Mr. Paulson also spoke on the cost� etc. Mr. Whatmore� 4�+0 Rice Creek Terrace� spoke in favor of s�paration. Mr. Whit�ore stated that when the problem was first debated it centered around two engineering reports. The N.S.S.S.D. was to receive 1.7 million Dollars in aid and this would not be the case now. He stated it would probably be 10 years before the N.S.S.S.D. would have its own plant. Mr. Whitmore stated tha� if the Board of Trustees of the N.S.S.S.D. tries to foree Fridley to stay in the N.S.S.S.D.� they would cause a lot of hostile feelings between Fridley and the communities, and would break down future negotiations in other matters, Peter Myerhofi� 1350 Hillcrest Drive N. E., spoke in favor of detachment. Mr. Myerhoff st�ed that he bad under- stood that the cost is to be on the average of $1,00� to the homeowner for staying in the N.S.S.S.D. Mr. Myerhoff feels that it is a legal point� and feels that an impxovemenL' Would have to be made to his own home, 3i they are , going to levy this kind of an assessment. Mr. Myerhoff stated that he did not feel that the City of Fridley would gain anything by staying in the N.S.S.S.D.� and nothing would change ior him. Mayor Nee stated that the $1�000.00 he was referring to perhaps referred to the people in Coon Rapids� _ where it might cost �1�000.00 for a complete sewer service. In Fridley� there would be no assessment} at least against the people who are presently eonnected� although there wonld be higher monthly service charges. Mr. Tiller stated that when the City first started in sewer business, they paid for so much capacity f'rom Minneapolis, and would this meet all the requirements for the future. Mayor Nee stated no, that it would not, and that some type of improvement will have to be made. N1r. Smith� City Attorney� stated that he did not feel that they could break the present eontract. Mr. Smith stated that the City originally contracted for all of the capacity that was available� but apparently there is now more capacity� and the N.S.S.S.➢. has been able to getcapacity. Councilman Johanson stated that the City has not had to turn down any sewer users yet� and the City has not yet used up the eapacity, and feels it would be five ,years before We would, Mr. Bergman asked if the sewer is only being used to 50'� of capaeity at the present time. Mayor Nee stated that would be true ii the water� laaekwash water� and s2wer were separated. Mr. Whitmore asked if the City would have the right to contreot with Minneapolis if they were released from the N.S.S.S.D, Mayor Nee stated that originally the N.S.S.S.D. had the right to all excess capacity that Minneapolis might have� 6ut this has now been modifiedy and the N.S.S.S.D. is merel,y notified of additional capacity� and they mnst compete for it� and bid ior it as anyone else who might want it� such as Fridley. Councilman ' Johanson stiated that Fridley has about 4200 users at the present time and he does not thinl� the N.S.S.S.D. could take these rzsers or that much capaclty away from the City. Mayor Nee stated that the City has a right to 5.6 cubic feet per second of capacity. Mr. Harris� 6210 Riverview Terrace Northeast, asked what is the procedure the City had to go through now to get detac}ament from the N.S.S.S.D. Mayor Nee explained that this hearing was part of the procedure. Mr. Harris stated that he felt that the City would probably have to start a law suit to get out. No one else epoke for or against the detachment from the N.S.S.S.D. Mayor Nee declared the Council hearing on the detaehment from the N.S.S.S.D. closed. Mayor Nee declared on behalf of the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District that because of the lack of a quorum� the hear�_ng will reeess to 1�+40 County � � Foad "d�', i�tlizilc�polZS� M�nz�csotia, at (:30 P.Pd, on DecernY��i� 70, 1963. Respec��ul��= sal�icsi��,cd: ,��/Z.l.�.�M. l , t`��� iSarvin C. �ra_�acll Ac�in� Secre;ary �.� �1��11I� �` � ��l„� i•�1YOt'� - 17m. J � .e � .... __