07/20/1964 - 6015� � Q � � REGtJI,AR CX7UNCIL MEETING AC,�DiI�A - JULY 20 v 1964 ROLI. �AI.La ... �..,....,r.. M�IN�SS t_ � R�tlaa� 1�sting, J�].y 7, 1964, Pages 1- 32 0 � 3,p�C3.81 Regula7C MOetiag� �iuly �.3 e 1964* Paqes 33 -� 40 e �����__� _�o�d of Equaliza�ion, J'�il.y 14, 1J64, Paga 41a �* . spoeiaL M�seting. Jt�].y 15, 1964, Page� 42 - 4t�, �'�$.���7�: ��'�,:-E 1 1 01� F�naL Plat -» Lot �, AuditorS Subclivisio�n NOo r �•�-:r�� �� �,�i,� ;, �`� 22 e CoCl�ran � n ust� , :� 7✓ � , .�-- "���t. t� ` o Second Readiug of Anima,l Contsol Ordinance, , ,e: C::-° _ _ -- , . . __ __ ---._ ..__.. , � 3o Se�o� Reaai�g of Ordinanee Rezo�ing R-1 to Q � c-1 - M�eadawmoar Terrac�s, °��� � ��.�� _��,_._ � , . ._ ��' � secorid Reading of osdinancs Vacating Sase�tent - � ��1� Guridessozi TerZaCe, �.'�:��'-° - �,�' � 5 fl Se+cand Itead3ng of ordin2uzce Vaca�ing Alley .. Q U'° �����',,!- Blocks 2& 3, oak Grov�, o k ��'� ,��i-� Secoxid R�ading of Ordinatice Greating C�iapter � a �� � � G,����f,� +'� 84 - LiquorsB �,'Y'�'s `�'N` — � ��..���� �.7 � Consic3eration of A�eea�dm+�a�t to S�ion 45 019 �; �,�,I�v'�� (2j - Funeral Hosn�s (Tablea 7/7/64) , . 1 p e.•fi(�.�0 Zt0'� S�1j,.�'r„ RElQ1108'� " irOt. �to Atl�i�.t0�.'$ $t�l�i.1l��Vj."' �,��'� sicun No 0 92 (mabied 6/15/64j , _ ... . . �� d 9�. �°�brainage ancl Asse�s�m�ant - M,00re Lake 8ills �, _ L , e �` � ��� `� {Tablecl 7/7/64' . ��.g ��� � � ___, _ � _�W��USINS� ._ --- ,. _-_ _ ''� �].t? ` Buildii�g Bo�'d MAati�g 1d1iEU1te9a a7Y11y 80 1964e 1:"-� -� (������`4 1a Boaxd of Appa�1.8 Meetir�g Minutese �txly I5, 19648 � _ - �__ _.L�`-��12,0_,-- Coa�unicatic�s, a�id� k���4�� �'� �� ��� Sdmu�d B�Cg: A9sesmt�ts � �/�� `� �bj� C�i�son: Billi�rd C�ente� Liceasse IYV" , � ' F , F . .. � � .: �. .:.) ����YG'�.� �tut.: ., . � c , . ,''!'��4„L'L ....-"k—_. '�`� ""'�`��..... Page 47 p Pages �38 - 54 a Pag� 51 & 5Zo Page;� S3 & 54 p Pages 55 & 56 0 Pages 57 - 630 P ag�t 62 p Pages 63 - 650 Pago 660 Paga 670 Page 68a Pag,es 69 & �0 a RBGULAR C�OUDTCZL �TI�3 AQBNi�A — �'iTLY 24 B 196�4 (Contit�,ued' � `� �r / _`�q.. . � .-, ........ ......_... lL a'�`� �`.� 30 � i �t . � ; �_ : ; : . � � VI^ 5�.;,,,,,�._T�R�S�, �� � 'r'���� ' 13 e Claims, /�` ,,;: - -- � " `y'�14a Li��sea, �����r�� � 15 o Patitiones, ,_,� � ) i,�.' .t �? ;;. ,� ' �t ''r� :K t �.•� .,� '�C..G-a.y,r �, � __�._ , _ _ _ _�._ _ �\,,�#���� dhange Ordes _#1 — SW#67&SS#68, 1? o QLange Oxdes #I. — W-3�-R,, � l8 m Reso�.ut ior� Aufihor iz ixag I ss� of T�orasy � ` Bomds — SS#5A, .� �._.. � a � �. �-_ ..�-�-„ A,....^�"°. .. _... _.. .._-`..,..�_�.... ���b R�esolution Authosixing Sals atld Pwcc�asa of � T�ora�y SOSKiS — S3#SA, �� , ,.,;; ;�'°zu o APpo3x►�maiit, � -t' • Psge 71 gs�g'es 7Z & 73 0 Pages 74 & 750 Pagse ?6 — 79� Pages $0 & 81� P�� 9�G � � O Page�s 89 & 90 0 Page 91a a �, . , �, � ___ __y___. / / C� �c� � ,�, r_. % t�fr.; G`t r . jC !, �f= . r�. , . w� ,: �;� .. r '�-� . y` `� c/''� i'! ' �? ,`Sie�l 18 I / �.` --.,.�. fl� y �. , '!� C e t .��-'t�^.,i` ,_ /�' � 7'. � '� � . �y �... � I: !/` ' ��.�.�1 /f' ``, ..�� � /��+L. L. •'. t4C < •..._. � � .. _,,.�i. ' � � • � coa+��rs - a�vx,�x cov�acu� r�s�rr�G - acrLY ao, i9� � ��: ;!"�..��--�.'..._ i. ODi FINA�.L PLAT - rar s, Ave�c��xs s�ivzsao� rroe Zz - c-roa�: Tbe i�ot3,ce of �iearing is on Page 47 e The final plat will b� at the meetiag fo� gour considerationo • � � ri rc 2. 98CODID iiT�DI�TQ c�' ANIMAL CONTR4L OxDINADtCS: Z'ha a�dir�ance fv� saco,nc� xsadi.ng is on Pages 48 tis�augb 54. Such chan��s as we�e suggested hava been m�� ia this� ordinanc.e £ar tt�is s�co�d raadixeg � � _ 3 o SBCODi�3 R�A�U7�T4 OF G[tDINt�KCB it]�Z�'�tIN4 R-1 TO Q-1 -�DO�WMOCrR Z�RRACB: 1'he or8inance fc� seco�d reading ie on Page 51 and a drawing of the a�rea t,o be rezo�ed is on Page 520 4 a 3SC�D RBA�INf3 OF O��DY� VACATiNC� EA38�'NT - GI�RS� 3°SRRAC�' a . T'he ordinance far ae�o�cl reading is on Paqe 53, and s drawinq of the eas�nent is on P�e 540 5 o SECQ'L1D READIATG OF ORDI�TA�IC:S VACATING ALL1E�f - BI��CKS 2 A�iD 3, OAK GRO�V�s 1'izs ordi.nance fwc a�ecrtd seadinq is on Pag� 55, an� a dr�w3�g of fi,h� vacation is or� I?age 56 e 6. S$C08TD R�+DILIG OF ORDIL�tAt�CS CfiRAT� CHAPTSR 84 -%IQUO�i3 i Z'h� or8iazar�ce is on Paqes 57 �hhzough fil with the chang�s suc,�ge�ted by the Co�ar}eil at the last mestiag rnade in the os��ivance fax this seeond reading. If the oxclinance is pasa� on s�canc� seading, �tY�ere are two blarilcs at tha top of Page� 58 that wau1�A have to be filled in by fihe Couacil at t?aat t�.�e o 7 o CONSIDSRATI09�T OF AME�NT TO S$C�'IO�tt 45 019 � 2j - F�SItAL �0�5 (TASLSD 7/7/64) : This oacdina�a� fos £irst re�d3.=�g is caxz Pag� .b2. Discuss,ion of the osdinanc:e at tha last m�ting w�.11 ba fca�an�d on Pages 25 auc3 26, Although it wae read far the t3a���t ti� at said �eeting, a motion to table sup�rseded the mo�iron to accep� on €�xst r�acl�,aig rao this a�tually is th� first reaedi�q, if the COi1Y1C�1. 80 dQ8��f3 0 8, LOT SPLIT RBSl�ST - LOT 4, AUDITORS St�DIVISZaN D10o 92 (TABLE,D i 6/1S/�f : Lcit 4, ae sPlii:, i� �ho�m on Page b3, ax�d t1�e two individual lot� abtai�cl by 8plittiriq Lot 4 are sl�aan on Pag�s 64 at�d 65 0 3rhis was tabls�d on Jt�ae 15, 1964 un�il suc3i tin� as the 8hlenieldts had official cerrtificatsa of survey to pre��nt to t2a,e Council. Z'he Plann3.�g Co�amission recoa�eia��d that thi� 1ot �plit be approvedo �� r.c�+���s - R�GULAR COU�L N�'��G — Jux,Y zo o i9�� ��t�u�� � 9� p�� � A►ssssst�arr�c - Moo� r�ua� �au�s 4T�r.�n 7/7/���: r�m� � on Fage b6 is $om�hat self-e,xplaxia�aryo It app�ar�, tha►� this property can be uaed 3.f fill�c3, and tiiat th� drainag� pro- vided by the Caunty will not interfere with euch use of fi.��e lota axxLid that therefor�, these is a benefit to the lo� in ths a�sessed amount of scune $90.00, T'his waa tabled until a meeting at which Counei].mars Sheridan would be pres�nt. r� �,u�,�ss �, iU. BUaLD%NG BQARD P�SBTING �tU�Bs - aul.Y s, 1964: � minu�es are �a�a Page 67. 2"hh� secon�i item relates to a building permit ap�licatia�� by Ca�rl S. Bexanet�. Construction Co�any and th� Building �oatd r�conenends that the building p�ermit be grantede sub,ject to tl'rse conciitions stated ir� tTcae motic�ra to recwia�end apprwal. �'he waivers m�entioned a�re eonsiaer�d it� It�n #11, b�lawg on Fage 68 n 11 o BCaARA O�F APP�A�,S I�82I�da MiNti7LTS -- a'i1LY 1S, 1964s �hese minutes are an Paqe 68 e T�h� tirst i��a► doos not apply to the Cotancil at this ti�e since it must go befs�se the Planning Comc�.ission befoace co�ning to th� Councii e 7�he� s�acwnd ite�n, hawaver, i.�avolves sa�ae . variane@s v�ih%h the Board recoma�ealds that the Cauncil approv�o 12 o C Z�AT�Ol�is a ca) ��d B�rg: Asaessm�eants: �'h� lettex on Pag� 69 raakes a x�ques� whicYa will Iie �EVi�wed b� i�Kr, �rrus�►se11 so �hat a stat�o+e�a�t can be mad� �o the Caur�cil relative to the meri-11od used at i�lae ti� �.his asse�sm�nt was sp�ead. Th�.a also was k�apt o£f the last agenda, �� �at it woul.d be on this age�nda whea it r�as ex�ec���d Coure�eilmari 5h�ridan wauid }�e pres�t o I uz�derstam� that � e$erg has �alk+r�d to C�uncilman Shorician a3�out this, (b) Ca�laon: Billiard Cer►t�r License: T'he �.etter on Pag�e 70 is self-Qxplanatary. 'T�i�ee�e is no 1%�nsa that •�he City issues fc� a bill3ard aent�re 13 o CLA�S s The c2air� �umbers as� am Fags 71 q l.�eetail o£ th� claat�n.s is inclucded with fi�e agenda o 1� � LICS�N's�S r A lis� o� liceai�es w�,ll be found on Pag�s 72 ar:d 73 :�or your consicieaca►tian and app�oval p � �5o PFTITIONSs Petition Noo 25-1964 a�d Petitioti Noo 2�--1964 ar� �ouncl on Pages 74 and 75. and can be received by th� Council and tu�ned over to this o�fice fo� prvicessing, Petitio� No, 25- 1964 on Page 74 actually x�la�es to so�ne zoning and will undaub�.- �edly return to the Council with som� �utuse Flann�ag Co�renisai.Qn xn#.xau�es o �N�A G�TS � REGUI�A►R trOt�iCIL I�TS�iQ - Jt1I,Y 20 a�.964 �Coat�.nu�j • , 1.6o CE�7ANC� OR�R, #1 » SW'#67 &�S�6Sa �he ch�ung�s ard� is on P�g�s 78 anci 79 s$xplanation oi the cfi,ange ore�8r is ox� Pagts 76 and 77 a 17 a L�ANG� 0� #1 -- W-34-R: Th�a c�ta�qe ox'der an Pages 80 axad 8i is ne�ssary to provida th� City with as much water as posmible dweing thi� excess�ve� dry p�riod 4 Tt�ns #4 atLd #5 pxovit�e for ret�i�ng to sesum� aaoock : afte� tll�� cixy period ie over e I.8 d R�StiI,UTION AUTHOR�ING AL�iD DIRB�Ct':iL�� Tf3B YSSiL�I+TC� O�' �MPORARY BO�+TDS - SS��Ar 2�he � on page �Z explains the re�oJlution on Pages 83 fi�c>ugh 88 Q Apg�aaranc�s � in cow�t have d�lay�l m,y�rr psas�zatia�g to you a pgoposa3. �re]:ativ� to tt�e u�aa of S�ate �id Funds i.au this projectp l e�ct that at th� �eting of �iiy 27th, � wiii. have a resolution �at the Council r�lativ� to abtaS.xaing Stat� Aid Fuaids fa�r t1�3.s proj ect o ' A9 a R$34?�'t�'�°It313 AU�ioRIZID77Cr A�7D DTRBCT�C,► 3'H� 3AI� AN� PORt�iASE OF �QORARY �cJ�IDS - SS#5As �h�.s r�solution an Page� 89 �nd �0 is th� xout3n� r�so�.ution that you pass a.� ichis garticular type of ac��onm � 20 n APPOINTB�I�i a This agpointz�ent an Page 91 replaces a girl V��o �ta�.f�ed ta another j ab at Gity �all o � �:� �s�� ;� • ���:'��.:�� �1i� Cot��il� r+�ts na�ct wa�k as �olloowss 8 P d I�o M�onda� o+�.Ly Zt}�h, Council I�tiAg � F��, Tumsday� 31aLy 27�s�� Boax+d of Fqua,li�ati� 8 P�,� Wadne�ciaye �tly 22nd B at S iil N� °� hoa�e 9�udcte� � Sazcloasd in the �nvelope fc� yau� info�ma�ion a�r� two let��3rs fx�a S a� 6 stt�tl�y & As�ociates a�d �lears-�3an�o � u ��� � � �t:�f�I3��AR CGr.l�tGil�, ��ETING � JtT1'.,"z 7, 1}ri�+ ��...a.�,,,��.,��� - �.,w...�,..�. - ,�.. A��eg�irzr �����r�g oY °�he Council of th� Ci�y of ��ricile;v was ���.l�d �tn c�rdea iay �•�y�+� �ie� a� 8; i� P.�I, 1i�7.,� �AI,i : �ez��iers Fr�:eeat: �ee� �Tahanson,� Kix�kham� �:ri�;�°� �e:�b�rs A'�se�� z �ka�:�idan ���ava�, o� r�.`n�s �, ���ri,�x ���a��, _� a.5 ��=_�., �o�aanci�.m�.n. T��,rk'rz�.r� �eque��d uhat �hai: �aard "aaon�tk�" 'be cia�,ng�c1 °�r� "�totic�n" on .�..ia�e '( ��' p�ge 7.� �n •�he Juz�� 15; �.96�a mi�zt�-te�a ��a��.ar� �y K��kha� �ir� �pp�o�re the mi��a�s o�' th� R��a,�,� t�ee�ir�.; o�' �'u�e °� �� 1;�F� as prepaxed� Wa��ee�e3 aad z°��eived � Seconi�ed by �3oh�nso�.� Upor� �. 'voice vate� th��e i��irz� no nays; �:he motic�n � �t��°�.�d �anani,r�ntas�.y.. �U��,iC A�A�TNi�v : PL�3I.,It; H3���R�G -� A54�SS��13' �:t?LL - S i�6a�: MM��ar �1ee annaz��c�d e��ablzc k�e��:�ng of' tlssessmen� Ra�`� �o� 8���� S��wer �rea jec�t +to �&� � The C; ty I�ana�x� re�.d t�ie No�ti c� a�' �Iea��ng � �se.�c�� Nc�e �'�a�d �h�s i�t�ra �a�cern��[ ��i°ee pa�c�i� n.a�ly Pa�^ce�. 6t?t3� Par�el �i?� a�d Parae�, 950 and ixzqui�ed if �hei°ee were �.nyon� �a�s�x�t who ta�sheci �o �ae h�axd an �ny a�' �ue 3teu�s �neu'�ia��eda �hex� �as no c�ne p�eser.� in favar a� or o3� jec'L�n� �o the pro.pofi�d pub�_3.� he�iug �nd no ob�jections to �he apx��.a prapoBed. Ma�c�r P1e� ci��iar-ea �t1ne �b�3.� T�earing :Pvr �tox� S�w�r �o�ect NQg 6� e3o��8a Mo���n �y Jahansor� to ac�o�t R�soL�IOi�t #�35-i� con�irming eeses�� �en� �'ax 5tfl� Sewez� .��?ap�over�eni Projec-L N�. ei� neting ��he�e wer� ns� oia�r•:c�ors o Seeonrieol by K3x�khum� U�an a ro�.l ca�.�. �rc�Te those voting a�e� Pl�e� i�T�°��t� Kirkk�a�� Johtrnsoaa. T%ase voLin� nsyJ nvne. '�he rna�ion +c�a.z�x°3.ec2 un�:ni�►ous�y. 1'i���.,�.�' Ii���S+� w s�� "P�ER1�T R4i� � S�J "5: 1�yor I�ee �.nn�unc�c� a publ3c k�ear�.n� oP Assess�en� ��1�. for Sewc� � and ��Ts.tex° I'ro�ec'� iVr� b�i� �'he ��.°�y Man�ger ie�d �i:h� P�ot3.c� of' :dearing. �.yc�� A?e� �xp;�.a�.ned �co �hose presQn�t the �n�'�a�ia 4irs;i �Jas �a '�e on '7'77th A°venue irom ��'ne East River Ftc�d ta th� Raylxrsad tr�eks and inc��is�d af thes�e r�ere a�yon� p�eseza� wlxe� w�.s��d Lo k�e hea�re� c�n the i�n or �hat taflu�c'i �.i�e to knc��, w�� �h�e pxo�:��d asse�s��t w�,� os° ob��e�c t;t� :��1 �,43 se�� ���yu ��: w�.s r7��d �}�� � inutes shc s�aw � t�a �� '� <. ���x•� *rrez�Q nca ����ec�ione t� the pxoposed Assessmen�: i��I.�. on St� �,�. �.yo� N�e da�l.ar�.•d ��e Pu%i3c �ear%n� a'Q�° Se��ae� azad �l�,fi;e� i�ro�je��: i�Trs. 65 e�e�sed� �lo�iian by Ki.x°kham '�a �,�o�� �so�ufr�ca� �i3�m195� ��nf��ing Ass�ss�extt ���° 5��a�;r a�a W��er �mprovemei��c Fr��e�t I�c�, 65, Seaai��.ed by �'r,i.ght. �`�►on a ro:t1 cal� z�ote� ��Zese vcat�n� �;�:°8 iVee, Ki.�k:�$ .iahans��.;� W�: igY�t. '"hos� va�tin� �ay� �a�� .'�'he r�ot3r�ra va.rr�ed �nan�.wa�a�'; y n � Va/��V 4L�.a."98�dwi\� � �� ��J+ � �•{.� } �,A�iY j�.SJyJ��SVY� 9 �9W+ar. - - .a�+m�vs0u/��. . a'o�c+M�snw �yo� N�e �nns�U�ced a�izb�.ia �aea�ing on �h� �iaa;, p1.���: of t;a.il.sview A�di°�ion � The Cz°�y �gager ��ad th� No�ice oY �it�ar�.��4 City ��git�er �a���sl��. ps°esenf,ed the ��it o£ tche ('rs.i�.sview Add�.��.on °La �he C�°cy Co��ac3�a A�t�.yor i�ee sta�ied �e�e -?°tem ?�aa� th� eanside���.on os" bMe �':i.�.�. pl.a� of G$,il��iew Addi��.on �� Nia.in S�xeet a�d �a;ist A�ven�ae �nd inqu�iaed i� there were ar�yone present who tiaishec� °�o i�e he�.rci e�n�ex°ning �hiH pl�.tm Gi�y �ngi�ee� �ureshi e�cplained tY�e �re� ��volv�d %�° �h� C��y �o�zr�ci�. and �hose presen�. The �i�.y 1�Saz�.�ar e��.�e� �tY�e ow�er �.d b��n gisre t���assiax� ico pe�i�ion �olu�bia I�ei��ts �o� se�v�.cr:�� Counci�r�.n �3r�.'k�� 3nq�i�esl i� �h� s�evelop��° • o�' �he �.a.r►r� taas ��esen�-0 P�Yr� Wa�yne A. St.e��ax� was ��sen'� and e�p1�-�.3.ned jco the C��;� �ouneii. if; �•ra� possible �o ge� services t"�°o� Ca�.��� Heigh�s anc� i'� had been su�s�ed by °�he exa�;ineer a� Columt�ia Heigii�s �lie�ee was a possi��e r_eed for a�.ift station bu� �:� i°� s�oulc2 'beco�n� a. p�ab�.�m �they had s�id �� ti�rou3.d � z�.ken c�.�e ��°� �t w�� e�.^�lain.�ed tne �t�e �o �s buil4 in ��ie a��. would �ae ��pli.� l�°�e�. �g►p� o�' h�uae m C��t�+ �n��.nee� Quxesh3. exg�.ai�z�d �.e hac� �uy�.n�ted tp bring this �u �a �he �.���r��#.r�n o° �Gh� G�°�y Counc��. �s t�ie� �ai�ht be sa� prabl�m �a;i�h �onna���.or�� � I 4 qa�,s �°tat�e�. �o�umb�.�. �ei�;h°ts laad gpp�ov�d the s���v��es �c ��ae de�v�3.c�p��. flKayor l�e� �nq��.red t���c�in� t:�e asss��ia�:�d :�nd fn �he a�es. �ie dQ�el.op�r ����.ieri �� ws.� nesr �he sand ��.t �nd ��� pxo;�r�� awnec� b� P�re . He�..m a i�� was ea�giained bv Ma.yv� 2d�ee t%e p�op�a°�� �dxcap� o��' c�ui�te e�a.�p7�� in '�his �ea,. Councilm�n �right inquired �1� t�ie �ity Co�aeil coul� �ive ap�ro�s]. condi�ion�i ��son �he x����, p� o� a�e���� irom Cr� r�m�ia Hei�Z°tg xe�cliz�g ����.�es e I�sayo� Id�� i�q�.���r�d rt.f t��a� vae:�e �nyane e�.�e px�s�n� w}a4 �ais�ed �o be hearr� . There �aa$ �a ox� p�e��nt �,a �S.vo� �� or 3n. o�po$i��on 'cc� �he �ropose� �'�n��. pZ�t af' �e.ilsview Acia�.tionm �5ayo� T3ee decl�xed �he gub�ie hea�r�ng on tY�� �iz�l pls� ca� �i�view Additimn c3oae�o NTution t�y �Tr�.ght °tha� the Ci �y Courac�.�. app�ove �he �P�.nal p1.at csf ��.is�aiew A�,di�son aYZd ��atYaor�ze �>3�e l�.yor and C3ty Mana�er to sigez s�e cor��if�.orzt�3. upc�r� rec���at oi �anii�a�t�.csn �`rom °�he Ci�y gf Colum�i�. �ieigiZ°�s �.t tiaey Yzave s. bindix,+g a�ee�n� to pro�v�de � sewer se�ice. Seconded by �ohr�z�an, Upon �. �ro�ce °�o°t�� therF b�ing na z�.a�s� �he �so�ioxz carried UL78X1�.�t�L?6�.j�� i9U8ZTG HEAR�TG «� F�TAi PLAT � I�'�ADC��%IC�t `Z�R1'�ACE S�CGi�i'3i AI�DI'1'IOI�< � - — P�,ge � � 1�a.gror Ne� �.r�t�o�nced. � publ:ic �Siea�°ira� on �he �3��.1 p3at �f Nisadowmoo� + Ter�ace See�nd �dddr.ion. The Ci�y A�,na�er read °�he Na�i�e o� �eax°inge C3t�y �ug�ne�� Qu��hi p�sen�ed �n� �'inal p�°� t� the C�.ty Cottnciio �isyo�° PJse e���.�ined thia was an area o�P ���perty between Central A.ven�e s,nd .���thux St�ee� jLas� Sou-�h o�' '���:h liv�enue a�c� �.r�quia�d if °�he�°� �r��e �nycar�+� �esent whc� w�.sh�d �o �� �e��l �oz�c�rning °�his �ina�. p�.a�,� '���e �as na one gresen� im �`�.'var� o� or ix� s�ppasition to °�t�� ��ogsa�eci f'�.na�. piat� A d�s�ass3�a� pe�iod ��as �eld reg�rding ia+�.tion ai' p�.a.-t. A�.�yo� N�e decl��ec� the �u�1.ic �a��in� an the �Pinai ��.t a� P63eadc�wsntso�° Ter:�ace Seccsnd Add-� �a.�sn e�.os�de �Iotion b,y ��.a�kha.� �o a�grove �he ��n��. p�at oi Mea.dot•r�o� Terrace �econd Ac��t:�on and au�thorize �he A�ayor �nd City �fan�ger to si�a sa,�e� ������iec3 by �'vY�a.nsor�a tlpon a voa�c� vo�e, th��� �eing no nays� �h� �o�;ion ce.x�ried una.nimousiy, i'UBI,�C �::�iRTNG �°�'ACAT�O� C7r 13FtAitVAGE & t�'TIZ:.t�' E1�SEMENT - C� �tRAC� e ,�'...�. I�ayor Nae mnnounced. a p�ab�.ic hear3ng �� �he rr��a�ic�n o� a dz�s,�.nsge arzd utz�.i°ty ea.semen� �n GuradersU� `�ea°�e�ce s�he City R3a�agex �ad the No�i�e c�P �e�aring anc� �x�2ain�d. this wa.s �f�e area �.n whieh °the C%ty Cous�cil ha.cZ recei�r+ed sever�i eammunicatiorss �`rom °the cii�aeaent co�ni ��ees ana �ad o�dered ihe publi� hea,�°ing. A�,yor l�ee exp7.�ined thiv pubiie hea�ing -tel��ed �o �. p�sce o� �rc�perty �that was propose8 � fo�° an a�r�t�ent dz•rellis�g and tha'� al�. in"terest�d pertie� haa �.gtee�. th�..� �Y�e easet�nt in cpes�tiotz �?as na� necees�.ry and the eese� men� ao�.x�.d �� a'��.ncloz3aed� P�ay�:� I�ee inquire� i� there z.ere a��►o�ne p�esen`� tiin�r ��r;��hed °L-a be h�a�cl �ra the pz�o��ed va.cat3.ano �ere tvas n� one p�e�t�n� in favor of o� in �pgsosition i:o �he p�°°aposed sracation. �yor ?Qee d��lared the public hearing on the vaaa�tion af dra�.i��e and u�iiity� �asement � G�andersoc� Terrace �losed o Mo°tic�n �y �i ohai�son °Ca acc�p� as ii�s� reading an ordin�nce under S�a��o� 12oU7 of �he C�,ty Char�er �o va.caice a utility snd draina�e e�.se��� on G�ar�d�rson Tet•�aee. Seconded by Kirkham� Upon a rol� ��.:tl vo�e i�hase votiag aye, Ree� Jol�.a.nson� K�.rk.hsan,� Wright. 3'hase vot�n� nay� nonea Ths motion ca�r3.ed unanimously. P€�t3�,l� f� �I� � REZAN�TG lR wl TO C�-1 � P(�i`T20N 9F' A+�AD�JWNlOO�t �iR1�ACE : P��,yo�° �1ee �.nnounaed a public hearing on the rezox�ing �or a section c�� �.e.nci :in Meac].owmoor Terx�ee s"rom R�i t9 Cmla Tb.e City M6anager re�d th� Not�3.ce of �ea.ring. �ayor Nee explain�d �.h�e if.em concern-� ed a. gro�� a� �.ats an Central Avenue a.nd Qaborne Rcsad9 a�so, that °Ghex� hac� be�� a repo�t Prom the pro�essianal g3.�rming consu].tant �ee�orumeadin� �� �d f.'ur�her reaommendation of app�ova.�. by �the �'l�.�nir;� Co�nm�.ssinn.� l�yor Nee inquired i� there were an�rone • ��ese�-t �h� *:ai�hed ta be h��.rd a� t�e pmposed rezani.n� f'rom R�1 �ca C�� a A discc�ss3.an pexiod w�s held regarding bnild3,ng, and r.�n�n� 3.n ��ie t�eao Ma�� Sernax^cl Jv7.kataski„ d�sve�.ope�r� �acplaine8 • Page �> �c� °�:1�� C:i�,y �c+�a�sai� Lhey had o�iy ��o���aea �o a��.n'c o� the ��zoni�� ��c�.use they o�an.tefl �o oui�.d housee. There �aas no one �:�e��n�"; in s�pp�s��fon to the proposed p].a.to Ma.yar Ne� dec]ared ��Ze p��i��,�r hea.xi�g o�1 �he re�oni�ag f'rom R�1 ta Cml on a. poxtion o� �ieF�clo�,�oor me��.c� c�.c�sed. �otien by �'a%.nson 'uo aceep� as ii�s� resdixig an ordinance to a.�end �:�ie � a.�y �c�r1e ��' �he Ci�y o� FridlQy� M:ix�nes�t,a by azakin� a chan�e �.� zr�nin� c�3.s��°�.c�s �rrom Ra3 t,o C�2 in a portion o� M�eac�owmaor ���r�.��,. Se�anded Y�y �irkham. Upon a ro1.2 ca7.3. vote� t;hose �oting a��, Nee$ K3rKhamf �d�i�,ht� JaY�s.n�on. Those °vat{ng na,ys none. The �t�.on ��.rr�.ec1 ux�a�imou��.ya Pi�P. L:�� �I�R-.R�i'� - FTNAL PIA'� - HUT-�ER(# ADD�OI9' a �-;fo�° 1�ee �.r�nounc�d �. publ.ic heasing on the �'inal pl.�.� a� Huti3erg ,�c��iit�,�r3o �'he �i°�y �.ns.ger read -Lhe No�ice of H�aringa Ma�ror N�e i�qu�.red if �:h�x°e zae�e anyone pr�senic who wished �co be h�.ard on �?�xe �xa�ose�i �ina� p�.� z•rhich r��as locr:�ed an the co��n�r of 53rd €;nd. �'ii,mc�;� Siree�te Mayor Nee inqr�i��d z�eg�rdf�.g Outlot �i o� the ��°o�a�c�t�: A�na:i. pi.at as�d -why i� had been ie�t out of the �lato The ±ri�y A�.r��.�;es� expl.aS.ned 3� tne ssk�ner �?art`�ed �o repla�€q it �aaul.d • �a�: c�.��.�a a g�.�: o�' dut2o� �1p The ox.anerg Mro �dmund Ber� we.s pxe��n�; ���d epcsk�: tu the City Cnunai�. 'i°Y?ere was no a3e�'inite reason �.t'we�z �'cz�° Ott�c�oc, �i be�.n� 8eic>�ed ��� the pla�. A diseussion �aer�.c�cT w�s h�l.r� �g�edin� Oui�.o�, �i. a� the proposed p].a�,� Miayor I���e s°t��ed i�.;. a Ec�mund. �e:r�g had been evasi� in snswe�ing c���s��.�r�s ��'here csas ns� ox�e �i°esent in oppaB3tion �c� �l�� p�o�osed �1.a�� m P�►.�yor F�e€; ci��la�d �ne pta'u�ic hearing on th� fina7L pla.� of t�ae� �u�ffiBer� Ac�dition c�osed, I�1���on �y Jt�L��.�stsn �o ap�sro� �tb.e f�na2 pia� of �he Httt Berg ��ai�ion ar�ci au�ha�izP �;ae A�layoz� ancl Ci'ty 1Mazs�.�e� to mi�a saffie, :���Q�c�ed �y k�rkltia.�r tFgora a r,ot�. c��1 vo'`�9 �ho�e �o�ir�g ayeF �'Qhansor�� K:f.�kha.m� �Jr�.ght. �hose op�o�ed� Nes. The mo'tion �`� 3ed, tW.l.ti/ :3t�.i2tlt'�>tJ � �..o.c�.,��r.w .R` ,4�+.71 i1Calldd � Si, 31iY: �Yi.N 4 Vi� 1LtlA.l.l Vlil�i N�,vor N�� anr�v�znc�d �'e��• Councxl eansadera.�ion �he fir3it read�r�g oP °�he An�sa1 �ar���o�. Ci�dg�ance. Th� C��y I�anager �ave �he �'arst xea.d��g of said nr�3n��ce� Mot�.r�Y� '�y Yi��.g'rz�c �i� �.ccept as �irst �e�din� an ord�rsmnee aon�rollin� � dogs �:it:l�.in �he Gi�y of Fr3c3�ey requiring con�inemen%q a coa�pulsory syste� o� �^e�isis�,��.an� �he �st�.b�.isYe�en-� a�' �,n An�.m�.� �on�rol D�ficer • �'��� �.� ��v�id�.�� �`or �Ch� I�undmer��t af d.o�ay r�:qu�x��� �he vac��n��t�c�n aga�.�s� �.b;�es a�.nd a�ndang ;rar�.ou� �or��3.ons of Chap�t,�z 6�. e�f f,1ae �i�y Code of' �'x�,d3.ey �nd �ov:t�3ng �'o� r.on�aeoi oi� �n�.rr�+.2 nu�.c�ances.� 8eeonded ��y �Tcsh�nsona A�o�cion �iy Wx�ight �o a.menc� Seci:3.4� 61s(}? o� E'�nir��. �ar�trol. Ordina,r�ce s�s�tking o�� t��.e 1e.�� sen'�en� ��hi�n �:�g�.r�s �a��h 'c�e �ao�d� "�n �he ev�x�� a es.� has bi�t�exi any ���s�nt` ��c�. �ihr.eh i� cov�red ir� Section 6:Ln05� Seeer.ded by .�ahansa�� �3�n a a�o°;.e� v��e� chex� 1�e;Cng no naysA the motiorz ca.rxied un€�n:�mou��.ya Ci�y At�o�n�y S�ai�ch �xnlained wi�:h r�g�.s.'� �6 ue�tinn FiJ.�12y there �� a�enex�a�, S�p�.ra.bil.y��y Pravisior� that ag�plies �a �.:E.� �f ��:e o�d:Lnances and �h�re w�s na need �'ar i.ta M+�tion b.y Wri�bt �o s�x�.11ce Sec�ior 61.:� ar�ci �han�;e �he �e�ig�atfon a� the �ex� par�a,�xa�h �a S�c�;�.Gn 61,�.2 i"�om See�ion 6:t�I.3. Sec�t�der� by Johansono i.tp�n a voic� �rote9 �here �eizzg no ��,y�$ �he r�ot3.on �a�r�.�d unr�nianous�.�� Cou�ci�a.n Jol�s.nson a��t.a.tea� he wf.shec� ta prct�use �.noths� clzangr'� th�f� in See�ion 61���� ��em a on t:ne �.m�oun,ding fee i� shou�.d be chang+ed Pram $8000 to �s�t�4 �,nd ��i;e� b ca� -�ne sa�e seetion re��,rdW ing bo�aed�.n� �ess �hould b� cl�ang�d f�°o�n ��.25 p�r day tr� $3�00� • Counei7.�au Wx:t�tit exp�.ainsd �or �hc��e ��es�nt t�e chan�+e p�opo�ed wa�s ta �°educe the �.ia�t �iena�.ty but �o iaic�ease it iP a.n o�:�ne� wo�a�d a1�.ow his atsimal �o si:ay �he ftel�. �:��.owabl� tim2 ancl �'or those �����.o recl�im a.r����s g��iekly� i� taoc��� be �± b��sei'3�t �.n,d �or athers � �n�.i�y � F�tion by JoYu;nsor� �o amen8 See�3on 5�.�.(3�t�� I�ems a. ta re�,d "Pay �a the ACO an impou�.c3ing %e oA ��..0�" �n� ��m b�o xer�� "Pay tn the I�CQ � baaa�ditag �ee o� ,�3.�0 p�r day ox fract�an t%ezeof tha� the d�g �.=e�s imgounded"o S�ro�dea. by Kirkham. tigon a voice vo�Ce� 'chere b�ing nc� naysp the �ation �a�x°ied u�t�ni�auglyo Mr3.yor Nee amnounced ths narme��. x�ul.e o�' t�� Ci-ty Council wae that on ox�3xr�nce� thsy c7� �ot g�� ��v�t�ec� 3n discuss:Lon but i� view �f' the inter�st in this gar'�ic���ax� orc�ixsance the C��ey Counci.3 w�ald c�nsid�� any aettur�nts or ob ject�.ons .�layox� Nee 3nquirecl 3� �here �se�e a.nyQne preaent ���Y�o w�,sh�d to ��eak or ask any que�ations re�;a.rdi�� th� At�i�a2 Con�rol Oraina.nce. l�iro Harris waB present rznd re�a.rked it had t�een st�,ie�I �iha� a�y dog tl1a�, didn 4t heve a ta� eou3�3 be picked u�� 1�ayor Nee x�plied ttna.t whether �he 8og �-aou�.d have �. t,�.g or �0�8 it ��as �� vio�C�eion o� the ard.�n�nce i� �Lt we:re a^zmn:tn� ioflse;, I�. Fiarris s���d t4�t3,� aupposing the do� ha8 los� hiu 'ta� anci tb.e awner h�d a�^eceip��ho�a would the ordiraa,nce on picl�3f�� up a do� tha°� h�s � license �.�'YeCt �.t. Cnuncilman Wrigh� x��p�.ied the dog could b� picked np and there ��ould be an imptaund�ng fee9 a t��.r�ing �ee and then 3t could be � �e�urned ana i�' the do� 4�ere wanderir��; ir� �he s-t�eets it cou�.d be p�.eked upv �ounci�.nm.n Wri.ght read f�a� the ox�inance the section in qu�st3on. 1N�,,yor iJee iurther e�p].�.ined �tla.a.� on the co�rplain� of � P��e 6 0 a c�-�i>>..era �•rhich ti:as co�ered 3n S�c�:tan 61009 in zah3ch case ifc �. �o� ��exe a n�zis�.nce i.� cou�.r� be picked up� ivir� Halrria inqiairec� how mu�rz �ut2a�x�.-�y 'che AC� had an g�rsaaal property and wha� �:he price taas �or a t�g, Gounci�ma,n Wr3.ght expla3ned �he p�ice �aou�d be se� by the C��y Counc�l and would coeer �:he licens�ng �f" i:he system �,nd �a m�ore as it was 3.n�ended �o i� �e�.��-support3ng and the price wouid no�: be exorl�itau-�� Mra Haxr�.s stated he caas in �'�.�raz c�f �otne type o� eon�ro�. aver anim�3s � Co�aneil,man W�ig�t e�p:la.inecl that unless �he ACQ h.�d a ccm�p],ain� at�ou� a do� �.n t�rs•i�in�; %e could oi e�o un�t� anyone Ps p?"Opep'ty and take an an3.mn1„ Mro Ha�r�s��u�'ther re Lta.d a l���cle dog which rade in h3s �ar and :t.nquired tirha.� t�rould hap�►e�i i�' anyone tri�d �o reach in the cax and �rere bit arid :iP anyone couu?..d fi].� s cc�p�.sint a,gains� him. Counei2a�n '�lxi�� �eplfed ihey coU2d i�o��. A�°s. Harxie ��a.ted �they h�d b�en 'col�. when the�.r da� had ��ce�.ved �ta.ccin�,tions �;h�.t a:�'�t�� a d.o� e��ce Y�as his shots he doesa't r�qu�.a°e any mareo Gounai.:Lman Wright rep]Liea the b�st ad^��ee th�y had b��n ab�.e to ob�e.in ���,s �i�.t i.�; �aas s�co�mended �o have a t�ooster shot every trro yea.�ce � f'oixn�:�.:�man �a�ansot� g�tated he �e:J.t �,he licens�.ng of an3mal� taas �.s ��ach � p�°otectio�► f�r �eople with dogs a� we11 as anyon� e�.se ar m�re soa Nfrs o�ackie S�raue wa.s present and sita,�ed sh� a]seady h�ci s pes�,nent • ia.cense �or he� dog in the �ity of Fridley and how t�sa it possib3.e �o s�.y �.t �sas r�o �oai? City A��arney Smi�ih replied the �aew ordinance wou.ld re�ea�. th� a�.� o�d�na�ce.> Nla;�or Nee s�te.�ec1 the;y ti�ot�ld enter �.T3�:0 tl COri'��"c'�.,C'�» G"4)UYaC�.�.iit�l.Y7 c�OhY3Y15qY1 �.854'�"�:4'.d 'tYiC'. 'C�I.'��► �.�U9,it2C�.�. was aierely a��temp�ing �io ge�� rid oi' a nu�san�e ��ounc3.:1.m�.a� Wr�ght �xplai�ed �he fir�t go�n� Was tha� Y�sa Straus had a, contract under the o�.d. ordinance and th� C�.ty At�orney had ad�rised �hat when i;h� Ci�y Caunci]. did se� the rate i�t would seem reaeaxlable t� give a xe�ucsd rate �o thase who �.�ady had a�eg3stered animals. Mrs a S�ra,us inquired if the reg�.stxation wou�d be such �h�1: it would aamuz��u �o a.nythingo The ques�ion was nlso raised f.� there we�e an ord�nance at presen�t xel.at3ng ico ch�nchil3aso CouncilmQn W��.ght replied there ws.s an ardinsnce reia�ing f:o it but it d3d noi cover �he an�m�.:i,s t�en�ioned in this ordinanceo �he c�uestion was �iis�d by anoth�r resident i� his d�g barked uho would decide which or�.in�.nee, the o'� d or new, i� ��oeald 'be �overned by o Couzicil- a;an Wxi�ht r�plied �ha.t under both mrdinances, �hey would hau�e to sign a a�apla3nt and ��I.�t � hearc� in Munici�a.1 Courto The question 4».s �eisec� ig a person di� sign a co�plalnt when was the authori�y g�.�ven 'che ACO to coafisce.�e the anima�.. Councilman Wright x�p�.iec� f-c wauld have to ga �hrough Munic�pa7. Court proceeci�.ng� s.nd unleea the ACO hed a Court Ordex he conld nat go on p�iva�;e ��rop�sty. �t was expiained by Counaiiman Wri�h� the ACO of' �°�°id��y is �rioi,en�iy oppoeed to wrnng tac�3cs and was fair minded o Tl�.e que�tion waas raised �iy Mrs � S�raus why the license � could no�: be transfer�ed as a car iicense is txanefere.b�.e�. Mayor Nee replied -ehfs wa.s a better J.iccnse -�hen most and if' the$e were neeeasary the g�nexa�. idea oP thiE ordinance was be�t.er then mosi. Mr� a S-�raus inqu�red re�rding th� r�e�i.stra•tion i� the City Council 3aad any idc�a wha'c it �ou:Id cost. 2�Ptxyor Nee replied �here wa�a no Pa� 7a • idea c�n the cost as yeta MrsG Stx�evs i.nqufred i�P they cou�.d hav� & CAII1�3t1��S02"y �y� '�O.g POP dogs, Mayo:� Tdee explainec� he recei,ved �any c���s �`ro�; people� -that e dog has eome righ�s and so did the px�op��°ty oz�rner a�c� ra�h�r then tr� to dePine 3t a11 by ordinance or� nol�.ce j70ti7@PS °�his ord�.nance pui;s the matter intn the court ��hepe the prob�em can be progerly adjvdiestedb On the ar�.gina.l not3on to accept �Y�e Piret reafling o� the .Animal Control Grdin�nec� �here I� ing no nays, the motion c�rried unani� asaus�.y� FxRST R�AI)IP1G_ flF' ORll1NANCE _VACATiIdG AL7�Y �- �LOCKS 2&�$ OAK : N.a�ror Ne� announesd the �irst re�ding oP arz ord3nance vaca��ng an r��.�.ey �'or �ounc3l �onsidera�tion< The C3ty Managex explained to the Ci,ty Counefi �ihey had heid e public hearing ancl ques�ioned the �7th Avenue ��.tu�,�ion su a turnsround liad been obtained be� csuse c�� the proi�s8:i.�f�y tha� 67t� Avenue wou�d never be develoged f'rom %'ric�iey St�e�'t �o Anoka S-�reet due -to �'he �erra3n o He ex- pieineti the Stree�ts �nd Uti�.i�ies Co�ittea��had recommended approval and de�ds h�d been obte.3ned. �`:aynr Nee ir�quired if this were e standax�d tux°narotindo The C��y Nfenager replied it could �aat be � as lax°�e as �os'� turne,rounda `because of the �cerxain bu� it 4aau�.d be big ez�ough and i� Zaould have the same approximate &moun� o� 7�aved aree a� this had. been -�Yxe objee���an pxevious�.y as he had undex�staad i•t,� ihe Ci�y Y�lsnag�� geve th� �'irst �e�c�ing o� an ardinance va.�ating a1.Zey �.n �7.ocks 2 and 3� O�k G�tive Ad83�ion, �io�ion by eTC1tl.81Y8p73 'GO aCGept as �'ir�si re�ding an ordin�nce under Sec�ion �,?�07 0� the Ci�y ChartPr to vacat� s�reets a�ad alleys �nd to t�mend Append3x C of the Ci�y Code in BZocks 2 and "3� Os� Gro�ve Acii3ition. Second�d by Kirkha�m. Ugan a rol� ca1� votep those vot�n� ayeq Nee, Wrighi� K3rkham, Johansan, �'ho�e voting nay� noned The �oticam carried unanimous�.y. S�CO1�D �ADINI� �F O�dl7INANCE #27�VP.CA221�TTG AI,I�'Y - BL' OCK �, HAMII,TON'S ADD� iTiON TO N�CH�NiCSVrLIE : -- s � �:•..� Mayor �Je� announced the seconc� remding o�' an ardinance vacaicin� an a�,�.ey in B�ock 1+� Hamiltan °s Adc�iti�n ta Mechan:Lcsville � The Ci�y Manager gave �he second reading oP the gropoaed ordinanceo A�iscusaion period �aas held regardin� setbacks, the areas in genera:l9 etc� Mt�tion by Wright �to accegi as aecond resdin,�, Ordinance �273 under Sec�ion 12.�7 of thP City Ch�.z'�;er �o �►acai;e streets ar�d a�eys �nd • �o amenii Appendix C o.f the c�.ty coae, sdo�t and pub:Lish sameo Secondeci by Ki�kkxem� Upon a rol�. cn�.�. vc�te, tha�e va�tin� aye� Nee$ Kfrkham� J'ohanaon, tdr�ghtr. Those op�aaosed,, none o T2�e motion �arried unanimouslyo • �a �e d � S��f3�1� �Al;�TU OI+' ORi1"iNAI�TCE ��`7�_`VA��i:lT1�' h:�.�Y' z, ��n�I� ��, fi��D�, �-n. �,.G-.�. - -- �.,, ..�.� ..�.� �..�__-. .�, ��?A1�K °� �4aya�° �'e� ax��our�,tier� t�e secnx�d read� .r.� o�' �r� c�� ��n�.�ce �ra�� ���i� ari a�.le� in �:J:o�� � r�� Hyde �'a:��o �'he C�.i�y i,l�rc���� g��re �.he se�o�nd read�.n� oi c�.� p�opc,�ed o�°c�anan�e� �viag�or� ri'�-�e ter�uested a map of t�ie ax°ea� Co�xnc�.l.mar. Wri�h�t 3x�q�zi���i �.i °F �;=1°� ��ere g�xag�s se;�;ed b,y �t�y s�l�.ey 3n qeaes t3or� axici taas �o?.c� L1�Fre t���°e 2��� ti: �, NI�r��.cn by �ollanson �:o ���ep°� as �ecot�d redda.r;�� ad.o�� s.z�ct pu'�l�s� 0�^c�3�zan�e ;�2�'� ti�aY,�,e� is an o�dinanc+� unde�° �;���cu?.on :7.2<(37 oi' ttie �i�y Cila:rte� to �vaca�e s��re��s and €:�:�.2�s an<' �.�,� a�ienc3 l�p�se�ld:�x C o� 'che L a. �y Coc�e ,. Seconded by ��rkY�.am <, �� a°� o� T�1ee s �� ted �k��e on�y ques�tion t��hi�1n oe�ux�red w�.s c;het���^ ��° r_��;, '�,h:t� a�°ea ��as� a�n Fi��e �'aa°ko �he �i'�y A3an�gex° ren��ed he ��rou�,_�:1 c3aec�; into �ta LtPon a x ol�. ea 11. vo�e � th.ose �roting a ye �, I�e� ��.� ci V:ar.•is:�;� y W�°�gi�.t,� Ki�kh�m u �hose vat�tl� nay�, no�se� fihe �o�tion e����ec� .:.r��-.n;ir�ai.as�.y� uECO_�"7i REAT3�tI1iG iy�+ Oi�D:t:1�tAiQCE ' 75 A��P1T?tI�d�� CF�+r�i,±i `76 •�Pl,F?R:L�IGo ��.�..,.,.,.._.....,�.�....�n.�,_�- — s�...A..a_.,._ ,..�.y..,..� , . �.�. �, _ � �ryor I�Iee a�z�ounced i�� Counci�. co��-.�.derai.:i�t� t�t� Ger�rld xeac�Lxag af an o�`ainan�e s�e�a.�'c���g pt3rlt3nga �x::y Accc�b�:��- S•r,i°��1� ��:��.a�i�ea � in the �af�le rattci in Sec�ion ��. �ahea�e ?.� ��.� s�y�� "�e��,�on 76,� shou�.d reac� "��ap'ccr `j6" and Pa�ag�.apn 7C�?.5 hati ��r.� Sc��ae,rab°±�.i�y P�ovis� ons and �.� m�.�ht be t�es.�, t��t a�, 'I�e de �� c,e:c�.;: �ia �or Nee s�tat�d if no one �r3.shed the ordfnarz�e read :�:ea� ecu�.� ue a �o°c�.an f'os° �.-cs �.dop�ion� Motion by t�1r:�gh-c 'co cox�sider as second �^ear:�.n�; U�°ain��ca. �7� am�n.e�ing Sec�ior� 7� oP �che City Cade �y �i��lin� a.�da.fi,:�o?;a�. �es�r�.c� �3.o�s oY� �r°liAn� th��eto, ado�t anci �u�alish yflr::� , Secc.ic3ed �y K��^kY�n�>; Moti�n 'by W.ri�;ht `�co �.m�nd Orciinanee #�75 j �i;he � �.��J.e �n� in Sect3an �i �a reac� "�z1ap�te� 76" �athez^ t�ian `f�ec#:i�n 7�" �.�:=ci ci�7.e�e '�?a��,�- �c°epi� 76,.17 '�lzias eha.nging �.��.�raph ��:,�� �:a "a�a��°�pla �6,.15 and to �ea�. C3�ap�e� '�6 � Sec:randea by K:�kham,; t3pon a��T� ic� v�te y �hs�e being nca r�ys� �Y:e rm5f�,o� ca��:�a.ec� �r��t;��;�vs�f_1,: The C3.�:v� t��a.x�ager s'ca°�:e�. t�h� �'z.t� ���a.rU�,�ni. ��� ���}��b,:�o-:a�� �'a�°a= graph 7'6n0�?, Ti�m d ti�%3.ch s�a�ed "�r�:�,i?zn 4�C� �e�u o�" a �i.s�'� i2.yd�ant"� 1���io7 by K�:� khs� �o �e�ad �axbag�°��=�? 76 4, �9 r:i�:��r, ���,� �°ead `'�-��thin 20 �'eet o� � fix�e hydran2" �� ifze°r '����n the ?t� �'��-� S�co��dec: by Wrigkt�� U�an �. voic� �oi.e� ths�e i��:��g no �a.ys� �.�n ;>��i:3on ca�ried uz�ani�uusl}�,. Co��z�?`?�io Klikh2tzl s°�:i�.ed � ��aestW��i :�e�;arciin� °tie�n � OS� �'ci.rry .:;.�3}1 `��1.`+�.. �1'� :STIC ?d�fl�� �L�r e a` ., :�xiAi� '.7C:i:'4'1$ �s�°:1 j3"L°4�'it�.`''1°�j�' ��� ` �� o` jT^ ! : ', � r1`t l, ;;C=: .^.Oi.�1:1"L°.pG �{;S't,E3!� �s;d.G Y Yl(. f_?.3C� ; �f?�' �iB� � __ t ❑,� n r� ; ,i � i ' r r +.+ � ... > ._GZ1 r=C'i.? Cl • 't,i1� J t"1T ti.. v 7.sfi..� . .. �f ) �i r ,. _ L ' E 1 i ,. � .. . . _. �. � �i? �. ' �'I�C.L rl »' c) = `' L; o c',ri t etn �., {- 1'::{i0 °d Cfl� �' 'J�L� 4i��'� e.e �4 �_,?''��? tt:f' .S� L�i.f3.C� ... �.,t, � _ .. __<1C. .. . :.'.i� ; _` E.">iJ_i `�,�.1i2(� �i�e €;�? e t �:�: y s�:t� c�: :���,�i ,�nec�. .:ul ._ i �.F•i .>�ey 5�:�. �h • I� • Pa ge 9 0 explained to �he City Council that where there is no u�king �.rea9 it als in orde� far the public to know and there sY�ould be some postm 3n� a� th.is lsinc�p that usually in a city they �int yellow a cer- ta3.n dis-�ance 'by 'the fir� plug ancl this was �ust a ma��er of �i°vin g ihe public notJ�ae� He further explained it was reasonable 'to him that where thexe had been a habit of park3ng there should be some ��.nd oi �esignet�.ono C3n �he ox°iginal rno�cion for the adoption and publicatfon o� O�dina.nce �`�75,, there beir.� no nays� the motion csrz°ied unanimousiyo Td�W BUSiNESS : Councflman Johanson announced he wished to suggest to the City Counc�.1 that 'because of ihe amouat of l�usiness and the 'baeklo�9 ap�e�°ent°ly,, of nusiness that they were be�.ng �acQd wi�h and so �ny of the things that ha.pp�n. after �he meetings that they �seet each c�eek a �Iotion %y �?ohat�son thai for the period of 'ihe nex� few weeks tha.t #;he C3.�y Council meet eech Nlonda.y night instead of every other Monclsym Cou�ci�.man Johan€on expla�ned this might �be an �.mposi�ion �o the City Manager but at the same time the administration �jould �ot be prepar�ing an enti�e agenda, jus� a part of �.�. He further expla zned ila.a� i�rhen �the �ger�das ape leug�hy the�e is a tendency to �na.ke hasicy dec�.sions� �that `he was not p��;�in� any '��me limit on how many weeks �his should go on3 but �cr��t i� sho�ald be just untii �he work3.oad is lightened� Mayor Ne�e asserted i� 4158 a �e,�-�er of arbit�arily breaking the ag�nc'ia down� Coune3Y.man Wright sf.a,tecl he yjou7.d seeoncl �the mo'�ion with �the suggestion ichis motion would no'c ma.l�e i� encumbent on the minutes of the meei�ings being p�eparec3. �fayor Ne� sta.teii he was inclined in �he di�ection noted �or a perio@ o� �ime, tha.t ma.�or itema one wetk and minor i�ems anothex� week might be wS.ss and inqui.red if i-t shauld be done for about s�.x weeks. Counc3lman Johanaon replied t�iey did ntit have to pu°t a 1.imit on :it� Mayor Nee sug�eeted the mo��.on should read t�a,� far �he re�ainder oP July �Chey would mee�t every Monday o Mot�.on by �'ohanson to �ephrase pre�vious motion tha�; the City Council hold a reg�a�.ax' meeting on every Monday night in J'u1y of this year, Seconded by Wr3gh�� Upon a voice votes there being no nays, the motion Ca��:�ed una.n�mouslyo �r�s � ss�6s o�r�� Na�� Juz.�x 7�. �-) : �� S` 7 OPEI�tED NOOP1� JULY 7 1 •�!,I Nlayor N�e announced for Counci3. consideration bids for Sanitary Sewex anii '�Ta-ter Zurprovement F'roject No. 67 end Stor� Sewer Tmprove- , �nent i'�°o�eet Noo 68w The C3.ty Manager read the b3ds aloud as foi3�ows received at noon this day: r� u C� • �i �a�e 1�0 �i�AN�OZDER B�%7 �OND L'UMi' SUM BiD CQP�€''LET�ON T�iE ..��..�...�..�. � �. > - - �� R1oc�l.and Construe�cion Transo�Ame�iea Goap �nco Tnsc Coo Ai��ana�i�� ��.n��so~�� 5� �i9��837•'7o as s�eciflied Peter T�sznett� �ons°t�uc� tion Ca� 61S nrake stre�t St� Paulg �Zfnno 551.02 �eaboard Su�e�y S°� ��97a893�35 2?ur�ey �ons�xuct?an Coo T�ave�.e�s �9 Signa�. Hil:t,s Tndem�itS� w�s°t 5t o Paui, .Ni�.nrx o 55�18 5� �3-5�$ �i3 � 39 n Herbst Construation �oe Trans��Ame�ica �,5�0 Highwa.,y No a�0 �ns a Co 0 �p1s ,����.nn o 55�+.�i 5� $167, 032 � 50 Pe�irowske & Rosr� og �nc o sr�ns m Amer�.ca �15� �3rur_swick Ave a No a Tns , Ce o R4pls.y A�i�z�n S`� �182.955>�� Rar1c��.1..� Iiros. 1�gr`r.cu��ura� 3�+00 5�.7 �rer I,�ke itoac� Ins o Co 0 �Ip�.sn, �iirn�� 5�:�.8 �� �1.�8�1F3�=60 �4oret:intai Const�uct��n �t� � : eel�oa.g a �a�°�Ly 852 W�s'cminsLe� 5� ��.5797��n� Sta I'au�9 ��.tm� S��n� �7ohnson �ros p �t�y � T�a.�telers 7Heavy Const�u��yon Co� I�d��sn�.ty Box 1Q0� 5� ��.�9g9Sga0a Zitc:h#'ie1.d$ I�i3nrte ��cain �2on�goa�'ry �onst� �09 Fe�era,_ �XQ�# `Bush Stre�� 3:ns. Co. S�� P�u:ta I�13nnc �F Sandstrom & Hai'�e�,� Tnc� T�a�.reler� ��g �'Ot^G^o�'. DBa.B RC�G �11C�@3C12�.�i".� New �r�gh.tan i�� A�I�nn, 5� �?62,�7�3.� �:LG7��-`TS.�� As spec:�fied As specified As s�eci�ied g0 Cai� Days �.20 Calv Days A� speciPie� A� speci�'i�� �80 Cal o Da,ys �s spec�f ied '1'Y�x� Gity PRe.na�r r�ad ,�o �he C3�y �ounc�.� �. comr+�zr�icatian fram M�°s Ice Cnms�ack� cons���.tit�g e; gin�ca°, s �a,tiing �hey na,d exaa,in�c� the �ic� can��ac� And Hti�°ley Cdnsi�u��:�on Co�, of W�s�t St., P�.u�.� Min�esot,a. �a�,s �he l.aw bidde� $� ��.5��873•39� T� taas sf�.�ed �he es�ima.�e a� �Y�e to�a� itnprove�tent .p�t►jec�sp a� `i�:�c�s �aer� 897�f� over� �3�� es�ima.�e in the pre`?.�.�ina.�y ?°ega�� and �.t �aa.s ��eir ap�n� ion t�e `b�.c1 �•�as �d ax�d �eco�mended °�'he eon�;�ac�: �e aw�.rded ��o �f�a�°�ey Const2^�ct;c�n CoU o� 1a9 S�gnu�. �ii:i..`�is$ ��les� S�R Pa.u�.� M�.nues��°,,�,, • � i • Page '1`�. r MotiOn by JoI'�3.nSbn �o concua^ with t�.e �eco�endation o�' the ca,�� sul°tix�g engine��s ancl award °�he bs,d �a� S�n�.�-i.Fii'rJ SC'ZFBi �nci F�a�et� �m��o�remen� i'�o�ect IJoo 67 anci 5•toz°�? Sewe� `I�rpro�ver,:��-� P�°oject No� 68 Vo Hu��.ey Cons�ruc°tian Co�, pi' �-� S.igna.2 �i�..i�� STe�� �tG Pa�t1� �iini�eso�a �.n �che lu�p stzm l�id, of ���.��,�B73v39� Secc�ndec�. �i� K�f���.�;Q t7pc�n a�vaa�.ce v�4e� -�hese 'oe:°s.n�; s�o riays�; �'�e t��-�ian �a���.ec� ur�€��itnousi.y� �3:�8 « SW & SS �` �O� ( OP�IdEEI? I3C�i.d � �iUL'� :.��M1m-? j����� �.a�or t�'e� a�znv��tic�a �'or Coun�:i1 car�s� ��r� ��„cs�� b�ids �o:r Se�aer �n�x .aate� Proje^:L �9:, �:he City ?�.na�x° z��ci t;�e b�.ds �.1or�d �s �al�£c�ti�s ��ceived �t nc�on �tY�is day; ���nti �'o�a3 �',lan �o�.�'���s ��.� 33e , os i.��,,�._�-�.?i��. Su�s �3�.it ��o�le�c�.on �'iwe .�.m.��.�..,�.......,�.�.-_�- .z..-.-�w: � �,s---� :L� No�:land �ons�riac�tion X �7����26, 65 Se�:-�; �, �,5, ��&� �� Bar'aarossa � Sons 3o Pe�e2 L€3��t�. �onstr, � � H��°� ey C�nstruc��.on 5,. Knut$on � S�u�er �ne� 6:, R�nas���.��usv `7.. E�•z�rin Mo�tgo��y Constr.. �, � .� Pe V�e�ws�e �; �#ns� :T�7c m Johnsan �3�c�s � �.tl, Sanc%��:�°r��s Z��.i'"��� i.l o Nl�%ana ia t� Lu`be�� X X � � :� X � � � X ������35�:�9 ��ep�. 35, �.g6� $�r.��6gr�`7 se���., 15� �.g6� �9e��82�u80 Tso��.� :i5, 1.964 �8�sq2;a�.ot� ��p�;�, �t�,# )9�- �`rE'.:-3<�5.5�? sr���;�; :i.5,w 'R.96�� �?��'�396��a�� s�:�t.v �.�;r 1��. ���y°76�s79 �:�Ofi; �t�o:: �0 �;7ei �08�'„(?fl �ao9F 3?+�,.70 � vG t�8ys St��3 i, ;. .1 Jq �.� Se��� :i.5� �.g6k sep� � :��.; �g5�+ ',±:'��i� ��.cy t�ila,�e:� reac� �cs ��h� �:iiy �o�nc?:Z � en�tan�.c�t�on �ro� ����°� R ��' e�i�� i��.er ca� Su��u��ban En�;_�ne��:�r�� ti�nc �,, �e`� a �:i.�� �vo ���e �bxds encl �€.�v�mendir.� t�e �ow bic+ s� � Pe �;:z ts��rs�te an� Ross .� �ric. � in the €zrn�ur�"� oS" �65�7'�• 0'7�3 �3��� � ��m�ie � �o�� tz�.e o�' 64 d�.�s . �io�:�ot� �y �'o���.nsan to aoncu� ��:i.-t� �� i.� :�e�aY:a�enciatiau c� Si�`i��s:��a.n �ng��ie�x°I�g� �n�. �, snd Qti�a� c� �I�e t=�.;,cf i��� Se=�a�� �.nc� w���,.•���� at�d 5��a�m Se*:.=e2 :Irrrprou��nerz� :�r��ect �� •to PQ��z�wske �tld �cs�,;. :;rr�a; �;� �the i�� scYa b3ci �� �,6� 1, t 6� �°�9 `a? �� 8 e�rr,p�.� 5.��e�n "�l.ne a3' �€'' el�,ys . S�c�r�rided �by W�i�h�i> U�S�:n a vo:a..�� ���te., �he;�� be�.r��, �-,�k a��.ys� ��ae �ot3.on car��.ed ur�sn��sma���:.yr y�����± �+�p�^}[�/�ft nr�p,� r. y U.t,L�.J `�� i7.t'.�tSLd:� F1:At1 ,:- a-�` � �..�.� 1�7.Ed5� i L � t ��.I �.�,i 1�4.' R � �T4� t �,! � o � CI I� Mayor Nee announced Por Council. �s.ke �each Ho�ase apened at noon' gex read the bids �s follows: ]Page 1.2 0 cons3deratian bids fo� the Martre on July 7, 19�. �e City Mana- Ls�tela.nd Brick ez^✓ey Peterson f%l�ng- R, o nek PLAI�11 & Stone Contrac- Co. stra,nd Co. Construction HOLi�R torss Inc. 203 Mississippi 31�+5 gennepi� Co. � Su 4-846� Sto Avea 53o-�t� Aveo 1�7 Craigway N.Eo Mpls. 21� M3nno Mpls.� M3nna No Ee Fridley 329 Mintt. 560-13�0 Neta Brighton, Minn. 55� u �� • �. z .:_. _: �� AL`PERNA7� NOo� AT�RAtATE NOo A-2 ALTERIVATE IdOe Ao ALTERNATE NOa B-1 � ALTER�tATE NOo Bm2 �.�.____� a���xxa� NOa Bm3 a__.�__._.�_� COMPL�TION TIME NOAIE $�.$,g27.00 �238.00 Add $50�.000 Add ��..r $363aoo Add $650o0a Add ���P aoxsrr Trans �lmerica Tnso Co. 59� $16$71.�.000 .$238018 Add $50�+,00 Add ��+i� o00 Add ��63 �o�a Add $650000 Add ��+�+� aa Add 7� Cal. Days Txa.ns Agnerica Sne, coe 5� ::. ..-, $200000 Add $550.00 Add ��'75 0 00 Adfl $2�+0 0 00 Add $715000 aaa �5�0000 Add Maryland c�u�ity co 0 59� $15,500000 �1�+0 0 00 Add $500000 Add �S98�c�0 Add $120000 Add $655000 Aaa $628000 aaa 9t? Cal� Days 70 Calo Days The City Mana�er explained to the Eity Council a reeap by City Engineer Qu�reehi stating he h$d exa.mir�d the bida anfl Pound �he ].ow biddez �to be R� F� Panek Constructio� Co.$ �with Harvey Peterson Compa.ny second `low bidder and the cost estimate $8,500 ovex the origina�. es�ima�e. It was further expla�.ned this diPPexence wo�i1 inerea.se if srny af �he alternates would be added and Gity Engineer Qureshi recommendec� the 1aw bidfler �o the City Council9 that being R� F� Psnek Construction Coo„ oi 53� 12th Avenue N, E�� New Brighton, Minnesata in the base bid o� $15,5ooa00� City At�orriey Smith in- formed the City Cauncii this was a very high margin of r�3.�ferenceo The City Manager assea�ted it was 73� over the �timaf.e, Councilman �ohanson inquired wha�C the price was �ased ono The City A�anager � • \J �°spl.ied the enginee°rs of�'ice hacl d�^aw�; the man �Jr:�gl2t s�a�te3 he Ye1t the prob�em wa.s Ca�i�tte� ha.d u�ed tt►eir worki�:g estim��'te maindex o.f' �tl�e pe,�k funds and they s2zauld �.ge ]..3 0 sp�eifica'��.ons a Cauncil� �he P�.rks an� Play�ouncis �n �ncumi�e�in� the �e� b� COitSil��l�v Rfsati:,�c�xi by i�7a��,ght tn receive the bide Por the Moore I.�ke Beach House �nd �e�ex same to �he Parke �,nci P� aygraunds Sui�co�i�tee o Council� a�,n W����:� �acaiz�ted out t2aey were eppx�ching tihe enti oi °�he Park ]3ond Fundso Ci�y 11t�orney S�ith asserted �che size oi' the bic? be- yanfl th� esti�,-�e z���.s nat pa.r�iau�.a�Ty a cox�cern� but i.t w�.s e, coxacern when t�Zey wex� assessing ar�d �ihe Paet tne bid exe�eds the estima�: d�esn �t ha.ve �che si�niPicsncE. Se�ondec� by Joh�.rssanQ Upon a voi�e vo�e, �hPZ�e being no nays$ the mot�.on c�.rried un- an�mously4 BUTLD3�TG �OARIJ R�ETiAI� Mil�Ytl'i!�S ���UPL�� 2� i�64 0 A�PLIC'.AT:LOI� �OR A}3U�II�G �Ri+�IT BY S'I.`n 6a'�`.LT,ZANBS CHL3"RCH 1�OR .A P�.yor Nee �.n�o�a�e� Po� Cowaci� conside�°ation an e.ppiicat3.on Por a buii�ing pe:cm�.� by S�n W-?31.iams �Lurc�o �'he �:i�y i%iainsger �ead to the Ci�y �ounci�. %he recom�ncled appro�u�.�. of. the Bui�.ding Boax^d, Co'unc�.i,man Johansan ata.te� he Y�d gr��e �s�rEr the pl.e.n uii;h �he Buildimg �nspecto�t ancl �� wa� sa��sfac�io�. 1�otinn by `•lr3gh°t to conct�r taith tY�e re�ot��iendation of the �uilding �oa.rd amd app�ove the agplicat�.on for a, bui:��iza� perm�.� �y Sto jaiLl.iams Cht�°ch Par �. chuxch and �ahcxa�. ouildi;� a°t 6151. Un3v'ersity Avenue Northeast,� Lot $� Auditox Bs SuTod�.vision No. 59 and No�•�ood Additiona �.87 feet by �,35 �'eet o� ce�en� mn� s�e�1 cQns°trexction tiai�th �n estima�ed cos� o� ,�5(36�324000� Seca�eded by Ki.rkhamo Upon a rroice �rote, there being no nays� the �tion caa°r�.ed urnanim�uslye Bo,�xn o?� A�LS r��T�t� t��s ��trnt� � 196�w &� 2�� Zg6� : The City Manager e�cp�ained �o th.e �i�y Coun��7. that al�. i°tems iisted on tY�e Bo�e.rd of Ap�+e�1.s i�eeting re�..a�e to Specia�. Use Permits a.nd based on the new ardinance, f,hey zaere to ge before the Plann�ng Ca�ission �aho dici not have a quox� at thei.r 1s.st mesting enc2 they we�e not considered b�at i� th�� w3s;�ec� �a table �etiona it �ould be conti.n�ued to the nex� �eeting. T�ie�� ���as na Co�n�i�. a�ti0n� �OARi? 0�' AP�4LS N.�ET�TG I�[NU�I'E i a 3tJI�Y_ �. ��.g6� � � Page �.�+a �io�:ltin by Johanson to receive $nd ii�e °�he minutes a�' th+e �oa�ci a� .A��a?s Me�ting held Ju1y i.� 196�� Secanded by t�rigl3t� Upon �. �roice vat�� �there b�ing no usys, the mot�.on ca.��ted unanimauslyo �I�T� �OMi�I'I"�EE P�SsETZIJG NLxNUTES� JiJI+1E 17, 196�: � A�i�y�� Nee anY►or�nced �or Council eonsic�era�ion the Sa��i;y Com�i�'�ee �e°�ing r�iir�utps c�� June �.7� i9o�+o Z�a�ian by ,JoYz�nson to �ec�lve ar�d f�ie the m�nutes o�' �I� S�f��y �t�ram���e Mee�ti�g h�Id 4ua� i%`p i96Y�o Seconded by W;e3.�htQ Upon a vrs�.ce vo�e� thex�e "beiag no na.ys, �he �oicion ca�rried c�xxianiraous�.y o �03�`it3P1iGAT�CI3�S s � ' � ; RE.�'i�C(�t�!'ATTOiV T�'ROM F�L�6�E C�ISSIONs .� ...��==-- �i.a.�ox° lUc� announc�d r� eo�unica�ion f�om Ms�. A�t�� �jalk�r re].a,� tive to �is �si�na't3.on fa°om �he P�liae Co�amiesiono Mo°�io� b� Jahanson ta receive '�h� ao�nie�$ion i�om uro Ax�hu�° • 4�a1`ker and act�ept h�.s res�.�.a�ion f`rr�m the Po�ice Ca��s�ion with reiuc�:a�ceo See�nded by Ki�khazu. Upon a voiee vot�es there beang r�a aays� the mo�ion cex�3.ed �nanimous"l�. Councllm�.n t�r�Lgh� su�geated �ch� City Cour�ai7. shou�d dixec� �nd include in �he ���i.on a coa�-� �r�icatir�n �� craramenda�ic�n be sent �o I�r� Walksr. T�ie �ity M�,na.� ger repiied �h�s wa� routine. D�OCESE OF �T� PAUL: EASER�'�NT� �iayor �Te� �.n�aunced � oa�unica�•�c�n ��r Coux�cil ecansiderati�n Prom °the D�oc��e oP Sta Fa�a�.. The City A�inager explained to th� �ity Council �e �.d receiv�d a 1e�tex° this day ax�ci �'e�t '�he priae rem ferre�. to w�.s f�ir� tYiat iche city �s app�aiser h�,d feit �2,,400 should �ae of�'ered because oP ��e stre�'� bez�e�3t and °�he Diocese o� St. i'�u�. feeis the s�����t 3s na 'ben��it aud ihe City shota�.d pay �y�g025 0 �'he Cl�y Manage� further e�p�s,ix�ed �he Dioce�e ha.d caoper�.'�iced in e�rery way and. say the� �°eaf�P�izm �he3i s4:a.and and �u'ux�her feei tbis ea�ement bisects �heir gropericy �ut as the x���er ecau�.dn °�t be i�o:rked au� they �'eel th�y �ho��.d have the �u11. a�nount� I'� �rg,s suggested l�y the ��ty �'i�nag��� the Ci�y �ounc:�"� couldp �.i -�hey wish�d, o�de� �ondem�a�cion though �he Diocese oP S�t Pau�. h�d laeen coop�rativeo i�3�.yor N�e i.nqui�ed ��' 'this ec,�IB be �e.id ou� of S�at� Aad l�unds an� was toid it co�a�.d ;no�, Cauneil�u Wri�ht stated i�' the City Counc�.i did agz�e� he ��o�a�d not wish �o yi�3.ci tUe Dioc�eee did not • g+�t bene�'xt� The Cit� Nlenagar �epiied if �:hey wished to @a thi� the�r would want the mat3on ua�ded by �the City A�fi.orn�y an� ftarthez° e�;p�.ained this i�em was ac�u.s.3.1y �.ost in the 7�ega1 f�les as it � Page 15. izad been Pirst oiPered iu I�cea��ex of 1, j62 �.nd the D�.ocese had b�°ougY,t i� ta his attentiono ��o�tian by �7ohanson 1:o puz°chsse an e�se�nent f�am °th� i�ioc;es� oP Sto Paul in the amount of $�,025000 Por s water ��ren�mfssian l�.ne in the NE �.%� o�' Ssetion 21+ wi.th purchaee to be me.de out of 473�m Water �°und. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vo�e�, �hexe b�ing no nays8 the mo�ion car�ied tananimously. S�iERTDAN � JUNE 2, 196�+ MYP1il'1�S o .�.. City At°�c�rney Smith explair�ed with refexenee to the commuz�ica�Cion fro� Counci].man She�°idan that Nirs o 0 eDonnel.:� on �he praper'ty in question had l�een 3n his ofi`ice and °�here was no prablemg that this i�em wss merel� a cor�ec��on of the number of feeta He f'urtY�er exple.inec� �he esta,te ha,d n4`� b�en se°�t�.ed to a point whexe they could girre the City a deed but it taoaal.d be Pos�hcomingo Mayoar Ne� inq�zired how �the �natter i.n ques��on eould be ha.ndledo Ci�y A�torney Smith repl3ed if Couneiiman She�icianPs suggestion were fold loweclp they �ould move to amend the �notion re�ex^�ed iao • Mot3on �by �ohanson �to amend the June 2, 196�+ minutes„ page 25 concernYng Rzso].ution #1O9o196�+ �o rcad "the Ea.s� 800 fee�" ratlier °�ha.n "�he Eas� �QO fee�"o Secor��3ed %y �Ir�.�h.t� Upon a voice vo°te� �there 'i�eing no nays� the motiorz c��°3.ed una.nimousl.�►a OUIMET� > WAIV�R bF ENG�NEERING ESCROW ON Pi,AT n Nlayox� Pdee requ�es�ed sn exp�.�na�tian oP th� Ci�y �daana.ger regarding °the com�uniee�tionPxom Do Nef1 Oui��teo The City Managex° ex�laine d �o t�ie �i�y Council the owners had a$3�+2o0d depoeit for engineerix�g escrow �e�s based on �h� P1e��ang Ordinance but in this garti� cu].ar area thex�e is no apparent future neeci Par the improvements end there heve been ��ee o�t�ex p].ats fn tkie a.res ��1eived. ge further e�pl.aineci this is an o�dinence requixement fox° nej�� pi.e.�s and did> n g°� appl.y in �this i�s�tance, that the Citv Counei2 ha.d agreed this woul.d be satisfactory aad this wouid be fos�ma.l action on same. Mo°t3on by Johanson to waive �he engineeriag escrow deposit on F'oS� �64�069 Ouime��e Ter�acea S�onded 'by Ki�khamo Upon a�voice �rote� �the�e be�n� no nayse tihe �o�4on e:a�ried unanimouslyo �ROOKI,�7tN PARKt BR� z . �Iayor Nee announ�e�. �or Caunci�. considex�tion a co�sunication fYom °�he Vi].:i�age o� Bracklyn �.r� xegarii�.ng a gossib�.e bridge cz�o3singo �'he City lyfanager exp�s.ine8 to the City Coiaacil it wauid r�ppea,� the � C3ty of Fridley woul.dn't want this b�ic�ge comit� in a� 85th Avenue � Page 3.6. 1Var'theast bu�c �the Vill,age of Brook:lyn Park wou�.d like to have an e�cpression if �the Gity Councii of Fridley is in�eres�"a.�ed in a bxidge somewhere �.].ong this as�eao NSsyor Nee inqu�red 3P it ���ould be agpro- �xiat� ta rePer the matter to the City Manager's office. The City Me.n�ger repiied they t•�ished to know i� Fridl�ey is interested. Motion by J�hanson to receive and fi�e the lettex Pxom the Vi�.lage of �rookl.yn Pa.�ko Seconded by Kirkham. Mayor Nee stated thav' gen- �xa�.1y, this ���as a gaod idea. Upon a vofce vote, there being no �aaysy %�e �ot�.on earried una.nimouslya BOARD 0�' HEALT�i: itEPOftT: Mayor Nee announced for Cauncil considera�iion the receipt of the Board o� �eaith Re�ort. Motfon b; Johanson to receive and Pile the report Q� James H� Hensaeys 8osrd of' Heal�h. Seconded by Wright. Upon a vo�ce vote, �here 'being no nays, the mation carried unanimauslya MINNEAPO%�S: SEWER CHAR(�S: • 2�3ayo� �1ee announced for Council consideration a car�un3.c�tion from the C3tyof Minneapolis reg�.rding sewer charges. The City Ma.nager explained he had not had ti�e to check in�o t'his item but would do sa .�or a �.a�e� aaeet�ng. Motion by K3rkhe.m to recaive and file the Zet�e� Pre�i the City of Miuneapolis re�axding Sewer �ha�ges. SECOr�ded 'oy jds�i.ght@ Upon a �voice vote, the:�e 1�eing no n�ys„ the, mc�tion ca�ar°ie�i unanimous:�yo j.YY� �I�j �.L+�++�s dloLdL�b Mayor IJ�e ar�ounced a coa�uniaation f'rom �he Twin City �,�nes, Inc.9 �egarding a changoe irs routes. The C�?ty �9a�n��er explained io thr� City Council the '1'��in C3ty I,Ynes �ay they �.n extend the�r route on University �0 67th, on 67�h �io �tonroe,, South on Monroe to M�s issippi and back to Universi�y Avenue anc� if th� CSty Couneil w3sY�ed to have them da �his, �he� wou�.d do i.� on a 9� day trial ba.sie bn't wished to point au't ihey wau3.d hr�ve 13eppy people an b6th Avenue and unhs,ppy geopl.e �n the new route . iN,ayor Nee st�ted neither ene of the �outea wexe designeci to carry s bus. The City T�Ian�..ger esssxted nox� of �the streets in question were �or heavy ean$truc4 °tion� �ut �l�aat 67th Avenue is fairl�� �Iat and 7.esa iikely ta bu�p at�cl °this was merely an altiernate �he Twin Ci�y Lines had sug�estede � Motion l�y Johanson �o receive and f�2e �he cos�unica�tion from Tcain �3ty Zines, Ine., and adv3se the comt�any the City o� Fridley does decline their of�'er. Seconded '►�y Kia°kham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried una.nimouslyo n � Pa�e 17a F� YiEPAR'�TVT; HILi,TOP COl�'�RACT: i�yor P3e� an�ounced �'or Council consideration a memo fra� Robe�� S� Iiugh�s� C�.ieY oP Fridley �`ire Department regar�ing the �ire f i�tin� �on�raet with the Vi�.lage o� Hi7.l.top aalting termina�3on of same� The Ci�ty Manager �xplained to �he City �ouncil it we.s suggeste�. �tm �he Fire Depa�°tt�ent i� the fee was doub�.ed that �ight i�e sati,sx"'aa�ory but the Fire Depax�ment moted °this cio�ra and it ��aas °co be the di�e��ion of the City Council �rhether the contract b� �enewed oz° not o Coun�i:lman tidright inquired if' this in any way �eopard�.zed �he ec�pera�ive agxee�nt �'ith other ffiun�.aipalities and was tol.d i� ciic? not a �Iotion �y Wright to cancur with t�e recommendation of the Fridley Fire Depa��ment and ter�uinate the agreement w3th the Vi].ia.ge oP ��.i��topp when it expires in �eptcember, a�vise the Village of Hil`ltop and giw� them eu�ficient not�ce. Second�d by Johansonm tTpnn a voice vo�tsy �h�re be�Lng na nays, the �mo�ion ce.rried unani� mouslyo �NGINEER:CNG �MOo GAS �2RIT: • Nlayor Nee a.nnounced x'o�r t�ouncil conaideration a x°equesi �or a per- mit by �he Minneapo�is Gas Company for iche placement o�' services. The Vi�y M�nagex explain�d this reques� was similax to the situa.tion the City Coraneil �ad had befbre where it was imposs�Lbl.e to main� tain the p�°o�rer dista.nce that had been a Gounei3. po�lacy and only the City Co'u�cil coul� �saive i't. He f�.rther �xpl�,ined th�s would no� be any 3nore p�°o%l.et� �han the a�hexs, �.s the Mint�ago].is Gas Company is about 5�ee°t .�ro� the wa�er ?L�n@ �. Gounai�.man Wright in- quired 3� th�.s pxoducea any proble�s o�' mair_iena.nee� City Engineer �ureshi replied i� a�:i�.�. ga.ve them amp:te roam for tae.in�tenance o hiotion b.y Johanson °�o i�sue th� waiver to the �iinneapolis Gas Company on Perm3t S�.F36�1961�4 Seconded �y W�ighto Upon a voice vote9 there bei� no nays� the mc�tiQn carried una.nimously� GO�ERNOR ��L11AA� � �R OF CG�NDATZON: �he City Matsager atz8ounced there was a con�araication from Governo�r Rolvaag stat3.ng the Minnesota, Safe'cy Council was �iving Fridley �.n ati�a.�d A a pedestr:ian safet�r award and w�shed to com�nend Fridley anc� woul.d see �che�re t�:as a proper award a.rz�nged. Mo�ion b� ii�igh� �ta r�ceave the co�nda�ii�sn Pz�om Governo� Rolvaag �nd direc-t tha� a?�e��er be sent -to the 5ai'ety Comm�tfi�e in t2�is • �°ega�do Seconded b� �'ohansono Ugon a voice vote, there �being no naye9 °the mo°�ion car�ied uns.n�mously� VTSITQRSo � �age 18a Nira M�1€e �afhe� ��as p:�esent and requ�sted �o be heard ��king what n� had �o d4 �o �e� 73ad Av�nue b7.acktop�ed� �hat he d�.d not ws,rct othe� �eap�.e p���ng �ar hi� s�reet' az�d ?•70Li�.fi a.�.�i� �o pay for his own stre�te He ex;�lained the City r_ad been o�,•er �he street i��ith g��.c�ers� ht�,.ez�.ed �i�t,, sea,�.eoa,�t and -the e�tire Gity o� Fr3c11ey w�.� �.ying :�or it. He s'F,a.ted he =•�is�ied °to h.a�re �h� st�e�t b�.ck�. tr,pged with a�curb snd g,utte�, Mayor Nee inquiped if this was the s�xe��c by the Tr��.Iex P�rk. P�r� Haf'ner s�a.�ed °�he wark he hs.d re- �er�ed ta had ��en going on fn� two months, ^rhe City Manager infor�d �he Ci�y Co�znci� iP they so w�.shed the adm3�aistxa�ioa cou].d atart px°cacessing �h� pO.vitlg w4Plt. �Iayo� i�ee inquired of P�fra Hai'�er if he was car�cePned �rii:h jus� the l,as� thre� b�ocks o� 73rd A�enue and �aai #:he sezv3.ce xo�.d. Mr� Ha�her replied icais was correcia sc� �ha°� �he peopi,e �'�o� Melody t�canox cauld drive °ihrou� fram At�le S�re�t to Hi�h�re.Y i�&�� �I�at �h� Cf�y hsd har� a gr�der sn t,�e area °��.x�ee °��.raes 8, 4T�43� �.nd the a�.in'tena.nae sh�u:Ld not ha�ee �o continue. Counci.:l�,a.n Wright in�o:s�d tne �t�bers o� ��ie City Counci]. that he had ioe�� advised by tihe City A�tog°ney any actio� x�e�rding th� sewer in -�he axea t��ouia not be je�pordized by pavin� the street and tla�t� ac�o�ding to City �ngineer �?�esh�.� the sew�r wae now �'une�ioning prape�lys �he City i�ianager s�ated he couid g1.ve tlhe City Caunc�.l the �'irst �eso2u+ion and sta�u� repolct soon. Council- man �Tob.�uson ing,�zixec? if this aould not be �.dded �to an existin� � stree� con�trt�e�� The Ci�3r �3ana�e� replied °�hie ws.s ditferent as �.t was a Si;ate .��d Rcracl bui they wtau�.d have to ei�a� it out. Mr. Haro:td Coh€n of �890 Stinson Bosa�.���.rcl ���.s pr�se�.-� and sta�ed �:h�st South �2" Ga�d�na� �.n �is a�ea �here ts➢a� � prabiem s°°�xxe�t9 that oves� �Che �s� four �e�xs �here ha.d i�e�n noth�n� 'but �ons�a�uction �nci th� peopte �aho du� up the stree� never did �nything more than �ut in dir°t and noti�� the road caves in i.he �i8dlee He expiained the na.t�xrai, �1�ot�a o�' t•�ater sY!auid be G'es� to East �x�cl it is now East to ��s�, R'�o CohQt� �;ta�ed Yz� hed �aken �his ma�"�r ug with �he a6t�i�ist�°tat�.�an bu� the �a�tter w�s na4a ccsming to a crisis as hal�' nP �he r�ad *.•�as going "to be paved and New Bx igh�an w�s goi.ng �o pave 3-t and 11e fe].� j���1as silly and ridiculaus o 3� �'1.ir•ther stated �here is na t�ount�r or State ,us�i�aic�tic�n a�d, appaa°ently, uni.esa An�a. Caianty is Z•i��.�i3� '�O c�o sotaeth3x�g� �he Ci'�y oP Fridley wi3.� hav� to do soa�tning �.nd he was p�°e�ent �o ask �Por suggestions e �i� wished to 1�no�•a �.i hE an� his n�ighbca�s slnouid petitio� for R st����t or whaf� �hey shou�.d do, tha� IJe�a Brigh�on is not concerne�l a'�oui thp dr�inag� �rab�.effi; �1zat he had eontacted the buiiders and was told New �ri�t�n wa� �ust pui�in� in a street �.nd[ r�ot conee�°°ning themselves �a;Ith dra.ina�. Nlro Gohen asse�ed he had been a�aint�ining �he stree� for so�e �3.n�,, that Mre Chesne�r Qf the Street T}epar'tment had prom�.sed hi� he tiaou3.d com� ba�k s.nd r���d his la�Jn �ut it had notc be�� �lan�a i�aa.yo� Nee inqcai�e8 i.� l�x> L"onen had seen the plans �'o�° �Y�e stre�t. �fr� Cml�en r�p�.ier� he h�,d raot bu� Y,�,ei been tolcl � �I�at Anok�. Cnub.��y f�.�r�ds h�.a b��n allo�at�c� Pax this year ar�d the° e trere noae a°�31ab�e. The City 113�.ria�er sf�ted k�e hacl been i:o�.d ��e County �r$s �.00king �.ratQ °�he ���ter but on � jo3n� basis,� that he ha.c� �a�keci �ai�th i+ii�.ner !Ce.rley in cl�arge flf th3s i�e�m and had �Oeen � Pa,ge 19 0 to�.d i� wa.$ supposed to be d3scussec�., Mx�o Cohen etated he had spoken to Mro Oetlund of Milner Carleyo Mayor Nee �.nquired iP Niz�� Cohen. could ge°� a getition in for his half oP the stx°eet immedf- a�t,ely and then they could prc�bably com�e io an agree�ento Mro Cohen �'ua°thex fnq�a�.red if they could get Water serv3ces in their area and thereby ge� gas services alsob �hat the Minneapo�.is Gas Company xefla�ses ta put in ,�as unless water �.s al.rea.dy there and the m�in �rroblem is the f'ac� thelce as�e only faux° felmilies, Mro Cohen 3nquired iY there wer+e gny �aay o� getting an eetimaf.eo 2'he City Manager expl�ined tl�ey cau$d petitfon for both wa,ter and atreet at �the ga� time ,�4ayor Nee expI.e.ined to Nr o Cohen if the improvement ��1asn't in they wou7�d not �ra.nt to pave the s�treeta Nir. Cohen statt�e� he wquld apprecia.te someone co�ing dawn and looking at their problem as it wae di�fiau�t to t�rive now much �.ess with ha.lf oP a street paved s�nd aiY, the water 8xraining to his p�a�r�yo Me:yor Nee aset�red Mr� Cohen the City Counc�.i would reso�.ve �th� 3tem Po�° him but they would need a petitiono T4fir. IIowa�•d Neison a�aner n� �Iowi�'s �ave��a w�,s present snd exp3.ained �a tiae C�ty Counci� he wished permissxon to mav� his p]ace of busiaess to Maon Plazg Shepp3ng Centera The Ci�cy Mana.ger pr�sented ta the Ci�y Council appllcations, leasep app�.iaation %r license� cafe � licenses etco for Mro Nelson's �,as�rerno Maynr 1Vee replied he felt it cou�.d be done nu� inqufred �s this �.tem hed come in �ate if action ta�s neces�eary �his ni�ht u City At�,e�:�ney Smi�h exp7.ained with th� ss.me awn �a%xp., the license cou�.d �ae tx�nsfe�ed» Mro Wintez�s of Mocsn �aza Shopging Center sta�Po3. t11e ffiat�t:er was being he`ld up penciin� the �ppx°aval a� 41�G� Ci�y Cc��zrr��:i. �ut that �ro NeAson woul.d submi� h3s p].ans and tney wouid �ui1.d ae�ording to his wishes< Mayor l�e� e�a.ted he was ce��a�� the C;i�y Councii would ag�eeQ with it. Mx°� Win�ers exp�.��ned •they �u�s�c in �he pro� ces� of :�.ayin� the sewer, etc. Cauncf�.ma.n W�ight expiafned the City Gouncil cou1� give inParmal assur�nce but t�e fina2 action wauld coine wi•th 'ihe �'inal p�ans � Councilma.n Joha.naon �urther explained all plan�9 etc�, ��sould have to i�e met by code. City At�torney Smitli explsined Mre Neison wanted the sen-�iment oP the City Council9 that the City doe8 have a provis3on �ha� a tuvern license is not transisrable but �chis rePerred �o when a man sells to a new owner and her� Mro Nelson was lust trmnsYexring from one p�ace to another and if the building is proper and w'rtat,eve� else is requia�ecl� this ' ti�as al1 that wae ne�ded and it cauld be trans�'erred �.d�inistrativelya Mr„ Nelson sficated that s�l he wan�ed was assurance that when his lesse ai his pxesent tavern expired he would ha,ve no problema Motion by Joiianson to instruci �the City T�inage� to advise Mro �oward Nelsr�n �ths�.t the trans�ex o� a license Pram one preanise to the other ean be ac�o�plished acfa��.n3stz�ativ�ly and ti��i`li be done '. i�' i� me�ts �:he �equirements o� �che �aard of Health ar�d any other ardin8nce app]icablea Se��ndei� by Wrighto Upon a vaice vote9 °�here being no r�aya� the motion car°t°ied unara��ousiy� �J . Page �Oo �'.�4 Bob �t�hes� Ciaie� of �he �'�idley Fi�e Tie�m�i:�aen°ic� inq�a�.��:� ii �here t�r�s any que��iinn on �he Hii�.ts�p Cantra�et as previc�us�.� ffie��ianecio 'a"he �i,�ty Mana�x� �^eplie� the Ci�ty Caun�il hsda�eed U3.th the Fi� s�epax°���nt e�d agx�eed to tex�ninati;e ih� co�i:r�cto Mr� 8tz�es �t��`artr�d ��Ce City Coux�cil the Fi� Underw�i�exe ha.d �t�s�ed �heir ' 4z��k� and �w� didn �� r��:et �h� �est �.nd the �iemb�rg d� �t%e �'��e �epa�;rseni be�.ie��d xt �aa$ oiu� ta th� sand ��ie ex��.�,3.z�e� he tto�tld at�enap� �:A h�ve the trucks put 3n o�e�er �a ��s.ve �th�m ���s-r.e�� a�in� �.� �Y�ey ����e a.��empting a la�a�Y �e.�in� a�d in aia+au°t two y��s �� �y s�ould be �a�nnin� oa� az�a�he� �aew pu�ge�°o �'1`.� � : Mt��a.on iay W�i,�ht 5:o ap�°ove �h� payment csf. �en��a.i ��.�ams �7�+7 '�SU�Ia �rq3�� Seco�zde� by �ohansano Upar� � �oic� vrQ�e� �here iAeir�g r�o n�ys� �he �c�tion car�°i�d tan�.ni�ous�.yo Mo�xc�n t� ���.nsa� �o s.ppa°ove �ia� �;�urent ca� �iqua� ��.�.a.ms �b5 �ch�ou�;"n �6�Q6m Se�onded by Kirkl�x�4 Upon a voice va�te� �there being n� xy�,ys� �ne a���on ee.z�ried ur�.ni�u��.yo ��o�t�a�i 'by i�v�ig�i.°� �o appr�tre �;�� �;���;�u� o�` ��b�,ic Ut�.�.�,'r,�e� C�.aims �`33�3 ���ougn ���cgp Seconc�e� by K�:�l�:�a� i3�� a voice �roteF �here �Sezng nc� �ays ¢ �ch� �ofion c����ed ��zs.�z�e��.�.� � ��a EST�'?'3�� a �ta.yea* PTe� €��a�.o�a�ced �Lh� eonsiasra��i�n ai es Li�,t�es faz° Cotan�ii a�p�o°�ra�. � Mt�°�� vn by �7ohan.soz� fia ������re t;�� �.y�en�C u� �;he �Po�.lowing es°��.�a�es � Sw�cnsc��a �xca��*at:in� �c�r�p�ny �o�c ;3�i� Fiopk�.nc� ��ix►��sfl�a, Estimat� � �Pa�°•�ia1.� �ta� �e�ae� �:�ovezn�n't F-�n���t No� � A gNortYa Un:1.�re�s�.i:� Sto�ffi S��ae�) �3��ar-'�hy Wel�. Go�sny 6 a0 Eustis s��� St�, Psu�., Ni°�r�1e$ota �51.1� Est;.�a�e �1 ��a.r�tia�.� 'G7€a te� �2�r�s�ovemen �: �'ro je c�t I�cs � 3�a+� (�ri:i'�t 4;��11�.� • �c�g�rson � �as���ii� ��1e � ��1.�J Wayzata Boul�v�ei A�l�.r��e°�s�nka� Min�ests�s 553�3 �7�93��'7� � 2�808oOa • • . isii�te ��. (�.rtisl) �7ater �rovement Pro�ect No. 3�+•aR ��Pir� Equipment - Ex�.st�n�; We�,?� 2� 3y�,��5.} Pa,� �1 a � 196�2m�0 Sec�nded Uy W�i�h�. Upon a voice �cat�� there �eing �ao n�ys� ths �a'�avn car�3�;d �snan�.moUS1y. A��yo� Ne� a�nAOU�.ced the conside�aiclo� of ��inal estia�te on the Fxi�ii��,� Fixe Sta�iano Atiayor Ne� 3ngu�.�°ed 3P the axchi�eet h�.d be�ia eugervising the construction and pay�aen�. �'he Ci�y Mana�er replfed �he r�ire Re7.ieY Fund wa,s bui3dimg �he station. Council- man Wxight 3nquired i� the amount pres�nted included �he f'�cade of �che Cit� Ha1�. City �ngine�er Q,uresh� replied it was only for �h� ac3dition of the FI�e S�a.�ion and �hey were halding $lSf?do00 pending cc►mple��on o� ��rtair� sma�. i d:ems , TY� ��.ty I�ane,ger explained �there was aiso a C"aaan�e Oleder oi $2�.�i,75 �a add th�� i�adn't been original,:�.y in iche eontrac�t eud t�e �ity Counci.l didn �t aatu��.ly au�harize the pe:yment� th�y �erely ec�ucu�d. Ci�y At�:Qrney S�ith stat�d the City Council. appranred the payme�t gcale� as presented, as �b.� law requ�,red expendi��zres to b� apprcYa�d by �the City Couuci].. P2otion by �`al�anson to coacwr with �the l�t�er 0� �uu7.y 8g 1961+ from Ro�Oe�t A�.drieh� Px�s3dent og the F3re�n ps RelieP t�ssoeiatiox� aa8 agre� w�.th the �y�ent o� �CC�e �3na1 es#3.�a,te �or the Additiox� to the �'ire 5�:�3.on wa�h �.C?� wi�hbe�.d.,�.� �:h� a��n.9� t►� �1.2K�3�35 t� �he L. Wv �i�.�si�ad Gom�any<> S�cr�;�cied k,v �T°�-�gia�:, Y�gon a voice vote ��h�re beiz� no nays ��� zno�inz� ��x �.ed �enarn3m�sas3.y a I,IC'�N5E5 : 2+layor Ne� �.n�ouncFC1 the Iieenses to be con,aider�d £or Cauncil act�.on. Ga��c�.7.me.� Kir�Cham 3nqu�red r�gaxding Lhe Yend�.rag Truck l,icense �nd �Gbat� as he x�ec��.�ed� �here seesnEd to be sn inequity; tha.t �Yhe Y�vg�� coneeasion was �l� and �elt the �.icense should be held in �.b�yance until there was verific�°�inn on �he r�ount o� th�: :license. i�e.yar IVee �nquireu regard!ing �he ].icense �ee �or the Dairy Quee� ape�aiion and sta�ed he was c�rta3n it z•aas very nomin�z:t., Ii was agreec3 to a�prove the ].icense bu� �o have the ? icens� fe� checl�ed, I�totiou �y K�.rk� to approve #:he 3.s�u.a.nce o� t�ie �'ollowing lic�nse�a �:CAV�TQR5 _,___..__...�,� J�rx°y �'�e�z�,.n ��E&� Fai�chsZ� �!ve�ue �linaeapo�3s 32, Mi.n:iesata. ia�: �ie�y Fre�anan PiEW • �� • Pa�e 223 �XCA'iiA�`ORS ( aon'�inued� �daple Grove �ons�ruction Cou Route 2 Osseo Mit�±e�o'�s by: ��a�ene Schaf�ueh RENE�TAL a Mr�rts Excavatirzg 3g09 Do�aglas Drive tdin»eapolis, P�inneso�a by: Zya:L�tex �icC�.ees Theisen & Sans ����5 Xy�.on Avenue Narth �i,, �13.nne�.polis,, Minneso�:a 6y: RQ'o{�3��: ..ne.�sen GAS SERYICFS ,,._.__,��A,,,,u.-�,�..o._ Freci �Iogt & Co�spany 3260 �o:�°ham �venue Minneapolis 2&h P�3�.nneso�a �y: �'��'�� ��'r��� GENERAL CONTRA.CTOR, .,.��- - Harn1_d L. C�assen Constr. Co. ��1 L h St N ta �EP�E��7A7 r�w �N�WAL 1 5 arc � . � AnokaY. �isnn�so�e by: tir��oi,c?. :L•,, i Ias�en NEW Cooper Constx°uction Comp�ny �37 @ �9�� Avenue AT � t�T. Minneapolis 32 Minnesota by � �'�a�'-���' F� �O°�� �� � Lester E Q Eckhardt 36;3� Silver Lake Road Nii.nneapolis a Minneso�ta Go A� Gunderson Raute 5 �ino�a, Minnesof,a S�ole�de�° C�nstruction Co. 2�46 �ohnson Sto N„ E. N.int�ea��o:l.:i.s,� Minnesota Spri_r�dale Homes 64�+��. i:nive�°sit.y Ave H N� E. Fricl:.ie�� �L� P�tinneso�$ h'�A''�' T�i u Jer�y B�E�° Heating & Ven�t� Co �p�r�- „� �+i:i? Ave � Soutl.l ti"in�e,=�pa:�.is, �Rin�.esata by: Lestex� E m Fck�,ardt PIEW by: �: ,a ; Gunderson P,ENEkit?L by: Fred �jaiu�der by: Leon t�iadse� ry: �i�rs';; �%ae.� �ENEWAL NEW ��LI�TE�iAI, i • HEA`��u � corz�inued) Frec� 1� o�t & Coa�y�,ny 3�60 Gorham Avenue �finneapo�.is 2H, Ntinnesota �9ASONRY �ilbert Gans�;ruct�on Cna,, Tnc., 1�0� Jackson S�a�eet� Sta Fau�.� �93�nne�ot8 Tra.ang3.e Cons�tructi�t� Ln � 5�59 Rzvervieta Roact Minneapo�.is,� Aiinnesota PI�ASTET�il1T� Advenceci Dr� t�la'Ll Tapin�.� �r�cw 3911 Universi 4y Ave„ �.T. E� Minn�apolis,� �tinneso�� PZtlr1B T1VG • �faxwin i�ioore �'? urr�t�ing Ca. 3968 Cen�ra� Avenue No E� Ninneapal�.s 21F Minnesota I . ROOFIN� Wal,ter Ausland �j°�0 - 1�3s°c1 Ave � iV . e.r a Coon R��pids� `�inrseso�ta Kruckebe�g Roc��'i.n�; & S,� Wo�°its 31�5 N�co�.�.e�; Qve��e Nin�nes po:lis 8� M3nneso�ta CAF.E Frontier Club 7365 Cen�ra� Aveziue Na Eo Frid7.ey, �4int�eso�:a 55�3� ON 5AIE Fireside 1Vi��.i Ca_u� 7�+1+0 C�� u�ra�_ A�,renue I'd, E r Fri.dley� r�iinr,esot�. 55�+3� by: Fred Vogt Page ��� RENEWAL �y: LoL2is P� Gi�.`bea^t NEW by: J'unios Ja Knudsen NEW by o Fr�n� B!urak b;Y: P�ia�°vin iviosre NEW �;i�i► �i?�I�il� �y: �•d�I�cer Ausland NE:W oy: Richa�d Krtaciceberg 1VEkT by: Marl.ene Povli.tz�i 1VEW 7516 Ar�hux° st� No Ep I�xidley� Minnesota 55�32 �?y: �e�ve:c%n t��= Krae�er° RENEWAL- i�;�2 �l, 3�nd Street Mi.nxaeup�l�s�, Minnssota u m�v��rr �'i��side rli�ht Club �'�+�+0 Ceni:ra�. A°venue N, � o Frid�,ey� Minrnesata 55�+�� iiE1�1i�INt� TRt7L`K Pa�e �`'�.o by; ;��e�°iri Go Ks^aeme�' R�NEWAi J.�+3� W� 3�nd Street Minuegpol�.s� �iinnesota. �Ie�.�. �: c? ,��e Ice Cream Coo by: Fiobez��t W� Tauring 1VEW 989 C�arm�.n Av�nue Sto Pau�.A Minneso�a Se�onded by Wright, Upon s voice vote�, thege bein� no nayss the �otion �s�ried unsnimouslye PETiTIUNSo �fayor Nee announced for Council consideration the receipt oP a petii:ioa� and sta�ced the petition rece�vec� w�s a major operation �nd invo�.ved mo�°e �ropez�ty than the signez°s of the pe�i�ion, Gounci�_msn �To2�anson as�erted! he thaugllt thE C�.ty �oun�zl should at least have a p�e�imina�y report on the ifi;emn � Motion by Johanson to receive Peti �iori #2��7.96�+ and x°efe� to adminm istrat3,on for proces�aL�g� Seconded by KirkY�am�, IIpar, a vaice votee the�°e 'being no neys� the mo�iou �ar�rie� una.e��mo�a��.y�, • CONSTDERATxON OF O�DINANCE Ai�'EN�7:TNG CH,A�'TER 78: � - �-}-�---�--z- - - -�_�_.,.�—�---Y- :� l�a�or P1ee aranounced �he consideration of an ordinsnce fox perlcing in �ub1i� parl�s and s�ateci i�i had been brou�ht befo�°e the City Cor�nci� at th� request oP Councilman Kirkhamo Counci:iman �Iright �t�tec7 the Pe.rks and Playgrounds Coarenit�ee wss in fe.vor of suc� s �antro�. and it would eventusliy a�Pec� a13 parks but Counci2man �`o2lanaon °s po�.nt of view thet in the future th3s should be deeigm nated as a Fridl�y Park and Beach Per:mit was good� The Gity Nl�.nager �.'ve °the fir�t reading nf si� orciinance a.mending Sectidn 7�'{ nf the City Code to provi�de g�rmi�:a �or parking in gublie pa�ks o �I�s� �Ta�kie S�r�us wa� present end inr�uix�ed reg�rding t'he parkia� �n parks and why it was being done. i�ayor Ne� replieci the Stat� c�:i �Iinnesol:a had the fia�ae type of re�g�als.tion fox pa.rking� as an ��sample� and the argtupent could be made thaic the City oY Fridley �� not so x°ich tlzat they cauld a�nderwri�e parks for al� of Anok� �c��anty� Counei;L�an K3rxham e�cp:Lained th%s o�°dinance was to assux°e �ha�t the �it�,zens w�o a.re pa,yYng for c.he par:ts get use of �he parks �nr� are not �ver�eun by ov'csidersa -��e��; the:�e h�.r1 �.1.s��ady been some v�.r�dai�sm e�ren be�'ore �he park c3edica�fon and it was •believed fi��t a�u�h of �he vaiida�ism is f:.�n�, �ut�i.dex°s anci i� hs.d been thought �� might con�:�o1 some of thiso F�e fu:rther expjained that if a ca�° �l��in Bt°, have a g.�.rkrn� stti eke� th�re �ou;�d be a Lit�tle mo�e contz�ol. • Fage �5� and it; would pr�serue the parks for the people who ax�e paying fox tf1�m. Mxs a S�c.raus ±°eplied it was he� opinion the paz°ks shau�d be avsilable to a'nyone and incl.udin� outsiders, �chat wiz�a� you drive �cilrou�� a�t,o�an i ���as gooci �to iae t�b1e t;o stop at a pu'blic park and this is �lso dane in �Iinneapoiis, Councilmen Johanso� stated he �.gre.erl �ai�;h ��x^s� 5��ra+�s� that he xrc7uld rr�ther se� a sign of wel� come tnan cane ti��Zeare }�eople have to �ay,� CounciL°�a� tiaright gseerted he concu:rred '���it'� g�nea�al par��: usa;� but t•rh�r�e th�xe is a me jor inves�ment o:� f�andg I�e fe�.� zt wou5.d be r�:ase�aUl.e to lim�'t 1ts use, Mayor a�Vee suggested ad,journing the question f�r i'urther cons iclera.t iore o Moiion by Ki�ck'r.am tn accept as firs°i xegding an ordinance amending Section '7& oY f;h� ��.�� Code �o pPOVicie pea��ts for p�.rlting i� public parks, �ounc3].�n Wrig�it inquired :if �h3s ordinance �rss prepa.red at the request of Councii.� n Kirkham or if 3t had been given any hearing et el�� �ounci�an Kirkham �e�p�.ied it was at his request. Counc3l�an �ight inc�ui�ed �.:� Counc�.�.tman K�.rkham would eccept a substitu�;ue mot�.oa and refer th� ordina�Ge io '��e �'nrks �.nd Plsy— groun�s Coarmi�ttee ancl �hen ��£er it back ta the City Council. Tt was so agreedo Mo°tic�rr �by Ta-ri�ht ta refer the prvposed ardirtance that would pro- • vide permi�s �'or parkxng in pub`�.i.� pari�s ta iche :E'a�ks ar�d P).rxygrounds Cvmtnii;tee for� recom�nda �,ian„ Seconcted �y Kirkham� U�cn � voice vote9 °there bei�g nv nays„ the ma��.o�� car��ed un�niz���us7y� City A°��o�°ney S�3.th 3n�car�eci th.e ��.��� �cr�::.. z-? i;lie �x t 5.+� c+f �ht� �.r. d�.n�,-� snce �-��sr��n� "�P��:zo� "�8'' shov:ld be r,hara�d �o reacl "Ch�p�er ��,� 0 CONSiI�RNT�ON OF T3FtA�:iVACT� PROBi,�M Al�� �SS�a�Se�t.'.k�T � T�I(3tyl� �AKE HiI,LS o �_s_���.-�......_.,.���-_�..---�__ -_-_� __ -- --- - - Motion �� Wri�ht to ta.ble the consideratic3Yi of �he drainage pro'bl.em and afisessment '�o �he regular meeting o� Jt.a�y �G, 2}b�t� Seeanded by Johanson� Upan a voice yote� the�e befng no naysp �he �ation carried unan�mausly�. CONSIDERATiON' OF AI�:I�DN�IVT T6 SECT:�ON � ��� __( 2� � FUI�RAL FlOMES : Mayox° Ne� announced tlle cons�der�.�:ion oP ati ordinance ior funeral homes:, The City Mt�.na��r ga:ve �he first P('ACi�YI� of an oxdinance �o a1:1ow funerai nomes arc� Snor��uar�es in an R-1 Distz°ict by a �lse Pe�it„ City Ai;tox�ney Smi�h exp�sin�ed to the City Council there w�s nn ne�d Por a�ublic hearin�., �tot�on t�y ,5ahanson tfl ac�ep�c as %z�s� rFad;ing an ordinance • amend�.ng See�ion �5��1.� of tz�e Ci.*�a Code �o el.�.ow funeral homes and mo�rtuari.es 3n at� f;�:� D�.s�r3.ct� by a use germi�. Seconded by K��°khamo Counci�t� �:r�i�h�; si:a.t�d 'n� tia�,s opposed �to thia orm d3nan�ce on °ihe �ounds this is ►1cst e. desi.:rsb).e use oi R�lo Mayor • Pa ge �6 , l�Jee st€�ted that a11 t�is does is prov�de Po� the us� of a S�cYal =�v�: E'erm�.t� ��1o�t�yu�x ��r Jt�I7�nson tY�t �he ordinance to al;kdw f�u~rieral ho'mes anci �or�uar.:ies �.n sia fi.�1 D3strict by a use pe�an_lt be G�b�.�d °to thf= next r��*u�.ar ��tingo 8econded by ��'righto Tl on a vaice voteD �here `be�.n� Yxa t»ys� �he tnot3nn carr�.ed unanimous7Lyo �ONSII�ERA�'T01� �F �IN�lNCE C�.ATING Cf3APTE�.� ��+ � LY'�,'J(7RS: ��yvr. SdeE enraoun�Ed che c�nafs�er��i.or� of �iri o��d°��s��r:e r��.rd3n� tlze �o3z4ix�ption oP liquor in pubiic �Slsces and prov�dx.ng a license far �a;� and stated tha ��.n Sec�:�on �u�+.,03 t�ze do:�ls.� Pigures wexe reve�seci or 1�e ciid n�t understanci the�i� Counci.lma�a Johs.n�on stated '�k�at it� i;a�.k�n� to some of the rn�rchants �.t was no�C a. desirable ard::na��ce and did not feel �hey would be �;a:�n.ing anything by ihis type o� au ordin�.nce. CounLZ3man JoI�.nson �'ur�ther sta�ec3 he still be:��.e°ved et�d a�r2ed with Counciltne,n Sher�.dan wha had said the best way caab �o �re�.sx the po`licy at the 30� p1.ac�s of busine�s and ello�� t;het� to ha�e dep�aties� �h.�t it iras bel3.everi the County could dept� �ize �hese p�,�.cea �ra8 �he owne�� are anxir�us �,o p�� �he pr�.ce and • i�z� �aaxi�Cy cioes sm�r ���y �on't �aant ta su�:�°cee�� any polir.y� itiSayor N�e asse��eci h�s anly feeling zaas �ha.�c h.e had to sign for �hese and he did not like ta heve to be so:lely responsible for them a:�u c�id ques�.int� �he� at��;r�oz�i.ty g1�rPn f.�ee � H� ex��.ained that a-r the p��sent �:im� �he Ci��y was au�ha:�°�.zed �o ehar�e for this fee up fia �?00„0�7� Counci�man aJohansor.a replied he didn't th3nk t�sese �:�.a.�es �de �ha� a�uch mo�aeyt, M��yar PJee explained he did not "�ike �;a I�ave �to sign fdr tne�e with�ut �o� s.uthority from the Gity Courci.l.a 't%� when he did so rie ce:rti�'ied� i.n ef'fect�these pl�ces flre bein� pra�er_1.y operated end It h�e �e� referen�e to any� �h%ng c'iefini�t,� �.nd wou7,d �a't,her �he ��ty ha���e �he et�n�:�t�i. C3ty At�;o�°ney Smith expia�.�leci to �the City C�uncil che Pee� set Porth �n Sect£on II��O ; were bcarxowea fro�t the City dP Coor� Rap�.ds o M�yox� .��Ie� inqui�°�d a.s��e �rom 'cfie fees iF •there were any �hing olon ject3.onable about �hP o�diiza.nce �. L"aunc3 �a.n 3ohanson replied t3�at othe� than th� .fee the�e �a�s nothing �uch but the o�aners o.f �hese p�ces �iere being 1lcensed end were p�,ya.ng a fee � Mr, A�1:1 Weiesa ownex� oi Sandees Cafie� was presen°� and s�Eatecl that, apparently� everyone ws.s unde� the �.inpres�ion this type oi business were �raktng r�oney and the Ci�ty �ouncil was just doubl3ng up on iee4 and li�enses� -�ha�c there was no guaranty factories and other pl�,ces oz' �us�ne�s who paid no ��.cense fees wexe opersting correctlyo �iaya� Pie� :a°e�1_i.ea� there was e�o sge �.imit on �L3censes and thie ordin� anes rei��ed �o ���:e� par_ts oF zhe :tiquor �ndustry and inguired �f these wex°P bu:�i3er���meo I�r� �leiss replied they were not necessarilyo • Counefiman �0�282?Sdk1 s��.}ed s;'�a�t every�hir�g in ihe orriinance wgs a re�petition of �he existi.ng c;ode no�w in ope�ation enct the only item �.n queation was the iee� Y�zyor 2�e� replieci that at the p�°esent u Page �7� time he did not know what ordinance was enforced. The City Man�+.�er explained it r��as the 3tate Law by re�erenceo Mayor Nee �u�gested �he ord3nance be tabied to the next meeting or acaep•t �he first readingand �Pi�;ure the �.djustmentso Counci�.man Wmigh� �tated he was ready on the Pirat readin� with mino:� changes and tha.�p perhaps, �P th�y were �ning to have just a nominai fee they might ne�d to ch�.nge the ordin8nce to show that the min3mum fee should be p�.id if they elready have a 302 beer licenae and it could be a combin�tiun o� x�educing i� becavse they are already paying Yor 'beer . Motion by Wrfght to accept the first reading of an arciinance re- latin� to the consumption of intoxicating :liquors in pubiic placea ancl providing lic�z�es� therefor�ee incorporating Minnesote Statu��e Chepter 3�+0 and grovid�ng penalties for v3ol.ating with the fees to be determineci. Seconded by Joha.nsano Upon a voiee vote, there being no nays9 iche motion ca,rried unanimouslyo COIQSIDERATIQN OF INCREASE IN PRICES W LT�QUC3R STO�tE: Y�lotian by Johanson �o receive the aonmaunication from Robert Lo Me- Guire y lLiquor Stare Administx�ator� and approve his recom�enda.tion • regarding an increase in price at Snorewood Lounge in the Loungeo �econded by Kirkhann Ugon a voice votep t'here being na nayss the motion carried unanimous�.yo • CONSII�tATION OF SIGN i'URCHASE r- LT4J.I70R ST(7�tE 4: Mra Roberi L� MeG�irep Liquor Store Adminis�rator� ���as px°esent to explain the proposeci ai�n to the Ci�ty Cnunci� from i:he Sunset Sign Campany, Couneilmsn t�'right inquireci if this sign would be visible froffi bo�h directionsm Mro McGuire �e��.iEd. the si�m had to be on the canopy aecording to Hul�y Center xegul.a.�3.ons and probab�y could not be seen �rom bo°�h directions. �'hz City Manager explained to the City Council. Mga NleGuire had asked other sign companies to bid but noae ha.d, Motion by Johanson to authoxize Mr. McGui�e� the j..iquor Store Administram tory to nego�iate �or a sign for Liquor Stare #�+ f�s�csm �he Sunset Sign Serviceo Seconded by Wrig�to Upon a voice vote9 ther� being no nays9 �the motian carried unani�nouslyo APPOINTMENT : Mayor Nee announced fbx Councii consi.deratidn an appo3ntmenta Motion by Johanson to approve the Pol`lowin� ap�oin�ments NAME �etty Jeanne Qkerstro�n 6720 Jackson Street N„ Ea Fridley� Mianeso`ca 55�3� F'QSI"I'ION SALARY REPIACES Ac�a�nting ��r3o00 Jane C1erk :I �r �3arvinen ��ox�th � �'age �8 � �cc�i�dF�d b� W�ighto Upon e voice vo'te, there be:ing no nays� th� �ic�i��,c�n cRrried unanimous:lyo GtJ�iS;�17FF.1�T�iU�? OF PAYMENT FOR PARK PR(3PERT1't ...��.�....�.:_�.�.�.....�...�, .,.��....,. M�y+�x^ Pdr� annaunced 'r,I-�� car�s3.dez�rion of �`�l�e �a.�n�c of �►a.rk proper�y C:r� �he I,l�.�.�.ia.m ��.�n��y �. � �� tc ::, �Ie�ion by Joha�st�n �to autho�iz� the �a;�ment o� $5,55�..28 to the t�Ti�.15.em F3.anery �sta�e far the Pina� �ak�a�chase o�' Flanery Park.. ae�t�uded b�� Kirkht�.m, Upan a vo�.c� vo°�e�. these i�einb no naysg the �not�on cerr�ed unanimous:iyo �z� _������rrr ���o�.t, .� �2�26�63 .�, 6 �o H�+� ��ayar �Tee anneunr�ed �o� Cou�sci2 �an��.der�.tirz� �;h� F�re �e��etment �'ay�ol.�,v Ma�:3c�,► �;, J�ii�r.st�n •�� a�p�csv�: }�ay�n� aP �:h.e Fire Depar�o mer�#, ��y�fl�.�. :�n �::�� �cota.l amaur�t o� ������u!�Oo 5eande�. by Wxighto U�ion a vc�ice �ro�t:�� ���ere bezng r�a na.ys, the �otion et�s��.ed unami� mous �.y > • D1:T'CH REALIGNP�P]'I' EASEi�ENT G TRaI�i'rOP1 S�'i�EET: �Iayox° �1e� aru�ounc:cfl �the conside�€�t1c►n of a cii.�ch �ea].i�,rnment e�.se- a�ent on Lxc���;an St;ree�ia The Ci�:y Manager eacpl��r�ed to the C�'ty Council the existin� �.�•�: line �nd t��esent easemen'� 2n �he a�°ee. �na s�ated �hey wishe�l a�i eF.se�en� �a �P:�c�ca.�te m�°ota-�e f'nr purposes of �^ciad �ou�"t�u�tian� thai �he ownex� wov�d �.�.`law ���s� �;o lla.ve one ease�ent ii tY�e ca ty �.s�1ar�:s the cost of $�0. 0� for tne vacat�.o2a cost anct prowic7e the QFme��� Mr�s � C'houiaard p�a��h a z°e�1a�F:; �rhi�h �:ri�.�. cost a`�o�at �180�00 Motion 'by GJr�ight to au�lnorize the acqui�r�.ng oi �the easea��`� on Tronton S�re�t under the conditions ou��.3ned in A�Ie�n No� 61+-�8 including th� a�eeiment on vacatio� r.as�c an.c1 x^epialt3ng. Secoz�ded by Ki:k�ham�� Upoi� �, �roice vote, tl���re Ue3n�; no nays� the �otion �ar�ied �rri�cx�.�ously� �zD aw�.x� -� ���sR_3o� at���sa_�?5��._x�so�u�xc�rr r 7 d_ �96�: i�iayos� Ne� aixa�+�unced f'ox C'ouncil co�sidert�tion a x�eeo�utian awarding a bid �n �Iinneso�`�s Stai�� A�ci Ymps�o�et�ent P��o,jects 27�302m41. and �'j�;315���a �L� �i.�y Il�iaau�,ger read the na�ea resolut;�ono • i�u'�:ion by Wri.�;h�t �o aciA��; RFS4LUT�QId �:i37m19h� �s'�a�ding the bic� an �iinneso�ta S�a.te Aic� :��;p�c�vemen�c Projec�;s �7.:-��02m(71 snd 27m315�01 �o C<, S<. M��ross�n�, 'Inc, S��tinded by �iohansore Uj3on a voiGe vote9 the�°e �,e i.ng nrs n�.yw ., �hE u�c�t�on car�`! ed ur���ni.t�otas3.y � � Pa�e 290 ��oLUrroN �x38 - a.� �: Loct� �� s�L�: �,aya� rlee announced a resol�tion concexrting �he Locke Ps.rk Shelter P�r Couneil ap�roval, Mo�ion by t�lright to adopt Resolu�ion �i�8 �:�96�t �o the Avugl.as Chapel Afii].iation regarding �he Lacke k��rk Shel�er e.ne� �heir contr9.�»�t3.on to ihe C:i.ty nf Frl.dleya Secaneled b� K���`khama Upon a vaice vote8 there being no nays,, the mation carrie8 unanimously. RESUT,�3T�QN #1�9 � 1961� TRANSFERRING FUIl�i3S Q �R��or Pde� a�.uounce8 the conside�e.t�.on oY' a i°eso�.ution �x°ansferx°ing certaira funds fo� Cou�cil a.pprova3.. Mof,3.an by Johanson �o adopt Resolutl.on ;#13g �� �I.9� traneferring certain f'unds. Seconcled by Wrighto Upon a voice vntep there being no ray�, �he motion cas-�c�ied unaYiimo�s%y� �soZU2�orr #�.�o � 196� �s.�cTn�� zssuarrc� a���rr�fl��c Borrns -�sw �66: • Niayor Nee announced �or Couneil. cnnsidexa-t�on a resolution direct� ing the fssuance af tempnrary bond�. Niotion by Johansau to ac�opt Rescslut�on ���aU ��.95�t- dix•eeting the issuance vf Temp�z��°y Bailds, Water �xad Sani.ta� y Sewer Praject Noo 66� Secanded b�y Wright, Upon a voi�ce �ati�A Lh�x°e lbein� no nay�, the motion �arrisc� unanimous�.ym 1.�-1 ffi:�96�+ D�RE�TING SAL� AND FT�'��A�1SE OF TEI�PORARY BONbS - Nla.yor Nee 8riT1011T10ECi �OP Council cons�dera.�c�.on a resoJ.ution direct- ing the sa1� and puxah�se of �e�porary bands� Motion �y K�.�°kham to �,dopti Resolu�ian �i�a� •= 3.96� dixe�tin� �he sa�.e and puxchs.se oi tempora.ry improvemen� i�onds �.n ac�ardance witl.� Laws o� �.957� Clzapter 385. Seconde�i by J'ohanson�, Upon a voiee vote� t22ere �eing na nays� the mo�ion ca3�ied �mm��mously� RESOLUTIONS �1�+2 - 1964 A1�ID �143 - 19&� D��TTNG SPLTTTITIG ASSESS- �N�i'S : -_ Mayar lYes announced two r�solutions d%r�c�t3.ng �he spli�t�ing of • certe,ir� �ssessm�nts � Nlotion �by Ki�khr3� to adop� �RESO�.f�U'P�bT� �1.�� �-� 'L96� authoriz�ng anc� direGf;ing �he spli°��a.n� oP �pec��1 aH��asmers�s on Lots 1� 2g 3� Y�� �. 6 and �Vc�� 35' af '�� 8:4.ocl� �,,; �a��,lsc�n `'s Su�aunl.� Mano�c Annexo s - " �S.` + , - Y . . l�i.:�� :. � � � T�� �i ..1 :_ . .r . . . � � t . a. �ft r . . . .... , ... .. .. . �� �.' .. � . . .. .. . .. . . ... .. . . . . t-'i,� .r ,. � �� `;� _ , s . _ i ��,�_:� r .. .._ ..,.. � � . L � v ra_. , . ...... . .. .. . .x..... . � r . _ ...e s.. . .... ..LC.'��� .. _ � .4 l..�j . ,. ... .1' 7 t.:.6 . ., .. � .., ._ .. . . _ . .. t.. � .�: . . . fg �. �=l+ 4 .. , .. . , . , ..' i J i t.,:�" � ., Y. .. E.�' , . ., �C'9 )`' _ � . .. . , f .. .. _.. f �.Z t .... _ ... :.,"1 f �+�i�l:,�,f'�. t . . � .. ' ,. r '� q . � � s� . l' � � � �. . : . r �. . . � .. -�.,- . . . . r_ . 1 ' �: ".. . �. F � � . s %,. t' ; a � . !.. , ' t' ' �4a�' ,. " _ ,,, ...:f.. 4,.,. ....,. �.l_3 -... .?'=�.. .,... ...... ..�1.i.. r.,, r..... . .�i't�F,' l._..i i: �..... .. i �... ...�, . t :���!: i.�' �. ,k .._ �'��i,i� ��' 'Fi. r.._. _ . :. '., 5 .�;.'� �...,.� _ ,,,.. . . . . .:. ! . ,. . � � t P� ' r. s . � -i N ?,' . .'s`_'' �.�'.... .. . . _cavyY .. ... . .L:�...: ;'t.Q ,.::L ..;< . ,.� � LY'_.€... �}r.i-. . , _.. . ..: � —, ..,: _. . P . x � � - R.,. 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"-:` j, � z t. ,� :a , i "� C'*1: ,.�ski 1'.v .�<'sf°i€ili; t}l: �} 'fr'''�} _ .. . �':J«' :!�":, s.:�,_il-..,,"E.�.. 3, t� � �. , _,. � .�' �"k.�1�iYi+G ?' Y€�iv`.' i '! t�;�1 '� Lur.. . _ �' � �. �:t `�� ., _, : r-'F 1:• ��}lx °�T�`zl��?"t,3�` .?cEi ��" �i,? ":_°.,. 1'�t . � �aF�-'C_ , ,.. , . . rF.'"x? tis . .. t , ,:i��j '�-' , .�v,t:.,. . r..,.. .. [�t� . �. C.-.�. c.t?,:�'� E.��.: y � a �7 g t s � . . . - . „ > _ , '�.t . <'n :". . .. _ ,� . _ , .. i. . : �' .,a t? '. , . . %n.:.. . 1 � � �'_-- _ ,.. ,. � �3'�, f:���. a?'S . .. - ,s _ _ _ � . .y. -.. .. ... . �r`�� !'+.?� _ _ �`��-� - . , � _ ., a . _. , 1 ,. � .. . . <i .. ._ _4 .. .._ . .. .. . .. _ .. ._ a . . _. . ... .i 1'.s1S . _ � a , . ._,�,.... .... __._ d -,[�C•:t` ��ii.: C�•�i._.. �i....x,. .zr;,;.Cl._G f_ t�' , _ t7'., ..__ t.T:. -"j ! ,.,� .. . :: .:.. .. ,�, �'y �r} ..a . 7 ° " ., t.::, ., ,''iS�� .F, .e _ r� .. ,. rS� .... _'«{� ... � ' . f:_ ,� . Lt'� �. . .. . w . ., . , , , . ,. . a,, . , '- :�_ 'fFi;- � ' < .i;r,. ..t: 3. � :ti? � �� �� 1 f .. ,...�+... ... L..�_ ,_ e. ., _. , .k. �.. . .,...i .i.. .. t. . „ _ �.-. . .,. _ ..:u� ±. � „ _ , � <1 . .. . . `.� T _� _ -} . `J�,� �ai l.: '+.? l l��' ! _< —` i�: _, . ... , . . , r.1. �� �_�, i.3: � Q�Jka �i.3� A .,�i��' i ..,_ w..,.�_ �L�... _ .. x�_ .. .,., , �.E'- : r}. 5, , . , . . ;:.�, r_ � _ . _ � l_... . � e. �..% .. . _ <, !1 , .� 4 r,:: .. .. , �X�......, c'�., ti,;.. , . . .. . . . .. . -: ... � . .._ _4tf`� . ..?a: .,..��_ t..;?.�'� _.r .�t;_ ...ce;_ e .U..J.� ' .� ..1t, fr.?7�. �.��,,L _.�i.r..':.l �-. t�.,.lu?��>i L,�..,.L:.�' F'`.ii.'_. 9:'.;:`� ... �.�_.�:. ..t;. . a:.� , 1 .... ..,C.::iP �:.��.A . '� .,x �C ., .... .1�,.':' i.�.'� .. . �. r, . .n.. _ �.'7.Y.i k�;'La r ... .. �" ,. t. s ,._ . L � ;,E {� r CS°1 �: .s t ti �:J�t1 ��3 , � �r c� �.. .� ��a �;.:� _ _ _'�_ _tf� �: �:�2 �i. ��` ^a:_ � . ,s - . � _ , 7 < *t�. v+ �.r��3�.� vil,�i �' �,:.. , .�,- `..��t''i.�.1,+ �t: ,� .!.�s l�.i.� e �)..'.ti .:.j;.�y c.i�.L.'.+,' �C3,"2,. �.4i. . .. _ W _. . , ._ . .t .. _,"? �1,i �1�'L' ...s°� �j. � �Cl: _ ...._ �,.� f �'x.:' _ L�itd ; .� . .�i�.:� :iiit"� .S2t`i':'� � ..� . ,:.+If1 .. _ ...'i'. �l��f.:it� � ipy-¢� '.a, s. :..1 _ . ..(� A:�i..,.r:�� �� ,,�`��'��( �;+�k�.S..�'..�.iF..�::'., .'�iks �. . i.�,y �.5,;..'�a�:Y �"�J�� .s �ke. {.�" �.1. :�..i. :. •� s/l'..i�.iC.�A l.f";�? •�s'.:b�t �. •{?k;i:t.. ♦l.`+: s,.. .s:� �.F:.�,'..`i: ���'�.i r.?... ... H.��;2�� t.:-.; . ?.�.�� Li::�'�' ��.q�i':Z2 i..:i�'zi�` 1.7Ei c�l �:_C.'S,. .�.,.. s�.J'+.'°:i4:. �,. t'�..,,�.,.�tl�:.V .?:i�... i ��:��1�':�. �.�1''� :i{:.z�C� i;� �.i��.'�...:.�ar.- .._ � .. . j ...,`if', _ . , .; x'`. ��. 1 l.:l-}N.i .i3i �..��xa.��::',3+ .,. _. �ii?. ,...... ,�, - .. .. _ t��'_. .'!'. �.1.� . {� �,_, �L� s�u'` .i- - _.. . .. l _,_.. . _ _ � ._ : . . s'i FJ.l . ., .,_ ..C± ��?.. _. ..� �. .,_.,. � � 3 , y . . P , , a � � Page 31e It was �urther explained �nat9 convereel,y, st lesa then t�n hou�a pe:.s day t�.e �ost would be mare and th�s would be T�igYzex° �t�.n the cux�rent costo �yor 1Vee informed the Gity Gouncily i� they sa wished, t?�ey could have a�otion for an emergeucy orclinsnceo Counci].m�..n i�'�a.ght inquired i�' the drift well h�.d benefited ae ye°� ancl was tald i.� YzRd not. I+�°o Co�stoc�s exp�.ained as it was set up ft could be ;:irandanned sYter �he �irs�t change o� pumpin�� th�s. � the contre►ctcor nsd orc7erecl the p�rm�a�ent screea on his own behal,7P ZJith t�.e underm sta.xacling he wau�.d a�OSUrb the cost but that -ihis day 3°t Ya�d produceci 640 gallax�s p�r minu�es� sand free, �h�,t it was stil�. vexy c�irty and started ou� ��3th a yield of 50 galZans per ffiinvtes �nd nee.r �he end oY' the �t,esi i� was up around 80 �a.]1ans. Mro Camstoclt as�ercted there c��� still some question a.bou� ita Counei3.mea Wright sts.��d he was ce.?�ling Council a�tention to the fac� they were spend- ing money on so��hing they were not sure ofo Mto Co�stock ste.ted ihe tes�ts should be c�mp�e�ed bePore the end o�' �he �aeek and iP this were institute� �he del.a.y invalved wauld be sbout ten days uale�s the contxaetor eo�ald iocate the valve at Decatur,� Iotase tliat nfl work cou�.d co�ence on �his unt31 the �'irst of �he folaoz�in� week bu�t tlne valve shauld i�e os�dered and �he only aoe� ta �he Ci°�y wo�ld be the �'re3ght on °°the va�ve o �� T�atian by W�ig'ht to adopt Emergency Orciinence an�. direet th� . i:ii:y �1�'t,�rney and �ity Ma.nager -to prepare saa�e to caver the �t�ers l �- ;�eferred to on �he D��f't Weil by the consntting engin�er o Seconcled �' by �'okiansona Upan a vtiice vote� there bein� nv nays� the motion �a�ied �zn��ir�c�uslya �_ Tl�e �ity R�sn�ger explained to the Cit� Councii on �he Change Order �or the Fridley Fire S�atic�n thexe was �:�u].�.�ion ne�dec�. �etween �the blocks and tY�� ove�hang and the a�unt ior �his was �2�8,75 and it shou�.d be ciane on a Change (�rdero �Io�ion by W�igh°t to appro�ve the Chan�e Order �2 Por the Fridl�y Ff�°e Statican 3n the amour�'t o� �218o?g relative to insulation for tl�e uverhatt�e Secanded by Johanson� Upon m voice va�e� t2�ere �ing no nays� �he ffio-�ion caxx�aed ux�nimouslyo The Ci°Cy M�.nager inqu3red if any oP the Counci�. membe�s liad r�c�ived eompl.aints x°egarc'ting the 'fiTo Parking" signF ou old Central Avenue near �he beachs �hat he had f�l�i ta alleviate the eom�.ain°ts � ff �hey �xngtt�, the houra on th� s3g�n.s to noa� 'to 9 p�m� it would so�.�re tY�e problem� �ounci2m�n Wri�h� inqutred if tlas CS�y Manager ���z1.d� w3.thout eounci�. $e�io�9 put eap sigras aex�oss Rice Creek i.n the boy scc�ufi; aree � I� was ao a�re�c� o Cc�uncilrnan Jo�staeon inquired if const�°uation c��ai.d be �esd ug on �xaokview Dr�we unti� a week �rrom this �e�tingy �hat t�.t ti�e publ.ic � hearing on the aree: they had e.seured x°esifle?nts they wau�.d �ake cax°e af the se�►er prob�.e� and Mro Lindbloom wished to bui�d and the sewex� probiem wasn�� set-tiedo City �ng3neex° �ureshi replf.ed 3.� the� were . Page 32 ,, �al�in� t�bcaL;•t ths Miller Fu�eg�.1 F�as�� a�^esA it wo�a�.d Y�� -�ak�n. ea�� c��`$ Couaacilrr�,n Johansan e�p�eined -��� Area involveei anci sia'ceci I�i:�� Lindh3.aom h�d sa3d he was no�t at th� pub:lic h��,�in� he1.d i�E= c�,use he w�sn�t eoneerned putting in the sewe� b�at l�e no�a wished °�o buiid oxi �raokvi+�w Dr�ve and hacl giveu 8�5 �'o�t e�sement on �the baek of his prop�rty. City Engine�r �u�esh:� xeplaed he eauld hold up eons��uc�ion Po� a few days. Tl�e City M�nagc�r exp2ained he h�d ��1ked with I�rra Lindbloom and he was �o co� in �t�d cheek the item ou�� th��L the area had been che�kec? and Mra �hesneys Super3n�endeni of Public Works, had ssid th.ere was na� prob:t�� with 'Che line �nd °�hai: i't cou].d be put alo�gsiae the xoad °�a se�re �he �.o°ts in questianp C3ty �ugi�.eEr Qureshi eacp3.sined. thi� woul.d c3e� �end on ��he ft�xe�^a:� �a�me �nd it wou�.c� serve 68ih Av��ue a��d l�ix o "�,indblaam �igh� be �b�e �Lo put ser�r:i�es in �th� bcauZ�tr�d, ,r � . Th�re bein� a�o fur�the:r business� A�ayc�r Nee decla.red the Ftegula�° �Iesta�.g o� �°ul3/ 7� 19� ad jotamed n Respe�`c�u].�y subm�tfi.�d� � ��xe �iisk�wic� 8�cs�e�.ry to �h� �csun�i'I � F��� 33, REGULAF� CoiJi��C �L � ING - �7�� �3� �.9�1,� A re��.a� �e�ting of �he Coun�fl. of the ���v o� �`C�dl�y �r�� ��l��d �o o�de� b�r I+��ror Nee et 8sOb P�M� Ft,Oi.I, C��,I.,, 2�er�b�rs l�re��nt s Hee, �r�ham.6 Sheri�dan� k��ig�t 1�a�ber� �bs��t : 3'ohanso� 2+bE1d BUSI� • Pi�NNI1vG CpMMfI�SION NiF�TING JiiL�[ �3. ��64s �m�or N�e at�nounc�rd �'�r G��il ��n�idera��on �t�� m�,�n.zte� of °�h� Plarinin� Com��sa�on h�lc� July 8� 3.9b4:, • I�EV IE�1 OF Thc� �i�� �e��er �x�ai�in�d �a �h�� ���.� �a�a��,al �his ��a� � r ���.��r by the P�i?�nnira� �s�tn�nissian cf °i,ha �r�rt� ss� �;�spe+��.� ���:�,axc �r� r�ad t���r i�ff:OT.IiL�T1d�'�]�OTA �o ���� Cit� Ccu�n�il �p�aro�i�� °�re� �;a�� mit with the stipu3a�i.on of aff s�ree� p�x��,ng �'or ��a ����°r� ua�°a ara.c� �her�ir� o�' the �ont ea��ry �sf the �ac.ii�+3ing� Tt wa� ���.�in� 1'�er�he� by tY�e Ca.ty Mana�er �t aApear�+cl th�a �i�y CGU��,a�. w•o�a1d �e�ci ts� ho�.d $�ubii� he�ri�s� by9 in�er�snc�. �i,ty A��s�rn�� Smi.th �n�uir�d why th�ra was e na�d for e Spec�.al Us� Perm�,�G �n�ad �ras told �.t kras r�uired becau�e of th� c;��� �i�y At�arn�!y �m�i�h inqui.recl if th�z°e we�e �pmasi�ion �t th� hesz°in� o�° tha P7��nning �ommiseion� Th� C�,ty P�nagor repl�,�d 'th�� �etual3�r d3�dn°� ha�,d a piab�.i� he��ir�g� th� Board �f Ap�eals hsdo Couneilman t+F�i��� �t�ted tha�, ac�u�llya at bo�h ma�ting� �here was not a�'ul� v�te_ The City �9an�ager suggesteci �,f �he Cit�► At�orn�y �gr�sd� thQ Cit,y Council sP�oul.d hoi.d a�ubli� i�earing on the nam� it�a�o City Attorn�,� Smith �ssgrtod tae was no� ruling �hat a publ.ic hearc in� wa� mersae�oa°y �ut �,f thsre Were �roi>1.�a�s this migh� indicat� th� necessi�y for �s�ving a pub�ie hearin�o ��e C�,ty Att�s�n�� �e�d f°rom tla� ordin�nc� wh�eh �erta�n�d �o �h� z��ed �'or �h� C�,ty Cataneil h�vin� � puk�la:c he�rin�o �o�an�ilrn�n Sha ��.dan stated tha°� at the �ime the� ordi�aance was adc�pted� one c�f i�h� tk�ings � d�scuss�d by the �ouncil was th� usa rsf Spacial LTs� �'erra�ts i,n �re�s where thes� �ere �ot pexmit�ed and �r�r� �;ae ��m� a� � ��a=> ��nira� and ��t rtould t��.e a public hee�ing hafr�r� the �:i�y �axuz�i� �x� a 4/5 "s vota to pa�s �ccardin� tQ �he 4rdina�nca �nd it�`�ha�c• s�ated hQ di� not �°�e�, the �ounci.l could r�a�,ve f.�,, Tho C���r �an3ger ittq��r.ad r���?rding � d�ni��..: ��,�� Attorr��� �cai�t� repl�ed � • Pa�e 34:: ���y woul� 'n��'� `�Q ho�d a publi�c hesr3.ng in vrc��r to cl�n� �Gh� z�quest, C�uracilman Shsridan axplsined tinis basie�l.Iy a� ezoni.n� rerqeaest, 1�� B�ltha�or was pxesent to �peak in favor o�' the �e� ques� 8Y'h(j ����e@ te���r caould �e jus� r�zaning the on+� lca�- �ouncil= �n Sharidan �apl�ed �his was wh�t they hadci�nied in msx�,y �the�r c��c�s b��au��; it w�� spest zoning and the �in raasorz for th� ��urs�il hav�ng ini,ti�ted an ordRn�ce in �his reFrys�d:. I�°�, B�3�hazor �raquired �i° tl:� C�,t�r Coixncil w�,shed the� to build two hori�es a:�i spc�il �he enf��z•e bl�s��o �ot�ncilman kixigh� �epl�ad �h�i,s w�a no� �he reason �'c,r the public hearing� It we� f'aarther s�ated � I�o I3a3tha�o�° r�� �ne in the nc�igh�orhocad had objec�ed to �he �aq��s'� far �Yae d�z�ble b�ngaloK� I�ayor N�e �xF�lair�ed theisr �roblem we� that �he �rc�inanca �aas c�aar and did c�il for a publie he��ia�o The City N�na�er sragges�ed to the City Council the�r acti.on �hsn would be �o s�� a pub7,ic hearing gnd �he i'c�11+�wi�� t�ro �tems for the next, Ca�ancil meetin� and �hay coulc� hol.d �t�e� with pro�er I�egal ptFblica�i.on� �Sota.an by �her�dan tm �at s pubi.ic hesring f�r the ��xt re�ular ����ing thare ��n be 7.���� r��tice �ith re�ar� ts� ���eeial I7s� �ermit x°�c���st f�� � d�ub7�e ixangala� e� 136� ��.����ay ���C� _ Geor6e �3���4za:�c��: �: S��onded �y K�,rkhamo ��or� a voic� �r�t��� �h$re being no �ay�� �ne u��tion carried un�nimous�l�� � i��RN ^,�D W�L�E: �ycar �ie� �rinounc�� i'�� �crun�il ��n�idera'�ion � reqc�est i`oa° a spec3,a1 ttss pssrm�,� fox t*�u�l� ��gg2osas et b7C2� �°71� ��� 672� I�aa�,n S�r��t �d� ��, � by �er?�ard GTn] �Ca�,� Pdoti.on by Wz��,�h� �o set m piablic hearing fo� �t�e next reg�aiar aeetin� there c�n b� 1ega1 notice wf.�h re�ard to a Sg�ec��l tTs� Psrcait raqu�: s�� io:� c�b�� �xrag�low� et 670� � 6�a� axid 6?21 Maia S�Lrs�t ��°tl�ea�t by ��rnard Y�o2k�o �o�orided by Sheridano IIpon � voic� �ote� �t�ere being no n€�ys, thc� motia� ca�ri.ed unanimous�y� � Mayor hea announcaci for Council ��tasidara�i,on a request for e special u�e p�rm�'� ior a doubl� bung�Iov at 2'300 Vea Buren Strea� I�Ar�heawt by Mr� d�3. �7illi,�ms �nd �tated act�on s�ould be depend�nt �.pon Mr� 1��11i��s `� c�isi� to pu� sta� tt��s �,t��� • P�ot�.on by ��rkh�m to �et � publ�c haaring ior th� �sxt reg�,alsr ffit���ing there cen be ae�al not�ce �aith req�rd �o e Spe�ial �s�, Permit requ�s� for a double bur�slow r�t 730� Van i3uren Street �l�r�heast b,y Mr� A1, �i�lli�ms �f' �e �hocrsea to purs�.te the re�quest� • • • Pac� a5� Sa�onded by Sizeri.dano Upon a voic� vote, ther e being no rsays� t�a� �o�ion carried unanimausly, �he City �fenagsr read to �he Ci�Gy Council tha recommended appr'oval of the prelimionary plat na�ed by the Pianning Commissiono Gity �nginear �.ireshi presented the preliminary plat to the City Cour� ilo I�L was expleined by the City Manager the s��°eet ma�tahin� problem was the item �h�t had held up the pla� for some time but the Catsn�il hac� agreec� in �:ourt atipulation they would place tho ro�d on �he South 30 feet and sWing up to the Plorth 30 ieet but not the �u13. width at the tic�e it became a a�c�ssityo It w�s f�r�Lh�r ax� plainac� the surv�y was made by the seme s►arveyors that starveyed Irontar. �treet, Councilman '�righ� inquired regarding ths truek �cc�ss to tlnis i.ndustri8l parl� and i� it wo�ld take heavy dut�► txvckao City Attorney Smith presented a road map of ttre areafbr Council re�iewa�� City Engineer Qureshi explai.ned the owner would have to got sewer ar.d water in in order ta get the right kind of a �oad� G;,�y Atto�ney Smi�h auggested to th� City Coun�il the namsa of the straeta zn �he plat should be ehanged to ways as everything West o£ the� railroad tracks were cal2ed weys and Lincol.� Street shoul8 be changed to Lincnla Wayo City �ngi.nesr Qureshi atatad there was a plat in Sp�in� Brook Park that wes nam��l I�ia�ao�,n Stxea�o City Attorney Smi�h r�plied 3.t should be chmnged be�:ausa �here was e plan whiah had been� fo:ilowed on �t�e entira eas�ern �eri of Fridle�p and they would have to discard the raad plen oP follo� ito �ity En�ineer Qur�shi asserted thei•e would m13o be a�tate Aid Road i.n the ares a�d E�in�oln SLreet could x�tan into it., It wea fiirthax a�xplained by Cit;� Engineer �ur�shi what �the a�eas abutting �r�re planning for tiae g'u�ureo Motion by Wright to cancur with �he xecoarmax�da�ion of the PZanning Commission and �pprove the preliminary plat�� P�S� f#6/� 07� Ironto� �:�dus uriz�l Park by Bex°narr3 ICtalkowsl��i or� par� og SW� of Id�� saf Section 3 and se� a public hearing� Seconded bp K�rk�aam�, Upan a voia� vote, thera bsing aao �a�ss th� motion esrried ur�an�moeisl�� �'UHLIC H,ARING�• PI�ELINiINARY PLAT �6,4=12 WORREL`S �IVD ADI3IT�ON� DON ANDE iSONa OU�LOT �#2 WO:�ftEL'�S ADDITIONa �ayor N s� annour�ced the consideration of a prelimine,ry �,lat of Worx°e�l !'s 2z�d Add�$ion by Don Ar.dersono The Ci�y Nlanager ex�lained to ihs C�ty Council �his was � plat Qf Outlo�G #2 �n� s�a� the reco�mended approval by the Planning Coramisaiora� Xt c.ras flxrther ��cplain�d. the Cour�il mi�h� recal3. �he Worre� °s wer� arr alderly csouple and all ls�nds of at�empts had bsen wade �Go obtain a road Nor�h arad Srna�h to $erve thi� area and, �hey would not agrse, �o it was da�ermin� � Page 3�, �h� �ity� Cn�an;��. �ho��ld no� ho�d �th�� up a,ny� Ionger and, as �ha,� s�a��e nr��� i.n � posi.?ion to pu� in the water mz�c� sewer they w�r� a�.�.vweci �t� g��at �nly the I.ots fron�i,ng on sewe� end wa-�er and p�vi��„ �ys� ��:t<� 2������a� st�ted the� remainder og tP�a plat waa ��a1�ed �a�L�a�� t�� ni�c3 ��� tha�; �hi.s �r�� ha� bs�n ���,d t� Don An��r�r�n as c�ns� �i �h� bd�z�re�.''s was nc�w aie��r�s�d �o i;his �raa �c���1.1.� �s ��h� p�.�t �•ra� origi�nally a�prov� Y�:a�t �� ��s naa ^�11� �r_ ou`����, Cauneil�n Wr��hfi; �nquired reg�rdi,n� an a��.�,y az° ;�tr��� zn �he �ree� ih� City �1ana�,9r repliec3 �his �rou�d r�o� h�2p �hi;� plet, �hat it wau i'elt th�s� g��n�l� �au1d hsve �ca prnvia� �•li��.� owr interior ro�sis �a:d Wh�� tt�Q Cit� Cc�cat���l ��prav�d �Gk�is �r�tire ���t a� a pral.imi�ry p1�t the� �a�� �ommiGted �:¢z�+ ci,ty �c thi,s�: 1'�� a��n :�av�ls r�f �i�e P�.�nr,ing �s���uis�ian Faas pr���n� and s�lai,n��i oi tt�e mae�y �e�tinga the �t��is�ic�n �i�d h�.=�.� iz� t�is ���ard �h�� had b��an uneble to g�t �h� r��ide!��� te��;���her� tna� �h�y �31 wa�� ta get °�agsth�r Bs long a� s�,mac�n� r�;l�e doe�� �ha� c3+�dicating o�' th� �zec�ssary land4 �� .ft�r�Yr�r �.rpl�ir�ad �t'tza�, s�G �ch�s 2as� �teeta.ng v�aey w�are a31 px�esent �nd kas� ��en ir_fox�ad i�' the;� �^ould ga� toge$har wi�h �on �nde�°�an$ �h :s would b� �'�.r�s ba�t they �t�si can°� ge4 t� �etkZS��� �t,�'�� :ior� f�ndsrson l��d �d� ��ae �fio� if �hey �rere �ri,ll� �,ng to ge�.; ��c naces�er� de��.�atirans iaa� ta na ��eil�. Coua��i�.� • r��n �Ir�,�ht �t:3�ed �t was hia opini��n �here c�ould have to ba a ea�r�hbour�d �;*]. c3e� s�� �at tiaq z�as�,r�ent� w�sr� h�artf.:r�� �.a�ms�Ieesb A2x°o Kra�'#,k �epl�,�s �this ��as u�� �snc: ��e o�,heb par� ��s that fro� �hi.� pi�c�� ol° �x�p��°�,y t!.� �a�i�a�; �a th� h�sra�� ���tald �ro�� better o� ±,he :ac�r�l� a��c� >a�a��a ��a�d ���a�an ��� i�r�y r.�a� �.r��.cl a��� brat ��ai.s w�s wha�t t�g,� had ���n at�l,� �cs :ac�t� ��rt f'c��° �x:�.�� �as�� A�tion by `�i�i.�Y°��; �o �car���r �s:it�h �4a� rc��c�m�,��:��tic�rs o� ��� P1a�nin� ��mta� seiora srac? a��ept �he p�c�li�it��r�r p�.�� #�4 ��2� �oxrel"s �� �dd�,t�ecn,, �,y I3oxi Arrciersan� Ou�"�,lat �`2� �orx��2'�s Addi�f,vr� at� �Q� � pta'�lic he.�rin�o ��eorsda�i b,y S�aerf,daaa�. IIpon a eoi�ce �ate� t�te�°� ��.fY� no �.a��s °��e �aa*iun csrri��d �tr�animottsly.� C Ci�;MtJN�C A i^ �41�,� BOA� t�� A�TH s R�P�J�'i' �yox ,�d+�e �nnounc�c� thr� can��.dar�t�,on of �h� ��ma �'rom �;YYe Bot�rd of Hse�tho Gaua��ilra�n vd��-g�-st stat�d fi,h�� x°epoa�� xas nct ty�p��al of ��h�r repoa�ts �f 2�x°� fiensZ�y of �he ��ard a� H e��th� th�t� appar�n°��,�9 en� ia�d�q�,dual was sble ta ac� a,n ��e piace aF th� &�arc3 af �ie��th �3ff�,c�a�° i�:���, ��9 �k�,zz� �hc��o �a1��3 �a�d throughout the report h�r �efex�a �nd s�y�s he h�s never �r��e;vtad t�a� �ool, �x: quc�s�tioxn a� �1� t:ae �n£oru�t�.t�n �,� �ere��.. TY�e �i�ty 4�nager replfed �s far as �x�rlraadir�� ��� poo1.S, rir, �ien�l+��► 3�,� nc� �����, ��po�rered t� invasti� • ��at� th�� par� �s' ��� er�d �oak �i�s �ra� � ��' i�� ��a�e �oard af Hc�alth 1�g� �s far �hs zoi�.o�a �a� �,� ��:� pr�s�i�ia fo.z° �c�n��.l �o hava obje�tion to �.t� Gour��lzs�z� i��i�;ht stat�� �i.� �H'o���a�n� �re� x°eeZl� �a� with Mr;, � �'f��u :�`�� *i ��Ql�� ent#� i�� �ri����i �o l��s�r and i!�c���i�eci r�f �it,� f_; ;c�x���° ::�_���,�,�Z �.�' ��ir�.� 4�*axe 1ega�1� �;ons�.d��ac3 a Fu�l.�� �ol a� i� �.s ���i,a°c�_!.� ��rz�d il;� �hs oe�z�e� c,i ttae $��rtme�a� ��.l.da.ngs ��a� i.� c��.��sc� � ��r�i �.;��b.:�ic �ao�I ���c� i:f it �asr� %ur�cd �y s�ate r��l��za���.� :�� .��ax•��ae�.�• �¢-����e? �,�i�,� qu�s�ion �ras o�ii.y �ra the i�tores� of �ri����s��r '�hg �i��� s�Iza�zl� take � hand z�n regta�.�,���tag sucn t�,�r���� G�'u� A���r��y �r�i�h r�p��s�e hi.� �.�apr�ssiarY �a�s �hat thc� ���fi�r ���a�.,�Y: t�.��'i.c�a }��� �J�w�:� ,�,r ita9pe�i� �Y, ��a� ���f,�t �.L i�s a��n �� � �������,�t�d ��z�� os" Jne �.exL�ic �ai� s� � se�rai. t���i�.�e�; �o�, �r� �he �:i.,�y �rrsu3.d I��S�� L�� s��h4 f'�r �.rz�������i,�r„ �������?�r�� �r��°i.��� ir����.r�� ��' �� �.-�r� ri.gh� in ��i� �����t�on �Ia�`4 t;�� G��;; P�r��:.��.d �ar�d+� a�a��► t�� �,�sp�c�io�a x��,�ht of tha �,rater �ta�; nat ��e o��rloac��.<:�� �L %h� �ar+:t� �vor �%c� s�a ��d �.t �►as h�.� im�a�Q���,+�r� �hat �s �h��,r i3;�� �c�c��te�� the �iatr� Code by ref�re�ac� ��a�� �a�re in cha���� of ��„ �i"`h� ��,��;� i�:�ra��;c�v° ���er•�ec3 t�2�t �BS�c�l�.y w��� tt?e �aa�.tl� Qf.�'�.ver 16t�a� ��y �.�zg was �h�� tYi�r� �r�s �urb�,c�3 �y in ���e w���r a�1� �ha�• aa� ��.� can�;� � r���:e� u�,ora �r�i wh�t h� �n�t� �bcrat tt�� oa�a��r����c? �onc�i�'.��aa v�as gi.��r� �o hiaa �,� yhc� S�Ga�� �e�1�h �e�r����i�,� �:�a� ia� �r�ulc� � �;1��� �a !��va hi� fo1�o� �hi� m��te� up ��d �h;� � s���o�� �o ���e i.i�v�o i;aur��f,�.o :'�.i�; on b� ���i i.t�a�a �+� ��r�s�.�g ��.� �'i�.� th� ?���o�°�: ��u�m �r:�.:� �a��� � „ �3�ns�.��� �a�� of k���:LtS d��+�d Jul,y �sg �.�;6!�. ���ur�d�d b� • �.rk�±a�r,, �g�o� � �cr���e vc���� ��aer� rei.ng �ao r�ys, tiae r�o��an �;�rr�.r�� �at��n�,.rn�ca��.5�, ��S ITC��S�, ��o �'e�terse�nr x c�pxes+�z�i:ztig �ia� ?�'�id�.�� Ar�ax i�s�r� ��;� a:� xa�s ������a�� ��3 %,�aq°air�d ��g����i�� �he ?�c��ssr �:�i..n�; �a:�v�c��.:�� �� uh� G�,�� <�����e�.1 ��ga��i�z�, Ai.�uo:z° ��caa,tl� �: ��a� �"��� �gac� ��xra ��� ��'�;;��� �� ���'or? �tae ���:�� �c��ar�c:I.I.� I��c�� �3�� :�����a:ed �� &se�� '�.���.?��u i�a.�ore t��°i� �'�.�� �,��:���.1 e�9 t:�s s��q�u���;, a�.��, i'e��er��t�. z�tWt�� ��n� ����%^�� �gi.or� za�s �s;� ��13� ���vc�`e ¢:i��r i.n h��d:lep� �he� ��tay ��� �1.osed �cs�� �f �hc� ��.ma vaa�3 eould pey �&o ex���a�,�s{:� �'���� ?�3aor A��: r��p1:��d �c�zi;� o�c��na�r��� doas �a���pt p� iv� �s � l�mso �:� o���:�rseaca ir�= �°a�va�d ��� ��,t;� a a=,�n�;�.? ���i�y had g��r�n the C��y � x°��us�.�����° �n;3 w�re r��r in �he ��°acc��s of �i�rin� �nothsr �ca� tha �e�e:� �n� be�- g�rd�r,g p��l.��a �;� ��:^ F'�i�1�y� �h�� �3ad r��x� ra�� tz�exr th:�d ��°opi�y ��r � � �.c�ati� � �s� �.�tt�i.� �ct��2�sxa,, �o�� ;r�,c�c�y �.�:� �resa�ra� �^e��+.rdir� a 2��r�r. S'csr � 3� ��a�. J���s�•����at, ���;, i.�x c� k7 �� �� �� Ra.�f �r���d' � Goux�g: � �s�e si�:�7�.t3I.'il�ll ai1Fs'C: Tv+�>` i?�Yi.iGd�a i.'�1,TY'�.�":i` QL �77:��'i#�IE ..��.+Yl���',�i18k.lsIL2�: 2'�!."..oa id$a �.ti�?s.� Ss:3o; �n �' ,ss.,' ?:i A .ra i;., ;} _ �:P`. _,_ °� �,�: i�>.�.�. .,,"s'. .3e�C,'.:...�F%C# ii9 .�.i{✓�?i?«� ��'i 3�C�,�, �:.`J': .,� ,.:,.�o . a� .. 'a.:. .: 4_ .. .,.... ` ; , .. t ai �_g•. :c.,- �'� �, : ",i„"G . �`1?.�5�`L"; :3i'S� , ,. .. ^y3 ;i'�- � ti, , 4 - �i;x. r - �� -„ .� , ` �>titS t"`? :'.Y v liOi?22C�,�, l:$u .i42 . _ .. .n__ .... �.. �.r . _, .. �4��5..,. . _... L�..i x r'9 C- TS �• kT;1,�Ali ::.?.;.� :��� '?�"_..`'R� :i-i?i ..:'._'7 i�,.,:J>..t.� .,,..ti.�.d��.._. �.�1 , n}:;.'.��e.i;ti ,"jsil�:°iGi�`.'�.�i?'!'� • dv�F3"� Q.�.:�G YI'�: u`at�'�'':A i'U?:' �.>..t ..,..t 1"?�' t:y;=. .� ':±'� i,7,.,;? �`.°.� p,�%.:.e:5�: T�'�ir j'''�30 ���t"I7°d,�f337 �°i3v .o1,�i;� ^�%� v`;t �:t�� a. .. ..��,�1 '"uG�c. ..�"r.:i i i?..'•r��?v � `�i�l�?`�F T"z�4 b3ea`Ll �CLZ.�_!� J)7 ¢?�C���? u^3 `c:��.i �� '�,'r:',�3 n�G? i �:�?� ?'+.�:•'A.">:�'� �,.t 'Cylu� �'���Y' a�"�8f3F3� t.9?'"$F.' f`O�° s Page 38� t�h� kindt of' s�aar�ment th�y� �+er� builciirag.> She ata�ed tt�� �►.ii.�.d�- f.a�gs w�re le�'� �rx�ctly as �h�,y w�re b�t ���y had ch��agad the atora�� are�� th�� �ast Ri�verlands Cour� did cacuply w�th �he ordir�nc�, xe���rcii,ng squar� feet, �hat in th� z°enr���zeiion th�y ��d t�ac�n �slsed by variotas ir�s�.iranc� ¢:ompani�s to ��� the �par�mcants lar��r az�d �hey h�� left tt�e hui�ding 8Q feet xorag � s 3�t !4a:� and �°evrg�niz�d the s�ce a s �he insur�nc� eo�penie� say ��' you �r. e�o��� �o ren� apa�tmen't� of e d�lux�► neture �►oa t��ve to l�av� � dining room� it wr�s flar'Gha� statc�d th� r�u��pfng now iz�cludc3d one �rad t�o bed�oon� apa�tmentsp �h�� ori�;inelly there ���0 3�i ��rn bedro�m epar��snts rsnd �tsey had ���en �ha or�a bsdrocam unit oai �nd spread i.� and it is �t�11 xey �va� the �od� r�quire� �ents� Air�o �'oh�son as��r�ed the s�orag� areas had been aet �xp and the �zil.di.ng �rould be on an oil�g�s systam of �.A�C4�,000 btu''s� �h� � the� h�d ��.�c� bse��a to�d �he units �hou;Ld be set up f�r � w�sher� sn�i 4 La�me�rcial dryers snd vo cc�m�]_� with the ordinanc�8 a�l they wouid h�ve to do w�s giv� �ap the co�ni'ty rooa �s they d�.c3 not kaevs �0� squ�re �'eet in �he �at�aa�ry �°oo� as ea�h r.ubicic� w�s suppc�sed i;a ��U sc�uara feet� Ci��► Is�t�oxriey �m�th inqu�.red af i�rs� �ohnean �.�' the spae� io� t�und�y ��us the Co�uni*y room totai�d tP�e nesda� �quar�s footage for �ode roquira�antsn T�rrso �'ohnson �eplied tha� �,t did� Mrs� �ahzascn expl.ainsd she had be�n • �o�d '�her� w�s a�ca�ap�ex si�i.lar to thi.� p1.ex� i.ra Eci�r�a wi�Yz e �o�zn,it� r�ac�m �hat hatd never hau a�racan�yA �hat when �this plan i?�d b�en d�,,sct���� pra�iou�:�,� t�s�re was a x�aaars��y c�xY �he �e�ond #:ioox� e�d �he h�� ����� �c�,d th�y �aa�-3 �;�, au� k.e th�s �o�x��.�y roo� I�3► ior i�s�l� �b �ao�ars a de��, �� �ras i'�r��a� ��plaiz�ed �y l�rso �Iohnsor. #,here ar� 27c70 �r�uar� i��t en �11 ����e� �°1���� b�a.t �� ��rase af the ls�k o� 60 �q��r� �'e�t �i 3�cands�� �pac� i�� d�,dt�'�'L ���s ��e c�rd�.nanee et the pxssera� raamer�t a1�h�ugh �hQ� uere �a8y �av�r �11 r�quiremez�ts on everyt�ing �a��e� l��ror N�e inquired re� gardir�g �i�� �aorm�l proa�+dure on an �ter of' �his k�r�d� Co�ancilm�n al�igh� stav�ed hc� f.�:�t a b� fc+ot �rs�,�r�r �r�ul� �e suffici,en�� It wes f�,trthar e�pi�an� b;� I+�xso Jo�iz�sora �t��;� �er� usin� t�pace tha�i was t�s�d �y ather �ul.Id�r� �'or l�undry �rsa Por a de�oretive and �.elsure p�xrpoe�, i�s��r T��� asaeriecz he f'��� the �tern w�La2d i�s in order if the C�tv Coun�i�. �ai.shad �o �c� ��� � v�, N� � Kr�vik �f the Plsn�ing Commiasian s�ai�d the �QC�ues� ha� nauhir� �� �a �fvh the 9pp�arance �f the bu�ldin�r I�yor �ea explainec3 ;he c}^�e�'�ion uoula �e �a �s�e � n,ew �e��ait ��, �h� s�� of plaria �� �s�es�: nt�d, �ii�y at�corn�y Sa�ith e�p2ai,ne�2 to ��h� C�Ly CoL;ne�.I �het in vi�w ai t�r� e�tcess amount o�' �ocn�n�ani�� �aom �ddsd fio t,h� leus?dry fae:��.itias� thi� �rt�uld cer� �a%n�.y� b� 4ri�h3.a� th� a�i�, I��Cion �� 5h���c�an �a a'�px°ove �hs t»a,�.v�r �:f fi;�� ��� s��z�re foot �equirea��nt for laundry t�rpo:��� ta t�0 ���� i��'��t for an �par�ment �;o�aplex b;� Last �'1i�er i�nds Cv�irt� :�ra�, S�3c�nc�ed �y p{irisham� Qpan • a voice vote� t�ter� br�it�� nc} :za�5� '�a�e r�c��,'bon carriad ura.ani.mo*a�7�Yo Si�HEft I3i�STIVESS„ � C� P�ge 3�� �;��zraci�.r,asz? �i�k�-ia� infr�rt�ed ;,ho �%ty Counci�. �he re��,ca��yy� �y�y 6�th A�+en�e I�rtt��ast were cor.ce�nea �r1d an�ious to ��t x�eiin� �rcam �ih� bus �3,tuatian on thei,r s�ree� a�xi iriquireci i.f ther� was �ny g�ss��fl�i�y of having the bus �urn eround on oree of the �ea�vicg ro�tis vff Univers�t� Aver�ue� 'tha� tr�ey �ould ��c�p at �hea parking �ot as �hey dc� �x�d �l°oss over ta the other aid� af un�verqz,�� Av enu� and i.f �hs �T oiZy Caratsr d ie3n ° t w��� �hem i�o �,�op� �h�v �t�uld uae ttae two service romdso �h� �3.t� M�z�ager re�I,i�d i�` t,�e �at,y Co�a�ci2 �►%shed to di����t hi� trs �i�a � l+at��r in �h3.s re�ard he woul�, do so� i�ayc�r I3e� inqu�.�ec3 re�- �ardin� a re�alu��on ar mo�ion t� the btas �tomp�ny �a �o up ��irr�r��,�y A�vsn*.�e �0 73x`d Avernxe and c�ca$s �'3rd �vanu�� �°he C%`�y Ma���or :ep�.ied thi�z urould not b� �s gas�d as �?s�vrne Raad �€ad �th�a tRa� �:ampar�,y� elaimed tt�ey cou,ldn"t pic(c up �a�s�ngers on �ii�hw�y b5�, F��yor Ne� r�ques�ed t4�at the C�.ty Mana��� �nvasti� gata the fe�s�biZity A�' �ounc�.lrosn K3xkham�� request �rzci repo�t �� th� r�xt nse��Gingo It was sa agra�c�ri� �fl��n�i±.�n Wr��h�� s��t�d it wo�tld �e in ord.e�r ��a ap�r�pria�e� �he st�m �f �.�b�J�G� a�pr4�ri��tg�ly i�r •th�: p�z�°�o�� ca�' �han��ng the s���ry s�.� the C�i,t,� l�na�;az° �xp�ar�s retroac�ive to �'a�uax•y Zs� e�' �.9b4o ���a�,�,cn b,� Wr�,gh� Lo �ai�e th� anrnaaT s�lar�t of the City ��atYag�r • b,y �i�o s�r� o�' �36�aG� retx�oa��i,va to �'arna�r�r �.� 3.yiilb� ���ond�d by �l���i.c?ana rifr��*c�r �Te� a�serted h� would �ave to xule tha� sinc� �rii� was ��peciai co�.ncil m9��i:ng� �;a�ay co�ild r�sat ac� on a.to G�un�;�.l�:� W�i�h'c �m���ieci t�� u�ias�_��s ��c�tn �`rk� �a���x�,�� ����i.aa� ��o�3.d �rx�w �:hi� tir�s� c�e���ria�aci �€� � ��*�i�:1�z �����.��. ►��a�`��.n�go Ci�y A��a�nay ��a�.�^ ��at�c�� tla�t �ecc�rdi.ra� �ca ti-i� ���e�ir�tz� z��et��ra�s mo�i.on„ ,h�a�e ��t�1dl �a� �'�zur ��a�u2�� �A���ir��� �r� k��i.�J ti��on � �eQic� ���e, ther� bazi�� rau �a,�s� the ma•�3,a�4 ��r�°�� ��a�if��a�asJ.y�: ��f�;� A�t6rzic��r S�xii�� �.a�x`'��u�ed the Ci.�� �ounc�� the �`bt� ��f�rk �ed ��v�F� h��i �n �a�,d f�.:1� an �i�nconi Cons�x�c�:�an �c�F�an,Y�, �h�t abotzt t�;o ,y�ax�� prr���,aus Mro �3i�a��on3� had � law bi,d and si�.dn `; t aceept �t �nc� �he bi�i had to ba l�t for �TA.��QG� high��� I� w�s eK�;�,:��in� the C�,ty C�,erk d�gs t�aus ¢o a�.ose �hi.8 ��ti�n o� the boots� ara�3 i� xe� �he va.a�w �f the C�.ty ��tearn�y this c�tast br� �:al,lsc�ed and w�,ab�l �u�hor�.fy from th� G��y Caun�il �o �.�e t���r�c,r�,i Ca�aa�•rixctio� Coml�enY �xui :��a �u����, ����,on b� Sher�a�n tc� g��re �ut���r��� �o City� A�ctorn�y Sm�t� ta pra- �:�sd c���th wi���ever s�sp� sre n�s��ssary �o co��.c��� �the ftiaz�cis dra� i`rom ��,BTl�O»3�, C10�S$i4alC'G�,OY1 Cocapeny �z�d Y�i� seira��� S��onded taj► Wrigta�� �� �or� � ��a��;� ��ie� �hea°Q be�ng �G ���,� 4k�� ma���on c�rr�s� tay2atxi� mou��g� T�a� L��,� Gc�an�x1 �ras i��ormed b,y t�� �°�:�� �1.erk the Attoi� C�unty • ��c�ite�.� �,s ia�v�n� a �e���i,ng fo: �1.e�i�ion �udges thi� �somin�; W�cin�sday �� ih� p�°o�l�m was �hat z�nder �he x�eu 1:sur ��hey wo��.ld no� be �zsi�g ��e sa�� a�.ec�ion judses and �:��ro �ould %e a problem o�' geti�ing F��xdge� �:°ained� Fie �tateci ii �he Cit,� Cn,xn���. 4�ed �r�y �nilu�r���� ��� %��r �hould be changed sa �th�� l�,sts a�a�mi.��ed �ou3d � don�+ so � Pa �e 1�Oo 90 day� �+sfare an election in order for the Council to �ppoin°� th� judgeso He fiirther stated the mein problem was getting the people trained fnr tha worko The Gity Mana�ar explained they had no� had en opport�xn�,ty to �lert the City Council of thi� pra�lem but thet perhaps if they had eight head judges i.t would h�lp to send them for the inatruc�f.ons, Councilmen Wrigh� stated he wss quite certain both po2it�.ca1 parties Would reommend �udges �o ths Couniy, 2'he City l++�na_�er inquired if they should �ake th� aight haed 3udgea fro� ths last election and �end them for ins�ruationa The Ci'ty Cl�rt� stated this was not e serious pro�lem no�r l�t as it was set u� there wo�ld iae too ahor� a t#.m� between appc�ir��tments eru3 any a�lec�ion�. Gonracil�n Wright sezggested ih� Gity Clerk call the ar� tter �o the ettention of the County Auditar and inform him of �ts inconaistencya �t was so agreed� City A-ttorney Smith requested to mest �rith members of the City Council �nd Mro Kravik regerding � court aase followi�� the meetinga '� �..' Ti�ere being na flurther �+tasiness, Niaaynr �Is� declared the Reguler Co�ncil. A�s�ting of �uly 13, 196Q ad�ourned„ � Re�spc3ctftilly sut�ittedQ Stae M3.sltc�wic 3ac�°etary Lo ��e Coun�i2, � � Page 41. BOARD OF EQU�LfZA�iON �EE�1NG auiy ��e �9b� '�h� ri�et��g ��s �alled to o�de� by l�ay�� N$e �t goi5 P�Me P�esent �� �he meet�ng w�reo Mayor Nees Cauneilme� Sheridaa �nd Karkham, ��h��� p��esento Caty Managee� LJageaera C�ty Assessoe� Herrmann and Robert KB�chbe�c� �f �he C�ty ASSS�sor°s Off�ce, Chief App��isee� Scf�waa�tz and Cha�� Ac�ountant 4�e�nee of the County Assessores Offtceo �ro Chatrle5 �lohenson, 164 Har�man Ca rclea Mr, Clyde Al leno 170 Nartman Cascls �r�d De-o Go Jo tiayano of 94i R�ce Cr�ek �er�aCeo ���e al�a presento �� va�as r�c�ted �hat �hee�� was a Cechn � ca 3 i ty � a th� pub 1 t sh i ng of the heasi ng not6�� of tt�a �oao°d of Equ61 izatBon 6A�ettngo Da�o �8ayaro stated that he had Just pue�chased his hame at 9�+1 Rice C�eek �'e�e�ace foe� �2bo�00 and the taxes were be�ween $900 arad $1 a000 pe� yeae�a �� wa� suggestc�d that Q�, Haya�o pr+ov� the aa�ount t�e paa d foa� hi s home and poss�biy a e��-appraisal could be madeo Perhaps a� adjustmeaat couid be r��d� ara �sia�aonshbp to the purchase pr3ce and the genee�ai taxe�o • t��o �ohansor► sta�ed th�t he was conce�ned about th� saleablldty of laa�ge t�orc�s � n the $30fl 000 or more bo�acket due to the h� gh �axes o �4�o A1 iera v�a� �nt�o��s��ad ir� a ch�cic o�a his taxes, t�otbas� was �ade by Cotar�ct Imaaa Shea�Bdan �o �d�ourn the aneatdng to July 21 � 19�� seconded by Coua�cBJman Ki�kham, Motton ca�a�iedo �esp�ct��ily sub��tted � i � ti0 � '�!'t0@61ne5 , A�t�n� Sec�etary • � PBge �2. S��IAL CO[T�iCII� 1�TTNG - JUL�t 15, 7.9� A Sgeciai M�eting af the Council� of the Ci�ty oP Fridl.ey was called to c�rder by Mayor �Tee at 8:10 PoM. RQI,:� CALLa _s.c,.�...�.,. Me�'aers Presen�: Nee� Kirkham� Sherfdany Wright 2�eaa'be�s .Absent: Jolaanson NEW �t�a INESS : P'�BI,IC BEI�RIPTG: OV �OVEMENr - SS �5�: � P�ymr Nee announced the i�.em be�ore th� City Cauneil «as a Public Hearing on Stor� Se��er Imp�o�ve2nent Project No. 5B. The City Nlanagex read the Notice of Heaxing. NIa,y�or Nee in�flrmed those present he would ��nesize �he proceeding qu3.�kly and ask �he consul�tfn� engineer �or an expl.anation. H� s�a-ted �h�t, as eve�yone knew there was aa in�erceptor being put in csz� 'Univers�ty Avenue right-of-wa,y anfl it had been planned �or a number • o� years� �ihs� the develop�nt oP this parti�ular area �.nd streets in the �rea has been limi-ted aeverely by the inability to handle storm taate�. It t•ras �'urthem stat�d by Mayor Nee th� inte�ceptor wi11 be a�siiabl.e shar�Gi y and �there axe many peti�ions on �'ile and escrow �ney in �the city treasury for i-.he de�rel.opment oP lateral service into �he area to the East of ichis in�e�rceptor a.nd the City Council ha,d �elt �h�,t since there �ras so �uch mo�ey in essrow paid in and petitians on P3% ��r the project' they shat�.l.d proceed at %ae� to this po3nt and holc� a public h�aring as t�.e stree�s 3n the ax�ea e�nnot be develcp ed �zn��.l px�arris:iou is made for ator� drainage. Mayor Nse inPor�d those preaent the Ci�ty Council was going to bring be�ore th�m tonight a pr�p�sei to deve�.op the lateral syste� East of Uni�rersity and �here m3ght be some residents present who received notice who are aot 3a t2e dist.x�3ct �s, Por exam�le„ the Dannay Addition a.nd �these would be handled sep�►rately, He explained the purpose of this public hearfng g•�a.s aot technic�lly �o es�ablish the xates af assessment but t.Yiey r1a.c? have a fairly ti r{,�.'t estime.te ort wha.t 3t wotal.d cost and could gf.ve -�hose F�ho uished an appraxims.te idea o� asseesment coaics but the City Cn�ci� tra.s coamaitted to a fYguxe not over the figure they taere talking abo�ta I�Ia.yar Nee stated this zaould p�ovide the assessmea� that t�ould ct��rer m�..in and ].aterai service on storm se��ex and requested tha� those speaking zaould give thei.r name anc3 addreas e Mro Ice Gomstack, consult5.ng �n�3n.eer� t�r�,� requested to descr3be the project 8nd ph�►sical aspects ��' �he imgrc�vemen�t a • Pa.ge �3 • • Mro Comsto�k explained the pxopoae8 improvement wae out�ined on �wo map� fa� public review and exp�.a.in�d on '�he m�ps the inter ee�tian o�' Highway �k'� and Unirnersity Avenue and the new Fa�eeway }�100o A�oore Ls2ce was located� al�o the Donnay Add3tion and drive in theaterl 3ylve.n H3.11s areaa Mro Comstoek explained the line under eanstruc�ion as bc��.xi� a. black line cn the me.p�, ihat it stasts at the Weeterly side aP the iaterchange and �69�+p runs up University Avenue a].mast to the F�idley �'ire Sta�tion, to Sylvan Pond9 to 61s� Aveaue and the 4later �'iltxation F].ante H� fux^�her expla.ined the aine on the �ap outl3.nes the desc,ription of ihe boundary o�' the draina� distr3.ct and the puxp�se of the storm aewer sgstem is to �aick up thi� as i� resches �he s�reet intersectieno Tt �aes expls.ined 57th �,venue would be a s�ub line �xfi,�nding East on Un�+rersity Avenue and i�t is ps�oposed �a eonnect up to 5?th Avenue oP the line to the South �nd �?orth9 also the shori: A3n� up Sth St�eet �0 57th Place and the n�xt 3.ats�al. �ras des.� aribed as 59th Avenue East ]a�exal, 59'th Avenue to 7th A�enue� Na�h and �c�o$s an ��c grave2 e�a°eet o� the J�f�'erson, iJ;�shington and school propex�'tyo The 1.ineB he expl.a.ined� wou�.d run. ane�half a block Sou��i and branches Past and W�sta a].so, on 7th Street nea.r a 13ne �.a�t rux� �o the South. Mro �o�stoak asaerted there �aould be ��cother 1.ine on 60th Avenue East an 60th to '�th Streets and a 1a.�Gera1 Nor�th Prc�� �Cf�Ch Aveaue as the line an 6Zst Avenue is in pl.ace, tha� a stu'b on 62na� Avenue �o dxain the property behind the proposed chus�ch and • s�hoa3. would tae 3nelt��8. Mr. Casastock stated �ths est3mated cost was b�sed on the ex�ension o� the unit prices which wer+e submitted by the �.ou�b�.dder on the proje�t let this apr�ng by ths city and they felt it ws�s f'a.irly tigh� and represented what the bid should be in PoQc on the improvement. M�.yor �Iee �nnotznced th� egtimated cost far the system underr�iscussio� t�as $3.. S5'S00.� and P�� �thase pr�Qple in the assessa�nt ares it would be eorrect to say �the Caunci�. po].icy was �that in the enti�e dra3nege are�i dsscrib�d :it was the Cauncil. `s inten�t�.on to spread that cost on tine en�ixe clis�crict equaJ.ly on �.n s.rea i�aeis at the �iaie the latera�. service is prov�ded and i� wauld be �.t about the xate o� $1.98 per 1Q0 square f�t. He explained �ha.�t in �he experienee �hey had had 3n other areaa th�.a was relative�.y inexpensive and 9.nquired if the�e z�exe any rarem'ber oP th� City Counail who wished to �.dd to anyth3.ng -�hat had 6�:en said. ounci]�oan Sheridan atated all i�tems ha� been cov�red v�xy well edding for the information of �hose present the psoj��t i�a.s �n �h�ree sectiox�sp University Main being reges�ed to as "A" � everything East of Univspsity Avenue as °`B" �nd everyt�hin8 Wes� o� University Avenne as "C°a Mayax Nee s'��ed t�� general phil.osophy on an a�ea assesss�nt spread was that 'the water curves in di.rec� �els.�c3+�n to the area and �Cb.ere m3�i� be same di%�e�ence in th� run••off but the council has spread on an area assessn�nt atorm drainag�e coet because they feel the area does rei3.ect the ioad and the appr��Ciate coste • Pa�;e %� � • d`i't; f{:Y" .�7�E' :i,",_'�CFti'" .,'t�C-'. ;�� i:��?i"G' 1�:�3(: 1A.;�RJ'�Tlf.' �w-".S��i: ?:�1Q T.�':i,3g1G-�a '�iO B�9.Ti �.°, ��E•�r��r.° �-r, i,' _��z r: '�c•�e, ��'i° � ts^,��� .i:a'lt�t�.r��;r� Gf jF32?. I� � E. y�h Stree� t��.�= :r���eae�z�.. f���c;. i.7*.c����.i°�:�i ��1r_�� t,��� z:n'tie.ig�.�ter� �o��.et�.o� da�t� ai �he Z`��?F S� �`"`i"YI '' ��",. ,!��"'.ii(.. I�OG`�. .'"�'�.'�C: £�1^7tl4.`. i.;�` ?:�?F: fi`4iE'z�r.9 rJ�1:�C�i i7tjt1..1�. :',:�=...,t.,�,..,r _ , T'iS.�f1�'.�.: �1'�c.'�.ii��.�, �ti�.ei �i:i.�;�"i;p '��1�3 .+"°L-?"u"-�C'4J� �:�1@ Oic�@i� .?t.`� r,` � i.l";' /.i�. , f'",'.:� �.i; ^TFC� ":!?:e�.f: �!'_�°� � fi u:}'+7'" ?'.4'.''.a, r'.� ta'i� �fli,%Z2��i� la�.I1"ig@1.� i t':i. 'r� , .. a x Y: w+_�� ?;*•t� t.� r;o�_L. ��i=�. r� �L�Y.e��a�.�� of cear�x�a���:t�.on� Ms.ymr ... . �, r,.:!. _:. ,.. ..����:-:rn��r., �:-�3�.L_:, :�.��. �����a° or+ �:zy G�;Bfi��ri'4 i'OY' ap�. ,,..,r. � - r ,„ y,, a � � �-� , � 4 •a`h� :�' �...��.. :�: D'.t...c. ;:�:: : �a'c�a� t;��r es:rl.i�a� ?:ou1c� , , _,., �, .,, , a , _ . ;i��.. ;'.,:C !. a . 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L_.:�.r,.� _, v' �,, ,:j;:) ytiY.' �$�o:'r_° µ`�3}3,yii:�. t:ili G»1..'Y't �Y'23.�. .'.'i"�t:'L Z71D1.�.C� �iQ@ l�' �i;:,�: ;. �C7:C`:, �:��.Vt:>' r;:.��'u ii. i�Yl...a ;i1:t;�L; ad��E.-'a`.{'Ftt u1.),. ��is o�,':c.:'.i"S'�tiC�i. 5�ti�vGCi ''`.. .. k'f,;,! �. � ...� ... � ,.�:;,F i�','� a.�t�1C:�C�L: ziT'°�G°G t:,., iJci__?. F,S �ai'}�.;Y� l�i' 't�1G' ��;her s.�er �.;-5 ti;.,, , .2.:. b�� , ,_ ... ;� ��';��;��u �i�' �.,Lae:era :t ";�;; a11d :���i"� t�ti'�al A atrale '��` .r�`.x;?t': , .;::is:.r 1.."d:;t�:a';`suXi. t .i.�;;Y`d 'r�lFi C�i`�?ss.iic3�:? �C}:�.11[? C�CiT�:P.l ��.F.' L`�i11'G�1" OP t.e; �.' �i.L"�f: .. .. ... .,. iic :',2i.,�3.�1t�..�,.:¢:�aq ;l.a Ci.�.x"E:i,''.;'v"Ci't,� C�a:E't'.i.Yl :LiR'�O i�tt�2"� ......:�.1:: ,..�>:i. ., .. i:'�E` ..... 3._..� +: �.' :ii.f"..:N,.k> t`Ca C`i� �.ai.;� «7"i ?Jt^-�:i"P. f.':d'aT]Li�'cCY �.'�". idi�113�.t� • �! , r,9 'r ��: , � �° r< � : �:�:�. � ::;: 'c•z�nr �:�tr�a s.� t,:���x u L::�3.ai��ri thE praoet�ic �.r _,w �.w�t,:��,. .� .� "..�. �v .� ; �.�s�<�cc'. t� �.rain dc��V•n t��e ��.s�d1� a� �;�e str�e� ..�_ 1 -ts. ..� z , °�'� �� . ;��^ A„�: .t;,}.� ��.�cs *:c;u T��a•a �a�as�ocb. stat�a if �:�,� �.. ��. C _� ,,','r ...... :, .. .. . . _„��., � �!:wo ��F2C: �_ /,. ...::ay i.:;G;� �C�a`"k.3i.?.&.t� �T:iE: ..., � .. '. _ . F , � � r �..�:t: �, - .,�,.,.� � y Y�",�yc��� f���e a..� ���c��,E�a . .,.W...... .. . ...... �... . ,:€��.,..� ...., .t;,�i, _,....�f.: h..-.- .. , �....,_..� ;:�.: (:ii'u� ;��.�c. _'.!"..0 c: �"at�:ira'."''.�f,. d�� �LS�.''t. i� u�''.�7��:�'��ii�rs Y."_'.�:� 1..-�_.�...i.. �a..�.,.... .. ..... �.,t��... .!=!'.���"u{;i7 ..'�.?:.�a. �.�'�'i�5� ....:"a.� t.i�+'�:.i.�.�il.lE.'ta �'�8.�1 fi✓.1���1 c -'n ,-, "'- c c> .} t�r�r d?,n ~ �^ i e� � .. 'i. .._ .. _ i�i G'� 't�. Di' �.ti Ec": F'� �.C: ��.�..;�' EiI2C1 %F1E,'' 2�SEC68ffi�Tl'�. SIJZ'@...Ce S?"�T? } 1'!,"" �. �+� :''�:i: a„<?�:t il�' G�as"•:,'�' VE),.�.7."�;, t�".rl;"+. 8'� v�1�i�: a�.7RSE t'7'''�eYl '��lt �,r. °��. _: � � �-�+ ;� ° : _.h :. ;��; ���r�� id�:R �r'. �a� t�1ne C. �,��� Cacanc:;.:� �Sae�r exe b�und i-',�'` .i�r . �.� _.^... -'".. :"�'�tr.,. i�.��.'cC:'��,.� vi�C7 .�tY� f'i�E $7�°..�i".��° C��.Sil°ti � a. ��i�.�.°u�.�..�' .' .. .,.,., .„ -; _. a�..... .. � .G. ;�!��� ;��_�-.� .. _.u�f.��;�;:�. _ ::��;:t:� r���°� '�e e�u���e� �'or � �.,, Ciiy �lt-�o�n�y Smit� 4'�t'S)�.£ � ��r ;:i ' ' ':- !'.�,'.Ci t,i� "a��.. 't.��.0 e',� i�1@ i.i..�if3' f):1E' £'.aS�'B�Zf£:TI�i �.$ $�i'88C7 �:�la �°a �°��ei:,_;� ��:;�� ,�:� G:� �� �r��.�.z�� o7�c �,c� �eap:te whc� a��e �ain� �to be assPssed �3.�iv l.i .`'.!��'? a 4�'�. .�:4.�� .irm�? �.;.i.� '°��13$ PT1��ilk.'�i :3w 4A SI}l�.t`�2 k�ay �he Z78.�'.@Z" .�.,.�*.�s a��,:. :v��„_ {:;:-r:ie,N`�u$ :'r.��f: ia t�3e �im� �o �a.�;�a� befa-r.e #be C:i.icy �ou��3i � _.��. �a��;^.� ;. �r :�n •` � c' , ;�$.-�> ; � ;, t�attc�r. Pie� �t��tec� t�e hti�i ��sanal�.,,� inEg�c: v�v ����� U ��a> �,�..r� , ,�..,��. ��.3i;�� �rh��: "���.d h��n ��:?c3m The ��.�y� Me�.na�er ,��c��r3�e: ^��,a��: �,�,;.,.,�y �', �rx:'.� ��a�e , rl�_c �n�-I.*�eer� �v� nr�� mad� the Ecieia�� .�>.::,�'�.ts �,.;�r; c�;' ;,. ��a:zr:��:�: �:,s:����„� ���..I. c'o u�'�,;?.�_ �n�;� �,.r� or�'�x�ed �ca �.ke k":.�:�..�. ��� �•��:; .���i .^Ls��n�.;?:,a.��t�..c+n.� �•r�u :"�i�� on T;' +hp� a�r�e �o ��at r�.' �ti=:���i� ,?���::�� � �� �":,s:sr-. ,.zi.�a;x��:c'�;� •r:�i� aho�;�.�. �.ve �e�� 3.�al�ded P� the �Jl,eu.�'e.�a�.'. aii;:'�..n:`,.`.i.t_., • Page �50 � Mr. Eugene �ass af 5844 - 7th Stree� inquired iP the quoted $1.98 fi�xs t��u�1.d inc�.ude the main and ���era.l and iP the nrojec� wonld be coz�p3eted be�a-re the �ssessment �•aas �.de. Mayor Nee replied he would not �e aeser�Ged until he hac� reee3,ved �h� la�ceral serviae, that he ti�ras not certain,� at �his time? Sf the West side oi' the district taou].d 'be �'3n3.shed be�Po2�e the East sicle but if tbe project were ordered ne3.ther wo�2d 'b� sp�ead until t3��ey �.ctua].ly had la�era]. service. Mr. ga.aa inquir�d if �here iac�uld be �. �neral a�ssessm�nt Par a main. M�yor 1Vee r�pli�d -the� �aould ne��: as the Ccaunc:il w�.s at�.empting to equal3ze the m�.���ter. Mr. �Ias� inquaxed if he had mpney 3n escrow and someone else bau�ht hxs houae tuould hP hsve to pay adclitional in�,e9rest, �'h� Finan�e Di�^�eto.: repl3ed �ha� �.s far ae pu�tting ich� money in esc�aw the �i�ty hasn't re�i'aired �this b� aon�, it is the lencling 3.nstit- a�tioas a.nd i� �%ere #.s money an deposi� it wou].d 'be suf�3cient to cover �he estfmated caet o� �is assessmen� and if the k�ouse chang�d hands this wauld be suffi�ient until. the asseas�n� ro].:L ie adopted. 1�2r. Hass sta�ed it appesred as -u�iou�'i 7th Str��� may be P].a-ttened c�u�c a bit and ihai; he couldn x� see �.ng► �eason to run a�.iue to the South as the water �roble� was tp �tt�� �iarih and inquired why the natch wa,s 'bein� m�.de. M�yu� Nee �epliefl i� was probaBl� �ecs.use it would c�cur �here. �,.r. Camstock stat�d if the Caur�c�l would delay fi,h.e questio� he z•rau�.8 ob�air� the :inf'orma•cion. I�t was a�reed. A�r. Hass �Lir'cher request�d receivv�n�� in �he mai1., �� estimate oP the eos� af the grojeet. I�yur P1ee rep7lied if �he projec�t was oxdered �hey could ! g3ve h3m a� pr3.c� in a couple af montiis3 �at the �ity Cou�ccil was co�nmitfied not to �o ovex Y�hatevex �he a�ovn� af the bid was and th,ere is so� Sf,ate Gas �aney t12e Caunc3.�. wil.�. applyy S�ts�Ge H��h�7ayPtimds and alsa c•�hat i� aol�.ec�d c�ra a�se�s�teats sa ihs,t �he property a�raera �ill x�ot c�rry the entixe �.aad. IIe f'urthex statQd �thsy were a�eed i� wii], not �a o�+er the �3.g�r� they �re co�i�tec� to and had calcula�ed an �z-��z^a�e I.ot f ix�ancea za�th the c�.'�y woulci cost abaut $20.00 a yea.� �a�d �7.08aQ� an an avera�e home site 3f' paido 1Kr. Cc�tnstoek� in r��'ert�3n� to I�lz�:, i3ass � tarev� ons question re�rding 7th Street expa.a3ned 3.t tlas ne�essary to pick �ap the d�.inag� on that area because o�' the dtate.nce 3t sexves and the ef�ect of the ti�ate� p31ia �g dat�n nn 7�h unu'±d be fcaa �at end i� 3.s neaes�ary to piek i'� up �ae�'ar� it gets to Zth. Nla.yor P1ee inquir�ed �.� there were anyone �resent in�erested t!� know 3� they have escro�a �roney to be appl�.ed or� the project and correated �p his previous $�ate�nt of �108.00 aseessment for an average ].at to � I��.�. Z`hose res�.dents preeent interested preaen�ted �hemselves �to �h� F3.nence Directar and Yaere �iven escrow Pigureso The c}uest3.on was rais�d i� the Cficy Cauncal were goi.ng to try and get �he wors� trouble spots fi�st on this pro��ci�. City Eaigineer Qureshi �xp9.ainec� as thi� �o�i.on o�' tlee 3.m�rcov�ement i8 conaerned they would sta�t �he gortions z��h3ch t��ere bad �irst. 2he questl.on was raised 3.�' 7th Stree� t�ould be �he £irs�t staceet taken caxe o�. Ci�ty Engineer � Pa,� �6. i �ureshi xep�.ied �h3s wa.s a m�.�ter o� seh�du3_�.:1� an. d�w�.n'� t�e o�' year the contract �aould be �.et,� tha-� �hey c�uxd no-� �ve s�reets �n t-lfnter but the,y car�3.d c�o the t•ro�k for ��:arm aewer 2t3,t�z° ths.n stree� t�orko Y+�a�or ��e s�ated they �lould a��t�mpt to solve �h� pro�lem a�as f3rst r�nc1 so� oa the prob].em �aould be solved z�i°th the lateral ga3ng in on 7�n St�et. Caun�i�.me.n �'ri�;ht stated he h�.d a, petitian on. Project 5B in opposition and iP any o�' �chose �rrresen� t��rc� hexe a� Z.east fiv� af the si�ners z�ere not inii�^.� d3��rict and t�ere YaZse�.y alaxmed. Matian by Wright io reaei�re Pe�ci�ian ��7-],q6a+. Spa�r�d�d T�y Sherid�n. Upcan a voice vo�:e$ the�e �ea.n� no nays�, th� mot��n cexr3ed ununimou�ly. Couna3]�an Sh�ridgn ir�quired o� �:he �'i��.nce i7�.rectox� if he xecal�ed the numb�r o� not3ces m€til.ed �or this hearing3n g�nez�al iig�ares as i� night be tdf,'a.,1. �C)P the r�ac�r8s of the heax�.ng tha� t2�ere ���re 21 persons preseMte Tb.� i'�':�.z�a�nce i�irectax° x�p�.ied there w�:re €�vex° 700 notiaee �ail�d out a�rprc�eima-�ely. Coun�il.man Sherid�n sta�ed this gave the Ci�y Council aza inc3icat3on as to �he emount a� escrot�i mon�y an deposit. TYie FirianaE Dir�etor re7Plied �l��y �.ad �26,187.00 t�at ��a�s to be appiied �o s�e�:�i� 1e�Ls �..n EsGruta mane�� o Motian by Ki�khtir,� to alase the public hear�.n� an S�orm Se�uer improvement Px�o�ec� �SB� S�eanded by She�ivan. Counci�.x�r�:n L7r3�ht inquia�ed iY � everyone t�lex� clear th� a�otio� v�,s �de to c�.os� �be h�aring. Upon a voice noteA there being no nays� �he motion ce�ri�d unanimouslyo RESQLUTION �i���196� OR'it�RING TMF'FiOZ�hEµ� ��: Motion by Sh�xM.i.dar ta adop�: ��soi.utiara ��.�����u�+ r���r�ng imprave�n� a�d �'9.na1 p1at�.s sgid �pecifica�,iaa4 and es�:i�.�tes of cas�s thereo�; Storm Sewer :Cmp�ovement Frc►�ec��.SS5�1 �Nortl� �aP Hi�hwr�y No. lOQ and East a� Uni�r���i�ty Avenue) p Seconded by �Trightp Upon a rall call vo�teD �hose vc��tang �.n Yavor aY �hc ��;�olutiora� Nee, Sheridan' Wrightg Kixkham. Thos� op�.►osed9 non�, �F �a�cioxi c��ied unanfmoeislye ADJQURN: ,....�....._.a.. There being no f�ucther business, Mriy�or DTee declar�ed the Special Counci� Mee�ing o� July , 96�+ adjourned. Resp�ctf"u11y submit�ted j r �� Sue Misko�Jic Secretary ta the Caunc.il. u � � � OFF'ICIAL IJOTTCE CTTY OF FRTDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFQRE THE CiTY COUNCIL �0 WfiO� IT MAY CONCER1Vs Notice is hereby given that 'th�re wi7.1 be a Pu.bli.c Hearing of �he City �ovne3.I of the Gi�y of Fridley i�n the City I�a7.]. at 6lt3I University Avenue NaEo c�n ��.� 2(�� 19b�t� in the Cou.ncil Cham�ber at 8s00 PoM, for the purpose a�s Considerat3on of a final plat� PoSa #6Itm119 Isonard Cochran� b$ing part of 7�ot 7� except the North �6506 �eet� all o�£ Lot 8D AuditorQS Subdivisian �22� lying in th� Sou�h Half (S2) of Section 13� '?'-30� Rm2?�� County o� Anoka� State of Minnesatao �.nyone de�ix�ng to be heaxd wi�h s�efererzce �to the above matf.�r �rill be heard at thi� meetin�o " - WILLIAM J, I3EE MAYOR �iish: aul� z, i96� _ du].y aa 1961� -- ! �F% s � ��� .. . _�8 � O�ItDINANCE N0. � AN ORDINANCE CONTROLLING DOGS WITHIN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY REQUIRING CONFINB- MENT� A CO�ULSORY SYSTEM OF REGISTRATION, TEIE ESTABLISi�IENT OF AN ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER PROVIDING FOR THE IMPOUNIDMENT OF DOGS� REQUIRING THE VACCI- NATION AGAINST RABIES; AND AMENDING VARIOUS PORTIONS OF CHAPTffit 61 OF THS CITY CODE OF FRIDLEY AND PROVIDIIQG FOR CON'iROL OF ANIMAL NUISANCES. � The City Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as followss Section 1. Chapter 61 of the City Code dealing with the control of doga is hereby amended to read a� follows: 61.01 (Conf inement) Every owner or keeper of a dog or aaimal of the canine breed ahall cause the same to be: a) Conf ined to the awner's premises �by training, fenciag, or leashing, and femal.es in heat shall be confined in an enclosure. b) While on any public street or public place, such as parks, schools, or playgrounds, confined on a leash or in aa automobile and in the custody and under adequate control of a person at all times. , 61.02 (Registration) A compulsory system of registration shall be � established whereby the City will issue City License tags to awners of dogs over six (6) months of age upon proof of rabies vaccination within the precediag . year and payment of a biennial fee to be determined by the City Council. All tags expire on December 31st of the even-numbered year next following the date of issue. It shall be unlawful to harbor, own, or keep any dog of more than . six (6) months of age within the limits of the City unlesa said dog is licensed ; as herein provided. City license tags shall be non-transferable either from ° � one dog to another dog of the same owner or from one awner to another owner � of the same dog. Tags shall be affixed to the collar of the dog by a perma- nent metal fastener. ' . 61.03 (Animal Control Officer) There is hereby eatablished the poaition of Animal Control Officer (ACO) and his duties shall be: a); Periodically �,: �atrol all sections of the City for the purpose of picking up stray animals. b) To pick up r�nd impound any dog running at large within the City. � c)- To pick up and dispose of any dead animals. d) To investigate all cases of dog bites and ather animal bitea reported , to him and to be sure that all such doga or other animals are confined aad kept under obaervatioa for a period of fourteen (14) days. � ,. ORDINANCE N0. (Continued) I � �� . 61.031 (Appointment) by and be responsible to the of compensation. The Animal Control Officer shall be appointed City Manager, who shall also determine his basis 61.04 (Impounding of Dogs) Whenever a dog is picked up and impounded by the ACO, the registered owner shall be notified forthwith. If the dog is unregistered, the ACO sha11 make every reasonable effort to identify and notify the owner. Before any impounded dog is released to its owner, the owner shall: a� Pay to the ACO an impounding fee of $5.00. • b) Pay to the ACO a boarding fee of $3.00 per day or fraction thereof that the dog was impounded. c) Show proof of vaccination within the past two (2) years, or failing proof of vaccination, pay in addition the current vaccination fee, for which he shall receive a receipt good for one (1) vaccination. d) If a dog is unregistered or registration is not current, pay to the ACO the current registration fee plus a penalty of fifty cents (50¢). 61.041 (Destruction of Dogs) Any dog not claimed by the registered � owner within a period of five (5) days following notification of impounding may be disposed of by the ACO. Any dog not wearing a City Tag may be disposed of after being impounded for five (5) days. 61.05 (Rabies) Every dog shall be vaccinated against rabies at least once every ewo (2) years. Any person knowing of a case of a human being bitten by a dog or other mammal shall immediately notify the ACO or the Police Department, and said animal shall then be confined by the owner or by the ACO or by other competent suthority and kept under observation for a period of fourteen (14) days before being disposed of or released from observation. 61.06 (Unlawful to Kill) It shall be unlawful for any person other than the ACO or a Police Officer to kill or destroy any dog found running at large in the City or any mammal that has been known to have bitten a person within a period of fourteen (14) days. 61.07 (Cats) The Animal Control Officer shall have authority to pick up stray caCs and the ACO shall make every reasonable effort to notify the owner of said cat. Before any impounded cat is released to its owner, the owner sha11 pay the same fees as provided for in 61.04 (a) and (b) of this ordinance. Any cat not claimed by its owner within a period of five days after being impounded may be disposed of by the ACO. 61.08 (Nuisances) No persons shall keep dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, chinchillas or other small animals that habitually bark, howl, cry, habitually chase people or cars or habitually cause property damage or so as to cauae any other nuisanc@. �� � SO ORDINANCE ft0. (Continued) � 61.09 (Complaints) Any person complaining to the ACO or to the Police Department that a dog or other animal is allegedly running at large or other- wise constituting a danger or nuisance shall identify himself upon request and shall make every reasonable attempt to assist the authorities in identifying the dog and its owner. 61.10 (Effective Date) The compulsory registration portion of this ordinance (Section 61.02 and Section 61.04-d) shall take effect January 15, 1965. All other provisions of this ordinance shall take effect as provided by the City Charter. 61.11 (Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances) All existing ordinances of the City of Fridley are hereby repealed insofar as they may be inconsistant with the provisions of this ordinance. . 61.12 (Penalties) This ordinance shall constitute Chapter 61 of the City Code of the City of Fridley and all g�eneral provisions of the City Code, including Chapter 105 entitled "Penalties", shall apply to this ordinance. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL'OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS _ DAY OF , 1964. • CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell First Reading;_July 7, 1964 � Second Reading• � Publish; �� • MAYOR - William J. Nee � ORDINANCE 1d0. � AN OiiDIIJANCE TO AN�ND THE CITY COl7E OF THE CITY � FRZDLEY� NQNNESOTA BY MAKINa A CHANC�E IN ZOATINt� DISTRICTS The Counail oY the City of Fridiey do ardain as fo17.c�rs: SECTIOld �.o Appendix D of the City Code of FTid'Ley is amended as hereinafter indi.catedd SECTIOQ�I 2o The traet or arsa with3n the Ccun�y of Anoka and the City o�f Fridley and ctescribed as s All of Lofi,s 1•}"�t 22-26' Block 2� Meadowa►oor Terraae (P.S� �4�-O�t) 7,Y�.ng fn �he Narth � Ha]�' (N�) of Seation 12� T-30s R-2I�a Coimty a� Anokaa State of Minnesotao Is hereby designated to be i,n t.he Zwnad Distriat kno�na as Ctll {lxal busiue9s area) o SECTION 3o That the Zoati�ag Admiais�trator 3.s directed to change the off icial zonitzg map to show said • tract or area from zoned distsict R-1 (aix�le ! fa�.ly dwelling) to C41 (loaal business area). PASSED BY Tf� CITY COUNCIL (�F' THE CITY (� FRTDLEY� THIS �� DAY 0�' � _� 19b�4 ATTESTs - o e Publ.i.c Hearings July 7, 1964 First Readings Ju y , 4 Second ReadiAga� _...—..."..� Pab].i.sho..... e:� —U'Y e � U � '/-Y � • n �iM�i� : , � _ _ � .51 �. � ���� :?� i � . . . .... . _.. . ,,.. _ - � l 1 ... _ . . . � _ , , . ' r; �"� �'� =� �' `' ° � `- __ ___ _ ___ ;` � --- ---.__.________ __. ._ � . ------�.:r .. _.�-�---- , .e , � �, . � �.. , . , "" j �s�.; �� �-?� r` � ! r—} x � � i .,'� j `: �.:. '' ! : ..-m ; ._s � t ...,✓ X� -. ' `i .r j:, .. _ �,,. � �, . v�Yr �•�a A`c �.� 4� „; ``:b�:.•rY � r.. �hT � °`°� �,.. } �.,. " � <`, __ ,_ _ -- _ ___„ ____.---,._._ , } _.,�.._ _ �_..,. _.... , � ., „ ^ _ /-' �;, ":,� i , ' `S+'r. ')'_ �, � , . i ! � t � : � r � P ._. ; �� r ; . i x�: , � ���� �y, W � j f i ���,`.� I � ��� �`, '�r 4 �_. _.. _�_ ____'_' _.._._, f� y''p � '� � �r-1 ;� ;, ,i �=:. 4,., ! .52 i; � ;, ; ; ; �;���� � � _'..._"" . 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C% , s ..._ 5. . ._.'w.A� �i�/.i17�Yk s ri''+}i �...`.rir`.? �.>. �rA� 7.`� ._ ... � T -;,,�..:�,F�'.s ..�a:'.!'�t��:':2:�i:.: t:a.Ci�.°ici �, '��' <`_, '.� ;�_'l.. ... _.,�: � __ ._ _ � __ .._ , . ._ a _. . _ , :�t�_.,_ _ _z r.;<-.x ,__ . _. � ORDINANCE N0, � AN ORDINANCE UNDER 5rCTI�J 12o0T f�' THE CITY CHARTER TO VACATE A UTILITX AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT Tt�e Counc3l of the City af Fr.idZey do ordaf.n as followss SECTION lo Tiie vacation of the ut3lity and drainage easement described as followss The South six feet (6 t) e�oeept the East six feet (69) of Lot 1' Block lt' Qunderson Terrace, togethsr �,rlth the North six feet (6+) e�cept the East six feet (6 4) of' Lot 2m Block Its aunderson Terrace All loaated in the North half (N�) a�' Sectiaan 12s �-30s 8-2t�s Anoka Coun�y� State of Mfnaesota be and is hsreby vacatedo SECTION 2, TYbe said vacaticn has been made after Notice of Public Hearing in conformance Wi.th Minnesota • Statutes and pursuant fi.o Section 12007 of the . City Chartero PASSED BY THE CIT7C 1COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY� THIS �e DAY (J�' 1964, J a�sT: C���+M'��ai,�i;�3�T'� ri�:�H!ic �. ,. : _ ._1i.. Publia liearings � JuIY 7. 1964 Fix�t Reading:�ti`ty? :._i..�4 Second Readingt ,,,e� Publishe...o.e: � • - o ee 53 � ' . ;r�.' — - - - »..� , Lond Plonnirx� 6B7'S-H,i9hnrn� *C's NE. , ,. ` � ` ta�d surr�y' � M,rr��pn�s )2, . Soils ksf �'; ..�' '� E N G I N E E R I N G, I N C. ����°f° Civ►l b tifia,edpo/ Sl,b�rrt4-G066 � � ���� -- En9ineers � Surveyors --- � � , , . �' ce�tz,ficate o� su�rste �ot GUNDERSON ,CdNS�R�CTI01� � ` �� � . .. '�ICZESID� D121��. _ ���� - -Ir'n __ _�. _ � r za 2 0 4. 0 r,a., o �' � ...,.... NI 1 �� ? 1 , _� ;J"n �` _ ' � . N � ` �� , .. , , , : _. � � i �""� " -"W� , �• �— � � �r' t + �.:..y ' .a,e,� � , V"' ' r / . r ``� l / � � ' � � , �..3:::. � ,� , ,.��_ . ` � , , � � tiy��N�,, �}�,+ , , �. � � .` � � f ..,, :..i . � . . . .. . . . . � . � `� . . . 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' � . .. - . .... ...... .. ..... . ...� r ..., ... . . - .. .. . �. , '�;' , �� .� .� � . . .� _ _ _. .. , ; __ __�_� ._.__,. ; e �.� °,^9.af+w�A�� Cati � ead�, -w:__-: � Ce�r "=P44°.p64•�.:�. �.a:3�'�A S,r�A°�.� r�� � - { r. ; � �r ; x=::� f�g�;�: �� �`c� �c� t/'�t�.m ; r=.� , , � q 'd � !, > �# �, ,.. � �,. ,::1-' ,. .. ., ii3 � ,. :i;. � , ORDINANCE N0. � r- ^ .�y% � AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE CONSUMPTION OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS IN PUBLIC PLACES AND PROVIDING LICENSES TE�REFORE: INCORPORATING MINNESOTA STATUTES CHAPTER 340; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FO�t VIOLATING The City Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follawst Section 1. The City Code of the City of Fridley is hereby amended and there is hereby promulgated as new Chapter 84 of the City Code of Fridley, the following: 84.01 (Definitions) As used herein, the follawing definitions shAll apply. a) "Person" shall mean a natural person of either sex, co-partnership, corporation or any other associat:�on of persons. The singular shall includ� the plural and the r�asculine pronoun shall include the feminine and neuter. b) "Intoxicating Liquor" shall mean any distilled, :�rmented or vinoue beverage containing more Chan 3.2% of alcohol by we:ght. c) "Original Package" means the sealed bottle or other .:ontainer ia which liquor is placed by the manufacturer. c) "Public Place" shall mean any place, other than a private home • where two or more persons or groups of persons or the public congregate or frequent, and shall include but not be limited to clubs, taverns, beer stores, drug stores, restaurants and hotels. e) "Bottle Club" meana any private club as defined in M.S.A. paragraph 340.07 subdivision 7, or any unincorporated society which shall have more than SO members and which shall have, for mare than a year, owned, hired, or leased space in a building of such extent and character as may be suitable and adequate for reasonable and com- `..� fortable accommodati::r:: tor its members; which said club or society allows its members t�:; :_ave and keep a personal supply of intoxicating liquors in lockers ss�igned to such members, in accordance with this '9`�1 and State �w. v�� f) "Public Drinking Placc" means any public place which serves liquids which are or may be used for the purposes of mixing with intoxicating liquors to be consumed or. the premises. 84.02 No person shall directly or indirectly in any private club or public place or upon any pretense or by any device, allow the consumption or display of intvxicating liquor nor serve nor permit to be served any liquid for the �urpose of mixing with intoxicating liquor without firat having received a license and paid a fee as hereinafter provided • ; • • . 84.03 (Licenses and Fees) Licenses shall be fasued for.the follawing establishments and the fees shawn charged per year: a} "Bottle Club" (Including Public Drinking Place) b) "Public Drinking Place" $�00,t� $ /f!'� � 0'-0 � ! � � �58 - --_ 84.04 (Application for License) Application for license may.be made by any person by submitting to the C ity Manager a written statement under oath, setting forth the name of the applicant, his address, owners of the applicant if other than a natural person, the business in connection with which the proposed license will oper ate, its location, whether or not the owner or awners were ever convicted of a crime and whether or not the applicant has ever applied for or held, in other communities, a license to sell or permit comsumption on his premises of intoxicating liquor and such other information as the council may require from time to time. Application shall be on a standard form to be provided by the Municipality. 84.05 (Fees Payable) Each application for a license shall be accompanied by a receipt from:the C ity Manager for payment in full of the required fee for the license. All fees shall be paid into the general �ur►d of ��ie tnuni��.ga��.�y. Upon reject�.on of any application for a licens�, �he C ity M�nage� �h�ll r�fund the amount paid, less any ccste for processing. 84.06 (Duration) All licenses shall expire on the last day of in each year,/. Each l� ce�n� e/ shall be issued for a eriod of one ��� �' � ' �"�� C.%Ct ' l� �r � � � L ) Year . n-�.:2,.L..i.�.�-0 .-if�"f1. l^"'t' 'C t !'3 'Y d ! ��<a.�d..-�%ta ,� 1!�y �;,. ,t���, �Zi. 3 t..t � � �o s R r, c, �.�i�... �}--t. d�� � ,q ,, , E, . A _ � .t_� . `)'vt rr ::�.! � r a �fa K-� G�-w-. � 4� JNJ'N�A `.. ,�., .t /�a�, �'° ' �rj.p�w�. � . ' ( '""'"�o � ai�t ��of� � fee " P �+atd �or any license issued under this ordinance shall be refunded except iat the following instances: Upon application to ' the council within twenty (20) days after the happening of the event, there shall be refunded a pro-rata portion of the fee for the unexpired period of the license, camputed on a monthly basis, when operation of the licensed business ceases not 1•ess than one month before expiration of license because ot: a) Destruction or damage of the licensed premises by fire or other catastrophe. b) The licensee's illness. c) ,,The licensee's death. d) ..A change in the legal status of the municipality making it unlawful for the licensed business to continue. � `. _.. -_ i��7 84.07 (Granting of License) The City Manager shall investigate all facts set out in the application including a consideration of the building • with regard to zoning and building ordinances and the proximity of schools and churches and shall give opportunity to any person to be heard for or against the granting of the license, on request. After such investigation and hearing the City Council shall grant or refuse the licenae in accordance with the provision of this �di�a�a��� • � 84.08 (Persons Ineligible for License) No license shall be granted to any person: a) Under 21 years of age. b) Unless he be the actual owner or proprietor of the place of business where he intends to permit such consumption of intoxicating liquor. c) No license shall be granted to any person who already owns or has a direct or indirect interest in a license provided for in this Ordinance. d) Who has been convicted of a felony. e) Who is a manufacturer or whol�saler of liquor or who ia interested in the control of any place where liquor is manufactured. 84.09 (Licenses; Ownership) IC shall be a condition of every license that the licensee furnish the City Clerk a list of all persons, firms or corporations having an interest in the licensed business and the extent of such interest. If Che licensee is a corporation, such list shall shaw all stockholders, their resident address and the number of shares held by each, either personally or beneficially for others. It shall be the duty of each licensee to notify the City Manager of any change in legal ownership or beneficial interest in such business or such shares. Any change of address or beneficial interest or stock entitled to be voted at any meeting of the stockholders of a corporate licensee which results in voting control of the corporation by persans owning shares of stock therein shall be deemed � equivalent to a transfer of the license issued to such corporation and any such license shall be revoked thirty (30) days after any such change of ownership or beneficial interest of shares unless the City Council shall have been notified of such change in writing and shall have approved thereof. The City Council or any officer designated thereby may, at any reasonable time, examine the stock transfer, record and the minute book of any.corporate licensee. 84.•10 (Placea Ineligible) ��� a) No license shall be granted for sale on any premises where a� licensee has been convicted of the violation of this o or where any license hereunder has been revoked for cause until aix (5) months have elapsed after such conviction or revocation. ., 4. �- so � 84.11 (Licensee Accommodations) The premises named in the • license shall at all times be open for inspection and examination by any police or health officer of the City. 84.12 (License not Transferable) Each license shall be issued to the applicant only and shall not be transferable to another holder. Each license shall be issued only to the premises described in the application. No license may be transferred to another place without the approval of the City Council. 84.13 (Minors) It shall be unlawful for any: a) Person to procure intoxicating liquors for any minor. b) Person to permit a minor to consume intoxicating liquors on the premises of said person. c) Minor to misrepresent his age for the purpose of obtaining set-ups to use with intoxicating liquor. d) Minor to have in his possession any intoxicating liquors� ��s..�. �_—� — — e) Club member under twenty-one '(21) to be assigned a locker for the storage of intoxicating liquor, or to display or be permitted to display intoxicating liquor on "Bottle Club" premises. • 84.14 No licensee nor other person shall consume or display, or allow consumption or display of intoxicating liquor on any Sumday between the hours of 1:00 A.M. and 12:00 noon, nor between the hours of 1;00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. on any election day in the district in which the election shall be held; and No sale shall be made between the hours of 1:00 A.M. and 8:00 A.M. on any week day, Monday through Saturday inclusive, or between the hours of 1:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. on Memorial Day. Al1 licensees shall be closed to the public starting not later than 1;30 o'clock A.M. until the time herein provided as permissible for sales, con- sumption, or display. No person other than employees shall be permitted within such establishments during the closed periods. 84.15 (Inspection) Any peace officer shall have the unqualified right to enter, inspect and search the premises of the licensee under this ���e during business hours without a search and seizure warrant. 84.16 (Revocation) The violation of any provision of this 8�{�N.� �e by a licensee or agent, shall be grounds for revocation or suspension of the license. Before revocation, the licensee sha11 be provided with written notice setting out the nature of the charges against the licensee and setting a date for hearing before the City Council, not less than eight (8) days from the service of said Notice. • '� ��.:` 84.17 (Exemption) The licensing fees of this 6k�hCf�e shall • not be applicable to non-profit service organizations, but they shall be bound by the other provisions of this 0�#�nreeer,/�.r►� ' � � _- s1 84.I8� (Separability) If any section,.sub-sec�ion, �sente�ce, clause,,phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for'any",�reas6n"declared inyalicL' or unconstitutional by any Court of competent ju,ris�lict��fi, s�ch provision shall be deemed a separate, distinct and in�'g�n ent,� �"'ovi,'si„on and , such hplding shall not af�ect the vali`�ity of th�re-` �//mainitig portions thereof. '� / $���� �I �� C�.�-- G/'rvo�W'tiw� -S�. (Penalty) This ezz���e shall s�e� Chapter Et4 of the City Code of the City of Fridley and all general provisions of the City Code, including Chapter 105 entitled "Penalties" shall appl.y to . this O�d3�reec- �,�"�.�c. ' PASSED AND ADOPTED BY CITY COUNCIL OF THE C TTY OF FRIDLEY THIS � � DAY OF /' � , 1964. CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell First Reading• July 7, 1964 Second Readin.; Published; � MAYOR - William J. Nee � 62 ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 45.19 OF THE CITY CODE TO ALLOW FUNERAL HOMES AND MORTUARIES IN AN R-1 DISTRICT BY A USE PERMIT. The City Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as foZlowa: Section 1, That section 45019 of the City Code be amended bq adding a sub-paragraph numbered h to Paragraph 2-A as follaws: h. Mortuaries and �uneral homea. Section 2. Sub-paragraph 9 of Section 45.19 is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the following: 9. Mortuaries in R-3 and C-1 Districts. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY • THIS DAY OF , 1964. . � ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell • MAYOR - William J. Nee • Public Hearing: e - First Reading: Julv 7, 1964.Qe.r,L+���/96� � Second Reading: • Publieh: • • �� N ,�_.�_;_ SCALE.: I" = 5 0' o DENOTES lRON PlPE � SURVCYOR�S CERTI FICATE LEROY H. WINNER 1'� ���`e�''t Reyiatered Under Laws of Stats of Minnesota ROUTE NO. 4• ANOKA, M�NN, PHONE MARR[50.N 1•1659 :. . `.. ���6�_/6 � 63 ,, � I 33 i I 0 0 N � � 0 � J m Z O � Z � (� 33� PROPOSED LOT SPLIT OF LOT 44 OF AUDITOR�S SUBD.VISION N0. 92 � � i HEREBY CERTI FY TNAT ON JULY 3, 1964, I SURVEYED THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND THAT THE ABOVE PLAT IS A CORRECT REPRESENTATlON OF SAI D SURVEY. . o� ' REG. N0. 4987 LER H. WINNER i� � • SCALE: I�� = 50� O DENOTES IRON PlPE SURVEYOR�S CERTI FICATE LEROY i�. WINNER �' � � �a, ..r�.r.. C- � � �!�/L Registe�e�. i; . . . .> o' :�r.: �,F Minnesota ROUTE "�C 4 • ANOKA, MINN. PNOt�E tiARRI50N 1 ;859 �� 5 �j�tG�1` � � 6� _-- - 3� ; . l -�--- � � . 294.7� 33� '; 33� , .. , i � �•~`' ::�. • ( `'•�., ' � 1 � � 26� 50, p J N � � '. f . I S T. — — — ._ ._ N N � � •• � FR. .. • H0. 50� p p.. � ----- o 0 •• � N N N " " �.__.....� 3�'.04' `� co - - - Z � � � _ :�,';� 33 � . . I . 1 � m . "' °�° z , � , , tn � --- 326.6' "-'' % 293.6� 33� 33� LEGAL �ESCRIPTION THE NORTH 120 FEET OF LOT 44, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 92, IN ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA; SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR STREET PURPOSES OVER THE EASTERLY 33 FEET OF THAT PART OF SAID LOT 44 ABOVE DE�CRIBED. : HEREBY CERTI FY THAT ON JULY 3,1964, I SURVEYED THE PROPERTY i3ESCRiBED A80VE AND THAT THE ABOVE PLAT IS A CORRECT � REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEY. � ' i � � REG. N0. 4987 I . LER H.WINNER � • � � • � 0 N SCALE: i�� = 50' o DENOTES IRON PIPE SURVEYOR'S CERTI FICATE LEROY H. WINNER �� ����n Registered U�der Laws of State of Minnewta ROUTE N'v. 4• ANOKA, MINN. PHONE HARRISON 1•1859 C � � ^ __U � ��by__,6 � 5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION u 3 3� t i � � J m � . � V Z O � Z �-- � � 33' THAT PART OF LOT 44, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 92 IN ANOKA COUNTY, . MINNESOTA WHICH LIES SOUTH OF THE NORTH 120 FEET OF SAID LUT 44 AND SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR STREET PURPOSES OVER THE EASTERLY 33 � FEET THEREOF. . 1 HEREBY CERTI FY THAT ON JULY 3,1964 I SURVEYE D TH E PR�OPERT Y DESCRIBEfl ABOVE AND THAT THE ABOVE PLAT IS A CORRECT ° � REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEY. • - , . LER Y H.WINNER REG. N0. 4987 � �� ��3:, A`�Llf�I !Z �Mb�{ f �'I�� .L%�;."L``� ;'; ��� �;� :, � ��;�''�. �s. �e`�;���� C'_i.t:y, �r�:a�.Y���; �4t�s ;� � �i� �e�t � , C :1 �;;� :��n,� �x��:tK .��.? �� .'...� ,F.��+�t. r�a;�:-;��. ��;�:c ,�v%�?y.i'ai.�- €��'rf��- .1.�F3?�:il£�,AV ��LG1�l��'fi'. �.,a�:, �a�, �S` v.+�t�. �.�' � ��rs� c.,_� a<i �; r E7��- ��� �. t' (;-e: � ? ;o�:�e *s,�,,�t t1a.;s:•m-f �i'.;'i �'�ridC � "T :;i.�l��� �'�'� �, �.i�.�. :.;�;�:��a 3:<�tz r?� b��� x:�+�: ���zsttt,° -,.z��v��°i� i� `Nr��� �a'�:�' � �Y`t.�, t s�cd � �� ri�,�^21 <;2 �°�.�', >��� �".�;i ,� �:'��i,���!�'�: Y d '����s �`e�;Ya�� ��r�. €.:�:. �.1.tr���: �r.��a :���� +�� ,��.�.i. ;3:;: �a� �:�.f �3;�;��. 'a+:° ��tF:. `�.�#� ,; � �"h,� ��x�����x� �,a���h• �� �t�� '�ac:�� ��� o� ���4. =.�t =..; �,�� �i�� a �'�,�:�� �'��;: �;���.4 �:���: ����= g��c�a�,� �_' �r��?_cl ,��s�;a�.�°� �. :���:; c��: +��;�,1 �:.�a �:.�%� �:t��� �a�*� taui"3G��b�.e�, P��t, ��, .��.; ,:, F�� . ,� r ° �^�p � , �. � y �r� ��: �.,� � � �� .,. a i�i� F ��s ��ttn &` . a,s ^.,��.�.f �..��,x�4�eF..�'i �:`,,.� ir����f.l� ,���:��� c,�:n� �. � ��:�� �� � �� �.��;. dc��r� �c.c� ���� � v?.�r�.R �. t��� ��i��3-n� ,�F. ��tt� ��:��: ��.� ;y%;:�� 4���3 �.��� inh.��;� ��s�, �:���t�€ ��: �:.��,ed �� . �i�r� 4v4��'-n �.+�.�e��;.� ������(qqq�y!�, ����// , '� " �'1-�-A"..�,�5. 'd.a-R.A,:'+P��� �•✓+ b7,R�16! �r47. y',iA,4k�17,P:. � � ��i:.. ...,..�«.�.,,...a�,..:.,.,w.......... �°��� �lg��'�� � ` �� �% • • E�Ii.DING �OARD 1�STI11G MIlitlTBS = JtI�Y 8, �964 Th� maeting was called to ord�r by Chairmsn Rravik at 7:10 P,M, M�mbers Pr�eeate Kravik, WaY]laee, l�rs. Herd�r, Gl�n Johanson Sd Bllis (arriv�ed 8t 7:20 P,M. ) M+�mbers Abssnt: Haug�, Shie�,ds 11. 2d Ther� w�s a short discuseia► in refsrence to thie Shopping Center and it waa decided to tab�.� ehe mattes until the next r�gu�,a�t a�eatiag of the Bui�ding Bosrd when Mr. Mortensosi wi11 bring in aoa�p�eted �orkiug plans. �h�re w�.s a gen�ral dia�ussioae Glen �ohanaon �v�sd agprova� of and r�as�of the buildi �ht �eYp �ng conditi�ts; �� th�..s�dere,. � � .ng ted. 2� �511 parking and driveirays shall be blackmtopged or crmeated. 3� g�l�, re�syiu�a� . l�nd shall be $oaaga aad_��snted with shrubg, �tc. to eahanc� tbe, ___....__�.....�_ .,. _ �. ,�. appe�traace. This appra�raA is subject to the appraval of the r�givers by ths�oard of App�a'�s � Mutiaa was s+sconded by Hd Bl,lis e w. m,.� ,..w . tTpon a voice vota, there bsing no nRqs, Chairmsn Rravik deals:�ed the motian carried,.a Y AD�i01TRI�T : There being no further business, Ci�aiYman 1Gravik dec�ared the m��ting adjaaraQd at 7;35 Pol�i, �e�p�:ctfuA,ly snbmitted: �i f � � A1t�Y.�N Ga �fB11SB11 �aiEdiag �nspactor i �� � BC?1�RD 4F APPTsALS I�TING MINUT�B -- JULY 15 , 1964 .,... �e me+�ting wa� called to o�rder by Ch�� �a�ocki at ?:34 Po�ip M�obexs Pr�seats M�aeaC AbeAYtts 2� ��wrxkl, BurrisA c�abricke W�le�r . ��� � �?j. �• t: .!= + :_`.Mi �:� •,.r !�� • "'1C .;;Ii_5�!� _Y.��. �11 . 1�� � _ • \ • ' � � • 11' .,, � � �,� .ai.;., �] .w_4 `..� � � �4 . .�!'�_ i • :� ^ ; !! . • � � i+• /r� ♦ � ._ +" '"_..? . �t� ��t 1' �.1_ � ' � ��. r Y�1 � ���, � , c • . r �� � • ► Ir f , � � � • r�k+.L. v!:�.s� �� � , . , �* ; y �� , • ,�� � • • ► • ;y.. a �� . ,�-.. �: • I, «. C ; . Y _*_� : � � .1 �. • ,�= ,� r+ (: � i ! 1,L ' �_ : , � • : _i_. r.' �:� --->'-. C�sirm3n N'a�wroeki read �h� mitsutea of the �ul.y 1, 1964 m�stirag o P+1r � I�liill�r, l�g � Slaaughtiessy of� 331�D �il�re Str�t Ydwr+h.h�ast, part a�ner of tl�►�+ lo�s, Mro Ge R. Petearsox� oi 4555 - 3rcl Street No�theast, Ric�iard Ytar%o of 4603 - 3x�i Stree� Noarth�ast, C�ester B�azak of 4615 - 3rd Strtset Northeaste ar�d Dai3.as Melson of 462? - 3rd Stsec�t N�c�theast w�aar+� present� C3iai�rman Na�wr�xki rea+d a petitior� oppos�.aag gsan�3ayg the use p�s�.ta T'he petitiran is 1fiC'.�BChitd t0 th� 1a13A11�63. D�t1oA by We►qlE�e S�COE1C��d by' �33b=1Cks 'ta concur wi�hh the petitio�rs anc3 ta re�wraaex�d that ti�e special use p�rmlt be dexii�edq Upan a voice vota�o tY�r+e b�i�g no na�ys, E�aix'man Na�vroeki declared t.he motian� casri�l � K� � �. � • �;�;.s�_.�:��.��t: • � � • ��. �" ,L� ' • ` i� �L.P�; : ► r - • �� '��'k_�f:,.i sa, ! Y. e,Y �µ ' ht� ��:1_`.�i i..il: M i: • :1: • :.'�.-��� v� v�i� .j � �I.. ��:� • ' � Il�ti _.,.i_._.. -► �il_ ��� •� .�«� .,: - • � � �,� . � .i..__'L.`"�, . , • i :'s.� • , •� .b:�5l: :r.�y.� ie �i • ' ' '�� t� ���► . r�- .i: �a- is.�� � �L .i_ 1.��1�!'�r� • �..�7!_I�' •'. �! r . � t �: ' �= ��- ��1� * 1�. Rabert Zuehik� repr�seati�g the Cari � o ae�nett Ccuis�xuation Com�a�ny waa preae�ta He atated �hat the fxont of the bu.ildiAg woulc] line up with �-he othe�t s�tructures already isi the area. � 1t� Wa�ler �seconded by Butcris to recaam�d tt�at ��e va,�iances requested be allawed, Upon a voice vote, ther�e belxlg no� n,�yB e Chairman Nawrocki declare�d the uuoti ng,�s��',� . ,: ,�.. s . � � :�,'.Y'_j � � T'here la�iog u0 fuL'th�C buSf31Q88 a Chair�asn NaM►rxki c7eclared the m�eting adjournec7 at 7:44 PaM� �espectfully subraitted: �n� !�. �G%`'�''�"'.r Eaucl P p Wagner � Secx'etaty to th�3 Board �� ,�� � �. ������ , � � ����/✓ / � ��/� / L�� � � i/��(!� t I �-r � . �, �1 ` .-���� �, � � , � . �I ` • �;� ' r,Lo a, ��.-�u�� � � ' � � r��W � � s � � "T 'i� /9 �� �� .�� ,�^��L � � ..�'� � % "� • ��� .,��' -� ��. � �,�� :.��� - , _ -� � �� �� _ � � � ����� � -� . , � ��� ,� .�-���-��"` ' � � � ��%� � �� �/J � , ♦ <]�1„ / ! ` �%'� i�t� � c;..�� . � �� �L �� � � � • � � ��� ��� � �� -� � � ��. ��D�� �' /� .� � , . ,��,r� • ��j,1 �c� � � i!' I�'� �^► � < . ��L �6 I964 � � � i !1� .. �,� � ,, �r. �arl P. Wa�ner �itq �anager �ity of gridley 6431 Univeraity Ave. �inneapolis, Minn. Dear �r. Wagner: July 15, 196�F �inneapolts, �lnnesotg I lntend to attend th� cc�::�ci L:.���e`:i: � oi' •��1� 20, �..96�F !or the purpose oi discuseing the possi°bYlity of abt�,�r�r � a lioense for the operation ot a Bill�.ard �enter in ��::�a r�ew shoppinQ center. I would appreolate it if you would see to it that this y:_�tter wae plaoed on your agen8a. ThankinQ 4ou, I remain . � Your$ ver,y trul�, �ii. ;� � � �. �arlson 5506 �innetka Ave: North �pi� , �ir,^: : __ �o . � cL�ar�s � � _ � _. ��- ^�eral 2933 tbacough 3018 � � � _ ,.. ,._..�..._.___.. L3quor �507 �hhxough 6558 � � rjt� .. _ _ _ e_�._..K_... ..... ._, Public Util.ities 3430 through 3449 �( o,� � _. ----�_°-°....° �..�...�,__ __ , i� � � � - � '72 II�$3T Ol► COIITRAG'�O�S' YLI�213ES TO BB APP��D BY C�UIl�IL �l7Y,Y 20s �.964 �CA6��ATO��tB 1Gad�ee Eacavating 724 Main $treet �� W, Anoka, Minnesot� by: Don Rad�lec Ii�W CAS SBItN�CB3 Diaeon �Aumbiag i He�ting 1360 8ighwaq �8 �f�v Brightona Minnesot� bqo Gaorg� Dixon itt�llP:oWAY. 3a�sacog 8nc. 4�'S - 8th Av�nu� 1� �W o 11eW Brighta�n� fl�iinn �a�t� bys �lain� !, �I�n�en REI�°�WAH, G��6�A% �0lPl.'�tA� --_ __-----.��.__� — �---_.___ _____ --- _ _ __�.—._.__----_.._. D � 8� a Aad�ssoa __ 0�� n.�<-... 606� Woody �aae ��cidgep 2b, lYiinnesot� bye D ���. And�a�son �liEtWAg. L' �" �-j _._. __, _. _ �-_- - _ _ _ _ A �, � p� v� t��n`�rt __._.... _. s9aCllw� ais� �$ni p aIIC . _ . _ . --- -ti �.3A26 Waysata �Rvd. l�naeapolis 26a Minne�vta bye 8ichard �, l�take 1�BW ��mt�� IIn� e High�y �13n �s�� #4 ��vag� e �iinnes�t� 8wanstrvm Cooa �a�o �350 31�yvood �x►s IQ� �, �eid�ey 2�0 liinne��C� H�EA'PYI� _�_..�. �ixoon Pbvmbing �a H�ating 1360 Hig��ray #8 fl��► ��ight�n, l�inn�sota S�sscoA $nc. �775 m 8th Avaaua �i �W o ��v �right�afl Ztinae�ota ��l�II�IG �:�� Dix�n Pflumbing b H�tiag �360 High�y #8 ��r l�rightoa. Minn�ota bys clyd� �� ��mb�� byo Georg� �whe�ter bqa G�orge Dixou by: ��aia� P, d�sussn byo Geox�g� Dixal a�w R�11)3WA� ,: =:s.��� i�1�1�WAL �: :; , � ., ? • � • I � �.i3T OF t�1T�ACTORB' LICBLQ588 TO BB APPRaVED SY CORJACiL J'U%Y 20. 1964 Ptdlr�IliG (t�TYNUED) Swaasaa 6 Schiager Paumbiag Co. 7115 � 16th Aveaue 8auth Mianeapolis, Minaesota bys Gordoa 3wanson P�IGS ?.. �NiSWAI. o m m m o m m e m e o o e o � e m m m o � m s e m e • � e e o e <� .. OTH$S LiCS1iS83 s SCA1iBI4G8R LiCB1tS8 I�raucis Fogerty 9015 Radiason Road Minneapolf� 32, Minaeeots dba; Gilbertsen Sanitstion 90].S Rsdisaon $oad Minneapolis 32, Minnesoea RBr18WAi. � • I lJ _ • %��/--�-� ��. �� I'ET IT ION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, THE ADJACENT PROPERTY 0"v11�TERS,GIVE OUR APPROVAL OF A MEDICAL BUILDING TO BE BUILT ON THE COF�TER OF MISSISSIPPI STREET AND 5TH STREET ON THE RIEDEL PROPEF�TY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NAi�ZE ADDRESS � ��� � : CQ.i�.��a,��:�-��< ���, : . �- �, �/ • r;-,; -,_. _ . : /i� � �� ... � - °`-� �/(/ ��� '2� ` ' �, 1 r , , 4.0'�� �l'�`,� � ��. � C � �J � 0 a : -- � . � � .,�. . �� . � �� ,- -� .��;�- � �� � � � � _� �`��� - ' �9 � � .� j �� � f SS ' � � ..%%(j ;' f ,� ,� ✓ - �Z� �����i?'�i'-a-° o ��GU�.� �Zo , a. s- �y'��' GITY AF Fii)GL. �Y 8431 UNIVERSITY AV€. N,�. l4EC�IV�D JUL g 1964 AM �r� 'Y�8�9i�0�����i��2,��`�,�►�� � -�a2.s/9��' c � '�� _� �5 c�./o t y 3, /1r'lo �i --.� ; � �T� o ,� �.e� � �. ,� Y ' � /�E.�E � �✓ /��; 4 v EST ol.� Gv .c:_ ,� � �.�I T.�".�°. .�xTElv �S �v ��u.� 20 0 /.eo ,� �-o,�i �,eC� r' . / A� �/o w .�u�.�. � �,�i a ,•9 /�/o' X /o�d ' �.�AurS"�"�/�C� � vic ,C? /�i Q C�-',�-:�'..-�r y cv i,c. L �'r L-�c�c'v.j-'�.� 1� f-i.i� O� �v G'. / � / �i !a �,/ Q � � 0 I � / �"� 0 c� .G. s� fiP��C"CiA7'.c /iri�E.9Q l.�iT� ��9�i �'i.d �.Pi9 r� d rr T�a �,r' d�� �2 v� G,C �� wY w 1 ��; � � � �" u. �; _._ `�I � � �� ���� � v�. �� h �. 2 S ��„ , � ; ��?�J �-,-r��-�- .�-' �J/' i- _�... .�3 �o Ct-�LL-v�.Giz �-- '" � d / � � �iL�-:.:: � �.u�c-� ,� �� G���• j 1 `""�'° --/% �' � � ce�s�cR & D�;�s, a�c, Consulting 7�ngineera � 1�u6 County Road "d" lrlinneapolis, 8l3.nnesota 55�32 suly 16, 7.964 Honorable l�ayor and City Council c% Idr. Earl P. �Fa�ner, C1ty Ms�nager City oP Fridiey 5�31 �Tnive�raity Avenue N.E. M�nnespol�s, 1Ki.a�nesota 5�21 R� e SEWE�t AND �TATER I�R��l�3NT Pi�OdSC� N0. b7 STOR�t 3EWE� IMPROVF�I�NT PROJECT D1a. 68 Qen'tlt�men: We ai°e enclos.i.r.�: copies o�' Chatlge i0rder I�umber ldo. 1 Sor t.he above p�o�ect, executed by the Contractor, Hurley Con�truc�:ion Co. ` Preliminar�t plans for the propo�ed alternate sevoage ejector. ��ation by Tex=Vi� were rev3.e�ed by our P1rm priar to auDm�.ttal oi' bids. A cop� of our �etter in this r�gard ia attached hereto. � T�e proposed alterna�e was nat 3nciuded w�th I�urley+s propusal, however, and wa� submit�ed to our o�fice seueral howrs aft�:r tY�e bid� �ere receives�p i�or that season it was not bour�d 1�0 and consic�ered a par�� of tlne proposal in the award o� the con�Gract, and t�e a�ard �ra� aaade �pon the ba�se bid utiliz3z�g ttAe ��ci� ied equipment. , Trie at�ached change o�der authorizes the use of thi� aiterr�ate at a deduction of $978.00 fsom the lurap aum bid. DG4,�em Enc3osure� ac: Mr. Nssim Qureshi City Engineer Yes'y ti'uly yaurs, C�LST�C$ & DAVI3, INC, $y — B. V. Comstoc , P. E. ';.a ! [_ `76 � . �.:� �� , r- COMSTOCK 8� DAVIS, INC. t� oouNT► �owo -r� � MiNMtI►►�OLI� �!. MIMNpOTA TtL.: �{Iwrt hMN COtVSUITING ENti1NEER5 June 30, 196� i � Michel Salea Co. 1400 �tl.by Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 Qentlemen: � , ;, i � �� ��� �.; fIu Ne have received your brachurea an� pr�li�inar�► plartia l4! ��! Tex-Vit Lift Station propuse� Par Fridlay, Minn�aQte� P'ro��r�' � It er�Rare that th� er�ulpment you InCend to aubmi� �l31 �lA� .; funation�l rsGuirementa of the srecifioatione. ��� Y � ;,�, � �ry; CoRtractat� wishin�? Lo bi�; your equipment shcauld �o so 3n � for�wnce with 3ectian 31 ot the S�ecia2 Pravieiotfs, "Hlddi�; � Alt*rnates", tollor+inq th� tarm cont8ingd th�rr�in, °��.-f �hould there be any �uestione � ple!a�a aortae�C u�. ;,,�� DCO/e� ,_ � �; t �� Vmrq truly �►ourt� �"` ��'� `�"` ; ' �,��t r e��4�'��. C01�.9'i't)CK � DAYT�, I�iC. y� ���`� '. , , ��, -�.� � �: _ � r e� - _�1 i � �' ��:( � aos Na�im Qureehi, Ctty Engln�ar v � w a4�a v!NS � r • , t's � ,� _°� .�� r �, �� :� : � � ��� � -� �� i� ' �pN. x �" � } L , . � . .� t �: �. t . �r�.8 : �` ��'. , , t # n. ' �` �,. �5` #� r,, . _ , . . 3 . JK `: �?v� � . . "� },:,_ � � . S�~�� � �4� �: � 'in {�, S .,, •. .. , � 4 k. jv-/ 2y � t , '�� ir A � ��� r�.: � ���� � � ;� � ����. � �; �� ^ � �78 �.�.��:�r�k� �: �:���s� ��� o G��z;�u�.�:;.�r�, ,:e��,:�nEe�� • 1�"�F� �os��ilYi�:�'` ���C'�d ri�it �Iix�r��a�s�3i.�, �i�.?��aesota 55�"�� a7'ul;;�' i.�.: �����, ,.�, � - ��_�a - t: Se�e� ar�� i�I�te�* I�►�r�v�:���tc �Q�e�:t %�oa ;�'� S�orm �����r ;�mgrovem�n� P�oject �o. 68 F�:��Tl�;�� l�.it�rs�sa�Ca �Iurle� �o l�tru+��t�c�a G:�a. 4� Si�na3 Iiill� Sto Paul, Y�innesota 5�I].8 �ent��men� 'You aa� hrreby order�d, author�zesl and instruc�ed to subatitute a T�x-Vit Prefabriaated Fn�v�raatle Ejector Sewage Statio� for the speci°�.'ied Smith and �.ovele�s "Du-o-�ect" station for • �.nst�►llat:�.on ia� the a�ove pro�ect. It ia undearstood that all �unetions�, opex�atiot�al and Btruatural requiretnent� of the �peci�'ic� :tons �ill be cocnplied v�ith. It ia Purther underatood tbat the use oP th3s alternate includes the assumption oP all x�esponsibylity Por adapt3ng �he uni� t� the syatem and the submittal of de�ail dra�aing� o� the eq�xip�nt i�z� accordance with Sect::on 31 oP the Spe�3a1 Provisions Specifications, �he cont�Fict price ahal]. be ad3�eted by deducting $978,00 from ttae lump r:ewn bld pr3ce . Submi�ted and approved by Comstock & Davi�, Inc. this 15th day oP �ulyg �q6�. COMSTOCB dc DAVIS9 INCo - ;t � � � �a�= ;,. � t. - l�e ,Vo Comatock9 PvEe DCO%m } ; : Approved t�y Hurley C�natruction Co, this � day oF , 1g64. � xax�.�Y caxs�uc�ox co. s� - �tie ;: . ^ �- '79 � Hu�1a:y Cc�nst�uct�.on Co. std Paul.j, �innesota - 2- aui� �5, i96� Appa�oved and accepted by �he City of P'ridley ichi� _r___e___ day og , 1964�. cz�r oF �.rnr�r Mayor �an��er � � F �� ��ti� s��,��. �� ��:�."���,:� -��°�� o �`�����.�:��� �����z������ � ���E'�k`� ��'d.�.�$�r� S�ffi��� y����? �a�f��.������.�.�� i�a.�acz���'��, 55�3c � • �u:�� 8, 3�6� k� +��•� ,��� �- ��'��� ����v���� 3�—� `���e�3�y� ��.n�.����� ���'���'���; p ������.�� ��ac� ����� ���`���� ��������� ��.�n��4�a���, ��.�r������ ����3 ��r������ � � :��t� �t�� ���'��� o�*t���eci� ��t�'a��i��� ���, :i�a���;���d �� �a�=.�°��r� ��.� �°�71et�:��.�� �ei��.�,�.o�z��. ���r���� o�� ��� ��pv� ��s�{���� ��.�.� �he �€s�.�.���.�a� ��.��.�i,�ra� to �Zz� �����a��� �� i�� � � � �e�a3.'s� �k�� "�'e��.�. �5:���;'° �i'��.�s� �.t��p�;o� ot� �T��.a �'�� ���'' �a<�lst�i�.��'', �I'��. :�'_�3�'n�A�.�.�.'�i� AYfl n$�aa �,�� �2,� i�L�,t���.'� ,�8 i�t'bao� �a ��a�� � a :��.�Ti4��'' `��.�.� � � �'�-��F3���. � � � �:3� r�S ;E� ��°�: ��' ��,'�,�,� i�"3�C�n ���.� :� �g���.�,��� y $;��� °�m��� ��,�:�����«��.�a�� ��,�� ��'c��,� r;� ���� ;� �,�� � 3� t'����.������:.�€a�� �c�:�z� �.��e��..��c� �o ��°� ��� ��s� ��,=�z�� ��a�� �„������ �;�� � �, ?�e� � �� ��� �=��1��,� �� �� ">���;�� y4,� �;c� �:o�a�s��,�� �����.�°� �o �s�'�`f �. ��� � �, i=�id".���.ls`.?�4iD'e�'.�. `�^9� L�+'�.Zs� ��? �'ia s'iC�f� i'i�3�.�a�Yi �I3C�i ��l�.g� �',C1 �� �.�. ��' � ;�taT�t� ri(?tdi 81'2� �"t' �:�.��'I3��� $+Q ���.�. ���a �.n� �e��:3�� �.���r, ar�s��,���ra� �ca ���3���a�� � �� t�d��. ��.c�xa�l se ��:� n� u� �Q a�ld da�o� �►:� �a ar±� ��'b'! � �v i��1�. �� Pea�.� �o�t ar�d �� tt��°a��.� , Y:� �ui�. ���� andt ���r�1v�a �.���r$ �c�a���n� -�a � L� Lf.g, :JeV M p 6 Q i��:��i.�z a:��'� 3. �i�ag�q p��le�� aciap�o� on �J��:�. �5 "�� z�-���inir� ane� �a�c��n� ���n �3�� �a��cet � ��� ��t� d6 �-�� o �� �, 3�4�a0 �> � �'�e�o , :`��.t�0 �o�tal ,Ad�titie��a� '�a Cot��rae� �,�.�o78A50 �� U r� U • 33��t:`�'�:'yi�i:� t� �a��i�,£: a�,w �7`dE:.�. ��:5:�.��;;t' ��t:Yd��ad;�,�, �::� Y����?.g�7��. � � ., ��� � �$ ���;�b 5������'�e�i ��d �����t��d b� ��z��c��au�� � �-:���.�� �a��. ���� £���. �� o�' �r��.�� :�96� � �(�S',��� � a�3As�'`��� �.�� � , �y � a « �� l4�=������� I? � �: � ,.�,..� �p�s�ta��� F�� �:��er�s�za �- �°��c���l, � � Y�: W t��,� �a�r �� ��,.�� �g��. ��i����1 � ��.��1�T�� ���y ��� ��� ���Z� ���ry�€��� ���a� ������,s�t� �� ���� �it�r e:�' �-�.=i.�3.���� "�.�{�� ��;��' ��' ��.�,.,�,�..d�.�,��..�.��.�� =�'�� ._.� ���.�' ���' :a=�;�,��:Y � �.�. �.,,.� �����.i �c�;3�� �a�,� � �� ! 82 �� Jun� 23, 1964 �.a ___r____ T0: CI27 I�.ANAGI�? ATJD CITY COUNCIL FROM: 2✓ARVIN C. $RUNSEI.L, FINANCE DIR�C1t?R SUBJ�:CT: �'ENIFORARY BONDS — STORI�4 SF1�iI�'R PROJF.CT N0. 5A Storm Sewer Project Noe 5A covers the installation of storm sewer main linee on University Avenue, nor�h of Highway #�100o The contract Por Project Noo 5A was awarded on April 20, 1964, and work has been progreaeing rapidlyo No financing has besn proyided for • this projeat up to this time. �he total estimated coet oP Pro j�ct IVo 0 5A is u`267,1�.].6,OOo The matter of finaneing w70,000m00 from 5tate Aid Funds has been diseusaedo �he State of Minnesota is to p�y � z9,a6�o00a The attached resolutian would provide financing for the remaining �lb�,a.l,.8,00, plus intereet during conet±'txcticm of �15,0400000 � � I • - � �33 x�sa���zar� r��., f1 Y�J�O.r,�tF8.51.��4i�iV L.LN:eP.�YE,�.�,1�9 Ed3C ,i.OilEit16'�5d�'� �C 1lMA'l��Vd��L��M�� .t..rASkbVX���atl�+ lS��.Oil�7 AAF A��:'URDAH�� Wi'T�1 �:AW� �Y'p �:957, ��:i%��.F'IEi2 �85 i3�' 1:�' Zdk�SCii�YED iiy �:h� ��uuci� �E �h� E:;i.f:y o% ����..�1�y, Anol,m Coun.tYa "�t�,a��:��ea�ta� as fal�,ow� � ��t�� �o '�ine �ot�F. es��,m�.t�a� cost a� � �t��a� u���� ;CmJ4ro�r�ment `��~c�*j�c:L• �itih SA k�aa b+�cn ��r.:.�rnated at� �'��b�'�,1a�.6.00 �T��r 2R �t is x�ow ��L����d �h�a►►t; t.h.� s�arn o� ��185p�'Q�.00 is eurr��etly zx�c4�:e�3:�y ta �rovicl� :�'zxszaci��g of thEa pa�a�e;: r� :���c��cYc: n4t�d, gnd it is I��z°�by det���xa�� to b� nece�sary �o �.u�rx�ow ;�ui�. amo�.�nt �ox the payment �� �b�,ig;aCions now �.ncurrred �in.d For exp�nses n�����ux�ily i.ncuxred iu ��r+r�.e����o�a w�th �l�e c.or��i:�uctiau of �a�d is:�p�.���e�u�nt �zoj�:ct, S�l,� .� '��?��ce �:s he:z.=�izy �:��at�d ..�.��. S�car.�na�S�:a��+w� ��'sn�raveraent �'�o�ecL No. S �'u�ci �; ti�c�oz�a�y� �aeitc�t► �ha�l _cantain d GOT16t(:�'UC:�.S.AC�_aCCOtiTit as p�,rt e.h��c�o� 3.nto which �ha�:l be paid sI�' preoce��.s �ti te,ugornry bonds �ssued . �ilc�suac►� to this resa��x�:ion and sin►i1.ar �aub8equ�nt r�solutio�s, and aut �,�� wh:.ctx �ha;i u� �a{.d aS�� ar�ounts dcr.� ar��i ;a.�;�h�i.�: <3� aasts o� e�tperts�s i.��idenr to a�x i.i�eu��°�d in caz��,sct:iar:� ��,i.ti. �h� s��,,kf;zx� r�� safd im�r.ovem�nt. ���� �� '�h+�m� is a��o he.�eby crea��d ..��.; S�.uz� ��;�tx� ImgrovemenC �':�oj��� Nca, 5 e�und �.�.,u�no�°�a '� a Sinkit� �u�.��i A����:n�: which account in �.�__ �.�......� �_� ......�.......b.�....�.�.....�... � �yz.ci ��ur�d m3y an,d aha.�.�. be termed as r.he �intci��`u�d, into whic�► ehs�ll b�e pa�.d th� proceed� �f a!� agecia]. assessmenCs ��vi�d against bene£iCed pa~t�pe�;rY by reasos� of. tha m�k�.ng of aa3.d isnpxov�wen�s as we11 �s �li. �t��� rn��,igs [herein to be paid aa pr'ovi.deci by �.:,w and out of which shn12 �� pa3:3 �hs principal and inrr��esC on ��.i tecap�or.^ry Lmprovement bands issueci to finance sa�,d p�cs,jecC , �L�< �� I:t is hexeb3� d�texmin�d th��� Ch� sum af �l$5, 000. Q� aha�ll be • �s�►r�oa�c� to fi.n.Rnce said S�.�x�m Sewe�r Icnprov�emant Pro3e�t l�o. 5 � R ��. Sa��Zi i°�spec.t �r.a cose aaf consre�uction and e;�penses r.�:;G�ssa�i%y inct�z�r�d ���.at�v� thereto Co ��ais dst�;„ by th� issuan�� c�f t_�;u�go�rary imp�av���rat • b��*ds c�� the City of �c"rid� ,�a authori���3 A� P3��z�.��c>ta Stat��x�e3, S�i�m �29.�1.r Si�b�i.v�siau �, as ameaaci�d b}r laws 1957, �h$pfi�r 3$` �, af?t;.�� � Sai.�i bonds aha��, b� payab3.e �ram fh�:: Si������ Fund of t�a� fo�,i.owing; ____ 5�o�cn S�wer xmp�-�xvetts�ut P�°o�,¢;�s:��a. S I�und ��rt. ttae �it�y f'urthex° x�ca��;n:�r� its duty uzxci�x th�: kdzw, �s prov�d�d by SNCS >�•2'� � pyi 3 ex�d �c�ver�€c�ta .�.�d a�r+.�.s �aitkx t:h� �au�a.tar�ssr �nd a�.�.l holdera f"�er� �icr�e �o time�w oE said e�pora�y £u�pz•avemeu� b�c.��~ls� at er px�tor to �h� ��turi�y� th�,r�of that iC wi�� pay and. reti.r� sue.� L��aad.s and the interes� t"si�r�:szx �u� of th� proc��ds o£ defin��i�� iaupr����mf::tzt bonds whi�h the C��ru��i,i sha1� iasue �n�d ,�r��'�, at o�r ps�ior ta th� rn�r.a�ciCy af the tempor�ry �.��auemenC i�onds to �he �xtent Chat th�, r;Am� c.,�;�r�.a!: t�e paid aut of funds Ga,��ailad��� in the Siukir�g E�nd of Sto� Sewe� �n��c�vement Pxn ject No. 5 Fund ��° aut: caf other Munici�a� :Eutiids whi�h ��re prope��.y ;iv,silable nred :�re ^pProp�� iiz�t�d t�y the Coun�il �a� sa�ch purpos� . ::�d:�, °r', ��: is h��eby d�t�exr�ined to :�H�ry �ps��.i��, ��s�:s8mea�ta �.g�inst ben�- f�t�c� �s�op��tq by ��a,�csn n£ th� �r.ki���., o� �:��or� SE�wc��r ��r�ivement Pro�ect No. 5 snd �ea �evy ad va�o�PSn �ae��eay i� n�cescaa�y�, tcs p�c�s�u�e sums rt °Le�et S� in. e��.e�ss� c,f th� amoun�.ts �u£�i�i�ut 9:a �ay ��ia�c.�pa g. ��xd �.nterest when due o�i sai,ai t�mpa�a�.y impravemeaat barexds snd on ax►y de:Einiei�re bands ta be isaued �:� ra�x�e:iu pxQV�de�, sc�ch spec#.a� assessments to b�9 �s���ed on the tax r411� a�t sti�c:� tinwe wiren said improve�m�anC prajeces have b��n camplet�ac! or the totai. �ost thegeoff has been determi.ned� �r.�t:> � t� :� 3aid temporaxy iraprovement bonds �.� th� err�e�un[ r,f $18y� flQO. 4t? ����1 be denaminated Staxtis S$wer Imprcnr�n�:nt Project No. Si_ �tcmd 5���ies '�A�� �t A orar� shatll 3,e th�Y�ty--eevezt,t,',�'; � in aumber and ��a������x•�d fr�fl on� to 3? itt��usiV�tti e�ch fn. th� dena�ine�ion of �S�OOO.��J I� shr�il bea� i.nterast aC the x�te of � p�r ann��. FaYable semi-�nnuzl�.y • • • on �7anuary lst and July lst of shall be subject to redemption ^ ^ � �J ch year and sha11 m^ture on July lr,r, 196b pre-payment on any interest g<yment c3ate, at par and accrued intezes . N�ot less than 30 days before the d�te specified for redemption of said;bonds, the Cit� Treasurer aha13. mail notice of the call thereof to th holder, if known, said Treasurer shall maine+�i�a a record of the nsmes a� d addresses of the holders of s�id boads insofar as such informatio� is made available to him by the holders thereof, for the purpose of mail iaterest on said boads sha1l be ., Mianeapolis 21 SECo 9. Said temporary improve so mimeographed shall have atta and Coupon shall be suhstantial said aotices. The princii►al :nd all ble aC Fridley City Hall, 6431 Uaiversity . bonds shaZi be mimeographed and when thereto sn interest coupan which Bond in the following form: of Coupon) No. i $ QUnless the band described be�owiis called for earlier redemption� on the ay of — ____ : County, Minnes , Minnesota, of the iDaited States of America DATED CITY , 19 , the of wi1L gay to bearer at �e sum af dollars 2awful money �r interest then due on its MAYOR • 3E�o �0_ Said bonds aad �oup� di.rection of tl�e•City M^n^ger :� �ity by the sign:tures of the M of the City shall be affixed coupon shal! be mimeographed lithographed, or facsimiAe si said bonds have been euecuted by the Treasurer to the pf� price heretofore agreed upon and said purchaser shall not be SEC�11. The City Manager fs cerCified cogy of this resolu together with such other info from said Couaty Auditor a on this bood regiatar. attacbed sha11 be prepared uader the 'F=t! '�� sh�ll be executed an beh^lf of the :nd M�n^ger, and the corporate seal , and the �ppurCenant interest anthenticated, by tha printed, ex►graved, af said Mayos aud Manager. When autheaticated they shall be delivered � thereof, upon payment of the purchase accrued interest to date of delivery to see to the ^pplication thereof. authorized and directed to file a with County Auditor of Anoka County, ioa as he shall require and to obCain that said bonds h^ve been eatered • SEC. 12. The bonds iasued her , er shall be pFyable from Storm Sewer i I rovemeat Pro ect No. 5 which is hereby created. The Treasurer shall cause all moniea'received fro�a �he proc�eds of said • bonds� all maa�ies appropriated speciall assessments for the i.m of ptiacipal ar intereet aha11 money in said fund to pay the transferxed from oeher fuad and ^11 ,ts pravided th�t if any p^ymeat due when there is nat aufficient � the Treasurer sha12 pay such principal ar interest fram the general fwn of the City and such fumd shall be reimbursed far such advancea out'of monies Co be credited to s�id fuad when said mo�nies are collected. �'All. proceeds for said bonds except , accrued interest shall be credit Co the fund and used to pay the cost of said improvements. S8� 13. It is further provided'that ahould it appear at anq time that the a�onies crsdited to said fund�and provided for the paymeat of priacipal or interest oa the bonds when th suse become due axe not stifficiaat . • • — -- �i% to p�y the same, �haC then the City sha11 issue further de£initive improvement bonds as authori�e and provided in accordanc4 with Minn�sc�ta Staeu�es, Sec. 429.091, �hapte 475, and that the process of s�^i.d furthe� definitive bonds shall be iirs used to pay th� prfncipal -nd interest as is then due a�td to xeaeem SE��l�t. �he �i.ty Cauncil. has per cent � 2� ) of the total � speciaZ assesaments to be �.evi� lsnd benefited bp the said imp an� agrees thaC it rai`_I do aad acts and things aecessary for assessmenes, and in the event held invalid with r�spect to a� any exz•ar� de£ect or izreguYar or ta be ��tkea by the �ouncil eithex in the m$kfng o� such a conditf on preced�at �he�e�o, do al.i such fu�ther p�ac�edi�a assess�nts va�,id and bia�iug shali take such furthex� �aonies for the gaymeat mf pri on et�e boads issued he�euader sa�ue . SE�___ _�___15 e it is hereby de ments and ehe proceeds of other fuads is aad wi��l be ia te:�po�a�ry boads issued thereunder. termi.nea �h�.t not 1�ss than Cwenty t of said impsavements wiil b� paid by agai�st every 1ot, pi�ce or parcel of so The �ity hereby eoven:�nts form, as soon as they can be done, <'ll finai and valid levy of such speci�l t any such assessments be a.t aay time l��ts gi�ce or pareel of land, due ta , osc is �ny action or gra�eeding taken any of ehe �s.ty Officers o�r employees, ssm�ent or in the pexfor�ance of any Ci�.y a�d �his �o�a�cil will forthwith �s az�y :,e ��:qufrc�d by �.t3�i to make such s��s�nst suci� ga�op�rty, aad also s as �a� T�e requi�ed by 1aw to provide � and 3x�'�erest a, the same fall due to prar�rfde for ttae redemption of the that the collectiou of sp�cial. assess- apprapr�ated and transferred from amcunt o£ at least €i��e per ceat �5�➢ in excess of the amount requir " to pay the principal of and the interest I on said bonds when due and Chatl'AO ad vaiorem tax levy is accorciiagly requited, SEC` , 16o The officers of the � I • County are hereby authorized a i �aurchaser of said boads and to iche issuaace thereof, certifiad �elating to said bonds and to such other affidavits, certif to show the facts relatiag to bonds as the saaae agpear EraoQ and the County Auditor of Anoka directed to prepare and fs$�nish to the atCorneys approving the legality of pies of all pgoceedings and records £iaaacial affairs of said City, and �: and information as may be required, legality and marketability of said books and records under their custody ar�,�i c�x�trol or as otherwise kno ' to them, and such certificates, , certified copies aad affidavits,i',includiag any hezetofore furnished, � shall be deemed representations 'f the City as to the correctness of all statements contained the ', � PASSBD BY TSE CITY COUHICIL THIS ' DAY OF 19 � i :• ATTBST: CITi[ CLSBK ,� MAYOR CITY AlAbTAGEB !� S� �� J �J � i�Lit7 A R�St7ie'(1'.�I�T DIR�C°�I.�YG �°HE SALE A 80Y� I14 ACCORDAN� cJI�H YaA �TE �� RSS�,VED By the �iCq Couaeil Mianesota, e�s fal �.ows; "�HA'�' WW�iLrRBAS it has hexetofore bee temgo�ary improv�emeat bonds in ord the construct3on and payment of e�c imp�avement projects to-wit: � CVi4V�[ii�5� VS iAl'ArVi�L7�A! ,�S7rAUY1��\L OF 195�� CHAP�'ER 385 the City of I�'ridley, Anoka Couaty, det�rmined by this �ouncil to issue to ��ovide the necessary funds for ases rel�tive to the folloc�ing SCoxm Sewex Im rovement Pro ect No S• aa er lans and s ecifi�rt�tons i ��oved b� the Cit_y Counc3.�.; �nd , - WkiERE�S it has bee�a determined thaC there is at the present �ime an � ame�unt in esce�s of $],$§,60Q.00 in he fcollo�uing fund, to�w�.t: i , Re l,�r S ecial Assessme� t Fund �(Sinkin l�ccount` I which sum will not i�e requir�d fo�° o�he�r purposes prior t�Suly l, �9�if� , iT` �.5 �HEk�'ORi3 ciet.�xmin:�cl to be in 'the �.�te�°�t: o� the �i�y o£ I�ridley tha� €;he su� o€ �1$§�000.0(3 af the e�ui,�e� Sper,:t�.�,_Asse��c�e�� Fund accouut B8 iI�STED as �uthcsized by iaw ar herebq detex�i.x�d to purchase the a S t o�cm S ewar �spravement Pr o j ec t I�o . � ^ �39 t:iy. - .. . .... in accon � anGe '�: ;,�,- r�ewith i t i s c� 41.85,000.00 of the aforemeu�ioned Bonde �5eries "A") �emt�orax°v �ssued unde� date af ,1ulY 1, 1964. I I ti�Id their initial issuance in accot aace with the provi�ians o£ Minn�sota Statutes. 5ec. 429.091, 47 ,56, and 475.66, out o� funde i�a R� 1ar S eciai Assessment �'uud Siaki Account and om behalf of said �und st par aad accrued intese� as of the date of delivery af said bonds and ea�pleeion o� sacb sa'e; ft being further deter�nined to be reasanable and advantageous to Si king Accaunt of the Regular Speci:� �,ssessmeat Fund to invest in s� r�asonable and advantageous to I� �ent bond to the Sinkiag Acco� , � �ccordance with the pravisioas SECa lo T�ie City Manageg and T to take auy and all steps �.eces a�oregoing resolutions and to m n�cessary fro�n Cime to time to PASSED ApD ADOPTSD B�i THS CITX �, 19 • A�ST: I • �.,�_ �o temporary improv�ment bonds and to be City ��•_� se11 said temporary improve- i tihe Svecia2 Assessmemmt Fund, in ' this resolution. asurer are hereby authorized and directed ry to effect the provisions of the s such transfer of funds as may be ve effect to the provisions hereof. e pP' FRIDI�EY THiS DAY OF MAYOit Ci1'� MANAGER ' • r ; !:'1 / ' �' �i:, ' ' 1) • ., �� Y� Margusrite Ar�n Zieglex Rottte 1 AriOkd, o Y�.i3Y1880'�a • I�� - -` 91 BY � CTTY C4tA3CIL ° JUL�' 20 � ist � .$L�&2 oDO pelr month � �`. ��..'.. � M. Setty Jean Ok�sttom � CITY OF FR DLEY POLICE DEPA TMHNT Monthl� Report - une, 196l�. This Moo To Date This Mo. This Yro Cleared Pendin� Last Yr, Last Yr, __________ .______.� _.__�_ _�__��_�._. � GO'�?PLAINTS ��U�� _..�._._ Domestic 11 58 Assau].t 2 6 Drunk 2 Diso Cond 2 19 Liq La�ws 5 Firearms 2don 3ia.pt Res Arr Other. 23 181 � � Assault 2 Drunk Diso Cond Liq �aws 9 Firearms Res Arr Runaway 1 10 V�,ndal i sm 18 1f33 Other 19 93 I Robbery 1 Eurgiary 12 t�b �� Th�3f t � over $50 12 57 ��der� $�0 30 10}.�. otneF 78 253 5b � 2 18 5 2 2 1 171 10 1 1 7 2 10 ?5 93 6 20 b4 �+7 28 1 ?�0 3? 40 6 : .; 17 12 1 39 46 MOTOR VEHTCLES Unit #l� IIni t i�21 � � Unit #22 Unit #23 �C C iDENTS Perso�a.l In� Prop Dams�e Fatal RADIO CALLS ASSSSiANCE T0 � o�toris s Other P.D. Fire Dept M�dical TRAFFIC ARRESTS � pee D,U.I, �pen Bottle Careless Driving Reakless Driving D/L Susp or Rev D/L othe� stop sign Parkin� Oth�r D.O.Ma Tests �'urs`� flthers JAIL � "'�`Our Pris O�,her Pris Milea e 93l 5,�+05 �,631 5,159 Th i� 16 13 1 361 �8 � 1 23 29 Z � 11 1 5 4 9 9 0 2 30 ls a .i 5 .3 53 .6 60 .9 Th� 8!� 92 1 1,811 251 69 22 10? 221 33 16 62 20 47 19 18 107 16 23 166 9T M.�P._Gr. Ex ense C.P.M. Io.B $ 32.56 .035 9.3 309.13 .05? 8, 6 2i�9 a o5 . 058 8•3 254.27 .059 This Mo. To Date 'ear Last Year Last Year 23 82 8 89 1 2 289 1, 509 28 173 17 87 3 59 20 99 2o i38 2 29 ? 38 1 3 18 � 48 5 2Y 21 23 22 ].!�? 0 13 1 2t�. 1? �+3 12 $4 ; �