08/17/1964 - 6018��
�G'Ui�R CKiUDTCIL 1►�BTTNG AGffi�A — AtiGUST 17, 7.964
:{ •: :. ,
� _�,i'_E?� Ytegttlar
f� �; _:_� •� ,..��`.�..:�'�
<, , ,�:
��... .�..._._ ...�.,..._...�e...._._..�.� �.,..� � ... ..,�.4..
M�sting, Auqust 3, 196r4,
Pa�ges 1 — 30.
� �u�s,��,
'� ., Lo�s 3, 4, & 5� Block 14 Q iiaanilton ° s 1�d3tion,
� ,A � �Tabl�d 8/3,64j , ' /'%�,� l�a�es 31
+ 2 0 �avi ces�sel Shopp t�a�e�r, �� S$ P�ge 36 0
� �p � .�� �
(� ,t,. 3 o S�ond Rea� �
i�ag Qf dinat�e A�ding C'�e pter 45, Pa�es 37
4� 4 Second R�adiAg o£ ordinanc� Aa�disig chapt�
�5 0 ].2, . Page 39 0
B,� s o�,, s�coa�d R�a►d3,iig v� oxciiaiaxic� �dit�g c�apter 42, pag� � o
'*�,r►��,� � , _ry.
...,__ 5�ond Reading af Ordia�ance �nci
�.ng Sect�.ons
� -�'' 4�00�5 axid 49��52, Pag�a 41
.��.�.. _..__.._ , _ __-------_._,,._,.
�tY�IT�S�s a
7 g I�la�n33..ng Coa�.s�ion i�etir�g Mirautes� August 6,
19i�, ____
— 35 0
& 380
— 430
Pag� �4 — 510
� o �oaxd o€ Apg�a3.s Y�tf�t Min�fi�es, August 5, 1964, Page 52 q
.�. . _.___ �
� Q�uilc3iraq Board iAg �+�inutese Augu�t l2, 1�+�, Pa�ge �30
. _ .. �.. �.,: . .� . _._._._� .w..._.��
A(� Co�3ca�io�nse - Pages 5� -� 65 0
�Y �aj I�g�@ o� �'�Tomen VA�sa Planning
� ..._.�,�.b.�._._..Leagu� of �1o�en Voterss i�ec�sation
. _,_ . ..�_ �.,
��s -�...��� __R�.�y a�T Anoka coun�i.�3a: stinsar� Bouleva�a
� ^ ar�
��.cc- i��j-� :�linnssorta Highway Dep�ta Sc�i�duling of �,�i, #�47
.�d� �'-,��} Fir�t 1�epa�tmetits Ambulsa�c�a Servic�a
�( f, ii�s�n C�aszy o At�d it
,....� �.g} Ci�y A�to��y: Ss&S#2�
(h� $ricksona �r Road
.' 'a ��.�.._._.. _.___ _. .____�. _.._v_,.,�_
tt S
�'�( � �� '
� �.im � s3de�ation o� 1965 Budqet
� �CIL �ING A�, - Avc�r �a, �.9� tcont�nu�)
�� 12n Ciaims,
O �Stdi�l4��t
�14 q L�lc�ms�s ,
5o Pe�itions,
� .._... .. . ,..
.. �+pPo�il'�1�i1'�,
,_ _�. _...�._..�.__.__
o�aaan�t to C�iapter 9�6 - Bui].dixig F�es,
��'"� � t to �'caapter 81 - ��erages�
, �'Q'.Q... ., _.....�..._._a�.�,.., _�..- --�-----,
19 Resolution A'�a�,ing Assessmean�s - Parcel 1500,
,�%� (SW#59�,
20 o Resoiution Wi.t�drawing Assea�sn�at C�xtification -
�Q� Lot 6, $lock 2, iioore I,ak� �il1.s,
�' - _ __�-.�. _.n . _ _....__
- �].. Resa�lut�.on Au�ar'i�ing S�li��i�ng Ass�ssmen�s -�
�%� Pareel 600,
����. �.
2��° Resolution Pro�-,tCating 3�` �a�cg�s o
��,,,,a""r._ _ .._ ._._..__._. _
" 2� � Resolu�ic�a Dir�eting Issuaace of T�o�cary S�ads -
. � _.�S�To 1964-].0
, _. _. ... _ _ .
� 24 It��o].ut3.� D3r�t�ng Sai� aas�l P�chas� of T�r
o�a:xy Bo�d� -�T o 1964-1 e _
��. _._ _ .
�a Ressxluticua Orda�ing Condem�sa�ion of Land,, f�
e� s
�j City IialZ� '�
� �_2.n6,,� Res��ut�.or� M�kf�ng Tran���ac of Funds,
u�''""".`_._ �.__._�..-�._. _..
2? d��solut3,c� D3r�ct�ng F�ic�pa�atioa a£ Assess�ent
f �; ,y� Itoll - ST. 196�-4,
c_ �_..__._ _ .. .
�� � �tesolution Dir�c�tia�g �Ieasi�g on Ass�s�tt RolZ -
STe 1962�4,
•� _ . . . _..
a��, �tesolution Des�. � El�ion �'u es,
�� �
c___. _ .
o � iut3.o��am�,aig���s� ce Roaa,
�. _ �ro • '�
3 y . -%G� _ _._ _ __ I,/
Page 66.
Pages 67 - 69a
Pag�s ?0 - 72,
Paqes 73 - ?50
PagB ?60
�age iT,
Paga ?So
Page ?9 e
Page 840
P�e $1 e
P�ge ��o
Pagt�s �3 - 89 0
Pagss 90 & 910.
Page 9�,
Pag� 93 0
Page 94d
lPag�s 95 & �6,
��� 9� _ �01.
Pag� 103.
61 LVS°llPY�ii� i S — REGULAR C4iJATCIL D9�TING ° L1V W 17 i � I� � 7 �/"s
Io LOTS 3, 4� & 5, BLOCK 14, H�LZ'ODT'S ADDZTIt3aT (TABI�SD 8/3f64) :
On Page 31 is a letter fro�a A�rdis �ltcCarty requesti�g a building
permit. On Pag�s 32 through 34 ase reprociuctions of the original
bu�ldi=ag p�r�,,t for th� tri-plex, and on Page 35 3.s an attem�t
by me to ou�t:l.i.a�� the various lot si�es and transfess involve�do
At the admiazistxativ� leve3. a clo not £eel �hat �his permit should
be issu�la Hvw�ver, t'he agplicant is asking the Coun�cil eitYter
to d�..xact it to be isaued, ar not, as you desire.
�. TAVSRN LZCi3NSB IId SIiOPPING �NTEI�a On Pag� 36 is a letter add-
sossed to the Mayor and Coeane�l selative to thi.e �aattera Fathes
iCee�fe aad Hc�ri� Nelson wil]L be prese�nt at the naeeting �d perhaps
� othess o I have r�c�ived m�ar� lettera s#nce, but dec3.d� that
they could not al3 b� glac�l in �S� agenda, so this l�tterr will
sugfic� as art exampl�„
gor seeond reading is en Paq�a 3? ancl 38.
4 o S�;COND RSADIHTG OF O�Y�t� ��G Q�APTER 45 e 12: Z'iie ordinaYace
for seeond r�a�3ng 3.s on Pa�� 39.
5. SECOD'6D �A13I�i� tBF c�L1I�C� �G �FiAPT�R �42a T'he ordi.nance
for second �+�ad�xag is oaz Pac�� 40 a
6, SSCOI�D R�DYNG OF 4RDI1�Al�d� F�?G SECTIt7lIS 49.045 AD1D 49o052s
T'lae ordinan�ce, as revisec� by �he C1ty A��ozn�o is on Paqes 42
and 43. S�ion 1 oaz Page �2 is �oly a suggestio� as to the
i�e �o be �haxg�cle 7Ch� firi�l d�CiBiO�i�a of co�sse, is up to tho
Counci�.. T'h� oxdinanee as read far fi�e first time is on Paqe 41.
7 A PI�IDaG (�iISSZO�i MF�TIDiC �tI�tUTSS - AUGUST 6, i964a Th�ts�
minutes are an P�ges 44 tl�rotagh 47. In It�+t #1. Pagros 4� and 45,
�the Co�acni.ssion recon�caexids approva]. of the preliminary plat. �ae
drawiz�gs wiZl be availabl� fos your considerat�.os� at the meetirig.
it�sa #2. Faq� 45, fi�he Coa�.ssaion sseo�nds approval of ti�e pre-
• liminary plat, �nd the drawirnga will b� at the m�eetiug for your
c:onsideucation. Yt�n #4, Pag� 45, the lot split illustrat� on
Page 48 is reco�mended fo� agproval. It�n #5, Page 45, the lot
sp2it illustrat� on paqes 49 and 50 is recommended for your
appsoval. It� #7, Paqe 46, the lo� split illustrated on Page 51,
is recommended �or your approvai a ltez►� #8, Page 46, 'th� Planning
A�NAA S- RSGULAR COUNCIL �BTING - AtiGtTST 17, 1964 �Continued)
Co,�naissis� co�curs with �the Board of App�als a�cl recoa�ds deniai
of the 3,p�cial Use Pesmit fooc two cioubls bungalaws. I will have
t�ae sntise a�lg�.nal application far yaur consideration at tt�e
�eetinqa In Itena #12, Page �?. ce�rtain aciditianal State Aid
mileage is reco��d fo�r desi.gaiatiw� o
So BQ�1RD OF APPfaAI,S �TING �NUTSS - AUGUST 5, 1964s 1'hi� minute8
are o;n Eag� 52o Actio�n by the �oard is to r��com�nd grantiag
the va,riance requested in Itea► #10 I will have t�e exitirq appli-
eatian file foa� your co�nside�ration at tiie meeting.
9 o BUILD?�DTG BO�RD MRETIDIG 1�iDiCiTBS - AtiGU3T 12 • 1964: 3'h@s+s minutes
are on Page 53 o Z'ho Board did r�at have a quorunao although they
fozwarcl �heir opinions �o the Council, if you wisla to act upon
10 . C'�dt1�TICATI�iS s
�a) I,�ague of Wo� Vot�rss Planninq: Z'h� lett�r on Page
5� is s�l f-explaAa�ary .
{b) League og Wospen Vo��rs: Itecac�atior�s 7.'h� letter on Page
55 is self-eapianatosyo
tcj Rams�y County and Anoka County: Stinson Boulevard: 1'he
letter on Paqes 56 axu� 57 is s�lf-explaaatory, and th�
AnoJsa County ac�ion on Page 58 concuss witla Rams�y Coiuity
3n their ac:tioai o
(c7j i�inneso�a I�ighwa� Departn�nt: Sch�dulin�g of T e8 0#47:
1"he latter on Page 59 is s�lf-explanato�cy.
(oj Fire DOpartm�nts Ambv�].ane� Se�cviCes T�e letter on Pa�ga
f�p is self-�xplanata�yye Nasth M�morial Sospital waulcl be
willin� to pay $1.00 p� day fvr use of the Fire statiaei
space, and would also p;rovide a desk and chair fo� the
Fi�e Departmeat, which would h►�eome the property of the
Fire D�pA�'fi�E�t e
(fj Hansen Com�a�y: Audit: Z'he lettax om Page 61 is self-
explanatory. I woulci r�coa�end that Kaxis� Co�any be
retairiecl again ss tha City Auditors,
(g) City Attorneys SSS�S#24: . T'he lmtter on Paqes 62 and 63
is s�]].f�laa�atoxy.
AGSI�A CQ�iBNTB - iSBGOL�IR OOt�TCti. �RTIDIG - AT1GtJST 1T, 1964 (Contianuec7)
�_......_.�..�..�_._._._........._......�,_..___._..... � ..�r__.__-__._.._.._
(h� Bxiekaan: Private Roads Ari illustration of the road
seqtaesteii ou Pag� 64 is foa�r�d on the cizawit�g o� Page 65 a
z'he €ill�3 in lots �ue� the lots o�wn�c7 by the persons
signing the regue�st o� Paga 64. Since this is a City
road eas�ent, an1.y tha Council could qive p�rmission
to l�r. 8rickson to place a privat� roaa on this ease�ante
Z'he othes pereons �igraitiq, signecl on the lba�sis that they
did not ob j ect to euch a psivate roacl e
11. t:ODTSII)BRATI4N OF 1965 I�tJDGBTa 1"his coasideration is as pes
Charter, which s�at�s thati ai-ice� the flxst rneet3.ng iaz August,
tlae Couacil ahall keep open considatation of �iie budget until
such tit�e a� the buclgat is fi�11y decided upono
12 e C7�AII�tS a 1°he elaim nun�ers ase on Page 66. Detail of the elaims
is include�d iA the envelope with th� ag�a.
� i3 o EST?l�A�Ss �he estimates are lis�eci on Page 67 a The rletail of
ti�.a �imal estimate is found on Pages 68 aiac7 69 e
14o I,gCBN�Sa T'he lic�naes ara foutul on Paqes 70 and 71e Ths lettet
on Page 72 is s�lf-�lanatos�r,
15 a PET%TIO�TS: Pmtitian #31--1964 om Pag� 73 was �crt formally r�eeived
by tha Cou�s�cil, so a m�tion s�ac�].cl be macle to that effect. Peti-
�io�a #35-1964 on Page 78 is illustrated on Page ?5.
16o APPOINT�Ta 3�e appointmes�t on Paq� 76 is r�e by tlae
City Cle�tk a�d tctysel¢.
].7 e A�fBNA1�tT TO i�tAPT�ER � 46 - BUILDIrTG F88S: Z'his o�ditiance for
first read3�ag on Pag• 77 is suggested fo� pasaage, to bring
tl�s Citg's f�e sc�iec]ul� up �o date.
18 a A NT TO t��PTBR 81 - 3: Councilmati ICi�ckham asked
that thia it�a be placea a�a tlz� agrnda, anci the City Attosney
will have a suggested ardinance fo�c yow: consideratio� at the
u��ir�g a�he lefiter f�� th� City Attorn�y on Page' 78 is in
r�piy to a m�a that � wrote h3ia, priar to the requ�est by Father
• Ke�f� tl�at�the tranafe� of Hawie's Cafe license not be mad�e I
place this l�tteuc he�e, bacause it might have so� bearing oia
the osai�nance that the City Attc�t�ey is bringing to the meeti�go
1.9¢ RBSOLUTYO� A8AT3NG ASS$SS�T3 - PARCi:L 1500 - S�W#59s The reso-
l.ution on Page 79 t�].ates .to the matter recently coxisiderec7 by
tl�e Counc�.1 rs�.ative to th� T�d B�q property.
AC�SNDiA CQ�TS -�,R C1D�CIL D�TI�Ci - ADGUST 17, 1964 {Contiau�clj
�OORB LAK]� HILLS: �he sesolutian o� Page 80 is i.a relation to
the request maa� by 1�Tr. utt�r.
xesolutian o� Page 81 is the u�ua]. routine resolutia� that tl�e
Couneil iias passecl ira the past.
22 4 RBSOLUTIOQI P�tO-RATING SSWSR �3 s �he resolutior� oa� Page 82
is as authoociz�ad by the Cc�uncil at its last meetirig 4
T�ae � on Paq� 83 ex�lains the sssolutiar� on Pag�s 84 tbrough 89 0
1964-1s T'he s�solutioaa oa Pagms 90 a� 91 is s�lf-eacplanato�yye
25 4 RE30LtiT�O�TT O�D�R�tG CaDIDSi�TIE�N OF LANis I�'O�t CITY I�AS�La 1"he reso-
lution on Page 92 ia as di.xset,�aci by the City Councii o
26o It�SOL'0'rI0�1 MAKiYdG TRA�I'S� AF �°tJDt�Ss T'he x�solutioaa o� Pag� 93
is s�l f-e�ia�aa:togy o
27�, RESOLUTIOl�& D�CTID�TG PRRFAY�.'�.'gQ07 (iF ASSESS� ROLIr - STo 1962-4s
Th� r�solut�a�n cm Pag� 9� is.so3f-�xpZanatory4
28 a RI�SOLUT'�� 3��GT�iG �3� �T �S�SS� itOLL - S"� 0 1962-4z
�he re�olut%� on Pauge 95 is s�lf-�cplanatary. �he aotice of
,�earing i� c� 7Page 96. �luded iss the� eavelope wi.itl� the agenda
is the �ntSxa ass�ss�aa�nt �oll fo� yoair cxns�.deragiona
Z9�a 1tSSOLOT� D�SI(�?ATING �LSCTYt)Ci JiJIX�S: Z'he rasolutiou on Pagts
9i th�ough l(DA is self-ox,�lar�atar.y. The list c� Pagea 101 and
102 is x�essary. because th� Deamacsatic Pa�y has not turn� in
its list of judges at thiss writ�go
30 a RES4�,UTIODT NA�9IDiG S�1ttVICB RO�: T`ho resolution an Page 103 is
��elf-e�latiato�o T'hs Postal Departinent advi�es that they do not
l�ike �tta� idea, but if the Cou�cii should pass the resolutioa, the
r�solution wauld 7be submi�t�d to the Postal D�partm�nnt and the City
then could fina out whetlt�c o� not they waula accept ito 1'his
xiami�g of the se�vv ic� roacl was r�quested by V irooa, Inc Q
A,G�A C S- RS�U7[�AR COU��IL Y�ET�3G - AUGUST 17, 1964 �Continuedj
FUR R C r,.,,�3 a t
Yncluded �.n t'� �nvel.�pe witia fi�e agerada is a pr�lim3x�ary
��port by Coa�s�ock an�l I�av�.s, Tnc 0 far sewer serviee for
County ROad "�'• ar�ci NOSton b�iv�4 Ig it is pOSSible, the
�ngiru�ers woul.d l�.k� i�o disc:uss this ��part witla tiae Council
ei�t� aftes tlrre n�eting of Augus� 17�ie ar the Special
Ai�tiug of �1a�g�st 20t�a, , sia►ca �Lt invol�es so n�ny alternat��o
P� lo
�rur�x cotna�a. r�cn�� avo�r 3� 196k
A xege�ax meeting of t2Le Cosmaf�l. aP the Ci�y o� Fridley t� e�atled to
order by Me�gror Nee st 8Y 16 PoMo
i�e�er� Preeenta NeeB d{irki�stg b�rex�3dang Wr3ght
1�1eaA�ea�a Abseats Johaason
; r � � �r � Mt�' r: . •�� t :� i ,r � ..� ;
Motion by YC3x�h�an t,a� �.p�cY►e tile s�.nui�s o�P' tha Reg�lar Mes�3ag ot' Jn�r
2Q,� 196h� ea parepared an,� recsi�a�edo S�cogaded by Sher�dano Upaa a troiaa
�tee t%aere ba�,ng no ne��n9 'Fb� aation aarried ua�aimovrlyo
• �;� kr� �- . f ��� �� ;�� r v �r ? �� •. ��
• Motfo� by Wrtg&t �o ag,�n°aAne t�e ainvt�es of the Soard c� I�g�alisa�ion
Mmeting o! 3'v�ly 21� 1964 ss pacepe►rsd aad r�oeiveda 8econded bq 8ir�.,
upon a�rese� vxrte�, t�isre b+�ir�g na na�sm tY� so�ion ex�si.ea m�sa3�oo�u.lyo
. S3 � . F � .,. � Mi.� 4 � �.:f i ir. �� .�i►�i( i 3i '� :'�' y3� �.. �� y - � � '
Motion by Sh�sri�au to ap�ro�+e� th� a�nutes oi' 'the� 8pecsi�]. Aae�
�e�ing oi July 279 1964 e� parepe�xed and t�eoeiv�eda Secand�ed br Kirlct�o
Upon a �r+oioe vul:efl t�ere 'being no na�ra� tl�e �aa�fo�► aarried a�n�nimou�lyo
1►�yvr Nee anaounced a�lic �earing vn a Specia3. Use Fera%t �or a��e
�e a� i3°� $��y ��.00 �a � o �e cx�y �r rea,a tt�e �otia�
ot Hea�ri.t� aat� ��ated thes�a trsa s reQOSieende,tion by the Bosrd ot' Appeala;
ti�t t�ey 2�d scnred to gre�tt tb�a reqtsest vith tY�e stipuistiaa ot o!�
stree$ pe�•k3.ng and the t�r.it entay o! tl�e buiiding to bs set in zo�
t+eeto It � exp3�i�ed �erre i�srd 'be�n no objeotars to the ,rpecial �
p�ae�dtg t�at this it� 2�ad t3�n been rei'azred to the Plaaning Coaaiissia�s
an �he 8th oS Ju1y and they hed reao�eadad coanct�rre�e vith the �au�
• �tipnlatiaes es t.� BoarS oS AppoaL s�d the sstter �ss now betors
I �
Fag� 20
t�e City Coumcil �i.th a gui�l3a 2�ering uat far tlai� evening� ��ror l�s�
3nq��eci iP tbex+� �rarra s�e pres�nt �'!ao aiaiead �o be i�esr� regaxdiag
��uoe�t sg�eeia�. w:a parmit by the City Gornu��ia Tl�rs t�ase ao t�
preeen� � requested to be 2�e�ax�c3 in fa�ror oP or in o�pposition to t.1�e
�rbpaeed e�p�acial v�se pet�tto Ma�ror Nee declared the publia hsaring
cm a Spea3,a1. Use Permit !o� a double bun�al.oR► st 1� Highwe�r �100 N oE �
Mo�tan by Wr�,g�t t,� �pncur �i.th ttbe reeoa�en�at3on af �the Baard o! Appaals
enc3 P3,anning Ca�iseion sad app�a+a the �pecial u� pex�itA grant9.ng �
b1�ti.ldi.t�g �:�alitir �L'� �.374 H�.gtl�i8y �1.00 PioFr o s ii't1i atiip'ti1.8'liiORSS O#' Ot`t 11t1"eret.
p�rking and �xont antx�r o� �u.t3ding to �a set 3n tour t�eet o Seaan,�e8
by Kiri�p Upaa a a�oLt �.1 vo�� t�h�e r�o�iag ayeD Neeg Kir��
8herl.daYt,� Wx�.g3�.�o 'Th� '�c►tlzsg nays nr%eo Tt� aeotiou caxri�d vman3ma�lyo
Me� �ae �mced e, pmb3�i.c hear�.n� ora a 3peai�. i7s+� P�s�mit for a da►aml�e
ie�arw at "j�04 Van Bwreu ��are�t �ort,��asto Ti�e Ci�,r Measg�r x+�s� tbe
�o�ice of Heeribg s� eap,Za�.n�a8 the Host+d ot A�pes,Is b�rd �aei8�ezed Lhi�
p�rmi.t anQ x�eca�ex�ed it be ilaaiedg a,�o the va�°3�e request be d�eeni�d
arid std.f�d thex+e hsRY been s vm+�ni�ous petttion af t�ei�boacs ia o�ppositiono
i$ ea�,s �xpiained i:he Planning Cams�i�3oan had a�at on Jtxly Sth aad alter
reefe��.eg �k� i#�sr�a ia€zfi re nded �.� �e d�r�� a� ar�d siao de�fed
t�a.e va�� �equ�s�ed be�aa�e t,�� ��c� �ea� pa�apes°�1►o Diay�oa�
Nee #.�qui� �.f �ea� wex� �yc►� �s��� �hca �h� � 1�e b,ea�cd on
tT�e issna�tc� t��' ��ez�ial �er �e�xa�.� �'ar a�ca�ub:�l� �ungs,�.t�► st. 7300
Ya�n Bm�sn ��et �iat°ft'#�a��� tlze,�t ��ae��,iion ha�i be+an �eei�r�ed aad a�►
CQOm�eYt�! 31c1 �,ddi�E;iAri �Tt�,t"t ��a� 1�,�' °IGI1� C�ifi.y C�O�u1�."110 1�!o C'xo 0].ron
ot T3Cf9. '�`� Br�+ea E�et �i��,esu�� �����t �c� �ta,ted iae 3�adt baea
oxre of �e �t�#.�i+ar�r�°� �iad r�.s�ec� � 2r�ca�,m �1ia C��y Ccaune3.�. 'tae aas
eati,sP'ied �.th �h� c�enial, Msr, A]. W�„Iism+s 's�a�s ��en� in farr�r ot t�e
8peci�l. U�e P��,i� anll gr�+rented p]ans to the Cit�r Cc�v�acil o!' tbs p�opaed
'bt�il.d3ngo Co�a��an Wxi�t►� �qna���ed a s3�% plat► and va� told Mro
wi],],ia�m,s di� not isar+e on� rw�th hi� thfs a�ar�snga Ma�ar Nee ex�p].axned
ta ASco W9.].l.i� f�at oae o� tY� x�eaa�s t.he �v�misri� hed denied t�
agacia�. wte �xmi.t ve.� t1�e Ta�x�ta�te and fzt�u�r�e8 �aa� the raqueat�
�raria�s r�ea l�ir� �TiLliams repl3ed i� w� a t�hr�e q+�i setba,ake that
he alao m+med fi�e sd jotni� 1ot and aould takt earue addxt3aia�sl �vo'Se�e
ott o� tbe►t l,o$o It �as s�nticaaed by Camc�].�e�n Sheridaa Mr, Willisret
n�a st�,taa n� �ouza ��n s��r ot a aot ����, l�o Olson aaserted
t.2yeir a9ain ob�eet�.o� raa t�he Spsa3al Use Permit and the iasa at a ddabLa
bu�l.o�or ia t.h,a,t area a�d psrk3aOg �ecilitiea� °that vere ava3labl,� sad
t�ar d3d no� van� 'theiac �e3g�rhood ebanged by this type ot' ho�sin�
v�en Melady Mrznar a�prcae,ahe� fi.'hm�fr erea t'ro�a the Was� aatl ti�r� i� ao
othe� x�an'�al pa�o�ertp aa �hat si�e 8�m Abl�e :3fi,s+eet ont to UnS�nersity
ATem�e o 1Mr o 02son 4r�her esscrted they t�riahed tv se� thr tren�d
coatim�sg aa �.t presently vas� 3n por3�►at+e hsorw�.ng4 Cot�cflae�n Wright
sts°Cad� in hi� apin3on� the erg�arsat t�at a bufiler xas neecled bet�aea
iudras� p�opetty and a�e�eidentia]. pra�ext�r� i.n �hie aaa�� did not
app�l�*o M�o OlsoKt �cp�ain�i �o �e City� C�ateil, they h�d beaa �3g�tring
P�'@ 30
'�1�'� Y6lIB�.e �.UlE O11 '�le j.Y' b�9 i�pi� ik �R� �i7d �1E1'�R 'IfQY'� b6$'�R!
ha�e� in t��e a1�ea and t,2�ey 83dn ° t reat to itegxc+�ile t�e aeighborl�oed by
th� type oi' hau�i�o He ftnrt�ar explgined thst at ]�east e9es�r Paaily
he� tvo a�r and th3.a xo�l� 'b,� mor� Qars a� %�e firatY"3a 3n tl� ne�boxhood
� one ot the ah3e� s�b jectio� to this doub�.e bwsgalcrK p Nl��r N�e
dec3�r�d tiu4 pub].ic haeising on e, Speaia2. Uase �er�t� �or a dotib].e bw�s].av
e,t 7�U0 Yata Buren streat Nortl�+saat cl+o�edo
A�ian by Kirkham to caiu�u,+r �rl.tb the rao�endat3ox► ot t.b�r Boera a!
Appsais ead Planuf.ag Ca�ad.��ic�n and i�any f�e reques� �� a Speai.a� Uss
Pss�eit �,t '�300 Van Htt�ea Striset N, � o Secon�ie�! by �lrighto trpon e wi� e
•Ote,p �e2°e be3n$ I10 u8y8£ t�he a0$10IGt s�►Tr'9.o�: Ltns�137aatuotlyo
U�n BL�i�888
MayaY° Nee snnoim,�ed '� �inubee o� i�'ha Snilding 8osrd aad Boer� ot
Appeala m�e�cir�g 'b�foar� t.Y�e City Ca�ai]. 2�ed r+at�erene� �o t� Carl
Beraleict gro�sty nn�% the City Coa�+�il i�d r�queeted t3�e buil+div8 Iies�si.t
tcar the pxaTe�ty �s pa►'hponed vitt� the idea the grapert�r uould 'bs pxrm
esh�uaed b� thee aityo The Citq �er +�Isi�dt �s� at one ti�e �ro
sen�aett ba�dt askma $�.98540 �oc� �s puraha�� or biL� build[3ng�, t�e,t there
�a►a ueeen an e�x+.�c,� o� a�o�t �i8,c�o b,� as.a n� � ha� tb.i.a v�ou�ara
st.�ad in ao�o Mro B�nan�� sop].#.ed his apgr�i�l �s bett�r �bsa tibe
Cit�t°s e�gp�ai�salo a'�o City �r inq,uired i� �he Ci"�� Caroaai]L v�ere
pare�rei€ tc ascr�spt �he $�.8�000 ofter �r i�o Benn�ei�to A d��aRwsioa
pes�i,od rtaa �+e�3 r�g��g fi� a�e�a B�silab�e,� �q�re ���ag�s arr� the �eed
tbr �ameo �.� l�es i�squ�.s�ea i� �e City cona�.d buy Lo� T a� iche pre�ent
building 3e oza %at � ax� �'!�y ffi�.� ��e ns� x�ed �'or it a�ad i! ti�ey
�t into ��3t� tnt IAt ?�a� tka� p�ic:c oY' ft �v9.d 'beo Mr,
Bennett r�pl�Csd ho Y� no 4,d��a as �� pr3.�e o The Cit� Nl�a�ag�tr
�'�'� � %�.� $j1@�T f.°OlLi.� �f�11�X�B �.i9�i 8 �"A�' Qii�7Li� �si�il7o MB�7." ��
Bs0@Z"�d, '� tr°�i:ji � �O � �t3Y° �".itlli �3i��.��i1�; OY9 �E'„ �YltlE''��il �'O�
peY"tryo �`•O'�11C�.�9i1 W1'�.�1'�. �.YIQ1d�.'Y'�t1 �'�16 �1�.�� i!le� t�ORf8b10 dtl�
vas �koid it �osaa R� C3t�r M�r etaf.�d � buiiding miglht imyr so�
r�a �ox a�hi.l.�r o Msy�or ��� axplai�d �at e�cordisg f.c� the ta►atimoz�l
h�eard tn oourt s taF► <Isy� bofose� a person �as ab3,ei � b�► s�n aore o!
�,nd�t�asY. L�nd 3n Fr3�,dlsy iQar $3:OOOsnd iaqu3red iat I�o Be�stt �on].�
bs fnterested in b�,yiag ba�eic hin bn�2,dln6 and vae �a1d Yyro �x�ett
taur not intereatedo Me►1ror Ns� s�ted I.at 6 xas a c'�e�ri�ment snd La� T
ras �at th�y tRanta�. to ba�/ and filt th� City could enter into an agx+eep
�snt on x�►,t 7a I�o Haxmstt r�p].ssd he vatil.d v3rh to se].7. bath Lots 6
aa�d 7a I�e� Nee rep3.i�t �tt tbey tr�nt 3nto co�ndaa�atia� an Lot 7 it
aon�.l.d aoet both t2�e C%iq oZ 1�9rid1�7 a�d Mro HeYmstt erome moaxsy sad #�ss�:
rra� � qt�et�tioa� �tue ait�► eott]A �nt snd inquir�d tt�pr they aonld ac�t
apprea ooa � negot3a�d desl o� Lot 7� Mro Hsnne�Lt x+�plied ]�e did not
sactt tu negatiate ft�ar jnrt o�ne lat avd t�,ey c�c�u].d go to aowet o The
City Mss�eg�er ezplained t� point t�►st i�d to be decid�ad by tl� City
Cotmail w+a� i� tiee? ttaated t.i�e pitom ot psro�erty `rlth '�e buildi� o�
ito i�o�ai' Na�e rerpl3ed all �tey rex+e buying var h0 feet iar �9000
a�d rea�east�d a aio�3on �or the dit�pos��ion ot' the i�emo
P�sA $�
Motion b� �iright to ec�hari�cs ��he p�oceeding ot arsqairing a�ot �e 6
n� °j b�t Lnt� 7 e�nd 8 thron�gh �or�d��osticaas n��iatic� oar +a�ny vthc�r
me�s a�rai�able o Conna3l�n Shsridaa stated 3t ves true tl�e ra�e�n�
1.an8 s�as a'�t they tian�t�ed btzt A�rro Hena��t di�d ms�ce '�he City e.n ofY'e�c
tor a71 of h3.e lan8 a�nd building srid hsd preseatred th�s c�.fiPer and i�
the City �omuii did not ehoo�e �to acc�pt tl�at ot`ter �� �ould be u�p
to them to i'ind scx�ne ather se� �o oi�teta t�.e vacafa� praperty a� LL�tt
7o He ltntCher a�te8 bs aa�].d a� Ms�o 'Bennettss po+�3.tian in waating
to es�e�ad riii �al eeicate tc� an4thcr bu�1c'ling a�d 3f,� fn t�e �vd�psernt
ot the a�einisi�a�ian�, they vot�d �ot be ru�ediag �rueh a'buil8f,�ag lcc�
ot'tioe pu�ose� ox� wa�rehc�rue s'�orega e it �iau3.d 'b��hoa� t'�e� to p�ed
011 CO'latts$].m8ri 0��ii�'1�t ° i! Y�tOt3C110 I�$i!!�i �3.a$ t01' 1�Ck t!�' s 11eQOM11d t0
ti� ��.��. �'��� o �
Mn�tian by Wrfght t�at tiu a�e.tnistration be authoorf.�ed to p�rooeld 'with
t,h�a setqu�sit�g o? Lots Ta $� 9s 10 +an8 11 f�t�u ther rearpesr�f� a+�nears9
A�, 4�e►rl B�naett� Mra Art G`hr3�tenson and Mr, Ws].�,jr O�n b1► �'iaatistior�
oa� eon�tian� 5ecr�a.de�d D�t Kiri�s� U�on a�� vrate� there being
tw ns7s� 't� �o�tan vsrris8 ur�x�f�dus�.ya
�t' � `a� ��'. � � «: : � ii �; r • �e�• ..
• Msyo� Ns� ann�c�d �n orasnes�e a�n�ding c'ha��Cer 66 a� �psa�nsa st
l�ad reterene� f.o the� disauraion o3' �ther or nat e'ccavatmrs s�w�3.d bs
per�ffi.t�ed tp �k+e �u�C e. ��mi� �o� ou�+��tds �,alaa�bing �onasa^ia�ss #asst
ttu�x� i: a� c�r��uedn�e �is�ah wo�,d �e��� 9.� ��u os8�ir�.nt� �ieh �rould
se �,e it d iPe�r Cs���.� �r�n.s�c�er�x°�i�n an� �►a op�.nioan byr ti�
Ci�yr At�orne�� Ci�y A��o:rn�y 5�.� e��a�.a�.ae8 thi� a��ter h�tt �ee b��9t9a�e
t2ue City Counci3 a n�be�r oY �imer� ex� � � prssent� sre a1�
ter�ti�e paraposal�� i� sa a�eet��.� r�' �e �rt �e°�ing a�ek pswrio�s
ea�d st �3.ch z�aceseata�i�e ot tiu ;plt�mbin� indtast�y vera preatnt buic
name of tive e,at+,��rataars v�re pr�,eem�tg he hsci ahe�aked t,�e a'batu�e �tiieh
+�peoi.�i.es sa a�i�ipal.i�..1r in exa�esa a�P 5�oc)o pa�pu].�at3vn� g'l.uvebiaas
vork aha.l.a. be d¢� by a licen�ed pl.umbero He t'�rt,�ex expLa�ined s eapy
of t}�e plt�iag code t�s ob��,n�ed ea�d �a had quot�!t �va seat�9�o�s �or
Counail ° s�'1.e�a1. and 3� � clear i�m the �anguag� �t' � pl�bin�
aod�� tbs$ vithin► the iangt�8� 3t inalu�s ths p�.�bing vithin tbe
gz+effinn o! the street �o ti�e iio�ee at�d it � hi�r d��.n3oa t�st 3t
� t'�e City Ce�ai.l erare gaing to do se�oethin� to amendd th3s o�^di�
tha� abo�t ns far 8a they co�t].d go '�ra� a reaolatian a�nd a eo�rrouise o
� �tsyaar 80� mtated t2�at �ko be �oa�e spaaiPie tl�e or+dine�asm ea sus�e�tsd�
� �ould be illegalo �a�mci],�ma 8har�.8an a�uerted �t t'ram tb.e apiaiv�a
ai t1�e Citr Attor►tiey iva �raa18 I�s�s tu agroe '�ri'th ti�e �'�steseat t6st s�ch
sa �+d3naqn�e voul+d �t be lewtlul, o
l�otion 'by 8heriilan �tbst t�s seoa�d rea83na oi' t2�e ardinanae a�eerdtng
Cbapter 66 erl the Citar Cod,e dea33ng vi�h Water an8 Seaer Ada�nistsstior�
It aex^taia x�rits be tabled
� ar�it speaityring tl�t a liaensed eatea�rat4r may tate aa� p�
indstinite�.yo 8e�arnd,�d b�r' Wr3gh�o Upon a vaice �not�e t�esr b�in8
I � � s '� motlaai oarriad �n�inon�sl�ra
� �D
N�atiOR! txjj Wr°i$h$ 'f0 9S�O�t �i86' i%ilTidN �'1y1•�196� ta'rrBTili.shtnri8' 'k�e p01.'iQ;�'
tor plva�bing �xffita e,nd inr,�atiari t�er�oto Seaa�ded br 8i�sridaao
Upan a rroice w+o►te$ t�ere bsiag no n,sys� the motior� carried vmsnimcuslaro
RTCBEATIQN C�ION N�U1'$B ��Y 2?g 196�ts
Co�mailmen Wr�.ght eatplai.YwB �he re�aa�s he hs8 aeque�#�c3 �►is it�m be
�t �'ox�ard ��hat the R�areation 1K�sctit�as cant��n an ite� �ihicb
reequires aowia33 sation ead im$ to do �+ifi� a p�opas�d Besab Dance rhi�ch
aantgiae �. requeat for �Cw otY'.�duty paiiaemeno Mro D�onp� ot t1�e
Ca■�isuiau � p�e�soyat au�3 �te,t�d h�e dSd �ort la�o�v �hat the Connail re�
qu3x�sd !nr t2ue 8en� Q l�r Ree raqne�teit aa e�cp7.anstian o� tl�e props�d
dence a�Bro D�hy �plieed �x�e had bse�n m erertai.�s a�aUnt o! damnd
foar a a�and 8a�nce and 3t sec►se8 reatonab]ae a� pa�cspor �i;o g3�ns i.t a tr�r
bu� S� sard+er to �.�tain �de�c� t�iey tran�ad to hear+e t� oft d�► pol�.e��
men prese�o He aacp%�i.ned t� Po`liae Depsrta�snt regu]+stio�s r�qn3r�
soa�e �3on on �he peirt e�t' �e Cit�Conna�..l. to esloe th�.� ]sg3tiaette
ac��3��y !or tY�e po].ieamisn� fis Y�her e��.a3r+�ad �eY trauld s�eq�irt a
wiiibt�ed o�"Picsr to ma3n�e.3a ord,er� �es� �0�r uf �he p�rot3#.s at' t�u �ce
voul.d be go3aag �.n'� tlre Rec�at3e� Ca�e,iaei�n Ftimd a�x% the bays and
g3rls 3n ahe�r�e ot �� p� to psy t�he po�7..ie�e�oen t"o�� ti�ir $f.ae
• out ot t�ae �co�eds o Ca�tncilm�z Wr3.gbt s'��e8 thi�s was etn efta�t to
saka s no� kind o! rear+�►tioz�,7. et�a�c aaa�-suppoa�tingo l�o Dtm�hy
�tatteed Poiic�e Ci�e,t NlmCerthy 8a�d ,�tateQ he �a not avth�rixed to pt�onric'ie or
�Eo al.%w a po3.�c� o�tfGer taa ir.�e psr� snd �th3� ne�ded �a�e alaMfiast3cus
ti�at tb3o 3,� s R+e�,tic��]. a+z�3.�3.��0 '� City �'anag�r stat�ed. ire h�d
no� �l�O�i in grae�� l�ag"� �1.� ��laie�' Qi ��.3�:a bu� did amsame
they dlon�� po�.iae �m�ti�rae j�+st 'be�uu�e �� k�ap�en �o be Raareatia�
��io� exed 3� tt� C��g Cotan�ii u�e �ey t�il.�, pr+�3dle so se:ey poliae�
man atur � x�mtir�a,I. �a��%aa� td�� �au3.� 1bu� a� fs�r a,� oi''t duty
police�ea� i�e f9h�e� o� Polit�e �'� do tb�� e�.e�� tha Ci�yCaunail
an�7� i�c+e� �Lt eud C�.e�' A�aC� ve�ulc� haw� no o'b3� ��i.�xn �o thi+� o
Mot3on by �rr�Light that tlu Cit�r Coroauil a�ox3ze the �nditu�re ot 'the
tlmds neaeseaxy ��lay t�o oft dnty polic�smen �or tha beaah dsn�
to be Y�18 �isdz�eecla�� Auguiat �� 196# and so iaform Ch�.ei' ot Faliee
MoCarthya Ti� City �$�er eacp].e,imadi t2�►t a� ier eu� poliatn� �as eon-
ae�ned� the d�.n� r^�uld �et routiu� pnliaing 'ba�c n�art �ci.e,]. pol3+eiin�
�ti�hout au�h�isstiono ��ded by Kirkhgaa ITpov s vaice vot�g there
beiag ino r�a.ysg ttie motion aerriad unsniaous�jro
Mc.�o A1 Merssiek � prase�ot anQ requsst�d to be heeu�i xegarding t�e hou�ar
at t.i�a bseah� that tl��r hs+rre e parob]�ea aona+nrniaQ sv�rrisias at tbe
beseh at'ber 9 paM� aad scc�ac�ting �Eo t�he arSinana� a�ro� oan �o t�ere
ttntil ad�nite g H�e atst�d tl� Fsrics Depe�rtesnt ta�al8 Iiiae to �� otr
the �ah eatiralg at'ter 10 P,p[o and it vould �etrp p�r�r� � b�r 8ri��
aa$ peopxe s�elaa st t�eis o��n ri�lc otY t� besaho He �fi�ar atsted
� the�r v�ere yating aore and[ �oate �obLsas etith broloaa. g].�u�s in t1� �aster
aa�i! had ha� a�r+er lOti tir�t n3d os1L �5rat cnstr a�m8 �'elt tbey nead�sd
ra�e kind a� a raire ar so■�e ]cind ot epeeilYa tZrpe o�' inspectlan �
� 6u
ar ��perttis�ion 'by #�e Poliee �ar�eo He ex�lsined t�,at aa '�he r�lina�►�
p�sea�.y r�adae �he1 are �ab% to aolv�e t�eir �ablem nrnf aud at
�a�t t'!� bear.� arsa sh�tld be ahsi�rsd at 10 Po�o N1e,yor Nee inqv�i�cl
ii i� �ss tiur pdrlcing tt�t � eausing t�e prob].ee� 8ad �a,s toid thir�
rrsa coarreata May�r 1Q�e avgg�ste8 t�e City Co�ncil coail.d s�t�o�ize
ti►a e�ai�nin� oi'� ot t�a psrkiag eree and alla+r �ri�rers t� �+im um$i7.
SECOI�D I�ADIl4'G C� t�tDI�'ANC� AN�IDIlQG 77p03o
Mayor Diee announced the aeaon�d rse,diag ot nn ordineanae regule'�f.ng
beaeta�� bq ix�rnrid3ng tor a atn�ervo The City Manager gave th� eecand
rasding ad' t3�e ps�opo�ed os�dinenae o
Mo�ian by Wx�.ght '�Iaat the e�d�.nenee amen�d3ng Chapter 7°� e�Y the City
Cc�de o= FMdley xqegulating mtmiaipsl. ba�hing bee�ehas by �iding fv�
A tttJ���it by 8dd3Y!$ 8 P�.t�B$1'�stp�1 �Oo l� t0 SeC$IOII %jo0� t.�Bl"dO�Y be �711EY�o
e� te� s,eacl bet�ea� 10 PoMo swd 5 Aol�ip Msyoo� Nee stated it � hi�c �r�
�taa�ding � Park Cc�rair�s�..on I�e�d agree� t� c�.in of`P the pes�3.ng as�a
ot the beaahG Co�af].men t,h�f�t s�epl%a that tihai Y�ro NPea�lck ha.d
_ ag�eeed �to 8nd Whe,t f.he g�rvu� t�ted vas whet i�e ltiad psoposedo ConmeL�n
� Wright es�.a9s�ed that ia �e� xith Mro Dcn Me�r �amd Mra Sob IIn�h's�
a�t` th� Co�.�esioa h� had beac�e eomr3.nc�d that ti�e nu�ber o? uersra
that lea�re deb�.a aad bs�c�en giesa i� e3cc�ed3�ng tba number �tho ].egit�
3�Sa.�eiy � i� o Cc�� �€�ki� �ta'�ed h� lae�i �allced 't:o A�ro I�Yer�
eaad he h�d a�reec� ��a't ta�� ��ec►�� p�rtp �b.e peop%+� the.t are gu3lty o�
staraving ths beac2� �e us�i�g i� a�er �idn��'E a�ui i� t�t��r �+�ere to �laoe
3.t at �i8ai�et� it �roul.d +a�ntlqo7. a�oet e�t i�hat prob3.e�eo He f�t�sr
���ed t.bat it' '� paa'king area o!' tb�e beaah ver� tt� be e�ued ott
a�d not s�8 �ra �o the ord3n�9 fL �►o�ld be bei:t.er ato
Co�saei]�an Ti�ight a�useM�d i.he enly cr�h�er Qonsidera#.3an he �rould ha�
va� �hat h� 3� a ve� atx�g i'�ling o� these peogle and the peap]�e
i.n thAe area axut �y dar n�ct f�r prest�ation e�Y' �e beaeh iti t.3w
e�+e�.ng a�d �n censidsration o:t '�e CitY �er es� Yepo,r�� i$ xes
a+d�inietra�ively 3mposeible t�o lsa�r+� the beaah polie�do T� s�tioa� to
emend tbe oa�in�n� died for ].eak ot a ascoado
i�ro �i�k Don�.ine Park Direa't.00ry �a paresexit aad sta�.ed thatg first o�'
e�7.].� �e �►isiied to question �he City Counai]. ou th� nectaas3ty o� eaother
amsnc?asnt to th� p�ssent a�rdfr�a�ee9 t�st ia �+a� Item �2 ot the ardinaa�e
au�horises the P�k SubaCoa�i,t�ea �o designaf,e s. time for th,� opera�tiaa
snd �se oi p�►rks and it ttatss ti�t t�e garr �bs3�. be ia us�e t� �ut
au°E�►oriza�3.on a� eet up by the Psr'k Committee o He eaplaiaed they had
osginal]y pxesen�'ted tta t2� City Counail the t3lees lOPoMo $O 8 AoMo aIId
�'elt the� �ceady he.d the tool �rithout aa additioru�]. a�endmeat to fi�
a�°dinan+�e a 2�,y�or �Fee replied it tnte► tx�e deaisi� of the City Com�ail
th�..t t�ia beae�h �ia opm n��il ni.dnightg �ha� the' did bav+e aertain
• e3tizens that uae the faeili�y a�'ter 14 PoMo and it did seem they should
hame °that ri�ht o I� o Donlin rep].ied the Park C�mittee had met sad tie y
request th� �each to be clo�ed at 10 PaM. each even3ng➢ that f'urthers
thia doesn't get to be a pereonal thiug ageinet those �ho want to use
this beach but any ordina.nc.e is set up to serv�e the greater number o�
peopLe and �ny people had ca]leci regarding the no4.ee
� z�
��'a=.s''11i:t�.B�uA�a �� .�°o bca].in -'�07.i�--�3",� �tl6 l�deli�lnl t�'t b�il t81�QII jtilaaa
and �r ata�ed lye rotil� satgne t2�e pc+int '� damag�e waa all daaue
istter oer.l,oako It vas eu�lat�sd � C3$r ot Minnsapo�.3,r Soes not i�
bee.che� open a,ft�r 10 FoMo � t'his facility coulfl not be kept typin s'�
ali ti�me� !or al�. p�t�pa.e snll �ovl�. rtxongly b� aoncern,e� about t�e
�'s,e� ot '�et.her °h�e CSty �rrre Ltab�+e if Sca�o�ae did dx�n�noMro Bail�ey
Ti�ars rssic3an�� resqueete� �Co 'b� hsax+� sar� a��d he � qussticr► tha
�im� oi' � dam�ge 8on�� t.�st rds�n �. resid,ant psya t�e they expect
t�e p$op� should g�ert sa�e be�etif.s �a� t2�8tLa�t he did zwt thinlc
I�o�1.i �kiould 'be s�nt avey at 10 PoMo He f'�r�e� atated t�ey i�aA �+�8
c�tt �'ro� Minneapolis 3.n'�o ��ub+nrbs b�cauae they ditin$t 147�e it in
Minn��po�.ie � t.ria� �ue hi�ve,7r ps�oi gtiae� clatm t� hi�watiy aad �ses
�Y P�►lam�e at ��he 'beach an�t �.f t2� Fark Cc�ittee cii8 me�intsin an�!
do e, bettsr job9 ti� �ou�.da�t be sny �roub]�eo Councilme.n Wright stated
be � not o�o�s�d t,� beer drinking or n�eaking bu�t he No�,s ccp�osed to
c�es�atios� and d� snd wovtid persona.tly lilce to ae� fi.he Peurk ogsn
21a h�uxr � d�t but the onl�t �n8 za�e solutia�n �a�a perhape e. av�ppl+emaatns'�I
poliee dep�r�aento A�siden� s�8� preaent an� st�,t�ed he Yiad lived in
B3ommtngtoa �d �s the �r or the M�miaipal 8eaeh and ttr�y i�a+d
io� �+srY quicklY '�at P@a'P3� 1� to be p�ot�ete8 f'rc�mt t�eselties
aar�d �,t se�aea n� sena�e at aI3 � e�1.1aw peapZe �o ar3am aP�sr 10 P�,MMo
� Mot3un by �beridsa to tsb� tloe aeoomd raa+c43ng ot tha asendt■ant to Clasg�er
�"j o:g' t�he �i�y Code o�f F:�id�ey reg�la�ing munieips7. �thing bereahes by
p�'onr3.ding �'or a c�ux�'ev �y �ia� ��'�c�o.� l�oa 16 �o sectian 77oA3
t2�r�ot� So�onSed by Kir�hem� tl�uxs a ro.l� s�13. ir�o�� �hoss '�rotix�g
ayes Shsri.d�ng �i.rk�aan� W�°igiata �ho�+e de &esa Tl�a �iotion osx�ied,
f' ��I HC i^t. • M;�' � r' � !_ � tt
Ma.yor :Vee announced �or Council. aomsideratioa a r�equ�ar� Sar a liv+esta►�k
13�ans� l�y Nbrp Lec�narcl CoQhx'a�o Mro Coebrsu � p�re�rento '�s Ci�
D�us�ex� exp].�.in�ed � had talked t�iti� l�ro Cacht�ext briefl.� an� ha
�p�sreatl�r �ee7a� l�s k�e�s savoe pa�iwc ri�t� but tme voux.d he�r�e 'to ea�tos�
iri his opiafono Mayor 14eee inqu3red how l�ng Mr. Caehre.n ha.d had thta
stoak, Mro Cochran repli�d he bad Y�$d t�e horse for �bout three y�ears
and in ane�er �o the Mayor'e queation eteted thsre wae� no other lieeetcMk,
that h� has bad a ba�rbed wire tenee eince 19� and ihere as�e sev�en ot�.her
girls that ride their horsea in this area a3.1 Q� the tim�o Council�n
Sheridan inqu3red 1t Mro Co�hran had had livestock in tha qvestiou$d ax•ea
since he had lived thexe and wae told th3g wae trueo 1�ay+ar Nee �'tat�d.
the City Council wae aZl i.nclined to iseue t.he licenee but it wes a questb n
oP protitcting the neighboreo A die use�on period was held rsgarding can-
pliance to ordinance�, area require� an barna Counc3lsoan Sherida.n a�serted
he was certain there were other plac�es in Faridley that wei°e not co�[p�3ant,
Councilman WrSght inquiyed if Mro �Cochran Would be willing to mav�e his tence
� 30 feet, Mro Coehran replied �.e did not knowo The City Manager exp�.sined
he wiahed to eugg+eet if the City Council would waive this request !or o�e
person, they would hav�e to weive tt far everyoneo
�� �o
Motivn by Kirkhsm to grant the Ziveetock permit requested by Mro Lear�rd
Cochrsnn 5econded by SheriBano Upon a voice vo�e, there being no z�ys�
the motian ca�ried woan3mouslyo
coNS�a�2oN oF Zg65 �oPas�n Bc�T:
e..cso r
Mayor Nee announced the eon�iders,tion of the 196�+ Proposed Budget
sut�itted. by the City Mana�er end expla.�ned it wae require8 that this
be �he main item of business fbr this meeting Bnd that it be openec3 �'�
pu'blic 3iscnssiano The City Ma�ger exp]+a�iaed it was, o�' course' a
long dacument o�' sams 33 peges and divided into certain exhibits, ea�
t3ma�ted re�enues� estimated expend3turee and whatever figures �3xial2y
on these psges i�cluded in the appropriation ordinanee which would be
passed on Sept,ember 21ste He �urther explai�ed there ia a budget
detail outlined vhich runs eome 27 pagee whieh fs the Po].lowing aectioa
and each pa�e oP thig sectlon �tarting with Pag�e 1 coincides �acactly
wi°�n �he Ex�i1�3t 2 of the expenditureso fie explained �here are �ther
�°ttnds" listed whiah are made up oY statutory levisa a].ready corm�itted
and which the City had no control aver other than 3ncr�ase or dearea�e,
� Iz� �urther expl.sining the budget the City �Ianager s'��atsd the :�ollawing
exhib3t wga pa.�e �9 and was a br�akdown of the asseesed vslua�3ons�
tax eo�%etion and breakdown oY the proposed mill levy and �he tollo,w%.ng
� ps,�es t�ere the capital out]ay items� the �.ssessed vaivation, tax ievy
and will levy wh3ah taere figured sud oP which they ha.d attempted to be
cons�rva��.ue and thi� would be a n�ximum figurea I� wae stated the City
Council does not levy a mi11 ra.�e to the County, �he County' when t3�y
get the �'inai s.saesa�d valu�tion9 f�gvres wha�c the mill rate will h��e
to be to get the city tY�.t much money and the City goes on that ba�is�
In Fric3%y once in the 1,aet $ or 9 yeare the valuation haa been lower
when they �'3n��.ly +eer'Gi�3ed it and i� would appear this �+l0 55 ���
w�ou�.d be the a�aximum a.z�d what the Gity Ct�uncfl would be tal.kitag abo��o
T'he C3.ty Mana.�r geve an expla�na�ion o�' A�axes w3th egtia�.tioas: PaE eR 0A.
l,�vy based an �yrol�s Piremen's relief'l.evy, debt $ervice' psrk bon�s
and special assessmentse He st�ted a mi11 shvuld r�.iee8 based on yh�
eatiu�ate� $hoia�t $33S230o00 end this was why the fir�men's re1�.eY levy
shows $13,�2�Oo00o It vfas note8 the va].uation had i�creased from fou..�*
�3.�].i.on 8ollara ta an eetime�ed thix�teen and one-bali miJ 23on dollare
and i� ��s an�cic3pated a good s�eady sral.u�atl.on inca�a�e wonld be a�forc�e8
f or several y�ears due to industry maving ina The City Managex ,state�i
he had urged tYce City CoanaiZ because af �he rapid �rowth of the aity
a�n@ trying to ho7.d the line al2 0� the time, the�t they ehonld attemp�t
to arrive at what appears to be a reaean•�,ble mill rate for the Generai
F'und and ha� sugges�ted i�a h3.s eacpex�ience tha.t it wt+uld appear the ci��
w�.th ite p�resen� rap3d �row�h �nd poten�ial growth should 2evei atf af.
35 mills as �hia woul.d appear ta iaandle the increeeed needs of the cftyo
Page 90
He ftirther stated this budget could heve arriwed at �+5 1/2 mi11s t�u� 'he
had reduce8 it �om dis�ussions �ith the Ci'iy Counci7. and it now ha�
been s�educed to �1055o It was exp].e,ined the passibil3ty and probab�,3,ity
waa that the budget would be �1 1�2 mill.s 3P it reme�ined intacto
The City Mane.ger stated the total General �'und expendituree request�c�
s�ounted to �6�9'211,00 and the other �unds seem to fluctuate and
except ta anyane famfliar would. M, S, A, Fuad�s were expla3ne8 and it
was stated. the City of Fridley had put in Yor the total a�count of
eredits but they had not used them although they were starting to uee
the�n exten�ively and this figvre wculd be more realistic in the ftiturea
Statutory levies were explained and the City Mana�er sta�ted he ha.d
not figured this out to the way it wilt be later on whiah Was the Yigure
he ZikeB ta point out to inSividusZs wha pey the bill, that the �igu�
3s ba.sed on a per cea.pite basis and o�+er 60'�, is raiaed out of ta�ces o
An examgle wae given if a person took 63y6 oY the ].arg�eat expenditure
tahich was $86�OOQ oS the pol.lee services and comes out oP PrnPex"ty
taxes and divide thia by 26yQ00 people, This would be a little more than
�3a50 per capita per y�eara The City Manag�r euplained this wae a b�°iei
�uaa through oP wb�.t s buclg�et was made eap o� and if there were any
qusstioas ox if anyor�e wiahed .some other detail he would explain, that
this budg�et wauld aga�n be oa the agenda August 17 and September 8
an�1 any mii3. Ie�ry propoaefl o�r 30 mfile must be published and e pu�iltc
• hea�in� hel8o It was stated that ge �ar ae �he Ciiy Me.nager lrnew there
l�ad alwaye been a public hearing� ths,t the lowest rate was in 2960<61
aad the prime.ry reason :Por tha.t wae no ane was aware the Sta.te would
put on a 10� incxease which autom�ticail.y dropped the mill down but
tbat� geaernl�.y epeakin�p the total mill rate had b�een about 35 to f+0
ffi111s and the stetutopy levy thie year wae 8,9. He explained that
both the statutox�y and �enes�3. �nd ere suggeeted at ie� each and the
e�dministration did think-they were runn3n� a better opera.tion aI3 v�
th� �ime, �he�.t they had t�akea esre of the public warke equi�ent a�
laer.st yesr they had to puarchase a�reder and having no money the City
Couneil mede a dowu payment and budgeted the money for it this year aud
it would be good fnr another ten to tif'tsen yearao
Me,yor Nee stated he wished i�o �s�nt this wa� a dii"�icult probiem
when t,he adt�inistration had to Porecaet their aeeds �ox 18 month� ahead
and f�rther staf.ed he Pe1�G it wae appropriate to $ay the City Council
hacl xcet with the administra�3on on several occasions as i.t had do� in
the pe.et arxd had very �,ggren��y asked for juatifieet3on on every me. jor
item, tha� he did bel3ev�e se the 't�udget wsa preseated to the public
it wae a tight budg+et and a prudent o�e� He explaiaed that to the
best of hi� reco]leation there was no major de,p�rture or no mgjor
aew activi.ty undertaken by thia budgets thea� they did hope to hire az�
intern ta do some reseaz�ch and �fnor items and most oP the Sncrease
in the budget was eimply 3ncrease to keep pace ia the dea�nde and
aervices they were msking and they did not expect there wa$ go3ng
ta be any c�r�tic imp�rovement in $erviees Ss they expected to just �,bout
� break eveno N�yor Nee pointed out there was a�dest increase ia
sale,riee for the persflnnel and this amounted to � and hss amountec�
to this fn the pe�t9 that it is not a requirement but i't aeemed
�� ���
p�rudent to keep the staYY eecurea M�a.yor Nee inquired iP there �re any
member o� the City Counci]. whe wished to a.dcl anything to what had been
said, Councila�n Wright atated that in the �ew areas where they �aere
undertak3ng new p�cograms they were experimental and des�.gned to dlscovsr
ne�' waye but v�ry signi�ff.aant onee and to �ind out da�ta nc� to enable
the Couneil to plan 2'or the �u�wre o He �"uuz�ther stated �hese �xeas in3im
cated the degre� o� piann3ng thac he,d gone i�to the budget and wa� enm
coursged by ito Council�n Sheridan sta�ed he could justify a11 the
earpenditures they were praposin� and wouid say that Mro Wa�ner did
develap a vexy thorou�h and aaaplete bud�et as he had 3n the pasto
I�Psayor Nee a,nnounced he would like to open the meeting Por any co�amen�t�
�"ro� the pubiic� that those present would wa.nt to go inta the budget
in considerable detail e.t the next meeting but the G`vxincil would answer
any questiaris nowo Mr, Wilbnx Whitmcre inq,uired regarding the sizeable
jump in the personal services Yax the Municipal Court and iP thie wa,s
combining the f'nlltime employees with the part timeo The City Mans.g�er
Qacplained the consul�ing service� fn 19b� were for prosecutor services
a�d were b3i�..e3 ba.ek f'ro�m 1963 and it was now inaluded s�s paxt o� iche
regu7.ax employeeso Mayar Nee explained the City Council had added a
ful.ltime cl�erk the pxevi.aue ye�x which was no� budgeted and it waa an�-
�ici�,ted that th� le�islature would raise the allowane�s Por the Judge
anci this had b�en f.aken into coa�siderat3on and �the council hed alao added
� the services aP a deputy on a pe�xtatime baeisa Mro Whitmore sta,ted he
had noticed �. sizeab% incz°�ease betsvieen 2964 and 1965 in the Me.y+�r
and Council sa].ax°3es a Mayor �tee replied the previou� year �he Mayor
kiad earneci �160000 a�omth and thi8 budget eon�emgla�es a raise to
�200000; �he counc�.�a� hsd beer� p�.�d $�.5Q�0t3 per �aonth �nd this bud�et
� contemp7,a�-�es a raise �o ��75o0fl� tY��.t t,k�ere had a3so be�n so�e in�rease
in what they had a3.iowed fo� seereta�i�l sex�v3.Geso �he City Manager
�lained tha� �he ifi,em 1.3��ted as "routine �xpens�s" n�ver ciianged
much and these iieras sr� cut by be�ter purch�s�.�.g �tkzr�ds and the
, Fir�anae Direc�or he►ndles �ost o� the purchasi�a P�.ya� i�ee inquired of
� the �ity �Iana�er ii there wex�e atay a�w de�.rtsax�s °��.t h�.d esasp�d his
' re�o3.le�tiou �ihat were per�inent a The Ci��► Manager repiied t,hsre wer�
� nons� that there waB to be one new police�a prrn►Zded for �nd one new
pubiic warks man and the intern wh3ch is a part�tlme persoa who wau�d
� do c�etail in �he bud�t, t2�e wster r�te stndi�a and many things that fik�
eouncil 4�3ehe� repaz�d upon� He Yurther eapl.a,ined the Couneil°�
idea �o hav�e an intex°n wa� a wi8e decision as it we.� a type o� �hing wh�re
a pexaon �'itt�d far it wou7.d be someone studyin� in the field would b�
dQing the woxk and it wovld be most helpf�uio Mr Whitmare rai.sed a qu�st3an
regarding Elections and Reg3strationg and the fled.uc'�ion in per�onal sex�
I viees �or the year 1965n T�e City Me�nag�er repiied thi� Pigure does
t �r e t e t on au�cici ted and not a�
�luc �ate hen th re are r�a as ne.n el c i s
Y I�
�a.ny jud�es used and expls,ined that because of the precincts it c33dn't
drap muaha M�yor Nee explaiued that mainly this budg+et repr�sents
a,dd�.n� so�ethin� iz� dif�erent loc:ations,, tha.t the Recreation Budget
� is fairly stifY' and 3,� couldy but not neees�arilyy employ a fe.ell �ime
c�ireetor and t�ie largest increase w�s in the Recreation Budget and even
with �his the City Cvuncil he.s �he �eeling this is an inves�ment thet
is a grood in�►estment in the ca�unity, Counci].�.n Sherida.n sta.ted
one item thsre was not tauch oi three years previous and t'hat we� �he
str�et li t n pxogram $ and thie item fox the 1965 budget waail.d be the
equlvs�.en�o� �wa mills o The City I+�nag�r exp],e.ined i.t ha►d incressed
about 500� in the Iaat four yeess and explained
City by Northern States Power as a flat rs,te ot
snd stated there was 5tW street I.igh�s and there
at the e�d of 1959, It waa f�rther explained b
hes the �ig�.�st rate of vandalism of an,y auburb
for �treet li�tsa Ther� was r�o action taken o
posed budgeto
SAFETY C0� M�1'ING�, JULX 22, 1961�:
..d .� .�..,._.�.
Page lle
the rate charged ta the
$40,04 a year per lig3�t
were I$ s�r9eet lights
y the City Mana�er Fridley
in ths twin aity area.
r required on the pro-
Mayor Nee announced for Couneil coasideration the minutes o� the Safety
Caagnitte� Meeting held �u3.y 229 29�•
1Mn�ion by Wright to re�e�.ve sn�d �l.e the �3nutes of the SaPety Coanmittee
A�eting held July 22' Xq6�+a Secanded by Shericlane Upon� a v�oice vote'
thexe be3n� no naysA th� mot4.on carried unaraimouely.
I�y� �T�e announced for Council conaidera�ion a co�tunication re�.rding
the prowre.*ir�g oi �ewex charges �`rom the Finance Dixector and xequeai:ed
i-� be e�p�.ix�ed � Th� �ina�ee Df�c�c�r exp:t.�.ined va the Gity Counci3.
his depar{r.�ez�t� had re�eived cornpl�in�s frc�m peopl.e wha move iato the
ci�y soa�e t3.� duz°ia�g �he qtaa�er or �t r�dd. times arad �he�e peopZe dnn et
Peel the;� shuuld pay the min3� ehaxge Po� the whole quarter, He �her
easp3.�.i��ed they ��rere nat a.3.lawed to gro�ra� chRr�es and this wml.d allo�a
h�s dep�s�sen� �o pxa-xate cl�r�+esa The C3ty Menager stated there was
+e,n: i�plic�t�an i�a �h� wa�ex €�nci aewsr code that implies th3s aan be don�e
b�t ths� it is not iniinitiv� enou�h w3'�hout prior s�prova�l by th� City
Coun�i3. ar�d it � s a xiu3sa�a�e �ac�ar and not Yair in tbese instan.ce� �
The City A�.n�..ger su�ge�ted the City Covncii authoriz� administration
tQ :prepare a resoy.u�io� fbr the coneidera�ion of. �he Council and
pass�.ge o� sarste ii� which they 4aouZd set fb�th s pe31e� on we,ter bill.ir�g
a.nd this �ro�.d g�.ve these depe��n�te 8pii�2't2t�lrig 'CO WpTk with, that 3t ia
cii#`Pieult �0 3ueti��g exglain and hs�ndle these matters as they are and it
would pay in �he ioa� rx��
Niotion by Sheridan tha� tY�e City l�anager 'be directed ta grepare a resoiution
far the cone�deration �i' the C��y Council rega��ding a�7�icy on wa.ter an8
sew+er b3.Li.ir.� �o be gresen'Eed a� �he next x°�g�ala�' meetin�go Cauneilman
kT�i�ht inqui�d if �t would be apparopriate to add bill.3ngs that are now
af`�Peeted �rould 'tse sue�ended uni�il auch time? The Fine.nce Director rep2ied
they c2id not hsve any a�.f'f�cted at the present time, �that it was a� ev�rq
querter tahen bii7.i�aga were mede ou� and the next billing woul.d be e.t th�
�r�d oP ths �eek as they bill a distric� ev�ery month� The C�.ty Mana�er stated
'�hese eau?d 'b� heid aut, Secrnnded by Wxi�to Upon a voice �otes there being
no nays� th� motion ca�ried unanimousiyo
BQ� � ''��: �''�
P�ayor N'ee announced the report t'rom the Board of Heal.th
con�ides°ation, N�tion by Wrigiit to receive and file the
the Boerd o� HeeZtho Seaonded by Kirkhemo Upon a voiee
being no nays� t,he motion car�ried unanimouslyo
1'Y31Ji yytl�:�1�V"1.{,V1Y is �e �,r% t�tlL Q.7.�V ��Yi.ilt�Li
�� � o
Por Cauncil
reporte of
vote� there
Motion by Sheridan f.o receiv+e the co�mnmication from the Minnesata S�a.te
Highway De�nt and instruct a,d�niuietration to pursue a�tter in ap�prmci-
are.telq one m�nth.a SecorQded !� Kirkhame Upan a voiee vote� there beix� no
naya, the motian carr3ed.taraanimously.
Bvzz.�na� INS�cTio�vg Lo�z�s 3, �•� 5, BLOCK i�, Ha�tLTO�v �s a�nlTiol�:
�mcs aoia — — ..i. rrwf. ..i.�.e.n..�. ��.si �er�sro�m. ..�.�.re. �er+�
Msyar Nee announcad s, cou�muni'. cation Pram the Bui�ling Inapector regardfng
a request �'ox� s, buflding perffiito The City MM�..z�ger expZained a building was
pe�neitte8 :�ox� a th�e �3�.y dw�lling on Lots �+ and 5 and a pa.rt og I,ot 3s
that st�me o� th�.s �as not owned by or belongs to the party applying Yor the
pex�it and it had been sold and now there was ano�cher party �hat r�anied to
build Qn the baian.ce of the proper�tyo He explalned �he Bu3ldixig Inspection
Department �efused the permit on the stipuuZsat3on it was designat�d as �, tri�
pl.ex and it had been discussed with the City Attorneyo Mrse Arr2is McCarty
was pres�nt and atated r+�r, 8ird of B 8� M Incorporated di8 nat cwn T,ot 5 or
evez h�tc3y tha� when he deeded out the tri-plex he deeded jus�`.5C1 feetu
Me.yor Nee inc�uire+d if Mra o MeCexty Y�.d owned thQ property �'or eaaae t3a�
and was �o].tl �his was true4 A di.�cussion was held r�gard3.ng owners of the
property �entioneda how the oariginal permit fos the •txi-plex ha8 been is�uede
i'ho ha8 awne� the �ots� ho'w Mro Bird had ob�ained a perffii-t foz the tx3�plex on
a swe�rey o� wh3ch he 8id not own a��. o� i�he 1,andy who the present owner of
�he trimplex waso City At�orn�y Sffiith sug�gested it would be �ppropr3ei;e
for �he Bu�iding Inspector to hold the bui7.ciing pe�ait �irst issuedo C�un-
c�3m�a Sheridan s�Ga�ted iY a man ec>mes in with a Tit1e of Survey' the admin-
3stration would honor suoh a thing and Mro Bird had actually applied on 2 1/2
lotso City Attorney Smith inquired wl�o the contrsetor was on the buil�ing
a� the tri-plex and was told B 8� M incorpora.ted. City Attorney Smi�h in-
quired if l�tra, NicCarty �r�,s employed by Mra BiTds and i� she were a stockm
holder or officer in his eorporatiot�, Mrsa McCarty replied she hacZ �ormerly
been a maakkeep�r �or Mro BS.rd, w�e nt�� s stoakholder and worked at ;present
�or Mrso Leurie Johnson' contra.ctora The City Mana�+er inquired i� the City
Council would, like to hav+e sc�oe kind oi a legal de�ermina.tion, City A�itorn�y
Smith Y°ep]t�d �hey could either deny the permit, they could grant the �rmit,,
they could prasecute Mr,� B3rd and not give him a license ta opexa.�e in FriSley
a�ain but the Building Inspector won9t give the permit bec�uae part of tbie
lot was �lrea,3y on another permi.t and he wo�ld do sg an2y ii the City Coun��-1
order� it done, City Attorney Sm3th inquired i� the person who ot�ned the
20 �eet and �0 Peet fn questaon were preaent' and i�' he ever had a. con�ract
with Mro Bird on the 20 teeto A�so McCart�. r�plied the owner taas Mr� MeC].ish
and he ha8 bought the 20 fe�t f'rom I�ro Sorensono City Attorney Smith inquired
when Mrs a MeCarty Taad entered into a contract with �'Iro McC2ieh and ��a�s told
PBge l�o
a�ew mo��the prevfous� that Mro Sird ne�rer o�med �he land in question
and ano�her party hado Nlayor Nee st�.ted his only feeling on thi$ if.em
wa.s w'la��t Mro Bircl °s slde wouJd. beD �tha.t he mi�ht m�intain this was stiil
his properrty� C3ty A�torney Sntatth asserted Mro Bird either r�a.de � mis-
fi,a�e or alla�.xed the Building Inspec�or to think he owned the land and
inquired who �he p�resent owner oY the �t.,r3mplex was and was to� d by �Ira �
MeCarty M-ro hicCiish was� �cha� when he bou�ht the tri-p�.ex he was in�or�d
he could purchase more Jland to build a houee and he wss reYused on the
basis a permit was e,l.reac�y issued o City At�corney S�ith asserted tb.�.t now
the �ee tit�.e wa� back ixi the one otmersb.ip� Mrs, McCexty ha.d a contx�et
and the titie k=as in l�o M�Clish°s nameo tdayor Nee st,�.tefl the unit�
a,xe licensed �nd the tri�-p].c�ac needs to meet the code and �i it didn °t
they woulc� not get a eerti�ic�f,e o� eeeupaneyo City Attorney Sm3th
iur�ther atated the �ridplex wss built Zaith e,�.l the areao
Mo�tion by Kix°kY�n �o tab1.A ta the nexi regula� n�eting meeting the
request far a bui2d�n� permit on the South flx�-h�lf of ]Got �� an8 s,l]. oP
Lot S� Block �.�t�p Hsmi9.ton es Ac2a3�ion to Mechaniasv3.2].e. Seconder3 by
Sherids.n a Cn�nei�.man Wrigk�t sug�ested Nrrs o McCarty should �eappesr°
if �.t a12 poss3ble with Mro McCli�h, l�aca Bird and title to the ]�,ndo
Mayox Nee ex�la3ned 'they would have �o examine whether or nat the
bu3�.di� Mro McCli�h owns naw ie suitable for occup�.ncyo Upan a
• voi�e vo�es there being no nays� �he motion carried unanimous2yo Me.yar
Nee f'ur�k�er �ta.ted thexe poseibly ��auld not be a buflding permit gra.nf,ed
beeause ti�e �ri�p].ex need� the a.andd Councilman Wrigh� asserted that9
a� the manyentg �,t is a��t o�' the �►ard of �the �ri�p�.e� o
Y�SIT�iS s
�Iayo� Nee in�uired i.�` t��r� ws�e e.n�one ��°egen� �ao� �,is��d oz+ thc a��d.a
�aho �+ished tg be ixpa�d and s��c� Fz��h�x Y�e�e of S�n Wii3.3am� Chureh
h�d x°eqaze$tec� �to be heard� �}�at a.s �he �i�y Cou�c3.3. rec�i%c�9 some we�ke
pr�vious �°� Hs�wie �Te�son and N�r� �"ulkovrsk� of the ���c�n P]�e.za Shopping
�en-�er an un�v��sity Aver�ue a�d �,p�ax�;d 'befo�e �h� �ity Couracil xequ�sting
perrnisaio� �a� Ma�o 2���.sox� to �o�re h�.s 3�2 a�e� ����.'��,�s�merat to f;hat �ea
bacau�e h� wan�ed �to buy sugplies �rith the permission in v�ew�: N%r.�rox Nee
expl.ained �he Ci�y Co�aacil h�ed said it �s an adm�.nistxa#ive matter �and
the Ci�y Aia.nt�,gex waulcl give Mro Ne�.son a l�ttex �to tha.t ei�e�te t3�.a�t 3t
not� de�re:io�d th�,s tavern. e jects in� the bsck up a�.inat the p7.ay�ound of
Sto Wi1.lia.mh Farish Schoolo I+�a.yor Nee further explsined to Father �Ceefe
ths,t none o�P -L-he C#.ty Couucii �embers he�.ci realized this at the t3.m� �SUt
did �ot know 3f this waul.d have eha.nged me.t�cers n Ms.yor 1Vee reques�tec� ��8 t
Fath�r i{eefe addxeas �he C3.ty Council.o
Father Ite�efe sxp]ained.Y that ia p�.a.n��.ng a echool� ane oP the �ae.in c�nsid�
eratians is �-;.he proteetion o� �he ehild�cen, th�te in�ediat;elye they e�ould
Y�ve a r.��t�teeheticai �chool �.tu1 hope tfl have a Pulltime schooi whi.ch wi7.1.
• xx�an �e,�ul.ar school hours evexyday� FAther Keefe further �xpla3ned 3ae
�'eit �he presence of a ta.vern emounf,ed to same dange� of expc>a�itioa t�
chi2dren and th.oc�ght it wa� undesir�ble the.t the two ehou3.d be aa clo��ly
Page I�„
iaeat�d, that �s i� is now the be,ek c3oor will go right onto the p7.aygrouncT
oP the sehool� that e�tren apart Yros that it is stiil very approxima-t;,e,
It wa.s expla.ined by P'e�th�er Kee�e there is alwa.ye aoaae Pear that a� of
these men who frequent these p�.aees will beeome inebriat.ed9 not necessarily
at that place➢ but �elt it was just �udesirable ior the school end tar
the co�nunitya Father Kee�e eta.ted it was e matter of prinaips.l to keep
these oper�,tians sepsrate i'rom oz� ano�ther principally for the sak� o�
�he ahildxen e.r�d requeeted the City Council xeview what bad been done
e.nds if' there had been some committa,i, it wasn't beyon8 anything to over-
look tha.t to pratect the ehilSren for many yearso It was �xplained �hese
are tbe e.�c3�Sc:a1 years far chil3ren and thie p],s.cse oP busine�s w�s not
Iocated there yet and perhape� with cooper�„tion and discuesion, it might
be avoi�edo I�a�her K�e�e stated he wouid proteat very s�rongly the iasu�ance
o� a lieense �.n �ueh c].�ae praac3mity to the youngeters end the natt�e
o�P wo��hiP, tiiat the ao�mity at ].e,rge would be in sympe�thy with that
position �.s i'� is a hazaxd to �the �wslYare oY young8ters to have the
opera�ions of a busin�ess of thi� nature so close tog�ether. It was f`urther
�tated by Father Kee�e he ha8 not talked to Jahn Haneons superintendent
v�' schools' but he was certe,in he wot�].d objeet to so�ething 23ke ihis next
te a football f ield ar to the public schciol, tha.t' f`urther� it would s�em
a sheme the purehese o� �3xturea wouL3 be an insurmountab].e item et this
pe.rtieul�r ti�eo Fa�her Keete explaix�ed he bad no personal ob�eetian to
t�e bus3ness bu-t iic would be a relaxatian of 8 very f.mporta.nt principal
• at this pa.rticuZex �imee
Cou�scilm�.n Ki.x°kha.�n inquiz°ed how x�e�..r �he schoal. build3ng the 3�2 tavern
�aould be ancl ��s,sa to�.d �he a•ri$i�a1. buiidi� waul.d be near �he 8�ge o$
the ehoppirsg cen�er axid i�t wa.a pla.nned �or �. pos s ibie extens ion North
whieh wouid brfng it even c].t�ser� that the p].e.ygroutad would b� direciiy
behl.nd ssnd ad3a�nt, Couneiiman Kirkhe�a► i�quired of Father Keefe if a
h3gh rise f++�nee ��oulci be ss.tisf'�ctoryo Father Keefe re�a�3ed it taould
not be $a�isi'�ctory as it would sti31 be withi� hearing and seeing
dietancev Couneilman Wright seserteci he had the im,pa°easion thia was
a row of s�os�s w3�h �nly public aece�s an �th� front and not ich� back s.n8
i�' it were sh�.exded an8 3Y no child had access it would eZimi.r+a.te the
proble�' al,ea �Lhe chi�.dren wauld he.v�e to w�1.k alI the way down to 6�t
A�renueo F��her Keefe replie8 t� wou�.d sti�l be tao a].ose a.� they would
be co�oing ta the echool �owaxds tl� t'ront a� the ahopping aenter area
a�d it wou�,d st�.1L be a�er3oue considera�3.ona Me,y�r l�ee exp�.�ned to
FS.�hex� Keefe �h�t the pz°able�n besides the coam��tal was thst there wae
realiy no le�.a �rounds t'or denying thi� permit unles� Mro Nelson �ust
decid�s noi; t�a do i.t, that � is a coarplying use and a legal px�blem.
Gity Attarney Smith exp2a3.ned the City does nflt have anyth�.ng in the or-�
dirsa�ce that 33.mits a 3a2 beer p]ace f5rom a achool or chureh9 the.t it
is a kind ot thin� normalYy done by oacciinax�ce and until th3s time the
Cou�ea�.l b�,d n�t had any prabiem and no one sugg+eete8 the oxdi�nce rev�a1
thisj ana �xplained the City� �anncil has very broad power and in spite
af �he o�dinance no� being detai3ed� it ie thie eort o� thing the Coune3l
• waui8 ta.ke in�co cans3deration an&' it wes true9 there didn't seem ta
be any opposi�ion when the questian wae re.ised and it was mostly a
�ue�t3on af t�°aas�ereuce � It w�a�e �rther explained Mrm Nelson }�aA a
Page 15U
7.icense and wanted to know iP it �ould be treas�erred to thi� new
loc�tion �,nd whether or not he i�ae made any expendttwres or ';a,ken
any �ctian and m�tght cb�ange his mind wae not knawn as h�e doet=n "t as yet
h,a�re his 1 cense but the City Council did give Mro Nel.son thE�ir word
h� cauld h�.v�e s license� City Attoxney Smith �sserted the m�.nimum
w�s thst Fa,�her Keete might pursue discuasing this prablem wi�:h Mre
Idel.son �.nd discover how set he ti�a,se that 3t wouldn't be a hap�?y thing
�or a me.n to go into buainese with a group flaunted and it mi�ht �e a
coas3dera'�i.on pointed out bePore he makes an.y moeeo He i'�rtY�r asserted
if �his eouldn pt be work�ect out it might be sugg+eeted Mro Nelso�� resppear
at the next �eeting to reaonsider hia liEenseo Father Keefe :�apiied
the juci�nment the City Counc3l ha.d gf.ven Mre Ne�.son was giv�en in g�od
iaith but in the li�t o� thie it Was quite a seriaua �actor a��s<1 there
s,re �ny �`am3l.ies a.x�d ch3ldren to be aons3dered atrer a eingle ,3:�dividua3.
and th.ere shouid be same g�entlemenly way it could be resolved, 'T�e
quesi3on was raised by City ��torney Smi'th i� F�,ther Reefe had *�hought
of' talking to Mra Nelson' tha� it might help as the Ci�y Counc3:> had
made a maral commitmento FatI�ex Kee�e replis8 he would talk to A�ro
Nelson but the City Counai3 was entitled to new consideration in the
13gh� oP these ca�+plaints without being unethicalo Councilma.n KirkY�s�
inquired �.� t� �ence wer� coastrueted eo that 3t w�ent a11 thsy way
out �v Un3ver�3ty AvenueB then the ehi].dr�en walking on Univereity on
thel.r way to the charch prvperty prc�bably would no� come any clQeer
than 10Q fee� that if there were $��nce around the �ide aad baak �:his
would sereen 3t quite a bit sud helpo Father KeeYe replied he would
not want to y�:e ld on '�hst �aximity' that he would siand on the
princi�.�. o� not haviaig a tavern so near the school a� there ia a
clash oi' intexes�ts that �e intrin�.�o Counailman Wright agreed Father
Kesfe °s posit�nn was qui�ce coxrea�t a N�e.yor t�ee inquir�d i�' Fgther
Kee�e wou].d ta3.1i to Mr o N�1so�,� that a]1 oP the memb��ca of the City
Coune�.7. v�ou�..d be ha�rpy to accoa�odate °�his i:P Mr o 1Ve].t�on wou].d releaae
the City �au�c��. �'ro� their w�x� �fl Faicl2er Kesfe co-�a].d pursuade him i�
w4uld be to everyone's beat inter�et, Mayor 1Vee inf'ormed F'ather Keefe
the Ci�ty Council wou�.d be in conta.ct with him and passibl.�t have the
i�em on the �g+enda �'tir the next regu]ar meeting and they wou].d attempv
to ba.ve the �.tter resolvedo
Mc�3.an by Sheridan to apprnve the pe.ymeirt oY General Claims �3019
thz�ough �3062o Seconded by KirkY�amo Upan a voice vote, thes� being
nv nr�,ye� the motion c�xs°ied ���$iye
Mo�ion by W'right to s.ppTOV�e th,e pay�ent of Liq�uor Claime �6559 t��
�5850 5����a by Sheridano Upon e. voice �rvtet there being na nays�
�he not3s�n cerried unaa3mouslyo
Motion by Kirkham to appro�ne the paymentof Publie Utilities C]sims
���0 thronp� �3�92o SEconded by Wrighico Upon a voice votey there
bein� no nay�s the motivn earried unanimauslyo
pa.ge 16 a
�Iotian by Wright to ap�ove the pRyment cf the following estimatese
Do W, Ha.�stad Cos, Inca
7�oi gignwsy 6� x oE .
Fr�.dxey 32s Minnb
Fina.i Es'timate
Remodeling o� Facade oY City �e.tl
Hennepin B�,ack Tapping Co,, Tneo
P.0 o Boat 2675
New Brighton. 128 Minna
$ 6,268000
Estfa�a�e Nov 1 (P�xt�si) $ 9,5�032
Street Improv�eement P'raj�ct Noo 196�-1
42 1/2 St o 8 66th Av+e a' ?5ta� Ave a Iranton,
77th Way� 5�nd Ave.� Woody Lanej
Co�stock & �viss Incd
],�46 County Ro�.d J
Minnespolia 32, Minno
Ps°ofessional. En neeri Servicea
sti�ate Noe 1 i
ss & w P%o 67 and ss Noo 68
(Fireside I3s�ive' Lakeeide Road� Riv�xx•view
Tez��a,ce' 71s� Ways �Tashington St o' East
Ri�r Road, H37.3.cx�e�t Drive9 C�ntr�.i Av� e�
Hi�hway Noe 65� Waody La.n�)
�Su ervis3on and in� et3un
�ti� Noa 3 :Parti.a.�
Water Improvemen� Pro�eet Noo ��lM
(l�arian Hills Baoster Piant)
$ 6927�+09�
$ ]25aQ0
Estima�te No. 1 �Partial)
Ss.ni�ery Sewex & Wa�er Tmpe Projeet Noo 67 $ 168o0t}
E�timate Noo 1 (Pa,rt3a.1.�
Stor� Sewer impo Pro�ec� Noo 68
Estia�.�.e No. 3 (Parti.al}
Sto�m Se�rex Impa Prajec� Noo 5-+A
(r3orth tJn��rsity Stoz�n Sewer)
Estimate No� 5 (Paxt3al)
• Sewer and Water Y�po Pro�ect Non 61
Totals C 8� D� Inc o
Totals A71 Estimates
$ 252,00
� Zs137o�
?, 59m
Secanded by Sheridano Upon a voice votee there bein� no nays� the anot3.on
carri�d unanimouslyo
P�ge ���
Mayor Nes announced ],icense$ to be considered for City Council ac�iono
Motion by tdright tco app�rove the iesu�nnce of the fo1.I.ow3n� licensee s
Hi1].crest El.ea�ric Compe�ny
2Q� White Bear Avetnue
s� o Pau7L, Minn�eoica 55�io9 by: C o0 o Nrnrak i�'w
�7, E o Fxedr�.ekson
].3322 North Sireet
Hapl€ins, Minnesota. bys J o E o�'redrickson RSEW
Guxnaar I,, Jahneon Ea SonS Inc a
9320 J'aa�es Av�enue 5auth
Mixme�.pol3g� M3.r�nesota byt Zver Lo Johnson AiEW
. �
8er�t Hanson Conerete Conetro Coo
�62'( Jehr�.son Street N o E,
Minaeapol,ia � Mtnneaoi;a by: Bert T d Hanson 1�W
A e E o Conr�,d Co�rpany
3�� Wo 59 �/2 s�reet
Minneap�iie Minneaota by; Ao Eo Conrad &�T
Een �uff'en�ch Pisstering Coo
361i York ��Qenue North
Minneapolis9 Min�esata by: Ben Rut`Penach 13EW
Tooley Plast�rin8 ��Y
� 7835 GZoria C3rcle
� Minneapolis 32' Mi.nn�sota. bys Ee�l Toa].ey P�W
Stu Rothg�eber P].umbing & Htga Co„
2�65 oakwocx7.
New Brightors, iKinnesota byt Stu Rothgeber RENEWA�
I �
T.ICENSES (evnt.)
BoothQs Texaco
6071 University Avenue No Eo
Frid3ey� Minne�ota 55�2I
Jim °s Dairy Store
��53 Univsrsity Avenue Na Eo
Frialey9 Minnesote. 55421
i_^ � ��i�
Jim es Dairy Stor�
6253 Univers3Ly� Avenue
Fxidley� Mirqnesota �5�21
BoothYa Tegaeo
&07]. Un3versity Avenue IQ, Ea
Fridley� Aiinnesata. 55�2i
East River Raad Gaxage
6501 Ea�t 1�iv�r Road
Fridley$ Minnesota
Want7.�cnd 8e Sta,nds,�d
531�. Un3versity Avenue Ido T o
F'�id%yy Mir�nesota 55�+2I
P�ge 13U
by ; Bruce D, Booth REI�EW� i,
7�00 Lyric Lane
Fridiey9 ffiinn�esota 55�32
byt Jamea A o Roche�ord RE1�EW�i,
6?�0 Rainbow Driv�
Fridleyy Minnesota 55�2I
by: Jim RachePord AEI�WAL
6220 Rainbow Driv�e
Fridl.ey' Minnesote �5�23
�Oyz Bruee D o Bao�h REIQEWA�
7�00 I.yria L�.ne
FridleY9 �t3.nneaot,� 55�3�
by: Joaeph W, Do 1in RE1�WA�„
95 M3seigsippi Way N� Eo
Fridleye Minneeota.
by. Ja�nes Go Want�.e,nd I9�W
5013 Duupon� Av�nue Idorth
Minneapalisp Minnesof�
Sectanded 8y Sheridana Ugon a voi.ce voi:e� there being no naqas the mation
carried unanimous2yo
�t00IS ARK: � _... ��..�_ � .��,
P�2ayar Nee aranaunced �or Counail conB3der��tion a reeolution certifyin�
ass�asment� on Lo�s 30 and 31 3n Spring Brook P�rko R'%e Finance
Director e�la.ined �he property was �ormerly chwrch property and thez^�
were s�sessments co�.].ected d�atly and now it hae been piarrhased by
�.n indi�v�idual. �.s it needs to be eerti�'ied to the Countyo
M�tion by Wr3,ght to sdopt Resolu�ion �152m196� eer�ti:Pying to �he Cou��y
For efllleeti4n the Speais.i Assess�ents on Lots 30 amd 32,p Blor.k 7�
� Spring Brook Park Additiono Seeonde8 by Kirkhama Upon a voice vote9
there being no naysy the motion c�.rried wsanimouslya
riL� �� 6
,�.,rv ....��. �.�...�....�......,.s_
i�iayor Nee �nn�unced for Counail cone3derati�n a xesolut3on seitirig a
pub�.ic hearing or� the mill levy,
Motian by Wright to adopt Resfllut�on �153-19�+ dec]aring the necessity
for an addit�.onal tax 3evy in additioz� to the 30 mill limitation
p�wvided 6y �he Cit�C Charter epeaifying the purgoses and calling to�r
a public h�arings Seconded by Shexidan. Upcm a voice vcte$ there being
no nays� tb;� anotion earried un�nimouslyo
Msyvx 1Vee announced �"ox Cauncil conaid�ra,�tion the qusation of �oviding
water servic�e� an 75d0 East Ri�er Roaci and stat8d the ma,t�ter was se].�v
expla.r�toryo The City Manag�r indicated Mr, Wasnick, the party af'fectcd,
was present and he had not h�.d a.n op�or�unity to tal1� to the Ftatianc�
D3reato�r in thie re�,rd �iut th�re wae a possibility that this problem
cauld be laa�nclled w3th those �iht� axe to get �ervice je�ted ia an8 th�
necessary Pire hyc�ra�.t 3.ines jetted in ].ayin� latera�2 coatta t� �s��s�d.
to the properties 3t migh� su�'f'3ceo Mayor Nse s�tated this wo�ld cembine
�he cos� aS the fire hy►dra.nte to the prnjecta The City P�an�.�er ex�p�.ained
�t wflu].d be cheaper �hen to run a� ]atex�e.l aud then run a s�tub acrose
� the highwayg ti�at they bad a pet3tian �Yo�m eix proper�iy ownere crr %��
af 'Lhe lots e Council�a,n Sh�eridan aeserted tl�t gt the time of t� petit3on.
the peap% si�ning the petition atiln't kaow what th� estimated eoet
mi�h� � and inr�uir�d if l�o Waaxa�.ck Y�d be�:n advi�ed on �che esti�.t�d
eas-t o Mr o Wasnick re�liec� he ha.c1 not but l�ad �e�n gi�re an app�cx�time�te
price a�' $3,25 for je�t3ng per Yoot � The City I�.aaa�r state3 they had
an estim�a.te o�` �I.sCi��s00 per %t or 1F�80v00 Po� a 3.�e.terel per J.Q-to
The Fina.nae Director ireq�i.�ed i� N�� Wasnick h�.d ha.d any estimatas for
t�e �aork a,nd w�s to1.d by �rs Wasn�ck he had and th� estia�.te �as $3e25
a fba� and he YLad �i, �guxec� 'the� was abou� 8U feet �nder East Riv�er
Roacia M�yor Ne� iaquireil wY�.t the �e;ople acrass �the s�creet �d p�.id :�ar
the3r �rs.ter servicee a The Fix�.nee Dixectar replied tha.� wa.s no 3�ateral
line across the etreeto 1�layor Nee inqu3xed if the cther residenta were
h�vir� troubl.e with their wat:er service o Mr� Waanick replied the �e3.a.s
`�ere all se�tisPactoryn Mayar Nee s�ta�ed he �el.t thYs aervic� wou7.r1
be very �ensive i'or th� �esidenica. The City N.[�.nag�r i�quired h�w
m�xch money Mro `lasniak co'u].d �,nat up in escrow �omeyo Pite Waec�ick
replied it wou�.d 1ae �. prob].�m but he didn't know ho�w �uab to eecrowfl
Co�mci?.a�� Sher�.dan inquixed tihy the C3ty Council would ever want to
put in � Za.iex°al with the figures they had bee� girr�en �hi� evenin��
tnat ev�eryone in �hat section aould jet across th� Ea�t River Ro�.d
and eav+e moneye City Eagine�er Qureshi exp3a3ne8 tMe prob�m wa� whst
was reco�nens�ed� the resi8enta aan jet across and provide main crossing
f� the hydrants but this �aay 'they caould lxa�� fire protection p7.exs
servicee at �bout $Ia00Q a lo�a Car�sult3ng Engineer Coae�etock eta.ted
th.e report crnrered �at Ci�y Engine�r Qureahi had said and if` tbe Ci�y
� Cs�unei�. desixes not�o�ide Sire pro�ecticn9 thsn it appesxs the only
�.�e�tive wauld be f�r the lines to b� jetted by th� City taith aesees-
�aents or the priv�,t� owners to jeto City Attorney Smith inquired wha�
the chanee wou�,d be af getting �ire �rotection through a route
PS� 2�. <�
S�ith sug�esf.�d the City Cauncil could sutb�ize him to notiYy �the
�ttarnie� Yiand�.ing the aase to �tand an goves�mental imonunStys that
3.n Minne�ota 3t had been the pra.ctice not to defe� on gov+ernmental
i�uni�y and once the City has 3nstn•ance 3t is a�urotectiona He
ftzrther etated the publi�c sbauld have that protection and to meke use
o�' goverz�menta]. imiaunity i.s soci.aliwing law pocactice. The City Maxia�er
xaiaed the c�uestion if the C3'�y apent money on ].i.abil.i�ty ineuranee
when they ha�re governmen�al i�zmunity as an excuse would th�y jeapariize
tha.t pe,y�at�n �: Y C ity Attorrisy Sm= t� r�piied it �� _.d not, �ounci].man
Sheridan in�ui�d where this prop�r�� was l.ocated, City Attorney Smith
repiied I�r, Casserly lived an the border o� Fridley, East oP University
�.nd along 5�xd Avenu� o I� was inqu3xecl by CouncilmQn Sheridaxi if I� o
Casserly was or ws� nat a resident o� Fridley �►nd was t�3d he was nc�tg
bu� tha� I�ro Casser�.y ciaim� he ser�ved natice on th� City 3n 1962 and
ii he serwecl � written notice, ihey wovld enci up witiiout insurance
cov�erage and no d��'enee� �he.t he is�d fi.�ilked ta �ormer City Attorney
Kohlazi �nd he had not made up a Yile and his r�col:tection was there
was r�o writ%,en not�ae and there had Ueen none found at the Gity Ha17.o
The �3ty Mana�er sta.ted the queation a.t thie paint wtzs whether or
no�c the C3�y �aunc�.l wan�d to c�.e.�m governmental immunftym
Mot3on by Sherid�,n to app�ove the cleim o�' defense �
i�unity in the ca�e of John Ceaaeriy -vs� the City
:�eeonded by Wright, Upon a voic� vo�te� there be�ng
the moti.an cexried unanimouely.
f gov�rnmeni:al
o� Frid�eyo
no l�.Y� s
�soLU�tc�s ��.5�a��.9��+ To �v�r� � �:�s � ro�c� caRS :
_ � � -.
i��ayor l�ee ar��.ou�nced �or Councii ccm�ideraifon a reeolutian,
advertisi� the pizx°^hase o� �hree pol.ice p�,tral cars a
Mo�ion �y Iii�r'� to adop� R��olut�o�s �i��1.96� tes �d�*ert�.se �'or
bids� fox thx�ee poi�.ce cars d Sect�n�.ed by Wright a Upan a. �raic�
�rote� thea�e being na nayse �che motion carried ur,animousiyo The
City Manager announ.ced the bids wouid be on the agezada �'or Auguet
lMa.yor Nee announaed a resolution Por Councii conaider�tion author�.zing
the spiit-�iag a� certa3n assessmentsa
l�ot3an by Wri�ht ta adogt Resol.u�ioa �i55a19�+ a�hvrizing �
splitting of of Speciel Asseesa�ente on W, 90' o� I� i%2 0� Lot
�Paree3. �.y"�'0) and N 1.�2 0� La� 35 (Ex o W. 90 8)(Parcel 1565�,
• 9ubdi.v�.sion Noe 92o Seconded by Sheridano Upon a�o�.ce vo'te�
being na naya the motion carried ttnanimously�
x�d di�°ec:ti�g �be
Aud3�t�r °s
�� �60
_.,...r..........e.._ ........._. � �.
I�ayo� N�e announced a resalu�tion Sor Council consid�ration orderin� a
preliminary �pvr� fln addit3ona]. sewer and wstera The City Msnag�er
exp�.ainec� to the City Cauncil thie included the area oY Norton Avenue
and ��.� area nca,r County Road H and °�he a.dministra�ian wae not certain
what kind of' pro�.ect it would be, Counci].ma.n Wright s�ated he had
recefved a phane cell f�om one o� ti�e residents in the axea and �they had
reGOns3,�eretl their pasition and would like toi without withdraw3�ng their
positions ma,ke it clear to tl�e Ciuy Council �hey were really pe�.tioning
for sei•rer a.nd would m�se their otrn aa�ra,ngement� for water� that their
position is naw they ZaiYl figur� out a�?ay c�f getting their own water axici
are wi3ling to tsait snd s�e what happens with the I�orth Sub�arban Sanitary
Sewex �istriat Ia.teralo He fu�her stated the retsident� wanted �the Councii
infoz�meS it was �io �heir be�t lnter�at� in the 1.ong run� unti�. tlae City wcu]d
ha.ve a n�w plan zaith the N.3,S.SoDo The Ci'ty Menag+�r exp]a�.ned there was a
water report th3.s ev�enin� and the City Counail a�aua.d go throu�h a pui�lie
hearing �nd wouZd suggeat they cau].d Garry th�s through �he publ3c hearinga
Counci.lm�.n Kirkham i�.quired 3f the reaiden�cs had indieateS t�ey wanted the
whale packa�eo Counci3�n Wright repl3ed tha�t on�e o� the men �as p�esent
bet'are the hearing and hie �ae11 was dry sn8 he h,sfld $a3d i� they aou�n't
�t �he z•rhole pe.cl�.ge they tiaanted nene. Tbe C3ty Manager 3nqui.red o� Cvnsult3ng
Engine�r Camstock how claae he was 3n havi�xg an ans�rer on the sewero Mro Co�-
stock replied Yve wott3.d have 3�t within �che weeko Councilman Wright fnquired iP
the ez�g�.nee�s wovld have a con�ing�ency reporto Mr. Crnnstock replied there were
four avenues that etiu3d �e �o11oz•r�d; 9ne w�.a �. �av3,ty syste�' �the possibili�r
o�' a tempor�a.y c�nneetion with a pex°�a.nen� li�`� s�ation and a temporary conn+ec-
ti.on tv the �3rd Av�ntxe Systemo Anothex pogsil�iZ3ty was a perm�.nent lift
station aad �rma.n�n�t connecti.an 3.n�o the N,SaS,S.Do lin�s that it ws.e an
analye3.s o� the cost and e�e o� �the design areas ha.v�e changed a.nd the zoning
i�a the ax�ea has cl3at�ed; tha.t �heae F3gure� hav+� �o be reviewed aad re-e�ce�minedo
Th� City Ma�a,�+ar expl.�.inea to the Ci�y �aunci�. ihey ceuldn't receive the �ewer
repo� uz�til the i3th af Au��t bu� °�hey aa�d �,�� the resolutione and receiv�
the 4'ater r�poxt and would sttgges� they carr�r it throug� the pub�i� heaxin� and
it might be �. go�cl, late �a.�.l �abo C3ty ExYgin�er @uxesh3 sta�ed thg se��rer wozk
wauld be qu3�e extensiveo Mro Cmmstoek asserted the City CoutsMl wQUld w�.nt
to re�i.ez� the caz�.clusions previoue to the next meetingo
Motion 'by ?�Jright t
spe�eif3.ea.titrns � an
NQx�on Av+enue iYom
Uport � vaic� vote,
� adop'c Reaolution �156v1961+ ordering pc�eliminary plan� g
, estimaf.es aP tne costs thereo�: Water and Seaer Praject
eu?. de s�c Ea.st ta Gent�l Avent2e o Seeonded by Klrkham,
�here be3ng no naysg the motian earried unanimotxslyo
M�.y�r 1��� an�aunced a resoZu�i�n for Caunc�I consideratian ardering a�re7.i.miaary
repart on additiflnal estiier and watera
Motian by Kirki�e�s to a�iopt Resolution �J15'�'-lg� ordering prelia�inary p�;as'
sp�cifications� �nd esti�a.tes of the costs thereo�a Watex and Se�er Projeet
an Coun�y Road, H�'� 69th Avenue No E�)�hr�n Centx�al. �lvenue to East City L3.mita o
Secro�adeci by Sher�.d�.no Upon a voice vote! there being no na�rs' the �o�icn
carxi�d una.nirnouslyo
1'ap,� 23 0
s • � �� � N . , � ,n N � : � � ya+•
1�layor Ne� aanounced the aonsSderation oP e.n ordinaace amen8ing Chapt�r ��
re].e,ting to trailer courts o The City Manag�er expI�ained to �he Ci�cy Caunci�.
�hf$ ar�dinance and the Po],lowing two ordinances �o be suggested were inf.exv
re]ated and, they were au88esi:ed by �Ehg City Attorney but they wou18 possibly
I.f.ke to a3sc��e �them tog+ether.
City .�t�orney Smith stated the ordinance relating to trailer couxta was pr4-
vidin� far a new District R-� ana what he had done was to say in �l Usea
perm3tted in an R�.3 Dietrict s;�29 he had taken the whole thin� out of the
industrial exea �nd put in the trailer aourt and provided the ssme pocc>eedure
�'ar a Specia,l Use Fern�ttt and put 3.ega1 descriptions of tra3ler p�rks n City
Attorney Sm3�h explained the only 1+and in an R-�+ disfxic� would be what is naw
describedo He �art%er explained that on the l�si pe.g�e of the ord3nance and
af�ter the laet description they should have a�3� that subd3visian 33 oP
Seet3on �+5011� be repealedo
City Attoa�^ney Smith euplained the ia]3.ot�ing ordlnanoe he.s to do with �che
trailer saies ca�e in �the 3upreme Cow�t �,t the pr�sen� t3me and this is a
proposal to �rend Section �5012 by adding an item narrked "H" under Paxagra�h
20 and i�.�ludes trailersr cemperst mobi.le ho�s� boate� machinery and spozting
equipment ha.ving tits merchandise in the open and not under �the co�er of a
�ales roam, t�a� by having thia in the eo8e� the City would be more spec3�ie
iu cl.aiming th� sea�tion where a use permit is required and wl�re they would
• want open Ba�.eso
City AictQrney Smith expleained the �h1rd o:r�dinanc�a aa presenteds d�±� es�a.blish
somecxiteria on wloat 3s required i`or a�railer �oach site9 ns�mely 3500 square
Pe�t and they woul.d not� be pu�tin� r�guir�men�s a'bout three times o�' what f,he
State ia requfr3ng �.nd it taould limi� perhaps the impetue of trying to get
tz�il.er park� esta'b�.ish�d in sc�ne o�h�x a�eas and �aking tYbe s ite more s�,cious o
It wes fl�rther e�cplained this wauld not a�f'ec�t e�Sst�r� �arks but migh�t affect
s�eneiono City Attarney Smitla Btated he he,d talked �o Jim Hawks e.bout this
itempihe person wha had testified in eourt, and he had thought thie wa.s the
best way �o prot�ct Fridley because ihe ls.nd �then would be more valuabl.e for
other purposes and it was quite reasone,ble and w3thin the power of the City
Council to 3o th�.ea He asserted the ardina.nce prov3dea what is necessary 3n
order to �t a perm3t fox a txailer parko Counci.Iman Sherids.n inqulrec7. �ow � e
3504 ��1� foot m3.uimum would eompe,re to a multiple dwelling or an apart-m�nt
�or a un3t oi' buildingo City Attorney Smi�h rep7.3.ed he did not know, �h�t
he did suppose they eaul.d hav�e a.n impossib3.e square foo#age but somebody tha°t
is goin� inta this busSnees would preFer to go into a coa�un�ty w3thout this
requirement. The City Mana�er gave the firet reading of eaid ordinanceQ
Motion by Wright to accept as Yirs� readin� an ordi�nce a�ending Chapter �+5
vf the C3�ty Coc�e af Fridley by providing �'or a Distr3c� known a� R-4 Dxstx3at
and �peali.ng Section 1�,�a1� Subdivision 13 oP the Ci.�y Cade rela.ting to �rai� r
Caurtso Seeflnded by Kirkhama
• Motion by Wr•ight to s�ead an ordinance aameending Chapter �5 of the City Code
�f Frtdley by pr�v%ding Yor s Dietriat knort�m ae R-�+ Dietrict and repealing
Section �5014 Sulbdivision 13 0�' the City Cade relat3n� to Trailer Cour�e '�y
a�d3n� the Poll.owing� "that Subdivision 13 of Seetion �5o].�a by repealeB�,Seconded
by Sheridano Upon a va3ce vote� there beix� no nays, the mot3on carried unan-
3mflus�.y m
P8� ��o
Upon a roll ca]1 vote Por the acceprtance ot the first reading o� an ordinance
amending Ghapter �+5 oY the City Code oP Fridley those voting ayea Nee9
Wright� Sheriden' Kirkhsm. Those troting nays ,none. The motian carried
une�nimously o
oRDZNANCE �►MENnIN'G� 45 012:
Mayor Nee announced Por Council conaideration the firet rea�ing o! an
ordixsa,nce amending Sect3.on k5o12 o The City Nhnag+er gave the first reading
oi said ordinanceo Mot3.on by Kix�kham to accept as firat reading an ordinance
emending Section �5012 of the City Code of Fridley by provid3ng Por an open
ealee lot Por trsilers9 campers' mobile homes� hoats' machinery, sporting
eqvipment and the likeo Seconde8 by Sheridan. Upon a roll ca11 vot�� those
voting ayes Nee' SheridanA Kirkham� Wri�ht, Those voting nay, none, The
motion carried unanimaus�yo
Mayor Nee ennauriced for C,. une1�. conoideration the Pira�c readiug of an
ordinance e,mending CHapter �+2 relat3ng to trailer parkeo The City
Mane�er geve the first readin� of eaid ordinance, Mation by Wright to
acc¢pt es Pirst rea8in� an ordinance amending Chepter �2 of the City Code
• relating to trai].er psrks by adding thereto a eect�.oa establishing
certsin etandarcla to supplement the requiremente of the 8tete Statutes�
Seconded by Ki.rkham, Upon a vaice vote� there bein� no naysg �he motioa
carr�e@ unan3mauslya
02'�R BllSIl�S3:
bleyor Nee announce�i to the Ci�y Council he hr�8 c3�cul�ted to them sn ordinance
which had beea draw� by Nir, Andrew Koh].�ns �or�e� Ci°�y A$toxney and given
by hi�, Mayor Nee expla�ned there seemed to be scx�e quee�ions fn �he mincle
n� soane people on wheth�x this ord3nsnce is i�. eff'ect and to make it c7.ear
the ordinance is in et'f�ct he fslt it would be wis,a to have so�ne licensing
provieionB' that he did not particularly care on the prices but Mro Koh].an
had Yelt this would m�.ke the ordiusnce oompetible with the decieion oP
3udge Keyes; that thia woula a3so a�aintain the licena3ng prorisions of
that ordinaneea It was further explaiaed by Mayor Nee eity attorney Smith
feels the liceneing is perhaps too e�mbitioue �or Fridleyo Councilman
Wr3ght inquirell if re�ervationa oi City Attorney Smith centered on inepection o
City Attorney Smith ata.ted h� had rerea8 the ordinanee and did think they
could live with ft� that it weenet just as he would do it but did Peel the
fee ehouZd be minimal as it c�n't be a tax but did not knoa juat what it
rshould be, He il�rther stated that, being more coneervative' he would
ha.ve kept thie item as s registrative item and if the amaunt �as not a tax
in disguise it eould be supporf�d aad the proviaion in Section 2 dces
• ea�e�uard the righ.te oi the property oWner ae ther� has to be notice or
Aage 25n
• co�plaints or some juet cauee s.nd probably rieecls a warrant to get i,�to a
buil83ngo Ntayor Nee replied this waB the firet draPt of the ordin�nce and
would iike to heve it gone through but wished to move on it at the aame
timeo City Attorney Smith state8 he coul8 have eome suggestiona at the
fallowing readingo Councilme�r� WMght sug�ested if th3e were the firet read-
ing ich�y could insert the figure oP $1.00 es a means of paesing the ordinance
an the firet xeadin�o Mayor P1ee aseerted �this was not a realistic figure
and the ordiaance should have a base cast snd a per unit coeto The City
Mar3a�er expl,a�r�d the only situation in th�t case would be when they went
fro� a 7 unit a�s�ment building 'ta an ]1 uni� apartmen� an�t than a l�+ un3t
ap�.rtment� tha� it ahauld cos� more bu�t when you get to a certafn ttumber of
units it should be ��auatea ao�o C3ty Attorney Smi'th suggested the fee oP
$12000 a year plus $1s00 or $��00 per apartment where they are in excegs oY
7 un3.ta„ thst thies Por the sma�l ape.rf.ment owner kgeps the east at $12.00
and thoee tiiat have larg�e buildinge aeed more worko Counci7.man Sheridsn in-
quired if it should be set up that a 7 unit would cost a�'lat rst�e 7 to 18
uxa3ts wauld laave ano�her �igure and so on? The City Manager replied his
thought ha8 been $S.00 Prom nothing to 1]. units' $6o0d from �2 to 20 unite
and wa� augg�sting it not be a].arge 8ifferentialo Councilme,n Kirkhaa euggested
�.eavi.n� the fees in the ordinance blanko City Attorney Smith suggested: that
becauye af the •irauble with the uwaers ps�v3.ously' the City Council not hsve
thie �ee too hig�hD �that it is a pe.y-out anc� it could be incressed,
Motion by Wr3ght ta accept s� �irst reading an ordlnRnce reZat3ng to multip7,e
dwe].lin�s, an8 asnending the Municip�.1 Cade oP the City af Fridley� 3ectiona
. �9,0�+5 �nd �+ga0g2 ther�oP leavin� blenk the doll.ar epacee until the second
reading� Seconded �t Kirkhr�.ma Upon a�roice vote� there being no nsyeethe
motion carried urrn�animoualya
The C�y N,anager e�cated th�re had beexi ��hree peti�ions presented, Petit3on
�32P1q��s Pet�tion r�33-1964 and Pe�x�Cion #3��.196l� on +�i:�eet surPaeing fo�
Liberty S�tree't� Lan��7��0� Street �.nci on Ely 5tre�t a.nd wauld euggest they
be receiveai �o� gracess�.ng�
M~,tian b� '7rigP�� tcs r�e�i:v� �e�z�a.ons ��-19S�+s ��3mI� and �3�4..1964 and
refer ta tzd�ainistra�ion ioi proceeai.n�m Seconded by Shc�id�.n;, Upon a voiat
vote! �t�ere b�h� no naye�9 the �notian carried unanimouelyo
The Q�y Msnager reported ther� �ad been s �letter �eceived which the adminis-
tration ha.d been aek3ng Par many mantha Prom Dalberg Buiidere axid �he con-
trs.etor for the City wae not happy with the request bu�t the City doe8 have
authority under �he contract �rith him ta delete the itemo He expleined Mr.
Dalbexg ciid petitioa Por the work but now wants to da it and iY thie is �o
be deleted it wiLt have to be done by Council appravalo City Engineer
Qux°eshi aesertect they eould mske it contingent upon the cost of Mr. Dalberg
peying for the engineertngo The Ciiy Manager auggeated the City Council
couZd au�horize th� Charige Order and tY�ey wc�uld work iic out �ith Mr. Da,lberg
and get the neeeasaz�r morx9� for escrowo Msyor Nee stai�.ed if they had an
ob].igation tr the contractnr he knew they had an obli�.tion on the engineeringo
• Councilu�a.n tdright asserted it wauld be sati�fac�ory if Mro Dalberg were w3113ng
to �y the engineering aostso �ity A�torney Saith exp]ained thatt legal.�.y�
they cauld exerciee it and did hav�e the right to withdraw this p�rtion o:P
�rork �rmm the eontract, Councf].me,n 8heridan explained to the Council a�ew
• P�tge 26 ,
yeara prev3ous they bad eome t�al probleme where the individus�I put in lz�a
own water amd aewer and it wae l,e.te for Mro Dalberg to make such a. requeet
nowo The City Manager replied the only question was if it would poae an
e.esess3ng;proble� if Mro Dalberg were not allowe8 to put in t� eyete� as
he saye he caa have it done cheapero City Engineer Qvreehi exp].a.ined Mro
Dalberg did epecity in the beginning he might want to withdraw end he had
been told to write a letter but he had not and h� did not come to the
public hear3ng but did get awne pricee �rom a contractor �nd did g�et
Piguree �rvm the oPPice of the aonsulting engineer but �rther explained
he Yelt 3t wae a b�d practiceo ConeuY.ting Engineer Comstock explained to
the City Council Mr.Hurley� tihe awarded con�tracto� hed written a letter
indicating he was ut�sppy abou�G Mro Dalberg's requeet and w+as auggeeting
some diPPerent pricee Le gpplie8� end his ergument wae that the work an
�67 Project coneieted oP work ia diP�erent areas in the city and this
particular wark was easy work and the other �aork was d3fficu3t ani! be had
to arrive �t a unit pricea that the actione oP the developer does support
thie position he is tsking, Mr. Coe�stoek further explained ti►e contraet
docume�►te ar� ale�r, that the C3ty ean add and deduct raithout any add3tionel
expense and Mrv Dalberg is correct based on the unit price he can get the
work don� ehsap�r if` Yhe 8oes McKin].ey Street by itse].f' but it wse nseeeeary
for th�e contxactor to,�io the figuri�ng in the �snner he had done in hie
b3do City Attorney �m�th inquia�ed oP I�Ir. Coms�ock i� he aould teatiPy in
court it wss leseible�to join theee s�reets together in letting the bido
Mro Comsstock r�p13eS he could.
� Motion by 3heridan to receive the lstter Prom Dalberg Buildere and deny
hia request t1�t he be pe�nittec� to ix�stal�. a wa�tex and aewer eervioe u�er
hie own contz�.ct oxa MclCir��.ey Stxeet� �eco�sded by K%rkhamo Upon a voice
votss there t�e3n,g no �gys� the ap�t�3,on ca�ri.ed un�nimouslyo
City �En��.ne�r �ua�sh�, �xp�.a3.�e� the C3tyr Counc�l wa� aware oP Moon P].aza
Sfiogping Centex�, tha� the awner has hie internal atarm sewer laid aut
but thie al� r��c�rred ta Pro�ec� �3 �.,�d the cox��trac� urtdex Project SA
provides thai �.� can �e �cZded on or €�e�.�°ted a�d i�' -�he City Coux�cil would
wieh they cou7d put th� portion regar.ding the shopping c:enter wi�h Projeet
5A becauae the owr�er wante the aerv3ce righ� a�ay snd the prob].em with
Project 58 wes they hadn't been abi,e to resol�e the putting of lat,ersle
vr�.er existing Higbway �7 �ith th� dfinr�ecta State Highwey Depertment,
The City Msnag+e� asserted this wa� to hook up to th� new line on Hi�way
�7 snd they welre aakfng the City Counci� to authorize doing that, City
Engineer Qureshi explafned Swaneon Excavating had almost c�pleted their
work and it they were not sutharf�e� to do thia work they r�ou]rd be leaving
the job but was not aertsin on the aeaeesment problem' thou�, iP the City
Council eo wieb.ed, ths work was po�sibleo City Attorney S�ith inquired
iP it were trae Project 5B haS not been iet as yet and was told this vae
irue and 3t would tske at least 1 1�2 oi 2 moa�hs� Me.yor Nee inquire8
how Iarg�e an area �they were remov3ng i'�°om Pro ject 5B snd we,e told it was
just a�71 line, City Attorney exp7ained the City Council would be
addir� in a contraat and thia wsa juet aonetruct3on anS had nothing to
� do with the heaxangso The City l�ansger ata.ted thie aetion wouXd be
�� � o
agpraving a Chsnge dr@er not srritten sa yet. � Consulting Engineer Cs�mst�ck
explained that on a number of these streets they anticipated getting Mm�,Aa
F�ands for �tarba sewer but since this would not be under a cooperative
agreements it woul.d he.ve to go throu� a district and e�ate ].evel and thiss
again� would have a tendency to delay the 5B Project ana further expl�ined
thet regaxding the shopping center their private lines for their pe�.rking
� lots were already in and conetructe8. Connci7.men Sheridan inquired by
putting 58 Prnject into 5A Project iP tb�ey woul.d be able to utilize thi�
for theix baak flushingo Consult3ng Engineer Comatoak replitd thie wa$
apgroxime.tely the alignment and would run Ea$t �o the back lvt line ot �Be
shoppin� cenf,exs that at the time those str�ets and alleys were vacated
these were obta.ineda He exp]ained ii the Couneii reealled tbat area on
6�+th was e�ctren;ely low and wonld remain low a�ter �the developanent o� theae
two properties' the shoppin nter and tYbe ehurch, arid this wquld be
connected to the 5A Projec��d tezminate at the Eaat proper�ty line o�'
Highway �7 and would be between St a Wi].liams Church and I�.00n Plaza o I-�
was f'urther expla3ned the reason it wee neceseary to do this belore the
preparation of the plan and docu�ent was that th� �ontraetor wante to know
so th�t he can prep�re his ereae and they were eonvinced the unit pricea
under 5A Fro�ect were extremely reasanable and did not �eel they would do
that w�11 on 5B Prajeato
Motion by Sheridan to aut�arize �he execution oi a Chan�e Order which
transfers i'rom B Project into gA Pro�eat the st�orm eewer to Moon P]aze.
• Shoppin� Ceatsr and Sto Wiliiam� Church e.nd the She11 3tations i�
neceesary. Seconded by Wr3ght, Upon a voice votes there being no nays�
�the motion carrled unanimouslyo
City Ea�ineer Qu�ahi exp]ained ta the City Council that �ahex� they had
let the 5A Projeet they ha,d �een under fi.�e �mpressiou f.he S�ate would allow
them �o open Tiighway �47 but they did not and �they hs.d gone there and triedi
to xeaolv�e tbe problems in eervices buta to date, had not been able to
gEt anythir�o He further expL�3ned they had �s.nted to 'be a]l].owed to open
eut aad by-psas $s i� �i11 be an added expense on the city's p�art to g�et
this pxo�ect finished and it was hold3ng up the work �to decide what
ahou].d be $A and � Projeet. Consultiug Engineer Come�ock stated tlney
had checke8 with the State and they have no provision where they can pravide
funds ar ma.teri.els Yor by-passes and it was true that it wae anticipe.ted
tney `aould be letting University Aven� in Augusi o� this year e�3 �v
Pal]. tYiere woul.d be a trave].l.ed 7.ene open so thst Univerafty Avenue coul:�
be dug up but it was new scheduZ�d for spring 1et83ng �nQ the 5A contractor
is w331ing �:o prepare the by-�ees psov38ing someone else wi]1 put an the
base snd 8ust �iI c�to Mro Go�atock asserted the �ontrac�or would return
Univexaity A�enue to its present condition and wae eertain the adding of
msterisl cou].d be dorxe by the City and ahould be charged againet th� '�A
Storm Sewer Project, The City I�lanager stated they should have authorizati on
oi some eort for thia work� Counail�n Sheridan asser�ed this wa� a joint
venture with the State and the Gity and as Mro Ca�stock had si;ated the
plans were appxoved becau�e it wae on State prapoerty an�d State Aid Funds
•: +- ,
were 3nvolved� that rightfully� the adminiats�e�tion ehould get the Highw�y
Department ta pay Por the additional eupen,seo He further .asse�ted the
City did nesd the storm sewer but wae forced to do this by the construat3on
o� University Avenue and fe1� the Cfty should paireue i� ��ther by resalu�ion
ox .something ta recover �he ads�itionel expensp from the Highway Depertment�
The City P+Sanager suggest�d the City Council could euthorize the expenditure
o�P �he �nds and adv3se the S�e.te they expect them to �y fbr it, Consult-
ing Engineer Cca�atock exp2ainecl this would imrolve tYiree crossin$� � tY�
croms3ng at 6ist which wss ing the one at 5?th and the pZan� on #�6� are
such when they reroute the traific, tbcy will leave gresent University
Aveuue open an�. wtll be done this f'�.11.0
Motion by Sheridan �o e.u�horiwe tb.e purchase of cla.s�iP�ied me.terial
Par the oil an8. by-�pa�s �or the eutt3ng of Highway �7 for �torm aewer
projec�o Seconde$ by Wrighta Upon a�ice vote� there being no nayss
the m�otion carx^ied un,animoualyo
The City M�,ns.$er reported that aecording �o
at�empted to get better prices on equip�ent
. he could ge�t were $3�.00 for equipment Prom
�or a eaaag�s�e�r Pro� Niro Art Cl�istenson.
if tbe Ci�ty Me.nag�r h�,8 had any �alua�ion t
the equiprasnt, The City I�a�ager repl�.eci i�e
to �,ake it out a�d he k�ad been �o1d this r��
Motian by Kirkham to
aoaLer in th.e amc�un'c
amotz�t of $35o�U �or
Sheridan. Upon a vo
p�vious suggestions he hac'�
at Store ��. but the bes� bids
Mr o LeRoy E llerbe �:nd $100 0 00
Caunai].men Sher38an inqe�ired
� the person s�ho bsd inetall.ed
Y�d and th� City wou�d have
th� be�°� QfY�r o
a�cept the bid oi Ar�t Christenson for salva�e on a
o� $1(ma0d and the bid of LeRvy E].lerbe i� 'tia�
a coa%r un:�� in Li.q,uox St�x�e� �10 Second�d by
,ce vote g there be ing no na.ye e the mot ion cax�ri.ed
Gaunci�nm.n Wr3.ght s�tated he had received a phone ce11 x�e�xdira� a ma�d,ei
for � proposed new City Hall f`ram Mr. Smiley oP Smi%y and Assoeiatesa
that he had be�n ianebl� to �3nd a co�mereial builder to meet requiremen�:s
and Ias.B agreec3 tQ do the �srk of the �odel snd is wi2l.ing to do it ar
$6�0000 az�dl �ou7d l�.ke authoriza.tion fos� a decisiono Couacilm�n Wright
e1epl,ained Mr. �mile�r had pointed out �hie weuZd not be just a rough
block modei' it would be comp],ete and wou:Ld be photographable and in aolors
and in adc�itians without charg�e� he would �oduce a drawing,, elevatioas
and p3an.s Por p�ramotions' public meetins �nd the likeo It �asa expl,sitzed
by Couzacilman ��rfght he �elt this was justifieble beca.use it 8o�s tell �
Motfon by Wright to autharize the expendit�re oP $b�0e00 for S, Cn Sa�iley
and Assoc�ate� to praduce a model oi' the new City Ha21 to be deliv�ered ane
� weeTs from this n3gh�o �auncilme�n 8heridan inquired that should the pro�ect
be aacepted anci adopted if, nor�ally� a. modeZ wae not inaluded in the �'�eso
Pe�e 2'� o
Counci3�san Wright replied Mr. 3mile� }aad tol� him a model is used on the
request of th� c].ient either for pramrotional purpose� or for purposes o�
demanstx�ating �r�d did feel it �aould be g dietinat e.dvanta.ge tha� the City
Counc3l should have ito �ouneila�n Sheri,den replied he was ia co�aplete
Qgree�eat they shoul�d have oneo Tt was exp2ained by Councilmsn Wright
this was not a standard thing and it wou].d have to appear in Mr. Sariley's
coniract as a speciaa. itemo Sec�n�ded by Sheridano Upc�n a volce vote� there
being ao nays� the metion cRrried unan3mously.
The City Ms,na�er read to the City Council a letter Prom the F'ridley
Republican Party requestin� use o�' Locke Fark on August 25tYx for the
puxpose oP a rellya Motion by K%rkham to grant appa�c�v+s�l of the permit
requeeted by the Fr3dZey Republican Party for the use o� Laeke P�rk on
Augus'� 25th for thepurpose oY a ral.l.ya Seconde8 by Sheridan. Upon a
voice v�ote9 there bein� no naysy th+e matian carried unanimou�iyo
Councilmsn Kirkhaan explalned to the City Cauncil he ha.d betore him a copy
oY the minutes o� the Pa,rks an� P3.aygrounds SubCC�ait�ee meeiin� ai May
18s 1� with �the subject "Besch Co�cession"� that he @id not think the
City Council wauld have approved the fee had they re�.lized the amount whi�h
v�e,e s�t:ated a� �IOQ.00 plu� 1(� of the pa�oYits o It was ezplained thia etan8
occupies abou� 3 Yeet by 6 feet �ellir�g only popc.wrn and pop and the fee
• was _o� of line end wou28 recamm�end that tlne City settie Por the $100000
fee that has s.3ready b�en paid e.�d cancel the 10;b ot the grnss �s,les a
Councilma.n Wr�tgh� sta�ed he c13d not think they ehoul.d g�� �his aheaply
and inquix�ed. wh�..t the groee aalee wex� f4r the �tando ouncilman Kirl�sm
replied he did not k�orta but h� did eell perhaps 50 bags oi papcorn a.nd pap
per ci�.y and �es Ze�s tha.n haiY o�` that in proPitti Councilam.n ShericYen
3ndicate8 �hi� must &�ve been something -tYs�t was added to the contract some
time recen°�Iye that �Che first year the owner was ns�t required top�y but
just �. �'ee anc� state3 he was no°� aw�e o� thia and did not think the a8 -
minis�ration was �ithe�ro Covnci7.msn Wr3ght sta�ec� he did wi�h they hact the
3nt'ormatio� of' wha� percent e��' I�ls°o Sextton�s gross the $i40o00 il.at fee
was �, tha�t they taxe g3.v3.n,g hian the ciien�% and i'�°eedca� from any caampetition,
Councilman KirI�ham �eplied ii� tbis amaunte� to sumet}z�.n� in do].5,ars and c�nts
he would agr�e� with that and iY l�o Sutton were sellfng other 3teme i�
would be .dif�'�rent but just these two 3tems did noic roske it Peasible
for h3m . to make much money. Counci].me.n iJright sug�eested including in
this motion thet the City Council woUld 13ke s report of l�ro Suttan°s
gx�oss earn�.ngs o
Motion by Ki�rkham that the agreement with Mro Sutton an �he Beach
Concess3on be changed ta read "the permit be granted in eacchange �o� the
pay�ent of $100000 and that Mro Sntton be requ3red �to give a report of
his �oss sale� at the end o� the season." Seconded by �irighte Upon a
voice 'vot,e� there being no nayss the mai3on carrieci unanimouelyo
�� �o
Thsre being no Purth�er buei�esa� M�,yo� Nee dea2ar�e8 the Regular �4eeting
of Auguet 39 196�+ ad jowrr�ed e
Re�pectcfully submit�ed9
Sue Miskaw3cg �ecretary
Au�, lo, 19�4
C � � Y 0 F F R I U L E Y
;_ _- 31
k._ __ ...
Petition: Building permit -�0 x 24 - rambler
R�: -�3bck 5, and the South 1/2 of Block 4- Hamilton's
Addition to hfechanicsville.
�he follotain� events effect th� issuance of the buildin�
peririt on tlie above prernises.
1960 - B�: �S Inc. rec�uested buildin� ,.r,ermit on Lot 3, �,
and 5, Hamilton's Add. - B��1 did not own this property
at this time.
Ii �;, NI did pu� chase Lots 4 and � fror:i Alma Nel.son. '
B&. bS did so d�vide Lot �+ in half and placed a tri-
plex on Lot 3 e;..cept the North 10 ft. and Lot � except the
South I/2 thereof.
B�c A� did se11 the tri plex on°�Lot 3 and the North 1/2 of
• Lot 4.� B&. M did retain possession of' the South 1/2 of
Lot �-.
�96�+ - I, Ardis i�:cCari:y purchased Lot 5 and the �outh I�2
of Lot �S. This was purchased from Tdm. A�cClish. Mr. M�Clish
purchased Lot 5, from the present owner of Lot 6 and the
South 1/2 of Lot �+ was purchased from B& l�i. ,
At present I have a house sold on the�above premises and
wouZd like to begin constructic�n as soon as possible.
I am now informed t}iat the tri-plex located on Lot 3 and
the North 1�2 of Lot 4, saas constructed contrary to City
I am also under the impressioru that I will be penalized
for this error rather than the area �•,rhich constitutes
53'70 - 5th St. (Tri-plex�
I ar.i hereby again submitting my request that consideration
be given me in my petition of this buildin� permit.
Thank you.
Ardis McCarty
1 /
i- !'r'
c � �/ �,
/t;��i�:' / ..
�� �
� - � �32
Owners N�.me �: � ._-/�/�. Builder !� � /)�„ /C'
kddx'ess �� 2 ���? ��i �v e ��, j Address � � � �SA.�'I �_, . ..
.� , _
, �
No, ��tree� ' -1,..t.�7.-/�!.�._._.. Part o£ Lot � ._ . _ ...
Lot �� Block� .' " � � •l�ddition or Sub. Div., � � � :
v�..r Set Back � . �^ / ' .• ..
Corner Lot Znside Lot �T � '
Applicant�attach to this forn C�rtifica�te of Survey of Lot and proposed ���
buildin�g location. � � . , , , . � �" _
. � . DESCRIPTION OF BUSLDIlJG : • ' � , . .
To be used as �j�/ �� L X •
.3�- Bo. � f . r . .
.� Front . pth h � Height _�-,,� •
sqe �to 1�� cue r�t, �-�--� � .� � � . : . :..:: :
Front Depth � eight
� e I li e . . � � � • i L • �—� . . � �, . � . . . � .
, . . .� � . � .. . , . � � i /l .
n.:..... _ _r+ �+� �...�,. : .�.,�..� _ ��.� i�%/ �',' - Fct?rh�+nrl (iOti; .�.� -� Q V .
To be coMpleted �./% l- � �J _ . .
^'he w'�dersi�ned hereby r�uakes application.for a permit for the work
herein specified,•agre�ing to do� all.work in strict accordance with the `..
City Ordinances and ruli:�g of the.Department oi',Buildings, and hereby .
de�lares tha� all the fa�ts And r�presentatians stated in this�application �
' , . . � . �3 . � �I?. /�� .�
ar� true and correct, • .. , .
Date %_"1�_' � v � Siunature t . -.?: '
(�.Schedule of Fee Cost� can be.found on the Reverse Sid }� �: - '�
_ _. _ ,` �,
��3 .
� � �
U, � ._
City of Fridley, Mi.nn.
� /
Date: . _� �"'�":._._. /_!._..._�.. � �'" .._..__.___..._..
j� �j,
Owner: _..L....✓......i ....._......f_.f.,,�...........�� _....,.��-.._..... ............. Builder ....._..._.._....__.._..._.___..._......_._......_._...._._.
Address _�..',�.. . °�..�..`-.-. ����:�.�:�-- ,.%.a(�-F.x...r./ •� Address _....._..........._.._.._.
-~�r� f ' ,� .
No. ..,.,,��•-��•..�••-�... Street __._..�'�tc•!....,a..""�...w::�......�:.!�. Part of.,i�w ......._.....���.... _ __...._.. _
r � J,........_.........._. ,
Lot d`�._�....._.� ............. Block ....._.....__�...�.............. Addition or Sub,--,D�ivision ...� �u .:�:�::�1.,. •.�..�,.,�'-�k','.,.7I... �..��,....��� ���,
Corner Lot .................................... Inside Lot .............�►'.:.'..�~... Setback �y^'e`: .� Y.
�� �
.... ..,✓ ....................... Sideyard :...._. ....� _.'.'....._......._...._... ___....._.
SewerElevation .............._...._............._......._..__......._...._.._........._.._................._ Foundation Elevation ........................._..._..._._.........._.._._._._...__.._......�._.. �
To�be Us�as: � �
� l�
,� "� ��..�rw GlJ`� .:.�........ nt ..��..,,,�,,....... Depth .��. �� .. Height ...��J--. Sq. Ft.�,��.�c'�
J � C�
--.._ .............._..._........................_....... Ant ....._................. Depth ............:.. ..�Height ................�.... Sq. Ft. .............._.,.._..
r�; r „r
Type of Construction ......�„�°e!�:_^�!�"'-.��... Est. CosE....�,7.�� .
�f„� ................ To be Completed
Cu. F� �����
Cu. F� _.__........_..._..
� ����J�; �.�,�`�
T�-a;S ;�� R;�1, ; ���,,;�..; ; ._"`_—_
�'�U�1 ���tNUF�IZE biOLAT-
t0�'�' Oi= tiivY ri;;v;� � � �AivD COVENANTS AND .
BUILDI;ti'V k�,� i;�;rTIG(VS.
In consideration of the issuance to me of a permit to construct the building described above, I agree to do
the proposed wark in accordance with the description above set forth and in compliance with all provisions of
ordinances of the city of Fridley. �
.�i� ......................._.:....._...__......Y..._._...._..._.._........._._.._..�._..�...._..W_._�_....._.
In consideration of the a ent of a fee of $..� r t�,.
P Ym C,�'..�,,�.. .................. pernut is hereby granted to....._............._............._............._.._.__..
.....__...._._..._._.........._ ............._......._.............. to construct the building or addition as described above. This pernut is granted upon
the express condition that the person to whom it is granted and his agents, employees and workmen, in all work
done in, around and upon said building, or any part thereof, shall conform in all respects to the ordinances of
Fridley, Minnesota regarding location, construction, alteration, maintenance, repair and moving of buildings
within the city limits and this permit may be revoked at any time upon violation of any of the provisions of said
ordinances. �/ '�� .
/ � � n w r .
�.�, jBuilding Inspector
This permit does not cover tha eonstruetion, installation for. wiring, plumbing, gas haating, sew�r or wstar. 8� su►� to s��
fhe Building Inspeetor for teparaf� parmitt for thesa items.
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p �.. .. ,,.,, .o. .w.R. ,�. �.A. �. .... ... ... ... ..,«.. .,.. � _. ..... ,. ..�.� ,... .� �. ,.�. � �. ... ... �
109 Hartman Circla
Fridley 32� Minnesota
August 10, 196�t
�� - � �6
Dear Ma3ror W. Nee � Fridley Counci].inen and City , ,
Manager, Mr. E. Wagner,
I� has been brought to our a�tentzon that
the Ci�ty Council of the City of Fridley is in the
process of a-pproving a transYer of a 3/2 beer� on �
sale licence adjacent to the Church and School of •
5�.� William. As parents�of five children� members
of the Church of St.. William and a s° taxpayers of ��
t%�e City of Fridley , we are deep�ly concerned and � -
we obje-ct to saic�� transfer of this- licence or the
approving o� any intoxicating or�non-�intoxicating �
liquor�licence whether it be for on or off sale
in the immediate proximity of St. irdilliamrs
Church and School or �or that matter in the immediate
proximity of any Church or Sehool situated with-
in the boundaries of the City of Fridley, Minn�.
We e�ort the� Council Fathers of the City •! .
Fridley to enact proper ordinances concerning :
� �.� uo�r o� bQer so �hat our youtY� who wil�. be "Qt�� '`
fu�ure 1.eaders can b� brought up �.n � wholesome
environment. Our youth of to-day are already �
e�osed to elements detrimental their health�
weliarea�t�d �norals without placing such elemen�s
within their formational� environment�
I am wri-ting � this� letter a s a substitute, - •
because we will. be out of �o�m on August 17,1g6�-,
when this ma-tter will be brought bei�nte the� City
Council� of the City of Fridley.
Thank-you ior your cooperation in this matter.
' Y"ours trui , - ,
; ,
• ���"�. ,�- ;
��� /) �//L///�/[�,�.Y�� t+
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�� '
� .
. . . . . ' . ' . . . , ::� '- � .
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.1...:lt�a_...� •.� ��� __ J.' Li.
.C'.. ._ —
'+� 1 ♦?� ►�}" �:'[ a '�:: • • r'.i' .f) Ir: �,� �,`
'. �• • �� '!:.•1�" • �i�'� ♦�.i:. y�i.
�AS s isu viaw of the petitiaai th� C3ty C�a3.1 i�
received and t'!� ec�pac�aio�► oi ,pyblic att3.tvt�s.
8� IT �tSSOLV�D 87t R� ti�' 'i�iS CITY' OF P'R.IDI�Y,
that f�t is tha policy of t13is t�otm�cil #hat i� will � pezmit
th� c�d�et of any taveru ar bar busin�rss � tht land deec.rib�rl
8S '�36 �009t1 P�.A�.7lL 8"�10�j�� ��: a
C-+: r ��� � • w ► w:i. .+ ..• �;, � •;> w:�':
OF �RIDI�Y TSiS 17'ffi D�A� 4F AtTGUS'I" , 1964 p
c�r es�c - Ksrv�a c. arvns�l.1
l�AYOR — t�illis� �'o �fe�
♦ ,
The City Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows:
Section 1. Chapter 45 of the City Code of Fridley shall be
amended by providing for a SecCion to be designated as Section 45.081 �
as follows;
45.081 R-4 District Uses permitted:
1. Uses permitted in R-3 District.
� 2.. The following uses, but only after securing a Use Permit for
the establishment, reconstruction, structural alteration, enlargement,
or moving of any such use, after approval of such permit by the Board
of Appeals in the City Council, and subject to any conditions imposed
by such Use Permit, as provided in Section 45.40 or any other Section
of this Chapter.
a. Automobile camps, trailer courts,�but only in that
portion of the District within or constituting all
or part of the following area:
(1� Any area within said District already so
occupied or.used at the time this Amendment to the
ordinance becomes effective, but limited always to
that portion of a parcel, not wholly or used, as is
actually used or occupied for such purposes as appears
of record in the application and license granted
therefor by the State Board of Health at the time
this Amendment is effective.
All that part of the East Forty-six (46) acres of
the half (W 1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) ot
Section 12, Township 30, Range 24, Anoka County, Minnesota,
lying West of the said Highway No. 65,and South of a line
which is 785.13 feet South of and parallel to the North
line of said Section 12, as measured along the West line
of the said Forty-si.x (46) acres.
The East 700 feet of the South 396 feet of the North
726 feet of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the
Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of Section 12, Township 30,
Range 24.
The West 360 feet of the South 396 feet of the North
726 feet (except the North 33 feet for street easemeat)
of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 12, T-30,
R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota.
The South 200 feet of the West 360 feet of the South
396 feet of the North 726 feet of the SE 1/4 of the �
NW 1/4 of Section 12, Township 30, Range 24.
3. That Subdivision 13 of Section 45.14 be repealed.
� - 38
OF , 1964. �
William J. Nee, Mayor
Marvin C. Brunsell, City Clerk'
, First Reading: Au ust 3 Z964
Second Reading;� � _
The City Council of the City of FridZey do ordain as follows;
Section 1. That Section 45.12 be amended as follows:
That there be added as an item marked "H" under paragraph marked
20 of Section 45.12 of the City Code the following grouping of commercial
businesses: Trailers, campers, mobile homes, boats, machinery, sporting
equipment and like enterprises having its merchandise in the open and�not
under the cover of a display salesroom.
I p
1i.".r. � �. ... � �
OF , 1964.
Marvin C. Brunsell, City Clerk
First Reading; Au ust 3 1964
Second Reading:
William J. Nee, Mayor
f •
, ! �o
The City Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows:
Chapter 42 of the City Code dealing with trailer parks is -
hereby amended by adding a Section to be identified as Section 42.023
as follows:
42.023 Each site in a trailer coach park hereinafter designed
shall have a minimum of 3500 square feet for each trailer or mobile home.
OF , 1964.
Marvin C. Bxunsell, City Clerk
First Reading: 964,
Second Reading: 6�
William J. Nee, Mayor
�,,� ;,,.
. •: ,�� �� �
� SECTION3 49.045 AND 49.�52 �REOF. ;
� .
S, EC. ts That Chapter 49 of the Municipal Code oP P'ridTey be amended ao that
seotion 49.045 thereoP hereafter read as folloWSt
"Sec. 49.045. The annuaT Fee to be`paid by`the applicant for the
aoat of the license snd the issue thereof and the
required and provided thereto is including the cost of inapection,
adminiatrat3on o�' the Ordi:nanae,
in the minimum of � .
for each multiple dwellirig�for which � a license applicatioa is
made. In addition thereto� for each dwelling unit in excess oP
noted in said�appTic��ion a further end s8ditional �
fee of � ' �� 'is required to be�paid, The fee ia pro- �
rated (for each month or major part thereof) for any license period
_ xhose duration is,less than one (1) year."
'SEC �?s That the Mmnicipal Code of the C3ty`oP Fridley shall be amended ao
that Sectiori 49•052 thereoF shall read as fo]lowss �
"Sec, 49.052. The owrier ghall �imanmdoc with his application For
license furz�ish �thereon such information as will onable the City
to determine compliance with this Chap�ter. The City may reqnest �
further information from tim�e to time rel.ative to such compliance,
and shall� to asaure sucli compTiance of t,he premisee� make an �
inspection of the premises, Sueh inspection ahall be periodia
at least once a year in accordance with a schedule thereof pro- �
vided thereto by the City; or upon good cause therefor at such
different timeg�as may be found by�the City necessary to asaure
compliance. Entry into the premises for the purposes of inspection
to determine compliance ahall be made onl.y after notice thereof to•
the owner of the premises and the consent obtained thereto of the
owner and as weTl of"any occupant, if the occupant be different from .
the owner; or in failure thereof under and upon aa order of a Court
made after a hearing relativs thereto helci after notice given as
required bq IaW upon an application therefor by the City. Entrp
ut�der an order of Court shall be made only in accordance w3.th the
terms of said Order and at the times provided therein. The Pailure
and refusal without good cause ahown therefore upon the part of ar�y
ocmer to furnish fni'ormation rel.ative to the premises so far as
compliance with this�ordinance is concerned or to fail or rePuse to
consent � to an inspection of the premiaea without good cause is
grounds for disapproval and denial of a license as well as suspension
or renocation of the ssme. No such failure or refusal without good
cause shown therefor shal]. however be found to exiat by the City to
the prejudice of the licenae of any owner, or any occupant� except
after a hearing'by the Council�of the City held relative thereto aPter
at least Pive (5� days�notice in ariti:ng thereof maile� to the o�iter
at the registered address o�'�the�owner and aa xell to any oceupant
of the premises $ffected �hereby��and�a copy of the notice of' hearing
�eaboq�dod delivered and posted up� the prea�iaea in a e�aspicaous
� — - 42
��- _ . ..
oRn�atc� �ro� __�,___
coDa oF �tinLB�t, �nnaBSSO►rA 1963, s$CTIc�t3 49.045 �tn 49.052 �sRBOF..
The City Council of the City oi F�ridley do oacdain as follaws:
SS�„20�1 1�, T'hat L'hapter 49 of the City Code of Fridley be �
�so ti�at 3ection 49 0045 #.hereof he�reafter reacia as follawa: ,
"section 49a045a �hat tha annual fee to b� paid by the applicant
,faar the coat of licen80 and th� issue thesaof
and the aciministxation nf Cbapt�r 49, includiAg ti�e eoat of in-
8pection required is in tho m3ni�a of $10000 for ea�h nazitipls
dwelling foac w+hic�i s lic:enaa applicatiaa� is made. In a�ciitio�
thereto, for each dw�llitrq unit in excess of 10 noteci its said
, apgliea�ion a fustheac a�xl additional fee of $1.00 is requirecl
to ]o� paid e Th� %e ia pro�at�i ( for each n�o�nth ar ma j ar part
ther�ofj �ar any licea8e period whosa duratioon is l�ts ti�at�
on�► (1 } y�ar . "
� SB6CT_�2. �hat the City , Cod� ot th� City of FricAley sball be am�►aed
so that Seetion 490052 �y,ra,reof shall read as follows:
"Seetian +�9 0 052, �he c�emex a#ha11 8ub8cacib� t0 an �ppllcatioaa
twcm fax sa�..d licen�� giving sueh infoa�'matio�n
' as may bs �assasy to d�t�e� cc�+liance with this �apt�.
_ Tha awrnear aha.il furn�ah suc� furth�rr infor�ation to th� City as
m��►y bo r�ques�ed an�l �elati�g �o cv�pii�nce with tbis c�aptoac.
T'he� City al�all i,nspec�t the p�r�i,sea one wc �+ooc� tia�es a year to
assur� such ec�liarice of th� ,p�ami.s�so �aocepi: in a�n �saeargeacy
, that ir►voive� an im�di�.ta� hazard ta tl'e h�a�,th, safety a�d
welfare of human beings, no e�ry into the pr�nieea fo� ts�,�
purpoads o� inspeetion to detetmi� aos�p�iance shall b0 made
without tho consent of t�o a�wn�c or occupant, aftes no�ice of
inte�nt �o inapoct o Whe�e car�ent i8 rs�u$od, then tho C�.ty may
• proceeci to iaa�p�ct, after a haa�riag befora the City Council
with five (5j days registe�0d �ti�fien notice to the laet
knawn addrase oi the owner oar oc�tpant a�i whes�e the City Cotuieil
deterjainea fra�a such heariryg that inapectiaa is r�a,soa�abiy
neees�ary to aseure ca�qpliaacs with this Chapt�aro T'he failurmo
anci rofusal without . qood cauae �hown. to furnieh ti�� infarmation
� requestad rslativ� to the caaplianca of tl�e pr�snis�s with this
, C'hap+ker vo� tiie failure ar re£usal to qiv�e conaea�t to an insp�etione
oRnuaArtc�. rto, ,_„____tcoa�tsnuec��
without good cause, is gro�s fo� disapproval and clenial
o� a licens� as w�ll as susp�assian ox revocation of the
,� DAY OF , 19640
� c� � — �� � o �s�.�
First Readiag a��ii �s�us== ��� Rr : �v 4�
Se�cOrui R�ding�:��Z���� 1 � L �
Publiahs s
i�4AYOR — W il l istn J e NN
� 43
��u�c ca�sssor� r�rnac
AUQTST 6, 1964
Page 1
Zhe m�ee�is�g was called to order 'by t�airmaa Kravik at 7 s 55 P vMv
�s M�bere ptesentt
M�nber abaeats
Qthers prese�nt:
Johaason, Baadel, Kravik, Beacga�an, Sw�nson
City Manager Wagner, Sngiusetiag Assistaut �laak
Wo Glea WaiXace
�E'P&OV$ M�Np1"&S � PS.APIN,I�iC,��„�SSION i�T�G - JQLY 8� 1964 s
MOTIUN by J'ohaa�sou, scaconded by Bandel, tha� the Plaaaiag Cou�ri.es�.aa
apga�rre the minutes of the July 8, 1964 me�eting. Upon a voice� vct�, +�he
anoti�.on carriQdo
��1 by $ltil��.� SeGOtltiBt� bj� B$Z�D� �lA� �le p18i1II�1$ �.f' i�.887LOII
r�ceivQ the minutes of the jaint �eting of the Ftidley R,�cseat�an �oea�ais-
s�.an �nd the P�ks ead Playgrauads Sub�a�aittee of Juae 29, 19b4a Upoa
a voice vote4 tYae smation casriedn
�i0TI4N bY Betgms�, seconded by Johauson, that the Plauaing Coamissi..�x�
xeceive the mf.nutas of tha �'lats and Subdivisions Sub�-Camamittee m�eetiag of'
Jaly 29, 496�o Upau +� vaice vrat�, rhe moticu carriedo
�CSIVE MiPt(T'.rES OF s�TS � �3TgLi'1'�S SUBaCt�1I�1'81& c�F AUGUST � 1964:
I+�Di'ION by , secoaded by Jol�sau, th�tt th� Plaxaaing �o�mit�sic�.
receive the �tas a� �� S�tree�s L� BLi].�.tiee Sub�a�.ttee �i Auguet 4,
196�o U�xm ��roi�t� v�t�, �iac mo��i.�n carr�.edo
i� Yii Ii' • 0('�. :��lt ' H' 1 t�l/. !� f' iv7 N:1: 1?` : I NI
Z�EpTrON l?y i3eacgmaa, se�conded by Jo3�at�soa, that th� Pl�nai.n;� �oum�ssicn
receive �he matatetas �f �he Farks aud Pl.spgrenmc3s 8ub-�ommittee m�stix�g of
Augus� 3, i96�o Upon a vaiee vate, the nntiou carriedo
1� P'�Ba.�C HEABINGt PI.AT �64�14 DON'S 9T8 ADDITION D. L. �E�St�No
South 387 a 36 8 of N�T� cf i� of Sectiaa 12, eaccspt that pert p].�t�ed aas
Gideaea Addi�iono
Mr o dadesso�t_ was p�esea�t o
Mro Bes�a �xpiainad �1aat ��hea the StreeCe sad IItilities Sub�ammi.t��e
• s�udi�d this plat, it was noted that Gasfield Street goes tbraugh �his glat
and linea up with �Saada•ranor Terrace 2ada Durin� the dis�uss�.ou, oiE thhe. pa��C
doa,e�ion, Mro Andareou sta�ed the piece of larsd is the si�e af a regv�lex
baseball diam,oado
ny,,,,„,,p���g��g�,v,�G �� �. 45
" �id.�iiai••�" 6aWtB4lOs�n. iLGP.t� � ALL���� V. 1964 P8R'e 2
�'.�,]�.�.ON b�,Berr�man. second.�d bv Bandel, that e Pl��,� Co�ies#.an. ,/
q/ �TY�YAP b ��1W0�1i�0 �liY9R f� '
cloee the public l�ssriag and r�o�d to �ounci�, auv�,�y�]. af p��,i,�
]�t t�64�14, Dones -5th A.dditian. De AndeYSan, b a�tiae S�� Ltih 387�36
f� of�,th�a NL� of Che of S�cti�Z�c t latted as Gideots
�,��i,�oa.o Upan a voice vo�e, all vat ng sye, the„��_c�rrfed,
.A�RBSe II�oo Bouaded aa Bast by Annka Cauatp Line, Sau�h by Fridl
L3m�.�s, Wesr by Inasbruck 2nd Additioa, aad Narth by Highway �100.
B�gineeriag Assistant Clarl� explaiaed thie preliminary plat cvnfosme �b �
to the overall gl� check,ed in 1960o I��
t to the
e upon a
�r Ct�l`i'3�NU�D R8'LONING �QULSTs 20A #64-08, WAIS.ACB �s Lot 2, Black 1,
Bgaakview 2nd Addttiona 8�ane fram �.-1, single faaa3.ly, to Pbaeral Ho�ne,
Clos� the Public Hearinga
i�YlZON by Bandel, $ecanded by Johaasan, that the Platmiag Co�miesioa►
aIa$e th� Public Hestia� og the rezania� af Lot 2, B1ock 1, B=oakvie�r 2ad
�� l�dditio�a, ZUA #64�08, Wallace Mi.11e�c, rezaning ficam 8-1, siagle family
dwelling ta 2�aeral Ho�e, Upan a voice vote, all voCir►g aye, ths metion
4� IAT SPLIT 1R�QU8.STY L,S. ,#bla�19„z A�IltS�F7A81�i...1�E SWAN'30No Lota 24 aud 2b,
Aud�.to�'s Subd3v�si�a #iO3o
• yL�/�V O i iVi.�iiiV� VYipii
Johans�n AMffi�ID�D ths
tQ iacluci� a ie�tet of iatea
a vaice vote, a�i. votiar� sye,
IAT SPTZT RBQUBST: L,S e#64-20, LEQ�li BBt�t,: Lots 35 and 3G, BIo�Ic 4,
, ..r..�.... .._._._.
Parkviera Manaso
&iro LeBay B�egol and Mro ond Mrs, Alfred Jenson �ere� pres�to
riOT'tON by Bandal, aeca�aaed
�het th�a
�i �'..: o.�� '�va`v�r awgc a � ..'r�
a voice vot�s, aI1 vo�ing aye,
Lvi QrL� �►fiKVi7M7�°m 11ea7s ��Al, WALiilP A• i+i4�y�K1e r��. Di irV� (.J�
�,udx�or ° s Subdivf.e ian �92 e
Mro and Mrs, Walter Petersaa were presento
� �
�9.��o�isa� tY.n,� - Auaust 6i„I96� Pa,pz,e 3�i� p- �S
r�'1ZON by Be=gmetu, secanded by Johansaa. that the Lot Sp1it �64�1T,
Wal�� Ao Petersoa beiug part of Lot 23, Auditor'e Subdivisioa �92, be
iaclu�d 3a the ageada af tbe nexti seguler meeCiu�, Dpem a voiae vote,
tho �tian carried, �
7o IA� SPT.�T �QUESTs L.S,,,��64�1$, M�„�iE I'OC�Pt'8i.s Lot 13, Block 1, �rizoa
He�g'h�s o /p �
$o SP�IAL USS PB$r9�Ts
Bicck I6, Flymauth
1�1'���� Swan
conctiz �.w t ie �
�Permi� for tw�dou
�.��'�; `��mout »'
��� ��
votiag aye, the �t
.�.«...� ,.....,.....�.�
all votix� aye,
�. �
1�o d�uble bungalaws in 8-I Districte I,�ts 27 thtu 30,
Add�tioa (4575 and 4595 3sd street NmBo) by Tticha�ca
that the
vote, a
9, A. &EZ� STUDSLY W. G'I.BN WALLAGEs Ttieiset�"s Ma=ItetB, Inc,, Lots 13-1b,
Biock 3, Rice Cteek Terrace Plat $`Z � sexoae %ra� R•1, s�ngZe f�mily cl�welliag,
�to ��13, lc�cal sho'APi.�g areso
1�fir, iJallace stated it was his underatanding that the aeixt step in the
Sezo�ix� problem t�ae ths meetiag with the peop].� im�mediately affected raith
an op�n d3,scuasian of the probleae
To ise�C approsch axid g�cperl.y reaolve zc�oniag pressuras that will
in�vi�ably con��e ia this area, �he Plar►�,fx� Commission set tho date of
Au�ua� 2i4:ta as the t�aeetin,� to cat�rdinate ths snateriaZ �hat can be assemblecio
31i� Sngiu��ng D�partac�snt w�s astced to prepare a m�p of the area including
Rice �reelt ta 8ayea School dawa to 63ad Av�nue, Thia wili be tihe aaly itew
oa� th� �eada�,
1�TION by Jahansou, aecond�d by Be�d�l, that th� Plsa�#�g Camnissi.mn
dtre�ct �he Bngin�ering Departme�at to prepare a blovra up m�p af thee Northeast
r.orn�� of Uuivereity Avea� 8ad Mfssissippi Stzeet frcm� Bic� Cre�lc to Bayes
5chaal aad dawn to G3rd Ave�aus. IIpoa a voica �ot�a, �11 votiag �r•, S�e
rmticm carriedo
I3o 8EZ013ING BHQU$.STe ZQ�I #64-0�9� �, BI�GHABD TB�lZOI�iA, BT� AL. s� fro�
Rml, �inale f.ffiaily dwe2liag, to C�1, lacal businss� area, thi SR easnar vf
ilissiasippi Streee aad Sth Strest, Lots 1 snd 2, Lota 29 arnc3 30, Black 2,
Proposed 83ede1 Plat,
MO�Iai+I bq Jahaasoa, 8aeonded by 9t�asoa, thst tata Planmi�g Co�miseian
set a Public 8earing af ths sezan►i�g requast �64�09, Dze ltichard Treac�a,
to rezoae £rn� R�1, single £amii� d�sllia�g, ta C-1, l�ocal business area,
the Sau�heast cornes ot Missiseippi St�reo� and 3th Stratt, Lote i aad 2,
Lots 29 aad 30, Block 2, Pzoposed Riedel Plefi. ta� Sept�aber 1�, 39t�, IIpo�
a� voi.+ce vate, alI voting aye, the mQtiaa carriedo
._ _. . 4`7
Plasiuix� �osm�iasf.on I�e�in,�t_- ,Au,�ust 6, 1964 Pa�e 4
,i�YVLl 1'�l1LW� A�(+Va�iiW S�i Wa �7r�� l78�i�i�.� VO�tilio=i�o
Mro Wallace stated that be had checked with the arci�itect a€ the
1a�spital and was givea s pxogzess repost.
The major decisiaa is to what exteat the pazt of Melcdq Manor be
rezr�aed in ardeS ta zo�ad ou� the hospi.tal cosnplex in. the asea. Types
of builc�ings caasideYSd are Medical Ciinic, nursea' hoose, multiCple
dwelli�ngs, small bu�sinesa, motel, specisli.$ed ehops such as a flawex
shop anc� tacy Co make zoning ca�upatible with ttsi.s type of planniag.
The hospital will take B1Its o4, 5, 6 aad will be betiraeen Lyria Laaa�
ax�d osbarae Raedo The pZaue ca12 fvr a o�e way driv� in aad �ut te the
h�spital ax�.d parking ares far ataff and the public,
2'h� teatative directic� af thiaki�g far Blacka 2 and 3 is that
lBlxic 3 b� set up oa aa S-3 basis, Special IIee permit type, and suggests
8�3 for Block 2 to inelude nuraes" ham aad multiple dwel].iago
The Planning Com�missiaa suggested getti�g £u�ttber informatiAa from
�olds�a 'Vsll�ay an �lieir zoni�g cl�esification for hoapital zoaes and medical
r.s�ters witIa the passibiliey ef ameadi.n,g tbs Fridley ordinaacn to create
a bospital xanso
:�LODY M�8 STRSST LAYO[lTs Contimiatioa oi the o+riginal plano
� The PlaaaiRg Co�mission aaked Mro Safaer to briag in a t=acin�, aud
�e<-submit the prapoaed street plsa to the 3treets and Utilitiea Sub-
Gc�ai�tee b,��are setusaiag to the Plaanin4g Co�miss�,ono The pl8aa ahduld
ahaw the wideh af the at�reeta, the chaage ia 75th Aveaue $ad the c:ul de
$ac aa Qu3n�y St�ceet sau�h of Memosy Laaeo
� _� o
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�eer3s�; at IosSO r.rs,
Respectfu2ly submitted,
� � �.�r`�J ,
,,Y �.;�,L'�' �� c7�ti..�.
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Auditor`s Sub. ��103
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1'!ie �ting w�►s call�ed to oacder by C%ismau Naw��i a.t 7:30 P.T�o
�ers Br�s�t: Dtawrocki, Surris, Gabri�cka Gocx�ci�a, wsgl�r
M�rs Albsonta Dtcm�
�yp Y�w��.��p�jy��e���}��/��► �.ry� ���t.n��/.yr�� �aCa �¢���/�� �y��.�
�ia��i�ii�, �r- -11irs��V6� .W4�Si! �:.1VML1 JI �47i�lii �dii�iit ... �D
.�.. �������. ����
� c�our�rsr sc�rA sAe� s$anac ssa� —
dm�r �neo�!en ur�mcs�±nem t�nr�em nu �rwt►T r� �QS�!st1tTT �A2] ��'N
Mr. Preekett was present to discuss hia application with the
�i���, '.��.� 4rx1�
Boardo iozi Burris seconded b Qoodrich to see�
. that the vari � he qrant+eci, Upa�a a voice vot�, thes�e beia�g no
nays, Cba3,rm�an DTa�vroeki cleciared the mation carriada
Motio�t by Gab�ick, s�cand�+d � 8urri�, that no �pea].s be
cc�alsideaced by � Soard utail��s t�ae aagplicatic:n is acc�aaied
by a cartif%at+e of s�asvay a4xc�ri.ng �lae� propased locatio� of
the s�tructure. U�r�n a voice vots, there being no �ays,
Chair�n DZa�ocki d�la�c�ol th� �a�tiou ca�ried,
�-. �1�1' '`-.�.,lS:'.=-, .
Tbear� being no fur�her business, t�airma:► ATa�wrocki declared the
meetinq ad j ou�n�i at 7= 45 P e I►t�
Rsspectfully sub�ittsdz
V . `/�
� Earl P a Wagxisr
s�crei�asy to tbe Board
���c aa�a t�r�a x�nTSS - Atx�trs�r Za, i9�4
� � 53
��, __ ---
T�he meet3,tig was called to ordes by Ct�irman Rsavik at 7:45 Pe�to
�ers Pres�ts I�ravik, Wallaae• 8+e�er (Ward #3�
�ers Absent: 82].is, so3saax�son, Haugye �ward #i j� shie.tas �wara #2} �
Chairm,ati Kravik amounced that sit�ae �e was not a quaaicuw preserat
the Board coulcl aot �ake s formal deci.sion, but �hat those preses�t
would look at th�e pla�s anc7 giw i�div%�ual opinionso
.. 7_ 2� • x idA •
�. i � :: � �Iv:s.�: • •. s - 1,�1� � t
_ . __:_._ a'L.. � _ ;
�' e BHZ1 ��'�311 $i3� �R" • �1�,�" WeL'8 �.'�SEl�1't 1'@j�1'@8@11't� �O��E��'�
M�bile H�o Mr� i�yerou aduised that they will use eithrs bgi��s
or ahadvw blo��ic' o� th� £ra�t of tho build3x�g facia� o� T.B. �65.
i�ae c� walla wauld bo paint� }�l�k walls. �r. Kravik sta��d
�' that tha pl�ns � with his aspprovatl with the brick fxo�t as sh����o
If tbe� Cc�ntraetvac weoce to c'�twosq sh�dvw block, he would waa� �o
s�e sitic�sr an artist's' conc�tio� o� eocanq�les of fiho way tize
shadow blr��c wouid look ari tha fxo�s�. He a.iso said that th� o��a
thr�e 391o�7c walls wot�ld havs tv be paiiatad to n�eet with i��s
�ppacav�l. P�. Wa3.lace sta��c1 t1�a� h� con�r�d with 1�. Itr
as 8id F+�s. I3�c �
�here be3.ang no £urth� busine�sa, C��� I�av�k d�ela�ed th�
m�etia�g ad j oeamed at 8: 35 p e�.
Rsspsctt�ttlly st�b�ti��is
� ��
8arl P. W�
sacretary to the Boaacd
July 31; 196k
�:r. �arl i�lagner
b431 University Avenue,NE
��iinneapolis, �iinnesota 551�21
Dear ;uir. �Ia�ner:
_. 'Jr�
� ' `�t�
D �� � �
��iG � I_'� .
ct�nt o� �����:�
T�e Fridley League o£ C'�omen Voters has studied cor.cprehensive plannin�
ana Fridleyts zonin� map and ordina.nce. �
In the event the council would decide to make application ior a 70i
federal grant to do a cor,�prehensive pl�,n for the �ity of Frid1�3�, we
woulci support this action.
, i`dhile we feel that Fridley is not lar�e enough to hire a full time
• planner, we do feel that we need a part time professional planner.
It r�.ioht be possible to have someone frorn the firm doing the compre—
hensive plan to work for Fridl�y as a part time planr�er. Other
su�;,;estions are : l. To hire a full tir.le person to yvork part time in
�n�inLGrin�; d�iU part time a,s a planner. 2. Hire a pl�.nner with another
suburb, sharing the cost. ;�e fael the planner should be responsible to
the Cizy ,�.na ;er.
�ihank you for your cvrlsiuGr�.�icz� of this item.
� V�r�,�ruly yours,
%f/rr,�. a��- %1Z.�;�~-
�rg. Doylc �;ull.in
Chairman, Cotitinuing Responsibilities Iterns
League of tiVor:ie�n Voters of Fridley
Affiliated with the
I Laaque of Woman Yotan of th� U.S.
July 29, 19b4
r�ridley City Council
_ ridley� I�`innesota
Dear Council t,�embers :
�'_ -. ... �� �
d � ��� ��� �
�-� � a,�,,, �
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.!U!. ��: ig��
' ,� �� �RIDLEY
..-.-.�,- . :.. . ,
The ��idley T,eaoue of :':omen Voters ti�rould li?{e to recommenci thst
thfl City of i�'ridley hire a full time recreation :l director ti�ith
a L.a. degree in recreation. i�Te could be in charge of both the
recreation and park programs.
�':e reconmend this for the follo�°:rin� reasons.
- There could be better coordir�tion•bet�veen the tr�o
� probr�zms . �
-�:e feel that ths job is too big for }�rt tine basis.
(5omeone 1^,-ould undoubtedly have to be hired for same ,
maintenance for ,�arks. )
-�'here could be more lon�-r•2nae plannin�; v��hich v:e feel
important. Gur nresent ordinance reads that by Sept. 1
of each year plans oi activities oi the coming year be
given to the city council. .
- ��e a�ree �vith the standsrd set by i?ational :�ecreation
nssocia�ion - one fu11 time director wor cor.imunities of
�,000 to adminis�,er park and -recreation and one iull
time �irector oi recrea�Lion on�y in cities of 10,400.
(ihe average salary for a�ull time director oi recrea-
ti�n in t:'i:znesota i�z 1�59-60 v;�s <;��7�0. )
- State �epurtz�ent of ?�ducation �c:ill require b;� �ept. �,
1965 a full ti:ne director of recre��ion. Our present
.'ridle� i�ecreation Ordinance reads that e:�e must comply
�ith standards set by the Stzte �e�artment of �ducat�.on.
The Strzte la�^,s reaa t�,at i7e must co�ply t=:ith these
standards ::rhen using school facilities or school grounds.
tierjT �truly yours,
ii//r�' q��a� �.e�e��
Tv:rs . lloyle ?::ullin
C'.�zirman, Parks and reecreation Item
�'ridley League of r�s`omen Voters
i •^i•:,
Affiliated with the
Leaque of Woman Votan of tha U.S.
. r ' �• � .
�- , - �
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) N. _�.i ►,.., t�
ti. ;� 7 a�
� j �vy
...� s..� �
Board of County CoYmnissioners
c% Mr. Eugene A. Monick, County Auditor
Attention Mr. James D. Swan
Executive Secretary
Julyr 20, Zg6�+
��� ���u
�„ �..�----�
� fiee �.11��`
Gentlemen: � •
On June 29, 196�, you re�erred to us for investigation and recom-�
mendation, a request of the Yilla.�e oi New Brighton that the County establish
Stinson Boulevard. irom County Road D to County Road H as a County road.
Recently we traversed this proposed road with the Anoka County
Engineer. We came to the conclus3on that it would be a very expensive pro- ,
ject to construct; it Hould cost approx3.ma.tely $1,500,000. The.ground is
quite rough, wooded in areas and there axe several natural barriers. We
would have to construct axound Sil.ver 7�a.ke West between County Roa.ds D and �.
Two bridges would have to be constr�zeted, one across T.H. 6g� and another •
across Rice Creek. We would also have a Minnesota Transfer Ra.ilroad grade
crossing neax County Road H.
� At present there are several shor� segments oi road constructed
on the west county line, some by the villages and some by real estate devel-
opers but there is not enough mileage graded to designate this route as a
state aid highwa.y.
In our judgment 3tinson Boulevaxd has a low priority as �ar as
Ramsey County is concerned. We have matly road.s with hi� tra.ffic voZumes
which are high on our priority list where we Peel our construction money
should be expended at this time.
We would reco�nnend that the several villages concerned acqu3re the
right-oY-way, and at some time in the ftiture When the axeas on each sicLe o�
. -•' _ , •
, _
,- . _ . , .
� Page 2
i � County Board
`_ .— ' .5r%
the west county line axe more developed and there is a generation of traP�ic
and more aeed for the road, Ramsey County and Auoka County can establish it
as a county road and constrnct segrnents of the road. ,
. � Yours very truly,
. �.,� . L� .
Deane R. Ankl.an, P.E.
� County Engineer
ADC:s .
� 3/� y
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A l�tt��' � TMd tY� �q 001i1t:, HO�t'd O: ODSlsalOO�Z� �'t�i�• :
� Ls� dlsl�f:i011 Oi �N Oq1iR� 111M �OIiD�y bfLM�N1 ��t3d �.
�rspr Ou+uatiN� !� 11rsq Oo�at'' "D" to 11�s�pr Oouot� �0�4 "�" • .
0' � rd� notioo tt�t t1N typort a+r r�iv�Q D� tilad �ntt aooa�urr�i
vith So �ra�ordwc� �rith tlN satiou ot 11��yr Ooastar co�a�a�nia` tL� ' ,
pa�OyO�itiou� �oca�t tlrt tb� �o�tt�NSO taaln�0u� b� �►'jth �ant. �.s.� � �
� ust tit. cstia or oo�lv.bs. 1t.s�ht. .aa �rsal.p►, .na tb. rsll�. ot �
�psin� Lvc�, tatlt s�c�iw • oop� ot ,ts�la �otioa.
�1� NOOtIa� �i� �Li�O�� i�� rO:�Oi ~yN� • ib'ir1011 �QZ�i'� �dD':i��
fr�'i 0� MI�OTA � _
oav�rr or �aiu " ,
. I� K�oarth M. Cqpb�ll� Oo�►�r IWditor ot �no�t� Oount�� Mis��of�y
• D�r�Dp► a�rtily Lbit I Da�n oo�ar�d t!� lbr�goit�g oopp► o! r��olution
ot t� Oo�►t�r po�rd o! NLd Owat�r �rit�h tb� wrigia�l r�aosd tbayo!
i� th� �iwt�s o! tD� yrocNdi�� of iai�d Doard, �t ��tin� d��jr M�L .
oe �ust 3� 196�►, �od t�at t,b� wr� ia • tru� � oorr�ct oo�pr ot .
�aLd ot3�irr►i s�os�� �d t�rt � r��olutioa w au3� �doyt�d �► �W .
1o�d at �ai� �tia�.
� .
Yit�o�s� q�o�d �ud sMl t�hi� 1ltL dp o�u�t� .
� , .
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=:� �a Coue►t� Los'
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Augu+�t 7, 1964
Mr. Marvin C. Brunsell
City Clerk
City of Fridley •
6431 University Ave. N.E.
Fridley� Minnesota
Dear Sir: Re: S.P. 020�-12 & 15 T.H. 47
This is to acknowledge receipt of
your Council's resolution passed on Ju1y 2?� 1964� requesting
that a portion of T.H. 47 north of Interstate 694 be placed
under contract as soon as possibleo
We wish to inform you that as of today
we have requested our Program Engineer to schedule the portioa
of T.H. 4� north of Interstate 694 for letting on October 16�
� �.
G. F. Welc h
District Engineer
Fire Phone 560- i I I 0
� Fridley Fire Department
��c�{orru o f�ntcanailona� %�izifot►n s�(a�iri9 of I%nva�s o�7Forns�'�
6431 University Avenue N. E., Fridley
August lo, 1961+ '
Mr. Earl P. Wagner
City Manager
City of Fridley� Minnesota
Dear Sir; � �
8us. Phone 5b0=3�C50 s �
On August 6� 196�+ Mr. Vance DeMong� Administrator of the
North Memerial Hospita� and Mr, Chet Peterson� Supervisor of the
Ambulance Department of the same hospital� appeared before the
officers of the Fire department to diseuss and explore the poss-
ibility of the availability of space in the fire station for the
housing of an ambulance owned and operated by the North Memorial
The off icers of the department feel that this would greatly
improve the service to the citizens of our community and were �
unanimously in favor of providing the necessary space. The proposal
was presen�ed to the full membership at a meeting later that evening
and the department as a whole is on record in favor of the proposal,
We ask that you pass this information on to the Citq Couricil
for their consideratian. -
cc Chief of Police
Vance Demong
Respectfully yours� •
R bert S. Hughes� Chief
Fridleq Fire Departmen�
� __ '. 61
GrtifFsd Pnblic Accnxntants
� sso� sxcsu�aw ■�vo.
WA�NUT 7-6700
Az�gust 10, 1964
The City Council
City of Fridley
6431 University Avenue N. E.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421
We are presently engaged in setting up our work program for the fall and winter
months, and would very much appreciate an indication that we will be permitted
to conduct the audit of the City of Fridley as we have in the past years.
As in previous years, our charge will be based on the acCual time spent by.
myself and my staff, the total cost of which will not exceed $6,000.00, pro-
� viding the books and records axe maintained on a basis consistent with that of
the previous year.
We also esti.mate that the audit of the Police Relief Association wil.l not exceed
We have enjoyed our fine relationship with the City of Fridley during the past
years and hope that we may be allowed to conduct the 1964 audit.
Verq t ly yours,
' /
. �,�;"J �,�f -�.-.z�-�---�z.-�
Gl�i: gmd
G. M. Hansen
� .
�,� , DOUDLAB MALL- y `L . � � , �. 7 11 PRODUCE �ANIL tWLO1NO • � .
. � VWMAN �MITM A�1g1I�C ��� .y,9VY � MINN[APOII/ 9rMJNNt/OTA
� � O[ORO[ MCDLUND � � . � .
. l. MOWARD S[NNETT . � ' . � � � � � � � •iD[RAL 7•14�f � �
� � (.CONAqD T. JU6TER � � � � � � � . � � .
� TMOMA� O. FORi�[RO � . , . . � � � � � � O//1C[� IN5 ,
WIl1.lAM MlRIIN O�/t0
� � MtN1iY.M. F[IKEMA � � � . . . � OOON RAPID� � . - • i,;;
Bar1 Wagner •
' City Manngpr
' City of Fridl�y '
6431 Oniversity Ave. �« 8., t
Fridley, lii�sota _
., , .:
R�et Asse$sment M� 0 Pape�' Compauy
improvement .Protec� SS 24 and 8�24 '
� � - i i�.w���i i..i. .r��i� Y�.rnn.�++r.r��r � � . • S ..
Desr Ear1t �
' ;z
I euclosg and send to �rou a memoranderm prepas�ed ia my offi��t +cc�n�r�in8
'` CLe 1,aW on storm searer aeaaesments. • � ;
Zb ge�eralise, th� folloWi.ng �actars mu�t b� kept in mind:
,' 1. Sgecial benefita m�gt b+� to tiu� particular propert� td�
,;; :, , b� eharged and thi�c; is �vmething dfff+�rent from g�ner�l b�a�fit�. .
�� 2. Special be�u�fite� mu�t be c�rtain aad uniiorm up�oa th� ' 3�
, �ame �Yas�s df property.
3. Pz`aperCy benefited may be saaee�edi e�'eu thaugh it db�s .' N,
trmt �tbut t'!� improvemenr. .
4. The judgm�nt of the Council ia fi�tl and Cdnclusivt a�nc1
� caanot he rcvi.��d` or chang�d by the Courte� unl�sa .it is �hown ta b� -`: �
fraudul�nt in fgct or be��d vn:� mistake of fact, or �hat th� ��cil ,� }�
� applied �in illegal prinuciple mr aa �rrpaeo�ts rule rrf 1ar�t.
. 5. The potential or futuze use of Cb� pxtrp�rty �ay be +�on�ider� ` .,�..
in addition to th� pres�nt u�. '^
6. Th� be�efit is� pr+��um�d, tts imi�� tust tiq th� gr��t�nt. catl� bgti , . i
I to t'he prc�erty itself .
;� �
i ' 7. A�pecisl assess�at do� aat a�ed �t� �vx�re�pand in +��urctne��t '
_ttr th� 'ben�fita r�e�ceived.
8. If tht cc��t �cceeda tb� b+mef it to the 1oCa1 Xxado�t� r. , thert ,
t Ct t -
h� t� t large �rhauld be�r �art of � cost.
9. Th� a�easur�� bf the rpecial bea�fit is tbt +�nLasca�iat �rf tl�. ;`
�trk�� '�►�lne of th+� psp�trt�r cytussd b� th� irpz�ent.
� _ " • ' `.
� . . ' � • .
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� �3� ,t .- -.
; �;.: -
I�y ... . , ,
! • Earl wagner -2- , Auguat 1Z, 1964
� _
I nate that th� Order setting agide the asaesa�ment made by the Honarabl�e '°'
Robert B. Gilleapie, Judge of the Dis�rict CourC, indicated that th�re
Was eome prace�ural problema, so that it Would be necessary ta run thrbugh
a reassesament purauant to Sections 429.071 Subdiw. 2 and Section 429.081 ,f .: �>-
of the Ztinnesota Statutes. If the reasse�sment hearing is to be c�nductad T,
and the aasessment made thia year, we need to get started. '
The memorandum to Judge Gillespie'er Order indicatesr that thp'Counci_1 m�st .
review the facte carefully, including the location vf th� improvement a�md ,.
- any differencee in the situation of.th� lands in kinds aad degreea of , ���: �
benefits occuring to each, and make a reasonable determination an th� �'
basie of these facta. Conaequently, I believe that the coneulting engineer •.
should be iustructed ta review the matter giving conaiderativn to areas
�rithin the total district and determin� the facta af apecial benefit to
each vf such areas, so Chat the Coun�cil may kno�r at kh�e tims of the•heatit�g ;
that thery ar� ia compliance With the gen�ral Y'ules that I have outlined
. abov�.
� I suggeat ther�for�, that this matter be placed on the August 17th agrads
. and that p�ou pramptly aotify Mr. (bmstt�k to make this study and report �. ,�
��,�� `, td yo�c and Marvia prompkl� and C� natic� far the he�arin4g an the reaits�sr-
, �nC b� prep+�rad ascd publisbed.
. , , . . , r _. ,
, Your�r truly,
. . . . ._ . . : . i . . � . . .
,� . � . � : . - .
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i• � ,. .. . ti�t"' �'• 1 � �.. L.! r� Py.
CEN1[JI . .
' itQ ,
�.� t5
3063 through 3145
Public Utilities 3493 throeagh 3532
6586 thr�ugh 6645
� ss
Suburban Eri�.nesrings Tn�o
68?S T�xm 6� N.Ee
Fricil.�ya M�.�no 55432
Estimate No0 2 (Partial)
St.aking & Inspectiorl
� �9 � Meadowmoor Terrace
Da ��T. Hickey Coo � Ine.
18lt � Univex°�ity Av�eo NoEo
sto Pau].D r�nnm 55104
Estimats Na0 2 {Partial)
�rd-3�9M � Booster Statian
Swanson F�cava�ing Coo
Ba� 3b8
Hopl�ns� Mirino
Estiioats Noo 3 (PartiaZ)
• � SSSA - TqHo !t7 Interceptrnr
Alexa�dex° Comm�t�iictio�n CoQa ?.xuso
�62�A �iautatha A�renue
Minseapo�is� M3.rme
Es��nats Noo .2t (Fi.na�)
sto �.963G1
A�1 stres� in 1963 Pragr�an►
Tc�tal: All F.��imates
� �
� b6?o5o
� 9817.ltia08
� ��
cz�c o� �x�nasr
6431 University Aveuus
So�aarable Mayor aad Ci.Cy Council
City of F�idley
c/o $ari Po Wagaer, C�,ty Manager
&43�. Universitq Avenue N.$.
Frid].ey, Miameaa�
Gmiti�a s
.�:� �• � �t:: .� r i,a.i:
Au�ctst 17, 19b4
Ws here�bp aubtnit 8stimste Na;, 4, the FIIaAL 8stimate fc�c .��.exandes Construction
CompaaY� Iac�x'Porated, 4d4i Hi�ewatha �.v�naae, Mirnaespa�.is, Miaaesota for 3�xe+et
impswemeat� Fro�ect Noo 1963�1, accosdir�g �v� comt=aatt �ad �haage Ordes Noo 1
dat�d �ugust 28, 1963, Chang� O�der No, 2 dated septembe� 13, 19b3 aad Clsaaga
Osdes No e 3 dsted Nwea�ber 21, 1963 0
Coatraat Iaanp Sum Price . o. o 0 0, o. o s e . e a o 0 0 o a a�48, 852 e 33
Addi.ti� Co Caa�=ac�t t
1�214 Sqo Yds, Piant Mix 1�iCt, Su����iaag � O,SS $ 667070
i,2i� sqe Ya�a 4�� c�s� �$�� o�z so�o��
26 LinoFx o R�siwvoa iie�a�s� a o zs `�� 0 5�
'Total Additicae to Cant�cac� . o m o. a 4 0 0 0. Q�7.,2�.�e0S � 1L210,08
Sub•Total a o o e a. a. o 0 o a o 0 0� d o e e a o e u o 0 0 0$5�, 062 a 43
I�eductiaas fs�om �„oa��araa,^,t;.
5,316 3qo Ydse Seal Co�� $�;TB
115 LivaFC. P.C.aCo Curb & Gu�Cer 2025
b2 Lin, Ftp Sitv�mi�us +�u�I� ,70
1,373 Cuw Yde, B�cavation to Sub�rade a8S
700 Cuo Yds. �cavatian Be1,ow Subgrads �85
9.45 vest.Fta Maahale Adjuetaaea�C 35000
7.04 VerteFt, Catch Saein Adjusi�at 35�00
2 Cu o Yc�s, Fam�datiaa Co�.zectian ma�. 30 50
2 aaly cat�n a�sn �r.�ai8c� 285o0Q
S7 Liae�te 12" $aCoP. 3QI5
10 Sqo Yda, Speaial Taak Coat a3Q
Tote1 Deduatione fz+a�m Cou.trsct o o,. o.. o o,
� 9�6,88
�„ i�x oa�
z� o�a
� r�'� v�^"+�` i� o e o • e o e e • e e ♦ e o 0 0 o O o i d o e y"��y �7� o g✓
Coatiaued ozi Fage 2
1'a�e Z of Sheet 2
�o~�sn� �araed to �a�e
LESS s B�stima�e �`1
8stima�e �2
8stimate #3
SC�eet I�po Pmjeat 3963w1
NSP A�fitT � - FINAL PA�
� 9i114.0$
I have viewed the c�ark uadss coatract foz the eonetxuctioa of Stzee� Imgravemeat
F�oject St. 1963-i, and fiad tha� the same is substantially camgiete ixi accard-
ance �rt�h the aaatract doc�sntsa I reco�end that the fina2 paym�t he a�de
upan acaeptance aE the watk by y�sx Hotwrable Body, �eud t.Yast �iae oas year c.oa�
tractual me�imteaance baad co�eace an the date liaCed ab�veo
i� aob
�oA2�andet �c�trcacti.ara Ca., Inca
R�esp�ct%eilly sul�mi.xted,
�V G�{.l,it
City Bagineer
AiAGEtST I7, 1964
Biciuird A o Kempe
3916 • 38th Avenue South
Miauaapolis 6, Miaassots
Bo Ao Ctrbso�
5506 Wi�meCka Avenue
Minne�poLis, Mia�esota
8icbard A. �ea�pe
39�6 � 38th A�enae Svath
Minneapolis 6, i�13�nnesota
Cli oe �—�
72�48 Ceatral Avenue NoBo
Minoeapolis 32a Minnesota
Ran&o 8ci��eas
�0� �iississip�►i Str��t
Ficfdley, 1�linn�e�t� 5S432
D8LIV88ii TR1D'CK L�CE1�S8
�lioler P�d�r$o�►
707 Sou�b Washi�ton Ave�aue
Bopkins, Mi�eaesot� �
Fred Ao Sa�ls, Presid�t
1229 Bas� La� Sts�s�
Minneapolis, pii�nesota
dbs: Cha�ticlear Pissa
Mooa Plaza Shoppin� C�nter
Fridleyg Mfnnesots SSk21
dbao The Pami�p Bilbiard Center
Moos� Pla�aa ShoPP�B Ceater
Fridley�� i�ifnnesota 5542�
dbae Chaaticlear Pizza
Moo� Plaza Shoppia� Geatex
Fridleye Mioaesota 55421
dba:_ �liff'6 Servic�
�250 C�atsal Avenu� 1�,8,
Fsidleym Mitmesota 55432
dba: Roger's Sexv�ca
5669 iTaivess�ty Avenue
P'ridl�y, lii�esota 55421
dba: P�dsrs� D�ixys Isaca
747 So�ath Waehington Aveaue
S�pkinss l�i�imae�otrt
dbat Vo�e Cl���a b �suaders�s, �s►c „
�,229 B+�t �ak� Sta�eet
i�i��a�lis, i�iinneaota
. ALAG08T 17, 1964
._._.. ---•-
Si�l Ric1�d 8lectric Coa�any
916-llth Aveaue North
Mi�tneapolis, M�t�sot.�►
Grinde Blectric Compaaq
8864 Arona Aveswe
New Brfgbtcai 12, Mianeeota
�ffi�]BRA3. COHTRACTt�.t
Americaa Suildere, Inc.
5I5 W. Hroadway
Miameapoliss Mianesota
G�erst�cl & Qikiag Masoa9cy Coa
• 8709 Qtica Ave�aue South
Miuneapolis, Mimaeeots
� �
byo Bil1 Da �ictme�d
by: Benn3e Gsi.nda
bq: . ' B o Ostscow
bqo Y., flo Gj��etad
WSImL D$�.�
Hadclen Wali Co�psny
4455 MsSs� Street. NoB,
Mi�saespolis� Mf.nneaota 55421 bys Robert H�add�a
� m m � r � � O O � C o � O O b � J � O � s O O O O O G9 O O� O m O O O m O f'J c-r �
' . ;: _ . �2
Firo Phons 560- i I I 0'' ' B�. Phon� 560-3450
Fridley Fire Department
��c�O,nt af .�►r�S,u:aELOnac �inl�osna d�ta� of �,utattc�i �►nsi � .
6431 Univmrsity Avenue, N. E., Fridley
August 10, 196�+
Earl - P. wagner . • �
' � C ity M�nag er
'City, of Fridleq� M�naesota
Ret Application for Gasoline License
� Clifford Thoe� 72�+8 Central Ave.
_ : Dear Sir; , ,
�he above has made application for renewal of his gasoline pump
at the location 13sted. .�s is customary the fire �revention inspector
made an inspection of the property listed. The condition of this location�.
leaves a great deal to be desired and I would like to suggest that .
perhaps the City council would like to use the application as a_lever :
to get the licensee to clean up the property. There are at the present time
- large amounts of junk� parts from cars and barrels of drain oil stored
� outside of the station. A good general clean up of the property is needed.
, to bring this station up to 'the level of the majority of the filling
stations located in the City. . r
J. . . � . . . � � . �
: � Respectf�.illy yours�
, ,
• . , . �, �
.- R bert D. Aldrich� Inspector -�.
. F e Prevention Bureau • .
s �
� . � �' . .
` � � . • �
, .
j .
__ _
( �.���. 3i -��56 � `73
� � ADM .
�� ;
, � , --�-
� •
,9�'/ ��,�/1! �dn�
, uc �- • - .
�,i: • , .
� ' ' �
� FORM 6273 . ... �� .
I, ' . . ,. . - . .
� �
^ �'�' 7 �..-
� � / �� y��.
au�ust 10, 1964
We hereby .p�etition for' the extexision of the street
called Re�s Lane to extend'150 ft. from the end now •
in. - We are beginning construction very shortly.
This would ta,ke the street past the I.jots 2 and Lot 1, Hlk 1�
Lakeland Heights, (1168 and 11�0 Reg�s Lane. '
If permanent surfacing cannot be made at this time, we would
like to have a temporary �lcess put through. .
Thank you for your consideration.
� ; George Slosser
8321 Dupont Ave. So.
Minneapol,is, Minn.
' . ��-/9� �
I � .�
� ���
. �x_`.. '�51
� � �'
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'.. �..... _ .. . . . .. .. .. ._ .__...�. _. .' �.1, . . . .....: .. �" �3 .. x, '_ _ . . . . _ . _ . 9�"'�"lE.��'t'�'lCT�7^t'7C «� . . � � uT�l.,7crf ",� �. �"sj
-- �.�....,� ._.r�.
M�r�.2�t JoYixason
55��66�h �esnue �t„Ea
Fr�.ct%�r 55�t32
�262�00 per
Rs° F�
Robyn P��r�ngelo
.., a.rAOw+._-.........- ....a..,.. ..,.+.,,�.,.. ...,. :..xm._..... ,: .. r,.....- e,.:} «. w.� r .:-._... . ... .. ,..a..�...._. ......
1 � . yaJ y�
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. , � . . � � . . . . . � .. : l ,. . . ..
�� � . � : �� ` . . � . � _. .
� ORi�INANiC$ N0. ` �
OF THB CITX OF 1+iINl1BAPOi.IB, ,MIli1�S80TA. , �
The City. Councfl. of the City of� FridlBy do acdain :as foliprss .
� Section 1. Thst �hapter 46 of the City_ Cod� of tha. CiLp -
� 4f Fridley be amend�ed by adding ta 8aid:chapter S�ctian 46.Z08 as
iollqaat .
:."Sectioa 46.208. That 8ectioa 200.010 thrpugh 209.040 of . �
the Code of Ordinainces, City. bf ?iinne�tpolie, Mianesota, as
� � amended to �he date of the adoptian of this ordinaace, �tre
hereby adopted by reference and established as the echedule .
�. of fees tp be used.in conaecti�tn �ith the building cpde
� of the City of Fridley.':' ,
,, -
� Section 2. Aay pravision of khe Gity Cctde of-Fzic�ley aa
{ ':td building nr constr�ticnt �ees and in' cou#lict With the foregoi�.g
� �ti�lbedule aace ezpresely repealed.
Passed by. the C i#.jr: Cquaail ctf' ehe C i�y of � Pridl�7r. this �� , r•
. • ': �lay of , ,1464.
� � . . `
� ,,
, C i ty. C lerk ,
- ..
� -
'Firot readinas
,Second readi.ags ' � ' � .
� � ,tubliahs ' •
. , . .
; , ,
i - — _ _ ^
7 . . � . , . . ��V ..�.
� � . . . ��. _._ ,. .. � ..
�� '� � DOYOLA� MALL . . . .. � � � � �. .. 7 / 1 PROOYC[ �ANK �YIlO1N0 �
�- � �� O[OR06 M[DLYND - � � - � �
... . �L.'HOWARD �[NN[TT '� � . . � . ', « L . . . . f[OtRAL!•14r1 � �
� . . �� . LtONARDT. dUSTtI� � . . � �:0.g1iAC �L� . Z�V� . � � � � ' OIFICt� tNt �
. � TMOMAI O. /OR/�lRb . . . , ��'. • ��. . - - � Osi[D . � . � � .
� WII.LIAM M[IIIIN ' . • � � � � .
tOWA116 M. dA��1411TM COON IIA/101 ,.- . �'`
I . ,
j .
' .. :
Mr . Sar l P. Wagne r, C ity:lrlanager
City. of Fridley ' :
6431 Uniyersity. Avenu� l�
Fridley, Mianesota
bear Barl:
i .
' Under date of At�guat 3� 1964, you requeated �a ans�rer �o th� iallvNing �
� ; quea tioias ,
Caa a tavern and a private 3.2 licensee locate in
- Moon Plaza next to �he church under construction? ' �
� i�le have aothing in vv� cpde th�t is specific as �o the location of a
' liceasee in reference tt� a school g,round �r church property. There
fs nothing unde� the state statute that-is specific. Citizens get th�
�otion:tha� th�ere i� st#�m� such provi.�ion by reasQn of newa releases
�+a�ing frogt citi+��:�Kb�s`�e tl�y. have regulated th�,s matter 'by ordinsnc�.
Yours truly, '
. : ' � ; � ii�rman_ Smi�h
� _;. , . F
. : .,
its� t j� � .
;i � � . '� .. .
, . ,
� , ., .
, . , , '
� _ _ .
�S�iT.�'�� i��o � �.954
A ItFS�U��i+T l�1Bds.��T� ASSJ�SSNJ��S �'C3R PR��� I��ia 59 @N P�€.��
�C3o �SUO� $��� PARi 0� �.0'C �.�, AUll��08'S SUBT?�t`�'�S�tI�N Sd+�, 9G�,
R.fl4'i� i���� SA:[D A$S�SSI�IL�T ON �°'AR� A3�, �.�a00, $��AfG Pt�lILT �
�l?TS 9 A�1D T.� m AiJU�T�R' S SUB���SI�?1'� 1�'�Oa 94 a
WH�It��3Sx �h� s.���zs���nL �ts�.�. �.c�e�p�ed i�s� Pre�j�cL- A�o. 5� on
Ju�.y �,� :L963a by ��rnx� �.nd inac�ve�r���:c.�� p��e�d an as��ssm�x�� on
I���ce� ��, �S@0 iR �h� �unt of �i�DoQ4 anc2
6�It�k,Sa thas a���ss�eni c�as int�:�c1�d. io hav� b�a�n �SUt on Pa�c�i.
��o ��aQflg Aeacii�or'� Subdivigion 1�ov 9�0
Al�i�aTaT;, °�R�1��It� �i� ��T Kl�StiL€��s �h�� �h� a����sm�ag in the amount
�f �?�Oe43� fa�r I'r�j�ct N�e 59 i� �C��°�by abat�d o� Parc��, Nn, R500�
�udi�er�' � Subdiviaicjn. 1Q� o�4 a�:d i� �.ar�by ��p� a�d 8ad ��ans��x��d
�e �ar���. 3�0� �.$00, Auditnr'� Subdiviai�n i��e 9� �nci it is th� in��ati�n
r�ha� tlx� �.963 pffiym�nt siu� in tb� y�ar �196�a in th� amo�c�nt of $�,03060 b�
���ae��rr�c�, f�au� Paxc�� �Too �500$ Aud�L•or'c� Subdivi�i�n. i�ov 94 t�
�'�r��l�i �Teso �.�40a Audi�t�s�'� Subctivagion Ndo 9�e� a� �v��,% a� a�.t! futcure
• �aym��.�s du�o
I�AS8��1 �'"�i A��`x�;� �`i' 7� �:�i� ����� TT& `� ��� 0�' �'Ii.�LIJ�B'7Y
�S _ It�i`Y Ci�' -�. — - - - --- - �.s i96�4 e
tdAYtti� � Wi�.9.ia�oa J o Pte�
A�ST < ..
���b.' t��R � M�x�i.n �o �ru�s�aEl �
� � `79
1tES�i%i3T�ON �i�tl �,964
A RFS�i9'�:�+D�+? t�THDRAt�NC TiiB �E�LT�i�`.���A�IC?1+T 0�+° TH�
�962��, S��T ASSBSSI�i31+T� ON �OT 6q B�D�K 2, M�pitT�
� H�S ADDiTi�1Q
tir�R�AS, i�� Citq ��uncil of �hg Ci�y uf �xidi�y h�s grc�viausly
�.g;r��d �o �aithdr�w the ��rtiiication af th� et���t g����sffie�atc on t,c��
6, B�lock 2, Moor� Y,ak� Hi�.�,� Actdti�ion fs�r th� F96�a�. Stre�� Fr�sj�cts
N4Ws THf�R�I�'�RB gB �T RESi�:+'�D,. th�t th� annu��. inseaL�.men�s
previcaus�,y c�rtifi�d to the Couaty Auc�i�or fox co��,�c��aa s�e hereby
B� �� L�UATHER 1�SOI.`3F8D tha*_ such asg�ssmenfi shai�. remain a�,i�n
��ginst th� ggop�rtp aad in the event that the prng�sr�y should be
�.ei� int� twe� bui�ding �itesr the a�eessm�nt shg�.]' b� reec�gtifigd
to ehe C�esn�y gudi��r for co�,��cCioa,
• PASS�D AND AI�aPT�D B°Y THE C.iTY CC)ii'+ii�. � TF� G"�TY OF i�tiIJ�a1�Y
�'H�S i�A� ��° - - ----____��, � 9b4.
��`i`Y f�i.BRR m Marvin Co Bsunsell
P4ASPflR � Wi�.Iism .Io N�e
RSSOLUiI0�1 NOo 1964
ASSESSMh'1�TS QN N&t�4 dP' ld�� (Sx. So 551') SBCTIO�d .12 (PARCSL 600)
WH�Rfs�,Se eer��in apecia! �ssessm�at: have be�n levied with respect to
cer��in �and ar►d said land has subseque�tly beea aubdivided,
*��:OWo iHBRFF{iF� BS ZT RBSOLVBD, as follows:
Tha� tl� assesam�n� levied agaiast th,e fallowing aieacribed parcels,
�o�c�f.t: N� of NF� (Sxe S, 551 °) 3eCtion 12 (Parcel 60fl), may aad 8ha11
b� apportio�d and divided as follows:
N4J�� af NSi� iExa S. SS1 •).
section 12 EPa�gcei 6oQ )
Plat of M�adow�aor 'Tezrac:�
Re�. S. A. Fund
W-34 Wate� Main
�Css�Z� .SEW81' MS�Y1
W 3�t� Water Lateral
S&SS-248 S�orm Sew�r
SW-48A Sswer Lateral
SiJ�BA Water Lat.�ral
3W-�b8�A Watar Lateral
S��64 3�orm 3ew�r
8eg. S. A. Fumd
W-34 Water Main
S&SS-24 S�wer Main
W-34 Water I.ateral
S&3S-24B 3�orc� Sew�r
SWr48A 3ewer i+ateral
SW-48A Water I.ateral
SW-48A Water Lateral
SS•64 3tosm Seweg
� - g1
$ 1,866.24
� 6,387.94
10 ,197 .88
�y_ �i_
$ 61,?32e32
� 1,866.24
6, 387' 0 9�
2 ,439.41
� bl,?32.32
. 1964. '
CI� C�R� d Aiarrrin Co Bx�nsell
MAY08 - W£lliam J. Nee
_ . 82
�sor.,vr=c�et �oo ___._„_._
wHglt�AS, Chapt� 66p08 oi the City Coae of Fridl�y, iYlinnasota
1963, provi�s i�, "C" ior proratipg tb. seo�c charg• un�c ce�tain
co�ditiaa�s, at�8
w�t8A3, ardc�itior►al proacat3�g of �ewe�c charqes raquires aut�►-
orization by ths City Council,
DTO�+T, T�FO�tS, BS IT RSSOLVSD by the Coauicil of the City of
F'ridley that:
T�e minimu�n c�arqes far sew�ez s�vies may be pra�ated by the
m�antb fo� a�y p�riocl of tim�s less tbaa on� quart�oc yeat. �pt
ti�at no r�iutul wiil b� mad�e� fo� sa�vice biiled at the be�ginnia�g
• of a quaster ubi�as notice �ts 1a� giv� to the City prior to
tlso b�gixuzis�g of the quartos that th� accourt is to be cios9d o
THIS 3aAY OIp' e�.9'6¢ s
CI'1'Y CI�RIC - Marvin C. Bru�ell
�AY�O[t - �illi.a� Jo �te�
�:� �
gRO�i; Marvin C o Bruasell
Finance Director
.Tuly 30, 1964
StJBJECT: Te�porary Bonds £or Street Impra�vement Project Noo 19b4-1
in the amount of $65,00O,OOo
This project cavers the street surfscing coatract let June 15,
1964, for �he street surfacing wosk for 1964e
No bonds itave been issued for this coastruction previouslya
• The Regular Special Assessment Fimd does i�ave available t�apo�carily
moneq for irntestment ia bonds which will aot be aeeded for oCh�r pur-
poses priox to the expiratioa date of these boadso Pes�maiseat Bonds
will not be necessaaq during 19640
— - ��
BE IT RESOLVED By the Council af the Cit� of Fridley, Anoka
County, Minnesota, as follows: �
SEC, 1. The Cota1 estimated cost of SCreet Impravement Project No>
�� __._.v�_.._
1964-1 has been estimated in excess of $65,000.00.
SBC, 2. It is now estimated thst th�: suffi of $65,000.00 ie currently
necessary to provide finan�ing of the proj�cts alaave noted, and it
is hereby determined to be aecessary to borrow said amouat for the
payment of obligations now incurr�d and for expe�ses necessari2y in-
curred in connection with the consCruction of said impravrmeat project,
SEC. 3. There is hereby created Street Improvement ,�1964-1 Fund �_
(tennporary� which aha11 contain a coastructioa accouut as a part ther��f
into which shsll be paid all proceeds of temporary bonds issu�d pursusnt
• to this resolution aad similar subs�quent resolutions. and out of
which shall b� paid all amounts due and payable as costs or expensea
incideut to or incurred in conuection with the amking of said impro�e-
SEC, 4. There ia also hereby created in Street ImpruvEanent #19b4-t Fund
(t�mporary) a Sinking Fuud A�ccount, whicfi account in said fund ma�r and
shall b� termed as the Sinkin� Fund iato �hich fund shall be.paid the
proceeda of all special assesaneats le�vied a�,sinst benefited progerty
i�y reason of the making of said imprw�oents as well as all other e�onies
therein ta be paid as psarided by law and out of which shall be paid tbe
principal and inCereat oa all temporary imprarc�oeat bonds issued to
finsuce said projeat. �.
• SEC. 5. It i.a hereby detetmiaed that the auo� o� $65,000.00 sha11 br�
borrowed to finance said Street Impra►�eat project #1964-1 with
. .. _. _.._
_ . �S tJ
regpect to costs of construction and expenses necessarily incurred
r�lative thereto to this date, iay the isauance of t�mparary imprrnte-
� ment bonds of the City of F'ridley as suthorized in Minnesota Stgtutes,
Sec. 429.01, Subdivision 3, as amended by laws 195i, Chapter 385.
SEC, 6. Safd bonds ahall be payable fro� the Sinking Fund of the
foZlowing: Stree� Impravement Project No.1964-1 Fund but the City
fu��ther r.:cognize�, its duty under the law, as pra�vided by Sec. 429a091,
and cavenants and a�rees with the purchaser and all holders from Ci�e
to time, of said tenporary impravemettt i�onds, at or prior to the maturity
thereof that it will pay and retire such bonds and the int�rest thereon
out of the proceeds of definitive improwement bonds which the Coun.cil
shall issue and sell at ar grior to the maturity of the teaaporary
impravc:ment bonds, to the ex��nt that the s�a►e cannot be paid out of
funds awailable in the Sinking Fund of Street Improwem�nt No.1964-1
• Fund o� ��ut of oth�r muuicipal funds whi:ch are propex�.y available and
are appropriated by the Council for such purpose.
SEC. 7. It is h..reby determ3.ned to levy special assessmenta against
benefited proper'ty by rE:ason of the making of 5tzeet_.Iwpra►ement
pro ect No.1964•l and to lc�ty ad valorc�u tages, if necessaly, to pt'od�.ce
sums at least 5% in escess of the amounts sufficient to pay principal
and interest when due an said te�nporary impraarem�nt bonds and on aay
definititve bonds to �e issued as hezein grarfded, such special asaess-
ments to be placed oa the tax ro11s at such time when seid iapratement
projects have been cvmpleted or the Cota2 cost thereof has been.
SBG. 8. Said t�gorary impravemeat boads in the amount of $6S,Q00.00
shall lse denominated Street L+�xavement Project No.19b4-1 Bond Series
• "A" (te�porary) shall be thirteen (13) in n�ber aad n�bered from 1
to 13 iaclusive, each f.a the denanination of $S,000.00, ahall bear
' inteseat at the rate of 4�� per ann�, payable sc�oi-annua].lY on February lst
�� 8�
and August lst of �tch year and shall matur� on August lst, 1966,
sha11 be subject to redemptioa and pre-payment on aay interest pay�aer.t
• dat�, at par aud accried interest. Not l�ss than 30 days before the date
specified for rede�nption of said bonds, the City Treasurer sha21 mai2
notice of the call thereof to the holder, if known, said Trea�sure�r shall
maintain a record of the anmes and addresses of th� holders of said boads
insofar as such information is made availabl� to him by the ho2ders tkereof,
for the purpose of mailing said notices. The principal and sll in�erest an
said bonds shall b� payable at Fridle�r Citjr iia1.I, 6431 University Avcaue_ NoE.
Minneapolis, 21, Miun�sata.
SEC. 9. Said temporsry imprave�nent bonds sha11 have attached t�hereto
an interest coupon which Bond aad Coupan ahall be $ubstantially iz� the
following form:
(Form of Coupoa)
• (Unless the bond described below is called far earlier redemptiion)
On the dgy of , 19 �, the � of �,
, Minnesota, the sum of
DOLLARS lawful. money of the Uai�ed States of Amerfca for interest thec
due on its
Dated .
Manager Mayor
SEC. 10. Said bonds and coupons attached shall be prepared under the
dir::ction of the City Manager and shall be executed oa behalf of the
City by th� si�natures of the Mayor and 1Kanager, and the corporate s�al
of the City shall be affixed thexeto, and the appurtmnant iaterest Goupon
• shall be mimeographed and authemticated, by the print�d, engraved,
liChographed, or facsimile signaturea of said Mayor aud Manager, When
said bonds have been executed and authenticaCed they shall be delir�ered � ��
by the Treasurer to the purchsser thereof, ugan payment of the,pu��c:hase
• price heretofore agreed upon and accrued interest to date of del:very
and said purchaser shall not be obliged to see to the applicati�n thereof.
SEC. 11. The City M,ansger is hereisy suthorized $n�d directed to file
a certified copy oi this resolution with the County Auditor ��f Anoka
County, togethex with such other information as he shall require and
to obeain from said County Auditor a certifieate that sai� bonds hav�
beeti ent�red on hi"s bond regist�ro
SEC. 12. The Bonds iasued hereunder shall ise payable frc►m Street
Improvement �1964-1 Fund which is hereby created. The Treasurer shall
cause alI monies received fran the proceas of said bonds, all moaies
appropriated and transferred fram other funds and all special assess-
ments for the improvements prwided th8t if any payment of priacipal
or interest shall becc�e due when there �s not sufficient mon�y in
• said fund to pay the s�ee, the Treasur�r shall pay such priucipt�l or
interest fran the geaeral fund of the City and auch fund shall i��
reimburs�d for such advances out of moaies to be credited to said
fund when said monies are collected. All proceeds for said boncls
except accru::d interest shall be credited to the fund and used to psy
the cost of said impra►emants.
SLC. 13. It is further pravided that should.it appear at any time that
th� moniea credited to said fund and pratided for the paycuF:at of
principal or interest on the bonda whea the sums becmae due are not
sufficient to pay the sam�, that than the City shall issue further
definitive impratement bonds as authorized and pravided in accordaace
with Minnesota Statutes, Seco 429.091, Chapter 475, and thst the proceeds
of said furCher definitive bonds shall be first us�d to pay the principal
� and interest as is then due and to redeem the temporary bonds issued
_ .. ��
SECo 14. The City Council has determined that not less than eighty
per cent (80�) o€ the total cost of said impravements will be paid
� by special asseasments to be levied against every 1ot, piece or parcel
of land benefited by the sa�d impra�vements. The City hereby cav�nants
and agr�:es that it will do and perform, as soon as tihey can be done,
all acts and things necessary for the £inal sad vaZid 2evy of such
special assessinents, sad in the event that any such assessments be
at any time held invalid with r�spect to any lot, piece or parcel of
land, du� to any �rror, defect or irregularity, or in any action or
proc�eding taken or to be taken by the Council or any of the City
Offieers or �nployees, either in the mak:.:ng af such assesmment or in
the performance of sny coaditioa precedent thereto, th� CiLy and this
Council will forthwith do all such further proceedings as may be
required by �aw to make sueh assessments valid and hinding Iiens
against such property, and also shall take such further proceediags
• as �ay b� required by l�w to pravide monies for the pay�seat of
principal aad interest as Che s$aae fal.l due an th� bands issued here-
under and to prwide far the redemptian af the same.
SEC�. 15. It is hereby determined that the collection of specisl assess-
ments and the proceeds of moniea appropriated and traasferred fram
other fuads is sad will be in an amount of at l�ast five per ceat (S�)
in eaccess of the am�unt required to pay the pYiacipal of �Rd the iaterest
an said bonds whea due and that no ad valorem tax levp is accordingly
SBC. ].6. The officers o! the City aad the County Auditor of Moka
CounLy are bereby suthorized aad directed to prepare aad furaish ta the
purchasex of ssid bonds and to the attorneys appra�ring the legalitq
of the issuance thereof, cestified copies of all proceedings aad records
• relating to ssid boads aad to the fi�sacial affairs of said City, aad
auch other affidavits, eertificatea, sad iafarmstioa a� cmay be required,
. ��
to show the facts relating to the le�ality aad �arketability of said
• bands as the same appear fram the book� and records under their custody
and control or as otherwise known to them, and such certificates,
c�rtified copies and aff3davits, including any heretofore furnish�d,
shall be deemed representations of the CiCy as to �he correctness of
all statements con�ined thc:r��n.
� �
i�C��7VL�IO� �OO���
BE IT RESOLVED By the City Counail of the City of Fzidley, Anoka
County, Minmesota, as follovs:
THAT WHEBEAS It has heretofore been determiaed byr this council to
issue temporarq imprawenent bonda in order to pratide the necessary
funds for the construction aad payment of expenses relativ� to the
following imprwement projeets: to-wit:
Street Impravem�nt Project No. 1964-1
as p�:r Elans and apecifications approved by the City Council: and
W�ERF�AS It has been determined that there is at the present time an
amount in �xcess of �b5,0U0.00 in the following fund to-wit:
• r
which sum� will not be required for other purposes prior to Au�ust 1,
IT IS THEI�FORE determ�tned to be in �h� interest of the City of 1�'ridley
that the svm of $85i000.00 of Special Assessnaent Fuad (Sinking Accouut)
BE INVBSTBD as suthorized by lew �td in accosdance therewith it is hereby
determi,ned Eo purchase�.the sum of $65,000.00 of the aforementioned Stre�gt
7mpro�vement P�roject No. 1,964-1 Bonds Series ''A" temporary issued under
date of August.l, 1964.
UPON their initial i,seuane� in sccordaace wi.th the provieions of Mian-
esota StatutE�.s Sec. 429.091, 471.Sb.and 471.56; out of the fuuds in
Itegular Special Assessmeat Fund ( Sinkfng Account ) and on behalf
of said fund at par aad accrued interest as of the date of deliverg of
� said bonds aad completion of such sale; it b�ing further determiaed
ta be reasonsble and advantageous to Sinkiag Account of the Ragular.
Special AssessmenC Fund to imtest in ssid tc�uporary impravement boads
• �.I1�I ta be r�asonable and advantag•:ous to the City to s�ll said
, teu�porary imprav�=m�nt bonds to the Sinkin� Account of the Regular
Special Asse�sment Fund, in accordaac� with the prwisions of this
SEC. 1. The City Manager and Treasurer axe hereby authorized and
directed to talce any and all steps+ necess�ry to effect th� p�oRtisions
of the aforegoing resolution and �o make such Cranafer of funds as anP:y
1�e necessary fram time to time to give ef�ect to th� pratisioas hereof.
, 19
� 92
pur8v�ar:t to due call arid riaitice �hereof s a regu].ar �ting cf
Ths City Gouncil of th� City of Friclley was �ditlY belc� s� th+s City
�iall vf said City o� the lTt4� d�y of Augus�ke 1964, at 8:00 o°eloe�]t
1'h� %liowing m�b�rs were prss�ts
T'he �ollvwing a�s8 ware absenta
Couu�cilman .,,^.,_,,,a„�, inttociuced the foll�awir�g Resol.ution and
m�ovacl its adop oti:.
R830LTFPIO� nlOe �,�
Wf1SRSA.S, these is � need to ar�q�ire ad�itional laiids abuttix�g
• a�d surroundi�g th�.present site of the City Hall of the City of
Fridl�y f�s tl�e purpose of parkiYLg auci accoss o
�t�Ts Z�g�gpRg, .gF IT ggSpLV�JDB by the City Council of tlaa City
af Fridley as follvwsa `
1 o T'hat it is sreeessa�ry faac the pwcpose of acquiri�sg adequate paxkixx,�
and aecess to the existi.ng C�ty iiall sitt that Lots 7, 8a 9. 1,08
an�d 11• Block 2, Re�eB A�ddltic�, AAOka Cs�untys Mitunesota, be acquirado
2 o T'hat the attoxx�s foac the Ci�ky aice auu�ho�izeci s�c1 dir�ctecl to �
a�iire au�ch lauds by conde�atioqa s�ion in Aaoka Cou�rt-Y District
7.'t►e mo►ti�n foor tlie adopti�a of tihe %are�goirig R�solutiosi was duly
sa�carad�cl by Cou�acilm� , a�nd upo� vo�e beiaq t�►k� �htreon,
�h� follvwi�g votsd i.Y� favar �hereof:
Z'iaos� agair�t a
:1.; ' •'� � i t i;� ► : M � ^+: � ' � 1� / • ' ►
• D�AY OF . 1964 0
CI'�'Y �LSRK — l�arvia C o Br�sell
I1AYO�t — Willi� Jo D1es
WHEREAS, th� City Council has previously authorized certain c�acp�a-
diCures b�yot►d the budgeted amounts a1loGated to .th� vsrious departments
of th� City's General Fund as 8nticipated in the 1964 budget, including a
u�w fire station buildingo �
NOW, THEREFORE, BB IT RRSOLVED, 8y the City Council of the City of
Fridley, meeting at a regular session on the 1Tth day of August, 1964,
as follows:
1. That an additional transfer £ran the Municipal Liquor Fund to
the General Fund in the amount of $6,i77e9U be autharized, aad
fit�at the bud;;et of the Fire Activitq of the General Fund be increased
by $6,777090.
2.. That a trans�er from the public Utility► Operating i�und to the
Impravement Boads of 1960 in the amount of $5,312.00 be suChor-
iacd for the purpose of reducing th� �ax l�vy for th� y�ar 1964, collec-
tibl� iu th� year 1965.
i3. That a transf�sr from the Public Utility Operating Fund �a th�
Impravem�at Bon� of 1963 F'uud in th� amount of $29,644.00 b�
authorized far the purpose af reducing the tax levy for tti�s year 1964
collectible in the qear 1965.
4. That a tranafer fr� the Public Utility Operating Fund to the
Refunding Bond Fund in the amouue of $15,309v00 be authorized for the
purpose of reducing tha tax levy for the year 1964 collectible ia the
year ].9b5.
MAYOit - William J. Nee
MANAGBB - Earl Pu Wagner
CITY CLSR� - Marain C, Brunsell
�� ' ��
IMPR(nTEKFNi PAbJ� N0. 1962-�
MINNE40TA, As �ollan�ets
:.o It is hereby de�termfned that the ae�eesible caat of aon-
struction �i.th reapect to the folla�in� named inrprovement to-xit:
STR�$T irsP�av�ENT PAD.Tk� No. i962-�.
including sll incidental expe�aes thereto ig eatfmated at $ 1�l�,63t�.30.
2e The City Mana�er �r3th the saaietance vP the Clerk aha11
�ortY�vith cslculate the praper amozurts to be apecially asseeaed ibr
said impravement againat every aaaeaaible lat� pieae or parcel ot
land benefited by sal,d in�prrn►ement according to ]sw.
0�+" , 19GI�.
� ._o....._.,.,..�......�...._..._-
• . e
ri� �� �� = � � , ,
� • ..ar . agner
� �
�. 1962�1t
WHEREAS, by a reaolutian pa�aed by the Cauncil on Auguet 17, 1961r, the
; City Clerk wae directed to prepare a prapoaec� asses�me�rC ot the coat ot
AND WAEREAS the C�erk has notifYed the connail that �uuoh p�ropoaed
aaseasme�st r�11 haa been completed ar�3 tiled in his ot'fice !'o� public
1. The City Council eheli meet st the City Ha].1 in the City oi
Fric)].ey, Anoka County, Mir�nesotay on the 8th day o! 3eptea�er,
196l�� at 8:00 P.M., �Eo pae�e upon the progosed aaaeeamer�t
to r the �'ollarirag nmrted i.mproveeent �
3TR'$8T INIPi�9IM84T Pi�J.TDCT 1�0. 1962-l�
2 a The C�,ty MAaager �he11 publ3ah no�Eices oP t2be time aad place
ot t6a mseting in the official nenepaper ot tha City, at least
t�ro- (2) t�ieeks prior to auoh n�eeting.
�' , 19bl� e ..._.._.._
'r . ; ^ yt
A'�'�' i
� � � � 6
• 2' • �l1ei
� tJ
� ��
� Notice ia hereby given that the Council ot tiie City o� Ia'r�.d?eq irill meet
at t�he Ci��r Na11 in aaid City on the 8th day o�' September, 196l�, at B:Od ogcZock
PmMo t� h�ar and pa8s upon a7.1. ob,jectione, if ar�y,, to the proposed saseeamenta
in reanec� to the Pc�Ilawing imprrnrement, ta W3ia
STR� IMP1i�VEM�NT PAOJ��CT NO o 1962�i,
The propoeed asae�sment roll for e�ch oF �eisi 3mpraPements ir� narr on file
srx' ooen to public inrrpect3,on i7y all persone intereeted� in the off3.ce oP the
CY�rk af aaid Cit,y.
�At eeid hearin� the Council w�i1l. �onsider wri�te� nr oral objectione ta
the propo�ed e�aessmen�Es Por each of ea3d impro�vemeriie.
The general nature ot 4,he improvemente and each of them ie the conatruction
of atreet �rfacin� a�nd bi�uminaua curb, and concrete atreet surfacir� arbd
concrete curb, fn the lands arri �treets dssi�nated ae follaw�:
1, �3rd Avemie • tThiveraity Avenue to Ab1e Street
20 58th Avenue -?th Street to Jeffereon Street
� 3o Waehi.n�ton Street 4�8th Aoern�e to 59th Avenue
t� ��'eftex�xon Stra�t �_• 58th Avax�u� �ta �'9�'h A.v�s�ue
'i°he area pxopo�ed �o ta� �iassa�ed �'or a�i� ir�prr��er,r��a�a �nd eaci� ot them
� e�11 t,hat l�nd benetit�d b�r ��i.d imprc�sr�en'�a �r e�sch o� �hsm � 1YinB
�vi�ti�in, +�d�acen� �o� orr �fl�htan one bloak ��`, �hs �''�ave n�ted e$ree+tsa
5eid �.m�;►ra�vNnien�e� s�ri:Li. be �s�e�sed m��in�t �a� pz�per�tig� �.�thfn the
�bave n�Eed ax�e�� in �oie ar in part prapor�i.on�t��.g� ta e�c% a�' �h� I�rx�s
therein contained �ccordin� to the benefita receiv�d.
6P' 1°NE a:TTY COtfiTLiL�"T�AE CITY t� .
.AT'T`ES� s
CI'�Y CLFRK a M�x�in C. Brunsell
- am o ee
� r o ,agn;er '°..
RS80LUTION I30o�,_
NOW, THIItEFORB BE IT Ri:SOLVED By the Ci.ty Counail of the City of
Fridley, Anoka County, Mi�nesota, at a regular r�eti.�g thereof on Au�ust 17,
1964, that the Eollowi.ng people are hereby appainted �o act ag judges
for the Septemt�er 8. 1964 election, except that the C;�ty Clerk is hereby
authoriud to �ppoint qualified substitutes in cases of conflict or interest
as ae� farth in Chapter �i, Seetion 4.05 of the City Char�er.
Ward 1 Pr�cinct 1- 679 Qegistered Voters �- 5 judg�s each shif t
, Mrso Geo�ge Norton Rep. ,
Mrs, Walter trl�stroa� Bep.
Mr. Ing.: Siv�erts Rep.
' Ward ! Precinct 2- 1143 Registered Yoters - 8 judges esch shift
,• Mrs e Wil l iau► Jensen Bep. .
Mrs. Warren Olson Rep.
Mr. 8oger Kaye Rep.
Mr. George Wa12in Bep.
War@ � Preciact 3� 868 Begistered ooters - 6 judgea each ahift
Mrss Rod Sward Seg.
Mrs, John Perry $ep.
Mrso Joyc� Schm£dt Bep.
Page 2
Ward 1 Precinct 3 (�on•t)
Col. William HoPfman �ep.
• N1r. Loui$ �Syinck Rep.
Mrs, Winnie Tormoen 8ep.
W�rd 2 Precinct A- 1409 Registered 9oters - 10 judges each shift
Mrs. Verlettia Fowler Bep.
Mrse Harold Jans�n �ep.
Mrs. Dale Hadtrath Rep.
Mra, W, B. Sims' Rep. •
Mrse Betty Bi�ter Bep.
Mr. Iiarold �lsrud Bep.
Mr. Norlan Le� Rep.
Mr. Gerald Adams Sep,
Mrs. M�rlys Wollum Rep.
Mr. Calvin Hagberg �ep,
Ward 2 Prec£net 2- 1�26 Qegistered Voters - i0 judges �sch st�fft
Mrs. Gearge Bacon �g.
Mrs. Sichard Kiasman Bep.
Mrs. Jerry Knutsoa B�ep.
Mrs. Bdythe CoZlins Bep.
Mr�. Smily Lorson 8�p.
' Mrs. Margaret Kaudsot/ Bep.
Mr. Jamea Piemal �Bep.
Mr. Tom Cochra� Rep.
' Mrs. Sylvia ��ars� �ap.
Mrae Janice Drigans R�p. �
• '
Fag� 3
Ward 3 Preciact 1- 991 8egistered 0oters - 7 judges each shift
• Mrs. 8ay Williams Bep.
Mrs. Brnest Powell Bep.
I Mrs. �ylvi� Korthof Rep.
Mrs. 3. S. Naalatid Rep.
Mr� 8ichard Ditter �ep.
Mr. A1 Paine Rep.
Ward 3 Fracinct 2- 1096 Begistered Voters - 8 judgss each shi.ft
Mra. Laurence Anderson Rep.
Mr. R�ichard Lovii.en itep.
Mrs. Ing 8os�ing Rep.
Ms, Roger Harstad 8eg.
Ward 3 Preciact 3- 831 gegistered ov�ers - 6 j�dges each shift
Mrs. Darwin Beck B�p.
Mrso $lmer Zummach Rep.
Mrs. Ronald Whitcomb 8ep.
Mr$e Paul Petersoa Bap.
Mrs. Deraan Jacksoa R�ep.
Mrs. D. B. Meneely Rap.
I .
^ ��
Page 4
That the follawing judges are herebq appointed to act as chairwo�men
• of th� Siection Board for th� precincts designated and shall hav� the
duties as aet forth in Section 203.23 of Mi.nnesota Statu�es.
�lard 1 = Pr�ci.nct 1
Ward 1 - Precinct 2
Ward 1 - Precinct 3
Ward 2 - Prscinct 1
Ward 2 - Precinct 2
Ward 3 - Preainct 1
Ward 3 - Precinet 2
Ward 3 � Prccinet 3
Comp�naation �or �aid judgea w's1I be at the rate of 51.50 per hour.
CITY CLBBK - Marvi.a C. Bruns�Il
MAYOR - WLi1 m J. Nee
CITY MANAGBB - Barl P. Wagaer
Wa�d 1 Precinct 1
Mrs. Donna Marcussi
Mss, Rona�d 8�nda11
Mrs. Howard 3�hca2tz
Wsrd 1 F10EC�.ACt 2
Macs. Kathy Luhs��n
Mrs. Dorig Hqline
Mrs. Barbara Swart
Mrs. [Gen�eth McClellan
Mrs. Fesa Conar
Mts . Dotuu Larsan
I�s. Sva -i�atmek
Ward l Precinet 3
Mrs, Ariene Peterson
Mrs. Bvelyn 3elinski
Mrs. Walter Nalao�n
Mrs. Colletta Bourdeaus
Mrs. Doaqa Johnaan
Mr�. :Gloria Vya
Mrs. Gloria Swanson
Mrs. Marie ii�egius
W�r�d 2 Precir�e� 1
Mr�. A�rv�l Petersom
Mrs. Maxia�e Aioadlot�
Mrs. Lee Mondlah
Mrs. Betty Alfredscn
Mrs. Gloria Good
Mr�. Ba�a Ziegler
Mrs. Gracti Ludw�t.g
41ard 2 Precfnet 2
Mss. BeLty Johaerad
Mts . I.oi.s Mui len
Mrsa Grac� Ma�ley
Mra. iSathlaen Jamisau
. •L/�•W q
Page 2
Ward 3 Precinct 1
• Mra. Bettq Robertson
Mss. �rese Goldfus
Mrs. Geo. Danielso�►
Mrs. £sv�elyc► Stone
Mss. Donaa Mathews
Mrs. Dave Harris
Mrs. �laadr 3kaaden
Mrs, LaAerne Hoifman
Mrso Everette Heule
Mrs. Millie Greig
Mrs. Rosella Amar
G�a�d 3 Precinet 2
�rs. Fdwar@ Ha�com
Mrs. Chgistiae Pt�ersaa
Was�d 3 Preci.t�ct 3
CITY CIBRK - Marvin C. Brt�aaell
• A RESOI�iJT�C1A3 D�.SI�NR`3'.iNG �LECTIOI�i JliDG�S FaR TH�: S£�'`1'LI+�3E3� 8� 19��a ELECTZON
�TOiv' THF.A�FOR�: HE IT :�:��SflLYED By �k�E City Ca�aa.ca_1 n�' the Ci�y of
Frid�.�y� Anaka Cotu�fi�y� Minnesatas at g regsaZar m.ee�ia�g tii�reo� ore Augus� 1.74
1961�� that ih� �ollvwing per�pl.e are hex�eby �ppoint�ci to r�et as judgee
gar th� Scp�t�r�ber 8, 196�. e1.ec�ifane excep� that the City Clerk is hereby
authorized to appoin� c�ua],3fied subs�iitut��� in cas�� o� canflict or interes�
as e�t fo�h in Chap��r l�y Sectaon 4005 Qf the Ci�y CY�ar��r
Z•��RD �. ��RECSNCT 1� a79 Re�istered Foters = 5�udg�s each shift
�^,rss George Norton Rv
Mrsa Walter N,ostrom fto
Mrso ftonald Ra.ndall Do
Mrs o Michael. Kuzl�y D. .
g;�x'se L8ori8 NObley D o
Mrm Txzg Siverts Ho
�rs, Jacqueline Bovy D.
A�:rs o Howard Schult� D.
r�a.- A. a. a.tt� �,o
Mrs. l7ou Roo�be�rg R.
�+ard 1 da Precinat 2� 1.11+3 Registered Voters —$ judges each ahift
• B�irso William Jensen Ro
MMr'S o Y� arr�n Olson R a
Ntrs, Mary Schr�iner iD4
Mrs o Nlargaret t1%ben Dd �
Mrs o Joyce McClell.en I3o
Mrse Barbara Swart Do
N.a�so i�h►a Matzek Ie
�Sraq Daris Nyl3ae R,
o ger n�y o se s .
r1r, George Wallix� Ro
Mrs, Dorothy Houck De
Mrs, $�verl,y �tsay Ds
P✓rs, Anita Rocheford i?o
iSxo J�m.es Abbett D.
A'�S. F�11 �'+OAa7.' I.
Wa�d 1� Precinct 3 ro�b6 Registered Voter�e — 6 judges each shif�t
Mrso Rod SSurrard R.
I�rs e J'ohn perry R.
�ir�a Joyce Schm3dt Ro
Nrs o k'lsie Orr Da
�lrs, Call.ette Bourdeaux D.
N�xso Lill.ian Wegler po
Pag� 2
'�;ard 1 Precinct 3 �Canot)
�vla Wi.l.lia�► Hoff�an
IYI�°a Lo�ai� E�..nck
riirso ttiin�a3.� Tormoen
�ars . A+�adunna Johnson
i�rs a Gla�i.a Vy�e
P�',rs � Gloaria Swan�on
j} s
� ��ard 2 :�'rc�ai�ct 1 � �.1�09 Registe�es� Voters �
� �1rs o Verlet'trx Pawler
A�e � Hamid Jansen
2�',xs e Dale Hadtraih
�'ti'9 n yY • � o J� �
Mrsm Bet�y Jean Ri�ter
i�irse Ce�aZxa l�an�;�
Nlrs. Maxin� Motrodloh
A;r� a T.�e �iondloh
Mrso J�n3c� H�b3egen
�irs o Adei3ne Ha�dle
N1r o Haro�.d alsxud
Mrn Morlan Z.se
A�iro Gerald As3ams
�+1ra o Marlya Wollum
P�ir � �s2v3.ra Hagber�
Mre m Virginia Loc:ker
I�rs� Shirley Pitala
hirs� Ha�el And�rson
I�srs o Rose Jagpe�°
r;rs � Ethel J..ong]Lois
�. o
a! a
i0 ��ad�es �ach shii'b
4;ard 2 Precinct 2 �]1+26 Regis�ered Voiers -� I� judges each shiPt
Mrso Georg� Bacon
Mrso Richard Kinsman
l�irs o Jerry Knut�on
Njr. s. F.c�+'the Co17.i.ne
Mrs a �mi.iy LarBOn
Mr� 4 Edita''i Evans
Nsso Adea.ine Swanson
N�rs o Jayce Cornwe7l
Eileen Fr��man
tiiar�arete Julkdwski
2�1rs a Margaret Knudsox�
�ir� James Plemel
Y3ro Tan Cochran
Mrsm Sy1v3.a Marrs
A�,rs. Janiae Driggans
Mx�, Douglas White
N,rs o IwFargB ret ICorin
Mrs o Mexine F�rans
Mrso Iucille 4�estern
h?r Daeid Schaaf
� �
Page 3
�r;ard 3 Precinct 1 m 9Q1 Registerad Vvters — 7 judge� e�ch �h�.f't
Aiz��v R� Wi�.Iiama Ro
I • tl'�r,s. t�ral Jaoob�en �to
Mr�p Sylvia K�r�tho� Ro
Mx°s a I�u��.h M.olinara Ao
3�s � �o�°¢�i:hy Skaaden �e
��s o r�ss�le�n� Va�.Z.ii..n �o
' tlrso Mari3,yn lFr�..nzen Do
I�.rs e E7�a� ��ohnson
�irs m S a Ro Ha.a�and.
�iro �ichard Ditter
�zr o f��. Pa:i,.n�
�� a �hr�re�� Go3df'us
Nro Dav3.d Chast�n
Mrs n Jaan Y�olte�r
tiar�. 3 Precinct_ �— 109b R�gis�er�d Votera ��# �ud.�es each shift
Mrso 7�aur�n�e Arader�on �.o _
hTrsW I.oi� k�t+�aon Da ..
A'ir�o Ann Devore D,
Mrso Jean John�on A.
Mrea Margaxet 1�u4;ller p�
2�ira. Etheayn Nelsa�n A•
N:rs. Ya1mt� Pix�s R.
I��s. Jolm f�e�ara R.
a�irn Riahard Lovlien
i�rs o Ing Rossin�
��irp Roger Haarsta.d
A�,rs o Joyca Bai�y
Mrs. Gxac� Sxe�da
l�lr� o�:as y Lrau I�ne
�frso Be�iy Sk�ex�rolu
I•5rs. J�n Brt�de�
r� @
�) n
�,�,-�;:�i �Precinct 3� 83]. Registered UQters — 6,jutiges eaeh shift
I�s a Dax�win Beak Ro
i�Irrs o E1mor Zummach "
Mrsd Ronald Y�hitcomb R.
�lrsv M�r�are$ Kurak Da
Nurs o JEan Phelan D.
Mr�, He1en Treuenfels Da
Mr �o Pau� pecl�r�on R.
N�rsa Vernon Jackaon R,
A�xso Do Ee Meaeely Ro
Nirso Bmtty Tdelson Ao
Lester'Hungerfoxd D•
Edward Fitzpati�i�k Do
` "?� �;� _�
"�ha� ��e ioilc,�rir.� j�acT�;�:� .�..,,: ..�:.���.:'bg� ���ainted �.a �c� a� ahai�ao�en
��' '��;� �slr:�t°�s� Bc�a�c� ��� ���:� aa� ;.��.� �; �,� �i^��.�a�.a�c��. ���� �ha31, h��re �I�
� • �����:%�:;� ,v� n�:� f:orti� �r �:���:�.:�or. �(�.:'s��:� �a� �3.t���*.sc��.�a 5�,a�u��:�„
�it',:., .. -, a�i',~:::�.YY�� . %�L'8,� �01'EA�.C� �8il�.a. y+ �`'�L'• � S�.VI°JI''�8
��t� :-� �. � a������.�c�. a 2�re. M�r 5chreine� - N�s. Fe�n Conar
F.��a: c� �-�rc..> e�:a�c � 3 Mt'�. Coll�tte Boltrdeawc - Mrs. Q�.O�is Yye
r=7���d 2 w�9� :iBact I Mra. L�ae Mondtoh - Mr. G�ald Adams
'�J4;�:�'e 2 �� ?r:'k"�sr�.�5�� 2 i'�`Ao �'901'�8 �COYl � %'%`8• T'Sal`,�8r'Bti 1{YYltC�Bb�I
;���'� 3 -^ �'��:�i.tt�E� 1 MI'8• pOPO� S1S8$CiAY! �+ �i'a� i�l�'086 �iOZC�11A
j�fa�� �; F,� 3.„ �ags :,� 3,�g ��„ �-. ?' P'11"3. L0�.8 RSW90Y! ■» Ml`s. � R088�'
�K,G���. :� . ����:�:�.c�.r�. � I�irse �er Zwm�os�ch - Nir. Edaard Fit�pat,riok
Gc�z��e�a�:�'��.��s �crr �aiai ;��d�c�;� zzi.l.�. i,� �� tkae ra��. �f ��.�t3 g�r houro
.�i`a ��Si.:
.�s...a�.,�» �..�..�.,.s...o<...m..,.s_
C�'1'Y vi. s� K» M�rv�.�. Cd i3�uu�s�:11
A�A�{�R — W�.3,1 i.� ��' d l��e
(A?�'w"Y rs.���A����t �� ii��1. �r �ia%gu��
�.sorarr=o�a �. __,��,_,_
• •,: ,,, ::x�?!c �;,., � s � r
WBSR$AS, a s�vice road is ico be cot�stsuct�d f=o�ct Osborne Raa�
�ortheast am �ee no�ti► to Firo�id� Driv�a Northeas� at tha south
t�rminus ia the City of Fridl�y, a�d
W►�LBRSAS: this se�'viae xoad will pasallel T.�i a#65, atad
W►�BRBAS, a r.�qu�tst has b�t rsceived to nam�e this service roaci
Visan Road.
NOW. 'l�iiSFC?� e B� Ii' RSSO7.V�i1 • by the COUtxiCil of �h� City of
I�'r�.dle�y tha'tz
Secticn 1: � seacvias road baut�ded can the no�th by Osbooc�n�
� Road Pto�theast arid o� the �outh by Fi.reside Drive
Northeast will be xs�med ar�d laao�vri as V3sot� Road o
S�etio�t 2� � City Cl�rk �.s h�oc�by c��ected to register sa�.d
�ge of gts� �s wi�h tlae pr� authc�itia�
far �noka Cown�y �d witla the �zo,p� postal authar�.t�.�:�m
CITY CL�RK — Ni�vit� C. Brunsell
l�lAYO� - Willi� J. Ns� •
Jt3L7C, �.964
i964 1963 TBiB YSAS I.AST YEAR
Besidtatial �,1 41 144 �.36
S�sid�ntiei Garages 12 13 49 85
Alterations � Additions Y 4 2? 38
Meeltipl� D�lling� 1 11 15 28
Ca�+aercial 0 0 2 7
Yadustrial. 0 1 6 4
l�n�cipsl 0 0 0 0
Chu�che8 & Schoo�� 1 0 3 0
Hc►�pitals 0 0 0 0
Signs Y �, 7 9
Moving 0 R 1 1
�7 72 254 308
Seating 55 4� 237 �,99
P�n�ing 50 S9 228 259
�l�ctrical 52 60 331 360
�.57 R 0 796 8�,8
xe�idential Garages
A�t�rstians b Additions
Mu�tiple Dowe113s�gs
D� e
Chnrches 6e Schools
88TII�fA�BD �/l�UATIOT�3 0� BIII�DII�G P93RM3T3 �S�D
$204, 500
Y40, 000
506, 320
� 645r900
37, �r20
493, �0
$Z' 2�31 r�+0�
�OS s 8�8
66 g 7E30
4 ��
Hoapitals �0� �Om �0- �0�
Signs 150 200 1s630 2,780
Maviag �0- 250 =0- 250
$ 9,7 9 1aA07,7 5,07 ,�34 3,649,272
JULYs 1964
.,� : �:
, �,
H:1' :d' .
:�. �
. ��i �:E�� i,�
. � ;�; .
� . :�� -
c� : r `
� ,: �,
;;�►,� r:�
:�� � , =; �
51 $ 765
22 330
38 - 570
76 1,900
43 645
0 0
34 510
4 60
6 90
39 585
3 45
9 �35
� �5
p�T �RS T�tPL Y 964 �.963 TO DATB TO DA'T�
#7112•7138 BUII.DII� � $1,162 $�a684 �7,672 $7,062
#`4457m4r50� �&BCTRICAL , 1,265 827 5,594 5,392
1,297 592 3,872 3o�3E
?71 19282 3,b87 4,744
5 4 30 45
$4,500 ,g4,389 $20,855 $20,374
S 0�' PA�S A1�D Pi�A`�ROiJHDS StB-00�1TSB � AU�ifS� 3� g964
Th� m��ti�g w+�s caE�ed to oxder by Chaisma�e Thcmpsoon at 70 3fD PQ P�� �g ���
Mid�,and Co-op Offi��o
A�S�SS�O� OF �BA(� t�OS� HO1JbtS
A c�o�iis$ hour for the beach is r�ported to be w�d�r c�siderati�a, Susvei�l�n��
of the beach has beam s�vereby lundicapped by lack of a steted closis� hcur this
y��►� o A lerge number of brok� boteA,ea have besn fo4md oaan the beach a The Ci�y
po�ic� have iadicat�d that ei�ce pe�le luve the right to swim at th�ir aw� sisk
at aay tims� th� ��ic� t�v� d3fficulty in kaowin$ who shauld be an th� b�acho
I�tion by Hu�h�se secatd�d bq Skjervold, that the record shaw that the opi�aion
of ths Sub��am�itt�e is that the beach should be closed at 10:00 P, M, ea�ch nighto
Mo�ion ���riedo
�t is the vadersta�ding of the SuboCa�nittee �hat the preseat park ordin�ace
debe����s th� power uf setti�g hours of us� for psrks to the Sub-Co�itteeo
I�ata 20�25 in Black BBA Riv�rview fleights, ase offer�d fax sale to us for �650040
e�h p�us asaessm�atso Motian by 8ughes, aecondsd by S�sa�� that D��.in be
� authoriLzed ta proce�d witb aequisitiaa of these �ots at a totatl price not to
eacce�d �3ASA0,00 includin�g al� assensments aad tau�so Mation c�rriedo TYiis
pu�chsse is part of the lo�g term plan fos lsnd acquiaitian, Purchase wilA be
chaac�ed �gaiaast the ba�ad ��couat m
1�egotiatia► for 9,aad south of the sxtstiag pagk �t Capit�� and Hugh�s h�s beguffio
l�o price has be�a s�C9 but oae� ia expected to b� sst this weeko Donaiia wi�i
eoatinu� negotiati�s and have a firm desl set up for d�isiaa et ths m�xt
me�tizt,g of the Sub-Caamittee o
Bids ��c�ived for co�stxu�tian of the Moore Lake Bea�h iio�se w�r� g�� too hi$ho
�°he �a�r bid was $l5,504o Ori�i�al estimate was $b1�600o B��e�tian by
Dac��in that wa get new �informal� setimates und coQ►sid�r the possibi�,ity of
contract�.ng ths job owcs�lves Aatsr this year or in th� Sp�ix�ge 1'b� Sub�Cammit��e
�uthoriz�d DanAia� . to proce�d s�ad requsated hfan to repoyrt at the next mee�i� o
�Coti� by Skjervo�,d� secoaded by Hv,ghesD.
I�O�I� 1'AR�►
T�ocati�n of �sphs�t coua�t at �ark is suggnatsd for s�ce weet af pseeent picni�
�rou�do Artiaes deferxed uatil the avgrall pba� %�r th� �atk is �r�s��atad by
� ���n W���aceo
I�I�BS OP PARtGS AIiD PL1l�R�0UiQD3 S1YB�C�IITl'SB m AU�ST 38 �964 �Gaxtinued�
Dan�ii� Wi.l� inataA� a driakia� faunta�n at the sh�Rter thia maatho
�F �O�SH
Spe�ia� cammittee coneid�ri�g a�1� c�urs� tor Frid�eyr inteads to make a re�ort
short�y �ft�r August 17a 19640
A pse�osed ameu�dmecet to Ch�t�r 78 consides�ci by the City G�utci� at the �uA,y 7
me�ting was ra£erred to the Sub-Co�nmitteso After diacussiona th� �aaasaesus was
tthat ieea fox ust af paric f�cilitie: are justifiecl only whea sgecia� sexvi�es
�re r�quirad for t&e operativn of the faaility �for ex�mp�,ee the City b�ach)o
Ti�here the use load on tha faci�ity does :eot iu�ose a hardsh�g au th� cittzens of �
Fridley� coatrol ai acccsa by s fee syatem �eems �mjustifiedo
rsot�aa by s�jer�oiaA seaawded by Sugh.se that ths Sub�Camoaitree �cpxess non-cc�ncus-
�e�nce with "An ordinsace �eadix9g Cbapter 78 of the City Code �o provide pe�mits
for �rkiag in ehe public parks" ms first read at the �ity CouuciS, meetiag oa
�ufl,y 7 A �.964 e
� Discassi�a on the motiaa brought out th�so major poin�s of agre�ment by the
members af the cvmmitte�;
�, Open �d fxe� access to publfc �,uads sh�ubd be th� b�sic po�icy �f
�uur park systgmo �he ga�c� 8re a� of th� p�a�es•whexs citize�s can
most �ssib�r se� theig taac dolLsrs woxki�g fo� th�a, Acc��s to the
parks should b� as fr�� of restrictia�a �s th� conditi�ns and faci�ities
2o Wtnile it is rec�gn�ized thst the Gity's girst duty is to provide park
facilitiss £or its own r�sid�at�� it is al�o se�o�aiz�d th�t visitoxs
to th� City are impsessed by aad remsmber a wel� s�a snd accessibA�
parko ?herefore, it is fe2t that good public rc��tfons ca�,ls for
maki�g the City's p�rk's accessible fre��.y to visitoxs ss �aan� as
our own citi�ens' us� of the parks is s�ot hind�r�dw
3o Us• fees aad other gestrictic�ns aa use of �s.rk facifl�iti�s ahould be
imp�sed oalp i� s��ific cas�s where either the cgpicity of the faci�ity
is bei�g exce�d.ed or wherm the co$t of providiag t1�s fa�ility sh�Yd
Properly b�a psi.d by the nsarse Our p�esent b��h i� a� e�p1e of the
first situatiano A golf course, i€ aaae wexe bvilt wa��d �mnplif�r
the secon�d situntiono
+�o The cost oi po�.fefn�; an "a�cross th� boarcl" r�equir�eat fox paxking
permits ia the pazks would be very higho It wauld require � full tims
gat� stteadant st each puk where paticing �ots are m�intafned aver
a maj+�r part of ths y�aro A g�d viau�,d be req�ai�re�d at th� �ammoasa
for e�p�� iram Deee�sz thsaugh mid-�F�bruaxy duriag slcatin,g sesso�
�d fraa M�aq to Septemb��c duriqg basebsbl seas�►o
M�INI�TES � Pl�Ax3 AZID P4A�tW1�DS 8iJ8mCOt4�TT88 '� At�i18T 3, 1964 �Co�atinued�
Qpon a voic� vat�+s the 8ub-Committes votedt u�u►imous�.y i�► favor o£ th� motfo�ao
�, �t�ma r�ported f�r i:afosm�tiaao
wo Th� Secrs�tioa Comaisaion ie spo�soriqg a be�ch daacs �t Mo�ce Ioalce
Beach oa Weda�aday, August Sa The da�ea was u�d�stakea at the requast
of a gravp of teen-agers in the City o The Coaiaiasim s,g�c�ed that no
furth�r rsquests for auah �►f�airs wi�l bs coasider�d unti� this dance
has beea sv�lustsdo Members ot tha Sub-Cammittee ar� invitsd ta attaade
bo A 2?� week prAgrsm oi roct�atian fo� Jumioac and Seaior Sigh &ahool
�tudKats wi�l be rua begixming Au�ust 6 at Parkview 3�hoo�o The
gro�r+4m will be heid ia tha �v�aing aad wi,bi feature ping paaga volley
ball. dancia�g, aad other activitias which ase desired by the pwcticipautso
Dis�cCor of the prmgram will be Mro 8ussa1l iisadesffiaa► of 63� Waya Fridieqo
b a A subpaa�i�tee of tbe �amanispion is etudyis4g a loag•raa8e pla�a for
recrastianal uees of oar park land. A rspore aaa be �xpected later this
fall. Ccaaaeu�tatioss with 61sn Wallsce a�ay bs dasisabla 8uring the atudyp
� Requaats for his service wiil be directad to Mro Tham�svn as the need
d, The Gtxa�issia�a► ie stuulyin,� the p�robleme �d pos�ibilitie�s of a sp�ed
skatia$ pno�r�m, 8�c�ndati�uas �n fa�illities :reedad w�al be m�d� to
ths Pt�rk Camnittae o
2, �t�ms reported with reaqueat for act£�.g
�a At tbe joint a�e,etimmg of tha� Becreetioa G�aisefaaa aad Parks Sub-Cammitte�
ca Juae 29g � reso�uti� uxg,3.ng thffi� r� pxa�grama utiRizix� vaguateer
aeeistaac� i� sueh w�ck �s �sx�k cle�amup �nd developm�ut be �dopted was
passed a 3ua�h a pro��a�one p►astiaular2y aim�d �t the you�$ �reop'�e of tha
Citq, ia fw�t to b� an �cse�.lent we�y ia whi�h ta build up a fesling of
seaponsibil��y to�w�s°d city propsrty. ;rhe Becresetian �ommi�sion nrges
t�t such +� progsffie be adopt� and app�ied t� auy p�ark g�ajsct in which
volnpeemr h�lp �eaa be us�d affwativslye
ba �t has besn xeportad tiut th� net eapports on sevarai of aur tennis aaurts
are too 1ow to aupport a atandard �ato �f this report is correct, tb�
Cmmisaio9n :equgats that the caiditioa bs correcL�d i�m�ediatsAyo
co �t is suggssted that a drink�.og fouataln b� installad neas Che shelter
at Locke Paak o
Copi�s o€ two job descxiptioas for Pask asd Beres�stioai Dir�ctor are atta�htd to
these minut�e fc� infoacmatian aad ¢onsidsssCiano
�T88 � P.AA]LS Al0 Pl.A�B SOS�T�BB m AU�18T 3� 1964► �Contiaueda
Motiat by Skjatvolda sacond�►d by 8ampsco, to app�raw the miswtes o� the �wie 8
m�etiag �s �il�d, Motio�a curiede
Auguat 17 � Regul�r m�eting oi tha Sub-CammiCtee.e at 7e30 at Midl.+aad Comvp Oflic�sa
August 3I • Joiat 1�eetiag with ths Rsertatian Gaa�niasiaas at 7s30 i.n tha te�uhar's
lvunga at �ridlsy Juniar Sigho
On a motiat bq 5kjervoYd� oecoadrd by Sampsos�, the m��ting was ,mdjau�a�ad at
10m5S Pp Mo
BsspectEullq submittad
Bobazt Je Snghes
8�cretary Co the Sub�Cammitta� �