01/06/1964 - 00022951��
A regular meeting of theCouncil oi the City oi Fridley was called to order
by Mayor Nee at 8;05 P,M.
Members Present: Nee� Johansonr Kirkham� Sheridan� TrJright
Members Absent• I`Tone
Mayor Nee announced the flrst item under consideration was the amending of
Section 45,11i regarding �railer courts and ra}tested the City Mana�er give
reading oF the ordinance in question. The City Manager gave the first reading
of an ordinance to amend the city code of the City of Fridley� tabled from
January 2, 1<j64. Mayor Nee explained to those present that a petitiott had been
recelved for this rezoning before the Planning Commission and the petition had
been denied� th��t the petitioner had requested that the Caty Counci7 consider
his petition� as taas has right� and i,he council had done so. Mayor Nee further
explained the public hearings had been acaording to the statute� charter and
ordinance �nd a motlon would be ln order. Councilman Kirkham stated he wished
to present another supplementary petition presented to him this evening.
Motion by Kirkham to rece�ve a sup�lementary petition with approximately 100
signatures in opposition to the proposed trailer court. Seconded by Wright.
Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Kirkham stated that in view of the number of people that had con-
tacted him and some other aldermen personally and the number of signatures
received an the petitions presented� he wished to make a motion.
Motion by Kirkham that, �_n the interests of order, convenience, propriety and
general welfare, the proposed ordznance amending Section �+5.14 oi' the City Code
qf the City of Fridley� Minnesota be rejected. Seconded by Johanson. Upon
a rnll call vote} those voting in favor oi the motion� Neey Wright� Sheridan�
Ki'rkham� Johanson. Those opposed� none. Motion carried unanimously.
�-m�r-� .
Mayor Nee announaed the item under consideration was the rezoning from R-1 to
R-2A, Lot 1, Black 1� Ju1i-Ann Addition and requested the City Manager read
the described ordznance. The City Manager gave the first readzng of an ordi-
nance to amend the city code of the City of Fridley by making a change in
zoning districtsr tabled from January 2� i964. Mayor Nee explained to the City
Council this item was processed through i,he Planning Cou�ission and denied and
upon the petitioner's request� the City Council had agreed to consider it.
Couneilman Sheridan stated the item was not elenied� it had ended in a tie vote
at the Planning Commission bleeting.
Mation by Sheridan to accept anfl consider as the £irst reading an ordinance
to amend theCii.y Code of the City of Fridley� Minnesota by making a change in
zofling districts in the Juli-Ann Addition. Seeonded by Johanson. Upon a ro11
call vote� those voting aye� G7right, Sh�ridan� Kirkham� Johanson. Those voting
nayr Nee. I�Iotaon carried.
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Mayor Nee announced the item nnder consaderation was the rezoning from R-1 to
R�2A Lots 1 and 2� Block 3� Shaffer"s Addition. The City Man�r gave the
first reading of the deseribed ordinance to amend the city code of tihe City
of E'ridley by making a change in zoning districts. Councilman Johanson stated
that in this particular area� he felt they had all the double Uungaloti�s they
needed and had been through controversial hearings, thaL all the property in
question waa questloned for rezoning at one time.
Motion by Johanson that the ordinance for the consideration of rezoning fron
' R-1 to R-2Aa Lots 1 and 2� Block 3� Shaffer"s l;dd�tion to amend the City Code
of the City of Fridley, Minnesota by m3king � change in zoning dlstricts be
denied. Seconded by Wright. Councilman Wrs€�t stated he wished to ca11 council
attention to the difference in this ordinancea that the preceeding reque�t
was the impossibility of the develop;ment o� tihe particular 1ot and the present
lot in question is simply rezoning as a matter of convenience and not as �
matter of physical necessity. Upon a roll ca11 vcte� �hose voting in iavor
of the motion� Nee� Johanson� Kirkham� Sherzdana Wriglit. Those opposed�
None. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced there was a letter of recommendation from the Committee
of �he Fire Department,
Motion by Johanson to receive the comtnunicatlon Prom Builders Cllnic, Inc.,
dated danuary 2� 1964 and file. Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote�
there being no nays� the motion carried un<inimously.
Mayor Nee announced there was a letter of recommendatian from the City
Attorney stating the bid should be awarded to the D, W. Aarstad Company.
Motion by Wright to receive end iile the comznunication from City Flttorney
Sm2th regarding tne hid letting io D. LT. Ha'rstad Compan;�. Seconded b3� K�rliham,
� Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the moi,ion carxied unanimously.
Mayor Nee stated the letter before the City Council �aas the letter of recommen-
dation and the bids from the Fridley Flre Depurtment Buildiiig Committee.
Councilman Johanson stated he had met with the oFiicers of the Fire Depart-
ment on the previous Saturday as per discuss�on at the las� council
meeting and the letter before the City Council this evenin� was the tabu-
lation of the meeting they had had.
Motion by Johanson to award the bid to the D. W. Ilarstad Company, Znc.,
for the Fire Station Expansion with Alternzte {fl and the final flgure to
be �58,015,00. Seconded by ;v'right, Councilman Sheridan stated he had been
❑nable to make the meeting the previous night and inqvired if there were an}�
further information he had not received. Councilman Johanson stated the
officers of the Fire Department wished to discuss with members of the City
Council several types and samples of brick veneer bearing in mind this
would be what they wotald have on the entire Civic Center� that there were
approximately 15 samples which had been discussed and had narrowed the choice
to three samples.
City Attorney Smith stated one other thing on this motion iaas that they
were contemplating the L'iremen's Relief Association �aould be enter�_ng into
the contract and they were co-workers on it. He fur�her s�ated he merel,y
wished the councLl to understand there were some instruments to draw and
the contract should be satisfactory to the City Council as well as the Board
� of the Firemen's Relief Association and that? perhaps, there should be a
coumrittee of the council to work with the Firemen's Relief Association or
the city manager to have a �oint zaorking arrangement, Nis�. Donald Savelkoul,
attorney for the Firemen's Rellef Association� stated there was no legal
stumbling blockr that they had dedided that it was entirely appropriate
to proceed in the manner that the members had decided to follow and assumed
the City Attorney was talking about the technzcalities anddetsils oi' the
contract. He further �§tied he felt the depe�rtmental representatives could
work as a group on these items with the Cai,y Counc�l. City Atitorney Smii:h
stated they had originally talked about a three year payofi on the lease
and� within the City Council� it was felt five years would be better and
inqulred 1F this 4�ould be ob�ectionable. Robert Aldricha secretary of the
building cor¢nittee� stated tney would have no objection to this and no set
date was determined for the purpose and �ow fast the pay off should be�
th�t it zaas an investment for the Flremen's Relief Association. Mr. Savelkoul
stated� from a legal point of view� it didn't matter if the term was for
three or five years.
Councilman Johanson stated it was suggested a� the meeting previously held�
that the City Manager should be instructed to remove the pump at the ,
exYSting well house tind to get in touch with the State Highway Department
for an emergency crossing ln front of the Fire Department, that al�o� there
was some concern shown about a power pole in front of the Fire Department.
Mr. Bernard Wolke� former councilman� stated they were planning on building
a fire station without a p�oper aecess end he was concerned aUout how they
were going to get on University Avenue. Mr. iaolke inquired if the State
Highway Department had given the City of Tridley anything in writing re-_
garding this emergency crossin� that they couldn"t build a building and
say they couldn't get out onto the highway and if they had to drive up the
service drzve in order to get on Mis issippi Street, it would be unaccept-
able. Ms•. Wolke further statefl that before any cantract was let� this
should be resolved, Ma,yor Nee inquired if Councilman Johanson wished to
amend his motion to place these conditions to it. Councilman Sohanson
stated he could see no problems. City Engineer Qureshi informed the
members of the C�ty Council it was the op�nion of Mr. McCubrey of the
Minnesota State bepartment that it would be very probable the department
wauld allow the emergency crossingy tiiat they would give an answer in
tariting. Fire Chief Hughes inquired ii. in the motion, they aould
include Alternate �3 and was told it iaas included in the entire bid.
Councllman Sheridan reque�ted the floor and st�ted he had not felt the
Fire Department should be attiached to this building� that it should be
removed from this site and be put on a site in elo�e proximity to this
area by itself and, because he had brought this to the attention of tihe '
City Council in general discussiont he ha� followed it through at their
request and did get some additional information on it. He explained the
pro�lem arised as to how they could possibly finance the new szte with an
eatirely new building and there Taere two reasons for his bringin� this to
the council's attention� on� being that the station should be located
elsewhere and secondly it would glve this site more room ior its eventual
development if the Cit✓ic Center were to be developed on the present site.
Councilman Sherzdan stated that� ln tne interim� between the time the
coxnmunity could afford such a Civic Center, the possibility of removing
tlze Council and CourL- Chambers an3 taking over the two iire �talls could
be used for Court and Counci] Chambers leaving the present area used for that
purpose to be er.panded and glve more room ior the people working. He
expla3ned it all reached the same conclusion he had just made and that
u�as a financing pioblem� that hel7edn't found a solution to it in such a
short time, that they certainly d-id need addational space for the Pzre
Department and equipment� that he did r�ish it were being erected elsewhere
but he hadn't been able to reach a solution in the t3me allotted in
removing it from the present site. Mr, Carl Paulson resident, was present
and stated there T��as a section of property �ust to the South of the present
City Hall and it was avai3able and for sale and if the Czty Cour.cil would
wish to hold this over �n� give considerat�onr thas could be looked into.
Mayor Nee expl�ined to Mr. P�ulson that property 4�ould cost $158�000 and
the present inetallation Viould be �5Hy000� Nlr. Paulson explained the
building on the property could be utilized for equapment. Counc�lman
Johanson stated there had been a great deal of time expended in trying �
to come to a decision on this matter and when he had attended the meeting
of t.he Fire Deparcment� he had passed on to them the fealzngs of the City
Councll. The oificers oi i.he Fire Department had stated at this meetingy
they Selt the best site For �he iire barn iras the present oner that time
and money had been spent in this matter �nd they could continue like this
for years, Councilman �ohanson stated that� he felt, everything tnat ca�ld
be done had been done.
Upon a roll call vote� �hose voting in favor of the motion� Nee, Wright�
Johanson, Thase opposed, Sheridan� ICirkham. Motion carried.
Mayor Nee announced the ii.em under consideration was the proposed supple-
mental agreement w�th the North Suburban Santitary Sewer District and the
City Council had received the last version of this agreement this evening.
Motion by Wright that the City Council direct its representative to the
N.S,S.S.D. to present the proposed agreement to the SJorth Subuxban Sanitary
Seaer District at its next meeting and a requesti i.o the district that
� action in the form of acceptance or a reply to lt be obtained. Seaonded
by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no nay�� the mation carried
unanimously. Mayor Nee etated he presumed this item could be releaeed
to the newspapers.
Mayor Nee announced the request for a lot splat on the IQorth third of Lot ��
in Auditor's Subdivision �i108. The City Manager explained this ;aas
recommended for approval by the Planning Go�r¢nlssion and a11 of the
necessary documents had been obtained� including tihe deed for the dedica-
Motion by Johanson to concur with the recommendation of the Planning
Commission and grant the lot split request on the North 1�3 of Lot �F,
Au3itox's Subdivi�ion ��108. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there
being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced a suggested amendment to Chapter 4g which had been
previously tabled and still th�ughi they should do more work on the item,
Councilman Sheridan stated they would not� in any eventia be passing on the
atem this evening. The City Manager explained i;he reason the item had beea
� placed on the agenda z7as tHat it had been tabled to this particular meet-
ing and the Cxty Attorney had prepared the presentation. Mayor Nee s+atea
his ob�ection to the �mendment was thai, it abandonned the inspectson,
Councilman Johanson stated that something should be done on the amendment
inmiediately as he had seen another set of plans tnis evening for a building
contemplated on East River Road. Mayor Nee explained the question present
was the registration and the reglstrat3an =ees and pro�des for registra-
tlon without inspection. City Attorney Smith stated that Mr. Aldrich of
the Fire Department had presented an explanation on the pxevious agenda
and all he had done was taken that proposal and numbered ii. to fit the ccade
and gone over Chapter �+9 of the code and eliminated a portaon of rt. He
further Gtated there had been a good deal in the chapter that c�ealt with
�tandards for multiple dwellings and these had all been left in but what
had been eliminated was the part that was decl�red unconstitutional re-
garding the inspection and licensing, He explained the Fire Inspection
Department doesn't have any registration to sho*a �aho owns an apartment
building and who is responsible and this requires a$5,00 fee and registra-
tion; ?urther� that thi� is similar to the Minneapolis code, Mayo-r Nee
inquired if the rlght to perform a fire inspection would be included.
City Attorney Smith replied they would have the rlght if there were a fire.
Councilman Sheridan inquired if the Court had termed tnis invading some-
one's privacy. City Atto�ney Smith stated it violates the constitutional
guaranty and Fridley does not have the right -co go into private apart;ments�
that the ordinance was very broad in all aspect� of inspectzon and in
�etting owners to register would accomplish some of the purposes that
, would keep the same standards in. City Attorney Smith further stated
it might be necessary to do more amending �nd that could be taken care of
at a later date, that this was merely the first step. Mayor Nee inquired
if the other parts of the ordinance were still being enforeed. City
Attorney Smith replied he presumed so. He further stated that in the
old ordinance it referred to the parties licensed having to do several
things and this was why the language in the ordlnance rras changed, that
there was a question in nis mind if these items could be enforced when
they are not licensed and not registered. Cii.y Attorney Smith stated
that� at the present time� tihere is no one licensed, Counczlman Sheridan
inquired of the City Council if a hearing date should be set on this
item for some time in February.
Motion by Sher1dan to set the public hearing date for February 17, i964
and directi the Czty Manager to make the necessary publacation on the
suggested amendment to Chapter 49 regarding registration of multiple
dwellings in the City of Fridley, Minnesota and prescribing fees and
penalties fos the same. Seconued by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there
being no naysy tLe motion earried unanimously.
Maynr Nee announeed the consideration of a cantact with bond ratiz��?
services. The City Manager explained to the City Council the proposed
meeting would beheld in New York the 24th oi' January and they would
have to make proper notification if anyone =aas going from Fridley.
D7ayor Nee stated he wa� not part�cularly arixious to go but would if
the City Councii so wzsheda that he did th�nk the City Manager should
make the trip and presentation. Councilmen Wraght and Sheridan stated
they wished both the City bSanager and Mayor Nee to make the trip to
New YoTk to make the proper presentation.
Motion by Sheridan that Mayor Nee and the Ciiy Manager be authorized
and directed to attend, with the bond rating service, a bond meeting
in New York and mal�e a presentation on behalf of the City of Fridley.
Seconded by Flright, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion
carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced the apUazntments to co�ittees as yet unfilled.
Motion by Sheridan to reappoint Councilman G1en .Tohanson as the council
representative on the Buildzng Board for one year. Seconded by Wright.
Uppn a vo2ce vote� there being no nays, the motinn carried unanimously.
Motion b5� Sheridan to reappoint William Shielu�,Sto the Building Board
for tne term of Qne year as representative of' Ward �2. Seconded by
Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being r.o naysy the motion earried
Motion by Wright to appoint Richard Silverstein of 6675 East River Road
to the Building Board for the term of one year as representative of
Ward 3. Seconded Uy Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no n�ys�
the motion carried unanimousl,y.
Mayor Nee stated there were two other appointments yet to �ae filled as
these per�ons had asked to be reliet=ed.
blayor Nee announeed
city hall interior
in this regard.
Develco� Inc.
(0, Gnerre)
1201 Hathaway Lane
Te1. 788-8595
John ?iazen
7136 E. River Road
Tel. 786-3117
Bil1 Hlavin4_a
2900-101st 1ve. I�1
Tel. Su. 4-7813
the ltem under consideration was the painting of the
and the City Council had beiore them bids received
Amount of Bid
� 7�+9•00
$ 905.00
� g7o.00
Leif Zunderby
110-63rd Ave. N. �.
Tel. su. 4-8485
Marvin L. Nelsan ➢ecoratir.g Co.� Inc.
8�8� Central Ave. N. E, (Union Personnell
Tel. 5u. 4-2331
North�est Maintenance Co.
3�0 N, E. 5th St.
Tel. 335-9511
Raymond Traczyk
2526 Fifth St. N. E,
Tel. 781-2520
Amount of Bld
$ 6�4.00
$ 880.00
Motion by Johanson that the low bid oi �674.00 be awarded to Leif
Lunderby of 1100 63rd Ave. N. E.� for the pazntln� of the City Ha11
interior. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no
nays, the motion carried unanimously,
Mayor Nee announced the public hearing on an al]ey vacation in Oak Grove
Addition. The City Manager read the notice of hearing on tihe proposed
alley vecation. Councalman Sohanson lnquired i�' this alley vacation had
been proposed on a petition. The City Mana�er stated that it was and they
didn'� put a public hearin� before the City Councii unless iL- was
authorized. Mayor Nee inquired if there were anyone present y7ho wished
to he heard regarding the alley vacazion in the Oak Grove Addition. Mr.
Duane T,arson of 6514 Fridley Street was presen-c in iavor of the alley
vacation and stated he had circulated the petition and everyone affected
wished it vacated. Councilman Sheridan inquired if there were any
buildings or garages served on the alley and �aas told t,here were not� that
the electric line is right down the center of it. There was no one pre-
sent in opposZtion to the proposed alley vacation. Mayor Nee declared
the public hearing closed ar.d �tated it was the general policy nf the City
Councal not to act on the �ame evening on any public hearing,
Motion b� Sheridan to table the coneideration regarding the Oak Grove
Addition to January 20th, 1964. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote,
there being no nays, the motion carriee3 unanlmously.
Mayor iVee announced the publac hearing on the vac�tion oi streets and
alleys Zn Norwood Addition to Fridley Park. 'Phe City Manager read the
notice of hearing and explained they lv�d a suggestion for easements to be
acquired. Mr. Donald Savelkoul stated he was the attarney For the ChurcY�
of St. William and �ntroduced Pather Keefe and Mr. Don Fourre and stated
all of the property mentioned and an additional amount is owned by tkie
church and as zhe City Council t��as aware, �t ls the intention of the
ehurch to construct the school ancl a cathollc church and related �aulld-
ings on the mentioned property. Mr. Savelkoul explained the vacation of
the streets and alleys are es��ntial for this purpose and the church plans
thie year to put up one complex of buildings valued at $500�000 and
eventually a total of a million and a half to tvo million do.11ars �aill be
spent, It was explained tnat for the total complex of the plan the
vacations are necessary and they had �one through the Planning Commisslon
�nd were very agreeable to �rork out the easements requested. Mayor Nee
stated that� apparently� there were some easements the city engineer �
�7ished to have. Councilman Sheridan st�ted the suggested easements would
be on the North end oF the pxoperty for storm sewer. It waU stated the
architect had tallced �aith Mr. Comstock, consulting engineer� and they were
agreeable ta easements menticaned.
Mr. David i�Ierner was present and stated he lived on 5th Street an3 they
objected to the alley iahich would ultimately be nothing but an access for
trucks to the proposed shnpping center in the area. Councilman Sneridan
explained to Mr. 4derner �the alley would be eliminated entirely; Mr. Werner
presented his apologies and stated he had misunderstood the presentation.
There was a discussion period held in which all aspects of the vacations
were discussed and explained. NPayor Nee declared the public hearing on the
vacat�on of streets and alleys in Norwood Addition to �'ridley Park closed aad '
stated zf the City Cour_cll wished to act on this item this evening tihe necessary
easemeete could be procurred before the second reading of the ordinance. Mr.
Savelkoul stated therc �aas no urgency on the matter and they would be willing
ta go according ta council procedure.
Motion by Sheridan to table the consideration of the vacation of streets
and alleys ir.PTorFrood Addition to Pridley P�rl. until the 20th of January� 1964.
Seconded by 47right. Upon a voice votey therebeing no nays� the motion carried
Nlotipn hy Johan�on to receive letters from S�hool District #13 regarding
TraiFic Survey and sldewal]:s and school signal and reier to the City Manager
�or processing. S,_conded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays,
the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee announcen there was a corrmiunicatinn from the city clerl: regarding �
Lot 30", Block ��, I'lymovth 2ddition. The City Mana�er explaaned to the CLty
Council tne City llttorney had written a letter which said the lot was abstract
property and it was suggested selling by quit claim deed, The City Manager
stated it should be mnde very clear the special assessments are not included
in the sale or theproperty For tne amount mentioned. Czty fSttorney Smith
stated he didn't recall the condemha+ion but it was a condemna+ion that he had
brought forth for parlc purposes and felt the tro lots combined should be a good
piece of property, N1r. Tarpy who wished to purchase lot was present and ctated
the lot wasn`t woxth the money they had mentioned. Councilman Johanson inquired
what Lot 29 next to the affected property iaas worth by itself. Mr. Tarpy
stated thls would have to be determined� ii lot 30 was kept for park property
it would be valuable property. Mr. Tarpy further stated if the pr3ce of Lot 30
were too hign it was likely he would not be interested and ;aished to know the
consensus of the Caty Counci.l. Councilman Johanson inqUired if starting with
a figure of �1�000 for the additional lot� Mr. Tarpy taouldn`t come ap with a
good buildting sitz for �2�Op0. City Attorney S mith stated one otker thought
was that Mr, marpy should rely on his own attorney as to advice and as to
title and suggested he could give Mr. Tarpy a quit claim deed. He further
stated the deed might not have to be cleared but he would suggest since thzs
was Mr. Tarpy's responsibility that he should know this and what the city
would do would be to give up any interest in the land, that at the time the
City of Pridley acquired the lot� it was �ax forfeit and the tltle may be
sa±isfactory. Councilman idright inquired if they shouldn't consult with
the Parkw and Playgrounds Sub-Committee for en addition to their park of
49th and Main Street� that it had been brought to their attention that in '
the area south of �100� they were deficient an@ there should be some indica-
tion from thie committee on what they are planning. Mayor Nee inquared how
much Mr. 'Farpy would sell his lot to tihe City for. Mr, Tarpy explained
the land is not ad,7acent to the park� the land r�as at the other end of the
block. Councalman i^7r1ght stated he wished to withdraw his co�nent. Mayor
Nee inquired ii' NLr. Tarpy would sell his land and iahat he would need in money
for the sale. Mr. Tarpy stated he didn't knowy that he felt it was worth
about �1y000. Councilman Johanson stated they had just oifered Mr. Tarpy
the lot next to tnis i'or $250.00 plus assessment. �
tl S �
Motion by Johanson that Loti 30, BlocY 4, P15�outh �ddition be placed for sale
and available to Mr, T�rpy £or $1�000 with condrtions of title to be worked out
with City Attorney or $250,00 plus the assessments_ Mr. Tarpy inquired when the
aseessment� would have to be paid. The Finance Officer stated these assessments—
were levied in 1954 and had been certified, that there was no assessment certifi-
cation at the Couaty now� so the City Councll would have to recertzfy it ov2r
some period of years� that� at the present time, it is a lump sum. City Attor-
ney Smith stated this explained why there weren't assessments on Lot 29r the
' amount of the assesment would be what there would be for about 80 feet and
somehow this did get onto Lot 30 but not on Lo� 29. He further stated there
would ba no problem iS Mr. Tarpy wants time on the assessment portion. Council-
man Sheridan stated it was his understanding that Lot 29 is not clea: as �ar as
the County is concerned and before they would enter znto any negotiiation� they
should see proof of ownership on Lot 29� that it was a forfeiture. Councilman
Sheridan itzrther stated there was �ust recentily an apprai�al that was not
tiurned into the County Board and without Lot 29} this lot is of no value to
this gen�leman ana until such time as he could give proof of ot�nership, the
City of Fridley could make no deal. Motion died for lack of a second.
Motion hy Sheridan to table the consideration oi Lot 30� B1ocY 4x Plymouth
Addition until such time as proof of ownership i3 given on Lot 29 and Mx.
Tarpy Taill return same to the councll floor, Seconded by Wright, Upon a
voice vote� there being no na,ys� the motion carried unanimously.
Mayr Nee announced the ltem in guesi,ion iaas a memo from the City Clerk re-
garding Temporary Bonde� SW�50 and requested an explanation from the City
Clerk. It was explained that two year bonds had been ilirnished and had run
out, that, normally� the City of Fridley would finance with permanent bonds
but they had 'neen consolidating small projects in the Revolving Fund. Tne
City Clerk further explained they carry quite a bit of mone,y in that fund ln
� escrow deposi�s and they could get by without issuing permanent bonds but if
the time should come when they had to pay thas money out at one time, they
would have to issue permanent bonds rather than now.
Motion by 3ohanson that the City Council concur w9th the recommendatzon oi' the
City Clerk regarding Temporary Bond�� SW �50, Seconded by Sherzdan. Upnn a
voice vote, there being no nays� the motzon carried unanimously,
Mayor Nee announced the item under consideration �aas a memo and advice from
Caty Attorney Smith. The City Manager explained to the Citiy Council thati iF
no easement were found on the above mentioned lot? City Attorney Smlth d�d
think it would be adviseable to negotiate with Mr. Whi�hill, that he had
checked into the last easement they had purchased and he felt this u�as a
reasonable request, The City Manager staced that if council t�ished to
authorize adminietr�tion to acquire the easement £or $250.00� they would do so,
Motionby Wright to concur with the reconm�endation of theCity Manager �nd
undertake the negotiation andpurchase of easemenc on LoL 5, Block lr Moore
Lake Hills. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice votie, there being no nays}
�he motion carried unanlmously.
Mr. Frank Watts of 757�+-4th Street N. E. requestied to be heard and statied
his complaint was when five or szx men were runnin; Parks and Playground
tney had promised to do many thin�s� that this ye�r there were at least 30
boys in Melody Manor with nownere to go and all summer they would go to
Logan Parkway and other �reas iar distant. 13e requeated to know if the City
Council would ask the Parks and Playgrounds Co�ittee to get some action
going on some of the playground area in their locatlon, Councilman Wri�ht
s�ated he was a recent ex-member of the commlttee and this ��em had been on
their agenda regularly and there would be a baseba]l diamond in the area this
spring. Councilman Johanson stated the Parks and Playgrounds was a ma,7or
item this past fal7.. Mr. 4latts inquired 1F this baseball niamond would be
comparable to that diamond on Logan Parkway. He was assured it would be com-
Motson by Johanson to approve the payment of General Claims #1599 through
{�1813. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the
motlon carried unanimously.
Motion by Sheridan to approve the payment of Liquor Claims #5942 through
#5979� �ECOnded by Wright, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the
motaon carried unanimously.
Motion b3� Wright to approve the payment of Public Utilities Claims #2998
through rf3�55• Seconded by Kirkham, Upon a vo3ce vote� there beang no nays�
the motion carried unanimously�
Mayor Nee announced the item under consideration was estimates and stated
there saas advice from the City Engineer and that, perhaps� they should be
taken an item at a time.
Motion b�+ Johanson to approve the followin� estimates subject to restrictZOns
and conditions as outl2ned by City Engineer �areshi� those being �500.00 re-
tained on the i'inal payment of Estsmate No. 9 St. 1962-2A and $500,00 retained
on the �ina1 payment of Estimate No. 1962-2B and Estimate #2 P. 62-1 being a
complete payment:
Dunkle,y Surfacin� Company
3756 Grand Street Northeast
Minneapu2is} Nlinnesota
Es�imate �g (FINAL) ST. 1962-2A
Estimate ,�j (FINAL)_S`P. 1962-2B
Estimate #�2 (FINALj P. 52-1 2y514.68
moTnL $2o,73r�.81
Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion
carried unanimously.
�TITION: #43-1g63:
Mayor Nee anaounced tne item under considerataon �aa� a petition by G. A.
Gunderson on Gundereon Terrace.
Matiian by Sheridan to receive PeLition yf'�F3-1963 and direat the City Manager
to process same. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice voce� there bein6 no nays�
the mottion carried unanimously.
Mayor RTee announced the consideration of an agreement for traffic signals
at O�borne Road and Eaet River Road. Couneilman Johanson inquired if these
signals would be identical to tha signals on MiseissZppi Street and East River
Road and c�as told they wexe. Councilman Wr��ht inqulred if the County would
maintain these signals and uias told they did. The City Manager explained to
the City Council the basic thing was the cash outlay and that was the same �s
was previously done, that Fridley provzdes the power supply. Mayor Nee stated
the sh�re of the City of Frldley would be apProximately $3�000.00. Councilman
Johanson inquired if the County had indic�ted c�hen they would start installa-
tion. Commissioner 0'Bannon� from the County of Anoka� was present and stated
they would start installation as soon as they received the signed agreement
from Frldley,
Motion by Johanson to approve the Cooperative Agreement between the City of
Fridley and Anoka County Department of Highways regarding installation of
fully actuated traffic control sigrials at Junctlon ol C.S.A.H. 1(East R�ver
Road) and C.S.A.H.S. (Osborne Road) and authorize P4ayor and City Manager to
sign same. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, �he
motion carried unanimoasly.
Mayor Nee announced the consideration of' an �mendment to the Fire Prevention
Code and stated in explanation ls merely br�n�ing the code up i.o date, The
City Manager stated this was the only way the cit5� could use codes and that
was by reference. Mr. Robert Aldrich of the Fire Preventilon Bureau req_uested
that City Attorney Smith double cheek to makc certain the right names and
dates were included an the ordinance, City Attorney Smith replied the �3ate
ehould read 1960 rather than 1961. Mr. Aldrich atai,ed there was one a*.nend-
ment that wasn`t covered in the ordanance, that in tihe matter of fire extin-
guishers, they would like to have the orflinance require that the,y be retested
and retagged each year� that this is standard procedure everywhere and he had
neglected to make mention of the item. He further staced it could ,7ust be
added as an ac�ditonal seetion under the named heading. City Attori2e,y Smith
suggested it be a matter of a separate ordinancer that this ordinance should
be passed and stated he would prepare another proposal on Mr. Aldrich's rz-
Motion by dohaneon that the firsi, reading of an ordinance amending Section
�.01 of the City Code by adopting by reference the Fire Prevention Code as
recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters !� accepted. Seconded
by Wright. The City Manager gave the first rea3ang of the proposed ord�nance.
Upon a voice vote� thexe bein� no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced the considerat3on of a contract y�ith the consulting
engineers� Comstock and Davis� Inc, The Citiy Manager statied they were un-
able to get the propo.,ed contract� slightly revised, to the consulting
eng3neers early enough for them to study it, Mr. Comstock had written a memo
in which he had suggested some changes that would be acceptable, it was ex-
plained� and these do not appear to be drsstic. The City Manager Yurther
sta�ed they could arrive at something acceptable to both p arties by the
January 20th meeting very easily.
Motion by ,Tohanson to table for further study the consideration of a contract
with the consulting engineexs. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there
being no r_ays� the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced the item in auestion was the consideration of appoint-
ments presented to the City Council. Motion by Sheridan to approve the
following appointments:
Robyn I,yn Petrangelo
6452 Van Buren Street N. E.
Fridley� Minnesota 55421
Mr. Thomas J, xennedy
�+042 Arthur Street N. E,
Columbia Heightsa Mlnnesota
Mr. Ronald E. Allard
1+436 Madison Street N. E.
Colum6ia Heights� Minnesota
Clerk- �262.00
Typist per
Patrolman $468.00
Patzolman ��F68.00
1�2 Tlme
Seconded by Johanson, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion
carried unanimously.
CI�ANG� ORDER - N0. 1- W-34-K:
Mayor Nee announced the item under consideration was a change order regarding
the St, Paul Waterlaorks problem. Councilman Johanson inquired if there were-
n't some additional correspondence on this item. The City Manager replied ,
there was and the bondzng company wae reluctant to put a bond on same but the
City of Fridley did have to comply with the easement requirements.
Motion by Johanson �o adopt and approve Change Ordery �o. 1� W-34-K.
Seconded by 3heriden, Upon a voice vote� �here be3ng no nays� the motion
carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced the item in question was the acceptance oi street surfac-
ing in Meadowland Second Addition with a communication from Suburban Engin-
eering� Inc. The City Manager stated they had received the escrow check
recottunended by Suburban Engineering} Inc.
Motion 6y Sheridan
Addition subject to
Seeonded by Wright.
carried unanzmously,
to accept the street �urfacing in Meadowland Second
the conditions placed by Subtii+ban Eng3neering� Ine.
Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion
Mayor Nee announced a resolution establishing wages ior on sale employees.
The City Manager explained to the City Council they deal on a three year
basis and it was a 10 cent� 5 cent and 5 cent per year deal but the City
Council does not pa_ss a resolution for more than one year of service.
Motion 6y Wright to adopt Resolution #4-196�+ amending Resolution #�3-1963
entitled "F�stablishing Working Conditions� wages and hours for employees
employed by the Municipal Liquor Store". Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice
vote� there being no naysr the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced the resolution in question was the ordering of a prelim-
anary report and tnere were optsons to be considered.
Motion by Sheridan to adopt Resolution �5-i96�+ ordering preliminary plans�
speclficationa and estimates of costs thereof; Water and Sewer Projeet #66.
Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voiee votey there being no nays� the motion
carried unanamously.
Mayor Nee announced a resolution calling for the postponement of a bond sale
scheduled for Pe6ruary 17} 1964 and requested the City Manager dlscuss the
item. The City Manager explained to the City Counc3l the bond market is, at '
the pxesent tlme, overloaded with a terrific inventory and it had been
suggested by the bonding consultants that the sale be postponed.
Motion by Sohanson to concur with the reeommendation of the bonding consultants
and adopt Resolution �6-196�+ postponing the sale oi $2�025�000 advance refund-
ing bonds oi' the City of Fridley. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote�
there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
hiayor Nee announced a resolution aceepting �4th Avenue Northeast from Mair.
Street to 43rd Avenue Northeast and that �t ��as from the City of Columbia
Heights and requested the City Manager explain the item, The City Manager
explained that down past the Minnesota Linseed Oil Company there is a p3ece
of road running between Main Street and 43rd Avenue and it iaas found that in
�rying to aork something out on maintenance that back ten years ago� Columbia
Heights had acquired it and recently they passed an ordinance giving the road
to the City of Fridley. It was explained tihe City of rridle,y had asked th3t
something be done about this road� that this resolution would �ccept it from
� Columbia Heights and there is a subsequen� resolation placed on the agenda,
by request� giving lt to Anoka County who will maintain it.
Motion by Wright to adopt Resolvtion #7-1�64 annexzng to the City oP Fridley
that part of 44th Avenixe extended west of the Columbia Heights corporate
limits at Main Street Northeast, Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote�
there being no naysa the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced the resolution in question was conveying 4�+th Avenue
Northeast, Main to 43rd, to Anok� County.
Motion by Johanson to adopt Resolution #8-1964 setting aside 44th Avenue
within the City oi Fridley to the County of Anoka for control �nd mainte�-
ance. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote} there being no nays� the
motion carried unanimouely.
Mayor Nee announced a resolution authorizing bids for gasoline, Motion by
� Sheridan to adopt Resolution #g-1964 authorizing the advertising for bids on
gasoline. Seconded by Kirkham. Councilman Wri�ht lnquired regarding the
difference of kinds of gasoline used, the City Manager replied that� as he
recollected, Ethyl gas is used for police cars, Mayor Nee stated the �ctual
purchase is a variable thing. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the
motion carried unanimously. _
Mayor Nee announced a resolution authorizing bids for ch].orine. Motion by
Johanson to adopt Resolution #10-196�+ authorizing the advertising for bids
on chlorine. Seeonded by Sheridan. Upon a voice voter these being nc nays,
the motion carried unanimously,
Mayor Nee announced the resalution in question regarding the splitting of
ass�ments and requested the Finance Officer explaln. The Finance Officer
5$�ted the first resolution was the splitting of a 10� from two other lotsa
that this is adjacent to a body shop and otiher two lots would be another
buildang site, He explained that the second resolution in question was to
apportion the assessments on each of the lots in Pearsons Addition� that they
split off and then divide the assessment among the aubdivision itself. Council-
� man Johanson stated the �cplanataon was requested for the new members of the
City Council. The Finance Officer further explained the City Counci.l is the
only body who can authorize the splitting of special assessmentsr that they
are not allowed to splii, tnem and i.he County Aud;tor directs same on all
properties since the deed is registered and h�� department works out the
computation and then presents these resolution foxms in whatever the ox�iginal
computation was, He further explained it is on the s�me bacis as the original
assessment is levied.
Motion by WrZght to adopt Resolution ,/�11-1964 authoxizing and direeting the
splitting of special assessments on Lots 3} 4a and 5} B1ock 3� Caty View
Addition. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays�
the motion carr�ed unanimously.
Motion by Johanson to adopt Resolution #12-1964 authorizing and direct�ng
the splitting of special assesGments on Parcel 8400� in Section 3. Seconded
b,y Kirkha�. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried
PLAT - ST. 19�3-1:
Mayor Nee announced a reso.lutaon ordering condemnation of Project Street
1963-1. Th� City Manager explained to the City Council that the heading of
the resolution should be carrected to include the right-of-way on Gun3erson
Terrace Plat and that Mr, Gunderson had not been able to obtain the release
of land necessary as previously mentioned. City Engineer 4�ureshi presented
a sltetch oi the area, City Attorney Smith explained to the City Council�
tre City of Fridley would recover all of their costs in the condemnation
proceedinge. -
Motzon by Sneridan to adopt Resolution ��13-19'04 ordering condemnation of
Right-of-rday on Guuderson Terrace Plat� Pro,7ect Street 1963-1. Seconded
by �firkh�m. Upon a voice votey there being na nays� the motion carrled
Mayor Nee announced a resolution authorizing the use of M.H.D. Services
of NLSA work and requested City Engineer Qureshz explain the ltem. City
Engineer Quresha stated he had understood the City plans to do quite a bit
of St�te Aid work and chis is just a formal resolution to pass and if there
is a need by the City to get any help� they could get that help and it won't
cost anything if they don't use the help. City Engineer @tiareshi stated 1
they did not expect to have to use this but lt would be a saCegva"rd. Covncil-
man 4lright inq_utred if this was limited to M.�A streets and was tald it was
and this is a standard resolution whic.l is provided.
Motion by Johanson to adopt Resolution ��1�-1964 authorizing vse of M.H.D.
Servi¢es on MSA work, Secon3ed by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� thPre l�eing
no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Tdee announced the resolution under consideration was requesting the
release of MSA Maintenance Monies and requested an explanation of City
Engineer �ureshi who stated this was a resolution requested by the City
Council on the release of monies from the MSA and wae not submitted in 1962
or 1963. City Engineer Qureshl stated this was an oversight an� it was
s�ggested that the two years be combined and zt was a matter of record but
the City of Fridley h�d already obtai_ned the monies.
Motion by Sherldan to adopt Resolution J�15-1g64 providing for state aid
fund allotments for maintenance for ealendar years 1962 and �963. Second-
ed by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried
un-rnr_� ��e� mn renrnr emnu�m .
Mayor Nee announced a resolution approving Txunk Highway �694 plans and
special provisions. The Citf Manager stated that on this resolution and the
following two resolutionsy the City Engineer had gone over and made a few
minor changes; the ma�or change being the Studebaker land and it can tae
changed at �nother time. FIe further explained that change had been put in
and when the bids are awarded it could be altered� bids to be opened on
January 17th. The City Manager informed the City Counczl the State Depart-
� ���
�y . .
ment had an oral approva7 from the CiBy oi Columbia Helghts that they iaould
approve the plane of the State PIighway ➢epart,ment.
Motion by Sheridan to adopt Resolution #16-1961E approving plans and special
provisions - T. H. {�694 (East End Bridge 64�+0 to Main Street Northeast).
Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion
carried unanimousl,y.
Mayor Nee announced a resolution approvieg Trunk Highway f{591+ plans and
special provisions on Main utreet to East Cii.y Limits.
Motion by Johanson to adopt Resolution {�17=1 �64 approving p]ans and special
provisions on Trunk Highway f�694 (Main Street Diortheast to E¢st City Limits),
Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion
carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced a resol�ation approving remote frontage road plans and
special provisions on 53rd Avenue Northeast, The Czty Manager stat�d�he main
change is that the storm sewer had been put back in. Councilman Sheridan
stated County Commissioner 0'Bannon wished to addx•ess the City Council on this
item. Mr. 0'Bannon stated he wished to see the plans in this regard� that on
this change of building ordinance� the Council change� the area on building
ap�rtments� this being with regard to the amendment on Chapter 49 and inquired
if that change would hold with the present ordinance, The City Manager replied
it shouldn't apply to any pieces of land already zoned. Mr. 0'Bannon stated
the property belonged to him and that� originally,, there was a service road
but it had been cut out and at the present time he had a praspect For the
bualding of an apartment on that corner but tihe change in the ordinance wouid
not allow ham to bulld it. He further stated the road had been cut out �aith-
out his knowledge and he had not been notitled, that his praperty was loc�ted
on the Southwest corner oi Highway #694 and IIniversity Avenue Northeast. Mayor
Nee inquired if the frontage road would reduce his area arid Mr. 0`Bannon
replied that it did, that he did have access to 5�rd Avenue and inquired of
the City Council if it would change his requirement of multiple dwellings.
Councilman Johanson replied the larger theapartment bu:lding he c�ould build,
the more land he would need and he would have to abide by the new ordinance�
that there is a gre�t deal of multiple dwelling land in Fridley that comes under
the new ordinance. City Attorney Smith explained to Mr. 0'Bannon he would
have to comply to the ordinance or get a �,�aiver. Mayor Nee stated there iaas
some provisions for some exceptions.
Motion by Johanson to adopt Resolution #18-1y6li approving plans and sneclal
provisions on remote frontage road� 53rd A�renue Northeast, Seconded by Wrighti,
Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimausly.
SW :
Mayor Nee announced a resolution receivi�g preliminary report and ordering
' a public hearing on SW��66, The City Manager suggested the City Council could
stipulate they were accepting either Plan A or B on the Notice of FIearing so
that the CityClerk could prepare a preliminary assessment rol1. Mayor Nee
inquired if there were a suffic�ent petitinn on this improvement. The C�ty
Manager replied there was not although the iaay the plans are drawn according
to Engineerang Assistant Clark� there is nocr 100°�0, City Engineer Qure�hi stated
this was only for sanit3ry sewer, CoLncilmen Sheridan stated this would take
in the ultiurate of the church property and they could be serviced. The
Consulting Engineer statied the church property is presently being serviced
for their domestic water and sanztary sewer outle� but thts would provide two
additional h�drantis in front of tne church praaerty. Mayor Nee lnqulred who
the City oi' Fridley could char^e for this service. The City Manager replied
they� could order an impa;ovement on 35�0 of a pet�tion,
Motion by� Sheridan to adopt Resolution �19-1964 receiving the preliminary report
and calling a public hearing on the matter o�' the construction of certain imprava-
ments - Water and Sewer Pro�ect �66. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote�
there being i2o nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Niayor Nee stated he wished authorization of the City Council to have City
P.ttorney Smith and City Engineer Rureshi accompany h�m to the North Suburban
Sanitary Sener District meeting the foIlowing evening to explain the contract. �
Followzng discussion, it wae deemed unnacessary to have Council actlon but
City Attorney Smith and City Engineer Qureshi agreed to attend the N.S.S.S.D,
Mayor Vee announced the confirmation of the election of the Fire llepartment
Off'icers and stated the Statute requires con?irmation of the Chief and
Assistant ChieFs, Mot,ion by Wright to approve and confirm the appointments
of the following oFficers;
Robert S, Hughes
Art Olson
LeRoy Blomster
Fire Chief
Assistant Chief
Assistant Chief
Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays the motion
carried unanimouslyo
TPxe City Manager announced that the North Suburban Sanitary uewer District
apparently t�ants the Board member selected by the City Council to be sworn
in ofiicially� that Mayor Nee had been appointed by resolution of the City
Council but needed to be sworn in. The City Clerk administered the oath of
office to Mayor Nee as a trustee to the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District,
There being no Further business, Mayor Nee declared the meeting adjourned.
P,espectfully submittedy
S isko*alc
Secretary tio the Council
�i`�i"�C�(�L-Le�avti. `I - 'Z.�
William J. Ne Mayor
The meeting z�as called to order by Mayor Nee at 8:30 P.M.
Mayor Nee designated the City Manager as the Acting Secretary for this meeting
and stated that an ans�er to the call of the roll by each Councilman would
indlcate aaiver of the notice of this meeting.
Upon the Rpll Call� thase present r�ere: Mayor Neey Councilmen Johanson�
KirY.ham, Tdright, and Sheridan.
Members Absent: Tdone
The City Atitorney read a letter froM Attorney Charles Howard relative to
Fridley's power to wi-�hdra�� from the District, Motion by Johanson seconded by
Kirkham, tn receive and file this letter. Upnn a voice vote� there being no
nays, Mayor Plee declared the motaon carried.