01/20/1964 - 00022932�� � RESOLUTTON N0. 2D-1964 AP?ROV7NG AGREEMENT WITH TY� NOR`PH SUBURDP_AT SANITARY The City Manager read the resolution approvzng a�reement with the North Subur- ban Sani�ary Sewer District and directing execution. Motion bf Johanson, tYiat the City Council adopt the resolat3on, Seconded by Wright. Upon a roll call vote� those voting "aye"� Johanson� Wright� Kirliham� Sheridan� Nee. 2hose voting "''nay'"a none. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. � WITFIDRAWAI� OF DETACHMENT PETL"TION: Motion by 0heridana seconded by Johanson� that the City Manager write a letter to the North SuUurban Sanitary Sesaer District Board asking for y�ithdratsl of the detachment petition by the City of Fridley. Upon a voice voter there being no nays� Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. REPAIRS TO WELL The City Mana,ger explained to the Council that maintenance work had been started on Idell �l� and that it now was determined that it would be advisaUle to do additional work on Well �1� which would r_ause this maintenance ��ork to exceed the Charter Limit of .`�p1�000.00. Adclitional work bein� recommended was worY that was not done originally rrhen the we11 was drilled, The deaign engineer on the well� Robert Minder� has now recommended that it be done at this time. The City Manager asked for authar��ation to proceed with the entire impTOVemeat o� the well and at a later meeting have an emergency ordinance ready For pas�age by the Council for the final cost oi this repair. Motion by Sheridan� seeonded 6y Wr�ght� to authorize the City Manager to proceed witYi the neces�ary repairs as outlined by the City En�ineer and that the City Attorney prep2re an emergency ordinance for this project. Upon a voice vote, thcre heing no n�ys� Mayor P7ee declared the mot2on carried. ' ADJOJRNMEIVTT_ There be�ng no further business, Mayor DTee declared the meetir_g ad�on;ned. Respectfully submitted; �� � �.'�,�'���'y�ti ��1��_ �arl P. Wagner illiam J. Nee� ayor 9cting Secretary to the Council ' ?EGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUY�RY 20� 1g6�E: A regular meeting of the Council of' the City of Fridley was called to order ati 8�o3 P.M. by Mayor Nee. ROLL CALL: � Members Present: Nee� Johanson, Kirkham� Sher?dan� Wright Members Absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUT�S - QRGANIZA^tIONAL MEETING, J�?NUP.RY 2, 196b: Motion by Wright to approve the minutes of the Or�am.zational Meeting of January 2� 196�+� �s prep�red and receiven. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nwys� the motipn carried unanamously. �� APPROVRL OP MINUTES - RFGULAR MEETIt�G, JANUARY 6, 1964: Councilman `^Iright requested chat his name be inserted in place of the named prev�ovs Counc�lman Wolke on Pages 10, 15 �nd 18 of the minutes of the reg- ular meeting of Jan�aary 6, 1964. Motion by Sheridan to approve tne minutes o£ the Regular Meeting of' Janua-ry 6� 1961+ as prepared� corrected and received. Seconcled by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MIIQUTL�S - S�CIAL MEETINGy Je?NUARY 8, 1964: Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of January 8r 1964 as prepared and received. Secon3ed by Wright. Upon a voice votes there being no nays, the motion carrzed unanimously. OI�D BJSINESS FrRST READiNG OF ORDINANCE VAGATING ALLEY - OAK GAOVE ADDITION: Mafor Nee announced the ite� in questlon was the first reading oi an ordinanee vacating an alley in Oak Grove Addltion and inquire3 if Councilman Sheridan had znspected the properties involved. Councilman Sheridan rep]ied that he had and +here wasn"t any building being servaced by what would be vacated, th�t t,here is probably a garage or two backed up to the right-of-way but they are being serviced from the streets. Councilman Sheridan stazed ihat all residents afzected had been notified. Mayor 1Tee announced this was not a publie hearing but 1i there were anyone present who wished to be heard, the City Conncll would he�r them, There was no one present in favor of or in opposition to the alley vacation. The Cit,y Manager gave the iirst reading of an ordin�nce vacating un alley in the Oak Grove Addition. � Motior. by Sheridan to accept and consider as the first reading an ordinance ' under sectlon 12.07 of the Clty Charter to vaeate �treets and alleys and to �mend Appendix C of the Cit3� Code for the vacation of the alley in Block 5� Oak Grove Addltion. Seconcled by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimousl,y. FIRST READING OF ORllISSANCE VACATING STREETS APIIJ ALISYS - NORWOOD ADDITION TO FI�IDLEY PARK; riayor Nee announced the consideration of the £irst reading of an ordinance vacating streets and alleys in the Norwood Addition to Fridley Park. The City Manager gave the flrst reading of said ordinance. Motion by Wright to accept and consider as the first reading an ordinance undcr Section 12.07 of the City Ch�rter to vacate streets and alleys and to amend Appendix C of the City Code for the vacating of streets and alleys in Norwood llddition to Fridlcy Park. Seconded by Johanson, Upon a voice vote' there being no naysr the motzon carried unanimously. SECOND READIPtG OF ORDINANCE ��254 AMENDING SECTION 32.01 OF THE CITY CODE: Mayor Nee announced the second reading of an ordinance amending section 32.01 oi the City Code� and stated it adopts by reference the Fire Pregen- tion Code as reco�°nded Uy the Idataonal Board of Fire Underwriters. The � CZLy Manager gave the second reading of said ordinance. P�otiion by Johanson to accept as second reading Ordinance /�254 amending Sectlon 32.01 of the Citiy Code adopting by reference the F3re Prevention Code as recor�mended by �he Natzonal Baard of Fire Underwritersy adopt and publish same. 6econded by Sheridan. Upon a volce vote� there be�ng no nays� the motion carried unanimously. SECOND READI1tTG OF' ORDINANCE REZONING FROM R-1 TO R-2A - LOT 1� BLOCK l� JULI-AiVN ADDITIOBT: ��� Mayor Nee announced the second reading of an ordieance rezoning f-rom R-1 to R-2A� Lot 1� Block 1� Juli-Ann Addition. The City Nlanager gave tne second reading of said oidinance. Councilman LSright stated that a number oF people in the area had called him stating their ob�ections and had not Ueen present for the public hearing; furthera that it aas his intention to change his vote and that� although� this was not a public hearinga these res,denTe should be heard. Mayor Nee replied tt would be at the diseretion of the City Council if they wished to hear residents. It was so agreed. Pfayor Nee inquired if � �here were anyone present ��ho wished to speak on the aUove described matter. Mr. Dick Herder of 158-63 T+7ay N. E, was present to ob�ect. A4r. Herder stated he was not adjacent to the propert�� in ques�.ior_� but it was the feeling of the residents they wished the zoning in the area to remain intact and pre- fenred not to see multiple dwellings in the area and setting a precedent for the unbuilt on land. Councilman Johanson stated iti �aas his Peeling this parcel of land wasnot fit for residential d�aelling. Motion by Johanson to accept as second reading an ordlnance to amend the city code of the City of Fridley� Minnesota Ly making a change �n zoning districts from R-1 to R-2A� Lot 1� Block 1} Jull-Ann Addition� Adopt and nublish satne. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a roll call vote� those vor,ing a,ye Sheridan� Johanson; those voting nay Neea Wright? Kirkham. Mot�on failed, Mayor Nee announeed this action by tnz Citiy Counci3 would terminate the proceedings. SYBRANT LOT SPLIT - LOT 35, AUDITOR'S Si1BDNISIOV �VO. q2• Mayor Nee announeed the item under consideration was a 1ot split request by Mr. Sybrant on Lot 35, Auditor's Suhdivision No. 92� that the matter hzd been previously processed and Councilman Sheridan had requested it be re- turned to the floor. Councalman Sheridan sta�eel he hed requested this iLem be placed before the City Council as Mr. Sybrant had called him to discuss his interpretation; thac his interpretiation had beeu incorrect and it was � found that this area described was within the confanes oi' the ordinanr.e and it could be split. Councilman Sheridan fur�her stated he had requested that Mr. Sybrant have the Engineering Department request the ltem be placed on the agenda and in talking *aith City Engineer �,ureshi� he had been advised that this item was within the terms of the ordin�nce and could be split. City Enganeer Qureshi explained this area caas sligntly over an acre if the street dedication was removed. Councilman Sheridan stated it was a rather strange situation in the respect that the lot on the m�p marked X was one lot and the balwnce is in the second lot accoi•din� ta the survey and wtzat Mr. Sybrant intends to do is move the line �nd remove the house sho�an and have two equal lots, Mayor Nee inquzred ii the lot z•eferred to as "X" in- cluded tihe two front 1ots. Councilman Shertdan explained the loz wzth tne house is over tne lzne 7-1�2 feet and the present bnilding is condemned and Mr. Sybrant wants to remove it and put up two new homes. Mayor DTee commented this was more respectable than what they now had, Councilman Wright inquired if it were just a matter of platting and was told this was correct. Council- man Sheridan atated it was his understanding from tre ewner that if they were to grant the moving oF �he lo� line at would give him equal i'rontage and he would remove the condemned house and put two nez� dwellin�v on the lots, and give the Caty of Fridley a dedication on the Sou'r,h en3 of 'i.hese tiao lots. Mr. Sybranz was presznt to show proper ownership of tihe property. Motion by Sheridan to allow the lot split request - L, S. �f63-37 to Richard J. Sybrant on Loti 35r 9uditor's Subdivision {�92 subject to the approval of the Engineering Department and the City Attorney wich the understandzng that � the South two lots will be red-tagged until such time as the streets are avail- able f'or the services. Seconded by 47right. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motior carried unanimously. APPDINTMENTS (TABLEn 1-2-64 ANn 1-6-64): Mayor Nee announced the item under consideration was appointments that had been tabled to various committees from two previous meetings and stated he had not found a person to fa11 the vacancy in the Police Commission� that Mr. Savelkoul did not wish to accept a reappoin�ment. Counczlman Sheridan re- quested this appolntment be postponed, �� Motion by Kirkham to appoint Mr. Carrol K. Hauge� 645-67th Avenue Northeast to the Building Board� iirst ward, length of term to be one year. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� t2ie motion carrzed un- anlmously. Motion by Wright to appoint Mr. Jesse T. Wallace, 7321 Melody Drive to the Building Board for the term of one year. Councilman Wright explained the Charter calls for an architect or engineer on this board and this person is a chemical engineer who works in strength and materials and has served on architectural co�nittees and building eommittees� that he is informed about this appointment and is eager to serve. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there be�ng no nays� the mot3on carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: PUBLIC HEARING ON IN;PROVEMENT - SW �66: Mayor Nee announced the public hearing on Improvement S4I #66. The City Manager read the Notice of Hearin�. Mayor Nee inquired if there were anyone present who wished to be heard wlth regard to the above described improvement. Mr. Bernard Julkoc�ski taas present in favor of the improvement. Mayor Nee expla�ned ;ti was his understanding that thi� item was before the Czty Council on the basis oF an insufficient petition �nd inqu�d if Mr. or Mrs. Kay or Mr, and Mrs. Thacker wer present, There was no one present. Mr. Julkowski explained to the City Counczl they had petitioned for the shopping center and iz was on Mr. Thacker's land. The Caty Manager stated petition was 100� of those benefited. The Finance director stated the Shell Oil Company owns the Southwest corner of Lot 5 and a lot split had never been approved and they were carrying it all as one parcel, that the Shell Oil Company gets its ser- vice `rom 61st Avenue and the south 150 feet had been exempted. Mayor Nee st�ted that over half of the liability involved would be again�t the peta- tioner. Councilman Johanson explained the other owners in the area had been notified and if they r+ere going to object� they would have been present thls evemng to do so. Mayor Nee declared the public hearing closed. PUBLTC FIEAP,ING - FINAL PL9T - MARVIEFI A➢DITION: � Mayor Nee announced a public hearing on the fznal plat of the Marview Addition. The City Manager requested that the City Council continUe the public hearing because the hard shell tio the addition had not been presented. Motion by Sherldan to continue the public hearing on the final plat of �he Marviei� kddition to the next regular meeting. Seconded t+g Johanson. Upon a volce vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDFRATIOPd OF BI➢S FOR GASOLINE (OPEN'-�D NOON� 1-20-6�F): Mayox IVee announced the consideratlon of bids for ��oline opened this day. The Ctty Man�ger read the following bids andprices received as follows and stated thc lowest and best bid was received from Midland Cooperatives for regular and ethyl gasoline �nd it iaas recommended that the Clty Council authorize the signing oT a contract on this basis with Midlan$ Cooperatives: � � Name Sanclair Refining Midland Co-Op.� Inc. Phillips 66 Petroleum Co. Address 1901 Grand St. N.E. 739 N. E. Johnson 215 So. llth St. � Mp1s.� Minn. Mpls.� 13� Minn. Mpls., Minn, Bid Securi Proposal �st. Ruantity (Gallons) Cert. Check �1F5o.00 A 20��00 25,000 Cert. Check $�+50 . o0 A 20y000 25�000 Cashier Check $487.50 A 20,000 25�000 � 1 � Type Current Posted Wagon Unit Price (st. � Fea. Tax Incl.) Less Fixed Disc. Unit Price (Inel. Fed. Tax) Current Net Price Per Ga1 Estimated Total B�a Total Reg, g1 Eth. 98 �0.278 $0.318 $0.089 $0.705 $o.18g �0.213 $3780.00 $53z5.00 9105•00 Reg. 91 Etih. 98 $0.278 �0.308 $0.095 �0.095 $0.183 $0.213 $3660.00 �5325.00 9 5.00 _r,eg, 91 Eth. 98 �o.27B $0.318 �0.078 $0,088 $0.200 �0.230 �4000.00 $5750.00 .9750.00 Motion by Sheridan that the bid for gasol2ne openec at noon this day be awarded to Midland Cooperatives� Inc. of ?39 �ohnson St. N. E, in the tocal amount of $a�985.00. Seconded b,y Wright. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimousl,y. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS FOR CHLORINE (OPENED NOON, 1-20-64): Mayor Nee annoanced the consideratian of bids Ior cnlorine ppened this da,y. The City Manager read the bids received as folloas and stated they had thres 61ds of $2�957.40 and one at �i2,�5'7.50, est�mated totals. FIe further stated tih2s 5ame problem on prlces had occurred the previous year and had been re- ferred to the City Attorney at that time and he had felt there was nothing that could be done. The Caty Manager explained that because of the location of Hawkin� Chemical and 6ecause they can handle the one ton containers� lf the Cit,y Council should award a bid� this v�ould be the bid that would be recommended. Mayor Nee stated it �aas his inelination this matter �hould be referred to the Attorney General's office. PROPOSAL A Name �nd Address Security Size Estimate Unit Bid Estiimate Psl,imate Con- Ruantit,y Price Sub 'iotal Tota1 tainer (Lbs.) Bid Lyan Chemical Sne. Cert. 2305 Hampden Ave. Check St. Paul 14, Minn. $147.87 Hawkins Chemical Cert. 3100 E. Hennepin Check Mpls., �inn. $150,Op Monarch Chemicals� Safeco Inc . E ld 38 ol-og 5th st.zJ.F. Bona Mpls. ?_1, Minn, 5°�'� 150 lbs. 3,000 �a.2i.;7 cwt. 1 'Pon 22�000 �0.11.5a cwt 150 1b5. 3,000 �0.21.37 cwt. 1-Ton 22,000 $0.11.50 cwt. 15o ibs. 3,000 �0,14.25 cwt, 1-Ton 22�000 �i0.11.50 c�at. �427,�0 �b253o.00 �p2g57.4o 2°�o Disc. �0 days 4�427.40 $2530.00 �2a57,4o 2�o Dtiec. 30 days ��+27, 50 $2530.00 �2957•50 2�o by 10th of Month �� ��� Thompson-Hayia�rd Cerz. Chemlcal Compan� Check 909-Second S+. So. $_1j0.00 Mpls. 15, Mznn. 150 �bs. 3,000 �o.2i.37 cwt. Y `Pon 22�000 �0.11.50 cT�t, ��27.40 �2530.00 �2957.40 2�O Disc. 30 days Motion by Johanson to forward the bids for chlorine received this day to i;he ot'ilce oP the Attux•ney Generel and inquire if there is any collusion. � Seconded by Wright. Councilman Sheridan inq_uired if there were a penod of time Por a deadline on this item and if tit was felt en ansorer cou2d be rec�zv�d within 30 d�ys. Clty Attorney Smith etated he thought it could. Upon a voice votey there being no nays� i,he motion carried unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSIOIV MEETZNG MINU`CTS - JANUARY HEARING PAAK� RE70NING RL�UEST ZOA -1 THROUGH 42, BLOCK 6 Mayor �ee�annaunced the rezoning request on Lots3<j through 42� Block 6� Fridleya�y Robert Schroer. The City Manager explained there had been two petiticns receivedr one had been 3n favor and one in onposition to this proposc-3 rezonsng� that the Planning Commission had recomraended that the rezoning 3e denied. He further explained if the City Counell should concury the Cit,y Attorney could decide i?' another public hearing could be held. City Attorney Smith stated zf the petitioner wanted a public hearing� it should be granted. Mot,or_ by Johanson that the City Council concur w3th the recommendation of the Planning Comrpission and deny the rezoning request ZOA j�63r21� Lot 39 �hrough 42� Block 6y Fridley Park from R-1 to C-1 by Robert Schroer. Seconded by Ktrkham. Upon a voice vote� there bcang no nays� the motZOn carried unan�mousiy. LOT SPLIT INQUIRY� L, S. ,�p`64-2 LOT 1!i AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION {�92, OUTLOT �-1 WORREL ADDITIOtd: LEik�ENCP PETGRSON AYD MRS. J. WORREL: The City Manager read to theCity Council the recommendation of the Planning Commission. City �ngineer Rureshi presented recommendatlone of the Plats aud Subdiv�sions Sub-CommitLee who had recommended that the area requirement should be waived contingent upon a dedicatipn of 3C feet and waave the acre requirement and require a dedication of 30 feet for McKinley Street. Councilman Jahanson stated that if this could be done they would have a 75 foot building lot. Mayor Nee inquired if Mr. Pet�rson had title to the property at the present. Mr. Peterson replied that he di3 not bnt could gc L- it. Motion by Sohanson to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and recommznd approval of the lot splat, L. S. #64-2� Lot 14� Auditar's Subidivision �92� Outlot �1 tdorrell Addition based on the re- commendations of the Plats and Subdivisions Sub-Committee and waive the maximum acre requirement. ;;econded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the moti�n carried unanlmouUly. BU7LDING BOF,P,D f�ETING MINUTES - JANUARY 8, 1g64: Mayor Nee announced the Councal could receive the Building Board Meet3ng Minutes oi January 8� 1964. Motion by Sheridan to receive the minutes of the Building Board Meeting held January 8� 1964. Seconded b� Wr�ght. Upon a vo�c� vote, there being no nays� the motion car�ied unanimously. BUILDiNG BOliRD MEETING h9INUTES - JANU.9RY Mayor Nee announced the item under consicieration was the minutes and aetion of the Building Board held January 15, i964. ' � �� � 61 BUILDING PERMTT BY BEftNARD JULK_OWSKI FOR AN B8 UNIT NG AT 1050 - 52ND AVENUE NORTHE�IST 50?_ x 1 FEET - The City Janager resd to the City Council the action taken by the Building Board. Mr. Bernard Julkowski was present and stated he was asking for 88 units in the bullding but accordin� to the ordinance he could have requested 100 units. One and two bedroom units were discussed and the entire plan ' expl�ined by Mr. Julkowski� who stated he would dedica+,e the street re- quired. Counciiman Sheridan stated they now needed a small �ortion of property a7ongside Robert Hall Clothes for an easement. Ma,yor Nee announced for the 6enefit of the �udience the build�ng permit under con- sideration7 its size and probable value and stiated tit was in accordance witn all ord�nances. Mation by Johanson to concur with the recommendatlon af the Bui�ding Bosrd and authorize the lssuance o£ the building perm�t b� Bernard Julkou�ski For an �8 nnit ap�rtment building at 1050-52nd Avenue Northeast� 502 x�E1 feet ati an estimated cost of �1�00O,OOq.00. Seconded by Kirkham. Upan a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried vnanimously. ED LOWE FOR BUILDING PEAMITS F'OR & DOUBLr BUNGALOL7S ON lTl' NORTHFART �Td T,�T l_ LOTR l A -�. TNC _. BI�OCK S_ MF�� The City Manager read to the City Council the recommendation of the Building Board. A discussion period was held regard�ng tihe structures, btotion by Johanson to concur with the recommendation oF the Buildzng Board and approve the application by Ed Lowe for buzldixig permits for F3 double bungalows on University Avenue Northeast on Lot l� Lots 18-21+� Inc., Block 5� Melody Manor Addition subject to the conditions placed b,y the Buildin� ' Board. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. SAFETY COMMIS'T�E MEETING MINiTTES, JASdUARY 15, 1g64: Mayor Nee announced the receiving oP the Safety Commit�ee Meeting Minutes of January 15, 196�+. The City Manager �:ated that unles� i:here were some item in the at�ove described minutes �he City Councli might �a�sh to discuss} these minutes could be received and filed. Motion by tidright to recelve and fzle tiHe minu�es oi the Safety C�mmittee Meetin� held on Januar,y 15} 1g64. Seconded by Joh�nsoxi. Upon a voice Jote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimousl,y. COMMUNICA2TONS• B"JREAU OF Tf� CEIQSUS: 1965 FRIDLEY CENSUS: RESOLUTION ��21-1964 Mayor Nee announced the communicatioa from the Bureau of the Census and stated the Caty Council eould authorize the payment. The City Manager explained to the City Council if tney vished to concux they could pass a resolution. � Motion by Wright to adopt Resolut�on �21-1961F authorizing the City Manager to send tp the Bureau of the Census a check for 51,970,00 made pa�Table to Census� Department o£ Commerce to cover the eost of the supervisar's expenses, tabulat�on of results� and other icems in connection Taith the censu�, the second portion of total amount not being li�bie until the work has begun, Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there laeing no naysa the motion oarried unanimously. Councilman Sheridan requested tihat Mayor Nee adviee the audience of the motion just ma3e. Mayor Nee explained the City Council had req_uested under the provision of a statute passed ur.der the last se�sion of the legislazure a special census of Frsdley to be taken in 1965. He further explained in �� detail the reasons £or the request and stated this would increase the reven- ues af tax reiunds and other means of revenue and this was the first step in �eti�ing a new populatiion figure �n ig65. MADSEN RENTAL OF SPACE FOR DRAFTS;�IG DIVI5ION OF TF1E-ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: Mayor Nee announced there was a communication from Leon Madsen in which rent- al space is offered. The City Manager stated this space was offered at �75.00 � per montn with the additlon oi a door to be placed at a cost tothe City of approximacelv $85.00i that they were talking about $85.00 per month and the present space being rented is upstairs, this is downstr�irs, the present snace is in t�,o rooms at �135.00 per month and the City Fngineer and he both stron�ly urged the drafting division be located in this space next door instead of at 370 Mississippi Street. Councilman Wri�ht stated that in his letter Mr. Madsen stat,ed he was paying heat, light and aircondition- ing and not guarantying it. City En�ineer Rureshi stated P+Ir. Madsen had said it should be sufficient heat and an additional �i10.00 per month should take care of it and it should provide enough heat and azrconditionin�'. A4otion by Wright to authorize the Clty Manager to undertake the rental of the offices described at the Madsen property, Councilman Johanson stated he understood the advantage oi' having the engineering sta�'f clocer uut felt they should incorporate into this motion a lease agreement with the Business and Professional Building and have � lease signed so there v7ould be an agree- ment with both companies. Nlayor Nee stated he was uncertain if the motion was complete. Councilman Johanson replied it would have to be modified. Ccuncilman Wright agreed this should be done. Motion seconded by Johanson. Councilman Sheridan stated his interpretation oS this letter was that it was on a month to month basis and it doesn't leave the City of Fridley with nnxch security and it was a known fact that Mr. Madsen was trying to dispose ot the property and if it were sold and new owners would want L-o have full occupancy, the CiL-y of I'ridley would be without space again and � under these conditions� on a month to month basis� they would not know where they ��ere at and it F�asn't wise to go to the exp�nse of moving the departmeni, from one place to another. Councilman Sheridan further stated he could agree that the nearness had eome advantages but because of the month to montk? basis� he was not in i'avor of the motion and because of Mr. Madsen's posiiion in tryyng to sell the property he did not feel he would o�ant a lease. Councilman 67right stated his mot�on should be amended to include a lease ?'or a year. Motlon by 4dright to amend previous motion and to authorize the City Man- ager to undertake the rental of the oi'fice� described at the Madsen pro- perty under the terms of a twelve month lease. Mrs. Miskowic of the Business and Professional Building requested to be heard and stated the space �n the bullding had 'oeen o�fered at a fair price for the past years and t,he City had not been charged an exorbitant price as Mr. Madeen had firsi; asked oi the city, even though, at that time there was no other space evail�ble; th�t they as ownersr had been waiting for a le�se sinee the first of December while Mr. Madsen's price had been lowered at each offer. They had alwayc� it was explained� been fair in their dealings with the City and� at this time, re�uested the same consideration from the City Council. Mayor Tdee inquired if the removal of the drafting division would modify the struct- ure of the present lease. b4rs. Miskowic replied it would have to be re- considered. The City Z7anager stated if Mr. Madsen would not give a 12 month lease, they could renew the present leaee as i6 stood, Mayor Nee stated he i'elt that when there F�as a stron� recommendation from the people ' that are directly involved, this should have some bearing on the decision. Councllman ddright stated 'ne trusted lt was understood that any deviatlon from the proposed lease would give the council opportunity to reconsider. Upon a roll call vote those voting aye� Nee� Wright� Johanson; those voting nay Sheridan� Rlrkham. Motion carried. - Motlon by Johanson to renegotiate the lease taith the Susiness and Professional Building for space for the County Library� Assessor's Office and Office of Civil DeFense and return to the Council floor at ,he ne;ct regular meeting. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motio� carried unanimouely. MINNEAPOLIS GAS COMPANY: Mayor Nee announced a communication received £'rom the Minneapolis Gas Company regarding a reduction in rates and requested that Councilman Sheridan explain the item. Councilman Sheridan stated this was a letter that had been pub- lished in the nesepaper and is from the Minneapolis Gas Comp any advising the reducti0n of ratee to ueers effective Febrqary 1, 1964 until such time as the aum of �860�000 has been paseed on the auburban consumere. This $860,000, _ dt was explained, was returned to them f�om their suppliers resulting from two rate increases which the Federal Power Commission wouldn't allow and the reduction of this rate will result in about a$9.00 saving for each of the 95�000 suburban customers in 1<j64. Councilman Sheridan stated as an exemple he happened to be one consumer to be getting benefit because he was in the Minneapolis System during the years mentioned in the communi- cation; further� that at the end ot' 1964 if the total sum mentioned has not been pasaed onto the consumer� it will reflect in the rate publi�hed and establiehed for 1965 thmUg� it is felt Uy the Minneapolis Gas Company this will liquidate itself.� Motion by Johanson to receive and file the com�unication from the Minnea- polis Gas Company regarding the reduction of rates. Seconded by Wri�ht. Upon a voice vote� therebeing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. LEAGiIE OF WOMEN VOTERS: PLANNING COMMISSION: Mayor Nee announced a letter received from the League of Women Voters in which it is requeated that a member of their organization be appointed to the Planning Co�iaeion. Councilman Wright stated it was not right to over- look the abilities of residents who were so well informed and inierested in their coffmmunity� that a member of this organization could probably be appointed to advise the Plannin� Co�ission without chan6ing the ordinance. A discuasion period was held in which Councilman Sohanson stated that perhaps aomething in an advisory capacity could be worked out so as not to make the Planning Co�nission too large a group as he wss concerned about extremely large coa�ittees bnt Yelt this should be pursued in an advisory capacity. Councilman Wright etated he wished to have the opinion of theCity Attorney in this matter. Mayor Nee inquired if the City Council wished to table the item for one meeting vntil they would �et some response from the Planning Cotmnisaion as he felt thet appointing them as expert counsel would be lesa acceptable than appointing them as members. Councilman Wright stated he hoped that members of the City Council would �peak to members of the Planning Cort�ission 3n this regard. Motion by Wright to receive and file the communication from the League of Women Votera of Fridley regarding their request fnr a memhertD be sppolnLed to the Planning Cotmnission. Seconded hy Johanson. Upon r� voice vote� tl�ere bein� no nays� the motion carried unanimously. COUNTY ENGINEER: APPROVAL OF SIGNAL BIDS• Mayor Nee announced a communication received from County Engineer Zundheim regarding the Traffic 5ignal work awarded to Lehn Electric of Anoka in the total amount ot' $6,970.00 and the necessity of council action on same. The City Manager explained to the City Counc3l Fridley's share of' the cost of this signal. Mayor Nee suggested the City Council� in receivin� this letter� could also expresa their approval of the bid. Motion by Sheridan to receive the letter from Anoka County Depari.ment of Highways regarding the bid letting on the Traffic Signsl, S.A.P. 02-608-01 and approve the bid o� $6,970.00 which was awarded to the Lehn Electric Company of Anoka £or the installation of a traffic signal at Osborne end East Riirer Road, the participation of theCity of Fridley to be approxi- mately $1�750.00. Seconded by Kirkham. Upona voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. SAYCESS: CARNIVAL: � �'� �i qalp M Motlon by Johanson to receive the co�unication from the Fridley Junior Chamber of Commerce and epprove the request for the carnival. Seconded by Wright, [ipon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CITY ATTORNEY; CONDEfAN14TI0N AWARD: Mayor Nee announced a letter received from City Attorney Smith regarding condemnation proceedings on certain properties. The City Manager explained the location of the property to be condemned belonging to Carl E, Sorensen and his wife. Councilman Johanson inquired if they were buying parcels of property or an entire lot. City Attorney Smith explaia�ithey were'buying a couple of parcels, that Mr. Sorensen does claim that three lots are being spoiled. Ae further explained the �rard on the property was made by Commissioners Car1 Erickson and A1 Kordiak and the feea for one commiesioner had been s�aved. Councilman Johanson inquired if M.S.A. Funda would be used to purcha�e i,hese parcels of land and wae told they laould. City Attorney Smith explained Mr. Sorensen had been Unwilling to give a price on thie land for a long time and the parties involved have a period of time in which to appeal but that it could be settled. Councilman Sheridan inquired if this were a fair price which had been arrived at. City Attorney Smith replied the two appraisere had felt it was. Councilman Johaneon stated it should be made clear they would not be paying the assessmenta plus the purcheae of the land. City Attorney Smith replied the money for the land could be given to the Clerk of Court and he could, in turn, take care of it, that they could direct the C3ty Attorney and the City Clerk to complete the aation. Motion by Sheridan to direct the City Attorney and City Clerk to complete the action necessary to attain the two parcels of land owned by Carl E. Sorensen and hie wife. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice'vote� there being no na,ys, the motian carried unanimously. CITY FNGIPIiER: PiS.S.S.D. PROJECT 1-M: Mayor Nee announced a co�unication from City Engineer Qureshi regarding the plons for the N.S.S.S.D. Interceptor Sever Project 1-M: The City 81�nager explained to the City Council Midland Consultants wished to have Council approval of thi3project on work to be done in Fridley and City Engineer Qureshi had studied the plans in order to be certain there would be no damage to city utilities. City Engineer Qureshi presented the proposed plans and application f6r the3r approval by the city. The City Manager further explained 3t had been agreed that sod and shouldera of properties would be replaced. Motion by Johanson to approve the application plans for N.9.S.S.D. Inter- ceptor Sewer ProJect �-M. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the mot3on carried unanimously. HUNTINGTON GAS COMPANY: WATER CONNECTION: Mayar Nee announced a co�nunication from City Engineer Qureshi and Oekey Srothers Petroleum Corporation regerding a requeat•concerning the Huntington Gas Company and a connection to Minneapolis Water. The City Manager etated there were some Fridley residents at the present time hooked up directly to Columbia Heights and this would be the same type of connection and these people would make their own deal with Minneapolis. He explained it wae the feelin� of CiLy Engineer Qureshi that because of the location of the lines that the city grant permission to the Huntington �as Company to make this direct connection. Motian by Wright that the City Council of Fridley approve the request of the Oskey Brothers Petroleum Corporation requesting permiseion to negotiate with the City of Minneapolis directly for services at �+040 Marshall Street Northeast and a copy of council action be sent to the Minneapolia Water Works. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. VISITORS: ey � Mr. Bernard Wolke was present and requested to be heard regarding council action this evening on the second readin� of an ordinance rezoning from R-1 to R-2A in Lot 1� Block 1, Suli-Ann Addition. Mr. Wolke st��ed he had understood the eecond reading oP this ordinance this evening had been denied and presented floor plan, eide elevations and front elevations of the pro- posed double bungalow. Mr. Wolke further stated he had been told by the 0ity Assessor� who had studied thie plan, it would hring in tuxes of around j $960.00 per year and if he couldn't build this bungalow, he would tiave to i huild the cheapest dwelling he could get and it would be an eyesore in the area, that thig was a matter of economics to him and it ehould be so to the City Council� that the only financing available for a single family dwelling on a home facing Esat River Road would be for a cheap house or this type double Eungalow. Councilman Wright stated a resident of the erea who could see thie building from hie-house had epoken from the floor in opposition. Mr. Wolke stated that what the City Council should take into consideration was the eononomics of the situation and inquired if they would rather see thie lot go tex £orfeit or something worthwhile on the property, that this pereon mi�ht ob�ect to a cheap houee aleo and this double bungalow would bring in the $960.00 a year mentioned which was a good deal of money for one lot. Counc3lman Wright stated the City Council had been reluctant to accept any rezoning especia]ly along East River Road because this �+as con- sidered epot zoning. Mr. Wolke replied they would eventually have to do something becavae this and other properties could go ta�c delinquent or some- one could build a cheap structvre on them and diapose oF them in this manner or the City Council could get something worthwhile in structures that would bring in some money in these neighborhoods. He further explained his structure looks like a single family dwelling with a two car garage and brick on both eides. Mayor Nee stated he did agree it wae a good proposal but Mr. Wolke hadn't been able to pureuade the Planning Commission and this was something to be considered. Councilman Wright stated it was their feeling there ehould be no spot zoning and the City Council shouldn't do so on an e�onomic conaideration, that the purpose of the zoning laws is to preserve the growth oi the city in an orderly way. Mr, Wolke atated if he were to give the lot away� no one of the council members could even get financing on it because of its location, that he had talked ta a Planning Commission member, Mr. Johanson� and it was agreed this would be juat unrealistic on thieproperty. Councilman Wright stated it would take an extraordinary ruling to overrule the Planning Commission. Mr. Wolke stated that some changes along the way would have ta Ue made in zoning, that eome oi the industrial land and R-1 land isn'� usaUle. Mayor Nee explained to Mr. Wolke he had voted against the second reading of the proposed ordinance principally because of the Planning Commiseion vote and inquired if Mr. Wolke shouldn't tallt to them, that if they should so resolve this� he would have voted in concurrence with their wishes. Councilman Johanaon stated if Mr. Wolke were to build a residentiel home on the highway, it would have to be a cheap house because it wae 3mposaible to sell more on a highway with Children, yards, etc. Mr. Wolke replied financing was not available for anything more. Mayor Nee suggested that if Mr. Wolke hadn't appeared be�ore the Planning Commission and if they hadn't heard his argu- ments� their decision was understandable from thelr standpoint. Mr. Wolke replied he hadn't felt anyone was a�ainst this rezoning, that the neighbors would like to see something on this land and it has Uecome a garbage drop- off� that it is impossible to pay taxea every year just because someone down the street doesn't like what you build on the property and if the City of Fridley is willing to tax this land� it must be worth somethin�, to the coimnunity and they could derive $250.00 in texes from a cheap house riith the same amount of utility and the ssme amount of all protections at a lot less benefit. Mr. Wolke stated he was not just speaking for this lot, that he had been amazed when the City Council had denied the party who had requested a re- zoning on Able Street and had given his a first reading, that'the essessed valuation on the lot on Able Street has increased as has the value of the property and it is impossible for the owner to build anything on the lot. Councilman Wright etated the zoning decieions should never be made strictly on the baeis of economic advantage. 1�L^. Wolke stated that on hie property, he did not want to build a small house and it would not be fair to Mr. Mike Evanoff wha has a large home next to it. Councilman L7right st¢ted it would take a reconsideration and a etrong reversal by the Planning Comniission, � �� � the eleaations shown to the people in the area and he would then change his vote. Mr. Wolke stated he could not exactly understand the reasoning for going 6o the people in the are¢ as that shouldn't be neceasary beaause the governing body should do what was right for the community and any t3me there is mentioned douUle or multiple dwelling� people thin�'they are getting some- thing cheap and a rental family isn't quite as good ahd thia picture ian't trua. Mr.�Nagel� former member of the Planning Comm3saion� �tated that when this subject had been brought before the Planning Commission it had been a tie vote and inquired if this could be returned to the Planning Commission. Mayor Nee replied that it could not and the vote of the Planning Commission was such that the motion did not carry. Mr. Prank Sholtec of National Funds� Inc. �ire�ented himself w3th re�ard to ' the public hearing on the final plat of i�arview Addition which had been continued this evenin� to the next regular meeting. Councilman Sheridan 3n- quired if it were necessary for the engineering department to study the plat before the City Council would undettake it as busineae. City Engineer Qureshi stated there wcare several difficulties and there was also the need Yor some easement�. Councilman Sheridan suggested the City Council receive the hard shell of the proposed plat and refer to the En�ineering Department for review. Mayor Nee informed Mr. Sholtec thot thepublic hearing would be continued, The City Manager explained the basic problem is to make sure the final plat agrees i�ith the prel3minary report. City Attorney Smith annaunced to the Clty Councilhe had the contracts and the le�ses ready on the Fire Station and they had been signed by the Reliei' Association. Ae explained the first document he wiahed to present was an agreement between the owner and the contractor, that the owner ie shown aa Pridle,y Volunteer Firemen's Relief Association and the contractor ie the D. W. IIarstad Company and it relates to the plans and has been signed by the tw6 parties mentioned; that it provides specifically that it is to be approved by the City of Fridley. He informed the City Council they would need a motion for the City of Fridley to approve this document and suthorize the City Manager and Mayor to sign for the City. Motion by Johanson to confirm the contract between the Fridley Volunteer P'ire Department and D. W. Ilarstad Company and authorize the City Manager and Ma,yor to sign same. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, RESOLUTION �22-1964 - RE: FIRE STATION AD➢ITION: City Attorney Smith stated the second item to be presented %ae a resolution authorizing the investment of �pecial mon�As� that Statute �+24.31 requ3res approval by the City of Fridley by the investment oi the Aesociation of its Funds and authorize� the Relief Assoc3ation to make this'investme�t. Motion by Johanson to adopt R�SOLUTION #22-1964 authorizing the investment of special fund monies in Fire Station Addition. Seconded by Wri�ht. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. City Attorney Smith announced there were two leases to be presented� the first dated J�nuary 20, 1964 from the City of Fridley to the Fridley Volunteer Firemen's Relief Association and it describes an area of land'where the addition is on and which is attached and pro�des for rent of �1.00 for a period of aix years from February 1, 1964. He further.explained the lease states this ie a lease of the ground and upon which the Relief Aosociation is to construct a building and lease back to the leasor and the period of this lease shall be no less than the last mentioned lease and require� the signature of the Meyor and the City Manager. City Attorney Smith stated they had wanted to have this lease extend beyond the five years it is to be paid off in. Motion by Wri�ht to authorize the City Manager and Mayor to enter into a lease between the City of Fridley and the Fridley Volunteer Firemen's Relief Associai,ion. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. City Attorney Smith stated the second lease was the same principle as the Firet lease and describes the same property with the same drawing and runs for five ,yeers from and after the day after the day of subetantial completion on or aboiat July let and the total rent is $69�1�+0.40 with monthly paymente :bv� of $1�152.j4 and a final payment of $450.00. The amount of the contract bid, it wae explained� was $57,942.00 end added to that was one per cent for a construction bond, plus the arch3tecte feee for a complete total oP $62,617.91. City Attorney Smith etated the arrangements were because the Relief Association wee earning 4� that the City of Fridley would pay them the seme interest rate and it amortized out at $69,194.40 and the final payment of :�450.0o represents interest on the spproximate monies that will he uaed hetween tl�e present time and the firat of June. He further stated this lease needs the authorization oi the Mayor an�+the City Manager aubject to the City Manager checking an the fees oi the architects� as the City Menager has a different statement from them. Couneilman Johaneon inquired if there would be any difficulty of any kind ae the city could sell bonds for lese than 4�. City Attorney Smith re- plied this wae tmae� that bonds could be sold for an average of between 3•5� and $� hut they would Mave eome costs involved, Mayor Nee etated they were not borrowing the money� they were merely renting the building. Motion by Johanson to authorize the execution of a contract between the City of Fridley and the Fridley Volunteer Firemen's Relief Aesoci�tion to lease the uae of a building on a five year term� the price to be confirmed, and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to execute same. Seconded by Sberidan. Upon e voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: Mot3on by Sheridan'to approve the payment of General Claims �lSllF through #i894. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motiom by Wright to approve the payment oY Liquor Claima #59� thraugh #6032. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Johaneon to approve the payment of Public Utilities Clauns #3056 through #3084. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there bein�3 no nays� the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: Mayor Nee announced the item under coneideration were estimates in the total amount of $i5,005•55• The City Manager explained to the City Council an error had been made in adding the su�ary sheet and the overpayment of $741.48 ahould be deducted. Motion by Wright to approve the payment of the following estimetes: Comatock and Davis, Inc. Consulting Engineers 1�46 County Road "J" Minneapolis� Minnesota 55�32 Eetimate #13 - Water Improvement Project No. 34-K ;� 90.00 Estimate # 2- Sewer and Water Improvement Project No. 61 1,028.25 Serviees rendered for the City of Fridley Engineering Dept. 43,75 Estimate # 1- Sewer and Water Improvement Project No. 61 1,37�+•�+1 Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Wright to approve the following estiniates: Comstock and Davis, Inc. Coneulting Engineers 1446 County Road "S" Minneapolis� Minnesota 55�+32 Estimate # 1- Sewer and Water Improvement Project No. 63 (I'inal) $1,D12.77 Eatimate # 1- Storm Sewer Improvement Pro,7ect No. 64 (Final) 3£37.40 Estimate # 2- Water Improvement Project No. 34-J (Schedule 1) (Final) � Estimate # 2- Water Improvement Project No. 34-J (Schedule 2) (Final) Estimate # 1- Water Improvement Project No. 34-L (Final) Eatimate # 2- Sewer and Water Improvement Prodect No. 55 (Final� Estimate # 2- Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Project No. 58 (Final) Overpayment Estimate # 1- Sewer and Water Improvement Project No. 59 (Final) a 1,636,19 1,344.87 2,326.00 601.19 i 7�+1.48) 864.i1 f�� r Estimate �� 2- Water Improvement Project No. 34-B (Wells No. 2� 3� �+� and 5) (Final) $4�665.93 Estimate �� l- Sewer and Water Improvement Project No. 65 (Finai) 372.16 Seconded by Jc�Yianson. Upon a voice vote, thexe being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Johanson to approve the following descrited eatimatb to 9. C. Smiley & Associates� Architects: S. C. Smiley & Aseociates� Architects 1750 Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota Re: Fridley Fire Station Completion of working drowings� details and specifications� receipt of bids and letting of base contract in the amount of $58,015•00 Archltectr, Fees Q�t-]�2,� of Bese Contract $2,610.68 Aluepr�nLing and reproduction 208.65 Total $2,�.33 Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried tananimously. City Attorney Smith stated this eetimate presented a problem as Mr. Sm31ey had presented to the Fridley Volunteer Firemen's Relief Aesociation a different amount and it was included in the construction so the oorrect amount would hove to be Norked out and this fi�ure ahould he the�correct amount, Motion by Sherldrin to rescind the motion to approve peyment of eatimate to S. C. Smiley and Associetes� Architects, Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there betng no nays� the motion carried unanimously. LICENSI�:, : Motion by Sheridan to approve the issuance of the following licensea; GAS SFRVICFS D. W. Ilickey & Company 18�+1 Univer,ity Avenue St. Paul 1F� Minnesota GEPiGRAI. CON'CRI�CTOR Globe Constxuct�on� Inc. 1242 Eustis Street St, P�ul� Minnesota Mike 0'Bannon 529b Filmore Street N. E. Fridley ?_1� Minnesota Werren A. Ortenblad� Inc. 2222 Edgewood Avenue South Minneapolis 26, Minnesota Park Auilders 2246 Johnson Street N. P. Minneapolis, M3nnesota HEATING D. W. Fiickey Company 1841 Um versity Avenue St. Paul 4, Minnesota CAFE Chanticlear Pizza 7Y�use 61+76 East River Road Fridle,y, Minnesotr� 55421 SCAVPNGER Gtlbertson Sanitation 9015 Radisson Road Minneapolis� Minaesota 55�33 by: Otto Swoboda by by Norris Thorstad Mike 0'Bannon by: Warren A. Ortenblad by: by Irvin Shelstad Otto Swoboda by: Richard A, Kempe by: Francis Fogerty NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW RENEWAL C �i�� Seaonded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimouely. REPORT ON DESIGNWARE WASTE DISPOSAL: Mayor Nee annovnced the item under conaideration was the report re�arding waste disposal fYom Designware Industries and the question present was if the effluent discharged in the creek is acceptable to the City Council. The Cit,y Menager stated the City Council had directed this matter be investigated; that the State Health Department did go alon� with the recommendetion from Mr. Hensley which would require some pluh�bing cttanges and th3a wpuld leave a ver�}r small amount of additional sanitary eewage into the line and not too n�uch dis- charge into the creek and would take out anything that would be injurious. He fUrther explained there would be a period of about a day where this discolora- tion uould show and if the City Council wished to cc�ncur in the recommendation by Mr. Hensley oY the Board of Health� he would suggest they direct Mr. Hensley through him to pursue this matter and they would report to the State Board of Health as to what orders were given to Designware to improve this situation and truet they would be approved as Deaignware Industries had heen working with them to olear this problem. Councilman Wright etated this was a reason- able recommendation hut it would need some explanation to the public as they won't see the change and they should be informed of what the C3ty Council is do3ng. The C3ty Manager etated if the City Council took action thie could Ue pursued and they would attempt to get the State Board of Health �proval and if they do not approve this recommendation� another course would have to be pursued. Motion by Sheridan to inetruct the City Manager to proceed accox•ding to the reco�endation of Mr. James H. Hensley, Board of Health regar3ing the pollution of Rice Creek hy Designware Industriee� Inc. Seconded �y Wright. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimoualy. APPOINTMENTS : Mayor Nee announced appointments under consideration recommended by the City Manager and Liquor Store Manager. The City Manager stated he Bad not inter- viewed the applioants but they had been recoimnended to him. Motion by Johanson to approve and confirm the following appointments: NAME Thomas George Thomas 3137 Central Avenue N. E. Minneapolis� Minnesota POSITION Clerk Off-Sale #4 $i111-time SALARY RF:PI�CP � :�2.10 May per Couillard hr. Atina Jane Barbara Bjerkesett Clerk �2.00 100 N. E. 63-1�2 Way Part-time per Fridley� Minneaota 55421 hr. BeveYly Jean Lamb 10932-7th St. N. E. Blaine� Minnesote 55�32 Jeannine Marie Keen 3714 Aldrich Avenue North Minneapolis� Minneso�a Waitress $1.65 Part-time per Dn-Sale #2 hr. Waitress $1.65 Part-time per On-Sale #2 hr. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF REDISTRICTING CITY WARDS: Mayor Nee announced the proposal preeented by the City Clerk for the redistrict- ing of city wards and sug�ested it might not be for action but eonsid�ration. The City Manager stated that one reaeon for thie proposal being preaented at this time wea that if an annual report was to be published, a,new district would have to be printed and it was a considerable amount of work and they wished to get it set up in time. Councilman Johanson suggested the matter be held in abeyance for two weeks and have the City Clerk present some cost comparisons regarding voting machines, judges, etc. The City Manager stated they would still have to have the judges but they would save counting time. The Cj.ty Clerk stated he hod not checked this thoroughly in regard to the voting machinea but ii they hsd manual voting� it is required to have one judge £or �p �b r � �� each 150 vo�ers and thie and o�her faetors would have�to be�i,�stvdied�: The�City Manager sug�ested a diacuasion with votin� machine'repreaentativea �nd the gather3ng of figuree to be preaented to the City Couttcil.' COnncil,man Wright atated that at the same time he wiahed to have an alternative propoeal which would further aubdivide Ward 1 and Ward 3 into three precinats� that the numbers of segistered votere can be 600�per precinct� that there woUld be 8 precinets and if they had voting machinea� that would be 24 ivatead o£ 50 judges and he wiahed this figure confirmed. He further atated that aceording to electian law, it is required that there ahould be a precinct %ox every 500 I people. Mayor Nee inquired if the City Council wiahed to'inatruct'the City Manager to return to the Council floor a proposal and reqlignment and.some � figures on vot3ng machines. ,i'„ i � I � "-' � �� � Motion by Sohanaon to authatze the City Manager to return'to,the ersuncil floor a proposnl and realignment oY ward and pree3net boundarie§ ahd figurea regardin� voting machines. Seconded by Wrlght. 11pon a voice vote'� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimouely. ' � . , . n�p ,. � � ,.� ��� � CONSIDERATION OF #1 LIQUOR STORE LEASE: , Mayor Nee announced the item for conaideration� at this time, was the lease for Liquor Store #1 or the abandonment of same. The City'Manager etated the reaeon he had plaoed this on the agenda wea that 3n•November'„'�}te City Council had autharized him to notify the landlord regarding the'termination�o� the lease and there had been some discussion st that time that'$tfferent arran�e- ments might be made� that if the City Counc3l etill wiahed to follow through to cease and desiat on this lease, they wouli have to be told 3n order to plfln on moving. It was generally agreed by the City Council the ope'ration was costing the City o£ Fridley money and the lease ahould be terminated. Motion by Johanson to authorize the City Manager to close out �l'L3quor Store a:, oF Marcli 1, 1964, Seconded by Sheridan. Couneilman Wright inquired if there had heen any deliberations or discussions for another etore. Mayor Nee stated this was just a matter of this store losing,money for the past years and at the momenta it was generally agreed to merely cloae this particular _ store. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimonaly. Councilman Johanson inquired if this might not be the time to have thei,Qi;�y Manager get in touch with Mr. Levy of the Holly Shopping Center and obtain figures as to moving the liquor buslnese from the Univeraity A.venue location. Motion by dohaneon to instruct the City Manager to invegtigate-alternate locations for liquor store �4. Seconded by Wright. Upon a v03c� va�e� there be3ng no nays� the motion carried unanimously.` RESOLUTION #23-1964 ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - cr.�i "�. , , � � � Mayror Nee announced the item under consideration was a resolution.ordering improvement and final plans and specifications on 5ewer and Water Project �66 and whtch of the alternatives they wiahed to approve. `Phe City Menager stated the Finance Officer had presented the alternatives and the reaolution was presented as changed. � � , ,� . , u. Motion by Sheridan to adopt Resolution #23-1964 ordering improYement and final plans and apecifications SW#66 (Univereity Avenue� 5th S�reet� 63rd Avenue� 61st Avenue. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon'e yoice vote� there being no naya, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTIOIV #24-1964 SPLITTING ASSESSMENTS: ' Mayor Nee announced a resolution re�ard3n� the splitting of certain special aseessments. Motion by Johanson to adopt Resolution #24-1964 �uthorizing and directing the splitting of special easessments on Parael 950� Section 12.,,Seeonded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. i, ,�, �a 0'1BER BUS'INESS: Councilman Sheridan etated he wished to call council attention to the fact that,he hsd'received several calla on M.S.A. streets, particularly 61et Street, that there are a number of people on the Weet Moore Lake Drive who have some objection to�it and their objections are that the atreet will be widened and he had explaiAed to'them.in the best,wey that he could how these were approved and,aent to the State of Mi�neaota. He further explained he had told these r-- reeid`ents�'�he,t' if it ehould be decided to proceed with the improvement of this street these would be eome aesessmente on a portion of it and they would be ^notiiied by mail oi the hearing. He stated he had been told this project migh� be done'in etagea and theae residente still wiahed to be notified. Council- man Sherid�a'stated he merely wished to apprise the City Council of what he had heard and that he had iniormed.the reaidents they would be notified of the hearinga by mail. He further explained that one of the other questions that had come up wae that this widened etreet would increaee traffic and the other thing would be the cooaeing at the highway and he had told the residents that ae �r ea he knew� there was no approval from the highway department on euch a Crosei4g.,'The City Me.nager re�hlied that the State Highway Depertment had approved the et+ossing Vhen they'approved the right-of-way. Councilman Sheridan stated he had,told residents he didn't think they would allow the crmsaing. Co1�ne�lman Wright inquired if the State Highway Department was not going to consider the iuterohanges and the poaeiblity of a traYfic signal at Aackmann. The City ldanagei atated if a resident�al street were asaeseed and the balance pa3d on'State'„A3d� 3t would be very minor. Couneilman Sheridan explained he ha8-at9yte`d �o�'3aterested reaidente that it was hia understanding with the city engineer that'^�hey were going to,be covering the eand streets and thie was the only one'�in the center of our community. �' � � P , , Councilmsa Sheriden stated there wae one clsim that he didn't recall having �eeen aIId Yt had'been brought to his attention thie afternoon and it was the claim of their;previove Special Judge which, as he understood it� was over two months old.' The City Manager explsined they had drawn a forro which was a �—" eombination eertificate oY a claim and he had advised Mr. Norton of the fact and I told him thie�wae ready at the City Hall. Councilman Sheridan inquired what kind'of iorm he was referrin� to and if it was something new. The C3ty Manager expleined'the City Attorney had researched the lew on the payment previously made and though they had not necessarily been made illegally, it was conaidered a groes misdemeanor to pay a claim in the manner they had been paid� that thia iorm had been worked ovt in the last month and he had given same to Mr. Norton who did"not approve of it and it had been revised; that copies had been for- wazded to the new Special Judge for h3m to submit and these same forms were at the City Hell and Mr. Norton could pick up same at the City Hall and fill in and sign. Couneilman Sheridan requested form be sent by mail to Mr. Norton. Councilman Wright inquired if there were any reason why the City of Fridley could not proceed with the purchase of Chase's Island. The City Manager re- plied that-Northern States Power Company would have the necessary papers ready witHin'the'next day or so. . ADSOiA�N : There beiY�g no further bvsinese� Mayor Nee declared the meeting adjourned. Respeotil�lly aubmitted� � ^ �- ��:��,� , ,�� � � -�-� S�ie iskowia � Mayor - William J. 1 e Secretary to'the Council REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING - FEBRUARY 3� 1964 A regular meeting of the Council of theCity of Fridley wae called �o order at B:Ok P.M. A