02/17/1964 - 00022901)b
Motion by Johanson to adopt;RESdLP]TIDON;,'#25-i964 suthorizing and flircetiag the
epl3tting af speaial aeeeesmente on Parcele 1320� 1360, and 1�70� Auditor's
Subdivision �21. 9econded by Wright. Upon a voice vote� there being ho nays,
the motion carried nnanimously. �+,�� ",�
Motion by Wright to adopt RESOLUTION #26-1964 authorizing and direeting the
splittin� of epecial assessments on Parcels 160� 200� 240 and 300� Avdi�or's
Subdivislon �108. Seoonded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote�,there being no-nays�
the mo�3on carried unanimously. . � �
Mayor Nee stated he wished to inform the City Council ,the trip therCity Msns�er
and he had taken to New York had been succeasful, that it wae impossible'to�'
know ,just how successful, but they had had very fe.vora'�Se co�unicatione since
their return and had been told it was the only time a preeentatioa,euoh ae the
one they had made had ever been received. In explanation he informed the City
Council they had mede a alide film on matters of intereat and had-gone,in with
a good show, He stated he felt�they had made a rather'extensive,'6impmesslonion
the bond representatives in NeW York. The City Mane.ger atated he w3ehed tta�ex-
plain to members of the City Council.the presentatiou was the Mayor'e.. He fur-
ther stated he had made the presentation of the Mayor's work. Mayor Nee'stated
he felt the trip was s auccess because the bankers in New York did have'a d38-'
torted view of Minnesota bonds and that it had taeen well worth doing,and�prob-
ahly ehould be done age.in. �'�; i�
.. ,
� „ � < <
There being no further bueiness, Mayor Nee declared the MeetSng adjourned.,
Respectfully aubmitted�
� 0 �,L�C+JliK,P
Sue iskowic
Secretary to the Council
VV �^�v�
Mayor, Willia . �Nee i ��•, �„ ' i �
� � � � „i
A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fridley was
at 8:03 P.M. by Mayor Nee.
Members Present; Nee� Johanson, Airkham
Members Absent: Sheridan� Wright
li ,�
I !P i � I
called'"to order
� � � � � �
� ��
��, � �
_ � � � � �� � ,i� ,�
Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting ofiFebruary 3�
1964 as prepared and received, Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote�' there
being no nays, the motion carried vnanimously. . ", �,' '°1�'„I��
_ i
or.n aus�ss: �,
Mayor Nee,aAnounced the coneideration oP the realignment of city wards; also�
that,counall members whoae warda were under consideration were not present.
r Motion bylJohaaeon to table the consideration of the realignment of city wards
I to the next meeting. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no
I nays� the motion carried vnanimously.
, ,� „
APPOIN3'MENT TO PpLICE COt�AffS5I0N (TABLED 1�2, 1�6, 1�20� Arm 2/3/6�+) :
Mayor Nee announced the 3tem under coneideration wae an appointment to the
Po1ic �ommieeion.
�,, �
Mbtion bqrJohaneon-to table until the meeting of February 25� 1964 the considera-
tion ot the appointment to the Police Cou�iesion. Seconded by K3rkham. Upon a
voiee vote� there'being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
� �
Mayor Nee,annovnced the consideration oi bida received for a bond sale in the
amount of $2�Q25�000.00, these having been advertised for eale and the city
manager presenting affldavits ior same. �He atated these were open for examina-
tion. Dir: Ehlere of the firm Ehlers-Mann & Associates, Inc., fiscal agent,
announced �here wae a bid tahulation before the couneil and a summary, that the
award Would be made on the basis of the lowest net intereat cost and they should
wsit until the la�t net interest coat and rate is expressed. The City Manager
announced the bide ae Yollows:
Jursn & Moody� Inc.
St, Paul, Minneaota
Net Interest Rate Net Interest Cost
3.44253`� $519,135.00
John��Nuveen, & Company
Chicago, Illinois 3.4180',$ $515,440.00
� ,
Mr. Ehlere e�cplained that from the next interest coet that they had� the re-
flznding woul'd work and the exact dollar saving would have to be computed. He
iurther esplAined there waa another matter which should be coneidered and that
wsa the purchase•oP government bonde to be put into escrow and the selection
of an agent to hold the bonde and make paymenta.
Motion by�Johanaon to'receive the bide for the consideration of $2,025,000.00
�bond aale and refer to iiacal agents� Ehlers-Mann & Aseociates, Inc., for
tabul�tion. Seeonded by Kirkham. Upnn a voice vote, there being no nays� the
motion carr3ed �tnatn�m�i�e�gr.
Mr. Nolte of the firm oY Ehlere-Mann & Aseociotes, Inc., explained to the City
Couacilithe iira� thing to be coneidered was the purchase of U. 5. Government
Securitiee e�d the reason this wae to be done was the risk that was involved.
He e7Cplained the eecrow agent 3n the purchasing of these go hand in hand, that
the money received would be used to purchase U. S. Government Securities and
they would be ihtereated in varioue government securities and a list had been
provided to iritesested,bidders ehowing wh3ch ones were to be purchased. fIe
stated the a�gents had fi�ured out which ehould be purchaeed to insure principal and
intereat oa bonde,to-be refunded and the earnings plus the principal would off-
set the,old�iasues; furthery the new iseue would be paid by the tax levies of the
special aseesemente that were originally set aside for issues to be refunded.
Mayor Nee requested oi Mr. Nolte sn explanation o? the requirements of the
law im thie'regar3. NSP. Nolte atated the law requires, to protect the original
bond holdere� that one must invest the money they receive on certain government
o6ligai,ions or a,gencies of the government which will guarantee pgyment of the
original principa]. and lntcrest on the original bonds. He explained the City
is refundin� three 3ssues and the money t'rom these iasues will"6e'ueed to pur-
chr�se government aecurities, that it has to be used to purchase these aecurities
and placed in�the hands of an escrow agent; that these people will,then take
the eernings from the government securities and the principal'to offset the
principal and interest on the old bonda. Idr. Nolte stated there wae no risk
involved to anyone� that this is a law that Was paeaed in 1963 aalled 'the
Advance Refunding Law to refinance in advance of the call•date;�',He further
stated this evening� the City Council ehould cons3der the emp].oyemant of�an
escrow agent who will watch over the payment to make sure it ie taken aare of -'
and reinvest� the earnings Prom the government securitiea when they are pa3d by
the gavernment before they are needed and the escrow'agent wi11 be'res�onaible
to reinvest this in treasury bills before they are needed. Mr.'Nolte explained
the other item to be taken into consideration thie even3ng waa;',to make enre
that Fridley i� able to purch�se the government securit3es at tha4tim� they re-
ceive the money� that 40 days from tonight bonds wlll have been printed and
signed and they would be able to deliver them td the syndiaate who purchased
them and they will be �iven a check for same. He fvrther expxsined this money
would be used.to pay the escrow agent or the bank who has ggreefl'to deliver'
�overnment securitiea to Fridley at a g3ven price; that tonight� Eridley could
place an order to purchase �overnment securities fo� a f'uture delivery which
guarantees the sr�vings will be right within a few hundred dolla.s�a.
Mr. Nolte stated the City Council could accept thiB bid� aacept an,order of
governmPnt securities and appoint an escrow agent and it would complete the
matter and they wouldhave completed the asle� the selection oi an agent and
purchase of securities without any risk involved. He euggested to�'�the Ciiy
Council they consider these bida of the escrow agent arid,coneideY'the bida ivr
the sale of �overnment securities at the present time sp there wovld be �o
risk� that they could wait for this purchase later on but they �ould be hetting
the market would be goin� down and it would be gambling. Mayor Nee�eta�d�i_it
appeared i,hey would require four votea to undertake an iseuanee'of bonde and
as there were only three members present of the City Couneil they could not
sell bonds and inquired if the procedure should be ended for the present even
though there wae an offer of government securitieg at a certain price. Tkte
Ci�y Counc3l was told the offers were good for as long as representativea
from banks wished� at a future date. Councilman Johansonstated the council
would hold a special hearing as soon ae they were able to have four'of the.five
members of the City Council present. Mayor Nee informed thoee present they
counldn't ❑�ree to undertake to buy these government bonds th3e evening'because
they couldn't agree to sell bonds due to lack of the required�number of votea
r�nd inquired if the bids should be opened. The City Council was told every-
th�ng was contingent on selling the new issue of bonds�and 3t'�wae�suggeated
the bids should not have been opened. Mayor Nee inquired if it was proper to
open the three proposals that had been preeented as they were a11 tied dn to-
gether or if they should be returned unopened. It wae atated',they should be
returned unopened. Mr. Nolte explained they could assume the bid had'been
accepted and further asaume the cost oi the government securitiea at $2,150,508.00
less proceeds which would give the city a coat ot' $26,508.00� thatlif they '
wanted to assume that would be about the price, the coet oY ealea at'�$1�+,50fj.00 �
the escrow fee would be one of the itema tha,� would he'decided on tonigh�.
He flarther explained the total net cost of refur�� would be �s total of these
figures less �116.00 and there would be a total of $576,098.00 end that would
be approximately correct. He explained the appro�imate savittga oP over $114�000.00
and gave the approximate Figure ot' $60,�74.00 as the'amount oP,money theGity
of Fridley would need in cash to make this program good. He`etated his firm
had assumed the City of Fr3dley would be etarting thisprogram',e� o%'Janvary
lst and as it was now February let the accrual was more beaaqae;i'CzWasis month
late and said ii thia sale would go through� they would�recCmonead'the C3ty oi
Fridley accepting the bid and the saving wn�hld be cloae to �114'�000,00 net:
. ,. I��, r�i,
C3ty Attorney Smith stated he had conversed with Charlea Howsrdy attorney� by
phone and the City Council did have a quorum and could aet,�that a'fourth
member of the City Council would be in and able to attend a ctoUncil meeting
at 8:30 A.M. the follow3ng morning and a 4�5 's vote could be'rati,fied. He
explained Mr. Howard had thought it was reasonable to'open the bida and then
re£er them for action to"be taken the Yollowing morning. City, Attdrney Smith
atated the City Counci7. had a 4�5's vote to plsn this bid let�ing�and�the adver-
ti�ing for same and the opening does follow the pattern oP the plan: �Mayor Nee
M �
inq�ired�the length of time the oYfer from John Nuveen & Company would atand
andl�wae'I�old a'Teasonable length of time of 24 to 48 houra. 7'he City Msnager
suggesteddr8the'r than open the other bids� they could hold them until the'
following'imo'rning'and if Councilman Wright attended the meeting they could be
opened��btherwise they could be'returned unopened. Mr, Ehlers inquired if
there would,be any objection to opening the bids and determin�ng what they are.
The'City Manager'replied the only reaeon he had suggested not opening them
wae tha�'the fourth councilman might be delayed and unable ta attend the meet-
ing. It wae generally agreedt;to open the bids, aa preeented. Mayor Nee
stated he aee�ed that if the three members of the City Council agree that
thie ie a good price at 3.41� there would be no problem that the City Council
would act,on'�^tllis the following morn3ng� that the only queation wsa whether
or not it wea' a good price. Mr. Ehlera stated the savinge would show about
$110�000.00 to'$115�00().00 and there should be no neason m�t to proceed.
Mayor Nee inquired it' it would be better for the City Council to attempt this
aale again in a month or so if the bond market would be better. Mr. Ehlers
replled they didn't know what the market would be. Mayor Nee inquired if
Mr. Ehlere had said they had had a sale at 3,26�Y Mr. Ehlere replied this
sale'wae at Columb3a Heights and it was a school bond but thie kind of sale
co�end'e more respect, that achool bonde get additional assietance in timee
of trovbie. He flirther etated that'the City,df Fridley was to be congratulated
on the BAA rating by Moody's Investore Service but it wsa to be remembered, they
did juet get 3t. Mr.�Ehlers ex�lained the market could go the other way though
it had gone down�ona quarter of a�per aent the last three we�ks.
� � -., �- � � � ,
Counci'lman Joh'aa'son inquired how this sale would reflect on any future bond
salee. Mr. Ehlers replied'i'if the City of Fridley were to follow this with
another pond �eale� they might have a problem if theae were close toge�her.
The Finance Officer stated there was nothing until at leaet the end of the
year to be abnsidered snd it would depend on the Work to be done.
, �
Mayor Nee stated there was no particular need to do thie at the present time.
It wea etated'hie point was valid� that if the rate went up, it would go up
in the reinvestment and the poseible profit might be euhetantinl if the City
d1d wait' and ii the City were to sell another Uond issue� they might pay a
little more�for it.',It wae further atated it was true, these are backed by
the government but in the hands oP holders there is,to be two million dollars
more� that'it doean't appear the delay would cost the City anyL-hing but they
would not gain anytYl3ng. Mr. Nalte �xplained this wae 16$ interest the City
would be paying on old bonda without reYunding. Mr. Ehlers stated the local
selea in bonde had gone down.
The meeting'was receeaed. Upon reconvening� Mayor Nee inquired of City Attorney
Smith what aation he Would suggest in the offer before the floor. City Attorney
Smith replied it could be referred to a meeting at fi:30 A.M. in the morning.
Councilman Johanaon inquired if they could accept thie for a resolution to-
night and seeept the bide tonight. C1'�y Attorney Smith xeplied this could be
done a��ject,to ratification. Mr. Ehlers eaid they shouldknow the price
of the'guvrrnment bonds. Mayor Nee stated it was the intention of the City
COUncil to,proceefl anfl if everything went well with the offere� Lhere was no
qveetion and iP there were na objection the offers would be opened.
The'City Mane,ger opened the following bids:
Name '' '�
First Natlonal�Bank oP Minneapolie
� Minneapolls� Minneaota
American�Nat3onal Bank of 5t. Paul
'5t. Pau1��Minneeota
Eecrow Agent Fee
$2�1fj0.00 less
10`,� if purchase
Oifer to Buy Securities
Northwe[!t'trn`' Natibnal' Ban$ of Minn- '�$2�300.00 less $2,052,1+25,64
� ' "�'� ea�olis �$300.00 if pur-
Minneapolls'� Minnesota chase securities
,� �
Mot'ion by Johanson to receive and refer the above bids to fiscal agents, Ehlers-
Mann 8a AeEOC�latee, Inc. for tebulation. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote,
there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Nee stated that
aside from the queation of the net cost of aervicing there was a queetion
of the alertnese which theae short term bonds are inveeted and inquir@d 1Y tHe
�gents present aished to addreas the City Council. It was explsin2diMr. Nolte
had thoroughly explained all items and unleae there werei,quea�iorie,frvm,�he
City Council it would be unnecessary. Mayor Nee stated that on the qu�eti4n
of the reinvestment, they were only talking about $2�000 one way or the, other.
It �as explained this could be the emount or greater and,would dCpend,on'the
market condit3one at,the time and the maturity of the bonds to,,be refunded.'
, �, I
� �
, � -- '
Mayor Nee announced the item in order wae a public hearing nn �n amendment
to Chapter 49 of the Code of the City of Fridley. The,City,ManageT read�the
Notice of Hearing and explained to the City Council eppiea oP the �aj.rl,nptice
had heen sent out to 80 or more owners repreaenting about'100,apartmenta.,
Ma,yor Nee stated it would be appropriate to ask City Attorney Smith,to explain
this ordinance� that the act would require four votea of the,City�,Council
and could not be undertaken th3s.night. , �
� � ��� � �
Cit,y Attorney Smith explained thie ordinance wae not in the natuxe='of,zoning�
that, basically there was a multiple dwelling ordinance that conteruplated
licensing of such end rather thorough and complete inapection oY mul'�iple
dwellin�s and that� in part, was found unconetitutional. He �ur�her,explained
it was so not only on the inspection but also in the amount of the�fee; that
it was considered a tax in disguise. He stated Bob pldrich had preeented to
him what he claimed was hie original thought of having anme cont�rol aad know-
ledge of who owned the apartmenta and who was responelble end'�he t�Rd had,a
plan similar i.o the Regietration Ordinance that Minneapolia hea. City Attorney
Smith said he had tried, in thie propoeal� to write in provisione of,the
Minneapolis Ordinance requiring registration, that in,•this,ord3n&nce every= ,
multiple dwelling unit Would have to be registered with th� City indicating
the names of Lhe ownere, legal description, number and kind oP unitsy change
of owners and fee of $5.00 per building. $e expleined the seati,ons that had �
been repealed are those that deal with the licenaing and the,inepeation and
the eections of the old law that have not been repealed are the sectiona
that are an extension of the Zoning Code and aet up,space ,requirementq�ietorage,
basement apartments� etc.� and they wovld apply to nev+ cone'truCtioA�atld'�not
to exiating buildings. City Attorney Smith etated this t+se a eummary,o� ,the
ordinance, that he did hope those interested had gone ,t�rough the ordinance
in fletail and marked what thex had had in mind� that the' intent wae to repeal
those things that reflected licensing and keep uP6rsding apartmenta,. The
thought of a part of the ordinance� it wae explained� had been to 3mprove the
quality of the buildinga and would provide Yor regietrat,ion eo that the City
would know who to deal with, that as it now exieta� the Oity,is handicapped
from their point oP view of who to desl With.
Mayor Nee inquired if there were anyonA preaent who wished to,be�heard regard-
ing the above mentioned ordinance. Mr. Bill Gottwaldt was preeent anc� inquired
how this re�is�sat3on would be a form of having to b� able to know�Who owna a
buildin� as they could change hands two weeka after registration.� Gity Attorney
Smith replied it was contemplated they would have to come in and ohange,the
registration and it is to be an annual re�ietration, that if a peraon were to
sell out� the new owner would come in and xegister. Mr. Gottwaldt e�ated that
everything you regiater is in the property sale at Anoka County in the records.
City Attorney Smith replied there ie 81re inspection necessary and difficulty
on some build3ngs to know who are the responsible persone and tke proposed
ordinance doea require that the.CertiYicate of Registration be poeted;which
means that Lhis would give some control and it ie a minimum amou�t;but,,it is �
hetter than nothing. Mr. Gottwaldt etated he failed to eee how the registration
would help a�reat deal� that the City does have to sead the„pater,pbill to�,the
owner and the address would be 3n the Water Department of the;City.'� Mr. Sernard
Julkowski was preeent and stated if anyone wanted to knov the owner of'a building
it only took five minutes to call the Anoka Courthouse and-Pind,out'who the
owner mas .� Mayor' Nee in�uired , ii, either of the geq#�,��en pxe�eri'C�u".�td"�#qd ta; ���, ��"
oppose the regietration. Mr. Gottwaldt repl3ed he wae oppoeed 'to anything
that would cost them more money, that the ta�cee this yeaz� had`gope ;up another
20 mills and there was a limit to how much anyone Qould pay. He atated he had
no objections 3n ha4ing an apartment house registered but each yeBr a aew rule
is passed for additional money� that last yea� it was,a licen8e��thie year a
� � � � 1 `� I
wl �
regietr�,tion Yee.' Mayor Nee replied it was his opinion that next year it
would be,a�llceASe fee that he eould not see abandoning the license concept
aad'�;'�1tg�'' a],T.i�sifoY'mation indicates apartment buildings ehould be licenaed,
that theA price"'wae not 3mportant ae lnng as it was resaonably self supporti�
Mr. Julkowaki inquired why the fee should be $5.00 every year and why shouldn't
it be juet,one'fee. It was explained the proceeding should be self supporting
on the basis of th'e license fee.
� � �'
The qu�etion wae,raised iY fire inspection 3sn't paid by the tax payers. Mayor
Nee'replied'this IDight be and the City could underwrite some oF it and inquired
� if theae apar'�tmen� owners would have �n objection ta this ordinance if the fee
were not burdetisome and would they find the inspeetion procedure objectionable
to their buainese. Mr. Julkowski replied he would find it objectionable if
they would have to re-register every year. Councilman Johanson etated this
was no difPeren't,then any other busineas in the City of Fridley, that these
apartment ownere had not gone into these buildinga to do the City of Fridley
a,favor� they had done ao to make money and all other Uueinesees have to buy a
licenee once a year. He flarther steted if they were going to forget about the
licensing or the inspection of the apartments, they should abandon all pro-
cedures for any type oi business in Fridley, that it was not proper to charge
some a licenae and not others. Mayor Nee asserted the argument had been made
in court that the fees Were too high and the City wovld be making money on them
and 3i thie weTe true� it was not the council's intention� but it wes the
intention to provide enough funde to make the inspection process solvent.
He further aseerted he did not wish to see happen in Fridley what hod happened
in downtown Minneapolte� that noUody intends for thia type of condition at the
preeent but it,'would not be too far off. Mayor Nee lnquired oP Mr. Gottwaldt
if it were the actnal number of dollars he was objecting to. Mr. Gottwaldt
replied it wae not� it just seemed that every year it was another tax, that
when you pay the'amovat of taxes on a commercial building, you don't get any
services at any rate� that the roads are nothing to be proud of, that they had
almoet been sued twiee because of the water being yellow and this wae what they
i-- received ior the kind oP texes they paid, Mayor Nee replied the Fire Depart-
ment could prove there was a need for inepection and it could be meanin�ful
', 3f �here was a license involved.
Mayor Nee stated that Councilman Johaneon had made a reasonable point, that
al� other buaineases in F=idley pay taxea and they sre licenaed. Mr. Gottwaldt
a�eed that apertaient buildings should be inepected. Mayor,Nee declared the
public hearing on an amendment to Chapter 49 closed but stated he would prefer
to amend the ordinatice and wished to heve flzrther discuseion at a later date.
, �
7699 T. H, #65 NORTHEAST - 26 x 26 - ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST OF $7,500.00:
The City i�Ienager'stated the only 3tem of business taken for council considera-
tion wae an.appliaetion for a building permit. The City Manager read to the
City Counoil the'reeo�endation oi the $uilding Board. It was mentioned the
building was to eoat $20�000 rather than the figure given of $7,500.00.
Motion by Kirkham to'eoncur with the Building Board and grant the building
permit by Sherman Hanaon for a Frostop Drivein at 7699 T. fi. #65 Northeast,
26 x 26 with ap estimtted construction cost of $20,000 with the stipulation
� that'the applicant,submit e drawing Por the drivein showing the presence of
� bumper blocke and etriping in the parking srea to the satisfaction of the
Building Inepe'ctor. •Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no
' naye�'the'motion carried unanimouely.
Mayor Nee announced the consideration of the minutes of the Planning
Commiaeion Meeting held February 19, 1964. •
The City Manager explained to the City Council the hearing on the�airove item
had been closed and matter held to see if some action would be oontemplated
by the Planning Co�nisaion. The City Manager read ta the City Council the
recommendation of the Planning Commisaion to deny �he rezoning request." He i�
explained the ownere had been informed that depending�what City At'torney 9mith �
might say, the City Council could either concur without a public hearing but
if they wanted to request a public hearing� the City Council would hold one.
The owners were not present.
Motion by Kirkham to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Coam�ieaion
and deny the rezoning request, zoA #63-24, Dr. Riahard,Trezona,andsHarvey
Peteraon, Lot 16� Block 5� Rice Creek Plaza� South Addition #'rom R-2 to R-3.
Seconded by Johanaon. Upon a voice vote� there being no n9ys� the�motion
carried unanlmously. �
SPRTN(_ T.AKF. PdRTC T.4KF.CTf1F. -T.YTNfl NhRTH.l1F 'f�HT: R(IiPF'FT S FF.F.T Tfii'.RF.(IF 8TTi1� TAT�', i
The City Mana�er read to the City Council the reco�endation of the Planning
Commiesion. Motion by Johanson to concur with the recom�uendation of the
Planning Co�oiasion and approve the Lot split request, L. 3. #63-35, by Donald
Bourke on that part of lot 19, Block 1� Spring Lake Park Lakeeide� lying North
of the South 85 feet thereof and the South 85 feet of Lot 19� Slock 1� Spr3n�
Lake Park Lakeaide providin� the garage ia removed before any builfling permita
are issued. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no'nays� the
motion carried unanimously. . " �
The City Manager read to-the City Council the recommendation�oY the Planning
Co�3ssion and stated the City has all dedicationa except the one needed �Prom
Robert Hall Clothes� Inc, and 3P the City Council uould uieh'to concur in the
Marian Hills addition, they could authorize administration to proceed to acquire
the necessary eas�nents, Mr. Mortenson was present and atated they would
rather have 50 feet inetead of 60 ieet for an sasement ft they'cauld get it:
The City Manager explained the City Code reads 50 feet is required �in intexior
residential streete and 60 feet on main thoroughfares and wEiere it,i's a etreet
serving business, the Planning Co�nission can make the recodmlendation'.and this
was what they had done. Mr. Bernard Julkowaki was preaent and stated he owned
part of this land and it goes into a 50 ioot etreet and it wolald be be�ter �
this way and give more boulevard. hlsyor Nee inquired What dtscuesion the�,
Planning Cormniseion had had to recommend a 60 foot street.�r''I'Fhe C,ity Manager
replied there had not been a great deal of discuseiott on the mattex� they had
merely said it should be a 60 foot atreet. Councilman Johaneon etated they
could table the item and etudy it at greater length. Mr. Julko�+ski replied,
there wae some urgencq for his plans.
Motion by Johanson that 52nd Avenue be dedicated as a 50 foot,street. Seconded
by Kirkham. The City Manager suggested the City Couhcil could g�ve him ,
direction to proceed on the easemente if they ao Wiahed. Counailmaa Johanaon I,
stated he didn't feel they would be buy�n� any easemente. ,Motion �y,Jobanaon __i
to amend previous motion that 52nd Avenue be dedicated as a'S0 ioot atreet
and undertake the seouring of all easements. Seconded by Kirkham., Upon a
vaice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
� ,.
The City Manager read to the City Council the reco�endation qf the Planuing
Commission and stated the area requirement was �+�+,000 feet and this was larger
a ��
then the masimumr that if council ao wished� they could hold up any procedure
untril�nth'e'y pbtained'the Certificate of eurvey. He further explained the
ho�;'df Dorothy Baxter was on the East lot of the area in question and this
would leave�two vacant 1ots.
��� � „ � �
Motion by Johanspn to 'ooncur with the recormnendation of the Planning Commiesion
and grant the Lot eplit request� L. S, #64-01 by Dorothy Baxter, on Lot 2,
r Meloland (3ardena and waive the area requirements eubject to a certificate of
I survey. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the
Imotion earried unanimously.
i ,,
The City Manager read to the City Couneil the recoumiendation of the Planning
Co�isaion aad $tated thie item was set up for a public hearing on March 2nd�
that the City Conticil had already had the final plat and this wae a procedural
item that wse reco�ended by the City pttorney. Fie explained to the City
Council they could order the hearing which was being advertised,
Motion by Kirkham to concur with the recou�endation of the Planning Commission
and set a public hearing on the alley vacation snv #64-oi, Maynard R�smussen�
on the alley North of and adjacent to North line of Block 10, Spring Brook
Park lying,between the West line and East line of Block 10� Sprin� Brook Park
for Maroh 2nd� 1964. Seconded by Johanaon. Upon a voice vote� there being
no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
-- The City Manager read to the City Council the following recommendation for a
I metter of record:
� ,,,� � �
��' ,MOTION by Bandel, seconded by Thompson, that Mr. Danielson's
co�ente in the Plata and Subdivieions Suh-Co�nittee meeting of
Fcbruary 4� 1964 be made a matter oi record and reierred to the City
Council ae Yollows: "Mr. Danielson wented to bring to the attention
oY the Planping Commiasion and City Council that the City of Fridley
ahould 3nvestigate the possibility of getting Federal Aid money Yor
the purpose of building and operating an apartment complex to serve
the retired elderly people". Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Ehlere� fiecal agent, returned to the council floor to give a report and
etated the offere had been interpreted and they had taken the lawest offer to
eell^government bonda by the.American National Bank and their price a�as
$2,051,195•63 and the eecrow agreement was $2,160.00 which would �ive a
total combined cost or $2,053,355•63 which was about �310.00 less then the
combined oYfer of the lst National Bank of Minneapolis. He explained this
would involve separating the escrow agency from the seller of the government
bonde but had a saving of about $300.00. He flarther explained there was
something'to�be eaid for combining the two operations and it might be that
� the �300.00 might be worth the convenience of having the two together. He
stated tho lowest oombination was the ls� Netional Bank and the escrow agree-
ment by the`,AmeTican Nstional Bank was bhe lowest� that the total net savings
was�$1i4,725.Op'by refunding and thie Yigure could vary a couple of hundred
dollara and the,figure was $18,000.00 more than they had eatimated, Council-
man Johaneoa inqUired if Mr. Ehlers had a recommendation for the City Council.
Mr. Eh�ere atated they did like to eee the operations combined but did aay
this�with.some apprehen�ion ae it would eost the City over the 11fe of the
refVtiding about $310.00 and there wae also the queation aa to the services
oi"fered by the var3oue escrow ageneiea. He further etated they had had
aervice'by the'American National Bank and it was eatisfactory, that they had
had a lot of experience with First National Bank and their service was
excellent. He explained what the City Council ehould try to eccompliah'wae�
a r,lose reinvestment of the iUnda as they come due becavse they�do not' mature
on the exact d�te of the refunding� ao it was important the a'gent immediately
3nvest that, money, It was expla�ned these agents.keep a monthly balance of
what wae comiiag due and the escrow agreement that the City Council would be
asked to enter into would speciPy this be done. Coun¢S1man Johanaon'i'nquired
of Mr. Ehlers if he could recommend to the City Council'they shoul;d aecept
tBe low bid of Fjrst National i3ank. Mgyor Nee stated he did not'know the�� i
American Nai,ional Bank, that he had gone 3nto the subject of handling and ,
the First National Bank had a very impressive system of,manag3ng these Punda J
and the $300.00 would be negligible When earning power inveatment was consi-
dered. Councilman Johaneon inquired of Mr. Ehlers if there'would'be any
querElon of any kind 3f the City Council aceepted the bid of the First'
National Bank. Mr. Ehlers replied it would be Yn the'realm oY'pereorial ''�
service, that the act3on necessary, if the City Counail;so wis�hed'y would be'�
a resolution determining to purchase the list of government securitiea�
which they had prepared, at the price of the First National Benk.' ��
� � � ,�� � � � �
Mr. Ehlers stated, further, that he could not eay how much the City'owed ,'to
the Mayor and the City Manager for the 3mpreseion they had lePt with�the bond
brokers during their recent trip to NeW York� that it had left an'impreseion
on the rating services and they were to be commended for upgrading the com-
munity, I� � ��
lli7u^ul liPuiCN: n [�'l1(Y3
Mayor Nee announced a cotmnunication from FFames H. Hensley of the Board of
Ilealth regarding Designware Indastries,
„ �'
Motion by Johanson to receive the communication from James &. Hensley,��ge,alth
Officer. The City Manager stated he had not, as yet� heard irom the State _,�
Fiea]th Department regarding this matter but they had compl3ed with their order
and received no reply, that the City Council could tske notice this had,been
issued and notice aent. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice�vote� there being
no neys, the motion earried unanimously. , �;�
� � ,�
� , J
Mayox Nee stated the City Council could reoe3ve the oxder regerding�,�F�Fth Ave-
nue Northeast detachin� it from the City of Columbia Heights and annexing it
to the City of Fridley. The City Manager read aloud the communication Fe-
ceived and explained this had to be obtained first end Anbka Covnty wi11 talce
it over and improve it nest spring. ,
- �
Motion by Johanson to receive the Order regarding 44th Avenue No�theast. Se-
conded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no naye,'the motion carr3ed
unanimously. ,
, �
J. �
. � � ,.
The City Managzr ata�ed the regular supplier to the C1'ty of�Fxidley hs$`��nct�t. ,
bid� and they were having a difficult time in buying chloFine�,thet_he h�d �
suggested that Mr. Chesney of the Department of Public•Works cheek with,Haw�
kins Chemical to see if they would give a better price. MayoriIdee;,iIIquir,ed, _,
iY any other potential suppliers had been contacted. The C3ty,kSaAager ex- �
plained that unlese the City Council wiahed to go to the expense oY,'another,
bid� they could accept the bid of Hawkins Chemicel. Mayor,Nee,inqqi�'ed„ii,
Fridley could buy on a contract inatead of on a bid and wse told they,couj.d
not. The City Manager atated the direetive wae up to the City Cou�o11 but ;
Hawkins Chemical had been suggested and they would atill'spggeat thie comp-;
any because of the handling facilitiea� nearnees and aonvenience snd,the,City
Cauncil could award the bid based on the previaus'b3de teken. Mr.'Quresh3,,
City Engineer, stated a representetive'from Hawkihe Chem3caL had �aid iP the
quantity ordered went over 30,000 lbs. the price would'be lowered'an$,thia was
1 �
one factor thab should be considered. City Attorney Smith auggeated to the City
Council they deal with the selection of the adminietration and accept the bid
of Hawkina Chemical and return the other bids� that it would serve no purpose to
advertiae again:
Motiontby Jbhanaoa to award the bid for the furnishing of chlorine to the City
of Fridley to Hawkine Chemical Company in the approximate amount of $2,957,40.
Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried
The City Manager etated thst with regard to the letter received from Akers Realty
and a Yuture off-eale liquor store, the City Council could advise him to co�uni-
cate with Mr. Akere and etate they were nat interested as this would not be too
far Yrom,the.preeent'oYf-sale store. Mr. Bheldon Mortenson was present and ex-
plainefl the location of' the proposed ehopping center was next to the Columbia
Heighte City,line and they did have quite a bit of interest shown on thie site
and it would bring maay people to that particular srea, Mayor Nee inquired of
Mr. Mortenaon what other stores woUld be leasing epace. Mr. Mortenson replied
they wexe planning a Q00�000 squere foot shopping center and it would be of value
if he could state the City Council was intereeted. The City Council generally
agreed they could state they were interested in the shopping center.
. .
Mayor Nee annaunced a coa�unication from City Attorney Smith regarding the pro-
bation qfficer and the payment of same. The City Manager atated there had been
an opindon preaented'oa the probation oPficer. City Attorney Smith explained to
the C�ty Council thie item had been pending for over a month, that he had requested
an Attorney General's Opinion based on the facte that Fridley operates under a
�"- home Rule Charter� a municipal court, a municipal judge and a special judge and
I makesino proviaioa for a probation offieer but had had euch a person appointed by
�i the courte: He further stated he had inquired if such a job were to be estaUlished
who would make'the appointment and if it were poseible for the City Council to
provide for the eame in its budget. The enswer had been negative, he stated, and
neither the'judge� coancil or manager have the authority �o appoint such an oYficer
and there could be no budget for eame. City Attorney Smith stated in view of this
anewer he had iniormed the Einance Officer not to pay the last check to the pro-
b ation ofYicer. There had been eome auggestion that the County ehould be fl�rnish-
ing the City oP Fridley auch a person but it had not been epecific. Councilman
Johaneon stated this person had been working all these yeare and had been paid
by the City Cou17ci1. City Attorney Smith replied the City Council had authorized
the monies paid in this period of time. Councilman Kirkham inquired how the City
Couneil could compeneate this peraon for his serv�ces. The Finance Officer stated
he wes not aWare iY thie peraon had sctually worked on h3s probation jub, that
he was not eqre ha had worked after the last check uae iesued end that a bill
on the'probatioa job hafl not been eubmitted. Councilman Kirkham inquired whet
check had been-Xeferred to. City Attorney Smith atated he had been under the
iarpresaion there wae e bi�.l out� that there is no longer a probation officer and,
therefore� ao aetion neceseary.
Motion by Johsnson to receive the letter from City Attorney Smith concerning the
offiae of Rrobation ofYicer. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there be-
ing no nays� �He'motion carried unanimously.
The City Mane,ger explained to the City Council, that normally burning permits are
not submitted �o the City Council tut this particular area had been in question
for some t'ime� that it was the area that had Ueen brought to co�rt and still
doeen't have s permit for a yard. It was stated the City Attorney could again
pureue the matter� thet the Fire Inspector had preeented this to the administration
beaeuee'of�the qvestionable status of an euto parts lot. Mpyor Nee inquired if
the"auto parts lot had changed hands and if it had grandfather law protection.
Counailman Johanaon replied he had been told it had changed owners, that this
pereon had'come in for a epecial use permit and wae refuaed but want ahead any-
way, 'It wse explsined the requeet had been for a used car parts lot. City
Attorney Smith expinined to the City Council the £irst lot hafl existed before
the firat villa�e zoning end that required fencing.
Mation by Sohanson to refer to the City Aib�rney the entire queetion regarding
Bob's Auto Part� located at 7300 Central Avenue Northeast� Fridley� Minneaota
for an opinioM. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays,
the.motion carried unanimously. City Fire Inspector Aldrich inquired if some-
one would inform Mr. Robert L. Pears vhat the action would be. 3'he City Mana-
ger replied he could so inform Mr. Pears that the matter had been �eferred to ,
the City pttorney. City Attorne8 Smith stated there would be no burning per- I
mit isaued until the matter came back to the City Council.
V. F. W.: 3.2 PERMIT:
V. F. W.: BINGO: � �„ ,�
Mayor Nee announced eo�nunicatione received from the Fridley,v,,F. W. Post
�363 regarding permiaeion to hold danees� and an application for a non-intoxi�-
cating malt liquor licenae and permieaion to have Bingo at new, location� 6205
University Avenue Northesat. The City Manager atated he wae not aware if th�y
had a tavern permit. The Finance Officer stated it wea not oompleted hut he
did have the application for the on and ofP eale beer llcettee:, I� wae explained
by the City Manager the location of the V. F, W, headquarters,wovld be the neW
shoppin�; center that Mr. Julkowski was buildin� on Univeraity Avenue� that they
did want a beer licenae and the Finance Officer had adviaed they muat have this
to have ]icensin�. The representatives of the V. F. W. Poat #g63 were present
to answer any City Council questions. � �� �
Motion tay Johancon to �rant the requests to the Fridley V. F. W. Poat #363 to
hold dances at location oP 6205 Univera3ty Avenue Northeast� Fridley also��
grant permis�ion to operate Bingo at the eame location. City Attorney $mith
explained to the City Council the entire purpose of the tavern licenae,was
adopted because there was a conflict on dancing and 3.2 beer end,thia ordinance
was patterned efter one in Golden Valley and the important par,t ie;'to�sllow� �
dancing and entertainment and to control minors as thie eeeme Ito be the�prob- i
lem area. The City Manager inquired if the City Council,ahould give;'such an r
indiaation. Seconded by Kirkham. Mayor Nee etated he aesumed tha�building �
did not exist aa yet� so they nould not formally apply for a permit� that thia
motion simply expresaes the council's intention to grant it. The,'City Manager
atated the application of the V. F. w. P.oat �363 would'give the'date'of May-lst
With this approval. Upon a voice vote, there being no naye� the motion carried
unanimously. �
� � �
Msyor Nee announced a communication from Northern States Yower Company announc-
ing a reduction of electr3cal rates. �
Motion by Kirkham to receive and file the communication from Northern States �
Power Company announcing a reduction of electrical rates. 3eaoncied by Johanson.
Upon a voice vote� there being no nriys� the motion carried unanimousl�.
Mayor Nee inquired if there were any visitors preeent who vere not lieted on
the Agenda and wished to be heard. There were no viaitors preaent who wiehed
to be heord.
CLAIM5: a '
Couneilman Kirkham inquired re�arding cla3ms payable to Farnh�m's 9,tationeXy,
and requested that a conaerted effort be made to patronize loFal Yirme,��The,
Finance Officer explained this was for material that �aa orde�ed�'befmre ther,
firet of the year. He further explained hie departmen,t had received quoLa-��
tions in Decemher regarding supplies and the Fridley OfY1ce,SUpply Company
had been one of the firms bidding, that in 1964 everything had beenr,ordere�d,,
from this firm in the linea they do carry and had given Ytiut,the beet,discount
off the regular etationery list price, The City Manager explained theldiR�erent
departmenta had been given requ3aition forms to order supplies, Councilman
Kirkham 3nquirefl regarding the large expenditure to Park Conatruction. It wns
explaine,d,by the Finanee Officer this item had been for dredging for the Psrk
and winter work: Councilman Kirkham flirther inquired regarding an item of a
physical examinetion with doctors in downtown Minneapolie and why the examin-
ationa had'not been obtained from Fridley doctore. The Flnance Officer stated
it had been'for a volunteer firemsn and they took care of this type of item
from their 'department� that all new employees of Fridley are sent to the
Fridley Clinic.
Motion by,Kirkham to approve the payment of General Claims �1973 through
#2072. Seeonded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the
motion carried unanimouely.
Motion by Johaneon to approve the payment of Liquor Clsime �6055 through #6110,
Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion
carried unanimously.
Motion by Kirkham to approve the payment of Public Utilities Claims �3115
through #31�3. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vate� there 6eing no
naye� the motion carried unan3mously.
Mayor Nee announced an estimate in the amount of $500.63 payable to Comstock
and ➢avie� Inc.
Motion hy Johanson to approve the following estimate:
Comstoek and Davis, Inc.
Consultiag Engineers
1446 County Road "J"
Minneapolis, Minneeota 55�32
Eetimate #11+ Water Improvement Project
. ' No. 3b-K (Partiel)
Estimate # 3 Sewer and Water Improvement
Froject No. 61 (Partial)
Seeonded by �irkham. Upon a voice vote� there Ueing no naye� the motion
carried unanimously.
Motion by Johaneon to approve the issvance of the following licenses:
Hanaon Buildere� Inc.
7125 Jeraey Avenue North
� Minneapolie�� Minneeot's
Donald Rise Cone�ruction
�141 Rellaad Lane
St. Paul 12�`Minneaota
Langley Builders, Ine.
13191 iincoln St. N. E.
Anoke� Mi,nnesota
Partri$ge Conetruction Co.
104'Eme'rald Avenue
New Bright 12i Minnesota
by: Orville B, Hanson &
Oawald F. Haneon
by: Donald Kise
by: James Langley
by: Danald E. Partridge
� w
� �1
West-Rich Builders� Inc.
7�+63 Able st. N. �.
Fridley 32� Minnesota
Sherid�n Sheet Metal
4116 Quebec Avenue North
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Ra,y Stegora Plb, & fitg. Co.
5419 Quebec Avenue North
Minneapolis 2fi� Minnesots
Ray Stegora PB,bg. & Htg. Co.
5419 Quebec Avenue North
Minneapolis 28} Minneeota
by: Laurie Johnson
by: A1 Opheim
by: Ray Stegora
by: Ray Stegora
Seconded by Kirkham, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried
Mayor Nee announced the receiving of Petition #6-1964 for impxovements. Motion
b,y Johanson to receive Petition #6-1964 and refer to sdminietration for pro-
eesaing. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote�. there being no nays� the
mo�ion oarried unanimously, � �� �
Mayor Nee announced the cone3deration of leaeing space for #� Liquor Store.
The City Manager stated Mr. Levy of the Holly Shopping Center wae present and
had been asked to make quite a few proposals� that Mr, Maguire� Liquor Store
Manager was al,so present.� The City Manager explained in detail the propoeals
presented to date. Councilman Johaneon stated he and Mr. Maguire had gone to
Rochester to look at liquor stores there, that all of the propoeals wera seked
for because of the width of the proposed store and what would be accompliahed
in a self service store, At Fiochester� it was explained� theq had looked,at a
store with dimensions of 26 feet by 100 feet and they had agre�d this,store,
would not fit the means of the City of F'ridley, that the owner of thie'particu-
lar store was in the procese of moving into a larger store. The Second etore
they hed inspected was a etore with dimensions of 20 Peet by 100 ieet and th�s
was even worse than the first etore. Councilman Johanson and Mr. Maguire'°had
stated they had inepected a�hird atore with d3mensions of 40,,�eet;yby 90 feet
and it was a very outstanding store and well laid out. It Was �tated Fridley
would have no problem in doing a good businese with a store of thie type.
Councilman Johanson stated he and Mr. Maguire had discuaeed the item at
length and it was their feeling that unlees Fridley could get a miaimt�
store of 35 feet by 90 feet� thet the City of Fridley wovld be nery,,fO,olish„
to even attempt to move from their present locat3on. Covncilman dohanson ,
flarther stated that after examining �he pxoposals of the o4net��oY Ho11y ,�,a, ,
Shopping Center of $450.00 and �525.00 that the overhead would be'g"'o high
they would have a big problem beiore starting to make any given money. The
City Manager stated the large store would be in rental monies� $371.00,more
than they were preaently paying. It was stated by Councilman'Johanaon that
with the pricea in mind the City should atay where they were apd ge,t in,touch �
with the owner and put 15 £eet in storage on the back of the present store,
It was er.plained the 30 foot by 90 foot store could be worked'out at �450�00
per month. Councilman Johanson stated that from what they ha� eeen,of the '
smaller store It would not work. The City Manager intexjected to e'tste the
City Council should take into account what it would cost to move the store also.
Councilman Sohanson stated it would eost at least $10�000 to move and,be in-
etalled in the new building� that Mr. Maguire hsd told him he didn't feel
the inventory would have to be increased.
The City Me.nager explained to the C3ty Council the liquor store account was
doing about $230�000 gooss now and it could be increesed to about�400,000
gross� that they Were talking a difference in cost of about $4�440.00 and
the firat'year'would take care of the movin� coet. Mr. Maguire� liquar
� store manager wae preesnt and stated in all the stores they had inspected�
they had the gondolae running in l�ength snd had thDUg�i they might be able to
run theee on the xldth end they could still have their walk-in cooler acroes
the ba�k,.; He i'�ixther atated they could easily have a 30 foot etore. The City
Mana$er inquired if the City Council wiahed to move thie item to the next
special mBeting. Mayor Nee inquired if it would be possible to get a design
oP such a etore as the poesibility of even doing it was before the City Council.
Mr. Maguire etatedhe had thought to eimplify matters, they would decide what
they could get firet. It was generally agreed the City Council would be inter-
ested in e�0 foot,by 90 foot etore if a proposal could be reached. The City
Manager explained to the City Council Mr. Maguire could get as much information
as poesible anci the Finance Director could give the City Council figures and
they would obtain and gather this informetion and have it ready far council
inspection possibly for the March 2nd meeting. He further inquired if they
wished to d3rect thie bsaed on the 30 ioot by 9D foot store. Mr. Levy of i,he
Holly Shoppittg Center etated they could �� the store 35 feet wide and could
make it longer but no wider.
Motion by Sohaneon to direct theCity Manager to return to the City Council �
proposal for a liquor etore in the Holly Shopping Center based on a store 30
feet by 90 ieet. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there Ueing no nays�
the motion carried vnanimously.
I Mayor Nee announced the item beiore the City Council was an agreement with the
� Howard R. Green Company regarding a samitary sewer investigation and report
on 7jrd Avenue Northesat. The City Nfane.ger explained to the City Council there
were no dollar amounts mentioned in the coa�vnication and it wa3 pretty hard
to eatimate. City Attomey Smith stated he had read the letter but there wae
no money mentioned. The City Manager replied this company could not give them
any price. Msyor Nee stated that in earlier correapondence an hourly rate or
daily rabe had beea mentioned but it was not stated in this letter. City
Attorney Smtth�saifl the only thing he didn't underetand was the payment
schedule. City $n'gineer Qvreshi replied if this company epends $100.00, they
would double the amount for reimbursement. Mayor Nee stated there were differ-
ent iteme� it doubles the ealary but not all the expenses, that whai; City
Engineer Qureehi was referring to was salary costs. Mr. Comstock, consulting
engineer� atated thia would be plua 100`�� plus out of pocket expensea. City
Attorney,Snith inquired if this were the only en�ineering company that had
, returned w��h a,propoeal and wae told it was. Mr. Comstock stated a fee oi
this type vas co�on in the profession. City Attorney Smith stated the problem
had to,be eolved and there eeemed to be no other way. City �ngineer Qureshi
explained to the City Council this would be quite expensive and the figure
would go into thoueands of dollars to get this kind of report� up to at least
$4�000 to $$,000, "
Motion.by Kirkhem to avthorize the agreement with Howard R. Green Company for
Sanitary SeWer Inveatigation and Report on 73rd Avenue Northeast. Seconded
by Johaneon.4 Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motinn carrted
unanimouely.^' � � _ � � - , ' ` �
�'1tIICIC ,PiktCHA6E i '
Mayor Nee announced the aoneideration of the purchase of a used pickup truck
and requeeted an explanation of the City Manager. It was expinined to the
City Council by the City Manager that they were aware of the fact the City
Counail had expreased a distaste for used equipment and he agreed but it wae
poesible for some of the amaller trucka to get by with used equipment and it
was suggested if they would authorize this purchase of a replacement, on the
baeie of a ueed truck� this permiasion would be appreciated and they would
keep the purchase of the said truck et about $400.00 to $500.00.
Motion by Johanson to approve the requeet to purchaee a used truck. Seconded
by Kirkham. iJpott a voice vote, there bain� no nays, the motion carried un-
� ,r � i
Mayor Nee announced the consideration of a resolution receiving P3na1 plans
and apecificationw and ordering the advertisement for bids. Mx,,Comatock� -
consulting engineer, stated City Engineer Qureshi had the plans and the item
wss for the shopping center area and explained {,he lines oP and the'development
of same. The City Manager suggested to 'Che City Counc3l the bide could be
authorizc�d for the meeting of March 2nd. '
Motion by Jphanson to adopt Resolution #27-1964 receiving iinal plaas 'snd
specifications r�nd ordering the advert3eement for bida on Mareh 2nd� i964
on sewer and water Improvement �66, SACOnded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote�
there being no nays� the mvtion carried unanimously.
FtESOLUTIONS #28-1964, �29-1964, #30-1964 and #31-1964 AUTfiORIZING BPLITl'ING
A5SE6SMENTu: ^ � ,
Motion by Johanson to adopt RESOLUTION �28-1964 authorizing and directing the
splitting of special assessments on Lats18 and 19, Block 17� Fridley Park.
Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the mot3on
carried unanimously. " '
i �
Motion by Johanson to adopt R�SOLUTTON #29-1964 authorizing and directing the
splitting of �peci�l asseasments on Parcel 420� Auditor's Suhdivision #108.
Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� thelmo�ion carried
Motion by Johanson to adopt RESOLUTION #30-1964 authorizing and directing'the —
splitting oi' specinl assessments on Lats 3 and 4, Block 13, Hyde Park. Seoonded
by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried
unanimously. •
Motion by Johanson to adopt RESOLUTION #31-1964 authorizing and directing"the
splitting of special as�essments on Lot 9, Block 1, Spr3ng Lake Park Le.keside.
Seconded by Kirkham, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion '
carried unanimously. •
Meyor Nee announced an emergency ordinance for the amtracting and'expenditure of
flands for the cleanin�� development and repair of i�ell #1 in the City of Fridley.
The City Manager explained to theCity Cduncil he had a memo in^which it was re-
ported the well was per£orming well. City Engineer Qureshi explained the contents
end point producing the City should have and what they did have� that he'had and
would keep a close check on thi� well. The C3ty Manager gave the readin� of the
necessary emer�ency ordinance for the expenditure of funds necessexy On th'e :well
and expl�ined this was the old well and at the time the City CouACil decided not
to do the entire conatruction on the well and after the eity had pump`prob'leme
they had decided to improve the well comp2etely. Ae'further,explslned they Nere
getting even better service then they hsd anticipated in the wB11.r�City Engineer
Qureshi stated if they could keep the maintenance better and' get'the repaira done
better that� perhaps� they could save money� that in thia case they had had to
spend about $1�500.OQ far parts. He further explained it would be better to spend
roonies ahe�d of time on maintenance� that in thio case thia was brough� vp`''7''
repeatedly but it had never gone through; further� that the well ian`t in top
condit3on but it is good enou�h at the present time. It rras atated'by City
Engineer Qnreshi that the Hell had coat originally aome $22�000,00 and"that'
now they cost aUout $80�000.00. �
Motion by'Johanaon to adopt Emergency Ordinance �257 Por the contrecting and
expenditure of fudds;3or the clearning� development and repair of Well #1
in the City of Fridley. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a rall call vote, those
voting in,favor 6i the mot3on, Nee� Kirkham, Johanson. Those opposed, none.
The motion fOr'the adoptiori of'the emergency ordinance was unanimously carried.
Mayor Nee a�tiovnced the'eonsideration of a resolution ordering a preliminary
report for water and ser�er for i964 on Sewer and Watex Projeet #67� and inquired
it' all of the areea had eufiicient petitions. City Engineer Qureshi stated that,
basically� What'they had done was put in everything that wes petitioned for in
the 1sa� two yeara� that they did have the list3ng of what kind of petitions
they had." The City Manager explained to the City Cauncil he had Wanted to get
theee together in one place and they would go into it more thoroughly before
a prelim3nary report was made up for Council consideretion. Mayor Nee inquired
if the eighteen itema mentioned in the named resolution would not neeessarily
be included'on the preliminary report. The City Manager replied the council
could paea the r�solution which orflers it and they would work it out and weed
out thoae'unneceasary items. Councilman Johanson inquired iY the Engineering
Department 6hpuldn't take out thoae they would not even attempt, The City
Man6ger replied the City Council could eimply order the administration to order
the preliminary report anfl weed out the unnecessary iteme and it was not
neceseary to act oh thie tonight but they should act on it as soon as it was
convenient. Councilman Johanson stated it was his opinion the City Council
shouldn't authorize anybody to go ahead with preliminary plana if they don't
know which areae they would want to do this year. The City Manager suggested
the City CovneiT could'authorize his dgpartment to weed out those with peti-
tione under 5fl�i':', Mayor Nee stated he did not wish to move on anything lese
than 50�i and'a'�airly high degree of support for whatever they would authorize�
that for an example the Sears property was listed, It was explained by C3ty
En�ineer Qureshi they had been included as part oi those to be weeded out.
Councilman Kirkham stated he would prefer to have these areas cut down some
more and retuFned to the floor. Councilman Johanson stated he could not act
on the motion ae it wae set up and inqaired what other act3on could be given
thie evening'to authorize the administration to do what the City Council wished.
The City I�nager replied they woUld jvet not be able to start any preliminary
work on some projecta. Counciltm n Johaneon sug�eated the City Council table
the item and ask the City Manager to retUrn with a revieed liat.
Motion by Johaneoa to table the resolution ordering preliminary pl�ns� epeciii-
cationa and eetimates of the costs thereof� a Water and Sewer Project Number 67
and reaolution'ordering preliminery plana� specifications and estimates of the
costa thexeoi� Storm Sewer Project Number 6$. Seconded hy Kirkham. Upon a
voice vote� there beiag no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee annolmced a reaolution under consideration ordering a preliminary
report fox' eome 5ta�e Side Roada. The City Manager explained to the City
Council this vae one oP the State Aid Roads they had had several calls for.
A diseussioa �eriod followed d�herein the City Manager stated they would have
coet eetiIDatesi'for the City Council if they wished aidewalks put in on either
side of any giVen street or both sides� that they had received ca]ls from
residents on Coral Drive. City Attorney Smith stated there was a problem
with this item'ae'it required a��5's vote of the council and the asseesment
hearin�e would not be complete. Mg.yor Nee replied they could adjourn and
take the item at a later date,
Mayor ldee announced the consideration oi a resolution ordering a preliminary
report foT streeta. City Attorney Smith stated in this resolution there were
enough petitione and three votes of the City Council would be eufficient. City
J Fy
�ngineer Qureshi explained the report and stated this would be in the form,of
a preliminary report. The item wae continued.
Mayor Nee announced the consideration of a resolution relsting to c¢+ossovers
For Trunk Highway #47. The City Mana�er stated City Engineer QUreahi had had
direct contact with the State Highway Department on thia matter.,;�City Engineer I
Q,ureshi explained to the City Council 73rd Avenue Northeset'and the'�sercri'oe �
roada and the extension of 73rd Flvenue and stated that when the City Council
approved prel3minary plano all were not approved. He further explained the
State Aid Road� also the cIDOSSOVer being moved and told the City Council the
Stai,e Highway Department are reluctsnt to change but he had,ielt it should be
put through the council and make it official so that if there Se any problem�
they could get this 3n writing and the City Council ie Pully aware they want
the croeeover. He further etated there is diacuaeion on 83rd and 69th Avenuea,
that these were the crossovers that were approved a long time,ago and Spring Lake
Park was not in approva7. but now want to change the caoseovere and he had„had
a meeting with them and it was felt these crossovera are for the best interests
of the city. „
Motion by Sohanson to adopt Resolution �32-1964 relating to crossovere for �
u.P. 0205-15 (Trunk Highway #1F7); Seconded by Kirkham. Upon,'a voiae vote�
there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. "
Mayor Nee announced the first reading of an ordinance relating to cantractora
bonds. The City Manager gave the first reading of said ordinance. City „
Attorney Smith explained to the City Council this was the ordinance they had
talked about st the last meeting and he had deleted the provis,iona of the bond
and 3nserted the language "and willingness to comply to the provisiona of the
City Code".
, �,
Motion by Johanson to accept �s first reading an ordinance amending.,Section
18.03 of the City Code of tbe City of Fridley by deleting the xequixement of
filing a bond by various licensed contractors. Seconded by Kirkham.; Upon a
vo3ce vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.' �,
Mayor Nee announced the receipt of a letter from the Greater Minneapo],ie, Girl
Scout Council and stated he assumed thie coa�unication ahould lae tuxned over
to the Park Board. The City Manager euggested this,be done. Mayor,Nee, ,
explained for those present thie was a reque�t by the gixl achtita�tb run a day
camp in iocke Park.
Motion b,y Johaneon to refer to the Parks and Playground Committe.e'^the communica-
tian from Colette Mechler, Camp Administrator of the Qreater Minneapol3s f33r1
Scout Council for day damps in Locke Park. Seconded by Kirkham.� Flpon a voice
vote� there bein� no nays� the motion carried unanimously. ,'
Mayor Nee announced the receipt of a commun3cation from the�f�scal �consultants I
to the District, Ehlers-Mann & Aasociates� Inc. The�City Manager explained to �
those present the rating on bonds received. Mayor Nee stated,they had reeeived
notice from Moody's Investors Service of the new rating of BAA rather than 8BB
which the City of Fridley previously had and wh3ch was considexed $tandard Qnd
Poor. He further explained the inveators had increeaed Fridley's rating for
bonds which malces the bonda eligible to hold as col].steral whiol� jnst sbout
doubles Fridley's ratings. - '
Motion_by Johanson to receive and file the communication Prom �hlera-Mana &
Associatea, Inc. regarding the improvement 3n bond rating.� Seconded by;Kirkham.
Upon a voice vote� there being no naye� the motion carried unanimously:'
V 1 �
Motion by Johaneon to adjourn thie meeting to 8:30 A.M. on February 18th, 1964.
Seconded by�Sirkhem. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion oarried
unanimously. '
� Respectflally eubmitted, ,
Sue skowic , ,
Secretary to the Council
�.�VV`�J�✓� �-�
Mayor r William J ee
Mayor Nee announced the conven3ng of an adjourned regular meeting and requested
the Secretary call the roll.
Mem�era Freaent: Nee� Johenson, Kirkham� Wright
Membera Absent: Sheridan
Mayor Nee announced the coneideration of the letting of bids for a�2,025,000.00
bond iaeue. Mr. Ehlere� fiscal agent� presented resolution for the letting of
bids and atated,City Attorney Smith had read it and he would read it for the
beneYit of the City Council. Mr. Ehlere explained how the sources of payment
for the old bonda wovld apply to this bond� the principal snd interest on this
bond ieeue wae lesa than the principal bond issue on the old bond and they were
coneidering the idea oY making a large analysis of the assesements coming due
but it would be done on an annual basis. He further expleined they would levy
a tex for the iull amount of these bonde and the old bonds are taken care of by
putt3ng the psoceede of this iseue into escrow, Mayor Nee inquired of Mr, Ehlers
how mueh thia would reduce the city's eapebilities and was told they would be
reduced by�$$O�OpQ. Mr. Ehlers stated there was one thing to consider and that
was what to do about the eacrow agency� that the City Council had decided to stay
with the one firm and it would reduce their work and the work of the Finance
Director. .
Motion by Sohanson to aaopt xESOLtrrzorr �33-ig61F awarding the sale of $2,025�000.00
General obli'gation Ret'undin� Bonds� fixing the l�orm and Specifications thereof�
directing their Execubion and delivery and providing texes for their paymenti.
Seeonded by Kirkham. Upon a roll call vote, tYiose voting aye, SVee, Wright,
Kirkham� Johanson. Thoae opposed� none. The motion earried unanimously.
Ma,yor Nee annotmced d resolution ordering a preliminary report far'State Aid
Roads and explained the areas involved. Motion hy Johanaon to adopt Reaolution
#34-1964 ordea•ing preliminary report for State Aid Roada - MSA 27-302-01� MSA
27-315-01. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice votea there being no naye� the
motion carried unanimously.
There being no further businees, Mayor Nee declared the Meeting adjourned,
RespecYully submitted�
,c�..°_-� .At�.t:P
Su �7 ,�kowi c —
Secretary to the Council
A 9pecial MeetLn� of the
8:32 P.M, by Mayor Nee.
William J. N Mayo�
Council of the City of Fridley was called �o order at
Members Present: Nee} Wright, Sheridan, 1Cirkham, .Tohanaon
Memb�rs Absent: None .
Ms.yor Nee announced the consideration of court facilities and pereonnel and
stated Judge Johnson and Judge Herrick were preaent ta.addresa,the City Council.
Judge E].mer Johnson stated they had prepared a report that the City,,Council had
in hand and he wished to go over some pointe of this report. He' i"urther etated
that he and Judge Herrick had discusaed the items. The populatlon ia,Fxidley
had grawn from 3�700 to a probablp- 23�000 with the same �acility as beiore and
the total case load at approximately 1650 casea 3n the last year if,consideration
had been given to conciliation cases� there wae a need for additional eourt
facilities and they Were chie£ly talkin� about oPfioe apace. He ex�lained the
pxesent room was sufficient for jury cases and takea care of the gre8�test
number of any audienee but the clerk's office aas an,embaraes3ng problem and it
was impossible ta use their present office. He i�zrther explained the solution
suggested was an office in the Madsen Building next door and another sug�estion
hed been the possibility of the Chief of Police's interrogation room and their
present ofrice being made into one office. This suggeation� he stated� would
more than double thelr space and give them adequate accomodations. It was