03/16/1964 - 00022861� � �� � „ Motion by Wri�ht to adopt RESOLUTION #4�+-1964 receiving Feasibil3ty Report on Storm Sewer #5 and amending the motion to set the public hearing for April 13th, 1g64 at Hayes Sahool:+ Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nsye�}� �he�motioa carried unanimously. �� , , , RESOLUTIOIdS,��FS-19C�F AND #�6-1964 SPLITl'ING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: Motion hy Sheridan to eaopt �soLtPrioN #45-1964 authorizing and directing the eplitting qf Spe'aial'Aseeesmente on Lot 43� Block K� Riverview Hei�hts. Seconded by Kirkham.l' Ugon a voice vote� there being no naye, the motion curried unanimouely. Motion by Wright to aaopt xESOLtrrloN #46-1964 authorizing ¢nd directing the splitting oP Special Assessments on South 1�2 of Lot 29, Brookview Addition. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. ADJOi1HN: There being no flarther business, Mayor Nee declared the meeting adjourned. , Respectflxlly Submitted; , �J_ / i' e ��js��ii��r�n . ue Mi� L - , - Secretary to the Council . REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - MARCH 16� i964 �/l.� il/l/L�AJY✓� ' � William S. Nee - Mayor A regular meeting of the Council of the City of' Fridley was called to order by Mayor Nee at 8:04 P, M. ROLL CALL: Members Preaent: Nee� Johanson� ICirkham� Wright Members Absent: Sheridan APPROVAL OF MIN[1TE5 - REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 2, i964: Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 2, 1964 as prepared and,received. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vde, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATION: � Mayor Nee announced the American Legion Post of Fridley wished to present to the Fridley Police Department� through Chief McCarthy� a respirator. Commander Clarence LeBeau stated that three weeks previous there had been a tragedy where a peraon had suffered a atroke� the police had been called end the first car to arrive at the ecene did not have a resp3rator. The American Legion members had diecusaed this and talked to Chief MeCarthy about it and he had told them there was a need for s reapirator. The American Legion had voted to purchase the res- pirator and present it to the Pol�ce Department. Commander Clarence LeBeau an- nounce@;it gave him �reat pleasure to present this respirator to the Police De- partment of Fridley. Mayor Nee thanked the membere oi the American Leg3on Post for their contribution and extended Council gratitude to them. �! ' 1 U �� w OLD BUSINRSS: F'IRST RPA�ING OP ORDINANCE AMEMJING CHAPTER �2 -(TABLED 3/2/64): Mayor Nee announced the first reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 32 of the City Code which, he stated, referred to the management oi fire extinguishers and the recharging�af same by competent persons. The City Manager �ave the first reading, of said ordinance. Motion by Sdright to accept as first reading an ordinaace amending Chapter 32 of the City Code of the City of Fridley by requiring approved fire extinguishers and the recharging of same by competent persons. Seconded by Johanaon. Upon a voice vote, bhere being no nays, the motion carried unanimoualy. � SECOND RF�l1DING OF ORDINANCE #259 VACATING ALLEY - BLOCK 10� SPRING BROOK PARK: Mayor Nee announced the second reading of an ordinance vacating the alley in Block 10, in Spring Brook Park Addition. Z'he City Manager gave the second read- ing of said ordlnance. � „ ,�� � Motion b,y Johanson to adopt, Ordin�nce #259 under Section 12.07 of the City Charter to vacate streets and alleys and to amend append3x C of the City'Cofle'in the area described �s Block 10, Spring Ilrook Park, and publish same. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. SECOND READING OF ORDINFlNCE #260 AMENDING SECTION 45.07: Mayor Nee announced the second reading of an ordinance amending section �i5.07 of the City Code concerning the uses permitted in an R-2 District. The City Manager gave the second reading of said ordinance and stated there had been no public hearing on th3s ordinance and it would requ3re four aff3rmative votes for passage. The City Manager was requested and gave the definition of boarding houses aceordinQ to oxdinance. � � � � � Motion by Wright to adopt ORDINANCE �260 amending Section �5.07 of the City Code and concerning the usee permitted in an R-2 D3strict and publieh�eame. Seconded by Johaneon. Upon a roll call vote, those voting aye, NeA�'Johanson� Kirkham� Wright. Those voting nay� none. The motion carried unanimo�y.• � N�W BUSINESS: BIDS ON RAllAR (OPLNE➢ NOON� MARCH 16� i964): . �, Mayor Nee announced Mds had been opened this day on radar equipment. The City Mana�er gave the bids as listed below and explained the memo received from the Chief of Police in this regard in which he recommended the-bid be awarded to, D. M. Albro. RADAR UNIT BID SPFCS. T0: Duane Albro 1912 - 41st Avenue N, E. Russell Bacon BID SECURIfiY Cert. Check $50.00 Cert, Check $50.00 * 9gtional Iteme: Hold Meter $118.90 Royalite Carrying _ 20.00 Case Warning Buzzer 25•00 Antenna Extension Cable (50') 39•00 Tri-lighter Plug-in Aasembly 11.95 21 . 5 _l Ul� SUM ALTERNATE BID �975.00 -o- $820.00 $21?+.85 * i � JLVyef It was explained by the City Manager the difference in the price of the bids is actually $4,.15 anS the bid by Russell Bacon does not include a hold meter, tri- light assembly,,��,and carrying case and it 3e immediately available and the Chief of Po13ce reco�ende the bid inihe amount of $975.00. Mayor Nee inquired of Chief MacCarthy if the radar units were both of the same type. Chief MacCarthy replied that� bae3cally� they were the same but he was reco�end�n� the unit that had a local'belvieeman. The C3ty Mangger,atated he was making no recommendation. � Mot3on by Kirkhain�to eoncur with the reco�oendation of the Chief of Police ond award the bid to',Duane Albro of 1912 - 41et Avenve Northeset in the lump eum figure of $g75.00 for radar equipment. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being tto nays� the motion carried unanimously. . � , ."�� , PLANNING CO1�AffSSION MEETING MINLiTES, MAftCH 12, 1964: PUBLIC HEARIIPG: . REZONING REQUEST, ZOA �64-03, BALCO BUILDING SYS`C'EMS. INC. Mayor Nee�anuounced'a rezoning requeet by Balco Building Systems, Inc. The City Manager. e�rplained�the request and read to the City Council the action taken by the Planning Co�iseion. Mayor Nee stated the action for consideration would be to coneur 3n their aetion and set a public hearing for thie night. � � �d Motion'by dohaneon,to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission regarding the rezoning request, ZOA #6�+-03, BA1co Bi�ildirig Syetems, Inc, and aet a public hearing for March 16, 1964. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon avoice vote, there Ueing no naye� the motion carried unanimously. HEARIiIG: PRELIMiNARY PI�AT P. S. #63-07 B�RNARD JULKOWSKI: A RFPLAT .�f mvonxina n nimTmnv lo o�roTlr�r-ra�rnN nc. The City Manager read to the City Council the recommendation of the �lannin� Commieeion and explained the area for thoae present. He flirther expinined that at one time�in a previous plat there had been e road going through the nemed area but it was platt,ed �,tfferently in the plat preaented ond it is set up as a eingle family plat. Mayor Nee inquired of City Engineer Qureshi if the plat conformed to the street layou�. City Engineer Qureshi replied they had checked the plat and i� complied. A discuasion period was held reg�rdin� the area and atreete. The City Manager explained the plan had been worked out about three yeare previous and had recently been repletted. Motion by Wright to concur with the reco�nendation of the Planning Commission end accept as pTeliminary Plat P. S. #63-07 by Bernard Sulkowski which is a re- plat of Lots 3 throu8h 9, Auditor's Subdivision �25 and eet a public hearing. Seeonded by Johanaon. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, i,he motion carried unanimoualy. P, S. �64-03, ➢ONALD SEXZ�R: The City Manager'read to the City Council the recommendation of the Planning Commis&ion regarding the acceptance of the proposed plat., City Engineer Qureshi presented'former'preliminary plat and new plan. The City Mana�er explained the entire area tb the City Council and atated all committees had worked on this plat and had 8ecided this was the best plat Por the area regarding facilitiee and streete. He explained the houee in the area was cloee to the street but it was too expensive to move 1� as it was worth approximetely �9,000.00. Motion by Johanaon to concur with the recoffinendation of t$e Planning Commission and Qecept as prej.iminary plat� P, s. #64-03 by Donald Sexter ancj set a public hearing. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Pi7BLIC AEARING: YRELIMINARY PLAT P. S. �6�F-Ol, CTIARLtiS JOIU�NSON: u� nrmrtnm i vnr�rnnv VTTTC. � YU�� r The City Mana�er read to the City Council the recommendation o£ the,Planning Co�ission regarding the approval of the preliminary plat and stated that as it was requested by Mr. Johaason of the Planning Co�ission� he had abatained from voting but tHe motion had carried. Motion b,y Rirkh�m to concur with the reconuuendation of the.Planning Commission and accept as pxeliminary plat P. S. �f4-Ol, Charles Sohanson� a replat of Outlot #l, Holiday Hills� and set a public hearing. Seconded by Wright,'� Upon a voice � vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. I� LOT SPLIT REQOES'C: T, s. #6b-o5, GORDON G. SWENSON: NORTH 1D0 FEET OF LOT 23 BROOKVIEW ADDITION: The City Manager read to the City Council the reco�endation of the Planning Commiseion regarding the acceptance of the lot eplit by Gordon'G. Swei�eon and steted thie was being done primarily for the people who resided on Channel Road so that this per�on could purchase a lot and it would give him a lot 200 x 100 feet on Channel Road. The City Manager stated the City Council'� conld, if they wished,•approve this ibem if they so desired because there was no tiearing. Motion Uy Kirkham to concur with the reco�endation of the Plabning Commiaeion and grant i,he lot split request, L. S. #64-05, Gordon G. Swenson on the North 100 feet of Lat 23� Brookview Addition. Seconded by Johaneon. Upon a voice vote� there being no n�3ys, the motion carried unanimously. „ ' ALLEY VACATION: SAV #64-03, GLEN LUND: BLOCK 2, HYDE pARK: The Cit,y Manager read to Lhe City Council the recommendation of the�Planning Commission and stated if the City Council wished to concur� they� would set a public hearin� and everyone concerned would be notified� that thie action hed actually been initiated by the Planning Co�ission. Mayor Nee inquired if the remainder of the alley had been vacated and was told it had. Councilman Johanaon inquired if there were any building located adjacent to thia alley, at all. The City Manager replied that� apparently� there were not� the peogle abutting ell had their garages on the streets. . � Motion by Wright to concur with the recommendation of the Plann3ng Commiasion regarding the alley vacation� sAV #64-03, by Glen Lund an Bloek,2� Hyde Park and set a public hearing. �econded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION: RE ACRES. INCORPORATED "TOWI� HOUSE The City Manager stated that some members of the City Council �7ere pFeaent at the meeting at which the Planning Commission had asked the City Attorney to draw a motion they could consider and he had drawn a resolution. The City Manager read to the Cit,y Council the proposed reaolution re�arding the,Towne,Houae Plan in which it was stated the City Council encouraged the proposed.use'iof the Said� tract of land as outlined orally and stated changes would be made in zoning'to epprove the said plan. The area was outlined as being bounded by Matt'erhorn Drive and EIighway #100. Mayor Nee requeated to see sketches ofi,the�area. The City Menager replied there were no sketches� that the City Attorney'had felt the Zoning Ordinance would be enough and the Federal Housing Adminietration had,s need for this recolution to have some assurance that the City Cqunoil would re- zone for money lending purposes� that thi� resalution would also give the,City Council the ri�ht to change their minds if they so wiShed. Mayo� Nee atated his __ inclination was to do this but he wished to see at least some eketchea before action would be taken. The City Mana�er replied he wonld aek�Mr. Billman,,to be present and present something for the City Council to see. Councilman;Johanson suggested to the City Council they table the item and request at leaet a peneil sketch. . � � Motion Ly Johancon to table action on the resolution regarding the Towne House Plan by Acres� _Cncorpor8ted. Senonded b� Wright. Upon a voice�vote'� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � � PROPERTY: LOTS RED TAGGED IN RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS: The„City Manager i'ead to,the City Council the recou�endation of the Plenning Commiaeion in wh3ch'they concurred with_the Parks and Pleyground Sub-Committee stating they had no further intereat in the development of certain lots for park purposes and reco�ending same to the City Council. It wae flirther explained by the City'Maa�ger the red tags could be removed from the lots mentioned be- cause at one�time'�the Parks and Playground Sub-Co�ittee and Planning Commiseion wanted thie for,park lende and have reveraed their decision. Councilman Wright requeated Mr: Dick Donlin of the Parks and Playground Sub-Committee explain this revereal. Mr. Donlin etated that, ori�inally, there was eome question about the easement along the Miseiesippi River in the area but after three recommendations that thia not be vacated and left ae it wse� they had looked at other property in the area,and though they were etill interested in Lote @0 throu�h 26 which would he right ofY of 7�th Street as an entrance into the outlot, the finances were the big reaeon they were nb longer interested and thia was mainly because of aseesements. He t�rther etated they had red-tagged this for the reason they wanted to be able tq atudy it. �Motion by Wright'to concur with the recammendation of the Planning Commission and Parke and Plsyground Sub-Coramittee and relinquish its intereste in the lots red-tagged in Riverview Heights described'as Lots 1� 2, 3, 4, and 5, Blaek 2, Rivervlew �eights. Seeonded by Sohaneon, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion�carried unanimously. DISCUSSION'OF PROPO5ED FRIDLEY COUNTRY CLUB: REFGRRED BY PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS SUB-CONINIIT:PEE, MARCH , 1 �l1 m The City Manager sead to the City Council the recommendation oP the Planning Com- mission recomm�nding continued study showing the need and financial f'easibility of the propoeal. Mayor Nee etated there was no need for Council action on the � item. The City Manager replied there wae not unlese the City Council wanted � someone to make a study, that if they wished to direct him to look into it, it ; would be satisfactory. Mayor Nee seserted the fiscal agent was doing a financ3al feasibility report at the present time. Councilman Wright stated that as the chairman of,the Parks and Pleygrounds Sub-Committee was present, perhaps he would like to apeak about it and suggested the passing on the recommendation o£ the Planning Co�iesi'on. It was explained there had been a meeting of the Parks and Playground Sub-Committee and the Planning Commission and the same information had been preeented at the combined informal session of those co�ittees. The City.Manager stated there had been only one citizen thst had expressed real con- cern about a municipal enterprise� that they had listened to a preliminary session and in eaeenee the Perks and Playground SuL-Commiti,ee and Planning Commission had taken this position and thought it was a good idea but in order for all elemente Df the City gove"rnment to be sure of the economical pro�ect� they would like to have continuous inquiry. He flarther stated the Cii�y Council could authorize wbstever expenditure or whatever inquiry they might be disposed to act on at eome future date. He explained they had had rough estimates on construction both on behalf of the go1P course and cost of the construction of the swimming pool and cluh house, and wished to see these projects finalized with more close approximation for a further coimnittment, Mayor Nee inquix•ed who would be quslified to evaluate the propoeal, that everyone had some concern about the finances. Mr. Dick Donlin of the Parks and Playground Sub-Committee st�ted that regarding the aost and recovery, the fiacal agent would be determining this but the projections and thoae that had been used �re fectual end are do�nn on a minimal projeet� that they had showed the operation costs without liquor and this would be iinalized in the authorizat3on of the City Council for further study. Counc�lman Johanson stated the City Councilwould certainly want to get down to some cloae figures but that they could give the authority i.o hire an individuel �o make a etudy and get some deiinite figures, Mayor Nee explained the fiscal agent hed stated he had some doubts sbout the estiniates that have been �iven sinqe they eome from people who have an economic source in those fields. Mr. Donlin repl'ied the figures they had compiled were not received from sourees of this type, they had received their figures from Anoka and Minneapolis clubs and they were Pactual. Mayor Nee replied they would feel better if there were some,independent,,review of the data as the bonds wouldn't be ealeable if and it wasn'� a revenue producing item, Mr. Donlin replied this was wh�t they wented to be able to determine. Councilman Wright inquired if it would be appropriate � YUc� � for t,he City Council to authorize the hiring of consultants. Mayor Nee sqggested the City Mana�er be allowed to handle �he item, authorize him to•iigure out how to approach it and at the next meetin�, they could suthorize it. Mr. Don7.in in- formed the City Council they had some monies available in their budget for these fees. Mayor Nee asserted the City Council wished to have some research done. Motion by Johanson to request that the City Manager coordinate-a'etudy on the feasibility of a public municipal golf course, Seconded by Wri'ght. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no nays� the motion carr3ed unanimously. , I __�� PiTBLSC HEARING - RFZOPiING C-25 TO M-1 - BALCO; ` Mayor Nee announced a pUblic hearing�on a rezoning request by Balco Building Sys- tems, Inc. The L'ity Manager read the Notice of Hearing. Mayor, Nee'inquired if there were �nyone present who wished to be heard regardin� the Rezoning reguest from G2S to M-1 by Balco Buildin�s 8ystems, Tnc. Mr. Robert Balch of'Balco Building� Systems, Inc. was present in favor of the rezoning and tfpon inquiry stated that Mel l�stleford and Ray Peterson were the present og¢ners and they were petitioning because they had the property under option dependent on the rezoning. Mayor Nee informed Mr. Balch the only concern the City Council'had�was that they Would like to not rezone this land until�there is some assurance,the propoeal is goin� through, Mr. Balch replied they were proceed3ng with plans and flad hired an architect, that if a communique in writing was what the Cit� Council desired� it could be arranged. Mayor Nee stated this would expedite the,matter. Mayor Nee declared the hearing closed on the rezoning request from C-2S '�o M-1'by Balco Buildings Systems, Inc. The City Manager gave the first reading of an ordinance t8 amend tYle City Code of the City of Fridley by making a change in zoning diatricte. Motion by Wr3ght to accept as first reading an ordinance to amend the City'Code of the City of Fridley� Minnesota by making a chan�e in,2oning distrieta� request for rezoning from C-25 to M-1 by $alco �uilding Systemsa Snc.�'ZOA���F-0�� " � described as 1,he westerly 600 fee� of the southerly 370 feet oY the nofi'Cherly 1120 feet of the Northeast 1�4 of the Nortkawest 1�4 now'zofsed C-25� ly3ng in ___ Section 12, T-30, R-24, County of Anoka� State of Minnesota., Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a roll cell vote, thoae voting aye� Nee� Wrightt Kirkham�' Johanson. Those voting nay, None. The motion carried unanimously. PLANNING COMMZSSION MEETING M7NIPPES, MARCfI 5� 1964: Mayor Nee announced the conaideration of the Planning Commiaeion Meeting M3nutes of March 5, 1964. The City Manager etated there actual�.y appeared to be one action the City Council would need to eonsider. DISCUSSION WITH CITY ATTORNEY OF POSSIBLE CONTRO� OF DOUBLE BUNGALOWS TffitOUGH SPECIAL USE PF;RMIT: ! � � The City Manager read to the City Couneil the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and explained the item and reafl Section 45.19 to the Ciiy Council; also read the amendments they wished to include and explained the Planning Coffinission was recommending that the double bungalowe be added to the uses so that it could get a special use permit and if a double bungalow wouldn't occur� it could not be anything elae, It was explained the Clty'Councll had recently amendad the special use permits to include nursin� homee� thst the danger the Plannin� Commisaion was airaid of wae if they rezoned to R-2a it might be no� a double bungalow but something different. douncilman Wright atated �he only problem he could see w�ts that ihe Planning Commission was bypassing�YtBelf. - The City Manager explained they had felt that it poasitly ahould be're£erred to the Planning Commiss3on, also. Mayvr Nee stated� as he understo6d the amendment, the way the ordinance preaently reads� is that it hae to go through a series of hearings and requires four votes� and if this chan�e were,made, ` this would not be required. The City Manager replied that it would atill're- quire two puU13c hearings� that it woUldn't go through the P1anning,Cotmnission but through the Board of Appeals. Councilman Wright aseerted he woulc�,�eel better if it did have to go through the Planning Commiseion. MayOr Nee agreed and asserted other than that it was a good idea. The City Manager suggested � � ,,, to the,City CouACil that ae the City Attorney had not drawn an ordinance or amendment'� ,the City Council could refer thi� matter to him and authorize him to draw,something for their consideration. � � � Motion by Wright that the City Attorney be requested to draw an amendment to Sec- tion �+5•19 to inclvde double bungalows and an alternative amendment to Section --- �+5•19 requir3ng making it posaible for double t�ungolows tp be built in R-1 by getting a Specia7.sUse Permit� said permit to be cleared through the P]anning Com- miseion'in,addition to ell other commiesiona, Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voi'ce vote� ,these being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. BIIILDIIdG BOARD MEETING MINiTPES, MARCH 11, 1964: Mayor Nee announaed the conaideration o�' an application for a building permit for e 17 unit apartment building by Steve Hawyrsch. The City Manager read to the City Council,the action taken by the Building Board and their recommended approval. ,Mayor�Nee 1Aquired if there were enough parkin� for the proposed building. The City Manager replied that it apparently met the code, It was stated by Covncilman Wright that it wes his opinion this area wes zoned as R-2 and as of this ttight 3t could not be done. Mayor Nee suggested to tYie City Council ¢etion on this item be tabled. Councilman Wright stated he had had expressions from the members of the Building Board and he had heen told if tYie Board had a job other than esthetic� they would object to items of this kind. Mayor Nee esserted it'wae hie opit�ion the application was wanting on several counte and it would certainly'be within the Council's province to table the item, that there was a question if the land were even properly zoned. Motion by Wright to tahle application for a building permit for a 17 unit apart- ment building et 6115 Star Lane, Outlot A. Sylvan Hills Addition - 176'8" x 84'9" to Ue of frame oonetrvation at a coet of $150,000.00 by Steve Hawyrsch. Seconded by Kirkham, Upon a voice vote� there being na nays� the motion carried unanimovsly. Councilman Wright etated he wished to iniormally request the City Attorney if there �re grounds on zoning alone in the above regard. Mayor Nee ennounced the coneideration oY an application for a permit to move a house to 5300-6th Street'Northeast by the Roslyn Park Wesleyan Methodist- Church. The City Manager read to the City Councilthe approval recommended by the Bui1d- ing Board. Motion by Kirkham to concur with the recommendation of the Buildin� Board end �rant the permit to move a house from 2355 - 37th Avenue Northeast to 53oo-6tn Street Northesat by the Roslyn Park Wesleyan Methodist CYiurch at an estimated value of the house to be $35,000.00. Seconded tay Wright. Upnn ❑ voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unenimously. BY BERNARD JULKOWSKI TO BUIL]] TFIitEE SMALL INDUSTRIAL BUILDING AS �:iri:�l�= �i YlR�l�l�ll�l�ltl�lt/IY� Mayor Nee announeed the consideration of applications by Bernard Julkowski for three small'industrial butldings. The City Manager read to tkie City Council the reaommended approval of these three permits and presented to the City Council a communieat3on from the Fire Prevention Bureau relative to the permii,s which re- � �iu � lated the extens3on of the municipal water s,ystem has not been completed in the g3ven area and if couneil were to issue,these permita it was suggested the,exten- sion of the water sy3tem to this �rea�be provided. Mr.�Bernard Julkowski was present and stated he always had his own wells, that all of the buildings are cement end si,eel and in the same area there were some good homeb with welle and there was no need for the water system. Mr. Ice Comstock� coneu].tirig'engineer, asserted to the City Council i,he area in question had petitioned ior aewer and water and ii, hod been abandonned prior to the hearin� becavae of the cost involved as the sewer would sequire an additional interceptor and the entire improvement was abandonned. He stated� however� it would be posaible to provide'water. Mr. Julkowski inquired if the lines would go vnder the railroad tracka in the area. Mr. Comstock replied it was petitioned as a matter of form as a request of an industrial building originally, that there are some estimetea for wa,ter service on Sewer attd Water Project #6L Motion by Johanson to concur with the recommendation of the Building Board and grant the buildin� permit �pplications by Bernerd Su]komski to build three small tndustri�l buildings as foiiows: (a) 7755 - 7759 Fir Street Northeast� Lots 20� 21� 22� Block 7, Onaway Addition - 63 x70�Cement and Steel -$30�000.00� (B� 7795 Fir Street Northeast on Lots 16 and 17, Block 7� Onaway Addit3on,- �FO,x 70 - Cement and Steel Construction -$23�000.00.� (C) 7775 - 7779 Fir S�reet North- east, Lots 18 and 19, Block 7, Onaway Addition - 63 x 70 - Cemant anfl'Steel - $30,000.00. Seconded by ICirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no'naya�' the motion carried unanimously. APPLICATION FOR TWO BU AS FOLLOWS: A A THE BUILDING SOARD ON � AVENUE NORTEIEAST LOTS FRAME CONSTRUCTION - NORTf�AST - 12 x 1 - FOR MULTIPLE � fG8 SY �3ERNARD JULKOWSKI 0 52ND � x +�1 FEET - 'S The City Mana�er explained to the City Council the 66 unit apartment b�ding in detail. Mr. Bernard Julkowski was present requesting the two permits fl nd atated he hed a four �tor,y buildin� originally and had now made it into,a three story bullding, that he was decreasing the request because his finanaing egent had re- commended he refer back to 2 1�2 stor�es. Motion by Kirkham to concur with the recommendation of the Building Board and grant approval for two building permits for multiple dwellinga by Bernard Julkowski as follows; (A) a 66 unit apartment building,at 1050 - 52nd AYenue,Northeaet, Lots 6 and 7, AudiLor's Subdivi�ion rro.153 � 502 x 41 feet oY'frame conetruction - $700�000.00. (B) 16 unit building at 1030 - 52nd Avenue Northeast,-,126 x 41 - frame construction -$120�000.00; lots 6 and 7� Auditor's Subdivieiox� No. 153. Seconded by Wright. Upan a voice vote� there being na nays� the motion carried unF�n� mousl,y. . ' SAFETY COMMITTF'� MrETING MIN[7TP�S} MARCA 11� i964: i Mayor Nee announced the receiving of the minutes of the Saiety Committee Meeting held Mnrch 11, 1964. Motion by Wright to accept i,he minutes, as received� of the Safe,ty Committee Meeting held M�rch 11� 1964 and commend the chairman on the oeeaeion of'his resignation. Seconded by Iiirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion esrried unanimously. � PARKS AND - CON�IT'ITEE JOIftT MEET] Mayor Nee announced the receiv3ng of the minutes of the Aeereation Commission and Parks and Playgrounds Sub-Committee Joint Meet3ng held January 27� 196�4,, i I � , Motion by Johaneon to receive the minutes of the Recreation Commission and Parlcs and Pleygrounde Sub-Committee Joint,Meeting held January 27, i964. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon'avoice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RECREATION COMMISSION I�ETING MIPTUTES, FEBRUARY 24, i964: r-- Mayor Nee announced the receiving oP the minutes of the Recreat�on Commi�sion Meeting held February 24� 1964. Councilman Sohanson inquired regarding the item called the'"GOlden Age Club". Councilman Wright explained this would consist of an organized program of recreation for senior citizens and there are a number of ways thie has been done in other areas. Councilman Johanson inquired if this group would be ueing the Recreation Commission Funds and was told if it were eetablished� they'would. Councilman Johanaon stated it concerned him because the fhndsfor thie had not been establiahed to his knowledge and the adults had no problem entertaining themselves that he knew of. Councilman [dright replied the areas that have these clubs had found there are speciel problems in this area for recreation and the Recreation Comroission is set up to take care of all the,people in the City. Motion by Jotianeoh to receive the minutes of the Recreation Commis3ion Meeting held February 2�F�f 196�. Seconded by Wright. Upon a vo3ce vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS: , ,, COLUNIDIA HEIGHTS CITY A7.TORNEY: STORM DRAINAGE: Mayor Nee announced the receipt of a co�unication from Mr. Stewnrt F. Kvalheim� City Attorney for Columbia Heights� regarding the proposed apartment development at 53rd and Central Avenne Northeast. The City Manager reported to the City i Council there had been a joint meeting and City Engineer Qureshi could answer questi,one for the City Council, that it was not certain at this point if the City Counci7 did wish to meet with the City Couneil oY'Columbia l�eighta or have the City Engineers get together. Councilman Wright stated he wished to know wh�t City Engineer Qvreahi hed been able to find out. City Engineer aureshl explained to the City Council this was e big area where they would have to have an agree- mmnt with Columbia Heighte� that in i963 t�r, Comstock, consultin� ettgineer, had given a repoYt on this. The area to be drained wae explained and it was mentioned that a part of the area in question is to be a shopping center and there would be more water run-off than before. City Engineer Qureshi explalned the City of Aolumbia Heighte feels with this area paved, they will get more run- off and it ie already a problem. Dur3ng a discussion period, Mr. Comstock� consulting englAeer� explained some drainage problems involved and poasibilities from Highway�#100 and Moore Lake and stated there would be an advan��g� to eliminate some area from Sullivan Lake. It was explained a preliminary check and data plus a atudy and poesibly a hearing could be condueted with the Division of Waters',and the matter would be entirely a mati.er of economics. Mayor Nee stated he�wae more 3nterested in talking to the State Highway Department about University Avenue but 3nquired if Mr. Comstock felt there would be an economic advantage to �'unnirig a line through Moore Lake. Mr, Comstock replied it would have to be checked out 6ut most of the work had been done and it would be a matter of'putting it together. Motion by Johaneon to authorize the City Manager to engage the services of a consulting engi�eer to put to�ether what data would be needed for correspondence with the State Conservation Department in regards to etorm dr�inage in the area South of Highway #100 and the City of Fridley limits bounded by Madison Street and Mattei+horn Drive. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ST. PAUL WATER DEPARTMEffiT: ACCEPTANCE OF CONSTRUCTION THEtOUGH EASEMLNT. Mayor Nee announced the receiving of two communic�tions From the St. Paul Water Department. � � _.� _� � � v � Motion by Johanson to receive and file the communications from the St. Paul Water Department regarding theaaceptance of construction through easement and the cost af construction through easement. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a Voice vote� there being no nays�� the motion carried unanimously. JOHNSTON: PURCHASE OF LOT 30 BLOCK 4, PI,YMOUTH ADDITION: i Mayor Nee announced a letter received from Cii;y Attorney Smith regaYding purchase J of Fridley Property by Gerald J. Tarpy, also a copy of a coumiunicat'ion from James H. Sohnston, attorney at law, for Mr, Gerald J. Tarpy. The City Manager atated he was not certain where the situation tiow stood� that it appeared Mr, Tarpy would lilce to purchase the property if the City Counc3l would apread the ¢esees- ments and the Finance Director had said it was satisfactory because theee assess- ments have not been spread. It was further explained t0. the Citq Counoil there were two oPfers from Mr. Tarpy originally. Motion by Wright that the City Council suthorize the sale.of Lot 30� Slock 4� Plymouth Addition and authorize the City Manager to conduct the ssle of the pro- perty in the sum o£ �250.00 with assesamenta to be spread: 3econded "by Johanson. Mayor Nee stated there was a requirement in the Charter wl�ich,s$ya it is n0cessary that the Cit,y has no further use for the land and i� ahould be�a part oi the motion. Motion by SJright to amend previous motion to read and include the City Council finds the City hes no further use for the property described and it ia oi'ferbd for sale at $250.00. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no naye� the motion carried unanimously. STANTON, PITTFI�ICOW AND ASSOCIATLS: SALARY SURVEY: Mayor Nee re,quested the City Manager discuss the salary survey presented by Stanton� Pittellcow and Associates. The City Manager explained to the City � Council this r�as a proposition by a recognized firm oE per5onnel, that they had done a,7ob about six years ago for,the City of Fridley'Which �'as etill uaed with modifications: He further explained they had heen approaehed by the Mayors and City Managere of coimm�nities that dealt with a union and it inaists that all the comparable jbbs �et the same pay and 15� of the employees oi'the City',oP ' Fridley belong, to thic union. It had been felt the C3ty of'Fridley'd0es not„ have the jobs for the men described the same as other co�unieaties: The City � Manager explained� as an example, the labor classifioation is diif�rent in communi�ies and everytime, any City begine negotiations with the'union�'they have to do their own surveys to ascertain comparable wage ecales. The salary survey by this firm would be a continuing thing Uy personal contaats,,studies and reports and they would be able to say that a particular �ob'in Fridley+ , would be described and compareble to another job in 21 other co�upi'�hies and Fridley would be talking the same comparable wages in all jobe��particularly with the union. The City Manager explained this had been worked out,with a number of communities that would participate and several had indicated they would join in such a survey and the cost to Fridley would be �400.00 annually but would keep the adminietration up-to-date on,job elaeaiYicatione. The City Manager affirmed 3t would be a�reat deal of help, particularly'with the union groups they had to deal with and a justifiable and juat way ior'the joba� also. It was mentioned that one thing the employees would not�wonder about,�wea that it would not change the3r clas�ification. Councilman Wright inquired regarding special services, if it meant they would undertake without addit3onal fee a� special study and was told this was correct. Councilman Wright atated'this would, then, cover ineurance and other_items as well. The City�Manager'stated _ I there was no reason the City Council could not withdraw 3f they'so wished from this egreement. Councilman Johaneon inquired if they would have to aign a contract. The City Manager replied they would. � Mayor Nee inquired how this salary survey waa di£ferent then the,League of Minne- sota Municipalities survey. The City Manager replied they vary quite a good deal, thr�t there had been $125.00 difference on one ,ob classification alone and they had had meetin�s of the 21 managers of different communiti�s to,d3seusa what is comparable and they just don't have the time. He stated this Yirm would give f._ � c J the City,o'P Fridley an up-�o-d'ate comparieon of salariee end they would then 't3ezxa:�Y�t�e$ but it would give the edministration the help to do this review. The City'ifapager easerted he would reco�end this contract with Stanton, Pittelkow�,and Aseociatee. Motion by KirkhaID to engage the servicee of Stanton� Pittelkow and � Ae�ociatea for�aalary surveys for the period of one year. Secanded by Jobaneon. Upon avoice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unani- mously: FINANCE DIREC`BOR: 3'EMPORARY BONDS SS#49 & SS#52: Mayor Nee announaed the receipt of a memo from the Finance Director regard- Yng Temporary Bonds SS#49 and SS#52. The Finance Director explained to the City Council tfiey had previously iesued honds for two projects and the two yesrs for these is through so it is necessary to either sell permanent bonds or by combining these two flands they could get by without selling bonds. He �rther explained this had been done aeveral times by just a motion� that theee two f�nds have asseesmente receivr�ble and it actual]y is an investment for the revolving fund. Motion by Wright that the Temporary Bonds� Starm Sewer Pro,7ect �52 and Storm Sewer Pz�o�ject #49 be merged with Revolving Fund #60. Seconded by Johanaon. Upon a voice vote� there being no naye, the motion c�rried un- animously. „ . . STRAUS:'�' RESIGNATION FROM POLICE COMMISSION: Msyor Nee announeed the receipt of a letter of reaignation irom Murray A. -- Straue from the Poliee Civil Service Co�ission of Fridlcy. Motion by Johaneon to receive the letter of resignation from Murray A. Straue froln th'e Police Civ31 Service Co�ission of Fridley and accept same. Seconded'by Wright, Upon a voice vote� there betng no nays, the rnation carried'unanimously. VI5ITOR5: Mayor Nee inquired if there were snyone present, not listed on the Agenda, who wished to be heard. Mr. Jack Blakely was present and introduced himself� stated he was a resi- dent� voter and busineesman in the City of Coan Rapids. He addressed him- self to the,City Council stating that two seeks previous he had been stopped by a patrolman on a speeding violation of which he was guilty; that he had asked the patrolman what to do about the fine and had been told to be in court on,Friday or pay the fine and had also told him the fine would pro- bably be��1.00 a mile. Mr. Blakely asserted the patrolman hnd told him to either be 3n couit or'to mail the payment in that day. He explained i,hat on the'day designated� Friday� he couldn't get to Fridley for the trial so he had made out a Money Order for $10.00 and his wife had mailed it, �hat he had surmised it,wpuld be pieked up by the meilmen on Saturday and be at Fridley on Monday mornip6� that he had imagined the trial would teke place � and on klondajr morning whoever would be in charge would receive his money order ior the $10.00. Mr. Blakely stated that on Friday evenin� he was called by the Fridley d3spatcher on order of the Clerk of Court and was told he was supposed to be in court� that he had toldhim he had ma3led in the money and could not appear but he wae again told he had to be in court on Friday night. Mr. Blakely explained to the City Council he owns a tavern in Coon Rapids ¢nd cou�c�tt leave but the dispatcher told him� on ordere of the Clerk of Court� that he hed to. He, in turn, said not to worry about the fine and would give him,the money for the fine and had been told they wouldn't wait �„ �_�� r until Sai,urday morning for the mail. Mr. Blokely il�rther explained to the City Council it was not only inconvenient hut 3mpoaeible for him to appear in Court on Friday night but,at 8:30 P. M. he was egsia,called and again was told he had to come to Fridley for court,tr�A1 and he had,�,,�n turn, aslted to speak to Sudge Johnapn as he knew him and coUJ.d explaiti,the� matter to him. The dispatcher had replied on ordere from th�e Clerk oY Court he couldn't interrupt court proceedinge. �Ir. Blskely explai�d to the City Cauncil he wished to make the matter clear� ell,of this was a, discussion of the dispatcher after he had talked with the Cler�ti of'�iCourt. The dispateher wss told by Mr. Blakely that he woUld come dqwn-firet thing Saturdey morning and clear the matter up as he wae abaolu`tely�unable i to leave his place of business. � I _ It was exp]ained by Mr. Blekely that within a ten or fiiteen minute period the Coon R�pids Po13ce had come to his place af bueiness and h�.ed�,him out of his tevern and he w�s made to slt in their car outeide. The Fridley police had showed up there and had taken him back to the Fridley C�ty�Hall. Mr. Blal:ely stated he had walked up the staire and come through the door and noticed the court was over but the Clerk of Court came up ta him and asked who he was. On being told he was ordered to sit down in„a corner and told to be quiet. Mr. Slakely further stated the mennerisma and insin- uatlons or theClerk o£ Court were snytlnfing but what they should be end when he did not sit down the Clerk of Court had again come up to him and told him to "shut up". Mr. Blakely explained thst by this time he� himaelf, was not too hospitable and stated he would stand. Judge Johnson, it was explained� convened court and said'it' Mr. Blakely had told him what the circumstances were, he would not have dragged�'him away from hls business and 3f he would be willing to pay h3s fine that evening he ciould have the $10.00 Money Order mailed back. Mr. Blakely informed the City Council that when the procedure was over the Clerk of'Court had come over i,o him and he had requested a ride back to Coon Rapids: �The Clerk of Court had denied this request and had said "I hope you have learned a lescon from this". Mr. Blakely stated he replied that.he hoped thst the i Clerk of Court would someday treat the people that walk in court with a little respect and the Clerk of Court had told him he woqld give him five seconds to get out of the building or he would have him arreated for � disturbing the peace. Mr. Blakely stated he fel� the C1erk �oP Court was out pf order hy the way he had been treeted and further�stated he wished to make it ]cnown to the Mayor and the Councilmen that he kiad heard Your different time� that the people that have come into the Fridley courtroom have been {,reAt�d with disrespect and wanted it a matter of complete record that be wa� violently, objectionably opposed to this type of treatment. Mr. B]akely explained that Jud�e Johnson had given him,e,ride back to Coon Rapids and again stated he wished to go on record as objecting to the manner the Clerk of Court handled the affair. Mayor Nee inquired ii the speeding ticket says a speed violator has to appear. Mr. Blakely replied the officer had been right when he had told him about the fine� thst, nor- mally, the fine is �1.00 a mile for speeding over the limit and you ei'ther appear or send in the fine. Mayor Nee thanked Mr. Blakely'for coming in and informed him the matter would be followed through by the,City Council. Mr, Voight Knutson introduced himself and stated he was e reaident of � rridlPy living acros� fYom Midland Cooperatives� Ine. Mr. Knu�eon stated to the Cii�y Council there was a problem of sand on the Midla,nd Parking Lat� that he had three to six inches of sand on half of hie yard,�'t'the'present time and the residents in the area would like to get eomething done to ' clear the situation, Mayor Nee replied the matter had been brought„to their attention and a call had been left for the�City Manager, Councilman i Wright asserted the matter was fully as bad as the complainta had',stated it was and t�ao of the complainant3 had edditional compla3nte tliat were related to this, one being the continued storage oP materials outside the -- new warehouse and the second had to do with the debris from the'conetruction lying out next to Nlain Street. The matter was referred to the City Manager. CONSIDERATION OF LEASING SPACE FOR #�i STORE: Mayor Nee announced the consideration of leasing �pace for #�F liquor"store. �'he City Mana�er presented plans and specifications. Mr. Bob Maguire� � manager oY the Fridley liquor operation and Mr. Fred Levy of Hol].y Shopping Center were present. It was explained Mr. I,evy`s proposal for a store 30 x 90 was $1+50.00 per month plus $18.00 for maintenance of parking �nd balance of figures ior installetion� etc.� had been worked out with Minneapolis Restau- rant Supply Company. During a discussion period proposals were discussed regarding amounte neceessry for il�rniture and equipment in apprm:imate figures of $15�000.00 and what would be necessary for the building. Motion by Johnaon to enter into theproposed contract with Mr. Fred Levy for a store 30' x<j0' at �450.00 rental per month plus $18.00 per month ma3n- tenance for.lot and psrking space and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to sign the e�eement for a period of five years� said etore to be located i�ediately adjacent to Snyder's Drug Store. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Wright to authprize bids for the interior of new #k Tiquor Store including fixtures and f3ttings, Seeonded by Johaneon. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: Motion by Kirkhem to epprove the peyment of General Claims �2131 through #2213. Seaianded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no naye, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Wright to approve the payment of Liquor Claims #6131 through �6189. Seconded by Johartson:��. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Johanson to approve the payment of Public Utilities Clalms ��3164 through �204. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no -- nays� the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES: Mayor Nee announced the licenses to be considered for Council action. It was mentioned a used car lot license was again requested. The City Manager explained to the City Counc3l if they wi�Pied to approye thie licenee, they could approve it aubject to the checking of the eanitary fscilities by the Health Inspeetor. The Finance Director interrupted to explain this was a different licenee application than the application previously brought before the City Council� that this lot is across the street from the lot i,n ques- tion; these people are brothers and this person has a building with brick on the outside'and a fairly nice lookin� building and only hes six cars or so on his 1ot: The City Me,nager stated th3s would then be satisfactory and it wae a misunderetanding. Motion by Johanson to approve the iseuance of the following licenses: CIGARETTE D. K. Carter Company 3131 Nicollet Avenue Minneapolie� M3nnesote Thieaen & Son's Inc. 61+83 University Avenue N. E. Fridley� Minnesota 5542i � DELIVERY TRUCK Ewald Bros. Inc. 2919'Golden Velley Road Minneapolie� Minnesota by: W�lter P. Stadtherr Renewal for: Municipal Liquor Stores #2, 3, & 4 by: Robert P. Thiesen 2700 Knax Avenue North Minneapolis� Minnesota by: Graydon R. Ewald 7500 Weetern Avenue Minneapolis� Minnesota ,� Renewal Renewal 55427 � a t_ . 1 Lb r DELIV�RY 'CRUCK Northland Milk & Ice Cream 11 West ?Sth Street Minneapolis� Minnesota 55408 SERV7CE STATION A & fI Service 6001 University Avenue N. E, Fridley� Minnesota 55421 Wech�ler Tndependent Oil Co 73h5 Fast Itiver Road Fr3dley, Minnesota 55432 USED CALi LOT Hyde Park Motors 5900 University Avenue N. E Fridley� Minnesota 5542i GENERAL CONTRACTOR Richard SybrAnt 5601 Glenwood Avenue North Minneapolis� Minnesota MOUING Ernst Machinery & Housemoving Corporation County Road ]_09 and 18 Osseo� Minnesot� by: Carl E. Forsyth Renewal '' by: Bernard IL. Hunt 'Renewal 603a - 5th Street N: E. Fridley� Minnesota 55421 by: Lowell C. Condon -New 39�1 Jersey North Minneapolis� Minnesota by: Elson Schmedke � Renewal 5900 University Ave. N. E. Fridley� Minneaota 55�+21 by: Richard Sybrant by: Lester Ernst New New Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimausly. PETITIONS (APPLICATION3 FOR TRAILER PERMITS): ,. � � I Mayor Nee announced the receipt for council consideration oY two appli- cations for trailer permits within the City of Fr3dley. The City Manager stated the persons applying had been told to be.present and'the reco�qmed�- ation is to table action. Councilman Wright stated he thought the City Council shoizld be extremely careful about this type of trailer in a resi- dential area, that he realized it was the only convenient way to take care of some peaple but unless there were a real need and it was satisfactory with the adj�cent neighbors, it was not a good policy. It�Kas no�ed the �pplication for Cletus C, Nei did not have adjacent neighbor;approval� that he wa� not connected to sanitary sewer and there was some questloa ' regarding the property owner's house. It was further noted e cb�unication had been received regard3ng both applications from the PlutqbiR�'Inapector regarding sanitary sewer and fire prevention problems. Couneilman Wright stated the City Council had more than sufficient grounds to',fleny the i application�. . � ^ Motion by Wright to deny the application for permit to occupy a home trailer to Cletus C. Nei of 1465 Mississippi Street Northeast� Fridley� Minnesota. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unr�nimously. Motion by Wright to deny the application for permit to oocupy a home trailer i I to Joseph H,, Apderaon of (570 Fridley Street Northeast�,Fridley� Minnesota. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no naye, the motion carried unan3mQUSly. 60NSIDERATION OF PRINTING ANNUAL REPORT: - Mayor I�ee anaounced the consideration of three quotationa from different � firma for the;,printing of the annual report. The City Manager stated he had received,a qUatstion from Mr. Alford J. Haley of the Ken Sorenson Printing� Inc.� of�5$1 5outh 3rd Street, in Minneapolis, that Mr, Haley is a resident in Fridley and had wiehed to hid. Thie bid was in the amount of $915.54 with an addit3on'a1"�$65•00 ior the ward map in three colors. Another bid� he ex- plaine��+had been received from Sangrene Printing of �,007 Secand Avenue North ia Anoka for a total price of $840.00 with an additional $63•00 for the ward�m8p,in three colors. The City Manager explained the third bid received was �om Tri-County Publications� Inc. in the total amoUnt of $550.00 with an additional charge for the three calored werd map of �105.00. A fourth and,Yinal bid had been received from the Anoka County Union in the amount of'$1�600.00 with an $150.00 price for the colored ward map. He steted that he wae�,concerned about the low bid at Tri-County Publications and had called Mr. Chalmere the General Managex and inquired if an error had been made in computation, Mr. Chalmers had replied this was the right pxice. The City Manager enggeated that even if the City Council authorized the printing of the map in three colors and if they arrived at a decision on the pre- cineta in�time to get it in the annual report� it would be qu3te confusing unlesa'colored linee were used. If this were al.l done� it wauld make the b3d of Tri-Copnty Publicationa� Inc. �,655.00 which was still $195.00 under the next low,bid.' It wae recotmnended by the City Maneger that the City Council award the,bid ior the printing of the Annual Report to Tri-County Publica- tions�'Inc. � Motion by',Johane0n to aaa:d the bid to Tri-County Publications, Inc. for the �hrinting'of the Annuel Report in the amount ot' $550.00 wlth an additional � $1�5.00 for a colored map. Seconded by K3rkham. Upon a voice vote, there be3ng no neys� the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF BRICK FOR CITY HALL: The City Man&ger'infox'med the City Council they had not obtained a written figure Pot the additional brick to be considered for the City IIall, hut the City Engineex' hed worked it out with the general contractor and he had a drawing and an estimate of approxim�tely $4�000.00 for thie work. City Engineer Qu'reahi explained to the City Council where the brick would be on the proposed bUilding� coats vncluding brick� labor, etc. The City Manoger stated this brick addition would be according to the original plans for the building 1n that it wquld blend and aeem as one and if the City Council wiahed to canfirm the expenditure, it would have to be an emergency ordin- ance. � � Motion by'Johanson to authorize and inetruct the City Manager to return to the Council,floor an emergency ordinence to undertake the improvement of the City Hall Pacade. Seconded by Kirkham, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion cerried unanimoualy. { APPOINTMENT: Mayor Nee announQed Council approval. there was one appointment under considereition for City Motion by J,ohaneon to approve and confirm the following appoin�ment: �Q(� , � pOSITION SALARY RCPI�CES 011ie Welton Waitress 4906 - 4th Stree� N. E. ParL-time Minneapolis, Minn. 5542i On-Sale �2 $1.65 Jeannine per Mar2e hour Keeri ,t � JL d �. Y_ �3 r Seconded by Wrlght. Upon a voice vote, there being no naye} the motion carried un�niioously. . CONSIDF,RATTON OF POLL7,PiG PLl�C�S: , ' � � � Mayor Nee announced the considerstion of polliag plsces for Counail approval. The City Manager stated the Finance Director had raieed some ' questions which should be cleared; also that Acting City Attorhey Feikems I was prepared to concur in the laws mainly that-it wae impoeB�.blelto heve � a polling plaC� where liquor is served or disreputable peop].g'cari congre- gate.. It wae explained the Finance Director had questioned whether or ' not Rice Creek School could handle the nwnbers of voters.. The'FinanCel ➢irector explained he didn't know if it wea a real problem but thsre ia more space at the high school than•at the Rice Creek'School end the school' personnel had previously asked if the City wouldn't hold their e�lections at the high school rather than the Junior High Schooly "He further steted he thought it would be a good suggeation to put at least one polling • place at the high school ae there is much more space available.' The City Mana�er stated the Election Laws had been researched'and they'couTd�'have people vote in Precinct 2 or Ward 2 and according to the'laN they do not have to vot,e in thet precinct so long as it 3s within'1500 Peet: Mayor Nee asserted t,his would jvst involve school property. Aetiag C3ty Attorney Feilcema Jtated there was no problem ebout the ward 13ne;at Park- view Sctiool. � � � Counc]lman Wright stated he wished to find out what it would cost to put up a buildin�; which could be moved �t 43rd and Main Street on City property and deliver it by truck for use at elections. Acting City,Attorney Feikema inquired if there were any industries in Ward 3 that have any oPfices thet could be used, Councilman Wright asserted there was nothing in the e].ec- tion lew that says it has to be a permanentlk�3�ding that thia bUild3ng could be a frame building about 15 feet wide and 25 feet lon'g with�three or four i.ables and the necessary booths; �lzrther� thie could^be a,•bu'3lding that cou]d come apart and be used for recreation #'acilit3ea at other timee ; of the year. - , ' The City Manager informed the City Council he had some figures on votin� machines and on the 23rd of March they could have a demonBtYation of,auch a machine if they had the time but did suggest that before Apr31 6th each ward councilman should give this item consideration and it would be returned to the floor. There was no action teken on the above described item. � REPORT ON 45TiI AVENUE PIORTf1EAS� STORM SEWER: I� Mayor Nee announced ror Council consideration a repoYt pn,the 45th �§venue Northeast Storm Sewer. The City Maneger stated City EngYnee'r Qureshi hnd pointed out � problem that, apparently, Lhe Minnesota Highway Department were poin� to change the design and elso the routing of the storm sewer lines on this project. City Fngineer Qureshi explained'to the,City Council the chan�,e and the basis of the design� that Columbia'Heighte,wa's consider- ing going into this also, that he had det personally approached �he High- way Department and would not unless he were authorized to do�'eo�,by the 'City Council. Mayor Nee inquired of City Engineer O,ureshi if the project were restudied if the split in co�t would be different� he was told it was impossible to tell but if they kept changing the basis of assumption they plan to use� they will never get the job done. Mr. Cometock asaerted th3s did not change the system but it does have a bearing on coat'participation _ and if the City Council would use the design cfs method� it would,�be � necessary to refigure the whole lateral system and arrive at'a different cfs but the pipe size for the storm seWer would remain the seme: Mr. Com- stoclt further asserted this was a tool to reduce the cfe that would be charged and the question is that it appeare to be something 11ke anyone could get together and decide to do something and after it hea been decided to do it, there is a formula arrived at; one party �oes back'and says it can be changed and the cost is changed and this could go on and on. It p ,i 1 �L aj wae,mentioned the Highway Department had come tY�rough with a dtfferent basis of deeign and if they are going to use a diiferent mei,hod, it isn't necessary'to�recheck the figures. . ��� Councilman Johaason suggeeted the City Council could perhaps wait until the State Highway Depe.rtment returns with a new figure. Councilman Wright inquired if tHe'Stste"s revised way was to the benefit of Columbie Ileights, � Mr. Comstock replied it was to the benefit of the Highway ➢epertment, first� then Columbia Heigh�s and if Fridley studied their portion� it could be to their advantage. Mayor Nee suggested the position of Fridley might Ue they woul'd,want to secept this basis of calculation as presented. Mr. Comstock replied,the percentages would probably be close to the same f'igures but the Highway'Department was requesting an appraisal by Fridley. Councilman Wright'inqulred of Mr. Comstock if he eaw this as a move to make a major seving'at,thelexpense of another project. Mr. Comstock replied if the Ci�y Coune3l wanted to answer the Highway Department� they would have to reiigure'the project. $e ata��d they had agreed nothing should be done unlese the City Council wished to pusaue this project in the immediate iutUre as there might be some changes and this one was just another facet. Mayor Nee atated the important item wae that they wanted the Minnesota State Highway'Department to work on University Avenue. Mr. Comstock stated there were many different cambinstione of routing and computing, that the basic assumptione were all agreed upon initially and the only proh]em was rout- ing and this wae,arxived at by the two consultants hired and certainly if there were some euggestiona that might arise to save money� these should be used� by a11 partries. Councilman Wright inquired if these were any- thing that,would beneYit anybody, waen't it eomething they would come to as they vent 3'orward. Mr. Comstock replied they just hadn't used the state's method of determining the benefite. Councilman Wright asserted the state had put in extra money as had Columbia Heights. Mr. Camstock replied the drainage erea� from Columbia Heighte are more extenaive than Fridley's and they have very few �uture laterals tp construct but by changing the design� �- it won't affect the pipe size but would affect the theoretical efs from the pipe. Councilmen Johenson inquired of Mr. Comatock the amount of money they were reierring to for the gathering of figures. Mr. Comstock replied it would take at least ten days to two weeke comput3ng to do this project and had been about ta suggest that the City Manager end his office have a meeting and discusa the problems and see if they were going to follow through and how many more.poseible changes would be made. There was no ection necesssry on the item. CONSIDERATION OF GRADER PURCHASE: Mayor Nee announced for council consideration the purchase of a�rader for the Public Worka Department. The City Manager explained to the City Council they were haviAg probleme with their present seventeen year o7d grader and he had au'gge"ated that since there was no conceivsble way to ecquire approxi- mately $20�000'out of this year's budget, then there wae a possibility of datermining what it would be to have a rental purchase until the end of the year and the'bslance co�3�d be paid in 1965. Some f3gures had been obta3ned� he further explaj.ne�, and some concerne had come forward with a 21F nionth rental purchase agreement and they would be agreeable to an eight month rentel°and e.cash payment balance. He stated the City Engineer and Superin- tendent o$ Public Worka Yeel the grader ahould be replaced flnd he concurred and was recom�ending that the City Council authorize the rentpl purchase snd the old grader would be treded in. Motion by Johanson to.author3ze the City Manager to prepare specifications and advertise for bids.on a Mator Grader. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION ��+7-196�+ COhIIdEND2NG Tf� JUNIOR CIIAMBEH OF COMMERCI�.' : Mayor Nee announced a resolution coimnending the Junior Chamber of Commerce for Council con�ideration. r� ' Y"L� r Motion by Kix°kham to adopt Resolution #47-196�F cor�ending theFrtdley Junior Chambar of Commerce for preparation of booklet "An Invitation to,Sndustry". Seconded by Wright. The City Mana�er read aloud the above deaeribed reaolu- tion. Upon � voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � � )64 RECENING FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERINi - ss �t5-A: � � , Mayor Nee announced for council consideration a resolution receiving iinal plans and specificatione and ordering bida on a atorm aewer pro�ect: The " City Manca�er explained to the City Council this resolution was eUggested by the consulting engineers and city attorney so thst at the'public hearing on April 13th they would have exact figures on which to work'and iP they wished to pas3 this resolution, the bids would be opened at noon and the resolution would have to be changed. It wa� me�Ytioned the not3ce would have to be published three timea. Mr. Comstock, consulting�engineer� stated they had been going to euggest the receiving of the taida on the 13th of April and this would give ample time to have the, hearing'and make arrangements �aith the State Highway Department. Mayor Nee "stated it'was hia opinion they were not bound to act on the 13th oY ,Apr3l�ar'consider the item and was told this was correct. Mation by Wright to sdopt Resolution #48-196�+ approving plana and apec3fl- cations and ordering the advertisement for bids on Project SS #5-A. 3econded by Johanson. Motion by Wright to amend previous mation to include that - advertisement for bids shall be published for 21 days rather than ten days. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RFSOLUTION j��+�-1964 DIRECTING ISSUAPICE OF TEMPORARY BONAS = SW #61: Mayor Nee announced a resolu.tion directing issuance oi some temporsry � � bonds, __ Motion by Johanson to adopt Resolution #�+9-1964 directing the isauance of Temporary Improvement Bonds in accordance with l�ws ot 1957, Chapter 385r Sewer and Water Project #61. Seconded by Wrlght. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimouely. RESOLUTION �50-196�F DIRECTING SALE AND PURCHASE OF TEMPORARY BOPIDS - SW #61: Mayor Nee announced a resolution directing the sale and purehase of temporary honds for Sewer and Water Project #61. , Mation by Wright to adopt Resolution #50-1964 directing the sale and purchase of Temporary Improvement Bonds 3n accordance with Laws of 1957�.Chapter 385 on Sewer and Water Improvement Project No. 61. Seconded by Kirkham. Upoh a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTIONS �51-1964 AND �52-1964 AUTHORSZING COMBINIlVG OF CERTAIN SPECIAL ASSESSMEIVTS: � Motion by Sohasnson to adopt RESOLUTION �51-1964 authorizing and directing the combining of certain speciel aesessments on Lot 11 and Lot 12 (Exc. rr. 43'), Block 1, Sylvan Hills. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon�;a voice�voter there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. ' Motion by Joh�nson to adopt RESOLUTION �52-1964 authorizing end directing the combining of certain special assesaments on Lot �+ (EX. N 1�2},and Lot 5� B1ock 13� Hyde Park. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice..vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. • ,,, RESOLUTIONS �53-1964 AND #54-1964 AU7'HORIZING A SPLITTING OF CERTAIN SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS : Motion by Johan�on to aaopt xESOLVmioN #53-1964 suthorizing and directin� the splitting of special assessments on Lot 19, Block 1� Spring Lake Park I.akeside. Seconded by Ktrkham. Upon a voice vote� there treing no nays,, 1 d{d � the motion cerried unanimously. Motion by Sohanson to aaopt xESOLU�rION #5�-i964 suthorizing and directing the eplitting of epecial assessments on N 1�2 of Lot 6 and S 1�2 of Lot 6� Block 1� Moore Lake Highlands. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #55-1964 AUTfIORIZING SPECIAL ASSESSMENT STUDY: Mayor Nee announced a resolution ior council consideration� nuthorizing an overall apecial aseeeament study, The City Mana�er explained to the City Council� City Attorney Smith had drawn this ordinance but he �as not certain� if thie w�s what the City Council wiehed. Motion by Johanson to adopt RESOLUTION #55-1964 providing for an over�l] study oY storm sewer needs� existing asaesements� and plan for future construction and ilnQncing,in the City of Fridley. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote� there being no naya� the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #56-1964 RECEIVING PRELIA9INARY PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND Mayor Nee eano'unced s resolution for Councilconaideration receiving prelim- inary planalsnd speciYications and ordering a hearing on Municipal Stai,e Aid Projeot 310 and Project 315. `1'1ie City Manager explained to the City Council there were eidewalks to be conaidered in the resolution and they had been inaluded beeause it was felt the City Council might wish to d3ecuss the item. Couneilmen Wright inquired of City Engineer 9,ureshl regardin� the difierent projeots and the variova numbers given these projects, City Engineer Qureahi expleined the projecb numbers and locations. Councilman - Johaneon inquixed reg��,'d�gg the sidewalks and stated he felt it was a case j� that' the eehooT would have to pay for them but the City should get in � touch with the^achool oiiicisls and if they want the s3dewalks and want to aseume the cost it would be a good thing. Cost and aseessments for the road were diecuased. Mayor Nee asserted the assesaments should be on the standaxd policy they had been following� as this aseessment wou]d be the same as residehte would have had on a residentisl street. City �ngineer Q,ureahi'explained the City of Fridley would get everything From State Aid but what would be assesaed to the residents would be extra money coming in. , A d3scuseion period wae held regardng the installat3on of different types of curbs and their'pricea. Councilman Johanson stated the only thing they were doing by using stete a3d funds was that they were up�rading tYieir streets but the property eranera were �till paying. City Engineer Qureshi replied they would be putting in a good street. It wes explained 6y the City Manager the residente are paying juat the same as everyone else and it is only fair that they'should pay fpr a street also, that all of the citizens of Frldley do use that street. Councilman Johanson stated the sidewalks would anly bene- fit theischool. City Engineer Qureshi explained they would Ue grading the etxeet so� at any time the decision wae made, the sidewalk could be put in. Councilman Johsneon etated the street was definitely a necessity. 7t ti�as asserted by CoUnc3lman Wright the street should be done and it should be propose3 to bhe echool they put in a sidewalk on their side and point out what the'City'of Fridley is doing for them. Councilmen Johanson stated iP this were'done the sasessments should only be what it would cost to put in a residential street. City Engineer Qureshi replied they wo�h3�d be I asseasing one-third oY the price. The City M�nager sug�ested to the City Council they could delete the aidewalks on the Notice of FIearin� an3 elimin- ete Item 8 irom the Not3ce with regard to sideaalks. Mayor Nee explained to members of'',�he Council that it was written down in some correspondence that on streete going into residential or public areos� that tjie basi� of aeaessment ia one-half and where it goes into coromercial it is half of another rate� that eomething oi thie kind had been adopted ahout a year previous. The City Me.neger exp�a3ned how the percentages were arrived at. The Finanee Director atated the public hearin� could be called for the i20th�;of�.A�ixi1: The City Manager euggested to the City Council if they � 1L�G r � r»shed to pass the named resolution, they could do so by aettirig�,the hearing for the 20th of April and deleting Ztem B i'rom tHe N,otice,of I Hearing. Motion by Johanson to adopt RESOLUTION #56-196�t receiv3ng preliminary plans and s�ecifications and ordering a public hearing on,the matter of the construction of certain improvements - Municipal,State Aid 2mprove- ment Pro,}e6t 27-302-01� and project 27-315-01� said pvblic hearing to be calle@ for the 20th of Aprzl and deletin� Item B On the Notice of � Hearing on Im�rovements, Seconded by Wright, Upon a voice"votey there . being no nays� the motion carried unanimou4ly. OTHER BUSIlVESS• � Mayor Nee expl�lned to the Clty Council that even though the Pinance Director hr�d already mailed notices on hearings Yor SS Project #5 he had thought if the City Council explained the matter s 13ttle before they came to the publir hearing and if they had made up a mailing piece that had a duplicatton of the official notice and had o map and drawing of the actual type they were tallcing about and a discussion o£ whet waa involved in the way of costs� need� etc.� thot it might be an advantage� that'thi's could be mailed in advance of the hearing �nd there might be lesa proUlema at the hearing. The Finance Director stated that some of' the lots-,in'queat3on do have escrow monies in them and they had ind3cated to them on these there would be a storm sewer assessment. Mayor Nee statred if tl�e City Council ao wished he could work up such a mailing. It was generally decided not to have such a ivailing as it might have an opposite effect. , Councilman Johanson informed the City Council the Planning Commiasion was working on another proposed change in the ordinance which wbUld be an.amend- ment to lot size requirements on multiple dwellinga whereby;there will be a minimum �et of square £eet per unit� that the way it is now the-more,units� the less amount of square feet are needed on any givea site,. He;stated,he � wished to see 1.he Planning Coffuuisaion handle this matter,with the greatest of speed and further wished to place a moratorium in tihe meantiime��o stop all constructlon of multiple dwellings until thle eoald be done�'tHat he did not know of any other way to �top the type o£ Uuilding at�d Wae willing ta take this chance. Councilman Wright stated the only thing that bothered him was that he felt it would hurt F'ridley's reputation butiiae,was opposed to the so-called rides they had been giving buildera'for a;lOng�tim�. The City Manager explained the builders� according to ordinance conform to the lot size and each unit decreases the amount cf'the lot area arid explained how the amendment now is 10�000 square feet for the first three Vntta built or double bun�;alows� and it still reads 1,500 square feet in'the R-2 and R-3 districts. It was explained how some requirements had beem aeclared illegal by the court� that the present ordinance requires off-atreet�parking but there isn't room for anything else and the more units that are bui;lt�,the less grass area there is for children. Mayor Nee atated he was not sotconcexned with slowing up the 6uilding of aportments as he was concerned'witk�'a bettex grade of building c�nd stated he thou�ght that on the moratorium as long ae bhey could show the matter was in process it should be alear�'th�t,the previoua time this had been done they weren't movin� clearly enovgl�=in"�heir studies and if they were taken � court and the matter �ere aCtive�y',ina'proceas of revamping, this shnuld be satisfactory. Councilmen Johariso[��separted,the plan was� at the preeent time� in the discussion stage and iC,would not take the Planning Co�ission long to-work this out. Councilman'Wright inquired if it were necessary to have an official moratorium. It wasigenerally agreed this was nececsary. Mayox Nee stated, he felt� the queation,was if they , � could stop an,y commitment in the area unt31 they could �et,this problem' ( finalized. Acting City Attorney Feikema explained to the Gity Gouncil „ what any person would use aa arguments ii they were depr3virig him of the lawful use of property. Councilman Johanson suggested the�'City Counc3l set up the square footage they felt necessary and,iaiti6te',aetion.„ The City Manager ctated that they actually initiate the actian and �egotiatA through thc Plannin� Commission but a portion oF this could,bB bypassed,., Following a check of the amendments and rules, he etated i't�wa¢ mEntioned that items shall refer to the Planning Commission. Mayor Net stated�'he assumed, they could defend a moratorium for two months. 'JCoU��klzn6h•Johanson stated that Minneapolis had a minimum on multiple dwellinga:�'The City Nianager �� explained,to,�hc City Council they had� in effect referred to the P]anning Co�ission the item and they would merely receive and initiate it. Acting City Attorney''Feikema euggested to the City Council they could initiate action th�e evening on the item. Mayor Nee suggested a proposed amendment could be eketched out now and enact it and it could provide the ground work. The City Me.nager gave the first reading of an ordinance amending Section 45,282. Motipn by Johanaon to accept as first reading an ordinance amending Section i— 45.282 by provid3ng for an average minimum square foot of lot are¢ for mul- tiple dwellings oi not less than 1500 square feet provided for each unit, and that no bullding permite will be issued. Seconded by xirkham. Upon a roll call vote� those voting aye, Nee� Johanson, Kirkham, Wright, Those voting nay� none.' The motion carried unanimously. ADJOi1RN: ^ � There being no fUrther business, Mayor Nee declared the meeting adjourned. � Reepec�flzlly evbmitted; � u , iekowic Secretary to the Council U � �(��� �(.� Wi113am J. Nee - ayor SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING - MARCH 2�, 1964 - 7:30 P. M. A Special meeting of the Council of the City of Pridley was called to order by Mayor Nee�at 7:37 P. M. ROLL CALL: Members Preeent; Nee� Sohanson, Kirkham, Sheridnn, Wright Members Abeent: None OLD BUSINESS: . ; SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE #261 REZONING C-25 TO M-1� BALCO: Mayor Nee announced the second reading oF an ordinance rezo�ing nn area de- scribed as C-25 to M�1 petitioned by Balco. The City Manager gave the second read�ng oP eaid ordinance. Motion by Wxight to accept the second reading and adopt ORDIDIANC� {�261 which is an ordinance to amend the City Code of the City of Fridley, M�nnesota by making a change in zoning districts described as the westerly 600 feet of the Southerly 370 feet of the Northerly 1120 feet of the NE 1�2 of' the nnd 7/2 lying in Section 12� T-30� R-24� County of Anoka„ State of Minnesota and pub- lish same. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a roll call vote� those voting in favor of the�,ordinance� Nee� Wrighta Sheridan, Kirkham� Johenson. Those vot- ing nay� nona. The motion carried unanimously. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCr �262 AMENDING CHAP'I'ER 32: Mayor Nee annoUnced the second reading of an ordinance amendin� Chapter 32 of �