03/23/1964 - 00022853explained to �he City CoUncil they had, in effect referred to the Pla nning
Co�iesion the item and they would merely receive and initiate it. Acting
City Attorney F�ikeme suggested to the City Council they could initiate
action this evening on the item. Mayor Nee suggested a propased amendment
could'be'sketched out now and enact it and it could provide the ground work.
The City Manager gave the first reading of an ordinance amending Section 45�?_82.
Motion by Johsnson to accept as first reading an ordinance amending Sect3on
45.2$2,by providing ior an average minimum square foot of lot area for mul-
tiple dwellings of not less than 1500 square feet provided for erich unit� and
that no bullding permits will be iasued. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a roll
call vote� those voting aye� Nee� Johanson, Kirkham, Wright. Those voting
nay� none. The motion carried unanimously.
There tieing no further business� Mayor Nee declared the meeting adjourned.
ReepectfUlly eubmitted;
u iskowic
Secretary'to the Council
Willi,am�/� ayor
A Special meeting of the Council of the City of Pridley wes called to order
by Mayor Nee�et 7:37 P. M.
MembeY�s Preeent:
Membera Absent:
Nee� Johanson� Kirkhem� Sheridan� Wright
oin susxt�ss:
, ,,� ,
Mayor Nee announced the second reading oF an ordtnance rezoning an area de-
scribed as C-2S to M21 petitioned by Balco. The City Manager gave the second
reafl�ng of eaid ordinance.
Motion by Wright to accept the second reading and adopt ORDITIANCL #26] which
is an ordinance to amend the City Cpde of the City of Fridley, Minnesota by
making a change in zonin� districts described as the westerly 600 feet of the
Sautherly 370,feet of the Northerly 1120 feet of the NE 1/2 of' the NW ]/2
lying in Section 12� T-30� R-2�+, County oF Anoka, State of Minnesota and pub-
lish same. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a roll call vote, those voting in
favor of the ordinance� Nee� Wright� Sheridan, Kirkham� Johanson. Those vot-
ing nay� none. The motion carried unnnimously.
Mayor Nee�announced the second reading of an ordinance amending Chapi,er 32 of
the City Code regarding fire extinguishers
cond reading of said ordinance.
The C3ty Menager gave the sed
� � � i�� � � ��
r � ,
Motion by Sheridan to accept as second reading and adopt ORDINANCE��262
amend�n� Chapter 32 oi the Ctty Code of the City of Fr3dley by requi�'ing
approved fire extinguishers anr� t,he recharging of same by competent per-
sons and publish same. Seconded'by Sohanson. Upon a voice vote�'there
t�eing no nays� i;he motion carr�ed unanimously. � '
Mayor Nre �nnouuced the second reading of an ordinance amending Section
�+5•�B2 �ind stated befnre it oias undertaken there should� perhaps� be some
discussion. `I7ie City Manager explained to the City Council how the aqvare
foota�;e had been arrived at, in the different districts for multiple dwell-
ings� thaL- four units woiald be at 14,000 square feet� eeven unite would
be 7,000 equare feet each and eleven two bedroom units would be at 22,000
squ�re Feei,. M�yor Nee stated it would be in order to amend the ordinance.
The Cit,y M�nager replled that unless the Council wished,toaexpedite the'
matter� it coul� be rec�ritten. Councilman Johanson aeserted they Wiahed
to expedlte the matter and si„sted that a week previous they had iseued or-
ders to be given to the Suilding Inspector not to giVe,oat,any buildin�
permits. He explained that on the previous SAturday he had met residente
on 66i,t� Avenue and had called the Building Inspector for some plsne and in
the conversation he had t�lked to him regarding this ordinz�nce, The Build-
ing Inspector had stated he hadn't heard about the ordinance and the stop-
pin�; of the bulldin� permits. The City Manager replied to Councilman So-
hanson the Building Ii�spector hz3d been so advised the following day after
the Council meet,ing� that he could take applications but he could not
issue permii,s.
Mayor t3ee s1,aLed they could have the ordinance in question read and amended
and this would be proper, th�t the criteria expressed were in force the pre-
vious weeL on the basis of the first reading and the only change would be
that the City Council-would like {.o amend it again to make a correction of
2,500 square feet rather than 1,500 square feet for each dwelling qnit.
City Attorney Smith informed the City Council the ordinance could just be
�mended. Ma,yor Nee inquired if it would be proper for the City Msnager to
read the ordinance and then amend it or a�nend it.and have it read,' Council-
man Jbh�nson stated he wished to fdrther amend the ordinance��that a person
or persons can go through the City Hall procedure and Suildin� Board and
get full approval and then nottake out a building permit for Beveral �nonths
and in the me.3ntime, the,y might be changin� the ordinances. He farther
stated he fe]i, the ordinance should read thot after approval of the build-
ing boards and cou�icil, that w�thin 30 days, the applicant should ,take out
this buildin� permit and it would be good for a year� that he had eeen
bu�_ldin� permits on apartment houses come back six and eight montha later
that have been approved previousl,y. It was mentioned by Cauncilmsn'Sohanson
that he didn't think this �ould be a part of the ordinance in question.
Cii,y Atborney Smith explained to the City Council they ahould have the se-
cond reading of the ordinance �s it is with the amendment. The City hlanager
�ave the second reading of an ordinance amending Section 45.282 of the '
Fridley C�ty Code by providing for an average minimum aquare'foot of lot
area for multiple dwellings.
Motion by Wri�ht to accept as seco�d reading and adopt ORD7NANCE #263 which
is an ordinance amending Section 45.282 of the Fridley City Code'by�provid-
ing £or an average minimum �quare foot of lot area for'multiple�tiwell'ings
and publieh sAme. Seconded by Johanson. Mayor Nee announced'��Chelordinance
was eub�ect to amendment. �
Motion by KirY.ham that Ordinance #263 be amended to read 2�500 aque,re feet
on the avcra�e square Foot �rea for each dwelling unit ra'ther that 1�500
square feet. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there beiq� no nays�
the motion carried unanimously.
Upon a ro11 call vote� for the adoption and publicatian of OPdinance #263,
those voting aye, Nee� Kirkham� Johanson, Wright� Sheridan. Those vot3ng
nay, none. The motion carried unanimously.
� , ,
M�g�yor Nee annouuced the consideration ior Council approval of en emergency
ord$nance fo7c'„the authorization of annew facing for the City Hall. The City
Manager.explained toothe City Council the CiL-y �ngineer Y�ad a question about
whether or not the ordinance can still be passed,but whether they should
check with the architect as to what wovld be best. City Engineer Qureshi
stated �Ghe �§�OOO.00 mentioned was the ma�cimum the project would cost so they
could,pase the ordinance subject to the approval of the architect and further
explained p�.ans and etated whatever proposal vould be msde, the amount of
money spent,would be less than the $5�000.00. The City Manager said they had
wanted to know if the Council wished the architect to look at the plan as he
might not ieel it was a good idea to do the brick work in the way that was
sketched. Ci�ty Engineer Qureshi explained the architeat had already spent
so much time on the plan that it would cost just a few dollars for him to
check this proposed plan. Mayor Nee inquired if the City Council ti�ished to
considex the�ordinance.
Motion by,Wright to approve and adopt Ordinance #264 which is an �mergency
Ordinance declaring an emergency under City Charter Section 3.06 and Section
6.06 and allowing the City to contract for brick facing of the City Hall and
suthorize the appropriation of $5�000.00. Seconded by Wrigkit. Upon a voice
votet there being no naysJ the motion carried unanimously.
M��oT'Nee annovnced the consideration of an appointmept to �.he Police Commis-
sion to replace Murray A. Straus. Councilman Wrigh� stated he had a candi-
date for th0,,appointm�nt. ,
Motion by Wr�,ght t$at the City Council appoint to the Police Civil Service
Co�iseion� Mr. Donald Wegler of 6815 East River Road. Councilman Kirkhem
inquired xegaTding the,qualifications of Mr. We�ler. Councilman Wright re-
plied Mr. Weg1eT wae familiar with the City and its problems, that he had
� served on the pnly co�ittee that regularly meets with the Police Department
and this co�ittee w�s the Safety Committee. He further explained Mr. Wegler
had worked with Chief McCarthy and Seargent Fritz extensively in different
items and �ocedures and felt he was highly qualified for the position. The
City Manager"explained the term to the Police Commission in question was less
tj�af� usuaL ea'the person appointed woUld be replacing Mr. Straus until De-
cember 31� 1965. Councilman Johanson inquired of Councllman Llri�rht the reaeon
Mr. Wegler had laft the Safety Co�nittee. Councilman WrighL replied Mr. Wegler
had felt he had started the con¢nittee and Mr. Larson had been ready to move
up to the chairmansh3g� that Mr. Wegler is a�,tudent of municipal govermment
and hae consietently attempted to get experience and contribute a service to
the co�unity. He f�arther stated the City Council had� in the past� had so
few people who wanted to serve in the community they hnd had to use them in
more than one Co�ittee and it was Yortunate for the City to have a man such
ae Mr.IWegj,es who warite to take on a new job, that if what they were asking
was i�''�his was Yor political reasons� Mr. Wegler had told him he never in-
tende to run;Yor municipal office� that he is interested in serving the City
in 'coffinitteQd qnly. A diSCUSsion pe�od followed regarding the duties of
members of �the Police Comm3ssion. The City Manager ei,ated they handle the
setting Up,oi the eli�ible list and disciplinary matters that could affect
the hiring and Yiring of inen and candidates for position� and they screen
applioant5 even though they do not give all the tests. Councilrn�n Sheridan
stated that before a vote would be taken on this item he �aished to go into
' executive seasion as there was something about this particular position he
wiahed to discuss.
Motion by Sheridan that the appointment to the Police Commission to replace
Murray A. Straus be tabled to the meeting of April 20a 1964. Seconded by
Johanson. [7pon a voice yote� there being no nays� the motion, carried unanz-
Mayor Nee announced the consideration of the locations of pollinG places. The
City Manager explained to the City Council these polling places had been
checked out with the school officials and the only requeat they had made
was tihat the vot9n� be done in the senior high school rather'�than the �
,7un��r y�i�h scYiool so that i.he only item open for diacusaion'wae the lo-
cation tentetively planned for Reserve Stapply r�hich wae Preoinct No. 3 at
5110 Mamn Street Northeast. Councilman Wright explained the people at Re-
serve Suppl�r had been very friendly and they have a building with a�laxge
basement room rrhich they don't use except to store display materials� that
this �aould require voters to come inside and they had agreed 'to have their
emp]oyees park elsewhere than the company lot the day of voting.' It was iur-
ther explained there had been no mention of chorges of any kind. The City I
Manager explained �o the Cit,y Council there o�as one other chahge,on the map '
presented, that previously they had gone around Parkview SchoQl and it was
suggested they use 7th Street. Councilmt�n Johanson asserted'the only prob-
lem they had had in mind was the location of the liquor store ae a' voting
Qlace and the location oi the senior 1�&gh school rather than 'the,use of the
junior htFr school. Councilman Sheridan agreed the eenior �14'gh'sch0ol had
much better facilities and was, he felt� excellent. The City,M&na$er�inqu3red
of City Attorney Smith iY a resolution was all that wae necessary. Couneilman
Sheridan inqu3red of City Clerk Brunsell how everyone would be notified.' City
Clerk Brunsell replied there were special post cards far this purpoae� that
i,hey are n standard form and the card�gives w22ich precinet the-voter is in add
the addre�s of the polling place. City Attorney Smith statefl,tha't 5ec�kion
2.03 of the Charter provides that the boundaries shall be redetermined from
time to time Uy ordinences adopl.ed by the City Council. The City Manager in-
quired if the City Council could adopt this as the first readi',ng: "Qouncilman
Wrighi, etated the,y were only changing polling places and he thought it could
be done by resolution. City Attorney Smith repl3ed this would be satisfactory.
Councilman Wright stated they were not changing the wards or representation.
City Attorney Smith agreed. Councilmen Sheridan agreed and atated that if
they Yi3d changed as they had originally� it would have had to be by ordinance,
City Attorney Smith said he would prepare the necessary resolution. The City
Manager informed the City Council they would assign a map number.to this mFap
so that it could be incorporated into the resolution. Mayor Nee atated that
as there was no particular ur�ency on the matter� the City'Managez��c0uld re-
turn it to the floor. There was no action taken on the item, �
Mayor Nee announced the consideration of the 4$th Avenue Northeast S,torm Sewer
Study. The City Manager explained to the City Council this item had 6een
placed on the agenda becauee the Gity Counc3l had requested that he',preeent a
cost estimate on the study and they were unable to report any;�expense study
at this time. There was no action taken on the item.
Mayor Nee announced, for council consideration, certain appeals on;condemnation.
The City Manager expla3ned to the City Counci� there was no aupport3ng docu-
ment for i,his item other than the condemnation award on W-3�+-K and �hey had
aiaards varying from $3�880.00� $3�150.00� $2�975.00� $3r880.00„ $�f�j50.00 and
the City Attorney had suggested they be appealed. City Attorney`Smith explained
on a map the areas involved and stated the properties the pipe7lne went through
included Ev3noff's and Johnson's property. City Attorney 3mith expla3ned he
had tried to get the State Highway Department to overtake the'City of,Fridley
in this work bec�use they are to condemn property inil+laynof thiglyear� also
that the commissioners had only been able to make pretty fair,awarde'end,he
was recommending that the City of Fridley �'d�e appeals on a11'the�awarda'end
still hope that the State overtake them. City Attorney Smith further explained
he had st,alled the state al� this time and had started gett3rig letters and was
a£raid the City might exhaust their time and this was why they'had hearings
and these are the amounts for each of the pareels. It was ste,�ed.by City At-
torney Smith that necessarily the City of Fridley has to file appeals and some
of the restdents have already filed their appeals� that he would attempt to
lceep th�s from coming up in court until fall and hope the State would be in-
volved and help Pridley out. Ctty Attorney Smith atated he w0uld'like,to have
in the minutes an authorizataon directing the City Attorney to file 'iappeals
for each of the awards involved in the particular project. Councilma.n Johanson
�_:�' ,_
inquired if they had not considered that the State would bacic this up and
was told they h&d. ,City Attorney ,Smith asserted they should have the State
reimburse,th�m ior bhe expenses they were to have.
Mqtion by Sheridan to suthorize the City Attorney to file appeals on the con-
demnation'proceedings on W-3�+-K. SecOnded by 1Jright. Upon � voice vote, there
being no nays� the mation carried unanimously.
The City Manager, informed the City Council that regarding the Gideo property
the appraisers,had come up with a$2,500 award and Mr. Gideo iranted :�5,000�
that City Attoraey Smith felt the commissioners were qualified to say what the
value was and quggeated an appeal be filed if the City Council so desired, City
Attorney Smith explained to the Citq Council the City Manager had asked him for
his views on the matter� that this was one piece of property the city couldn't
get a iree easement irom and it had held up matters� that when he had hecome
City Attorney� he had been given suthority to oFfer the equivalent of what the
easement �aoµld be and had been refused. He further explained Mr. Gideo� who
owns the land hae leYt� tha�, �lso, i�t had been pointed out to the commissioners
jus� what wa,s beingcbne. The cost of assessments and taxes had been explalned
to the co�issignexs and they had spent some time checking this property pver,
that they had been appointed by the court for a good many situations. City
Attorney Smith had explained to the Commissioners� he z�eported, that this line
was a benePit to the property and stated the position of the City of Pridley
and reported to,the C3ty Council if �hey appealed� their expense would be
somewhere betaeen $700.00 and �1�000 to take care of legal fees, engineers�
exper�s and that woRld be the expense and whatever the jury awarded would be in
addition. Mayo�' Nee inquired if this would necessarily go to a jury and was told
it would. 'Mayox Nee inquired if Mr. Gideo had petit3oned for the pipeline and
why it had gone in. City Attorney Smith replied Mr. Gideo h3d not but seemed
excited about this settlement. Mr. V. M. Nagel innuired if they couldn't go to
Old Centre.l and pick up the line. City Eng3neer Qureshi replied the sewer line
was already in. City Attorney Smith stated there was another quesi,ion oF policy;
also� that,their expert witness would testify at the court proceedings that the
� meaeure is what,wae the value of the property� before and after and the witness
would say thie was zero, as at is worth exactly the same. Mr. V. M. N�+gel
asserted this land couldn't haye been used without the drsina�e provided. ,Coun-
cilman Johaason explained it is not an open storm sewer and it would be of no
beneiit;to,Mr. Gideo. City Flttorney Smith stated it might be a matter that Mr.
Gideo might put the money he received back into taaces and assessments, Mayor
Nee inquired if they could properly epply this payment again:�t h�s taxes ¢nd
assessments and was told they,could not. City Attorney Smith suggested the
City Council could authorize,him to appeal with the understanding that he com-
promise and settle it and he could then asve some portion of the money, that
�hey had �o appeal within �+0 days of filing the aw�rd and there isn't any ex-
penee to appealing. Councilman Sheridan stated he was,in agreement with Mayor
Nee that regardlese of what kind of witnesses they would have, the citiy would
probably not win this case.
Motion by 9heridan that the City Attorney be authorized to appeal the Gideo
Condemnation Award and proceed along the lines of discussion. Seconded by
Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays} the motion carried unani
Mayor Nee snnounced the consideratipn of a_letter from Mr. Bernax�d Jullcowski
� regarding an engineering escrow. Mr. JUlkowski was present and exp�alned Mr,
� �d Chies and himaelf had bought the land in question from bir. Mil:e 1l�fner� that
� they had paid eo much cash and assumed so much in b�ck taxes and Lkiey were
behind in toxes in order to be able to file the final plat of the land; that
all,they were asking for was that in view of the fact part of th�s taas in escrow
and will be reilanded once the improvement �s ordered in, if the,CiLy Council
could waive th3s portion. Mr. Julkowski further explained it wae dii'ficult
to pay al] this money out but zt was necessary �n order to �;et the plat on iile.
Councilman Sheridan inquired of Mr. Jullcowski l�ow soon he planned t,o move alon�,
on this land and was told all they were able to get was one permit nou bui. as
soon as the frost is out�,they planned to put in three or four models and ex-
pect to build thirty to forty houses this spxing. Mayor Nee inquired if the
eng�neerin� escrow had been paid in already. Mr, Julkowski replied it had not
and thai, zuas why they rJere asking a wa,iver. The City Manager 3nquired if Mr.
Julkowski was putting in the services �nd was told they we�e rio�:''It was ex-
plained h,y the City Man�ger in that case there was $1,']00 that had been billed
to E& M Devc�lopment Company and iF they enp,aged Suburban Engineeri'ng,'Inc.�
i;hat $1�700 would not be lost. Councilman Johanson atated in'the pas't
developerc have used their own engineering firms. The qUeation•wae raised if
there wa� �n,y reason if� in the preliminary report� they could not use the same
enganeerin� company at�d th3s $1�700 oould be included� 'that� i,f'`�he City Council i
decided to use Su6urbo.n Engineering� Inc�� this engineering escrow woUld go �
through the engineering department of' the City IIall. The City'Manager replied
this was rigYit� that if you h�ve the preliminary work practically done� they
could waive �t least thnt. Councilman Wright stated he would not waive the
park pori,aon of' that �igure. � �
The City Manager explained to the City Councilthat �2�851.70� 'he fe1t� could
be waived provided the council wished to use Suburban Engineering�^Tne.'� for
thi^ pro,7ect. City Attorney Smith inquired of Mr. Julkowski,if it were his in-
tention to have all the improvements done by �he city an� asseased'by,the city.
Mr. Julko�aski replied this mas what they were intending to do. St wes �'vrther
inquired Uy City Attorney Smith if they were intending to come under the two
year assessment period� that they were asking that since they have'already in-
vested a substantial amount in the engineering serv3cea that if they were
+�ssessed� Lhis amouxit would be packed up. Mr, Julkowski replied thia was
correct and also any additional engineering fees and t�ie estimate was'approximate-
ly $3,6D0. The City Manager stated the 3treet surfacing has not been done anfl
the City Council might wish to get that escrow money but if they wanted to in-
ciicate that Suburban Engineering� Inc.� do the work� they could waive $2,B51.5o.
Mayor Nee inqulred what the procedure was in the normal courae. Couneilman
Johanson replied they petition the C3ty of Frid3.ey for utilities and the city
uses 3ts consulting firm of engineers. The Eity Manager explained that E& M
Development company had always used their own engineerin� and this was how this
had started, that this would make Suhurban Engineering� Inc.� the city engineers
at the time they ordered the work done, The question wae raised by Mayor Nee � i
if in making a w�.iver they wouldn't neeessarily be moving the' obligation and �
Mr. JialkowsYi wouldn't be put-ting up the money. Mr: Julkowski re�iied this was
correct. It was agreed by Councilman Sheridan they were'mere],q waiv3ng the
obli��tions. City Engineer Qureshi stated Mr. Julkoweki•should petition for
these uti.11ties and wa� told he had.
Mayor Nee asserted to Councilman Wright that Mr. Julkoweki would et311 have the
obli�ation at some point to pay the park payment. The City Manager explained
the City Council could ��aive t,he �2�8$1.50 forever if they wished and the
balance they could waive for a period of time and they wotald be waiving only
water and sec�er escrow. The Finance director stated the park deposit wasn't
in addition to this amount mentioned. '
Motion by Wright to waive the engineerin� fees assessed against Meadowmoor
Fldditlon in the amount of $3,639.20, eetimated� and grant an ex'teasion of park
deposit of t4ro years in the sum of �1�1�40.00. City Attorney'Smith Bta�ed he
was not in faaor oF this o�hole idea because it was a difPicult area and the
cit,y vas indebted to Mr. JullrowsY.i for worlcing it but he could not see• any ^
poss3biltit,,y oi' >afe-guarding the clty so far as the park fund was concerned�
the engineer�n� escrow was satisfactory because it was tied in with the
consult€�nte Uut once the plat was filed and depending on how builfling went�
they ro�ould have no control over Mr. Julkowski or his land. The Einance
Director str�ted the-other thing z»s if Mr. �71u�kowskl �ells it'811 out� then'the
�it,y i�ould h�ve no control either. C3tyAttorney 'Smith inquired if the land
would be pl�tted all in one ur�}.t and �aas told it was. Mayor Nee inqu3red if
they could accept a two year note. It was explained by City Attorn�'y Sfiith _.
they could hnve some kind of a contract for tk}e conveyance of a certain-area
until the parl: fund is paid in order to have �ome kind of a-�ie'on'the land
because once it is filed and it is acaepted they would have loat th� obligations.
Mr. Jalkowcici sug�eeted to the Ciby Council if �they wished-to'weive the '
eng5neering fee� he would pay the park deposit. "
. ,
Motion b,y �lright to amend previous motion and waive the engineeriri�lfees assessed
ogain�t Meadonmoor Addition in the Amount oP �3,63q.2o, est2mated� ,ouly. Seconded
by-Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unani-
. _ ur_� _n•
� �
r— Mayor Nee�announe''ed a resolution receivin� final plans and specifications and
I ordering th'e advertisement for bids on Project W-34-Q. City Engineer Qureshi
explained to the'City Couneil they did not have the Yinal plans ready as yet
but had understoOd the matter should be expedited and it was necessary Lo adver-
tise the item fos 21 days and though this isn't necessary it had been felt that
because there was a meeting scheduled� it would be wise to expedite the case as
they are atresaed for time. City Attorney Smith inquired if the plans were in
the course of preparation and was told this was correct, that by the time the
item was advertl8ed they would be completed. City Engineer Qureshi explained�
in detail, the construction of the gravel packed drift well which would be
approximately 115 feet deep and its locat3on,
Motion by Sheridan to adopt Resolution #57-1964 approving final plans and order-
ing advertisement for Bids - W-34-Q. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote,
there being no naye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced a resolution receiving final plans ond epecificai.ions and
ordering the udvertisement for bids on Project W-34-R. The City Manager ex-
plained to the City Council this was for the modii'ication of existing pumping
equipment. City Engineer Qureshi stated they had difficulty a11 along and the
welle were pumpiAB more eand then they were supposed to. Councilman Sheridan
-- inquired what guaranty they had on the further development of this, that two
' montha after the',bidder leaves the project that Fridley would nat be back in
the same pos3tiop they were now. City Engineer Qureshi replied there was no
guaranty end there ie no way of having a guoranty. Councilman Sherldein in-
quired if they were going to require that television cameras be sent down in
the wells to iuspect trhem and was tald hy City Engineer Qureahi they were not
planning to do that but they could. Councilman Sheridan stated ii' they were
going to have an expense o£ $100,000 another $2,000 to check i.he work should be
added to the specifications and further inquised if the specificai,ions didn't
ordginally csll for an estimate that the well, if according to its design, would
produce so many numbers of gallons af water per minute and was this the figure
referred to. Councilman Johanson replied that was his understanding. Follow-
ing s discussion period on wells, stratae� amounts of money necessary far same,
and alternates� Mayor Nee inquired if what they were going to do, in fact, was
pull the sand� etc.� on Wells �2� 3, 1+ and 5 and wes told this was correct.
Councilman Sheridan suggested if they were talking about :�100�000, they could
put in another well for the money,
Councilman Wright,stated it was his opinion that it meemed the way they were
working was patch work on a system of wells, that the more inFormation received,
the more his impresaion wes that it was approaching lunacy for a city that has
accese to the Miasisaippi River to be getting its water from a well system�
that it is almost inevitable that f3fteen years from now} they would be sei,ting
up a river water purification system or contract For the same. He furLher
stated that supp0eing it wae inevitable they went to river water� everything
r they were doing'in the way of patch work ahould be scrutinized carefully, thet
� he realized he'wae late with this recommendation but felt they should be con-
I sidering a long ran� policy of using the water i:hey had in the river and getting
other cou�unities involved to see how they £eel about it. Councilman Johanson
replied the City Council had made ¢ study a few years back on all of this kind
of plant and it was out oi reason� that they had already gone over the estimeted
cost of the Hinekley Wells. The City Mann�er stated they were under, generally
speaking� on the overall plan. Councilman Ylright stated he was not attempting
ta delay the present water improvement Uut fel+. this was a thought worth
�i U
Mayor Nee inquired if City Attorney Smith didn't eventually write the contract
for the worlc to be done. City Engineer Qureshi replied these were apeciiica-
tionc written by the consult�nts. It was mentioned by'the City Manager thst -
on this particular contract, the,y would want the City Attorneq',to Che'ek every-
thing� Lhe specifications as well fls the contracLs. City Attorney Sm3th suggest-
ed these shouSd all be checked early before they would atart adpe�tieing.
Motion by Johanson to adopt Resolution �f58-1964 approv3ng final plaas and
epeciFications and orderin� advertisemeni, for bids - W-34-R. �Seconded;by
Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion„carried unani-
Mayor Nee announced a resolution for council consideration suthorizing the
adverti�ement for bids on a grader. The City Manager exp�ained 'to the City
Council thas was written on the basis of a rental-purchase, that it was fvr
not the l�r�;est nor the smallest gr-ader. Councilman Sheridan inquired if
1.hey were t�•e3ding in the old grader and was told this wae correct� that it
would Ue a part of the bid.
Motion b,y Sherid�n to adopt Resolution �5g-1964 authoriz3ng the, advert3sement
for bids on one new Motor Grader with plow and wing assembly. Seconded by
Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
There bein�; no further businesa, Mayor Nee declared the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted: � .
�'vv v'"" ` YI�
Sue skowic William J. N - Mayor
Secretary to the Council
A regular meeting of the Council oS the City of Fridley was
Mayor Nee at 8:15 P. M.
Membere Present: Nee� Johanson� Kirkhsm� Sheridan
Members Absent; Wright
called to order by
Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting oi Maxch 16�
1964 as prepared and received. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice'vo�te� there
beinP no nays� the motion carried unanimously. '