04/06/1964 - 00022835�_ e� U
Mayor Nee inquired if City Attorney Sm3tti didn't eventually write the contract
for the worlc to be done. City Engineer Qureehi replied these were apecifica-
tion: written by the cansultants. It was mentioned by the City Managex �hat -
on this particular coni.ract, they would want i,he City Attorney',to check every-
thing� the specificetion� as well �as the contracts. City Attorney Smith suggest-
ed i,hese shouSd �11 be checked early before they would start adve�;tiping.
Motion by Johanson to adopt Resolution �58-1964 approving finsT p18na, and
specificetions and orderin� advertisemeni. for bids - W-34-R. Seconded,by
Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unani-
mously, ��'
Mayor Nee announced a resolution for council consideration authorizing the
advertieement for hids on a grader. The City Manager exp�ained to the City
Council this was written on the basie oY a rental-purchase�'that it �as for
not the lar�es�, nor the smallcet grader. Councilman Sheridan inquired if
they were trading in the old grader and was told this was correct� that it
would be a part of the bid.
Motion Uy Sher�dan to adopt Resolution #59-1964 authorizing the advertisement
for bids on one new Motor Grader with plow and wing assembly. Seconded by
Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
There being no further businers, Mayor Nee declared the meeting adjourned.
Respeci,fully submitted: � .
Sue skoF�ic William J. N - Mayor
Secretar,y to the Council
A regular meeting of the Council of the
Mayor Nee at n:lj P. M.
City of Pridley was called to order by
� ;
Members Present: Nee� Johansona Kirkham� uheridan
Member� Absent� Wright
� '
Motion by Johpnson to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Maxch 16,
1964 as prepared and received. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a vodce'vo'te, there
being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. •
� I
� �.� �_
Motion by Sheridan to approve the minutes of the Special Meetin�3 of March 23�
i964 as prepared and received. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there
being no nays� the motion carried unan3mously.
� oLn suszrr�es:
Mayor Nee announced the consideration of the purchase of sump land and requested
an explanation of the City Manager. The C3ty Manager explained to the City Coun-
cil there had been two appraisals of the land obt�ined and the summation of the
two was that ote appraisal was approximately $5�450.00 and the othez• flppraisal
obtained was apprOXimately $5�950.00 with s�ecial assessments subtraci,ed. It
was stated the asking price had been $3�500.00 per lot. Mayor Nee znquired if
the $3,500.00 figure for each lot included the assessments. The City Manager
replied one appraieal had been for one lot at �3,500.00 and the other at �3�200.00;
that another appraisal had been for the two loi�s r�t $3,300.00 and �3,100.00 re-
spectively and the difference was aUout $500.00 bei,taeen the two appr<,isals.
Councilman Sheridan inquired re�arding the dimensions of the two lots and was
told they were 75 feet and 70 feet respeetively. Mayor Nee inquired if the two
lots could be sold at a later date and was told tliis wes possihle. Councilman
Johanson inquired if �he City administretion had a recommendetion. City Engineer
Qureshi stated these lots had been used as a sump and they felt they could ju„t
barely get by� that there is one lateral which is going to care for these lots
and once the improvements are in there would be no use for these lots. The City
Manager, replied�,however� they did not know when the improvements ti�ould Ue put
in and these lots would not be purchased with ony stipulations. Meyor Nee in-
quired if Mr.,Engesether� the owner� wished to develop this are� and iaas told he
had requested a building permit and the lots� had to be redtag�ed. It was men-
tioned by Maypr Nee� this was r�ater that came from ColumMa Heiglits and not
St was stated by,Councilman Sheridan that with the projection of IIighlaay �47
completion this �pight be taken care of and inquired how soon it was felt the
problem 3n that area would be corrected. City �ngineer Qureshi replied the
State Highway Department was talking about present plans and contract bein� let
in August arid the atorm sewer problem would have to be corrected beFore that,
It was',explained bq the City Maneger he had been told the cont,ract letting date
had been extended to October of 1964. Councilman Johanson inquired if the City
Councll couldn!b deny the building permits on these two lots becouse of the
water hazards they would present. City Attorney Smith replied they couldn't
redtag or plaee hold orders on the land but if the huilding permits would be
granted it would be appropriate �o notify the Highway Department, so that
they could obtain theee lots, Mayor Nee stated they were two b]ocks from the
highway.� „
Motion by Johaneiin to table the oz�sideration of purchase of sump land 1ncaL-ed
at the Southeaet corner of 46th Avenue and 2 1�2 Streets described aas Lots 13�
lk� 15� Block l� Rearrangement of Blocks 13, 14� 15� Plymouth Addition for
further study and item to be placed on the agenda of the next regular meeting.
Seconded by'Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion
corried unanimously.
[�l� `U^1��:(il�by�a!i:l_�B
Mayor Nee,announced the consideration of a Town House Plan and stated this was
with refe�ence to a petiti0n by Rodney Billman. The City Man�ger stated Mr. Bil7.-
man had promised to be present. There was no action taken by the City Council.
Meyox Nee announced for Council considaration blds opened thie day fox• the pur-
�_ �i G
chase of a grader. The City Manager explained to the City Council the bids had
been bid on the baais af a cnsh payment 6alance of $7�5Q0.00 approximately by
Sanuary 7� 1965 end it was considered ¢ seml-lease agreement. Bide for the
grader �aere read us follows by the City Manager:
Bldder's Name � Bid - Lump Sum Delivery
and Addrecs Security Total Trade-In Net Payment Date
Wm. H. '7.icgler Co. Cert,
901 W. 94Lh Street Checic
Mpls.� MJun. 55420 �1200.00
Hall �quip. Co. Seatoard
2360 tIw,y. 100 So. Surety
Mpls., Minn. Co.
Galion 5�
Road Machinery &
Supplies Co.
49oi w. 78tn st.
Mpls., Minn.
Super 200 & pacer
Tri utate Mech
1400 W. '�th
Mpls. 20, Minn
Pac. Ms.
Co. 10�
�G�3,566.00 9�3750. �i9,816.
$24,315.00 �6,291+. $lf3,o21.
$3�y3i6., 90 D�ys
�10�521. 30 Days
$24 000,00 4 loo.�,�i9 900. $i3,146.
22,259.00 3,90o..��i`8, 9. $11,52i.
Hu6er-Warco lOD
�26,300.00 $8,300. $i8,000. $io,5oo. 14 Days
All graders, makes, types� weights were explained by the City Manager and he
ststed thc Superintendent of Utilities had a preference which was not the low
bid and was the Aia9tin-Western �200. This grader� he explainefl� was actually
the high bid oC the five graders. Councilman Johanson etated he felt the entire
City Council was of one conviction and that was that they tleeded'to have a
four wheel drive on the new grader. The Superintendent of Utilit3ea explained
to the city Council the Austin-Western was more stable and had better ilotation
with six wreels rather than four as the othergraders had and it'wae b�etter ior
�,rrading. It was further explained there are two wheels in front and four in
back on this partLcular grader. Councilman Sheridan stated thab plus the two
extra wheels, there was the additional weight and he had been going to,recommend
from the previous information received they go to the 200 3uper� that as far as
the City was concerned their equipment all takes real use and rrith' the addition-
al weight and power through the drive of two additional wheela''�hey would'�get
more economical service over the life of this ioachine. Mayor Nee, inquired-re-
garding the universals and mechanical work and 3f this would preaent a problem.
Councilman Sheridan replied they wouldbe floing the job with six wrieels rather
than four wheels. The Superintendent of Utilities state�i they'1iBCi a lot ot'
cnl de sacs and this would also do better work. City Engineer Qureshi explained
a better grading job wauld be done with the larger six wheeled machihe.• The City
Manager sta6ed he was of the opinion that the difference of $1�500.00 was to be
considered 3nd he questioned whether or not the operator would'enjoy operating
a front wheel drive because it does steer harder and as the City,wsa getting
more and more paved streets there would be less blading; that,hie personal
opinlon was i,he wei�ht was so minimal and the turning was so much better tln the
pacer that it would be wise to take the Pacer bid. He Yurther mentioned he did
not have to operate the grader but didn't feel there was that'much d3f?ererice
between tkie two and in his experience with gr�der operators� many of them don't
like the Pront wheel drive. The operation of both machlnes in question was
discus�ed and it was explained they both had front wheel drive and were both
completely hydraulicly steered with power steering and it didn't make any
di.fFerence to the operator� that the driver just pushes a bar for eteering.
The Superir�L-endent of Utilities stated all machines had six wheels'sn8 the Pacer
had four wheels, that the Austin-Western 200 had six wheels� and'all steer and
all drive� that the other machims, +,hough having six wheels have front wheels
that don'L drive �nd the reor wheels don'b steer� just the Yront wheels. The
Clty Manager stated he had misread the specifications and wished t0_retract his
statement� that he would go along with the six wheel drive.
� ,�, i
Motion by Johanson to award the bid to Road Machinery and 9upplies Company of
4901 W�st 78th Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota for the purchase of an'Austin-
1 w. t3
Western Super 200 at e purchase price of $19�900.Op on a semi-lease agreement.
Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there Ueing no nays, the motion
carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced for Council consideration Water Improvement Project No.
34-M bide opened this day and explained this rias the bid for the hi�h pressure
agstery Qf 1�er�LQn Si1Ts, The City Menager reed aloud the bids as follows:
Planhoj.der Bid Deposit Lump Sum Hid Comp. Time
Barbarossa & Sons� Inc
Route #3
Ossep;�. Minnesata ,
D. W. Hickey & Co.� Inc
1841 University Avenue"
St. Paul� Minneaota
Healy,Plumbing & Htg. Co.
278 West Kellogg Blvd'.
St. Paul, Minnesota
R3dah1 Conatruction
2727 Lyndale Avenue So.
Minneapolis� Minn. 55�08
Phelps-Drake Co.� Inc.
5�+�+0 Dougles Drive
Minneapolis, Minn.,55�+z9
Carl Dedolph Const. Co
771 West 7th Street
St. Paul, Minneeota
St. Paul Fire
and Marine
Seaba3rd Surety
Seaboard Surety
Unit'ed Pacific
Insurance Co.
Federal and
Casualty Co
Insurance Co
60 days
120 days
18o anys
150 days
120 days
120 days
The City Maneger read aloud a letter of recommendration from Comstocic end Davis,
Inc.� consulting engineers, whlch stated they had examined the bida c�nd gave
D. W,'Hickey &'Co.� Inc.� with a bid of $31�820.00 as the low bidder. The esti-
mated coet of the,project at $42�000.00 was quoted and it was stated this in-
cluded 15,� for fees. The bid of D, W. Hickey & Company� Ine., in the amount oF
�31�820.00 was recoa�ended. Councilman Sheridan inquired of Mr. ComstocEc, Con-
sulting engineex,� ii the low bidder would reduce the completion time. Mr. Com-
stock replied that as the job was set up� there was a pump supplied and it was
neceseary to put�the pump in service by June 15th, so the facility would func-
tion and the ma3ri reaeon for the delay wae the purehase oi the other equipment
necessary for,expansion� thet he hed talked to the bidder that dr�y about the
length 'of�time involved and he hadsaid they were prepared to start immediately
and they intend t'o etay on the job and complete it. Councilman Sheridan stated
if the pump cou�d',be ope;ating by June 15th, it would be eatisfactory. Mr. @om-
stock repl3ed that waa part of the idea on the project.
Motion by Sheridan that the low bidder on Project W-34-M� D. W, Hickey and Com-
panyr Inc.� be awarded the bid in the sum of $31,820.00 with ri conipletion of
120 days. Seconded by Johanson. Mayor Nee announced for the informr�tion of
those present� this was to improve the pressure of the high level system in
--- the Marion Hills area. Upon a vo3ce vote� there being no nays� the motion
, carried unsnimously.
BIDS T. H, �9�F CROSSING - W-3�+-0 (OYENED NOON, APRIL 6, 1964):
Mayor Nee announced for council consideration bids for Water Tmprovement Pro_
ject No. 34-8 opened this day. The City Manager read aloud the Uids as follows;
Planholder Bid Deposit Lump Sum Bid� Comp Time
Prwin Mont�;omery Const. Co.
St. Croix F'alls� Wis.
Johnson f�ros. Hw,y. &
Heavy Con°t. Co.
�i�+F10 Wayza{,a B7vd.
Minneapol�s� Minn.
McDonald-Luben &
Assoc.� Inc.
21.Z North Pascal
St. Paul, Minn.
Randall BroLher�
3400 Silver Lake Hd.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Bi�nconi Construction
986 Bayard Avenue
St. Paul� Minnesota
'!'roup �nd ]3erzinskl� Inc
?_074 Easi, California
Si,. Paul� Minnesota
Federal In�.
Co. 5�
St. Paul Fire
and Marine
Ohio Farmcrs
Insurance Co.
7psurance Co.
$66 �70.70
`'` 430 Cal. Days
as specified
$53�22a.3� +i' as;epecified
$32,699.00 4,8o cal. Days
The City Manager read aloud a letter of recommendation iY�om Comstock and Davis,
Inc., consuli.ing en�ineers, which stated they had examined the bids and gave as
the low bidder Johnson Brothers, Highway and Heavy Construction'Company with a
bid in the sum of $28�000.00 and a�+30 calendar day completion. The estimated
cost of thr. project was given at $36�800.00 and the firm oi Joll nson Eros.�
Highway and Heavy Construction Company was recommended as the low bidder in the
tot�l sum of �2b�000.00. Mayor Nee inquired regarding the completion,t3me
specified and Mr. Comstock replied this time was necessary to coordinate,the work
with the I3ighway Department� i.hat this contractor is the same 'contractor doing
the work for the St�te Highway Department on Highway �69�F,
Motion by K�rkham to award the contract for W-34-0 to Johnson Bxos. Highway' and
Heav,y Construction Company of 6480 Wayzata Soulevard, Minnea�solia, kIinneso�a '
in the total sum bid of �28,000.00 with a completion daCe of 430 days. Seconded
by Sh�ridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion'earried unarii-
mously. ' -
Mayor Nee announced for council consideration the minutes of the Planning Com-
mission hcld Marcli 26� 1964:
The City blanager explained to the City Council the 3tem in que9`tior{!had been re-
turned to the Planning Commission by the City Council with the'suggesEion of a
2j Foot side yard requirement rather than 18 feet and read aloud the"recoimnenda-
t�on and niotion of the Plannin� Commission. It was suggested'by th� City,,,
Manager that if the City Council yiished to accept this� they v7ould'Have to have
a public heax�ing. City Attorney Smith stated� he felt� it WoUTd do"no harm�
LhaL it, wnsn't certain,, at th�s point� when Lhey �aere just chariging things like
this wii,hin the district that ii, Idas necessary. The City Mana�er, ata;'ted the
City Councll could� if they wished� concur with the Planning-C6mmisa3�bn and -
accept i,lze first reading of the ordinance and then have a public hearing.,';Rfayor
Nee re�lied his reaction was the same as it had been� that he di'd�,,not w3sh�to
see any more Fraivers granted and a71 this ordin��nce provides foi is' a'single'
ga ra �;e .
Motion by Jolz�nson to concur with the recommendation of the Plannin� Commission
regardin� side yards for residential dciellings� and set a public hearing., Second-
ed by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unani-
mously. ��
The City Manager gave the first reading of an ordinance to amend Section �E5.23
of the City Code of the City of Fridley regarding side yard requirements for
residential dwellings. Mayor Nee stated the item would be in order to accept
� this as the firat reading of the ardinance.
Motion by Itirkhamato accept as first readin� an ordinance to eimend Section 45•23
of the City Code,of the City of Fridley regarding side yard requ�rements for
residentisl dwellings. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon o roll call vote, those voi�-
ing 3n favor of the motion� Nee� Sheridan, Klrlcham� Johanson. Those voLing nay,
none, The motion carried unanimou�ly.
The City Manager Tead to the City Council the recommendation of the Plann�ng
Commission and explained the ordinance upon request of Mayor Nee. City Engineer
@uresh3 further explained that it seemed that if a grade were fixed, that cm7.d
be the �ade which Would be alongside the wall described and,the next item would
explain the'elope'away f�om the wall. Councilmen Sheridan etated, he felt, that
it wae just eete,bliehing a point to start a�rade. The wording of the ordinance
was qUesti'Oned by Mayor Nee in that the word "established" should be used in
paragraph b rather than the word "finish". City Attorney Sm�th concurred with
Mayor Nee's recommendation. Councilman Sheridan stated he was certain they had
establlshed &n 18 inch minimum elevation above street grades some 6 or 7 yeers
previous. City Attorney Smith explained to the City Council the word "finlsh"
as used might have some aignificance instead of the rough grade� it would bc
considered finished grade in the ordinance. Mayor Nee inquired if' this could
be referred to administration for a better wording of the ordinance even though
he agreed with the general principle. The City Manager gave the first reading
of an ordinance'to amend the zoning code bf the City of Fridley by requirino
elevation atandards for all new structures.
Motion by Johanson to accept as first reading an ordinance to amend the 7,on�ng
Code of theCity of Fridley by requiring elevotion standards for all new struct-
ures. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon s roll call vote� those voting in favor of the
motlon��Nee�,Johanson� Kirkham, Sheridan. Thoee opposed, none. The motion
carried unanimously.
The City Mangger explained to the City Council he had suggested the method he
felt a feaeibility etudy could be made and read to the City Council the recom-
mendation'oY th'e Planning Commission.
Motion by Johanson to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission
and set up a Commiesion consisting of City Manr�ger Wagner� Chairman of Pnrlcs &
Playgrounda'5uh=Committee� Ch�irman of Recreation Commis�ion� and they be author-
ized to spend up to $500.00 ior study of the px•oposed Pridley Country Club.
Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried
j ' - —
� The City Manager read to the City Council the recommendation oi the Planning
Co�ieaion and st8.�ed they had published notices of hearings and had difficulty
with this in many instances� that a year or so previous the Cii.,y Council had
set a$40.00 fee'for rezoning petitions and it had been suggesi,ed to the Plann-
ing Comm3ssion they consader such a recotmnendation on vacations. IIe :tated the
City Council could either concur with the recommendetion of the Plnnning Comm-
ission or have theCity Attorney draw a reeolution now or later after the fact.
Councilman Sheridan seserted it could be satisfactory if it was understood by anybody
paying the $20.00 at the time of the application it doesn't necesearily indicate
the vacation would always go through. The City Manager replied that applicants
were always told this even on a rezoning.
� f i' V
Moi,ion by Sheridan to coneur with the recoaimendation of the Planning Commiasion
aud d9reci, the Cit,,y Attorney to have a resolut.�on drafted for the next regular
meeting on the publication coste re�ardin� vacation of alleys or streets. Se-
conded b}� Jnhanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motian carried
unanimously. �
The Cii.y Manager explained to the City Council the Planning Co�iasion had I�
discussed the enlnrgement of their cocmnisaion and recommended,to the CYty --'
Counci] this not be done at this time. There was no action takeri by the City
Mayor Nee ��nnounced for Council approva] the minutes of the Recreation Comm-
ission held March 23, i964.
Motion by Johanson to receive the minutes of the Recreation Commission Meeting
held March 23� 19C1F. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no
nays� the mation carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced for Council approval the minutes of the Safety Committee
Meeting held April 1� 196�+. .
Mot�on by Shertidr�n to receive the minutes of the Safety Committee Meetin� held
April l� 196�f. Seconded by Johanson. Upnn a voice vote� there being no nays�
Lhe motion carr�ed unanimou:,ly.
Mayor Nee announced for council consideration a communication iZ�om the,ofiice of
the Attorney f;eneral regarding the municipal court. The City Manager �explained
to the City Council thi3 merely gave the questions and answers to,questions
raised by the City Council and had had some publicity in the newspaper. Mayor
Nee queetioned t17e manner this item had reached the newapaper 8nd,if it had
been released by the oif�ce of tlie Attorney General. City Attorney Smith replied
it was released Uy the Flttorney Gene�al's office andthis is common procedure.
He further explained the communic9tion in that it points out there is e
separation Uetween the judicial and legislative tiowexs and iP Fridley had the
power the,y could �nfluence the judiciary but they do not and are merely trying to
en lrarge i,o bettf=r serve their purpose. He stated the reasoning was logical
and good ��nd was pointing this out to indicate that it may likely 6e that before
the next legislature meets Fridley should have their two judgee'� himself and
the nlerk get together and prepare legislative proposals that would.best serve
the court nnd do something about the sftlary situation also gnd perhaps the sa.me
kind ot thin� they were proposing now could be done. fIe stated thiQ was some-
thing that should be ready before too late in the fal]. so that it could be
introduced and �assed in the le�islature, that most anything this City Council
endorses would be passed along this line. Councilman S$eridan inquired if
City Attorney Smith would wish the City Council to set up a committee nem3ng
these people to develop such findings ar should it be started by Jud@+� Johneon�r _
himself. City Attorney Smith replie@ it might be that,it ahould beidele�ated
to the City Manzcger and could be laid over to the September Agenda�rthat the
suggestions should Pirst come from the Court to the City Council and he could
help work out something with them.
Motion by Sheridan to receive the answers from the office of the Attorney
General to questions placed by the City Attorney relative to thg Court. Seconded
by Soh�nson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the moti0n carried unani-
1 tl Y�
The City Mansger explained to the City C ounc3l the letter from Mr. Virgil
Herrick wae relative to a aewer and water lateral charge made by the City to
Mr. Wedan,and BUggested it be referr�d to the City pttorney for review and re-
commendation ae'1t relatee to Ordinance �113 and would require some kind of an
opin3on fYOm the, City Attorney. City Attorney Smith replied this particular
case before the City Council hnd been a client of his before he had been appoin-
( ted as City Attorney and he had made the identical plea to the City Council
previously�,that he wae of the opinion �t that t3me that what they were doing
was illegal and he was sti11 inclined to agree it was illegal and did not feel
he was the pereon'it should be delegeted to. City Attorney Smith suggested
the matter,be referred to Charles Howard� attorney at law,
Motion by�5heridan to authort�ize the City Manager to engege the services of
Chas. HowaYd� atrtorn�y at law, regarding the service connection problem for
James and SeveP�y Wedan. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being
no nays„ the motion carried unanimously:
Mayor Nee ennouneed for Council consideration the Activity Report from James H.
Hensley, Board of Health. The City Manager suggested this report could be re-
ceived and filed.
Motion by Kirkham to receive and file the report from James H. Hensley� FIealtki
Inspector dated Merch 21� 1964. Seconded by ,Tohanson. Upon a voice vote� there
being no nays� the motion carried unonimously.
Mayor Nee announced a covwunication from the Pridley Fire Depnrtment regarding
a Surety Bond. The City Manager explained to the City Council this apparently
required approval by the City Council and he was not certain iF it had been
examined by the City Attorney.
Mation by Sheridan to receive the communication from the Fridley Fire Department
regarding a Surety Bond and accept same subject i,o the approv�l of i,he City
Attvrney. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there bein�* no nays, the
motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced a letter of resi�nation Prom Mardene Eichhorn on the Parks
and Playground Sub-Committee.
Motion by'Sheridan to receive end accept the restignation of Mardene L�chhorn
from the Parks and Playgrounds Sub-Committee effective April 1, ]9F4 and aui.hor-
ize a letter of commendation. Seconded by Kix•kham. Upon a voice vote, there
being no nays� the motion c�rried unanimousl,y.
Mayor Nee annonz�eed for Council consideration a letter of �pplic�tion to occupy
a home trailAr £rom Mre. Cletus Nei of 1465 Misslssippi Street. The City Manager
explained to the'�City Council they had taken actson to deny this permit at a pre-
vious meeting. Councilman Sheridan stated he hc�d spoken w3th Mrs. Net and he�d
visited the site in question� elso the tr�iler on the previoue ��turday. He
further stated �t the time of the inspection by the Plumbin� Ins�ector regardin�
the applicatian for the permit� there r�as a misunderstanding in the inform�tion
given to the Plumbing Inspector� Mr. Sand3n; that the i.railer was hoolced up to
sanitary facilities� the grounds are well keFtand the traller ls on a foundation
and enclosed and 3t would be his recommendation tl�at the permiL be �;ranLed.
� ��
Motion by Sheridan to grant the app]ication for � permit to o'���upy'a,home'trailer
to M�°s. Cletue Nei, 1465 Misei�eippti Street Northeast� Fridley. Seconded by
Kirkh�m. Councilman Johflnson etated he had elso lookad at the property in ques-
tion and woulQ al�o reco�nend it. Upon e voice vote� there bein� no nays� the
motion ca�rried unanimously. � �
Mayor Plee nnnounced a communication for the rental of space for the eourt ¢nd `--
etai,ed he would like to �ee the court haNe �ood chambere but they might not he
able to afford Lhem this year. The_ City Manager stated his reco�endation was
noi, to go into anything like i,his at the present time and if it wasdso a�ecided�
they could always acquire Uetter facilitles� that at the present time the court
h�d ei�ht ni�lit.^, reserved at the City Hall for court purposes and hsd adequate
facilities. Co�ancilman ICirkh�m, s�greed with the suggestion of'Ithe ,C3ty Manager.
Counc�lman Sheridan stated it woulfl probably be in oxder to dir,ect theCity
Manager to :�dvisc Mr. Leon Madsen so that he cou]d do something else with h3e
Motaon by Johanson to receive the letter from Mr. Leon Madsen and coneur with
the recommendation oS the City Manager not to enter into any lease e,greement.
;econded b� ICir]ch�m, Upon ❑ voice vote} there bein� no nays� the motion carried
The Cii;,y D4anager e�cplained to the-City Council he had received anothe'r commnni-
cation Crom the Fire Department wl�ich was a Change Order on the Fire Station
and lt refers to �n electrical chr�nge� that he would sug�est if they avncurred
in the Change Order they would direct that this be paid directly out of Fire
Depari,menl. Pundc. ile explained the transfer would have to be made at some t3me
from a reaerve to cover this end any additional work. __
MoFion by Johanson to approve the Change Order Number One for revisions on the
Fridley Municip-il Pire Station Improvement Pro�ect. Seeonded by Sheridan.
Upon a voice vote� there being no naye� the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Tdee �nquirer� if there were an,yone present, not listed on the Agenda� who
wished to lie heard.
Mr. Joseph H. An�lcr�on was present and stated he wished to renew his request
for a perm�t to occupy a home trailer at 6570 Fridley Street Northeast� Fridley,
they� he and Mra. Anderson only occupy the tra2ler,at two different times in
tl�e ye�r and it is parked behznd a house� Mr. Anderson presented a petition with
�i�naL-ur�G of ne�rby residents �nd stated they have proper aewage� draina�e�
etc. and �xpl�ined where the trailer was to be put in the yard. The City Manager
suggested to the City Council if they wished� they.could approve the permit
subject to the approval of the Plumbing Inspector. �
Motlon by Itirlcham to rece3ve the petition and grant the permit for a house
tr�ailer L-o Mr. Joseph H. Andersan of 6570 Fridley Street Northeaet� Fridley
condiL-ioned upon the approval of the Plumbing Tnspector. Seconded by Johanson.
Upon e voice vote� there beingno nays� the mot3on carried unanimously.
. l � -
Mr. Roman Kohler of 5361 Sixth Street Northeast, Fridley was preaent and atated
he had put in a petition to blacktop 5�+th Avenue from 5th Street Northeaet to
7th Street Northeast. Mayor Nee inquired of Mr. Kohler if theae was any possi-
bility of geL-ting more people on the petition he had presented. Citp Attorney
Smith imquired if th3s was the erea that had a cemetery on one side and was told
this was correct. Councilman Sheridan stated there would be a p2�oblem of some
storm �ev�er which would have to go into this street. Mr. Kohler inquired if
there were any storm sewer 3n line within a yeax• or so. Councilm�M Sheridan
replied there was' no projected date as far as putting in the storm sewer, but
with a petition to blacktop the street this would be a condition. Mr. Kohler
stated he realized this but had been wondering If it would go through wlth
the 7th Street 'storm sewer and when they bincktop 7th Street if they could do
this project at the same time. Councilman Sheridan replied the etorm sewer
would go in at the time 7th Street would. There was no action taken.
Motion by Sheridan to approve the payment of General Claims �2211i through
��2288. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the
motion carried unanimously.
Motinn by Johanson to approve the payment of Liquor Claims �fE>190 throuon �{6231.
Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a volce vote� there being no nays� the motion carried
Motion by Kirkham to approve Lhe payment of Public Utilities Claims I�32o5
through #32�+1. Seconded by Sheriden. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays�
the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced there were several estimates for Council consideration.
Motion by Johaneon to approve payment of the following estimate:
Comstock and Davis� Inc.
Consulting Engineers
� 1446 County Road ",�"
I Minneapolis� Minnesota 55�+32
Es�imate #2 (FINAL) - Water Improvement
• Project No. 34-K $l�ls5•�7
(Water Transmission Line)
Estimate #15 (PARTIAL) - Water Improvement
Pso�ect No. 3k-K :� 25�.75
(Water Transmission Line)
Seconded by Sheridan.' Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, i,he viotion
carried unanimously.
Motion by Sheridan to approve payment of the Following estimate
D. W, garatad Co.
(AdditYon to the Fire station)
Total amount due: $16�329•35
Less 10y6 retained 1 639•25
Total this estimate 1 ,753•l0
Seconded Uy Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion
carried unanimously.
Motion by Sohanson to approve pnyment of �7�256.25 to Ehlers-Mann & Associ-
ates� Ine.� 400 Second Avenue South� Minneapolis� Minnesota for all services
in the authorizstion� sale and issuance of �2�025�000 Refunding Bonds.
Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion
carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced the licenses to be considered for City Counr.il aet�on.
� ��
The City M�nager explained to the City Counc3l there was a memo from the
Finance Direc�or regardin� two used car licen,es in which the Health Ofiicer
had recoimnended that these licenses not be approved ae sanitary facilities
for the put�lic were not provided.
Motion b,y Sheridan to approve the issuance of the following licenses with the
exception of i;he used car lot licenses to Holen's Used Cars� 5655 University
Avenve Nox•theasi�� FY�idley and Smitty's Motor Company� 5649 Univeraity Avenue
Northeast,, Fridley:
Fridley Recreatlon & Sex•vice Co
6310 F�i�hway ��65
Fridle,y, Minne�eta 551F21
Central Embers� Inc.
5��0 Central Avenue N. E.
Fridley, Minnesota 5$421
Pricl]�y D��ry Rueen
298 Miasiss�ppi St. N. E.
Fridl�y� Minnnsota 55421
Dahlheimer Mill: �lutomat
5333 University Avenue N. E.
Pridl�y, M�nnesota 55421
Dahll�eimer Millc Automat
55q5 Flackrnan �venue
Fridle,y� Minnesota 55�+21
3anit�ry P�rm D�iries� Inc.
41$ Grove Street
St, Yaul, Minnecota
Sandee's Cafe
6490 Central AJenue N. D.
Fridley� MinnPSnt,r� 55b21
6479 Universit,y flvenue N, �.
Pridley� Minnesoi:a 55421
Ftreside Rice Bowl Cafe
74�i0 Central Avenue N. �.
Fridley� Minnesota 55��32
Dine-O-Rnma (Spartan Store)
S'�71 Cent7'al Avenue N. E,
Fr�dley, Minnesota 5542Z
Fridle,y Recre�ttion & Service Co
63io fIi�r,w�,y ��65
Fridley� Minnesota 55�721
Central T'mbers� Inc.
5400 Ceni�ral Avenue N. F„
P'ridley� Minnesota 55k21
Sandee's Cafe
6490 Centr�l Avenue N. E.
grldley, M�.nnesota 55�+21
William IT. Gottwaldt
H, Kistol
2107 Ford Parkway
St. Paul, Minnesota
Ernert Fitch
1121 Oak Lane
Circle Pines, Minn.
Kenneth G. Dahlheimer
1932 Cressy Avenue
Anoka� Minnesota
Kenneth G. Dahlheimer
1932 Cressy Avenue
Anoka, Minnesota
Robert B, Mirick
415 Grove Street
St, Paul� Minnesota
W117.iam F, Weiss Renewa7.
_ 6490 Central Avenue N. E.
Fridley� Minnesota 55421
Howard A. Nelson Renewal
6261 - 5th st. N. E.
Fridley, Minnesota 55�+21
Glenn F. TrTong Renewel
7450 Central Avenue N. E.
Frid.ley� Minnesota 55432
Geraldine Anderson
6621 Lucia Lane
Fridley, Minnesota 55�+3�
William FI. Gottwaldt
$. Kistol " Renewal
2107 I'ord Parkway
St. Paul� Minnesota
W311iam F. Weisa Renewal
6490 Central Avenue N. E.
Fridley� Minnesota 55�+21
6479 University Avenue N. E.
Fridley,'Minnesota 55�+21
Dine-O-Rama (Sp�es�an Store)
5351 Centxa�.'Avenue N. E.
Fridley� Minneaota 55�+21
National Food 5tore
641+0 Univerei'ty,Avenue N. E.
Fridley, Minnesota 551+21,.'
Fiesta Beauty Salon
244 Miasissippi St. N. E.
Fridley� Minaesota 55421
Acme Metel Spinning� Inc.
98-43rd Avenue'N. E.
Eridley� Minnesota 55421
Penn-Fridley� Ine. dba Penny's
Super Market
651+0 University Avenue N. E.
Howard !�. Nelson
6261- 5th st. N. E,
Fridley, Minnesota 55421
Geraldine Anderson
6621 Lucia Lane
Fridley� Minnesota 55�+32
T. G. Hallbzrg
Minneapolis Division
Hopkins} Minneeota 553�+3
Marian A. Cerny &
Berdina M. �dethe
44�+0 - 7th St. N, FI.
6341 Able St. N. E.
Mildred D��hl
Marion Levine
2624 Lynn Avenue
Minneapolis, Minn. 55416
Superior Dairiee� Inc. Donald Fournier
' 2112 N. E. Broadway 2500 W. Medicine Lake Dr,
Minaeapolis� Minnesota 55413 Minneapolis, Minn. 55�+27
Consumers Milk Company
500 Nor�h Grotto Street
St. Paul� Minneeota
Galla�her',s Service
8566 Jefferson'St. N. �.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55k33
FMC Corporation
Northern Ordnance Mvision
48th & Marshall St. N. E.
Fr3dley, Minneeota 55�+21
Mr. & Mrs. Chester Potasek
310 - 62nd �ay N. E.
Fridley� Minnesota
Fr3dley Recreation & Service Co
6310 xighway #65
Pridley, M3nnesota 55�+21
E. E. Brugler
500 North Grotto St.
St. Paul� Minnesota
R�chard T. Gallagher Renewal
8566 Jefferson St. N. E.
Minneapolis� Minnesota 55433
G. S. Dav�dson
Mr. & Mrs. Chester Pot�:elc Renewal
William H. Gottwaldt P,enewal
� _�. _
ON-�FlLIs (continu�d)
Sandee's Cafe
6490 Central Avenue N. L=l,
Fridle,y� Minnesota 554�1
6479 University nvenue N. E.
Frid]ey, Minnesota 55421
Fireside P,ice Bowl Cafe
741F0 Centx•�1 Avenue N. F.
Fridley� Minnesota 554$2
National L'nod ,Store
6440 Univer�ity flvenue N. �
Fridley� hllnnesoLa .
Penn-Fri�iley� Inc, dba
Penny's Super Market
6j�+0 Unlversity Avenue N. �
Px•idley� Minnesota 551F21
Steiger & Gertzen Garage
6519 Central Avenue N. E.
Pridley, Minnesota 55�+32
William F. Weiss ��.� „ RepewaS.
6490 Ceni.rnl Avenue N. E. ' ' -
Fridley, Minnesota 55421
Howard A. Nelson , , Renewal.
6261-5tn St. N. E.
Pridley� Minnesota 55421 „ �
Will.iam C. Wong Renewal
7�50 Central Avenue N. E,
Fx•idley, Minnesota 55��32
T, G. IIallberg
MinneapolZS Divisaon
IIopkins� Minnesota 553�+3
Marion Levine .
2624 Lynn Avenue
Minneapol5s, Minnesota�55416
Ernest W. Gertzen
6301 Dellwood Drive
P'xidley, Minnesota 55�+21
. i
ftowies Howard A. Nelson � Renewal
6479 TJniversit,y Avenue N. E. E�261- 5th St. N. E.
Fridley� Minnesota 551F21 Fridley� Minnesota 55�+2i ,
Seconded b;� Kirkliam. Upon e voice vote, there being no nays� the motion
carried unamnioasly. �
Mayor Nee nnnounced a lzst of contractors' lzcenses to be approved by the City
Council for the period of flpril 30, 1964 through April 30� 1965. Couneilman
Sheridan questioned the issuance of a contractors' licenae to'Wachtler Oil
Compan;�. The City Manager replied it �aouSd be checked further� tiut it appar-
ently met qualii'ications for licensing.
Motion b,y Joh�nson to approve the issuance af licenses listed on pages 80
through 91i in the �pril 6, 1964 Agends on file in the office of theCity Clerk.
Seconded by Sheridan, IIpon a vozce vote� there being no nays� tfle motion,
cerried unanimou�ly.
Mayor Nce �nnounced for council con�ideration petitions for improvements in
the C�t,y of Fr�dley. The City Manager explained to the City Council the first �
wac a petition for en improvement and it could be received for proee5sing. ,
Mayor Nee inquired regarding the percentage oF petitioners and was �told it
wac approximately 64'�.
Motion b,y Chertid�n to receive Petition /,�ii-1964, refer to adminiatration and
adopt RESOLU'PION �60-1964 ordering prelim3nary plans� specifications� and edt3-
mates of the costs thereof: Street, Improvement Project St. 196�-1. 'iSeconded'
by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unani-
�� I�
.� `h �� �
Motion by Johans,on to receive Petition �i2-1g61F for street improvement �nd
refer to adminietration for processing. Seconded by Sheridan: Upon a voice
vote� there being no nays,the motipn carried unanimously.
Motion by Kixkham to receive Petition #13-1964 �nd refer to admim stration for
proceseing. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� ttie
motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Piee announced for council consideration an application for a permit to
park a trailer st 3703 Marshall Street NortheasL, The City D7an�ger er.plained
to the C3ty Council this was not to occupy the trailer� 3t was tnex•ely to park
it. ,
Motion py Johaneon to approve the applicetion and issue the pex•mit to parl� a
home trailer to the Houser Corporetion at 3703 Marshall Street Norttieast,
Fridley� Minnesota. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon ❑ voice vote� there being no
nays� the motion carried unanimousZy.
Mayor'Nee announced for Council consideration the approval of two eT�point-
menta. Motiom,by Sheridon to concur with the recommendation of' the City
M&nager and conYirm the following appoint�ents:
Robyn Lyn Petrangelo
6452 Van Buren Street N. E.
Switchboard -
per month
Jean Rltter
(Resigned effective
hlarch 20, �964)
Setty Jeanne Oke��trom Clerk-Typist $262.00 Robyn Petrangelo
-- 6720 Ja.ckson Street N. E, per month
Fridley� Minnesota 55�32
Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion
carried unanimously.
biayor Nee annouuced a proposal by the archztect for the City Hall I'acing.
The City Manager stated he had been authorized to proceed in this matter
ond not to,exceed �5�000. City Engineer Qureshi had a drawin� i�hich wa� pre-
sented to the City Council in this regard.
Motion by Sheri,dan to authorize the City Mene� to obt�in a flrm eaLimaLe
on the plana iar the refacing of theCity Hall as done by Smiley and Aseoci-
ates, Architecta. Seconded by Sohanson. Upon a voice vote, there beingno
nays, the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee annoUnced the item for council consideration was a xeimbursement
for laundry eeryices for the bartendere at theFridley Lounge and requested
the City Manager explain the item, The City Manager explained to the City
� CounciL the City had been providin� laundered �prons for the b�rt,enders and
I they now,were requeating that the amount spent for thisitem be given to them
for cleaning puTposes and they preferred not to wear aprons. It was further
explained the yearly savings would be approxim�tely $60,84 if the City Council
wished to concur and the Liquor Store Mana�er had recommended this change,
Cauneilman Sheridan inquired if the City Council dld concur if it should be
an alZwance ratheT than part of a salary paid. The City Managef� re�lied
that since it wae to be a direct payment to the bartendexs he had felt the
City,Council ehould direct the policy. Councilman Sheridan stated �t was an
allowance and should not be taxable� that it should be considered ,� business
Motion by Johaneon to concur with the recommendation of the Liquor Store
Manager and approve the direct payment to the bartenders the sum of 75'aents
per week �owards cleaning their trousers� that the �prona formerly protected.
Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no naye� the motion
carried un�niniously.
Ma,yor Nee �nnounced tYie con,ideration of the Howard R. Green Report and I
stated �t was received by the City Council separately several days prev3ous. i
Motion by �Joh�n�on to refer the consideration of the Howard R. Green Report
to the CiLy Flttorney for study and recommendation. Seconded by Kirkham.
Upon a volce vote� Lhere being no n�ys� the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee annour,ced the consi3eration of an assessment policy on Storm Sewer
Pro,7ect No. 5 to the City Council and atated there was a memo from, the Finance
Director iri this regard. The City Manager explained to the City Counc3l there
had been scveral discussions on this item and there was aome'change in the
figureU preeent,ed. The Finance Director stated that on hie first question df
the ��+ork done under Project No. 51 was a part of thie project,°had been tnken
care of but that his other questions regardin� the Sylvan Hi11s area and 61et
Avenue line had not been answered. Mr, Comstock� coneulting engineer� replied
they had had a discussion this day on the problem and if the City Council
would concur� he wished to prepare some more accurate estimates after the bids
on i,he project were in at noon on the 13th concerning�what the expanded dis-
trict would be and have that figure available For discuas3on; also� the figure
presented in {,Yiis reporL' for discussion. He explained the reason they were
suggeGt�ng thi� was that there might not he time for the City Councilto con-
sider � more accurate figure and they might want to present lot basia figures I
at the puhl�c hearing and there were other questions to be cohsidered also.
The question of municipal state aid funde for participation was mentioned� also i�
the Uasic palicy concerning interceptors and leterals and�other policies thet
the City Council was considering presently about storm sewers in general. Mr.
Comstock stated it rias felt that iF the feeling of theCity Council was �uch
that the hearing could be properly carried off without diacuaeing more accurate
figures than are available as far as the assessment applied against'each aquare
#'oot or p�rcel of property, than the additional factG would not be needed for
i,his meeting, but if they coiald speak in general terms which would be prepared�
this wa� v�h�t they wished to do. The Finance Director stated thaC3ty Council
would have two figuses� one for the ult3mate complete system and another £or
whot would be concidered the main t}�at would go in at the present `time. Mayor
Nee stated it seemed to him they were boi,h lateral systeme and did not know
why they should be handled any differently than anything elae: Mr. Comstock
repl3ed thai, on �24 Project� it concerned the interceptors and t�;was decided,
at that time� it should be considered diiYerently� that in the District �5 Area
trere are some pipes of 24" and lar�er size which are not included, in this pro-
ject and it did seem to him before they could receive discuseion and give
accurate assessment figures there would hove to be a number o� decisions on
how t2iis project would be hanclled. � � �
Cit,y Attorne,y Smith stated the City Mana�er, QLy Engineer Qureahi� the Finance
Director and himself had had at least one meeting in trying to,WOrk something
out and think in terms of some kind of a city wide storm aewer kihd of thing
and they had come up with some interesting figures� that he had an assignment
in that regard that wasn't completed as yet but they might be'able to give some
kind of a report before the public hearing. I3e explained they were actual�y ___
thinkin� in terms of a maximum $2.41 figure and 9n terms tha�'would'be maximum
and minimum and as long as it stays within that area� they thovght it would
cover the project and be taorkable and real3stic. He stated•s,t this�publie '
hearin� if they could come up with some suggestion and explein to the people
that i,here uou]d be some ceiling and anything beyond that woixld come out of
some gener�l fund and this would include 6oth interceptors and laterals,
Councilman Stiex•idan asserted City Attorney Sm3th was referring to the ultimate
development of a storm district. City Attorney Smith replied this was correct
and figurin�; what the total past� present and future cost would be and attribu-
_A 'n'eP
tabie Qa a�99 �qUare Yoot basis and tentatively this formula of $2.1E1 expresses
2�3's of the to�al and there would be some minor areas that would need some
adjustment but,it did seem it might work and this would meen tkiet the usual
10,000 square foot lot would know that their storm sewer cost would be $241.00
and this would be a maximum and probably a minimum. The City Manager explained
to the City Council� City Attorney Smith wauld research the law and return wii.h
a propoeal and"'they would attempt to poae all the different situations possible
in order to take care of all the problems. Mayor Nee stated he could not see
how they could return with,any conclusions for the public liearing a week hence.
City Attorney Smith replied he thought i� •aas possible, that he did not knota
how urgent thieywas� but they would hope they would have something so that they
would have the answers to questions raised and this could be presented to the
people and a iormula explained that would be workable and equit�ble. Mayor Nee
replied that at thie point they were not certain the formula proposed was legal.
The City Manager replied they would not have much more than a m�x3mum figure
becauae o% s11 the extenuating circumstances but if they could give the City
Council someth3ng to use as reference and not as a decision it would be of
some help� thst basically i£ there was no new policy establiehed by the hearing
the que�tions of the Finance ➢irector would need rates established. The Finance
Director inquired if his office should take the line gaing up University and figure
a rate per foot and have additional rates for the other two lines mentioned or
if not� was this part of the main system or would it be better to ,7ust talk
ahout the maximum figures st the public hearing and not decide these now?
The City Manager inqu3red if the City Council wished to change the interceptor
a�,einst the whole district or what� that at least one area would li�ve tti�o
assessmenta� tha� the Sylvan Hills pond had been considered a lateral and this
would make it more than a.lateral. Mayor Nee strited his feeling wns that both
the Sylvan Hills area and 61st Avenue were laterals. Mr. Cornstock replied
they did not directly conflict and it could be construed�as such in the Sylvan
Hills araa but the question that arose was the pipe sizeY the improvement is
-- not an interceptor improvement for the entire district. Mayor Nee stat-ed it
was his'feeling'the 24" principal should be abandonned. The City Manager
stated that in the Sylvan Hills area without the pond reteni,ion, it wouldn't
be a large li.ne.' Mr. Comstock explained to the (Sty Council if they were going
to adopt a pol�ey in the neer future and prior to the levy of the �ssessment
roll, the interceptor and leterfll �oould be abolished by the establisl�ment of
that princ'ipal. Mayor Nee asserted it did seem they had to go on tlie basis
th�t they did riot know if the new principal �aas vorkable. Mr. Comstock replied
the problem was that so many decisions had to be ma3e, it wos goln�; to be
difficult for anyone to work out some exoct est�mates on the squ�re f'oot basie
that would be c�os� to what the assessment would be, that it did appear to him
there would have to te more decisions made prior to the public hearing and not
with all the facts that they would like to have. Councilman Sheriden stated he
felt the�type of proposal mentioned did have some merit� that where there are
state aid Punde'lnvolved� they should be something that should Y�e credited to the
entire community and each taxpayor should be entitled to as much benefit to state
aid �nds ae anyone living on a state aid stre�t, iie further stated si. ��as his
understanding that the figure of $2.41 �aould also include the �,nterest and cost
over theaassessment pexiod of twenty years and on the final figures perhaps iL
wes wrong but.at the moment there was some real merit to the plan. City
AttorneylSmith stated the legal theory that the :�2.41 figure coiild be supported
was minimal as long as they atayed under lahat would be the engineers testimony
would be a comparable thin�, and they Rrobably couldn't asse�,s some areas until
they were given the storm sewer bui, they would be safe 3f they had a minimal
figure that' the benefit was greater than thc�t and if it were applied over all
the city} everybody would be treated equally. Mayor Nee asserted it was a gaod
idea if it could be legal, that previously the City Council found the obli-
�ation on storto drainage was �atisfied Uy the prlce they assessed an�l nota it
had been found t�is was not correct. The Finance Director stateci this same
theory could work even thou�h t,hey might no1� picic up the 'p'2.�+1 in every prop-
erty in Fridley, Mayor Nee re�lied he could not visualize goin� into a public
hearing a week hence without any answers and it did seem to huo they should go
on the same theory they had in the past. City �ttorney Smii;h explained they
had been trying'to get this matter resolved for this public hearing, that a
�eat deal of this is legal study that actually could be made Esnd 3t would
mean setting aside ,ome time to do it. Mayor Nee replied thet aside from the
leg�l si�udpoint, there were other things that uresented themselves, that
they would need an estimate from Mr. Comstock, consulting'engineer',and City
Engineer Rlare�kn on how fast the construction load would develop as they
could h�ve a demznd to sewer the whole city in the next two years� The'�
questlon ti�as�x•a�sed if another formula were used, what would the demand be
for coneY,ruction. Cit,y Engineer Qureshi replied they would only assess the
people zaho would want the improvement, tha� they did h�ve other proposals
such 2s Si.ate aid money and �eneral taxation. M�yor Nee stated that when
bhe City Cotmcil would make a decision like this they would have to know how I
much they would have to make in the next two years, i ' i
The City Manger explained to the City Council that for purpoaes of the public
hearing on thc £ollowing Monday� the City Council should advi5e the Finsnce
Director a, to whether or not they wanted him to remove these two item� from
the cost of this Storm Sewer {f5 for purposes of giving a figure at the he�ring
as to what the estima�,e max unum assessment would be. Mr. Comstock explained
to the City Goiancil it appeared to him thex�e were at least 5 O�ethods they
cou]d compute th� cost on the present policy, thet it was poasible to'work
theee out bet*aeen 12 noon and 7 p. m. the following Monday and have'the exact
figures if the City Council would care to get to�ether praor to that and they
wauld have an exact figure for the total district and all would be aecording
to the pre,ent policy but it wouldn't give the Finance Director t3me to
compute a�reliminary assessment roll to apply to every pareel'in the district.
He further explazned they h�dn't made a speciel estimate take off but the bids
would be opened at noon and they could have everything ready �nd would aseume
these wou1�9 be reasonable figures and extend this out and arrive at e total
fi�ure of what was involved in this project for pipes 2�F" or,Targer,+and amaller
and apply different ereas in the district to these different coat,such as the
taking out of the Sylvan Hills area and 61st Avenue. St was explained the
Univer�ii,,y linc on the highway has a trunk line only and all tHis work could
be done �n a short time. Councilman Johanson �greed thie would give them
somethin�; ta work on. Mr. Comstock stated if the City Counc3l felt this would
be helpful, it could be done wikh the accurate bidi£igures and could have I
them ready for the public hearing. The C3ty Manager asserted the main thing
to decide was which figure they would �ive to the public at the hearing� that ;
they could advioe ai, that time that based on present thinkingr '�his would be
the �pproximate ,�ssessment. Mr. Comstock etated the basic purpose of the
public Uearing was for the impravement� not the asse9sment roll and they would
not lcnow how much highway help they would get until lateT tha'C.Week� also state
aid iunds but they could at least give maximum figures. It wsa st�ted by the
C3ty M�n�g¢r the basic reason for ell of this was no ma'tter what the City
Councll did on storm sewer� they were crit3�ized and would be criticized ior
not bein^ sure of figures and this 4�as all an attempt to give ,them a fi�ure
they could stay with at the public hearing� that it might be adv3sable to have
these figures worked out prior to the meeting. �Mayor Nee inquired'if it would
not be possible to give the City Council a general figure ior the,meettn�.
Mr. Comstock replied they cauld present the figures but eome council'decisions
would a£fect these figures such ae state aid funds that would be applied to
this project. It was suggested by the City Manager the Gity Council could
meet at 4 p.m. the afternoon of the public hearing and they could be given all
of the figures aVailable snd any alternatives. It was ao agreetl by members
of the City Council. There was no action necessary on the item. �
Mayor Nee announced for council consideration a resolUtion creati.ng precinets
and polling places. The City Manager expleined to the City Couneil they had
�lreody epproved this item and this was juct a formal approval.
Motion by Sheridan to adopt RESOLiJ'I'ION #61-1964 setting precinets and polling
placee in the City of Fridley. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a�XOice vote�
there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. �,
Mayor Nee'announced for council consideration resolutions directing the
splitting o£ special assessments.
Motion by Sheridan to adopt RESOLIITION #62-196�+ authorizing and directing
the eplitting of epeciel assessments on Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17 (�x. N. 190'),
Brookview Addition. Seconded by K3rkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no
nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Sheridan to adopt RESOLUTION�#63-1964 authorizing and dlrecting
the splittin� of special assessments on Parc�l E120, Auditor's Subdivision
No. 103� atid Pareel 2630� Riverview Iie3ghts. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a
vo3ce vote� thexe being no nays� the motion carried unanimouely.
Motion by Sheridan to aaopt xESOLVTIOx #64-1964 authorizing and directing
the split�ing of special assessments on Lot 24 (�x. 5100'), Parcel 1240, Brook-
view Add3tion. Seconded by Kixkham, Upon a volce vote� there bein� no nays,
the motion carried unanimously.
Motion by, Sheridan to edopt RPSOLUT20N �65-1964 �uthorizing and clirecting
the spl3tting oi epecial assessments on Parcels 780, 800, 1040, & 105�,
Auditor's S}abdj.yj.sion Number 129. Seconded by Kirkham. Upou n voic,e vote�
there being no nays� the mation carried unanimously.
Motion by SHeridan to adopt RESOLUTION #66-1964 authorizing and dlrecting the
splitting of special assessments on Lot 5� block 1, Moore Lake Ii�lls. Seconded
by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motian cas•ried
Motion by Sh�ridan to adopt R�SOLUTION �67-1964 authorizing and directing
the spl�tting�oi special asses�ments on Lots y and 10, Block D, Rivex•view
FIeights. 59eonded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there 6eing no naya, the
motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business, Mayor Nee declared the meetin�, ad,7ourned.
Respectfully aubmitted:
�Vil /��. ///i ��X�I+�
Sue i skowic
Secretary to the Council
1,�,�,�.. �-�--
M�yor, Wm. J. N e
A apecisl meeting of the Council of the City of Pridle,y was called to order
by Mayor Nee at 8:10 P.M.
� � �: