04/13/1964 - 00022825� � Mayor Nee annonnced for counc3l consideration resolutions directing the splitting of special assessments. Motion by Sheridan to adopt RESOLUTION #62-1964 authorizing and directing the splitting of apeciel assessments on Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17 (Ex. N. 190'), Bxookview Addit3on. Secorided by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� tlie motipn carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridati to adopt RESOLiTTION #63-1964 aut�orizing end directing the splitting;,,of epecial assessments on Parc�l 820, Auditor'a Subdivision No. 103� and Pareel 2630� Riverview He3ghts, Seconded by Kirlsham. IIpon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by SheTidan to adopt RESOLUTION #64-1964 authorizing and directing the splitting oi special assessments on Lot 24 (�x. 5100')� Pas•cel ]2lF0, Brook- view Addition. 5econded h3� Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimoUSly. Motion by ,Sheridan to aaopt �soLVTZOrr �65-1961F authorizing and �lirer.ting the splitting of apecial assessments on Parcel� 780, 800, 10�E0, & 1050, Auditor's Stabdivision Number 129. Seconded by K_lrkham. Upan n vatice vote� there beit}g no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Motion by $heridan to adopt RESOLUTION #66-1961t authorizing and directing the splitting of speeial assessments on Lpt 5, Block 1, Moore Lake Hil]s. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion cax•ried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan to adopt RESOLUTION �67-196�+ fluthorizing end directin� the splltting oi special assessments on Lots 9 and 10, Block D� Ftivex•view f[eights. S@eonded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURN: There being no further Uusiness� Mayor Nee dec]ared the meeting ad�ourned. Respectfully submitted: , � . � � �� Sue skowic Secretary to the Council l,U�. �- Mayor, Wm. J. N e SPECIAL COiINCIL P7EETING - APRIL 13, 1964 - xa�s SCHOOL F3 P.M. A special meeting of the Council of the City of I'ridle,y was called to order by Mayor Nee at 8;10 P.M. ROLL CALL: i! ' � 1� il � �i � � Members Prc�:eni;: Nee� WrighL� Sheridtsn� I{irkham Members AbsenL: Johanson PiJBLIC I�AHIN(s - S i�SA: - Mayor Nee announced a Public Hearing on Storm Sewer Project �" A,and,reqvested City Clerlt Brunsell read the Notice of H�nring. The Notice of H,eari�ng on Improvem�nt for Project S.S.S-A was read Uy the City Clerk. Mayor Nee stated to tho�e ��x•eeent th3s was a compljcated it,em and wished to explain the project, that what the City Council was doing tonight wac one of the stepa in the legal proceedinp oF a public hearing 3nt1 it was necessary to show the need for the pro�ect aud tl�epublic's attitude toward theproject. He further explained the questlon of assessment would be determined nt a later date aiter the pro- ject was Finished �nd technically speaking the actual assesament�'whatever might be ,aid tonight concerning the cost to the home owner and what would be the cost� i1, should be made clear that anythin� said iY� this'regard is not entirely in order because that queation may be determined by another council. It was strited that determination may be made sometime £rom now when the assess- ments are sprrad and the pol�_cy may be different at that time'. Mayor Nee stated �ahat t17e City Gouncil rras concerned with at this time wae to determine the need and announced he wished to conduct -this meeting in four ses�ions� the first p�rt being �n explanation of the project� in the second p�rt of the meeting they wou]d receive quPStions to clarify the project� than they would enterLain si,atenients in favor of the project and la�tly thoae statemen�s opposed i,o tt 4rould be received. Mayor Nee flarther stated thie was merely to keep the meet�ng in order and to keep the record clear, that all discussion would be received and nothing would be suppressed. It was ment3aned this' pro,7ect hr�d been put out for bids and they had received those bids this day at noon and tl,ey we re considerably under the estimate which was considered good� that the City Council also wished everyone to kaow that'the fAet'this pro�ect had been put out for Uids did not prejudice the position of the council. Ma;�or Nee requested an explanration of' the pro,7ect hy NIr. Comstock� consulting engineer. Mr. Comstock presented a m�p outlined in color ior those present _ to view and explained the line on the mep drawn in red ahowed the district boundary of Storm Sewer District �5 and it described the houndary in which the water would drain in this district. The blue line� as drawn on the map� i�e explained as running down the middle of the map starta at the intersection of' Trunk Highway #694 and University Avenue and it extends North up'to' approximately 63�d Avenue Northeast. The lines extending East and West were explained by Mr. Comstock as extensions from the main line to,the terminals. The black line, as drawn on the map, was explained by Mri. Comstock as being 61st Street which ruds to the Water Filtration Plant and is now existing ^ storm sewer conduit and runs Wect to University Avenue. 'The 'green line�"as drawn on the map, was explained by Mr. Comstock as an overflow line from the retention pond in Sy].van Hill� and runs next to the storm sewer interceptor. Mr. Comstock :�tated this was the extent of the program whihh was included in the estimate for the hearing to make it a total of �315�000 and thia was a portion of the line thr�t had already been built. He further atated the areas described Uy the blue and green areas explained on the map had'been 1ei for bide this da,y and adding the cost of everythin� on thia map plus engineering and other costs� they had arrived r3t the total eetimate coat of theproject and the bids were excellent and competitive and would be good for the project. It was further me�tioned by Mr. Comstnck the Minnesota State'ftighway Department would participate in the improvement of Highway #47� that the project was planned to ta]ce care of the dralnage for the entire area to the extremities of the system and designed for a five year frequency and it was expected to handle a rain flow on a five year frequency basis; also� that the pipe sizes in terms of engineering would start with 72" conduit and run to 12" conduit. - It was explained by Mayor Nee this was the next step to providing storm drain- �ge for the entire district and there would be some other construction involved in the area but Lhis was the basic facility for Pridley and must be installed before the I[i�;hway Dep�rtment undertakes the construction of Highway #47. Mr. Comstock explain�3 Highway ��E7 was ori�;inally sheduled to be'let in August and had Ueen delayed to October. Msy� Nee inquired if there were any questions from thos� present in this re�ard. The question was rai5ed ii" as one ],ine only extends over to several hundred feet from iiignway #65, excluding the area 1�Y .. , owned and 'operated by the Drive In and by Johnson Brothers and yet on the notice it"indicated all the way over to Highwsy �65� if they could explain why these two ax'eas had been excluded. Mayor Nee replied the adttiinistration will normally aerve ownere and draw the line further out than what the distrjet involves to meke eure everybody is cavered and the fact a notice wns received might be �ht� person was merely on the fringe oF the erea and dne: nnt uecessarily � mean they wonlfl;;be'assessed for the project. 7'he quPStion was raised for clari- fication of how this pxoject was started. Mayor Nee repl3ed it was somethin� that had 6een developing for ten years or since 1953 or 195�+, th�t the I�ighway Department was going to drain their right-oi-v�ay and they would n�ec7 draina�e for the highWay and some streets need drainage inunediately in or3er to put them up to'modesn standards. A home owner inquired if the City Council wexe talkin� about the ma3n trunk lines or the entire project and was tol�l this was ,]ust the interceptor. Another homeowner stated theee �issessments were given nnd they could be assessed for branch lines and this would not be thP F�nal cost, on their particular storm sewer. Mayor Pdee replied this was correct as it o�as not a totel cost but would be explained later in the meeting as i,he City Council was considering,another method oi handling the'matter. The quesi.ion was raised regarding older,people with little income and taith a frontege of �30 feet and how they would pay. It was stated this would be �nswered at anoth�r point of the meeting. The question was raised if there were not olready a storra sewer on Univer�3ty Avenue. Mayor Nee replied there was no storm sewer. It was sta�ed there was some kind of e storm sewer located because at, the previous storm sewer hearing this had been questioned. Mayor Nee replied there was an outfall line on Highway �100. The guestion wae raieed by a resident why this projPet had been i;alcing sa lon� to decide� that every year costs increase; el�o� why did the ]_ine stop on olst Avenue and drop to 6th Street arxlthen up to Mie��ssippi Stseet, �nd c�h�t �rould happen to the aaater running in that direction even though the people in the Earea were not includ'ed in that projeci:. Mayor Nee replied the aret� questioned was noL " in that particuler watershed district. Mr. Comstockrexplained the water drr�ins down and there ia a atorm sewer at 7th Street that drains to Rice CrPek� that two yeers previous there was a law suit brou�ht by some of the pro�er•ty o�aners North of Mississippi Street end at that. time Fridley installed a t�=mporary storm sewex and connected to that line. Ii. wa� explained pari, oF i,he �iecision was that this 13ne for a perm�nent solution will connect to a l�ne on Trunk Iiighway �47�whieh w311 drain Mississippi Street, North to Rice Creek and will be construoted by �he Highway Department on the improvement. A homeowner questioned the area SOUth o� Mississippi Street and Mr. Comstack expleined that the storm se�aer extends down 7th to IIennett Drive {.o appx•oximately 61Fth Avenue and �aas cons�ructed at the time this area *aas developed and it connects to this lane that goes to Rice Creek. The q�tion was rr�lced if i.his would 6e c3 ,eu.led storm aewer. Mr. Comatock replied it would and the joints were to be rubber dasket jointe., A reaident inquired regerdin� Lhe water comin€; out of Moore Lake, hir. Comstock replied this was not a part of Lhis initial improvement and there are no conduits runn3ng to that particular section� thist it had been disnussed at one time that the existing drain lines which are now in the Donnay Addition would be tied in to this storm sewer system but this is not under consideration at the preaent time. It was explained by a resident th¢L even the tie'-in linee� if not aealed� the water from Moore Lalce would be �llowed to move'in to this storm sewer end those people would get the beneF�t and others would pay the bill. Mr. Comstock assured those present that the present contrac'� under bids has a11 rubber gasketc and has sealed papes. The question was,raised when the residents could expect the laterals and catch basina to be pUt in. Mayor Nee replied that would depend on the people and when they��ent the improvement in. A resident inquired if the six foot pipe was used all the way to Mississippi Street. Mr. Comstock replted at the end it ie eighteen inehes and graduates to seventy-two inches at the otitlet, It was inquired i� this line would drain the Sylvan Hills area. Mr, Comstock replied it bieects the Yan shaped development on Star Lane and over. The question was'Taised if there would be any hope for trouble spots wii,h this storm aewer�line. Mayor Nee replied there was, that the City Council would hope that'the people� as their streets deteriorr�te would petition for laterol services and this could all be undertaken; also� the reason the city had not paved eome of �he streets was because of the absence of storm sewer. �i � e)U / , Mr. Comsi;ocl: cxplained they had had trouble describing the Sylvan fiills Park� that, some p�opl<� refer to it �s the retention are� and some ae a holding pond� but Lhat di�rin�r i,he �ct,ual rain storm w�ter compyles and will drain off through i,h� conduit system planned. It was further explained,that depending on how many �nehes of rain fall per hour would depend on how long,the water woiald stay� that it would continue to drain out until it was t'inished and if it wac graded properly it would be drained and Cinished and �o through the s,ystem. TPiis wou]d be accomplished with the sturm sewer systmm planned. Mr. Cnmsi,ocl: :�i,�it�d i,hat during the period of draining, the pond would retain i �aater but iL wou]d be continua].l,y draining and the difference between the pipe slzing on tYiat port ion is the difference between a 12" e.nd a�F2" pipe -� and the rei,ention bacin has i,hai; much effect. It was fUrther stated there are eome lznes which will be necessary running up the hill west of'the south end of the parlc up to Main Strcet. Mayor Nee stated the Sylvam'Hills Pariz would be. much more us�ble and would dry ouL with the system planned. The question �aa�, raieved 9f there w�a-e a lift station involved in the park mentioned. Mayor Nee replied there ro�as not. Mr. Comstock explained that because of the Sylvan Ilills overflow line� the main trunk line had to be deeper and it was cost�ng more on f,he mrjin Univereity line to take this retentivn pond out bui; wibhout �i, tYie entire cost of the si8rm sewer project would be more costly. It was e�tated by a re�ident that it had been said eve�Ytually the City Council hopes 6o have sewers down the streets, namely� 59th Avenue rµnning east and west th�t they had been waiting for sotne iive years for a etreet. Mayor Nee replied that possibly the reason the City Couttcil had reYuaed to put in the si,reet was because they knew it would be eventually torn up. The ques- taon taas rnised how many people would it take to have the improvement put in and how many people to stop it. N,ayor Nee replied the council normally initiates an improvement on the basis of 51� of the people but this isn't necessaril,y always the case as it could be put in on council action wj.thout a petition. Councilman Sheridan stated that in this part�cular case where they had peti- tioned for streets� i,he city may be holding escrow money for theae atreets and the reason the strePi,s have not been put in was the a�senae of a storm aewer and as soon a� an outlet would Ue provided, the storm drains would be put in and the street ��ould be surfaced as one project. It was mentioned by & res3dent that between j9th and 60th Avenues there were two contracts with tWO different sized streets and there is a large puddle oF wator every time,there wae a rain or the snow or ice melts. The question was raised iP th3e aystem took,advantB age of tkie exisi;ing main under Ilighway #100. Mayor Nee repliecl" it did. A' re�ideni, inquirc�d regarding statements made some time previous� that the City Council was tall:ing about improving 61st to join with East River Road and was this being held up. Mayor Nee replied this would not be done until they had storm drainage. A homeowner stated that everyone seemed to talk as though this was go�ng through and he had been under the assumption that it was whether the resident�s were supposed to a.ccept or reject this, that this �eeting was to accept or rejer,i, and inquired i� this was correct. Maybr Nee replie$ the� meeting wa� for the purpose of the City Council to get a sample of the people involved but would say that the City Coune3l would probably put it in if the public wanted it, Mayor Plee inquired if there were anyone pre�ent who had any qqeetion regsrding tl�e hydraul�cs. It was mentioned Ly a resident that a statement had been made this pro,ject would drain the Sylvan Hi11s Park and he inquired ii' there were some figures f'or ane-half inch rain or one inch rai_n fall. Mr. Comstock replied he would make these figures available for anyone who aiehed to see them� that in the calculations they had assumed the area was 100$ built upyi,t]�e streete all paved and construction done and this was the basis for their figur,es. Mr. Cam3tack stated the basis of design was on a two 3nch rain-fall� that origdnally when this 3dea was de�7eloped by the Fridley coneulting engineer _ and Calumbia Reights and the H3ghway Department� the Narth boundary of this district wae 61st Avenue and then there were some more atudiea„made by�the same people prior to the assessment for the line that runs on Univereity,to the river on Trunk Highway �100 and they determined they eould�aervice,a larger area. It was er,plained that in 1959 �he City Council had asked Mr. Comatock's firm to maltP a study and they had some plans� one of which went through the �dgewater Garden� area� another going directly to the Miagisai��i River and staying in the North University Watershed area. Mr. Comstock atated tha.t after this study�it was determined to stay in the North University Waterehed � � '� r Area. The question was raised 3f this was the reason they could noL put in a larger, drain. Mr. Cometock replied it was a matter of economics plus a restric- tion as far as the line on Highway �100 and from an engineering standpoint there is no reason the area cannot dsain, that they crere increasing all the pipe all the way to the Mieeisaippi River. Mx, Cometock further explained the Sylvan Hills xetention�baein would not cauee anybody any problems except possibly in the initisl yee.ra when eVerythin� had not reached ita Yinished stai,e, tY�a� the park'would be aodded and the water would not be noticed anymore than in down- itown Minneapolie at the Parade Grounds. The queetion wae raised regarding the proposed construction on University Avenue and if it would be an open trench. Mr. Comstock replied it would be on open cut. Mayor Nee atate&'if this project were avthorized� it would be etarted and com- pleted in 120'days and would go in before Highway #�+7 and would be done this suu�er. A resident inquired if the project were figured on a normal drainage or if there would be pumping stations. Mayor Nee replied tbere were no pumping stations planned. Mayor Nee announced if there were no further questions they would discuse the manner in which this project cou]_d be paid for. Mayor Nee explained the City Council had in the last few months been trying to find a way to equalize the cost of the storm sewer improvements� that there had been a great'deal of study on this� that if they were tp follow the assess- ment procedure,of the past they would &lready have on 40 cents per 100 square feet which,is the Highway #100 project and they would assess t�je cost of the project they were now talk3ng about and finally when the lateral services were pu{; in, which is the aetual etreet dxainage� then the people wot�ld be assessed a third time. He further explained it had been the city's experience there had been , some inequitable and unfair things in this regard and they had been ��orking on plans to equali2e it within the drainage district and possibly within the city, Mayor Nee stated it they were to proceed with an assessment pattern such as had been used in bhe,past thia improvement would cost approximately 95 cents per l0U square ieet but,on the basis of the figures that had been developed they had totsled up the,cost of tha entire eystem and macle some projections and all the � laterals and they had figures on the entire sye�tem finished. He further stated I the co�incil had d,nv2stigated the passibility of referring the assessmeni� for this project until most of this system is in which mey be three or more years� that the p3pe they were talking about today won't provide lateral scrv�ce for all people and it is the hope of the council to try and finance this in such a way and hold the e.mount until everything is in. IL wae stated this is Feasible and the City Council had every reason to think it would happen and Mayor Nee emphasized the final decision would be mede by a council at a fui,ure date. The qu@stion was raised by Mr. Car1 Paulson if the Council were consider�ng an ad- valorem tax. MByor Nee replied they were not� that if they i,00k tt�� rost of this construction and �ook oui, the perticipation of the Sta�,e of Minnesota and the payments of Anoka County and then figured the balance at l�1�+j,000 which would be spread at eome time, that $145,000 would come to about 95 cents per 100 square feet and the total construction cost would have been $1.66 but this would include atate aid. Mr. Paulson stated an ad valorem {,� is one assessed ¢gainst the whole community and there had been some changes made whtch didn't corres- pond.w3th the,other figtzres given. Mayor Nee replied the figures given were everyone'e share of the construction and the f'unds that pay for drain��e will be credited to this project� that the Minnesota StaL-e Aid streets ray a certain part but have to be used in a certain way and it is the hope of i,hc- Council that the coat oi the entire interceptor would Ue equalized if i.hey dou'i� have one'assessment for each service and the entire cost would be deferred for several yeare. � � Councilmgn SHeridan stated that elaborating on Mayor Nee's statement, it was I his ieeling that a general drainage diatrict should be equalized and under the proposal and'what they hope to come up w1th� would mean the entire area, when developed� including mains� laterals� etc.� and the district entirely drained� that the assessment is'spread on an equal basis on qne assessment. IIe further statefl this may not develop for a few years depending bn how fast the balance oi the district develops on laterals but the pro,7ect as shown tonight, the cost would be deferred until the balance of the d�sl;rict is completed at which time they Would he,ve' all of the figures for the pipe an place� then it would be applled'agains� the area on a 100 square foot basis. Councilman Sheridan stated it wae h3s feeling that within a general drainage district everyone should pay an equal amount regardless of whether a person lives on one end or in the center� that this wae a most equitable way to attack stach a problem as a storm sewer � �JG � in general rath�r than break this down to four or five districtsr and it should be equalized. . , Cnuncilman Wri�;ht stated he would subscr3be to Councilman Sheridan's views and wished to add I:o them� that it rras extremely important for the Council to take the long view� that they are going to have �,ncreased problems anc� run-off of wat;er; secondly, that the deferment of payment accomplishes the seeond pert of the long view and the people who pay �aill be the people who will 13ve there and the assesement will be spread over more residents. Counollmsn Wright'further stated if Lhe district has an equal spread, this would mean old and new resi- dents will pay on a fair basis and it would be more equitable� that as fon the matter pf si,ate aids� the State Legislature has designated them for �the com- munity in Si,ate Aid Roads and Pridley was fortunate these Punds',were av�ble e�s ii, gives the CitS� of Fr3dley the flexibility it needs and he was peraonally convinced ttiis was a good compromise. _ Councilman Kirkham stated there was noth3ng L-o add to what had»been said with the exception the figures Mr. Paulson had given were outmoded and the City Council could only use the fi�ures they had received this night� that they had grrived nt a good system of spreading i;his asseesment out over a long period of timz where it could he more fair to more of the residents and they could'not stop this program or progrecs. He further stated the City o�' Fridley had to have itto take cere of the development of the city. In reply to s queation,raiaed� Mayor Nee sLated they enticipated the aeaessment would be spread ott a 20'year basie and would be probably 6�. A discussion per�od was held regarding the figures as previously �,riven and Mayor Nee explaindd the Pinaricing and bid prices in detail. . The question was raised regarding the starting and complet3on t3me. Mayor Nee replied the Hi�hway Department would not undertake the improvement of University Avenue unt31 the pipe was in the ground and ii the City af Fridley wanted Univer�li,y Avenue completed� this had to be done. A reeident inqulred , regarding the total cost of an improvement on a lot 80 by 125 feet and if he' could bP given :�ome.a�surance this would be the total pr3ce. Mayor Nee re- plied they estimated the entire system would probably come to �2.35 Per�hundred square feet and this would include everything any resident would ever pay on the pro,7ect. The question was raised how th3s would,work out when a person already had the laterals in and had streets, and would that per�ori still have to pay a certain percentage. Mayor Nee replied that what had�haPpened 3n the Donnr�y Addition was that re�idents had been �iven a lateral service and even- tually iahen i,he �treets are to be redone� this would be completed. A Homevwrier inquired regardin� the figure g,iven of $50�000 for carrying charges and was this correct. Mayor Nee replied the estimated figures are ma,rked up 20�.for pnxrposes of this kind and it includes contingencies� that the funds that,could be committed are not quil,e a, expensive a.s was mentioned but they are available. It was asked if a re�ident paid the entire figure now� would they be given a d3scount. Ma�or Nee replied they hadn't arrived at that figuY'e, Councilm0.n Sheridan stated 1�he resZdent would save the interest by paying it in iull but there ' o�ould be no deducl,3on. Nlayor Nee further explained that at the,Cime,the assess- ment was spread, the resident would eave the 3nterest by paying`it in full. It waa si,ated Uy a res3dent tha,L the City Council s�a,nted the people of this area to contribute the total amount of this project when actuaj.ly it is'the' fault �f thr_ City of Fridley that Un3versity Avenue is at least�l8 inches higher �,]pan other streets and the people ehould not have to pay the bill'. Maynr Nee repl�ed tYre elevation w�s set by the utate I�ighway Department and they have offered a conce�sion for this. It was mentioned that as the City Counc3l had said the ftighwoy Departmeni, wat�ts to let their bids in October why wa� it not I pocsible i,o wait for one month on thi� project so people can better judge how i much it w311 cost and have time to decide� that it is entirely possible the _, Cii.y of Prid.le,y Street Pepartment is the cause of this problem and 3� should be postpon^d for one month. It was further stated the City Council did not ]�now if l;he fi,nires they had were correct and the residents"are+entitled to know the�e things before construction is started, Meyor Nee replied,ii the proceedings the,y l�ad followed in the past would be followed} it would cost 95 cents per hw�dred �quare fe�t and it was the intention of the,City Council to work ii, out tin an entire packape and it �aould probably cost �+1.45 for the entire s,ystFm bizt that any decis�ion this Counc3l would make would not bind a future Counci]_. ^ �� _r �� �� Mayor Nee B.11aounc8d the City Council would hear any statements from residents in favor o�' thie"project and inquired if there were anyone who wished to speak. Those residen�Cs speaking in favor of the project with supportin� statements were; C. E', Skroel� 6250 JUpiter Road;.Ralph M. Thomas� 6240 Jupiter Road; Keith B. Ha,rt�,6230 Jupiter Road; Carl E. Larson, 2Ei0 Sylvan Lane; George Zackow� 62$O Rainbow Drive; H. J. Jenkins� 5871 5th Street; Ron AllieQn, � 6200 Jupiter Road� Richa.rd D. French� 6110 Rainbow Drive who stated that what tY�ey;he,d hBerd tonight was what they wanted and needed� that people do have problems butr,,the longer they wait for this project the more 11, will cost and the CoUhcil had presented somethin� realistic; Ken Belkholm, 5870 6th Street; Eugene Hasej� 5840'7th Street who stated he was in i'avor if he ��ere told the City CounCil 'was real close on the figures given; C. 'L. Benson� 256 Mercury Drive; EdWard Lenglin� 5900 6th Street and Mr. Carl Paulson of 430 - 57th Place taho stated he was not against the storm sewer as such, Mayor Nee announced the City Cquncil would hear any statements from residents who were,opposed to the project. Mr. Carl Paulson of ZF30 - 57th Place ex- plained he was not, against the storm sewer� that eventually they wauld iaant it� only that it seemed now that the highway was going to be improved some- thing must be done�,but it didn't necessarily mean any laterals had i;o be built�and if anyane wanted they could be assessed for these and pay. Mr. Paul- son stated the thing he was ob�ecting to rras that the State Highway Depart- ment was operatin� on a double standard� thet he hsd made a survey and he discovered that'the manner in tahich the project �aas being inetalled was en- tiTely diYfereAt �rom the pattern used in other communities in Minneapolis. Mr. Paulson further stated it was the policy of the Highway Department and their responsibility to take care of their own drainage and in these other areas� the Highway Department is taking care of the designs� inst.a].lin� storm sewers� and payirig the whole bill and if any given comguTiity iaels that they wan� to use a storm aewer� they pay for the oversize piping. Tt, w�s mentioned by Mr. Paulson'm�e',FIighwsy Department is peying what the City of Pridley should r- be payin� end he felt the person who talked about continuing the hearing was ' wise� that,it ehpuld be checked into why the State Highway l�p�rtment i� j using diffesent standards and P'ridley could then pay for the oversize oF the pipes only. Mayor Nee stated that he would appreciate it if Mr. Paulson could give the names of the towns where the State of Minnesota formula hud been used differentl�r. Mr.,Faulson replied some oP these r�ere New Brighton� the freeway in Richfield� 62nd Avenue South in Minneapolia� that these �x� all pro,7ects by the state vsed'with different formulas� that he had been told tl�at the basis of their atorm sewer �g an the same baGis and this included Dloomington. Mayor Nee stated the City Council would Iike to have specific information if this were �rue'and if Mr, Paulson had more 3nformation he shodld pmsent it so the City Counc3l could go to the State Highwey Department with it. Mr, Paulson replied he hafl attempted to get-more information thxough several engineers in the'$ighway Department but Mr. McCubrey of Lhe departmeirt had told h�m they had revised the policy in Fridley and either they could talce it or they'wouldn't give Fridley the highway. Mr. Comstock� consultin� engineer, stated this wae a'complicated area� that� basically� the CoLmty and the State and the State Highway Department do not cons3der that they are r�sponsible in the entirety Oi the dreinage that goes to theix right-of-zaay� that they have deve- loped dif�erent methode of handling projects. He iurther explained ii` a pro- ,7ect ielon �.n�,�terstete freeway where the federal government is paying 90� of the bill ap�&sently their rules are such that they have room for specific negotiation and deviation from a fine line formula; that when they deal witix their own state roads where they have �+0,� to 50,� participation and the Ilureau of Pub13c Roads'is not concerned with a particular agreement for drainage, they � have developed over the,yeers a fairly rigid method of handling the division oF cost. It wae expleined in the original project that was constructed in 1953 or 1g5�+, '�he fo�trtxla ea mentioned by Mr. Paulson had been iollowed but the bids had been rejected and they had contributed to the City of Fridley th�t sum of money plus a percentage of the highway area to the University right-oP-way and since that time there have heen variouo methads used. Mr. Comstoc]s stated there wae one statement the State Highway Depaxtment.used and the'y say the Attorney General's Office informs them thab it is not a benefit to the High- way Department and in the same sense on a cooperative agreement there must be benefit to anbther party and when this pro�ect aaas originally discus�ed in 1959 the formula they were using was a method that divided the cost into the ¢rea they'phyBically dra3n into the highway right-of-way. IIe Purther � ��� � st�ted they developed this end into � portion and applied,to a dut�y deaign and that was tho basis of participation� that there riad been diseussians between the C�ty of Fridley and the State Highway Department s3nce 1960 re- garding Lhe consideration of the sharing oP costs on this Project and they had been seax•ching for evidence such ac Mr. Paulson had mentioned. Mr, Ccastock explained the project on (�4g4 in RYChfield and Bloomington,was not s�mi'lar�to Highway jf47 as ii, was a federal interestate; that the project on 62nd referred to is � county project which again is different. Mr, mmstock stated there wa, still �,�me to ne�otiate wath tl�e Highway Department as the COUncil had not made an agreemeni. with them. Mr. Paulson si�ated it was his opinionthat 3f the Statc Highw�y Department felt they could get Fridley to foot the bill they � would mcike Fridley pay ancl the msidents wanted to know how mueh'Columbia IIeight� was conl.ributing. . Mr, ftobert Ertcl;;on of 565 - 57i,h Avenue Northeast inquired if the $36�000 figure mentioned h�d anything to do zaith University Avenue. Mayor Nee replied it did and was the H3�;hway Depc�rtment's share of the project. Mr. Erickson stated he didn't feel this was on adequate fi�tre�.that the elevation in the highway had c�u�ed a�emendous problem and the figure isn't adequate� that the proposal, a� presented this night, was not comple�e enough even �q'consider and that even t,hough he had a great deal of faith in �he coune3l'�they were spoliesmen ?or Lhe people and they should do them more juatice than''the �36,000' £i�ure £rom the State Highway Department. Counci]man Wright interjected to ' state Mr, Erick�nu was asking for more figures and inquired what other figuTes he felt he should have that had not been presented this evening. Mr. Ericksdn•� replied it had been said tbe in¢riediate area would be assess�d and they Y,ad � eliminated 75'�, of the people. Counci�man WriQht stated the balance'of Fridley - was in other districts and had problems the same as thie d3strict'ahd could'not be included. Mr. Prickson mentioned thec-figures should be brought up again,. t.hat, the old problem ic because University is as high �s it ie. Councilman Wri�ht replied the State 4ntends to build it high enough so that°�'they won't h�v2 to worry ahout it. ,,����,, The ques�ion �aaN rai�ed regardin� the kind of improvement the State Highway Department was going to mr�ke. Mayor Nee replied they were-going to construct a four lane highwa,y with service roads an the side. Mr. Ed Littlejohn of 7ll- 5£ii.h Avenue Northeast inquired where the water from the fil�ratitan plsct,t goes if there is no sturm sewer. Mayor Nee replied it went into a eanitary.sewer. `Che question was raised what the storm sewer was the previous cit'y,engineer was referring to at that time, that there were some questions not being answered; that the line in question was £rom Mlcs3ssippi Street to'Htghway , �{100. Counciln�an Sher3dan replied he might be able to clariPy the question� that the city preaently has participated with the State on a 72"aoutfe�.].�line on Highway �f100 to the river and it is in place; that there'ie�a,second line � going in i�here as construction goes forward �ometime this eua�eraend �hia line reTerred to is a.li_ne South of FIighway �100 running on Univereity"Y�om , epproximately 53rd to or 52nd Avenues. � A recident statied that one of the things that was brought up that'�everybody was havinp; a dispute on and the city engineer, at that timey had,brough�C up ��as the question of why Fridley ehould run pipe all the way down�,UniVer�ity Avenue when il, is a shorter distance between here and the,river uader the tracks. Mayor Plee replied thai, was 2 diPferent question entirely, that this problem was thorou�,hly researched and the exit on 61st to the river was'much more expensive, i,hat the City Council had worked out designs.and -�his,was by far the cheapest way. Councilman Wright s'tated he had been'at the preVioua storm sever public hcaring and the proposal� as presented� is a difPerent proposal, that what was referred to was a different interceptor, A res3denL stated if they had to pay for the storm sewer they should be able to say if they wanted it or not and it was his opinion that the whole oi Fridley should pay for this because the whole of Frid]ey was going to get the benefit of this. Mayor tdee replied the people were governed by a body of,law and they were operating in this manner. It wss stated residen't� had been,at a,meeting about �a year ago and the Figure �iven was the same as then� ''that the'Highway , Deparl,ment will not wait ior the City of F'ridley and what Will h8,ppen it' they tauild the highway their way, that it is cheaper to put the storm'�ewer in now, and get the pro�ject done at ane tit�. Mr. Paulson stated the stGrm,sewer had to be put in �nd the state d3d need it� and Fridley should be only paying � �IL �1 u,� o' , for the oversize �pi�pe. Mayor Nee replied the City of Fridley hai�l three options, one was to leave� University Avenue the way ii, o�as� �,he second wtas to }��ve a country type ditch end the third was to drain their o�an tirea. h1r, Paulson st�ted the City of Fridley should have the uGe of tne St,�t.e Highway Dep�rianent's draln pipes and pay only for the oversize in pipes. It i�as mentioned hy � resideni� that even though,he was in favor of the project, perhsps Fridley raas being � shortsuited and had Columb3a Heights campleted their negotiations w�tl, 1.he state yet? Mayor Nee replied he did not know. Mr•. Comstock si,¢te9 that as he had understood it they did arrive �t some arrancement for the 1�neson �6j4 and he had �sked the State Highw�y Depertment for the Figures bul, hadn't received them as yet� but that he undexstood they were etill negotiai,ing Sullivan,Lake and South University Avenue. Couneilman Sher3dan stated he had listened to all the questions and answcrs Uy the ata�f end other members of the City Council� that it had been 1.1�e policy oi thie council in the past to make no decisions or determina6ions ai. a public hearing as they usually waigh all the facts that are preseni.ed and review the 'minutea Of this particular hearing and make o determination at a regular council meeting and fw•i.her stated he Griahed to have this m�L1.er proceed in this fashion. Mrs. Theresa Abitz of 21E� - 57th Place Northeast !nquired of tlie City Council that as she had to live on Social Secur3ty monies of $98.00 per moni,li, she would be unable to austain another assessment plus over �500.00 she had al- ready paid� and inqUired if there iaere some way the council could help her. Nlayor Nee replied it might be that the asaessment would be delayed three to five years. Mr. Bill Anderson of 590-57th Avenue Northeast stated tl�:,t after listenin� to both sides of the hearing, he 1�ished to soy i.hat u2tli a little faith in �he councilmen that this figure which wa� around �250.00 to �300,00 for complete storm sewer drainage� and also listenin� to uthers in Fridley and what they had to pay the figure wasn't too hlgh. IIe further i- stated that in talk3ng about the Sylvrin Hills are�� thai. he drove th-rougYi one , and one-half feet of water everyday and therefox•e� he would go t�lonE wiLh , this program with one exception; that 6eing thaL the Sylvan 1Iills l�tieral should be isolated and handled separately as they were gettin�* the benet'lt fram this project and there were other places in Pridley that de;erve t}ie equity ,7us� as well. Mr. Anderson mentioned 57th Avenue as an example and stated the main price is a just price but the Sylvan Hills area ahould be removed from the project. Mayor Nee replied that under this plan they would expedite the problem areas� and under the plan there would be a def�_nition of a lateral and it would be a part of the �ystem but this had not been c�eter- minea at this point, A resident stated the aylvan Ilills area had noi, been a problem until the Recreation Commission had decided to build n park there and filled it with clay. Mayor Nee explained this plan they proposed would improve the epread and equalize it, The �uestion was raised re�;arding the cost to put in all the laterals at one time. Councilman Wright replied the total cost would be about �;353,000 after all of the outside aid h2d been re- moved. Another reaident inquired what the City Council intended to do with the trouble epots and were these streete going to have first preference. Councilman Wright replied they would improve the areas where there were adequete petitions. It was stated the water hole previously rnentioned would never have happened on 59th Avenue if the city hadn't allowed someone to build a house there. Mayor Nee stated� upon inquiry, that it would t,e cheaper to do a11'the work at one time. Mr. Carl Paulson inquired regarding petitions and laterals� that at 57th & 5th Street there is a low spot and e large area contributes hut few people are affected. Mayor Nee stated if t,t�is plan were � to be worked out� it might be that the City Council would order some work I done by init3ation. Motion by Wright that the Public Hearing on Improvement Projeci; �;;55-A be closed. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there beint=, no nays� the motion carried u�animously. �soLVmzorr #68-1964 - ss{�5n: Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution ��68-1964 ar those parts of it which i A' ���� � relate i;o tYie recr:ipt of the p1anF ond speciFicaL-ions and refer to the meet- �eig of �pr�l 20Lh Sor determination on whether or not to proceed with Project Sk>-5• Seconded b,y Sherldr�n. Upon a voice vote, there being no naya� the motion carried un.an�mously. FlDJOURN• There being i10 further Uusiness� Mayor Nee dec].�red the Specisl Council Meetinp of �pril .13� 1964 adjourned. Respectfully euUmitted� �o �l���_f.r� Sue �^kowic ���� Secretary to the Council R�GUT�R COUNCTL 1�ff�LTING - APRIL 20� ig64: Mayor, Wi^✓�m' Nee �— A re�ular meeting of the Council of the City of Fridley wae cailed to order by M�yor Nee at �:?'� P.M. ROLL CAL�L: Members Pre>ent: Nee� Kirkham� Sheridan� Wri�ht Members Absent. Johanson APPROVIIT, OT' MSNi1TES - REGiTI�AR MGETSNG� APRiL 6, 1964: Motion ry Wrighl, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 6, 1964 as prepare�t and xeceived. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being nn nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MIT�TIITES - SPFCIAL MLFTING, APRIL Councilmatil:irkham referred to pr�ge 34 of the minutes of the Special Meet3ng of April 13, 196�F and stated the revised resolution should read�' approving the final plaris and spec3fications and rati�ying.the call for b3ds: Council- man Wright replied the motion made was the adoption oi the resolution,omitt3ng point number onr of said numbered three points. The City Mana.ger explained the only ii.em necessary to correct was the title and the words,"ordering lmprovem�nt" sl�ou]d he deleted. , Motion by idrig'it t,o approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of April 13, 1964 as prepr�red� corrected and r�ceived, Seconded by,� K3rkham: �Upon a voice vote� there being no nays�the motion cerried unanimously. OI�D BUSiNPOS. APFOIPJIT'1PNTS (TAnLL'D 3/23/64 at�m �+/6/64) : �