07/15/1964 - 0002267255
Suly 14, 1964
The meeting wae called to order by Msyor Nee at 8:15 P.M.
Present at the meeting were: Mayor Nee� Councilman Sheridan and Kirkham.
Others present : City Manager Wagner, City Asseasor Herrmann and
Robert Kirchberg of the City Asaesaor'e Office, Chief Appraieer
Schwartz and Chief Accountant Werner of the County Asaessor's OPfice.
Mr. Charlee Johanson, 160 Hartmen Circle; Mr. Clyde Allen� 170 Hartman
Circle and Dr. G. J. Hayano of 941 Rice Creek Terrace, were a3so
It was noted that there wga a technicality in the publiehing of the
hear3ng notice of the Board of Equslizetion Meeting.
Dr. Hayano stated that he had juet purchased his home at 941 Rice Creek
Terrace for $26�d00 and the taxes were between $900 and $1�000 per
year. It was auggested that Dr. Hayano prove �he amount he paid
for hie home and possit�ly a re-appraisal could be made. Perhaps
an adjustment could be made in relationship to the purchase price
and the �eneral taxes.
Mr. Johanson stated that he was concerned abput the saleabil3ty of
large homes in the $30,000 or more bracket due ta the high taxes.
Mr. Allen was intereated in a check on hie taaes.
Motion was made Uy Councilman Sheridan to adjourn the meeting �o
July 21, i964, seconded by Councilman Kirkham. Motion carried.
Elinor Thoennes�
Acting Secretary
A Special Meeting of the Council of the City af Fridley was called to
order by Mayor Nee at 8:10 P.M.
Membere Preeent: Nee� Kirkham� Sheridan, Wright
Membera Abaent: Johanson
Mayor Nee announced the itPm before the City Council was a Public
Hearing on Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 5E. The City Manager
read the Notice of Hearing. Mayor Nee informed thoee present he
would au�arize the proceeding quickly snd ask the consulting engineer
for en explanation. He stated �hat� as everyone knew there wae
an in�erceptor being put in on University Avenue right-of-way and
it had been planned for a number of years� that the development
oi this particular area and etreete in the area has been limited
severely by the inability to handle storm water. It was further
stated by Mayor Nee the interceptor will be available shortly
and there are many petitions on file and escrow money in the city
tresaury for the development of lateral service into theiarea to
the Eaei of thie interceptor and the City Counc3l hed Eelt that
eince there was so much money in escrow paid in and petitions
on file for the project, they ahould proceed at least to thia point
and hold a public hearing ae the streets in the area cannot be
developed until provision ia msde for storm drainsg��.. Mayor
N$e��fiformed those preaent the City Council wae going to bring
beYore them tonight a proposal to develpp the 3A�esa1 system
Eaet of University snd there might he eome residents present
who rea�ved notice who are not in the district se� for example,
the Donnay Addition and these would be handled separately.
He explained the purpose of this public hearing wae not technically
to establieh the rates of assessment but they did have a fairly
tight est�mate on what it would cost and could give �hose who
wiahed an approximate idea of assessment coste but the City
Council wae committe� to a figure not over the figure they were
talking about. Mayor Nee stated this would provide the sssessment
that would cover main and lateral service on storm sewer and requested
that those speaking would give their name and addreea. Mr. Ice
Comstock� consulting engineer, was requested to describe the project
and physical aepeets of the improvement.
Mr. Comstock explained the proposed improvement was outlined on two
mape for public review and explained on the mape the inter section
of Highway #47 and University Avenue and the new Freeway #100.
Moore Lake was located� also the Donnay Addition and drive in
theater� Sylvan Hills area. Mr. Comstock explained the 13ne under
construction as being a black line ontthe map� that it starts at
the Westerly side oY the interchange and �694� runs up University
Avenue almoet to the Fridley Fire Station� to Sylvan Pand� to 61st
Avenue and the Water Fi�tratiod P1ant. He further explained the
line on the map outlines the description of the boundary of the
drainage district and the purpose of the etormceewer system is to
pick up this as it reachea the etreet 3ntersection. It was explained
57th Avenue would be a stub line extending East on University
Avenue and it is proposed to connect up to 57th Avenue of' the line
to the South and North, also the short line up 5th 5treet to 57th
Place and the next lateral was described as 59th Avenue East lateral,
59th Avenue to �7th Avenue� North and acrass on the gravel street
on the Jefferaon, Washington and school property. The line, he
explaine@� would run one-half a block South and branches East and
West� also, on 7th Street near a line thet nuns to �he South.
Mr. Comstock eeserted there would be another line on 60th Avenue
East on 60th to 7th Street� and a lateral North from 60tki Avenue
ae the line on 61st Avenue is in place� that a stub on 62nd Avenue
to drain the property behind the proposed church and schoal would
be included. Mr. Comstock stated the estimated coet was based on
the exteneion of the unit prices which were aubmitted by the low
bidder on the project let thiespr3ng b,y the city and they felt
it wae fairly tight and represented �hat the bid should be in�
ior on the improvement.
Mayor Nee announced the estimated cost for the system underdiscussiori
wae $i�5,5o0.00 and for those people in the sesessment area it
would be correct to say the Council„policy wae that in the entire
drainage area described it was the Council's intention Lo spread
that coat on the ent3re district equally on an area basis at tkie
time the lateral service is provided and it would be at about the
rate of $1.98 per 100 square feet. He explained that in the experience
� `�(
the�,y lind h�i3 in other areas 1,ltiis was relntivc�Ly inexpens�ve and
inqiurerl if thPre were any member o£ the Cii.y Council who wished
I,o add i.o aizything thai. had b�en said. Councilman Sheridan stated
a.11_ �,tems had bee coverefl very well adding for the informatlon
of thoce prr,ent Lhe pro,iec{, wa� in three sections� Univeraity .
M�m hein� referre3 to as "A"� ever,yLhing ]?ast oF Univer�sity
�venue as '73'= and everythin^, West oF University Avenue as "C",
Mayor Tdee stated the gener¢1 philosophg on an area assessment '
spread was that the wai,er curves 3n d3rect relation to the area
�and there might be some dii'ference in the run-off but the coune3l
h�s spread on an area �ssessment storm drainage coat because they
feel 1;he area does reflect the laad a,nd the appropriat� cost.
bi�yor Nee inquired if there were anyone present who riished to
spealc in favor of the proaect. Mr. Bob Delamartra of 5f321 N. E.
5th St,reet was present,and inquired when the anticipated completion
da�.e ol the project would be, Mr. Comstock replied some of the
steps trhich would be necess�ry,was the puUlic hearing this night�
tl�e x�view� the orderin� oF the improvement and once thai, is done
tlie c11;y manager� himself and the staff would try to work out a
schedule of completion. Mayor Nee explained the asseaement would
not �ppear on any statement for approximately two yeare. The Pinance
Direcior sta'ted the earliest would he the adoption in i965 and iirst
paymeni, in 1966. Mr, Comstock asserted they cpuldn't anticipate
the improvement could be completed this year Uut as Councilman
Sherldan indZCated ii; could be stari;ed. P✓ir. William Kell of
567j Jackeon Street inquired accordin� Lo the map the boundry
goes down Jackson Street and zaould that affect both sides of the
si,reet or only one.side and if so the drainage ory the �est side
oC i,he street, as well as the drainage on the Fast side both �o
down .fackson stxeet into Moore Lake and shou].d nat be in this
district whatsoever. Mayor Nee replied the central fact would be
zf tYie storm water goes in this pipe referred to. Mr, Comstiock
staL-ed Mr. Kell was correct� on Jackson Street as well as
some of the other streets that have been improved between 1955 �nd
1957 with a swale type street construction with the drainage going
down the center of the street. The water� he explained� is directed
to drain into Moore Lake and if the present city standard of curb
lrere employed it would follow the pattern as outlined. Councilman
Wright explained the present less expensive street is deaigned to
drain down the m3ddle of the street and the st�eet with curb and
gutter does no�,. Mr. Comstock stated if some of the blocke do
not drain into the system� the,y would Ue considered at the time
the a�sessment 3s made, Mayor Nee asseri.ed that since he had been
on the Council a number of these assessments had been deleted
�.nd.the reason some people are included was simply at this time
they do not know the area exactly and the acsesement spread�
ma,y not take place for two or three years but at that,time when that
part of the problem is considered by the City Council they are
bound hy law to provide the benefit and if the water doesn't go
a particular way the residents would not Ue charged for it.
City Attorney Smith eXplained he wished to add that at the time the
asse�sment is spread there would he not3ce going out to people
who are �o1ng to be assessed and if they then disagree with the
engineer as to which way the water flows and its benefit� that 3s
L-he time to appear before the City Council and urge them to
delete it. Mayor Nee stated he had pexsonally inspected some
areas and agreed with.what_had been said. The City Manager
pointed out that� at this stage� the eng-ineers have not made the
scientiTic kind of research they w311 do until they:�ase ordered
to make Sinal plans and specificatione and later on if they agree
to put a certain piece in the district� this should have been
included at 1.he public hearin�.
Mr. Plugene IIasa of 5840 - 7th Streei, inquired if the quoted
,�51.9�) figure wou7d include the main and the lateral and if the
project would be cotrtpleted before the assessment was made.
Mayor Nee rep]ied he would not be assessed until he had received the
lateral service� that he iaas not certain, at this time� if
the F7est side of the district would be finished before the East
q} �>
side but if the pro�ect were ordered neither would be spread until
they actually had lateral service, Mr. I3asa inquired if there
would he a�eneral assessment.for a main, Mayor Nee replied tl�ere
would not as the Council wae attempting to equalize the w3.tter.
Mr. Hass inqu3red if he had money in escrow and someone else bought
his house would he have to pay additional interest. The Pinance
Director replied that as far as putting the money in escrow the city
hasn't required this be done� it is the lending inatitutions and
if there is money on deposit it would be sufficient to cover the
estimated cost of th3e assessment and ii the house changed -,
hands this would be suffic3ent until the assessment roll is
adopted. Mr. Hasa:stated it appeared as though 7th Street may
be flattened out a bit and that he couldn't see any reaeon to
run a line to the South as the water problem was to the North
and�inquired why the notch was being �a.de. Mayor Nee replied
it was probably becauae it would occur there. Mr. Comstock
stated if the Council would delay.the question he would obtain
the information, It was agreed. Mr. Hass further requested
receiv3n�� in the mail� an estimate of the coat of the pro,ject.
Mayor Nee replied iY the project rras ordered they could give
him a price 3n a couple oi months� that the City Council was
cotmnitted not to go over whatever the amount ofl,�he bid waa �
and there ie some State Gas money the Council will apply� State
Highway funds ndd also what ie collected on assesements ao tYiat
the property owners will not carry the entire load. He further
stated they were agreed�i� w111 not go over the figure they are committed
to and had calculated an average lot financed with the city
would cost about $20.00 a year and $108.00 on an average home
site ii pa3d. !Mr. Comstock� in referring to Mr. Hass' previous
question regarding 7th Street explained it was necessary to
pick up the drainager on that area because of the dietance it
serves and the ef�ect of the water piling down on 7th would
be too great and i� is necessary to pick it up before it gets
to 7th.
Mayor Nee inquired ii there were anyone present interested to
know if they have escrow money to be applied on the project
and corrected his previous atatement of �108.00 assessment
for an average lot to $1�O,Up. Those residents present in-
terested presented themselvee to the Finance ➢irector and were
given escrow figures.
The question was raised if the City Council were going to try
and get the worst trouble spots first on this project, City
�ngineer Qureshi explained as this portion of the improvement
is concerned they would start the portions which were bad first.
The question was raised if 7th Street would be the ?irst street
taken care of, City Rngineer Qureshi re�lied thia was a matter
of schednling and what time of year the contract would be let�
that they could dot pave streeta in winter but they could do the
work for°storm sewer later than street work. Mayor Nee stated
they would attempt to solve the problem areas firet and some of
the problem would be solved with the lateral going in on 7th Street.
Councilman Wright stated he had a petition on Project �3 in
oppoaition and if any of those present were here at least i'ive
of the signers were not in the district and were faleely �larmed,
b4otion by Wright to receive Petition #�27-1964. Seconded by
Sheridan, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion
carried unanimously.
Councilman Sheridan inquired of the Pinance Director ii he recal.led
the number of notices mailed for this hearing in general figures
as it might be well for the records of the hearing that tYiere
were 21 persona present. The Finance Director replied there
were over 700 notices mailed out �pproximately. Councilman .
Sheridan etated this gave the City Council an indication as to the
amount of eacrow money on deposit. The Flnance Director replied
they had $26�187.00 that wae to be applied to specific lots in
eacrow money.
Motion by Kirkham to close the public hearing on Storm Sewer Improvemen�
Project #5S. Seconded by Sheridan. Conncilman Wright inquired if
everyone were clear the motion wae made to close the hesxing. Upon
a voice vote, there being no naye� the motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Sheridan to adopt Resolution #144-1964 ordering improvement
and final plane and apecificationa end estima{,es of coata thereof;
Storm Sewer Improvement Project - SS 5B (North of Highway No. 100 and
Eaet af Univereity Avenue). Seconded by Wright. Upon a roll call
vote, those voting in favor of the reolution, Nee, Sheridan, Wright,
Kirkham. Thoee epposed� none. The motion carried unanimouely.
There being no further bueineee� Mayor Nee declared the Speciel Council
Meeting of July 15� 19E>A adjourned.
Respectfully eubmitted�
� �,(ti�'z"i,v�
ue Miskowic W311iam J. Nee
Secretary to the Council Mayor
A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fridley wae called
to order by Meyor Nee at �:10 P.M.
Members Present: Nee� Sheridan� Kirkham, Wright arrlved at 8:15 P.M.
Members Absent: Johanson
Motion by Kirkham to approve the minutes of the Re�ular Meeting of
July %� 1964 as prepared and received. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon
a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unsnimously.