07/21/1964 BOE - 0002264673
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There being no fnxtl�er busdnBea��D4aybs'Neo�d�c�ar��l.the Regular Council
Meeti�g of July 20� 1961+ adjourned.
Respectfully submitted�
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�ue Miskow c William J. Nee
Secretary to the Council Mayor
July 21� 1964
The meeting of the Board of Equalization was called to order 6y Acting
Chairman Johanson at $:10 P.M.
Present at the meetin� were: Councilman Johanson, Sheridan, Kirkham
and Wright. Others: City Manager Wagner� Assesaor Herrmann and
Kirchberg of the City Aaeeseor's Office and Appraiser Schw�rtz and
Chief Accountant Werner of the County Aeseaeor's Office.
Preseni, also were Herbert Bacon Jr. of 159 Logan Parkway and Robert
D. Henderaon af 7600 Stinson Boulevard.
Mr. Bacon objected to his high tases but after checking the valuation
on his property with othera� he reconsidered his objection and etated
that he wns eatlefied.
Mr, Henderson inquired ae to how the assessed valuation ratio of Fridley
compared with that of Spring Lake Park. Mr. Schwartz of the County
Assessor's Office stated that it compared very favorably. �
Mayor Nee arrived at 8:17 P.M.
Mr. Schwartz inquired as to how the assessment had worked out on 941
Rice Creek Terrace. Mr. Hayano� owner of thia property� had appeared
at the Equalization Board Meeting on Suly lk, i964, requeeting a re-
check of his property. Mr. Herrmann stated the result was a 7 1�2�
economic depreciation on the home, Mr. Schwartz then requeated that
the change be made an action of the City Council.
A motion was made by Wright to authorize the adjuatment in Full and
True valuation on Lot 8, Block 1� Brookview Terrace 2nd, (SUbj. to
6' utility & drainage eeae. along NE'ly line) from �9260 to
���55• Motion aeconded by Nee. Motion carried.
Ae there was no other bUSinesa, the meeting of the Board of Equslizat6n
was adjourned st fi:25 P.M, July 21� 1964.
Respectfully submitted�
Elinor Thoennes�
Acting Secretary