07/27/1964 - 00022647I�
A Special Regular Meetmng of the Council of the City of Fridley
was called to order by Mayor Nee at 8;12 P.M.
Membera Present: Nee, Kirkham, Sheridan, Wright
Members Abaent: Johanson
Mayor Nee requested that Councilman Sheridan conduct the meeting.
Acting Chairman Sheridan announced the second reading of an ordinance
regarding funeral homes. The City Manager gave the second reading of
eaid ordinance.
Motion by Nee to accept as second reading� adopt and publish Ordinance
#282 which ie an ordinance amending Section�45•19 oi the City Code
to allow Yuneral homes and mortuaries in en R-1 Diatrict by a Uee
Permit. Seconded by Kirkham. IIpon a voice vote, there being no
nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Acting Chairman She�i:dan announced a communication from John M.
Wasnick regarding sewer and water aervice to his home. The City Manager
read the communication from Mr. Wasnick to the City Council which
requested that sewer and water service Yor hie home to comply with
F.H.A, regulations from the west side of East River Road to the Eaet
Side and jetting under the East River Road� also, requesting a
reduction 3n his easessment for the amount of money it would coet Yor
,7etting. It was explained the aesesament against the Wasnick property
ie ior a main transmieaion 3ine and he hae not been asseased for a
lateral� that there is water service com3ng up to Osborne Road and
in order to serve this entire side including this property it would
require a lateral and there is really no neceseity for it and the lateral,
if and when it goea in, will be only on one eide of the Street, The
City Manager Yurther explained ii one lo� is pulled out by �iving him
credit it could hamper the eewer line but the owner is in a position
where by he can't guaranty when the lateral comee by because he won't
own the property. The City Manager asserted that it does appear there
is no esseaement that can be reduced by the coet of thio jetting u�der
the road and it wae impossible to protect the city five or ten years
fa�om now. Acting Chairman Sheirdan inquired if Mr. Wasnick wished
to addrese the 81ty Council. Mr. Wasnick stated that 8 or 9 qeers
previous when water and sewer contracts were being let on the East
River Road in order to get the people to sign easement righte, they
were all mede to think what the city engineer� at that time� said
was true; that he had said that the sewer would be let tp the West
eide of the road so that the residente would have access to the sewer
and the eame thing was true with the w�ter. Mr. Wasnick ststed that
he had now sold his home with that in mind and had eigned papers
that the aewer and water would be in and the water is noi, in, it
is on the west side and he would have to get it from Osborne Road.
Acting Chairman Sheridan inquired if the City wouldn't periodically
put cros�3ngs in on the East River Road to tie in water and sewer
laterals when such would be uaed. City Engineer Qureshi replied that
in this area there are no such laterals on iset River Road. Mr.
Olson from the conaulting en�ineering firm of Comstock and Davia
explalned this had been done before they worked for the city but there
were laterals that were conatructed on East River Road at intervale
all up and down Eaet River Raad 6ut this Was a stretch where
the lateral had never been conatructed on the East River Road nnd the
area from Oaborne Road South had undergone a similar aituation as
the water crosses• at Osborne and 77th. Councilman Wright stated with
a sufficient petition from the reaideayts there could be a lateral
run. The City Manager asserted that to build a lateral to serve this
par�icular home would be more expensive for jnat one individual to
get across. Councilman Wright stated it was his opinion that the
proper solution would be to obtain a petitian from the property
ownerc that would be served on the East side oP theEast River Road
la�eral and present it and thie could then be considered new construc-
tion, NLr. Waenick replted he and his neighbore-were all of the
opinion that etuba would have to be run acroas. Councilman Wright
explained there are always procedures to follow and the owner� in the
area would do the petitioning,for this service. Mr. Wasnick stated
that- wouldn't be very good becauae years ago the city engineer had
given the neighbora his word on thie and then when new.people get
elected to office they have to do thin�s ¢11 over again. The City
Manager explained it was poseible the neighbars didn't understand
they would have to hook up to the s�ubs, that they had the same
situation along other roads and if the people want water and sewer they
have to hook up to etubs but inguired if it wo�dd be poasible for
Mr. Wasnick to satiefy hie agreement to escrow the money so that the
person buying the home would be aesured of a paid lateral when it
came an. Mr. Wasnick replied he would flnd out about it.
Motion by Kirkham to table the consideration of the water connection
for Mr. John M. Wasnick of 7�13 East River Rosd to the next negular
meetin�. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays,
the motion cerried unanimously.
Acting Meyor Sheridan announced for Council consideration the Building
Soard Minutes of July 22, 1964. The City Manager explained to`the
City Council there had not been a quorum at the Building Board
Meeting� that the City Council could act on the items if they wished
or they could be returned to the Building Soard.
Actinp, Chnirman Sheridan suggested the City Council discuss the item
as presented. The City Manager explained the plana and apecifications
of the shopping mall to the City Council. Mr. Sheldon Mortenson� co-
owner was preaent and explained in detail the plan.
Motion by Wright to approve the application for a building permit by
Gil-Mor� Inc.� for a cement steel shopping mall at $�51 Central Averne
N. E., on Lots 1-5� Auditor's Subdivision �153, 404 feet by 240 feet
with an estimated cost of $800,000.00. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice
vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Acting Chairman Sheridan announced the consideration of a frame
addition to an existing building. The City Manager explained the plan
for the atructvre to the City Council. Councilman Wright inquired
oi the City Manager when the lsst frame building was approved by
the City Council. The City Manager replied he was not certain that
there had been any approved of late but thie building would be
accord�ng to the code. Mayor Nee inquired if thia application had
been reviewed by the Building Inspector, that the ordinance does re-
quire�that when an addition of thie size is mad it ehould go to the
Building S�andarde Committee. The City Menager replied that on
a non-conforming use this was correct. Mr, PaYks wae preaent to
explain the addition to his building and stated it would be all
block construction� that there are no eanitary facilities in the
present building but the facilities are all on Miasiseippi Street
and thaty eventually� the old building would be torn down. Acting
Chairroan Sheridan explained to Mr. Parks that in building this addition
he was bound to build;the reet of the building up to the present
code including the wirin� and plumbing. Mr. Parks repl3ed he had
understood this.
Motion by Nee to approve the application by the Park's ➢airy Store
at the N. W, corner of Mississippi Street N. E, and Old Central
Avenue to add to the presant structure an 8 foot by 30 foot
addition� conditioned on the stipulations placed by the Building
Board that the entire building� both the addition and tkie old
structure should be painted at the same time. Seconded by Kirkham.
Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimouely.
Acting Chairman Sheridan announced the Recreation Commiseion Minui.es
of May 25, 1964 for Council consideration.
Motion by Kirkham to receive and file the minutes of the Recreation
Commiseion held May 25, 1964. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote,
there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
Actin� Chairman Sheridan announced the Recreation Commiesion Minutes
of June 22, 1964 for Council conaideration.
Motion by Nee to receive and £ile the minutes of the Recreation
Commiseion held June 22, 1964. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice
vote� there being no nays, �he motion carried unanimously.
Acting Chairman Sheridan announced thel•Recreation Coramisaion and Park
Commission Joint Meeting Minutee of June 29� 196�+ for Council consider-
Motion b�r Wright to receive and file the minutes of the Recreation
Commiseion end Park Commission Joint Meeting held June 29, 1964.
Seconded by Nee. Upon s voice vote� there being no nays, the motion
carried unanimously. y
Acting Chairman Sheridan inquired if there were anyone present� not
13sted on the Agneda� who wiehed to speak at this time. There was no
one present.
Motion by Wright to approve the isauance of the following licensea:
fIouser Corposation
3703 Marshall St. N. E.
Minnespolie, Minnesota
by: Edgar W. Houser
Circle Terrece Building� Inc.
5245 University Ave. N. �.
Columbia Heights� Minnesota by: Henry Bird
Allied Store Eguipment Company
6100 Weyzata Soulevard
Minn�polis, Minnesota by: A. L. Robertson
Edward Eismanis
1623 West 32nd Street
Minneapalis� Minneeota
Hedler Plumbin� Company
2519-4tYi Street N. E.
Minneapolis, Minneaota
Gary's Standard Selwice
6490 Univereity Avenue N. E.
Fridley� Minnesota 55421
Leonard Cochran
6537 Central Avenue N. E.
Fridley, Minnesota 55432
Gary's Standard Service
6490 University Avenue N. E.
Fridley� Minneaota 55�+21
by: Edward Eismania
by: Sylvester Heldex
Gary Longerbone
Leonard Cochrsn
by: Gary Longerbone RENEWAL
Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion
carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee inguired re�arding the livestock permit for Mr. Lenny Cochran
if it was in fact a new use or if the person had been doing it for
some t3me. The City Manager replied he did not know, that compla3nts
had be�un coming in about three weeke previoue. Following a diecuesion
period on the item� the City Menager suggested the City Council could
table thia item to the meeting of August 3rd or authorize the admin-
istration not ta take action.
Motion hy Nee to table the conaideration of the Liveatock permit for
Mr. Lenny Cochran of 6535 Central Avenue N. E, to the next regular
meeting. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays,
the motion carried unanimously.
Acting Chaixman Sheridan announced estimatea for coneideration by the
City Council. Mobion by Nee to approve the payment of the fol-
lowing eetimates:
i446 couxm� aoan "a"
Eetimate #1 (Partial)
Water Improvement Project No. 34-0
(Croseing of T.H. �69�+ at Johnson St.
and 7th St. )
Estimate #2 (Partial)
Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 5-A
(North University Storm Sewer)
Eatimate #2 {Partial)
Water Improvement Project No. 34-M
(Marian Aille Booster Plan�)
$ 27.50
$ 232.50
Eetimate �4 (Partiel)
Sewer and Water Improvement Project No. 61
(Sewer and Water 73rd Ave., 7th St. - 61et
Ave.� 60th Ave.) 40.00
6875 xw7t. #65
Estimate #1 (Partial)
Sewer and Water Improvement Project No. 69
(Meadowmoor Terrace) �3 288.24
Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays�
the motion csrried unanimously.
Acting Chairman Sheridan announced for Council coneideration
petitiona se presented. Councilman Kirkham stated he had two
petitione to preaent. .
Motion by Nee to receive and file Petition #29-1964. uecanded
by Kiitkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion
carried unanimously.
Councilman Kirkham stated he had a petition which had been presented
bef�6re onCounty Road H for eewer and water but the petition was
now 100`�o and wae called Petition �28-i964. zt was explained by
Mayor Nee it had been his impreasion the reaidenta had wanted
immediate action. The City Manager ceplied they would attempt
to have the proper resolutions ready for the next regular
Motion by Wright that notice be taken that the additional signature
„�requeated had now received on Petition #28-i964. Seconded by
Kirkham. City Attorney Smith inq�hired if thia were eomething
they were going to assees snd if eo, it should include the usual
reaolution. Acting Chairman Sheridan replied they did not have
the feasibility report. A resident raieed the question that
they would like to know when the work would start. City Attorney
Smith replied this had been hie reeson for raising the question
for a�solution. The City Manager suggested they could pasa
a resolution preparing a report but could not order the,haaring
fmr, tk�e next regular meeting beaause there wasn't enough publication
time. Mr. Dlaon of the caoneulting engineering firm of Comatock
and Davir, atated the basic planning on this area was done when
the Interceptor wae put in.. The City Manager stated they would
have all matters pertaining to this ready as soon as possible.
Councilman Wright suggested a public hearin� be set now in order
to save some tima. Mation withdrawn.
Motion by Wright that the City Council order publication thereof
and a public heaxing at the.earliest possible date of August
17, i964 on Petition 28-1964, City Attorney Smith atated the
rule as to time ind�cated thia muat be published �wdce and the
�itwo�publications must be a week apart and tYiesituation here
was that thie item could be added to same existing contracts.
The City Manager explained publicetion�datee to the City Council.
City Attorney Smith i�rther explained the feasibility letters
could be dated between the present time and the 3rd of August.
Motion withdrawn. Mr. Olson of Comstock and Davis inquired if
the petition� as rece3ved� wae for 100� of the owners. The
Cit,y Manager replied it wae for 100� of one �ide oi the road.
Actin� Chairman Sheridan announced there was a petition for water
and sewer on 5th Street from 54th to Highway,#100 and it atated
50� of the ownere and 43� of the lote. The City Manager explained.
�here are no eigners from the cemetery side and ii they counted
the cemetery they woidld h6v� 50� of the owners and �3� of the
lots� that one lot owner did not aign and if they don't count
the cemetery there would be 66� of the owners.
Motion by Nee to receive Petition #3o-i964 and refer to admin-
n�strat,ion for processing. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice
vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimouely.
Acting Chairman Sheridan`announced for Council conaideration
the first reading of an ordinance re�arding curfew in parka.
Maryor Nee sup,geeted the ordinance be made to read betWeen the
hour af midnight and 5 A.M. Councilman KirkYiam agreed. The
City Manager gave the first reading oP an ordinance amendin�
Chapter 77 'of the City Code of Fridley re�ulating municipal
babl5dng beachea by providing for a curfew by adding a paragraph
No. 16 to Section 77.03 thereof.
Motion b,y Kirkham to acdept as firat reading an ordinance amending
(1h�.pt8t �('�'of the City Code of Fridley regulating municipal
bathing beachee by providing for a curfew by adding a Paragraph
No. 16 ta Section 77.03 thereoP. Seconded by Wright, Upon a
voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Actin� Mayor Sheridan announced for Council consideration an
appointment to the Police Commieaton. Councilman Kirkham
stated he had a recouwendation 3n this regard� that he had
given each of the membera of the Council a letter co�ending
Mr. Whitmore from South Dakota with the number of years oY hia
experience with police work and the fact he is now in an
admin3etrative position with 60 people under him� he believed
he ahould be coneidered for this position.
Motion by Kirkham to appoint Mr. Wilbur Whitmore of 440 Rice
Creek Terrace to the Police Commission to replece Arthur Walker
term expfiring �2-31-f5. Seconded by Nee. Councilman Wright
inquired the length of time Mr. Whitmore was in police work in
South Dakota and wae told three years. Councilman Wright
inquired of Mr. Whitmore's present position. Mr. Whitmore
stated he wea warehouse mangger for Eranklin Manuiacturing
Company. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried
The question was raised on Petition #28-1964 on Central Avenue if there
�as any way the City could delay the blacktopping of therroad as the
County ia in the procees oi repaving it. City Engineer Qureshi explained
this would have to come all the way from 73rd to the County Road and
the County ie widening the road to four lanee. The City Manager
etated he would talk to County Engineer Lundheim to delay the paving
of the road. Mr, Oleon of Comstock and Davis� conaulting epgineers,
etated the line on Coun�y Road H xae f'rom 73rd. Mayor Nee inquired
if there were a need for a lift station. Mr. Oleon replied it could
be aerved by gravity. A diecuseion period was held regarding all
aepecte oY the eervice including connectione and,dispoaition tihereoi
and if the N.S.S,S.D, would t3e into thie particular eituation.
Aseeesmente were aleo diecuseed. Mayor Nee inquired if the residenta
were aerviced with water if it would eolve their problem e,nd was told
it would to a degree. Acting Chairme.n Sheridsn ia�quired if City
Engineer Qureshi and Coneulting Engineer Comstock could give the
Council a report on thie item Por the next regular meeting. City
Engineer Qureshi replied they would try, The City Manager etated they
would attempt to have a feaeibility report for the City Council the
iollowing Monday night and try to get the County to stay away from
paving the road in question. It wae explained by Acting Chairman
Sheridan if they could put sewer in they would put both serv3cee in
at the same time but if they could not the Water service would probably
have to wait.
Acting Chairman Sheridan announced for Council consideration sn agree-
ment with the Carl Benngtt Company for the purchase of land. The City
Manager suggested to the Ci�ty Council iY they wished to hold the
property for iuture use, they could take an option with the stipulation
that if the election didn't go through the option would be dropped
and thie was on� type oP offer they could make. City Attorney Smith
stated they certainly would sign for the value of rents Pmr the one
and one-half montha the ownerowould loee�and thia wae ell thst he
would really loae because he wowld still have time to get conetruction
under way beYore winter sete in. Acting Chaix�man Sheridan stated the
owner of the land might want architect fees and other iteme. City
Attorney Smith replied 3f they couldn't agree on the price, they would
condemn and thie ahould be satisfactory and would leave the item open
for negotiation. The City Manager expleined if the City Council decided,
they could have him negotiate with Mr. Bennett or the CIty Council
could if they wished; that he could adviae Mr. Bennett and return with
an agreement to the City Council. City Attorney Smith explained that
part a£ the City Manager's thinking wae that he wanted eomething to
begin negotiations with. Mayor Nee inquired wh�t wae involved to start
a condemantion. City Attorney Smith replied there would be problems
of different natures, that he did feel the City Menager could negotiate
the matter and the moet that the Carl Bennett Company would expect
would be the premium of the value of lost rents for one and one-half
months becauee if he were to start building right away he would have
rentals and the fact that Mr. Bennett would know by September 15
was still sufficient time to dig footinge and get all winter work
done on his huilding so that the winter construction would not be
Motion by Wright to autharize the City Manager to ne�otiate with the
Carl Bennett Canstruction Company Yor an approximate agreement� same
to be returned to the Council floor by puguat 3rd. Seconded by Nee.
Upon a voice vote� there.being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
xcsoLtrrzort #i47-1964 AvTHOxzzING SPLITTING OF ASSESSP7ENTS - BLOCK 13�
Motion by Nee to adopt Resolution #i47-i964 authroizing and directing
the splitting of epecial assesaments on Lots 22, 23� and 21+, Block 13�
Plymouth Addit3on. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote� there being
no nays, the motion carried unanimouely.
�soz,trrzorr �i�+8-1964 xE: m.x. 47:
Motion by Nee to adopt Resolution #14n-1964 to the Commiseioner of
Highways� State of Minnesota� urging early construction of Trunk
Highway 1+7 within the City of Fridley. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon
a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Acting Chairman Sheridan announced for Council coneideration a
resolution calling for s referendum on the new CitJ Hall. City
Attorney Smith explained to the City Council there were two parts
to the resolution� one was to vote on whether or not to sell bonds
not to exceed general obligatio❑ bonds a�d the second provieion was
to see what the people think abou� pledging liquor revenues because
in order to do this the City Council would have to have the consent
of the people. The City Mansger preeented a notice as to how the ballot
would read. Mayor Nee inquired if people would vote on 6oth items
and was told this wae so. Mayor Nee inquired if the people voted
"no" on the top of the ballot if they could vote "yea" on the bottom
of the ballot. City Attorney Smith replied they could but he was not
sure theae would then be saleable bonda. He explained Mr. Charles
Iioward, attorney for bonds, had suggested the people be aeked to vote
on both propositions on the same ballot but perhaps the bonds are
saleable with just the pledge of Iiquor etore revenue.
City Attorney Smith further explained the Chamber of Co�erce wae
concerned about private liquor and there might be a number of people
who would think in terma of this kind and w��ild not commit liquor
etore revenue and other people might favor City Hall and would be most
atixious to keep ae little a levy for it as poeaible and the new City
Hall could be conatrued by some to be all from earnings from the liquor
store at Holly Center. Councilman Wright'etated he wae certsin that
for thoae people wanting a City Hall� that the entire cost would not
tae levied. It was explained by City Attbrney Smith if a pere'on voted
"yes" on both queetione of the ballot it would be enabling authority
for the City Council to have and they wouldn't necessarily have to
pledge liquar etore revenue and general obligation bonde. The City
Manager etated they would have a cheaper bond if it vere backed up
by te,x levies and it could be done with'the proper percenta$e.
Councilman Wright suggested putting the liquor question on the ballot
�'or the November election or on the city primary seperately.
Mayor Nee raised the question regarding the ballot if he just wanted
ta vote for the City Hall and didn't care whether it was a bond or a
liquor iasue. City Attomey Smith replied he would ihen vote "yes"
on the lst item of the bellot and he could vote or not vote on the
second item� that the "yea" vote on the lst would enable the Council
to sell a general obligation bond. The City Manager stated he feit
that those people who wanted a City Hall would want to vote "yee"
on both queations� that ii. would he cheaper in all reepects for all
individual votera. Councilman Wright inquired if they could fairly
tell the voters that the important thing was to vote "yes" on one
item and it won't hurt anywe,y you vote on the second. Acting Chairman
Sheridan asserted his thinl5in� was the same as Mayor Nee's� that the
second question of liquor would be an iesue and with the figurea
that they hope to have from the architedt and the assessed valuation
it might be that the cost oY putting the building up and borrowing
money was going to be a figure that would be for the �,��gge home
owner very acceptable and it might be too much of an issue with the
liquor question. Mayor Nee stated it was his opinion that if any
argument about liquor revenues were to ensue, the vote would not go
through. Councilman Kirkham stated he was in agreement with Council-
man Sheridan. The City Manager explained what the bond buyers would
like would be a ta�c levy. Mr. Whitmore, resident, stated that by
txying to put the tao questiona on one ballot would oonPuse the
people and they would vote "no" on both questions. Mayor Nee re-
called that on the hospital ballot no one ever Qid seem to figure out
what had b�en said and it was true that the liquor money could still
be used to pay the bonds. The City Manager replied that legally
they could not unless there were a vote of the people. Councilman
Wright stated the liquor issue Would pass alone on any ballot once
the first question were passed. It wae explained by the City Manager
it would take at least three to six months to draw the plans for the
new City Hall.
Motion by Kirkham to adopt Resolution #149-1964 determining to issue
bonde to provide money to construct a City Hall providin� for an election
and directin� not3ce. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote� there
being no aays� the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Wright
stated he wished to requeat that the members of the preae report
the action without making an issue of same.
Acting Chairman Sheridan announced a resolution for Council consideration
receiving final plane and specifications for w_34_s. The City Manager
inquired if the City Council would object to filling in a different
date� that he would have an item being referred by the Board of
Appeals and if they wished to meet on the 24th of August it would
be a special meeting ior juet two items. The City Manager explained
the resolutian� ae presented, that there is s need for the proposed
fence for the local aituation and it should be fenced in for any
situation whether the city is being vandalized or not� thst they were
talking approximately $2700.00 and the amount would probably not
exceed $3�000.00. Councilman Wright inquired if thi�.ience would
rule out the Commona Park area and was told by City Engineer Qureshi
it wae even emaller than what they had originally intended. City
Engineer Qureshi explained the echool system had put in about $6�000.00
in Yencing around the schools. Councilman Wright etated the position
he wiehed to take was that the City of Fridley provide sanitary
facilities 3n the Commons area. The City Manager etated they were
not properly protecting city property if they did not put up the
fence� that in the laet few monthe they had just broken lights and
this kind of thing in vandalism� but it could be very expensive.
Councilman Sheridai�9nquired if they were Yencing th�� area they should
then be fencing the big water tank. City Engineer Qureshi replied it
wasn't the water tower� it wae the mschinery� etc.� they wished to
Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution #150-1964 receiving final plane
and specisl epecifieations on W-34-S and ¢slling for bida inserting
the date August 24� 1964. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice voter there
being no nays,, the motion carried unenimouely.
The City Manager presented s report from the Police Chiei regarding
police peraonnel changes and explained this wae primQrily a Civil
Service Yunction with the exception of the Investigator's position.
Acting Chsirman Sheridan inquired if the Police Department wished
this memo received and noted. The City Manager replied thia would
be satiefactory.
Motion by Idee to concur with the recommendation of Police Chief
McCarthy in the appointments of 0Yf3Agp'HOward Rick and Officer
F3ilbert Voi�t as S�rgeants, Officer Robert Cook ae 4nvestigator and
James Sprun�nan as Officer. Seconded By Wri�ht, Upon a voice vote,
tl�ere being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
The City Manager reported that Mr, LeRoy Ellerbe would bid �35•00 for
equipment at Store #1 and Art Chrietenson would bid $100.00 for a
compressor but etated they would get bida on these itema if the City
Council so wished. Nlsyor Nee suggested the itema be held in abeyance
for a period of time and call the persmns who put in the equipment �
see if they wanted to repurchase,
The City Manager expla3ned theCity Council had approved a few meetings
previous the obtaining of an easement for the relocation of the
Creek ditch on Ironton on the Chouinard property, that at the time
they had thought Mrs. Chouinard would accept $200.00 for replating
the property but ehe had now sa3d she wanted the City of Fridley to
replat the property, fill the old ditch and file thep�dat which would
coet about $467.00 in back taaces. It wa� further explained by the
City Manager he had called Mra. Chouinard end did get involved with
her attorney and she stated she felt $700.00 would be a fair settle-
ment. I�e stated that on the phone because he had wanted to get an
agreement aigned by Mre. Chouinard which would not waive any of
her rights, he had said he would auggest to the Ctty Council they
consider $500,00 caeh but had also etated he was aure the Council
would want an appraieal and it would prevail. The City Manager
asaerted he had had Mr. Schafer, appraiser, appraise the property
and his appraieal said the prop�rty eatimated at about �325.00.
The question was raised by the ity Manager if the City Council
wanted to offer this amount or �ny other amount vr enter into
condemnation� that they were working on an agreement but had
agreed to negotiate with all expedience. The City Manager stated
he did not feel Mrs. Chouinard would accept $325.00 but in con-
demnation the city would have about $500.00 in court costa. City
Attorney Smith asserted they would have $$00.00 in court coats plus
$350.00 if they were succeesful.
Motion by Nee to authorize the adminiatration to mffer $400.00 f6r
the settlement of the ditch easement^bn Lot 1, Block 1� Chou�Lt�ard
Terrace. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote� there being no
nays� the motion carried unanimously.
City Attorney Smith reported to the City Council an article he had
�een in Harper's magazlne regarding the City of St. Louia had_6een of
much interest� that this city had actsomplished much by making eome
major chenges in their bu3lding codee and thus making use of new
materials� easier ways of doing things� etc. He explained this code
had aome opposition from contractore and Yrom some crafts but
St. Louis had reached a stopping point and people interested in
building, when they got their report from their architects and coat
elways running too high� were atopped from building. He further
explained there was an estimate that perhaps eome 25'� could be cut
by making use of new ideae and cutting out some of the hand work
involved, that thie is a city building codedthat has been adopted
and although there are national codes they still have epecial in-
tereats thet were involved with them. C3ty Attorney Smith asaerted
the thought had come to him that �ttn �/3's of the induatrial land
in Fridley undeveloped and 3f thie code were adopted� there would
Ue a major incentive for people building an induatrial plant to
take Fridley ae their location and he had thought it might be wise
to authorize the City Manager to write and purchase a copy �or
examination. There was no action by the City Council.
There being no further business, Acting Chairmsn Sheridan declared
the Special Regular Council Meeting of July 27, 1964 adjourned.
Respectfully submitted�
/L'vvwv"�" � �
Sue Miskowic� Secretary William S. Nee, or