08/03/1964 - 00022623� L�
A reguler meeting of the Council of the City of Fridley was called
to order by Mayor Nee at 8:16 P.M.
Members Present: Nee� Kirkham, Sheridan, Wright
Members Abaent: Johanson
Motion by Kii�kham to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of
July 20� 1964 as prepared end received Seconded by Sheridan. Upon
a voice vote� there being no nays, the mo�hion carried unsnimously.
Motion by Wright to approve the minutes oY the Board of Equalization
Meeting of July 21� 1964 as prepared end received. Seconded by
Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion
carried unanimously.
Motion hy Sheridan to approve the m3nutes of the Special Regular
Meetin� of July 2Q, 1964 ae prepared and received. Seconded by
Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motian carried
Mayor Nee announced a public hearing on a Special Use PermiL for a
double bungalow at 1374 Highway #100 N.E. The City Maneger read the
Notice oi Hearing and stated there was a reco�endation by the Board
of Appeals; that they had moved to grant the requeat with the stipulation
of ofi street parking and the front entry of the building tp be set
in four feet. It wae explained there had been no objectore to the
special use permit, that this item had then been referred to the Planning
Commission on the Sth of July and they had recommended concurrence
with the eame stipulation a� the Board of Appesls and the matter was
now before the City Council with a public hearing set for this evening.
Mayor Nee inquired if there were anyone present who wished to be heard
regarding the named special use permit by the City Council. There
wae no one present who requeeted to he heard in favor of or in
oppoaition to the proposed special use permit. Mayor Nee declared
the public hearing on a Special Use Permit.fo3��s�doub3e bungalow at
137� Highway �100 N.E. closed.
Motion by Wright to concur with the recommendation of the Board of
Appeals and Planning Commiasion and approve the special use permit�
granting the building permit at 1374 Highway #100 N.E,� with
stipulatians of off street parking and front entry of building to
be set in four feet. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a ao13��ca11 yot�yr�hose
irot�!�g sye� Nee� Kirkham� Sheriden� Wright. Thoee voting nay� none.
The motion carried uasnimously.
Mayor Nee announced e public hearing on a Special Use Permit for a
double bungalow at 7300 Van Suren Street Northeast, The CitybTManager
read the Notice of Hearing and explained the Board of Appeals had
conaidered thie permit and recommended 1t be denied� also the variance
request be denied and stated there had been a unan3mous petition of
neighbors in opposition. It wae explained the Planning Co�niseion
had met on July 8th and after reviewing the item had recommended it
be denied also and also denied the variance requ@sted because there
was not enough property. Mayor Nee in�uired if there were anyone pre-
eent who wiehed to be heard on the iaeuance of a apecial uae permit
for a double bungalow at 7300 Van Buren Street Northeast, that a
petition had been received and any coimnents in addition would be heard
by the City Conncil. Mr. G. Olson of 7301 Van Buren Street Northeast
was present and etated he had been one of the petitioners and wiehed
t,o lnform �he City �ouncil he was satiafied with the denial. Mr. A1
W111iams wae present in favor of the Special Use Permit and presented
plans to tha City Council of the propoaed building Councilman
Wright requeated a eite plan and was told Mr. Williams did not have
one with him thie evening. Mayor Nee explained to Mr. Williams that
one of the reasons the cot�iaeions had denied the special uee permit
was the variance and inquired what the requested variance was.
Mr. Williama replied it was a three yard setback, that he also owned
the adjoinin� lot and could take aome additional footage off of that
lot, It was mentioned by Councilman Sheridan Mr. Williame had stated
he would be in favor of a lot aplit. Mr. Olson asserted their main
objection was the Special Use Permit and the idea of a double bungalow
in that area and parking facilitiee that were available and they did
not, want their neSghborhood changed by this type of houeing when
Melody Manor approaches their area from the Weat and there ie no
other rental property on that side from Able Street out to Univereity
Avenue. Mr. Oleon f�rthereasserted they wished to see the trend
continue� as it preeently wae� in private housing. Councilmen Wright
stated, in hie opinion, the argument that a buffer was needed between
industrial property and residential property, in this case, did not
apply. Mr. Olson expla3ned to the City Council they had been
?iguring that resale value on their home would be lese and there were
better homes in the area and they didn't want to degrade the neighba�-
hood by thie type of housing. He further explained tha� at least
every family has two cara and thie would be more care and the traffic
in the neigborhood wae one of the chief objectiona to this double
bungalow. Mayor Nee declared the public hearing on a Special Use
Permit far a double bung,alow at 7300 Van Suren Street Northeast closed.
Motion by Kirkham to concur with the recommendation of the Board of
Appeals and Planning Commission and deny the request for a Speciel
Use Permit at 7300 Van Buren Street N.E. Seconded by Wright. Upon
a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
rrrrv �r �n � mnnrnn rrnv nn �n . . - ---
Mayor Nee announced the minutea of the Suilding Board and Board of
kppeals meetin� 6efore the City Council had reference to the Carl
Bennett property and the City Council had requested the huilding perthit
for the property be postponed with the idea the property would be pir -
chased b,y the city, The City Manager explained that at one time Mr.
Bennett hed asked $19�500 for the purchase of his building� that
there had been an appraisal of about $18,000 but did not know how
this would stand in court. Mr. Bennett replied his appra3sal was
better than the City's appaaisal. The City Manager inquired if the
City Council were prepared to accept the $18,000 oPfer by Mr.
Bennett: A diacuaeion period wae held regarding the ares avallable�
square footage and the need for same. Mayor Nee inquired if the City
could buy Lot 7 ae the present building is on Lot #6 and they might
t� �i-
have no need for it and if they went into condemnation on Lat 7 what
the price of it would be. Mr, Bennett replied he had no idea as
to the price. The City Manager etated he felt they cqd3d acquire
Lot 8 for about �2�000. Mayor Nee asserted the City had no need for
the building on Mr. Bennett's property. Councilman fJ}�ight inquired
if the building vere movable and was told it wae. The City Mana�er
etated the building might Y�ave eome uses for awhile. Mnyor Nee
explai�ned that according to 'hhe testimony heard in court a few days
bePore, a pereon wae able to buy sn acre of industriel land in
Fridley for $3�000 and inquired if Mr. Bennett would be intereated
in buy3ng back hie building and wae told Mr. Bennett was not
intereeted. Mayor Nee stated Lot 6 was a detriment and Lot 7 was
what they wanted to buy and felt the City eould enter into an egree-
ment on Lot 7. Mr. Bennett replied he would wieh to sell both
Lota 6 e,nd 7. Mayor Nee replied if they went into condemnation on
Lot 7 it would coet both the City oY Friflley and Mr. Bennett some
money and there was no question the city could condemn and inquired
why they could not agree on a negotiated deal on Lot 7, Mr. Bennett
replied he did not want to negotiate for jaet one lot and they
could go to court. The City Manager explained the point that
had to be decided by the City Council was if they wanted the piece
of property with the building on it. Mayor Nee replied sll they
were buying wae 40 Yeet for $15�000 and requested a motian Por Lhe
diepositiori of the item.
Mot3on by Wright to authorize the proceeding of acquiring not Lots 6
and 7 but Lo�e 7 and 8 through condemnation, negotiation or any other
meane available. Councilman Sheridan atated it was true the vacant
land was what they wanted but Mr. Benne�t did�m�lce the City an offer
for all of his land and building and had preaented this offer and if
the City Council did not choose to accept that offer it uould be
up to them to find some other means to obtain the vacanttproperty
or Lot 7. He further stated he could eee Mr. Bennett's position
in wanting to expsnd h�ts real eetate to another building snd if,
in the judgement of the administration� they would not be needing auch
a building for office purposee or warehouae etorage� 3t wauld behbove
them to proceed on Councilman'a Wright's motion. Motion died for lack
of a aecond to the origin8l motion.
Motion by Wright that the adminietration be authorized to proceed
with the acquiring of Lo�e 7, 8� 9� 10 and 11 Prom the respective
owners� Mr. Carl Bennett� Mr. Art Christenaon and Mr, Wally Oman
by Negotiation or condemnation. Seconded by Kirkham. iJpon a voice
vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor•Nee announced an ordinance amending Chapter 66 and explained 1t
had reierence to the discussion oY whether or not excavators should
be permitted to take out a permit for outside plumbin� connections,
that there is an ordinance which would permit it and an ordinance
which would e.ccommdd�te it prepared for Council coneideration and an
opinion by the City Attorney. City Attorney Smith explained this
matter had come before the City Council a number of times and the
proposals presented are alternative proposale, but ae a resultaP
the ].aet meeting a week previous and at which representatives of
the plumbing induatry were present but none of the excavators were
preaent� he had checked the statute which epecifies in a municipality
in excesa of 5,000 population� plumbing work shall be done by
a licensed plumber. He further explained a copy of the plumbing
code w&s obtained and he had quoted two aectione for Council's
reviewal and it wae clear from the language of the plumbing code�
that within the language it includea the plumbing within the
premiaes of the atreet to the hovee.and it wae hie opinion that if
the City Council were going to do something to amend this ordinance
that about as iar as they could go was a resolution and a compromise.
Mayor Nee stated �tl�at to be more speciflc the ordinance, as suggested,
would be i]legal. Counci]man Sheridan asseri,ed that from the opinion
of the Cit,y Attorney he would have to agree with the statement that
such an ordinance would not Ue lawi'ul,
Motion by Sheridan that i,he second reading of the ordinance amending
Chapter 66 0£ the City Code dealing with Y7ater and Sewer Administrat3on
and specifying that a licensed excavator may take out certain
permits he i,abled indefinitely. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice
vote� t,here being no nays� the motion carried unan3mously.
Motion by Wright to adopt RCSOLUTION �151-1964 establisliing the
policy i'or pl�bing permits and inspection thereof. Seconded by
Sherid�.n. Upon a vo3ce vote� there being no nays� the motion
carried unanimously.
Counc3lman �dri�ht explained the reason he had requested this item
be brou�ht forward was that the Recreation Minutes contain an item
wh3ch requires council action and has to do with a proposed Beach
Dance which con{,ains a request for two off-duty policemen. Mr.
Dunphy of the Co�ission was present and stated he did nct know
what the Council required d�or the dance. Mayor Nee requested an
expl�nation of the proposed dance. Mr. Dunphy replied there had been
a certain amount of demand for a sand dance a.nd it seemed reasonable
and proper to give it a try bui, in order to maintain order� they
wanted to have two off duty policemen present. He explained the Police
Departmen�L regulations require some action on the part of the City
Council to malce this legitimate activity for the policemen, fIe
i'urther explained they would require a uniformed o£ficer to maintain
order� that 50;� of the profits of the dance would be going into
the ltecreation Co�iasion Pund and the boya and �irls in charge
of the dance propose to pay the policeman for their time out of
the proceeds, Councilman Wright stated this was an effort to
make a, new kind of recreational enc3eavor self-supporting. Mr.
Dunphy gtated Police Chief McCarthy had stated he was not aut$orized
to provide or to allow � police officer to take part and this needed
some clarification that i.his is a recreational activity. The City
D7anager sta,ted he h�.d not talked in great length with the Chief
oS Police but did aseume they don't police functione juat because
they happen to be Recreation functions and if the City Council
s�ya they will provide so many policemen for a recreational
�ession� the,y would but as far as off duty policemen� the Chief
of Po]ice cennot do that unless the City Council authorizes it and
Chief McCarthy would have no objection to this.
Motion by Wright that the City Council suthorize the expenditure of
the Funds neceseary to employ two off duty policemen for the beach
dancc to be held Wedneaday� Augu�t 5� i964 and so inform Chief of
Po13ce McCarthy. The City Manager explained that as fsr as policiing
was concerned� the dance would get routine policing but not special
polici�ig withaut authorization. Seconded by I{irkham. Upon a voice �
vote� there being no nays� the mation carried unanimously.
Mr. A1 Messick was present and requested to be heard regarding the
hours at the beach, that,they have a problem concerning supervision
at the beach aiter 9 P,M, and accdrding to the ordinance anyone
can go there until midnite. He stated the Parks Department would
like to close off the beach entirely after 10 P.M. and it would keep
parkers� beer drinkers and people swimmin� at their own risk off the
beach. Fle further stated they were having more and more problems
with broken glass in the water and had had over 100 first aid calls
from cuts and fe3t�they needed some kind of a rule or some Sdind of
specii'ic typ� of.inspection or supervision Uy the Police Force.
IIe explained that as the ordinance presently reads� they are unable
to solve their problem now and �t least the beach area should be cheined
at 10 P.M. Mayor Neeinquired if it was the parking that was causing the
problem and problem and,w�s Lold this wa� correct. Mayor Nee suggested
the L'ity Council could authorize the chaining ofi' of the parking area
�nd �11o�r sr�immers to swim unt�l midnight.
c� �
Niayor Nee announced the second reading of an ordinance regulatin�
beaches 6y providing for a curfew. Zhe City Manager �ave the second
readin�* of the proposed or�linance.
Motion by Wri�ht that the ordinanc�; amendin� Chapter 77 af the City
Code of Fridley regulatan� municipal bathin�; beaches b,y providin;� for
a curfew by adding a Pararraph No. 16 to Sert,ion 77.0j therof be "I
amended to read between 1Q P.T9. and 5 A.PI, P,a,yor Nee stated it was
his understanding the Park Commission had agreed to chain o£P the
parkin� area o£ t he beach. Councilman Wright replied that what lir.
Messick had agreed to �nd irizat the group wanted was what he had
proposed. �ouncilman Wri;�ht explaine�� tliat in tallcln� wath 7'fr.
Don T'teyer and 1`lr. �oU l�ugktes of tkie Commisslon he had becorue convLnr,ed
that the numher of users that leave debris and broken E�lass ts ex-
ceedin� the number who le��itimately use it, Councilman Kirkham
stated he had talked to P4r. Nieyers and he had agreed that, f'or the
most �rt, the people that are guilty o£ strewin, the beach are using
ii� aCter midnight and i£ they n�ere to close it at midni�lit, it would
control most of that problem, He further stated that if the p�+rking
area o£ the b�ach were to be chained off and not add anymore to the
ordinance� it urould be better arrangement. Councilman Wri�ht
asserted the only other considexation he would have was that he had
a very strong £eeling of these people�and t}ie people in the area
and they do need £urther proter.tion of the bear_h in the evem nE;
and in consideration of the City Nlanager's report, it was
admi.nistratively impossible to have the beach policed. Tn� mot�on
to amend the ordinance died for lack of a second.
Mr. Dick Donlin, Park Director, was �resent and stated thal,� First of'
all� he �shed to question the City Counril on the necessii,y of
another amendment to the present ordinance, that in Yact Itern
�f2 of the ordinance authorizes the Park Sub-Committee to desi�nate
a time for the operation and use o£ parks and it states that the park
shal] be in use throught the authoriaation as set up by the Park
Committee. He explained they had orginally presented to the City
Council the times 10 P.M, to E� �.NI, and £elt they already had the
tool without an=additional amendment to the ordinance. M3yor Nee
replied it was tha decZSion of the �ity Council that the beach
r�main open until midnight� that they'did have certain citizens
thaL- use the facility after 10 P.M. and it did seem they should
have that right. Mr. Donlin replied the Park C�mmittee had met arid i,he,y
request the beach to be closed at 10 P.M. each evening, t,ha1, fux•ther�
thtis doeNn'1; get to be a personal thing ap,aln�i, those who want
to use t$is beach but any ordinance �s set up to serve the greatex�
number of people and many people had called regarding the noise
and nuisance. Mr. Donlin told of the vanda]ism that had taken p]ace
and further stated he would argue the pa�nt the dflmage was a11 done
after 10 o'clock. It was explained the Cit,y oi' Minneapolis doe; not
have beaches open after 10 P,PQ. and this facility could�not be kipt
open at all times for all people and would sl.ron�ly be conr_Erned
about the fact' of whether i,he Ci{.y were liable if sorneone did drown.
Mr. Bailey Til]er� resident� requested to be hPard and stated he did
question the time of the damage done� that when a resident pays taxes
they expect the people should get some benef�ts for them� i.hnt he did
not think people should be sent away at 10 P.M. He further stated
they had moved out from M�nneapolis int,o the ,uburbs because tYiey �lidn't
lalce it, in Minneapolis� that the highway patrol goee down the hit;hwa,y
and sees any problems•at the beach and if the Park Committee did
u�aintain and do a beti:er ,7ob� there wouldn't be any trouble, Council-
man Wright stated he was not opposed to beer drink3ng or necl=inE� .
but he was opposed to destruction and damage and would personally
like to see i�he park open 24 houns a day but the only long range
solution•was perhaps a supplementary police department. A resident
was present and stated he had lived in Bloomington snd was the
Manager of the Municipal Beach and they had found very qvickly
that people have to be protected from themselves and it makeA,no
sense at all to allow�people to swim after 10 P,M,
� ��
Motion b,y Sheridap to table the second reading of the amendment to
�hapter 77 of the C�ity Code of Fridley regulating municipal bething
beaches by providing for a curfew by addYng'a Peragraph No. 16 to
Section 77.03 thereof, Seconded by Kirkham. Upon'a roll call vote,
those voting aye� Sheridan� Kirkhsm� Wr3ght. Those oppoeed, Nee.
The Motion carried.
Mayor Nee announced for Council conaideration a request for a
livesi.ock license by Mr. Leonard Cochran. Mr. Cochran was present.
The City Manager explained he had talked with Mr. Cochran bri�fly
and he apparently feels he hae some prior rights but he would
have to conform in his opinion. Mayor Nee inquired how long Mr.
Cochran had had this stock. Mr. Cochran replied he had had the horse
for about three yeara and in anawer tb the Mayor's question atated
there wae no other livestock, that he has had a barbed wire fence
since 1932 and there are seven other gi�is that rifle their horses
in this area ��1 of the time. Councilman Sheridan inquired if Mr.
Cochran had had livestock in the questioned area since he had
lived there and was told this was true. Mayor Nee stated the City
Council was all inclined to ieaue the 13cense but it uas a question
of protecting the neighbore. A diecuasion period wae held regarding
compliance to ordinances, area required and barn. Councilman
8heridan seser�sed he was certain there were other places in Fridley
that were not compliant, Counci]� n Wright inquired if Mr. Cochran
would be willing to move his fence 30 feet. Mr, Cochran replied he
did qot know. The City Manager explained he wiehed to auggest if tYe
City Council would waive this request for one person, they Hould
have to waive it for everyone, '
Motion by Kirkham to grant the livestack permit requested by Mr. Leonard
Cochran. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there beingi�no
nays� the motion carried unanimouely.
Mayor Nee announced the coneideration of the 1965 Fropoaed Budget
�ubmitted by the City Mena�er and explained it was required that
th�s be the main item of businese for this meeting and that it be
opened for public diecussion. The City Manager explained,it wae,
of courae, a long document of some 33 pages and divided into•ceYiafin
exhibits, estimeted revenues, estimated expenditurea and whatever
figuree finally on these pages included in the appropriation
ordinance which would be �ssed on September 21et. He further
explained there ie a tudget detail outlined which runs eome 27
pages which ia the following aection and each page of thia section
starting with Page 1 coincidea exactly with the Exhibit 2 of the
expendituf'ee. He explained there are "other funda" listed W75ich
are made up of statutory leviea already committed and which the
City had no control over other than increase or decrease. In
further explaining the budget the City Manager eteted the following
exhibit was page 29 and was a breakdown of the eseeeaed valuatione,
tax collection and breakdown of the prOposed mill levy and the
following 4 pages were the capital outlay items� the aeaessed
valuation, tax levy and mill levy which were figured and of which
they Y�ad attempted to be coneervative and thia would be a maximum
figure, It wae atated the City Council does not levy a m311 rate
to the County� the County� when they get the final ssaeesed valuation,
figures what the mill rate will have to be to get the city that
much money and the City goes on that basie. In Fridley once in
the last 8 or 9 years the valuation has been lower when they finally
certified it and it wo�ld appear this 41.55 mills would be the
maximum �nd what the City Council would be talking about. The City
Manager gave an explana#ion of tsacea with estimatione� P.E.R.A.
y ��
clQvy based on payroll, firemen'e relief levy, debt service�� park bonds
and special aesessments. He stated a mill ahould ra3ae� based on the
estimatee about $13,230.00.andithie was why the firemen's relief levy
shows $13,230.00. It was noted the valuation had increased from four
million do],lars to an estimated th�.kteen and one-half million dollars
and it was anticipated a good steady valuation ]Encresae would be afforded
for several yeara due to induatry moving in. The City Manager stated
he had urged the City Council because of the rapid growth of the City
and trying to hold the line all of the time� that they should attempt
to arrive at what appeare to be a reasonable mill rate for the General
Fund and had suggeated in hfs experience that it would appear the city
with ite preeent rspid growth and potential growth ehould level off at
35 mille ae thie Would appear to handle the increaeed needa of the city.
He further�, stated this budget cauld have arrived at 45 1%2 mills but he
had reduceQ it from discussions with the City Council and it now has
been reduced to k1.55. It was explained the posaibility and probability
was that the budget would be 41 1�2 mills if it remained intact.
The City Manager stated th total General Fund expenditures requested
amounted to $699,2ii.00 and the other funds seem to fluctuate and
except to anyone familiar would. M.S,A. Funds were expla3ned and it
was stated the City of Fridley had put in for the total amount of
credits but they had not used them althoagh they were etarting to use
them exteneively and this figure would be more realistic in the future.
Statutory levies were explained and the City Manager stated he had
not figured thie out to the way it will be later on which was the f3gure
he liked to point out to individuals who pay the bill, that the figure
is baeed on a perccapita basis and over 60,� is raised out of ta�ces.
An example wae given if a person took 63�, of the largest expenditure
which was $86�000.00 of the police aervices and comes out of property
taxes and divide thie by 26,000 people. This would be a little more than
$3.50 per capita per year. The City Manager explained this was a brief
run through of what a 6udget wae mede up of and if there were any
questione or if anyone wished some other detail he would explain� tkiat
thia budget would again be on the agenda August 17 and September f3
and any mill levy proposed over 30 mills must be published and a public
hearing held. It was stated that as far as the City Manager knew there
had always been a public hearing� that the loweat rate wae in 1960-61
and the primary reseon for that was no one was aware the Stste would
put on a 10�i increase which automatically dropped the mill down but
that, generally apesking� the total mill rate had been about 3'j to 40
mills snd the etatutory levy this year was 8.E�, He explained that
both the statutory and general fund are suggeated at 1.4 each and the
adminietration did think they were running a better operstion all of the
timea that'they had taken care of the public worke equipment as
last year they had to purchase a grader and having no money the City
Council made a down payment and pudgeted the money for it this year and
it would be good for another ten to fifteen years.
Mayor Nee atated he wished to co�ent this was a difficult problem
when the adminiatration had to forecast their needs for ln months ahead
and flxrther atated he felt it was appropriate to aay the City Council
had met with the administration on eeveral occasione ae it had done in
the past an@ hed very aggresiveZy asked for justificat3on on every major
item, that he did believe as the budget was presented to the public
it wae a tight budget and a prudent one. He explained that to the
best of his recollection there was no major departure or no major _
new activity undertaken by this budget� that they d3d hope to hire an
intern to do some research and m�nor items and most of the increase
in the budget wae simply increase to keep pace in the demands and
servicee they were making and they did not expect there wae going
tp be any dramatic improvement in eervices as they expected to just abaut
break even. Mayor Nee pointed out there was a modeet increaee in
salaries for the personnel and this amounted to 2� and has amounted
to this in the paet, that it is not a requirement but it seemed
prudent to keep the staYP secuxe. Mayor Nee inquired if there were any
member of the City Council who wishe@ to add anything to what had been
said. Counci]man Wright stated that in FYie Cew areas where they were
underl;a];ing ne�r programs they were experimental and designed to discover
new wa,ys bui, very cigniFican{, ones and to i'�nd out data now to enable
the Counr,tl to p3��Ln for i,he Puture. He turther �tated Lhese areas indi-
cated t,l�e degr�e of planning that had gone into the budget and was en-
couraqed U}� it. Councilman Sheridan stated he could justify a31 the
expenditure�s they were proposing and wou1Q say that Mr. 1da�nex did
' devc�lop a very thorou�h �nfl complete bud�;et as l�e had in the past,
M�,yox Nee announced he would 7.i�e to open the meeting for any comments
from t,ha public� that those present would want to go into the budget
i.n considerable detail at the next meet�ng Uut the Council would answer
any questions now. Mr. Wi].bur 4Thitmore inquired regardin� the sizeable
juirrp 9n the personal services for the MunZCipal Court and if this was
combinin�; the fulltime employees w3th the part time, The City ManagPr
exp3ained i.he consulting �ervices in 196�E vere for prosecutor services
�nd were b317.ed back from 1963 and it was now included as part of the
regular employees. Mayor Nee explained the City Council had added a
ful].tame c]erk the previous year which wae not Uudgeted and it was an-
ticipal;ed thai, the legislat;ure would raise the allowances for the Jud�e
and this had been taken into considerat3on and the council had also added
1,he scrvices of a deputy on a part-time basis. Mr. Whitmore etated he
had noticed a sizeable increase between 1964 and 1965 in the Mayor
and Counci] �laries. Ma,yor Nee replied the previous year the Mayor
had earnec3 $1G0.00 a month and this budget contemplates a raise to
tr200.00 the counci]_man had been paid �150.00 per month and this budget
contemplates a raise to �175.00� that them had also been some increase
in what the� had allowed for secretarial services. `Che City Manager
exp].ained i,hat the item listed as "routine expenses" never chan�ed
rnuch and these items are cut by better purchasing methods and the
� Finance ➢irector handles most of the purchasing. Mayor Nee inquired of
the City Mcinsger if there werc an,y new departures that had eacaped his
recalJ_�ction L-hat were pr.rLinen{.. The City Manager replied there were
none� that i,here was to be one new policeman prov3ded for and one new
public works man and the intern which is a part-time person who would
do dei;ail in the budget� the water rate studies and many things that the
council wishes reported upoxi. He further explained the Council'r,
�dea to have an intern was a loise decision as it was a type of thing where
a persnn fii.ted'for it would be someone studying in the field would be
doing t,he worlc andrlit would be most helpful. Mr. Whitmore ra3sed a question
re�ardin� T;lections and Re�istrations and the.de$uction inpersonal ser-
vices for {.he year 1965. The City Manager replied this figure does
fluctuate when there are not as meny elections �nticipated and not as
many jud�;es used and e�rplained that because of the prec3ncts it didn't
drop much, Pdayor Nee expl�ined that mainly L-his budget represents
addin� something in different locations� that the Recreation Budget
i: i'airly stiff and it could� bui, not necessarily� employ a full time
director and'the large6t incrcase was.in,the Recreation BUdget and even
with tliis i.he City Council has the ieelin� this is an investmant that
is a good investment inithe comtmzn3ty, Councilman Sherddan stated
one ii;em t�here was not much of three years previous and that was the
street lip,hting program� and thzs item for the 1965 budget would be the
equivalent of two mills. The Cii.y Manager explained it had increased
about 500�f in the last four yeara and explained the xate char�ed to the
-City by No�'thern States Power as a flat rate of $40.00 a year per light
and stat,ed there was 540 street lights and there were 15 street lights
at the Fnd of ]959. It was further explained by the City Manager Fridley
]ias tbe h� �kiest rate of vandala sm of. any suburb Yn the i,win city area
for sl;reet lights. There was no action talcen or required on the pro-
posed btt�l�;ei„
SAPR'f'Y COARdT'PITI� MEETING, JtiLY 22� 19b4: .
biayor Nee �nno�zn�i for Council cbnsideraLion the minutes ,of the Safei,y
CommiL-tee Meetin� held Suly 22� 1961+.
Matioiz by Wriglit to recei_ve and file the minutes af the Safety Cotmnit{;ee
Meeting hrtd Jul,y 22� 19G4. Seconded by Sherid�n, Upon a voice vote�
iherc l�eing no nays� the motiou carried unanimou�ly.
n� .W
Mayor Nee announced for Council consideration a communic�tion re�;ardzng
the pro-rating of sewer charges irom the Finance birector an�i requesi,ed
it be explained. The Finance Director explained to the C�ty Council
his department had received compla,ints from people who move into i.he
citx some time during the quarter or at odd times and these people don't
feel they should pay the minimum charge for the who]e quarter. IIe furth�r �
explained they were not allowed to pro-rate ch�rge3 and this would allow
his department to pro-rate charge�, The City Mnna�er stat-ed t.here was
an implication in the water and sewer code that implies this can be done
but that it is not infinitive enough witYiout pr,ipr a,Pproval hy the City
Council and it is a nuisance factor and not fair in these lnstances.
The City Ma.nager suggestecl the City Co�incil authorize adminisi.ratioxi
to prepare a re�o�.stion for the consideration of the Councal eind
passage of same 3n which they would sei; forth a policy on water t�i111ng
and this would give these department� something to r�ork with� that zt i,
difficult to justiiy� explain #nd handle these tnatters as tY�ey are and i�;
would pay in the long run,
Motion by Sheridan.that,the City Ma.nager be direcLed to prepare a resolu-
tion for the consideration of the City Council reg�rd3ng u policy
on water and sewer billing ta be presentedatthe ne%�� regular meeting,
Councilman Wri�ht inquired if it would be appropriai,e to add bill�ngs
that a.re__now affected would.be suspended until such time? The I'ynance
Director replied they did not have any azfected �t the pre:;ent 1.�me�
that it ti��s at every quarter when bil.lings were made out and the next b1]lin�;
would be at the end of the weelc as they bill a disis3ct every month.
The City Manager stal,ed these could Ue held out, Seconded liy W�°ight,
Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimousl,y.
Mayor Nee announced the report from i.he Board of Heali,h for Cowic�.l
consideration. Motion by Wright to receive aud file i,he re�orts o£
�he Hbard of Health. 5econded hy Kirkham. [Jpon a voice vote� tYiere
bein� no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Motion hy Sheridan to receive the coimriunication from the MinnesoLa State
FTi�h4ray Departroent and insi,ruct e,dm3nistration to �ureue matter in
approximately one month, Seconded hy Kirkhnm. Upon a voicc� vo{,e� 6herE
being no nays� the motion carxied unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced a co�nunication from�,the Buildin� Inspector re-
garding a request for a building permit, The City Mana�er explained
a building was permitted for a three family dwelling on Lots 4 and 5
and a part of Lot 3� that some of this Taas no� ownecl by or Uelongs
to the party apply3ng for thepermit and it had been aold and now tkiere
wae ano�her party.that wanted to bu31d on the balance of' the property,
Iie explained the Building Inspectioh Department refused the perm3t
on the st3pulstion it was designated as a triplex �nc3 it had been
discuased with the City At�borney. Mrs. Ardis McCarty was present �,nd
sta�ed Mr. Hird of B& M Incorporated did not own Lpt 5 or ever had�
that when he deeded out the tri-plex he deeded just 50 fee1,.
Mayor ISee inquired if Mrs. MeCarty had owned the property fox• sorae t,in�e
�nd was told this was true. A discuseion was held regardin� owners of
the property mentioned� how the original permit for the tri-plex had
been issued� who had owned the lots� how Mr. Bird had obtained a
permit for the tr3-plex on a survey of which he did not c�wn F�11 of the
land� who the present owner of i,he 1,ri-plex was. City AI;Lr>rney Smith
suggested 3t would be appropriate for the Building Inspector ta hold
the building permit first issued. Counci].man Sheridan stated if a man
comes in with a Title oi' Surveya the administration would hanor �uch a
thing and Mr. D3rd had actually applied on 2 1�2 lots. City ATtorney
Smith inquired who the contractor oras on tYie building of the tr�-plex
and wac told B& M Sncorporated, C�ty ATtorne,y Smith iuquire�d if Mrs.
9 3,
MeCarty was employed 6y Mr, B3rd� and if she were a etockholder or officer
in his corporation. Mra. McCarty replied she had-formerly been a bookkeeper
for Mr. Bird� �as not a etockholder and worked at present for Mrs.
Laurie Johneon� contractor. The City Manager inquired if the City
Council would like to have some kind of a legal determinetion. City
Attorney Smith replied they could either�deny the permit� they could
grant the permit� they could prosecute Mr. Bird and not give him a license
to operate in Fridley again but the Building Inepector won't give the
permit because part of thie lot wae alreedy on another permit and he
would do so only if the City Council ardere: it done. City Attorney
Smith inquired if the person who owned the 20 £eet and 40 feet in questbn
were present� and if he ever had a contract with Mr. Bird on the 20
feet. Mrs. McCarty replied the owner wae Mr. MeCliah and he had bought
the 20 feet from Mr. Sorenaon. City Attorney Smith inquired when Mrs.
McCarty had entered into a contract with Mr. McClieh and was told
a few monthe previous, that Mr. Bird never owned the land in queetion
and another party had. Mayor Nee atated h3e only feeling on thie item
wae whrit Mr. Bird'e eide would be, that he might maintain this was still
his property. City Attorney Smith aseerted Mr. Bird either made a mis-
take or allowed the Building Inspector to think he owned the land anfl
inquired who the present owner oi the tri-plex was and wae told by Mrs.
MeCerty Mr. McClieh was, that when he bought the tri-plex he wae informed
he could purchase more land to buildi a house and he was refuaed on the
baeis a permit was already issued. City Attorney Smith aseerted that
now the fee title was back in the one ownership, $ire. MeCarty had a con-
tract nnd the title wae in Mr. McCliah's name. Mayor Nee atated the
unite are licensed and the tri-plex neede to meet the code and if it didn't
they would not get a certificate of occupancy. City Attorney Smith
further stated the tri-plex was built with all the ares.
Motion by Kirkham to�table to the next regular meeting the requeat for
a building permit on the South one-half of Lot 4� and all of Lot 5�
Block 14� Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicaville. Seconded by Sheridan.
Councilman Wright euggeated Mre. M@Carty shoudd reappear if at all
possible with Mr. McClieh� Mr. Bird and title to the land, Mayor Nee
explained i,hey would have to examine whether or not the huilding Mr.
McClish�.owns now is s�Yitable for occupancy. Upon a voice vote, there
being na nays� the motion carried unanimausly. Mayor Plee Yurther atated
there posslbly would not be a building permit granted because the
tri-plex needs the land. Councilman Wri�ht aseerted that� at the moment,
it is a part of the yard of the tri-plex.
Mayor Nee inquired if there were anyone present not liated on the agenda
who wished to be heard and atated Father ffiee�e of St. Williams Church
had requested to be heard� that ae the City Council recalled� some weeks
previous Mr. Howie Nelson and Mr. Julkoweki of the Moon Plaza Shopping
Center on Univereity Avenue had appeared beiore the City Council
requesting permiseion for Mr. Nelson to move hie 3.2 beer establishment
to that area because he wanted to buy euppliea with the permiesion
in view. Mayor Nee explained the City Council had said it was an
administrative matter and the City Manager would give Mr. Nelson
a letter to that effect� that it now developed thia tavern ejecte in the
back up a�ainat the playground of St. William'e Parish School. Mayor
Nee further explained ta Fgther Keefe that none oP the City Council
members had realized this at the time but did not know if th3a would
have changed matters. Mayor Nee requested that Father KeeYe
addresa the City Council.
Father Keefe explained, that in plsnning a school, one of the main
considerations ie the protectio� of the children� that� i�ediately�
they would have a catechetical school and hope to have a fulltime
achool which will run regular school hours everyday. Father Keefe
further explained he felt the presence of a tavern amounted to.some danger
af exposition to children and thought it was undesirable that the two
should be so cloeely located� that aa it is now the back door will go right
onto the playground of the echool,, that even ap�rt 3Yom that it is still
very approximate. It was explained by Fa�her Keefe there is alw�ys
some fear that some of these men who fY�equent these placee will become
3nebriated� not necessarily at that place, but felt it was just unde-
sirable for the school and Yor the coum�unity. Father Keefe stated it was
a matter Qf principal to keep theee operationa aeparate from one ano�bher
principally ior the eake of the children and requeeted the City
Council review what had been done and, if there had been eome com-
mittal, it wean't beyond anything to overlook that to protect the
children for me,ny years. It was explained these are the critical
yeara ior children and this plsce of buaineae wea not located there
yet and perhape� �ith cooperation and discuaeion� it mi�ht be
avoided, Father Keefe stated he would protest very atrongly the
issusnce of a licenae in euch cloae proximity to the youn�sters
and the nature of worahip, that the coimuunity at lsrge would be
in sympathy with that poeition as it is a hazard to the welfare
of youngetere to have the operations of a buslness of thie nature
so close together. It was further atsted by Father Keefe he had
not talked to John Hanson� superintendent of echools� but he was
certain he would object to something like thie next to a football
field or to the public echool, tha.t� further, it would seem a
ahame the purchase of fixtures would be an ineurmountahle item
at th3s particular time. Father Keefe explained he had no personal
objection to the bueiness but it would be a relaxation of a very
important principal at this particular time.
�ouncilman Kirkham inquired how near the achool building the 3.2
tavern would be and wae told the original building would be near
the edge of the shQpping center and it was planned for a poseible
extenaion North which would bring it even cloaer� thet the play-
ground would be directly behind and sdjacent. Councilman Kirkhsm
inquired of Father Keefe if a hi�h rise fence would be satisfactory,
Father Keefe replied it would not be satisiactory as it would str11
be wi�hin hearing and seeing distsnce. Councilmen Wrlght assert-
ed he had the impression this wsa a row of stores with only public
access on the fYont and not the back and if it vere shielded and
if no child had access it would eliminate the problem, also the
children would have,to walk all the way down to 61et Avenue�
Father KeePeereplied it would etill Ue too close as they would
be coming to the echool towards the i7ont of the ahopping center
area and it would atill be a serious conaide�ation. Mayor Nee
explained to Father Keefe that the problem besides the com�nittal
was that there wae really no legal gmounds for denying this
permit unlesa Mr. Neleon ,7ust decides not to do,it� that it ds a
complying uee and a legal problem. City Attorney SmitYi exp•lained
the City doee not have anything in the ordinance that limita
a 3.2 beer place from a school or chnnch� that it is a kind of
thing normally done by ordinance and until thie time the Council
had not had any problem and no one euggested the ordinance reveal
this� and explained the City Council has very broad power and in
spite oi the ordinance not beiflg detaileda it is the sort of thing
the Council would take into conaideration and� it wae true, there
didn't seem to be any opposition when the queation wes raised and
it wae moatly a question of traneierence. It vaa further expla3ned
Mr. Nelson had a licenae an� wanted to know if it could be trans-
ierred to this new location and whether or not he has made any
expenditurea or taken any action and might change his mind was
not known ae he doesn't as ye�sthave hie license hut the Cii.y '
Council did give Mr. Nelson their word he could have a license.
City Attorney Smith aeserted the minimum was that Father Keefe
might puraue discuaeing thie problem with Mr. Nelson and discover
how set he was� that it wouldn't be a happy thing for a man to
go into businese with a group flaunted and it might be a
conaideration pointed out before he makes any move. He further
asaerted if this cauldn't be worked out it might be suggeeted
Mr. Nelson reappeer at the next meeting to reconaider hie
license. F6ther Keefe replied the judgment the City Council
had given Mr. Nelson was given in good fsith but in the light of
this it was quite a serious factor and there are many families
and children to be considered over a ein�le ind3vidual and there
should be some gentlemenly way it could be resolved. The question
was rai�ed by City Attorney Smith 1£ Rather Keefe had thought of talk-
ing to Mr. Nelson� that it might help as the City Council had made
e moral cormnitment. Father Keefe replied he would talk to Mr. Nelson
but the City Council was entitled to new cansideration in the light
of t,hese complainte without bei�g unethical. Councilman Kirkham.
inquired if the fence were constructed so that it went all�the�rw�g,
out to University Avenue� then the children walking on University on
their way to the church property would not-come an� cloaer than 1d0
feet thst if there were a fence around the side and back thie would
screen 3t quite a bit and help. Father Keefe replied he would
not want to yield on that proximity� that he would stand on the
principal of not having a tavern eo near the school as there is a
clash of interests that is intrinsic. Councilman Wright agreed
Father Keefe's po�ition was quite correct. Mayor Nee inquired if
Father Keefe would taIlk to Mr. Nelson�•that all of the membera of
the City Council would be happy to accomodate this iP Mr. Nelson
would releaEe the City Council fY�om their word if Father Keefe
could pursuade him it would be to everyone's best intereet. Mayor
Nee informed Father Keefe the City Council would be in contact
with h3m and poseibly have the item on the agenda for the next regular
meeting and they would attempt to have the matter reaolved.
Motion by Sheridan to approve the payment of General Claime #3019
through #3062. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being
no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Wr3ght to approve the payment of Liquor Claims #6559
throu�h �E5fi5. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a vmice vote� there
being no naye, the motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Kirkham to approve the payment of Public Utilities Claims
��3�+50 throu�h �3492. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote� there
being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Wright to approve the payment of the following estimates:
D. W. Harstad Co.� Inc.
7107 Iiighway 65 N.E.
Fridley 32, Minn.
Final Estimate
Remodeling of racade of City Hall
Hennepin I31ack Topping Co.� Inc.
P.O. Box 2675
New Brighton 12� Minn.
Fstimate No. 1 (Partial)
Street Improvement Project No. 1964-1
(2 1�2 St.� 66th Ave.� 75th Ave.� Ironton�
77th Way� 52nd Ave.� Woody Lane)
Comstock & Davis� Inc.
1446 County Road J
Minneapolis 32� Minn.
Frofessional En ineering Services
Esti�te No. 1 ,Partial
SS & W No. 67 and SS No. 68
(Fireside Drive� Lakeside Road, Riverview
Terrace, 71st Way, Washington St., Eaet
River Road� Hillcrest Drive� Central Ave.�
Highway No. 65, Woody Lane)
$ 9,540.32
$ 6,274.94
�� ,
Su�ervisian and Ine ection
Estimate No. 3 Partial
Water Improvement Pro,7ect No. 34-M
(Marian Hills Booeter P]ant)
Eetimete No. 1 (Partial)
Sanitary Sewer & Water Imp. Project No. 67
Estimate No. 1 (Partial)
Storm Sewer Imp. Froject No. 68
Estime.te No. 3 �Partial)
Storm Sewer Imp, Project No. 5-A
(North University Storm Sewer)
Eatima.te No. 5 (Parital)
Sewer and Water Imp. Project No. 61
Total: C & D� Inc.
Total: All Eetimates
$ 125.00
$ 168.00
$ 252.00
$ 1,137•50
$ 2•50
$ 7,959•9�
Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the
motion carried unanimously.
M�a,yor Nee announced licenses to be coneidered for City Cauncil action.
Motion by Wright to approve the iasuance of the following lieenaes:
Hd�llcrest Electric Company
2050 White Bear Avenue
St. Paul� Minnesota 55109
J. E. Frediickeon
13322 North Street
Hopkine� Minnesota
Gunnar I. Johneon & Son� Inc.
9320 Jamea Avenue South
Minneapolis� Minnesota
by: C.D, Novak NEW
by: J. E. Fredrickson NEW
by : Iver L. Johpson
Bert Hanson Concrete Constr. Co.
4627 Johneon Street N. �.
Minneapolie� Minnesota by: Bert T. Hanaon
A. E. Conrad Company
308 W. 59 1/2 Street
Minneapolis� Minnesota
� (19)
Ben RuPfenach Plastering Co.
3611 York Avenue North
Minneapolie� Minneaota
Tooley Plaetering Company
7835 Gloria Circle
Minneapolis 32� �innesota
by: A. E. Conrad
by: Ben Rufienach
by: Earl Toaley
I�7_Ci�,1�S���S: (ConL,i_nued)
;tu (2ol,l�reb�r PlumbinE= � ��tg. Co.
27G5 �akuiood
�Vct�* �r� 2hton� 1'�inneSO�a
C 1 G�l RET'I'F.
r3ooi,h',s `l'exaco
h0�1 Untiversi_{,y �ven,IJ. 1's.
1''ri�lle�r, 1'�innAsota 55�a21
J�rn's Uair,y Sbore
�,7_',;7 lh�urorsit,y AvenuA N, "
i°ri dl v�t� ;', �lu��sot;a 5�1121
oN�� ;>�r,�,
-- —,
J� m� s »air,y "i,ore
G2 �3 lJni_versi l,}> �{vemie Pi. P].
Fridle;r, l�inn�sota 551121 �
81;R�7Zi;l, 5'1'A'1'T_ )N
Rootl�'s '1'exaco
���)71 Un9_vcrs�_t,y �'ve. N. "
•'r2dle�/� f"�'�nn sota 551i21
sast 1;� ��er ��oad Garage
fi�j'Ol �asi, l�iv�r Hoad
� r� dl esr� 1'�� nn�sot,a
'+�'antland's Standard '
�371 C1nit�crsity Ave. N. L
P'rid]e7� klinnesota 551a21
by: Si,u Rothf�eber EZ�iQCWAL
by: druce ll.�'�ooth RisNLWAL
7L�00 L�ric Lane
r r� �iley,N�inn.55113%
by: Jarnes A.RocheSord RGNL'VdAL
6220 ltainbow 1�rive
Pr��11ey, S4innesota
by: Jim ltocheford RL'NL;WAL
622C� I�ainUow ]?rive
Pridley� �°�inriosota
by: f3ruce �. �ooth RliNGWNL
71a00 Lyric Lane '
Nriclley� 1linneso'I,a
by: Jn� ;nh ��T. DOlin RLN�IAL
95 I�isszsslppi' Way 1`1, i',
C'ridLey� Nlinnesota
l�f: J�nes G, Wantland NLW
�013 Dupont ��ve. N.
Pi,nneapolis� hlinn.
Ser.^n�1��i hy �heridan. Upon a voice �rote, 1,here bein� no nays, tt,e
mot.ion carried �manimously. •
2L`���L1iTTOP3 j%1'>2-19b1� CERTTi^'YI1dC� „SSESSI�IrT]TS - LU'TS 30 &?l, SPRING
D' Z� � 5R P]P�ZK :
1'�a or 1'�ee announced Por �ounci.l cons�deratlon a resolut�on-cert9fying
a„s�•ssments on Lots 30 and 31 in Sprin�, �roolc Yarlc. '1'he rinance
D�rector exPlained the prnpert,y was formerly church property and
there w�re assessments co]lected directly and now it has been pur-
cl�aseci b�, an individual as it needs i,o be certified to the County.
Mot�on b,y h"ri�ht to adopt �LCSOlution /fli2-1961� certifying to the-
County for collection the Sp^cial Assessments on Lots 30 and 31,
Ltlock 7, Sprins, nrook Park Addition. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon
a voir,e vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unariimously.
t��tiC')L�17' I ON /�153-1961� SCT'I' fNG PUBLIC •HI;AR1t1G ON f�LL LEVY:
Iiayor PJee announced £or �ouncil considerat�on a resolution settin�
a pub]ic hc�arin� on tlie mill levy.
i�ot; ,n b;j tilriFht tc adopt Resolution !}153-1y61� declarinP the -
n�cesGity ror an add_itional ta,t lev,y in addition i.o the 30 P%�ill
l�rtitai,ion nrovi_d�d b,y ths Cit�� �harter specil�yinp the purposes
and calling for a public hearing, Seconded by Sheridanr� Upon a voice
vote� there being no nays� the motion carriecl unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced for Council consideration the queetion of'
providing water services on 7500 East Itiver Road and stal,ed the
matter was self-explanatory. The City Manager indicated Mr. Wasnick�
the party affected� was present and he had not had an opportunity
to talk to the Finance Director in this re�ard but there was a
poesibility that this problem could be handled wii.h those who are
to get service jetted in and the necessary fire hydrant lines
jetted in laying lateral cost to be assessed to the pro�erties
it might sufiice. Mayor Nee stated this would combine the cost of
i.he fire hydranta to the pr�ject. The City Manager explained i6
would be cheaper then to run a lateral and then rim ct st,ub
across the highway� that tYiey had a petition from s3x property
owners or 4�1`� oi' the lots. Councilman Shexidan asserted that �t
the time oi the petition the people signin� the petition didn't
know what the estimaied cost might be and inquired i.f Mr. Wasnicic
had been advised on the estimated cost. Mr. Wasnick replied
he had not but had been given an approximate price of �3.25 for
,7etting per foot. The City Manager stated they had an eatim�Le
of $1�045,00 per lot or $1�480.00 for a lateral per lot. '['he
Finance Director 3nqu3red if Nlr. Wasnick h�d had any estimate for
the work snd was told by Mr. Wasn3ck he had and the estimate was
�3•25 a foot and he had figured there was about 80 feet under East
River Road, Mayor Nee inquired what the people across the street
had paid for their water aervices, The Pinanee Director replied
tht�t was no lateral line across the street. Mayor Nee inquired
if the other residents were having troul�le with tYieir water
service. Mr, Wasnick replied the we11s yrere a�l satisfactory.
Mayor Nee stated he felt this ser+vice would be very expensive
for the residents, The City Manager inquired how much mon�y
Mr, WaEnick could put up in escrow money, Mr, Wasni,ck re�lied it
would be a problem but he didn't knqw how much to escrow.
Councilman 5heridan inquired why the City Coimcil would ever want
to put zn a lateral with the figuresf$hey had been given ttzis
evening� that everyone in that section could jet"across the East
River Road and save money, City Engineer �,uresh3 explained the
problem was what was reco�nended� t,he residents can jet across and
provide main crossing for the hydrants but this way they wou]d
have fire protection plus services at about �1�000 a lot. Con-
sulting Engineer Comstock stated the report covered what C3ty Pngineer
Qureshi had said and if the City Council de:;ires not to provide fire
protection� than it appears the only alternative would be for the lines to
b� jetted by the City with assessments or the private o�mers to jet. City
A torney Smith inquired what t,he chance wou]d be of getting fire protection
through a route underneath the railrond tracics as the, way mentioned didn't
seem economically feasible. It was statecl Uy the City b9anaUer i,hat it
did seem i;hat if they allowed Mr. Wasnick to� he could put in
�5500.00 in escrow and it would cover the city's obligation ari �,he
Mayor Nee inquired if Mr. Wasnick wou7.d be willin� to deposit �500.00
in escrow and have tYie City rertiiy this would provide service when
it was called for. Mr. Wasnick replied it seemed to h3m that Zt
was supposed to be less than $500.00� �hat he had called the City
Hall and been told a much lower price for hooking up to the sewer.
The Pinance D3rector replied that� normally� on the main line t�ed
ot�to� the City levies a charge o£ �1+.50 a foot or something in that
area but the person pays their own plum6er for hooking on and if it
costs $�+.25 for this lateral charge for the pr3vilege of tying
onto a main� this service line won't be quite that way because
i� would be sbout $�+,50. Mr, Wasnick inquired why he w�s getting
so many figures� that every time he called Lhe hall he was give�i
9 ��
a different figure and every time he talked to eomeone, it was more.
The City Manager replied that ae they had been pointing out, the
narmal section wovld be around $550.00; therefore� it would appear
that rather than jet one service through at thie time Mr. Wasnick
could probably eatiafy the F.H.A. and the City would certify to
them�500.00 would cover this and they could either jet or do thia
by a lateral in the future. It was explained these figures come
from the Finance Director and if the City Council wiahes to
approve that� the City Manager was certain the F.H.A. would
accept it and the owner of the house would have a well to operate
and the Cii,y would have $500.00 to cover the coet of it. Mayor
Nee stated thia action would be beat on the assumption that a lateral
would go in at the current coste. City Attorney Smith esserted it
would depend on what the F.H.A. required.
Motion by Sheridan to set the eetimated cast of water lateral aervice
to the property located at 7513 East River Road (Lot �1 Hevised
Aud3tor'e Subdivi�ion) at the amount of �500.00. Seconded by Wri�ht.
Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously,
CiLy Attorney Smith explained to the City Council there was s law
suit against the City hy a John Caeserly; that Mr. Caseerly claims
he gave the City notice of damage in 1962 but there wae no record
of such a notice and the City doea have a different liability
insurance carrier. He further explained the insurence company that
the City had insurance with has put in an Answer under a Waiver
of Rights Agreement and they may-defend but not pay any jud�ent
and have asked if the City of Fridley wouldn't consent to governmental
immunity. City Attorney Smith stated the City had never useithe
defense but the general feeling had been that thie waen't somethirg
they should be at fault on and felt that because they were bein�
de�ended under a Rights Agreement they could make uae of i�unity
and suggest that position. City Attorney Smith suggested the
City Council could suthorize him to notify the attorniea handling
the csse to etand on govexnmental immunity, that in Minneaota it
had been the practice not to defend on governmental immunity and
once the City hae insurance it is a protection. He ilzrther stated
the public ahould have that protection and to make uae of
governmental iimnun3ty is socializing law practice�, The City
Manager raiaed the question iY the City spent money on liability
inaurance when they have governmental immunity as an excuse would
they ,7eapadize that paymentY Cit,y Attorney Smith replied it did
not, Councilman Sheridan inquired where thie property wae locat�d.
City Attorney Smith replied Mr. Casserly lived on the border of
Fridley, Eaet of University e.nd along 53rd Avenue, It was inquired
by Councilman Sheridan if Mr. Caeaerly was or was not a reaident
of Fridley and was told he wae not� but that Mr, Caaserly clsims
he served notice on the City in 1962 and if he served a written
notice, they would end up without inaurance coverage and no defense,
that he had talked to former City Attorney Kohlan and he hsd not
made up a file and hia recollection wes there was no written notice
and there hsd.been none fonnd at the City Hall. The City Manager
etated the queation at thia point was whether or not the City
Council wanted to claim governmental immunity. .
Motion by Sheridan to approve the claim of defense of governmental
immunity in the case of John Caeaerly -vs- the City of Fridley.
Seconded hy Wright. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays�
the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced for Council conaideration a-resolution advertisCng
the purchase of thTee police pAtrol cars.
Motiov by Kirkham to adopt Resolution �i54-i964 to advertise for bids
for three police cars. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote� there
being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. The C3ty Manager
announced the bids would be on the agenda for August 24th.
1 r►ll
Mayor Nee announced a resolution for pouncil consideration
authorizing the splitting oP cer,ta,in aseessments.
Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution #155-1964 authorizing and
directing the aplitting of Sp�cial Assessments on W. 90'
oi N 1�2 of Lot,35 (Parcel 1570) and N 1�2 oP Lot 35 (Ex. W. 90')
(Parcel 1565)� Auditor's Subdivieion No. 92. Seconded by Sheridan.
Upon a voice vote� there being no nays the motion carried
Mayor Nee announced a resolution for Council coneidere,tion ordering
a preliminary report on additiona.l sewer and water. The City
Manager explained to the City Council this included the area of
Norton Avenue and the area near County Road H and the administration
wae not certain what kind oi pro�ect it would be, Councilman
Wright stated he had received a phone call fY�om one of the
residents in the area and they had recon�idered their position and
would like to� without withdrawin� their position� make it clear
to the City Council they were really petitioning for sewer and
would make thetr own arrangements for water� that their position
is now they will figure out a way of getting their own water and
are �illing to wait and see what happens with the North Suburban
Sanitary Sewer District lateral. He further atated the residents
wanted the Council informed it wae tb their beat interest, in the
long run� until the City would have a new plan with the IV.S.S.S.D.
The City Manager explained there wae a water report this evening
and the City Council could go through a publicthearing and would
auggeet they could carry thia throu�h the public hearing. Council-
man ICirkham inquired if the reeidents }�ad indicated they wanted
the whole psekage. Counc3lman 34right replied thet one of the men
was preeent before the hearing snd hie well was dry and he had
said if they couldn't get the whole pe.ckage they wanted none. The
City Manager inquir@� of Conealting Engineer Cometock how close
he was in having an answer on the sewer. Mr. Comstock replied
he would have.it within the week, Councilman Wright inquired if
the engineers would have a contingency report. Mr. Cometock
replied there were four avenaee that could be followed; one was
a gravity eystem� the poasibility of a temporary connection with
a permanent lift atation and a temporary connection to the 73rd
Avenue Syatem. Another possibility wae e permanent l�ft station
and permanent connection into the N.S.S.S.D, line� that it was an
analysis of the coat and some of the design ageas have changed
and the zonin� in the area hae ch�n�ed; that theae figures have
to be reviewed and re-examined. Tile City Manager explained to the
City Council they couldn't receive the sewer report untiZ ihe
17th of Auguat but they could pass the resolutlone and receive
the water report and would auggest they carry it through the
public hearing and it might be.a good lste fall job. City
En�ineer Qureehi atated the sewer work would be quite extensive.
Mr. Cometock seaerted the City Council would want to review the
conclusione previona to the next meeting.
Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution #156-1964 ordering preliminary
p]ans� specifications, and estimates of the costs thereof; Water
snd Sewer Project Norton Avenue from cul de sac East to Central
Avenue. Seconded by Ifirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no
nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced a reeolution for Council coneideration ordering a
preliminary report on additional aewer and water.
Motion by Kirkham to adopt Reaolution #157-1964 ordering pre3lminary
plans, specificat�ons� and estimatea of the coets thereoY: Water and
Sewer Project on ounty Road H. (69th Avenue N. E.) from Central
Avenue to Eaot City Limite. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote�
there being no naye� the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced the consideration of an ordinance emending Chapter
45 relating to trailer courta. The City Manager explained to the Ci.ty
Council this ordinance and the following two ordinances to be euggested
were inter-related and they were suggested by the City Attorney 6ut they
would possibly like �6� diacues them together.
City Attorney Smith stated the ordinance relatin� to trailer courte �ad
providing for a new Dietrict R-�+ and whQt he had done wa� to say in #1
Uses permitted in an R-3 District; #2� he had taken th+a whole thing
out of the induetrial area and put in the trailer court an8 provided
the same proc�dure for a Speciel Use Permit and put legal descriptiona
for trailer parks. City Attorney Smith explained theoonly land in an
R-� diatrict would be what is now described. He £urther eaplained
that on the ].ast page of the ordinance and after the last description
they should have a#3, that subdivieion 13 of Section �5.14 be repealed,
City Attorney Smith explained the following ordinance hae to do with
the trailer eales case in the Supreme Court at the present time and this
is a proposal ta amend 8ection 45.12 by adding an item marked "$"
under Paragraph 20 and includes trailers, csmpers� mobile homes� boats,
machinery and eporting equipment having its merchandise in the op�n and
not under the oov0r of a sales room� that by having thia in the code�
the City would be more specific in claimin� the section where a uae
permit is required and where they wo'uld want open sales,
City Attorney Smith explained the third ordinance, ss preeented� doea
eetablieh some criteria on what is required for a trailes ceach site,
namely 3500 square feet and they would now be putting requirementa
about three times of what the State ie requiring and it would limit
perhaps the impetua of trying to get trailer parke established in
some other areas and making the site more spacious. It was further
explaindd this would not affect existing parks but might affect
expaneion. City Attorney Smith stated he had talked to Jim Hawke about
this item, the peraon who had teatified in court� and he had thought
this was i.he beat way to protect Fridley because the land then would
be more valusble £or other purposes and it was quite reasonaLle and
within the powercof theCity Crnaneil to do this. He asserted the ordinance
providee what ie neceeeary in order to get a permit Yor a trailer park.
Councilman Sheridan inquired how the 3500 square foot minimum would com-
pare to a multiple dwelling or an apartment for a unit of building. City
Attorney Smith replied he did not know� that he did suppoae they could
have an impossible equare iootage but somebody that ia going into
thie busineas would prefer to go into a community without this require-
ment. TheCity Manager geve the Yirat reading of eaid ordinance.
Motion by Wright to accept as firat reading an ordinance amending Chapter
45 of the City Code of Fridley by providing for a District known ae R-4
District and repealing Section 45.14 Subdivision 13 of the City Code
relatin� to Trailer Courts. Seconded by Kirkhhm.
Motion by Wright to amend an ordinance amending Chapter 45 of the City
Code of Fridley by provid3ng for a Dietrict known as R-�F Aistrict an�
repealing Section �5.14 gubdivision 13 of the City Code relating to
Trailer Courta by adding the following,"that Subdiveion 13 of 9ection
45.14 be repealed." Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there
being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Upon a roll call vote for the acceptance of the Yirst reading of an
ordinance amending Chapter 45 of the City Code of Fridley thoae voting
aye, Nee, Wright, Sheridan� Kirkham. Those voting nay� none. The
motion carried unenimously.
Mayor Nee announced for Council coneideration the firet reading of an
ordinance �mending Section 45.12. The C�ty Manager gave the first
reading of said ordinance. Motion by Kirkham to accept ae first
reading an ordinance amending Section 45.12 of the City Code of
Fridley by providing for an open eales lot for trailers� campers�
mobile homes� boats� mechinery, sporting equipment and the like.
Seconded hy Sheridan. Upon a roll ca11 vote, those voting aye,
Nee� Sheridan, Kirkham� Wri�ht. Those voting nay� none. The
mot3on carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced for Council conaideration the first reading of
and ordinance amending Chapter 42 relating to trailer parke. The
City Manager gave the first reading of said ordinance. Motion by
Wright to accept as first reading an ordinsnce amending Chapter
42 0� the City Code relating to trailer parks by adding thereto
a section establishing certain standarde to aupplement the require-
mente of the State Statutea. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice
vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee announced to the City Council he had circulated to them
an ordinance which had been drawn by Mr. Andrew ICohlana former
City Attorney and given by him. Meyor Nee explained there seemed
to be some questione in the minda oP eome people on whether thie
ordinance is �in effect and to meke it clear the ordinance is in
effect he felt it wouldbe wise to have eome licensing provisions�
that he did not particularly care on the prices but Mr, Kohlan
had felt thie would malce the ordinance compatible with the decision
of Judge Keyes; that this would slso maintain the licensing pro-
visions oY that ordinance. It was further explained by Mayor Nee
city attorney Smith feele the licensing is perhape too ambitious
for Fridley. Councilman Wright inquired if reeervatione of City
Attorney Smith centered on inspection.City Attorney Smith atated
he had reread the ordinance and did think they could llve with it,
that it wasn't juet ae he would do�tit but did feel the 8ee ahould
be minimal ae it can't be a tax but did not know juat what it
should be. He further stated that� being more coneervative, he would
have kept thia item as a registrative item and iP the amount was
not a tax in dieguise 3t could be supported and the provieion in Section
2 does eafegusrd the rights of the property owner ae there has to
be notice or complainta or some �uet cause and probably needs a
wsrrant to get into a building. Mayor Nee replied this was the first
draPt of the ordinance and would like to have it gone through but
wished to move on it at the same time. City Attorney Smith stated
he could have aome suggestione at the following reading. Councilman
Wright suggested if this were the Pirst reading they could insert the
fi�ure oi $1.00 as a meane of pseaing the ordinance on the first
reading. Mayor Nee asserted this was not s realistic figure and
the ordinence should have a base coet and a per unit cost. The City
Manager explained the�only situation in that case would be when they
went from a 7 unit apartment building to an 11 unit apartment and then
a 14 unit apertment� that it should cost mare but when you get to a
cert,ain number of units it should be graduated down. City AtLorney
Smith suggested the fee oi $12.Q0 a year plus $1.00 or $2.Q0 per
apartment where th�y are in excess of 7 units� that this, fos the
small apartment owner keeps the cost at $12.00 and those tt�at l�zve
large buildinga need.more work, Councilman Sheridan inqu�red il 16
should '6e set up that a 7 unit would cost a flat rate� 7 to lf3
units would have another £i�qre and so on� The City Mana�er r•eplied
his thought had been $5.00 from nothing to 11 units� $6.00 i'rom 12 i.o
20 units and was suggesting it not be a large differential. Cotmcil-
man %irkham suggested leaving the feea in the ordinance blank. Clty
Attorney Smith suggested that because of the trouble with 6hF uromers
previously� the City Council not have this £ee too high� thai. ii. is a
pay-out and it could be increased.
Motion by Wpi�ht to accept as first reading an ordinance rele�ting to
mult3ple dwellingst and amending the Municipal Code of the CiLy of
Fridley� Sectione 49.045 apd �+9.052 thereof leaving blank the do]lar
spaces until'the second reading. Seconded by Kixkham. Upon a voice
vote� there being.no nays� the motion ca.rried unanimously.
The City`Manager stated there had been three petitions presented� Petttion
�32-19�+, Petition #33-1964 and Petition �'t34-1961E on street sureacing
for Liberty Street� Longiellow S�reet and on Ely Street and �aou13 sugge�t
they be received for processing.
Motion by Wr3ght to receive Petitions ��32-19G1F, �33-1964, atid ��3�E-196�+
and refer to administration for processing, Seconded by Sheridan.
Upon a voice vote� there bein� no nays� the motinn carried uiianiniously.
The City Manager reported there had been a letter received w3iioh the
administsation hsd been asking for many months from Dalperg 13uild�rs
and the coiltractor for the City was not happy with the reques{, but
the CIty does have authority under the contract with him to delete
the item. "He explained Mr. Dalberg did petition for the work Uut now
wants to do it and 3f this is to be deleted it will have to be dune
by Council approval. City Engineer Qureshi asserted they cuuld make
it cont3ngen� upon the cost of Mr, Dalberg paying for the engineering.
The City Manager auggested the City Council could authorise Lhe
Change Drder and.they would work it out with Mr. Dalberg and get the
necessasy money ior escrow. Mayor Nee stated ii they had an oUligation
to the �contractor�he knew they had an obligation on the en�;ineering.
Counmilman Wright aeserted it would be satisfactory if Mr. ➢alber�;
were willing to pay the engineering coat�. City Attorney Smi,tY�
e�cplained that� le�ally� they cou�d exercise it and did have tlie
right�to withdraw thia port3on of worlc from �,he contraGt. Counc�lman
Sheridan explained to the Council a few years previous they Yiad some
real prbblems where the individual put in his own water and sewer and
it was :;3�ate for Mr. Dslberg tp ma.ke such a request no�. The C �i,,y
Manager replied�the only question was if it r�ould pose an assess�:ng
problem ii Mr. Dalberg were not allowed to put in the eysl,eni as lie
says he can have it done cheaper. City Engineer Qureshi explained Mr,
Dalberg did specify in the beginning he mi�ht want to wit}idraw and ]ie
had been told to write a letter but he had not and he did not come to
the public hearing but did �et some prices lrom a contract,or and dicl
get iigures from the office of the consultin� engineer boi, furilier
e�c,plaine'd he felt it was a bad practice., Consulting �ngineer Comstoclz
explaiYted to the City Council Mr. Hurley� the awarded contractor�
had writtren a letter indicating he was unhappy about Mr. Da]l,erf;'s
requeat and Was suggesting aome different prlces he applied� and his argtii_
ment was the.t the work on �67 Project consisted of worlc in differenL areas
in the citq and th3s particular work was easy work and the other
wo�k wae diff3cult and he had to arrive at a unit price� tYi�1: tlie aci.ions
of the devBloper does support this positzon Yie is taking. b1r. Corn��.ocic
further explained the contract documents ar� clear� i:hat the Cit,y can �idd
and d�duct without any additional expense �nd Mr. Dalberg is coriert
based on tfie unit price he can get the work done cheaper ii' he �loes
McKinley Street by itself but it was necessary for the conir��acr,or
to do the figurin� in the ma.nner he had done in his Uid. C�ty
Attorney Smith inquired of NI�. Comstoclt iC lic could i,estlFy m<�uin•L
tit was feasible to join I.hese streets tugether in lel.tin�; tlie l id.
Mr. Comstock replied he could.
J v�
1 ly �
A1ol,i,�n h� Sheaidan to receive the lei.ter �'rom Dalberg Bu3lders and
de�i,y ],5i s requesi; L-h�t he b� perml.tted to in:�tall a water and �sewer
^ervicc uudcr liis own ronLract an MclCinley Street. Seconded by
I<irl;h�,m. itpon n voice vote� there beitla no nays� i;he motion carried
u� ia n i n�ou c J Y• �
CiLy rn,qincer Rureshi explained the Cit,y Council wa3 awa.re of Moon
P7 a; c� ^,li�pping Center� thai, L-lie owner has his internal storm aew�r laid
ntaL htil i-,li9s all referred to Project !73 and the contract under
Pro�jc�ct �,A prouides that it can Ue added ou or deleted and i£ the
C� ty Coiinc i]. would wie;Ya Y,l�ey could put the portion regard3ng the shop-
P�n," ceni,r-�r with Project 5A because the owner wants the service
riF:ht, nw�S� �nd the proUlem with Project 5B was they hadn't Ueen �
�Ul� Ir+ reGOlve the putt.in�; of l�ter�ls under existing A3ghway ��47
w �{,h 1,hr Tlinne;;ot� StaLe II� ghway Department� The.City Manager,
as;erLc��l ilns waE to hook up i;o the new line on Highway #�F7 and they
��erc ael;in� the CiLy Council to authorize doing that. C3ty Engineer
��nreshi cxptained S2raneon Pxcavating ha� almost completed the3r
Fiorlc �nd if l,hey �aere noi, �uthorized to do this work they would be
leavanu f,be job but was not c�rtain on bhe assessment problemy' -
thoup,h� �l the City Coiancil so wished� the work was.possible, City
AtLorne,y Smil;h ittquired if it were true Project 5B had not been��let
as ,yei, and �vas to.ld this wa� true and i1, would take at least 1 1�2
�r 2 montbs. Mayor Alee inquired how ]ar�e an area they wexe removing
frrnn E'�o,'ieci, �77 and ro»s told i{, was jusi; a small line. City ATtorney
er.p.lained the Ci�y Counci_1 would be addin� in a contract and thie was
,�us�, con;truction and 1��d nothing to do with the hearinga. The City'
M�na�;��� �:i:�ii;ed this action rfould be approvin� a Change Order not
writtc�n �s yet. Consu7t3ng En�ineer Comstock explained that on a
mimbrr oC l.l�c�e si,reeta they ant3cipated getting M.S.A. Punds for
�torm setirer Uut �ince this wou.ld hot be under a cooperative agree-
ment� ii, would have to go through a disl,rict and state level�,and this�
ag.3in, would have a tendency to delay the 5B Froject and further
explained that regardin�; the shopping center their.pr3vate lines for
tlicSr parking lots were already in and con�tructed. Councilman
S}iez•idr�n inquired by putting 5B Project into 5A Project if they
woulci be able to util�,ze this for their back flushing. Consul'ting
rn�in�er Comstock rep_lied this was approximately the alignmen�
�nd z��oii7d run East to the Uack lot line of the shopping center�
thnt �1; t.hr time those streets and alleys were vacated these were
obtained. Ae eacplained if the Council recalled that area on 64'th
waG extremeL,y low and would remain low t�fter the"development of 'these
ttao propert�es� the shopping center and the church� and this�would
ho com�eci.ed to the jA Pro,�ect which would terminate at the East
properl:,y line oF IIi�hway #��E7 and would be between St. Williama Church
and D400i� Pl��za,. It was furthcr explained the reason it was' rt�ceseary
to do Lhis before the preparation of the plan and donament was that
tli� coni,raci;or wants to ]:now so that he can prepare his areas and they
wcre convinced the unii; prices under.SA Project were extremely reason-
aLlc �and d�ud not feel the,y would do that otell on 5B Project.
Motion h,y �hFridan to auj,horize the execution of a Change Order which
transi'ers trom 5B Project into 5A Pro,ject the storm sewer to Moon
Plaza �Slio��pang Center and St. ,Williams Church and the Shell Station�
if necess�r��, Seconded Uy Wright. Upon a voice vote� �here being no
nays� the moi;ron carried unanimously.
Cii,,y Pngizxeer 9,ure�hi explained to the City Council that when they had
let tlic� 5A Yxroject they had been under the impression the S�gte wduld
a11ow t}icm i,o q�en fTighway �iF7 but thcy did not and they had gone there
and trsed to resolve the prohlems 3n services but� to date� had not
been able to get anyth�ng. I�e further explained they had wsnted to
be alloved to open r,at and by-pass a� it will Ue an added expense on
t,bP city's part to �et i,his project finished and it was holding up the
worlc to drride what should be jA and 5B Project. Conaulting Engineer
Comsl,ocl: stated they had checked with the state and they have,no-
pr{�x�,s�on where they can provide funds or materials fOr by.passea�and
itr$'r'ue tha{- it was �ticipated they would b� letting Unlvers3ty
Avenue i_n Au�;usi. oi' this year and by fall there would be a travelled
lane opcn so thai; University Avenue could be dug up but it was now
echedulFd for sprin� leti,ing and the 5� contractor is willing to
prepai°e the by-pass providing someone else will put on the base and
dusi, oil coat. Mr. Comstoclt asserted the contractor would return
Unive�sit,y Ave mxe to its present condition and was certa3n the adding
of mai,c�ria7. r.ould be done k�y i;lie City and should he charged against
$he 5A.9torm Sewer Project. The City Manager stated the,y shnuld have
author3zation of some sort for this wurk. Councilman St,eridan �isserted
this was a,jo3nt venture with the State and the City and as Mr.
Comstock had stated the plana were a,pproved because it was on Si.ate
property and State Aid Funds were involved�; that rightful]y, i.he
administrat3on should get the Highwray Department i.o pay For the ad-
ditional e�cpense, He further asserted the City did need i,l�e storm
sewer but was iorced to do this by the construction of i7nivers�ty
Avenue and felt the City should pursue it further by resolution
or something to recover the additional expense from the IiiE;hway Department.
The City'Manager euggeated the City Council could authorizc thc
expenditure of the•flands and advisk the State they expect i.hem io pay Por it.
Consulting Eng%neer Comstock explained thas would involve three
croasings the crossing at 61st which uas in� the one at 571;h and the
plans on �694 are such when they reroute the traffic� the,y �rill leave
present Univexsity Avenue open and will be done this fall.
Motion by Sheridan to authorize the purchase of classified matcr�al
for the oil and by-pass ior the cutting of Highway ��47 for Storm
sewer project. Seconded by Wright. •Upon a voice vot'e� there being
no nays� the motPion carried unanimoUSly.
•The City Manager reported that accordin� to previous sug�estions
he had attempted to get better prices on equipment at Store f/1 bui,
the best�bids he could get were-$35.00 for equi�ment from Mr. LeRo,y
Ellerbe and $1D0.00 ior a compressor from Mr. Art Christenson.
Councilmun Sheridan inquired if the City Manager had 'had any
valuation from the person who had installed the equipment, The
City Manager replied he had and the City would have to talce Zt
out and he had been told this was the best offer.
Motion by Kirkham to accept the bid of Art Christenson for r>alvage
on a coolex 3n the amount of $100.00,and the bid of LeRoy Lllerbe
in the amount o� $35.00 for a cooler unii, in Liquor Store rfl.
Seconded by Sher3dan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� thc
motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Wright stated he had received a phone call regardin�; a
model ior a proposed new City IIall,from Mr. Smiley oP Smiley and
Aseoc3ates� that he had been unable to find a commercial builder to
meet requirements and had a�eed to do the work of the model and
3s willing to do it or $650.00 and would like authori2ation 1'or a
decision. Councilman Wright expla,ined Ms•. Smiley had poinLed out
this would not be juet a rough blocic model� it zaould be complete
and would be photogx'aph�ble and in color� and in additian� wil,bouL
charge� he would produce a draxing� elevations and plan� fos pro-
mot3ons� public meetings and tkie like. It ��as ex_plained hy Coiancil-
man Wright he felt this was justifiable taecause it doea te11 a story.
Motion by Wright to authorize the expendiiure ot' $650,00 f'or �. C.
Smiley and Associt�tes to produce a model oF the new City fia] 1 1,0
be delivered one rreek from this night. Councilni�n SYieridan
inquired that should thP pro,7ect be accepted and adopted if�
normally� a model was not included in the C�es,
Councilman Wright replied Mr. Smiley had told him a model zs �ieed
on the request of the client either for promotional purposes or For
purposes oi demonstrating and did fee7. it taould be a d�st,�nct advanta�e
that the City Council should liave it. Counc�lman Sheridan replsed
he was in complete agreement they should ]:ave one, l� �aas explazned
by Councilman Wright this taas not a standard thtng and it wnu]d liave
to appeas 3n Mr. Smiley's contract as a special item. Secocidcd by
Sheridan, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the moi,inu carrieQ
The City Manoger read to i.he City Council �� letter from i,l�e Pii�iley
Republican Paxty requesting use of Locke Pr�rk on Augusi, 25th fo�° thr_
purpose of a Tally. Mot�on by Kirkham to grant approval of tLe ��rm1t
requested by the Fridley RepuUlican Pari,y tor the use oF Locke Par}:
on August 25th for the purpose of a raLy. Seconded by Skiertidan,
Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
� u r�
Co�anciLmon IClrkham explain�d to the Cit,y Council he had before him
a copy of' tlic minutes of the Parlcs and Playgrounds Subcotr�ittee
meetin�; ot Maf ].�'i� 19614 with the subject "Beach Concession'� that
l�c dad not think i,he Cii;y Council would have approved the fee-had
t.tic5� re�l� zed the amourii; which was etated as �100.00 plus 10�0 of
tlic proi'its. It was er.plained this stand occup3e�_ about 3 feet by 6
fr_et sel]in� only popcorn and pop �.id the i'ee was out oi line and would
rccommend that tlie Cit,y sel,tle for the $100.00 fee that'has already
been p�id and cencel the 10� oi the gross sales, Counci]�an
Wr�ght ;tated he did not think they should g3ve this cheaply and
inqnired what the gross sales were for the strind. Councilman
1<ir]=ham rcplied he did not know but he did sell perhaps 50 ba�s of
popcorn and pop per da;/ and makes less than half of that j.n profit.
Councilman Sheridan indicated thic must have been something that was
added to the contract some time recentlya that the first year the
oianer �ra� not required to pay tiut jus{; a i'ee and etated he was not
aware oi' this ra,nd did not think the administration waa eithem. Council-
man Wright stated he did wish they had i,he information of what percent
of PZr. Sutton's gross -Lhe �100.OQ flat fee was� that they axe �iving
h�m I,hc claentele and freednm from any competition. Counci�man
I:irlcham replied if this timounted to something in dollare and cents
Le ��otii_ld s�gree with that and if Mr. Sutton were selling other items
�1; wou]d be different but just these two items did not make it
fea:i�]e for him to ma.lce much money. Councilman Wright suggested
inclitding 9n L-his motion that the City Council would like a report
oC Mr, uuti,on�s �ross earnings.
inoLion by Kirkhara {,h�,t the agreement with Mr. Sutton on the Seach
Concession be chan�ed to read " the permit be granted in exchange
I'or 1,lie payment of �100.00 and that Mr. Sutton be required to
p,Uv� � report of his gross sales at the end of the season," Seconded
by Wri�;ht. Upon a voice vote� tlaere being no nays� the motion carried
vana n iinous 1 y. ,
AT7J Oi iR i�T:
Therr Uein� no further business� Mayor Nee declared the Regula,r
P�eetin�; of �ugust 3� 1964 adjourned, _
]ie spc c Lfu7.].,y, s uhmit ted �
� •
�ae i4iskowic� Secreta,r,y
��'n"' �' / �"—
William J, � e� Mayor