09/28/1964 - 00022512��u There being no further businesa� Mayor Nee declared the Regulsr Oounc3l meeting of September 21� i964 adjour�ed, . - Respectfully aubmitted� . a ��a�s�iitr� ,��� ue Miskowic William J. Nee • Secretary to the Council - Mayor SPECIAL COi3NCIL MEETING - SEPPEMBER 28, i964: A•Special Meeting oY the Council of tYie City of Fridley wae called to . order by Mayor Nee at 8:15 P.M. ROIS. CALL: Members Present: Nee, Kirkham� Sheridan� Wright Membera Absent: Sohanson ' PUBLIC IiEARII�iG: PUBLIC f�ARING ON FINAL PI�F1T -INNSBRUCK 4TH ADDITION: Mayor Nee announced a public hearing on the Final Plat of Inaebruck 4th Addition. The City Glerk ree.d the Notice of Hear3ng. Mayor Nee explained the hardahell of the plst stas not availab� snd it'could be continued. Mayor Nee inquired if there"were anyon� ��aeaet}t who t�ae concerned with the named publie hearing. There was no oneipreeent in Pavor oP or opposed to the publ�c hearing. ��,� �"� i°� � � ,t , ;� Motion 6y Kirkham to continue the public hearing on'the Final-Plat',of Innsbruck 4th Addition to the next regular'meeting.' 3econded by 3heridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no naye� the motion'carried'tmanimoualy. � � � � �, � � , YUBLIC HEARING ON ASSESSMENT ROLL _ sw #66: _ � �� , , „ �� Mayor Nee announced s public hearing on the Asaeasment Roll for 8ewer and Water Project No.,66. The City Clerk read the Notice of Hearing. ,Nlaybr Nee explained the pvrpose of this public hearing wae that �the City � Council had proposed and del;ermined'wha� they consi�iered,tb be the�benefite to the property deecribed in Aud3tor'e Subdivieion 59 and the purpose of this hearing wae to conaider any objection whether the bene8lt,waa not� equitable or establiahed properly. Mayor Nee inquired iY there were any- one present concerned with any o� th�a�.��ems in thie aeseaeible,property. Mayor Nee read�a�bof�futtltcs.�tionrfrom;�•Ba�bher GeralB Keefe o��the Church of St, Williamwhich etated in so iar'ss the church does mot intend,or doea� not have to have any connections on t7nivers3�ty� they�feel'^they hav�e a�vslid objection; thia ob�ection be3ng rels,ted to Auditor's'Subdivieion #59. The Finance Director explained that at the time they ha.d made up the roll� iu� tHere stae the',�underetanding the�church would connect onto the Univereity Avenue line,iand tlie'roll was eGt�up both waye and could be adopted either wey. Mayor Nee'inquired if the line on 61st Avenue had been epread and was told it had., Mr;,RoDert Buckley rep�eaenting the CYyurch of St. William pre- sented aketChee ehowing a11 connections are being made on 61et Avenue and no connectiQne of,any kin� on University Avenue. Councilman Wright inquired iY a11"future complexes would also be connected on 61et Avenue for the church: Mr. Buckley replied all architecta plane, etc.� ehow that all plsna for tt�ture buildinga have alwayq been and will be for everything to be connebted from 61et Avenue. A discusaion period was held regarding coste� layout oP eervicea� etc. Mr. Buckley and Mr. 8pence were preaent . representinglthe Church oY St. William and Mr. Bernard Julkowski was present repreaenting the Moon Plaza Shopping Center. Mayor Nee inquired of Mr, Buckley iP they had entered an objecti0n at the start of this project. Mr. Buckley replied they realized the beneYit oY the two hydrants to a main and did�Yeel�the lateral asaesament wae too excese3ve to the degree for what they would use� that they were benefiting as CouncilmaA Sheridan had eta.ted by two hydrants but hed also been asaessed in the past for the other two sides of the church property. Mayox Nee inquired what lots were Mr. Julkowski's. Mr. Ju]kowaki replied he was not objecting to his aseesement but did not want to pay for more and did want the church to pay their share. City Engineer Qureshi explained the area for membere oi ' the City Council. Mayor Nee inquireS if there were anyone else besi�ies the church and the ehopping center who wiehed to be heerd. 'i'here was no one preeerit in favor,oY or in oppoeitipn to the propoesd asaessment roll. Mayor Nee declared tHe public heariug on the Assessment Roll ior Sewer e.nd Water.ProjAet N0. 66 cloaed and etated he wiehed to leave the City Council the option of ineking the depieion as there were two proposed assesement forms� one,an alternate propoeal which propoaed to charge i0te 2 and 3 the amount oY $1� 881. 90 and the other to charge Lot 4$6,682,82. .It was explained that with the two proposale� the Cpuncil had heard the objectione on both eidee and they would certlYy one o� these two proposale and unleea the City Council had other co�ents or c�uestiona� they would �nsert the objection of the church and the other we.y the objection of Mr. Julkoweki and whichever Way the Council would decide there woald be an objection entered and cauee of action. PUBLIC HEARING ON ASSESSMENT ROLL - SS & SW #58: Maqor Nee announced e. Public Hearing on an Asaeesment Roll for Storm Sewer� Water� and Sanitary Sewer Improvement #5$: The City Clerk read the Notice of Hearing. Mayor Nee 9nnounced the aresa would be taken by item to facilitate procedure and announced the Yiret item as: Central Avenue i'rom Hathawa Lane to Miesiesi i Street N. E. yor Nee atsted'thie�wae malnly the sexvice co�ections and the City Clerk explaine$ the`ra were Your storm eeweT propertiee� eome water service lines that`�hsd�to be inetalled and eome etorm sewer water lateral lines and services vnto that. . Mayor Nee snnouncedf,the item of 47ood Le,ne North and atated the total storm�sewer asaesement roll vrae 91 .52 and was mainly for croasinga and it was propoeed to epread 78 cents per 100 equare feet and inquired iP every- one` had received a notice that was imolved a.nd 1�' anyone wished to be heard�or wiehed to enter an objeetion. The City Cle�k er,plained the area involved for the aseeaement in queation. Msyor Nee etated the area was mainly concexned with Blocks��2 and 3 in Moore I,ake Hills. There wae no on�'present to enter any objectione to the propoqed ssaessment roll, Mayor Nee ennounced the £ollowing section would be Woody Lane South, some parte of B1ock 1� also Block 2 of Mopre Lake Hi�7.e, The City C�erk e�cpleined'th3e axee went up on the Weet �eide of,Woody Lane, ,Hjayor Nee e.nnounced there were approximately 12 parcele in the aree. fdr a total assesement'of $907.79 at $1.08 per huadred equare feet and inquired if there weYe anyone present who vTiehed to enter an objection. There were no objectione.' �l 8 2 � Mayor Nee announced the area to be conaidered was Gar�ena Lane which wae a large part of Parkview hlanor� AuBitor's Subdivieion 2� Van Cleave�e Addition and a part o£ Melolands Gardene. The City Clerk explained the area for members of the City CounciS. It wae etated'all the wnter 3n thia area runa East. Mr. Comstocky'consvlting engineer� exp].ained the entire area in Fridley had been d:Lvided into drainage dietricte at the time it was decided•to extend the line up Gardena�'that� preaently� there are a number of lower areas that do not drain to Central Avenue snd are condxits for i'utnre storm sewer construction. Mr. Hai'ley Till.er� reaident� 1535 Gardena Avenue Noxthee,st� inquired if this line went as,far-�$e 3tinson Boulevard. Mr. Comstock replled the drainage district didd'� go up to Stinson Boulevard� that that area ia to drain.to the North�and another district. The queetion was ra3eed iP the.reaidente would'be asseased again. -'- Mx. �omstock explained the benefit derived Yrom thia would'be lese ex- pensiue and it was cheaper to provide conduits beYdre Central Avenue.was co�ructed than at a later date and then attempt°to conetruet a'atox�h,eewer conduit. 'C� wae explained this conetruetion wae at tfie ra�e'o��17 cex�te per 100 equare feet. The Queation wse raised regarding the prlce oY a crosein� and Msyor Nee replied it wae about $1�002.00. A res3dent explained there were many reaidente'and neighbore vho werp not preaent th3s night that did not get a notice of hearing. Mr. Tiller stated that to begin with there were a lot.ofr�people that didn't get a letter about thie hearing and inquired why the engineera couldn't lay th3ngs out so that people could be in distr3ete','that would be cheaper snd be aseessed where the water rund� that he didn�t want to be aseeeaed for water that went uphill, Councilman Wright inquired°if Mr. Tiller had received any notice oP thia hear3ng. Mr. Tiller re lied,'he had no� and that his legal descript3on was Lot 20� Subdivieion �92� ,Mayor'Nee etated that not3ces had Ueen mailed and explaine�i that even�th0ugh the croesing might not be in use� that atreet would be drained through thet croesing. Mr. A. E. Matteon� of 1647 Gardena Avenua stated he'wae against �his assesament a11 the way and there were many ne3ghbore that would be present th3s even�ng if they had received notice, �Mayor Nee inquired iY ,thexe , were anyone elee who wiehed to be heard. " , . � � � I Counci]man Sheridan stated that Mrs. Martin on Gardena Avenue whoee legal description was Lot 6� Parcel 600 had contacted him snd atated she was una.ble to be present and had aeked him to enter her ob'jection in"the amount of the �saessment which we.s $68.00 Mayor Nee stated there:was also the name oY Mr„ A. E. Me.ttgon'whoee legal deacription was Lot 31� Auditor's Subdivision 92-to enteT 8s an objection. � � • ' � Mayor Nee inquired if there were anyone else to be heesd. The queation was raised•regarding Lot 3� Block 1� Melol.and Lakeview'and�where;it was located in the hearing. Counci]man Sheridan ini'ormed the°reeident it was not a part of thie hearing. Mr. T111er inYormed theCity Council if he were in another diatrict and the water wae guing 'to�Stinaon'Hovlavard he would not object to the Assesement. Mayor Ne�e replied-the,engineer ha.d said thie was the way the City would eventually have to drain Gardena Avenue. Councilman Sheridan atated they woLtld not conteat the water wovld run the other way but the engineers had told`them th3s dralning oY C3ardena to the Weat would be the most economical w8y `to do it e,nd to `tiie' Esst it would be more expensive and this was why the Council had taken,'�he-Way•that it now presently was. Mr. T311er stated they had no objection"to,the st6rm sewer� they had objection to the way i,t wae being done. Counci]man Slteridan explained the prob]cem was where earentually they would empty�the water., Mayor Nee informed Mr. Tiller that when'the time'came� the�'City Council� � would note the objectione and give them consideretion. 2� wae explained i by Mayor Nee this was aimply a croes3ng the:t was put.under,old Cen�xal� � before it was paaedr The question was raieed'if�tYieT@ were'Kater running through �Lh�s pipe now and Meyor Nee replied there��was. Ms!.' Comatock explained �he extra conduit �that wae constructed �tse���o 21.;inEh,lines and the lines were at old Centre.l Avenue and axe not in',uee,bu� are Por ,• future lateral storm sewer and their purpoee riow sas to'ge't,constructloa in before old Central was rebuilt and to esve money beca{�ee,rCOpetruction at a iuture date �+ould be so expeneive. The queetion wae raised iY this area included more than the original plan� that � at the timey,it only want up to Tennison Drive and now the line went up the hill. Councilman Wright repl3ed the map was the same as the msp ior the preliminaay assees- ment roll. .$ l.7 �� Mayor Nee'e,nnoanced tfie Hacl�ann Avenue Ar"ea, invdlvtag 8srkview Manor� Parkview Heights and some lote in Au it3r a Subd3vieion #25 for a total o� $1,353•59,or 27 cents per 100 equare feet. The City Clerk explained the area Yor mem'bere of theCity Cotmcil. Mayor Nee explained this tras a croe§3,ng moTe Yor the Yuture tAan it"was used now and inquired if there were anyone ' idho wished to be heard. ' , • r Hri Theodore A. Andereon o� 5811 Hacl�ann Avenue inquired which corner the connection was coroing in and gave his deacription ss Lot #8� Block 3 - at $26.33 and stated hie water xan North instead oY_go3ng 5outh� that he did riot know hoW many aeseesmente tHeze were in that block'and was won8ering i� 'it.cowld be evened out� Counci].man Wright exp�lained Mr. Auderemn was on'the edge of the distr'ict and the lote Eaet oY hie property were not in the dietrict. Mayor Nee inquired if the streei: grades were eatabliehed ae yet. Mr, Comatock replie4 this dre.inage district coincided with the break in grade on Hacl�ann and the property to the North was not e.nbther draj.nage dietrict and Was telcen care oY by the developer who is putting in h1e own etorm sewer. Mayor'Nee inquired iP all of Mr. Andereon'e lot was inwlved in this �seese�nt roll. 'Mr.�Anderson replied it was not and e�laine8 the eizea� his lot. �Mr�, Cometock explained the remainder of'Mr. AndereonTe lot drains to the North and Mr. Andereon's land is taken ceae of by the 8eveloper. ,Mayor Nee inquired if Mr. Andereon wished to enter an objection, ,Mr. Andereon replied he did not wish to be unfair but had thought he ehould mention thia and had thought it wae for the total amount of�_hi�s land as about 90� of his land ran North, Mr. Andereon inquired� if thie frere the caee� if he would be aseesaed later on Haclflnann Avenue. Mr. ComstOek replied,that aome day tfiere wou�.d be 9�n extension from this � property up into anothei� area snd it would be aesessed for the lateral service. ,Mr. Anderson inquired if the drainage waen't taken care of when they had had the problem on Hacl�a.nn Avenue. Mayor Nee replied that what they try to doaie pick iap the area before it becomes a problem and run the linea_undergrot;n,d. Mr. Andereon inquired how much he wae being aeseesed on Hacl�enn` C�.rcle e�hd Mrsyor Nee_replied for 9�750 aquare feet. Mr. _ Andereori �tated the city owned some footage near this property. The City Clerk replied this property waenot included in the assessment roll. Mr. Hart oY,960 HathawaSf Iane etated he wiahed to object to the assesement as not a brue beneYt,t received� tkiat he had a�long history of a drainage problem� thQt hie lot waen't �aded e,s Fflatted and explained how water came ontp Fhie property and how he had dug a ewale three �Peet deep to alleviate his problem. He Yurther stated he had been advieed by the city this would be taken care,of when the area to the South wae developed but aPter they had put in the curb he had had a three ioot di'tch and had to have 50 •to 60,,,,gard§ of dirt hauled in and when aomeone had developed to the South he.had had to work with`the,contractor to provide an elevation to drain '„his 1and� thst he did not bel�eve he was receiving the bene£it as esaesaed and hie b�at guese would be that 60 feet of h�.a lot drained fx'ont and the balance South. He eXplained that for at least three to four years he had had nothing but mud'and he did not feel he wee getting a benefit, Mr. Hart gave hie legal de�crip�Cion as Lot 11+� Block 3� Parkview Heights. Councilman Wright,inquired if N�. fteat were'easesaed when Lynde Drive was assessed and'wae told he wae not. Covacilman Wright explained he was in one diatxiict 6r the other, Mr. Hart replied thie all happened just about the time'the city required the contractors to build the street� etc.� and did not know how the aeseasment wae'handled but to the beat�of his knowledge� �it wae done by the contractor� and taken care of. Councilman Sheridan inquired 1Y Mr. Hart�s neighbore were' present esid wae told they were not�.� as the water we.e always on hie lend. A resident gave his legal description as Lot 7� Hlock � and stated this wouldn't be much benePit ae far as the back yards were concerned. Motion by Sherida.n that the City Council requeat the engineering department check Lot 7� Block 3 and Lot 1�+� Block 3 as to the percentage oi drainage aYiected ln this dietrict. Seconded by Kirkham. A resident etated ehe had had a claim�in court� that everything in their yard had been uprooted� ixic luding fl,owers� shrube� etc.� and the water all runs•down into their y9sd,a,nd 3t is covered with mud� that they hsd had a ditch dug around their house and had a special application made for sealing the house from water� that after that the iorce of the water had buckled a wall and they had to drill holes in their haeement walls to let the water 3n ao as c . � � not to buckle any more walls. Upon a voice vote� there be3ng no nays� the motion caxried unanimously. Mr. BoU Van Cleave was preaent to inquire; regaxding the Northea§t corner that was incorporated into this project� that some'oP the,loweet and some of the higheat� land in the project was included and vre,s colleeting.water and it would be prohibitive in cost'to try to service it. He explained that what they were trying_to do w�a go_againat the natursl lay of the land, that the water comes down Senjamin Street to his lot North an8 South and down hisdriveway into a hol� and f�oWa from the West Prom,.what would be I,ot 5�nd 6y Lots �Cl� 22 and a�e of the Weat s�,de of;R;thur Stieet all flowa in�o the area al�p,� ,He explained lots 1�_an8 3 were the lota in Van Cleave'a Addition he wae copceined w3th and to include"these at all was not correct eince they could not be serviced and would be oppoaed unleas they could be serviced. _ , " Mayor Nee inquired iP there were anyone else whq ffished to be heard. The locationa of the crosaing wsa explained an$'it'wa8 etated.the,coet of this croseing was $1,365,00-approximetely. The Queetion rras,raiaed what the �arpose was of �he o'6jections. Mayor Nee replied in some cases the City Council could delete or modi�'y or establieh t�►e cavse�oY action againet tfie city. The queetion was raiaed regarding,�he action ° previously taken. Mayor Nee repl3ed the pux�oee oi.this.hearing was that they were proposing the benef3t to a certain piece„of prdp,erty at ao many dollars or the reaidenta could enter an o'9jection,:and �ave a cauae of action against the city and the city would haveto demonetrate the benei3t was correct, It wae stated by residents°they hed objected the last time and it didn't amount ta anything. Councilman Wright ' inquired if any reaidents preeent had been at the �Oouncil�meeting,when the Council wae aeked why they were tearing up the etreete to put in pipe� that thie was a case xhere it was the oppositg. . A resident giving his legal description as Lot �3� H�nnl� 2� Parkview Heights stated none of 'the residents liv3ng on their etreet were getting any benefit and were juet pa.ying the price for eomebody elee�e Kater goin� by, Mayor Nee replied that eometime Hathaway Lane would tiave s more comp]eie atorm vster pick up diaposal and� at that time� tk�e crose- � ing would be used and they zrould derive a benePi� and in';the� int�ere'st of saving money in the Yuture� this, wse` wi�y, they had the 'cropsing con- structed now, A discussion period was held regar'ding`preeent �nd fu�ure costs� constructiona benefit and dietricts. Mayor,Nee inquired iP tYle resident underatood what they +rere propoeing and xae told'he did� but it was not working. Mayor Nee explained the water from hie 1ot that went from Hathaway s�nd Hacl�an wae designed to go tLrough thie�pipe and into the lake and inquired if he agreed, The Reeident replied', he did not. Mayor Nee atated they coul.d�ho7dthia money,fori many,yeare and'let it accrue interest and when the ba].ance wae put in� 3t.could beJ charged to residents. The question Was raised what the City Cowlcil'intended to do about the atorm sewer on old Central. Mayor Nee replied there vtould event- ually be some pipe on Hackmann Avenue. Mr, Comatock expS.sined at the time Hackmann wae ready for x'e-conetruCtion� it shoi}ld t�e eoneidered. IC reai- dent inquired how lbng a blacktop street normally laeted.', Councilman Sheridan replied they generslly lasted ebout ten year� taaeica]1y. Mr�,Bailey Tiller stated the residents wwld like to have a motion to inveetigate where their water ran. Mayor Nee replied Gardena Avenue would be a Minneeota State Aid Street and elevations tre;e not necessarily what they Low had. Mx, Tiller etete� they wated the area inveetigated aQ it,tiae now and they ahould be excluded. � ' � ' � , � r Mayor Nee announced the item to be conaidered was the water Zine on � Riversedge Way� and inquired if there were anyone present who wiehed to I be heard. There wexe no objectione. ,_ � � Mayor Nee announced the water and�'aew€r eervice'linee"on 2nd end�Ta lor Streets and �nquired if there were'anyone preaent xho �a ed to be heard. Mr, Mike 0'Bannon wae present rep'resenting the Yirm of,Apple�e.nd Apple and stated what he was concerned°about wae,that they,had had�an asseasment of water and there were no laterale from T.ota 7 to.2d and"inquired if thie was on their water aeaesament they ha8 receiveQ la$t`apring. He explained that when the City Cauneil had aes�esed for sanitary_sesier'�re xere no _ laterals for the water on Lota 7 throvgh`, 20 and they had paid for this. The Finance Director replied that had been under a difi'erent project� 1 ���1 that there had been complete water aervice put 3n under Project 55 and there would be no other,charges. Mr. O�Bannon further stated the previoua week they had aeeesead 'bhe etreet and this'riight they w�re asseesing the sewer. He inquired if 30 days Yrom tonight they would be notified if he wanted to pay 'this in full. The Finattce Director replied the aesessment could be paid 30 daye 1"rom tonight iY it,wae accepted tonight. , ry� . ,, � . Mr. OTBannon etated they wiehed the aewer end we,ter on their property asseesed over a period oi ten years with the option of paying it in full. M�;yor Nee inquired ii thia wae property that didn't Yiave mociey in escrow. Mr.�,O'Beanon replied,there was money in escrow for houees he had built this year but none'for the othere. Councilman Sheridan explained it had been the policy of the City Council for the developer to pay aeaesements in one year. Mr. O�Bannon,expleined there were'eome ownera that had a need for a longer aseeesment epread. Councilmsn Sheridan e�cplained there were a number oi lote in Me.rie.n AY71e� Second Addition whi'ch were held by 8 d�veloper and theae would,Yrave to be�epread under a one year basie� that at the time they requeeted water and'sewer service they had knrnm this. Mr. O�Bannon explained at the preeen� time Lota 13� 12 and 20 were in hia name and elso his neighbore vras requesting s longer period on Lot 11 and in the second addition there was eleo Lot 2� Block 1. A resident stated he had not moved into the,area ae yet and had not been�in Q month previous. It waa atated that eome people can't afford to pay th3e asaesament in full and there �hould be �some. prov�.s3ons� that thie reeident wge fY�om Maplewood and all their asaesamente�were ap�read over a 20 year pet2od and it was difficult Por the residente'to make�theln pay up aseeeemente in one year. Mayor Nee aeaerted the� ordinance�eays deiinitely.'on thie before any property ie trenaferred� it ehould be pa3d up fr,om�e developer�to a resident� that,every�ody on the Couacil wants to help,individual owners and it wae preeenting probleme oi conflict With the ordinance� that they could finance any individuals but something wae�wrong. Mr. 0'Bantton explained thet ,pn erny lot he had built .on he provided with aesesementa being paid and inquired 1Y the City Council would'take a personal request tmder coneideration and aa�o��thoae lots that had been eold.�Znder,s'Contract for Deed. -Mayqr Ne�, replied they would but Mr, O�Bannon ehovld aQk theae people to come in within a iew days to clear the n�tter. Cotmcilman Wright stated the record should show they could not hel.p ang developer and it doea require when tranePere oi property are �sde they have been paid. Mayor Nee seserted it did appear titles had been traneierred and aseeeemente had not been paid. Mr. Don Stotts gave hie'legal description as Lot 17� Block 1 and requested a ten year.apread oY aeseasmeuts. Mr. 0'Bannon geve his legsl descriptions as Lota 12� 13� 20 Block 1� and requeated a ten year spread snd stated there were at leaet three other property oWnere who wished the same aaeeesment apread, - There were no further`objectiona. . . Mayor Nee annouaced the 1-1�2" water line for the American Legion Property� in the amount of $506.86 and inc�uired if there were.any ob�ections. There were.no objectione. � � . Mayor Nee e,nnounCed the sanitary seWer 8nd aervice lines and,laterals on Central Avenue and,3nquired ii there were anyone who wiahed to be heard regarding this aesesamAttt. Mr. Sill We3se inquired if thie affected his�property. The Finsnce DirectoT replied it did� tha.t the sanitary sewer asaessments and aervice lineeion hie pxoperty and a 3rd item would be a 1&teral which was on a main line. Mr. Weias stated he objected to the high coet of th�.s aeaeeament� that thie wae $6�000.00 againet one acre and .gave his , description'as Lot 2� Auditor's Subdiqieion #88, Me,yor Nee requested the �-- coneulting eng�.neer� Mr. Comatock explain;the high cost. Mr. Cometock replied he could�not eXplain it other than this wae the actual cost of the bid and it'wae,h�,�h for euch a project. Mr. Weiea aeeerted there was not this much'involved.and tho connections hed been made almoet a]1 in one day, Mr. Comstock explained the eewer was bid at so-much per foot at certain deptha and the final�;pgyment wae based on the Yinal work by the actual work con- atructed time� the urlit price�for a paxticulsr type of work. Mr. Weisa inqu�red^who had signed up ior,thie,line in their area, Mr. Nee inquired if Mr. �Teise receive8 eervice i'rom another 13ne and xae told he did. The Finance Director explained there were two sectione under this project� � (� � South of Miasiasippi Street and South oP Rice Creek Road and th� whole problem was there wasn�t two sidea oY the etreet to aseea�.' Mr. Leonard Cochran wss preaent snd inquired how far South the project had gone, Counci]man Wright replie@ one lot South of 64th Avenue:' Mr. Cochran inquired how they could charge double because the ].ot in question had paid in i96i. Mr. Oliver Erickeon rsieed the question 'if , the City Council Was esying only one eide oi' the etree'� traa aseeaeed. Councilman Wright replieH it wae betWeen 62nd and Rice Creek and between 61Fth and Miesisaippi Street on both eidea. The Finance Director,exp7.ained that aome lots were previouely aerviced and aseeseed Yrom ather areas -' and there was a lot of exempt property. Mr, Comstock'expleined ho+d�the � area was asaesaed. Mr. Qochran etated he was ob,�ectiag to bo'th . . assessmenta '�ecauee they had a petition 3n and hed �t,with the engineer and he had agreed� it ehpuldn�t be built� that it wa�a�t built'aad'he " waa object3ng to a croseing on Rice�Creek at�$1�228.00 and'a mein sewer that would be set within a I00 Feet on Lot 5� Don's Addition on the corner of fa4�h for $2,7a.4.00 for eanitexy and there wasn"t a sanitaay sewer ' put in there� that hia ahop had paid over $1�300.00 to hook into the sewer behind the shop. Mr. Cochran asaexted he hed paid sewer and�wster asseas- ment on his shop For Pove yeare, The Finanee Director eXplained there was one additional charge put on the property and if the 'charge�wsa on Lot 5� 'then there was one building eite that had not been dhesged. ' Mr. �iochrsn replied a re�ident ie charged Por the sewer ae it goes'dowa the^etreet� that Pierce itreet had paid and all oi the asaesements on that street were paid in full and it wae aeaesaed by the Yoot. The FinancerDirector ex�� plained this project wae not for a project as auch. Mr: Cochran inquired if the Finance bireetor Xanted to go on record etating there was one bu31d- ing site not charged. The Finance Directo� replied the Yront foot chargee 8idn't sta�*t until 1961. Mr. Cochran stated 'he ,had a let'ter t"rom the Finance Director at home statin� hoW much the charge wov7d be by the foot. Mayor Nee aeserted the Finance ➢ixector had stated there wae one building site that had not paid. Mr, Coch2+an insiated the city Wae tryingito collect twice for a aewer that wae a]ready pa3d for� that at the grelvel pit he had he was asseaeed by the �'oot, Councilman 8herldan inquired if � Mr. Cochran was claiming that on Lot'S he had been aeaeaeed'twice. Mr: Cochran repl3ed he aas and that he had a letter from Mr. Brun§e11 ata.ting what the cost woul.d be on Pi.erce Street and he also had a letter i'rom him stating it was paid in full� that yeare ago it was alwaye eald when a lateral went down the.street both sides paid and inquired what dliPereACe 3t made how many lota one had if'thsy were charged by the foot.�-Councilman Sheridan replied this was the procedure the Council had Pp�,].owrd 'to,date� that� originally� when a project wa8 made in the city it was by klome eite and 25� on a front foot basis, Mr. Cochxan aseer,ted he"had paid-,the aseeae- ments referred to in full in 1961 and thia was a double aeseedment. The Finance Director explained the lot� and chargea and atated 'there was one buildi�g site that Mr, Cochran had not paid for: Me�yor,Nee inquired what Mr. Cochran had that showed whatever money he ha,d paid foY hie ehop. • Mr. Cochran presented a card which� he stated� ehowed aeseesmente paid in �,�.i in 1961. Councilman Wright 3nquired ii Mr. Cochran bhough� he had pa.id an extra s3te cherge. Mr. Cochran replied hd,had'paid fOr an extra connection. The Finattee Director aeaerted he did'not think Mr. Cochran wae talking about a leteral asaesament. Mayor Nee inquired if the whole area was Lot 15, Mr. Cochran replied it was at one time and xae so in �961. ' . � - , , � � Mayor Nee inquired if there were anyone pre6ent that.woul.d object to deleting this ares from this year's asseesment ro11 underatanding,e0me dn�k0reet, _ would accrue, tha.t it wae a possibil3ty eome solution aould�be reaehed 3n which some of the crossing•chargae wonl.d be construed,ea, part"oi the interceptor system but it wae no aeeurance it would be le9s.ii Mr.•,Bill Weiss 3nquired the reason ior the exceseive charge on their etre8t:��Counci].man Sheridan replied they had avarded the bid on these croesings end the bidder who vras iow on the bids felt there was too much diPYerence 6etrtaeen hia bid and the next low bid� that they had recourae with his bid boxtd but'1[Y no way did this cover the''origina,l cost between the orginal bid an8 �tize next advertiaed bid which they had'had to accept. I�'�ra,s'explained the bond was applied to the project cost. Mayor Nee further explained that most of the coat was the line was not spread over ae much property as uaual. Councilman Sheridan auggested the City Council delete this area from the jbl asaesament ro71 and have a review with-the consulting engineexs and city engineer and the finexice depa.rtment because there did appear to be somethiag�that could be done to adjuet bhis and it could probably be done withitt the nezt eix lnontha. , Motion by Sheridan to delete the San3tery Sewer and Service Lines and Tatera,ls oa Centfral'Avenue from the Aeaeesment Roll S5 & SW #58 and public hearing: Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no _ nays� the mo�ion carried unanimously. Mayor ETera annotapced the water croseinge on Central Avenue anfl explained tke area and coeta entailed. Reverend Doliglas Hender— son of�125 CentrQl Avenue Northeast waslp_reaent 'to inquire regarding the seaeeament. Mr. Cometock, coneult3ag engineer� explained tl�epurpoee of the facility plus the fact it could aleo�be utilized to direc� eervices ta other propexties and etated it could'he there would l�e additional aresa benefited to future laterals.� The Finance Director inquired if these croseings could be construed to be a part of other main,aseeasments. Councilman Sheridan stated that in view of not knnwing wheTe development will go East or West on Central if they could hold this crossing in abeyance until such time as the lateral weat through and th�n this croaeing could be made a part of it, The Finaxice Director replied that Yrom h38 standpoint it could be done. Councilman Sheridan ete.ted that Reverend Henderaon wae not dieputing the £act of the aesessment and it wasn't that they were deletin� or-abating an aseess�nt but it wovld just be picked up la�ter until euch time ae it was ueed. �Reverend Hendereon explained his property to the City Coupcil.J+-:rPhe Finance Director explained the C3ty Council Wou1d then be deleting�two croaeinge and Cotimc3lman Sheridan replied they were talking about $4�OOO;pO, , Mr. Cochran 3�qti#red' ii he came into the Hall to get a building permit ii he wouldthave'to'pay up the $1�300.p0,eeseaementa as charged, Mr,. Comstock replied if there wae one eite the aix inch line Would be enough� otherwiae it would have to be a larger li�ne, r � � , � Councilman Sheridan aseerted it did appear the same would apply to the Reverend Heixderson's land and Mr. Cochran's and there would be no need ior �hie i�ps'ovement tm�i1 five or ten yeare from n4w, Reverend Henderson stated they did appreciate the �ater service being.brought across but had felt he could work out something in due time. Councilman Sheridan explained if �h�,b were set aside with the underetanding it oould be added and spread out over the entire asea and coneide2�efl a� part of the lateral eervice it would'6e ea�iefactory.. Motion by 3heridsn that an Item 7 of Pt�oject #58 under Aasessment Roll be deleted and the minutea ahow that as the future development of the pro- perty ie involved and required leteral aervice� that the cost of theae croasinge be added to the project at that time. Seconded by Wright, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays�'the motion carried unanimouely. Mayor Nee announced the water services on Central Avenue and evplained the arese involved., Councilmen 8heridan etated this item was the item the Finance Director had made co�ent to the City Council on a memo regarding exeeasive costs in which the hookUp charges are about $20p.00 higher than what they normallyere and he did not know if everyone of these parcels had aatuelly taken s eervice into their'homea but the memo wae justified and the Council ehould give it due consideration, that the sexvice connection should not be any grester than about $].75•00. The Finance Director explained that what G�ouneilman Sheridan had thought was that the��service connection chesge could be cut or the front foot ch6rge couid be. Councilman Sheridan replied'he'felt it would be better to cut the eereice connection charge, The Finance•Direc�or etated th3e wovld give the area a complete water service. � ��� , Motion by Sheridan that the City Council�reduce the Water Service Charge on Central Avenue under.Project #58� Item�B in thie aseessment hearing to the s� of $177�.30, Seconded by Wr3ght. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the mot3on carried unanimously. Mayor Nee declared the Public Hearing on the Assessment Roll for Storm Sewer� Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project No. 58 closed. i�� PUBLIC H[1ARING ON ASSESSMENT ROLL - 196� SERVICE CONNECTIONS: , � ^ , , , �' , � „ Mayor Nee announced a public heasing on an Asseaement'Roll �'or 1964 Service Connections. The City Clerk read the Notice o� Hearing and expla3ned under Schedule A would be lateral chargea for property that was ty�,ng into a main line not previoualy aseeseed for service and eXplained the area involved; also�, under Schedule A would be the property onrCentra]."Avenue that had a water �,ine put in. He explained that in 3chedule B�var3oue propertiea all over the city and no� in any one area but through aut the city had received lateral service and had not been previouely aeseesed for I them. He further explained that Schedule C had two parts�,one part that ' abutted on the water main tranemiseion 11ne put 3n Under P,roject #34 and the --' aecond par-t b� 3t waa the water servfce line put "3rt under the aater main Project on a17 of Gardena Avenue about thtee yeare previoue and the people were asseased a front foot charge but not a service connect3on char�e and -Ehese charges would be for each water service line�inetalled. The Finance Director 6tated the laet psrt would te a 7receY�3Pica.tion of previously levied aesessmenta on���property that had been,tax Yarfeit and that they were attempting to reaetive.te. � Mr, Matteon of 16�F7 Gardena Avenuelatated th3a last,problem�had only been bmught up three weeka previous. The�Finance Diiector explained,it had been an oversite on the part of t,he city� that iP there were,anyone•present who had to go into the main� it wa,s ndt the intention to charge them '8or it. The question we.e raiaed why the,bills had been eeht oitt'se 196A Serv3ce Connections, The Finance DirectIDS' replled th3s hed been don� to give 'the project a name. It wa.s said by the resident thia was Very misleeding� •' that suppoaing this had come up later would they st311 have to-pay it and was told she wo�uld. Mayur Nee explained they were oli].iged t�o'the other people who participated in the project and whoee money went'into the fnrid on this project and they were,obliged to co]1ec'�,every�hiag that. was due. The Finance Director etated.it wse a mieunderateltding� thst a £lat chaxge wua levied per square Poot and a f'ront foot charge'sn8,they woul.d not come close to paying Project.34� that there were over a�inil].ion � dollars paid out of utility fund projects. The question Wa,s raieed why this had not been found ior aome three yeara. The F3nanee Director repl3ed it was juat a mietake on the pe(rt oP the city. Ma.yor'Nee�explained�that fund had put in some $86.00 worth oP goode and they failed�to collect Por it and were obliged to do so. The question wae rai�ed.h�ra,�the figure charged had been arriv� at: The Finanae Director z'eplied the�contrac't cost Yor a service vras obtained �rom the'engineer and on that wae'added the percent of the en ineering� legel. and other adminiatrat3ue',coste which normally amount to 20� and thie wae added to thls�.that�the,xeei8ents were not charged any interest beceuse it was not their fault it was not levied. Councilman Wright explained the unique thing waa that wheu a,main is built - the eervice conneetione were built rig�t onto the mai.n.-"Mayof� Nee'stated that several yeara ago it.appeared it wae not fair to�let �Seople hook onto a main all the people were pa.ying iori and not the lateral aystem and ii tl� could k�ook onto the main without the lateral they shouid psy an amount equ3valent, Ma r Nee announced Schedule A Sewer Assesement�in Mariaii�aHille�2nd Addition and explained the aesesements were'placed,on a formvla bssis oP 3'�g.91 per building ette•, Councilman Sheridan etated there Were rio ob�ectione to this particule.r portion of the roll but there waa a request�to put the - spread on two or three lots� those Zote being legally�deacr3bed as Lota, 12� 13� and 20� Block 1� Marian Hilla 2nd Addition. � Ma,yor Nee announced the next item 'to be coneiflered wa��Sehedule�A Paz�t of SArinr� V�lley Addition. Auditor's�Subdivieion #88 and'the Unplatte Section 24. Councilman Sher3dan inquirad regai�d3ng Lot 2-Sn�AUflitor•e �ubctivieion �88 and the high price of the aseeaement, 'i`he Finance'Director replied this was the property owned by Mr. Weies and the other lot wae oI1 Woody Lane. There were no objections. � � Maynr Nee announced Schedule B� A3el�'e Additian.��The queation Was raised hy a reaident if he were being charged for aervice eonneCtione and Was told by the Finance Director he was getting e Yront %ot:lateral charge ana there is no service line included in thia assessment, There were no objections. i�� Mayor Nee announced the iollowing itema listed under Schedule B: There were no objections: Hamilton's Addition Lo�ell e Addition Riverview Heighta Section 11 Sec�— ion 2�+ Skywood Addition Springbrook Park Sylvan Hills, Plat 6 Fridley Park Mayor Nee announced the iollowing items liated under Schedule C: Gardena Avenue to Highway 100 (W_34F) Unplatte Section 2 Oaborne Road Line (W-q4-K) Auditor'�s 8ubdivieion #77 � Unplatted Section 11 University Avenue Line (W-34-K) Unplatted Section 2 There were no objections. Mayor Nee announced under Schedvle C the areae knowa ae: IronWOOd Street Easement (W-3F�-KT— ' Unplatted Section 2 Councilman Sheridan co�ented if they were to alopt the roll Mr, Andy Kohlan had aaid in some of �he easement caeea they had questioned whether they _ were going to be sseeseed and he ehould be contacted for further information I on thie matter. � Unplatted Section 3 Osborne Road - Between ShafYer'e Addition & Osborne Manor � Sect3on 11 Meloland Gerdens � ' It was eteted the owner of Lot 6� Parcel 600 had not understood what the assesements were for. Gesdena Meloland Gardetia - The question was rei�e by a reaident if the contractora did turn in a daily report„on�the work done in Auditor�s 5ubdivision #92. Mr. Comstock� conevlting 'engineer� replied the records were not tied into a specific pro- perty bttt in a situation� that the contractor had put in a sex•vice connection at the'same time. The reaident atated they should have been assessed and billed in 1961-if thie were so. Mr. Comstock explained since 100',� of the cost oi the improvement was not'a,seeesed� the asseasment roll was adopted long'before it•ttae eompleted and he would assume the asaesament roll was adopted bePore it waa conetructed� so there would be no way to tell about the eezvice linee and 3Y they were constnicted, A discuesion was held rega7rding plans at the City Hall and what kinit of records were available to citizene estd it was etated there exxe plans referred to as to what the I--" contractor's recorde were Yor sexvice connections. Mr. ComQtock explained •it wae' a matter�oY timing and hdw thte was done� that on the #34 Project � there were'probably'12 difYerent contractors that worked on it and it included meaiy thinge� that the �ranamiesion facilities were just completed • thie paet'epring.' Mayor�Nee'stated the City Council all felt obliged to try to collect'monies due. The queation was asked 1Y the charge,for the water connections`Wae the�sam� for'everyone in Fridley or if it was d3fYerent'in different exeas. Msyur Nee replied if it were a lateral it ' would be di�ferent and the resident was paying the average that existed ' in i961.. Larry'e 2nd'Add�tion Audita�'e Subdivieion #92 � 9 (� Carl Peterson Addition Mattson's Addition � , There were no objectiona to the above named areas listed under 8ervice Connections (W-3�FF), � , � � �, r � Moyor Nee announced Schedule D with areas liated as folloWS: . Auditor's Subdivision �21 _ _ il e Par1c There were no objections to the above named areas. Plymouth Addition - The City Clerk atated a letter had been recelved from the area known as Lot 16� Block 11 in Plymouth Addition in which,the owner stated he aill pay the asaessment if he is ever allowed to build on the lot. �, � Motion by Sheridan to delete from the Assesemen� TFC{11. -�8�edyle., ,, D� Lot 16, Block 11� Plymouth Addition. Seconded'by Kirkh�m: Upon a voice voCe� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. '„„ Spring Brook Park . Stineon Boulevard Addition � `Phere were no objectione to the above named aree.s. Mayor Nee declaxed the Public Hearing on the Aaseaement Roll for 1961+ Service Connections cloaed. NEW BUiINEuS3 SET DATE FOR CANVASS OF SETPTENIBER 29, i964 ELEC2°rCB���suLTS: I Mayor Nee annourr�dfor the consideration of the City CounEil the setting of a date for the canvaseing of the September 29�'1964 election reaults. � � Motion by Sheridan to set the date for the Canvaes of"the September 29� 1964 Election Hesulta Yor September 29� 1964 at 7:30 Y.M.''�Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there b�ing no naye� the motion carried unanimously, . „ RESOLUTION �'201-1964 CONFIRMING A3SESSMENT ROLL - 3W #663,' ', � i , , , � �,� , � ,, � � Msyor Nee announce�d for the consideaatlon of the,City.Council s resolut3on confirming the Aaseaement Roll Por Sewer and Water Improvement �66. ,The question wae raiaed by Meyor Nee to Mr. Bobert 8ucicley and Mr.;J,ames Spence repreaenting the Church of St. William if the church would be willing to pay for the iire hydrants acroae Ur}iver$ity Avenne. Mr. Buckley iaquired how many hydrante activally ae;ved the area now and etated�he et311 „, questioned the validity of the location of the hydrants.,�Mayor Nee , inquired i� they could aettle now on_a price. Mr. Buekley replied he� felt it was atrictly on,a basis that 3f they were ty3ng into it at any place there would be no queation about the sspesement but they were completely aurrounded South and East.-by aerviees and�aseeesmentet�,Mr. JulkowskiL� repreeenting Moon P1aza,Shopping Centei�;etated+tha�church did not pay any taxee and they ehouldn't objeet to�spe,cial aeeeeemanta. Mr. Buckley replied they were paying at the preeent time e�t�least,$30�000.00 in epecial sesessmenta, Mayor Nee explained the City�Council had,gone J e.head in good faith on the project without knowing`ihow,,,i,t�,would,develop, Mr, Buckley asserted it had been a�id ear�ier by•eomebody,»t,his eyening the reason they had gone ahead was�'for ,the shopping,center,., City Engineer Qureahi explained they did not know..where the bullding wae,to bs.loGated for the church. Councilman Wright atated they provided,s,ex�ce Yor co�- ercially zoned land facing a co�ercial atreet and this wae eommereially zoned property, that the church did chooae th3s property With i'rontage on a main commercial etreet. Mr. Buckley replied they didn!trexpect,to.be,paying all the way asound their property� thst the preaent,bi�ilding �1ea e'tempor- ary building and the church would not be facing Univereity Avettue. 1��1 Councilman Wr3ght stated it wae hie opinion the.t co�ercial property usvally faced a co�erclal stree�. Mr, Buckley inquired tha�k when they knew the chnrch had all of this property� would thej. then '6e going to sasess the church a11, the way around its-property. Mayor Nee inquired what kind oP con[�iromise covld be �worked out. - � i . . Mr. Buckley replied the engineera could axrive at a figure for the value of s hydrant and other items of contingencies would be ballistic and they would be more than agreeeble to that: Mr. Spence etated th3s line referred to wae brought in at the e�sII. wieh oi and to aexve the ehopping center, Mayor Nee replied the line would have been brought in regardlege. Mr. Spence inqvired 1Y it would etill be fair to aseesa the church for this eervi�e'-knowing they had already Connected into the 61et Avenue 1inE. Mr; Cometock� �oneulti�g engineer� explained that in talking about the atnount oY money tha'�'gcea in�o retirement� they muat Pigure this into general tax&e� that �very yeax� it ie two QF thrge mille pr more applted on general taxee'wh3c�t ie specif�cally-applied to retire theee figures. Mr. Julkrnreki atated he felt the City Council and engineere were wise in putting this line on University Avenue because in putting the water line there t�ey did service the irontage on University Avenue snd the church should pay their ehare. Mr, Spence seaerted the church had purchased the property before the ahopping center people made notice of their intent to build a�ehopping center. Counci]man Kirkham etated he did not think �they coyld�juetify the-releaee at a].1. Councilman Wright etated he had a pro�poee,l to oifer� that it would have been possible to serve Moon Pleza by croaeing 62nd from the Weet eide� croseing the highway and going Nox'th without any line goin� Prom the property line to 61st on the Esst " eide. fte went on �o- explain that thie was not done as a result of the hear- ing on the improvement but had it been done they could have saved $2500.00� that one iormula might be the �hurch be �sked to pay the additional cost oP running up the East eide to��6let which is app�roximately opposite Sunriee Drive about $2500.00 and would aeem to h3m about the least they could sek the church to pay. Mr. Buckley replied that the emount wae - exceseive but did sgree that he unders�ood it. Mr, Julkowaki stated he did not feel it wae enough for the church to pay. Councilman Wright s%sted tFiaty added to hie proposal ehould be the �hrase� "the actual dollar amoun� to be figured by,the Engineering Department." NLr. Spence inquired i£.the proporty owned by the Shell Company had Ueen assessed. Mayor Nee replied it had not becauae their services were eetablished on 61st Avenue. Motion by Wright that the Aesesament Roll for Sewer e,nd Water #66 be amended so �hst the seeeesmente against Lot 5� Parcel 460� the Church of St. i�Fj,lliam propetty� reflect the cost af the line running from 61st Aven�e f'rom the Eaet eide of Univereity Avenue North to the property line aeparating thd'church an$ Mooa Plaza Shopping Center as eatlmated from the usual conetruction eoet Pront Yoot baeie•by the engineera and that the assessmer� on Lote 2� 3� and 4 be sdjusted aecordingly to meet the total; that the eum to be aeaeesed Lot 5� Parcel 460 be $i,9i3.,50. Mr. Comatock, coneulting , engineer� etated he 'ielt a water line the calibe�^ of thie property ought to be assessed� that the church would�firid out these two Pire hydrants � wovld be well'worth�•the aeaeesmenta and� hasically� the only two hydrante that would service them in a fire would be acroas the etreet and behind them and this warranted a 1CXY,� aeseesment. Motion by Wright to amend motion to read that $500.00 be added to previoue motion for two fire hydrante, �Couac3lman Sher3d8n eXplained to Mr. Buckley and Mr, Spence the City Council wae almoet obligated to runsthie through as the,asaeaement had been propos- ed oY $3200.00 and the motion on the floor would,bring it up to almost that ' and woUld think if the church felt they ehould voice an objection they I could teke whatever steps they wiahed after that. He explained that Conncilman Wright was trying to work ovt something oY benefit but a court wovld have to decide if there was $3200.00 benefit to the churcii property, The motion died ,for�lack of a eeCOnd. Mr, Buckley stated in view of what had'iaeen eaid he'and Mr. Spence� repreeenting the Church of St. W1111am� wouldTlike to go on record to withdraw the ob�ections they had on the aeseaemeats� the,t they had felt they had a good reaspn for their requeet. Mayur ffiee replied he mail.d understand,the validity of the argument, as 'preaented.' , Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution #201=196� cpnfirming aesessment for Sewer and Water I�provement Projeet No. 66 with no objectors listed. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 17u RESOI.UTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROIS, - SS & SW �58; n Mayor Nee announced for the conaideration oi the City Cduncil a resolution confirming the assessment roll ior Storm Sewer� Water and Sanitary �ewer Improve�nt Project No, 58. There wae a diecueaion period held re- garding iteme pertinent to the resolution, r '� . Moi,ion Uy Sheridan to adopt.Reeolution confirming Aseesament 3ar Storm Sewer, Water, and Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project No. 58�w3th the I following reservatione: �' ' Tha.t Stem 1'6e certified deleting for review by the Engineering �—� � Department and report to the City Council Lote 20, AuSditor's Subdiviaion #92: Lot 31r`Subd�vision #92;a Lot 6� garcel 60D; Lota 1 extd 3� Van Cleave Additlon: �Lot,ll, Block l� Meadow land Gardene: Lot 7� Block 3y Parlc7lew Heighte: vot 14� Black�3� � Parkvisw Helghte: Lot 33��Block 2� flnd Lot 8� Block 3 ParkvieW Manor, � , � The motton died for lack oi a second. Motion by Wright to table the reaolution confirming Aeseaement, Ro11 for Storm Sewer� Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvement project No. 58. Seconded bp Sheridan. -Upon a voice vote� there being no xiaye�-�the motion carr3ed unanimously, . � � RESOLUTTON ��202-1964 CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLI, - 1964 SERVICE CpNNECTI0N5: Mayor Nee announced for the coneideration of the City Council a resolution confirming the asseaement rol7. Yor 1964 Service Connectione. � Motion by Sheridan to adopt Reaolution �202-196�+ confirmirig aseesement for 1964 Water and-Sewer Mains, Leterale and Service Connectiona w3th the following deletion and giving a 10 year apreadS Delete on Schedule D,� Lot 16� Block 11� Plymouth AdditYon. Zots ],2� 1� snd � 20� Marian Hills - 10 year epread: Seconded by Kirkham:" Upon a voice -�' vote, there being no nays, the motion carr3ed unanimously. ', „. , RFSOLUTION �293-ZJ6�+ RECENING PRELIMINARY R�PORT AND ORDERING AEARING- sw �'(os � ' • � - � � . Mr. Comstock� conaultin� engineer� explained the pre�,iminasy,repor't� that there wns onei�em concerning a petition for,seWer and wateT �,n question and had been referred to on a previous report� that the cost estimate given Por the project includes all items ment�oned with the exception o£ one item, Councilmau��3heriden inquired if �thi,e was requeated by petiti,on. Ci.ty Engineer 4ureshi replied �s7.], had 51,� petitions except the last item. Mr. Cometock atated the`City,Meaager,}tad been dis- cuesing water aerv3ce on a block with the V311a.ge oP New Brlghton and there wae a poaeibility of�rhia making arrangemente with New Brighton. Motion by Wright to adopt Aesolution #203-1964 receiving,preliminery - plans and specifieations and calling a putilic hearing on the matter of the conetruction of aertain improvemants; Wates' ahd Se`ter Pzroject No. 70. Seconded hy Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� tkere being no Aays� the motion carried unanimously. . ` 071I�R BU3INE5S: �� � � Mr. Bernard Julkowski eacplained,to the City Cous�cil`about e,yeas previous he had bought 12 acres of land to build a 32.uait,apartment building on and after a year he had had so many problems and eoet&she could,'not get £inancing firmed up until he could get the plat on iile Snd,inquired if the City Council rrould waive the $2,000.00 en�ineexing Co9ts�,'IUntil the�� improvements were in. City Engineer Qureahi explained thiq,"Wae'6ae3cally the remittin� fee the cuatomer wae chaxged and ie incuxred beYore the improvement goes in. The Pinance Director further e�lsined th�Ss would primarily be the city eAgineering depai�tment's checking thie out and if the improvemnt wae let most bf thie woitl�l be�rePunded°regardleas� 1 �' �� that� norme].ly� this money ie not used but is a guarantee that in case the project ahouldn't go through they would have money to pay Yor the aewer and water.- Councilman Sheridan inquired when Mr. Julkowski�wanted the utilities put in. Mr. Julkoweki replied as aoon ae poesible as he would have to have them�'ths�C,the,main reeson he wanted thie �aaived wsa to get the pla� filed. Co�mcilman Sheridan saserted they wuld tken, in fact� be waiving the escrow money. , � , City Engineer Qureehi expleined that some membera of the laet Council did vraive engineering escrow and'the developer choae to use a private � consulta.nt inetead of the city and employees of the city eti11 had to inapect the job�" that they would heve,to charge their money to the general fund and perhapa there ahould be a one per cent charge instead of 5'�: Councilme.n Sheridan suggested they could aleo� beYore e.11owing anybody to put in sewer and water� obtain the escrow money at that time. . , Motion by Sheride,n to waive the advance payment of the engineering escrow fee for Terry's Add3tion �ri}lieu of an agreement signed by Beraerd Julkowski� developer. Seconded by Rirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimouely. Coimcilman Sheridsn 3nquired 1� the C3ty Council etill wanted to have a traffic eign erected on Oaborne Road ana xi�hway #65, that the trafific count indicatee it ie needed badly,and Co�mniseioner Mike 0'Bannon had suggeste$ a letter be written for euch a aemaphorecand e copy of sa.me be eent t0 Anoka and euggesting Spring Lake Park also write a letter, It was generally agreed the City Manager ehould be instructed to write such a letter. ADJO�N: ° There being Ro further buaineae� Mayor Nee declared the Special Council r— Meeting of September 28� 1964 adjourned. Respectfully subs�itted� _ � i_.�i �li ,.�""'" - � Sue Miakowic Wil iam S. Nee Secretary Mayor SPECIAL COUNCIL.MEETING - SEP`1`EMBER 30� 19��+ . , The meeting wae.called to order by Meyor Pro-tem Wright, ROLL CALL:� .. . Members"Present:. Wright, Sheridan� Kirkham Membere Abeent: Johanson� Nee , CAN51A5S OF PRIMARY ELECTION OF SEPTEMBER 29, 1964: