09/30/1964 - 00022508Y�� that� normttlly� this money is not uaed but ie a guarantee that in case the project ehouldn't go throvgh they would have money to pay for the sewer and water.- Councilma.n Sheridan inquired when Mr. Julkoweki�wanted the utilitiee put in. Mr. Julkoweki replied ae soon as poeaible se he would have'�o have them�'the,� the main reseon he wanted thia vaived wae to get the plat filed. Councilman Sheridan asserted they�ould then� in fact� be waiving the escrow money, , �, City Engineer Qureehi explained that some membera of the laet Council did waive engineering escrow and"the developer shose to uee a private consultant instep,d of the city and employees of the city etill had to inapect the joti� that they would'heve to charge their money to the general Yund and perhaps there should be a one per cent charge instead of 5',{+: Covneilman Sheridan euggeeted they could also� before a]lowing snybody to put in sewer and water� obtain the escrow money at that time. _ , Motion by Sheridan to waive the advs,ace payment of the engineering escrow fee for Terry'e Addition �in'Llieu of an agreemen� signed by Bernard Julkowski� developer. Seconded by Kirkl�am. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion csrried_unanimouely. Coimcilman'Sheridan inquired ii the City Council etill wanted to have a trafPic eign erected on Oaborne Road and Highway #65� that the trafi'ic count iniiicates 3t ie needed badly�and Comm3seioner Mike 0'Bannon had sugg+eete$ a letter be written for euch a aemaphorecand a copy of eame be sent to Anoka and suggeating Spring Lake Park also write a letter. It wae genera7ly agreed the City Mane.geT ahould be inatructed to write such e letter. ADJOi1HN: ' _ There being no Yurther bueinesa� Mayor Nee declared the Special Council Meeting of September�28� 1964 adjourned. � ReapectYully aub�ttted� . � �,�� � ` �--�- Sue Miekowic � Wil iam J. Nee 5ecretary Mayor SPECIAL COUNCIL.MEETING - SEPTEMBER 30� 1964 � � s � . The meeting was.called to order hy Mayor Pro-tem Wrigh�. ROLL CALL:� .. , Members�Preaents. Wright� Sheridsn� Kirkham Membera Absent: Johanson� Nee , CANVASS OF PRIMARY ELECTION OF SEPTEMBER 29, 1964: l_ �� �� Motion by Rirkham that: In accordance with Section 4;08 oi" the Charter oY the City oP Fridley� the City Council dec].ares the result� 'oi the 1964 Primary Election to be ae followe: . W-2 P-1 ` W-2 Y-2 TOTAL: A. The total number of baZlots cast was: S89 Ward 2- Precinet 1 306 ward 2- Precinet 2 283 TOTAL: 5a9 � B. The vote ior each candidate, and number of defectd.ve and not voted ballots ie ae Pollowa: �K�lft���u�:l���?7:i�i�l7^a Sheridan Gnerre Saundera Not Voted and�or Ohman DEFECTIVE Tota.l i28 6o io5 7 6 � 306 —�— � 55 7 ��" 2� ti � 256 149 16o i4 ,��io 589 "� C. The following two peryple are hereby d��l�i`e$ �nti��ed to have their names placed on the Genere.l Election Bal].ot on November 3� 196�+, . ' RAYMOND E . SHERIDAN � WA7Ci� F . SAUNDF.RS - D. The hallota were iesued. E. The nsmea of the judges of election are ae'Yollows: WARD 2 - PRECINCT 1 Mrs. Lee Mondloh Mrs. Harold Jensen Mrs. Da1e Hadtrath Mrs, W, B. Sims Mrs. Betty Jean Ri�ter Mrs. Frences McLauglin Mrs. Maxine Mondloh Mrs. Janice Hebiesen Mra. Adeline Haidle Mra. Donald Mur3 Mrs. Virgin3a Locker Mr. Gerald Ad�s Mr. Harold Olerud Mr. Norlan Lee Mre, Marlya Wo1Lum Mre. Shirley Pitala Mr�. FIazel Andereon Mrs. Jane Barnette Mrs. Betty AIf'redeon Mre.�Grace Ludwig WARD 2 - PRECINC�T 2 Mra. George Bacon Mrs, Richard Kinsman Mrs, Jerry Knutaon Mrs. Edythe Colline Mrs. Adeline Swaneon Mrs. Joyce Cornkell Eileen Freeman Margaret Julkowski , Mre. Betty Johnsrud Mrs. Lois Mullen COUNCILMAN COUNCILMAIV Mre. Margaset Knudeon Mr. Jamee Plemel Mre. 8ylvie Marre 'Mre.'Janice Drigans Mr. Douglae Wh3te Mrs. Maxine Evane Mrs. Lucille Western Mr.:Davdd�ScheaY -Edna:Hiaytzlce � � � Mrs.'Helen'Chenette ,, MA - �3� Nee _ _� -J —� �I I ��J covxC . . - , co�xc�r � � � � i . Mo'�ioh by,'K3r,kLam 'eo accept the results oi the Ward �2 IRrimary Election oY Sepiember 29�'1961+ was seaonded. Upon a voice vote� there being no naye�^the-�otion cerried unanimously. AD�70URPSNENT: � �here beiag no �urther busineee� Mayor PYo-tem Wright declared the meetia� edjourned'. Respec�tfully aubmitted: Marvin C. Bruneel.l •• Acting Secre'tary to the Council � REGUI.AIt C�UNCIL 1�4:ET1NG� ocTOBER 5, 1964 A regulaa meeting of the Council of the City of Fridley was c�lled to order by Mayor Nee at 8:29 P.M. e ' ROLL CAIS,• � M�mbers Present: Nee� Kirkhem� Sheridan, Wright Membera Absent: Johanson APPROVAI, OF MIIQiTrES - REGULAR MEETING, SEFPEMBER 21, 1964: , ' . Motiori b'y ]firkh9m to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of cSeptember 21� 1961� ae prepared and received. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voYce vote� tffiere being no neye� the mot3on carried unanimously, APPROVAL OF M�PIUTES � SPECIAL MEETING, SEPTEbIDER 28, 1964: Motion by�Wright to approve�the minutes pf the Special Meeting of September 28� 1961F',ae pxepared and rece3ved, 5econded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote�'theTe being no naye� the motion carried unanimously. .� . , APpRbVAL bF MINi1TES - SPECIAL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 30, ig64: Motion by Sheridan to approv� the minutes oP the Special Meeting of September 30� 1964 se prepared and received. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimouely. �yG RESOLUTION PA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT PLANS AND Mayor Nee announced he had a requeat Prom Mr. McFadden oi' the M3nnesota State fiighway Department to have their items moved forward on t3�e agenda and if there was no objection from the C�,ty Manager or the City Council� they would do so. Mr. McFadden introduced Mr. Braun oY his department and stated he was repreaenting Diatrict #5. 'The City Manager explained the layout and plans ae preaented by the Minneeota�State II3ghway Department officials ta the City Council, City Eng,ineer G�,ureshi 9tated it was not shown in the plana that the highway department would make prov3eions for proper drainange and a letter should be transmitted in thie: regard. The City Manager. e�cp],aiaed the service road to Rice Creek Terrace. Mr, MeFadden stated the plan approved by the city did�'t have the Yrontage roe.d in. It was�explained residents in the area would heve to come down to 1+th St�cse,�� and on to 57th Avenue, City Engineer Qureahi e�rplained drivewaye were illegal entries, 'Phe City Manager etated uhen the right-of-way had been purchased� the people were paid for their access. Councilma.n Sheridan inquired ii it was known whether the garages were buil� at the time oi the purchase oP the right-. of-way, Mr, McFadden replied he did not know, Counci]men Sher3dan inquired if they would have accees to the park ofP Unlvera3ty. The City Manager replie3 3t would be off of 69th Aveme and traen't planned ar- iginally as suah. Mayor Nee inquired of City Attorney Smith if the City of Fridley owned some right-of-way North oi 77th Avenue, City Engineer Qureshi atated the C31.y did have landa showing right-of-way limi'te. C3ty Attorney Sm3th replied the early plane ran the line west of University and Oaborne Road� that the City had put 3n their water line in what they thought was the right-of-way and when the fina�. plane came out� they had come up to the City's easement� that the people in thie area expect the city to pay them for the land they aae taking, He eSCplained on the city�a 20 ieet the State ha� a temporary eaee�nt of 15 fee� and it has cauaed a great deal of trouble� that he had talke$ to the State � Highway Depru•tment and the man acquiring thie land me't with him and � had atated it was a mieunderstanding but that when they talk to the -" property owners they talk as 3f it were two diPf'�reat iteme. Mr. McFadden inquired if City Attorney Smith had ta]ked �o Mr. John Diffenbach, that this should be done and it would be followed through properly, Mayor Nee inquired i£ this would sti11 be inaide the right-of-way. City Attorney Smith replied it would nota that the atate took right up to the easement oY the City of Fridley�sn8:6� partial 15 Peet on top of the easement but it atill leYt the City of Fridley with their appeals. It wae explained the City of iridley couldn't wait fox the St�te Highway Department and the covnty co�l�aionere had come out and their awards had been just but the city Wae lei't with all of the appeals on the property pending� that one property owner had actually tried-to get 75�i and'these should be-aettled elong �+ith,the comdemnation of the State Aighway Department. `Ehe Citj* Manager raised the question of•elgnals at different interaections� ahd,Yf the State Highway Department proposed to have them at 61et� 65t�� 69th�^73rd� and '%7th and everywhere they would croes over, Mr. MCFadden replied it , would have to be 3nvestigated. Councilman Wright stated there zrovld be even more need ior eignals with the school to be built on East River Road at;.6let Avenue. Me.yor Nee explained the fi3gh echool, the �unior high echool and gre.de echool studente a71 crose here. The City Manager etated'to Mr.,M6F'add�n the signn].s at 61et Avenue��65th Avenue and 69th Avenue,ehoul�l all definitely be guaranteed before conetruction and 73rd might come later and stated the city woul.d like some aesurance they were going to get them. Zt was explained by the C3'ty Manager,the �i�;y did,have the assurance of Missiseippi Street in trriting. Counai7man Wright etated they would also have to have 61�t Avenue eignals',at least wath study for permenent signals guaTanteed, The,City Manager asserted they should have asaurance frpm the State Highway Deparitment they woUld get the signals. Councilman Wright explained 61st Avenue would be a major connection to East River Road and be an East e,nd Weat route