11/23/1964 - 00022369u a i, summer. Councilman.Shex•�dan suggested tlie L��o commissions irt que���on should look at the problem and the Cti1.y Council could make a dcc�;ion from there. Motion by Sher�dan to receive and lile tiLcleiter from Independeni, fschool D�strict No. 14� dated November 13� lyo�F and refer to Par1:s cand Pl�iy,rrrninda aiid Recreation Commissions. ueconded by ilri�r'�{, nUpon a votce vote, Lhe�e being no nays, the motiou carried unanii�iously. The City Manager reported �.here was a letier iroin the Fire Depai t�rienl, suggesting an a�reement andit was drawn for i,he Fire Depari,rnent by tlie City Attorney based on ti�liai. the Pire Chir:f l,�d 1.old liim. Coui�cil�nan Sheridan stated this had been discussed at, the meeLing with 1,he �'ir�: Department he had attended and iL seemed reasonable and feasib]P. Motion by 5heridan to authorize the Agreeme�ii, �a�th the P'ire llepa�°tmeiii,. Seconded by Wright, Upon a voice vote� L1ierE �ein� no n�ys, the mo�,lon carried unanimously. ADJOUFiN: � There being no further Uusine�s, Mayor Nee declared i,he Rep,ulax Council Nleeting of November 16, 1961E adjourned. Respectfully submitted� Sue Miskowic Wm. Tlee, Secretary to the Council SPECIAL COUNCIL MCPITING - NOVPNIDPI2 23� 19u4 A specaal meel,ing of i�he Council of t11E Clty oF I'ridley w�s calleil to order by Mayor Nee at �i:07 P.M. ROLL CAId,: D4embers Present: Nee� Kir];kiam� Sfieridan,'r7ri�;l�t Membe�s�Abseni.: None DIDS - W-34-Q-2 (OPEIV�D NOON NOVLMB�R 23 19���i ) YUNPHOUSl APID YUMPING INSTALLATION - WPLL Mayor Nee announced the cons�derat,ion of bids opened this da,y for jd-34-Q-2 for a pump house and pumpin� inst,�{11r�Ltinn for Well �}G with a tabulation sheet and reporl: just passecl to memUers of tt�e City Council. The City Mana�;er read {:he U�rls aloud as tul]ovs :� � � �t,nrnro r,nr,Tz ri�n �oPm rt�rai� srrn; �tn I,�yne-Atinnesoi,ra 'Prinity �1��7 C;�liFornSn St. N. ]s. Ui25versal Mu�ne�poL9� P7inri. 55�717; S�o ���4��81,.Op /licli>>i�;�i� F, Green Conc{,. Llnite3 ]71 F;oi�i,h il�basha Pacif�c �1. T'au7_, Minn. 55i�7 57� $3�,90t�.00 :,cnn ConsLruclnon� iuc. Cont2nenLal ��'�05 Plr,aelsi�r B1vd, Ins. Company Ninnc,3polis, P�inn. j5�41G 5p �;3�j�874.00 COMPL�TION TII�IFI 120 Days 195 na3�s i6o D� ys �nd c;:p]aCne�3 tnere wa� also � report from the consulting engineers stal,tinP, i1�cy had reviewed 1.he b�ds and named tk�e low bidder to l�e Layne-bSinnesoi,a an the amount of �,,'�iF��i�1.00 wZth �l,he estintated con �i,ruct Lon l isted an the tirel� minary p].ans as �50, 500.00. FIe furl,liPr expla �ned the report lnc�lrated i.}le costs trere well within i,he ect,imate ancl the consul.in�� engineers recommended the firm of La}nc-h9�une,oi,a. Mayor Sdee Ei,ated i.he Cit� of Fridley Y�ad� fn Ll�e r�asl,, ;ome difficull.y tirith this company and inquired ii it hod hceri ro^oLved. Thc L'ity blanager re�alied Lhe problem Mt3yor Nee lrrerrecl tu ���ti, a dii'ferent situai,ion as it x�as well drillin� and l,iicie :tiould Ue no problem w�th this type of installtztion and therc� �r^rc �io conPlict3ng claime ai, presens, to hie knowledge. Mayor iT�e in�iii, ic��l of Mr. Comstod:� con,ulting en�ineer� if the problem wiU� J,ayi��_]qlnnesota had bcen �olved c�nd �aae �old it hsd. 41oLion h} 41iir;1�1, thai, Lhe City Council concur wi{,h the recommendation of {1�� �onsu]I;�ng engineers nnd �ward the bid, W-34-�i-2� £or a > punip hoiisr nnd pumpin� insi,allatiou to Layne-M�nnesota� 3147 C�l� fbrnla ❑Li•eet Sdori.heact� Mlnnenpolis, btinnesota 55418 in the amo�mL oP �'>j11�'��`�1.00. Sec�on@ed Ly Sheridari. Upon a voice vote� 6.iere L�in�; no �says, the mc�Lion carriea unan�mously. TiIITLi)1f1G L'MRII NIfIF�'PSP�G MSNV[7°�S, PiOVL'MB1;R 1�i� 1y64 P�ia;or iI�,e annnunced for the co�isideratnon of the City Council tl�e n�uinl,r� n1' t,l�r Buildiug Board of November ln� 1q64, t1FPi�IC'FtT70PI FY)R A RU7tiDTtiG I'PP.MI7' BY GUTiNlIR JOHNSOPi & 1tPC`I'OTiY �PI� AT'P�CIIFD G6tTtAG1] FOR ;;T. W7LL7AM'S CATHOLI 'I`0 PRl Fidl OF' FO�i Thc L', l� N�nager read Lo f.heCity Coua7cil Ilie recommendation of the Btul��zn_, Ro�ard, M��or Nec iiiqinrcd reg�rding the problem of the rlirecl���1 LLr bu2lding noulcl fare. The City Manager replied he was tiuiticqu��ir�Led i�iLh {,l�e prob]ems bti�t it ha�l apparently been resolved an�l pre�eiii�ed plano ancl speciPicaLions S'or the Ci�y Counezl to in- �pFCt. MoLio,i L; ]:irLdi�m Lo conct�r �n'aYi L}ie r�comtnendation of the Building Fo�rd ;�iid rppl•ove {,l�e bLUldzng pe-rmyt, Uy Gunnar Johnson and Sons Por a r���l,ory aud attached �arage For St. 41il.liam's Catholic Church � L =�'j-_�lsi f�venue Northe� et� Lota 7 to 15� Block 2� Nor�aood Addition i,o P'xi�lle3� Park� buildin�; I.o be 101 feei, 10 inches by 40 feet 8 �ilchec� €;Rx•at�e Lo Ue 24 feeL Uy 21F fect, oF steel� concrete and ��ood con�t,rucLion i�ii.h an eeLimated cosL oP �;40�0OO.Od. Seconded b�; llri�,liL. Upon a voicc� vote, th�re be5nr; no nays� the motion carried imaniuio�,u ]y. - , I FOR A BUILDING PERMIT BY D. I,i. IIERSTAD COPdPANY Mayor Nee announced the consideration of a�i application for a 1;uLldin� permit by the D. W, Harstad Com�an� for a stora�e room an�l rFmodeling For Art Christensen. The City Manager expla�ned to l.he City L'o�mcil he had been told by the o��ner� Art Chrisi.ensen, this area w��s l�ein�= remodeled for a restaurant. The applicai,ion was further expla uied Uy Councilman Kirkham who stated iL ��as in order 1,o enahle their proh- able use as a restaurant and the area to be Uuilt was f'or a etorage room. Ma��or Nee asser�ed i;he only quesi;ion l�e had �ias if �.li�s tiiere a part oi the remodeling i.itiaL- had a1re'ady been done �s 1,tie owners had ,7ust completed some restylin�; oP tlle rooi' ]ine aTid canopy. C;il,y Attorney Smith explained this appl�catlon i�aa sometYnn�, lar��T•. Motion by Wright to concur �aith the recommei�dat,ion of the Biaildiug Board and approve the btuldin� permit U� the D, L1, Harstad Comp�ny for a storage room and the remodeling ot tihe roof' ai, 6475 Universrty Avenue Nor�theasL� buildin� Lo be 29 Ceet Uy 34 feet oi cernenL �nd :teel construction with an estimaLed coat of $4�500.00 £or Art Chr�sl.cnsen. Seconded by Shexidan. Upon a voice vote� theze being no nsys, ilie motion carried unanimously. ICATION FOR A BUILDING P�FMIT P'OR A NUP,SING HOML. BY �D CII11�,U I'L�D AT 7120 CENTRAL AVI,NUP PIORTfiF;AST. PAR`l' OF LOTS 2 ATSD � �Y �!F i�'FIli'P ' OP ']70,000.00: The City Manager read to tlie City Council the recommended appruval b,y the Building Iloard and explained 1.htis was {he area 1,hey ]ia�l �r�avted a special ttee germit Y,o Nlr. Norton for c�bout � year previou:3 tiud lir had come in and received an extension on It. Mayor Nee inquired �[ 1,he area were served Uy �anil.ary se�aer. Mr. Comstock� consultinE; en�;�neer� replied there was a petition for ii, and i�, was discuesed �i, t,he �Uume time County Road H was d�scussed. Mayor Nee inqldred if a❑urun g home could be built without sanitnry sener 1'acllitiee r�r�d iia:d I,old Ly Lhe City ManaQer the owners would no1, bc �b].e Lo get a��provaL Uil.y ALtorney Smith explained i,he owners would liave to have State 1'uUlic i3ealth Department approval, b1r, Comsi,ocl_ s tai,ed one of thc� reaso�i� this area was delayed was because of thc propo,al i,tial; vas rna�le I o Lhe Nprth Suburban uanil,ary Se�aer Districi, to extend an iuterce pLOr in that direetion� bu� L1ie matter cou]d bc brought up agaln b� l,'ie City Counci7. and the facility ❑ould Uc dvailable ln tlie lai,e Pdll ol nexL yeor. I't was sttggcsi,ed by �L�ie C�t�+ Manancr iS' Lhe CiL�� Coun��t� wished aome of those quesL�ou3 auswered� l,l�ey r_ould @eFer Lhie PioL]�m 6o the next regular meeting. Councilmau Sheridan aeserted U�e �nly question he had was l,hat i,he o�anex� undoabtedl� I'elL 1.liere ��a5 sr,uil�t�,� �ewer in the area. Ma,yor Nee sLal,ed l�e 4ioulQ �nsh 1.o see Lli�° ax�.a developed along the lines Lhat h�d been px�rviously �liscus:erl, tli. V. M. Nagel� resldenL� ln£ormecl i,he Ci�y Coutir•�1 Mr.Chies '_%n��� i'i��ie ��a� no sanitary �ewer in the area at the preseni. Lime. City Ai,torn�y Smith asserted the olmers couldn't �;ec SLa1,e �-pprova] imtil il,e.xe �ras sanitary sewer in Ll�e nrea. Mayor [Ice r� plied the Ci1 ,y z�a� �,i�,v � ri�' Y'or a lateral service i,o tl�at area. Mr. Com;tock expla�i�e�l Lo Ihe C�ty Couneil a report tiad been mscle ancl �t�r ��uLion 1�as pend�_nt; wi I,l�a action by the North SuUurban Banil.ary Se��c�r Dl�tr�cL Board. 1L „��,_ auggeeteci by Mayor Nee tliis possti7�ly dl�fn'L Lave avy re]evauc� a� to vhether or not to isstiac Llie perm�t, Por Liic nuxaing home. Motion by FLirkham i,o concur w�th the recomrn�:ndat�on of i:be �u�l�lui� Board and approve the bti�]d�n� per�niL Coi a nlireing hoi��E 1�;� l�L] C1iLC: loeai.c�d a� 7120 Cen�Lral Avenue Nortlieasl, pcu•l, oC Lot,s 2 ancl 3, 1�n�7i- 1or's Subdivision No. i��, 1�uildin�; to bt� ?]� i'c�ei, by ��F fieL ui cemenh and sLee1 consi,rtiicLton viLh nn e� r�i��ilr�l cool, nF t�177��Q0(�.��0. L W i� � i �4 � � � �;��� , � ,I, � , � � ��, �. � „ � � '� � � � �� �� , �� , � � � � 'i � �,� ;'� � � � � , �� �'» °'d,��h', a', �'';i,i ��, � � � �' � � � i ^ ,'� �; ��' � � ��'s�V;=f�'"� ' �'i � n � � � �' Seconded b„heridan C nci ma s � . ou 1 n Sh i a s�e �� t� � �.� Y ar d n ugge d � he''BU3],cYing' �' Inspectian DepartmAnt ehqul.d he .to1d to m�lke su�'e 't ��'�`"bu '�l i18,'�'���'``�� ^'��; ' � laoed on tlie ro ert ��s�.�}�"�»� .�."�<�� � P p P, Y ir�� accordance Wi�tfl� �h��� ���ot:'' � sa�, ,'�'& x5;��t��,�'�"._. �� � won't affect any,�prable}n wiLh �the xo�d si:��t-o�'w y�; . � �� ���jIII���� h „� ��� � �� � �}{iw� �i Y��w.�...�lM��y I vote� there beingina� iiays, the mbti�an'earried� unanimb4 .'`�' �;'�" �„" '��t' �� 1 � '�ti"�: �W... I , ' I � � ��! ,� ,' J� `Phe City Maneger read to the C2ty Gouncil, Che� recommB3ldatioi4j�of'•-tkc°".," "� Bui3ding Boar�3 and explained he was not certain 3f ffu�h�nt{'�actiuriYlg.„i, had complied w3th'��tfie w3sh of the Building'�Baard�;the�',�°�►a,e3�;q�%"ti'dti�'�Gf','���nd �' the south end of tY�e �bu3lfling where the �doors sre'loca�ed"!�b��'.�`�e's�ri�^te�1�';��;� � prior tio Councll acti0n. The plans were discuseed and���vi,e?a��'�����;�he "'� ' City Caunc3l. � � � � _ ' �a "���' `_ � � Mo-�ion by Ldriglit to coneur with the x�ecommenda�ioti oi��,th�,,�Bp�lding'��� ��� i Board and t�pprove �he building permi�, b'y Jamison BrOth�,r,9,;�',Q�j,s,�`d,;� '�`� � � I � y', building at Kurt Mai�uPactur3ng Gompgny'to�be-uaed as's.�wax�ho,t�eA��.,°''�'��� loca�ted r�t �280 Ni81n �itreet Northeast (Noxth 3�k�i''o%,La���„t�udltbz���s' °`��F, ,; Suvdivision No. 79, conatructed o£ eteel and masonry,�,�;at� en;,e�tSm¢t'ed' ��,4 ,' , I cost oC €G20�000, Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice �vote� t�eTe 'qe�.ng'' no nays � ttie moi:ion earried unanimoualy. I �' i i�' � � ; , , ' ,',; '.���� ,I: ', ''i' � � � , 'r��1r^x„ �.,�, �� II'� r: }" , i i 7�1, ; , ' __ � � ` � � ���I � � ei• ' ..1.�4.,k"i ` �"� ii= �i�r i APPLICATION FOR,A BUSLDSNG PERAiLT FOEi;'A NURSINC} �HOME,J.iCf��B&i;�TipCATEI��P, �, ��". � AT 3�' 3RD AVE;NUE'NORTHEAS�', PARCEL'N0. 0',� S-1 B`AF$��W'2'SQPt�es], �; �e;� ��,�� ,;I�I �� RIEDEL PfiOPERTY BY WSLLIAM �. CANIP JR. TO BE ,CONB'PRUG'i'ED,?OF CONCRE`�i. �� � I AT AN ESTII�fATPD C09T 'OF 375,000.00; BUILDSNG� T� BE 2 n `�+BY,°'<f '' �� v P'E�T: � � "'1', " �,�m��'nr�!;, �+ � �� The City Mana�er explained to the Citry Council.t,hey,had�p3aCed'.�"., �� suepeneion on triia i�em becauAe they �had not 3aeued-��,6p��Ci�7�„tiAe?��'.;;�';�, � � permi� and had euepended' builfling� in the area, .that�'�'t�i�y; ��'��pw8ti'b�?: ���', "�+� � �o take act3c�n on �juet the esthetiee'but �hey w�ouldni�`t;zbe'�'sl�tYlo�iz3;n�°�y;,i'P"�'j a permit because e�special use permit had not� been gza't��iedL�+i�MAyoF"',�� , ����, Nee inqu ired ,Lf the Ci,ty I�nager had had any diseus`��,ony 0�,'�',�,is,',"it`�m �°`^�� ;,' �� with Mr. Camp wha had presented the application: ,�'��'he�,�bQxt'�C�a{�e;;gEr>','�,�,.� replied he had only told Mr. Camp the C3ty Oounci,l,hadd�epep��i'�,ed�^e�tiy ���;,i, � action on the 1and. ' Mayor Nee assertac] he would if3tie���'bb, h9�Np,���he�1���,,,,� �����;� �, '� City Manager expresa ��o the pereon �equeating �he �p�x+mi��t��ti2lq�p�y�•r ��i+; �;� �� � City Council hopes that he will ma3n'tain his intereg,t'�i'n,��h8�'�:Qa�,1�'ty�, „p� � �� and as soon ftrt the problem is reaolved� everyone would�WelqQmexthel�"�;'� ���i� instal].ation. Cauna�lman Sheridan suggeeted� rec@�v3ttg�}�hA�'rs�%pi�,ca��o,n,�' ior the build �ng pelmit: �Mayor Nee � added thia �wae �a sdes3,�ab1e'��".��,, �,°, „ �� addition tc� Lhe co�9l�nity. Tt was anggeated by CotinCllm�u^Wr�ght ���'';' � � � thia pet3tioner coulfl tieat the ability of the.Cit�y��Couho3l';3n'�,oxde�,,, to obtain {.his building� permit in court and inquired"iY,r�tk1�.'s�r��loi `,I< ; �� � wasn't in �,he area 3n the reeolution the had' sus ended. btti$;di�ttg ��" ' Y P permits. Ma�or Nee repl3ed they had auapended'rezonipp,,°andr°U��1'f'th�''�,"� � Council wi�hed to make a motion to receive the recomm�2�d8ti �'`'' 0��:, � ,�".,: :" �, without ac�inn, it would be 3n order. Councilm8n,F7rig�;C�aese�te¢j`, ' i�" he did not lilte to �3ve the petitioner a'buildin� permit`WhPn"�heie,,'' ,�„'�' i is any doubt at a11, i� would give him, an o�portunity,' �cr-bixiTc��. �. f��,�„�' �'�'j�'� � �� �,����,�, � � � w..J Mo�ion by ",heridan to reae3ve the recommenda�ion o3' �lie Bt7ild�xlg� .,, , Soard re ardin., an a licat�on for a tuilding permit for a"'nuraing!' � F PP home to be located at 435-63rd Avenue Northeast� Parcel No.,4$00�' S 1�2 of Section 14� Riedel Property� by William 0. Camp� Jrc� to be ronstructed of concrete at an estimra.ted cost of $375�000.00 building to be 246 feet tay 94 fee� and await the report from the Planninp, Commission involving the suspension oP action. Seconded by Wright, Upon a voice voi,e, there being no nays� the motion carried iananimously. , `LlJ VIIS,AGE OF HTIS,TOP - RE: CON`IRACT: Mayor Nee announced Por the consideration of the City Council the fire contract fo�'' the Village of Hilltop and explained suUstaniiall,y, they ask that Fridley.'s standby fee be reduced from $2400.00 1,0 _ $1200.00 and other elements reduced somewhat, also. IIe stated his awn feeling was tttat he wss not inclined to bar�ain and would wtth- draw the offer. Councilman Wright agreed the Village of IiillLop had made it clear in their correspondence they were not going to make an effort to be self-sustaining and �ust r�ant to buy proteci,ion indefinitely and this was contrary to the wishes of the i'ridley Fire Department. Mayor Nee inqu3red ii' the men of the Fridley Pire Department had seen the latest proposal of the Village of Hilltop. Chief P,obeit Hughes replied he was familiar with 1.he terms and stated he didn'1. feel theVillage of Hilltop could afford to establish a Fire Depart- ment. It wae explained by the Ciiy Manager tl�e City could accaunt for the increase but they were asking for a rate of �i1200.00 eind the city's offer was $2400.00. Cilief fIughes stated he had ask.ed how the Village of Hilltop had arrived at the amount of $1200.C(1 and had b�en'told they had checked what the cost was to Pridley citizens and�i'elt thia �2400.00 wa9 excessive, IL was furt,her ex- plained by the City M¢nsger the Village of Hilltop liad f�lt ii, was costin� Fridley citizens 2-1�2 mills and they had arrived ai. 11�is raLe by applying 5 mills to their valuation and it had been raised about, $1200.00. Councl�7uoan tidright asserted the price rras reasonable Lut they d3d not want a one year contract� they wpnted a three year contract automatically renewatle. Chiei Hughes replied he had Ueen told they had to come�in every year and thou�ht this would solve — the problem� that they were not asking for a counter offer and he had understood the Village of ipring Lalce Park would give them pro- tectlon for a flat fee of �1500.00. M�yor Slr-e stated he did not know if any action were necessary except to advise tYie Vil]a�e of IIilltop regarding the termination of their contract. The Cit� Manager explained the Village of Hilltop had requested a reply and to be notified as soon as possible. Motion by Wri�ht to receive the letter from the Village of Ililltop dated November 18� i964 and direct the City Manager to inForm i,hem the only terms acceptable i,o the City of Pridley were the ori€;inal �erms and also inform them their cover�ge will cease as of Jravuary lst� 1965, rSeconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there bein�, no nays� the motion carried unanimously. CORRECTION OF PLAT - MELODY MANOR 4TII: D9ayor Nee announced for the consideratlon oi the C�i,y Council a minor problem of a correction of a plat and the statement o�'i,lle surveyor re�arding the correction. The City Manager explained t.hts was a typpgraphicsl error made by a draft�mdn and it h�d been approved by the County Surveyor. It wae su�gested the City Coimcll could approve the correction of the P.lat oi' Melody Manor 4i,Yi Addii,ion and authorize the City Clerk to certify same. Motion by Wright to approve the correction of the Plat of Melody Manor �ltH Addition and authorize the City Clerk to certify same. Seconded by 9heridan. Upon a voice vote, tnere being no na,ys, the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT : Mayor Nee announced i'or the consider�tion oi' the City Council an appointment for their consent and approval. ��7s Motiou Uy ;heridan to approve the following appointment: NA%L I,aurel R. Powers 972�E-;�:cl Streei, NorLYieast lila�ne, MinnPCOta 55433 POSI'CION SALARY RFPLACES Liquor $273,00 Sharleen Inventory per Howe Clerk month S-r_conded hy lClrkham. Mayor Nee inquired if the position had been advertised and was told it had. Upon a vo�ce vote� there being no riays� the mot�on carried unanimously. ,>rCOP,rD R1,4D CPTG OF ORDINANCE j�292 AMENDING CHAFfiER 46 - FIRE LIMITS: Mayor Plcc aunounced i'oi• i,he cons�derai�ion oP the City Council, the cecond �°ead iTi�, of' an ordinance establiNhing fire limite within the C��,y of Fridley and explained for the public in this ordinance the . Cit,y ��ould undert�ke to classify the buildings conetructed in C-2 and C-2; as being in fire limits which apgly certain higher standards �n consi.ructioi� to {,hose bulldin�r and it is a fire prevention meaaure and a].so applies to buildings in M-1 and M-2 districts which might �leu he built in C-2 and C-2S districts and is a higher grede of fare res�stance. Moi,lon by Sherldan to accept os second reading, adopt and publiah ord�nanc.e ���9?_ wh�ch is an ordinance creating and establiahin� fire lum ts oiithin t,he Cit,y of Prldley� and amending Chapter 46 of the City Cod� of 1,he L'zty of Fridley as to fire limits and fire districts. Secorided Ly �dright. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motaon carried unanimously. SLICODiD P]�f�DTNG OF ORDINANCr; ��293 AUPHORIZTNG SALE OF LOT 30� IlLOrI< , PLYMOt1TFi ADDITION: Mpyor Dlec announced fnr the consideration of the City Council a second readin� o£ an ordinauce authorizin� the sale of a lot and expleined the City Council had previonsly agreed to sell thia lot and did so nnd to clear the tit�.e it would require this ordinance. Motion by �dri�;ht to accept ae second reading, adopt and publish O��dinance y;�293 authorizing the sale of a lot, acquired by condem- uation and no ]on^er having a public purpose (Lot 30� Slock �� Ely- mout,h Add�.tion). Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� thcre being no nays� the motion c3rrled unanlmously, itFSOLiJTSON �"j2�E9-1964 CONFIRMING RE-ASS�SSMENT ROLI, - Mayor N�e announced for the consideration of the City Council a resoliation conCirming the re-as�essment.roll for Sanitary and Storm Sewer Cmprovement Project No. 24B and stated the City Council had an er.trncl, of the minu�es listed on page 12 of �heir agenda� i,hai, i,he name of the objector is the M& 0 Paper Company and the City Council could refer to previous minutes. He further stated thc C�Ly Counc�l also had a resolution in this regard and inquired if Lhere wa5 �a councilman who would move the resolution which was defined. MoLtion l�y Wri�ht l,o adopt Resolution �249-1�64 confirming the re- �ssessment for 5anitary ancl Storm Seeer Improvement Project No. 2�+ (�torm Sewer Pvrtion of Schedule B). The City Manager read the _.J � I � I v Y I named resolution. Mayor Nee annvunced the motion had Ueen msde U�� Councilman Wright and included the insertionof the word "nane" in Item �+ and the insertion of the words "M-i& 0 Paper Company" �n Item 3. Seconded by Kirkham. Mayor Nee �nformed Mr. PIolten oF the I.aw £irm of Faegre and Benson and ati,orneyfor the M& 0 Papur _ Company this was not a public hearing but in fairness the C;ity Councll would, consider any remarks he might iaish i.o make, riir, fIolten replied they had made their presentation and did not a�;ree tin i,ri 1,He ultimate conclusion the City Councll had reached. Mc3yor ]dee iiir�u�r�d if there were any further discussion on the matter. There wa.^, no one iaho wished to be heard. Upon a zbll call vote� Lhosr_ vol,�ci� in favor of the resolution Nee, Wri�ht, Kirkham� Sheridaci. 7`liose opposed� none. Mayor Nee declared the Resolution carried and so orderefl., ORDERING IMYROVPM[;NT AND FINAL PLANS AND SF'�CIPl'; � �'1. Mayor Nee announced for the consideration of the CiL-y Cou�zcil a re�ulution ordering the improvement and final plans and specificai:ions For si,rcel,� 1965-3. '�he City Mana�er explained tp the Cii,y Council the}� h:d pre- viously held the public hearing on this improvement but the x•e�olui.ion was not available at the tittie ior passage. Mayor Nee asserted he l�ad not been aware at the time of the public he�aring there was �xn,y expressed specifie objection �n the area Zn quesi.ion and would thsnk tttF CiLy Council would be justified in proceeding and informed the C�i.y Coutic�l this item would require a unanimous vot�. The City Manaf;er etaicd Councilman Wr3ght and Sheridan had been 61ie pereons closely �nwlve3 in this area. Councilman Sheridan replied everyone at tihr 1�ublic I— hearing had been in favor oi the project. Motion 6y Wright to adopt fiesolution �25p-19G4 ordering improvemerit. and final pl'ans and speciFications for Si.reets 1965-,3 and �pprov�ng plans and providing for bids. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a roll call vote� those voting aye� Nee� Wright� Slier�dan� Kirkkiam. Those voting nay� none. The motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #251-1964 ORDERIPdG IMPROV�MCSd'P AND PINAL PL�ATdS APID SPECIFICATIONS - SS 73� Mayor Nee announeed for the consideration of the City Council a resolut�on ordering impYOVement and final plans and speczficat,ions for 3torm S�wer Project No. 73� the area South of Highw¢y /f100 alon6 7th :�LroeL. 'CLc City Managen axplained to the City Council they had previouu]y helQ the public.hearing on this improvemen{, but the resolution wae not available at the time for passage. Motion by Sheridan to adopL Resolution {�251-1961F ordering improveinent and final plans and specifications; Storm �ewer Pro�ect Pdc�. 73• Seconded by Wright. Upon a roll call vote� Lhose voi,in� aye� NEe� Sheridan� Wrlght� Kirkham. Those votin�; nay� none. The mof.ion carried unanimously, FtESOLUTION RATIF'YING CONDEMNATION - SS ��5F5-19G4: Mayor Nee ax�nounced a resolution rstiFying condemnation for the considera$ion of the City Council and stai,ed it was a quesLioti oC whether it was needed, The City Menager inqulred of City �16torney Smith what he wished in place o£ the motion For the negoti�Lion of , $1�000.00. City Attorney �m3th replied tl,cre was a motion impl�ing they should go forward and condemn and Lheresolution needs Lo be dated back to cover that 1.ime because Lhey weren't able to n�„atiate for �1�000.00 and the motion was started� that he would like Lhese ?78 minu�es 1.o sho�� ratification of the motion on October 5th. Council- man Sheridan iuquired if this item was for i�he old wa].k-away and was told ii, wns . Motion t�y Sheridan to ratif;� condemnation - Storm uewer Project Number iT] and �nsert in the minutes of OctoUer 5th� 196�+ the resolta- t,ion canvey�d ort pa�e lf� of I;he agenda of November 23� 1964. Seconded US��IrigliL. Upo❑ a voice voLe, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimonsly, PP;�,OTIJrI'I(1N ��252-196�+, AU`PHORIZING COPIDEMIVATION - RIVERVIEW TLRRACE: `T'lie Ci L}� Mana�er explaiued to the City Councx] that regarding the. resolution autl�ori�in� condemnation of certain areas and the ease- ment for tl�c road and the water and sewer tYiey had been given a d�Fin�te �uarauty they oiould have the easement for the road and the watex� and �ewer line by ail four pariies involved by the end.of the oreck hul, For the sake oS safety� he would su�gest the City Council pa,s the mPntioned re�olution ordering the condemnation andin that �a�y if any of the people change the3r minde, the City would be pre- pared to proceed. City Attorney Smith �tated that before he could start condemriation of the area he would have to have the engineer f;�ve him deacriptions of the area involved. It was further explained by the Clty Manager he did not fecl they viould have to fale any con- demnation papers. Councilnian �Tright questioned the proper wording of i,he rFSO_lui,ion. City Attorney Smith replied the resolution had to be so vorded in order to qualify for condemnation and the City had t�o sLow iliey hadn't been able to accomplash the act by nego- tiaL-ion and it, wouldn't be aUorted unless it� in fact� did abort. Motion l�y R'rl�;hL to adopt Resolution �¢252-1964 oxdering condemnation� Rivervie*� Terrace� on Sewer and Water Improvement Project #70. Seconded by ;;herzdan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion c2xr�ed unanimously. 73isP�7�TT P,iTI1,7lING: Nla,yor ANc� ain7ouiiced I.he consideration o? the use of the Bennett � Bui]din� to i,kre City Council and informed them they had a sheet pre5ented to them i.h�t sketches out the dimensions and malces note of the heating o£ the +�arage are�. The City Manager explained to the City Codnci7. i,his u�ould r��qLdre a furnace in the gara�e area but it was at the discrei;ion oi 6he City Council how they used the bu3lding� that the l�ssessor and Cival Defense Dire�tor would very much like to use the bu�lding and the Publ�c Works Department would use the garage. Counc3l- man i^?rlght in]'ormed the City Council oi the Four rooms availahle� two of them could l�d closed and locked off From the hall and the other two and Lhe hallway could be the-open area of the biailding� that the gerage area c3id riot seem big enough for the purpose he would propose and still ]eave an open area. , Pdotion Uy Llrigl�t that the Cit,y of I'ridley undertake t,o ].ease the Bennett builfliilg to tihe Fridley Youth Center� Inc.� for recreational purposes and s{,nrage� oC equipment on the bas�s of a contract to be worked out w�i,h the Ctity, the space referred to as the two open rooms end open hallvay tn tYxe �aragey includ�n� the back room and access thereto negoti,ai.ed uith termU st satisfactory to the Cii:y of Fridley� with term; �aarantying maintenance of the building and terma oY a token amounL Sor lease sucl� �1.00 Por one year beginning_January 1� 19G5. Couilcilm�n Shertidan asserted there �aould have to be some l.�nd of l�cat iu i:he building. The Czty Manager stated the Finance Director hnd tallced thi3 matter over v�ith the City Assessor� and �n h�s preeent location he has about 460 square feet but� apperently� could run hie �neration from this building though he would be,cramped � I I � I I^ for spa,ce. Councilman Wright added by way of cotmnent to his suggested motion� he knew it would be temporary because they would move to destroy this build3ng but while the Youth Center ti�as Zncorporated and hed received some support they had been essentially told to do something and see if they could stay alive and th�s would �;ive i,heni that chance to attempt that and would� in tux•n, give the Cit; valuable 3nformation as to whether they would be �;ivin� them space in the new City Hall. Councilman Wright asserted it was an inexpensive way ior the City to give the youngsters a tr3a1 chance with the City assLman�, no risk at a11. It was explained by the Cit;; Manager that wt�et.her or not the bath room in the building would meet with public accommodai,ion standarde in that it is only one room and not divlded and whether or not they would have to provide another batl�room was another consideration. Councilman Wright replied this was V�hy he had leFt the terms open, that this was a private corporation and use of same and they were not inviting the public to walk in and ii' it wez�e required to have an additional bathroom it could be done, Mayor N�°e inquired ii' Councilrnan Wright had been in the building. Councilman Wright replied he Yiad been in the building just once but would b ke to poinl, out the mot,iori only authorized the drawing of the contract� not f,he signing of it. T+Ia�or Nee asserted he generally agreed with the mot,lon� that it d�d seem tio him it would coet the City more to moVe the Assessor's oYf�ce i,lian lt uould be wbrth. The motion for the City of Fridley {,o undertake the leaee of tlie Benneti, Building to the Fridley Youth Center� Inc. was seconded by Sheridan. Councilman Wright explained it might be the members of �he Pridley Youth Center� Inc.� would not want to do this or couldn't agree Uut he would like to reach the point they could start talking aboui, them. Mayor Nee asserted it did seem the heatin� problem would Ue a Severe problem. Upon a voice vote� i;here being no nays, the motion c�rried unanimously. OTf�R SUSINESS: Councilman Sheridan announced he had had a petltion handed i,o him i,h5s evening� that he was not certain if signatures were all from ?7c�rc! ��2 but it appeared it was primarily from Ward /�2 and he had advised the gentleman who had given it to him he would refer it to i.he Cit,y Counc!l. Motion by Sheridan to receive. Petition ��45-196ii on belialF of Wayne Saunders for Councilman-ai,-large and refer to administration for tabulation. Seaonded by Wright. Upon a vo7ce vote, there be�n� no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Following discussion Councilman Sheridan moved to constider tkie adju�t- ment of the City of Pridley request for General Revenue under tkie provisions o#' General Levy. Seconded by Wri�ht. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the moL-ion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan to increase the request oi the �enexal levy not i,o t,exceed $441F�20��.00. Seconded by Sdri,qYit,. Upo❑ a voice voj,e� t,hc rc� being no nays� the motion c�rried unt3nimously. ADJOURN: There being no further business� Mayor Nee declared Lhe 3pecti�l Council Meeting of November 23�'1964 ad�ourued. Respectfully eubmitted� � �i S Miskowic Secretary to the Council Wm, J. Nee, Ma,yor �1� ��� � ,� J �� -..�