12/10/1964 - 00022332portion of the entire city onto it. The Czty Manager asserted Minneapolis
would like to have Fridley off the contract. It wae mentioned by Council-
man Sheridan Fridley still did have a standby contx�.ct with Mznneapolis.
Mayor Nee auggested it was indicated they would either have to raise
rates or ta�es� but on {,he other hand the big users are eni.itled to a
reduetion, He further su;�ested they might assume they would carry
some o£ this on ta�tes. TheC3ty Manager explained the problem wi�:h raLe
schedules was they hadn't hac� a lon� enouUh operating time to figure tLe
system.� City Engineer Qureshi stated he should be able to find oul, more
th3s year� that they had made $30�000 more i,han last year but the debt
retirement of the bonds� etc., was very hard on thiy depari.meni,.
Councilman Wright asaerted the blg,difference was the increaee �n labor
costs and this was very lar�e. It was explained by the Finance Pireci.or
some oY the labor costs were a change in the method of accountin6 end Ehat
was�not split out from the transmission lines and distribui;ion and�now
they were separating it finer, the labor that is spent by the men in tne
purification plant is added on. Councilman 6�right added i.Iie labor For the
first nine monthe shows as much as the la�t three mont,iis. TI�P linanre
Director repl3ed the ch�nge was done at tlzat time and tliey made the
adjustment during the third qunrter and but not all the tkaixd quarter
Motion by Sheridan thst the City Council hold a special meettng
Thursday� DeCember 10� 1964,at Ci Y,M. Seconded by Flright. U�on a
voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried mianimausly.
� There bein� no further bus3ness� Mayor Pdee declared the Regular
Mee�ting of December 7� 1964 ad,7ourned.
� r � /� y�/ %�/��7i✓"GC/Y�" �
Re pa�tlzlly sutamitted, 5�35"=or - W, J. Sde
Sue Miskowic�-
Secretary ta the Council
A special meeting of the Counetil of i.he CZi.y of Fridley ��ac called to
order ty Mayor Nee nt 9:2'7 P.M.
,`� �
A9embel•;; Piesoint: IQee� Y,irlcliam� Sheridatt� Wrigh�
MemLcrs Ak�scnt: Nc�ne _
MaSror Nce announced the consideration of the applic8tion f6r a.building
pex�ni l-, t�y I�ir, M�.x Saliterman for a shopping center and explained the
Cii,y r,ouncLl had rrorlced through some of the material just previous i;o
tYre m�eLing zrith the CiL,y En�ineer, Cit,y rngineer Qureshi presented
pl�ns i'or tYic shopping center and explained the area. It was etated
by D4ayor Pdee that for several reasons L-hey were h$ving some di'fficultur
w�_l1i i,htis E�om an en�ineering point of vieor and the City Council wants
Gomr ��GSUrance as to how Mr. Saliterman was going to move on it. The
Cit,y Manager requested that the City Engineer ahow the,better road
p�l:tern. Councilman Sheridan aeserted this plan conformed to almost
a11 th� nere�sary setbacks and it would not affect the portion of the
bui]din�s ]�Sr. Saliterman i�ants to build now and they w0U1d fit into
this Ll�em�� Lhat �.t wouldn't �llow �ny expansion to the East a� he had
inriicaied ou the plan for the fui,ure. Mr. Salitermc;n inquired why
thev �.aould w�nt to move the road and was i,old by Councilman Sheridan it
would t;ie in better with the overa.11 plan� that-they muld not break
good street design and this would give a loading area and �ut the
street back �gainst one of the extremeties of i,he site and g3ve him
more �rea for ultimate developrnent, Councilman Wright asaured Mr.
E�1z Lcrm•�ri tiiey �aere actually cavin� commercial property the way it was
noe� Planned. Ii, tiias explained by Councilman Sheridan it gave Mr.
Sal�i,cnnan more usable property to the South and East th�COUgh the area
and iL- still gives him sui'ficient property �or �he aite he is presently
interested in going ahead with. Councilman T7righ� sta�dd if} conceivaUly
tliis devclopment wcre delayed or developed by another peraon� it wouldn't
re�i_dual],y affeci the first area. Mr. Saliterman aeaerted the purpose
of Uu�ldint; this commerclal erea is to k�ring 6usinesa in� then they
i�ould be lookin� ahead for something substanicially retail and iriquired
what tLe Council thought of a large retail type businesa. Counailman
Wr��;Yii, repl�ed the one concept was i? these stores were separated into a
U shape, he could have a mall� that many of them Yis.ve the feeling the
St. Flntl�ony development lacks this and a series of stripa is eomething
less or a court which muld at least have parking, that they also thought
ii' Mr, Salit�rman liked strips� he coi�3.d add on. It was explained by
1,lie Cii.y M,�nager ihe onl,y limitation would be parking.
Mr. S�literman inquired re;garding the rezoning of the residential area
Cor parlcing, Mayor Nee replied this was conceivable. City Attorney
.lmiiti expLained it would be Uetter to have the Council. and Plannin�
Co�nission act on this. Councilman Sheridan asserted they could have
a sper,�al ❑se permz� for parking. It was agreecl ptzrking Would be a
problem trut as Mayor Nee stated� would be solvable. Coixncilman Wright
addcd the Council o�ould construe that R-]� residential� is part of a
park�ng ;p�r.e,
M�yor Plce informed Mr. Salil.erman there were some flrainsge problems
�ri {.Le area, that i.hey could_not drain it with a cove7red culvert ox'
yt m��hi, have �o be a ditch or it wi3.1 have to run to'Rice Creek.
Ci1.,y i n�ineer Rureshi explained� at this timei 3P' M�. 3a�.itermar� wexe
�oinp, to build this xoad and shopping center there won't,be any major
proL]_em but when he dectided to use i,he ol,her land'he•wi��.�tiave to have
a ditch or xetention basin tLough� t�.t this state� he did'not think they
�aou]d h3ve to provide any drainage unless there were too mUCh alteration
oP tlie land. It wa� further explained by the City Engineer temporaTy
ctilvert,s could take care of dralna�e but future developTlAnt would haVe
� I
i i
—1 �
� ��
to have dxainage taken caxe of beYoxe Mr. �alitexwan would flevelop
the J.and. 'Mr. C,'C. CarlUona contractor for Mr. Salitern�an� stated
he had had soil tests made this past cummer and the wai.er ]iaad �,omc
�_ up in test holes in part pf tlze area but, aL no place did 1,1���y have ovc�r
, five feet pf soll that wasn't 300Qf� soil �nd he hacl told Mr, 3�lates•man�
at that time� he would have � problem samedny. Councllmau "heridan
- exp].ained as �hey undeTStood the probl�m this area and the lake level
were close'and this was the reason they coiild not drain �L la�th 2
cavered culvert. Cauncilman Wri�lzt Furt,her explained �f most, aP tl�c� arec3
axoun@ the stores were alanted it could be d�i,ched off, Cit�� I;n��neer
Qureshi stated to have the Uest thing would be to pipe i�. down �,o P,lce
Creek� an open ditch would he a cheaper w�y and the questiori coir�es
whether they are going i.o blocic the drain�g<= from i,he North par{, of it
unlesa a d3tch is provided deep enough to talie care of it, P7r. Carlson
replied in the St. Anthony �rea they developcd, the,y Y�ad a prol�lcm ver,y
similar to tYtis and sloped a lot into a diLr.h that runs int<� a rLorm :ewer.
Councilvlan Sheridan replled that� un#'ortunaLely� the storm cez�ei° is on
the opposite side of the highway. Ciiy Pn�ineer Q,ureshi add�cl t.lie oiily
difference between Mr. Carlson's example add this was he prohablJ didn't
have water coming from the North� that Lhis couldn'1; be a sh�illni� dii,ch.
I� rras expl&ined by the Cit,y Manager i.hzs could possiUly not Ue rl�•ive-
overable. City Fngineer Qureshi asserted this �rohlem could Le 1�andle�i
tahen Mr. Sa].i.terman presented au over-all p1�n, Mr,Saliterman �eplied
they would'have �his all in mind and o�hen they were ready it uoiild be
discussed. .
i It was explsined by the City blanag�r the water line undern�aih l.Pie nrea
i would ha�ve to be encased. Mayor Nee inquzred iF it wouldn'1: be clieaper
i - to lay a new 11ne rather than encase the present llne� tltat ttiey l�acl
� several'other things they irished to meet on with Mr. Salii.et•m��ai and
�� would 1.ike to get tied down a site plan. Mayor Nee addec� he d1d not
� knoor to what extent this all le�ally committed him tp buzldin� and Lou
I he thought it mi�ht develop and �uas no�, sure they all had t2�e same noi,ion
as they did.have collateral problems of other areas tliat Lhey tr� znd
� relste to. Mayor Nee stated he did not, know kiaw binding such � platz
�i wou].@ be btit they w�shed �a knou just whdt Mr. Saliterman i,n�u�lit mi�hi,
'� happen� that everybody agrees he could sel] t}lie property ofC and �L
Icould be developed separately. Counci�an 41-ri�ht added the C1Ly Council
i would 11ke to kave a plan on file of tlie area to refer to. P1r. l,aliLerman
xeplied th6y would not like to say aomething that wouldn't eveniu�lly
� turn out but they wera thinking o�' this plan vrithin reasan. He vas �o1d
i he could put it on file with the understanding this wouldn't bc holding.
I Councilman Wright asserted the major purpose of having Mr. Sal�terman`s
best and major plan on file is to give the City Council somethin�; lo
� refer to. Tt we.s explained by the City Mana�;er this could be quali£ied
i by saying this ie a proposal for thzs sate, Mr. Saliterman inquired
� what would happen if the center develops 1,o i.he point they had dzscussed
but no further� that ti�ey think it will do well but suppose it doe�n't;
I they�would have to take this land and put i1. to some ��hher purpose. Mayor
� Nee repl3ed they could not make him build wliat he had sa�d he uould bin1�3,
; Mr. Saliterman explained, that off hand, they were think�ng of a ma11
'I or a good Shopping Center, someth3.ng lilce Apache, an enclosed shopping
mall with 1j0�000 feet o£ building� or tPiey m��ht go io aff�ce buildin�;s�
i� ( medical centexs or buildings of that type. Pda.yor Nee aeserteci i,Yiat he
j � did not think they were far apart 3n their thinlcxn� but even �f t,h��
� plan was'on Yile� the Council couldn't make him Uuald ii., tlial, their
�, intere�t is the guidance of fu�ure couiicils� the P�annixig Commiss�on
' and at other points when they start thizilszng about tha�. Mr. Snlz6erman
repl3ed it wae a reasonable request and would let this plan et�tid as it
', was, Cbune3lman Sheridan explained ii thZS plan were acce�table to Mr,
Saliterman and it 3s giving him more area to the South Find 1�;��st nf the
streets� somethin� redrawn within reaeon thal:ti�ould match i.he reali�ned
' street would be presented. Mayor Nee added Chey wouldn't wenL the plan
file�i if Mr, Saliterm�n had no intention oi' �oing in the some direct3on.
Mr. salii,erman stated thas woald '6e his intention� that there are people
wlio s�y {,l�ey won't be �ble to develop a sema-regional.situo.tion well and
thero are i,hose who say Le c�n, Councilman Kirkham asserted the fact
Mr. „al�terman hesitated 1,o file anything wiY,h the City at al,l would
LndicatF l�e �aon't file anything he can`t promise to fLtlfill.
Cotmcilm�n Sheridan ini'oxmed Mr, Salii.erman the four membexs present `
go a]_�n� wit,11 l�as statement of developing a mall center as they think
th�r, �.s mpr� advantageous to the couununity than a stri� type centex
�nd l�nd dis;cussed i,he over_a].l plan hui: he did not have a eet oP p].ans
1,1�,3i, hnd Uecn reviewed by the 7�uildin� In�peetor and inqu3red ii these
were a complei,e set of p]ans. Mr, Carlson replied they had Poundation
p]ans drawn but that was all. Councilman Sheridan inquired when the
plans wou.ld be com�leted, that they had to have a complete aet before
the biaiJ_ding permit could be issued� thr�t it could ba issued for footin,,s
and foundation if the si;ructure was approved. The City Manager explained
this u�s an example such as the house he had shoWed the City Cotzricil�
if tliey put the footings in it would be at their own r3ak and 1f the
Council wanted to allow them to go aheaH at their own risk� they
would be glad to lnspect it. Counc3lman Sheridan eteted that in
shopp�n�; �rens there should be eome public bathroom facil3ties access-
i61e to the gublic using the trading area� that this had been diernssed
quii;e r;enerally by the Buildin� Aoard and the City Couneil. Mr.
�'aliter�man replied he had gone thraugh Brookdale and they didn't haxe
an,y and could not see why they would have to ha*re that� that it was not
i.he cxpense oF building same but the nuisance and vand�,liam would be
a lar�;c far.tor� siz�l this is a comparativeJy small center.,
Mr. C;nl�terman inquired ii' the name "Shorewood" was registered and sLated
h� would lil:e to oallit the Shorewood Shopping Center. It was a�reed
this r�as accepi.able. .
Councilman Sheridan inqulred regarding the facing of the ehopping center
and inr�til red if it could be ndded to or changed some. Mr. Carlann replied
t,he^n plan:3 iaere dradm s�mi]ar to the newest ones at their St. Anthony
area and there is a briolc bulkhead 3n front �nd glsss e,ll the way up to
the saff9t wSth a canop,y F3 feet that extends over all the"stores� that
there i� a ten i'oot aidewalk tha� extends continuous and,tkie canopy is
li�hted underneath. Councilman Sheridan inguixed iP,the des,i'gn was
going Lo be unique in some way so that people will remember it or iE
it �r�^ jus� �;o3n� {;o be � flat type long building. Mr. Carlson replied
it c�a� � very functional type Uuilding, Mr. Saliterman e%plalned the
Seare si.ore they had built was ane of the best stores tl]ey had,arid Sears
Roebur_k woulcl be in this center, that this property ia diYPerent Yrom
the 5i,. Anthony property because Sears had inveatigated �kt1e area very
thnroughly and tihey tl�ink ii' there is �rowth� they warit a part of it and
they do operate carefull,y and do turest property.
bir. Carlsor� inqutred if the City of Pridley had a ei�n ordinance. The
City T�f.�naver xeplied they did not as euch but went under the�Minneapolis �
Code. Mr. Car].son stated they wanted to lcnow this ior the infOx'ma�.ion �
of the ax•chitect, Mr. S�Iiterman explained their leasee �or the stores ii
a11 say they l�ave control over the signs and those leasing must ehow i
him the c9�n layoui�s and receive erritten confirmation fTOm him:
Gouncilman Sh�ridan explazned there was an amet�dment.to theiT bui3din� �� �
code 1-,hich vas in the process wl�ich Mr. Saliterman would have to oonform i
i.o and ii, was-for £ire safety, that there would have to be fire walls� ,
and roncrete masonry blocic, b1r, Carlson replied this had heen their '
intention. D1r, Saliterman asserted �:his shopping center"would be,block i
anr7 �i,ce] construction ac�d 1:hey would conform with the fire walls.
. i
Covnci]man,Sheridan stated if the proposed stree� was ar.reptftb]e �o
� Mr. Salitermen� through the �n�ineering Department, they would c�orlc up
a legal degcriQt3on i'or thas area and they would w�nt a deed I'ox i:he
street at the time the building permit is zsaued and would wanL thts
street dediceted. Mr. Saliterman replied ll�ey were dedlcai,in�, tl�o streeL
i ,and inquired �e�arding the f'�:flanc3n� of the street. Councilman >hcridan
, replied it.'would be a State Aid Road and uncier L-he pollcy of the Ctty
Council there would beas �+4 foot street� wii,h concrete ciarb anrl gvl,ter,
that it woald be of a heavier standard thau the re�ilar streei.s to meet
heavier loa'da� and the upgrading of that sLreet would come out o1'bL.",.A.
Funde and M�. Saliterman would be assessed only for the City's si.andard
stxeets; that this was the policy of the Cii.y Council. P�fr, 3r�]iterman
asserted they would want this all in writix� that i.hey d�d tllin]c ii, v�ns
3'air but would have to have it in writ:n� For their attorneys.
Nlayor �ee sta�ed he was concerned between t.he street and parkzn�� relal,ion
and inquired �.f the parking area was going t,o be a little abov� the si.reet
how it would be figured and who would figure it, Cit,y lsngineer �ureshi
replied the developex was supposed to give i,he City their grr�din�; plans
and they would set theix plans from that. The Ci1.yManager men�ioned
3�hat Mr. Carlson had taken out the alteration permit but he d9d n�ed
the proposal for gradin� the lot, It was explained by the City 1�:rigineet
when the easement is drawn it will be an extension of a road wi_i,h a
small angle but it was agxeed aFter discussion they would not be
changing the drawing. Mr. Salitez�nan stated they did need some help
in getting their footin�s in and inquired zahen they'could start the:,e
footings so they could coordinc�te their i�or]c, It wascexplained b,y t3�e
C3ty Manager Mr. Saliterman wants atzthorization from {:he C3ty Council
to authorize the Building Inspector to make inspectipn of i,he fooi.ings�
etc. but he Would still be doin� the footin�s at his own rislc. D1r.
ualiterma,n replied they would l�ke to have 1he BuildYng In�peci,or
assi,st them, Councilman Sheridan explained i:o Mr. Salit,erman 1.}k�t be-
eause they would give him such a motion to prpceed with the Footings�
they were not approving the plans as such, Types of businesses for the
area were discusaed such as delicatessens, etc. A'k�yor Nee inquzred if
the buildings would be served from the rear and was told tliey ��nuld. It
was explained by the City Mana(;er there 4rou1@ h�ve to be f'�Tteen feet
�'or fencing and planting.
Mayor Nee stated there was another point that should be t�re�u�;Yii Lo DTr.
Saliterman's at�ention and L-hat was L-hat the slcetch� as pr�scnted, did
not meet the parkin� requirements as they stood in ratio io tl�e• build3ng.
C3ty Engineer Qureshi explained the developer should lay aut a plan
ahowing the erea and it seems as though he most probably could give a
3 to 1 xatio. It was explained by the City Manager this would Ue Lliree
parking �paces for each y�00 square feei; and the parking would h��ve Lo
take out Px'om the �+acant area any drives or entrances. The quesi.ion
was raised if it was permissible to use the area back o£ ihe center for
parking and was answered not necessarily. Cauncilman Sheridasi znquared
of Mr.,5al,iterman if people like Sears required a m3mimum of pttirkit��
and wae told they did. Mayor Nee assexi,ed �t was no�l, clear that anyone
had an exeeea o� parking. Mr. Carlson stai,ed they would h�ve Lheir
architect,submit the plan with the reali�nment o? the building and
elevations� that he had also told the surveyor to come in and w�uld
- like to talk about the elevation fox�the road. City Pn�ineer �,areshi
�epl3ed that would depend on the drainage. A1r. Carlson inquire<1 af
they submitted this if �hey would be in a position to start tl�e folmdz-
t3on. Mayor Nee added al1 they wexe cancerned at�out was f,hab an,y hurry
might leave them with a piece of �round that was going to oause i.rouble,
Couneilman Wxight stated the motion needn�t make specific reference to
the inspeetion oP the faund�tion� that there are some con�3itions for 1,7�e
foundations and different conditions for the build9ng. M,�yor 1Vee asser�ed
this would not involve the building� just tYie foundatzon at thelr ot�,i
risk and the building inspector would be aul,horized to inspect Lhe
building in process to see iF it is done correctly, The City 112na��r
.� `�
cuYt;�:'��ed Llie moi;ion i�o�_i7c� be appropriai,e 1,hat the Citq Council �uthor3ze
61�c P,n�lclln�; Tns�ect;or i,o in�pect ihe t'ootin�s on this propexty w2�ich
arc l�ri�t�� {��sL�lled at tl�e owner's own ri_sk tirithout any necessary
c��cim� i I rnent {'ox a building permit.
Motiuii by Itirkham'that the City Council authorize the Suilding Inspector
to rnspect the footings on the proposed Shopping Center Site for Mr.
Max. ;'�li_i,ermatl which are being ins1;alled �t the owner's'own r3sk wtthout
any neceucary covrtnitmenl� for r� bixil<lin� permit� property 1.o'eated at
�'�25 1i11't���tiY j{�5 Northeast, P�rcel No. 1800, Sou�h 1'f2-of Seciion 13.
Flecondcr� l�y Ylri ght: Mr, Carl.son inquired as tl�e motion' said at Mr.
;,n1i L�ri�i.�r�' , o�rn xtsky it' the inspector oUjects to spmethiII� different
Y�trt hc v�, p]annin� to preseut him with t,he foundat'ion p1.an, Mayor Nee
expb,ined 6h�t in the pasl, wi�h fros�; coming on this could�be done hut
P.hey c;ou.ld ,till preseni; p]ans tha� mighi, i.a,lte some &�.teration 6ut it
�loee noL imp7y �aith the set oT plans at this potnt the city would appirove
crC l,h� �lan ��ud tliis was merely speciflcally autYiorizing the Building
Tn�i>eci,or t,o do whaL' he should do as routine. Upon a voice vote, there
Ueln�, iio i1�y�� il:e motlon carried unanimously,
A1oL1on l�p ;lheridan to i.able, to a special meeting convened to December
]_�i, 1�?C�� ��, �P,M. the consideration of appo�Lntments. Seconded by
Kir1:;�am. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays,'the motion carried
wsaii� moucly.
A1a��or PJee announcetl for the consideration oi theCity Cotmeil the
improvemenLs for the Bennett Building and inquired i£'the�e were details
for 1,his improvement. The City Manager explatned to the'C3ty Council
�,he Paumbin�; anfl IIeatYng Tnspectox� was told to check out tbe matter
and hr, h�d Ueen able to narrow the price ot improvements'down to about
$]200.00. Councilman ldright stated, L-hat, basically, he had a break-
�lo�m n3rich F�ould be satisfactory to L-he Frldley Youth Center� that they
cou]Q p;cic up and install one 80�Oa0 �TU furnace� one iak�� and an
addlLioiuzl *aashroom far $500.OQ with insLall.ation at $200.00� thcj,t the
pri�e �uotc�cl by Lhe City Manager had laeen projeeted a bit and he had
d�ne some checlein� and the prices are hi�;h and felt they were'tallcing
�boub:�J,000.00 out oF which they couZd salva�e a$150,00 fux�ace and
some bathroom fixtuxes. He explained i,he Youth Center has'no budget
�t tbi� t;ime to contribute torrards this improvement and'theae are
�cserfi,ial improvements and they want to puL tahat little maney they
hav� ini,o esthetics and felt it would be appropm3aCe to have the Council
sharo an this cost.
D9aLion by tiri�ht that the Ciiy Council �uthorize the ins�alla'�ion of
a fui-��ace and a bathroom and entrance for the-Bennett Building� the
C�ty P+tanr��er in arrangdng for thiN to-minimize the cost to health and
saTei,y lor 6he one year occupancy for the Pridley Youtfi Center� Sne,�
�nd a�_�thorize the sum of $1200,00 for the expendi�ure.' Secbnded by
Sheri�9an. Councilman'Sberidan i�ired if they wexe talking about a
unib heai.�r and was Cold 15y the City Ma.nager it was a iloor heates.
Coui2cilman aheridan replied� if he understood thls type oi heater
correct7.�, it would not be salva�eable� that a unit heater cou2d be
ucecl bv at: teaet a�arage, The C3ty Mana,ger exp],ained th'ey had thought
thP f.loor heater would g�ve the best heat for the moaey. Councilman
ti7ri�;h1, acserted 1,hey had txied to get a ceiling type heater°which was
nelther �vailable nor adequate and a i'loor heater mould be most economical
and exp.la7ned it was called �, space heater. Cauncilme,n'Wright stated
he t�ou.ld Ue one of i,he iirsi, to urge the demoli�ion oY'the unesthe�ic
.J '
part oi' this building but felt this wos a reasmnable expenditure, t,hat
it was'unioxtvnate th�s didn'1. come wYth the full �pqn�orship of the
Recreation'iCommission. Coun'cilman Kirkham assertad if thze build�n�
wexe not be3ng ueed each and every ni�ht by the Youth Cent,er, would ii,
be.pOSaible to h�ve other groups Yiave the privilege of rentin� Lhe space.
Counctlman Wright replied he thought so, l,hat the Youth Center did not
have any,lockable storgge for the game eqiilpment but could malce some
arran�ements, City Attorney Smith asserted the Huilding would be
available to other groups. It was ex�la3.n�d by Councilman Wri�;ht the
Youth Center is me,k3ng a very definite efiort to recruit, members From
all school diatricts and would think they �ould wan�: to use i;l�e bu�ldin�
at least two, nights a week but they mi�lzi. want to come 1n and tiorli th�
early montlla and beyond that they would have no objection to rentin� zt
out. Mayor Nee etated it shuu7d be a part of the lease th�,t i.he huilding
be progra�mned Yor other uses and inquired if the City did not still pay
for the 2ent ior the band to practice a-L the schools. The City bt��nager
replied they did at certa�n times. The questinn was r�,ised if other
�roups were to use the building if this was something that should be
determined in hia office or the Recreation Commission oFi'tce or cl�ould
i.t be�something that another group would have to iake up with ihe Przdley
Youth Center, Counc�lman Wright sug�{ested the Fridley YouLY, Cen�,er
should be e.11owed to rent, the building for purposes o�' stora�e of equip-
ment and development and aetually have ii.s use only on, for example,
Priday and Saturday with other groups malun� arrangemeni� tlirough t,l�e
City Managex.
City Attorney Smith inquired what proUlem they would ht�ve since �,he
estimate is $1�000.00 Prom Councilman [lright and $1,200.00 from i.Y!e
C3ty Manegex. Mayor Nee replicd it could not be all on one contract„ C3ly
Attorney Smith explained they could not expend public ftimds �aitltnut adver-
i- tising or taking bids and the way, the motion was phraser�, tt�ey could perhaps
have had 'it that the City Managex be �ui,horized to proceer� ��ii.h i,l,e
� installation oi a second water closet £acility not to exceed a certain
amount of dollars and to pxoceed with the purchase and insta7lat�on oF �
heating unit not to exceed a certain amouni, of dollurs and boi,h of
these would be tha amount i,hey had i,allred about.
Counoilmtsn Wright withdrew his original motion to authorize Cacilities
in the Bennett Buildin�. Seeondc�o i,he moi,ton withdrawn by Couucilmcan
Motlon by Wright that the City Council authorize the(,CLtyt N42ria�,er i,o
have in5tal.led in the Bennett Building at 6420 - 5th SLreet Nori,heast
an add3tional bathroom facility at a cost no1� 1.o exceed �i50,00 n.nd
an additional heating facility not to �xceed $350.00, Seconded by
Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there be�n�, no naye� the mol,lon carried
City Attorney $m3th su��ested i,he Notice of Appeal they had been pre-
sented could be received and referred to tlie City Attorney.
Motzon by' Sheridan to receive the Nol,ice from the Districi, Couri., tenth
�- Judicial D�.strict� the Appeal of the Pdinnesota and Ontario Paper Company
to the reassessment on the Storm and Sanitary Sewer Improvemeni. Pro�ect
�' {�24 and' refer to the City ltttorney, Seconded by Kirlchacn, lJpun a vozce
vote� there being no na,ys, the motion carried un�nimously.
Mayor Nee announcea the City Manager would like to conslder v�aivin�;
notice to consider two z�;ems.
The C�ty M:,na�er explained one of the items was with xega,rd to Lot 16�
Eilocic 6, Carlson'� Sutmnit Manor Additaon,that Lot 17 ha,d been obtained
on a Lax. f'orfeit and Commissioner Mike 0`B�.nnoi� had ea3d this' would be
in the amaunt of aboui: $150.00. He explained that on Lot l� there are
assessment,�; and plias cos6s the ownere say i,hey hava to have �2�98�.83
i'or xts pnrchase� that this had been subm3tted to the Parks Sub-Gott¢nittee
�nd Llic�y s f,� ]] ti�anted i t purchnsed even at that price a,nd Yelt he sriould �
�;�I. aulhar�zation for its purchase. .
The Cii,y Mana�er explained the other item he wished to call to their
atLention was that for several years� at least since i96i, the admini-
sLraLi�n h�d ].00lced for the �1�000.00 escrow the Broneon �rickson i'irm
ha d pu l, i n i.o �;uarunty thai, they would propexly handle the dirt from
Lhe properi.y they had given to 1,he City as a park� that they Also.didn't I
h�tivr. the deed buL this had now been obtained and in talking to�the Park I
Dit•eci,or he Fclt lae could recommend that �he Council authorize returning I
�,he �>1,000.00 escro�r as an agreemen.t had been found which^didn't tie the �
ozrner doun as far as ]evelang the ground and felt he could re w�tend that i
the City Council. aui,horize returning the escraw money and they��did now have
th� properi,y. Mayor Nee inquired if the escrow asaured the grading. The I
City Mana�;er replied the owner had not done that much damage to the property, �
Cotmcilman i�lr�.gllt etated they were certain he had, that D3ck Donlin, of ,
1,1�e Park SuU-Committee had had a plan for six months and it was felt
tn.th i,he �51,000.00 escrow the,y could eventually get into the area� that
h1r. Donlan has been ready io develop this area for a ver.y satiefactory
pai•1: 1'or some time. The City Manager explained they had been holding i
$1000.00 for a period of s3x yeare and felt they were makia� more ;'
d�fCicultie, for a11 concerned and not accomplish3.ng'anything by keeping
tl�e :�1,000.00 in escrow and �t would be better to Pinish that part o£ it
a� i.hey dldn't have a ti�hi, enough agreement to get anything elae irom I
the owner� thr�t he had talked to Mr. Donlin and he h4d felt they wouldn't � �
ga�n enough i;o antagonize the owner. Councilman Wright atated he felt ;
theq should take the position the owner shou].d do somegrading� ete.� on
that land in �scrow. Mayor Nee asaert�d t$is land would need some p3pe i
�n �t regardlesa for drainage. The City Manager eXplained the mein thin�
tl�ey had i,o be concexned with iaas that the drainage was left open.
P9aror Pdee inCOrmed the City Council they would entertain's. motion to
waive a noLlce of hearing for the purpose of.purchasing some land in
Summii, Manor. .
Mo61on h,y Sheridan to waive Notice oi ilearing to aoneider,,the' purchase
of LoC 76� Block 6, Qarlson's Summit Manor Addition. Seconded by Wright.
Upon � votce vote, there being no nays� the motion carried Unanimously.
Ma;�or Pdee �mzounced for the consider�tion of the City Council the purcha:e
for P�rk purposes a lot in ;ummi� Manor Addi�ion. It was,exp].ained by
the C�{,y P7�nager that over a peri.od of tlrne the reason these iots 3n
quesi,�on had not been bu�lt on was they were not buildahle but had been
filled and �tere now bu3ldable; that it had been discuseed'�he lots were
goin� f,ax foi�,eit. City Attorney Smith Yndicated the AttorAey fOr the
LvexT Carlson Company was��disturbed with him and with the City of
Fridle��, tha� the City Council had directed him to.riegotiate to buy these �
t�ro lol,s from the Evert Carlson Company and as City Attoxney he had
rorritten ln him and t;hey had �rrived at a price; that the price was agree-
abie and then no action cias talcen. City �ttorney Smith stated that some-
one Icnew i;he lots were going to be taY i'or£eit and they held 6ack and the
ai.torney for the Bvert Carlson Company had kept calling him and writin�
him; after nhich the entare matter was h�13 up while the lots,were taic
i'orCe� ted �n�l i.he City then saad they didn'i; want to buy them because
t,hey wPre i,ax forfeit, iic explained he had then had to call this attorney
and he hnd s�id this wr�s a terrible way to do business ar�d was able to only
t hc 1��I f'rom ��l�i cli thc �pli 6 vas bcinf; made and it was his understanding
i.h�y r�ppl�eQ Cor a t�uildin� permiL and want to build the garage ri�ht
up Ln 1.lar line. Czty Rn�;ineer Qureshi explained the area in question.
T4ayor PSee 9n�uirc�d if thia cou13 not be resolved by the following Monday.
Crnmo�ln�;3n „herielnn explained i,o i,h� coni.raci,or and owner preseni. the
�rn�,nn i},,, p;nyor l�nd �slu�fl wnr t,hat. Lhe Clty CouaciZ would be having a
-����„ i c, � mro 1, i ng l,}ia 1, n1 �h 1, an�l i f they liad all 1,11e problems resolved
I.hi� c•rnild h� l,�ken carc of al, 1;hat time. A discussion was held relal,ive
Ia t�)�;�i �a��u7d have to Ue presented for the building permYt and lot sp1�t.
('ounc�lman K�rlcham added LheS� riould have 1,o have a survey of the loi,
ih�l, i� y,rtin� split. The qucs6ion was raised if the contrector could
r1iF; 1}�� t'noLinF;s on the come Unsi� as Mr. Saliterman had and be given
��orm i� r i nn i n 6hi , m�nnrr , Councilm�n ^lierldnn replied they could no1,
l�orau�r Uiry would h�ve t,o go bed�ore the l�oard of Appeals on the side
yar�l rcqt»rements and i L would take lon�er than this procedure. It w�s
�;enrr�lly agreed to hold action on ttiis item until tlie following Monday
ltn,70f 71;AI -
'P�i�r�� he inf; no further bnsines� Mayor P1ee declared the Specictl Councal
MFCI,'rnr oC 'I'hursd�y� Dccember 10� 196�� ad,7ourned.
Rr�pocl,fnJly sabmitted,
,(�/ ' ti!t�`%C� UjC(.A� �
f�+f 'Miskovac Idm, �. Nee
;Sr�cr�lar,, t,o the Counci] Mayor
The m�einng was called to order by Mayor Nee at 10:04 P.M,
T4F•mhc�r� 1'rc=eni,: Nee� Kirkham Sheridan} Wright
t7embnrs /!}�scni,: None
Mr. Croon sYlo�aed the Council that he had i,he deed for the east five feet
of Loi. 3. Motion by Wrigh�� Seconded by Sheridan� that the lot spl�t be
npprovcd. �rpon � voice vote, there bein� no nays� Mayor Nee declared
1 hc mo f, io�l carricd.