12/21/1964 - 0002231941AIVER OF NO`PICS OP ME�TING: Motion by Sheridan� seconded by Kirlcham� that the Council �aaiv, tl��� twelve-hour meeting notice to consider �n additlonal i{,em Lo ti�ose ]�si,c�d on the agenda. Uoon a roll c211 vote, those voting ayc , tde��� t�`lr•1=}��Ii,� Sheridan� Wright. Nays� none, Mayor Ne? dcclared the motion carxza�l. �STFlBLISIIMENT OI' HUMAN P,ELATIOPIS COMM7TTLE: Mr. R2chard Herder preseni;ed a writteri l�rnposal 6y a group nf' cc�ti�eti„ proposin� establishmeni, of a Iiuman Relat�ons Committee� anil al�o, <z nni.icr from the Chairman of the Republican Party io the I'r�dley PepuY,]�can P<�rLy stating that the party approves this proposal. Mr. IIerder sL��ted LLi: proposal had the approval of boi,li ma�or political partic�e a�id al,so Ilie Fridley Ministerial Associatlon. Motion b,y llright� seconded by ;lieri,lan, �o receive the proposal on a Iluman Relai.ions Committee comZ�r�:�d of L�u points nnd dealing wlth a proposed Commsi l,e� on FIuman Ri�la{ �on:,, and ,,o request the City Attortley to prepare a resolut�on sei,i,ing up surh a committee for the neXt re�,vlar meetin�;. iJpon � voice voi,e, i,here be� nt no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. f� PPOINTMENP : This item was tabled to i,he next regular Counc�l Meetin� on Uecemh�er �1� 1964. ►����+1�ic���au� There being no i'urther business� Mayos Idee deel�red the meeL�!�,�, ad�ourn�°rl at 10:1+5 P,M. Respectfully submitteda Ear1 P. Wagner Actin� Secretary to the Council �� �1 ������ � �� LJm. J, f�ee, Mayor R73CUI.AR COUNCIL MEETING - DF,CEPffiCR 21 , 196�4 A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fri�iley w�s calle�l to order by Mayor Nee at 8:00 P.M, ROLi. CALL: Members Present: Nee Kirkham, Slier�dan, Wri„IiT. Members Absent• None �3� Al'l'Pr�vAL ni_ ^TTrd1TI'E3S -^ RR^i1T An nqn;R'I'LN�% � DFCBMPTiR 7� 1964: M�t+rni by Sh�ridan to apprcrve th� minutes of rhe December 7, 1964 r��etin� aR r�>roivrd. Secen�led 6y Kirkham, Upon a voice vote, there bein�T nn n,�}�9, ti�e m�tion carried unanimou9ly. APPRI�VAL OF MINLITER - SPFCTAL MRETING - TIECRD7BER ].0, 1964: MoCion hv Wright to apnrove thP minutes of. the SpeQial Meeing of Dec�mber 1�, 1954 as received. Seconded by Slieridan. Upon a voice vote, there hoin� no nays, the motLOn cnrried unanimously, APPROVAT, ��r MIT]UTES - SPFCIAI, MF,F,ZN� - DFCF.MBPR 74y 7964: Mottinn hp K�rkham tn approve the mina*as af the SpeciAl Meeing of Dcecmbor l�t, 196�t as received, Seconded by Wright. Upon a voi.r_e vote, there bcinn no nays, the morion carr+�d unanimously, pT�jil7(7 IIRARTNC ON STRFET VACAT7f1N - 6�4's AVf_;NTJG NOR'CHSAST - F7RST RT3AD7'NG The City Manaver r�ad the notice of hearinr;. There wes no one present who 5[+n�p f�r or a�Ainst the-proposed vacation. The City Mana{;er sY,ated th�r h� 2iad a<lecd fran the John W, Thomas Cocnpeny to Carlsott-LaVine for the North on�-half of 6�ti Avenue Northen,^>r, and also a purch�se agreement r^latinr; ro the samr, Phe Plannin? Crnnmission Mad recommended approv�l of this �treet vacaYion pmviding all parti�s concerned were in agmeme_nt on the v�cation. The Mayor stated that this street vacation could solve 9evera7, planning problame ia tlte area. Counci.lman Sheridan asked if this would not rerluce thc arcess tn the Pairy Queen. The City ManaPer stated rhat th� Dairy Queon had agrved to the vncation of the road, and they �.�ro nnt opposed to it, Councilmen Sheridan moved that the hearing on the vncatinn of 54 z Avnnue Northeast be closed and that this be aecepted as the F�_ist readin� of the ordinance vacatin� t.he street. Seconded by WriRht, i7pon a voice vote, there being no ❑ays, the motion carried unanzmou,sly. -1 'fk� COMPANY 11F ALL CXINDITIONS FOR THE VACA'ITON QF 64"� AVENUG NORTH6AST LYING Cou+�cilman Sheridan moved the a�aption oE the above resolution. Seconded by tCErkham. ripon a vvi_ce vote, there being no nays, the �oCion carried unanimously, APP�7*ITh1FNT - COUNCIT,nIAN-A'P-1,ARl;E: Counrilman Shcridan moved the app�inT,ment of Clenn W. Thompson, 7170 Riverview TPrrace Northrast as Couneilman-at-Large to fill [he unexpired tPrm of r.l��nn W, Johansen. Ser�nded by WriRht. P",c, Kirkham staYed Y.hat he had r.onl.�cted Mr. Thompsan, and Mr, Thompson bad itzdicated his current 7oh is such that he nn_ver knows from one month to the next, the amount of r_ime be can devote to activities guch as this, and tha� he did not �art-icularly want the job, but was urged to consider accepting the posi- tio�i, and he stated he would, if pressed, accept, but would prefer not io have th� joU. Councilmen Wright stated that those who knew Clenn Thrnnp9on, knew that he r_ould not be a lame duck type of Councilman. Coancilman iJright stated that he had talked to Mr, Thompson, and Mr. Thompson indicated that if the Council chose him, he would take the I position. Councilman Wright stated that he felt that Mr. Thompson would do an ex�Pllent �ob. Councilman Wriaht stated that he felt the reserva- tions Mr. Thompson h3d were just his way of doing things. Mayor Nee crated that he was pleased with the nomination and stated that he felt that it is �ust r_he way Glenn Thompson talks insofar as not wanting to appear tn be eager to have the ,7ob. Upon a roll vote, those votin� aye, Nee, ShFridan, Wrig,ht, Voting, t�]ay, ICirkham, Motion carried. � ,3 S�s'COND READING OF ORDINANCI's N0. 294 AM[:NDING Cli[�PTGL2 f31 RY ADDTNG A SEC'FION 81.061 REQUIRING AN ON-SALE LICENSE 'I'0 RE 300 FEF.T AWAY PRO' ANY SCli00L OR CHURCH: ���4 W� Councilman Wright moved that the last sentence of the proposed ordinance be atricken. Mayor Nee stated that the ordinance itself should be moved firat. Councilman KirkhAm moved the adoption o£ the ordinance on its second reedinq. Seconded by Sheridan. Councilman Wright movc�t Cr, strike the last sentence of the ordinance, which states 'ho beer or �ntoxicnring liquor•shall be consumed on the premises or grounds of any church or puhlic school or parochial school." Councilnan Sheridan seconded the proposed amendment. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Kirkham moved the adopTion oP the ordinance as emended on second reading and publications of same. Seconded by Sheri,dan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BIDS - L(IADGR (OPGNED NO(1N. DECIs[�IIIF.R 21, 1464): The City Manager announced the following bids had been received• BIDDTR Hall Equipment, Inc. 2360 South Highway ti100 Minneapolis, Minnesota Seaboard Surety - 5� Road & Machinery R� Supplies Company 4901 Weet 78th St. Minneapolis, Minnesota Certified Check of $810,00 Minn. Machinery Inc. 3207 SibleV Mem, Hwy. St. Paul, Minnesota Agricultural Insurance Company - 5% George T, Ryan Company l71 - 27th Avemie S,E. Minneapolis, Minneaota Certified Check of $800.00 TOTAL CASN PRICE Hough N30B $16,A74,00 Delivery Date: 3 to 4 wee�:s Michigan 45A $15,470,00 Delivery Date: 3 weeks Napco 42PG1000 $14,570,00 Delivery Date• 20 days T, I. Case W 7 Gas $13,933.00 Delivery Date• 60 days I�ALANCC PAYMII�T IN JANUARY 1966 $ 9,574,00 $ 7,970.00 $ 6,470,00 $ 5,933.00 ALTIi2NATE A Decluct $ 4,074,00 l�duc t $ 4,175.00 Ileduc t $ 3,100.00 nc�duc* $ 3,571.06 The City Manager stated that $8,000,00 was to be char�ed to the Publir_ Utility IIudget in 1965 and the balance was to be bud�eted {n 1966 in the General Fund. Motion by Wright to accept the bid of the G�orge T. Ryan Company in the amount of $13,933,00 for a J. S. Case L�a.9er wtith backlice, Seconded by Kfrkham, ilpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. REPORT ON THE INSURAi1CC COP'@'fITfEE: Mr. Dick Schillinger was present and explained in detail to the CLty Comtcil his letter dated December l6, 1964 outlining the proposed cover- ege Eor the City of Fridley for the year 1965. P4r. Schillin;er stated that as far as the hospitalization insurance is concerned, th�� Tnsurance Committee would be sub m itting a recommendation to the City Council with- in one month. Motion by Kir:cham to concur with t.he propnsal of the Insurance Caomittee and authorize contractin; for the insuranre coverage recommended. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried t�nanimouely. PT.nNNING COP9dLSSION �ETIN� MLNiJTCS - n1;Ct;�tBER 1�, 1964: L(1T SPLLT RE UP6T N0. G4-25 - CfiARLLS RREYLliY - L�T ]4� RGVTSrD AiJD2'IY)Lt'S �_�� -- -- —•--- SURDZVISION N�. 23: 'Cha Planning Commission had recominended an�roval of the lot split s�ab�ect � �� tn cerYificate of survey being received. Motion by Wright, to conenc with r.he r�enmmendation of the Planning Commissi.on and approve the lot split, Seconded hv Sheridan. Lipnn a v�ice vote, there being no nays, the motion carriPd unan�mouvly. STRFE7' VA!'.,.A'lZON - SAV #64-�8 _ REQULST BY JOr 'LIZAK - The Plaanin? Commission had recommended denial of this street vacation, Mntion by Slt�ridan to concur with the recommendation of the Plannina CommissLOn and deny the street vacation. Seconde� Uy Kiikham, Upon a vnice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Council- man Wrtght stated that he had ±alked with the neo�le in the area, and tlery are r,oncerned with T.he possibility of their bein� assessed for street s+�rEaci.n�. G�O]'sS'C C�R ATd,R}' VACnT70N - 1-IYDF PA2I( - Lnm g, W6ST OF 2ND STREET IIL'T«;EN OTIi AND 57ST AVENUES - SAV #64-09: The P�enn�ng Cnmmission had recommended denial of thie requeat, The City Rn^,inPer st.nted that there was a problem with the parking £or apartmen� hOUSP9 in Yh� block, MorL�n by Sherioan to concur with the recommendation nf ihe nlanning Commission and ueny tue request. Seconded by Wright. i�pon � voice vote, there bcins�, no nays, the motion cnrried unnnimously, PROPnS};D F[tTT,7hiTP]A[iY PI,AT - P,S, /th4-17 - R,C, ULBERG AND MARIE KN07, - PART OF IA�TS_22 AND 23�AUT1T'i'OR'S STJRDIVIS7f1N N(1, 77: � 'rhe Placm�nt; Commission had stated that they felt a plat was not necess�ry prr�*�!de�i � nec�ss�ry acces� rn the property wPre given, and thc Plann�n� Comm��si�n hncl recommende�i approval e£ a h+_t1_ldtn� permit for R. C, Ulber�, 7(135 Rast River Road on the easterly portion of Lot 22, also known as Parcel 2550, subject to a dedication of a ut:ility easement and private road aasement for access to 70th WaV Northeast. Motian by Wrig,ht that th� City authorize a buildin,r, permit for Parcel 2560, Auditor's Subdivision No. 77 providPd the necessary eitility easemnnt were dedicated and provided n privats Y�nr� ��sement ar access to the preperty were provided. Seconded 1�}� ICirk���r�, 17pnn a voice vote, thn_rr hPin,r no nays, the motion carried unan imons 1 }�. ADDI9TONAL S'PATfi AID MTLI'A::F 0,5 MIi,RS - 53RD AVENUF. FROM UNIVERSITY APGNUG T� MAIrI S712EST, AT'D 63Rn AVSNUE FROM 7TH STLtFET TO UN7VERSITY AV i;Ni rl's Th� Flanr�ing Commission had recommended th�i the above t��o streets be dPSign,�t��l as State Aid Str�ets. Th�re w�s r_onsiderable disci7ssion on rh� ^�rrits uf desi;nating 53rd and 63rd Avenues as State Aid streets, The Ci.ty Rnqineer exp]Ained that thic conld be changed or deleted at a l�ter d�t^_. RF,SCLilTinta Nn, ��7_1954 nrSTGNATING 53RD, 63RDx 64TH AVENVFS ANn STH STRPN,T AS STATP; AID STRRPTS• � M�rinn by Flright that the resolution be ��assed rsnd when drafted in detail hy thc� adininistr�tion, that it designate 53rd A*aenue from Main Street to L�nLVersity Aventee, 63rd Avenue from 7th Stmet *o Dniversity Avenue, 64Lh A��enue Crom IJniver�ity Avenue to Sth Street, and Sth Street from 64th Av� mir to Mississippi Street as State Aid Streets Mileahe, to be ad�nereri by the P1innesota Highway Department as necessary and when necessary. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimou�l;�. COMM111iNTCATT f1Ti5: T.rT'I'FR 1'RnM AN�R�� C(lU^1TY T7ATi'sn nEf,'EMI3[,[L 9y 1964 WLTI-1 RF.FRRENCE TO SPSCD 7,TM7T �N C6N7'RAL A��FNUE: ~ � T�nrinn b�� Sheridin to ceceive the 1Ptter and place it on fiZe, Seconded by Idri�,ht. Upon a voi_cP vote, *_here heing no nays, the mntion carried un�nimov�ly. (l � 7�TLER FROM MIDLAND COOP REQUESTING AN F.}CT�NSION OF TIME FOR 1TII's ISSUANCG OF A BUILDING PF,RMIT f10. 6881: � Piotion hy Sheridan that a 6 months ex*_ension on the timP �ioiiY for th? building permit be �rattted. Secon�led by Sdri�;ht. TJnon a voirc �n�l^, !here heing no nnys, the motion carried unanimousl;�. RU7LDIDIG AND RL,ACI{T�PP7N , nl' f7LT,MORE P4otien hy Sheridan to receive the letter fc•c�m School ➢i.5tzicT N13 ar.9 place it on file. Seconded hy Wright. Dpon a��oice vote, thPre l�ernc, no nays, the motion carried unanimously. LEITER FROM THE ��ILLAGE OF illT 1,TOP WITH RFTT'RGNCE T� TITC 'fERh1INA�70N OF THE FIRE CONTRAC'f: Motion by Kirkham to receive the letter and place it on file. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, the.re hein� no nays, rtie motion carrie�l unanimo�isly, C1.e1I MS : ffotion by Kirkham to approve General Claims 4071 througti �F172, Seronde�i by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being, no nays, the motiori carried unanimously, Councilman Sheridan inquired as to the considerable amount' of money thar wns heing spent for repairs to the Police Cars, mhe City Manager stated that a letter had been sent to the com�any fran which the City is buyinn the new police cara, and tha Company is to pick up the tab for this. Motion by Wright to approve Liq�or Claims 6964 throu�h 7(133. Seconded by Kirkham, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the morion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan to approve Public Ttriliry Claims 3802 Lhrough 3£�37. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voiee vote, th��e bein� no nays, the motinn carried unanimously, FSTIM?.TES OF CONTRACTORS: Motion by lLirkham to approve the fol]owin� estimates: Dunkley Surfacing Company 3756 Grand Avenue Northeast Minneapolis, Minnesota Eaticiate No. 6(FINAL) Street Improve�uent Project No. 1952-4 including Change Order No. 1 dated October 21, 1963, ar_cording to contract. (Liquor Store �l2 Parking I.ot, Hi�hway t/65 Service Roari, Central to Lynde Drive) $ 7,483.19 Johnson Rros. Ifigha�oy fiC lleavy Constructors, Irc. P. 0. Box 1002 Litchfield, Minneeota Estimate No. 2- Storm Sewer Improvement Pro;ect 5B, according to contract. (D?orth of T,H, /t100, East of T.H, I147) $27,096.57 Comstock & Davis, Inc. Consultin� Engtneers 1446 County Road "J" Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 S*aking and Inspection: �i z Fstiinare No. S- Sanitary Sewer and Water imptove- ment Pro�ect No, 67 (1964 Sanitary Sewer and Water Tmprovertient Pro,7ect) $ 1,340,50 65timate DTo. 5- Storm Sewer Impro��ement Project Nn, fiR (1964 Storm Se�.rer Improvement Prnject) $ 107.50 Eai:imate No. 1- Sanitaty Sewer Improvement Pro- �:'Ct Nfl. %O (Riverview Terrace, south of Missisai- nP� Ft;�ce; Li.ncoln (Ashton) StreeC, south of Iront�n Sr_reet; Sth Street, south of T.H. IJ100 $ 124,00 C,tim�r� No. 2- Sanitary Sewer Improvement Pro- j�ct r'o. 72 (T.A, t147, north of Mi.ssissippi St.) $ 29Z,50 listimate No. 1- W�ter ImnrovemenC Pro�ect No. 3t+_Q-2 (pumping, Installation and Pumphouse - Well !�F (600 - fi3rd Avenue N.E.) $ 60.D0 1'�1.imnt.n No. 2- St.orm Sewer Improvement Project L'o. 7l (T,H. #47, north of Mississippi Street) $ 307,50 Tsctiinal-e No. 7- Water Improve^�e.nt Project No, 3i!-•P( (Dlarian llills Boostcr Plant) �stii�iale No. 2- Storm Sewer Impr�vemant Project No. �i-II (North of T,li. /t100, East of T.A, If47) rstimate No. ]- W2ter Improvement ProlPCt No. 34-Q-3 (Cmergency ConnecY,ion and Use of Well q6- (6�0 - 63rd Avenue Northnast) $ PrnE�s�S_onal Services: 30,00 93D,00 17.50 f'srimate No, 1- Temperary Pumpin� - Uell N6 (G�0 - �3rd Avenue Northeast) {FINAL) $ 112,5�J Estimate No. ]- Water Tmprovement Project No. 34-Q-3 (F.mer;ency Co�nectinn and Use o£ Well k6- {r�p _ 63rd Avenue North�ast) (FINAI,) $ 159.98 $ 3,487.98 'C�TAL $38,067.7� Second��i bv Sheridan, T�pon e voice vote, there beittg no nays, the motion carriad unanimously. II�CENSES; Moticn by Sh�ridan to approve the follourin�* licenses: G�NPRAT, C�NTRACTOR: ,7a-Y.en, Tnc. 3v70 C�ntr�l Avenue NorY.heast Columbia Heights, Minnesota HF,ATTNG: Rlaugas, I)ivision ef f�orth�rn Prnpane 1130b Centrnl Avenue N.E. Minne�polis, Minnesota 55433 MnVIN�: Frn9t ll�u�e Movers (1$4P0 Minne4ota b�: Ken Bryant RENF,WAL by: F. E, Soderr�an NEW by: Lester Errist RENEWAL S�oonderi hy Wright, llpnn a voice vate, there being no nays, the motion carrirrl unanimouslp, I �-� � PETITION N0. 47-1964: hiotion by Sheridan to receive Petition No, 47-1964 and proceed wiTh processing. Seconded by Wri�ht. Upon a voice vote, there t�ein�; no nays, the motion carried ur.an�mously. REPORT ON URBAN RELiF;WAL: . The City Manager stated that when the C�uncL� received a m port Erom the P]anning Commission th�t *he City should consider urb��n renewal, the Covncil had asked the City Man3�er to check to see whnt the f irsT step would be. The City Manager stated that it appeared thet the first ste� would be to have a comprehensive plan, ThP City Manager also etated that it would be necessary to hire a professional planning consultant. Tt�e Council et�ted that they felt the City Counci_1 should meet with the Planning Commission on thtis matter, and the Maneger was to set up Yhe meeting possibly for January 6, 1965, to include a representative froin the State Community nevelopment Department. APPOINTMENTS : Councilman Wright asked if the Police Commiesion �tnd been ronsulted on the change 3n the Police Department. The City Mana�er stated th.�L the Chief had discussed it wi_Yh them. Wilbur WhiYmore, Chairmon of !he Po1ice Commission, was presenY and stated that they were aware of these changes. Motion by 4Jright to approve th� followzng appointments• NAMf; Raymond Prnest Aade 583 Como AvenUe St. Paul, Minnesota Karen Lee Sn}��ler 3A9 - 74th Avenue N.�. Apt. N3 Fridley, Minnerota P(1SI TION Administrative Intern C2erk-St�nn Robert 7. Cook Sergeant 5791 Wee�t Moore Lake Drive PolicP Fridley, MinnesoYa 55421 Departinent Ho�aard Rick Dectect�ve 410 Lon;fellow Serg°�nt Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Police SAI,ARY $3,200.CQ per year $262,00 re r rton th $600,00 l�e r month $600,00 per month RGPL/�CFS Plew ?'osi_ti on *ie w Posit� on N��c- nnsit�en Robrrt Coak Seconded by Kirkham, ilpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the rnot�on carried unanimously, 11 ORD7NAfICG PROVIDING T �F VF.HICiI:S, FmC• 39 FOR Tl�,. PLIRP�SI: (li' PR��1n PGRiTY AND�CF.T]FRAT Wl3TSARE BY Tho City Manager explatred *_he provisions of ±he proposed r,r�iinance. There was considerebl0 disr,nssion on trailers and trucl caoipere. The Council vuggested that Ser.ti�n 2 be ch3n;e�1 to aRc� "except �nr the purpove of loading or unloading". P]avor Nee starr�t that he felt SechLOn 3 should be deleted. The City Manager read the nroposed ordinance as chan[�ed. Cn�,ir.cilman Kirkham Moved the a�ioption of the ordinance nn firet- readint�. Secondefl by Wright, ilr>c,r. a veir.e vote, there bcin? �n nay�s, the moT���n carrzed unsnimously. CIIANGE ORDFR pl - W-34-c�2; Mr. Comstack explaine�l thz pur��se of the chan�c ord^r, ".^o*iuu bv Sheridan ta approve the rh3nge ord°r, Secondad bv ��lrirht. Upon a vm ce vt�te, Fhere he�n� no nav�, the m�ti�;ti �arried unanimoosly. �� CI1qxGr (1RnrR ftl - ta-34-S• M�tion by Shrri�Tan to approve thP chan�e �rder. Seconded by Wright. 11pnn a v�ice vote, there UainQ no nays, the motion carri_ed unanimous]y. Cl1A"��P nRT1GR #] - 6LSA 30? �. 315: *'�,rion by Kirkham Yo approve t4e change order. Seconded by Sheridan, Up�n A VO1CP voY.e, Yhece being no nays, the motion carried unani.mously. FLRST R�Af1TNG OF AMENUMI;IVT TO (:1-IApTF;(2 46 PROVIDING FOR SF.CTI(1N 46,4 OP 'i'F�R 1tnTT,n7N� COTIT': - --- Mr, R�bert Aldrich, Fire Prevention Rureau Inspector, was present and explained the purpose of the proposed or�linance cbange, Motion by Shericlan I.o appreve the ordin�nce on the first reading, Seconded by Wright„ iipor� � voicP vote, there Ueing no na;s, the motion carried unanirt�,eusly. COCIS1DIiRAT'LON OF f1RD1;lA*',Cr AMENnINC Tl�'s PLt1MH?NG AND }iEARING CODE OF TflE C7'CS' (lF FRT➢LrY--�GIiAPT&R 46 - FIItST READINCs The Citv Marag�r explained The purpos� o� the ordinance. Motion by Sk��riR�n tn aAnpt the or�in�nce an first rea�7ing, Sec.onded by Wright. il�,nn a�>oice vote, there bein�; no nnys, the motion carried unanimously, CONSIT]rRA77qP� OP STRFE'C RI,IIC-OP-tdAY AND ST2FET SdIDTFl STANDARDS P'nR THF. CT'I'Y �F FR11�TT;Y; ��� 'The Ctr.�.i�nnager evp]aLne�1 the proposed new standnrds for streets. The City r^m'n�er a}sn �xpl�in�d th� ��arious features of the propnsal. There vas rrn^,idc,rlble rliscu,saon on thc rhangi.n� nf the street paved �oidth, and thc po.Gible ob�ecti.en, r_� the increasP in the assessment cost, The City rngineer statecl thnt the assessment cast would rise about 10%a wi.th the adnpti_c�n of the proposeri new street standards. Councilman Sheridan �-�„*na�Ted aloption oF tha n�w sY.andards fo* n°w plats and offer the in- rcoac��c� s�reet p�vArl widLh on thP 19fi5 pr�gram to see what the rcacYion nf th� k�o�r��le nould be. MoL-i�n by Sheridno to adopt the recommen�lation of *.he CiL1� t;anager For ri�ht-ot-<�ay cvidth and pnvement width for a11 f�rt�ire pl�ts as shown on Page 84 of the agenda, and including future r�ghr-r,f-s�ay procurements tor industrial ar�d other type of properY.y. Seann�lod b9 Wriqht, ilpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carri��l +troutr�ously, LTA°II FQR FRTPi�FY YOUTH CGNTF.R: T'�r Ci tp T1an.irtFr read the 1^_ase to thr_ Council, Motion by Kitkham to aut,hnri�e �xecvtion of the lease. Secondefl hv Sheridan. Councilman Wri;ht natrd two corrections that should be made. Upon a voice vofe, thrre b�tng no nays, the motion to apprnve thc lease carried unanimously. C�NSIDi;�;F. [TnN OF r,NAPir,r., pr m�� pFRSONNFL 6RDINANCE REt,ATiNG TO VACATION PAY AT!D SiC[i IEAVf's• "i'_--_._____�__�. T��F Citv C4anager 9ug�;ested that the fi_rst sectioe of the proposed ordin- anoe h� dn7�ted, and Section 3 Ue chan�ed to re�d 60 months rather than 17 monrhs, Councilman Sheridan stated that he was not in fevor of any port�on of the ordinance. Mr, Swenson of Union #49 was present and stated th�t �fter talkin� to P1r. McLellen, there was apparently a misunderetanding I nn thc Unio�x pnsitian, and the Union did not w3nt *_o diminish the benefits I in any way. }[e also state�i that severr_nce p=�� is L�ecoming more popular in _ p�litiral subdivisions. There was considerable discussion on the sick 1e3��e portion of th� rroposed ordinence. Motion by Kir!cham to table the prop�c�rl change until the City Manager has more r_larification on it. S^ronded hy Wri�;ht. U�c�n a v�ice �>ot�, th�re beina no navs, the mc�tion onrrie�l unanimously. (;np'SI�)RRATI�TI �F AD11TT'1[0[;S TO TF1E SJA'!'ER SS'STEM; Mr. Qnreahi, City Pngineer, oxplained the need £or additonal wells and improvPment� to the water supply sy�tem as shown in the le.tter from r.oms�ory x nav�s, Inc., Cor,sulting F,ngineers, dated December 17, 1964. �J Mr, Comstock also exnl�ined various provi5ions of the letter, There a�as considerable discusaion by the City Counr_il on the various priorities and i�nprovements to be m1de. Motion by Kirkha¢i to order a resolution orderin;,� final plaus �nd speci- fications fot construction and development oF Yhree drift caell� with interconnecCing piping to system, Booste.r Station Low to intarntedtate Ievel system loc�ted at 63rd Avenue and T.H, #65, Cround Level R�servoir, Piping and High Service Pumps, Three Additional Filters - �ridley Commons Site. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice votc, rhrre heing no nnys, the motion carried vranimously. PRFLI*f7^�A2y pLANS AND SPEC�FICnT70N5 ANti F.STIMATES OF CQST TIIF'REOF - Mr. Comstock read the report of Comstock & D��vis, Inc., ConsulTinrt En��,- ineers, dated DeceMber 21, 1964 with refer�nce L-o *_he water su,�pl;� for the Skywood Dlall Shoppin� Center area. Plr, Comstock stated rhat of �Y�c two alternatives presented in the ]etter, the En�ineers preFerred the Highway �165 crossing. Mr. Qureahi, City Engineer, also explai:ie�i the narious aspects of the report. Motion by Sheridan to adopt the resnlut�on orderin� preliminery plsns and specifications, Seconded by Wri�?ht. Upon a voice vote, there being no nay�, the motion carried unnnimoulsy, RESDLUITON N0. 269-1964 ORDRRING PRF.LiMINARY PiANS AND SPliCIPICATIONS - STBEETS !965-1 ADDF.NnUM N0, 1: rv � Motiott by Sheridan to adopt the resolution, Seconded by Kirkha, Upon a Voice vote, ther� being no nays, the mot�.on carried un�nimously. �E PLANS AND SPF.CIFTCATIONS Motion by Sheridan to adopt the above reaolution. Seconde�l by Wcight. Upon a voice vote, there heing no[pys, the motion carried unanimousl;�. RSSOLUTION N0. 271-1964 CR�ATING COPA7ITTf:F, ON IIiJb1AN RF.LATI�NS: Mayor Nee at?Ted that he had receiveA a list nf names From ��ck Per��er, as a recommendation for members of the commitTee, Mr. Jamvs Plemel handed a list of names to the Council. Counci�man Wright said he wished to add one name, being Russell Henderson, 130 - 63': Way Plortheast. Motton bv Kirkham to adopt the aobve rPSOlution. SP�onded by Wri�ht. ❑pon a vnzce voYe, there being no nays, the motion carried un?nimously. RESOLUITON N0. 272-1964 R�QUESTING LEGISLATIf1N FOR Ml7NIC2PAL COURT: Motion Ay Kirkham to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motian carried unanimously. i�[I1f!•1TTir.'TiT:i _ � : � � l 7 XCEPT TkIE SOUTiI HALF OF i.OT A) NT TfSERE'A7, ALOCK 11 HYDE_PARK: Motion by Sheridan to adopt the above resolutinn. Seconded hy Wri�ht, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 1htI17NING �F CF,RTAIN AU�T'IbR'S SUI3DIVI SION N0. 9++: Motion by Sheridan to adopt the above resolution. Saronde�l l�y idrighh. Upon a voice vote, thcre being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 90 FF.CT OF THG N(1RTkl HAiR OF i.0'C 3i, (EXCLF'P PART �. AUDIIYIR'S S[TBI7rVIS70M N�. �2: � P1otion by Sheridan to adopt the abo�re resolution. Ser.onded by Wri�ht. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, th� mot�on carri��� �m;�nimau�ly �� h A'SBn,F LSfi'�'P��'C-4 � r—(T'R�GF�-1FIZ,H'P-bFD A'�T`t'7—A�6iT'6IF���'�5 LIt]�ISIDLSIiSP-IvTii. �AL Mntion b�� ShPrid�n to adopt the above rA�o)u*_+on, Seconded by Wright. Upon a vaice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried uaanimously. Ri?SO7,i1T7�)T' ri0. 277-•1� ASSP55MRNTS nN L(1T 2 ANP DTRF,CTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECLAL 1. VAN C1,CA��S'S Mo*_i_on h}� ShPridan to adopt r_he above resolution. Seconded by Wright. iJpon a voice vot�, the*o being no naps, the motion carried unanimou^,1}� RPS�TII'�T(1N TIO. �7t3- YLOCK P, RIVF.RViF.W H1�IGlITS ADDiTI�n: nlntion hv Sheridan Yo adopt th� above resolution. Seconded hy WrighY. Upori ��:oic� voYc, there b�:n� no na,ys, the motion carried unanimous�y. RrSnT»T7�Ai N0, 774-L964 AUTIIORIZING ArTU DIRRCT7NG THE SPLITTTNG OP SPECIAL ASSRSShfPN'CS nN T,�T 4 RT,�C[C 1 VAN r,i,p,AVE �S ADD7'LY�N� � _�_ —__—_ �_---- �_..r � t�+�r;�•n hy Sheridan to a�3npt the above resolution. Seconded by Wcight. il���n a voicc vor_e, Yhare being no nays, the mntion carried unanimausl,. RPSnTit'CTnN *rn, 7_R�-1964 AUT710Ri7,INC: AND DIRECT[NG THE SPLJTTING f1F SPEC7AL ASSPSRM�N'CS ON LO'C 23, RROqf(VIRW ADDI'i'L(1P1• � r���t�„n hv Sl,erid�n to ac��n* *hr abo-�A rAG�lvTion. Secon�#ed by Wright. lip�� a vr„cr ��ote, there betn; no na}�G, t11e motion carried unanimousl±/. R�l�]\�{�i�11�riV lVll• G(JL-LJVY I1V1�� ns�rs�rirNrs nc� LnT 3s (rxcr a�_.._ __ T�n?ST o� Fi;F,T OP rini�'� HAi,F� rFR'Cl} PARCi'T 1`,F(1a A1JDI'TC�R'S ZING AND DIRFCTING Tf� SPLITCING OF THE, NORTH 30 FF,ET FOR ROAD) L�AC�P'� i(1N T10. 7' TIiE 1`+nttnn 1��� ShPrirlan tn a�lc�t Yhr �bovA resol;itioti. SPCOnd�d hy Wri�ht. 1�;nn a��o�r�� vn*P, �herA heinq ne nayc, rh� -ic`��� carri�d ��ran�^���.sly, RFS��,�7'^T�N **n, 7P2-1�fi4 A�1TI�f1RT7,7fdf: ANTI nTRrCTTN� 'I'NE SPTT�'T2N� �F SPl:C;7A7, �S�'?�SSTIP;NTS nra 't'I�T S�il'!''� 7�� T'T;rT �F 1,OT 1, PARCEL 1Q0, f7RLOLAIVCi GAPD�NS A'an 7.nT z�r��n,pT PART 'C� SrE1n�L), DARCFL 200, ME7.OLArin GAP,DE*15• *L�tinn '•�� S'i�rid�n te arin�t the abovc� rPenl+tt�on. Seconded by,Wright, Upon a vn�c� vor�, ther� bc�nr no na��s, the motion carried unanimoucly. RF'Sni,11TTn^� nin, 9�3_19�y. q•�fianaT7,rnir, AP'D UT2tiC1'ZNG THP SPLTTL7P'r �P SPE�IAt, 4S9'�SSMENT; �*� i,r�r ' 3, pT nC4 1, �lORi7nN }�TTf:it'CS ADDIT`IQN: �--��A� ..��� Motion by Sheridan to adopt the above reeolution. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 84- Motion by Sheridan to adopt the abova resolution., Secoadnd bq Wright. Upon a voice vote, there bein no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan to edopt the abova resolution. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RBSOLUTION N0. 286-1964 TRANSFBRBING OF CB$TAIN FDHD3: Motion by Rirkham to adopt the above raeolution. 9econded by 3heridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no naye, the motion carried unenimovalq. 1 I I �� RBSOLOTiON NO. 287-1964 GBR1'iFYiNG CHARGS9 TO TkiB Cp11HTY AUDI'A7R T+0 HS Motion by Kirkham to adopt the above reaolution. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vota, thare being no nays, tke motion carried unanimously. Motion by Rirkham Co adopt the abova reaolution, Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there baing no nays, ttie motion carried unanimously. The City Snginaer ezplained that the water liae which is located vhere the proposed �hopping canter ie to ba built will have to ha nncased. Mr. Saliterman aaked if the City eould proceed on thia. Mr. Wyman Smith, City Attorney, euggeated that Mr, Saliterman could ptocead on hia own as Ear aa the contract ie cancained, and the City could do the engineering. Motion by Sheridan to authorise and direct the City $ngineer to prepare the de- tailed plana Por tha encasement of t6e pipe for the ehopping center building srith Mr, S,litarman to perPorm the work with a private contractor, and to reimburae tha City Eos the engiasering ezpenae. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. HOLIDAY CIASING IX+' CITY HALL: Motioa by Kirkham that the City Hall be cloeed at Noon on December 24, 1964 and December 31, 1964. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there baing no ctays, the moLion carried unanimouely. C70NS80L DeM AT LONG LA[� IN NHW BBIGE1117N: Councile�an Sheridan etated that there hea beea a requeet by residenta oF Long Lake in Naw Srighton to tuve a eontrol dam put in at the lake outlet, and some oP ths reaideeta along Bice Creek were concernad tirith thie as it may msaa drying np the creek in dry yeara. Council directed the City Manager to Write a letter to tha proper authority in St. Paul ezpreeeing City'a ec,ncern over tha propoeed dam, and also alert the Parka and Play- grounda 3ub-commiitee Co this Pect. Thete baing ao furthec buaiaeea, Mayor Nae declared the regular maeting of Decembar 21, 1964 adjournad. Reapectfully eubmitted, V � 1 ` v` � Marv�in C. runaell �_``�`�`�r William J. Nes � Acting 9ecretary to the Council Mayor . , .r , BBGULAR COUNQL t�HTING MINUT&S - JANUnRY 4, 1965 A regular meeti�g oP the Council of the City o2 Fridley wae called to