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05/28/1965 - 5979
REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - MAY 28, 1965 I _ ROLL CALL: MINUTES_, Regular Meeting, May 17, 1965, Pages 1 - 12. Regular Meeting, May 19, 1965, Pages 13 & 14. Regular Meeting, May•21, 1965, Pages 15 - 18. Regular Meeting, May 24, 1965, Pages 19 - 23. 9 NEW BUSINESS- 1, Building Permit Application - 6430 - 5th Street Northeast - Wyatt Bros..& Jamison Bros., Page 24. 2. Building Permit Application - Viron Company - r 7585 Viron Northeast, Page 25, 3. Building Permit Application - Kurt Manufacturing Company - 5280 Main Street Northeast, Page 26. 4. Building Permit.Application - 5916/18 - 4th Street Northeast - R. L. Perry, Page 32. l ' S. Application to Remove Aggregate - Mississippi River, Pages 27 & 28.- 6. Sewer and Water Service - Moore Lake Beach, Page 29. (Pages 5 & 6) 7. Inspection Team, Page 30.. 8. Resolution Commending W.C.C.O. and Others, Page 310 9. Requests for Delay in Demolition, Page 33. 10. Used Car Lot - Gabrelcik, _t ADJOURN:_ Page 1 THE 1U1E5 OF TM REGULAR C00CII,. MFTI,IgG (T 14AAY 17, 1965 40 - - A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fridley was called to order by Mayor Nee at 8 °20 P,H. ROIL CALL: Members Present-. Newt, Kirkham, Sheridan, Wright, Thompson Members Absents Now APPROVAL OP ti;NUTES - REGUIoAR Z22TING - ZZY 3, 19651 Councilman Thompson stated that a visitor had called his attention to an error on Page 22 of the minutes. When Resolution 210, 81 -1965 was passed, the amount of tha estimated cost of construction was iucorrectly listed as $47,000.00 It should be $7,000.00. Hotion by Thompson to amend the minutes on Page 22, to read, "The City Engineer aaaswered that the amount of the estimate is $7,000,00,1' Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Itirlchaam to accept tba minutes of the regular meeting of May 3, 1965, as amended. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no usys, thc. motion carried unanimously. APPRWAL OF MINUTES - SPECIAL MBBTING - MAY Sz 1965: Motion by Sheridan to =aond the minutes of the Special Meeting of May 8, 1965, to inclule tha proclmation of the State of Emergency by Mayor William Nee. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan to accept the minutes of the Special Meeting of May 8, 1965 as amended. Seconded by Wright, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPR ffQ ff EMS SPECM HERTLXG - MAY 10,- -1965: Notion by Sheridan to amend the minutes of the Special Meeting of May 10, 1965, by adding the following: There was a discussion about the removal of debris, from all areas within the City, at public expense. The Mayor pointed out that Federal Disaster Funds should be available to reimburse the City for this expense. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimous vote, the City Attorney was directed to prepare a suitable resolution, and present it to the Council for formal action as soon as possible. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan to accept the minutes of the Special Meeting of May 10, 1965 as amended. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote , there being no nays, the nation carried unanimously. • APPROVAL OF r1INIfiES - BPSC_IAL IBBT NG - MAY 11 Motion by Wright to aamand the minutes of the Special Meeting of May 11, 1965 to include the statement that Councilman Thompson waives notice of the meeting. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Page 2, Motion by Stmeridau to accept t.iw minaures of thti Special. meeting of May 11, • 1965 as amended,, Seconded by t?riGht. Upon c voice voto, there being no nays, the n3t0a carried un=iwusly. ARM — ,W- Cr 1M=S - SPSCM AMnNG - MAY 12, 1965s Notion by Kirrldiou to accept the minutes of the Special H")ting of May 12, 1965. Secomdod by Uright. Spon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL W MRMS - SPMCIAL MZTING - MAY 13. 19658 lotion by Kirkham to aw- ad the minutes of the Special Ne@ting of May 13, 1965 to the effect that the vote adopting Resolution No. 82 -1965 was adopted by roll call vote, Councilman SbAridau, Councilman Wright, Councilman Thompson, and 23syor ices voting aye; Councilman Kirkham voting nay. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, they motion carried unanimously. Notion by Kirkham to accept the minutes of the Special Council Meeting of Pay 13, 1965 as amended. Seconded by 'Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being so aaay&, the motion carried unanimously. BUB c jM11TGS8 W EL== R -1 TO R- 3A 80 T+0 83 IC A RIVSRVTSW HEIGHTS s Mayor ties explained tho reasons for holding the Public Hearing on Rezoning Lots • 80 to 83, Block A, Iiivarview Heights, and asked if anyone wished to have the notice of hearing read at the Council meating. No one replied to this question. Llilliaa Tonco was present at the Council meeting and asked the Mayor if he could have an explanation of the requirement* for R•3A Zoning. The City Msnaaar wtplainod tha R -3A Zoae is limited to multiple dwellings, with setback requirements and other requirements the same as R -2 zoning requirements. The Mayor asked if anyone present at the Council meeting Was for or against the prr -posal to rezone these lots from R-1 to R -3A. Mrs. Bourrdeaux was present at the Council muting and stated that it is her request to have the lots rezoned to R -3A. Mayor No@ declared the hearing closed. Mastim by Kirkham to request the administration to bring an ordinance to the following Council meeting for the rezoning of mots 80 to 83, Block A, Rivervidu 1%ighta, fracm It -1 to R -3A. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the notion carried unanimously. BBC�iDItSQEq M ORDIUM ACING COMM 77s Motion by Sheridan to adopt upon second reading the Ordinance adding Chapter 77 to the City Code. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, theme being no nays, the notion carried unanimously. Cotmilmau ;aright stated that Section 1 and Section 77.01, defining motor vehicles, rulod out M of the motor vehicles as they are commonly deflow. He aaUod cbotbor it cxmld be possible to change theso two sections of Ordinance Noo 77. The City Attorney sunested that this Ordinance could be written to apply to motorized vehicles rather than motor vehicles. The Mayor stated that the Ordinance as written applied to motor vehicle rentals and not to motor vehicles alone. Councilman Wright stated that someone going into the auto renting Page 3. iws�-, uig xt assum that this Ordinance applied to him, ohereas it actually did not Cxs�acil �a Wright stated that he wished the Council to direct the City Attorney to change the title* of the Ordinance and paragraphs Section 1 and 77.01 t:q conforA to the definition of vehicles which the Council actually wishes to ro-gulate.. Councilman Thompson stated that he believes it is a good idea to have dais Ord:9ce passed now and have amendments to that effect brought in later`, eo that an Ordinance will be in effect before the middle of the summer. The City 2badVor atated that the second reading of the Ordinance could be tabled ua' it tha City Attorney prepstres suitable amend is Motion by Wright to reconsider the motion to adopt upon second reading the Ordinmco adding Chapter 77 to the City Code. Seconded by Kirkham°. Upon a voice vote, there being no mays, the motion carried unauim ely. 2fotion by Wright to table second reading of the Ordinance adding Chapter 77, until the City Attorney can prepare suitable aseuJwnts to the Ordinance changimG t %o titlos aml paragraphs to describe the vehicles actually defined. SuccnacW by Urkham. Upon a v Lt;c vote, there being no nays, the motion 03rricd tmanicm.117. BXD , - OR 8TM ZECIUR S M EL= HOOLI HAY 7. 1965) is Tha City iianagor lead the following bids as received, CQfPI81Zfll[i BIDDSU BID WCURIT LMV Sig! BID M Display Fixtures, Inc. Agricultural $11,590000 30 cal. 189 East Kellogg Blvd, Insuranca Co, days St. Paul 1, HiEkl. 107 South Town Cashier °s Check Cooler only 30 days Refrigeration $341.20 $6,823.75 4555 Grand Avenue So. Minneapolis, Minn, 55449 Stroater Storo Certified Check $12,435.00 30 to 45 Fixtures, 1". $1,650.00 Alt, A $11,475000 days 26 North 5th. street Alto B $11,881.00 Minneapolis, Minna 55403 A tiro Jobe Wright, representative of Streator Store Fixtures Company, was present at the Couocil may eting. He asked if he might speak an behalf of the Streator Store Fixture Company.- He was given permission by the Mayor. Mr. Wright stated that the Streator Start Fixture Company submitted a bid based upon their own specifications using their own fixtures. Ho stated that the Streator Store Fixtures Company is one of the Largest companies supplying store fixtures . in the country and is a division of Litton industrieu, The City Manager stated Page 4, • that they specifications for the liquors store fixtures had been prepared upon the advice of the salesman of display Fixtures, who had helped to design the layout for tha liquor store. Mr. Wright stated that he believed the taserchandisitng itdeaa incorporated to the design of the fixtures made by tho Streatcer Store Fixture Company are more beneficial to selling merchandise, Ile stated she other dif erences in the specifications offered by the Strepat",, Stove lixture Company are of a technical. na.t:ure and moist of them pertain to the construction of the refrigerator. He staged that the Streator Store Fixture Company would welcome an opportunity to shown the Council, or any caesmixtev dewignate'd by the Council., the advantages of using Strcaater Store Fixtures. He stated that he had several samples with his and the Streat~er Store Fixture Company maintains a show room at 26 North 5th, In downtown Minneapolis. He ioviit:ed the Council, or any committee Jasignated by the Council., to view the fixtures of the Streator Store Fixcure Company in their sihoawroom., Be statted that people from all over the co +stry cow to Minoeapol is to sw the fixture display at 26 North 5th Strut. . Wright stated futther that he believed the bid offered by the Streeter Store Fixture Cvompany; is a lower price for quality fixtures, and is a competitive bid. Councilman Sheridan asked lam°, Wright whether part of his bid, submitted as altarDate A9 offers only tho fixtures of the Streator Store Fixture Company. Mr. 'Wright awwored that all of the fixtures offered in the bid are sold by the Streator Shore fixture Company and no two fixtures are alike. Councilman Sbaridan asked lair. Wright whether the base bid of $12,000.00 made by the Streotearr Store Fixture Company is in accord with the specifications submitted • vith tho bid notice;!. Mr. Wright answered, "Yes, with minor changes. " Councilman Sheridana stated that it appears the liquor store will not be ready for business for anothor 30 days and the Council could .receive the bids and viou tho display its the abowrocxa of the Streator Store Fixtures Company before :warling a bid. The flayer asked Councilman lbompscon whether he would be interested in vie-wing the, fixtureg, Council l'he5amps►ov answered that Midland Co-Op urea Streator Store Fixturrea in their business, and that he vm1d boa farappy to vi.on., another. di*play of the Strreater Store fixture Company. Councilman Wright asked whether alternate A submitted by the Strreater Store Piattura CAxv=y offers fixtures with identical functions to those specified In the reaqueot for bids, tiro Vrigbtt an.vvered, *Yes. " Mr. Wright stated that thora is one excApt" ion. In the alrtrnate bids 1.a that, poaie�. car- he ghown in the counter wi.rrc ows offered by the Streator Store fixture Company, whereas they cannot be shmm in the counter viodows of the fixtures described in the *pecificationa given in the requevtc for bids. I Lion by Kiricbam to receive the bids and appoint Counci,lsaan Sheridan and Councilman Thoaupsoaa to act as a comltte`� to view the fixtures of the Streeter Store Fixture Company and 'report to the Council at its next tmev* zing. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 161DS m _OM- TOtl TRM - QPSM NOON, MAIL 17, 1965).'s ` bo City lianageerr read the follaving bids as received; E CJ 9 C� Page 5. AL'1'WIATA DELrMY BIDIRR RID SECtT ITY BASLE BXD etA" DATZ Ka jor Ford 2905 Bast Lake St. Minneapolis, Minnesota. Minas Ford Company 1708 Central Ave. N.E. Minneapolis, rums. Federal $1, 399..GC Insurance Co. 5% Certified $1,309.14 Check $80.50 $1,524.00 45 cal. days $1,609.14 30 cal. days Tho City lkwagor also read a letter from the City Engivear recommending the award of the contract to Minar ford, with the trade -in, in the amwmt of $1,309.14. 1lDtion by Uright to award the bid to Minar Ford Company for the purchase of a ow-balf ton truc;c with trade -in for the amount of $1,309.14. Seconded by Zarilan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. =8 - !IAA AIiU SEWM FOR WMC LW BRACH HWU OPM RD N00N MAX 17 1%21 s the City 143nagpr stated that the City administrations received only one bid for water ml sewer emstruction for the tfoere Lake B*acb House and had not opened then bid. The City En&Lm r stated that he believed it is necessary to du tblo wart: now sicaca construction of the Reath house will be completed vithLa 4 wants. 3aalLng out then request for additional bids will delay contraction of the Boasts House by two w;eeaks. lb stated that all the contractors Lave wurtt at this braes of the year, that this is a small job, and be does not bolieve it is likely the City will obtain addit'Ie l (bids for the Reach Mouse., DaWayne 0lscata, cmmulting anginaer, was present at the Council meeting. He stated that the job Lavolved boring JLr Central .`.aenw for the sewer and water sorvices and he estimated the, cost of construction would be $6,500,,00. Csnsacilxaaat Sharidau asimd t&ather the bidder or his representative was present ration the bids were opened., The City Manages: mmwwmrod. lltbo " Tho City Attorney tugge±stte d the bidder be asked if he hac any ohiectiona to having his bill opened since he is the only bidder on the job. Cowed'= lhcupaom asked the City Engine or what he thought wean, the auces o* toceiving eadOittonal bids on the job. the City Bngincaer anwmroJ that he did aaot think the chances ce €s were very good. Councilman Thompson asked the City Attorney whether it is possible to w and the bid when only on* bid was :received. Th(-x City Attorney answered that it is possible to awarJ the contract even: though only one bid was received. M: .ycr NeAe asked the ronsultinsg Engines whacker it would be, possible to add the c natruction work for sewer and water servi m of this Reach House to another construction project,, The Consulting Engineer answered that there are no comparable unit coats begs they s r and wester services for the Beach House and other construction work. He stated, however, that it xight be a possibility that Johanson Bros, Construction Co. would be w?il'Ling to give a quotation on the cp,n tr+action of the sawr aW water services d Include it with one of the proJeectty of *ever and water con*trusct-_ion which tbesy presently have contracted th the City, Pags 6„ Concilman Wright stated that he is in favor of opening the bid. Councilman Kirkh m stated that he also believed the Clouncil should open the bid and Y*tmi it. Councilman Sheridan stated that he favors sending the bid back to the original bidder. Upon direction from the Mayor, the City Manager opowd tLe bid,) The bid was recaived from Ervin Montgomery, of 2160 West Gotmty Road D in St. Paul. It was accompanied by to 5% bid bond purchased from the Ohio Farmers insurance Company,, The bid was for a lump sum in the= ammwt of M418.00 and called for 30 calendar days for completiono The pity Engimmr suggested to the Council that a quote be obtained from Harley and fr, Johnson Bros. Consttuction Co. Ibtion by Sheridan to receive the bid and refer it to the City 8ngiaear and ttau Consulting Engineer for review and recommendations. Seconded by Kirkham. T-hpon a voice vote, Councilman Wright being temporarily absent, the motion carried unanimously. gMIMUCATIOUS e 2io II D s_ DITCH IM OVB1�BNT s Ibyor Uee asked tha Consulting Engineer whethor he knows the plans of the iUi =aota highway Department in regard to improving the ditches. The Consulting 3ngiaeor answered that most of the ditch improvement involves construction in R msaeey County and might affect Rice Creek sine& the water flowing from the ditches floe into a chain of lakes and eventuality into Rice CreW,. He stated • that tho purpose of the ditch improvement is to inprove the drainage system and tho rate of runoff in Ramey County. Councilrpr= Sheridan asked the Consultina Unginear whero Jones Lake is located. The Consulting Engineer stated that it is in the neighbarho&)d of 39th Avenues Northeast. The Consulting huginoer stat,od further that he bel itves construction of tho drainage improvement does not involve Fridley except its a. very sivor gray. The City Manager asked the Consulting Enrgine(sr wbat approving the request of the Minnesota Highway Dapartrxnt would cormi,t9 tho City to don The Consulting Engineer stated that he does not believe it will comcait the U tlr to do anything, but the Minnesota Highway Department wishes to have the concurrence of the City in construction of the draivaje impravemmt. Councilman Wright asked vhether construction of the :lraina3m inprovesmant will tMrovo control of Ricef ,Creek. The Consulting Eagin eer axeamrod, "Uot weeessarily." The Cif 3lanai r asked whether approving the Resetlutio a written by tba Hi.nnessota HigWay Department will incur any "ineoring costs to tho City,, `tie. Consulting Erugine�-,-r staged that he bolieves the engineering costs which nigbt be incurred by the City, will be very saualL Hotion by Tlright that the ConsultinG Bngtn x°i*r, fins. of Comstock and Davis be mtheeriseu to represent the City to the, 211nne -sots Highway Department concerning worle Lovolving the improvement of t owity Ditch Ne,, Z, Seconded by Sheridan. Zk+ I W)t -'S v�,)GC, thorn toeing no nags, the mt.ioTa carried umanimousrily, Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution. No. 84- 1965, as rressentted by the Minnesota - Highway Department, Secnadod by Sheridan. Ur?oa a voice vote, there being no na arri*8 vinously. y . m Page i, Ada CO NDATIOLI Otf FLOW 110CUs 2 -Uti= by Thompson to receive the communication of Davil U, Ayer to the City employeas an:3 direct tho administration to post the letter for the employees of the City to read, Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being ao nays, tho ration. carriod unanimously. 14=0 CMENDATI(Xi Qi FL40M hiORK8 lotion by Thompson to receive tho communicative of NksQ R. J. Morin and direct die add niotratiou to post copies of tine latter for the employees of the water and atreet department, the pollco department, and the fire department to read, Seconded by 17right. Upon a voice vote, there boing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ANURLM1 ISSGTON POST #3031 1G TO FiM WORitt Motion by Thompson to receive the commenftation from Mr. Ronald Kinkel of the Fridley American Lesion Post and direct the administration to post copies of the letter for the City employees to read. Seconded by Wright, Upon a voice vote, th©re being no nays, the motioa carried unanimously. The City Manager stated that he has already given the certificates to Darrel G. Claris ml Curtia L. Dahlberg for completion of course work offered by • the lii:uneaota Stato Chapter of the American Public Works Associatioa, Motion by Sheridan to receive and file the latter from tho State Chapter of the )marLc= Public Uorka Association. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, thern being no nays, the motion carriol unanimously.* CI'1'if AM=t ZONING OF _RICE CRW%t Thu City Attormy sugtpoted that tho property could ba rGzcn ed when ti u Planning Consultant reports to the Council. W stated that tbero is a pending application for a r"oning permit for construction of a funeral parlor. The City Attorney statW that covomnts restricting all of these lots in the subdivision to single family dmllings will have to be removed before resoning can be approved. He stated that it is necessary for the applicants requesting rezoning for the construction of the fumoral parlor and double bungalms to serve notice on the City and on tho naighboring property owners of the intent to take action to have the covenants removed. Hotion by Sheridan to receive the communication from the City Attorney and direct the administration to give copies of the City Attorney's letter to all interested parties. Seconded by Vright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the notion carried unanimously. M.H.D. a LEVERM1G TO CI3lf _11680 1UM W. 59.19652 Votiaa by bright to roaoivo the letter of )1r. Welch, District Pnginesr of the Hinnosota Departmat of Highways. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, tharo being no nays, the notion carried unanimously. Page 8. • UA.D. s LAID dD�USE NAPSB Uatlon by alright to rcceivc3 tho communication of Mr. Jamieson, Commissionar of the Department of HISWays, coacerniaa the land use claps. Seconded by Xirkham. Upon a voice vote, there baling no naya, the motion carried unanimously. kC �HBA�K,,, 8 REPORTS Councilmm ThmVson stated that the Health Officer is to be commended for his persistence in investigating the health problems that exist in the City of YrrUlc;y. He stated further that he wished to have the Council direct the City Manager to command the Health Officer for his fine work for the City. notion by Thompson to direct the City Manager to commend the Health Officer for hie fine vorri: in tho City of Fridley. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no mars, the motion curried unmicously. M®tion by Kirkham to receive the report of tho Health Officer. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nags, the motion carried unanimously. USST OF 1R. SCHUM TO OPBSATE A TOWING $USVZOS AT 5755 UNIVERSITY AVWZ N.S. Councilman Wright asked 1Ir. Schuur, who was present at the Council seating, to explain his communication to the Council. Councilman Wright asked Mr. Schuur • whether his request to operate a towing business at 5755 University Avenue is to conduct the same typo of oporation as Mr. Schuur had previously discussed with tha''Council. Nye. Schuur answered, "Yen." He stated that he wished to have the Council clarify their posi.tiou on the operatiou of his towing business. lotion by Wright to reconfirm the action taken by the Council on Mauch 15, 1965 in regard to the oparation of a touring business by iffi. Schuur at 5755 University Avenue. Seconded by Kirkhan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the remotion carried unanimously. Ct.i1IL1E3 $ Motion by IJright to approve the General and Public Utilities Claim #5175 through #5251. Seconded by Rirkbam. Upon a voice vote, there being no says, the notion carried unanimously. Notion by I,hcight to approve, the Liquor Claims #7421 through #7484. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the notion carried munimusly. _:.�� CcK=ilmu Wright asked Nr. Comstock whether the 10y$ Well Drilling Cesrpany ,.rill coatirnic work on their contract in upito of tho d=aao done to their ocruiparent on the site. W. Comstock answered, "Yes," and stated that Is" 17611 Drilling Company bas movod auithar rig once the site and is continuing work. Councilman Wright asked whether completion of the project will be delayed. Mr. Coocratock anmmrel that be believorc the construction will be completed on time. Motion by Sheridan to approve the estimate of Reya Well Drilling Co. in the amount of $8.208,33. Seconded by I7right. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Page 9. • tfiSTUATSS s MOM AND ASSOCIA1`LS.- The City Lager stated that he received a letter from Mr,. Smiley containing two ostiu2tea, .cue for the account in question and another for the work of phase two of tiro project. Councilman Sheridan asked w'bether it would be possible to pay Smiley & Associates for the estimate of work on phase two of tho design. The City Hanager replied that ho would prefer to ask the City Attorney whether it would be alright to pay Mr. Smiley for this work. The City Attorney stated that in his opinion it would be alright to pay Hr. Smiley for phase two work as long as the Council does not pay him for the amount in question, Counc-ilman Wright stated that he believed it would be a goW idea to pay Smiley & Associates for phase two work in order to insure their continued govt work on the remainder of the project. 1 °�'POh�A'�ld`TS s Ifotion by Wright to approve the following appointments.- AR POUTIOU SA„MLARX S Robert James Blosky Public Works $447.00 New Position 305 - 76th Avenue N.S. Department per Fridley, Minnesota CHI month • Cat" Gay Lundquist Receptioniot $272.00 Marilyn 6409 Willow Lane Cashier per Johnson Brooklyn Center, Iflanesota month Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. P89�Ii°IOFt NO. 8 -19658 motion by Kirkham to receive Petition No. 8 -1965 and refer it to the administration for processing. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the notion carried unanimously. CMXR NO,.,s 1 - 11-75 -As The City Sn�givaer stated that this Change Order is for work pieviously authorised by the Council. Notion by Wright to reconfium the previous action of the Council and approve CbanSe Order No. 1 - V- -75 -A. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no says, the motion carried uenantmously. CHANGE ORDIR NO. 2 - W -75 -As The City Bnginear explained that the purpose of this Change Order is to remove • the equipment from well holes #7 & 8 in accordance with the previous authorisation of the Council. motion by Wright to adopt Change Order No. 2 - W -75 -A. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Page 10. 0 K=XQU NO. 10 -1965s The City Manner explained than Petition No. 10 -1965 is a. Petition from Rodney Biliman, to waive bearing on iasrprroveanents in 1=sbruck 5th Additioa. motion by Wright to receive Petition No. 10 -1965 and refers it to that administration for proces@ing. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nags, the motion carried unanimously. D N&= CLAD Ups lotion by Wright to receive the damage claim of Russell S. Underhill. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no mays, the motion carried unanimously. SN=a FYI AND TORNADO DTSM28R M=- 0 The City Manager stated that be received a memo from the Finance Director explaining that none of the City's funds could handle the amount of the disaster avense and asking authorization to establish special funs to handle money and claims for the tornado disaster and the flood disaster until Federal Funds are received for this purpose. Councilman Wright asked the City Attorney whether It would be proper to issue temporary bonds to provide monies to these funds. The City Attorney anwerod that this vrould be alright. The Finance Director requested the Council to pass a Resolution authorizing the Finance Director • to establish a separate fund and sell temporary bonds to provide monies for the fundaa Ln order to establish a definite procedure. Councilman Sheridan stated that he believed it would be permissible for too finance Director to astablish separate funds for the tornado diaaster and the flood disaster and finawa thane+ funds by the sale of temporary bounden. e 0 Motion by Sheridan to adopt Resolution No. 85-1965. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously* WILDING PEWT o FROST TOP DRIVE - IN Motion by Sheridan to grant the request of the Frost Top Drive -In and tonne* a Building Permit for reconstruction of the Drive -In to its original state at 7699 T.R. #65. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the notion carried unanimously. Coueacilmn Wright asked whether it is necessary to refer,peraito for racoastruetion to the Building Board for action. The Mayor answered that this depends upon whether there is any need for the Building Board to taka action on any of these Building Permits. Councilman Sheridan, Councilmm Kirkham, and Councilmen Thompson, stated that they did not believe there is any need to refer Building Permits for reconstruction to the Building Board. Councilman Sheridan stated further that if the Building Inspector wished to refer applications for Building Permits to the • Building Board he could do so. Page 11. • PMIDIN6 PEI#'i - - A & H SE$VIM - 6001 U111VERSITY AVM= The City Manager stated that he received a request from Mr. J. Marchiafava for a Building Permit to reconstruct hia property at 6001 University Avenue. Motion by Wright to receive the request of Mro liarchiafava for a Building Pelait. Seconded by 'Thoupson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 116tiou by Uright to authorim the Building Inspector to issue a Building Permit for construction at 6001 Univorreity Avon" to rzake maim= and necessary temporary ropairs to cover and protect equipment, supplieseand inventories. Seconded by TbmVson. Upon a voice vote, there being w mays, the motion cried uDaninowlyo D,_EMM s The City Manager atafed that he received several applications for temporary occupancy of trailer houses, pending reconstruction of homes. Motion by Wright to approve the following applications for trailer permites Gerald W. Adams - 6301 Houroe Street 1d.E. riehard E. Saln - 621 - 67th Ave. H.E. • Leonard Go 8offma= - 5900 11, L7o Sth St. John L. ,Jensen - 6070 - 6th St. iL. Z. Ralph Somor 0101 - Gth Gt. 441. J;. Secondod by iirldm. VVOG a voice vote, there being no nays, the action carried unanimously. s CITY ATTOR Ms RE s WVttfdl XX' S s The City Uanager statal that ho roceivol a latter from the City Attorney stating that the WiadorslcLal haJ acceptod the offer of $9,500.00 for their property and had deliverol a ditd for the saw. Tho U udorskis° wished to purchase fL=uroo and per &xui effects on the property frog tha City for the price of $1.00. Motion by Wright to audiariae the sale of fixtures and personal effects on Cho property which had 1voviuusiy been oohed by the Windorskis' to the Windorskis for the pried of $1.00. Ooeon&4 by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. &TIMUL EPMT3 The City lbaaCor stake` that' W received several quotea for publishing the annual roport, the lowest for tho amount of $996.80. Councilman Thompson stated that he wiswd to encourage tho City Manager to provido additional copies to be put Page 12. • its the hands of all citizens in they City of Fridley. P& staged that he lievead the annual report will create more interest in city government in 19". Notion by Kirkham to authorise publication of 5.000 copies of the annual report. Seconded by wright. Upon a voice vote, theta being no nays, the motion Carried unanimxnaly. F.H.A. 11011SESo, OMGEHCi i\6LITAL -. Tho Finance Director stated that he received an estimated rental prices from tho Fire Chief who examinee) the properties awed by the F.H.A. Be stated tshat, the Fire Chief told him most of tho houses are pretty dirty and that tho Fires Chief made up a sche&la of rents varying from $65.00 to $110.00. Councilman Wright asked whether it will be necessary for the City to return the homes to the F.11. A. in perfect condition. Councilman Sheridan asked whather It vLll be necessary to carry insurance an the homes. The City Attorney answered that the F.H.A. carries insurance on the haws. Councilman Wright stated that he believes it is not wise to charge residents whowish to rent these bomao the regular c=rket price and, if the City were to do so, the City would bo going into the real estate business. The City Attorney stated that the rental of those bows would be on a mouth to month basis, probably not extending beyoml dune 30, 1965. Notion by Wright to rent the homes owned by the Federal Housing Administration • to disaster victims at tho rata of $85.00 per month making no distinction in the amonut of rent batween any of the haws. Seconded by Tbampsoa. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ADd01iBD aTa Thera being no further business, ISayor Iles declared the meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.U. Respectfully submitted: a Raymml J�4G�t�/� 8. Bodo Secretary to the Council J Rill o hors Proseut-, Nay€, Kirldixi, Thorpson, T7rigbt Umb®rs Absent g Sheridan AP _ECM COUFICIL I2SB'1t IG IhI MMS - HAY 14, 1965: MtLou by Mrldra, socoarlad by Uriglit, to approve: the minutes of the Special Cm=11 Meting of may lei, 1965. Mayor Idea declared the notion carried. M tM P SPBCM 2h E& or MAY 15, 1965: rlatiou by Thompson, soemaod by ?'Pirw"A, that.; tbo oinutes of the Special b1C3 tine of Ihay 15, 1965 bo appruvad. Hayor Ike declared the motion carried. FTTSIC h?'BQII ANON COMUT Li 711 AM SiIOP� IIIC. Is kbtion by Kirkhm, secoalod by Hright, to receive tho letter and direct the City lkmaNr to prepare a Resolution for tho I1ay 21st meetine covering tha acwgeetions made in tho lattor. Mayor Iles declared the motion carried. E:1`1ZElATL3 ALiCI>T18CTL'P.AL IMM - CIKVIC Ci Ta"'Et;g . Tie City Ihnt=Gor proaGnted tw oatiaates, one in tho anoint of $7,330.51 labeled by Lhu Architect as balances through approval of preli-111arias as per April 1, 1965 statcuaout and statinp, that. this statement is ism question pending contract �rarlfication; and an estimate labeled professional services rendered in preparation of worlcing drauLngs, mechanical, electrical, and structural engineering in the a xxwt of $13,553.84 with the statetmt from the Architect that this anoint is duo and ming in conforY men with work performed to date and the agreesmnt applying thereto. h►btioa by ZSoWsou, seconded by Wright, to coneur in the estimate relating to working drawings and to pay the Architect $13,553.84, and to withhold paymeat of they estimate in the amount of $7,330.51. Upon a voice vote, there being no nVa, Myor I7sa declared the motion carried. Qw7++ +1r :�l'il�K�3 +`�+U1a -i ;ill Of .I I% r it iC Motion by Wright, seconded by Kirkham, to grant the Building Permit. Mayor He* declared the motion carried. 0:1*41zio dun Mr. Weigel was present and stated that the appraised value by the bank'of this • property vas $75,000.00 including the land. Notion by Kirkham, seconded by Wright, to table action on this Building Permit until the regular meeting of June 7, 1965. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. gC01FLA T COUWC-f L MIT TUG G f 1AY r `% , + --'A, page 13. • The rie ting uas called to order: by Flag.. 1`1e# at 9,.03 P.11, Rill o hors Proseut-, Nay€, Kirldixi, Thorpson, T7rigbt Umb®rs Absent g Sheridan AP _ECM COUFICIL I2SB'1t IG IhI MMS - HAY 14, 1965: MtLou by Mrldra, socoarlad by Uriglit, to approve: the minutes of the Special Cm=11 Meting of may lei, 1965. Mayor Idea declared the notion carried. M tM P SPBCM 2h E& or MAY 15, 1965: rlatiou by Thompson, soemaod by ?'Pirw"A, that.; tbo oinutes of the Special b1C3 tine of Ihay 15, 1965 bo appruvad. Hayor Ike declared the motion carried. FTTSIC h?'BQII ANON COMUT Li 711 AM SiIOP� IIIC. Is kbtion by Kirkhm, secoalod by Hright, to receive tho letter and direct the City lkmaNr to prepare a Resolution for tho I1ay 21st meetine covering tha acwgeetions made in tho lattor. Mayor Iles declared the motion carried. E:1`1ZElATL3 ALiCI>T18CTL'P.AL IMM - CIKVIC Ci Ta"'Et;g . Tie City Ihnt=Gor proaGnted tw oatiaates, one in tho anoint of $7,330.51 labeled by Lhu Architect as balances through approval of preli-111arias as per April 1, 1965 statcuaout and statinp, that. this statement is ism question pending contract �rarlfication; and an estimate labeled professional services rendered in preparation of worlcing drauLngs, mechanical, electrical, and structural engineering in the a xxwt of $13,553.84 with the statetmt from the Architect that this anoint is duo and ming in conforY men with work performed to date and the agreesmnt applying thereto. h►btioa by ZSoWsou, seconded by Wright, to coneur in the estimate relating to working drawings and to pay the Architect $13,553.84, and to withhold paymeat of they estimate in the amount of $7,330.51. Upon a voice vote, there being no nVa, Myor I7sa declared the motion carried. Qw7++ +1r :�l'il�K�3 +`�+U1a -i ;ill Of .I I% r it iC Motion by Wright, seconded by Kirkham, to grant the Building Permit. Mayor He* declared the motion carried. 0:1*41zio dun Mr. Weigel was present and stated that the appraised value by the bank'of this • property vas $75,000.00 including the land. Notion by Kirkham, seconded by Wright, to table action on this Building Permit until the regular meeting of June 7, 1965. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. �J L--.j Page 14, 11r, tIeigel state(l that the tans appraisal, including tho 1aad, was $27,500.00 t6 $27,`03.7), tbt:'ion by Kin d esecondel by Wright, to table action on this &AULao Purait✓ to the regular ting of Ime 7, <'t��.`i Upon a voice vote, tAra being m-) nay°, ?izyor tIa« declared t'hv- motion carrie:L Notion by ThaWson, secoulad by K rkhm, to table action on this Permit IYPOD a 'voice vote, there being no nays, Ii ,Ayor declared tlr!e motion carried, �zYa� Motion by i irldm, seconded ivy alright, to receive the Building Porwit Application, Upon a voices vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nevi declared the motion carried, E Notion by Wright, secood*d by Kirkham, to authorira the Building Inspector to issue a Building Permit for construction at 336 a 64th Avenue 11ortheast, to make minim= and necessary tomporcary repaira to cover anJ protact equipment, rupplies, and inventorial as need, Upon a voices votive, there being no nays, Mayor Ile@ declared the motion cartsicJ, MotiOu by Ri.rhhr'u, rsccon.4rd my lboapsran, that Resolution No; 86 -1965 be passed. Upon 2. voice vote, there being no nays, mayor 'tea declared the motion carried, PHMO OF Td FLNA.DO DISASTE Mayor Nee sugg4sted collecting ,* library of photon of the Jianster for historical amf possible legal use, The Mayors estlma,ted twat perhaps $500.00 would defray the calm of purchasing prints, because many print& would be donated. Motion by Thampsou, seconded by Wright, to authorize the City ilsuagesrr to acquire evidence of tho tornado disaster dmage, by purchase of a variety of photographs from vhataver_ source possible. Upon a voice vote, there being no nags, Mayor Nee declarod the motion carried,, ADS �' There being no further business, Mayor Not declared the meeting adjourned at 9040 P.M. Respectfully submitted° &..,e P, GcJ Berl Po Wagnrr Acting Secretary to the Coancil CAA Ag CWM3U, HOTING -- MAY 21, 1965 page 15. The meshing was called to order by Mayor Nei* at 9400 P.M. Members Presentm Kirkham, Mae, Wright Hunhers Absent-. Sheridan, Thompson OM MM affi man MOM PIPMT: The City Manager explained that the Building Board had approved the structure on February 10, 1965 sad the City Council had authorised granting the Building Pmenait on February 15, 1965. Subsequently the school had been asked to dedicate to the City a 30 foot easement for the west half of the right -of =way of Arthur Street and that by doing so the convent building immediately adjacent to the high school ,mould be only approxiasstely 23 feet from the right -of-way instead of the 35 foot setback required by the honing ordinance. Motion by Wright, seconded by Kirkham, that the Council reaffirm the granting of the Building Permit for the Grace Catholic High School. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. AT 5475 & 5515 MAIN STWMT NaRTHEASTs Notion by Wright, seconded by Kirkham, to advise the owner of the non- confomumce of the structures, and that the owner could make application through the regular channels for a waiver of these soning requirements. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Neva declared the motion carried. CiBTSID8�TI0Li C01+1lHAt;TtitS I.ZCBNSB a ���WRIRIR,�R�.iR���- Mayor Nee advised the Council that he talked to Mr. Giertsen, of Giertsen Contracting Company, and had told Mr. Giertsen that he would ask for no action by the Council tonight, but that he did wMt to have the Council hear from Mr. Don Larson, of 129 Horizon Circle about his experiences with the contractor. Mr. Larson stated that his insurance company had sent an adjuster who didn ®t appear to be accomplishing anything so that he had called the company and had asked for a different adjuster. The adjuster than sent was a Sod Tow, who told Mrs. Larson that the house could be repaired and that he would get Giertsen Company, a contractor. to look at the house. Mr. Town told Larson by phone that the Giertsen Company said they could do a repair easy for $8,000.00. The Giertsen Company finally got out to the house yesterday (May 20, 1963) to look at the house,, fte Building Inspector had posted the house for condemnation. ths. Tow wanted to settle but the mortgage company, Farmers & Mechanics, had told Mr. Larson to go slow on a cettlemsnt. The bank gave him a list, of contractors for estimates. Both the contractors had told Mr. Larson that repairs itimld not return the house to its original condition. Mr. Larson presented a letter from Andy Gewel, a contractor. ,ropy of the letter follows-. Page 16. • Mt. Donald S. Larson 4056 -56th Avenue North (Apt. 6101) Mianeapolis, Minn. Dear Mr. Larson, On Monday morning, Hey 10, 1965, we looked over the damage to your property at 129 Horizon Circle N.S., Fridley, and have come to the following conclusions. May we suggest that you strip the hose completely down to the sub- floor, and then we can take it from there, and rebuild the boors from the sub -floor on up. Respectfully, Andrew P. Gaowel APG /k Kra. Jack Dickanson, a near neighbor, was told by a man identifying himself as from Giertsen Company, who was at the site, that many of the citizens of Fridley wanted "totals" on their houses, and then were sorry that this was done. Be also said to Mrs. Dickenson that the condemnation notice on the building had so meaning. Mr. Tow told Larson that the notice had no manning. • Mr. Gallup, 5851 U.S. 4th St.$ appeared before the Council and stated that be had been told that Giertsen Company would solve his problem. He bad gotten another contractor to bid, but the adjuster has refused to came to the property to determine what is tornado damage and what is not tornado damage. The contractor Mr. Gallup has contacted could start immediately but apparently Mr. Gallup will have to wait for an estimate by Giertsen Company. Motion by Wright, seconded by Kirkham, to table action on this license until Monday, May 24, 1965, and direct the City Manager to inform Mrs. Clertsen of the bearing. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. Mr. Dean Johnson, an attorney, was present and said that he represented Republic Insurance Company, Utah Horns Fire Company, Universal Surety, and Inland Insurance company - Mayor wee stated that be is proposing something that has been on the horizon for several days and had hoped that more of the insurance industry could be present at this meeting to discuss the matter with the Council. Be stated that if the Council concurs in his proposal the notice will be published in the St. Paul P %near Press Sunday paper and tba Minneapolis Tribune Sunday paper, wbich notice Mayor Nee read. He stated that before the Council takes action he would like to have comments about the proposal. Dean Johnson asked pertinent is parts of ordinaarce* applicable thereto. ,Johnson artated policies were private Page 17. • tracts. Ilayor Beta said that these buildings must come down maw, Mr. IAwon said that if the call, is made asking for delay, can a hearing be held. Mayor Nee said, "peso" The Council is =eating on Monday, Wednesday end lrriday during the next two weeks. The City Manager stated that the City Mll will be open specially on Saturday, May 22, 1965 fraa SoOO A.M. to 4-000 P.tL to receive any calls requesting delay. Mayor Use stated that the follow up on the demolition notices of clearing the sites will take at least two wooks and that the condemnation notices have bean on all of these premises for at leant 10 days. Councilman Wright stated that there has been a notice posted on these premises by the health Inspector and by the Building Inspector and that there is a provision for appeal from the demolition which he thought was satisfactory handling of the matter,. N tion by Wright, seconded by Kirkham, for adoption of tho program and publication of the notice, Upon a voice vote, tharo being no nays, Mayor flee declared the motion carried, LP Ma! PI L—UTCC R=M— 88MTIU TO 04 tM WATER HOOMIPs notion by iTrigLt, seconded by Kirklu m to table actions on this matter to HanaWs flay 24, 1965, Upa4 a voice vote, tha ro beam no nays, Fisyor Nee declared the mtiou carried. irs_3L,I I�ilJv^ ItC?iQJ tttSPaBlg • HOYM 1100 pointod out to the Cauwil that this report vas encouraging in that tha fiell Lma from tW Corps of gnginecars, ana tho tlWtjay Department, had rocommmado i that tho situ clearanco by tlto City of Fridlay was eligible for raimb'rsomant by the FeJaral Govornant and Iwd put an estivate of over $130,000.00 for thin work. liution by WaPight, sacoadcxi by Urldwa, to reccaive thta Enginftring Inm, oction reapvt: and ratithorize the City Manager to apply for na advance is Pederal hula in the amnnt of 757. of estimtod cost, upon a 1,roLca vote, tt o", boars no nays, Mayor floe declarcd the notion carried. JAYCEEBoo PAU CLEAIT -UPG Mr. Dave Shubert advised the Council that the annual Jaycees Festival canavt be held this year because of the tornado and that the Jaycees depend upon this Footival for providioa fianda which are used Lu the parks and other civic enterprises of the Jayee®s and that the Jaycees therefore would like to be ecrasidered for contracting for the clean -up of Locke Parr, ire Shubert read a prop,)oal by the Jaycees as to the method by which they would clean -up the Park, aCO tho cost to tho City for said clean -up, The Council suggested to the In rcoes tCanr t.hcx,, baring the pra+osal back to the t otmil either on Monday or Oc^:inesday, ari2 that .j1ey provides for a professional treo expart and also for 3 �- =tipper x acUnc a SOLIClTMS LMIS FOR AMRMN MMS 1115 UJU11 7TI1 STMT, NMAPOUS Wtiwi by Kirldiaut, cscscon&xl by Tlrirot, to approve the license if tho applicant has a oatisffictory rocord with the Setter Busimes Bureau, upon a voico vote, theca bbl" r, n.-) nays, Mayor ties doclarod tbC UOtion carriO Page 18, 0tvL', PEELULT APPLI"T1gH 262 - 57TH PIAM - DR, BMW - 8 UNIT APARTNNTo. Dr. barman vas present and said that pia -Ken Inc., should not have made a formal applicatt:i.ou, than the estimated repair* would not be $25,000,00 and that as soon as ho received the estimate that he had asked for he votuld make an application for a Building Permit. Couwil took no action on this matter. v2smuou MOO 87 -19 65 - ESTABIISMMG MUNICIPAL STATE All 8MMTS Notion by Wright, seconded by girkbam, that the Council adopt Resolution No, 47 -1903. Upou a voice vote, there being no mays, May" Nan declared the notion carried. 7be re being so further business, Mayor Nees declared the me eating adjourned at 10250 PAO Respectfully submitteed2 Curl P. Vagasr • ActIM Saaretary to the Council Page 19. UCVM COUNCIL METIRG - MAY 24, 1965 0 The meting was called to order at Sa19 P.M. by Mayor Nee. lbmbers Presents- Kirkham, Nee, Sheridan, Wright Members Absent: Thompson 11otion by Sheridan, seconded by Kirkhan, that the Building Permit be granted. Upon a voice vote, tbere being no says, Mayor lie* declared the notion carried. Mr, Dick Braun, Deputy District Engineer for construction District 5, advised the Council that the Council had not passed the Resolution approving the plans for the traffic signals at the intersection of T.H. #65 and hest Moore Lake Drive, because tho service road to the Drive -In Tbeatre to be constructed by the highway Department waa not to be constructed from the Highway right -of -way, but part of West Moore Lah* Drive of the City of Fridley was to be used for • this service road. Mr. Braun reported that although the contract did not provile for improving West Moore Lake Drive to the service road, authorisation La3 now been obtained for the maintenance funds of District 5 to be used to wiJen West Moore Lake Drive cohere it intersected T.H. #65 to 44 feet and to resurface it from T.H. #65 to where the service road mould enter onto the Drive -In Theatre property. Motion by Sheridan, seconded by Kirkham, to adopt Resolution No. 88 -1965, approving plans for the traffic signals at T.B. #65 and West More Lake Drive. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. JAICUS PROPOSAL - UXKE PARK CLBAN -UP; Dave Shubert appeared before the Council and stated that the Jaycees have added to their original proposals the rental of a chipper machine and that they bave made an agreement with Mr. Kukachka to assist them in all ways possible to determine what trees should be taken down and trimmed etc., but that he would not be available until Tuesday of next week. The Jaycees felt, however, that there was plenty of obvious work to be done that would not require a tree expert so that if they did receive the bid they would begin work this weekend. The State Forestry Department also was agreeable to assisting the Jaycees in the tree expert needs of the project, but they also were not available until mid -week. He stated that the proposal as submitted previously bad not boon changed to any great degree but that their proposal was for $5,800.00 to restore area No. 1 and also the park adjacent to Melody Manor and at 75th Avenue Northeast. C� Page 20. • Notion by Sheridan, seconded by Kirkham, to award the clean -up contract for area No. 1 and Melody Manor Park and the one on 75th to the Fridley Jaycees ,a per their proposal and as per Ordinance No. 3010 Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried, N AiNG QR COMACIOR.i U=SZ ; Mr. Robert Breger, the General Manager of the Giertsen Company, was present at the creating. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Breger if he was working in Fridley sad Mr. Breger said that he was doing estimating. The Mayor asked if he had done the estimate for 129 Horizon Circle and he stated that be had and that it vas am about $9,100.00. The Mayor asked how many estimates he had done and he said between 150 and 200 in Fridley. He was asked if Giertsen Company had started work on any of the estimates and Mr. Breger said that they had received contracts for about one out of every four estimates they made. He was asked if thay had started construction without a Building Permit and he said that the Building Inspection Department had told his to go ahead and to bring to City ball the applications when they had assembled quite a few. He was asked if be had made any estimates without looking at the property and he said that he had not. Mayor Nee asked Mrs. Jack Dickenson to tell the Council of her discussions with representativea of the Giertsen Company. Mrs. Dickenson said that she was a neighbor of the Larson's at 129 Horizon Circle and that she had been vatching the property for them while they were living elsewhere and that the representative of the Giertsen Company had told her that the sign meant the building rasa unfit for human habitation but did not necessarily mean . that it rasa condemned to be demolishel, and also that some of the citizens of Fridley crho had received total damage settlements had wished that they had rebuilt them, based on lower estimates of the rebuilding. Mayor Nees asked if the Giertsen mars had looked over the property. Mrs. Dickenson said that he had a tape measure and had looked it ever carefully. Mayor See asked Mr. Breger if he had made any bids before the building was posted by the Building inspector as to needa, and Mr. bregar said that he has a lot of experience in disaster areas and feels he knows what ae4ds to be donee Mayor Nte stated that the City is concerned that the structures will not be placed back to the standards of the City as approved by the Building Inspector. Mayon; Not stated that he had brought this matter before the Council the first time for possible suspension but that now he feels that perhaps the City has no case for suspension. t1r. Larson stated that the Building Inspector had told him that nothing could be reused for the house repair from the sub -floor up. Mr. Breger stated that the plumbing fixtures and millwork can be reused, Mrs larson said that Mr. Rod T'ow, the adjuster, had told him that the job could be done for .$8,000.00 easy and that the mortgage company contractors say that it can't be done. Mr. Larson aslwd if the $9,100.00 was for the house only. Mayor NeA stated that the City to concerned stall► of any implication that the code will not be complied with. Councilman Wright asked Mr. Breger what the owners protection would be if the insurance company settled this on too low an estimate., Mrs: Breger said that his cowpany uvuld have to st:itisfy the owner and It the work was more than the estimate the mortgagor and owner probably wouldna t sign the draft to pay the Giertsen Company. Mr. ieoonard Koss of 468 Altura Road, advised the Council that his adjuster said that he felt the house could be reset and that the adjuster advised his that the Giertsen Company had assured his that. it can he r1 U Page 21. • reset, Mr. Breger told Mr. Kos that he had told the adjuster that the house at 5468 Altura Road was a total loss, Mr. Larson again stated that the Building Inspector had told his that nothing from the sub -floor up could be reused, Mayor Nee said that he gathered that the Building Inspector roant that nothing above, structurally, can be reused but that he felt the Building Inspector would have no authority relative to wall cabinets, plumbing fixtures etc,, unless reuse would create an insanitary condition. Mr. ?ow alvisad that he was at the Ming and the Mayor asked his to tell the Council about the matter. He told the Council that an adjuster out of his office had advised him that he felt that it could be repaired and had gotten the Clertsen Caepany to =.site an estimate. Mayor Nao asked Mt. your why this particular house should be such a problem. Mr. Tow said that be felt that ter. Larson honestly felt that to had a total loss and therefore did not scant to settle for less. W. `lava said that Mr. Bresger had given his a rough estimate of $8,000.00 for repair bull sinca that original quick estimate had made a more detailed estimate amwtina to $9,100.00 for the house and this estimate did not include rapl,w=eaat of the garage, the parzonal property coverage or the living expense 4louuncs. 'there was no action taken by the Coil can this matter. MRiI.ITi0ia NOrIC8S P0S= AND ft2=9TS IM DEIAYd Toro [Iillia-z, of 6071 - Sth Street northeast, appeared before the Council and +advioda that the ormago demolition notice had been posted on his house and that a contractor has made a tentative estimate which includes a new roof, extensive inside repairs, and residing of the houseo He stated that no walls area shalty, no cracks is tho drytaall or wallpaper, and that he was planning to improve the structure with this rebuilding. Mayor .lee stated that there appeared to be no real area of disagreement betuoon the property owner and the City and that ice'. Williams now bas the extension from immediate demolition that he has requested. USED CAR L0z A:D DAtIAC."1D SMUCTME THEREO-Us. liayor Wee referred to a meaty that he had distributed to the Council relating to the fact that he felt the building on the Used Car hot at corner of 58th Avenue Northeast and Univ©rsity Aver, was a non - conforming use that had be" more than 50% destroyed and therefore could not be rebuilt. Also, he stated that he felt that there had been .frequent violations of the City Ordinances through placing used cars on highway rig%f -way, starting to rebuild without a Building Permit, and not keeping the Used Car Lot in a clean and orderly manner as required by the Used Car Lot License. Mr. Frank flabrelcik, the owner of tha Used Car Lot, said that he could get the building repaired for $800.00. He said that tiro state valued the property and building at $40,000oOO when tatting part of his property for highway purpoees. Be had built tho building ten gears ago. Cauncilman i7ri.ght stated that the City wants that area to be a conforming use and also, wants to protect the neighbors from misuse of the property. Mr. Gabrelcik said that he would guarantee to irsprove the property as soon as he knows what the Minnesota highway Department wishes to do, relative to the highejay adjacent to his property. Mayor Nees aaivad if an arrangement could be made that he would rebuild the building further • Page 22. • back on the property and in a more attractive and neater manner. Mr. Gabrelcik said that he couldn't afford to do this since he had no insurance on his used curs. Councilman Aright asked if he would put on brick facing and paint the other Mocks and Mr. Gabrelcik said that he intended to do that anyway. Counc3lm2sa Sheridan said that he felt that Ur. Gabrelcik must summit a new application, *polling out exactly what he intends to do on the property. Mr. 4_`abmlcilc said that he would present a proposal at the Council meeting on tte-kwsday, stating all that he would do to improve the property, 9rtr't•_AW ,V� Mr. Rafner appoared before the Council and stated that four years ago Jackson Street from 73rd to Osborne was to be 30 f"t wide of P & H sub base, that City Engineer Brown had them obtained a change in specifications, as Council policy requiring class 5 material, 5 inches thick and that now the City specifications had again changed and the Engineering Departumt wanted a P & H base and a 36 foot wide concrete curb and gutter street with a 9 ton loading. Be also wanted to continue with Melody Manor plats 3 and 4, the same as plats I and 2, and that he didn't feel he should pay for the 9 ton loading. City Engineer Qureshi. stated that it was cheaper to use the P & a in this sandy area and that it vas a better base, and that only 1112- inch hest mix mat was needed on v P & U base to moot the 9 torn requirement. lit. 83fter then asked if ho was entitled to any compensation for clean -up • worIs that he did in the Trailer Park owned by his sow that was damaged badly by the tornada, Hay G, 1965. The City Attorney stated that the office of emergency planning inspection tors had mde a survey of what they would recaesead for eligible :federal llunds and that they had not included this mobile hates park as eligible for federal Funds. Mr. Hafnar stated that he has a steel building on Old Central Avenue that would bo iloal for use for City equipment. He said that he has a big claim for storm damage and that the money could be spent for a good building for the City. Hu aaluz.l about the stoning of the land he owns, adjacent to the new hospital and M2yor N" stated that tir. IW&o and the Planning Coemission were to get together with doctors in the area and see what would be beat for the property next to the hospital. The City Manager otated that this meeting has not been held since it has been impossible at this point to get the Planning Consultant, the Planning Commission, and the Doctors together. 'iho Council stated that Mr. Hafner through his son tlenneth 0. tiafaer had agreed to the 36 foot concrete curb and gutter, � ton road on Jackson Street from 73rd to Osborne and that they felt thin ro,ul shoul6 be put in as agreed upon with a P & H stabilised base. Mt1NICI.PA1. LEAAt, B COI+F&E = --.M 16.- 17, AIM W: ibtion by Wright, seconded by Sheridan, that ttie City &tanager attend this conference in Moorehead, Minnesota. Upom a voice vote, there being no nayo, Mayor Nee declared the motion married., • Page 29. 0 COUtI°1°!t ROADS W FRI:DI= 8 Anoka County $ngineor Lundheim and County Commission Chairman 0 "Bannon, appeared before the Council at the invitation of Mayor Nee. Mayor Nee stated that be had asked them to discuss with the Counci 24 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY' OF #11MEY,' Mi wav,iA t 'Tr;'OWNER'S NAME } JN e`t'd W,, A lyd K_ : BUILDER ` T AM ADDRESS ' '% Ce h [ Z2 M I ESS S All' Q ' 1V a • ; -t .' "'ifs, y ISJ f "i .. f•;.'` ..r) !�rfl :i.' � rr ar . Y'. rl 'r t? LOCATION OF BUILDYNG . i .. , , _ :r a �i Ott,•: , '" ... No. 7 3 ,t *eet ,,...5, d ` .I ex: Part of Lot „ •' LOT BLOCK ADDITION.OR,SUBDIVISION Corner Lot In 71 side LOT ' Setback r -Bid e4ard SEWER ELEVATION ; 1�OUNI�ATIOP ELBVATIbK { Applicant attach to this form Two Certificates of Survey of Lot and proposedi building location drawn on these Cettificates. - -' -- ��to]' '% r •, ,' ;?.1 »rron _nr, :�c� rr 1�', D13SCRIpTIbN bF'$UTLDING •''•r':' ter.'•; r - rtae . To be .used as • �,�'l C; %S' rr; t r� % t��'•► I IY /� .r , r i Front Depth Height f Sq. Ft. Cue Ft. • Fr.oftt era . Depth Height' Sq. Pt. ... cue',S,t'�.., Type of Construction VA, V L Estimated Cost C G G© CS— W4_ To be . c.oaipleted`w� -�... C._.� r . .The undersigned hereby'*makes 'application for 'a permit for the' work herein•'specified, agreeing to do all work in strict.accordance with the City of Fridley Ordinances 11�and rulings.-of the Department of Buildings and he'reby'declares that all ' the -facts and representations -'stated'in,this - application are'true and correct. ��. DATE; (Schedule of Fee Costs can be found on the Revafs@• Side)-. " .1 • APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY`,OF'FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 1 • y BUILDER 9 /✓ 6 'OWNS R S NAME L ADDRESS ��S 't� y,eo�y /c%.� ADDRESS—/ ���4A1,7 >'f • , k' . I J r: `" ' LOCATION ' OF BUILDING i l No. �'s'.; /moo ^� :/� Street Part of Loth LOT BLOCK ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION Corner -Lot I"ide LOT Setback 'Side -Yard SEWER ELEVATION 1 t' FOUNDATION ELEVATION Applicant attach to this form Two Certificates of Survey of Lot and proposed building location drawn on these Certificates. 'DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING K . To be' used as Front Depths Height Sq. Ft. Cu. Ft. - :' Front. Depth Height " -,: Sq. Ft.. Cu:` Ft. Type of Construction Z2,fx�,,4 6,9 Estimated Coat `7 0 To bed"completed ' &AoX .The undersigned hereby makes application fora permit for the'work' herein specified, agreeing to do all'work in strict accordance with the City of Fridley Ordinances J.and rulings.of "the nepartment of Buildings "arid'hereby - declares that all 'the facts and representations stated in this application are'true. and correct.•''; DATE .� . 7:` ��S SIGNATURE (Schedule of Fee Costs can be found on the Reverse Side). I j I e i y APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT ' CITY -OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA OWNER'S NAME d:,'r Men G v` BUILDER ADDRESS S ^.z y, ADDRESS 1,2 3 ,�S�.E'! >A v r r . ;-4/1 LOCATION OF BUILDING No. Street %� /'✓%4f iy part of Lot,..._ LOT BLOCK ADDITION OR,SUBDIVISION Corner Lot`_Insidi Ldfi ,,Setback ° .y Side -Yard SEWER ELEVATION ` FOUNDATIOA ELEVATION Applicant attach to this form Two Certificates of Survey of•Lot and proposed, building location drawn on these Certificates. "DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING To be ''Used as Front Depth Height Sq.. Ft. Cu. Ft. Front Depth Height Sq.` :Ft'. a , ; Cu. Ft, Type of Construction_ O �.rg ' j o-xAym 6_,6E Estimated Cost y J To be completed << 4. /z _. ..The undersigned hereby makes application'for a permit'for the`work herein specified, ' agreeing,to do all work in strict accordance with the City of Fridley Ordinances `r'`and rulings -of' the Department of Buildings, and hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true and correcte, "" SIGNATURE (Schedule of Fee Costs can be found on the Reverse Side). 27 1 U. S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, ST. PAUL CORPS OF ENGINEERS - 1217 U. S. POST OFFICE AND CUSTOM HOUSE ST. PAUL. MINNSSOTA 55101 r �.. r,. , • 'r.r T'Vx • IN N[rLt Nt ►[N lot NCSCO -S 355 19 May 1965 _ NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT 1. This office is in receipt of an application from McCrossan- Potter Inc., Coon Rapids, Minnesota, for approval of plans and issuance of a permit under the authority of the Secretary of the Army to dredge ? aggregate materials from the Mississippi River in the area about 0.5` miles downstream from the Northern States Power Company's Coon Rapids ; Dam., . 2. As shown on the reverse side of this notice, the applicant proposes to dredge in the area adjacent to his property, to a maximum - depth of about 25 feet below the present river bottom. The dredged materials will be processed and stored on the left bank on the applicant's property. 3. Interested parties are invited to submit to this office, written "{ ` ". facts, arguments, or objections before 21 June 1965. These statements tf should bear upon the suitability of the location, the adequacy of the plans with reference to navigation and should, if appropriate, suggest any changes deemed desirable in the interests of navigation. 4. All replies should be addressed to the District Engineer, U. S. Army Engineer District, St. Paul, 1217 U. S. Post Office and Custom House, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55101, Attention: Permits and Statistics Branch. ; FOR THE DISTRICT ENGINEER: ji Postmasters - Please Post L. A. HAUSER, JR. s" ,t Chief, Construction- rations 'Division r �.. r,. , • 'r.r T'Vx 28 27 COON RAPIDS �\ OAM JO 25 2 i 0�- 'e y y 1 u �O OWNER 2 ti LAURA DUNN s 2 sraltAfAr OO 1 A IttA i G j P S ' CQQN 3s 36 11 y;vr ` LSTEN M W Y ><4Z BROOKLYN 1 "- s000 ti PROJECT pARK +T'JIN R24W- q, LOCATION — — — +4 T 3-ON R 24W 4 7 A ' - >. Fjj jjj Y 10 _ 13 \ �n i4 A 3� .. NW r. • c O I.00'ATIOM :MAP •w�s ► .F TYPICAL. SECTION PROPOSED GRAVEL EXTRACTIO er a -s' from Mississippi River \\\ Sao N.W. s!!.! APR.17 11is in COON RAPIDS, MINNRfOTA • �� L.W. •06.8 AUG. 19" � Sao APPLICATION SY: •' McCROSSAN,POTTE.R INC. 1338 93%'.AVE• N. W. ► ► a 0. 7so . ,.. �. • COON RAPIDS MINNESOTA f . f DATE 17 MAY 1945 COMSTOCK & DAVIS, 1446 COUNTY ROAD "J" MINNEAPOLIS , MINNESOTA 55432 TEL-S SUnnt 4 -6346 CONSULTING ENGINEERS May 25, 1965 Mr. Nasim Qureshi, City Engineer City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue, N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421 Dear Nasim: INC. 4 — CITY OF FRIDLEY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. RECEIVED 2 1865 AM "I, PM 7181 IA 111121112,3141516 RE: SEWER AND WATER SERVICE LINES FOR MOORE LAKE BEACH HOUSE In accordance with our discussion at the City Council meeting of May 17, we have contacted contractors now working on sewer and water projects in the City of Fridley for prices on the sewer and water service lines for the beach house. Since it was necessary that the City furnish the sewer ejector package to the building contractor for installation in the beach house, we received the above mentioned pro- posals without the sewer ejector included. The following prices were received: F. D. Chapman Construction Co. $8,158.00 Hurley Construction Co. $11,324.00 Johnson Brothers were contacted but were not interested in bidding the job, however, were willing to perform the work on a force account basis. As you recall, the one bid received for the work on May 17th was from Erwin Montgomery Construction Company in the amount of $8,418.00. Deleting the sewer ejector package from this lump sum bid,_would give us a contract price of $7,478.00. Since time is of the essence, and the one bid from Erwin Montgomery Construction Company is lower than the other two proposals received, we-mould recommend that the project be awarded to Erwin Montgomery Construction Company, if the Council in- tends to proceed with the work at this time. Very truly yours, COMSTOCK 6 DAVIS, INC. B y el C/ DeWayne Cr 101son, P. E. DCO /cb 29 30 May 26, 1965 INSPECTION TEAM I have engaged the services of Mr. Giesen of Vanguard Engineering Company to serve on an inspection team.composed of Jensen, the City Building Inspector, Al Flynn, Coon Rapids Building Inspector, and Giesen. , Tomorrow, at 8;00 A.M., this team will review the damaged homes (32 in number) posted with the orange demolition signs on Saturday, May 22nd. They will proceed, also, to look at all badly damaged partially standing homes to determine whether or not an orange sign should be posted. When they have finished probably 3 to 7 days required - the City can be sure that each posted structure can be demolished by the City whether or not a release is signed. Also, the Council can be sure of its position when asked for a delay in demolition by the homeowner or adjuster. The charge for Mr. Giesen will be $12.50/'hour - $100.00 /day plus minimal expenses. if you wish to have this program discontinued, • please say so now, by motion. 31 RESOLUTION NO, RESOLUTION SING W,C.C.O. RADIO AND OTHERS FOR WARNING SERVICES ON MAY 6, 1965 WHEREAS, several tornadoes passed through the City of Fridley in early evening of Thursday, May 6, 1965, and WHERi�AS, extensive property damage was sustained by the citizens of the City of Fridley because of destruction of approximately 425 hoaxes® and extensive partial destruction of mwW more homes, businesses, industrial establishments, and schools, and WHEREAS, despite the extensive property damage, loss of life and injury was hold to a minimum, and WHEREAS, the devotion to duty by the personnel of W.C.C.O, radio in discontinuing regular radio broadcasts and devoting every minute of their time on the air to tracking tornado funnels and reporting their location to the public resulted in the majority of the citizens of Fridley affected by the tornado taking cover from the tornado activity, and WliBiiLAS, many citizens in the Twin City area, disregarding their owns personal safety and their own desire to take cover, reported by phone to W.C.C.O, radio their observations of tornado funnels thereby . pinpointing the more dangerous areas causing citizens in those areas to take cover, 0 NOWT, THEREFORE, B$ IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley as follows: 1. That the radio stations that did provide warnings in the i:gpending disaster, and most particularly W.C.C.O. radio, which appeared to have the most complete coverage of the impending disaster, be coavAmded and thanked most gratefully for such service. 2. That those unknown citizens who telephoned information to W.C.C.O. radio and the other broadcasting media also be coamended and most heartily thanked for providing such information when it was so greatly needed. 3. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to send a copy of this resolution to w.C.C.O. radio. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIMMY THIS DAY OF , 1965, ATTEST: Karvin C. Brunsell, CITY CLERK William J. Nee, JU YOR 32 APPLICATION FOR ;BUILDING PERMIT 'CITY OF R ' I DL MINNESOTA' INNESO TA OUNER S NAME • �� / BUILDER v' � 7� ADDRESS / o % LOCATION OF BUILDING No Street ,00(. Part of Lot LOT BLOCK ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION corner Lot Inside•LO���,5etback: Side -Yard ---�. -- SEWER ELEVATION FOUNDATION ELEVATION Applicant attach to this form Two Certificates of Survey of tot and proposed building location drawn on these Certificates. DE6 CRIPTr011 OF,'BUILDING 'To be' used' as:- ; Front eight Sq. Ft. Cu. Ft. Front* Depth `` ' Height °Sq'. Ft.) Cu. Ft: Type,of. Construction Estimated Cost �i U ° To'be cc601eted The undersigned` hereby'makes'applicatiori' for a permit for the'work herein specified, agreeing to do all work in strict accordance.with the City of Fridley Ordinances and'rulings'of.'the Department,of Buildings, and hereby declares that.all the facts and representations stated`in phis applitition'are':true and correct:' 'DATE '°'l SIGNATURE (Schedu a of Fee Costs can be found on the Reverse Side. . is A. 4j� .... ....... 9