01/18/1965 - 00022293�� Respectfully aubmitted: �' ,� Ai� ,��-i''t�fi"" � Baym d 8. Bade William J, Nee 3ecretary to the Countil Mayor RSGULAB COIINCIL I+16BTING MINO'ffi3 - JANUA&Y 18, 1965 A regular meeting,of the Council of the City of Fridley wae called to order by Mayor Nae et 8:20 P.M. DPSt1ING CBRBMONY: Councilman Kirkhem introduced 'l�oop 20 of the Fridley Boy Scoute who conducted an opening ceiemony cortaieting oP preaentatlon oE ttie P2ag and the Pledge of Allegianca to the Flag. Mayor Hee extended his thanks to the Troop for conducting the opening ceremony. 80LL CaLL: Membere Presant: Nae, Kirkham, Sheridan, Wright, Thaupaon Me�abera Abaent: None APP�OVAL OF MINUIBS - SEGOLAR MBSTLNG - JANUAEY 4, 1965: Councilman Wright made a correction to the minutes oC the .7anuary 4, 1965 maeting changing the motion by 9heridan under Ward N1 oE the Building Board on page 9 to motion by Kirkham to re-appoint Carrol K, Hauge to the Buil3ing Board repreeentiag Ward No. 1 for a term of 1 year commencing January 15, 1965. Motion by Wright to approve tha minutae oE the Aeguler Council Meeting of January 4, 1465� aa correctad. Seconded by Kirkham, Upon a voice vote, thete being ao nays, the motion carried unanimously, Mr. Braun and Mr. Manley o2 the Minneaote Highway Department, were present at,tha council meeting. Mayor Nee aaked the City Manager to explain the purposea oF the diecuseion with the Minnasota Highway Department. The City Manager atated that the City requaeted the Minneeota Highxay Oepartment to construct a aervice road on the Sast eide of T.H. 1147 from 67th Avenue to Rice Creek 1L+rrace. He explained that two�garagea presently heve driv�nways which enter onto Che present T. H. N47. The City hae a dedicated right-oE-pay along the Baet eide oP the eaeement of tha Highway Department on T.R. �f47. Apparently the combination of the dadicated eaaement which tLe City owns and thA outlet from tha two driveways of the geragee,onto T.H. #47 complicatad the communicationa betWeen the City and the Highway Dapartment, reaulting in a miaunderetanding with the Minnesota Highway Department. The City Manager etated that he felt it waa important to tt�e City to get a aervice road along the &ast nide of T,H. N47 from 67th Avenue to 8ice Creek Terrace. a� Mr. Sraun oC the Minnasota Highway Department agreed that the City had a dedicated easement along the &ast aida of Minneaota T.H, p47. He also stated that the Minnesota Highway Department had purchaeed the right oF rastricted accesa Erom the pravioua proparty ocmera along tha Bast eida of T.H, k47 from Rica Creek 1�rrace to 67th Avenue, �xcepi for Lot 1, Bloak 2, Rice Creek Terraca Plat 3. Mr, Braun atated furtt�er that thn tsw drivewaya which preaently connect witli T.l1. /147, are connectad without permit and in- spite of the purchase oC reatricted access connected to the property on which driveways ane located. Acceas From Lot 1, Block 2, Bica Creek Terrace Plat 3 has been closed with T.H. Jf47 by order oi tha Minnesota Highaay Departmant. There is possible acceeae, howevar, to the rear of these propnrtina by conetruction of an alley on the right-of-way ormed by the City. The City Menag�r explained that pnople did net know ihat the aCCess to T,A. J147 on thair land waa restrictnd becauae of thn change of ownerahip since the purehase oF accesa by the Minnesota Highwey Dspartment. The City Manager atated that previous highway draoringe ehrnred tha aervfce roed, which the City would like to have the Minneaota Highway Dnpartment eomplete, aa planned for conatruction. He atated further tt�at WBetbound traffic on Rica Creek Tarraca should bn abla to Yeach Mi�9ieeippi Streat. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Braun how a enoW plow will be able to turn around ai the dead end oP Rice Creek Terrece, if the propoaed s�rvi0e roed ia not conatructed. Mr. Braun answered that the City eaeemant atill axists and this could ba ueed Por the Curn around of anow plowe. Tha City Manager stated that property owners ahould have accaee to a Pronting earvica road. Councilman Wright stated thaL proper flow of traffic required tha con- struction of the eervice road along the Bast aide of T.H, q47. 8raun etated that conatruction of the propoaed servica road would raquire the ownera oE the propertq along the aervice road to repurchase the right of unreatricted acceas from the Minneaota Highway Departmeat. Councilman Wright stated that it would be cheaper for the proparly ownera to pay the Highway Departmsnt for the right of unrestrieted accaea ihan it would be for the property ocmars to pey Por conatruction of a aervica road along the same nasement. Couacilman Wright asked what legal atepe would be required of the City and the property ownere in order to re-purchaee uarestricted accesa to the service road. Mr. Braun etated that hie would raquire appraiaals of the preaent values of auch unreatricted accaea. Councilman Sherid�n asked, what legal atepa would be raquired to obtain acceea from Lot 1, Block 2, of Bice Creek Terrace Plet 3, to the sarvice road. Mr, Manlay of the Minnesota Aighwaq Department atatad that adjacant property oWnara could aek for acceae to the aervice road 8nd the aervfce road could ba pTaced under conatrucLion upon thair requeat. The City Manager etated that the City could pursue action to get the aervice road provided tha City vae an adjacent proparty osmer. He etatad tkiat the City had been mielad by the original drawing ahowing conatructfon oP tha aervica road as the Citq has now requeeted it. The City Manager atated that Rice Creek Terrace is an Sast-Weat arterial and tliere ahould be a connection from ttie end of &ice Creek Terrace to 67th Avenue North Sast. Councilman 3heridan atated that traffic on Rice Creek Terraca will move South inordar to connact vith 67th Avenue North Bast or Mitaisaippi Strent. Mr. Manley aaked, if tha traffic was aufficient to justify tha iaitial oost and maintenance of the'aervice road. Council- man SMridan aaec�ered, that tha Sast-West traEfic pattsrn along Rice Craek Terrace providad sufficient trafFic to juetify the initial coet and maintenance oC the eervice road. _ Mayor Nee and Councilman Wright explainad to tha Hignway Dapartmsnt oPficials that the City could not very well aasase�property owners fronting on tt� eervice road for the conatructian of the road becauee it'vould be uaed by many mare people and the cost to ihe properiy osa►sra along the aervice road would be excesaive. Mr. Maaley suggnsted tha conetruction oP a gravel road to provide con�ction between Lot 1, Block 2, and Hica Craek T�rrace. Councilman Sheridan etated that the street between Lot 1, Slock 2, and Rice Creek Tarrace ahould be a black top atraet. Mayor Nee asknd if it would requtre Minneaota Highc�ay Department approval to sell Dack the re- etricted acceas io the City of Fridley. Mr. Braun answared that the J J Highway Dapartmant would be involved. Councilman Wright stated thet he expecCed it would be eaay to gst approval for aelliag the right of accesa to tha City. Mayor Nee atated that he thought auch approval could be obtained qu�ekly. Councilman Wright askad if the changn in the deaign of T.H. N47 incurred by the exteneioa of the sarvice road would hold up conetructioa oE T.H, k47. Mr. Braun anewerad Lhat it would not. Mr. BrauA stdtad that the eurvey by the Minnesota HighWaq Department ehowed that inatallatlon o! traffic eignals at the interseCiiona of 61et Avenue with Univeraitq Avenue, and Miseissippi Streat with Univetaity Avenue were juetified by ttie school trafFic. The volume of traific at the intersection oE T.H. 1147 with Oeborne Roed did noL aarrant inatallation of traPfic eignals although the, accidant record poaaibly did warrant the inatallation of traffic eignals. The Nighway Dapartment also planned to inatall trafPic siguals at tha interaections of 40th Avenue and 44th Avenue, and posaibly at Countp Boad 102. The traEfic doee not warrant tlx construction of eignale at Lhe iatereection of 53rd Avenue. Motion by Wright to inatr�et the City Manager and the City Attorney to pureue the conatruction of the service road from 67th Aveaue to 6icn Creak Terraea along the Bast etde of T,H, N47 and the repurehase of accesa to tha proposed service road. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, tha motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC ABASINGS: Pi1BLIC HSARING ON IMPHO�BMSNT - 3T. 1965-1: 'lt�e City Manager read ttie notice of the hearing. Mayor Nee atated that the purpoee oP thia hearing vas to provide the council with the necaesary informatioa to datermine whether or not the propoeed improvemante ehould ba mada. He etated further that eome of these improvamenta �+ere initiated by petition of the property ownera, eome were initiated by the council, and eome w�are initiated by the davelopera of the 2and. In most of the cases, the council will not ordar the improvemants unlese the property ownera want tha improvemeata. Mayor Nen explaitud eurthar that two optiona uera availabla to the propecty ownera: one option wae for conetruction of a 30 Poot etreet, tha oetier, the canstruction of e 36 foot paveaoant. The higher eCandarda which have bean adopted by tha City, delete tde options of aephalt curbing and all the propoend atreet improvements with new conatruction oE curb and gutter will be concrete curb and gutter. Mayor Nee explained that eetimates of the apecial aaseeamenta for the ptoposad improvementa were available to the propetty ownara who would be charged with the coets oP the improvemente. The Mayor ankad the City Manager to explain the advantagea of the construction oE a 36 foot atreet as opposed to a 30 foot atreet. Tt�e City Manager etated that the Citq of Fridley hae the loWeat atandard etreet width in the Metropolitan Area. The CouIICil has decided to leave the choica of atreet width to the citizen. The ttend to increaeing uae of automobilea, will require a greater etendard streat wldth in the Futura. The City Mattager pointnd out that, in the futuea, mot�a Pamili,ea srill own more than two cere and will undoubtedly park theit additional cara on the etraet. A parlced car occupiee an 8 foot width of the strest including the clearance raquired to paea the pariced car. On e 30 foot atreat, with cars parkiag on both aidee a 14 foot width of street way remains which is not enough Eor two cara to pase each othar. The use of the 36 foot atrwst, on tha othar hand, allowe a 20 Eoot atrip of etreet way in tha middle oF the streat Eor two way trafPic. Ip the winter time, when anoa plowing narrows tha width of the atreet, driving on a 30 Coot street is much mora diffi¢ult than driving on a 36 foot eireet. The City Manager also stated that fire trucka could travel with leae difficulty on a 36 Coot etreet than oa a 30 foot ■treet. The coat oE construction of the edditioaal 6 Peet oE atreet width ie 10% more then the coat of conatruction oP the 30 foot street. Mayor Nee etated that each proposad atreet improvemant would be diacusaed individually. BBOpRVIEW DBIVS - 68TH AVS. SOUTH TO BXIST[iv� BLAC[CPOP: Mayor Nee axplained the purpose of the proposed improvement. He asked if anyone preannt was interested in ttie propoeed atreet improvement or if there were any objectiona to the propoaed improvement. 2here were no objectLOns to tlie improvement. E� U 54TH AVIIVUE - 4TH STR�ET TO 7TH STREET: Mayor Nea explained the purpose of the propoaed improvement, He aaked iF anyone present srae interestad Ln or objacted to, th6 coa►etruction oY the propoaed atreet improvement. A prop�rty owner, Sugene G. Neas of 5847 - 7th Street North Eaet, ntated that he did not use the straet. Ha Pavored making the etreet as narroW ae ponsible since few paople did usa the etreet. He stated furtBer that people all over the City of Fridley would banefit by the conatruction of the etreet ae much as he would, but conatraction of the etraet was not asefal to himealf. Mr. Aase etated that tha coat of tha street was a lot of money for a atreet which ha wpuld naver use - and other people would probably nevar use. A property owner, Lynn W. Gallup, 5851 4th Street, Stated that in hia opinion Lhe atreet waa an eyesore in its prasent aonditi'bh. He atated further that he prePerred a wide etreet aince the differenca in coste was low. Aa an alternative to deleting the improvement, ha perEerred to have the atreet cloead altogether. Councilman Wright asked the viai.t0re present at the Cohcil meeting for a general opinion oE thair preferences to having 36 Eoot etreeta or 30 foot atreeta. There �.ere no rapliae to the queetioa. Mr. �allup voiced the opinion that the closing of 59th Avenue - 4th Street to 7th Street, would provide prettier aurroundinge then having the street improved and in use. Mayor Nee aeked who would moW the grass on the ease- ment if the etreet iuere vacated. Mr. Haes and Mr. Gallup both auggeated to the Council that the street be vacated and a mall ba installed on tha easement. Councilmen Wright etated that a street might have to bs con- atructed in order to provide good acceea for £ire d�partmeni equipmenL to tha area. Mr. Haea stated that ha preEerred not So'pay Pnr thn conetruction oE the etreet. Councilman Wright atated that ttie aonetruCtion of ttie etorm aeNer might be delayad if tEe proposed atraeL iaprovement on 59th Avenue iaere not inatalled, and henca there may not ba any choice in the ihstallation of tha propoeed atreet improvamant. Mayor N�e stated that no action would be taken without the approval oP the property owners. - Mr. Gallup eaid thst he would prefar to have aome deciaion mads on the improvement ae to whether the street was to be improved or vacatad rather than to have no deciaion at all made wiih regard to 59th Avenue. Council- man Wright auggeated that tAe mattar could be reFerrad to the planning commiseion or to the planning conaultant. Mayor Nee etated thet the improvement would not be made if the atreet were not need¢d. He pointed out that the properCy owners aloag 59th Avenue drove on atreeta s�hich were paid f or by other propecty owner� in the City, and other property ownara mighL be using streeta covered by this improvement. Meyor Nee said that the Council would determina iF a etreet were needed on 59th Av¢nue and talce appropriate acLion. 60TH AVENU& - UNIV6RSITSi AV6NUE 'PD 4TFi 37BSST: , Mayor Nea expleined the propoaed improvemen'� and askad if anyone preeent had any objectiona to the conetruction of the proposed improvemeat. There wern no oDjectione to the improvement. Meyor Nee aakad Chat the minutes record that Lhere �.ere no petitiona for the propoeed improvnment on 60tA Avanue - University Avenue to 4th Street. 60TH Ao13N[TB - STN STRSGT TO 7Tki 31RBBT: Mayor Nee explained the purpose of the propoeed improvcment and asked � if anyone preaent had objections to the propoaed improvamant or wae intereated in the improvement. Froperty owner, Vern Bandal, 5980 6th Street, aslced the Council what the reasons were Por the proposed improvement. Councilman Sheridan etated that the improvemant was becauae of tt�e. inatallation of a atotm aewer which wvuld raquire recenaLruction of the street after Chs completion of tha in�tallation of the atorm eewer. Vern Bandel etated that he preCerred a 36 foot atreet w3dth, ui ProparEy owner, Kenneth Johnaon, 5980 7th Street, aaked What was tha coet of the eetimated aeaesaments on his property for the construction of 60th �Avenue fro� Sth Stseet Co 7th 9trent. Mayor Nee gave him the value of the eatima�ed aeaeasment. Renneth Johneon asked upon what baeis his lot was being aasseead for thia improvemant. Councilman Wright explained the mathod oE calenlating asaeaementa on corner lote, Councilman Wright aeked iE Lhe propertq ownera were opposad to the conetruction oE the atorm eewer. Vein Bandal answered that he aas ia favor of tlie conatruction oP the atorm sewer. The City $ngineer atated ttiet it would be cheaper to re-pave the etreet aFter conatruction of tt�e etorm aeaer than it would ba to patch the atreet. M$yor Nae asked if the projecC ehould be carried ouC. Vern Bandel atated Lhet the etceet naeded Yo be repaired anyway and the project might as well bs carried out. The City Sngineer atated PurCher that it was the policq of the City to replace etreets that were not in good con- dition� upott consCruetion of other improvementa and to patch thoee that wera in good cottdition. Vern Bandel atated Ghat he could not say that he did not object io the proposed improvement, but that if the street were torn up for ¢onetruntion of Che atorm aewar, he would want it fixed. Mayor Nae then asked if the property ownera preferred not to have the conetruccion eamplated this year, Dut to bring up tha action again in a year or two. Thare Were no rapliea. Mayor Nea aeked if there waa anyone elae present who waa intereeted in tha project or had any objectiona to it. Thera were no Purther objectione given to Che project. 76TN AVSNOE - CSHIBAL APE�lII6 'PO kRTHtI$ STBEST: Mayor Nee explained the purpoae of the propoaed improvamant and asked iE ango�e waa intereated in the improvement or had any objectiona to it, Property oWner Frank Hlavinka, 1506 Osborne &oad, asked if there were any petiLiona for the propoeed,impeovement of Arthur Street (Oaborne Bd, to 76th Avsnue). Meyor Nee anaweted that 41% of the property ownere had petitionad for the improvement. Ms. Hlavinka aYated that hia property frontad on both aides of ttie propoead improvement, that the assessmente were gettiag too haavq and aekad if the improvement had to be conetructed. Councilmen Wright answered that it wae not neceeeary to construct the improvement at this time. Mr. Hlavinka asked the Council to forego making the improMamant for a yaar ot' two. Mayor Nee aeked if anyone else waa intereated in the improvement oP 76th Avenue (Central Avenue to Arthur Street), or had any objectione to making the improvement. Thare were none. Mayo�c Nea stated that tha Council would drop tha improvement of Arthur Straet (Oeborna Boad to 76th Av�enun) at this Lima. ULYSSBS S1R6ST - 76TH AVENUE TO SACON S18E8T: Mayor Nee explained the purpoae oP the propoaed improvement and asked if anyoae preeant Was inCerested in tlre improvement or had any ob�actiona to it. There �aere no objectione to the proposad improvemant. BACON S1RS8T - 03HORNE RMD TO 76Yt1 AV@iUS; Mayor Nee axplained the purposa of the propoeed improvement and asked iP anyone presant waa intareated in the improvement or iP tt�are were any ob�ec- tione to the propoaed improvement. There Nere no objectiona to the improvemant. ARTHUB ST&SET - OSBORNS &OAD 1'0 7bTk1 AVSNt)S: Mayor Nee statad that thia improoement had already been deleted. FIRESIDE DBIVS - CBII7BAL AVSNUS 1b HAYES: Mayor Nee explained the purpose oF the propoaed improvement and asked if anyone presenE were interested in the improvement or had any objectione to the propoaed improvemnnt. There wece no ob�ecCione to the improvement. HAYES STBBST - 75TII AV6Ni1S TO FIRESIDB DRIVE: Mayor Nee explained the purpoee of the proposed improvement and asked iE anyoae presant wae interested in the propoaed improvement or had any objectione to conatruction oP the proposed improvement. There c�ere no objections to the propoeed improvement. h �) � LARF.SID& ROAD - ONONDAGA TO 75Tfi AVSNUE: Mayor Nee explained ttie purpose of the proposed improvement and asked iE anyone preaettt were interested in ttie improvement or had any objectione to the propoaed improvement. There s+ere ao objections Lo the propoaed improvement. Mc[�NLEY 3TREf'sT - ONONDAGA TO 75TFt AVSNUE: Mayor Nee explained the purpoee oE the proposed improvement and aeked if anyone preaent were interested in the proposed improvement or if there were any objections to ttua propoaed improvement. Thete irere no objections ta tha propoead improvement. "� - SOUTfI EDGS dF LYNDALE BLD&4. 6TH ADD. TO EfiGIS LANE Mayor Nee explained ttie purpoee o� the proposad improvement and asked if anyone preaent was intarested in the improvemeats or if there were any objecCions to tha propoand improvemanta, The property owner Charlen Sheridan, 1311 Highway 100, qu�stioned the Council concerning the method of aesesament of hie propsrty for the propoeed improvement. Mayor Nae atated that thie could be di�¢uased further at the asaessmant hearing for the improvement. Thomas Erickson, rapreeentative of School Distriot #13, asbed Por the construction of the improvement Eor the benefit oE tha ne� school. He �tated that construction of the new ecAool w�ould require good atreeta in the neighborhood. Councilman Wright asked if the echool irould need edditional room along the street to load and unload. Mr, Srickaoa atated that the achool would provida room on its own property for the school busaes to turn around, to load and unload. Mayor Nee aekad iE the achool would require parking on the atreet fronting the aehool. Mr. Erickeon atated that the school preferred to have perking on ite own property and to have no parking on the atraet in front o£ the echool. Mayor Nee ezplained the purpose of the proposed improvemeat and aalcad if any preaent were interested in the improvamant or if Yhere wera anq objections to the proposed improvement, A property owner, Walter Tinglehart, owning property in Biverwood Manor Addition, etated that he had no objactiona to the propoaed improvemant and thought conatruction of a 36 foot wide atreet would be advautageoue to hia property. Mayor Nee aekad if there were any other objections to the proposed improvement. Thera were no objectiona. RIV&RVISW TBRRACS - 63'+j WAY 'PD MISSI3SIPPI PLnCS: Mayor Nee explained the purpose of the propoeed improvement and asked i£ any were intareated in the improvement or had any objectians to the proposed improvement. There were no oDjactione to the proposed improve- ^ ment. 64TH AVENUE - UPIIVG&SITY AVSNUE 'PO STti 91REET: Mayor Nee explained the purpoee of the proposed improvemnnt and asked if any preaent c�ere intereated in tha propoeed improvemant or if there were any objectione to ttie proposed improvement. Mayor Nee requeetad that tl� minutea etate thst Arthur P. 3mith, A1Pred Oldenbarg, and James Mensinget, property ownera along 64th Avenue, objected to the proposed improvament by presenting Patition HI-1965. �� . � �s�x nvsxoe -' STfI 31$SST TO L1�IC LANS: Mayor Nae�kexplained��the pnrpo�n of C6e proposcd improv�ement and ask+ed if anqoas��preeaat swrs interaeted�in the propoaed improv�sment or had any objeetions to the propoaad improvement. There vare no ob�ectione. POLb 318SBT - HACRMNN AVSNIJB TO LYNDE DRIVS: Maqor Nse explainad the purpoee of the proposed improvament and aslced if any,preesaE ware interaeted in the proposed improvemnnt or had anp objections�to the pr.opoaed improv�ament. Thera wrere no objectiona to thn proposed improvement. . 54TH AV6NUS - STEi 3TRSPsT 'N 7TH ST&SST: , t Meyor,Nes e�cplained the purpose of the proposad improvement and asked if ang prseant were intereetsd in the propoeed improvemant or iE there wera anq obfnctiaa►e to tha proposad improvement. A property owner Mr. Aohler, 5254 Waehington Street, owniag property at 5381, 537I, and 5361 - 6th Streat North East, atated ttiat he was in favor of tha',improvement and Eavored the conetruction of a 36 foot right- oe-wey. . , MONR06 3TBBST -'SBTH AVSNDH 'N 59Tki AVSNUS: , � '� , � , Meyor Nee asplained beaeEita oP tha proposad improvament and asked if aay preeeat toere intareated in tt�e propoeed improvemant or had any ob�eetione to the proposed improvement., Thare w�ere no objactione to the improvemant. SBTH'AVSNOS - QITINCY 31RHST,I�D MADISON 31$SBT: t— Mayor Mes aeked if any preaent Ware intetested in the propoaed improvement or iE thers s�ere any objectiona to Lhe propoaed improvement. There were no oLjection'e to the propoeed improonment. MADISON 318BST - I�LSNS PLACB TO SBTfi AVSNUB: Maqor Nee axplainad tha purpoan of tha prapoaed improvement and aeked if any prasant vere intereated in the propoeed improvamnnt or ii there were any objectione to thn propoead improvament. Thera rrere no objectione to the propoeed�improvement.. 59TH AVENUB - 7TH 5188HT TO JSFFB&SON SZ$BET: Mayor Nan explained the purposa of the propoaed improvament and aeked it anq prasent�were�intarnetad in tde proposed imprpvement or iE there were anp objectiona to tha propoaed improvement. There were no objections to th� propoeed improvement. IBONI�ON STBBST�- BA3T SDGB OF i�BWALL ADD. 'PO BAILBOAD TBACR9: Mayor Nae�Ys=plaivad the beneEite oP the propoaed improvemente and aekad i! aar�prasant wera intarested,in tM propoaed improvement or if there ware any objactione to tLa propoBad improvement. Thera rrsre no objactiona to the propoead improvement. . , r BA&BB STBSST -73@D AVSNIIS TO NO&TH HZID OP SXI3TING PAVSt�NT: � � .� .. , •�<.,, , ,.,� �� � � � �� � � Mayor Nas stplainad the purpoea oE�the proposad improvement and asked if any prssanG vere interested in the propoaad improvamant or if there were any objsetione to the proposed improvement. A propertq ownar, V. M, Nagal, 970 Osborne 8oad, atated hia objectiona to the propoead improvament. The aouncil deleted the project. (�4 ASH1qN AVBNUB - IBONTON TO NORTH SDGS OF 3PRING B00& PARRs Mayor Nee explained tt�e banefiia of the propoead impro'vament and aeked if there were any objectiona to the propoead improvamant,or iF any were intereated in the improvement. There srera no objactionsr,to tha propoead improvement. � , - RUTki STRfi6T - LIBEBTY 51REBT TO HUTfl CIACIF: � Mayor Nee explained ehe purposa ot Ltis proposed improvament',and asked if thern raera any intareated ia tha propoaed improwment or if tffire wera any objeatione Lo Llie proposad improvement. Thers�s�ere�no objec- - tione to tha proposed improvemant. � Mr. Schraeder, 8066 &uth 3treet North Baet, aaked tha Council to complete the improvamant on &uth Straet, from Liberty Straet to Buih Circle. The Coancil diracted the adminietration to'investigata the posaibility of canplating this part of the project separataly. ELY 3TRBST - ROTIi STBB$T TO RAILROAD 1RAGRS: � - - � , , ,., �� Mayor Nea ezplaiaed the purQosa of tha propoand improvemaht,ead aeked iC there �are any who Ware iatereeied in the propoeed improvement or if there wera any objeetiona to the proposed improvement. Property owner, Clarence Moan oE 303 Longfallow 3traet, ahd Jamea Cox of 289 Sly Streat, objacted to tha psopoaed improvement. The Council delated the propoemd improwment. ' �� LIBBRTY S'IBBST - EA3T BIVB& ROAD 1�D &AIiROAD 1&1CR3: Mayor Nee explainad the parposa of the proposad improvement and aaked if aay were inte;ested in the propoeed Lmprovemant or if there were anq objeciione Co the proposad impcovamant. ���� - � Property ownnr, Ruby tiog2und, 239 Liberty 3trnet North Best, ateted her __1 objectiona to the proposed improvament. The aouncil dalated the proposed � mpsovament. . � � IANGFBLLOW 9T&BBT - BA3T RIVS& BOAD 'PO RAILROAD 18i�CR3: Mayor Nee axplained tha purposa pt the propoeed imptowment end asked if any praeent vera interestsd in the propoaed improvamant or iF there were anq objectiona to the propoaed improvement. ' � i ,� Property ownsr, Claranca Moen of 303 Longfellov 3treat, siated hia objectione Yo the propoead improvemant,and askad tde Council to delete tt� propoeed improvamant. Couneil�delated the+proposed�improvament. �, IIAST RIOER ROAD SA3T 3BRVIC6 DSIVS - 79'tH AV8NII6+7�D LIB88TY�518SST: Mayor Nea explaiued tha purpoea bf the propoead impromament and,aalcad if anq preaent vere intereated in tha propoeed improvameat or if there were any objactiona to the proposed improvement. Saveral property omnera atated'objeetione to the propoand improwmeat and thelConacil delated tNe proposad improvement. ° � - ^ ���. ^ � . � , „ , � ASH1[1N AV6NU$ - NOBTH SDGS OF SPAINC3 BOOK PARA ADD. 1'0 79TN WAY: � . � s ; �� � - ° �� r��,;�r � .'�' � ° "' f � ' ' � Maqor Nae ezplained the purpose of the propoaed�improvamaat and aaked iP any preaent crara intareeted in'the propoaed improvement or if tffira _J were any objectioas to the proposad improvement. Proparty�ofmnrs�objactad to the propoeed Smprovament. The Council deletad tha prOpoend improvement. STORM 36WBB: The Council deleted the propoaed storm eewar improvamant. Mayor Nea asked iF there Were any othar co�ante, or obfsetiona, or etatemente, oa the aubject oP the propoaed improvemeate. Thera were none. Mayor Nee declared tt�e hearing closad. �� SBCOIQD BSADIA(� pQ' OBDIIQANCB N0. 298 AM6NDING 3BCTi0NS 3.04 ANn 3.05: �Motion�by Wright�,to,adopt Oidinan6n No: 298 Amapding 3ectiione 3.04 and 3.05 'upon the sacond teading'and publish"the same.' Secondad by Thompeon. Upon a voiae vota; thera being no naye; the'motion carried unanimously. SBCOND BSADING OF'ORDINANCB N0. 299 VACAITNG 64�' AVBNUB NOR1416AST (TxBLSD 1/4/65): ��— Mayor,Diee �eked if the problema coacerniag the proposad street vacatfon had been 'solved." The'Cily Manager aaei�ered that according to the information he i had receivsd tha probleme coneerning tiie propoaed etraet vacation had bean raoolved. Motioa by &iFkham to approve Ordinaace No. 299 vacating 64$' Avenue North Bast,upon sacond reading and publish the sama, Secondad by Sharidan. Dpon a voica vota, there being no aaya, the�motion carried unanimously. COrIl�1I1T6S hlib COM��II33ION APPOINIMBNTS (TnBI.SD 1/4/65): Councilmaa`Wi`ight"movad to concur��rith the appointmeni of Aelen Sampaon aa Parks and, Plaqground Sub-Committee Bepresentative to tt� Joint City-School Bacreation Qommi'esioe; Por a terot of ons year, commencing January 1, 1965. 3econdad by_Thompsoa. Dpon a noice vote, thare being no naye, the motion carriad unanimoeuly. MoCion,bq lCirkham io re-appoint Wltiitney S, Grseff to thn Toint City-School &ecreation'Commidsioti for a tesi of 2 yaare commancing on January 1, 1965. Seconded by 3haridan. 'Upod a'voi'ce vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Wright to appoint Wayne 9aunders to the Board oP Appeale for a term of 3 yeare cammeACing on Januarq 1, 1465. Secondad by Thompeon. Upon a voice vote, Lhere being no nays, tha motion carried unanimously. i I . r i i Motion by Stu ridan io add the name of Mr. Francie VaaDan to the liet of �" propoaed msmbare to be appointed to the Charter Commineion. Sacondad by Wrighti, Opon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried ' unanimouely. Motion by Shsridaa�to add ttie namee of Wilbur Whitmore, and William Tonco to the,lia� of propoead mambars to be'appointad to the Charter Commieaion. Secondad by Wti�ht.' Dpon a voice'vota, there being no naya, the motion carried iu�animously: ' � � "", , � „ Motion"by Wright to approve and a�dor'sn the proposed list of namea Cor appointnent�to tha Charter Cammiedion. Seconded by 3heridan. Upoo a voica vots',"�thern'tieing no,naqs,�the motion caeried unanfmously. PI.ANNING "C�I+A�I83ION MH�STiNG HLNIITBS. JANUARY I4'. 1965: Ttie Citiy;�Mapagar aicplaiae� tha tnd'a�sndation"of Lhe �Plenning Commisaioa ralative'CO'dligriing 71et Way rrith Hickory Drive and etated ttiat Mr. Barry agiead to�'d83icata the etraet"propoead"in the project. Motion by 3haridaa to coacur iriLh tl� reco�iandatipn of tRe Planning Commiaeion to align 71at Way aifh Hi¢korq'Drive. Seconded by Rirkham, Upon a voice vote, there baing no�nays, eht motion carried unanimously. The City Manager axplainad the aetions of tha Planning Commiesion in asking tha Conncil to declare 'a moratorium on requesia for rezoning, lot splite, eLC., Eor 90 daye. Mction by Wright to concur with tha action � ' of the Planning Commission and declare a moratorium on requeets for rezoning, � ` lot apl'its atc.,"for a pario8 of 90 daya beginning on January 18, and ' diracting tha City Manager tio compose'a lettar explaining the eituation to the paopla making requaets for lpt splita, rezoning, etc. Seconded by Thompeon. Upon a voice vote, tt�re being no naye, the motion carried unanimoualy. , ' , �� ��n, � ,� G f� Tha City Managsr explained the action of the Planniug Commiesion to concur with the Plate and 9ubdivisioas and Strestc and Dtilitiea'Sub-Committses to approv�e ths pseliminary plat (P:S.�+�62-1�, t�lika EeP�r9,'being LoY four (4), Auditor'e 3ubdivieion N77, all oP NW � of�Section 11,, all of 3W � oC tha NW '� of Section il, Maqor Nee stated that ii the propoeed preliminary plat s�ere granted, the a¢tion of thn,Minnesota Highway , Departmant to'taka au easament oE 109�feet from�tM^+propiety would induce tt�e ocmr to aek for a replat. MotLon by Sheridan,to talSle action on ttie propoeal eo Lha February 1 ragula r meeting of ttie' Co�Yuci1.. 5econded by Wright. Upon a voice vots, tLere being no aaye, tl�e motion earried unanimoualy. „ ' _ i, lAT SPLIT RBQIISST ON L.3. N65-01, AL1UN BRADBN: Motion by Wright to approve the action of the Planniog Commisaion recommanding the Lot Split L.S. lf65-01. 3econded by 9hertdan. Upon a voiee vote, there beiag no naya,,,the motion carried ewaaimovaly. � � STODY FOR ST&SBT PLANs iAT3 1 TNBOUGH 5 AUDIT083 3UBDIVISION k129i The City Manager revieraed the nagotiatione betwaea Lhe Citq,and Don Pielow to obtain an easemeni for the etraet. Motion by Sheridan to turn over to the legal department for proceesing furthar, negoLiations with the property owaer. Secondad by Wright. Dpon a voice, vota, ihere baing no naqe, the motion cerried unanimouslq. SnF&TY CObII4LTfis'B NBNOTS3, JnNUARY 6, 19b5: Motion by Shsridan to receive tha minutea of the 3afe,ty Committas maat- ing of January 6, 1965. Se.conded by Wr�ght. IIpoa a voiae vota, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ' OOtR4pNICA7TONS: � JONANSON; ASS89$MSNTS I The City Financa Director axplained thet the property ocmar, Mr. Aafaer, Eelt that he should not paq for tha saaitary eewer main aa�nsameat. Ha has inatalled ,aecier laterals at hia o�+n; axpease, but' tsro oP',ttie lota do not havn sewnr sarvica. Mr. Comatock etated`that` tha laterals',cannot provide seraer aervice to theae 2 lote. The location�of the main'iaterceptor is deep enough for connection of the laterale to the maip interceptor. Councilman WrighL and Mayor Nee asked if the City'had approved tha con- atructiott of the latarels. Ttie City Sngineer explainad,lhat'an outeide coneultant, Suburban Sngineering, had approvad Cha plane 'o£ 'the property owner for the installation of,tha proppsad �aterals.and.that the City wae in no way involv�ed in the construction oE�the ehallow Yalerals�bq the property owner. Motion by Sheridan inatracting the edministration to advise the propertq oR+ner that se�aer servfce,cras availabla at the� inter- ceptor main, that hia property would be aeeeased for�construction oF the sanitory sawer main and,Chat inatallation of a,drain Eield for'a�privata sewer requires a given area.og lend on each plat for eaeh',reeidenca eerved by the private 9eF+er. �3aconded 6y [CLrkham. Upon ,a voice `note; ttuare being no nape, the motfon carriad unanimouely, MUNICIPAL LBAGUE: LSGI3LATiVE RESOL[1TIONS ,�' ' Motion by 3heridan to table the qugetiona raiaed by,' the Minaeaota League , oP Municipalitiea. 3econdad by Rirkliam. Opon a�vqice,vota`,.there t}e3ng �� no nays, the motLon carried unanimously. �, �`��� CITY ATTpRNBY: PRQSSCUTOR , � The City Attorney raportad theL the treining aession held by tha Cfty Attorney for ihe City Police Dapartment was highly succeasful, that atepa wera being taksn to etandardiza eourt procedurea, staadardize the forme for handling traffic violatione in the City Conrt,`and thai the Judges had agreed to adopt nourt rules for tha hendling oE traffic cita[ions, Couacilman Kirkham aeknd whether ttie preeent bndgat piuvided for tha appointmeat of a proaecutor and an aesistaat prosscutor rsther than juet a.iagle prosecutor. City Attorney 3mi,th anawared tLaY the time and expenee required for the proeecutor and an aaaistaat�ptoaecuLor could Ue provided within the exieting budget. He etated lurther.that r i� Y Henry Faikama vill be the aide of Jamee Gibba until MY. Gibbe acquires sufficiant experisnce ae a city proaecutor. Motion by Wright to receive and to file� tha copomunication Prom,,the City Attorney. Seconded Dy 3heridan;�^Dpoa a voice vote, thara being no naye, the motion carried unanimouely. i �� • r MINHEAPOLIS-QA3 COMPANY: LOWSBBD $A18S , , , ,� 'Motiqn by Sharidan Co receive andrfile the communicatione from the Miqnaapolis Cae Company etating the new and laaer ratea of the auburban area. 3aconded by �i.rkham. Upon a voice vota, there being no naye, the motioa carriad unanimouely. „ DISIBICT N13: ACQDISITION DP LAND Motion by Wright directing the City Attorney to rrork ouC a settlement with School District A'13 for tha eale of City property to the School Diatcict ae sequestad. Seconded by 3heridan. IIpon a voice vote, there beiag no naqb, the motion carried unanimously. TBRRY'S Councilman 3heridaa reported thet he and the City Sngineer had met with the Minneaota Righway Departmant 50 daye earlier and had worked out a praliminary plan accnptable Co tha Minnesota Highway Department for parLicipatioa ia tha construction of a atorm seWer in Terry's Addition. Ha reporEed°Ehat Terry's Addition haa not been completelp platted but that the,'9greement providea that conetruction of the storm eewer can bagin wheaFthe plat ia apprqved., ,The Minnaeota Highway Aepartment will carry 80'�'0! tha cosi of onn,etorm eawer line. The majar part of the coat Will ba Csrrind bq easeeements, Tha City sngineer stated that the propoqed-Liaal�]ji'!at plau wa� •�gned. Councilmaa Shsridan etated that thn ttiotm sawer will have to be inetalled eveatually and that the City ehould�geC att�agreamant for parEieipation in tha inetallation of the atorm eewer wi.th ths MinneeoCa Highway Dapartment at thia time. Motion by Sheridan to instrucC the adminietration to get a formal agreement with tt�e Minnesota Highway Department for participation in the conatruction of tha etotm•aaster in Terry'e Addition. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, Chere being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CI.AIMS : Motion by Wright, aeconded by Sheridan to approve Cenaral Claims �14293 through �4400. Upon.a voice vote� there baing no nayn, the motion carried nnanimouely. Motion by 3heridan, aeconded by [tirkham, to approva Public lltilltiea Claima If3960 through /f3894. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, tha motion carried uaanimously, Motioa by Wright, eeconded by Thompeon, to approwa Liquor Claime #7059 through I17110. Dpon a voiea note, these being no naya, the motion carried unanimoualy. 831TMATS3: l- Motioa by 9heriden, eeconded by Wright, to approv�e the Pollowing estimates: I Comstxk k,Davis, Inc. 'Consulting 8nginenre- For the Purniahing oE Staking 1446 Counkq Boad "J" end Inapection: Minnaapolis, Minneaota 55432 Batimata No. 3- Sanitary 3eWer Improvement Projact No. 72 (T.H, p47, North of Miesiasippi Street) $ 70.00 !d . . _ 8atimeta No. 3- Storm Sewar Improvament Projact No. 71"(T.H. +Y47, North oF Mieaiaeippi Street) � 100.00 Battmatc No. 2- Water Improvement Project No. 34Q-2 (Pumping Inetallation and Pumphouse- Well,p6 (600 - 63rd Avenue Northeast) $ 65.00 fi �3 Sstimate No. 3- 3torm 9ewer Improve�ent Projact No. SB (NOrth og T,H. N100, Saat oP T.H. �147) - Satimate No. 8- Water Improvemant Project Po. 34M (Marian Hilla Booater Plant) ' ,, S 155.00 � 10.00 Sstimata No. 2- Sanitary Sawer and Water Improvement Project No. 70 (Riverview 7krrace, ■outh uf Aliseiasippi Place; Lincoln (AShton) Streat, South of Ironton Stseat; Sth Streei, South of T.H, p100 ^�� ,.,$ dr ..� $etimata No. 6- Sanitary 3evar attd Watar�impro'vmmant"'� . Project No. 67 (1964 Sanitary Sewer and Water b26.00 Improvement Projeat) $ 362.50 s` �, . 11DTAL $ 1,3B$.50 Hurley Conetr�YCtion Co. � 49 Signal Hills - St. Paul, Minaesota Satimate No. 4- 3anitary 3ewer attd Water Improvement , Project No. 67 and Storm Sewar Improvameat,Prpject No. 68 (1964 construction - For detailed deacription aee Page 73 of 3eptember 21, 1964 Council aganda) D. W. Hickay and Company, Inc. 1841 Univareity Avenue St. Paul, Minneaota 55104 � ;� � � Satimate No. 4(PINAL) Water`Improvement Project � No. 34-M (Marian Hilla Boostee Plant) ', � � ' . , � . , �� TO'�AL � t38,332.19 � 4,613.90 544,334.59 Dpon s voice vote, thare baing no nays the motion carried unanimouely. , �, LIC@ISB3: � „ Motion by Sharidan to approva the following licaneass SLEC'iBICAL Bond Electric Company 1642 Carroll Avenue St. Paul, Minneeota North Star Slectric Co., Inc. 4360 Lyndale Avanue North Minneapolis, Minnesota NEATiNG BoWler Company 511 S. Lake 9Creet Minneapolis, Minnesota MASONRY Mooney Conatruction Co. 5042 Lowrq Terrace North Minneapolie, Minneaota OTNER LI(�iN3SS: CIGARS TlE LI(�N3S Maynard A. Ninleen 4655 - 2� Street N. S. Pridley Z1, Minnesota di by: lohn J. Roatka ' bq: Loren Larson A„'' L' _'��_�L�'i.,.i.� NSW by: &. W. Bowlar NSW y by: JOhn S, Moonaq�, ; R&NSWAL for: FRIDLSY �.F.W. P03T 363 1040 Oaborne Boad N. 8. Fridley 32,, ktianeaota Licanee Faes, �12.00;Paid , � � . , �;�,� � � -- r� , � f� b� Secondd'd"bq,Rirkhsm. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carriad unanimonely. CON3IDSRATiON OF�OBDINANC6 At�AIDING CHAPTBR 38: Motion by Wright. esconded bq Sharidaa to table the abova Ordinance. Upon a voica vote, thern being no nays, the motioa carried unanimously. „ : FIBB DSYABIMBNT YBABI.Y &EPOBT AND PAYBOLL JULY 1- D&C�tBEB 22, 1964: Motion by+&irkham to'rcceive.the yearly repoct of the Fire Department and to'authoi�lfhs ths payroll according to the echedule submitted by the Fire ChieP. 3ocondad bp Sheridnn. Upon e voica vote, there being no naye, the motion'cartisd unanimously. Moti'on'by�,Rickham to approve the Pollowiag appointmente: , �, „ , , NAMB � "�- v , P09ITi0N 3AIr1gY Deanna Joan Fria�lle Accounting $272.00 5701 Central Avenns Clerk �, Per Fridley, Minnneota 55421 Month 3hirley A:'Haapala Clerk-Steno 2416'.',103rd,Lane N.w. Coon Rapide, Minnesota �Si ;, &obert,H. &oae Paerolmea 7331 Oakley N.S. Fridley, l�innesota 55432 � � Sacondad by Thompaon. Upon a voice vote, motion carried unanimouely. ;272.00 Per Month $477.00 Per Month RSPI.ACSS Marquerite Z iegle r New Position New Poaition (1-1-65) there being no nays, the i Meyor Nee ptesnnted thn plaqus to Marvin Bruneell, the City Clerk, and atated that the Council vae proud of tha improvement in education and training undertakan by tha City Clerk,and the Mayor was happy to praeent to tha Citg�Clerk the plaque sent to him by the Iaternational City Managers Aseociation upon,eeapletioq of the Courae in Municipal Finance Administration. . i , . , , , APPOIN141BNT OF A33ISTANT CHISF3 7iD TNB CITY FIBS DBPARITffi1T: Motioa by Sheridan to concur in the appointment of Art Oleon and Leroy Blomstar as�Aasistant Fire ChieEs. Snconded by Kirkham. Upon a voica vote;,there beiog,no,naye, the motioa carried unanlmously. , � , , ,,, � � � � � The City Menager esplsined that the &eeolution would order final plana and apecilications Eor completion oF three drift wella in the City Water syetem, Motioa'by SAeridan to adopt BeaoluEion No. 14-1965, Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, thnra being no naya, the motion carried unanimously. � , y ;� BSSOLDITON ti0. 15-1965 3STPiNG LIQVOB S'N&S SI�LOYSS3 WAGES - OFF-SAL6: The City Managar explained that the propoeed vage ectudule wuuld be an increa�e in wa$ee for the City muaicipal off-aale liquor employeea. Ttteir wagna would be 9 canta per hour lesa than the iragea paid to amployees of private oif-sals liquor aione, but would bn higher than that of most other mun3cipalitiea in tha area. Motioa by Wright to adopt Reaolution No. 15-1965. 9ecoodad by 3heridan. Upoa a voica vote, there being no nays, the motion carriad unanimoualy. 7U N0� 16-1965 RBCBIVIPG FINAL PLANS AND no om tn[o o. Motion by Sheridan to approve end adopt Reeolution No. 16-1965. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, thare being no nays, tha motion carried unanimously. , • N0. 17-19b5 AUTHORIZING USS 0�' MINNRSOTA HICSlIWAY DBPAET- Motion by Wright to adopt Reeolution No. 17-1965. 8�conded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there beiag no naqa, tha motion'carrisd unanimoualy. RESOLUTiON N0. 18-1965 AUTklORIZING ADVBRTISSM6NT FOR SID3 - LIQUID CHLORINP: • , Mayor Nee ntated that the Minntaota League oE MunicipaliLiee had a auggeated epecificatiotts for the letting of 6ids for tha,purchase of liquid chlorina. He auggaeted that the adminietration might wiah to include the provieions of the Minneeota League ot Municipalitiea specificationa in the specificatione prepared by t4a City,for Lhs letting of bida for liquid chlorine. Motion by Sheridan to adopt Resolution No, 18-1965. Seconded by Rirkham. 'Upon's voit� vot�, there being no nays, the motion cnrried unanimouely. . ., , , , R&30LUTi0N N0. 19-1965 ADTHORIZING ADVS&TISSM@1T F�t BID3'- GA30LINS: Motion by Thompaon Yo adopt Resolution No. 19-1965, 3econded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there baing no nays, the motiott carried unanimously. ., R680LUTLON N0. 20-1965 AUTtIORIZING SPLITTLNG AS3S3SM6NT3 - PARCSZ3 150, 600, 1200: Motton by Wright to adopL Reeolution No. 20-1965. 3econded by 9heridan, Upon a voica vote, there being tto naye, the motion carcied unahimoualy. � , ,i , R6SOLUTLON N0. 21-1965 ORDSRING COND$MNATION - MSA 307, 311, & 312 (ST. 1965-2): The City Managnr atated thet ihe City was in tha proceaa of nagotiation With ehe property ocanera and wiahed to be readq to instiEuee condem- nAtion procaedinga, ii auch procnadinga becama ascaaeary.^',,t�otion by Sheridan to adopt Resolution No. 21-1965. Senondad Dq Kirkhqm. Upon a voice vote, tMre being no naya, the motioa carried unanimoualy. LST18R FROM CNA[+ID6R OF COrII�RCE: A lntter From the Chamber oF Cocomerce asking to aslaist xith Pinal plans for tha naw City Hall was preeeneed to the Couneil. Moiion by Sheridan, eeconded by Wright, that the letter be receivsd. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried'unanimouslq. APPOINIMBNT pP A PLANIiING CONSULTANT FOA THS CITSC UF FRIDLSY: Motion by Wrighi that Yhe firm of Hodne'Asaociatns,�Arehitsete/Plaanara, ba tentetively aelected for Lhe. purpoee of undestaking'thi programming and the eatimating of the coeta oE'deeigaing a comprehansiva plan for the CLty of Bridley in complienca with the requiremenEe.lor�obeatning Federal Aid under the provfsiona of the 701 (irant of the Housing and Home Finance Adminiatratian aa required by the 3tate of Minaesota. Seconded bq Sheridan. Upon a volce vote, thera bning no naya, the motion carried unanimously. /� AUTHORIZATION TO BNGAGB SSBVIBS OF COdiSULTANT ON A CALL BASIS: �lotion by Sheridan to approve the schadule oE Per Diem Fees providad by the Planning Consultant, Hodna Aseociatea, ae given in the achedule furnfshad to the City, and to appoint the firm of Hodne Asaociates as plaaning conaultants to aeaiet the Planning Commission upon requeet of the Planning Commieeion, the appointmnnt to be af2active immndiately for an indeFiaita time. Saconded by Thompaon, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mot�nn carried unanimously. NOTI(� OF CLAIM FOB INJURY BY LAR&Y N$LSON: Motioa by 8heridan Co receive the Notice of Claim Eor Injury Eiled by Larry Dlelaoa againat the City. Saconded by Birkham, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, ADJOUBI�R�N'f: Tharn being ao further bueineea, Mayor Nae declared the regular Council meeting of January 18, 1965 adjouraed. ReepactEully eubmitted: ��. � ��_�, Baym d H, Hade Secretety to the Council ���� `�� William J. Nee Mayor BB[3IILn8 COUNCIL MBSTING MINUTB3 - PEBRUnRY 1, 1965 A r¢gular meating of tha Council of the City of Fridley was called to order by Mayor Nea at 8:05 P.M. OPSNlNG C6@SMCINY: Councilman Rirkham introduced Troop 157 of tha Fridley Boy Scouts who conducied,an opaning ceremony conaieting of preeentation oF the Flag and tha Pledgn of Allegianca to tha Flag. Mayor Nee exCended his thanka to the Troop f or conducting the opani¢g ceremooy. ROLL CALL: Membere Preaent: Membere Abseat: Nae� Kirkham, Wright, Thompaon Sheridan APPBOVAL OF MINtlT83 - RBGULAR MSBTING - JANUARY 18, 1965: Motion by �irkham to approve the minutea of the rngular Council Mneting of January 18, 1965, Seconded by Thompaon. Upon a voice vote, ttiere baing no aaya, the motion carried unanimously. PBBLIMINABY PiAT - COl4IBRCS PARK (TABLSD 1/18/65) P.S. N62-10, MII� HAFNE$s