03/01/1965 - 00022247�� �
Motion by Kirkham to table action ReafCirming Resolution No. 24-1965 to the
Regular Council Pleeting of March 1, 1965. Seconded by Thompaon. Upon a voice
vote, there be,in�* no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
Tltere, being no furthcr bueiness,
aE Fabruary 15, 7965 adjourned.
Respectfully submitted:
�i..4�iJLC� �? //S!�, �
Ra}n nd F.. Bade
Secretary to the Coimcil
Mayor Nee declared the Regular Couttcil Meeting
I �
Wi liam 7. Nee
A regular meetinp, of the CounciZ oE the City of FridZey was called to order by
Mayor Nee at B:ls3 P.M.
Councilman Kirkham introduced troop 480 of the Fridley Boy Scouts who conducted
an opening ceremony consisting of presentati on of the Flag and the Pledge of
AlIegiance to the Plag. Mayor Nee extended his thanks to the Troop for conducting
the opening ceremony. ,
MemberR Prez�ent:
Members Absent
Nee, Kirkham, Wright, Thompson
Motion by Wright to approve the mittutes of the Special Meeting of February 11,
1965, Seconded by KLrkham. Upon a voice vote, thera being no nays, the motion
carried unanimously. _
Mot�on by Kirkham to approve ttie minutes of the Regu7.ar Meeting af February 15,
1965. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion
carried unanimously.
'The Mayor stated that the petitioner had not objected to havittg the 2nd reading
oE this Ordinance tabled. The Planning Commission wistned to discuae this matter
with the Plnnning Consultant at its meeting on Thursday, March 4., Motion by,
Wright ta table the second reading of the Ordinance, Rezoning R-1 to C-1 the
Southeast corner o£ Sth and Mississippi, to the next regular meeting of the ,
Council on March 15, 1965. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice'vote, there being
no nays, t�le motion carried unanimously. ,
.� :�
Motion by Wright to table the request, for a Special Uae Permit for a Nursing
Home, to the regular meeting of the Council of March 15, 1965. Seconded by
Thompaon. Uppn a voice vote, there bein� no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
PLe1T - COt�4lERCF.
Motion by Wright to table the consideration of the Preliminary Plat of Commerce
Park to the Regular Council Meeting of April 5, 1965. Seconded by Kirkham.
Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Kirkham to table re-af£irmi�� of Resolution No. 24-1965 to the
Regular Council Meeting of March 15, 1965, Seconded by Wright. Upon a
voice vote, there being no nays, the motion c�rried unanimously.
Motion by Kirkham to table the 79th Avenue Northeast mntter indefinitely.
Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no nays, the motion
carried unanimously.
The repreaentative of Mike Hafner was not present at the Council meeting.
Motion by Wright to continue'the hearing on the Final Plat of Comm�rce Park
to the Regular Council Meeting of April 5, 1965. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon
a voice vote, there being no nays, the motian carried unanimously.
Motion by Kirkham to receive and file the minutes of the regular meeting of
the Planning Commission oE'February 25, 1965. Seconded by Thomps�n. IJpon
a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
The Mayor and Councilmnn Kirkham stated that Mr. Nygaard, a property owner
on Gundexaon Terrace has complained about the lack oP drainnge to hie property.
The culvert which had been installed in Gunderson Terrace had either been
blocked or,torn out by someone. The City En,�,ineer stated tliat Fireside Drive
on which the proper'ty is Zocated and Hayes Street which is ad�acent to the
property are both in Street Projecta 1965-1. Mayor Nee atated that a draLnage
problem did ezist for the lota itt the area, that a dirt road or a roadway of
some kind that was in use had heen Eilled in and that perhaps the culvert had
been filled in in the process oP making this dirt road, in any event the lot
did not drain properly. Councilman Wright asked if the City removed the culvert
below the road. The City Engineer stated that the City did not take nut the
Motion by Thompson to receive and file the Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes
of February 24, 1965. Seconded by Kirkham, Upon a voice votE, there being
no nays, the motion cArried unanimously.
Mr. Keprios repreaentating Acres, Inc. w�s present at the Counril Meeting.
The City Manager stated that granting the permit to build depenrled upon the
question of epreading the assessments for the Lift Station. Mr. Keprios
stated that,the coat of the Lift Station was prohibitive unless spread among
all the lota in the plat. He etated that the only way in which A�res, Inc.
can proceed to build upon these lots is to have the assessment spread over
the lots in the plat and over the time period specified in the original request
of Acres, Inc. The City Menager stated that it was a question oE policy whether
the Council would giant the Acres, Inc. the right to spread the assessments for
the etreets over a ten year period and the storm sewer and lift staT.ion over a
20 year period. Councilmatt Wright asked if most of the lots of the plat were
already built up. The City Manager answered no, that all the lots of tlie plat
were owned by Acres, Inc, and that the Council felt it should be platted prior
to spreading the asaessments for the Lift Station. The Mayor aske�3 b1r. Ke,prios
i� he was correct in assuming that Acres, Inc. cannot transfer title until the lot
is platted, Mr. Keprios anawered that Acres, Inc, had a purchaee agreement with
the buyer of the lot, including plans Eor the house, and specifications for
construction oE the house, and date set for the huyer to take posaeasion of the
house. He state� f.urGher that Acres, Ine, had sold the property and wants to
connect sewer and water to the house on the property in order to be able to finish
construction of ttie propetty and turn the san� over to the owner.' Councilman
Wright stated that tlie owner could not move into the house until th� property had
been platted. Mr. Ke.prios etated that Acres, Inc, wished to extend linea to the
atea to prov�dr service to the homes in the plat.
Councilman Wright asked what stege of planning Innsbruck Sth Addition is in at
the present time. Tlie Mayor ansrrered that Innabruck Sth Addition is''in the final
etage of planning, The spreading of assessments for Ehe Lift Station is holding
up the finA1 plannang. The Mayor asked Mr, Keprios if Acres, Inc. will submit
the rest oC the land for platting. Mr. Keprios answered, 'Yes." ,The Mayor stated
that the assessments for the Lift Station will not be spread on the property and
the property will not be billed for the assessments until thie fall. He expressed
concern that the oumers will contend that the titles which they purchased do not
show the assessments Eor the Lift Station billed against the property. Mr. Keprios
said that Acres, Inc. had been holding this lot (Lot 11, Block 4, Innsbruck Sth
Addition) fer the owner and the owner is aware of the situation.
Tlie City Managrr euggested to Mr, Keprios that the City make an agreement with
Acrrs, Inc, for the final platYing of Innsbruck Sth Addition. Mr. Keprios stated
that he would make this suggestion to Mr. Billman.
Motion hy Kirkham to authorizr. the Adminiatration to grent a building permit for
7.ot 11, Iilock 4, Tnnsbruck 5th Addrtion. Seconded by Thaopson. Upon a voLCe vote,
there being no navg� the motion carried unanimously.
Th� City ManagFr stnr.�d that bids have been awarded for the construction of the
hospital in the Nortli Suburben Hospital District. He stated further that he
believed only tbe contractor would benefi.t by eliminating the fee for the building
permit. Fcidley is only 1/5 of the North Suburban Hospital Diatrict and whereas,
the City of Pridley daes not charge school districts for building permits nor does
it carry on inspection of construction of achools, he doea not believe that the
North Suburban ]�ospital District qualifiea for the same treatment as the schoo2
distrLets. No member or representative af the North Suburban Hospital District
was present at the Conncil meeting. The City Manager stated that the contractor
Eor the North Suburban Hoapital District may ask the North Suburban Hospital
Distrxct for an addition to his fee if the City of Fridley does not eliminate
the building inspection fee, but the Administration had no informatfon at the
present time as to whether or not the contractor would do so. Councilman Kirkhnm
stated that the A�lministration should find out who would benefit from elimination
of the buildin� inspection fee. Council.man Thompson stated the building inspector
sliould supply more details Uefore submitting a memo for the elimination of the
fPe for consideratioil. The City Manager stated that he preferred to discuss the
matter with the repreaentatives of the North Suburban liospital District rather
than have the building insp�etor do so.
M�t.on by Kirkham to table to the Regular Council Meeting of March 15, 1965
consideratLOn of the IIuilding Permit Fee for the North Suburban Hospital District.
Secc,nded by Thompson. Ilpon a voice vote, the.re being tto nays, the motion carried
unenimously. "
The City F1ana�;Pr explained that Section 13.02 of the City Code of Fridley has
restrictions on the location of filling stations in relation to Cheir proximity ,
to one another. This Section af the Code gives the Council the opportunity
to decide whether or not to grant the permit f or the constructipn'of the filling __J
statLOn on tlie land proposed by Robert Schlesinger. Councilman Kirkham asked
the City Manager if the City Mana,n,er had any ob�ectiona to the conatruction
oP the filling sta*_ion on the site, The City Manager said, "No, I do not have
any ob,7ections myeelf," The Mayor asked where the service'road, on which it
was proposed to locate this filling station, will be lxated. The City Maneger
answered that the service road would run on the east side of''University Avenue
from 57th Avenue to 67th Avenue. '
:� ��
- ST. 1965-1
Councilman Sheridan aeked whether it would be possible far the Cauncil to
delete portions oE the Project after the Pro,7ect had once been approved. The
City Manager replied thet the effect oE deletLOns of portions of the Project
depend upon how large a portion of the total Pro}ect the deletLons are, Councilman
Sheridan atated that the City did not own part oP Fillmore Street which wes
included in the ProjeCt and did not have all of tfie right-oE-way on Fillmore Street.
He stated further thaC the price of land which the present owners have paid foc
the land would make it expensive Eor the City t� obtain the right-of-way by
caulemnation, although, the City could possibly clear with the property owners
the right to conatruct the street within 30 days. The City Engineer asked if
it would be possible Yo clear tlp right-of-way matter by March 15. Councilman
Sheridan anawered that he thougt this would be possible. The City Manager
suggeated that the contract specifications could state that tM Project on
Fillmore straet might be deleted or delayed, thet in his opinion thi4 was a
small part of the totsl Project and would not affect the coat tp the Cjty
Mayot' Nee stated that the Council could do the same for construction of pavement
along Ashton Street. The City Manager stated that pavin� AshY.on Street might
require the posting of Ironton Street Por load limite to keep the trucks off
Ironton and Aahton Streets during part of the year and that deletion o£ so large
a portion of the contract might result in the imposition of adverse expenses upon
the City.
Motion by Thompeon to adopt Resolution No. 30-1965 as corrected. Seconded by
Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, tt�e motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Kirkham to approve Resolution No. 31-1965. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon
a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously,
Councilman Thompson asked if it would be possible for the Council to adopt
a Reaolution effecting the wishes of the Council. The City Manager answered
that it would be poeaible to present a Reeolution to the County which would
reflect the wishes oE the Council. The Mayor etated that the City ought to
provida data to the County Commisaioners and to the Junior College Soard to
show that the land which is pcoposed for the conatruction of the Junior College
will aupport the buildings. The Mayoz' asked Mr. Comstock if the City had
reports or data which would ehow that the land was capable of supportLng
conatruction of these buildings. Mr, Comstock answered th�t te.st holes had been
made in the land to a depth oE 7 feet. The City Engineer stated that addLtional
test holes would ba required for the conatruction of the huilding at the locations
of the footings of the buildinga, and that it would be necessary to have a plot
plan to know the location of the footings of the buildinga before any worthwhile
data could be gathered on the feasibility of construction of the buildLngs. The
Mayor stated that it would 6e useEul to have a letter from the ConsultLng Engineer
including data ahowing that it is feasible to construct these buildings on this
proposed eite. Motion by Thompaon to adopt Resolution No. 32-1965. Seconded
by ltirkham, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously,
Motio� by Sheridan to approve Resolution Nn. 33-1965. Secanded by Kirkham.
� Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
E. 100' OF 5. 200' OF IAT 3. PARCEL 300. MEI,OLAND GA
Motion by sheridan to adopt Resolution No. 34-1965. Seconded Uy Kirkham,
Upon a voice vate, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously,
Motion by Sheridan to adopt Resolution No. 35-1965. Seconded by Kirkham.
Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
Moti�n by Kirkham to table action ReafCirming Resolution No. 24-1965 to the
Regular Council Pieeting of March 1, 1965. Seconded by 'lliompaon. Upon a voice
vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. �
'Tliere being no furthar buainess, Mayor Nee declared the Regular Council Meeting
of Fabruary 15, 1965 adjourned.
RespectPully submitted: �
� ���n�laza�n� i, � % J �L
Rayi nd F.. Bade
Secretarv to the Cauncil
Wi liam J, Nee
A regular me.eting of the Council of the City of FridZey was called to order by
May�r Nee at 8•1�3 P.M,
C�uncilmen Kirkhem introduced troop 480 of the Fridley Boy Scouta�who conducted
an opening ceremony consisLing of presentati on of the Flag�and the Pledge of
Allegiance to tlie I'lag. Mayor Nee extended his thanka to the Troop for conducting
the. opening r_eremony. ,
Members Present: Nee, Kirkham, Wright, Thompson
Members Absent: She_ridan
Motion by Wright to approve the minutes of Lhe Special Meeting of February 11,
1965. Seconded by Kirkham, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motiott
carried unanimously. �
Motion by Kirkham to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of ,February 15,
1965. Seconrled by Tltompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion
carriect unenimously. � "
The Mayer stated that the petitioner had not objected to havittg the 2nd reading
of this Orrlinance tabled. The Planning Commission wished to discusa this matter
with the Pl�nning Consultant at its meeting on Thursday, March 4. Motion by
Wright ta table the second reading of the Ordinance, Rezoning R-1 to C-1 the
Southeast corner oC Sth and Misr�i.saippi, to the next regular meeting of the ,
Council on March 15, 19fi5. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voiee,vote, there being
no nays, tAie moY.ion carried unanimously.
� +� 1
Councilman Wright atated that he had discussed this matter with the people in
the area surrounding the proposed location of the filling station. These
people are not enthusiastic for the locatson of the fillin�� sl.ation as proposed.
He asked if it would be poesible for the Counr_il to table action o£ the request
for a building permit until the Planning Consultant has time to examine the matL-er.
Councilman Ttiompeon stated that the design of the filling station would be a
marked improvement on the looks of tM structures presently built alon�* UniversLty
Avenue. Mr. Schleainger stated that the constcuction oE the filling statfon
would replace the auto body shop presently located on the property. Councilman
Wright aeked whether the auto body shop would go out of business. Mr. Schlesinger
answered "Yea." The Mayor asked what was biSilt on the pcoperty behind the
proposed location of the filling station. Mr. Schlesinger answered that he had
acquired the lot immediately behind the auto body shop and thie loC would also
become part of the Pilling station property.
Motion by Thompson to granC the request for a building permit for the filling
station, exempt the request from Section 13.02 of the City Code of Fridley
and refer the plans for the construction of the filling station to the
Administration foi processing. Councilman Thompson steted that construcl:ion
of the filling staCion will make a decided impr�vement in the area oP Universi[y
Avenue. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vate, there Ueing no nays, the motion
carried unanimously.
The City Manager etated that a technicality Ln assigning Pro,7ert Sd-34-q-2
constr�etion paymenta to tlle Northwestern Nati.ottal Sank of Minneapolis for
the Layne-Minnesote Company was brought to his attention by tlie consulting
engineer, Mr. Comstock. No pArtlal payments for the construction can be made
until it is 90% complete. Mayor Nee asked if the construction which Layne-
Minnesota was undertaking is for the pumphouse for Well N6 Eor the City of
Fridley. The City Manager anewexed "Yes." The City Mnnager Atated thot the
Layne-Minnesota Company is in��olved in a law suLt in the state oE M7.chigan,
and probably presented this request to the Citv Council in order to prevent
the court from attaching the payme.nts from the City oE Pridley for the
construction of the drift well.
Councilman Kirkham asked whether consigninn the payments to the Northwestern
Nationel Bank oE Minneapolis would cost the City of Fridley anythin�. The
City Attorney answered that a disagre¢ment existed over payment Eur construction
of previous wells built by Layne-Minnesota Company. 'This disagceement had
been settled by his predecessor in an agreement out of cuurt. The former
City Engineer, Calvin Brown, liad queations relating to the testin�; of the wells
when settling the previous contract with Layne-Minnesota Company. The City
Attorney stated further that the City of Fridley should not agree to assi�nment
of tlie funds at the present time, but should dec�de this issue wlien payment of
the £unda hecame due, if all problems are res�lved at thaC tLme. He stated
further that there is nothing in the contract that would malce it mandatory
for the City to assign the paymenta nor will the City incur any loss if the
City does not assign the payments.
The Mayor asked if it was correcC to state that asei�nmenC oE the payments to
the Northwestern National IIank would not mean anything. Mr. Comstock anewered
Chat he could see no reason nor any advantage r.o the City in complying with
the requeat of the Layne-Minnesota Company. The Mayor etated that possibly
tlie Layne-Minnesota Company might need the funds to complete construction oP
the well, Mr. Comatock ans�x red that the well and equipment u+ere operable
except for the delivery and installation of an electric motor starter. The
equipment is,not at the stage oE completion wtiere the City is required to
make any paymenta to the contractor at the present ti_me.
Motion by Wright to receive and acknowledge the communication oE the Layna-
Minneeota Company and conaider action upon the requeat when maney is due the
Layne-Minnesota Campany under the regular provieions of the contract. Seconded
hy Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mottion carried unanimously.
L�otion by Wright to approve the General and Public Utilities Claims #4618
through �i4724. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no na}�s,
Y,he motion carried unanimously.
M�txon by 'fhompson Co appro�re Liquor Claima k7176 through ai240. Seconded
by Kirkham. Upon a voice voCe, there being no nays, Che motiott catried
nnani_mous] y.
Mayor Nee asked whcther it were possible to make payment for the desi�n oE
the Fridleq Civic Center from funds aecrued from the sale oE the bond issue
and whether it would t,e possible to pay these same fees Erom the sinking
fund for the bond i�sue. The City Alana,�,er answered that the City Treasurer
would arran�e for payment of the fees. The Mayor asked whether the Qharg�s
wPre consistant with the contract with the Architect. '11ie City Manager answered
ttiat he has not checked the contract. Councilman Wright stated that Che City has
not kept a check of the time the Architect has spent in conference with the
Citizens Committee or with the service the Architect rendered in this capacity.
The City Man�ger stated thaC it would be possible to get more itemizatione on
the bill from the Architect, The Architact's fee is based on a percentage of the
total cost of construction, Councilman Wright stated that it appeared the
Architect had compared his time costs witlti costs of the 2%a cOnsttuction fee and
billed the City for the lesser amount.
The Ma�or aslced what the total £ee oP the Architect will be. The City &ngineer
answered that he did not know. The City Manager stated that the Architect had
the rLghr. to char�e a fee for the completion of the preliminary plans and
sper_;_fications and the total fee was generally a pPrcentage o£ the cost of
construction sucl� as 6 or 7 petcent. The Mayer asked whether it was really
necessary for the ArchitecY. to itemize the bill since he would evetttually be
paid on a flat percenta�e basis anyway. The City Enginaer etated that thie
was correct and the Architect would generally charge a standard flat pereentage
of the cost of con4truction. Councilmatt Wright stated thare were undoubtedly
extra costs ove.r and above the normal flat percentage rate of Lhe cost oE
construction due to the canpletion of preliminary plane for other building aites
tlian the present one. The Mayor stated that he believec� the estimatea of the
Architect were probably okay for payment.
Mvtion by Sdright to approve the follotving estimates:
S, C, Si�ilev & Associates
1750 Nennepih Avenue
Minneepolis, Minnesote 55403
Professional Services Rendered - Fridley Civic Center
Anoka County
i)epartment of I�ighwayfi
Anoka, Minnesota
S.A,P, 02-635-03
C.S,A.N. 35 Improvement Pro,7ect
City Pro7ect - St. 19h3-2 (Concrete Curb and Gutter
old Ce.ntral)
$ 6,699.29
$ 4,995,10
Seconded by [Lirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion
carri.ed unanimously.
Councilman Wright asked the City Manager if he had any further word on the
application for a cigaretYe license by the Mobil Station. The City Manager
�nswered, 'T7o."
Motion by Wright to approve the following licenses:
Wayzata Concrete, Inc.
6104 Zenith Avenue South
hfinneapolis, Minnesota by: Earl M. Nelson
�L�M ��C'e.
Midland'Manufacturing & Htg. Co.
6442 Penn Avenue South
Itichfield, Minnesota by: Walter Wehmeyer
Healy Plumbing & Heating Co.
278 West Kellogg Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Axel Newman Plumbing Company
1608 Como Ave6ue
St. Paul, Minneaota
Northtown Plumbing Company
176 Rivereedge''Way N.E.
Fridley, Minnesota
by: John A. Heally III
by: Axel Newman
hy: Thomas W. Veit N�W
- - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
John A. Rieck & 7ames M. 1Yupe
11Q18 Olive St. N. E.
Minneapolis 33, Minnesota
dba: Fridley Food Market
8154 ;, River Road
Fridley 32, Mlnnesota
- $12.00 Fee Paid
John A. Rieck & James M, Trupe �1ba: Fridley Food Market
11018 Olive St. N.W, 8154 E. Rivec Road
Minneapolis 33, Minnesota FrLdley 32, Minnesota -$5.00 Fee Paid
Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion
carried unanimously.
PETIITON a3-1965:
The Mayor asked whether the street requested by the petitioners for improvement
was in sufficLently bad shape to warrant improvement. The City Lngineer anewered
that the existing street had been built in 1956 and 1957 and that during the
time East River Road was under repair trucks were detoured ottto the street and
had ruined the pavement. He stated further that the awners had petLtioned for
ronstruction of a 36 Poot wide paving with concrete curb and gutter. The Mayor
asked whethec Lhe project could be attached to the Street Proaect 1965-1. The
City Manager answered, "Yes." The City Engineer stated that the petition
requeats that'the etreet be improved only between 69th Avenue and Hickory Circle
and constt'uction ahould include thaC portion of H7.ckory Drive Erom East River
Road to Hickorq Circle. The City Manager stated that a public hearin� for
including the improvement of that portion of Hickory Drive possibly cou13 be
held on April 5, 1965.
Motion by Kirkham to grant the petition of the property owners and instruct
the adminiatrstion to proceed with the necessary steps to include the construction
Ln Street Project 1965-1. Seconded by Thompson, lipon a voice vote, there being
no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Wright to table to the Regular CouncLl Pfeeting of March 15, 1965 the
re-affirming of Reaolution No. 30-1965. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice
vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
The City Manuger etated that it had been brought to his attention by Darrel
Clark that a Special Uae Permit for the cnhstruction of the Fi�neral Home on
6671 BrookvieW Drive Northeast had apparently not been approved by the City
Council, although, it was, apparently, the original intent of the Council
to approve the Special IIse Permit. The City Manager stated further that the
design of the'parking lot and the aesthetics of the Funeral Home had already
baen apnrovad and cnmpletion of plans for construction required formal action
by the CouncLl for tl�e Special Use Permit. Councilman Kirkham atated that
to the besr of his recollections it was the intent of the Council,to approve
the Special IJse Permit for the construction of the Funez�al Home.
Motion 6y Kirkh3m ro grant the request for a special Use Permit For conetruction
of a Punderal )�ome. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, Councilman Wright
voted nay, tli� motion carrl.ed.
CIIANGE ORnSR lfl - SWN67 P¢ 68:
'Che City Atnnager asked the consulting engineer, Mr, Comstock, to explain
Change Order #1-SWq67 D. Mr, Comstock stated that constructfon required
a change oE services to a 2 inch service, the first being to en apartment
building for � chan�e in fi.ttings, the second for a change fn fittings for
extension o£ yervice to a mobile homes park. The Change Order was Computed at
coat plus 15%. Speci�l arrangements have been made with the Finance Department
Eor properlp assescing the cost, The third item wne the neceeaity to back fill
a trencti witt� class 5 material which was not contemplated in the original deeign.
Motion by Kirkham to approve Chunge Order N1 - Sid#67 & N68. Seconded by Wri�Tht.
Upon a voice vote, there bein� no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Wright to consent to and approve the following appointments:
Deanna Fri�elle Accounting
5701 Central Avenue N.C. Clerk
rridtoy, Minnesota 55421 Sookkeeping
Caro1 .Tohnson 5pecial
54± - 54th Avenue N.�. Assessment
Fradley, M�nnesota 55421 Clerk
Secon�led by Thompgon. Upon a v�ice vote, there bein� no nays, the motion
oarried unanimously.
Motian by taright to rece,ive the leLter from the Clerk of Court,dated March 1,
1465 concerning thE� disposition of cases involved in the Frontier Club, Seconded
by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the,motion,carrfed unanimously.
C�uncilman Kirkhara stated that in keeping with the original intent of the Council
and in view of the disposition of cases involving minors in the Frontier Club ott
February 6, 1965 he moved that the Council egain suspend the,license of the Frontier
Club until March 8, 1965, at which time there will be a hearing and tl}et the owner,
operator and licensee of the Frontier Club be advised to appear and,to show cauae at
that time why the licenae of the Frontier Club should not be revoked. Councilman
Thompson seconded the motion. Councilman Thompson asked whether the owner of the
Frontier Club will be inEorme�i of the new suspension of Che licensa, immediately.
The City Manage,r asked the City Attorney to make asrangements ior Bupplying notice
Lo the Frontier Club the morning of March 2, 1965. Upon a voice,vote, there being
no nays, tAe motion carried unanimous2y.
The City Man�,n,er �xplained that Resolution No. 36-1965 was a standard form of
thP Resolution enforcing load limits. Motion by Kirkham to adopt Resolution
No. 36-1965. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the
motion cacried unanimoqsly,
The City Manager stated that the present law provides that the deaennial census
only be used as pact of the farmula Eor allocating gasoline tax funds foc State
Aid Roads, and that thie Resolution would ask that the Statute provida Eor also
using the 5 year (:�nsus figures to allocate the funds for the City of Fridley,
and that the Resolution wou2d have to be passed immediately if it were going to
help to get an amendment adopted by the legislature this legislative seasion.
Motion by Thompson to adopt Resolution 37-1965. Seconded by Kirkham. ❑pon
a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously,
-1965 -
Motion by Wright to approve Resolution No. 3R-1965. Seconded by Thoaipson.
Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
The City Manager explained that the liquor store manager felt that the Shorewoo�i
Lounge was,badly in peed of redecoratin� and had obtained quotes for the
redecorating. The quotations were received from Glenn W. Johanson Cnmpany for
the a�nount_of,$820 and from Sigurd Gullickson Eor $860 for painting and
va;nishing thg interior of the Shorewood Lounge. The City Manager steted Further
that since both amounte were leas than $1,000 the City did not have to call for
hids for redecorating. The last time the Shorewood I.ounge was redecorated was
three or four years ago. Councilman Kirkham stated that the City Ls operating
a bueiness {.n,the �iquor stores and the City should take cnre of the bueiness.
Motion,by Kirkhnm to award the bids for redecorating the Shorewood Lounge to
Glenn W. Johanaon. Seconded by iJright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays,
the motion carried unanimously.
The City Manager stated that he had received a letter from tlte oFfice oE
Clarlc MacGregor informing the City oE Fridley that the post e�Eice was seeking
bida for the construction and leasing o£ a P�stal Finance Station to be located
in the City of,Fridley. Motiou by Kirkham to receive the canmunication from
the of£ice of Clark MacGregor. Seconded by Wri�ht. Upon a voice vote, thece
being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
The City Manager statsd that he had received a proposal Eor an agreemenT. from
the Minneaota Highway Depattment for traffic signals to be located on T.H, fF55
at an intersaction with C.S.A.11. N35 (Central Avenue). The City Manager
stated further that thia agreement was the same type of agreement which the City
has entered into before with the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways in
which the City pays half the cost of the instaLlatLOn of the traEfic signal and
the State of Minnasota, Department of i�ighways will pay the other half. One
additional feature of this agreement ia that the CLty of Friciley is not required
to pay for the maintenance of the controller for the tcaff3c signal. In addition,
the CiCy will pay 6� of. the engineering nnd inspection costs for the traffic
signal, will supply the power and power supply for the traffic signal and pay
for the maintenance of the signal, except far the conkroller.
Mayor Nee asked whether it would be possible to obtain funds from the County of
Anoka for thia purpose. The City Mana�er answered, "Yes." the County of Anoka
probably would pay one half the costs of the CLty foc the construction and
installation of the traffic signal which would amount to one fourth of the total
costs of construction.
Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution 34-1965. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a
voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
Mation by Wright to requeat the County of Anoka to participate in the conatruction
of the trafEic signal on T.N, p65 and it's interaection with C.S,A.}�, p35 (Central
Avenue). Seconded by Kirkham, Upon a voice vote, there being, no nays, the motion
carrfed unanimously,
Mr, Doneld Anderson was a visitor to the Council meeting. Ae requested th�
Council to consider the waiving of the engineering fee held in escroc�for the
engineerina deaign of the services to his property in Don's Sth Addition. Mr.
Anderson stated that the property owners wished to hire the engineerLng consultants
themaelves to,design the connectLOns to the main Por the necessary services, Mayor
Nee asked if the owners planned r,o hire consulting engineers to do the work, Mr,
Anderson answered that it is the intent of the owners to hire coneulting engineers
to do the work and that other property owners had done so beEore in the Clty of
Fridley, The City would have an opportunity to approve or Aisapprove thr_
engineerin� work and the construction oE the services prior to accepting them.
The Mayor directed th�Y. this item be plar.ed on the agenda of the Regular Council
Meeting of March 15, 1965.
The City Manager sLeted Y.hat the purpose of the escrow fee ia to pay for
engineerittg cosr.s i.f engineerine work ia required. The Mayor asked who ia
responsi�le for t}ie w�rk. The City Engineer answered, that the Engineer
hired by the owner would be responsible for the work if the Council were
to grant the owner's re.quest. The Mayor stated that someone reaponsible
to the CiCy ought to Ue respansible £or the work, Past designs made by
consult�ng en�ineers have not been cleared with the City and the Gity has not
always been satisfied with Che work which has been done.
The City Menager explaincd that the City Attorney would like to have the Council
approve the proposed a�reement between the City and Max Salitermrinw owner of the
property nortliPast of the Shorewood Lounge. The a�reement provides that the
oNmer provide for relocating the water Iines on his property, with Che City
g�;ineer doin� the engineerin� And inspection of the work; second, that the
owner would further take responsibility for the construr_Yinn af the water ser�vice;
tbird, the City mou2d receive an e.asement for all existing utilities on the
propert}�, fourth, the CiYy would receive an easement Eor e road as per legal
desr_ription prepared hy t.hp C9.Y.y wt�ich would be dedicated to'the City by the
property owner. The oomer to be assessed for the cest of building a road of
residentis] design. ,
'The Mayor asked if it would not bo better to ohtain an agreement for the
construetion of the street built to commercfal standards rnther than reaidential
standards. The City Manager answered that the City has two standard street designs,
one for resi.dential paving and one for industrial paving, and where atreets wLth
industrial paving, are built, the industry is required to pay the diEference in the
assessi� nt co�t��. The City Attorney stated that the requiremettt'for 'the road'to
Ur_ built oF the residential design was the last sentence in the BgtP.P.RI2RC and
�.��� added Uy Mr. Shapiro, the attorney for Max Sr�literman. He sfiated fuz'ther
that it was the original plan of *fax Saliterman to encase the water aervice pipe
buL he had fouad it more re�sonable to relocate the City water pipes' around rather
than under the building and did not need to encase the pipes. The City Attorney
stated further that tlie owner would be assessed for the normal residential cost
for the street, the street being a State Aid Street. The Cfty apparently does
not have any record of easements for the utilities crosein� the property. The
CitY Manag�r staF,ed that thc_ owner is dedicating tlie entire right-of-way to the
City, paying for the aeseasmente on bohh sides of the road easement'and for this
reason he was given to understand that payment for the street would be at the
rate for a street of reaidentisl design. The C%ty Attorney pointed out that the
ownec had a�reed to pay the residential rate for the cost of the road designad
by the City Cn;Lnaer.
Th� Mayor st.tted that he had always {�nderstood that an owner wovld pay for the
street accordi_ng t� the design of streets in tha surrounding area','and asked if
it was correct to charge the property owcwrs dedicating the street £or the
assessmenks a�+ainsr property on both sides o£ the street. The City ManagBr
answerPd Yhat it is correct that tlte e�mer pays for assessmenta for the�9treet
bi_lled ap,ainst the properCy on both sides of the street only if the atreet goes
through the property, and that in this case Che owner did'not�want the construction
of tl-ie 3tceet. The Mayor asked what was the worth oE the utility easemant. He
ctated that the City was in effect trading the expense of the street for the
utili*y easement. Councilman Wright asked how much the expense of' the street
was. The Mayor answered that it was a consider¢ble amount. The City Manager
pointed out t11at Mr, Saliterman dces not have to dedicate the easement for the
road, The Mayor aske,d if the Council during the discussion with Mt. Saliterman,
hnd informed Mr. Saliterman oF the cost of the road. The City Manager answered
that he believed Mr, Saliterman had been told that his cost oE the road would
Ue hased on residential costs, '171e City Attorney stated that eccording to his
recollection the road would be an extension of the State Aid Road. The Mayor
asked wh�t tlie constriaction cost oE the street would be. The City Engineer
answPred $7.50 per foot for a 36' wide residential street.
Motion by Wri�ht to authorize the City Manager and the Mayor to execute the
agreement with Mr. Saliterman. Seconded hy Kirkham, Upon a voice vote, there
bein�; no nays, the motinn carried unanimously.
The City Mana�er explained that the Par!cs and Playgrounds Sub-CommLttee asked,
that the CiCy Engineer be authorized to prepare a notice for bids for the
Beach House on Moore Lake Beach. The Parks and Playgrounds Sub-Committee has
made a plan for financing the construction oE the Beach House, the plen to
include the $5,000.00 balance oE funda in the Bond Issue for the Parks and
Playgrounds, $7,500.00 from the Park Deposit Fund, and $200 to $300 in gifts.
The bids had been rejected last year because they were considered L-o be too
high. The matter was returned to the Council for action this year. The
Council last year suggested buying additional property and asked the Director
of the Parks and Play,�,rounds Sub-Committee to tinvestigate the possibilLty of
�-'' purchasing additional property. If the Council decided to consYruct a Iieach
� Nouse, it would be necessary to act now so tliat the Reach Rouse could he used
� this summer. Cpuncilman Wri�ht stated that the Parks and Flaygrounds Sub-
Committee wished to have construction of the Beacl� House instea�9 of the purchase
of additional land. The Parks and Playgrounds Sub-Committee has considered
this careFully and has gone to some trouble to plan financin� oE the construction
without using any of the funds from the current budget, and without �eopardizing
any of the City financing. Councilman Wright Stated that construction of the
Beach House had high priorit}� in 1964 and that he wished The City would take
the opportUnity to develop this asaet. He stated further that that tl�ece was
some queation concerning the safety oE bathing Ln Moore Lake, but he belLeved,
however, that the lake could be maintained in such a manner as to make it safe
Eor bathing. The Conatruction of thfs Beach Il�use will be a demonstration of
good_park development and the Ueach will be adequate for use by all rhe
population iof Fridley,
Councilman Thompson asked the Council to aupport the prelimioary plans and
projecta of-the Parks and Playgrounds Suh-Committee. He stated that among
these plans were improvemnnts oE park sites a?ready ocuned hy th� Cit,�, especially
the park site in the'Craigway Addition and the island at Ann Street. The Parks
and Playgroanda Sub-Committee has requested development of Yhese two properties,
construction of the Beach House, however, has priority o��er acquLring new land
that might be needed for park development in the future. AnothPr item which
the Parks and Playgrounds Sub-Committee has planned is tlie construction oE 2ice
Creek Lake or Fridley Lake which will also require the use nf these fun3s.
A visitoi to the Cortncil meeting Wilbur Whitmore asked if th� bonds proposed
£or the use of funding construction of the Beach House were designated for
the special parpose of acquiring land only, The Mayor answered, "No," that
tlle bondn could be used only to finance reconsT.ructLOn or capital expenditures
but, could not be uaed to finaner. operations. Councilman Ldright st�ted th1T.
one other atretegy might be uaed to obtain funds for the rnnstruction of the
Beach�House, in addition to the use of money from the two bond issues: The
City has money�for Che Park Pund from speciel assessments which has not been
deducted frrnn the Park accovnt. The resources of the Park account have been
reduced extenaively and these funds might Ue used instead.
Councilman Wright stated that poi.lution of Moore Lake would he reduced by
furnishing a bath houae and proper toilet facilities for the beach and the
Council should aupport the recommendation o£ the Park CommissLOn.
Motion by Kirkham to concur with the recommendation of the Parks aiid Play�rounds
Sub-Committee'and pcoceed with the construction of the Beach House. Seconded
by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carrLed unanimnuvly.
The City Manager explained'that he had received inEotmation from the Anoka
County Hoard with regard to the sale of tax forfeit land. The CLty needs
this land for the construction o£ a booster station in the City water system.
Motion by Wright to authorize the purchase of Lot 7 in Moore Lake Highlands
3rd Addition. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a vo�ce vote, there bein5 no nays,
the motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Wright asked if this would entaiL sending a resnlution to the
Legislature urging the Legislature to pass an enabling act. The City Manager
stated that the reaelution would be ePnt to the two senators and the governor
explaining the wish of the Council to obtain enabling Legislation to issue
private licensea for the on-sale of intoxicatin� liquor. Councilman Thompson
asked Lf lt was �eemnd possible to obtain passage of thia bill in the current
Legialative session. Councilman Wright answered that it would only be possible
un�er a local swap. The bill could not be passed on the state wide basis during
the current L�gi_slative session. The City Attorney stated that the'liquor
interests who were generally opposing this bill were not very active in their
]ohbying diiring this aess�on of the Legislaturv_ and hence this bill had a fair
rtiance of pASSing. Cauncilman Wright stated that two test Uills were before the
Legislature a� Yhe Nresent time for this purpose, one of them was ior the
establislimenC of on--sale of intoxicating liquor licenses in the City of International
Motinn by Wright. to adopt Resolution No. 40-1°65. Seconded by ThompsOn. Upon
a voice vote, there being no nays, tlie motion carried unanimously.'
The City M�nager staTed that he had asked the City Bngineer to collect data on
th� back up of saniYary sewera and the flooding by storm aewers during the recent
heavy rains in the City of Fridley. The City Sngineer stated that the City had
considerablP trouhle with sanitary aewers backing up especially in that part of
Pcidley alonU 1Tniversity Avenue between 37th and 58th Avenue Northea9t. Beginning
Saturday, the City t�ad four to six men checking catch basins to inaure that catch
basins would be open during tbe time of rain £all to provide drainage. IIeginnittg
an Monday March 1, the City had six men working at 5:30 A.M. and all the men of the
Departments of Public Works and Sn�ineering working at 8:00 A.M, cleaning catch
Uasina and hasements in the area. �olumbia }leights has beo_n running iEs s*_orm sewer
wnr.�r through thr sanit.ary sewer main which is not designed for draining storm se�ver
watr_r. Wh�n this hPavy flow of storm sewer wetec enters the senitary sewet, the
wntor backs up �n the sewer ❑nd floods basements in a portion of Fridley bef.ore
flnpding any portion oE Columbia Heights. The situation has never been as bad as
it was on th� date �E March l. As Yhe two cities are being built up further, the
sanitary sewer capacity wi17 be used up and the problem will become worse. On
March 1, the City had 40 ralls Erom residents to clean basemente of backed up
sewer water, this lArge numhPr of compleints occupied all the telephone lines at
tlle City Hall of Pridley. Some property owners may enter claims against the City
of Frirlley for dama�es to their basements.
The 19ayor ask�c] if the City of Fridley hed any claims against the City of Columbia �
liei�hts, The City Manager answered th�t the adminiatration has considered entering _
clair�s against the City of Columbia Heights. Councilman Wright asked whether any
l�verage mip,ht be used to get Columbia Heights to build a atorm aeWer syatem. The
Mavor asked if it were poesible to buy capacity in the existing sanitary aewer
syst�m from Columbia Heights. The City Manager answered that the City-of Cblumbia
liPip,hts probabl}> did have excess capacity i_n their sanitary aewer syatam, and that
ho_ would call the City Manager of 4'nlumbia Heights in regard to the matter.
CouncLlman Kirkham ask?d iE the City oE Columbia Heights is�planning�a new storm
se+aPr line. The C�ty En�ineer answeced that the City oE Columbia Haights had
been contemplating Y.he constructien of a storm sewer line to cost ane million
dnllars. 'fh� Mayor stated r_hat the City of Columbia Heights, as far as he knew,
had installed storm sewer lines uncier the ctreet but had noY connected them to
any intPrceptors to carry off the storm sewer water. He stated further that the
Cir.y oE Fridley had puxchased the ri,�,ht from the City of Columbia Heights for
rapacitv to drain S�nitary sewer waY.er from the City of Fridley into the sanitary
sewer system of the City of Minneapolis, The City Engineer stated that the
�resent 33 inch sanitary sewer line built by Colmnbia Heights is not big enough
to handle the storm sewer water and sanrtary sewer water during conditions causing
the flooding and the occurrence will be repeated. The Mayor asked whether the
contract Columbia NeightR has with the City of Minnenpolis for sanitary sewer
service allowed the City of Columbia Heights to dump its storm aewer water into
the sanitary sewer. The City Attorney answered that the contract does not. The
City Engineer stated that the overflow of the .7nekson hole aump fnto ColumbiA
lleigtita sanitacy sewer had been the cause of most of the trouble in the City of �
Pridley. I
Che Mayor askPd why the area in Sylvan Hills ia flooded. Mr. Comatock answered
that the catch basins Ln the Sylvan Hills area were frozen. The City fingineer
stated that the Administcation hed employees at work trying to clear'the catch
ba:+ins and that- they should be clear as of the time of the Council m2eting.
'lo�aever, the Administration could not guarantee that new ice would not form on
r_he catch 6esins. The City Manager stated that the current problem9 were due to
tha I1P.AVLC9L rain fall the Ci.ty has had in aome time equalling 1� inches of rain.
I'hompson; abstaining, Nee. Mayor Nee declar¢d the motion carried.
Pfotion by Kirkham, seconded by WrLght, that the Council instruct the City
C9anager to intorm t.he owners, operatars and licensee's of the i'rontier Club
th�r. there will Ue a Public Hearing an March 8, 1465 at which time the licensee's
shall show cause why the licenaes of the Frnntier Club ahould not be revoked,
2011 call vote� Aj�F,9, Kirkham and Wright; nays, Thompson; abstaining, Nee.
Myyoc T',ee declared the motion carried.
f^otion by Thompson, seconded by Wright, that the City Manager be instructed
to inform the liconsee's, in writin�;, of the action �ust taken by the Council.
ilpon a voice �rote, there bein� no nays, MayoY Nee declared the motion carried.
'T'here uein� no further business, Mayor Nee declared the meeting adJourned ..t
fl:34 P.M.
Respeectully suumictcJ:
rarl P. Wegner
Acting Secretarv to che Gouncil
Willinm J. IVee
The meeting w�s called to order at 8:36 P.M, by Mayor Nee.
MemLers Pre.sent:
Members Absvnr
Nee, Kirkham, Stieridan, Thompson, Wright
Others Present: Richard and Marlene Povlikzki, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Carlson
P9ayor hee gave a resum�' of previous Council meetings and Council action
rcl�tive to the Frontier Club License. Mayor Nee then asked Mrs, Povlitzki
f�r a statement, or her canments, on the Show Cause Rearing. Mrs. Povlitzki
stated that slle had changed the operation, was using differenZ music, and was
renwdeling tho placP, and that she has nothing to add to what has been said
aL the pre��icus meetings. She Would like a chance to show how she intends
tu operatP L-he place. She had Rock and Roll music before, but now has Country
4lestern music. Mayor Nee nsked Mrs. Povlitzki if stie could asaure the Council
that no member of the oQernting personnel would drink during working hours on
the prcm�ses. Mrs. Povlitzki said that she would assure the Council that
therr would be no drinking by the operating personnel including her husband
and herself.
Cauncilman Wri;ht said that if the Ceuncil cmre disposed to permit the Frontier
Club to remain opPn for the duration of the present license, and if during thaT.
time there wer� a disturbance what would be her policy regardino phonin� the
Fridley Police, Mrs. Povlitzki said that that is a problem. If she calls the
Ccidley Police it goes on the record of the Frontier C1uU. Councilman Wright
The City Engineer atated that hie department had scheduled 3 meetings with tlie
City of Columbia Heights and the Minnesota Highway Department concerning storm
sewer drainage along University Avenue, and at each of these 3 meeCings the
personnel from the City of Columbia Heights had failed to attend the sche�uled
Mayor Nee aeked whether it were possible to hire additional help to clear up
the catch basins to avoid flooding. The City Engineer answered that it would
not help to hire more manpower since the City has a limited supervisory ataff
to handle additional temporary help. Clearing tha baeements which were Elooded
required the uae of all the equipment which the City had at its dieposal.
Councilman Kirlcham atated that a magaTine, Prospects for New Industry, had sent
a brochure-Lo'him asking the City to subscribe to the magazine anA he wished to
have the Council consider the matter of purchasing a aubscription to the magazine.
The magazitte wou2d furnish infnrmation on �rowing corporations, grawin� indvstries
looking for new aitea for new buildings, list the companies considerin� expansion
plans and the' companies raising money for expanAion. Councilman Kirkham stated
fVrther that this magazine might furnieh in£ormation which will help the City of
Fridley obtain new industry. The cost of the subecription is $75.Op per year.
Ttte Magazine is deaigned to help Citiea attract new industrie.s, to hold the
industries located in the City at the present tLme, and to help the industries
which are there,
Mqtion by WrLght to authorize subscription to the Praspects for New Industry
Magazine. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there beinrr no nays, the
motion carried unanimously.
There being no further bus9ness, Mayor Nee decl�red the Re�ular Council
Meeting of March 1, 1Q65 adjourned.
Respectfully submitted•
� .,+_ .P.�.��- �ti���ta�- -�' �
Raym d E, Bade illiam J. Nee
Secretary to the Council Mayor
The Mayor stat,ed that when this meeting is called to order, each Councilman
would automaticelly waive the w.ritten notice of hearing upon enswering present
to the roll ca11. Ha also stated that he understood that Councilman SherLdan
would waive the notice, but that Councilman Sheridan could take exception to
holding thie meeting without prior written notice if he so desired, at the
time the minutes of this meeting are considered For approval by the Council.
Mayor Nee then declaced the meeting open at 8:24 P,M, and asked for Roll Call.
Membera Present: Nee, Kirkham, Thompson, Wright
Member Absent: Sheridan
Otliecs Present: Riehard and Marlene Povlitzki
Motion by Wright, secottded by Kirkham, to reconsider the action to suspend
the Frontier Club License. Roll call vote, ayes, Wright and Kirkham; naV9,