03/08/1965 - 00022245�10 '1'hompson; abstaining, Nee. Mayor Nee declared tlie motion carried. PUBLIC HfiARING ON MARCH 8, 1465• �lotion by Kirkham, sec�nded by Wright, thAt the Counc�l instruct the City 47anager to inform th� owners, operators and licensee's of the Frontier Club rhat there wi17 be a Public }iearin� on March 8, 1965 at which time the licensee's shnll show cause why the licenses of the Frontier Club should not be revoked. Roll call vote, ayes, Kirkham and Wright; nays, Thompson; abstaining, Nee. M�vor T1ee declared the motion carried. CITY �U1�;AG�R '[17 IATORM LICENSE�'S• P±otion by Thompson, seconded by Wright, that the City Afanager be instructed to inform the licensee's, in writin�;, of the action �ust taken by the CouncLl. ilpon a voice vote, there bein� no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. ADJOURNMFNT: 'There beinU no further business, Mayor Nee declared the meeting 0d]ourned �t R:34 P.M. Respecttully su�micte�i: Garl P. Wagnec Acting Secretacv to che Council SPECIAL MCR'tLNC MIL�UTES - hfARCH 8, 1965 Willinm J. Nee rlayor The meetLng was called to order at 8:36 P.M, by D7ayor Nee. ROLL CALL: Members PresenL: AfemUers Absent: Nee, Kirkham, Sheridan, Thompson, 4lright None Others Present: Richard ancl Marlene Povlitzki, Mr. 3� Mrs. Robert Carlson PUI3T,'[C 1fEARING - SIIOW CAUSE: P7ayor nvo_ gave a re4um�' of previous Council meeLings and Council action rel�tive to ths Frontier Club License. Mayor Nee then asked Mrs. Povlitzki for a ataterient, or her canments, on the Show Cause iieAring. Mrs. Povlitzki stated that she had changed the operalion, was using different music, and was remodeling Yhe place, and that she has nothing to add tq what has been said a!, the prvvicus meetings. She would like s chance to show how she intends to operatP L-he pl�ce. She had Rock and Roll music before, but now has Country 4lestern music. Mavor Nee asked Mrs. Povlitzki if she could asauL�e the Council thar no member oE the operating personnel would drink during working hours on the premises. Mrs, Povlitzki said that she would assure the Council that therr �oould b� no drinkin� by the operating personnel including her husband and hersPlf. Councilman Wri�ht said that if thc Council wr�re disposed to permit the Frontier C1uU to remain open for the duration of the present 1LCense, and if during thaY. !im� there wer� a disturbance what would be her polLCg� regarding phoning the Fridley Police. Mrs. Povlitzki said that that is a problem. If she calls th� 1'ridlev Police it goes on the record of the Prontier Club. Councilman Wright 1 t� �.r The City En,ineer etated that his department had scheduled 3 meetings with the City of Columbia lieights and the Minnesota Highway Departro�nt concerning storm sewer drainage along University Avenue, and at each of these 3 meetinos the pereonnel from the City of Columhia Heights had failed to attend the sche�luled meetin�s. Mayor Nee aeked whether it were possible to hire additional help to clear up the catch basins to avoid flooding. The City Engineer answered that Lt would not help to hire more manpower since the City has a limited supervisory staff to handle additional temporary help. Clearing thn basements which were flooded required the Use of aIl the equipment which the City had at its disposal. SUBSCRIPTION FOR PROSP&CTS FOR NEW INDLIS1RYc Councilman Kirkham atated ttiat a maga7ine, Prospecte for New Industry, had sent a brochure-to him askin� the City to subscribe to the magazine and he wished to have the Council consider the matter of purchasing a subscription to the magazine. The magazine would furnish information on �rowing corporations, growing industries looking for new sitea for new buildings, liat the companies considering expansion plans and the companies raising money for expansion. Councilman Kirkham stated further that this magazine might furnish information which will help the City of Fridley obtain new industry. The cost of the subecriptLOn is $75.D0 per year. The Magazine is designed to help Cities attract new industries, to hold the industries located in the City at the present time, and t� help Yhe indnstries which are there. Mntion by Wright to authorize eubscription to the Prospects for New Industry Magazine. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there beitt�� no nays, the motion carried unanimously, ADJ�URNMENT: There being no Eurther business, Mayor Nee decl�,red ths Regular Council Meeting of March 1, 1965 ad�ourned. Respectfully aubmitted• ,�,.�,zo-z.a_ .Pr�,.�'v ��G���t�- -�-L.___ Raym �i E, Bade illiam S. Nee Secretary to the Council Mayor SPF,CIAL COUNCIL MESTING - MnRCH 3, 1965 The Meyor stated *_hat when thia meeting is called to order, each Councilman would automatically waive the written notice of hearing upon answering present to the roll ca11. He� also stated that he understood that Councilman SherLdan would waive the notice, but that Councilman Sheridan could take exception to holding thie meeting without prior written notice if he so desired, at the time the minntes of this meeting are considered for approval by the Council. Mayor Nee then declared the meetLng open at R:24 P,M, and asked for Roll Call. ROLL CALL: Membera Present: Nee, Kirkham, Thompson, Wright Member Absent� Sheridan Othexs Ptesent: Ricfiard and Marlene Povlitz.ki RECONSIDERATiON: Motion by WrLght, seconded by Kirkham, to reconsider the action to suspend the Frontier Club License, Roll calt vote, ayes, Wright and Kirkham, nays,