04/26/1965 - 00022180�
A Special meeting of the Council of the City of Fridley was called to order
by Mayor Nee at 8:00 P.M.
Members Present; Nee, Kirkham, Sheridan, Wright, Thompson
Members Abset: None
Mayor Nee announced that the Bureau of the Census will place an ad in the
newspapers asking people who are residents of the City of Fridley to notify
the Bureau if they believed they were not enumerated during the recent census.
Sheldon Mortenson was present at the Council Meeting, He presented plans to
the Council showing the layout of the restaurant in the Skywood Ma11 Shopping
Center. The Plans showed a setback of 50 feet for the restaurant. Sheldon
Mortenson stated that the ordinance required a setback of 80 feet. IIe said
that as a result of the reduced setback, there wi11 be a driveway in £xont of
the building with parking in the back of the building. Councilman Wright
asked how close the nearest building would be to the proposed restaurant.
Mr. Mortenson answered that the building would be in line with the grey house
presently located on the property and that plans are not to build on the
ad�oining 1ot. Councilman Wright asked if- the owners plan to build a motel
in con,7unction with the restaurant, eventually. Sheldon Mortenson answered,
"No, not here." The City Attorney stated that he believed construction of the
restaurant wi11 be a real credit` to the community, Councilman Thompson stated
that it was conceivable the Minnesota Highway Department might ob�ect to the
reduced setback of the restaurant since the Highway ➢epartment wants good
road visibility. Sheidon Mortenson stated that he believed there would be more
congestion of traffic in the area with parking in front of the restaurant
and an 80 foot setback for the restaurant, than there would be with the
present plans for a 50 foot setback and parking behind the restaurant.'
The City Manager suggested that the Council could approve the request for a
reduced setback with reluctance, and suggest no parking be allowed in front
of the restaurant. blr. Mortenson asked the Council �ahether they would merely
pass a motion stating that they were receptive to the idea of changing the
setback for the restaurant. He stated that the idea for the reduced setback
was a suggestion of the real estate agent, that the arclu tect who wi11 design
the resataurant has not_done so and might locate the building at 80 feet or
some other figure. Mayor Nee stated that he was in favor of granting the
request. The City Manager suggested that the Council pass a motion saying that
they will Cooperate within a11 legal restraints to help a Howard Johnson
Aestaurant to locate in the City of Fridley. Councilman Thompson stated Y.hat
he believed the I'oward Johnson Restaurant would be a good addition to the
City of Fridley and that the City of Fridley ought to cooperate with the
builders as much as possible.
SOZUTION NO_ 63-1965 -
Mayor Nee stated that Senate Fi1e No. 1711 requires the N.S.S.S.D. to add
communities to its membership at the request of the City Council of the
community and the vote of the people to assume its share of the bonded
indebtedness of the District. He stated, £urther, that he believed this
bill does not create any disadvantage to Fridley, since the revenue from
the additional members in the District will decrease the proportion to be
paid by the City. He stated that the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer Distrct
was not obliged to provide sewers immediately for these communitites but
only to plan for them, and that the bill does not provide to the additional
communities anything which the District did not originally plan to provide
to them. The Mayor stated that the capacity in the sewage lines of the
District is paid for out of user charges and that the only detriment that he
could foresee in the addition of more members to the District Wou1d be that
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the ma�ority on the Board might change,
The Mayor stated further that the bill allows the District to perform
planning West of the river, if the District wishes to do so, The bill
provides that effluent rnay be discharged into the St. Anthony pool.
Mayor Nee stated that the present Board of the North Suburban Sanitary
Sewer District is limited to 11 members, that with the addition of more
conanunities to the District a reapportionment of the representation of
the District will have to be made based on the population of the
District, The byll provides for a means by which communities may be
dissociated from the District, however, the proceeding is difficult. �
An amendment to the bill provides that the N.S.S.S.D, have access to the
river for the discharge of treated e£fluent. This amendment was added
to the bill apparently, to induce the District to add more communities
to its membership. Mayor Nee stated that Senator Rosenmeier wished to
ki11 the metropolitan a�ea bill and provide the District wrth access to the
river for the discharge of treated effluent, and provide for the estab-
lishment of a Southwest Sanitary Sewer District. He stated that he
believed Che solution to be a correct one and a sensible one to the prob-
lems of the area. Mayor Nee stated further that Senator Hoium had advised
him that if the amendment providing access to the river for the discharge
fo treated effluent does not pass or is detached from the bi11, that
Senator Hoium will have the bi11 killed. Mayor Nee stated Chat it had
heen the policy of the District at the present time not to grant the
request of the Village of Lexington and the Village of Circle Pines £or
membership in the N.S.S,S.D. in order that support for the bi11 might be
increased by these communities.
Councilman Sheridan asked why are terms in the bi11 given as limiting the
discharge of effluent. The Crty Manager answered that the provisions of
the bill limited the discharged effluent to the standaxds of the Water
Pollution Control Commission and did not limit the quantity of the effluent
which could be discharged into ehe river. Councilman Sheridan asked what
action the N.S.S.S.D. could take in the future if the State or Federal
Government were to raise the standards of acceptable effluent discharged �
into the river. The Mayor answered that the standard as presented by the
Water Pollution Control Commission provided that effluent discharged into
the river have almost the same quality as that of drinking water and that
he could foresee no change in the standards since the standards provided
that 90 to 90% of the solids be reduced from the sewage and that equipment
could remooe 95% of solids depending on the flow of sewage through the
plant. The plant furthermore could provide heavy chloxination to the
effluent during the periods of 1ow river flow. Councilman Wright stated
that the standards for the discharge of the effluent depended upon the
low level of the river, Chat the dilution capacity of the effluent was a
factor in determining the character of Che discharged effluent, and that
there is no arbitrary ceLling on the number of cubic feet per second
which could be discharged into the river. The Mayor stated that the
effluent wi11 be of higher quality than the present water in the river,
Councilman Wright asked whether it were possible for the District to grow
as much as it needed or wanted to in the future. the Mayor ,answened, "Yes."
Dlotion by Thompson to adopt Resolution No. 63-1965. Seconded by Wright.
Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
H.F. �€806:
Mayor Nee stated thzt he had called the Govexner�s of£ice to try to find out �
if the Governer's office was of the opinion that the bi11 would not be passed.
He stated the Governer's office did not wish ta render an opinion since there
is a question of whether or not the Governer would veto the bill. The City
Manager stated that there were two bills of this nature in the legislature
this session; one bill, proposed by the Minnesota League of Municipalities,
is not likely to be passed this session; the other bi11 is being supported
by Senator Rosenmeier. The I,eague till provides that the ma7ority of the
communities in a District that wish to adopt a pro,�act may do so by a
ma�ority vote.
Mayor Nee stated that Senator Rosenmeier has been very cooperative and has
helped the City of Fridley in a number of ways during the session and that
he did not like to oppose the SenaCor on this bill. The City Attorney
stated that it was generally to the interest of the City to oppose the bi11
in order to retain a11 the authoriCy that a home rule City normally has.
The Mayor stated that there are no limitations in the bi11 specifying how
far the legislature may go in determining the actions of a municipality
in con�unction with other municipalities. He stated that the legislature
could discriminate axbitraxily without any recourse to the local community.
He stated that he believed this to be a violation of the sense of home
rule which is given to Cities having home rule charters. The City Attorney
stated that on a particular problem provisions of this bill might be all
right, but that he believed that the bill violated the principle of home
ru1e, The Mayor stated that he thought this bi11 would provide an
opportunity for the legislature to interfere in the affairs of the 1oca1
community and to resolve the problems of 1oca1 communities without the
consent or action of local officials elected by the communities.
Councilman Wright stated that he believed Lt would be necessary for the
Council t� indicate what they helieve is in the best interest of the
City of Fridley. He stated that he would therefore propose that the
resolution as presented to the Council be amended and that 1 of the reso-
lution have the words added to it "in its present form" Mayor Nee stated
that in regard to statement 2 of the resolution that he believed the Council
could support some form of provision concerning local consent. Councilman
Wright suggested that statement 2 be amended to read: "Providing certain
specific limitations on the local consent requirement." He stated further
that the third sentence of the resolution should read, "whereas this Council
is and has been opposed to legislatLOn that by general law authorizes the
legislature to circumvent the constitutional requirement of local co�isent."
Motion by Kirkham to adopt Resolution No. 64-1965 as corrected. Seconded by
Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried
The City Manager passed out copies of Resolution No. 65-1965, He stated'
that he had inserted the words designating the City Manager as the
authorized representztive for disaster cost reimbursement, although the
Council could designate anyone as this person. He stated further that
the application for disaster cost reimbursement will be made Public Law �k875
The City wi11 work with the Office of Emergency Planning to obtain funds far
disaster relief. Under the provisions oF Public Law �k875, inspectors from
the Office of Emergency Planning will be in the City of Fridley to inspect
the damage done by the recent floods. In order to provide the inspectors
with information as to_location of the damages, the City Engineer had
prepared a map delineating the areas and describing the kind of damage
which has occurred in each area. The City Engineer showed the map to the
Council. CouncLlman Shezidan stated that he thought that Supiter Street
ahould be designated on the map and included in the application for
reimbursement of disaster costs since the street had eroded to the point
where the sewage piping is visible in the street. Mayor Vee stated that
Channel Road had been eroded considerably during the flood and suggested
that perhaps this street should be included in the map for the inspection
team to look at. Councilman Wright stated that clean up in the parks
should be included, and that debris clean up on Chases Island be included
Ln the application for reimbursement of funds,
Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution No. 65-1965. Seconded by Kirkham. �[Ipon
a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee stated that he had communicated wrth the office of Senator McCarthy
regarding obtaining funds Por possible renewal pro�ects in Riverview Heights.
He stated that E1mer Binford, Housing & Home Finance Agency in Chicago, said
that any reasonable pro�ect would probably be approved. The C�.ty should
proceed to set up a redevelopment authority to obtain funds for urban renewal,
and under provisions of the 1aw, 75% of the cost will be paid by the Federal
Government and 25% by the 1oca1 Government. The City, following renewal of
the area, will then purchase the la�d from the authority and use the land
for parks. The purchase price of the land will be the appraisal value of the
land following renewal. The City Attorney stated that in an action in which
he represented Walter Harris, he had sold two lots for the price of $S00
and that no dwellings were located on the 1ots. The City Eingineer presented
a map which showed the locations of the homes in the area of the proposed
urban renewal, and the flood plain within the 816 foot contour. Mayor Nee
suggested that the elevation line for the flood plain be changed to an
elevation for 820 feet and that the area be extended to include access to
the highway for the future use of the park. The Mayor asked the Council
whether or not the Council wished to proceed with the project to obtain
urban renewal funds to improve the area and turn it into a City Park if the
pro�ect is feasible. Councilman Wright asked why the project was extended
to Kimble Street. IIe suggested that it be changed to include the area
bounded by Fairmont, Hugo, Cheryl, and Apex Streets. He suggested that
the Planning Consultant be Authorized to study t�e area in conjunction
with the Planning Commission to delineate the area in more detail. Council-
man IZirkham stated that the pro�ect should be extended to include not only
the park but other purposes of urban renewal to the north and east�of the
area as we11. Councilman Thompson stated that he believed the Council should
proceed with the pro�ect now since the timing is favorable to the pro�ect.
Councilman Sheridan stated the Council would never know whether or not the
application for Federal Funds for Urban Renewal in this area would be available
unless they were to ask for the grant. The City Attomey suggested that it
would be to the benefit of the City to include vacant areas and to spread the
area for urban renewal over cheap land, that cheap housing values in the area
would reduce the entire value of the pro�ect and make the purchase of the
land for park property, later on, a lower cost to the City.
Motion by Wright to request the Planning Commission, and to authorize the
Planning Consultant together with the Planning Commission, to proceed
immediately with a study of Riverview Heights for the purpose of conducting
an urban renewal pro�ect and constructing a future City Park in the area,
and present recommendations to the Council at the earliest possible date,
Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion
carried unanimously.
The City Manager read the claim against the City by Russell IInderhill.
Motion by Sheridan to waive written notice and to consider the claim against
the City by Russell S. Underhill. Upon a roll call vote, there being no
nays, the motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Izirkham to receive the claim of Russell S. IInderhill against the
City and refer it to the administration for processing. Seconded by
Wright, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
The Mayor stated that he wished to have the Council suspend, temporarily, the
granting of Building Permits in Riverview Heights since this area mzght be
included in an urban renewal pro�ect.
Motion by Sheridan to suspend granting of Building Permits in Riverview Heights
within the 825 foot contour line until June 7, 1965. Seconded by Kirkham.
Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business, Mayor Nee declared the meeting ad�ourned
at 9:35 P.M.
Respectfully submitted;
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Raymond E. Bade
Secretary to the Council
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