05/14/1965 - 00022151l9� TRAILER PERMITr MARVIN PRINDLE: Motion by Kirkham to grant the request of Marvin Prindle for a permit to occupy a trailer on his property at 6870 Washington Avenue Northeast while repairs are Ueing made on his home with the stipulation that sewer and water connections to the trailer be made in accordance with the requirements of the Plumbing Inspector Seconded hy Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. TRAIL�R PERMIT: WILLIAM E SABETTI: Motion by Kirkham to grant the request of William E. Sabetti for a permit to occupy a trailer on his property at 7301 Lyric I.ane while repairs are being made on his home with the stipulation that sewer and water connections to the trailer be made in accordance with the requirements of the Plumbing Inspector. Seconded by Sheridan, llpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. AE: COUNCIL INTERCEDING ON BEHALF OF A CITY EMPLOYEE, WHO WISHES TO A 10% CONTRACT WITH A PUBLIC ADNSTOR: Councilman Thompson explained that an employee signed an agreement for assistance to settle his claim by an ad�ustor who could receive 10% settlement for his services The agreement was signed May 13, 1965.' The Manager of the ad�ustment agency e�cplained the operations of a Public Ad�ustor. No action was taken by the Council. HODNE REPORTS ON PURCHASE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS: Mr. Hodne stated that the cost of aerial photographs to the City is as follows: Mosaic of City $350.00 Enlargements of two planning areas $125.00 'ltao sets of contact prints $230.00 $705.00' The Couneil discussed the purchase,at these prices but did not act to purchase ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Mayor Nee declared the meeting ad�ourned at 7:23 P.M. Respectfully submitted: Earl P. Wagner Acting Secretary to the Council ���� � ���� William S. N e Mayor SPCCIAI. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - MAY 14, 1965 Mayor Nee announced that as each Councilman answered the roll call for this meeting his answer of present would waive written notice of this meeting. Mayor Ne� directed the acting Secretary to call the roll. At the ro11 ca11 those answering present were• Mayor Nee, Councilman Kirkham. Sheridan Thompson and Wright, members absent, none. CMERGENCY r AND PROPERTY TURE OF The City Manager read the Ordinance to the Council. Motion by Sheridan, seconded by Thompson, that the Em�rgenc y Ordinance No. 301 be adopted and published. Upon a roll call vote, those voting aye, Kirkham, Nee, Sheridan, Thompson, Wright; nays, none. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. ' � � 194 BIIILDTNG PERMIT APPLTCATION - FRIDLEY AUTO BODY 5755 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NORTHEAST. TO REBUILD TO PREVIOi75 CONDITION; Request by Eugene P, Bonnett (Bullder, D W. Harstad Co, Tnc.) Motion by Wright, seconded by Sheridan to recea�ve the Building Permit Appl�cation. Upon a voice vote, there being no naps, Mayor Nee declared the motian carried. Motion by Kirkham, seconded by Sheridan, to authorize the Building Inspector to issue a Buildang Permit for construction at 5755 IIniversity Ave � Northeast to make minimum and necessary temporary repairs to cover and protect equipment, supplies, and inventorles. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Niayor Nee declared the motion carried. BUILDTNG PERI�SIT APPZTCATION - COLUMBiA MILLWORK - 5920 NTAIN STREET NORTHEAST TO REBUILD OFFTCE DAMAGED BY WATER TO ORIGINAL CONDITION: Motion by Wright, seconded by Kirkham to grant the &uilding Permit. Upou a voice vate, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried EUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - MOON PLAZA BY DON Bf1BIN5KI SERNARD JULKOWSKI 6225 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NORTHEAST - TO REBUIZD THE MOON PLAZA TO OAIGINAL CONDITION: Motaon by Sheridan, seconded by Kirkham that the Building Permit be granted Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. AT 6349 TO Nlotion by Thompson, seconded by Wright to receive the Building Permit Application. Upon a voice vote, thera being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motlon carried. � MoCion by Wright, seconded by Sheridan, to authorize the Building Inspector to issue a Building Permit for construction at 6349 to 6383 University _ Avenue Northeast to make minunum and necessary temporary repairs to cover and protect equipcttent, supplies, and inventories of tenants as needed. Upon a voice voCe, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the moCion carried. bUILDING PERMIT L�PPLICATION - SY FRANK GABRELCZK TO RESUILD TO ORIGINAL CONDITION FRANK'S USED CAR SAI.ES AT 5746 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NORTHEAST: Motion by Kirkham, seconded by Sheridan, to table action on this Building Permit to May 24, 1965, pending receipt of estimated costs of repairs by 2 estal�lished contractors. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. ADSOURNMENT: There being no further business, Mayor Nee declared the meeting ad�ourned at 7:I7 P.M. Respectfully submiteed; Ear1 P, Wagner Acting Secretary to the Council � C��.� -�� � �� WILLIAM J NEE %� � Mayor SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETZNG MINIITES - MAY 15, 1965 Mayor Nee stated that when this meeting 1s called to order an answer of present to Yhe ro11 ca11 by the Councilmen indicates agreement to waive written notice of this Special Meeting. Mayar Nee then declared the meeting open at 5:10 P,M. and asked the acting Secretary to call the roll, Those answering present upon the roll call were; Piayor Nee, Councilmen Kirkham, Sheridan, Thampson, and Wright; members absent, nane Mayor Nee further stated that failure to ob�ect by any councilman to any