05/15/1965 - 0002214919y BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - FRIDLEY AUTO BODY, 5755 UNI�IERSITY AVENUE NORTHEAST. TO REBIIILD TO PREVIOUS CONDITION: Request Uy Eugene P. Bonnett (Builder, D.W. Harstad Co Inc ) Motion by Wright, seconded by Sheridan to receive the Building Permit Application. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried Motion by Kirkham, seconded by Sheridan, to authorize the Buildtng Inspector to issue a Building Permit for construction at 5755 University Ave � Northeast to make minimum and necessary temporary repairs to coverand protect equipment, supplies, and inventories. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. Bi1ILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - COLUMBIA MILLWORK - 5920 MAIN STREET NORTHEAST, TO REBUILD OFFICE DAMAGED BY WATER TO ORIGINAL CONDITION: Motion by Wright, seconded by Kirkham to grant the Suilding Permit IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - bI00N PLAZA, BY DON BABINSKI, I3ERNARD JULKOWSKI, 6225 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NORTHEAST - TO REBUILD THE MOON PLAZA TO ORIGINAL CONDITION• Motion by Sheridan, seconded by Kirkham that the Building Permit be granted IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. BUIZDING PEAMIT APPI,ICATION - CAPITAL SALES INC. TO RESTORE CENTER TO ORIGINAL CONDITION AT 6349 TO 6383 UNIVERSITY AVENUC: ^ Motion by Thampson, seconded by Wright to receive the Building Permit Application. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. � Motion by Wright, seconded by Sheridan, to authorize the Building Inspector to issue a Building Permit £or construction at 6349 to 6383 University _ Avenue Northeast to make minimum and necessary temporary repairs to cover and protect equi�ment, supplies, and inventories of tenants as needed Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - BY FRANK GABRELCIK TO REBUILD TO ORIGINAL CONDITION FRANK'S USED CAR SALES AT 5740 UNIVERSITY AVENIIE NORTHEAST: Motion by Ki'rkham, seconded by Sheridan, to table action on this Building Permit to May 24, 1965, pending receipt of estimated costs of repairs by 2 established contractors Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nea declared the motion carried. AD.TOT)RNMENT • There being no further business, Mayor Nee declared the meeting ad�ourned at 7:17 P.M. Respectfully submitted: � Earl P. Wagner Acting Secretary to the Council � �i�..C�-�� �. ^,�rt���, WIZLIAM 7 NEE Mayor SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - MA.Y 15, 1965 Mayor Nee stated that when this meeting is called to order an answer of present to the roll ca11 by the Councilmen indicates agreement to waive written notice of this Special Meeting. Mayor Nee then declared the meeting open at 5:10 P.M. and asked [he acting Secretary to call the roll Those answering present upon the roll call were� Mayor Nee, Councilmen Kirkham, Sheridan, Thompson, and Wright; members absent, none. Mayor Nee further stated that failure to ob�ect 6y any councilman to any �� �� � item considered at this meeting would indicate that the item was accept- able for consideration at this Special Meeting. JVG � lIV1VliL'R1V11VV' 1rt�, IN THL CITY OF FRIDLEY EMERGENCY PERIOD FOLLOWING MAY 6, 1965: II .I�I ENTRANCE Councilman Thompson suggested that the June 1, 1965 deadline set in section 6 of the proposed Ordinance be extended to June 15, 1965. Motion hy Wright, seconded by Thompson that the Emergency Ordinance No. 302 be passed and adopted with the date of June 30, 1965 being the date used in Section 6 of said Ordinance. Upon a roll ca11 vote, those voting aye, Kirkham, Nee Sheridan, Thompson, Wright; nay, none. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. BUILDING PERMIT FE�S FOR REPAIRS AND RECONSTRUCTION ON HOi7SING AND COM[�RCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL Si`AIICTURES; The Council considered the following suggested fees to be used during the tornado disaster emergency. The suggested fees are as follows: single family dwelling repairs -$5.00 fee for under $500.00 repair costs, $10.00 fee for over $500.00 repair cost, regu�ar permit fee for total reconstructi-s?n, commercial and industrial, $10.00 fee for under $500.00 repair costs, $20.(D fee for over $500.00 repair costs, regular permit fee where total reconstric - tion is necessary. Motion by Wright, seconded by Sheridan, to adopt the above fee schedule, said schedule o prevail until June 21, 1965 at which time said fee schedule will be placed on the agenda of the Regular Council Meeting of ,Tune 21, 1965 for further consideration by the Council. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. A�PORT BY ELMER BINFORD OF H.H.F A. RE: APPLICATION FOR FEASIBILITY SURVEY- CITY CENTER ARGA• Motion by Thompson, seconded by Wright, that the Mayor write a letter to Mr. Swartzel of the H.H.F.A, in Chicago, expressing the interest in urban renewal of the City Couneil, and appreciation to Mr. Binford and to Mr. Swartzel L-or the efforts on behalf ot the City of Fridley by the H.H.F.A, IIpon a voice vote, there being no no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. CHANGE OF PUBLIC HEARING SITE AS ORIGINALLY SET FORTH IN RESOLUTION ND 823 965: Motion by Wright, seconded by Thompson to change the site of the Public Hearing of June 1, 1965 as set forth in Resolution No. 82-1965 from the Fridley City �Iall to the Riverwood School at 71st Avenue Northeast and East River Road, and direct the City Manager to so alter the notice. Upon a roll ca11 vote, those voting aye, Kirkham, Nee, Sheridan, Thompson, Wright; those voting nay, none. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. ADJOURNMGNT� There being no further business, Mayor Nee declared the meeting ad�ourned at 5:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted: Earl P. Wagner Acting Secretary to the Council �r/��z ^ f � /� i � �� 1, �1 (> l� 2 r �—�� William J. N' Mayor � L J ,