06/03/1965 - 00022116� ' � 223 Mr. Jim Plemel stated that he felt a full time Authority with fu11 time Administrators and staff seems large for a City of this size, Robert Minder asked if the plan had gone far enough in its study to fit it into this Authority, Mayor Nee stated that no money or authorizatian under the 701 plan to go into the study has been approved as yet. Councilman Sheridan said that the question came to mind that in establishing such an Authority the Council possibly should establish it by ordinance rather than by resolution s�nce the other City Boards and Commissions are created by ordinance. Mayor Nee stated that the Minnesota StatuCes govern in this matter and that the requirement is that a resolutlon be passed Councilman Wrlght stated that the statute requires that the resolution 6e published in the same manner as an ordinance Councilman Kirkham stated that the City should follow the letter of the statute, and that on that basis the City has held a public hearing. lIe felt that the purpose of the hearing was for the Council to get the feeling and wishes of the public, and at the hearing it was quite evident that there was no proponent but that many spoke in opposition, and therefore he feels that the City should not adopt the resoluCion Mayor Nee stated that the Council is obligated to consider what occured at the public hearing but a1so, the Councilmen are abligated to vote as thedr own study indicates PASSAGE AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO 90-1965: The City Manager read Resolution No. 90-1965 entitled "Declaring the Need for a Housing and Redevelopment Authority to Function in the City ol Fridley pursuant to the Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act, as provided in the laws of 1947, Chapter 487 as amended, oE the State of Minnesota". Motion by Wxight, seconded by Thompson, that the Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 90-1965 as read by the City Manager Upon a ro11 call vote, those voting "aye", Thompson, Nee, Sheridan, Wright Those voting "nay", Kirkham Mayor Nee declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted RESO,T�b�:I�� t:0. 91-1965 - AIITHORIZING THE MGYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO SIGN AGR;.E:�*.� "I0. 54649 (TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNALS - T H ik47): The City Manager read Resolution No. 91-1965 authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to sign an agreement for the �nstallation of traffic signals on T.H. ��$,' at 71st Avenue Northeast and at Mississippi Street Northeast. Motlon by Sheridan, seconded by Kirkham, Co adopt Resolution No, 91-1965. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion caxried. AD SOURNMENT • There being no further iausiness, Mayor Nee declared the meeting ad�ourned Respectfully submitted; Ear1 P. Wagner Acting Secretary to the Council �,?U���� ��� �'-1'� William J. Nee Mayor SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 3, 1965 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Nee at 8:00 P,M. ROLL CALL• Members Present Members Absent; Nee, Kirkham, Sheridan, Thompson, Wright None BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR AN EIGftT UNIT APARTMENT BY DR IIERMAN AT �62-�7th PLACE NORTHEAST TO REBUILD TO PREVIOUS CON➢ITION: Motion by ICirkham, seconded by Wright, that the Building Permit Ue granted Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �24 APPOINTMCNTS TO TH� ERIDLEY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY: Mayor Nee stated that he was recommending for appointment to the Frldley Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Mr Richard Herder, Mr. Paul Sarrow, Mr. John Meyer, Reverend Robert Kendall, and Lois Mu11in (Mrs. Doyle Mullin� The Council discussed the recommendations, and other possibilities. Mayor Nee then submitted the name of Paul V. Barrow for a five-year term on the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Motion by Wright, seconded by Thompson, to concur in this recommendatxon and confirm the appointment. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. Mayor Nee then submitted the name of Richard Herder for a four-year term on the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment authority. Motion by Wright, seconded bq Thompson, that the Council concur in the recommendation and confirm the appointment. Upon a voice vote, Councilman Kirkham voting "nay", Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. Mayor Nee submitted the name of John Meyer for a three-year term on the Pridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Motion by Sheridan, Seconded by Kirkham, to concur in the recommendation and to confirm the appointment Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. Mayor Nee submitted the name of Robert Kendall for a two year term on the F�idley Housing and Aedevelopment Authority, Motion by Sheridan, seconded by Ilirkham, to concur in the recommendation and confirm the appointment. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. Magor Nee submitted the name of Lois Mu11in (Mrs. Doyle Mullin) for a one- year term on the Firdley Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Motion by Wright, seconded by Thompson, to concur in the recommendation and to confirm the appointment. Tlpon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried u Mayor Nee stated that he is very optimistic about the potential of these people � as the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority. The City Manager was directed to ask the newly appointed members to come to the City Manager�s office at 7;00 P.M, on Friday, June 4, 1965 for an informal meeting with the CounciL ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Mayor Nee declared the meeting ad�ourned at I0;10 P.M. Respectfully submitted; Earl P. Wagner Acting Secretary to the Council �����/��`"" � �-r--�. William J, ee Mayor REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - JiTNE 4, 1965 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Nee at 8;29 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Nee, Kirkham, Thompson Members Absent; Sheridan, WTight, Mayor Nee stated that this meeting had been convened to consider the demoli- tion of certain buildings and that the Council has given as sufficient notice as is possible in this event to demolish said buildings. �