07/06/1965 - 000220115� Erom the American Pipe Cleaning Company outlining their proposal, Motion by Thompson to authorize the Mayor and the Manager to sign this le�ter and enter into a contract with American Pipe Cleaning Company eo conduct a survey of the condition of the sanitary and storm sewer system affected by the tornado and flood disasters. Seconded by Wright. Upon a Voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Mayor Nee declared the special Council meeting of June 28, 1965 ad�ourned at 11•�0 P.M. Respectfully submitted; ��/'l.t�+�. ` 1 Marvi C. Brunse 1 Acting Secretary to the Council /I ! r V,l,��,n� �..�-'� ��f W✓ William J Nee Mayor THE MINUTES OI' THC REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 6, 1965 A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fridley was called to order by Mayor Nee at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL• Members Present; Nee, Kirkham, Wright, Thompson Members Absent: Sheridan APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Wright to continue the consideration of minutes of the Special Council Meeting of Sune 14, 1965, of the Regular Council Meeting of June 21, 1965, and of the Special Council Meeting of June 28, 1965, to the next regular Council Meeting. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING: SPECIAL USE PERMIT - DOIISLE BUNGALOWS - WOLKE: The City Manager read the notice of hearing. The Mayor asked whether anyone was present who would like to be heard on this question. There was no one present. Councilman Wright stated that he heard several ob�ections from the local residents living in the neighborhood of the proposed double bungalow, but he stated that when the neighbors saw drawings of_the proposed building, they had no ob�ection to its construction. Mayoz Nee declared the hearing closed. Motion by Wright to grant the request of Bernazd Wolke for a Special Use Permit for the construction of a Double Bungalow Qn Lot 1, B1ock 1, Juli-Ann Addi�ion. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a ro11 call vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC I�:ARING• STREET VACATION - JEFFERSON STREET: The City Manager read the notice of the hearing. The Mayor explained that the p'roposed street vacation is of a street dedicated to the City by the developex. The length of the proposed street vacation is one 1ot deep and the width is 60 feet. Leroy Innmon, property owner, on the west side of the proposed street vacation, was present at the Council Meeting. He stated that he wishes to see � � � r � a ^ the street improved and eventually made into a building 1ot. Mayor Nee asked Mx. Innmon whether the pzoperty ownex on the east side of the proposed street vacation is joining in the request to have the street vacated, Mr. Innmon answered, "Yes". The City Attorney asked whether any utilities are presently located in the street. The City Manager said there are no utilities located xn the street, but the City wi11 obtain a utility easement along one boundary ot the property. Councilman Wright asked Mr. Innmon whether houses are built on the lots on 53z Avenue behind the proposed street vacation. Mr. Innmon answered, "Yes". � The Mayor asked Mr. Innmon where the buildings are located on the lots ad�oining the street. Mr. Innmon said that he has an attached garage which is five feet from his property line, and his neighbor has an attached garage which is approximately 20 feet from the property line. The City Manager stated that this would alloW for the purchase of land Uy one of the property owners to make a 75 foot lot. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Innmon whether he has obtained the agreement of his neighbor to make a building 1ot. T4r. Innmon answered that he has and that his neighbor agrees to sell his part of the land if the street is made into a building lot. Mr. James D. Baker, resident of 564 - 53z Avenue N. P�. was present at the Council Meeting. He stated that he owns Che property at the end of the proposed street vacation. Councilman Thompson asked Mr. Baker whether he uses the street to obtain access to his property. Mr, Baker stated that his children t8e the street to obtain access to his property, Mr. Baker stated that hi�' children use the street easement as a playground at tha present time. Councilman Wright informed Mr. Baker that the City plans to develop a playground at 54th Avenue and 7th Street The City Manager stated that the Plats and Sub-Divisions Sub-Committee, the Streets and Utilities Sub-Co�ittee, and the Planning Commission studa.ed the proposed street vacat�on thoroughly. He stated ehat it has heen determined Chat this part of Sefferson Street is of no use, that vacating the street will provide a source of taxes to the City and improve the property. � Mr. Sakex asked whether it would 6e possible for him to obtain some of the land from the proposed street vacation for his own use to build a garage upon it, The Mayor informed Mr. Baker that he would have to buy the land since the law requires that the land of a vacated street be returned to the people who dedicated the original eas�ment, or to their assigns. Mayor Nee declared the hearing closed. Motion by Wright to adopt an ordinance vacating that part of Jefferson Street lying between Block 2 and Block 3 of Oak Hill Addition, and lying nor�h of the souCh line of B1ock 2 extended west and south of the north line o£ Block 2 extended west, upon first reading. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a ro11 call vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. DEMOLITTON - 129 HORIZON CIRCLE (TABLED 6/G/65, 6/9/65, 6/14/65, 6/21/65): Motion by Thompson to table indefinitely consideration of the delay of demolition of the strncture at 129 Horizon Circle. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion caxrLed unanimously. I,ICENSE FOR SIDING CONSTRIICTION - KILGORE ALUMINUNI (TABI,ED 6/21/65): Mayor Nee asked whether anyone was present to represent the interests of the Kilgore Aluminum Company. No one answered. Motion by Thompson to table Yhe application of the Kilgore Aluminum Company , for a general contractors license in the City of Fridley and return the check deposited for application of the license to the Kilgore Aluminum Company. Seconded hy KiYkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOI,UTION ��95-1965 (RECONSIDERATION - TABLED 6Q1/65): Mayor Nee stated that he will proposed another change in the resolution and that Tom Fostet, representing the interests of Farmers Home Mutual Insurance Company, is present at the Counail Meeting, Mayor Nee asked Mr. Foster whether he had any new reports on the progress of Farmers Home Mutual Insurance Company in settling claims for tornadoe damaged homes. Mr. Foster stated that to the best of his knowledge, Farmers Home Mutual Insurance Company has only five �� claims which are not settled at this time, He stated that in view of the progress made by the Farmers Home Mutual Insurance Company, and since their problems appear to arise from ambiguities in the law and from misunderstandings, he asked the Council to delete the name of the Farmers Home Mutual Insurance Company from the proposed resolution. � Mr. Robert Erickson, property owner living at 565-57th Avenue N.E. was present at the Council Meeting. He stated that he wished to commend the Council for helping the citizens with insurance problems and hopes the Council wi11 use the information on specific cases to obtain necessary changes inthe laws in order to benefit future property owners in their � dealzngs with insurance companies. Councilman Thompson stated that he does not believe the City is capable of knowing how many cases concern problems with the insurance companies. He stated that the City is not trying to persecute the insurance companies, but that he does believe that the insurance companies have not fulfilled the provisions of their contracts when processing claims for the many homes damaged by the tornadoe as well as they might have done, Councilman Wright stated that he wished to thank Mr. Erickson for his commendation of the Council concerning the work the Council had done for property owners having trouble settling claims with the insurance companies. Councilman Wright observed that many of the problems which existed are the result of the actions of some of the claims ad�usters and some of the campanies' representatives rather than with the policies of the insurance companies themselves. Councilman Wright stated further that he believes, as Mr. Foster had observed, that there are ambiguities in the laws governing insurance policies. Councilman Tdright stated that he believes the insurance commissioner and the insurance companies would be willing to work together to alleviate the problems resulting from these ambiguities in the law. Mr. Erickson stated that he had some trouble settling with his insurance company and had come to City Hall to discuss the matter with the Buxlding Inspector and with other City officials. He stated that he found the personnel at City Hall very competent Counci7man Kirkham stated that when the Council originally tabled recnnsideration of the resolution, the Council had the idea of giving the insarance companies time to show what they could do to improve their performance in settling ' these cases. He stated that the insurance companies should be given more time and would suggest that the resolution be tabled for two more weeks. Councilman Thompson asked Mr. Foster whether it would be possible to obtain any more information of the cases outstanding among the insurance companies. Mr. Foster answered that he only has progress reports concerning settlement of the five outstanding cases which he previously mentioned to the Council. The City Manager stated that the administration can pxovide the Council with a report on the disposition of cases where a delay of demolition was requested. Councilman Wright stated that he wished to make clear that if the Council tables reconsideration of this resolution the delay does not indicate that the Council wi11 slow down efforts to induce the parties concerned to clean up their property and rebuild the damaged structures. Motion by Rirkham to table reconsideration of Resolution =,k95-1965 to the next regular Council Meeting. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. DEMOLITION OF THE CASSERLY PROPERTY - 527 - 56TH AVENUE N.E: Mr. John Casserly of 527-56th Avenue N.E. was present at the Council Meeting. Mr. Casserly stated that his home was up for demolition but that he has not received a sufficient amount of information from the insurance company concerning settlement of his claim for damages on his home. Mr. Casserly said that he has twice requested a delay of the demolition and discussed the , matter with the insurance company and insurance commissioner. Councilman Wright asked Mr. Casserly whether he has been visited by an insurance claims ad�uster. Mr. Casserly stated that one insurance claims ad�uster viewed his property and talked with him, but that he did not like the claims ad�uster and had disoussed the matter with the state insurance commissioner. After this discussion with the state insurance commissioner, the insurance company informed him that they would send out a new claims adjuster to examine the property. Casserly said that he has obtained estimates for the cost of repairs to the property and said that he thinks perhaps he will have to submit the matter to arbitration in order to oUtain a settlement of his insurance claim. 61 Motion by Wright to set a hearing for considexation of the possible demolition of the home of Mr. John Casserly located at 527-56th Avenue N.E. for the next regular Council meeting and instruct the administration to notify Che insurance company of the heaxing. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES. JUNE 24, 1965: REZONING ZOA 1k65-03, M.G. ASTLEFORD: ' Nir. Knutson, representative of Schoell and Madsen Engineers, was present at the Council Meeting. The City Manager read the recommendation of the Planning Commission to the Council and showed the Council maps of the area. Motinn by Kirkham to set a public hearing on rezoning from C-2S to M-1, the southeast corner of Osborne Road on Highway -0k65, being Lhe north 750 feet of the NE4 of the NW4 of Section 12, except st 720 feet and that part of north 750 feet of the NW4 of the NW4 of Sect=on�ging east of Highway �k65, in accordanca with the request of Mr. Astleford, ZOA ik65-03. Seconded by Wright Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. PRELIMINARY PLAT �F65-02, M.G. ASTLEFORD - ERIDLEY INDUSTRIAL PARIZ, PLAT 2: The Mayor asked Mr. Knutson whether he agrees with the suggested requirements of the Planning Commission that the setback from IIighway 65 he 1�0 feet to line up the building with the existing Viron Building. Mr. Knutson said that he agrees with this requirement and will provide a dedicated easement for a road width of 40 feet. The City Manager read the requiremenL-s which Mr. Hodne suggested the Council stipulate conditional to approving the preliminary plat, Mr. Hodne stated that the proposed 1ot areas are rathez small but the development might be suitable with appropriate setbacks and the difficulties inherent in the developments of this l�.mited area might be alleviated by encouxaging buyers to purchase more than one Lot and combine them. Mr. Hodne recommended minimal setbacl;s of 30 feet for the front yard, 10 feet far the side yard and 10 feet for the rear yard, IIe suggested that � restrictions or covenants could be used to estaUlish the setbacks_ Mr. Hodne further suggested that the propoSed service road should not extend Co Osborne Road but should provide access to T.H. �k65 not less than 300 feet from the intersection of T.H. t'�65 and Osborne Road. Mr. Hodne advised that aul-de-sacs should be avoided in the design of the roadways, and an inner access road should be connected to the service road pxoviding a loop access to the area. The road design should be sufficient to enable a tractor-trailor combination to move easaly along the roads. Councilman Wright asked whether Mr. Hodne's letter was considered by the sub-Commitcees of the Planning Commission. Mr, Knntson answered, "Yes". Councilman Wright stated that the City is looking for sub-division developments of a permanent nature, which will be well financed and establish healthy, permanent industries in the City of Fridley rather than sma11 industrial developments which are poorly financed and short l�ved. Mr. Knutson stated that he does not helieve the City ordinance stipulates these requirements. Councilman Kirkham stated that he believes it is not the business of the Council Co decide whether a business development is solid, He stated thaC Mr. Knutson has accepted the setbacks recommended by the PlanniRg Consultant, that the Industrial Development Committee of the City of Fridley is working hard to attract industry to the City of Fridley, and he is happy to see this property developed. The City Engineer pointed out that the setbacks shown on the plot plan furnished by Mr. Knutson are not the same as those setbacks required by the Planning Commission. Mayor Nee stated that he beliec�es the plat, ' as drawn, dictates less desixable uses than contemplated by the City in drawing up the zoning ordinance for M-1 sites. Mr. Knutson asked whether it is possible for developers to provide parking in front of the buildings. The Mayor answered thaC the requirement pro- hibiting parking in front of the buildings has been waived by the Council on other occasions but the ordinance requires that parking lots be located at the side or rear of the buildings. Mr. Knutson asked whether it would be possible to provide parking on the setback from the street. The City Attorney answered that the ordinance does not provide for parking on the setUack from the street �u Councilman Wright stated that he does not believe the plan shows any space with sufficient frontage for publicity of the industrial firms locat�ng on the property, nor does the proposed plat provide sufficient access for trucks to provide service to the property. Mr. Knutson stated that the firm of Schoell and Madsen did not contemplate that trucks would be unloading cahile parked on the street. He stated further that he disagrees with the recommendations of the planning Consultant and Eavors the use of cul-de-sacs in the plot plan to provide more usable land. The City Attorney stated that if the Council wishes to provide for the � setbacks and if the sub-divider is agreeable to the setbacks, covenants could be filed to establish the setbacks. These covenants would be enforceable by the City and by the mortgage company. The Ci�y Attorney recommended, however, that the covenants include some provision for altering the setbacks as needs require. Motion by Kirkham to accept the proposed preliminary plat, P.S. �F65-02, conditional upon the acceptance by the sub-divider of the modifications recommended by the Planning Commission for Fridley Industrial Park, Plat 2, same being the southeast corner of Osborne Road and Highway 3�65, the north 750 feet of the NE4 of the NW4 of Section 12 except the east 720 feet and that part of the north 750 feet of the NW4 of the NW4 of Section 12 lying east of Highway -0k65, the setback line on Lots 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 being the same as the Viron building and the balance of the lots to have a front yard set back of 30 feet and a rear yard setback of 10 feet. Seconded by Thompson for the purpose of discussion. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimouslq. LOT SPLIT ACQUEST: L.S. ;k65-06, A.L. WILLIAMS: LOT 3, BLOCK 1, CITY VIP�W ADDITTON• The City Manager read the reco�endation of the Planning Commission. Mr. Williams was present at the Council Meeting. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Williams whether he accepts the recommendations of the Planning Commission concerning , the Iot split shown on the accompanying map. Mr. Wilii�ms answered, °Yes". Motion by Thompson to concur with the recommendations of the Planning Commission and approve the lot split request, ik65-06, of A.L. Williams, of Lot 3, B1ock 1, City View Acidition as shown on the Certificate of Survey to the Council. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING ERECTION, CONSTRIICTION, OF SIGNS AND BILI,BOARDS: Mayor Nee stated that he wished to recommend several amendments to the ordinance as presented to the Council by the Planning Commission. He stated that one of these amendments would add to Section 56-04, subsectxon 3, the words ^and public right of way" and to Section 56-10, a provision authorizing the City to xemove and dispose of signs after the permit for the signs has expired or has been revoked. Funds to provide for removing and disposing of these signs should be provided by escrow fees, or bonds required by the City when granting a permit to bixild a sign or a billboard, The Mayor stated that he wished to propose a third amendment of the proposed ordinance on page 74 where sub-paragraph 15 limits the size of the sign to 10 square feet whereas another portion of the ordinance limits the sign to a size of 40 square feet. Motion by Thompson to 'receive the copy of the ptoposed ordinance regulating signs and billboards within the City of Fridley from the Planning Commission , and refer it to the City Attorney for whatever language change would mak@_ it compatible with the wishes of the Council. Seconded by Kirkham, IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion earried unanimously. BUILDING BOARD MEETING MiNUTES, NNE 23, 1965: Motion by Kirkham to receive the minutes of the Building Board Meeting of Sune 23, 1965. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, - FRIDI�Y HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETIlVG MINIITES, SUNE 21, 1965: Motion by Kirkham to receive and file the minutes of the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting of June 21, 1965. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 63 ERIDLEY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING MINIITES, SUNE 23, 1965: Motion by Thompson to receive and file the Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting minutes of Sune 23, 1965. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously BUILDING PERMIT - GIFT HOUSE STAMPS - NATIONAL FOOD STORE BUILDING: Mr. Nymark was present at the Council Meeting. He stated that he is having several problems with the insurance company contract and with the lease making � it necessary to effect the reconstruction of the National Food Store Building He requested the Council to authorize him to go through the procedures to obeain a building permit to xebuild the National Food Stoxe Building. He stated that he did not wish to flaunt the efforts of the Redevelopment L�uthority in doing so. Councilman Wright recommended to Mr. Nymark that ne discuss the plans with the Safety Committee before applying for a building permit, since the SafeCy Committee would be conceined with the details of access to the property. The Mayor informed Mr. Nymark that he should discuss his plans with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and stated further that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority will allow present property owners the opportunity to invest in the rehabilitation of their property in conformance with the plans of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Re stated that the P.ousing and Redevelopment Authority would $o whatever they possibly could to accommodate present business investments in the redevelopment area. Mayor Nee stated that the law requires the Aathority to find other property acceptable to the owner, which the property owner may obtain at a reasonable price from the authority Motion by Wright to refer the request of Mr. Nymark and the Gift House Stamps for a building permit to repair the National Food Store Building to the Safety Committee and the Building Board. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES, MAY 24, 1965: Motion by Thompson to receive and file the Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes � of May 24, 1965. Seconded by Wright, IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, BUILDING PERMIT - 5519 - t�TH STREET N..E. - LARSON: Mr. Warren Dahl, a representative of BachKe� and Tein Company, was present at the Council Meeting. He stated that he had come to the Council Meeting for the purpose of obtaining a building permit to repai'x the Larson Home He stated that he was hired by the Insurance Company to make these repa5.rs and he wished to check with the Building Inspector and the Council to determine what is required to obeain a Building Permit to n.ake repairs upon the structure, He stated that the Building Inspector informed him that it is necessary to make roof repairs, to repair the door and doorway, to replace some of the shakes and to repair the ceilings of the structure. Councilman Wright asked �ir Dahl whether there is a condemnation notice or a demolition notice upon the building. Mr. Dahl answered, no, that the only notice on the building is a notice to obtain a Building Permit. Mayor Nee examined the report of the Building Inspector and noted that the report did not say the structure was condemned due to the storm damage but that the structure might be condemned under the dangerous building ordinance of the City. Mr. Dahl stated that recently repairs had been made to the structure and that perhaps these repairs were made without a�uilding Permit. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Dahl whether he knows of any Building Code under which the construction � of this house would be acceptable as it is built. Mr. Dahl answered, "No". Councilman Wright stated that since the condition of the house has been brought to the attention of the Council, the Council should take steps to eliminate structures such as thLS one. The City Attorney stated that it is appropriate to have the Building Inspector determine whether the construction of the house fits the definition of dangerous structures as defined by the Building Ordinance. Motion by Wright to refer the request for a Euilding Permit to repair the house at 5519 - 4th Street N.E. to the administration for a determination of whether the structure is a dangerous building as defined by the ordinsnce . Seconded by Thompson. ilpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Counc�lman Wright stated thathe had just checked the licenses of the constructinr. h� firm represented by Mr. Dahl and found that this firm does not have a license Lo build in the City of Fridley. �_ _,� BUIZDTNG PERMIT AND VARIANCE - 620 MISSISSIPPI SZREET N.B. - DEAN: � Mayor Nee noted that the information given on the plot plan furnished to the Council shows it is not necessary for the Council to grant a waiver of the zoning requirements. Motion by Kirkham to grant the request of Mr. Dean for a Building Permit to construct an addition to his home at 620 Mississippi Street N.E. Seconded ' by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no__nays, the motion carried unanimously. BUILDTNG PERNfITS - LOTS 23 - 26, BLOCK E, RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS ADDITION - TEIEN: The representative of the Tred Company was temporarily absent from the Council Meeting. Councilman Thompson stated that Mr. Teien had explained the request for a Building Permit to the Council at a prevlous meeting. He stated further, that the Tred Company has complied with the stipulations of the Councii. Motion by Thompson to grant the request of the Tred Company for a Building Permit for construction oE a home on Lots 23 and 24, Block E, Riverview Heights and construction of a home on Lots 25 and 26, Block E, Riverview Heights. Seconded by Kiricham. Upon a voice vote there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BUILDING PERMIT - 348 - 57TH PLACE N.E. - P1rs. Mathison was present at the Council Meeting. Mrs. Mathison stated that it is necessary to repair the roof of her house„ the south and the west walls of the house, and the siding around the garage, She stated that it is necessary to rebuild part of the garage and that repairs to the walls include straightening a bowed out wall and repairing the marred exterior walls. CounciZman Tdright asked Mrs. Mathison whether the Building Inspector condemned the home. Mrs. Mathison answered, "No". Mayor Nee asked iMrs. Mathison � whether she lives in the house. She answered, "Yes". Mrs. Mathison stated that the home was built in 1953. Councilman Wright informed Mrs. Mathison that he is concerned that the damage might include hidden defects which wouZd be detrimental to occupancy of the home in the future. He state@ that the Council received many reports of hidden defects in houses which are not obvious to the home owners. Motion by Wright to refer to the administration the request of Mr. and Mrs. Mathison for a Building Permit to repair their home at 348-57 PZace N.E., to request the Building Inspector to visit the site, to make an inspection of the home, to report to the Council concerning the condition of the structure and the repairs necessary to bring it within the code and to authorize the Building Inspector to grant a Building Permit for reconstruction of the house if the structure can be repairad and brought within the code by means of repairs contemplated by the Mathisorn, Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PERMIT AND VARIANCE - 512 - 63RD AVENUE N:,.E. - LANGLOIS: Motion by Wright to grant the request of Mr. Langlois for a Building Permit for the construction of an attached garage and grant a waiver of the side yard requirement from 5 feet to 3 feet on his property at 512-63rd Avenue N. E. Seconded by Kirkham. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanamousl.y. � BUILDING P�RMITS - TRED COMPANY - 573, 583, 593 FAIRMONT AND 594, 530 GLENCOE AN➢ LOTS 37-39. BLOCK I. RIVERVIEW kIEIGHTS ADDITION: Motion by Kirkham to grant the request oP the Sred Company £or a Building Permit to construct a home on Lots 29 and 30, Block I River-Heights Addition, same being 573 Fairmont Street� �apnn Lots 31 and 32, Block I, Riverview Heights, same being 583 Fairmont Street; upott Lots 33 and 34, Block I, Riverview Heights, the same being 593 Fairmont Street; upon Lots 35 and 36, Block I, Riverview Heights, the same being 594 Glencoe Street; upon Lots 51 and 52, Block I, Riverview Heights, the same being 520 Glencoe Stxeet and upon Lots 37, 38, and 39, Block I, Riverview Heights all as shown on the Certificates of Survey presented to the Council. Seconded by Wright, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 6� bIIILDING PERMIT AND VARIANCE - 6871 - 7TH STREET - NELSON: The Gity Manager explained to the Council that he received a xequest fiom Mr, and Mrs. Nelson For a Building Permit for construction of a garage and a request for a waiver of the side yard requirements, from 3 feet to 1 foot. Mr, and Mrs, Nelson were presait at the Council Meeting. Councilman Wright asked the Nelsons whether they are requesting the variance in order to increase the size of their back yard. Mr. Nelsor. answered, "Yes." Motion by Kirkham to approve the Building Permit for construction of a � garage at 6871 - 7th Stxeet and grant the request of Mr, and Mrs. Nelson for a waiver of the side yard requirement from 3 feet to 1 foot. Seconded hy Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BIIILDING PERMIT AND VARIANCE - 6851 OAKLEY STREET - SCHREINER: The City Manager stated that he received a request from Mr. I�ubert V. Schreiner for a Building Permit and variance of the front yard set back to build an attached garage to his house which would extend 8 feet beyond the foundation of the house. Mr. Schreiner was not present at the Council Meeting, Motion by Wright to approve the building Permit request of Mr, Schreiner and grant the front yard variance for construction of the garage on his property at 6851 Oakley Street. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unariimously. BUILDING PERMIT AND VARIANCE -281 - 57TH PLACE N.E - HAPKA: Mz'. Hapka was pxesent at the Council Meeting. Councilman Wright noYed that Mr. Hapka's plans did not include a legal survey of the property as required by the City. Mr. Hapka stated that the contractor whom he engaged to perform the work had stated that he needed a legal survey in order to know where the property line on Mr. Hapka's 1ot is located. � Motion by Wright to approve the request of Mr. Hapka for a Building Permit for construction of an attached garage and grant a waiver of the side yard requiremenes from 5 feet to 1 foot upon receipt of a legal survey of the property. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. TRAILER PERMIT - 3703 MAASHALL STREET NE. - HOUSER CORPORATION: Motion by Kirkham to grant the request of the Houser Corporation for a Permit for offiae use of a trailer at 3703 Marshall Street N.E. Seconded '6y Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS: CITY ATTORNEY: CLAIM: Motion by Wright to receive the Communication of the City Attorney regarding the claim of John Casserly. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CITY ATTORNEY: BUILDING PERMIT - MIDWAY MOBII,E HOME MART, INC. ET AL: �i4otion by Wright to receive the communication of the City Attorney regarding ' settlement with the Midway Mobile Aome Maxt, Inc, and concur with the settlement made by the City Attorney. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously KOHLNHOFER: SHELBY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY: Motion by Kirkham to receive the communication fxom Mr. Rohlnhofer Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimous ly. CASEY: BROKEN WATER LINE: Mr. Casey was present at the Council Meeting. He stated that his property received considerable damage when the waLer line broke between the house and the main in the street. Mr, Casey said that he called the City Water �s Department concerning the broken line and the Water Department informed him that it was his duty to obtain a private contractor to repair the break in the water line since the break was upon his property. He stated that the contractor had been unable to locate the curb stop in ordez to effect repairs of the line and that employees of the City Water Departrnent came to his property in order to help locate the stop box. The City Sdater Department, however, could not locate the stop box, and after taking several measurements, ordered the contractor to dig for the location of the stop box. Consequently, the contractor dug up a large port�on of his lawn foxcing him to make extensive repairs to his front lawn. He stated that upon taking one of these measure� ments, the City Water Department informed him that the manhole of the sanitary sewer system is located under his concrete driveway whereas the manhole is actually located in the street in front of his house. He stated that he believes the maps showing the location of the utilities services in the neighborhood of his home are incorrect and that errors on the maps caused him considerable inconvenience. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Casey whether the contractor who bailt his home back- filled the property after the water services were installed, burying the stop box stem. Mr. Casey stated that he supposed the contractor had buried the stop box stem. 'I'he City Manager stated that he cannot locate the stop box on his own property and that he does not believe this is an unusual situation, Mayor Nee asked Mr. Comstock what is the realiability of the as-built pLans furnished to the City. Mr. Comstock stated that the contractor notes the location of the utilities whzch he builds, or the City Inspector notes the location of the utility services, or the contractor informs the City Inspector of the location of the utility servlces, and these locations are entered upon the plans by a draftsman. He stated that this allows three possiUle ways in which errors can be made upon the as-built drawings Councilman Wright asked Mr. Casey when the damage to his property took place Mr Casey stated that this occurred on June 8. The City Attorney suggested that the minutes show that Mr. Casey presented a letter to the City on June 30, 1965, claiming negligence on the part of the City which he alledges occurred on June 8, 1965 Mr. Comstock stated that all utilities in the area were installed by the developer. The as-built plans are furnished to the public as a service by the City and the City takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the as-built plans He stated that the City has no control over the accuracy of the as-built plans and is not liable for the accuracy of these plans. Counciiman Wright stated that if the City has a liability concerning the damage done to Mr. Caseyls property, the insurance company with which the City has contracted will pay the damages. The Cxty Manager agreed to refer the claim to the insurance company OLSON; P�TITION N0. 18 FOR TWO HOUR PARKING: Mr Olson, representing the petitioners, was present at the Council Meeting He stated that half the problem could be solved if a street (Baker Street) were built between 75th Avenue and 76th Avenue granting renters of the double bungalows access to the property they are renting. He stated that the owners of the double bungalows do not park hehind the double bungalows or in the places provided for them buC rather park on the 30 foot street making it difficult for him to move his car and trailer in and out of his oean driveway. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Olson whether the parking habits of the residents made the street hazardous and congested. Mr. 01son answered that they do, The City Manager suggested that the City provide saturated police observation of the area for a period of one week to determine whether driveways are being biocked Uy the parked cars of the residents: Motion by Kirkham ta table the request for two hour parking regulart�on on Able Stre�t between 73rd Avenue and 76th A�enue N,E, to the first regular Council Meeting in the month of August Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PI,S S.S.D ; SEWER REGULATION: Motion by Kirkham to receive the co�nunication from the N.S.S.S.D: Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously , � � !_ J � � VARIANCE - ST. WILLIAMS CHURCH; Mr Robert Buckley, representing St. Williams Church was present at the Council Meeting. FIe informed the Council that the Building Inspector said it is necessary for the church to provide a 15 foot planter strip at the edge of the parking lot, He stated that they ob�ect to this requirement since it removes 90 parking places ftom the lot. The Council examined Che plans of the St. Williams Church Councilman Wright asked the representative of St Williams Church whether the Church�plans to sod the land on the boulavard between the service drive curbing and the curbittg in the parking lot The representative answered, "yes". Motion by Wright Williams Church. nays, the motion CLAIMS: to approve the plans for development of the site by St, Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, Lhere being no carried unanimously �7 Motion by Kirkham to approve general and puUlic utilities claims 5644 through 5821. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unana.mously. Motion by Wright to approve liquor claims 7590 through 7619. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously ESTIMATES• Motion by Thompson to approve the est7.mates of T. S. McCrossen, Inc. and Cons:ock and Davis, Inc. as presented to the Council C, S. McCrossan, Inc. Route ,��2 Osseo, Minnesota Estimaee ��1 (Partial) 1965-1 Street Improvement Por�ece (1965 Municipal Program) EstimaCe ��1 (Pareial) 1965-2 Street Improvement Pro�ect (1965 State Aid Program) Coms[ock & Davis, Inc. Consulting Engineers 1446 County Road ".T" Minneapolis, M�nnesota 55432 For Furnishing of resident inspection and resident supervision for the sCaking out of the construction wark for the following: Estimate ik6 - Sanitary Sewer and Water Improvement Pro�ect No. 7D (Riverview Terrace, south af Missi- ssippi Place; Lincoln (Ashton) Street, south of Ironton Street; Sth Street, south of T H. ik1Q0) Estimate ��1 - Water Improvement Pro�ect No 75-B (Booster Station - 63rd Ave. N.E. u`� S. H �k65 Estimate ��7 - Watet Improvement Pioject No 34Q-2 (pumping installation and pumphouse - We11 �k6 - 600 - 63rd Avenue Northeast). Estimate r'kll - ment Pro�ect No Program) Sanitary Sewer and Water Improve- 67 (1964 Sanitary Sewer and Water $33,467 96 3,533.75 $37,001 71 $ 260 50 120 00 49.50 45 00 EsCimate ik8 - Storm Sewer Improvement Pro�ect No, 5-B (North of T.H. 16100 - east of T. H. 4k47). 1,205.00 1,68Q.00 � 38,681.71 Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. �• LICENSES: Motion by Kirkham to approve the following contractors licenses: �LGCTRICAL Baber Electric Company, Inc. 1145 Gray Pox Road St, Pau1, Minnesota Macey Signs, Inc, 451 Wilson St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Minneapolis Electric Service 2913 Harriet Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota Parker Electric Company, Inc. 5000 Normandale Road Minneapolis, Minnesota Prior Lake Electric Company 234 Central Avenue North Prior Lake, Minnesota EXCAVATING Houser Corporation 3703 Marshall Street N E. Fridley 21, Minnesota Jerry's Excavating 6864 Fairchild Avenue Minneapolis 32, Minnesota Thomsen Company 7920 Groveland Road Plxnneapolzs, Minnesota GENERAL CONTRACTORS American Builders, Inc 515 West Broadway Minneapolls, Minnesota B & II Construction, Inc. 2516 - 35th Avenue N.E. Minneapolis 21, Minnesota George F. Cook Construction Co 2833 Lyndale Avenue South Minneapolls, Minnesota Vern ➢onnay Construction Co. 7300 - 36th Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota Derauf Construction Company 3046 Stinson Boulevard Minneapolls 18, Minnesota Fraser-Obert Construction Co. 5717 - 29th Avenue North Crystal, Minnesota Hadd Construction Company 6908 - 17th Avenue South Richfield, Minnesota Harlan J. IIansen, Builder 6819 Seard Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota by: Gerald L. Baber by: Robert Watson by: Ri.chard J. Noonan by: Howard Parker by: R. Thieling by: Edgar Hots er by; Jerry R. Freeman by; David T. Thomsen by: Harvey Ansel by; Raymond I. Holsten by: George Cook by• Robert Burger by: B, S. Derauf, Sr by; Thomas Obert by: Donald Hadd by; Harlan J. Hanson NEW RENEWAL ' NEW NEW NEW RENEWAL RENEWAL NESJ �w NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW 1 C The Harrison Company 2612 Sheridan Place Bloomington, Minnesota Johnson, Anderson & Bergman, Inc. 748 West Idaho Avenue St. Pau1, MinnesoCa Russ .7ohnson Builders 5917 Riaode I51and Avenue No. , Minneapolis, 28, Minnesota Andrew Krutzig Builder 4231 North Lilac Drive Minneapolis, Minnesota � � Kuuhitz Construction Company 5308 Humboldh�Ayenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota Adolph G. Larsen &'Sons, Inc. 5501 Knox Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota Lo�fel Engstrand Company 612 - 11th Avenue South Hopkins, Minnesota Edward H. Lowe, Jr. 705 - 49th Avenue N, E. Columbia Heights 21, Minnesota Earl C. Malm, Contractor 1007 West County Road B2 St. Paul 13, Minnesota G. L. Mi11er Company 4237 West 25th Street ,NU.nneapolis, Minnesota The Nelson Company 7809 Bass Lake Road Minneapolis, Minnesota Jim 0'Brien Company 12773 Lincoln St, N.E. Anoka, Minnesota Rand Builders 5241 - 6th St. N.E. Columbia Heights, MLnnesota Wesley S. Robertson 1406 Lincoln Terrace Minneapolis 21, Minnesota Ron Jen Suilders 8516 Xerxes Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota Donald H. Schwargz 7225 - 2nd_Avenue-South Minneapolis 32, Minnesota Smith Lumber Company 1333 - Osborne Road Minneapolis 32, Minnesota United Divexsified Buildexs R.R. 2 Savage, Minnesota by� Rodney G. Harrison by: H. Bergman iay; Russell L, Johnson by; Andrew Krutzig by: Oscar Knubitz by: George L. Larson by: Roger L. Coffman by: �dward H. Lowe, Jr by; Earl C. Malm by: Gerald L. Miller by: Gordon R Nelson by: Jim 0'Brien i�y, Ivan Destaler by; Wesley S. Robertson by; Ronald Sohnson by: Donald 5ch'war�z by• LeRoy B. Smith by: William E. Dusterhoft NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW �EW �� �� H�ATINC LICENSE Olson Sheet Meta1 Works 1627 South Sth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota MASONRY �dward Eismanis Construction Co. 1623 West 32nd Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Uy: Robert C. Olson Clifford E. Olsen by: Edward Eismanis Midstates E. L. P. Construction, Inc, 6719 - 44th Avenue North Minneapolis 28, Minnesota by: Roy W, Tompkins PLASTERING C. T, Eliason Painting & Dec., Inc. 4356 Nicoller Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota W. M, Munson P].astering Company 1110 Irving Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota W. E. Nelson Stucco, Inc 1025 West Broadway Minneapolis 11, Minnesota PLUMBING Bob's Plumbing & FIeating Co. 16125 - 14th Avenue North Wayzata, Minnestoa FIedman Plumbing & Heating Co. 404 South Snelling Avenue St Paul, Minnesota Maplewood Plumbing Service 1909 Clarence Street St. Paul 9, Minnesota Moote Plumbing & Heating Co. 1048 Osborne Road V.E. Firdley 32, Minnesota Peoples Plumbing & Heating Co. 1148 Arcade Street St, paul, Minnesota by: Richard Ahl by; W. M. Munson by: B, B. Nelson by; Robert Kreatz by; Donald E. Becker by: Richard Eldridge by: Marvin Moore by: Joseph Ikhaul R& J Plumbing & Heating Setvice, Inc. 105 Stillwater Road Stillwater� Minnesota by: Ronald Jackson ROOFING LICENSES Thomas Finn Company 370 Dayton Avenue St paul, Minnesota by; R. E. Waish Milton Johnson Roofing & Sheet Meta1 Co, 2513 Central Avenue N, E. Minneapolis, Minnesota by; Milton L. Sohnson SIGN CRECTION Dahlen Sign Company 7947 I.yndale Avenue South Bloomington, Minnesota by: Richard A. Dahlen NEW renewal � neW new new renewal new new new renewal new new ����7 new new � � � � 6IGARETTE Gary's 5he11 Service 6101 University A�enue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Ron�s Standard 6490 University Avenue N.E, Fridley, Minnesota 55421 SERVICE STAZ'ION Ernie's Standard 8100 East River Road Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Gary"s She11 Service 6101 University Avenue N,E Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Ron's Standard 6490 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 by• Gary Longerbone 6D00 2'� Street N E• Fridley, Minnesota 55421 by: Roland H. Cox Menomonie, Wisconsin by: Ernese A. Block 71 Rice Creek Way Fridley, Minnesota by• Gary LongerUone 6000 2z Street N.E. Fridley, Minn. by; Roland H. Cox Menomonie Wisconsin 7 l. RENEWAL AND TRANSFER RENEWAL RENEWAZ RENEWAL AND TRANSFER NEW Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PETITTON Ni}MBER 16-1965: Motion by Wright to recieve Petition �k16-1965 and refer it to the Administration for processing. Seconded by KZrkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOI,UTION NO 113-1965 - ORDERING PRELIMINARY REPDRT, PLANS, AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SAN2TARY SEWEI2 MAINS IN SYLVAN HILLS: Motion by Kirkham to adopt Resolution 4�113-1965 Seconded by Wright Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously RESOLUTION N0. 114-1965 - RECEIVING PRELIMINARY REPORT, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SANITARY S�WER MAINS IN SYLVAN HIZLS: Mi. Comstock presented a preliminary report Co the Council for the construction of new sanitary sewer mains in Sylvan Hi11s, Blocks 1 and 2 Councilman Thompson asked Mr. Comstock whether he is reasonably suie construction of these sewer mains will eliminate the problem. Mr. Comstock answered, "Yes". Councilman Thompson asked Mr. Comstock whether construction of the mains will eliminate the problem under all circumstances. Mr. Comstock answered that he had one reservation conceining the possible flooding of the line on 61st Avenue. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Comstock what are the implications of the construction of the various pz'oposed sewer mains. Mr. Gomstock answered that the main implication is � financing the construction of the main. Mr. Comstock stated any one of the proposed construction plans wili alleviate the problem and that he personally prefers P1an Number 4. Mr. Comstock stated that the estimated cost is �1,OQ0 00 per lot. He staeed further, that there is a question whether the laterals have been constructed too deep or whether the intercepter, as constructed is too shallow. Mr. Comstock stated that there is no question of the benefits to those property owners who have been flooded by the backup of sanitary sewers on their property, but that it is hard to demonstrate any benefits to those property owners who have not been affected by sanitary sewer back flooding Comstock stated that it is to the benefit of the City to have the interceptor no more than half full Mr. Comstock pointed out further that completion of any plan other than plan number one requires completion before construcEion of T. H. �{47 is fini�hed 72 Motion by Iiirkham to adopt Resolution No, 114-1965. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously RESOLUTIDN N0. 115-1965 - ORDERING FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER MAINS IN SYLVAN HILLS. BLOCKS 1 AND 2: Motion by Wright to order the final plans and specifications for construction of sanitaty mains in Sylvan Hills according to Plan 1. Seconded by Kirkham Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. OLUTION N0. 116-1965 - The City Attorney stated that the title of the advertisement for bids was suggested by Smiley � Associates as advertising for hids for construction of the Civic Center and for remodeling of City Hall. The City Attorney stated that the initial contract with Smiley & Associates called for plans for construction of a new City Hall He stated that he wishes the minutes to reflect the approval of construction plans and adoption of a resolution for constructlon of one City Hall and not two separate City Hall buildings Motion by Thompson to adopt Resolution No. 116-1965 approving the plans and specifications of Fridley City Hall and ordering advertisement to bid for same. Seconded by Kirkham. Motion by Wright to ammend Resolution No. 116-1965 as follows; (a) the Council table shall be constructed as shown on the preliminary plans of the architect, (b} double doors shall be installed in the basement wa11 to obtain ground floor access at grade level to the storage room ad�acent to the library, (c) the hallway at the protection services emergency entrance shall have fu11 length floor to ceiling glass along the north wa11 and provision for future access to the future roof deck, and (d) the plans and specifications shall provide for roughing-in plumbing services for future connection of kitchen equipment in the basement community room. Seconded by Kirkhaan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unani=' mously. Motion to adopt the amended resolution. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PROPOSAL FOA JOINT STORM SEWER STUDY - SPRING LAKE: � � The City Manager showed the Council copies of a letter from the Spring Lake Park City Council describing the proposed storm sewer project for Spring Lake. Mr. Comstock stated that the pro�ect is feasible insofar as the eleuation of the lake and storm sewer is concerned. He stated further that the letter from the Councilman of Spring Lake Park assumes that the three communities of Spring Lake Park, the City of Firdley and Mounds View will all drain storm sewer waters into Spring Lake. He stated that the assumption is not correct, Mou�dsView is not interested in draining storm sewer waters into Spring Lake and that Fridley will not do so either. Mr Comstock stated that questions exist what the bounds of the study shall be, and what determination shall be made of how costs of the pro�ect will be divided. Mr. Comstock state8 further that there are several alternate plans of const-ruction available and that construction of one storm sewer interceptor is presently under consideration by a public hearing. Playor Nee asked Mr. Comstock whether zt is to the advantage of the City of Fridley to use the storm sewer line draining District 24 B �r. Comstock answered that laterals could be built on Stinson Baulevard and Lakeside which could tie into the interceptor draining district 24 B and make use of the construction of an interceptor providing over£low drainage of Spring Lake. Motion by Wright authorizing and directing the City Manager to transmit copies of the Comstock & Davis letter to the City of Spring Lake Park and Mounds View concerning the proposed �oint sto� sewer drainage of Spring Lake. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. WAT�R CONTRACT, CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS: The City Manager presented copies of the letter he proposed to send to Mr. Corlett of the City of Minneapolis. Counc?lman Thompson asked whether it is proper for � 73 the City Manager to send the letter to the City oL Minneapolis, T1�e Mayor answered that it �s proper for him to do so Motlon by Thompson authorizing the City Manager to send a leteer to Mr. Corlett concern�ng drawing an agreement foi the purchase of water from Minneagolis. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice voCe, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PROPOSED PAY PZAN; � Motion by Kirkham to Manager�s Survey of Seconded by Thompson carried unanimously. 1 � concur with the Manager's recommendat�.ons and accept the salax9.e5 and t$e salary schedule presented to the Council Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT AND PAYROLL: Motion by Thompson to receive the Fire Department report and approve the payroll as presented to the Council. Seconded '6y Wrigh L Upon a voire vote, there being no nays, the motioa carried unanimously CONSIDERATION OF POLICY FOR FENCING BASEMENTS: RESOLUTION 117-1965: Mayor Nee stated that he believes the Council should consider what liability the City would incur by fencing basements and openstairwells. The City Manager stated that fencing some of the basements and open stalrwells might result in an inconvenience to pxoperty owners who would Uuild upon their property in a day or two following construction of the fence. Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution No. 117-1965 authorizing the City to enter into a contract with Fx�dley American Legion Post No 303 to fence off basements and open stairwells resulting from tornado disaster. (SSE THE JULY 19TH, 1965 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FOR AMNNIENDMENT) PUBLIC HEARING FOR S S. �k12; Motion by Wright to set the Public Hearing for Storm Sewer Project �R12 for Suly 12, 1965 at 8 P.M. to be held in the Riverwood School Upon a voice vote, thexe being no nays, the motion caxzied unanimously. RESOLIITION ND. 118-1965 -� AUTHORIZTNG AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOT5 1, 2, AND 3, BLOCK 5, OAK GROVE ADDITION: Motion by Thompson to approve Resolution No 118-1965 authorizing and directing the spliCting of special assessments of Lots 1, 2 and 3, B1ock 5, Oak Grove Addi2ion, Seconded by Wright. IInon a voice vote, there Ueing no nays, the motion carried unanimously ADJOURN;-MENT: Titere being no further business, Maqor Nee declared the Regular Council Meecing of Suly 6, 1965 ad�ourned at 2 A.M Respectfully submitted, ,'�'��rr+ ��..i ��� i Raymond E. Bade Secretary to the Council �f �� � �� �,iC l�vY`- � ��-�_� William J. Nee Mayor BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETING MINUTES -- JULY 7, 1965 The Board of Equalization meeeing was called to order by Mayor Nee at 7:45 P,M Present at the meeting ; Mayor Nee, Councilman Thompson and Kirkham Aosent; Sheridan Wright (arrived at 7:50 P.M.) Oi:hers Present; City Manager Wanger, City Assessox Hex'rmann, Mr Rirchberg of the City Assessor's Office, Chief Appraiser Schwartz and Chief Accountant Warner of the Anoka County AssessorTS Office 74 Present also were; Michael Kuzyk, 280 Rice Creek Blvd , Laurn Zeller 5641- 6th Street N. E„ John Harris 5621, 6th St. N.E., Herbert J. Bloom 5611-6th Street N.E., Robert Kretlow 7S85 Broad N. E., Robert F. Hollenbeck 571-79th Way N. E, Harold Markell 300 Hugo Street N.E., Sol Gunzburger 6205 Baker Avenue N.E., Stan W. Carlson 62I9 Baker Avenue N.E., and Russ Gillan 261-57th Place N. E. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Herrmann, City Assessor and Mr. Schwartz, Chief Appraiser of Anoka County to describe the pror_ess in valuing homes Mr Hetrmann stated that the size of the home, garage and extras such as driveways, porches, etc , figured in the faluation plus the area in which the structure is located Mr. Schwartz also stated that thxs Review of Valixation was £or homes constructed between May 1, 1964 and May 1, 1965. Mr. Stan W. Carlson, 6219 Baker Avenue N.E requested information on depreciation of homes. This was not discussed inasmuch as the Board of Equalization was not taking up questions of this nature at this time, Councilman Wright ariived at 7:50 P.M. Mr. Robert Kretlow, 7885 Broad N. E., and Mr. Robert Hollenbeck, 571-79th Way N.E., asked about depreciation on their flood damaged homes. a 3% depreciation had been given after structural damage had been allowed, as of May 1, 1965 Mr Hollenbeck and Mr, Kretlow felt that this was not enough inasmuch as their valuations were low on account of the water damage They also felt that the homes were not saleable and there was a psychological loss invo2ved. Councilman Thompson then asked Mr. Schwartz if there was a precedent to go on in valuing flood damaged homes. Mr. Schwartz e�cplained that the Council has the �urisdiction at this time for an ad�ustment. Mr. Thompson then stated that they should make a decision on determining a figure higher than the 3% inasmuch as the psychological loss cannot be evaluated, Mr. Herrmann then explained that although the additional 3% did not seem to be a large decrease, as an appraiser he had already taken into account the flooding possibility, He, therefore, had not valued there properties close to the river any higher than the properties near East Rzver Road as the flooding possibility in his value estimate balanced out the amenities of the inYluence of value of River property. It was suggested that a moderate increase across the board be allowed for all homes in the flood plain axea. The motion was made by Councilman Thompson to decrease the full and true value of the structure by 15% on structural property in the flood plain in place of the 3% tha� had been allowed This decrease would be effective for May 1, 1965 on1y. Motion seconded by Kirkham_ Motion carried unanimously. {6EE- THE COUNCIL ME�TING MINUTES OF SULY 19, 1965 FOR AMENDMENT). Mr. Sol Gunsburger, 6209 baker Avenue Northeast brought out the fact that his home has no� been depreciated as it should be It was explained that depreciation is allowed during the even numbered years when the new evaluation is completed and that no depreciation is given during the odd numbered years. Due to the disruption caused by the tornado, personal property records of business firms in Fzidley were not up to date and for that reason an extension of time was requested The Board of Equalization was recessed until Monday, July 19, 1965 at 7;30 P.M. at which time only persanal property reviews will be held. As there was no further business, the meeting of the Board of Equalization was ad�ourned at 9:1D P.M., July 7, 1965. Respectfully submitted, Eleanor Thoennes Acting Secretary to the Board ���� ` ?�--�- William . Nee Mayor 1 � �]