07/19/1965 - 00021979� � � I �� anyone present wishes to have the Assessor discuss the valuations of personal property with him, the Assessor would be willing to do so before the Council at this meeting There was no one present wishing to discuss the valuations with the Assessor. Mayor Nee asked Mr, Herrmann whether the tax rolls were completed for 1465. Mr. Herrmann answered that the rolls were eomplete except for several tornado damaged properties on which the Council granted an extension of time to the pxoperty owners Co complete their inventories Mayor Nee asked the County Assessor whether he wished to have the meeting continued until the remaining cases could be included in the tax rolls The County Assessor answered that the meeting could be ended tonight, and the remaining cases added as "omitted". Mayor Nee declared the Board of Equalization meeting of 1965 closed. Respectfully submitted: F�.%r 1J�ru�^r'� E"°�aEz- Rayfhond E. Bade Secretary to the Council f��1� � �p�.t'`-- l,� , .�.� William S. ee Mayor THE MINUTGS OF THE REGULAR COUNCTL MEETING OF 7ULY 19, 1965 The regular meeting of the Council of the City oi Fridley was called to order by Mayor Nee at 8:03 P.M. ROLL CALL� Members Present; Nee, Kirkham, Sheridan, Wright, Thompson Nlembers Absent; None APPROVAL OF MINCiTES - SPECIAL NfEETING - JUNE 14, 1965, REGULAR MEETING - JUNS 21, 1965, SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 19, 1965: Councilman Kirkham stated that he believes that presenting 4 pages of corrections, additions, and deletions to the Council as amendments to the minutes is in error of violation of parliamentary procedure, He stated that he does not believe the Council can substitute large portions of the minutes. He stated that he believes the Council can allow additions but not deletions or absolutechanges from the mLnutes. The Mayor answered that a question exists whether one version or the other is more correct. Councilman Kirkham stated that if the minutes could be adopted with the amendments as given in the original minutes this would be fim Councilman Wright stated that changes in the minutes should Ue made to increase the accuracy of the minuCes. Councilman Thompson stated that he was not present at the Special Meeting of 3une 14, but that he found nothing inconsistent in the correction of the minutes. The Mayor stated that for the benefit of the visitors present at the Council Meeting the minutes originally submitted attributed statements to the Mayor referring to certain actions as taking place by the Corps of Engineers, instead of having been carried out by the staff of the City. The Mayor stated that he did not check the recording of the minutes but asked the secretary to check, and these amendments are the results. The Mayor stated he believes the amendments to the minutes are correct. Councilman Kirkham stated that he believes that when whole paragraphs are deleted from the minutes, the minutes are not being clarified. He stated that whether these paragraphs are important is not the issue, but that deleting paragraphs removes them from use as a means of obtaining past information in the minutes Kirkham stated that he ob�ects to deleting paragraphs 3 and 6 from page 38 of the minutes of June 21, 1965 Councilman Wright stated that most of the changes involved clarifying the minutes to increase the accuracy of the statments. Mayor Nee stated that paragraph 3 is not correcC as it stands �� Motion hy Wright to adopt the minutes of the Special Council Meeting of July 14, 1965, the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of Ju1y 21, 1965 and the minutes of the Special Council Meeting of June 28, 1965 as amended on pages A through D. Seconded by Thompson Motion by Wright to amend the motion and reinsert paragraph 3 and paragraph 6 on page 38 of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of June 21, 1965. Seconded by Kzrkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion to adopt the minutes as amended. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimonsly. APPROVAL OP MIVUTES - AEGIILAR MEETING - JULY 6, 1965: Counc�lman Kirkham stated that a correction is necessary on page 18 in the minutes of the regular Council Meeting of Suly 6, 1965 in that the second to the motion by Wrxght is not given in the minute,c, nor do the minutes state that the motion was carried, Motion by Thompson to adopt the minutes of the regular Council meeting of July 6, 1965 as amended on page 18 to include in the motion to �idbpt Resolution No. 117- 1965, "Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously " Seconded by Kirkham IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETING OF JULY 7, 1965: Councilman Thompson stated that a motion in the fxrst full paragraph on the second page of the minutes of the board of Equalization Meeting is stated as b�ing a motion by Thompson, whereas, it should have been a motion by Kirkham, seconded by Thompson. Motion by Kirkham to amend the minutes of the Boaxd of Equalization Meeting of July 7, 1965, changing the name of the maker of the motion in the first fu11 paragraph on the second page from Councilman Thompson to Councilman Kirkham, and changing the second of the motion from Councilman Kirkham to Councilman Thompson. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously Motion by Thompson to adopt the minutes of the Board of Equalization-Meeting of 7uly 7, 1965 as amended. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, RESOLUTION N0. 95-1965 (RECONSIDERATION - TABLED 6/12/65, 7/6/65) (RESCINDING THE ORIGINAL RESOLUTION N0. 95-1965 AND SIIBSTITUTING THEREFORE A NEW RESOLUTION No, 95-1965): Councilman Wright stated that he wished to present a substitute resolution which would have the effect of rescinding the previous resolution under reconsideration by the Council. Councilman Kirlcham stated that before Councilman Wright introduced the new resolution he wished to have the City Manager present a report on the insurance companies. The City Manager stated that he has checked out the cases of one oE the insurance companies and finds that all the claims have been paid by the insuxance company, except two cases involving total loss of the houses and three involving damage to the houses. Councilman Thompson aske�3 whether all problems in which insurance companies were involved were handled in reasonably good order. The Mayor answered that the question assumes that the reason for which the resolution was passed is diff-erent from wthat it was when the Council orioinally wrote the resolution. Mayor Nee announced that Mr. Magnusson ared Mr. Richter from the office of the State Commisszoner of Insurance were present at the Counc�l meeting. He stated that the work of Mr. Magnusson and Mr. Richter has been of value to the people oi Fridley. The Mayor stated further that the City made an error in not sending Mr. Magnusson a draft of the first resolution passed by the Council and stated that Mr. Magnusson may not, as yet, have received a draft of the second resolution to be passed by the Council but the Council would foxtaard the draft of the resolution to him promptly when it is finally passed. Mr. Niagnusson stated that later he had received the first copy of the resolution He stated that more than 200 insurance companies were invalved in damage claims '- � , g� for disasters in the State of Minnesbt�. He said that the evaluation of the State Insurance Commission as to how these cases were resolved, brought the Insurance Commission to the conclusion that less than 6 of the insurance companies and perhaps as few as three appear not to have promulgated the settling of claims in the public interest. He stated that it is the intent of the Insurance Co�ission to initiate proper action against these insurance companies. Mayor Nee informed Mr. Manusson that the City appreciates the help which the Insurance Commission gave to the residents of the City of Fridley. He stated that people of Fridley were able to call the Statie Insurance Commissioner and � receive help from his office. Councilman Thompson stated that he has been in favor of this resolution for some time. He stated that the Council does not propose to harass and persecute the insurance companies. He stated that the insurance companie�s whose actions had been reported to the Council have been very obnoxious, that he believes that in one case Che insurance ad�uster contributed to the early death of the wLfe of one of the insureds. Councilman Thompson stated, further, that he believes the draft of the resolution which Councilman Wright would propose to the Council states correctly the case which the Council can make against these insurance companies. Councilman Wright read the draft of new Resolution No. 95-1965 Motion by Wright to substitute the new draft of Resolution No. 95-1965 for ihe draft reconsidered by the Council and adopt it as Resolution No. 95-1965. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. DELAY OF DEMOLITION - 525/527 - 56TH AVENUE N E- CASSERLY; Mr. Casserly was pres�nt at the Council Meeting He stated that he had �ust received some new construction bids concerning the repair oi his home. He stated that a notice of demolition had been attached to his home and that he believes the Hea1Ch Inspector and Building Inspector both examined and � condemned his home as being unsafe for occupancy. Mayor Nee stated that the insurance company and the insurance agent concerned in this case had been notified of the hearing and asked to attend. Mr. Casserly stated that the insurance agent informed him that they did not wish to attend the hearing before the Council since Chis might induce conflict. There was no one present r2presenting the insnrance company, nor was the insurance agent present Mayor Nee read a copy of the Building Inspectors report on the condition of the Casserly home. Mr. Casserly stated that the roof d�es not prevent rain w,aYer from damaging the floors of his hor.te and that the roof is uns,sfe to work upon in order to repair rt and prevent rain damage in the home. Mr. Casserly presented copies of bids from conCractors for repair and/or reconstruction of the home, to the Mayor The Mayor stated that these Uids include one from the R. H. Romens Construction Company in the amount of $6,000.00 to repair the home to its original condition, one bid in the amount of $16,750.00 from a reputable company licensed in the City of Fridley to reconstruct the home, another bid in the amount of $13,500.00, list�ng items in the home which require repair and/ or reconstruction, and a third bid in the amount of $16,628 00 by another construction firm also licensed in the City of Fridley Mayor Nee stated that the insurance company contends that the home could be repaired and placed in its oz�ginal condition for an amount between $6,000.00 and $6,500.00 Mr. Casserly stated that in his opinion Mr Romens was concerned only with the structural damages to the home, whereas, the other contractors were concerned with making � repairs which would comply with the City Building Code Mr. Richter of the State Insurance Commissioners office stated that he has been in tontact with Mr. Casserly concerning this case. He stated that he believes it would be woYithwhile for the Building Inspector to make anottet'examination of the home and that he would make another attempt to contact the insurance ad�uster He stated that when he had originally written to the insurance adjuster he had been informed that the insuranee ad�uster would inspect the home and attend the Council meeting the following Tuesday (July 6) to report on �is opinions concerning the home, Mr. Casserly stated that no ane from the insurance company showed up to either inspect the home or to discuss the �� condrtion with him. Mr. Magnusson stated that he wi11 check this case once more the following day. Mr Casserly stated that he had discussed this case a few times with Mr. Richter but that he did not wanL- to bother him unduly. Mr. Richter asked whether the ad�uster had called upon Mr Casserly in Fridley �� recently. Mr Casserly stated that he had called only concerning damage to personal property, Commissioner Magnusson stated that when his office receives a complaint concerning an insurance company, his office notifies the insurance company, and the insurance comgany generally answeres umnediately stating that they will contact the policy holder. Mr. Magnusson stated that the policy holder should keep in constant contact with the Insurance Commissioner and inform the Insixrance Commissioner whether the insurance company does indeed discuss the case further with the insured following through on their statement that they will do_so ' Councilman Wright stated that in cases coming to the knowledge of the Council the insurance company usually deals with a contractor specializing in insurance business who is paid by the insurance company to make estimat�� He states these contractors did not provide any time limit on completion of the work included in their bids, these contractors usually make a loW bid on the repair of the home, and these contractors are not licensed in Fridley. 53nce there is no time limit on completion of the work, the property owner is forced to Eind another contractor who can complete work in a reasonable time. He stated that other contractors, licensed in the City of Fridley, g�eralYy bid for work to be performed in conformance with t he City Code, The City Manager suggested that Mr. Casserly work with Mr. Richter for one more week in an attempt to settle the claim with the insurance company and notify the City Manager of his progress with the insurance company. Mayor Nee stated that notice was sent to the Aetna Insurance Company and to the insurance agent and both refused to be present at a hearing before the Council meeting. Motion by Wright to continue the hearing of delay of demoltion of the Casserly home at 525/527- 56th Avenue N. E. to the next regular Council meeting. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheri3an to refer the question of rezoning R-1 to C-1, the southeast �orner of Mississippi and Sth Street; to the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Seconded by Thompson Upon a voice vote, there Ueing no nays, the motion carried unanimously, SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE N0, 306 VACATING A PORTION OF JEFFERSON STREET; Mayor Nee ex�plained the purpose of the ordinance for the benefit of the audience. Motion by Kirkham to adopt the Ordinance No. 306 vacating a portion of Sefferson Street, to waive the second reading, and to publish same. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a roll call vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE REGULATING BILLBOARDS (TABLED 7/6/65 : � Councilman Kirkham stated that he wished to have better clarification in the oxdinance of the limit on the size of signs. He stated that the maximum size of signs is defined by the ordinance as 40 squate feet. Councilman Kirkham stated that he does not believe that a sZgn of 40 square feet in sxze could be seen early enough by persons traveling down the trunk highways in the City of � Fridley, since these signs would be set back from the easement of the trunk highway in addition to being along roads on �hich people travel at a higher rate of speed. C�uncilman Kirkham stated that he believes this ordinance would eliminate signs the size of the Jaycees billboard which is approximately 100 square feet. He stated that the ordinance also limits the height of the sign to 35 feet maximum and the minimum to 14 £eet, Councilman Tdright stated that those who have an interest in the regulation of signs by this ordinance were not represented at the Council meeting. He stated that he blieves copies of the proposed ordinance should be given to the people concerned and these people should be consulied before the Council passes the ordinance. � �3 Motion by Wright to refer copies of the ordinance to theChamber of Commerce and other interested businessmen"s organizations in the City of Fridley for their comment and table consideration of the ordinance to the first regular Council Meeting in September. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there U eing no nays, the motion caxxied unanimously. BOARD OF APPEALS MEETTNG MINUTES - JULY 14, 1965; REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM SECTION 45 23, CITY CODE OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 1963, BY WAIVER OF A SIDEYARD RE4UIREMENT FROM 10 FEET TO 6 FEET TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A FAMILY ROOM ON LOT 3_ SLOCK l. HIITBERG ADDITION. ANOKA COUNTY. MINNESOTA. SAME BEING 1326 SKYWOOD LANE T� SPRING LA.KE PARK. MINNE The City Manager read the minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting to the Council Motion by Sheridan to concur with the recommendation of the Board of Appeals, and grant the Building Permit and Variance to Daily Homes Inc., Uy waiver of a side �yard requirement from 10 feet to 6 feet to permit construction of a family xoom on Lot 3, Tilock 1, of Hutbetg Addition, the same being 1326 Skywood Lane Northeast. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 23. CITY CODE ION OF A SINGLE EAMILY MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY THOMAS L. AEYNOLDS MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA): WITH A LENGTH INCLUDING 10T 4. BLOCK 1. HUTBERG S �n'TA ITION The City Manager read the minutes af the Board of Appeals Meeting to the Council Motion by Sheridan to concur with the recommendation of the Soard of Appeals and grant the request of Mr. Thomas L. Reynolds fox a waiver of sideyard requirements � from 10 feet to 7 feet upon the house side of the lot, with a sideyard of 5 feet upon the garage side of the lot, to permit construction of a single family dwelling, sub�ect to the requirement of the Board ot Appeals t,hat a legal Certificate of Survey be presented to the City. Seconded by Wright. Upon a' voLCe vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. I I u BUII,DING BOARD MEETING MINUTES -.TULY 14. 1965: CONSIDERATION OF ADDING THE SABIIESON BUILDING TO KURT MANUFACTURING: Councilman Kirkham stated that Kurt Manufaeturing Company has one main building constructed out of concrete block, behind this building there is a quonset hut, then.,a third building also constructed of concrete block. Councilman Kirkham stated that t-he Kurt Manufacturing Company proposes to continue the construction of the concrete block wall from the main building to the next concxete U1ock building behind it and demolish the quonset building Councilman Klrkham stated that he believes this will improve the site Motion by Kirkham to concui' with the recommendation of the Building Board and apptove the building PermiY piovided the north wall of the l�uilding be painted in accordance with the existing building (if not painted, the existing building also be painted). Seconded by WrighC. Upon a voice vote, there Ueing no nays, the moCion carried unanimously. N OF CONSTRIICTION OF &URGER KING COMPANY RESTAURANT AT 6420 VENiTE NORTHEAST - APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY THE SURGER 1zING COMP, The City Manager stated that the Burger King Company proposed to locate its building near the National Tea Store building. He stated that the construction of the building had been considered by the Firdley Housing and Redevelopment Authority and that th e Authority adopted Resolution No. FHItA No. 1965-6. Councilman Wright stated that he believes the Council originally referred consideration of the construction of the National Tea Store Building to the Safety Committee and the construction of the Burger King Company Restaurant as we11 as the National Tea Store building should be referred to the Safety Committee, Councilman Kirkham stated that he could see no reason to refer the construction of these buildings to the Safety Committee He stated that Lhe plans of the �� National Tea Store are essentially the same as the original plans, that these original plans had Ueen approved by the Safety Committee at one time, that the parking lot entrances and exits of the National Tea Store and of the Surger King Restaurant are shown upon the plans of the National Tea Store and the Burger King Restaurant, that he Uelieves these plans meet or surpass the standard set up by the Safety Committee and he believes the Council should look at these plans and pass on them. He stated that he believes that construction of these buildings wi11 be a handsome addition to the City of Pridley. The plans show that the grounds would be well landscaped and the cost of construction is $65,000.00, Councilman Kirkham stated that he helieves the applicant will comply with any xecommendations the Safety Committee might make. Cotmcilman Wright stated that he wished to refer consideration of the plans to the Safety Committee. He stated that, �hereas, there was little reason to refer the plans to the Safety Committee if theplans were unchanged, the traffic pattern in the area is different now and the recoxtmiendation of the Safety Committee would be valuable to the Council and the City of Fridley, He stated that the recommendations which the Safety Committee makes are generally good and he believes the designers of the buildings will appreciate the recommendation made by the Safety Committee and not mind the few days additional delay. Motion by Wright to refer consideration of the Building Permit for the Burger IZing Company Restaurant and the reconstruction of the National Tea Store to the Safety Committee for recotmnendations. Seconded by Thompson Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously SEE THE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTLS OF AUGUST 2, 1965 FOR AMENDMENT), HOUSING AND RGDEVCLOPEI�PNT AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES -.TULY 1. 1965: Motion by Thompson to receive and file the minutes of the Housing and Aedevelopment Authority meeting of July 1, 1965. Seconded by Wright, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES - JULY 9, 1965: Motion by Thompson to receive and file the meeting minutes of the Housing and RedevelopmenL- Authority of July 9, 1965 Seconded by Wright. IIpon a voice vote, there heing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPME�IT AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES - JULY 14, 1965: Councilman Thomps6n stated that he did not find any specific recommendations made by the Pridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority concerning the Urban Renewal areas He stated that until the plans of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority have congealed to the point where they can make specific recommendations it is only necessary to receive andfile the plans of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority 1 � Motion by Thompson to receive and $le the minutes of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority meeting of Tuly 14, 1965. Seconded by Wright, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS: DESIGNWEIRE: SEWER CONNECTION Motion by Wright to receive the communication from Designware Industries regarding direct connection to the sanitary sewer system of the-North SuburUan Sanitary Sewer District and refer same to the administration for negotiat�on with the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District, to request the administration to inform the Council of the exact capacity required by Designware Industries, and the progrecs of the negotiations. Seconded by Kirkham. ilpon a voice vote, theze being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDL�R2,TION OF BUILDING PERMIT - GIFT HOUSE STAMPS: Ma Nymark, representative of Gift House Stamps, was present at the Council Meeting He stated that he discussed the Building Pexmit with the Fridley Housing ' � ' � 85 Redevelopment Authority and that as a result the Pridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority had passed Resolution No. FHItA 1965-6 He stated that he wished to go on record before the Council as oh�ecting to Resolution No. FHRA 1965-6, that he wished to continue his request for a Building Permit, that he contends this delay is haxmful to the inr�xests oi Gaft House Stamps, and'�e ob�ects to the d�1ay. SAWYER AND LPMPE: INSURANCE COMPANY CLAIMS Mayor Nee stated that he Lncluded this letter in the agenda for the inforuiation of the Council and it does not require any action, Motion by Kirkham to receive and file the communication from Sawyer and Lampe, regarding clalms against the Farmers Home Mutual Insurance Company. Seconded By Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously I30ARD OF HEALTH: REPORT NNE 1, 1965 - JiJLY 10, 1965 Motion by Sheridan to receive andr�file the r�port of the Board of Health. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, themotion carried unanimously. KNIGHTS OF COLIIMBUSc LOCKE PARIL Councllman Kirkham stated that he wished the administration to make it clear to the representative of the Knights of Columbus that the City does not reserve the use of the park to any one organization, buC that, whereas, the organization may use the park, the park is also open to others who may wish to use it at that time Motion by Thompson to receive the communication of the Knights of Columbas and grant approval of the request for the use of Locke Park. Seconded by Wright Ilpo� a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. UNITED DIVERSIFIED: 5519 - 4TH STREET NORTN�AST The City Manager explained that United Diversified Builders and Remodeiers request a Building Permit to repair to previous condition a home found to be subcode. Councilman Wright stated that he had visited the premises, that this is a white frame house which in his opinion appears to be subcode. Mayor Nee asked whether anyone present at the Council meeting is interested in the request of United DiversLfied Builders and Remodelers No one was present at the Council meeting interested in this matter. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Hillerns, tenants at 5519 - 4th Street Northeast, were present at the Council meeting. Mr. Hillerns asked the Counc�l if it is necessary for him to move out within another 13 days since there is an eviction notice on this properey requiring him to do so, Councilman Wright stated that the home was found to be unsafe in accordance with the existing code and that he could see no reason why the tenant should want to res�iain in the home Mr Hillerns asked whether he could be evicted. Councilman Wright answered, "Yes", he could be for reasons of health and safety. Mr Hillerns sCated that he Uelieves iC is necessary to make repairs to the roofing, to the ceiling, and to do some repaZnting on the structure, but that he does not believe any other repairs are necessary, Councilman Wright stated that since the Health Inspector was not present at the Council meeting to report concerning the condition of the home, the Council might continue consideration of the Building Permit in order to obtain the repoit of the Health Inspector and give the tenants more time to move to a new iesidence. Motion by Wright to table consideration of the request for a I3uilding Permit to make repairs on the home at 5519 - 4th Street Northeast to the next Regular Council meeting and extend the order of vacation of the premises to August 16, 1965. Seconded by Sheridan. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. GOVERNOR; PEDESTRIAN SAFETY AWARD; Motion by Kirkham to receive and file the letter from Governor Rolvaag Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. g s� BUILDING INSPECTIONc DANCEROUS BUILDING Motion by Kirkham to refer Lhe letter from the Building Inspectot concerning the condition of the Riedel home at 420 Mississippi Str�et Northeast to the administration for recommendation concerning procedures and the new State Statute the Council must follow to enforce the dangerons_ building ordinance of the City. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion cariied unanimously. BUILDING INSPECTION: LICENSE T4ayor Nee informed the Councll that there is a supporting statement from the ' Iowa Mutual Insurance Company to the effect that the insurance of the contractor in question has been cancelled, although it is required by the City Ordinances. He asked the City Attorney whether it is necessary to send notice to the contractor concerning the action of the Council, She City Attorney stated that the Council should suspend the license of the contractor, and provide him with notice of the suspenslon statyng the time and the day when he will be heard, and inform him that he may show cause why his license should not be revoked, Councilman Thompson asked whether the contractor is involved in much rebuilding in the City of Fridley. He stated that perhaps suspension of his license would work a hardship on many people, that this should be determined and the question of suspending his license ta6led until the next regular Council meeting. The Mayor answered that if the allegations of poor workmanship are true zt would be better to suspend his license for the protection of these people. Motion by Thompson to suspend the general contractor'S license of Campbell's �=1 Construction Company and set the date of the hearing, for the contractor to show cause why his license should not be revoked, for the next regular Council meeting. Seconded by Kirkham, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the caotion carried unanimously D.S. BELL INVESTMENT COMPANY: ESCROW: � The City Manager explained that escrora money was set aside for the purpose of- providing a walkway into the park locatedin-Melody Manor, He stated that the amount of the escrow money may not be sufficient to construct the sidewalk. He stated that perhaps the Council did not wish to build the walkway at this time since the park is undeveloped and located in an undeveloped, wooded area The Mayor asked whether it would be possible to obtain the difference in cost between the construction of the walkway and the escrow money from the sub- divider. The City Manager answered that it would. The City Manager stated further that the Federal Housing Administration was apparently satisfied with the work of- the developer and wished to have the escrow money deposited With the City in order to close its file on this case. He stated that the Federal Housing Administration would permit the City to build the walkway at the City's convenience as stated in the letter, Motion by Thompson to- direct the City Manager to reply to the Be11 Investment Companq accepting the escrow money contingent upon an arrangement with the' developer to furnish the difference in cost between the construction of the walkway and the amount of the escrow. Seconded by Kirkham. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously ROSEVILLE VILLAGE: S, S. LEGISLATION Motion by Thompson to receive and file the communication from the Village of � Roseville concerning proposed storm sewarlegislation and refer it to the City Attorney for recommendations in terms of a whole future legislative program for the municpalities. Seconded by Wright, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STRE�T PROJECT ST. 1965-1 - RESOLUTION t'kZ19-1965: Mr, and Mrs. Walter McGaughey were present at the Council meeting Mrs. McGaughey stated that she and het husband are property owners living at 701 Helene Place in the City oE Fridley. She stated that along with three otfier property oc�mers 8�7 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Felix, and Mr and Mrs. Sames Lehn, she wished to ask the Council to install storm drainage, street paving, concrete curb and gutter along Quincy StreeL, between Helene Place and 58th Avenue Northeast. She stated that there is at the present time a drain tile line in the area draining the footings of the homes and this drain tile runs under the street to a drain field in a sandy area, whereas the area where the houses are located is clay The City Engineer stated that he is familiar with this area, that the road is in bad condition and springs are undermining the road, Mr. McGaughey stated thaL- there are no springs in the area, but that the tile is broken under the street and the drainage � water is undermining the street making it look as though there is a spring under the road, Mr. McGaughey stated that he does not believe that the water tile construction is recorded with the City. Councilman Wright asked the City Engineer whether rt is too late to design this improvement and add it to the present contract. The City Engineer answered, ^No " Councilman Sheridan asked the City Engineer whether the road could Ue Uuilt without compacting the road bed. The City Engineer replied that the road bed is sand and does not require compaction. The Finance Director stated that the plat produces an odd situtation in that the blocks are not rectangular and it is difficult to say oFf hand how the property along the street should be assessed. He stated that there are two methods by which it might be assessed for the cost of the improvement, one method being to add the short section to the improvement of the rest of the street and charge it to the people in the entire area, and the other method to spread the assessment over the half block in each direction of this short piece of the street. The City Attorney stated that adding �his improvement to the pro�ect would add to the cost of the pro�ect and bonding requires that a hearing be held concerning the feasibility of the pro�ect and the amount oF the cost added to the project. He stated it would affect the bond issue if such a hearing were not carried out. Mr. McGaughey asked whether the assessment woui�3 include the cost of repai'ting the present drainage system Councilman Wright ' answered that there would be no special assessments for work on the drainage tile system Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution No. 119-1965 and direct the administraLion to prepare this resolution otdering a feasibility report on the improvement es requested hy the propertyowners, to set the date for a puUlic hearing on the improvement for August 16, 1965, to publish same and direct the administration to present recommendatioc�s to the Council how the improvement could be added to Street Pro�ect 1965-1 under the present contract Seconded by Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there being ao nays, the moL-ion carried unanimously. Motion by Wright to instruct the ��drn3nistration to proceed to negotiate for the addition to the contract of this improvement, the agreement L-o become effective following the hearing on AugusL- 16, 1965. Seconded by Sheridan IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously DRAINAGE - RICE CREEK TERRACE: Mrs. Hammerlund was present�at the Council meeting She stated that the area in the vicinity of her home becomes flooded every time it rains She stated that she has complained about this several times to the City and that following the last complaint the City Engineer came to her property and looked at the situtation for the first time. She stated that the water from Madison Street and Monroe Street drains into the natural basin in the vicinity of her � home, that there is a catch basin in this area to pick up the water, but that the catch basin itself was undermined by the waL-er and one of the property owners, a A4rs. Erke1, fe11 into this undermined catch basin the night oE the tornado. She stated that a great deal of sand washes down into this low area and over the lawns-of the property owners. Mrs. Hammerlund stated that she discussed� the situation with Mr. Egan, a State Highway engineer, who said that the water is draining into a box culvert and the design is very bad engineering. Mr Egan stated, she said, that a storm sewer system is needed above and below this area to prevent flooding and washing of sand into the area. Mrs, Ha�nerlund stated further that water runs down 68th Avenue from University Avenue into this area. � �' Councilman Wright asked the City Engineer whether it is possible to enlarge the existing catch basin and pLpe in the driveway in this vicinity and resolve the problem in this manner. The City Engineer replied that the entire system needs improvement and this would not be sufficient to solve the problem Mrs.Carlson stated that her back yard is covered by sand washed into the area. Mrs. Hammerlund stated that there were other people present at the Council meeting concerning this drainage problem. She mentioned Mrs. George H. W^llin, a resident at 569 Rice Creek Terra ce Councilman Thompson asked whether the storm sewer in the area was put in by the developer rather than by the City The City Attomey answered that it � was. Councilman Thompson asked whether it is practical for the City to order a feasibility study without a hearing, then hold a hearing on the preliminary report of the study by the City Engineer and follow through on construction of the improvement step Uy step. The Mayor answered, "Yes". Councilman Wright suggested to the City Engineer that the problem could be referred to the Consutling Engineer if it covers an area of more than four blocks, and the City Engineer is to busy to handle the problem at this ti� . Mrs. Hamznerlund asked how the cost of the improvement would be assessed. Councilman Sheridan informed Mrs. Hanrnerlund that the cost would be assessed over the drainage district in the area. Motion by Kirkham to direct the City Engineer to develop a feasibility study for the drainage problem in the 500 block of Rice Creek Terrace and report to the Council. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motxon carried unanimously. WALTER ECK: RESCINDING OF STOP ORDER: Mr, Virgil Herrick was pxesent at the Council meeting representing Walter Eck. He stated that Mr. Eck requests the Council to rescind the stop order for repairs to Fridley Center. He stated that the Building Permit was taken out, ariginal'ly, to repair the interi.or and rent it to Community Credit Corporation. He stated that the remautin� construction is for the most part interior repairs to the building, involving heating, air conditioning, plumbing, and the installation of paneling in the interior of the building. Mr, Herrick � stated that he discussed the matter with the City Manager, the City Attorney, and the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority. The Mayor asked what is the cost of the remaining repairs on Mr. Eck's property. Mr. Herrick answered that estimated figures put the cost at $47,000.00 to put the property into rentable condition, Councilman Sheridan asked whether tttis is the cost of the remaining repairs on all of the shopping center or only for the Community Credit Corporation, Mr. Herrick answered that this is the m�t of repairs to all of Pridley Shopping Center, but most of the work will be done in the future office of the Community Credit Corporation. Councilman Wright asked Mr Herrick when he appeared before the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority Mr. Herrick answered that he appeared before the Fridley IIousing and Redevelopment Authority on July 14, and that the Authority recommande3 that the que�tion ot work on the �nterior oF the Uuilding be referred to the City Council. Mayor Nee stated that the question was not referred to the Authority fo�tmally to begin with. Councilman Thompson asked Mr. Herricic wether construction of the office leased to Community Credit Corporation eaas planned before the tornado Mr Ewing was present at the Council meeting, representing Community Credit Corporation. He stated that Community Credit Corporation has a license application filed with the State Department of Commerce for the operation of their business in the City of Fridley, He stated that he did not know what , the condition of the license application is at this time. Council�nan Thompson asked Mr. Herrick whether the work outlined is restoring and improving the condition of the building beyond the original conditi,on. Mr. Ilerrick answered that essentially the work is restoring the building to its original condition with some changes which were negotiated with Community Credit Corporation, but which could not be completed in the past because of the tornado. Mayor Nee stated that an error had been made in the City Administration when the permit was issued. He stated that he believes that Mr. Eck proceeded in good faith on the basis of the Building Permxt which he received and the interpretation the Building Inspector made of the Building Permit. Councilman Thompson stated that whereas the City has issued a Building Permit and Mr. Eck relied on it in good faith, he believes the City has an obligation 89 to grant the request of Mr. Eck and allow him to complete repairs of the building Councilman Wright stated that he believes the Community Credit Corporation wi11 be an asset to business in the City of Fridley and the completed office building wi11 be a welcome addition to the City of Fridley. Mr Herrick stated that he had one more request to make from the Council, namely, that Mr. Eck be allowed to complete construction of a sign advertising the location of the Communitq Credit Co�poration. He was informed that it would Ue okay £or Mx. Eck to complete construction of the sign. Motion by Sheridan to grant the request oL Mr. Walter Eck to rescind the stop ' order preventing construction and repairs to his building, the same being the Fridley Shopping Center, and permit completion in accordance with the City Build�ng Godes. Seconded hy Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, t'here being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BIIILDING PERMIT: ART CHItISTENSEN; Mr. Herrick stated that he is representing Art Christenson. Mr, Christensen requests the Council to grant a Building Permit for the repair of his property to rts original condition. Mr. Herrick stated ehat there are strong moral and 1ega1 arguments for granting the Building Permie. Mr. Heirick stated that Art Christensen is deprived of income from this property as a result of the delay by the Council to grant this permit. He stated that whereas Mr Christensen is aware that his proprrty is under consideration for urban renewal he does not belia-.e that unfortunate property owners damaged by the storm should suffer loss of income by not being allowed to restore their properties, so the City can �.���1j.fy for urban renewal funds He stated that if urban renewal would benefit the coimnunity and since it is a community pro�ect, the community ought to heax the cost of the loss of income and not require unfortunate property owners to subsidize the pro�ect. Mr. I-Ierrick stated further that cases at Bar substantiate this position within the State of Minnesota and outside the State of Minnesota. Mc. Herrick said that Art Christensen hopes some arrangemenr can be made whereUy a Building permit could be delive'red to him. He stated that glass for the fronl of the building has been cut and delivered and is awating installation. � Councilman Sheridan asked Mr. Herrick whether there are any amended figures oF Che cost of repa7.rs to the structure. RoUert Christensen was present at the Council meeting and sCated that he believes the cost of repairs to be in the neighborhood of $40,000.00. Mayor Nee asked Robert Christensen who is the contractor zepairing the building. Mr Christensen answered that the con- Cractors are Stuart Construction Company and D. W, Harstad Company. The Mayor asked Mr. Christensen whether plans for construction are on file with the City. Mr. Herrick answered that the plans are not on file since no building Permit has been granted other than a permit to perform termporary repairs upon the structure. Councilman Kirkham asked Mr Herrick whether the original request for a Building Permit was to restore the building to its original condition, Mr. Herrick answered, "Yes," and stated that it was necessary to enclose the structure in order to keep rain out of the structure Councilman Kirkham stated that in cases where requests for Building Permits were made to restore the structure to the original, the Council has 110C been asking the property owners to present plans L-or reconstruction. Councilman Wright stated that where the cost of repairs exceed 50°(, of the fu11 and true value of the building, zoning ordinances require that a (non-conforming) building be demolished and re-built in conformance with the code, He stated that the full and true value of the building is about $37,000.00, whereas, the cost of repairs is more than $40,000.00, and since � this exceeds the limit the building must be demolished and reconstruction must comply with the City Code. He stated that it will be necessary for the Building Inspector, the Fire Inspector, the Health Inspector, Lhe Plumbing Inspector, and the Electrical Inspector to examine the building and report whether construction was proceeding in compliance with the code and whether plans for construction comply with the code, He stated that it might be possible for the Council to speed up processing of the application if the owner comp51�s with these stipulations. Councilman Wright stated further that he did not believe that standards for commercial structures should be waived in order to permit the rebuilding of the structure. Mayor Nee stated that this is no different than the manner in which the Council is treating the application for a permit to restore the National Tea Store. �o Councilman Kirkham stated that the market value of this building is $107,000.00 and that repairs of the building which were originally estimated at $50,000.00 has been reduced to $40,OOO,DO He stated that repairs of $40,000.00 are less than 50% of the fu11 cost of the building. Councilm�n Wright as��d whether the value which governs here is the market value or the fu11 and true value, Mayor Nee stated that other buildings have been demolished and rebuilt to comply with the City Code and he sees no reason why the same should not be considered for this building. Mr. Herrick stated that the property owner is willing to repair the building � in compliance with all existing codes. He stated, further, that this reason was never given to the property owner when he applied for a Building Permit or when i�e recerved a stop order for construction of the building. Mr. Herrick asked whether it is the postion of the Council that repairs to the building are more than 50% of the value of the building. He stated tta t a determination should be made whether the cost of repairs are more than 50% of the value of the building and that the owner could bring action to show cause why a Building Permit should not be granted to him to restore the building to its original condition and ask the court to determine whether the cost of repairs is more than 50% of the market value of the building, Councilman Wright stated that the City should ascertain whether the new and old part of the construction complies with the City Code and should require that Uoth new and old construction meet the City Codes. Mr, Herrick answered that the City could do so and the court could review the action of the City, Councilman Wright stated that the Cxty could appraise the building and determine its actual value. Mr. Herrick answered that these facts should be determined and if this is the position of the City, he would request the City to act with a11 possible haste to perform this investigation because Mr. Christenson needs the income from this property. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Herrick whether he would authorize the D, W. Harstad Construction Company and any other contractors to convey to the City an � estunate of the cost of repairs to the structure, Mr, Herrick answered that he is not authorized to do this, but that he would suggest to Mr. Christensen that he do so if it would expedite obtaining the Building Permit. The Mayor stated that the city will want estimates from contracts based upon plans which could be reviewed by the inspectors to determine �hat needs to be done to bring the huilding into compliance with the City Code, and appraisals of the building. Mr. Herrick stated that he wished the record to show that Art Christensen requests a Building Permrt to restore the property to its ori- ginal condition The City Attorney stated that the Council needs to give attention to this request and plan the studies with a definite date of completion so that Mr. Herrick and Mr. Christensen could plan their own actions accordingly Mr. Herrick stated that he hopes these determinations could be completed within two weeks. Motion by Wright to receive the request of Art Christensen for a Building Pei�mit to restore his building Permit to resto�e his building to original con- dition and to rescind the stop order placed upon the building, to table this request until the next regular Council meeting, to direct the Administration to obL-ain estimates of the cost of reconstruction of the building, to review in detail the plans For reconstruction of the building to determine whether the plans comply with all applicable ordinances and codes and to obtain an independent appraisaZ of the value of the building pripr to the tornado � Councilman Thompson stated that he would second this motion for discussion. Councilman Thompson stated that only one estimate or appraisal made of a building is insufflcient and experience has shown that appraisals vary. He stated that he belzeves there is enough at stake in this question for the City to hire three appraisals. Mr. Herrick stated that he believes that this is a reasonable consideration. Councilman Wright stated that he believes the City should have more than one estimate to reconstruct the building in conformity with the code, Motion by Thompson to amend the mot�on to require three outside appraisals of the value of the building before the tornado damaged the building. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there Ueing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. , � � i. Moeion by Wright that the City require at least two estimates of the cost of reconstructing the building and that the estimates also be available for the next regular Council Meeting. Seconded by Thompson Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Herrick asked whether Mr, Christenson should oUtain more than one Uid for the cost of reconstruction of the building. The Mayor answered L-hat the City wi11 do it. Mr. Herrick stated that he does not see the benefit to Mr, Christenson if the City obtains bids for the cost oi reconstruction. Councilman Wright stated that the City is most concerned with discrepancies in the construction with codes and ordinances of the City Councilman Thompson stated that he believes it would be difficule for the Administration to complete the investigation of the plans, of the condition of the structure, obtain the estimates, and obtain appraisals Uefore the next CouncLl meeting. Mr. Herrick stated that Mr. Christensen would do every- thing possiUle to help the City obtain the necessary information. Councilman Sheridan stated that people present at the Council Meeting would have the impression, and the record would so indiciate, from the conversation that the original permit for temporary repair that was granted by the Council was only done ti11 Such time as the determinations discussed here are made He stated that this was not the case, but that at the time the Council was considering, with the aid of the Federal Goveznment, a redevelopment Pro�ect in this general area any delay taken here to grant Mr. Christensen's parmit for rebuilding was not done because of consideration to bring his building to the present code as necessary but it was done primarily because a determination was being made that there would be a Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Mr. Herrick stated that the reason fox the delay does not make any difference to Mr. Christensen, Councilman Sheridan stated that the fact remains that Mr. Christensen has not been able to restore his building and that's what disturbs the Council. Motion to table. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, BUILDING PERMIT AND VARIANCE: OVERBY Mr. Overby was present at the Council meeting, He presented his request for a side yard varaiance from 5 feet to 4 feet to permit construceion of an attached garage. He included in his request a letter from his neighbor, William P. Crider, saying that Mr, Crider agrees with the request of Mr. Overby for a variance. Motion by Wright to grant a waiver of the side yard requirement from 5 Feet to 4 feet to permit construction of an attached garage upon the property oL Mr Overby at 6051 - 6th Street Northeast and grant has request for a Building Permit Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carzied unanimously. BUILDING PERMIT AND VARIANCE: BONIN: Examination of the request of Howard .T. Bonin for a variance of the Front yard setback from 35 feet to 33 feet to allow an extension of the garage tmo feet beyond the front of the house revealed that the neighUor on the garage side of Mr. Bonin, Glenn E. Kinney of 6010 - Sth Street NorLheast, is in agreement with Mr. Bonin's request for a variance. Motion by Wzight to grant the xequest of Howaxd bonin for a Building Permit � to rebuild his home and grant a waiver of the front yard setback requirement from 35 feet to 33 feet to permit a two foot extension of his garage Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BUILDING PERMIT AND VARIANCE - 5916 6TH STREET NORTHEAST - GRITTi; Mr. Gritti was present at the Council meeting and stated that before the tornado he owned a detached garage bu11t upon a concrete slab 1ocaLed on his propertq. He stated that the tornado destroyed the detached garage and left the concrete slab intact. He stated that the location of the detached garage is three feet from the neighbors property line as required by code p}us or minus 6 inches. Ae stated that there is no current, accurate� survey of the property, and that some one removed the stakes from the property. �� ;� he stated that his garage is under construction and three walls of it are built, hut that he did not ask for a variance because he does not believe that any is required. He said his garage is locaeed three feet from the property line as required by Code, Mr. T. L. Cobb, a neighbor of Mr. Gritti living at 5908 6th Street Northeast, was present at the Council meeting He stated that he ob�ected to the construction of Mr. Grit1�!s garage since the property line between Mr Gritti and Mr. Cobb is not determined and he stated that an argument exists between himself and Mr. Gritti�s family concerning whether or not the children are on the property of one or the other. He stated that he plans to build a fence in order to resolve his part of the argument, but that he wants to make sure he is building this fence upon � his own property so that it does not become theproperty 6f his neighbor. Mr. Cobb stated that he has estimates of the cost of a survey of the property line, but he finds that the cost is too high. He stated that he believes that Mr. Gritti should pay for the cost of survey since Mr. Gritti is rebuilding his garage. Mr, Gritti stated that it is agreeable to him to have Mr. Cobb extend the fence over his property line and attach it to his garage ii Mr, Cobb wishes to do so, He stated that he would not take possession of the fence if Mr. Cobb built one, nor would he ob�ect to Mr. Cobb building the fence on his property. Mr. Cobb answered that, whereas, this might be all right with Mr. Gritti the next property owner might ob�ect to the locat7on of the fence upon his property attached to his garage. Mr. CobU stated that he believes he has a 75 foot wide lot and that he wants to insure thathe has the use of 75 full feet of property. Councilman Sheridan asked Mr. Cobb and Mr. Gritti if when the property line is actually determined and it is found that the garage is ttao andl6ne haIf feet from the property line would Mr. Cobb agree to let the garag8 stand two and one half feet from the property line or would he insist that Mr, Gritti move it 6 inches in order to comply exactly with the City Code. Mr. Cobb stated that he believes Mr. Gritti knew that he opposed re6uilding the garage. Mr Grit-ti stated that he does not believe that 6 inches is very important and that he does not feel that he needs a survey. He said that he will try to find out from the contractor who originally built the garage what is the distance_ of the garage slab from the property line. Mayor Nee asked Mr.Cobb � whether he kno*as certainly that Mr Gitti's garage is located too closern the property line Mr. Cobb stated that he does not know but that he will find out Councilman Wright stated that, whereas, the Council has granted waivers where the neighbors do not complain allowing reconstruction of tornado damaged property, and, whereas, Mr. Cobb does object to the location of the garage but his ob�ection is actual7.y with the survey of the property, and whereas Mr. Gi�ttie is willing to settle the dispute and locate his garage in good faith upon his property, he moves that the Council grant the request of Mr. Gritti for a waiver of the side yard requirements from 3 feet to 2 feet 6 inches to permit construction of the detached garage and grant him a Building Permit for construction of the detached garage upon his property at 5916 6 th Street Northeast. Seconded by Thompson, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously Mr. Cobb asked the Council wh�ther this action precluded him filing any complaint upon the construction of the garage of Mr. Gritti. Councilman Wright replied that Mr. Cobb could file a complaint on any matter at any time he wished. Mr. Cobb stated that he wished to file a formal complaint against the construction of the garage by Mr. Gritti, and that he does not caish to see the matter dropped. BUILDING PERMITS -359 57TH PLACE AND 349/353- 57TH PLAC� - WEIGEL (URBAN RENEWAL AREA): Mr and Mrs. Leonard Weigel and their attorney, Mr Robert Guzy, were present , aL the Council meeting. Mr. Guzy stated that the request of Mr. and Mrs. Weigel for a Building Permit had beem m�sidered by the Fridley Housing and Kede- velopment Authority and upon consideration the Authority passed Resolution No. FHItA 1965-7. He stated that this request is to rebuild tornado damaged property, namely a double bungalow, one half of which is the former residence of the Weigel's and an 8 plex apartment which the Weigel's rented out before the tornado He stated that the 8 plex and the double bun�alow sustained sub- stantial damage due to the tornado and both units are now vacant. He stated that the Weigels found other quarters in the City of Fridley and are still living in the City. Mr Guzy stated further that a Building Permit had been refused because the area was contemplated for inclusion in the Urban Renewal Project, Mr. Guzy stated that the income from the apartment and the duplex 93 amounts to $1,125.00 per month, Mr. Guzy stated Chat there is a mortgage of $53,000 00 on the property with payments amounting to $643 DO per month Mr. Guzy stated that one payment on the mortgage is pending and that the Weigels need action now in order to obtain rental income from the property Mr Guzy stated that the Weigels do not know whether they should restore the property oz whether they should take other action, but that they prefer to ask the Council to grant a Building Pemt�t for reconstruction of the property Mr. Guzy stated that the City Attorney advised the Tridley Housing and Re- development Authority that they do not have the authority to grant a Building Permit but the council has the authority. Mr Guzy stated that the Weigels � suffered conslderably from the loss of their pmp�tty and from delay of the Building permit. He stated that the loss is $1,125.00 per month Mr. Guzy stated furthex, that following the tornado, Mr. Weigel went into a state of shock and it�was necessary to hospitalize him for a period of time to restore his health. Mr Guzy said that pending a definite solution by the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority concerning the disposition oi the property he is asking the Council to grant this Building Permit He stated that t_here are few people who could afford a loss of this size and that if the loss must be borne he feels theCity should absorb the loss since Urban Renewal is to the benefit of the entire City and not only the Weigels. Councilman Wright asked Mr. Guzy whether the building structures are in compliance with the City Code, Mr. Guzy answered that the older building has been brought into complete compliance with Che Building Code and the newer building is in complete compliance with the Building Code. He stated thaL- the duplex is two years old and the 8 plex is 6 yeais old. Cauncilman Thompson asked Mr. Weigel whether the Fridley Housing and Aedevelppment Authority claims thete is more than 50% damage to the propa ty Mr Guzy Answered, ^Yes." Councilman Thompson asked whether the Building Inspector said the stxucture of the building was subcode Mr. Guzy answered, "No.^ He stated that if there are any changes in the code, the changes will be complied with in the reomistruction of the building. He stated that the Building Inspector has mentioned no violation of the Code � Motion by Kirkham to grant the request of Leonard Weigel for a Buildiug Permit to reconstruct his property at 359�th Place and 349/353 - 57th Place to the - condition it was in before the tornado The moL-ion failed for lack oP a second. Mayox Nee declared a recess. The Council recessed and reconvened. Motion by Wright to table to the Council meeting of August 2,1965 or to a special council meeting held before the regular Council meeting of August 2, 1965, consideration of the request by Leonard Weigel for a Building Permit to reconstruct his property at 359 -57th P1ace and 349/353- 57th Place Seconded by Thompson. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BUILDTNG PERMIT AND VARIANCE - 6767 7th NORTH�AST - TIIUIR�R: Motion by Kirkham to approve the request of John Thuirer for a Building Perm7�t and Variance of a side yard requirement from 5 feet to 3 feet to permit con- struction of an attached garage upon his property at 6767 - 7th Street Northeast Seconded by Thompson, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BUII.DING PEKMIT - 339 57TH PLACE NORTHEAST - MILLER (URBAN RENEWAL AREA): � The City Manager stated Chat this property is located in the Urban Renewal area. He suggested that the matter be referred to the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Motion by Wxight to refer to the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority the request of Mr Mi11er for a Ruilding Permit Por repairs to his house at 339 57th Place Northeast. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BUILDiNG PERMIT - 6225 T. FI. ��65 - SALITERMAN: Motion by Kirkham Co grant the request of Mr. Saliterman for a Suilding Permit to repair his prope=ty at 6225 T. H. t'k65. Seconded Uy Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the moticn carried unanimously. �� BUILDING PP�RMIT AND VARIANCE -584 RICE CREEK TERRACE - BIEDRON: Mayor Nee stated that an examiniation of the request of Mr. Biedron for a variance reveals that Mr. Biedron does not need a variance to complete the construction which heplans upon his property BUII.DING PERMIT AND VARIANCE -6011 - 6th Street Northeast - Ebert; Motion by Wright to grant the request of Mr. Ebert for a Building permit to repair his property and a waiver of the front yard setback from 35 feet to 32 feet to permit construction of an attached gatage upon his property at � 6011 - 6th Street Northeast. Seconded by Sheridan. Upona voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BUIL➢ING PERMIT AND VARIANCE - 6820 JEFFERSON STREET NORTHEAST - GNEISEA: Motion by Sheridan to grant tfie request of Mr. Gneiser far a Building Permit to repair the damages to his home and his request for a variance of the side yard requirement from 10 feet to 9 feet to permit construction of the home one foot beyond the basement Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motxon carried unanimously. TRAILEA PERMTT - 6793 OVERTON DRIVE - WELLAN: NIotion by Thompson to grant the request of Mr. Wellan for temporary occupancy of a trailer upon his property at 6793 Overton Drive. Seconded by Kirkham Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BUILDING PERMIT AND VARIANCE = 6810 JEFFERSON STREET - WEIMAR; Motion by Izirkham to grant the request of Mr. Weimar for a building pexmit to repair damages to his home and grant his request for a waiver of the side yard requirement Erom 3 feet to 2 ieet to permit construction of a detached garage- with a one foot roof overhang extending beyond the foundation and an increase in the width of the front bedrooms by 2 feet. Seconded by Wright Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: Motion by Thompson to approve the General and Public Utilities Claims �65822 through ��5936. Seconded Uy Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, L-he motion carried unanimously. Motion by Wright Sheridan. Upon a unanimously ESTTMAT�S: to approve Liquor Cla�m ;�7620 thraugh #7675. Seconded by voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried Plotion by Sheridan to approve the following esti,mates; Comstock & Davis, Inc. For resident inspection and resident Consulting Engineers supervision for the staking out of the 1446 County Road "J" construction work for the following: Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 Estimate �k9 - Storm sewer Improvement Pro�ect No, 5-B (North of T.H. �k100, east of T.H. -0F47) $212 50 Estimate ik8 - Water Improvement Pro�ect No. 34Q-2 (Pumping installation and pumphouse) - Well ��6 $220 00 (600 - 63rd Avenue Northeast) Estimate -0�12 - Sanitary Sewer and Water Tmprovement Pm �ect No. 67 (1964 Sanitary Sewer and Water Program) $ 40.00 Estimate ��2 - Water Improvement Pro�ect No 75-B (Booster Station - 63rd Ave. N,E. & T.H. �k100) $130 00 Estimate ik7 - Sanitary Sewer and Water Improvement Pro�ect No, 70 (RivervLew Terrace, South of Mississippi Place; Lincoln (Ashton) Street south of Ironton Street; Sth Street, south of T,H. ��I00 $221.00 L J � � � � Estimate �k4 - Water Improvement Pro�ect No 75-A ('�hree additional drift we11s) TOTAL Chapman Construction Company 2809 Alabama Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 Estimate ik3 - Sanitary Sewer and Water Improvement Pro�ect No, 70 (see above description) Keys Well Drilling Company 413 North Lexington Pazkway St Pau1, Minnesota 55104 Estimate �ii4 - Water Improvement Pro�ect No 75-A (Three additional drift wells) Karl Dedolph Construction Company 771 West Seventh Street St. paul, Minnesota Estimate �kl - Water Improvement Project No 75- B (Booster station - 63rd Aven. N. E T,H. -0k100) S. C, Smiley & Associates Suite 12 1750 Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403 CZVic Center Payment to Debris C1ean up Contractors CONTRACTOR Bob Crawford Walter A. Freeman Walter R. Freeman Walter R. Freeman Clayton Jarobson Truck Crane Service Co. Invoice 35802 Invoice 35799 Invoice 35800 Invoice 35801 Invoice 35803 Invoir.e 35804 Invoice 358�5 Truck Crane Sexvice Co Total $12,148 75 TOTAL AMOUNT $ 1,120.00 900.00 2,200 00 1,530 00 42 00 1,556 25 3,120 00 3,042 00 1,274 25 1,4F1 25 1,500.00 175 00 $17,940,75 $ 254 50 $1,078 00 $3,853.96 $4,808 70 $6,435 00 $3,688 19 Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES - A CITY HALL; Councilman Thompson asked the City Manager whether the estimate of Smiley and AssocLates is comparable with the records of the City Administration The City Manager answered that the Finance Director has not commented upon the estimate of Mr. Smiley, but that if he had found anything amiss he would have done so, The City Attorney stated that the minutes shoul,i show that the estimate is to be made for payment of a City Hall in Fridley. Motion by Shetidan to approve the estimate oL' S C Smiley and Associates for design work done upon a Fridley City Hall. Seconded by Wright IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously 95 9� Motion by Sheridan to approve the following licensest �LE C'i'R ICAL Conroy Electric R. R. ��5 Anoka, Minnesota by: Ralph Lament Cy Courture, Clect, Contractor 2928 Pleasant Ave. South Minneapolis, Tiinnesota 55408 Northern States Electric & Lighting Consultants 716 W. 40th Street Minneapolis 9, Minnesota St Luuis Park Electric 3838 Edgewood Ave. Minneapolis, Minnesota Signcrafters Electric Co. 836 - 40th Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Milton F. Sm�th 1168 White Bear Avenue St. Pau1 6, Minnesota EXCAVATING Kadlec Excavating 724 Main Street N.W. Anoka, Minnesota Woleski & Son 9316 .7amestown Minneapolis, Minnesota GAS SP�RVIC�S Jerry Baer Heating & Vent. Co. 3024 - 4th Avenue Soixth Minneapolis, Minnesota Northern Propane Gas Company Blaugas 11300 Central Avenue tl�. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Gas Supply, Incorporated 2238 Edgewood Avenue South Minneapolis 26, Minne�sota The Mitchell Company 1669 Se1by Avenue St, Paul, Minnesota Henry T'. Walburg Plumbing 665 - Slst Avenue N. E. Columbia Heights, Minnesota GP�NERAL CONTRACTORB Bergstrom Construction Corp 6332 Lakeland Avenue North Minneapolis 28, Minnesota Horton Connett Construct. Co. 375% West Bmoadway Robbinsdale, Minnesota Marvin A. �lsen, Builder 1140 Winnetka Avenue North Minneapolis, NIinnesota by: C. C. Courture by: James M. Fallese by: Sames Martin by; Merwpn J. Fleuring by; Milton Smith bv: Don Kadlec by: George D. Weleski by: Jerome H. Baer by: E. E, Soderman by; Norman C, I,arson by• John E. Mitchell by; Henry E. Walburg Uy: Kenneth Eergstrom by; Horton Connett by: Marvin A. Elsen NEW RENEWAL � RENEWAL NEW r�w NEW RENEWAT, NEW � RENEWAL REN$WAL NEW NEW RENEWAL � RENEWAL NEW NEW � � , Arden Hovland Construction Co. 4242 Quincy St. N. E. Columbia Heights, Minnesota Arthur W. Hultgren 7810 Winnetka Heights Drive Minneapolis 2%, Minnesota Sulian M. Johnson Construction 3638 Belden Drive Minneapolis, Minnesota R. T. Nelson Construction Co. 9170 Jeckson Avenue New Brighton, Minnesota Norman Construction Company 3512 West 22nd Street Minneapolis 16, Minnesota River Crest Homes, Inc Highway 212 Stillwater, Minnesota Semple Housemovers, Inc. 1257 Barclay St. Pau1 6, Minnesota Hugo Skrandies 195 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley 32, Minnesota James Steele Construction Co. 224 Sates Avenue St, Pau�, Minnesota HEATING CONTRACTORS Ace Hearing Company, Inc. 935 Arcade Street St, Paul b, Minnesota Jerry Baer Heating & Vent, Co, 3024 - 4th Avenue South Minneapo?is 28, Minnesota Crystal Heating & Sheet Metal Co. 6324 Bass Lake Road Minneapolis 28, Minnesota N. J Kleve Heating Company 7848 Yosemite Avenue South Bloomington, Minnesota Larson-Mac Company 6�28 West 37th Street Minneapolis 16, Minnesota The Mitchell Company 1669 Selby Ave. St Paul, Minnesota 55104 Henry E. Walburg Plumbing Co. 665 - Slst Avenue N. E. Columbia Heights 21, Mimzesota MASONRY Anderson - Paschke 4641 Gettysburg Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota by: Arden Hovland by: Arthur W. Hultgren by: Julian M Johnson by; Roland Nelson by• 6y: Robert Steindorff by; Wayne Semple by; Hugo Skrandies 6y: James Steele by; LeRoy I'. Peters by: Serome H_ Baer Uy: R. L. Perry by: HerberC J Kleve by: Raymond E Olson by; .Tohn E Mitchell by: Henry E. Walburg by: G. W. Paschka NEW �W REN�W4?L NEW NEW NEW NE{�7 NEW NEW NEW kENEWAL RENEWAL NEW AENEWAL NEW RENEWAL NEW yi r � � 7 rzovzNc Dale Movers, Inc. 7816 Central Avenue N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota by; Dale Peterson Ernst Machinery & Housemoving Corp. 85th Avenue North & Rd. 18 Osseo, Minnesota by: Lester Ernst PLUMBING Jerry Baer Heating & V�nt, Co, 3024 - 4th Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota Eurkhardt Plumbing Company 1929 Grand St. N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota by: R. B. Cedergren by: H. Burkhardt Citywide Plumbing & Heating Corp. 129 West Lake Street Minneapolis, Minnesota by• Gerald H. S�one �arl Day & Sons 627 E� Park Street Wayzata, Minnesota Kluck Plumbing Company 5226 Dupont Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota Frank P. Surma Plumbing Company Route iE2 Osseo, Minnesota Henry E. Walburg Plumbing 665 - Slst Avenue N. E. ColumUia Heights, Minnesota OTHER LICENSES; SOLICITOA'S LICENSE APPLICATION Lyle Stark 7860 Groveland Road North Mounds View, Minnesota by: Earl Day by: Gilbert Kluck by; Frank P, Surma by: Henry E. Walburg ��waz. RENEWAL � RENEWAL NEW NEW NEW RENL47AL RENEWAL � RENEWAL dUa: Water Conditioning Company 6506 Cambridge Merchandise sold: Water Softener License Fee; 510.00 paid Secottded bq Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously COMPLAINT - DRAINAGE EASP�MENT - LEONARD COCHRAN: Mr. Cochran was present at the Council meeting. He stated that two neighhors of his have a drainage easement draining his property through a ditch running across thelr property. He stated that whereas he has a grading pe�t�nit to regrade his property he is asking whether these people have a grading permit to regrade their property He stated that these people have filled in the ditch of the drainage easement causing the water to back up and flood land north of the back-Pilled ditch, The City Englneez showed maps of the area to the Crty Council and explained that the elevation of the land at this point is only tWO to three feet above the elevation of Moore Lake. He stated that the grade of the ditch is so small Lhat water will not properly drain from the ditch into the lake Mr Cochran asked the CiLy Engineer what right the City had to install*a culvert upon this property in order to drain the water from the road. The City Engineer stated that the culvert was put in to drain the water through an existing ditclt. Mr. Cochran stated that he believes the people who f111ed in the ditch should dig out the ditch The City Engineer aske3 Mr. Cocbran whether he had a performance bond requiring him to complete the performance contemplated when he obtained the grading permit Mr. Cochran answered that he does not have a performance bond and that he had obtained the grading permit without being required to furnish a performance bond. I� �� The City Engineer suggested that the City could dig out the drainage diCches Mr. Cochratt stated that the prayerty owners who fL11ed the ditches should dig out Che ditches and the City should not have to bear the cost since the two parties violated the drainage law. The City Engineer stated that the City needs tha ditch deep enough to drain the culvert from the street Councilman Sheridan stated that the pxe�ent problem was caused by the two people on the south filling in the drainage ditch. He stated that the City Administration should write to the people who filled in the ditch and give them two weeks to dig the ditch out to a cert�in elevation, and if these � people do not dig the ditch out, the City should dig the ditch out and charge the people for cost Councilman Sheridan stated further that thz ditch mu�t be opened or tile must be installed in the ditch to drain the water through it. The Council took no actgon on the matter. Mr. Cochran suggested that the construction of the ditch be moved over three feet to the center line of the drainage easement when the ditches are redug LARRY CHIES - GRADING PERMIT: Larry Chies was present at the Council Meeting, He presented grading plans and & plat plan to the Council. The City Engineer pointed out to the Council that Mr. Chies is not changing much the grades on the property of abutting property owners Councilman Sheridan asked Mr. Chies whether he has discussed his plans for garding the property with the neighboring properCy owner, Mike O�Bannon. Mr. Chies answered, "No." Mr. Chies stated that the Engineer who drew the grading plan found that there is more than 12D,000 cubic yards of excess material upon the property, The City Engineer asked Mr, Chies whether he needs more material than this in oxder to fulfill his oUligation Mr, Chies answered, "No". Mr. Shexidan stated that he made a commitment to discuss the grading plan wiCh the neighboring owners, and with one Bill Johnson, who had a problem with the grading Mr. Chies stated that he would grade the property and construct a street which wo"vld drain the property, sloping the � street as shown on his enclosed drawings. Mayor Nee and Councilman She��dan informed Mr. Chies that he should discuss his plans with the Council at their _ next meeting the following Thursday. Mr, Chies agreed to do so RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT - SS-12: The City Engineer stated that he examined the property in B1ock 14 Plymouth Addition upon the request of William Sandin for a drainage pipe in Che ditch on his property and back£illing of his lot over the drainage pipe. He stated that the drainage easements in this block need some regrading and the cost could be divided among the isxteen lots in Che block. He stated that it would be possible to make connection between Luture tiling rn the ditch and the stotm sewer line undexground, The City Engineer stated further that he believed the cost to this private property would be sufficiently reasonable $or the property owners to afford it. Mr. Comstock showed the Council a map of the norChern part of the drainage district for SS-12 along Panorama and Roman Road He explained to the Council that in 1960 his consulting firm made a design, based on a five year frequency, for a storm sewer along Main Street. The City Engineer stated that the approxi- mate cost of this storm sewer is $171,000 00 He stated that this would amount to an assessment of $10.00 per hundred s�uare feet without including the cost of replacing the street after installing the drainage pipe The City Engineer stated that there are several solutions available to the CiCy to provide , storm sewez service to the area, He stated that one solution is leaving out the tee extending up to Panorama and Roman Road, not constructing Lhe storm sewer on Main Street at this rime and construcLing the tee later when the work — on Main Street is done. The second :;olution is to lump the cost of the outfalls together and construct the tee and the storm sewer on Main Street at this L-ime He sta[ed that constzucting the storm sewer on Main Street requlres a cut to a depth of 25 feet and a construction easement of 1D0 feet in width The CiL-y Engineer said that Main Street is in good shape and he does not wish to tear it up, Councilman Sheridan stated that the paving construction oi Main Street is roughly 5 years o1d, �oo Mr. Comstock stated that the City has not received any claims for damages for the storm sewer and suggested that the City might postpone construction of the storm sewer along Main Street. He stated that the problem at Panorama and Roman Road is not the same as the problem along University A�renue and is influenced bq the problem along University Avenue. Mayor Nee asked whether it would help to raise the grade of the streets at Panorama and Roman Road. Mr. Comstock staled that as the streets are raised the elevation of the water on the streets is also raised and the basements of the homes would be more likely to flood. He stated that the City needs the drainage facility in this area. He stated that the design oi the drainage facility depends on the parameter used in the formula to design the drainage � facilities. If the parameters are based on a five year design the drainage area will be smaller than it will be if it is based on a 3 year design. He stated that basing the design of the system on a three year basis would alleviate the worst part of the problem. Councilman Wright stated that the - more serious part of the problem is in the south end o� this area near Panorama and Aoman Road whereas around the north end the water runs off but it stands in the south end. Mr. Comstock stated that the formulas for computing the drainage pipes, catch basins, and storm sewer systems, have changed over the years and now provide for the deszgn of more rational systems since empirical formulas and other experiire ntal data available indicate what water will do when it's in conduit compared to what it wouId do in the open. He stated that older drainage systems were based ondesign data of a catch basin in a large open area whereas this is generally not the case in the City. Mayor Nee stated that if the City provides for the drainage of the storm sewer water along Main Street iC would have kept faith with the design and with what the people have paid for. Councilman Wright stated that �t is easier to get drainage easements in the south part of this area then to disturb the access along Main Street to the commercial property. He said that the people in the area ob�ecting to the construction of the lateral at Panorama and Roman Road will not have the problem solved by omitting the laL-eral, and that the problem will need to be solved sometime. He stated that he would like to see the sLozm sewer constructed on Main Street as well as a Iateral constructed to Panorama and ftoman Road. Mr, Comstock � stated that there are 42 acres of commercial property which are draining water into the intersection of Panorama and Roman Road. Councilman Wright asked whether the City is permitted to add to the stoxm sewer district in the future. Mr. Comstock stated that it would be necessary to write an agreement with the State defining the drainage area at the present time. Councilman Thompson asked iE the City has any information available on the agreement to be written between the City of Fridley, Columbia Heights and the Minnesota Highway Department. The City Manager stated that he has not been able to arrange a meeting with the of�icials of Columbia Heights and the Minnesota Highway Department, Mr, Comstock stated that it will be necessary to write the agreement in order to establish the drainage districts and the exact quant�ties of drainage waters for which the system is to be designed before the design can be campleted. Councilman Wright stated that- if the tee(the lateral constructed to Panorama and Roman Roadj is installed it will partially alleviate the problem and provide the taxpayers with a solution to the problem which is equal to the cost of putting in the tee. The City Engineer stated that if the tee is installed it will partially alleviate the problem. Councilman Wright stated that if theCity is going to install a storm sewer on Main Street it may as well install the storm sewer now rather than build it later. Mr. Comstock stated that if the lateral and the tee is not extended up to Panorama and Roman Road the base of the tee would pick up water and drain about 10 acres. He stated that the rest of the area may be served differently in the £uture. � Mayor Nee asked whether it is necessary for the Council to make the decision this evening concerning the lateral to Panorama and Roman Road and the construction of the storm sewer along Main Street. The City Engineer and Mr. Comstock answered, "No.° The Council took no further action. Councilman Kirkham left the Council Meeting. STORM S�WER PROBLEM - 6SH STREET ?.ND S6TH AVENUE NORTHEASS: Councilman Wrzght explained that this is a problem where water from tQ�o ad�acent apartments drain into the lots behind the apartments. �oi Motion by Thompson to refer the question oL- water drainage at 6th Street and 56th Avenue to the City Engineer for recommendations. Seconded by Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, tUe motion carried unanimously. Councilman Kirkham returned to the Council Meeting STREET IMPROVEMENT - LYRIC LANE: The City Engineer stated that h e would like to have a decision From the Council whether the construction of Lyric Lane should he 30 feet or 36 feet � He stated that possibly some of the traffic might like to go to the North Suburban Hospital using 75th Avenue Northeast and Lyric Lane, rather than Osborne Aoad. Councilman Shex=dan asked who would pay for construction of the extra 6 Feet of road. The City Manager answered that this depends upon when the new sub- division was made. He stated the City adopted the standard 36 foot road width and if the plat was subdivided and the road established after that time, it is necessary for the subdivider to pay for the construction of the 36 foot road. Councilman Sheridan asked when Melody Manor was platted The Finance Director stated this part of Melody Manor was platted on October 19, 1964. Mayoz Nee asked when the City adopted the new street standaxd The City Engi3�eer answered in January of 1965 Mayor Nee asked whether the City wished to have hospital traffic on Lyric Lane The City Manager answered, "No." Councilman Sheridan stated that he did not believe the subdi_�ider should pay for the extra 6 feet of road construction but rather the City should pay the additional cost, if the City demands that the road be constructed to a 36foot street width. The City Manager stated that he does not believe that feeding the txaffic £rom a few blocks surrounding Lyric Lane onto the 36 foot street would accomplish a great deal by way of relievang traffic congestion to the new hospital. The City Engineer stated that generally in the City, the City requires the 36 foot width on front streets and a 30 foot width on side streets Councilman Thompson asked whether iL- would be , suitable to have the 30 foot street with a no parking limitation on one side of the street. Councilman Wright, Councilman Sheridan agreed that this would be feasible, Motion by Wxight to establish the width of the paving on Lyric Lane as 30 feeC. Seconded by Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. R�SOLUTION NO 120-1965 - CONCERNING ANOKA COiT[VTY BOARD ACTION: Councilman Thompson said the store building is a hazard for people driving out of Hartman Circle onto East River Road. The Mayor suggested that the City try to get the County to buy it and use Lhe land for access to and from the park. Motion by Thompson to adopt Resolution No. 120-1965. Seconded Uy Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously RESOLUTION NO 121-1965 APPROVING PLANS AND SP�CIFICATIONS AND ORDERING BIDS - SS - 73, SW&SS-73A: The City Engineer explained the area to be drained and served Uy construction o£ SS-73 and SW&SS-73A. � Motion by Wright to adopt resolution 121-1965, approving the plans and specifications, ordering bids for SS-73, SW&SS-73A. Seconded by Thom�son. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 122-1965 - AUTHORIZING SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS - ZOT 8, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 25: Motion by Wright to approve Resolution No. 122-1965 Seconded by Thompson, Upon a voice vote, there 6eing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. NSSSD CONSTRUCTION - MISSISSIPPI STREET NEAR M�YSTREET: MIDLAND CONSUL- TANTS, INC• The City Manager explaz ned that he received a request From Midland Consultants, Inc , for approval of the construction of a line crossing Mississippi Street near Main Street with an open cut. He stated that the method of construction ��� had been approved by Mr. Lundheim of the Anoka County Highway Department. Councilman Thompson asked whether construction of the open cut wi11 make it impossible for traffic to travel on Mississippi Street. The City Engineer stated that provision will be made for traffic to move along Mississippi Street during construction Motion by Wright to approve the request of Midland Consultants for construction of a NSSS➢ main across Mississippi Street near Main Street Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. LIQUOR STORE 4�5 - AWARD OF �IDS: The City Manager stated that several bids had been received for carpeting in Liquor Store ��5 in Skywood Ma11. He stated that the low bid was made by Graves Interior of 5761 University Avenue N, E, in the amount of $1,168 SO. �Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously ',Motion by Thompson to award to Graves Interiors. RESOLUTION N0. 123-1965 - APPROVING THE PLP.NS A1VD SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF T,H. �6393 RENUMBERED AS T. H. i�694 WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CITY OE FRIDLEY: Motion by Thompson to adopt No. 123-1965. Seconded by Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously STREET DANCE - MONROE AVENUE AND BENNETT DRIVE; The City Maziager stated that he received a letter from re�idents living near Monroe Street and Bennett Drive, informing the City that the residents plan to close Bennett Drive and 63rd Avenue Northeast for a street dance on Suly 31, 1965. Mayor Nee stated that this does not require any action by the Council No action was taken. ADSOURNMENT • There being no further business, Mayor Nee declared the regular Council meeting of July 19, 1965 ad�ourned at 2:20 A. M, Respectfully submitted; /,,f , f '� � ,,JyLi.�tf?wP7ZV'� Lr '/`�' r'�c=� Raymond E. Bade Secretary to the Council ? �. G- ��� William T Mayor SPECIAL COIINCIL MEETING - JULY 22, 1965 �'�y� Nee Mayor Nee advised the Council that each member of the Council in answering present to the ro11 call would indicate waiver of the written notice requirement for calling a special meeting Mayor Nee then called the meeting to order and asked for a roll call. Upon a roll call those answering presen�; Kirkham, Nee, Sheridan, Thompson, Wright. Absent; None WIDENING OF SIDEWALKS ON MATTERHORN BRIDGE (BRIDGE 4�9868); The City Manager advised that the State Highway Department, upon the request of the City of Fridley, had agreed to widen the sidewalks on the Matteih orn Bridge from 2z feet to 3z feet in width, but that the Highway Department would need the agreement of the Ciey to this change. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Sheridan, to approve the widening of the sidewalks on the Matterhorn Bridge. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried � � �