07/19/1965 BOE - 0002200378 William H, Sandin, 201 - 45th Avenue Northeast, stated that the builder who sold him his house told him that catch basins will be installed on his property and were included in the plans of the City. He asked what happened to the original pZans Mayor Nee stated that contractors promise a lot of things and their word is only as good as their bond. Mr. Sandin stated that the former City Manager, Clarence Maddy, was aware of these plans. He asked what the property owners can do in order to get catch basins installed on their property Mayor Nee stated that if the property owners in the block are willing to pay for the catch basins, the City will install the catch basins For them and charge the property owners in the block for the construction. Mayor Nee asked for a show of hands of those in favor of the pro�ect and a sho� of han@s for those opposed to the pro�ect. Mr Graeff stated that he and his neighbors opposed construction of the project because the small part of the pro�ect north of 49th Avenue is included in this dra2nage pro�ect. Mayor Nee stated that when the final plans are drawn if it appears that the lateral north of 49th Avenue should not be included inthe drainage district, it wi11 be deleted, Councilman Wright stated that he wished to make it clear that his own position as Councilman for this ward is that the City will solve the drainage problems, beginning with the worst problem first There will be no double assessments on any of the property even though some of the property owners may have assessments split between two of the drainage districts. Councilman Thompson stated that the City intends to solve these drainage problems. He stated that the City has had unusual weather Which contributed to these problems. The City has had some problems with the growth of industry providing unusually large drainage areas to the City, but he stated that the County intends to rebuild part of Main Street in the future and will take care of the problem along P4ain Street. He stated that the City will solve the worst drainage problems first and that if not all the problems are solved immediately the City will solve them at some time in the near future. He stated that other problems which the City of Fridley has because of the tornado made it difficult for the City to work fu11 time on this pro�ect. He stated that the Council hopes the pro�ect can be completed within 18 months. Several visitors who did not give their names spoke in favor of this pro�ect Mayor Nee declared the hearing closed. AD JOURNMENT • There being no further statements or questions from the floor or by the City Council, Mayor Nee declared the hearing ad�ourned at 9:50 P.M, Respectfully submitted, o''lG'v� 79c.Fxi {r ��7t-.�t Ra}�ond �, Bade Secretary to the Council ����'�.�''��' d `k'�_ William Nee Mayor ' r BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETING MINUTES - JIILY 19, 1965 (CONTINUED FROM JULY 7, 1965) The Board of Equalization meeting was called to order by Mayor Nee at 7;46 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Present; Nee, Kirkham, Wright, Thompson Membets Absent; Sheridan - Mayor Nee stated that this meeting of the Board ofEqualizatzon is a continuation of the meeting of 7uly 7, 1965. The Board of Equalization meeting, the Mayor said, this year concerns valuations of personal property. The Mayor said that if , � � ' 7{9 anyone pxesent wishes to have Che Assessor dlscuss the valuations of personal property with him, the Assessor would be willing to do so before the Councxl at this meeting. There was no one present wishing to discuss the valuations with the Assessor. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Herrmann whether the tax ro11s were completed for 1965. Mr, Herrmann answered that the rolls were complete except for several tornado damaged properties on which the Council granted an extension of time to the property owners to complete their inventories. Mayor Nee asked the County Assessor whether he wished to have the meeting conL-inued until the remaining cases could be included in the tax ro11s. The County Assessor answered that the meeting could be ended tonight, and the remaining cases added as "omitted", Mayor Nee declared the Board of Equalization meeting of 1965 closed. Respectfully submitted: ���u.� ��,�� Ra ond E. Bade Secretary to the Council � ������ ��- William J. ee Mayor THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CDUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 19, 1965 The regular meeting of the Council of the CLty oi Fridley was called to order by Mayor Nee at 8;03 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Nee, Kirkham, Shendan, Wright, Thompson Members Ahsent: None APPROVAL OE MINUTES - SPECIAL MEETING - Ji7NE 14, 1965, REGULAR MEETING - JUNE 21, 1965. SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 19, 1965: Councilman Kirkham stated that he believes that presenting 4 pages of corrections, additions, and deletions to the Council as amendments to the minutes is in error of violation of parliamentary procedure. He stated that he does not believe the Council can substitute laxge portions of the minutes He stated that he believes the Council can allow additions but not deletions or absolut� changes from the minutes. The biayor answezed that a question exisL-s whether one version or the other is more correct, Councilman Kirkham stated that if the minutes could be adopted with the amendments as given in the original minutes this would be fine, Councilman Wright stated that changes in the minutes should be made to increase the accuracy of the minutes. Councilman Thompson stated that he was not present at the Special Meet�ng of June 14, but that he found nothing inconsistent in the correction of the minutes. The Mayor stated that for the benefit of the visitors present at L-he Council Meeting the minutes originally submitted attributed statements to Lhe Mayor referring to certain actions as taking place by the Corps of Engineers, instead of having been carr�ed out by the staff of the City The Mayor stated that he did not check the recording of the minutes but asked the secretary eo check, and these amendments are the results. The Mayor stated he believes the amendments to the minutes are correct. Councilman Kirkham stated that he believes Lhat when whole paragraphs are deleted from the minutes, the minutes are not being clarified. He stated that whether these paragraphs are important is not the issue, buL- that delet?ng paragraphs removes them from use as a means of obtaining past information in the minutes Kixkham stated that he objects to deleting paragraphs 3 and 6 from page 38 of the minutes of Sutte 21, 1965 Councilman Wright stated that most of the changes involved clara.fying the minutes to increase the accuracy of the statments. Mayor Nee stated that paragraph 3 is not correct as it stands