09/15/1965 CB - 00021865' � � �1 BEING A HAZARDOUS STRUCTiTRE: THE REPAIR QR RCMOVAL OF THE STRUCTURE LQCATE➢ ON OF IT 2 �).� Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution �172-1965 with the amendment of item 4k11 that the necessary repairs be changed from "Sod the lawns propertly" to "Improve the lawn area". Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the moCion carried unanimously. i�-�� - 6TH IN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY BY REASON OF IT Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution �i173-1965 with an amendment of the necessary repairs of item 11 from "Sod the lawns properly" to "Improve the lawn area," Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION �f174-1965 - AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CONiBINING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 2. PARCEL 1000. AND LOT 3, PARCEL 1400, AUDITOR'S SUB. �k78 Motion by Kirkham to adopt Resolution �k174-1965 Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanLmously. RESOLUTION ��175-1965 - RECEIVING PRELIP4INABY PLANS AND SPECiFICATIONS AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF THC CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMCNTS WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER PROJECT -0k73-B; Motion by Wxight to adopt Re5olution y'{'175-1�965 Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, AllJOURNMENT: Thexe being no further business, Mayor Nee declared the regular Council Meet9ng of September 20, 1965 ad�ourned �t 1:45 A.M. Respectfully submitted, Raymond E� a� Secretary to the Council �,`�� �C' �'� ��� � ��� William J. Ne Mayor THE MINUTES OF THE SPEGIAI. COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 1965 A Special Council Meeting of Septembex 15, 1965 was called to order by Mayor Nee. ROI,L CALL: MEMBERS PRESEN'T: Nee, Thonxpson, Kirkham, Wright MEMBERS ABSENT: Sheridan RESULTS OF THE ELECTION Motion by Thompson to receive and certify that the results of the election are as £ollows; PRIMARY ELECTION 14 SEPTEMBER 1965 , DEC7SAATION OF RESULTS THEREOF �t)b In accordance with Section 4.08 of the Charter of the City of Fridley, the City Council declares the results of the 1965 Primary Election to be as follaws: W-1 P-1 W-1 P-2 W-1 P-3 W-2 P-1 W-2 P-2 W-3 P-1 W-3 P-2 W-3 P-3 TOTAL: W-1 P-1 W-1 P-2 W-1 P-3 W-2 P-1 W-2 P-2 W-3 P-1 W-3 P-2 W-3 P-3 TOTAI.: A. The total number of Uallots cast was: Ward 1 - 1'recinct 1 Tdard 1 - Precinct 2 Ward 1 - Precinct 3 Ward 2 - Precinct 1 Ward 2 - Precinct 2 Ward 3 - Precinct 1 Ward 3 - Frecznct 2 Ward 3 - Precinct 3 189 548 477 440 528 456 303 154 TOTAL: 3095 3095 B. The Vote for each candidate, and number of defective and not voted ballots is as follows� CITY - MAYOR NOT VOTED AND/OR WILLIAM J. NEE JACK 0. KIRKHAM T.E GREIG J.R. PLEMEL DEFECTIVE TOTAL 33 115 161 126 94 $D 56 44 709 102 289 211 223 312 274 193 64 1668 49 136 95 74 112 95 48 � 654 3 4 4 xz 7 4 4 1 39 2 4 6 5 3 3 2 25 189 548 477 440 528 456 303 154 3095 CITY - COUNCILMAN - AT - LARGE NOT VOTED GLEN W. AND/OR WILBUA WHITMORE DAVID 0 HARRTS GEORGE H. WALLIN THOMPSON DEFECTIVE TOT 1s 104 31 54 52 50 35 12 356 iio 280 zzs 219 327 280 1S0 98 1719 13 48 31 34 21 32 21 6 206 45 109 179 121 120 87 60 34 755 3 7 ii 12 8 7 7 4 59 189 548 477 440 528 456 303 154 3095 C. The following two people are hereby declared entitled to have their names placed on the General Election Ballot for Mayor on November 2, 1965. WILLIAM J. NEE , JACK 0 KIRKHAM C. The following two people are hereby declared entitled to have thexr names placed on the General Election Sallot for Council- man-at-large on November 2, 1965. GLENN W. THOMPSON DAVTD 0 gARRIS E. The names of the �udges of election are as Eollows: Mrs. Donna Marcucci Mrs. George Norton Mrs. Janice DeVries Mrs, Niary Miller Mrs. Earl Follmuth Mrs. Shirley Godeen Mrs. Marilyn Hanna Mrs, Sanice Pettit WARD 1 - PRECINCT 1 Mr. Ing Siverts Mrs, Sacqueline Bovy Mrs. Don Roberg Mrs.-Howard Schultz Mr. Charles Harvey Mrs. Helen Fowler Mrs. A. S, ,Tette Mrs. Helen Bourgeois � � � i � WAR➢ 1 - PRECINCT 2 Mrs. Mary Schreiner Mrs, Harriet Ubben Mrs. Joyce McClellan Mrs. Elaine Enroth Mrs. Fern Conor Mrs. Warzen Olson Mrs. Doris Nyline Mrs. Caro1 Lueders Mrs. Norene Chase bir s . N[r s . Mrs. Mrs. Mrs, Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs Mrs. Mrs. Mrs Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. WARD 1 - PRECINCT 3 Collette Bonrdeaux Mildred Kaiser Lillian Wegler Leona Aubley Joyce Schmidt Ted Erck Betty Jo Schmedeke Ixis Reiser Michael Kuzyk Mrs Mrs Mrs NIr s Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs WARD 2 - PRECINCT 1 Mrs.I,ee Mondloh Nirs. Francis McLaughlin Mrs. Maxine Mondloh Mrs. Janice Hebiesen Mrs. Milada Saunders Mrs. Don Muri Mrs. BetCy Jean Ritter Mrs. Dale Hadtrath Mrs. D. J. Gabrielson Mrs. Harold Jansen Mrs, Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mxs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mxs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs Mr. Mrs Mrs Mrs Mr. Mrs Mrs Mrs WARD 2 - PRECINCT 2 Richard Kinsman .Terry Knutson Betty Sohnsrud Grace Manley Edith Evans Adeline Swanson Joyce Cornwall Edna Hinytzki Eileen Freeman Margaret sulkowski 7oanne Rice Sylvia Gillund Jeannette Aumock Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mr. Mrs Mxs Mr Mrs Mr, WARD 3 - PRECINCT 1 Sylvia Korthof Everette Houle Betty Robertson Donna Mathews Rosella Amar Elmeic Johnson Dona Mae Odland June Holmquist Eve1g Stone Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs WARD 3 - PRECINCT 2 Lois Rawson Sean ,Tohnson Ann Devore Edward Hanscom Laurence Anderson Ethelyn Nelson Elsie Baker John Gerrard Ronald Whitcomb Germaine Wo1sEeld Mrs Mrs Mr. Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs R. 7. Kobb Soanne Kaye Kathy Luhresen William Sensen Cva Matzek Dorothy Houck Hazel Anderson Doris Nord Geneva Bennett Witmnie Tormoen Clarence Mitchell Arlene Peterson Walter Nelson Madonna Johnson Gloria Swanson Tiurton E11is Pat Lester Evelyn Salinski Gerald Adams Norlan Lee Marlys Wo11um Marvel Peterson Adeline Haidle Harry Nawrocki 5hirley Pitala Caro1 Towsen Rita M. Pierce Tom Cochran Margaret Knudson Sylvia Marrs LeRoy Bushay He1en Chenette Rose Jasper Lois Mullin ➢ouglas White Judith Dreshar Lucille Western Kenneth Korin Janice Drigans Sohn Parks David Chasten Joan Wolter Leona Fleming Claire Marsnik Barbara Gohman S. R. Haaland Ernest Powe11 William Bradley Ing Rossing Richard Lovlien Roger Harstad Janice Bruder Vernie Peterson Grace Szegda Betty Sk�ervold Christine Peterson Mildred Watkins Va1ma Pinks �07 zo� Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. COITNCILMAN WARD 3 - PRECINCT 3 Sean Phelan Claire Aenderson Kathleen Edstrom Helen Truen£els Vera Gorzyski Margaret Kurak Donna Novak COUNCILMAN COUNCILMAN COUNCILMAN Mr. Edward Fitzpatrick Nirs. Lester Hungerford Mrs. Pearl Sandstrom Mr. Paul Peterson birs. Jean Jackson Mrs. Myrtle Hanson Mrs. Regina Markwood %f��,(,���� ' ��-� MAYOR - LLIAM J NEE The motion was seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. The meeting was ad�ourned � Respectfully submitted, .��;�,��� ��_. NIarvin C. Brunsell William S. Nee Acting Secretary to the Council �yor THE MINUTES OF THE REGi1LAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 4, 1965 A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fridley was called to order by Mayor Nee at 8:05 P.M. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Nee, Kirkham, Sheridan, Thompson, Wright (Wright arrived at 8:p7 P,M ) None APPROVAL OF MINU'PES - REGUTA R COUNCIL P�ETING OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1965: Motion by Kirkham to adopt the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of September 20, 1965 as submrtted. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, PUBLIC HEARING ASSESSMENT ROLL - SS&SW�k58 (CONTINUED FROM 8/23/65, 9/7/65, 9/20�65): Councilman Sheridan stated that he examined the records concerning Mr. Cochran's special assessment payments and discussed them with the Finance Director. He stated that, from all comments made concerning these assessments and after a review of same, it is his belief the assessment roll, as given by the Finance Director, is correct and should be adopted. He stated that if Mr. Cochran disagrees, Mr. Cochran should have the records examined by some impartial person or the courts in order to settle the dispute. � � '