11/22/1965 - 00021762� of December 6, 1965 IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Mayor Nee declared the meeting ad�ourned at 9:22 P.M, Respectfully submxtted, �arl P. Wagner Acting Secretary to the Council C����/� �� William S. ��ee MAYOR SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING - NOVEMBER 22, 1965 The Meeting was called to order at 5:15 P.M. by Mayor Nee. Mayor Nee stated that there were three items to be added to this special meeting for which there had been no written notice, the items being, Consideration of a Resolution by the Fridley City Council concerning the City's responsibility for cooperation with Columbia Heights on a Sullivan Lake Dutfall Pro�ect, consideration of firm quotations by contxactors to connect area 3 of the City of Fridley to the North Suburban Sanitarq Sewer District's east/west trunk line north of Rice Creek, and a meeting with some members of the Hospital Board relative to possible waxver of certain fire protection requirements for Unity Hospital, Mayor niee stated that answering present to the roll call would indicate waiving of the twelve hour written special meeting notice for the three added items. ROLL CALL Members answering present at roll call; Nee, Kirkham, Sheridan, Thompson, Wright Members Absent; None RCSOLUTION 3k200-1965 bETERMINZNG Mi1TUAL RESPONSIBILITIES WITH THE CITY OF COLiTIyIBIA HEIGHTS FOR A JOINT CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF A SIILLIVAN LAKE STORM SEWER OUTFALL: Motion by Thompson, seconded by Sheridan, to adopt and pass Resolution -0�200-1965. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. FIRM QIIOTATIONS FOR CONSTRIICTION WORK CONNECTING AREA THREE TO N.S S.S.D, TRUNK LINE• Councilman Sheridan opened the sealed quotations, and read same as follows: 1. Randall-Berglin/F.D. Chapman Construction Co ,$7,498. 2. Randall Brothers, $7,800. 3. Sandstrom and Hafner, Inc,, $7,250. 4. Lametti and Sons, Inc., $6,975, 5. Petrowske and Ross Company, $7,350. RECONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE -0�319: Motion by Wright, seconded by Kirkham, to reconsider Ordinance ��319. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. , ' 1 ' � , CONSIDERATION OF AMENDING ORDINANCE ik319: Motion by Wright, seconded by Kirkham, to amend Ordinance ��319 to increase the ceiling in Section 3 of Ordinance %319 $om $5000 to $8000 Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried VOTE ON AMENDED ORDINANCE �k319: Motion by Wright, seconded by Kirkham, that Ordinance ii319, as amended, be passed. Upon a roll call vote, those voting aye: Nee, Kirkham, Thompson, Wright and Sheridan. Nays: none, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried AWARDING OF CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CONNECTION BETWEEN AREA THREE AND N.S.S.S.D. TRUNK LINE: Motitm by Kirkham, seconded by Sheridan, to award a contract i-or construction of a connection between City of Fridley Area 3 and the N.S.S.S-D. trunk line to LameCti and Sons at their price of $6,975 Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL ZONING CLASSIFICATION FL^OD PLAIN: Mayor Nee stated that Yie had 3'T_iv3ted the Plann�ng Commission members and wanted the Council to consider what ehe approach would be to handling the Plood plain, since there probably will be requests for permits or there will be houses sold in the near future wiChin this flood plain area Mr. Bergman of the Planning Commission stated that there should probably be some zoning classifications to prevent increasing the problem of flooded out homes Mr. Myers from the Fridley Housing and Redevelopmenti Authority pointed out that Section 7,008 of tihe 1964 Uniforni Building Code provides for e1e•�atians to protect the home against health and safety hazards such as would be present at flood time This section is not in the 1961 Uniform Code used Uy the City of Fiidley, There was no action taken on this item CONSIDERATION OF NEE➢ FOR A UNIFORM HOUSING CODE: Mayor Nee stated that he had asked Mr. Myers, who is in the structural engineering field, to discuss the housing code with the Council and Planning Commission, Mr. Myers seated that architects deal more with the housing code than engineers do, but he did have quite a bit of contacc with housing codes He stated that the best building code, he feels, is the Uniform Building Code which is used by the City of Fridley. He stated that a buildtng code deals with the technicalities of construction and a housing code deals with residences concerning ventilation, ingress, egress and other health matters and is designed to prevent blighting influences There was a great deal of discussion relative to various sections in the Housing Code and its dLfference from the Building Code. The Planning Coimnission membexs stated that they were planning to discuss it on December 16th and pxobably would �eport to the Council at its meeting on December 20th. The Council decided to place the ordinance adopting the IIniform Housing Code on its December 6th agenda for possible acceptance on First Reading w�_th possi6le Second Reading to depend upon fuxth'erstudy by the Council and the Planning Commission. HOSPITAL BOARD REQUEST TO HAVE CzTY COUNCIL WAIVE THE REQUIR�MENT THAT UNITY HOSPITAL HAVE FIRE HOSES AVAILABLE IN THE HO5PITAL AND A SPRINId,ER SYSTLM IN STORAGE AREA: A spokesman for the Hospital Board members stated that hose boces in the walls unless check frequently, usually end up with rotted hose at the time it's needed, and also, that someone at the time of a small fire could turn on the hose improperly and direct hagh pressure water at patients in beds and not actually accomplish putting out the fire Having spxinklers in the basement stoxage area would cost approximately $12 000 and the Hospital Board and the Architect do not feel that the sprinklers are necessary, and that the State Fire Marshal and the State Degartment of Health do not require sprinklers only the CLty�uilding Code requires the sprinklers and also the hose boxes He advised that there would be someone on duty 24 hours a dap in tihe siorage area so that any potential fire could be spotted immediately, either by the person on duty or by sensor system that is built into the hospiYal, and that there would be plenty of f�re extinguishers available. � �- Motiun by Wrxght, seconded by Kir�cham, to grant a waiver to the North Suburban Hospital District for Unity Hospital in two respects; f� 2 Building Code requirement requir�ng hose and hose�abinets, the hose connection, however, to be required Building Code requirement on installing of an automatic sprinkler system in basement areas o� storage and work rooms. Waivers to be granted on these two factors only. Upon a voice �ote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF CLEANING OF SANITARY SEWERS DAMAGED AND PLIIGGED BY TORNADO AND FLOOD DISASTERS; Councilman Sheridan advised that the two 1oca1 f�rms that do this kind of work will provide firm quotations on December 1, 1965 fur consideration hy the Council on December 6th There taas no action on thxs matter pending receipt of the quotations. ST. 1966-1 AN➢ ST. 1966-2 STREET PROGAAM: The Council discussed the various street pro�ects upon which a Public Hearing was held on November 15, 1965, and advised the City Manager which streets should be included in the resolution ordering the improvement far St 1966-1. The Council decided to wait upon a report fxom the Planning Consul�ant and also from the Minnesota Highway Department be£ore decidYng upon the St. 1966-2 ptogram. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Mayor Nee declared the meeting ad�ourned at 10•59 P.M. Hespectfully submitted, Carl P Wagner Acting Secretary to the Council W��1i���Ie ��� MAYOR TfIE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 6, 1965 Th? Regular Meeting of the Council of [he City of Fridley was called to order by Mayor Nee at 8;35 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Nee, kirkham, Wright, Thompson, Sheridan Members Absent; None APPROVAL OF MINIITES - SP�CTAL COUNCIL MEETING - NOVEMBER 8, 1965; Motion by Wright to adopt [he minutes of the Special Council Meeting of No�,ember 8 1965 as submitted. Seconded by Thompson, IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGIILAR COUNCIL MEETING - NOVEMBER 15, 1965: Motion by Sheridan to adopt the minutes af the Regular Council Meeting of November 15, 1965 as submitted. Seconded by Wright, Upon a vo�ce vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously , ' �