07/11/1966 - 5962�
REG'i33.Elit COUNC�L �STIf�I� ��F�DA -.TUI.Y 16, 1966 -�:00 P.M.
80IJ. CALLt � .
NQNUTkSs B.��ulax I�beetcing, �uly 5, 1966 �%�'�� ;�'� ' PAGBS 1- 16
Special l�e�ting, Jaly II, 1966 �`��` PAG'�S 17 - 20
5 Miautes
�� '� „ Secand R�eadiag of Revised Oxdinance Ameading ��) .�,�.R� .
,i 1�� Chaptex 56.02 (2� 2 Mianutes Page 21
2o Proposed Prelimi:aary Pla� - P566-01 - Gardaer'a
Plat �1 (Tabled i/S/66� 5 Minu�es
� ��� ���p� �' �
J�!r>f� ,�a 3.� iscal Drainage PrcoposaZ - SyYvan Hills R�teation
,c� a8ia 10 Minutee
' �� NSW BiT�i1�33: � .
J �� �'% /�s.
�,a- • Bida p 33SS�J �79 (Opened Noan, July 18, 1966)
��-° 1Q MiauCes
S. Planaing Commiss3on I�'eeti�ag Minu�es, July i, 1966
5 iKi.nutes
b. Buildicag Bo�rd I�eting �94ina�es, Suiy �3, 1966
5 Minu�es
����--�-J7. TrailQr '�ermit � b887 Channel 8oad N. E. - 2 Minc��es
� B �y�.�/
���,,;t. �����: Trailer pe$mi� - 3703 I�xshuli 5t. 1V. E o- 2 Minutes
��� �/ � ��� � �
�,�'� t?�diaaaice- fox X�u�ch�ee a€ Police Car - S PTinutea � J�
��i ��-�}�, Flaraiaing Cot�ais$ioa� Reorganization - 20 Minutes
�� ���
�,-� ��11 e Di pasiCioa o# Di� �' R�d� �f3nutes
� ,� �W�C��-�, ,� '9� �--�--�-�°C
1 8esolntion Ordering Improve�ent - ST 196b-2
� � (Addeadtm� 2) S �tinu�es �
(9:01 P.M.j
Pages 22 - 25
Page 26
Pagee 27 & 28
Page 29
Fage 30
Page 3!
Pages 32 & 33
�� �twNC7C3. ���C �'i�I�� m ��€�� �c3, 396� � 3o�d3 �.A`i. PA�E �
...� — -
/���,���,/�esoluti.oa Orde�ia�� Inp�ovc�ent - SS �&1 - 5 Misautes Page 34
�c ���
��'��' 8esolet�3.o� Orderiag Prelimivary Plans and Specificatfons
,��� �$t. �966-1 (Sch�dule A, Add�adumi 2j 5 i�i.ssutes Page 35
�,�5. Resotu�iEoa 8eceiving Prelf�inary Plaas & Specificatioas
,� aad Orderiag Improveme$t� & Fiasi Plsris aad Specificatiaes
�� 8�.. 19bb-1 (Schedule A, �cldea@� 2) S Hiuutes Page 36
�a-v��--�n�rt 5 Miuu�es Pu�e 3?
,"� . S;timates 5 Psinutes Pagea 38 - 40
G�9�" 0
. ice�ases S Miauees
✓�9:l..etitiona, 23, 24, 25-196G
� ���
2 Minu�es
Z0. Cooa�unicatfoas: 25 MinaY.c3s
�,�.(a� Y.C.M.A: Coafereace
,Z� �� , S� (b) Finaiace Dftcector; Aases�eat Roll -�`79
� r�cj St. Aathoay 3apcees: Locke Paric
�`' ��/C G�z�o�y! ��/��
�� ��� (d) $O t�t'� o altbt Juuie Repo�c�
�� .
� ��w — te) Finannce Dir�ctors Asse�emeats
� �f Samuelsou: Tr�s ia dmck�e Parl�
, �-� ��� G�% �j . .
i�/i'�'" ,.��� / / /� ���y�-oz � . �-2�
� �
� � Vi3tYA�: ��
ADJO�.it s (10:13 P.M. ) /
/�. �S
� '
Pages 41 � 42
Pages 43 - 4�5
Pages 4b - 59
To: ii.�����cx� �z:i.rkl:��,r�� �, Ci�� C�i.ai�c:�l
f rvr.� � L� �a���. y:. ��;a���rya�3uc�n
5�.�� ject: �'rop��d �i�:ley 13eautificat:�.on �esalutian
��Y��.�ld li�� ��Ze canc�r.er��e c�f .t�ae Co�cil to include in �ur n�xt year � s
bad��ty a.n�. �L?^�.e ��ar� co�-�inui.r,g, ior� a�. allacation o�' funds for �he pur-
�ose af pl�..�t��..� �:re�� on x�a�blic t��rorou�fare�, �arkg, an.d City propc�rty
ss �l:�e xt,�ra?er snay c,.,.ecide.
�iy thi.���.n�; ar�d �'e��in�s ir� ��.zs respec� a�e for a progz°arn to improve
�h� apveara�ce of Fra.dleq b;T the re'�lac�r�ent of to�nado destr4�'ed boulev�rd
�trees, flr ��s�� �ha� rave died of n�t=aral cause�,� boulevards �n areas �Gki.a�
have dev�loped ��a.t�a�u�c t�.e requ�.r��ient� prese�tly plac�d on develdpe�er�ts
Fr�r �rees. Uuur pragrazr� would s�a�t in ���e �SornadQ area az�.d continu� esch
9�ar into o�i�e� areaw of need. S�' v�e vaere to �ontraat for, sa� 300 tree�
per year, ora � eontinuing ��si s, �ncler tni s pro�rar�. �re would al� ocate�. 54
tresa pe�� ��ar for ��~�e �ar� Bo�..�d fa� �,��eir direc�ion. The park deve�.opement
pro�;rar,� v��11 rie�d tr��� such as LIa.�� as p�.r� oa t�eir beau�tification. B�
purchasin� under lar�;er q�.anti �ie �::, � a�avin� cara be Y:�.ade.
T wc».Id l�.k� to al? �cate �3, 5flfl.1�0 in our ne�t yee,r � s budge� for this
pra�rr�ra.. ����.s �ra�ra.7n �;:��uld cnst a�p�oxim�tel�r �.15 ger citizen per �e�.r.
'I"�i.� c�r�e�.t �arices :Cf.;r t_r�es glant�d �n.r'.� �uaranteed are i'rom �8.50 ta
�12.5t3 a�iece for �.�'� diax�.e�er stvck, c�ependiizg �n species. S am �ure that.
adv�.c� caul��' be obt�.�.rxed fro� the Univer�ity and the G�.t� of l'�ir�ngapoli$ ,
Park Boa�d on ��es, speci��, �izes, e'�•c. for our bes� intexest. ._ �.T�is pro-
�,�'r�r�. ��ulc1 r.-�ake �'ric�.<].ey �h� °'F�.r•st Su�3Lt�b�� Com�n,unit�s' to 3.n3.tiate� such �
a pro�ra�., ��',e, �s =che G�uncii, must 'tae the leader� for our commux�its in
orde:� ��i�c� p,n,�-��ace, our cityt s image. Ths� �ti�ai.,�:ld be �ne s�ep ta�ard +�ur goal.
i;°:e a�e ��at �a3kin� o� a�,�e�.� ex.�ens�. Z�n��rr th�.t al1 of the citizens� ��e
conc��r� Qci abaut their ta� dollar, ar_d rightfull� so, but the one s that Z� ve
�ps�kc;z� �,:�i�� �;�:rc�e �.r-�o1��.eartec�l,y �vith �'n�..s pro�ra4n.
$�GUIrAt�, C��L 1�'STENG �I11I)�"i ����`3� ��� lc�►, 3.9C 6 �A(� 1
• 07,�3 Bi3S�3S:
I. SE�t�.BD �EADl[NG 0� �VISED O�T.ATANC� �NI3�TG CHAPiEH S6 .02 (2� : The
Ordi�c� is os� Page 2I, rr�vised ss t�e C�dy A�tor�egr �nd I int�g-
p�eged �o�sr �aisl�s a� tt►� 3uly 5�i� Cazncil I���is��. Prev�.aus diecussion
ost thia Ordinanc� is aa� Page 1.
Z. P�OP06EE� PI�EY.IP�SINA�Y PLA'� - PSb5�01 - GAIi�NEB°S PI.AT �`1 {TA,BIED 715/66):
, I do no� kacrw �ha� arran�ea,�eats Mx. Teu�plin has made wf.th Mr. GaYdner,
so that g do no� have any i�fo�mati.on as to j�nst i�ow tkfa pre2ioeiaary
plat will appear se the meeticxg. Freviou� d��cussicra a�a thie ftem is
aa Fage 5 of �he sgeada.
3. �AL DItAIIQAG6 PROPOSAE. - SYLVAt�1 HILY� �TS�LaN B�SIN: L do aot have
aay r�po�ct in wr:itiag oa this, bu� Y�fr. Ca��ock will be prepared to
discuss i� with the Caesacil a� �t�e raeeCictg. Previous disaussion on
this i�em is on Page 1Q.
NE6a' $USINE3S :
�a. PLA1�IIdING GA�SIOI�t I�88TING �S, 3ULY 7, 1966: Ttie Minutea are an
Pages 22 through 25. In I�em #I; tiae �lanaing Co�mmigsion approved the
701 Compsehensive Plaaning Psogram dated Suly 7, 1966, and reco�enda
its approval by the Councile This report was �.nclmded in tbe eavelope
� wi$h your age�nda �or th� Julq lltb m�eting. In �tem �Z, Pages 22 aad
23, you tai.11 note tl�at �laQr� will be revised capies of the propoaed
glann�d develop�eat dist�icr �m�nd�roeat for your considera�ion oa a
paceliminaay trasis. As aeon a� theae are ava�lable from the City Atto�cney,
I vai9.1 see that they ase �a.�t1�d �o you. The PZagreing Comonissioa took
no actioa in Items 3, 4, and 5�ha� would �equire actioa by the Council.
aa Item 6 on Pages 24 and 25, there is a mot�ion by �he Cu�nission that
the� feel �hat no r�orgaai.zatian of the Pl�naing Cotmaiseioa should be
undertaken at �his time. �`tais cancludes �he Planniag Ccximission Miautea.
5. BB1EH13YNG BOARD M�ETING PQNUTSS, �UI,v 13, i966: 3`�ee Ibiirs�tes are oa Page
26. The Board rece�aeaded appgov�l of �he plana witb neodificatioaa
discu�sed in the minutes, aa►d �lso xeca�s3sid thai the 75 foot zequfremeat
af �he zos:ica� ordinanc� be waivect. The plans �ri11 b� �vailable £or yonr
it�spectioa at ti�� �etin�, �aclue3i�g gossibly, ehe plans a�evised according
to the discu�aian ia t e afa �said mi�zute�
�'p ��Z-�� ,�. �1�.
6. T�AgL$8 PB.�iIT - Y N. �: The apglfcatiioa is on Page 27.
The drawiag of ti�e lacatioa o� the proposed �railer is oa Page 28. Tl�is
is not the oxi�inal o�a�ser of tche desLroy�d ho�e . Z'Exe Buildiug Inspector
advises that the gar�q has not ap�l�.ed �4r a Buildiag Pexm:-t and appareaCly
is �tot xeady to build qet.
7. TRAiLEB H�RMIT - 3703 MARSHA�LL STREET I�.E: Thc apgi3catioa for the
permi� �.s on Page 29. This pestait has been renewed e$ch year because the
trailer is used a�z an office a�d �s not Zived in. Thati is why there are
� no si�atures of adjoin3.ng pgeper�y o�ne�s,grant3c�g approv�l, and also
aa drawing. If the Council wishe� to have Chese ite�s completed, I wi1Z
contact the Housex Coupor�tion aad se� �hat same ia done.
�EGtT� C6t�C�iL A�8TYITG AGEI3�A C��t�i'�S -�,Y �.�, Z966 P�GE Z
! 8. ��tA1�iCE F{l�t ]PUS�biA�E OF �'QI,i� C�R: i��si ��� Gi�y ,�tta�ney arr� th�
Ordiraance on Page 3(2 becav�e rao bids were rec�iv�d fo� opaaing, an Jaly 5,
1966 a� advertised. I bel3eve �he t�^di�afae� explsin� the probl�, aad
a s4lu�ion to th� problem ��a� � xee�Q�d ro�- �o�a�r co�sfde�ation.
9. PLAI�IIi1SNG (�Of@�►YISSI�`d RE08�1%ZA�X�1: At th�� �agitfsig � de aot have aay
Orc2ia�sce faroa� ehe City A��ogn�y �ala��ee to �iee proposal as discu�sed
on Ys�sa 8 as:d 9 of this ag�nds. � reia�ed in Ztara 4 above, th�
Plaava:�n� Cosseuissian digccxssed ene �eo��;azs�za�iQA oa I�ages 2"� ac�d 25 of
�&3s ageade. .
10. Dt3P06iT�tfi1 li�' DIS�TSR �'Uit� t 0$ ��ge 31 i� �he account balance at
the Fsidley State Baak, o� �ur►ds cocaLr�b�ted by p�opie foliowiag the
torriados oa t�iay 6, 1965. ��.sposi�ion o£ �ucY: a fund is always �uite
cYif�icuit, al�hough there �Is a posaib��i�y ti�a� the Couucil could
apply tcisis to the heautificatioa of Locice Par�C which, :s ycru all know,
w�s aeve�ely damsged by the eonxado. t�y a�her auggestic�as, of course,
ca�a be broughtt �� a� �he u���ia�, a�ad the Caun�il cac► ei�her take actioa
at �hh�tL� t�e, ar take it under adv�sez��.t far future action �r�lative Lo
11. �30IA�Q[�1 0[tDER1Il�IG I2�OVSP�I� - ST. 19�6-2 {AD�#EI�tiM 2� : The
Re�olu�tfon i8 on Pages 3� and 33. This Resolutio�. is dratim including
�11 og ttte items tihat wexe considered st the lP-sblic �aring on July llth.
Aay ane of the ate�s, A through F ic� I�em 1 on Page 32, can be deleted
� prior to p�ssage of fih� Reaolu�ion.
12. �St�I,UTION O�DF�IIl�TG �UVEN�3� � S8#�Sl: The �tesolutio� is on Page 34,
is $eIf explanatory, snd seia�es to the other ma�ter heard at t}�e
Pub1$c Ha�rin�s oa July 11, 1966.
(�DtII�E A, ADD�NDUM 2) t�he Resolu�io�m �s os� i'age. 35. Frobably pxiar
ta seC3.ng oc� this resolutiat�, th� Couac�I should r�ceive Petitions 23,
24, �aid 25-1966 as foeudd ma Pages 43 �ia�ough 45 uader Item 1�.
�D�E�D�3Y� 2);; The Besolution an Page 36 is seifr �xplanatory.
15. CLA$ffi: Claim Numbers are on Page 37. Detafl of ths claims is included
ia the euuelape witl� the ageada.
16. SSTit3t�TE8: A lis� of tbe astia�Ces is oA pages 38 end 39, aad a detail
of t�a arcttiitect's estimaCe is on page 40.
17. LII�ISElS: The liceases for your coasideratioa and approval are oa Yages
41 aad 42.
18. YSTITI0�8, 23, 24, 25-1966: Tbe petitioa�s on Pages 43 through 4S are
� self explaztatory aad have been discugeed previously tmder Iteea 13 above.
�GUI.t�. COUNCIL �E'IiNG AGEI�IDA CQ�Ni� -�'i.Y 18, 196b PAGE 3
` 19. Ct�fl�fJNICATIO[JS s
(a) ImC.MoAt Coaference; The Iette� om Page 46 is self explanatory and
can be xeceived aad filedo 2'hi� item is budgeted each year for
participation by the 1�Ianager fa tias conference.
(b) Finaace Director: Asaess�eat 801! �79: The �o oa�Page 4� ia
�elf explanatory, with thc3 supporting material oca Pagea 48 through
52. Mr. Bsunsell can go iQto aore detail with you at ttxe meeting.
{c) ST ANTiiO�]Y J,AYCBE3; Y,OC[� PARKs The Letter oa Page 53 is self
e�cplsnatory and can be sceceived and filed by the Couacil. Arraage-
ments for the reservation have besn �ade by the Parke and Recreatioa
Dixectoa, aad the 3t. An�hony Jaycees would wish to have the park
whether or aot you taiglht apprave the bringing af beer iato the area.
�d� BaA1tD 0� 1�iA1.THe JUNE RBP�kT: The 3une repox�t of �hhe Board of
�ealth is oa Pages 54 through 57. Yf you have any questions
relaCive to the repox�, please so advise and I will attempt to
get a more specific answer from the Health Ynspector. I might
poiat out that the �iealth inspectox advises thaC thexe ie no psrti-
cular test �hat can be made of a beach area relative to the
poesibility of akin, esr, eye, o�c aose infections from swin�ing
at any beach. He advises tbat there are people who will get a
rash awi�aing in the same water with people who do cxst, aad also that
• people do get eye, aose, aad ear infections even from sooimmiag in
carefully coatroiled swim�ing pools. The water, as such, at Moore
Iatce Beach is safe for swimmiag, but ao guarantee can be given that
a g�rson �ai11 not pick up an eye, ear or aose infectioa or a sk�.n
{�:, PiNANCB DI88CT�: ASSSSSI�NTS s Ti�e imeeno on Page 58 is aelf
exglanatory, a� is the older memo on Page 59. Mr. Bruasell �tll
ba ready to discusa this fuztber with yon at the �etfng.
��') 3AMt�LSQQ: TBSBS IN L(� PARK: i do not have other t6an �n orai
coamnn�cation fram Couacilman Samuelsoa, but 6e is interested ia
the possibflity that trees, desgroyed by the I3SSSD ia placiag the
setaer line, might be reimbureib2e grom the districe. At this.writing
we bave a counC of appsoximately 21 trees semoved fram Citq property.
Tbe Parke Director and Y are �ceaearching thia matter further, gnd
tsnst that we will have more to report ta you at the m8�t3ag.
AD� i
`� ��3I,'�� 0� Tis�: R�GUI.E�R C�UiSC�`°t.. Y���"i�i G OF JULX 5, i966
T'he R��ular E�tiag of the City �au�cil was cal3ed to order bq Mayoz Kirkham
at 8s10 Petsa
� PBESBNT: ILirki3am, l�rris, Shearidan, Wrightc, Sam�eleon
�83 ABSffidT s Noae
l�OTXON by Councilman Wrig6t �o approve the Minutea of fihe Jnae 20, 1966 M�ti�g
as submitted. Secoaded by 3amueZson. Upoa a voice vote, tbere beiag no aays,
the motioa csrried uaaaimouel�r.
Th� City Ma�a�er etated that I�rd Ksuz of 'Itain City Outdoor Advertising
Asaociatioa was aupposed to be at the eQeetia�. The Mayor asksd if auyrone
was gre�ssnt Yepsesentiag the Oestdoar Advertising Association. No oae aias
pxesent. There waa� some di$aussioa an the mstter of the siae of signs that
would be allawed in the different areas.
• i�OTiON by Wri$ht to receive the co�ooauaicatioa fram the Outdoor Advertisiag
Association. $ecoaded by flarrfs, aad upon a voice vo�e, there being no nays,
the Motion carried unanimously.
Couacilaaan Hasris sug,�ested that the proposed ordiaance�oa page 28 of the ageada
be xetwcned ta the Citq Attorxbey for xsslraftfng e�itb the new figures to be
MOTIaJ by Wright to iasttuct the City Attorney to prepaue revised lenguage
for the eecond readiag of the ordinaa�e �o indicate that sutomobile service
signs, as dsfined, be iimited to 150 sqaare fee� if the siga is adjaceat to
a four-laae d�vided hi�hway, 100 squage feet if �he siga is adjaceat to a County,
Municipal or Sta�e Aid srt�rial street, �ad 60 squsre fee� elsewhese. SecoQded
by Sarris and apoa a v�ice vote, ther� being �so uays, ti�e motion carried
SSZON?NG �E U� 3'r ZOA 6b-4 � JC�ISE�T F�� 5, DQ�INAY' S Ll1YBVIBW
Severe2 peaple we�se present coaceraiag this reson3ng ite�. I�. I�ell, 5675
3ackaon �t�ceet, ata�ed that this ma���r had been discueaed aitb tbe neigi�bo=s,
and �&at they bad discussed the �att�r af getting �o$etb�r vith Mr. Jobnsoa,
the oROner of the property, zelative to the re�oniag and t6at tba peopie in the
area bad decided that they waat� �he zou�ng to etay aa� it is. Cnuncil.s�an Wrigtit
eapl:inmcl tbe locatian of ths pseperty �d the surrouadiag area, aad t6e
potential that the property �n questie� and th� surround3.�g property has.
�L�U�.a.� ��I�iI, i�i'�i� t}� JU%Y .�, i9�a�a PAGE Z
• �e paiffit�a� aut that th� dev�Za�,er oi tc�e ��ae��ay Additioa 8id not pe�i model
hocaae� o� �Y�e propexty, a� �e �el� at ��c�C �i�e th�� ix ��uld eveatual�y be
co�eereial. �ex� �aas s+ac� d�.scr�s�aQn �f � 8��.�fe� s�ri,p betwee�. ti&e propeseq
�nnd �+esid�m�isl area. �ir. Ke11 e��at�c� gt�a� �e ��s ir� f�a11 �ecord as far as
��sq �u��er $os�� thati m�gttt �o ia, bu�t ��k�� �f��� gua�s�e�e they have that the
b�ifeg e�o�ld go in, an�d �bst gc3ara�tee �c+ tt��y have ��asc tfiae trca£fic problem
s�oul� t�ot h� saot�sened. �a� m� t�te rasdd�u��t r��a�ed tpaa� t�e� feeZ �he best �
buffer ��ld ba a ridge of Issst� �i�te ��ec�e�aod fenc� o�t top of it. Vera
Halverson, 5655 Jackao�a 3tsee�, sta�ed he �ras �gposed �v �t-3 �oteiag, ss:d felt
tk�t ���tcial �oaiag r�ould b� be�g�s ��t� a p�op8� buif�r ptcovided. Titere va�
saaae cliscus siaa o�t the matter of ti�e dziv�-ia psope�ty, rahich is ad jaaent,
ae�d the fact tbat so�e day so�a�h$ag otiaer�than �he dr�v�4gn would be goiag
in on th� p�cop��cty. A Q�esti.n�a wa$ s�t�d, �aha� guarsutee the people would
have tha� �Iae slsive-i�a will �veati:all� � taken ou� . A quese3on was aaked,
e�hy c��ot �he d�ive-�.n prag��gy as�d �ke g►gaper�y �8 q�$tion be developed
at �h� sam�e ti�. Yt raas espla3.n�d tt��� �he�� axe di�ie�e�at awners for the
Couac%Imaa Sber3c�sn sta�es� tlas.t he fe�� ghe bes� way to go about this aas �aith
a Sp�cial Us� Pera�it �athex t�i�n a�a�al�ht �aa�im�, as �h�ge �ould be cm�xe
protect�.on for the iea�o�raetcs. GouYaciCls�an 5heridan �hea explained haa� e
Specia! Us� Pessai.t is obtained. Mayox �akh� s��$ested �i�e peaple get
to�eth�a with �he deveZoper.
Mrs. Gwtdescson, who livea acroas rhe s�ree�, asked wti�t �auld hagpea to tbeir
• property. One af the �es�d�emts stated t�nst t�ey can�oC �et off T.H. #65 naw,
aad it is a real problem.
1�TI4i� bq Sam�teleon to �able thie mattes until the group brings bacic a
propoael �o the Council. Secorr,�ted by Wrig��, and upoa a voice vote, there
being no n$ys, the mot#,oa carried.
The M�yo�r deciared a one-baar racess beca��e of tarnado �axnings.
T6e Cona�cil �Ciag �oas recanvened.
TBAFF�C �CS AND lfBLiiTO� (TABIBD 6120/66) :
Titare vas a dlLeanasioa oa t6e probitm in the area. It esems ttist ti�e oain
probl� at t6e psesent tlt�e is pea�►le turniug o�f on �Dellnood Drive to avoid
ths traffic light at I�ssia�4.pgi sa� T.H. �65.
HO'riQ1T by $asris to table actiaa oa tbis �aatttr. Secoaded by Samneisoa, sad
upon a voice vote, tt�re being ao naya, the m�tioa carried vnanisously.
There �asa som�e discuseion by the Council�oa the placemsnt at ca�aications oa
the agenda.
�EGtJLAA t�UUt�C�L I�E��NG (!F JULY 5, 1966
�$J�__- VAN �[TCK [OP�Iv'�D NOORI, 3UL'K 5, 196b) ;
:he G`ity ManBger read the follawin� bid� a$ receiveds
5,000 G.V,W, VAN TRUCK
bo:�kins l�tor 8ales Co. Dodge A-100 $2,089.20 3,14�
�70:. F.xceleior Ave. We (G.V.We
Hvl•lciaa, Mina. 4600��
Braokciale FoPd
25t�J Couaty 8aad LO
Brauklyn Centsr, Mina.
.nderaon Motor Co.
1201 E o La&e 3t .
M�.aneapolis, Mina.
Mc",ee Trucks, Inc.
88 Glenwood Ave.
Mic.*�.eapolis, Minaesota
l±uoke int'1. Harvestex
irwy. �io we�t
�,�o�, r�.
Ford Econo- $2,226.09 2,860�
liae Vai� E Z40 (G.�.w.
Dodge A-100
G 10�1
100 A
$2,259.90 3,I�0�`
$2,299.00 2,895�
$2,�a85.25 4,070�
30-60 Cal. Days
30 Cal. Days
45-60 C�l. Days
90 Csl. Daya
50-90 Cal. Days
T��e Mauager reported that the flopkic�s �ta�r Sales Coapany 6as the low bid, bat
tl���ir v��hicle is rated at la600 GVW rather thaxt the 5000 GVW as ths specifications
re�_,uire. It �as also pointed out that the beat any of the otber cca�panies could
do �xouid be ts► meet this grice, a:ad the next beat bid vae for t6e lar�tr model
Dadle t�ck.
MOTI�rN by Wright to ac�ard the bid to Bopkias Mntor Sales for a Dodge AI00
with 3 gross vehicle weight.of k600 pouada ia the eaauut �f $2,089.20.
Seco�ied by 3amuelsoa, and npon a voice vote, there being ao aaya, t!►e ootien
car�rie�' vaanimously.
BIDS - S3ALCQATING - ST. 1966-10 COPENBD NOOId, JULY 5, 196b3s
The City ?Ssaager read the follaviag bida as seceived:
. AI.1�LtNATB #1 ALI�RNA18 #2
A11ied Blacl: Top Co. $15.427.50 $14,217.50 Aagwt 20, 1966
2900 14th Av�3nue Sa.
Minaeapolis, Minn.
Nothetit Ashpht�lt Coost. $18,150.00
� 1631 66th Avea��e N.E.
I�in�tsapoiis, t�.att.
Jay W. Craig Cn.
650 Warth Fm�ersoa
Cambridge, Mfna.
Not 8pecifi�d
Sapt. 15, 1966
1�GULAB (�U�L Y��i� CDF JUi.Y �, lg&6
PA(� 4
• MOTIO�i 1my 8aaticfs to award the bids to A11i�d Blacktopging Comg�ny for alternate
No. i, witie �be seipulatios� �hat a p�r�formanc� bond caea�t be filed. Seeonded
i�y Wr�,gii�. Uposs a voice vo�e. tbere b$ing ao nays, thQ moscioa carried
unsnimousl�r .
BQASD �A,PP'SATS P�STiNG M31�ti1'iE3 - J1fiIE 22, 1965;
The Bosgd og Appealss �ad reca�ea���d t1� �saieer be �s�a�e8.
I�0'TIQN by i�rris Co cc�ncur s�itb t�@ reco�cadatio� oi �he Boaxd of eppeais
and grant ths var�aace. �he �aoticra was seca�xded aad upoa a vcice vote,
tl�re bein� no aays, the nzotion es�eried �uani.�+ously.
Z'he �oard o� Appeals geca�ae�dcd eo �lze �occ�ci3. tixa� th�a variancQ be denied.
Cou�il�u �ts3,gh� expls3.��d soa� o$ �be probier.�s i� devQlagiag �he prop�rty.
� sta��d tl�at, amon� o�t�er tEaings, the prop�rt�t �.s v�ry na�ro� sad t�e
Caesncil �&�uJ.d �c,atce �offie initaa�2ve i�i a�av�er �e�c6 es th�s. Couuxcilmaia
�rxis s�atsd ��ae� hs t�as �ad � :��r o� csl3s �:�a� p+�ogl�, $nd �he� �ould
Iike to s�t da� w�iCh the Esicksrs� Fetra�s� Cos�gawy �rrad disceaas the aa�t�ez.
�� s�iit he f�lg �hey s�muld d��3� C�e g�q:;.est a� tuia �#�e �til it caa be
develope� iu a wa� tbm� is ca�apa���ble ��.�E� t4�Q r���d�r��iaY P�opertY iu t�e
erea, er�d �. Ba��s so �ved. Secoz�s3ed �gr a�3r�i.g��, gt�d e�per�. a voice vote,
the�c� beiag Qo r�ya, �tae u�.otio�a cszgi�d �a►am��sZy.
��G C�I3S�O�i E��T�3G ��ttiT�� • JUI� 23�„ 19b5:
�6e plaani.rag Coc�uisgion had recar�ended th�t tch�s p�copaeal be 8enied.
M�. Re�,�B �olvasstot, og Bricksaa ���ol.e� Cosrporation, wa� preQ�nt aad
s�ated'thae iae would I$1ce ta esk at �Yai� t�s thati tb�e Ciiy Council set a
Pe�bl�c Heasf.mg oa this c��ter.
I�4N by Wx£gh� to se� a Public I€easc�g fo� August 8, 1966. 3econderi bp
��ris apd upon a voice voee, there �eipg rao asy�, tba motion carried
RFGt13� COIi1�IICI� �Z'ING OF NLy 5, 1966
• Couacilr�aa W��I$iit atated that the �lanaiag Commi.ssiora shouid be alerted ea
to tEae �tblic Hsaring w�ich will be co�.ctg �p rnA. this aratter.
l+frr. Fr�nk Ss�ypl3cisk�C �aas ps�seat and �lced if this maeter was gofag back to
the Planniag Cocamisaio�. The Mayor pointed out that B�icic��oa Petroleuin
Caompaay is eatieled ta a public i�aring oz� t�ais matLes. There a�sa cansidexeble
dis±cus��on on tl� time limit ias ebe Fubiic Heariag. Couaci]l�sa 3haridan
explained t6at tbis i� a cont£aua�$ou o£ tbe pgoce�dinge whfch meue atatted
some time aga.
The Plaaaiag Coao�saioa had s�coseueQded that �his �eaoaiA� be allawed.
I�TIE�I by i1�a�tris to cancux with th� recac�endatf.oa of the Plenaic�$ Coomsiaaioa
aad set m I'ublic I�eazing for the �eaaning. Seconded bq Samc�elson. Upo� a
voice vote, tbeYe beiag ao naya, the ma�ioa carried uaanimouelp.
The Piaaaing Comm3ssicra had referred et�e groposal to the Citq Cosacil with
ao objactioaa. ?he Citiq Manager explainsd the pYOposai of the Nortbera States
pawes _:C�upaay eo the City Cozancil.
• Coeiacilmao Wrig�t pointed out that the Coemeil has so� ehi.ags to diaeuss
�oitb Noriisern Statea aad euggeate8 tha� tbe City Maasgear, Citq Attar�ay, aod
CounciLnaa HaTCris act ae s committee to meet witb NozCbern Statea Po�trer
Comgaay, with this matter and other maCters to be discuased, and so moved.
Seconded by Harris. Upoa a voice vote, there beiug no naqa, the motion
ca�ctied u�aoimously. .
T'be planning Coumisaioa had xecommsndsd approva�. of the propoa�d plat of l.st 1
tbrougit 6, with the northwest coxne�c of this area an exception to ths plat aad
the rtmaiaiag ares as an outint, aad wi.th this approval atrongly recooamended
that Arthttr Stzeet go through to Missi�eippi St�reet, and Che outlot e�ot be
coas�dssed for platting without tt� �ecessary right-of-aray v�idtb provided off
the p�roperCy aoted as aa excepti.00.
The City Maoeger atated that the awnar iiad asboed t6at actie� be dela7ed uR►til
the rneut msating. -
1�fOTI0�1 bq W�cl,ght to tabie this until tbe aext regulas meating af Jt�ly 18, 1466.
Seconded txy �ris arid upoa a voice� vote � Chere 'beiag tso esays, the motion
carri�d uaaniaausly.
P�,OPO�BD PBBLII�r1ARY P�AT, F�tO�D' $ AD�ITIOIQ, GS�t(� F80lid s
• The p2a�aaiag Coc�ni.saion had recommended approval of the pro�ed piat.
X-°� .
�GULA�t �d3iJNC3lL MEE�II3G QIr JUi�'Y' S, L965
Pt�t� 5
• M�'PI(i�T lsy S�l�ight to seC a Public �azing fog �he agpgovsl of the plat aad
accept this ms appsoval o� ti�e preliminary plat. Secauded by bLarris, sud
upoa a vo�ce vote, �her� bei.n� no aays, the �t�on caa^�ri�d euian3mousZy.
VACA�ION i�Q[I�ST fBAV #66-OZ.) (�:O�tt� L. WflJACK -
�he Planaias Coaaaiseion hsd r�eco�naeaded ttiat th� sou�h 3 feet o� the existing
i2 faot essea�sat oa tlie �aarth bouadary line of 7Lat 8, F,lxlc 2, ParkvieW Aeig6ts
Additiom be approved fa� v�cation. �cer� wus s aiscus�ioa of �hether a Public
Heari.ng was necesaary to vace�e ebis. TYae Gity Attoxney asked if a1I the land
o�aners within 300 feet iaad signed the pe��.tio� �gpravf,ezg it. �:he City Maaager
�tated he ttwught th�y h�d.
Mi?TifJ�l by 8arsis to coacux wSth tbe Plaaning Co�i,s�3on in this aeatter.
�'he motiat► was secor�ded and �pon � va�ce vatce, t€rese ix3�ag a� naya, ehe awtion
c�rried uaaaia�o�ssly.
The Plsoning Ga�mission had reco�mended approyal of the Io� splft.
I�DO?IO�I bq Wsi.ght �o con�ur with th$ recom�euds�iun of the P3�aiag Coa�ais�ion
and gasnt the lot spiit subjee� to th� 25 koct eas�ent beiag obtaiaed for
� s�rept purposes. The cnotioa was secoadsd by Samueison and upou a voice vots,
�hese be�.ng ao nays, the m�tioa cerried �naaiceouslp.
�iae Placn#,ag Comaiesioa had Yeco�nc3ad�d that 83xd Aven�ae Nostheast be
cor�sidered a� paatt of �he logical stxeet pa�eern and tbat �he Citq af Fridley
take the ueeeaaary ��egs to carry out that pattexfl as the ased axises, and
�:he righe-of s�ay which is neec%d 'be ecquised b��og,� aay Rdditions to the
Y�'avse Gasoline Sta�ion are made.
The Cfty Manages eatplaiaed ehat Cha �eque�� for a Building Pa�it ha� beea
before the Council, but i� was t�bled uet�il ft wss decia�ed what to do �ith
83rd Aveuue. Gouc3cilsuan Basrir� a�a�ed that �sh�a be w$s oa �me 8treet� aad
IItili�fes 8ub-Co�ittee, it da� decided by the Comneitte� tl�at there Nas so�e
caeed fo$ S3rd- Avenue. Couuci2�aau Wright aak�d Mr. �xavik, Ct�aii-m,an of the
�lanniag Ca�aisaioa, if tbe Ylaaning Comm.i.ssian would have any objeceions to
curviag 83gd Aveaue sligh�ly tco �h� ao��h, �o �hat 83ad Aveae�e conld go
through �titiaout aeoving the station. t�sc. K�avik s�ated he thought there
would be ao objc�ctiaas.
MOrrIO[�1 'b3� Ha�rris to caYecuz with the reco�ndation of the Planniag Com�nieeion
and in�txuot the adaniaisiratioa Co gzocssd �ith the n�cessary steps to obtai.a
aci easeacent fo�c 83rd Av�nue whieb lies im the City of Cocan Rap�.Bs. Secoaded
by San�uelee�a. Ugas a vo�ce vot�, thSSB b�ic� no a.�ys, the motian carried
• uasn�mouely.
R�GU?.1�.R COUNCYL PdEET'tNG � Ji7LY 5, 196b
Ji L
PAG� 7
• �IG'�T-O�-WAY At�QU$SYTZON. IAT 3, BLQCK i, �SSISSTPF� ViLtt��041,�
T�ie Planniag Cvc�ission ha8 rc:comaaended t�aat tihe road saseaaent be held to
s total oi l00 feet an.d that ti�e Ci�y of Rridley reques� aa additioaal IO
foot right-of-�ray off Y.ot 3� Block 1, Mississipp� Vis�o �ldditioa.
1�ION by W�eigb�t to author3.ae the .A�aeir��st�at�o�n and City Attorney to
negatiate �ar �he acquisition of the edded right-of-way ia �hhe south part
of 1.ot 3, Block 1, Miesissippi Vie� Addition. Secmaded by S�+uelson.
Upoa a voice vote, th�re beiag oo aays, Ch� motion carcfed unanim�uslp.
N�DQtTISTt DRAxNA�B 8A�B1�NT IN T� ]t�bT'!�'BBi1CR ADDIZi�i�i:
. �r. Nordquist �aas present and ontl�.aed the probleni they are haviag fn the
area with a drainage paad in the.iaasbruck 3rd Add3Eiea. Mr. Piordquist
pzeseated tiya Cau�ncil with.a drew3ag r�ich was made up by the City of
Columbta Heights Saglaeering Departo�n�. Mr. Nordquist etated that he felt
a cooperative veature �hould be started to take'care af t.�e problem in the
area. Thexe �as a discussion oi what would be daae with the peat material
if it �aere dug oue of �he poad. Th8 City Eag�eer stat�id that the C1tq
does have the dsaiaage eases�ent. Cowxc�i�nxea Wtight seafied that be did aot
feel that the City ie obligated to take car� of the maintenaace of this
• , pond. T4se C�ty At�oxney stated t�at al� the Ci�y vf Fycidley has d�e is
ta help the people ge� t$s wa�er i.nto the goadiug area. Ceuncilman Barria
asked Mx. Naxdquist ig ths City taould hald the �aater ievel, waald tlu
peopl�a �tu tbe a�cea dig it out. � sCa�ed �hey �rould.
1�OiI0� by Samuelson to have �hh� City 8ng�ne�g meet with the 13c�giaee�ring
Department of Columbis Heig,hts sad thQ property awaers io the erea snd cooe
up with a recv�adation for �he City Cauncil. Ti� Mo�ian was secoaded aad
eapoa a voice vate, the�re be3ng ao nayg, the Mat3oa cerried aaanimously.
There was considerable discussion oa t6is matter. Couacilman 86eridaa atated
the Couacil holds ?�i� regular m��tiag�, aad that in 196b Hearia,�s havs beea
held on a saparate aight �roea the regular a�eetiags, sa ttiat an additio�a�al i2
meoting� a�ar sre held. Couacilaera� S�ridan atated that �f the Co�sacil is
to do sooterLia�, be felt �he Cotmc�i s�tusld be able to taias s speeZfic aumber
of ineetic}ga wit6out havi�g to obtafre sa exc�ese from CTne rest of the Council,
aad that this abould be �ede Icac�n aaw, bein� that lEiling frnc �lectioa is comiag
up. T�e Mayor stated that h� ielt that a13 sbouid be �resent at specfal, as
weii as�, regular �eetin�s. T�Ye waa a diacusgi� oa the matter of tesminology
of Special Mse�inga sad the 5pecial Hearing Meetiaga tbat w�rs being held.
Couc�c�,]�an 3i�eridan s�ated that he woald agre� to fin�s oa the second Mot�day
of tbe �n�h m�eCings, as they are heariug �etia�s anB are vary important.
Se s�ated tha�t t6e ffaes could b� autanaticaliy deducted froa� ths persoa's
� cbectc after t6�y ieav� m3�ssed s specific n�ber of inee��ugs, snd tt:at 6e did
not 8gr�e witta the tGeosy of hav�ag to obtaia excases. He atated that probably
ttt� ma�ciu�m� ne�ab�r o� me�tin�s that could be miss�d for tbe special 6earing
nights �ould b� two sa�hher Ciian the faeir o�r five for �He �eg;ular Council
8E� f3d�AiC�Z. MESTIIaG 0� JtTLg S. 396b
• Meet3.n�s. t�r. 8arris stated tha� he did F��I �hat tt�sse fi�rr�� ai�ould be
etar�c�d aow. Ccuncil�an Sineridaa state�t thar �t wouid be a1I right with
bi� to have f3r�es for ebe regula�r c+�ee��.ags, s�d tia� he�g�ng aight ame�tiags.
I�40�I09�V bgr �arris that ¢iaes begi�a with t�se fc�eirtch meeCin� night missed
fos regula�ly scbedaled a�eetiaga �ar the balance o�f 196G, aad a suggestioa
be neade to the e:ew Ceuncil that f�aee �hcusld be �et also for the Pubiic
�earing nl.gt�zs! aud tba� �o excuae� �ould be required. Secoaded by 3heridac►.
Upon a vo3,ce voto, th�re being ao nays, the a�ation casaci�d unaaimonsly.
PARKS A�D RSCBEAT]EQ�1 P�TII�1G l�llNii�$3 3it�3E 27 , 1966:
I�TZ�I+I bp 3amuoelson to receive the miau�ea o£ the� Parks and 8ecrea�tioa
CommiBSfoa Miuutes of Ju� 27, 1966 �nd file. The raotion �a� �cacoaded
and upon a voice vote, the� be;tn$ r� aays, th� mot3on carried unani�ously.
Cauac3lmact Harrig sta�ed rbat thexe eYe moaies gvailable for open laad
acguisitioa and that he feels tbere is proger�y in Fx�dley ttza� could
probab3y quali.fy fos th�s pro$ram, ar�d he euggested that tbia be looked
iato �n the near future as cos�s are goica� up everq day, end he s�ould iiloe
ta refer thi� matCer to �he Parks aad Itec�ea�ivn Co�sa�.on aad the
Adminiaeration, ead request theea to lc�k ir�to this.
• 7�he Citq Mana$er stated that the Cour�cil had givea until July 1, 1966 for tha
oeaues to decide what i►e would dc� �eith the house. The City A�toraey s�ated
that rhe awaer had sEqeiesCed ara �xteasioa to Aeagust 1, 1966, snd wouid
resavve the bouse by �hen.
e�02I0�iT by Wrigbt Ca grant an ex�eaeioa to �fugeist 1, 1966, for the denalf:tion
of the property, bq which time he shaii ei�her se�aove ar de�eoliab ar oti�er�isa
�emuve tt�s eatire house sad foc�adatioa fro� the premisc�s. Sec�ded bq Si�eridaa.
Upon a rail c�li vote, tiaoee vating ia favor: Rirl�am, Shasridan, Wxight,
Samuelaou. Oppose�: 8arris. The �tion carr�ed.
Councilman 8arris steted that this a�a�ter had baea discuased by all members
of the <3ovnciZ aad the P1.anning Com+nitasioa and suggested that a�e of the
ideas �f bis i�e iacorporated �a�o an ordiaaace that could be bseugbt back
to tbe City Co�acil ao that some tqp� of actiaa conld g�t sts�rted oa thia
HO►ri0�9 by 13arrie to request that at the aext regular me�tti�ng, a greliminary
ordiaaace be prepared incorporatiag aane of the 3,dese expressed by him aad
scn�e of the ather Couacilmea r�lative tco the x�flrgaai.zatioa of the Planning
Coacai�sioa. 3eca�ded by Samuslsoa. Upo�a a voice vot�, ehere beiog ao nays,
the s�tion carried uaanimonsly.
• Councilman HaYris �tated that iF any of the otber Co�aciin�an �ave aay ideas
aa thia matter, t6my could refe� theaa to the City e�toraey. The Citq Manages
REGUF� �0!iTT�tC� I�BTibTG 0� JULY 5, 196�u'
PAt�: 9
� sta�ed �ha� the planaing Coawie�ion ie aaw avnilable to meet with the �oculcil
on thia maticer, acsd that this mattes is oa their agenda for �'iwrsday aight.
Councilman Wrigi�C stated that there have bs��a s�veral o�inioaa submitted,
aad it �aould be hard �a l�a�w �hich af �hes� ahanld be pext intco the ordina�nce.
Couaac�l�a I�arxis stated that so�etfiing co�cret� ig aeeded ta �et some action
stasted oa tbis.
Mr. Ken YL�svik, Chairmaa of the Planniag C�mmis�ion, stated ttiat he feels it is
d3fficult to get tbe time ta actualty do plaareir+g far the City, as so n�uch
ti�e is taken up with othe� things, sesch as 2at splita aed the actual
mechaaias of operatiug ttee Plaaaisg Coa�isafon, and he �esls that thia is
one as�ea C6at aaeads im�rove+aent, cl�at is, to a13aw the Plaan�ag Cammission
membera t� have more tLme to wcrk on some of the glaasiiag problema.
ca�mticazZa� - a� t�n - va��:
Mr. Veraon Houfm, reptesaatiag 8ed Or�l Campaay, was preseat a�d explained
the variaace sequest as �et fortb ici th� laCter fxom bis office, da�ed
3�ae 27, 1966. They are a8king for a vari�ac@ £som the buildiag reqniremeat
of a 15 toot plantic� serip oa the east side of the �,ed Otal property.
Cou�cilman Harrfs asked what they weuld he wil�ing to da in Iisu of tlse
15 fast plaztting strig. Mr. Iioium stated that �hey wou?d put up a eia
foot redwaod feace on �op ofc the retainiag wal�., sa that ths fence would
actually be 8 to 9 feet high. Tiee Mayor etated thse he Wa� oa the Baildi.qg
Board whea Chig matter had coco� up p�eviously, aa8 the Building Board was
• ia agre�eat wiCh the redwood Eence. Couracilman Wr��ht stated that he
feels thie was iniplied when the Buildin� Pexmit was granted.
MOTIt� by Councilman Wri$ht tha�, based oa past action of the Building Board
aad the Boatd o# Appeals, the �taiver of the 15 foot g].anCfpg strip is hereby
greated to Red Orqi 3tore aa the eas� side of theis properey p�ovidiag thet
a eix foot redwo�d Fe�ce ie put up and nEaintafned. Seconded by Samuelsoa
aad up� a voice vote, there be3.ng ao naya, the m�otion caa7cied unania�ouslq.
BIt� C�SSR �, PI.41T 7;
T'hia was a�ceqsr,�st to build a garage one faotc 6 3nches from the propertq
2ine oa the slab of a garags that �as destroyed by ttae tos�.ado.
MaP9t�i h�r Samsaeison to grsa►t the requeat. The a�otica was aecoaded and npoa
a voice vote, theYe beiag ao aaye, the awti� carried unaaimoesaly.
�'be Citq l�enager atated that be has spent a good deal of time gtCting
iafoimatiaa togetheic for ehi�, ead at the preseat time tbore ase S11 canaectioas
i� the areas that aoceid posaibly be connected �o the North $uburbaa Saaitary
Sewer line to reli�ve the problem ia the Sylva�a �Llia area. th�z�e aas
d3scussion oa the coet of these connectioas and tLe cast of the project itself.
• Ms. Co�tock gtated that t6e eatima�ed cose of the liae on 61at Avenue runa�ag
from Uatv�raity to the North Suburbaa Saaitary Sewer liae waald ba approsimt�iy
REGU%.A�, CAI�iiC�L MEETYNG t7�' 3ULY 5, 1R66
• $77,625. ii this was done, t6e appraxi�.tely $18,000 raauld aot have to be
spen� in tbe Sylvan Hills area� horta�ve�. It was pciated outi that the RBCe
or Resideatial Eqe�ivalent Cou�ectians �aulci al�o cast $I50 each in add3tion
to the coet of the line. Mr. EYnest F�aelZ w�a present, as well as several
other residents of the area, �a�d asked ti�e eouncil to explaic� Che proposal
w�icb they taese discussing. The Cour►cii then explaiaed the proposal wbich
was to tatr;e parts of Fridley aad connect to the NSSS� sad to ruA g liue oa
61s� Aveaue fuam Uaiversity west to Che NSSSD 2ine aatt discbarge sewsg@ iato
the NS83D line at that poiat.
Council.mau Hatris e�ated that the Cauacil has beea lookiag aC o�her raya to
solve the prablem, in additioa �o the c��y w�ic�t was f3.rsC co�side�red. It �oas.
poinCest oat that Chese are vsr3.oua desi�ns undes caresideration for salviag
the probl�m f.n the Sylvan Hill� area. �
MO'rIQ� by Samuelsoa to receive et�e co�ect3oa data aad refaz �o Comatock sud
Davis fax thsir evaluation. The mntien was s�coaded and upon a voice vote,
there beie�g no aays, the motiaa carried uaaaimously.
Councilmaa Wright aekcd ii aay discus�ioa has ba�n he2d with Nortd $uburban
Saaitary �et�er District witih refezence to �ahat the CiCq 3s gaing to have to
pay for connectfoc�s. Councilman Sber�dan stated that aone has besn held,
and that they bave been waiting fcr aeoxe iafor�uatioa.
• Mx. Cametock sho�wed plaas to the City Council for ways to solve the prubiem
of water atsadiag in the park ict tbe Splvaa Hill.s area. 1Sir. Comatock stated
that t6ey aeeded spproxin�atsly 284,400 cubic foot of storage to make the
storm sewar sqatem operate as was inteuded. The propoeal that Mr. Comstock
a&owed the Couacil prov�ded storaga for approxiaaately 140,000 cubic feet.
Mre Cossstock stated that thi.s pYOposal would cost so�ne�where ia the neigb-
borhaod o� $25,000.
iyOTTON by Couocilman Earri.s to in�truct Mr. Comstock to ccme back to the
Cftq Co�tci�d witb t�e minimcsan �ite preparatioa plsa far solvin�g the problem
in the 3ylvan �ills poadiag area. Seconded by Samuelsoa. Upoa a voice vote,
there beiag no nays, the m�tion carriec� caaanimously.
Couacilmaa Sheridan suggested that tbe deeds be reCurned to Mr. 3aliterman
as be takee ssaception ta the laat paragraph which s�ates that, "The cousideratioa
for thi� inett�cm�ent is� the co�struction and openiag of a cro8eover on l�bore
Lake Dsive through T.fl. #b5." I�r. Sheufdaca further atated tlsat the street
easemeat w�s � conQideratioa of gettin� the Building Perm�_t.
Zi0TI0�d bq Sheridan that tha de�d be xeturned to Mr. Salitesman. Secoaded
bq Samuelson, and upon a voice vote, tt»re be3ag no oaps, tbe motion cazried �
P1�GE 11
Mre Comstock explained the proposed maintena�ece agreement mith the City of
Colambia Hei�lits and tbe City of Fridl�y regarding the progosed coastructioa
of an outfall liae that will serve Coleymbia Heigh�s, Fridley and the State
8ighwaq Departmeat> M�. Samuelaoa i�qaZxed i£ a i�eariag should be 6eld on
this matters ss the Ci�y would be obligated ior approximately $11,000 to
$12,000? The City Attorney su�gested �bat the C�ty go �brough the Public
�eariag psoces�.
MOTI�33 by Samueison to adopt 8esoluLion �k98-I966 cailia& a Public Seariag
oa the Fridley partion of ttte Snllivan Lake storm sesuer aqatem for August 8,
1966 and to indicate to the City of Calumbia fleights that t.be City has taken
the necessary legal steps. Seconded tay Sherician and upon a vaice vote, Chere
bei�g no naqs, the mation carried unanimously.
RTSObtTPIOiJ �`99-196b - LOCATION 0� CITY HAI.�:
The City Manager read the propoaed Reeolutfon. There was so�ae discussion
on the proposed Besolution and whether it was adequate or correct. Council-
man Harris $ugg,ested that the follawfng sentence could be added to tbe
firs� paragraph, "8eserviag the final decision nntil detaiL plaas nre avail-
• able." There was aonaiderably more disc�assion oa this.
MOTIO�YJ bq Samuelson to adopt Sesolution �99-1966 as ameaded. The adoptioa
of �he Resolution wae seconded by Harxis.
Cauncilmaa Wright stated that he was goiag to vote agaiast the Resolutioa
partially because of wordiag, partially because the 8esolutioa makes assumptions
w�ich are falae, aad dces not feel Chey axe keeping faith witb tbe public if
t1�ey move Che City Hall, and the public should be given a chance to make the
decisioa. .
Cauacilmaa Sheridan stated he feels the City caaaot bnild the City Sall with
the p�cesent funda, and in view of the presentation made to the public to
raise maney for the City �all, he feels that the Council should go back to
the p�ople for en expression of their wi12 r�lative to the location of the
City HaIY. Cocuicilman Sheridan atated thet he feels that if the Couacil does
not go back to the p�eople wit6 this questfoa, that aay future bond issue
coald be jeopardiaed.
The Mayo�t stated that he did� not feel that the Council ever promised anyt6iag
as far as the location waa cooaerned, and that be never favored the present
location, and the preseat locaCioa wos onZy aa iadication of what could be
doae. �
Couacilmaa Sheridaa stated that he aas the oaly me�ber of the City Council
to vote ageiast tbe additioaal three stal�s oa the fire station at tE�
• preaen� locatioa. 8e also stated that oa the brochure ttu�t was •ent ont
to the people, the aite �as sta�ed aa beiag at 64th and Uaivarsity Avenue.
Ei�f;�1:��i �'(��NG�i,, �;°�'i;V� U� #U�af � g 1.���
P,AGG� � 2
. '��a� l��c�t� �aaci ata�ed �.hat la� �s� i.��Iic�ed �.o wa�°k agai�n�t th� �oad ��sue
�o� �%.�s ����r �all, b�� �e k�ad �uppoart�:ed �Ct �es: %e %ad beeaa assua�ed �y
��+��x��� ��a� ���,g�x� ri��t �k�ra ore�ex��: �i.te ra��n.i.d c�at uece�sa�°� ly be t�e sit;�
��a� h:.�� b�.��c�:i.��:, Gacs�n�i�.ma� �T�°�3h� ��at.�d �'��� t�i� ai�,egat�on i� wit�aout
1b����� a;�d ��a� Qnly c;onv�x�at�a�. 2;%ae; 1�� ��a�° �it� ��3.e �iayo�e �a� �ait� �e�erence
�o ��a s���l�i�e�t"a ci.rawingj �� �a t;�� c�e�ii�� ai �l�e building�
I�o �ob��� �hr���ensa� �tat;ed ti�a� �h�,s cu�tr•ovea���r l�as be�.a groing an fo�
�f�� oa s�x �ea�� az�c� a lot o� wro��C haa be�a done �egaxding tY�e proposed
�.iL�► iia1l anc� wlz��e Lc� bui��.d xt, and a x.e�oa�asenc�ation �as been made �or �.txe
p���ea� s�,�e s�I� goi�tesi ou� th.a� a City �en��r �o�ai�tee �ad r,ecom�nded
t,1��t st%is t�cs��on be c1�o�ea, anc� t,hat the. u-�mbe�s we�e no� ia ag�e�ment at
����� �1hat �bis ��aou�d be ��e io�a��,�n, but that 1ate�° alI did decf8e
i��x��nousl� ttaat �h�r� waa� �o be ��e 1.ocai°�.o�, an�3 that the broci�u�°e tha�
vaas �en� ou� �o tf�e people did n�ka�e :?ttaL t.hz ���a� wl�e�� �he ��ty fiall would
b� �bea�l�e � s�a��d that �he f.�te �,rnsu�an�e �ates would be uaacla lhighex ii
�i�� �i�� �sil �aaa maved tv anoti�er ��.teo I�r� Cl���seenson stated �hat tlxe
�c��x�3.1 i�ad ind��A�t�d t.C�at tl�e�r r�oal.ci pa�e�er to see uxban reaewal by
�5��'v�te m�aa�s �€atl�e� than Fedexai, �xtd �a� t�ad con�idea�ce 3,n �he businessmen
f�.� �k�� a�ea� �ut �eaw ���a t�onf�dec�ee do�� �.ot se�� to be �here e He aaid
��i� �i�y �� d�,vid�d b� man�r ma jor� �°oad�, axaci tlae:�e is na �°eal do�antowa ��ea
iia� �'��cile�, aatd aaone eve� w:il.l be bu�.?� �# �t �:s not done na�a, Mro �%.ri,�tenson
���t��d �l�a� �he�e �ri,11 be a�o�ra�.tow� As��c,ia�i.axi �o�ed to p�o�note the daaan�o�n
a�;�a o� �'�idl��r, a�ad i.nvi�ed �€a� �ou�c:%l �:o G�ir�ts �'�ve, �e�; o�° fif�eec� years
alb.e�aci �� p�ov3s�� the peopt� �a�th ,�h� �es� �c:hoice> �t� Chri�te�son s�ated
• ��aat: i� �.�y c�o ua� 1uav� ��e r��e;y �o �b�.i:id t�e �ity i3�lY in� ti�� pre�en�
lo�at�.a�, �%e±y �ha�1d go �aack �o the vAte�� �rs� aric��ti,ona2 m�on.e�r� '4% f.�2�
�k�e g±�o� l� �aoa7lct suQpca� t. ��� t�oc�d ����e d
"�`i�e ��a�►o� �t�ated t�a�: �,e did �ot �e�l moviag the �i��► �a11 would move the
�er��e� o� �.ba ��,ty ��ceasa�i,iy� T�r< t�e�r�,�tc poin��d aut th�t the Ci,ty
�n�ge� a� Bloomi,angta� �a�c� C:taa� �� wae i�gaoa��ble �o have a downtawn ar�a
i.�x t�e ir subt�b �,
�oua��ilwa�, Haxr�,� �°�ac�ked �ro �bz°iatce�ason foar hi� �all�o A geatlemaa from
�i�� arxdi�a�� s�ated ���a� iae vo�ed �o� th.e bo�d issue to build t�e City �ial�.,
�t �aid �i�a� t.T�� �i.r�r Couxa�tl gl�o�ald go ahead, �I�� iia�is stated �hat i.t
�.� ��al��r a�,ro pa�t �e�olu�i.o:nY r�r�dl �ta�ed that �ae �1a:�r�ks it spelled out
��ae q�at�,v� very Fae17 ��ae�n�ilma� �I�L�ix� s�a�eci th�� ihe worild like the
re���d to �ho� ��a� �� �ai�er� ex�ep�3,oa� to �tae �Cat��es�t� of fart set fo�°th
�� t°�ie re�alu�ioa arid �anno�: su�spori� �he ���olut�Qn� Gaunc�lman Har�ia
;��v,��ed �ou��f.lma� Wr�i.g�t ta sp�li ou� w�aaC �e ie�l� ia er�co�eous., Couc��il�
ma� Wrig�� sta�ed tiaat; i�e ciefied anyp.�ae to sha�r an�r action �e�°e a� announced
a�tta�s wae� �atcrn fo� c,t�aasing o� the X.o�ica Park siteo Councilmaa S�eridan
�ta�:�;d ��i�� �e d�.c1 �ae feel �ae eo�elc� voLP for tt�i� resolutioa without going
�ia�k �o �%e people�
�![O�'�ON by �a��i�s to �abl.e the resnlution� Ttaere �as no s�comd tv ��►e motioao
V�'i'� on �t�e ori�iael motion Co adopt itesolutiou �99-1966o Upon a roll call
. �c�t�, those vaCing ayee KSxtclxam, Hax�is, Samu:elason. Ogpoaeda 3he�idan,
'�lx �gCnt o
PAC� 13
� MOTi0i�1 by 3heridan to dis�ect the City Clerk to prepare a ballot far the
Sr�ptembes i3, 1966 pria:ary electioz► by which the people could make a
choice betweea the two �iscuse+ed locations for the City Hall. Seconded by
Wxigi�t. Mara Samuelsan saici that t�ii$ cauld b� h��led at s Yublic Eeari.ng
xather thaa on a vote basis. Couucilmaa tIarri� st��ed ttaat the Council
may nat be ia any position to di�cuss boti� �itEa at s Public He�riag, and
the Couacil is only thsee or faer ��t�CS a�sy from gattiag infaraaation fran
the A�ccbi tect .
Vote ugoa �he motioa: Upon a ro11 call vote, thoae votiag syes Sheridan,
Wright. Opposed: Kirkhsm, 8arris, Sa�ualsan. The motian did n�t carry.
Mr. Wilbur �liiit�ore was present at the Conacil Hesting a�nd �tated ti�at he
felt that ti6e busiaes�en ia t6e arsa bad eo� up wi�h too little too late,
and stated that so�e busin�ae�en s�d iaterested in so�:ssChiag only vhea
their pocketbooka are hur�, a:►d t6at t�e would c�eallenge the busiaeeamep
ia the area to coma up witb plans to snpple�ent what the City is tryiag to
do to belg obtaia additional Iaad or get addStional finaaaing. Most people
do nv� sea�m too interested ia the problem aad Mr. Whit�aore fwcther cballeaged
ehe bueines8mea in Cbe area to came up raith sameti�ing conatxuctive.
1966 - A
Mr. Comstock expla�tued t�e project.
• MOTiON by Wright to adopt Besalution #100-19b6. Seconded by Sheridan and
upoa a voice vote, there being no nays, the I�tioa carri�d unanimonsly.
M�OTION by Shssidaa to appn ve General a+nd Public Otilitfea Claimr #8953 ti�rougb
#9078. Secoa�ded by Harris. Upm s voice vot�, theze beiag ao aa�s, tLe
motion carrisd vaaaimouely.
2�OTLON by Wrigbt to approve Liquor Claims �146 through �17I. 8�conded by
Harris. Upoo s voice vote, there being no nsys, the motioa carried uaani-
1►l0'rI0ld by Wright to approve tl� following esti.matess
Peteraon-lemplia, Inc.
64Q2 - 56t6 Aveat� Narth
l�ia�espo2i.m, Mianesota 55428
Sstimste.�3 (Partial) Water Improvea�ent Froject No.
75-C, Schedule 1, acCording to contract (3 million
Galloa Beservoir) .$45,158.40
• K�eys Well Drilling Cc�pany
413 Norich Lexiagtoa Parkway
S�. Paul, Minaesota, 55104
EsCimate �15 �Pastial) Water ��proveme�.� Pxoject
No, 75-A. acoording to contract (three addi�ioaal
drist weils) $10,�a03,6S
D. W. Hickey & Compaay, Iac.
1841 University Avenue
St. Paul, Mtanesota, 55I04
Eatimate �3 (Partial) Water �mprovement Project
No. 15-C, Scbedule 2(High Surface gumps aad
three additional filte�s - Cocsaons Park) $ 9,081.00
accardiag to coatract.
Tbe motioa was secondsd by Sl�ridan, and upcm a voice vote, thsre beiag ao
a8ya, tbe ndotfoa carried unanimously.
Mro Bobert 8. A�derson had applied for the oa eale and tavern license at
Red's Club. Mr. Harrfs and :everal other Councilmen qa�stieaed Mr. Auderson
• at leagtb, about his proposed operation.
MOTI�t by Barris to graut a license to Bobert E. Andersoa on the provieo
that t6e awaer ceme up with a qualified applican� by the first regular Counail
Me�tiag of 1967. Seconded by �heridan: Upoa a roll call vote, tbose voting
ayee fla.r*is, S6eridan, Wrigbt. Opposed; Kirkhaan, Samuel�aon. The Maqor
stated that he objected to the applicant because of the fact that he would
not be on �he premises �uch of the time.
I�0?I(�T by Wright to a►pprove the liceaaes and append the liat to the Minntea.
Seconded bq S6esidan aad ugon a voice vote, there being no aays, t� motioaa
carried u�aanim�usly.
PSTITIONS �Z1-1966 AND #22-I966t
1�0►1ZON by Sheridan to receive, file aad process�Petition �21-1966 and
Petitfon #22•1966. Seaoa�ded by Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, theze being
no aays, the aotion aarried euianimously.
• MOTIO�T by 8g�cris to receive and file the ca�unication. 3ecoaded hy
Samueleon aqd upon a voice vote, there being no rtsys, the"motion carsied
A�O�ION by Haxgis to receive and fiie the comsnunication. Seconded by Samuelsoa.
Upon a voice vote, ther� beiag ao aays, the motion carried unanimously.
M02IO�I by Wright to authorize the City Maaager and City Attorney to negotiate
or proeeed with coademnaCian for the necessary right�of-waq. Seconded by
Hax�cis aad upoa a voice voCe, there beia�g no nays, the moxion carried
t�10►�IQN by Samuelsoa to coacur with the reeommrendation of the Park Director.
Seaoaded by Harris, and upoa a vofce vote, ther� being no aaqs, the awtion
carried unaa3mously.
MOTIQS by Harris to receive Che co�nication and to dixect ehe City
Administratioa to contact Mr. Gerber aad aee what can be arranged with
reiereuce to service to the northera part of the City, and to also contacC
the bospital with reference to the servica to the nosthern part of the City
relating to the letter from Twin Citq Liues, Yuc. dated June 22, I966.
• Secoaded by Sa�welson, and upon a voice vote, tbere being no nape, the motion
aarriedn an,animously.
Mi0'rION by Hasris to receive and file the comeownicatioa. Seconded by Sheridan
aad upoa a voice vote, there being no nays, the �tivn carried uaaaimously.
1�lOTION by Harris to receive aad file ehe co�unication. Secoadad by Sheridan,
and apon a voice vote, there beiag no nays, the amotion carried unaaimously.
M�c. Samuele�oa stated he felt tbe C�.ty Couacil should send a coagratulatory
letter to the SAlutatorian and Valedi.ctariaa for all four achool diatricts,
if they live ia Fridley. Secoaded b�► Wright and upon a voice vote, there
being no �tays, the �Lion cssticied e�nanimouelq.
Nre Tom Greig was present aad stated Chat he had severa2 qwstions that 6e
wou1S like answared with refereace to the bond issue for the City Haii.
Noo 1. What are tbe costs for archiCect fees siace 1960 or 1962. No. 2.
. Does the City have in writi,ag ths croesaver or bu�mpovez ac�es• scrosa
1Jnivereity A�eaue in froat of the prea�nt City Ha12. No. 3. He stated tlrat
ItEGUI.Att �OUN�IY. I�ET7�NG dF JULY 5, 1966
• it has cost $45,000 to $50,OQ0 to delay building o� any sate due to the
increase in construction costs. No. �a. How �sny acres are available oa
the present City Hall site. It was stated thati xhere az� 3.7. Na. S.
With reference to the egresffi and ingre�s to the proposed site at Locke
Park, he �elt thaL it is good 3.a ss maach as it is oa Ut��.vexsity Aveaue sad
close to 73rd Aveaue which will go from oae side of the City to the other.
�OT1 by Samuelson to have the City At�orney direct a letter to the Park
and 8ecreation Commission with sefere�ee to vandalism in %ocice Park.
Secoaded bq Sberidan. Upon a voice vote, the�e befng no nays, the aation
carried uaanimously.
Mr, Hatris stated �hat he would be �illing to �eet witi� th� City Maaeger
and the Partc and B,ecreatioa Director with reference to aa application for
open lsad acquieitiaa.
M�OrtTO�T by Hartis to autborize the application be eu,ecuted aad sent ia aa
appYOVad. Ssconded by Sheridaa and ugoa a voice vote, Lbere being no asyse
tiie a�otf� carried uaaai�mously.
• There l�ing no further busiaess, Mayor Rirkham deciarad the regular Conncil
Meetiag Qf July 5, 1966 adjourned at 2t30 A.M.
Bespeatfally aabmitted,
- �e��
r�fn C��
A�cting Secretary to the Council
• 9CI� P�l[NUT,88 (7€�' �HHE SPECIAL COtiNCi% 1�9�iII�G OF Jti'�,.Y I1, 1966
The 5pee�aL Council l�ereting of the City of FYidley was calied ta order by
Mayor Kirkham at 8:10 PeM.
M�EBS P8BS8N'T: �irkbam, &zzris, Samuelsoa
�BBRS ABS�NYs SLeridan, Wri.gh�
M,eyor Kirki�a expla3aed that this metting has be�n called fat the purpoae of
holdiag a Asbli.c Heariug on t�o progased improveaaeata.
STBSST �II'RO�1T p'BtO.�CT 1966-2 fADD�NDi1M �2i a
Hayor 8i.rkh� reed the Notice of Hearintg, aad atated that each aectioa would
be t.a�cen iadividually as it appe�rs an the Notice of Hieazing.
Mayox �irkham asked if anyaae preasat wi�hed to be hearcl oa thia sectioa.
Mr. 8dmond A. S�worBky, 491-6Is� Avenue Ptortheast stated that he would Iike
to kna� �hy thsy are getting side��alks. Mayor Kirkham aatd that this xas a
heavily traveled sCreet leading to the schoois. Mz. Swarskp asked haw it
bene�itted hi� property. �ie said that for maay years he has let the
• childrea walk oa his lazan to ke�p them out of �he atreet. 8�e said that as
it r�sa gor ttu� schools, they should pay fnr �h�m. M,ayor Rirkliam explained
thaC this ia legally impossible.
Mr. Sol Gunzb:arger, 6209 Baker Aveaue N.B., said tisat his lot slopea dowa
aud ask,ed 3f the City will build s seaa2l retaiaiug wali �ohen theq build the
sid�aalka? The City Enginee� ttaid thae �he City does not prapase any
zetaiaing waZls, and that his Iot could be sloped to the sfdevalk.
Mr, t�bwcger asiced who had tnade the application for aideovaiks. rSayor
Riskham aasweYed that the School Board has requested them, and also the
City Coancll.
Mr. �►ayer, fxaa tbe School Soard, stat�d that the School Bosrd bss been
req�esting sidewalks arouad the sc6eol buildiags for 8 or 9 y9sars. They
have requested sidewalics asoe�n�d the main school complex whi.ch ia in the
center of tbe City.
Hr. Gw�aburger asked why all ths stsett was iacle,�ded �ith tbR excagtion of
Carol Drive to Baker. Councilmao &�m�ueison aaid that thia projec� had been
objeatQd to by the property c�waers, a�d tbare aas no rsason for si,,da�alk in
that area at tbis tiee. Mayar 1[ir�cham aaid that tbis Was All aae Qrojvct.
1'he stre�ts toere goin�g to be improvQd also and a heariag 6ad been beld, at
a�iticb time the street mas defeated se t6e aidewail�s wese eliminatsd also.
Mr. C,nn�busger said that he had bsaa �� �hhe s�eetimg tLati had beea beld aad
� they hsd proteated t6e aoxth side of Che atreet from Baioer to T.,S. #65.
Co�mcilman Saauulsoa expiaiaed that the City was tryiag to chaanel children
SPECZAL C�t7i�CYY. 1�ET3StG dF JtiI,Y 11, 196b
` i�a ttte di.rec��on o€ the futuxe si$aal, where they would be able to cross
the street taith a buttoa control system, and �he sidewalk wi11 channel
the c�ildrea. Mr. Gunaburgex ssid tha� uot half a dozen p�ople wa2k here
in a day. Gouacilmau I�arrfs aaid �hat the Couacil haa not fuliy discussed
this, and peghaps tbese is same weri� in having sidewallc on only one side
fram Baker ta T.Ho �65. Mre Gunzbwcger sa�d that he did not want tQ be
assessed gor tbie pro�ect. �e said he had lived here 10 ye�s and it was
ge�tfxeg so that he could not evea pay for it uow. Mayoa Kirkh� said that
the reasan fag holding the hearing was �o give ever�►one an opporCunity
to IeC the Council knaw haw they £e�l.
Mr. Sworsky said that everyone going to rhe Senior Hi�h Schaol walks here,
asyd hs must gay for 7th Street naw and feels other people should pay also.
Councilman Barris said that these has been same disc�as�ioa w�thin the
Couacil about the poss:lbility that the property awners m�,�ht not be asaessed
the total aa�unt, but a percentr�ge of the total, bu* that tbe total figure
mua� be Bhawn until the Couacil decides on how m�ch of a percentage it
should be, if �his is agreed upon. Mr. Swoxaky �aid tha� he was in favor
of.the s�.det�alka if they were a�ses�ed �sixly. Councilman �iarria asked if he
i�d no ob3ectioas to the aidewalks if the �ssessm�enrc were spzead furtheg.
Mr. S�woYSky said this was cor�ect.
Mr. I,ynn Gallup, a visitor to �he Couacil I�eeting, said tbat his c6ildren
attead Yarkview. but �hat he is a�at on the asaessm�at list. He aaid that
he waa iu favor of sidewalks in genesal gor Fridley, and he said he £e�ls
• he should help pay. He soggested the Couacil spend a lot of ti.me oa this
and £ind a way ia which all caa participate, and p�rkaps thare caa be
�idewalks throughout Fridl�y. Couc�cilman Samueison said th�t this was
part of t�ie City"s overall prQgram. He said that aidewalks are goin$ ia
oa Missiaaippi Street na�t, acad they hope �o have sidewalks on the heavily
tra�eli�d roads, pvsaibly East River Road so�n, to get �he childreu off
the stseet and onto sidewalks. �e said that this ia the pximary purpose
of t&e project, aad ti�ere is no plan to go back iato �he residential
sections umtit the citizen� requeat sidewalks.
Mr, 3r�orsky said that he beloags to St, Williams aad everyone gofng to
church will use the eidewalks, and his poisat vas tl�at he did aot waat to
pay far 4,OW or 5,000 other people.
Couacilmau Smuualsoa said tbat aaother reasoa for tbe side�a3ka is ti�et
as so�n as tbe School Board can provide aafe meaas for childrea to get
tv saHool� Chey can cut dowa ou some percenCage of their lwaiag costs.
Mr. C��bulget asked ho�w long t.he Council had Lived in Fridley. He said
he had lived bere 10 yeara, and one of the aelliag poiata had besn - ao
sidea�alks. Couacilasaa Sam«e18qn.poiated out a�ain that sidewslka axe
not proposed tor tl�e residential aseas.
Mra I�eyer, a visit�r to the Couaoil t�tiag, aaked if tbia type of City
functioa reQuired a petitiono Couacilman S�muelson aaid that n petition
• had �een received fras tt�e Sc6001 Board, gad ba�ically he wonld consider
this awre of a capital inprovemeat fort6e City. Tbe City Atteraep explafn�d
that if a petitioa is xecsived with over 309e repreaented the Couacil can pass
SPECZ�. C�iINCtL �T3t�IG OF JIT,�LY 12, 1966
PA(� 19
• an intProvement with � azsjority voC�. If the pe�ition is seot 30% f,t requires
a 4/5 vote. He said t�at settiag � 51% �igure fs a policy of the Cou�acil in
mose th�ags.
No one else asl�ed to speak on this sec�ion at this tim�e.
Mayor Kirtcham asked if there was anyone pxesent who wished to be heard on
this sec�ion. Tqsere �as no response.
Mayaar Kfrkham asiced if there was aaqoae pses�nt wbo �ished to be heard on
this aection. There wag no respoaae.
�Y� ��� $s1�ed if there was auy�se pres�at who wished to be heard on
this sectian. T'6ere was no reapoase.
Tbe Cttq Attorciey said that he bad had a call f�am St, Phillips Churc6 end
� ti�e record should abaw that St. Philiips favors side�aalk oa the sa:th eide
of the street.
7'i�t ST�T: 59TH AVSNt� 1�0 61ST AVEr�iiB �AsT 3In� ONL� :
Mayor Kfxkham ashed if there waa aayons present who wished to be 6esrd ca
this section. Z[tere wae ao respaaae,
Mr. Thay�er asked if the sidewalks were to be S feet wide ae thie is what the
3chool BoaZd would lilce. The Citq 8�agi�aeer aaid thst the absessments vere
based on a 5 foot eidewalk. isr. Tlsayer agked why the eidgvalk was atopped
on the east side of 9th Streat fram 6iat Avenue to t6e north prnperty liae
of the Ftidley Cano�o�ns. Couacilman Samuelaoa said tbe n�otioa, aa he recalled,
to set up tbe 8ublic Searing hed beea stated e6is way based oa the Ietter
received itom tise gchooi Baard. p�ayor Kirki►aa► said that this could be added
without a heariag as it is City proper�y. Couccillmaa �a�tis s+�id ttiat t.hes�
did aot seeau to be aiey reasae for doin,s it at the present tios.
A prop�srty oMOe�t a�jced if ths aei+ntaiuic� of the sider�ralica had beea considsssd
or manld sIIC�e =�oval be up to tbe prcrpertp awaer. Tlee City 8„n�giueer aaid
that t�u Cowecil wauld have to ast a policy oa this. Mayor 8irkham pointed
out tl�at as th� Citp ha� bad ao sidevalka up untii aaw, there is � palicy
for aaintaix►iag t6ae�,
• ih. Gailap asked t�hy it ie i�ossibi� Co sasess the aehoui. 14�q►or Airkham
e�lained tbse ti� la�r da�o not allv� ieeeising for propert� thst does do►t
abat tbe�ac pzopsrty. Couacila�em gtrt�s aaid that ti� Canacii �ld aot give
S�CZAL CC�t3N�Ii. P�TING 0�' JUL� 1�., 1956
PAGE 2fl
� ar+y creciit to �he sahool. 'Lh�y would gay t5e full ��aeasanent. CouacilaQaa
Samuelscsza explained tba� i� �hese was a cred�.t to the p�oper�y awaer, the
xest woa3.a� c�eme fx� the Geaeral Fund.
Mr, �coorsk�v said thaC if a man five l�locks fxam him paid X nuonber of doliars,
he �ould pay the s�e. Mayar ICirkham asls�d if he was mo�e conceraed with the
asaesam�nt than against the sidewalk a�nd Mr. S'�ior�ky ara�esed, "Yes.o'
Counci2msn Harris eaid that if it wa� a�s�ssed oa a perceutage baais, ar�d
just as�uming that be w�e asse�sed 2/3 of tbe to�a1 asseses�ear ae a beaefittiag
pxoperCy awaer and assuming 2/3 was put on ghe ge:��ral taxatioa roals for the
rest of the people, they �,•auld pay tt�a� aauoe�nt of m�acey, and likevoise wtiea a
sidewalk was put ia on �heir groperry ��ey wo�ld i�e pay�ng 1/3 aad the rest
of the pe� ple including Mr. Sworslsy woald ae pnying Che balaace.
Mayar Rirkhsm, heariag no furth�r abjections oz queaticros ciosed the hearing
on Street improvement Psoject 1966-2 (AddenBum ,�2) aC 8:�55 P.M.
714ie City Manager read [he Norice of He�cing. Mayar Kirkhem askad if anyone
preeeat was iaterested ia t his particular grojecg sad there waa ao answer.
Go�nc�lm�n Harris asked if tbig project was 106� petitioaed, and Mayor
Kirkham said he beiieved so. CounciLman Samuelsan said thst this was to
corcxect s bad siLtuatfon oa Able Street, which fortunately I�ir. Nagel and
Mr. Hafneg are developing.
Mayor Rirkhau� closesi the Poblic �eariag an 3torm Sewer Project No. 81 at
8:�a8 PeM.
' � �'� ;�!��:�
Tl�ere beit�g no farther bns3ness, Motioa by Cauncilnan Harsie, seconded bq
Council�man" Smnue laoa to ad journ the meeting. Mayor l�.trkbam declared the
a�tiag adjourned at 8t50 P.M.
�ap�ctfullq s�mitted,
�� j2,,., ,�'�.• . ,�' . - ,�..
MS1jI Ltt StlOIDt
Secretary to tbe Couacil
• �h��``
�I ` � �
"AUTOP-10B i LE SERV 1 CE S I GN". D��RX�X����KDQ�X��(
���x��X��t�XX�c� X�c�aa�acXxX�c�c��a�c��Kx�QixaQi�Y����c��
Th�t SECTION 56.02 (2} of the C,ity Code of Fridley be amended as
$6.02 (2). The term "Automobile Service Sign" means any
sign directing motorists trt�ve{ing along the street or highway to
a place or places catering to motoring needs. These include, but
are not limited to the following types of service: auto laundry,
eating establishment, motels, motor hotels, refreshment drive-ins,
public garages, parking areas, repair garages, service stations,
drive-in theatres, and amusement p�rks.
• An Automobile Service Sign shall not exceed: I$0 square feet when
placed on property adjacent to a four-lane-divided hi9hway; 100
square feet when adjacent to n four-lane-undivided highway or a
two-lane-arterial street; 60 square feet when adjacent to all other
Of , 19b6.
CITY CLERK - htarvin C. Brunsell
First Reading: Aprit 4, 1966.
Second Reading:
PIAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham
�aMSTOC� & AA�I�9 INC.
Consu�tin� En�ineers
1446 Countq Road "J"
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432
,Iuly 18, 1966
Honorable Ma,por and City Council
c/o Mr. Earl P. Wagnez, Citp Maaager
Ci�ty of Fridley
6431 Univer8ity Ave�aue N.E.
Mianeapolis, Minnesota 55421
We have reviewed the bids received at 12:00 Noon, this date, for the construc-
tion of Sanitary Sewer, Watgr and SCorm Sewer. Improvement Proj. No. 79. A
copy of the bid abstrac� is attached herewith. The lowest bid submitted was
the bid of Sandst�am & Hafn�r, Inc. in the amount of $87,180.00. The second
bid wss submitted by Johnsou Bros. Hwy. and Hvy. Constr. Co. �.n the amount of
$92,SOO.qO. The third bid was submitted bp Herbst Constzuctiaa Co. in the
mnount of $96,894.54.
The conatruction cost est3in�.te taken ftam the Preli.minary Report is $128.000.00.
The preceding tabulation o£ zosts ahows that the low bid of Sandstran S Hafner,
Inc. is less than the preliminary cost estimates presented at the 3mprovetnent
hearings. Ig it is the Gouncil's determinatioa to proceed wiCh this improvement,
we recommend theccontract be awarded to the 1ow bidder in the :emount of his bid.
Et�C jeb
Verq trulq yours,
Bq � ..
�. V. Comstock, P. E.
., ., y
Sr� e Si�it 9�?�,�ER �� b OI�M S�R 7[A�R e P�RO.F . 79
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Bar%a�csz���. � �c�a�s, �a�e o
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Osseo� �tiaux� �5�69
Walb��x �x�a�=�� � fs�g Cn o
3242 R�.�hwa� �
Minne��i�l��, �ii�aaa. 55�►1�
NorSt��r�i +��a��txact in� C� ., F�ac e
Box 2e2 ,
Hopki�s, �ii�z�aa
Randal� .� �3�i�:s�iiax, �n�.
6801 ��,±��� . �cr �e
Minne�po;lfe�;: ;�ifan. 55432
Peter �I.a.met��. Con�t�e Ga.
615 I�rak� S� �
St. g��a3.,` M:�a�n. 55�,C�2
C. S. M��Cross�n, Tnee
O�sea,_ Mi��a
, McDorn��is�—I.nb�� � A��oc e , Yne .
Z1I l�e� e ��s�ca�.
St. P�tYI, Min� .
James l3. Wci3f� G�v
� 400 Wigi�all S�.
'St. Paul, Minn. SSIG?
'�Y�rbs� Gon��r< C�.
� i5S0 Highca��v � Q
�Il�[inn�ap0li�r �f�aa�e 55�3`l
F. D. Claap�s�n Ccssa�tr, �40
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IM�1lDe8F0�.�6' Y"I�ifli3• ���02�
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St. ��ul Fixe �
Ieaa. Coo
G].enn 1�aLls Yss.
Se�barard SuPetq
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Ohio JPaanars
Iais. Go.
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PT.A13N� ��SS�ON i�S"� � �ULY �� 1�66
P�GS 1
Zh� m�e�iag Ta�s ar�lled to oxd� by �ai� Kar�vik at 8a�3 P,Mo
M�bere p�esent a Hughee a 8�m�►� Rtavii�a Saadal � Ss3aksoa
Othere pzeseats City M�oger Wagaes'a $�gia�i� Assiatant Clark�
Gity A�tosa�t i�cricls.� Plaani�qg Co�naultant A+�ctn�
1, "701" Gt�APf�tSF�+ISiVB P't.Ai�1ING PSOG�o i�ocia�e & Asaoc3atieso
�.�+r..��s �r.�.n�r.rr��rr.r.�srr.�e.rr.
bs. Thoaete Hodas rsvi��ed� i�e� by i�am� the px+apoaed F�deral Pl.anoing
Gsant Application fos a C�o¢apseheasivs Pl�iu� Ptogsam i�rr Ftidl�r. T6i8
ia a t�ao yaa�r study �xich cavers bass maPPi�e reaeaz�h aa�1 aaalyeis,
�ls aad discus�ioa p].aaa eamptehensive guid� p1�e effaetustioa davicss9
�vis�oa and d�v�la�pm�snt9 and me�tiaga o� ths Plganin� Gammissioa t� be
att+e�d b�r a�mb�c of tha Hadae firm quali�ied ae plaane�cmia�chatge aa
defin�d by the �o�nity Plat�sing Aiv3.si.�rt a►f tha Minntsota Depa=t�t og
Buaiaes� Devel�pc�atb �� AcLign �x8� rrL7.1 e�asiat o£ �a�uaity�ide
p�icigatiAn o iie pi�n se dssr,aibed hy Mr o Ikxtue �aili h+�ve to b� ravieaosct
by the MiimesolCa Dr�p�r�� eaf Buain�as l�evslo�men�.
The statemeant wae ca�sde Lhat spp�va3 imss� ba giveu by th� C�cil,
Planmix�g Canmiesion �aad the �tateo I�9r. Hodas g�,aCsd capies �ld bs ssa�t
• t� tha St,eta far them �o atudyo Mra Bargsa� aeked if ths prices quoted 3n
th� pt�gssam we�e firm p�i�es aad wae iaf�� thay vsxee Mz. Wagas�c stat.�d
lne uude�st�d that th� p�aga�sc��, basad up�n the outliae aa p�eseated by Mtm
Hadae �tnd appa+aved by the Pl�►i� Coma�i��is�mm aad �a�a�c�ls is uet �►aces�aail�►
#.a tha s� errd�� as ia �hhe �u�i�.�o i�o �d,� sai�d this wae e.�r�scte
Memnbtx S+��n ca�ted a�+�ag �be 1 i�e tha� t�e Ian�d Camprehmas ivs
Plaaaing Pr�gram �t�a Hocbnn,e �ud li,ass�is�es s� very sffeeLiv� aad very
th�s�ugh a�ad �sry coasist�s►� with P1r�in�g C�ieaic� tboughts an tLe
t�tad so= be�ta�lc �td l�+et ��e pl�taaing �cY cco�ist�e�at t�ith Cotmeil ° s
�ughts ,�ls� Che a� iia�es
�.Fx�ral t�y ��aux�i7 �_ Up�aa. � v�icc� vs�tc���_�11 v�tint3 ���. t�ie n��tion caxri�d
i I�l li:. Lt i'?;A �. t'- -t E u c ► i c 1:14! 11' +:A i• i:� 1 t�..I� r. .
7�2se ��3.oa stud�ead �he fi�s� drmf� af an a�cdiasnce ameudiag
�hapt�t 4S �g �&� �od� o� the �ity of Fr�dley bp ps�vidi�ag fe�c a new s.oai�ag
diatzi�e ePD�P��d D�ve].�pc�� Di���ic� m aul��ple dwellix�� aad e�mm�rcial
es�ablishc�nts) aa�d ptarv�Cdf,n$ regula�icsns� �.amt�;�is a�ac1 staada�da th�r�fa�s��
Under it.mn 3� 8equir�es f�r� �he �e�iblisi�t vf a Pl�aued Devslop-
a�t i��st=ic�� �.ha ��si�a f�l� it w� qu�tf.onabis ts eet sn�ait�u�► floor
�„ bu� ru�a�e 3,a��rm�. that �hh� purp���� �� havis� tii� Bie� specified s�
b�s�e� �t�� �� c�ri,€�i� �p� tt��ao� ���e� tke� �ralua� �a� t�e proge�c�y and
tee$ �,-�Id p�hii�it �hia �yp� �� l�nd �� b� c3�►e'Lop�do It was ffils� f�2t tba�.
�v/t i
�����8�832t i�C�4£: ° e"J�i).�9 7� �-��� P$�O e�
� '�� t�ld put �re �f � bu�d�a �n �ti� ci�velr�p�xo it was he�ps�d that th�s
r�uld px�.vea►� th� build�u,g mf �I1 �itp c�u��e whi.�h� iu saars
�sY.aaca�s� �t w� ��1L tli�y Laasr� �� meinfi�niac�d �a w�il �a th� l�srg�'1c
a�a�ao R�r� Be�gn�ra �ug$�sted �t ���n �� p�g� xn Qa�� (b) aad cc) ba�
�l�miasz�d o IInd� Et� 3E Kd� � t� a Hxa�Ya�s �sked i.� t,�� were anY on�►
� �aalz�s i� 9Em�ss�Lble �g � p�es� � �r�8 pl.����d �d �ak�c3 f�er plaa�td
d�v�l�p�a�� � s�li pa� �fc hi.� p�p�y b���� th� £fx�al di�val�apm�at
ia �pp,�v�d� �c3 �tas�� �rc�ld b� �� ���u� �f �� l�udo O�fl if � pa�ty
�n� g pi� e�£ 1.�id �adc ci��s a�� �4���� �� �� t.m tb�e �rpe�s� �f d�v�lopm
3t� 3tn but w�a3,� �� e i�ig e��v�1��.�„ w1�� f.s tite; ��ti�c Nf O�t+st� ia �
���e s�f p�� o�'h+� di.���� i.:� ��Fec3 tih� ��d�ia�nce des�a a�t
�11 f�a� a pi�at b�f�ac�a a€v��i�ag„ �� CI�� ��S���m �a�t� � s�ae aoa
iar3ic��i�� +�f �� �h� p�g�aer� �sl� � o
M� euggss�ed ��r�+�% � ��vie�v �fc �ie ]PD gea�ai�g �ti�n
a�,thiu �� ��ac°a �irm� �f �Y►c� �c��ssra?�•y pl�e t��v� 8�� b�t bx�u�t np a�
t�h� d%a���i.�a3 c�� �Iz� �'�iI o ��� �nas�p� � �r�►d � �qui� �is� �ity �►
�gg�r� us� �� �� i�d ����ce �h��� i� � �,� �dit�u� �� �ze�►e B�
��1� ��i �ia�,� �s� s��vi� taon�ld c�.��s��to
�f�t��."tt�y i�a'�c�.c1c ��S��c� �� �� x���i� t�uld�Qt ba apps'aw►td uatil
�te pl�a b,�d b�n p�s�t�do �� th� �ar�s�� g�p�rty s�tanes did �t i�ave
�ixe fLx�axres� �o g� in�ss �'s� t��i ����a� �f .� fai�iy l,+asga piece a�
pr�p�a-�gp i� t�ld x�tat b� �f aaxy ��f�� � hiai t�c.�us� ise �rr�uld Y�v� ta
h�v� �h+� �a1.�zts Lx��ac� b� �na1d s�Y�. �.�� A�i� 3.iza�.t �alc� be put oa a
• acec�ui��d p�xiodf� r�uf�w�, �£ th� d�vel���� c.aa��a� c3�velap �la �f the
p��cel r�� �ne �i�� but c+aar�s �x� *�r���-� sai �ves��ll plaas �ox �h� psrc�►1 �nd
�h�e incii���s h�,r �� �i.�.l b�: d�v�l�p�d �c��diar� �c� a��eso �kiis �au2d
b� S��ept�b��U �w�ve�,, ��e Pi�ani�g ��iss�,cs� wouZd laave �o b� reasonsbly
ha�P�r ��tl� �i� ���s� �e��e b�af��c€� �:�,r<� an�. �h�� co,m�� up„ a�d �hay sccapt
�� pl�.� o Acco�di� �r:a i�mb�a� ����s„ ���e��r a�1� �as baen pre�ea��sd aasd
�pp���e�f. ii; du�5 ��:.x� tz�v� �::� �.z� ���ri�:�d; d��r �3ot hsee a�y m�ate wa�k �ad
��r d�es �� �a�*� C� c;�s �aray mnx� c�:��k ���il :fz� ��1C 1ik�a ito �4�co G�a�n��°
i��2i��e3 gi.a�x�c� c��?sr�1.��C c„�� �e �a��►s�a�d c���9��.n itts�lfo I� ths c�wa►�s�°
�t��aag�� �h� ���u�fc�:ca� i,� �x�ns�����, Ir t� �:�� �r cwace cabatr�llir�g ixi�er�sata�
�� ���� ����� �� �� �.��, ���a t������ r�� ���1c���o
I�I{8�,1 by �3��x�f, ffi����:d %y ��a�ci�l� �t tii� �l�tsuing �nia�ian,
�I�ans,g �r�.ti� s+ame e�►f ��a� �u�g�u�i��s �i�cC ha�v� b�� �,d� ��la�iva ��+ smme a�
�.%� p��r���u1,��s �� p�°�g�se�d �+�°d�sa���e °F�'? �a�d if���lopm��C Di�triets v�
��t»�° �Iev�l9p�� �D�.���i���' ,; ���ad c�ni�rs e�� �hs x�r�s�d ordinaace� f��
_......._..._..�:.. — -
r.,�sid��a��i�� oa a�r�z�a,az�Y_.b��is ��p�h�,�snc�=� aaci t.�.iaC tl�� �laa�afng
C'��s,�i.��a��fc�i' �r up �ai�h �Ix� �����a�� ���fa7.��ntg �a� final e,�apy a� the
xx�c� P1��cs� +��i.$ni.�e mr�t:#��; ��c3 �,�.�s� ��r��nd �ha� M��� H�dn� be
giu�xa ��p�r a�ri �Ii�� �ii.� ���.�� t�� ��q�:���.�.d g.ri.�� tca the P1�i�g
��n�ssi�a ��:�n�; �� �ely 2F��, 1�C�f�4 ���n a� v��ce ��t�„ all w��ixt� aye&
th� ��f,�n �:����d<
� � IiI,S�� l�G� �S�(3N ?i� 8��.�.1�►.�.�F�, %�,'� !�'P�'�. �?YON B�„�PPIS a
. �e ��,ty k.�t.oraey �t�ts�ci ,�. �t�n�s,-�1 �r�u.Ic� b� n�t ta �esn� �uildiu�
}�araai�$ u�l.��e �tn�y $�c� iu �a�ap�.i���e wzs�li aa� c�v��°�11 plan makix�$ buildix�g
ys��i�,s sub�ec� t� �$�t�.��,�:a�� ca�: ���up:�n�y �c1 ��ki;ng cezta�t �h8t pl�as
Plan�3a� �.��s s iisn MM�e ��:�..���_..� ��.Y, 'T A 19b6 P, a�re 3
• �uld b� �mp�etre l�t��re �h� p�pe�ty� cnuld he ua�d� �e als� eugges�ad
s bs��r a�ppa�ach t� �he prs+blane
Yt�am 39 Bsviei,oa t� Building Pe�it Appl%ati�n B�quitemorata� canm
tiauad ua�il tb� �ct mwti�,g of .7uly 2�8 1966n Dp�►n a v�ic� vot�9 all
votit� aye�, the ��i�n �asried<
4e P�tAPOS�D eI�NDM�NT 1,0 ORDINAI�I� �295e Ptobla� of Psrked Vehiclea.
�aw�r �.�osr.�irorms�o��ar�.r..�orr
Th+� �ity J�ttmsr�y dia��ibutod a Mema�aaciuom of an �t t� ths
Ju�ak 9ei►icle Ordiaapct r,� t.l�e Planning ��aasiaa f�r their co�a�id�ratioa.
p�'iTON by Hu�hRe� s�6audad by B�er$maa� t�aic tL� Plscm�.ng C�oad,sioa
hold until the July 2$� 196b msatimg the pr�poaad �t to Ordiaat��
�'195 (ps�blaoa o� pasl�ed ��Lhi;cl�a� aad r�s�r►st �at the City Msa+tgir
�esr.�mmend any �i�+�ugai wb�ch w�uld s�ak.� t�is eimpl�r te eaforc�ee tTpon s
aaict vvt�a oll v�ti�ag sq�a �ha aa��i+� carritde
�, SP'�IAL 1158 PSiCMITS : P06SIBb8 GiFIT� L7.�i8S �0 &B iNCt�PO�BATED IN CHl1P'1'E� 45 0
�r..+rr���.a�� ��r� v�ro�.r — .n.r�.rrmmrmmn
The Citp Attorney �taead h� �uZd hav�s r�ady for ths ��tiug o� July 28�
1966 c�ilatioos of maCOrisl of epecial us� psrmiLs9 v:zisnc�a and r�s�ning
snd include p�otastats og thza� �r fo�ur reaut�e �f th� Mina�ac►ta Supraeea
Court csseao
• Item 5� Special Use Pes�ite (p�osible guid� lines to bt iacatposat�d
ia Chagtt= 45) to b� oontistued until JuLy 28� 1966.
The Citq Attorwryr stated ha �as ask�d ta prtpars a sugg�eted ordinsnee
tevisi�n� making it quite br�ad, iaaoa�p�s$ting ths c�ata s�fssrsd to
b3ame apd that it abould be a c�po�ite of �ouacil and Plaaniaig Comrissl.oa
M�s assg�ssn atated th�tt the me�obera of tha Plsaniag Coao�isaioa
srquasted �te epscifi�ally th� ab�ectives that the Co�m�il t►aa ia mind
and ta'hich ttw ta�zg'miaati�n sb�uld bs geared to sccoapiiab. He felt
th�yr tu�d bs�ean aaked t� pra�pose a r�rganizatian e�f tlie Plamniag Coa�iasian
wf.theut tcne�wl�dge afi the p�uiposes of tiie reorgaafr.ation. I�rthrr h� f�it
that they wese saraawbat assu�aing the Council ieQle the ae�rvicss �hich are
psovided ta tham sh�uld b� i�prwod in saaw specifia ssas� aad reos�aaiss-
tioa af tha Plamtiiag �miaaion taould be beaa£i�ted.
Mem�bst i�ughes said it ap�sed to him f9r�n discuasions �re havt had
aad mst�risi tra�smit�md thacough Cotmcii minuC�s, ti►st ttse Casncil is
pr�sently eu�d�t ths �tesion tbe Plaimiug Canoission bas tha infosartia►
B�esgman hae discusaedo I�r a�a feelia� is yon hsvt, at thia point, a
caqrtain mmoua� o£ iafotmstioa ia thia regard. Since�we hava bes�n requeet�d
ta p�ovids r�coaaa�adations at this paiat� we cam m�ly'msk� recomm�ndstiaa
• aa th� baais oi wi�t ore bave beea givan. I tueve takva the ZiLb�rty of psa•
paring a drgft of a reFwYt �a thie sub j�ct Yahich yoa no�v hsve copi�s of.
It�m�sy or �ay ndt reflect th� thinking of thia bodp. it docs aot �oa�pl�t�ly
ra_flect o�y �wn thiakingo I ttied t� in�lude ao�►te hesrd from +�tl�s
�'la��s ��Jt�s�� ��i._ _� ���. 7 i�66 P� e �i
� n�,be��s �� �hie �iasi.ar� and c.�me�ta �afth �hich, � myaeliy am nnt in
�vmple�e a��d� I�eque,s� th� u�� �+f i.lais dr�£t mt �ia tim� sa the
t�s�is f�t th� �epo�t a6 au�g�steci by �a: �a�uncil.
�hm3gmaa Kravik aSmC�d t.F�a� f�� an opa�r�gi�t1 p�inC of vietiw, he
did nrat b�liev+� �ha� adcYia� �axe �a13�� t,s�ld fmcilitats fastar haadliag
of tize requsst� a� yc�u jus� ha�re coa�re p�aple da�img thQ e�s Lhing. It
seam�d tlset �th� Pltm�air�g Co�ssi��n is Ca b� aaked ta ta?� on bro�sdelt
iunctiara� aad m��e �ac�i�o�xas�, ���eamiiaa� prea��riu�re� �limi�auat� sosne sub4
cvo�mitt��s taki�g �u duti�s t,.�� ixtdap�c3�n� br�df�a �re p�rf��i�g.
M�mtie�c �ugh� etraCe�d '0it �L� �p u�d��sta�ading thgt th� e�cpa�tation
o:E tha �oua�cil e�sraix� �ha Pl��.��, C�a�mmi.�s3.a�► m��� baa�.carlys 1) Tluet
tb� �a�mmisaioa servt� �s �sa sdvia��► bmcty �s tYee C�uacil ixi the adm3niaCra-
�ida of the so�ni.r�g �rdi�e ens3 e�� gi�@ pl�gaf.a�go 2) That th� Coae�i8sion
serve as sa ad`ai�a�q b�dy ��tac� l�r� �e�,rm pl�ming aad d�velopmsnt of tha
�itye 3) �� �he Caaun�la�in� p�o�vide �o th� pub3ic �cpetditioue sad
�f�i��eat sexvice �a 811 ffitt��s �n whi.�h it io xuqu�.aced ts� meet th� publie»
1�40'�I0344 ts�_,�a�2i�� fl �a�nda+d b�. ��s�p,� �tha� �i� _i� th� ia�a�c�ssion of
Ch� �e�s �hra� t2�e �►a��esst .ye��s��n�xat�v�n �af c.i�� PZmmiin�, �oa�miesion is
m_..�.._..�__..._ ...,.e.,�_.��.,. _ _..a._
ea�t�i���c��4�r �rad �����i�s� �d �d�*clu��� �m al�zrur tbc± �o�:�ssion to m�tet all
_.._ ,n ._�.� .. ._ .�. _ m.�.... � _
�¢ ���� �,b���ir�s p��u�l�.. ��ci f,�►�:_��S�r fox���ea�rl�_ _fut�u�a,� and an .this .__
�._,. _._.�__�. �_ _.�,.w��.__._ _.� .,
_..b����r, �va� �h�� .i� Ue� L:ks� ra��ad���.c� �£ this �cxi�aiseiaa� t� ttie �auncfl
�t a�� ��cax����g��a� t�� �� �x���n� �:t�:r.f�sicrn bc� unda�t�kea at Chis
� ���
.U�n sa v�i�� v���n�ali v�ti�.. �a��so;...��i�.tz,_�li�vex�Ericic��n abe �ni.�9
�ta�: ��ia� c:�rr, i+�d, Y
1K�mtsea° F�� ai���d ��Y ix� c�n�u�ix� �raith th� Chrate genera�l
e►b,��t�.ves af ti�� Pl�uaix�g C'�iee��n£ � h+av�► eh+� imp�eesio� that ths
�oua�il ia dies�tia�'�.�d ��.�h �3a� r�+��x�e �� �av��rngea in on�e aa all tbset
al.r�at�so I�h#a�.c i� �ld �,�lp i� �a� �ou�eail cveild u�ace fi�nnlye and
��a� d��i.L� �a�ciic�►t� r�h� ���y f��r �b.� n�ad fot imp�a�r�mentn in
Pl�n�i� ��Seian �tiv3.ty a� �r�,r�ir�n�a 4
:��!�...t�3�'IA98N'� °
9��s�e b�i�$ �xo furtheac busi�n�aeery ths �etiag. adjouraed st 11:40 P,M.
B tfullq b�ai.tted„
�i8�F3 D`Bi�BA
�teemrding Socretary
BiiiT,DIrIG BO�ARD I�ETING AiiNiJ'1'�S OF JUI.Y 13, 19b6
� The Ms�ting was called La order by Chairman Kravit: at iI:00 IP.M.
MBP�BRS �'B88�TT: Jensen, Samuelson, Itravfk, Tonco �la�d 2)
1►�l8SR8 A838NT� Sauge (Ward 1)
Mr. Bexglove aad Mr. Ray Joaes were preaent repzeaeatiag Superfar Oil
It was brou�ght to the a�teation of the Building BoaYd that tbis propoaad
�ervice staCioa would b�e lxated exactly oa thls site sa vaa the pr�viowly
approved Gul£ Oil Station. Mr. Besglove pointed out that the rig�of-aay
easement aloag tbe north liae of tha pxaperty vas shozra as of recard ia
the deed fos tbe prapertq, but the City Manager adviaed that he vouid
double check to see if the eas�aaent was �cecorded. xt wes point,ed out tbaC
the epttence ior thB Gulf Oil Station oato the servicQ ro�d aorth of
53rd Aveaue Northeast wsa not shuaaa on the site plan ior the SuperioY OiZ
��mpany, and that a second eatraace onta S3rd was shw a on tbe Superi.or
, Oil Caap�ny site plan. It was thought that the deletion of the eatrance
ou the sesvice road aas good, and that the second entza�ace oa $3rd Was
It was pointed out to Mr. Berglove and Mr, Jones that tbo i�dicated siga
must be 10 i�et fraa each praperty liae, �nd that the ei�u labQ2ed,
'�Futwce", oa theiz site plen in t6e northeaat corner would not be peraiitted
w4der pre,seat code. The xequiremeats of the pianting strip acd side�►alk
were goiated ont to t:he�m, aad they promised tbere wauld bo gxass aad
side�alk oa the east and sout� lines of the propexty, th�t the sida�ralk
would be 5 feat �aide, aad thst the gsaas, sidewalhs, aad plauatings �oould
b� on t�r� taoulevard part of this aite, and tbat thexe would be a 15 foot
planti.n� �trip oa th� Superiar Campany pragerty an the ��et liae of saoe.
� �h���l�l,�-�����.��������_�,A..��Q!�►x� .+�.��]. of t� oiaas
Yith nthe �sodificationa discuss@d�the Board �c�d Mr. Ber�love aad Mr. Joaea,
and _ ttie re�,uixea�eat�that the drivnwa�r „is► the naouthea8t.,,coraer be ..�,�,,,eet
fran tbs crncaer b4 waived and=_ that brick on the weat wali,,,�,a�r,�,,,�d u a
b�t tha..,ovnars�__be req.uixed. Upost a�voi.ce`vote,.�ther� bei� s►o n�aqs, aisteao�
Itravik declered the mntion carriedo
.�,�:��.,..,,_,.r,.,.,�..�.�..:.,� W.�.�y,..��
�here being no further businss8, Chairman Kravik d,eciarsd the se�tiag adjour�ad
st 8t37 P,M.
� �esp�ctiully enb�f.tesd,
t�C� �i t/�/
Barl F. Wa$ner
Secretary ta the Board
' ., �•�.i : : 7 d i? ,', �---,�: s;; i' `� �Y � :'Pz� iC`y , t;:.CiT:'ti'� 'tTC .�r; T:?A, �L,7:R
...._.L — ..5,__ _ _
�;i �::� �c:z:t�;�;� ��4�e�ic::� ��..:� �,;�`f �y'�:� be �.:::;c�ed � F�QU :�.: tr�iler pc�.�f.t in
r:.o:-�;ai�.�c�c� ;:��t,� C:��:�.�.�:�: �;, C��:y �:c�� r�:� �"_�d�eg, i1��;_�s,�at.:, �.q63 b� geu�on
n� ��:.� �csi ic.��;: ;e
*� o
�_. __ ��
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_ ,L�?�'? C���.���� � ___!/�..��_.1L/�,�, }�..� s..�..� ,�.....n.� �Ss�J 3 �
� /� �
�!`.1`.'..�t1i:::L::.�9 Ca� �i�:��C.'3: ° ��� �.LL �� C �/ � %
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�1n �, _X__ �� ' ^ .
do �: �� arYd �`'x� �t ox c�t�rne�• of land �he�e L�&'.�I�r is �sro��oged to b�
3 o�Fl�@a � � � `Vl��
e, ?'�xfod oi ti.�e tr€tiler to b� ,��ored az c�ccupicdo ��_���. ,
, �
fo U�� o� �raiLex� � j Yl l� .
g.. �;i;;� tt�re of' �.��a� in,�, p�cFQ�rty au�.er� ��as�ti�p appro ai�
.�1' �� � � _ �g� �.r...C� r
- ,��-- o
3�< �;o�atio� ��� t,:a?Ier oa gr.�c�poc�ed prop�rty - aztach p1aC pl�n of
pra; erty� � .
f. L°Ti���-e Lr��.Iex i� �o be mcc�:�ied, ,�L� Wt3n� i� re�Itian�hip, if aay, �
be,:�;�eu traii�r ���er a�d: Z:nd ��ner7 ,�,�A _Y►-� P . .
�;2� N:::s.:s ��d ug�e o�: aIl c.ccup�n��? /��1��G7
_ �� �,� ��s� �_ � , '
�3a T�ACiIi ies fo� be�s,��g,E dispo�al, �.�ntet ar�d elect�ic
/� �, / �/
('f��<'i�c�b . lfi� o �� �Pvin�n.ti;_,,vc� �1�f+Ti1�)ru,)
� ✓
c�.� ��ioy��n� o� applicEnr?_.f22 � / /��. � Y .
� p
�5➢ Wlaether appliearit is coastrueting hc+m� in Arez�?_�e�:1JL_����sX�cf
�'Y►tiQ OY1 � Y N Yy► � S�:S ,G�� S 0 Q�i C( S -�1 h Q Yi C> �c y C`CL 1� /J � O�G� 1 ti��
Tc�e apg�3.ia�rion, cahen pr���ated ta �he City Cew-�ci2, �hulX s�oco the recoa�n-
dutio� of tt�e 2oning Adr�iuietrator aad/or Buildiag in�pector. ,.
Ple��� find aCtA�hed ct��ck 4.a t4�e smouat a€ ��Sa4fl �Eor pa�ckingp �$25.40 for
occupying� a hou�e t�afl�re
t Agplic�aC
_ I � • ��
• ' C�� �"`'`' ,,,o
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• ' nUz 1\ � '
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-- - - _ .
c�o ��e ��3 w�L: -�� a� �:-r.-am �_" 1:�.� x.:^��.:�� t�.���.�w �� ��orc�sed ico be
�,�.:����� � �.�h_r�— -��-�'l� ,�., ..� gja /,/ ' �;•z �{. �.
eo s:���°�o� oa: �s�:� L-s��;ile�r �o ...� �ta;�ed a� ce�.����.�da .
d o :i.� :: �� tr:��.3�r o
yu iii;,^���L`iFYC �':; .i:i�0$LIY,.'F,,S�',? p�'J_.'��j' G'::7�'t.G,'�:i ��<a:2t��'1� c'2�yTSTOVu1$
sao i_���g�ic�i� ��'% t�a�I•�:� an pa;�,3osed p-r���rt� -�.t�ECh plat �lsn of
�i C+� G''s.`��,�, �
�.o :�:a':'3t.". �d.a'i�'4..'Y 5.:, 'e`�s�ii �3C:' 0:..:�>%@O�y '�'l� °t�b'�2.^.�6 :;� Y'L': ��.'XO�fii2��)� 7��.8ay�
�i�tw��cx .t�°a�.�.e.: a=,:=��,e� wr�d L��d cr,v� e�?-- -- --`72� ^_.. .
�4� 2d:��:e�. ��u � ;�� fl� a� i c�c�p��at:��� . �'4-�-�-c.�--�v ������`>� �SJ
i . _ p •
�J�r _ I�i�L��.AY�
��j Era;�Ioy����t a� Ap�si3.c��t�c? -..o-YLGza.��� .
u5� i�z��it�a: ap;�1�cA�� i� ��eus��-uc�:�..; i::.��:.� :�a. r����? �Lm .
ie�:: ��s�li���io�, s�<�ea p��ae�r�.e� to t:he �it�► CJir.€4LLc�.i, w��li sito� ��e Q�co�n-
datfGn ef t�te Zaain� Ads�is��.r�t�ato� .b�ri/or I3uilCi�v ��:gecror. ,
�1�:�: � �3ra3 �tt���ed ctaeck in 2he €ttua�.at of ��5,Ot3 �oY �s�ki��� C$25oCt} foz
occ�:�y�.n ;y � hcce::e t�.��.ler,
.�.�.���'hJ �°�_�____
r�Y��l �? ��:r.�
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o�� t n�a�:vcE
SECTlON I. That the Council finds that it is necessary to
replace one of the existing squad cars for the Police Department.
That the Counci! previously order�ed bids for said squ�d car based
on plans and specifications;that the Council did not receive any
bids because automobile manufacturing companies are in the process
of changing models and are not producing specis�l cars to order.
SECTION 2. That because of the failure to receive bids, the
Council hereby authorizes the City Mar►ager to purchase said squad
car at the lowest possible price; which car sh�l! as nearly as
possible meet the plans and spec(fica�ions used in the origina)
bid. `
• SECTION 3. The City Ccuncil hereby authorizes the City
�lanager to sell the existinc� squad car, which is to be replaced by
purchase of the above described squad car at the best possible
SECTION 4. That it is deemed necessary that the City
purchase such replacement squad car immediately without further
advert'ssing fos� bids and obtain the same by negotiating at the
best �vailable price to the City.
OF , 1966.
PIAYOR -,lack 0. K i rkham
• CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell
• .
CI TY Or �'�RI � GEY DISAS ��t !� rdD
%�/-�;C;__ %
1 f�,�^
. R�� (�!1 1v �qr,r, ?,)�.�!!= .
� _ . � . �
. j n,(1 nn, . ,' � � rr: . �n� (��,• . , .
10.�0 F��Y 17'b5 . �i35.00 #
S.bO M.AY 24'S5 444.00�
— 50.^0 ;1r,y 27'fi5 49�.00�
150.00 �iS 250.00
10.00 Jl1N 1`55 600.00�
� g.�� �>>>n� ��« 6C�3.80y
'i, Q06.69 ,1€;�J �0'S5 1, 6I5.49 � ,
221.31 Jt1N 11 �b5 1, 83�.8� � ti.
901.00 JU1! 18'S5 � ?37.80 � � �
?S .0�? � 1! �! � �"� ?, 762.80 :.
70.00 ''^��! 2?';5 ?, R32.84 �x
--_'���.,�.) GwlOOOla.� �� � COLUMN IS YOUR BALANCE .
�Y�fLJJ�L 1 /✓�Li�� �iSl \� � •
. J
RESOLUTIQN NQ o - � / � / -' % � � 4% .
W�Sq Resolution No. 94-1966 of tiie City Council adoptsd tt� 20th
day of June, 1966, set the date for hearing on the propoe�d improve�a�enta. se
specifically noted in the ATotice of Hearing attaahed hereto for refsrenao as
Exhibit "A," and '
W�REAS, all of the prop�arty owners whoae property ie lisble to be
a.ssessed with the making of these improvements (as noted in said notice) w�re
given ten (lu) days notice by mail and publiehed notias of the Counoil Hear-
i.ng through two (2) w�eekly publica.tions of the required notice, and the hear-
ing was held and the property ownere heard thereon at the hearing, as notQd
i.n said notice.
NO�ll9 T�E9 8� IT R'�50I,YEDa By the Council of tbe City of
Fridley, Anaka County, Minnesota, a$ follows:
l. That t�e followi.ng imprnvements proposed by Counoil Reeolvr-
tion No. 9q.-1966 axe hereby ordered to be effected and oom
pleted as aoon as reaeonably posgible, to-wit:
8idewalke on botta aides of the street, inoluding grsdinS,
base and concrete alab, loaated ae follows:
(g) 61st Avenus:
(b) 61et Avenue:
(a) West Moore Lake Drive:
IInivsrsity Ainnue to 7't1i Strest.
7th S�reet ta Weat Moors Ls]cs
1}riv+e .
61at gvenue to Carol, D�cive.
(d) Weet Moore I�ake Driv+e: 8outh Proper�y Line of Senior
�igh School to dlst dvenu�e
(W�st 8ide Only).
(e) Weet Mflore Lake Drive:
(f) 7th Street:
Beker Avenue to Hi.g6wqy #65•
59th Avenue to 61st llvemie
(East Side Only).
Thst the work above may be consolidated with other ex�as e.8
one 3mprovement.
2� The work to be perforansd under thia projeat may be performsd
under one or more contraats ae may be desmed advisabla upon
receipt of bids.
�J �"� � � ,
� �� ,�,�.�-
Page Two
� Hesolutian No . �,,,
s�r. 1966-2 �addenawn 2
3. Tbe City gigineer, Nasim Qures�i, 3e hereby designated as
th�e �agineer for tlzis improvement. Se aha11 prapare fi.na�.
plsns and speaificat3ons for the msking af suah improvrmant.
na.�t o� � i966.
MAYO� Jaait o. xj��
• CITY C� Marvin C. Brunsell
b�� �� ��-
��.�c�-���� �cz� r��a, � � _. � `'� � �
WHEftEASn Resalution No. 85�1g66 of the City Council ad.opted the 6th
cLay of June, ].966, set the date for heering on thR proposed improvements, as
speciiically noted in the Notice oF Hearing attached hereto for reference ae
Exhibit "A," and
W�tFAS, a11 of the property owners wtaose prope�ty is liable to be
asseased with the making of thQ�e improvements (as noted in sgid notiae) were
gi.ven ten (lU) ds,ys notice by mail and gublish�d notice oi the Council $ear-
ing thtroug�h two �2) weekly pubZioatians of the requixed notice, and the hear�
ing wae held and t}se prap�rty owners taeard ther�on �t the hea�cing, as noted
in s�id notice.
NOW� T�tF�'�REn BE IT RF50LYID, By ti�e Council of th� City of
Fridley, Anoka C�unty, M3nneaota, as follows:
1. That t�aa following improvem�ntB propos�d by Council. Resolu-
tion No. 85-196b ar� �.ereby ordered to bs ef�ected sad com-
pletQd as soon as reasonably poeaible� to-�wit:
Storm sewer and appurteneacas in arid sarving th� area boun�d�d as:
� Commenaing at the interseation of 73rd. Avenue N.E. and gblu
. Street, thence �ast on ?3rd Avenue N.E. to Highw�y ,#65� thenoe
narth on Hig�away #65 to Oaborne Road, thence wesi on Osborne
Road to Able Street extended� tix�nce south on Able Strest to
place of beg3zin-.Lng,
parsuaat to �i.s.A. sections 429.ui1 to 429.111.
That the rrork above may be consolidated with other arQBS as
o�va imprnvement .
2. The work to be performed under th3s projsct may bs perfos�srl
undsr one or more contracts as may be deemed advisable upon
rgceipt of bids.
3. Suburban Engineering Company, Zna. is hereby designated ae tiie
F�gi.neer fc�r th3s improvement. '.IT�ey s�sll prepare final. plsas
and speci.fications for the making of such imprnvemsnt.
DAY OF . 1966.
CI'1'Y CI,�I{ •• '" MarV3.ri C• Br1xY18@11
MAYOR Jaak 0. Birkrism�
�3 �
� � = ' C9
B.BSO�i.UTION NO. � � J � � � �� -
UF T�16 CU6TS �fi�SOF d 37l'�8T iMPgOVE� :P�0.TSCT STo 1966-1 SCHEDQILE A
B8 �"T 8E50LVBD9 by the �aoncil of the C�.�y af Fridleey as followa:
lo That it appeara in the i.ntereat of the Citp aad of Lhe �sapesty owaerg
affec�ed that thexa be c�anatsuct�d c�rtaia impxavemtnte; to-wite
SaaiG�rp sawea and waCar ssrvice� located fos thc fallvmiing psapexties:
t?he ps�i2iana received and filed by �h� Ci�yy for t4e i�npsavemea►ts ase
tadicat�ul apposit� Co �h� aralaLive pserperty.
(1} Lo� 9C Sacoad �tr�.e�d Auditt��e°€� �u�dl.ai.�ei��n� #'21
�2) I.c* 2, Block 1, Moose Lake iii,ghlands
(3j 8,� of &'� o�E Sii� of Section 12 (Parcel 4�00 �
�isd�l Pa�p�r�y)
��ZS-1966 �
2o Tbat ths City 8ngiaesr is herebq authoriaed and�dirsctad to draa the
praliminary plan: aad �peoi�i�stions sud ta tiabul�ta the results of his
eetfmates of the cases of said improvmneats� includiag avery itaffi of
c�oat fsa� facnp�i�va Co ss�pletion and all f0es and a�rpa�nscs incursed (oz
ta� be i�acurareda in c�sm�ction �hherswith� or the finsncing thsreof9 aad
�o make s pt�limin�ay r�p+�rc og hia fiudi�gag stating thereia whether
s�id imprav�snta ��s faaasiblo aad whethes they caa brst be msde �►e pro-
posadD oY in connecti�n with eo�e �ther impzav�a�s (and the estimsted
cost as r de�d) n i.malud�g �l:o a deecscipttox► Af the laade or araa
se a�y zeceive b�efits therefrc�m and se may be propaa�d to be aes�saade
3a Tbat the �ity C1�rk shsll act t� s�c�rtaix� the rame �nd addaaae of th�
�was� �f �ach p�rcel o� land di�rectly af�ac�ed ox within the'ar�a of
lt�aads a� �asy b� pYOpASed Lo be as�esaed f�z asid iyopra�vements is�ad e�b
�f �hecn); �d up�n ���ipt f�e�a �aid xuginees a�f Ch� said p�celimina�y
r��rta e�lca�l��� esti���a of aase,se�+�ts ae may be pr�posed r�lative
rJ:�sret� agains� ea,ch oiE said l�nd� o
�aa �4aat a�id ps�sliffiinaRy sepor� o£ sch� F.n�in�g asd, ssti.�stes of asseesayants
a� the ClezkB slzall be fu�ish�d Y� tha (Souacils a�d ma�e svailabl�e for
inspec�ioa �� the cnraea ofc any patc��l of laaid as msy be sff�+ct�d tb�Yeby
�� anp p�blic h�agiaag h�ld zelative theret�� es we11 es at a=►p pzior �ime
rr.ascan�bl� sa�d �amraaiem�,
ADOPTBi) BX TI�B �gTY ��CIL OF T� �I�'Y 0� F&IDL$Y, TffiS .
DiAY OI+' , m�.._.�_ �.�, 1966 0
CiTx CLSRK •� l�a�►'in Co BaneIIsse21
MA7t0� • Jack O o Rirl�ha�
� �� �
�sc�a�°;.�r� �o,
��'�st�a a���r� � �.�x� �o�� �a a�z�c
��a�re �� � �. s����ioNS o s�ti 1966�1$
s��B � (��8rt� � �
W�S9 �ae cc�ns�svc�i�►a cs� "cex�ain 3mprw�ats is deeme�:� �� b�
ia ��,e iate�e�t of thes Ci�p of Fs�ic�ley and tise ps�pesty a�ruera r,f�EecC�cl
WI�BSASs �he p�g�Y�y �t�ns$� uahvse p�cap�tt'y i� lisbls to be aaaeesed
witta the m�elcing af ��se fsnp�c�e�►�s hatve waiv�d t1=e requixemes:te ef a
pe�blie hesgiag by �4ae g�+Il�aia� p�titie�t�s a
1) Lot 9C� 5aec�nd �e�tia�d Audi��°s Subdivigioa �2I
2) &Ot 2fl Bl�ck la Y�os�s I�I� H�ghl�ds
3, B� af E� of '�3a� of 5eae�a 12 (Parael 4aoa
�%�� �p�►j
P�t itfon N�m+bet
T�0'tt�€ b� it Yesu'.�%�°d by �hh� �i�y Cnuncx� of, �'�e Cfty a3f Fridl�y
a� :��i.I�rs :
1 e T'hat ��.e p��Iim��xy zepoact �ub�nitted by I+Tasim Qureshie City
Stigim�ers is he�sceby seceived �d accep�ed,
�. �faa� the �C�llrrw�g impzav�nents a�re he�eby mrdesed Co be ef facted
amd �l�t�d a� ��n ss reas�ably possible� to�wits
W�t�r and �ec�es la�erals ar�cl servie�s servix�g a�l the ptoperCies
d�cribed sbcsv�e �� s�ark aT�rvs may b� r.�nsarlidated with o�sr azaae as
arne impsresv�a� e
3, Tbe wt��k �€� be p��fo3't�d unde� �.is prasject n�y be perfot�ed euider
oae og �re c�r�traa�s as u�y be de�ned adv3.sable up� r�ceipt of bids a
4. N�,��m Qu�eship Gi9.j► &►gi.neer� i.s h�r�by deeign�ted a� Bagfaeer
fe�� this impxnr�reaa�n�o � He si�1i psrep�rs fiaal plaas and specification� for
a�ski� a�� sucla f.�p��r�u�s ,
�PTED �X' 7� CB�CTL �'F THE CIiY QF �D?.SY �IS I1l�Y
oY � _n �7VV o
Sack 0. Kistkham 1�AY0&
�iT�'EES� e
• Ma�eis; �a B��aasgll. C�Y �
Genera7. and Public U�.ilities 9079 through 923g
172 through 228
i �
ESTI�A�S at) B� AY�OVED BY TIi� CI�Y CGU�dCZL -.I�i'LY I�, 196b
Cocnatock & bavi�, Tnc.
Consulting Etagiaeexs
1�046 Coeu�ty Road "J'° • '
Minnespol�s, Minnesota, 55432
Raa t�e furaishiag of resident i�spec�ioa and resicient
supervisioa for the staking on� og the constructios� wosk
$stimate �5 - Water i�nprav�ement Project Number
75-C, Schedule 2, from Map 30, 1�366 throagh
Jnly 2, 1966 ,
E�etima ta #16 - Water �rovemeat Pro ject Ne�ber
75-A froo� Macy 30, 1956 through July 2, 1966
Estimnte �5�- Watar Improvemaat Project Number
75-C, Schedale 2, frcou l�ay 30, 1966 thraigh
July 2, 1966 '
Estimete #I - Street is�,rovement Project N�ber
1966-5 fram May 38, 1966 throagh July 2, 1966
Sstimate #10 - Sanitary Set+er, Watea & Stora
Seroe� Impra�ement Pro ject �iumber y3-A fram
May 30, 2966 t6�roagh July 2, 19b6
Satimata #8 - Storm Sewer Improvemeat Pro3ect'
Neuaber 73 from Alay 30, i966 to: July 2, 1966
Bseimate �S - Storm Sewer Improvameat Project
N�naber 12, Scbe�uls B, �s�oa► IN�sy 2, 196b thraugh
. Julr 3, 1966
tos the iary3shing of Profesaional Sngineeriag �rvic�s
fos ti�e Plana3ng, Gener�l Supesvioion,.and Reaidentia�
8npsrviaion of tl�e conatruct% o�t
Stos� Sa�r �mprovemsnt No. y2, Schedale A
� Storu� 8a�wer Zsprovem,�at 1Qo. i2, Se�dule C
. Batimate �2 for fatnishiag ot a atrvay partl► to the City
tor 8tseet Improvement Froject 1'966-4, Schedule A, froo
lssj 90, 1966 througb Juiy 2, 1966
C. S. ZicCrossaa, 2tec. '
8oyte $2, Bwc 322
O�slo, l�ttWtgOti .
$ 186.Z5
$ 257.50. ` �
$ 366.25
$ 2,719.50
$ 143. Y5.
't $ 80.00 ,
$' _ 214.00
. .� :
$ 10,666.93
$ I41.45
$- I,263.00
Bstiamtte !�1 (Partisi� Street Ie�►rovement Project
I� 8r. 1966-4,.Schsdale "A" ucording to coatract � 19,305.36
EsT��s �o s� ��a�n (corrr�D}
• Dunkley SurfaciQg Compaay
3756 Grarad Street Noxtheast
Minaeapoli�, Minaesota
Ssticmate �`I (Partial) Pro�ect No. P-b5-11 accordin�
Lo coatract $ 3,208.Ofi
Estimate �2 (Partisl) St�eet Inap�roveosent Pro ject
St. 1966-1, Schedule A, According ta contract $28,19b.36
S. C. Smileq � Asaoc.
175U 8ennepir� Avenae
Miuneapoiis, Minnesata
City Ball
$ 6,509.95
S U I T E 1 2 • 1 750 H E N N E P I N A V E N U E • �A I N N E A P O L I S, M IN N E SO T A 5540 3 • F E 8-6757
• �
' ` k,� S
,f,�� .�,,.
i ._ ,'-`,
� 1 l sl
� j �.
City of Fridley
Fridley City Hall
6431 University Avenue
Fridley, Minnesota
July 1, 1966
Professional Services Rendered: Fridley Civic Center
Loc]ce Park Site
Completion and approval of Schematic �
Plans, Design Development Pla'ns and
partial completion of the Contract
Dbcuments......� ..................... ...$13,500.00
Total Blueprinting and reproduction...... 59.19
$13, 559.19
� Payments to date ........................ 7,049.24
$ b, 509. 95
xoliaay vi].Lage rtoa�th E
250 � 5'Ttfi Aven�e N. E, ;
�Yidley� P4lnnesota pys
aary�s Shell Serrice ��
6�A7. Uld.v6�`a3ty AveA1�l8 No Eo l
FMd]�� Minnssota � �,Ys
aary�a Shell Service -,
6]A1 Uui.verai�y svenue N. Lo ,`'
Frid]�g, Minr�eaota ,' bye
Eriaksvn Brvthera
aaryr %o�erboms
(�ary Lorgerbot�e
�,� �8, 1966
Asphalt DriveWaq Cae�ny
1t9S 8. Eighway 36
St. Paul, ltiaaasota by: Reaneth G, 3mith
Ha+ses Cos�ocatian
3T03 Marshsll $t. �f, Se
lridls?e Miaaa�ota 55:►21
c�s aEe�ucss
1[ott&ern �ropan� Cae co.
1�300 Ceatz�l Aven�e d, B,
Mianea�polise Minnesota
68ML�1tA� G�lRACTOlS
Erco, %neo�cporaC�d
3231 C�nttal Av�an. ]� o E.
Minneapolia, !lisu�asota
i��radsl� Huild�ts
b3 � Yretndal� Av�au� It. E o
lridley, Mi�we�ota 55421
SCsw 8a�ah
266 ![sscusy Dsi�rs 1i. 8 0
]lridl.yn Mimaeeota S3k21
Sh�ldon I��rt�ason Coostrnetioa
526i Csatral Awaw Di. E.
Ftidlsp9 l�in��ota SS421
Egan 6e Sca�s Air Cos�d, Co.
7AOQ M�dicin� &aks toad
�linasapoAts, Minaesota .
I.�o 8. Haot
7t23 G�roro�elaad toad
Minaoapolis, MinavoLa
by; �o�eph Lssr
bY: B, Ee 8oderman
by: O�iv�r Bxieluan
hy: �awatl Jo lla.gavsky
byx St�w istirrysh
by: Sheldaa Mo�rte�san
by: We �e Bgan
bys 1.QO Se Hnot
: _0
� ,:5_ . ,
. ;:� _
E�� _L� ^ �?�3
. ��
• •
f --
��,�;,, ��3 -�y��
June 30, 196b
We understand that t'he property owners whose property is
liable to be assessed in niaking of the improvements are supposed
to be given ten (10) days notice by mail and published notice of
the Council hearing through two (2) weekly publications of the
requixed notice for the purposes of holding an improvement hear-
ing. . .
We, the property owners, are in possession of a letter explain-
ing the improvement and the need��of it. We also understand the
emergency of installing the improvement iu�ediately.
We hereby waive the requirements and the need of the public
hearing for the impravement. We understand that when the improve-
ment is finished, an assessment hearing will be held at which time
we will be given the proposed assessment to our property for this
We hereby certify that we are the property owners of the fol-
lowing property:�
� �
� � ti �' �
er - Signatur
Owner - Signature
�,�- �f G �_��.� s'��-G` � 7,j ('w��; ��ti/
Legal Description
/ ' ��'J:�/�_ ���1.��.-��-l���� -f�1
�'"SS �. � � �� Il�. i+� �.S .
Owner•- Print or type
Owner - Print or type
' �.�
� � �`�- y-/ y ��
June 30, 1966
We understand that the property owners whose property is
liable to be assessed in ma.king of the improvements are supposed
• to be given ten�(10) days notice by mail and published notice of
the Council hearing through two (2) weekly publications of the
required notice for the purposes of holding an improvement hear-
1 ' •
We, the property owners, are in possession of a leCter explain-
ing the improvement and the need�6f it. We also understand the �
, .
emergency of installing the improvement immediately.
We hereby waive the requirements and the need of the public
hearing for the improvement. We understand that when the improve-.
ment is finished, an assessment hearing will b'e held at which time
we will be given the proposed assessment to our property for this
We hereby eertify thaC we are the�property owners of the fo1- �
lowing property:�
J �- u�iic�- / �
�"�=---G�'i�12! �
Owner - Si nature
Owner - Signature
a�c� i �. 1` �c'�K I %%�i-uC�k . �KC.
Legal Description �)Gi3L�,��
:���� l,� r�� � ��� �,�;
--,�. �z., ���v�3�2� �. �,��.a �� �L; .
Owner - Print or type
Owner - Print or type
� __ �5
(����.-� �� �'- /y t� b
1June 30, 19661
�� V
� •
We understand that the property owners whose property is
liable to be assessed in making of the improvements are supposed
to be given ten (10) days notice by mail and published notice of
the Council hearing through two (2) weekly publications of the
required notice for the purposes of holding an improvement hear-
We, the property awners, are in possession of a letter explain-
ing the improvement and the need,;of it. We also understand the
emergency of installing the improvement immediately.
We hereby waive the requirements and the need of the public
hearing for the improvement. We understand that when the improve-
ment is finished, an assessment hearing will be held at which time
we will be given the proposed assessment to our property for this
We nereby certify that we are the property owners of the fol-
lowing property;
/<�� -
`%L. // r, .
��-_ �i,� � r .
Owner - Signature
�' ' j �° r :'i��� �..� ` � ll /� .
Owner - �ignature
�. ,��, �-f �-° /:� �� � lc% ;
/4� S��r 1 �..� l������ �
Legal Description � '� y-�!�o�
� , . /,� _
�-_''i� .- /l / i i r � � t_ {17�.7' .�'�
Owner - Print or type
Owner - Print or type
AREA CODE. 312 ��Y � 1911 E�A�ST 60TH STREET • CHIC.4G0, ILLI\OIS 6063i .
� June 13, 1966
. �\�`�
I N V I T A T I 0 N
Will You Please Present this Invitation at the Next Meeting.
of the
Governing Body of Your Co�mnunity?
, This is a cordial invitation to your municipality to be represented
by your manager at the 52nd An�tual Conference of the International City
Managers' Association to be held in Phoenix, Arizona, on October 23-27. -
The conference offers an opportunity for your manager to find o�rt
the latest developments in many areas affecting urban government. Natfon- �
� ally known experts will present new ideas.on the problems facing local gov-.
ernments. Some of the sessions planned are: National Urban Policies and
Local Government, Science of Urban Economics, Administration of the Poverty
Program, Participation in Community Problems by Business and Labor, and de-
veloping a Fiscal Structure In Tune with an Urban Society.
The program has been designed to reflect not only current thinking
on specific problems but also to provide the opportunity for managers to
get specific help in certain areas. Workshop sessions are planned on a
variety of topics covering most municipal functions. Such workshop sessions
will be held on available federal sid programs, Combatting the Increasing
'� Crime Rate, What Industy Expects from City Government, Techniques in Labor
, Negotiations, and Code Development and Implementation.
The principal speakers at the Conference are nationally known for
their knowledge, accomplishments, and concern for local government. Speakers
come from all areas including national administration leaders, university pro-•
fessers, private organizations, and the business world.
I know you will appreciaCe the benefits that your municipality will de-
rive from having your manager attend this meeting, and we would like to hear
at your earliest convenience what action is taken authorizing his attendance.
� • Respectfully yours,
�X/�'�'� / . '
• Orin F. Nolting
OFN:js � Executive Director
� ��� .
I •
July 1, 1966
M E M 0
. _ = 4�
T0: Earl P. Wagner, City Manager •
FROM: Marvin C: Brunsell, Finance Dixector
SUBJECT: Assessment Roll - Project �79 - Terry's Addition ,
Thexe were two preliminary assessment rolls proposed for the '�
o stoxm sewer in the area of the pxoposed plat of Terry's Addition.
One of the plans took in considerably more area than the other
plan. �
We are getting special assessment searches on property in this �
area and if we are to give out accurate information, we will have �
to have a decision by the City Council as to which assessment
plan they are going to use. I am enclosing some of the material
thaz was made up for the assessment hearing.
. • ' . '_ �� �
::;"?•:0 . . � - .
,i ' � .. , . , .
; I��y S, 19bb . .
, ,
' � '� PW�a 2 . � � � •
i� �� � � � � � � � � � �� � � ��
± .•;; . . ' ' �
. .
�;'�,i �.-� �R',�r*.t�S:' � S iA.DDIC°A"J��1 I�.f � S� Yf'�!�'ii�a�� �lT�',P�+ ' -
_ ,
f ' . • . � � lA�Ci T,�.�+a�.Z4 a �;c�-�� �$�� thia pas�ia�a �:c �ho g��j�e� �roraeatt� �Ii�a �oa�t pSOialcm�; � � .
' ;;r�.::a �.�o �s:� ����€;ab� p��uea�c�l fo� tiia r���ae��a� �pscr3d da ehi� s�os�►a
� � . ��..� ���a�e�c�s.e�, °u�'ae ii.�rs� p�°�agasrrai c�a�ald ��oA� Lhs ca��isQ �rr� t�hich
h°�a aa� �ac� ..�3csscd foa• 1�Qc.�;,i:l �e�4�o uaslc�s P�cojczL 1'0. b0, �i�in�
� c� c.�i� �d io�� �t h�d ua �esc�; a; au�e: ��s a�z:all ses�icya o� liaQ put . ia
; :, ' '�. . � , u�.c;� 6�fl,�r�� ICo. S3s 1CIte �e�cxul p�a*p�m�ttl ��d caraaid��tbl� ��due� tiia '_ �
. a�^qs�:: �� �e�o °�hi� �cposal �.�culd ��x��d '�ho co�t a�ly oa �hQ p�c�! . .
gl�� o� `ue�'i�y's Addi�ion tu�d �h� �chool p�pas�yr, �'tio ��sc�s�eaz ��ta .
. , i:rs2e� �:r.cc a�eec�cl pao�►os�l ca�uld ix3 �2035 �ac�rn 1(f0 �qu�so ge��,a:ad ua�dc� �ha
�. _ ��s�s� ���;.o�al Q�►�l�s $�°00 p�sc 7.00 sqe�o ga�ot o� �x.32 p�r 100 �nu�to .
��a�, de;��ad�n� o�s �u'aCbcq� or iu�s; tt�ay ia�ad beea at�r�e�l �t�ing � vad� .
. 1 . •.) .
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, w �_ •
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Toial Co�t of Altornate 1'lan Storm S�'tre� � 79 $23�353•59 �
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9 � 507� G6o99 � � gpo42
; TO � � bi350 � � 90.�2
' 1 2 Lyndat� 82drse 6tb 550�a 73092 73092
� 2 2 y2.27 72a27
S4i 3
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; 3 �. 2 ' . . :72.27
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� 1 3 I,�tadals 82drs. 6th 8725 ���5�1i � I15ai7
, k�:�0 61038 7.20 5�so2$
�2 3 '
3 ,; SOGO 6�a„00 , 1�0�0 �. � 51ab0.
� � 3 . . 4E75 bk�.35 _ 2�.1�0 49095
� � g . . t�>.'.S ... b5.0I 1�.40� 50e51
��25 ..65.01 ��iott0 54,61
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� E g ' k�975 55.67 22.i6 . �43051
� g8 �8oC�9
; �, . � Lyndala Bldrs. 6th 5t�%5 72.27 •' 230
i 2 4� S�J25 66e33 I4o�50 5Io93
i 3�2arcel 1400, Parcr�l 1�20 . SOrS , 66.33 1�So110 . SIo93
' � 50:?5 6b.33 14.�34 S1o93
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� sas� 650� �$ 3°� n� l:,
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� Eas� ss2l• 02 Lo� 8 CSuliivan). 3's'��'0 . �i1�80 . �:'b1e30
! 8 PareeY �700 . 6CF225 7��.97 xj12eG3 � 652.39
, 63�25 i3��3.85� ' 9�072 7�9009
I g . 'i5r�E75 2,G�o35 �28032 1.6Y6o03
� 6 .. 296o9b 905.23
5 Parcel i300 9].075 1.202.19
�?arc�l 1200 � . 92fl00 1,293.6� . 329.2Q 97�so�a0
3 Grace Mawi;.aq - Parcel� 1I00 110225 1,k54.97 83.60 2,3�I.37
�. b2640 826.32 175.3b b50,9b �
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3GiG� �1.S�0o8�
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t�+i �',*y of SI'i Sc3c o tJ 2� 2290Q0 e
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; Soco � Z� : . . . .
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� 1,92 � $ . -
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To�ui Cv: � og S� � �9 � �
� 23,3�6.00 .
Highway N�GO � Cen�ral A�'a. Area � Ze�03o86
Casti ag SS # 53 � .� � ' ,
• • ` � �: 250319.86 $ 25,31908E+ • 1o92�so6�b8 � �1032
, . .. , . Per IOfl �qasre �eet
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. � PeE�C gor th$ araa ss�cSSmd itader
_ 53
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July 8, 1966 �
Mr. Earl Wagner, City Manager
City of Fridley
6431 University Ave.N. E. -
Fridley� Minnesota 55421
Dear Mr. Wagaer:
The St. Anthony Village Jaycees would like permisaion to
use the Locke Park picnic area on Auguat 7 from 1:00 pm to
6:00 pm for their annual fatnily picnic. We expect approxi-
mately 40 adulta and 40 children to attend.
We would a�so like to bring beer into the area, and I
understand from Mr. Brown that this requires couacil approval.
Please conaider this a formal request for eame.
Thank you, .
John Szafranski
St. Anthony Village Jaycees
. Picnic Chairman •
2904 - 31� Ave. N. 8. ,
Mpls, Minn. 55418
' � �y<«° Youno Me� of Action
L �j
a)t 1
,r �
y �,
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�F�� c ��s.r�j�u�
Ci�y :Ya`anaGer
Jarr:es �-�. I��ns�.�y, �3a��d oi �:e�ItM
Board oi �:ea� �i1 .'1c�ivities, Ju..�e 19u6
�14 ��.ery1 �t. occu��i�c� Uy �obc:c�c Pa1n�-r, ar�med by Tred Co. 1427 Loarty
��ar'na.;� and rerusc ��?.ed �utsi�e. Occuz�ant rn�t�in�, but assured *ne he
�aou� c� cl.ean ancl cicar. ( 7n c�.se ^e doc-sn't Lic, no. is 3EF350, Dodge}
5��2� i.t�i �t. I7. i., , Tcx i�ter, u�a�r�u1; g;a-rbage, Co��l.aint of Bob
:�? ��.L �.c', . Ltr, sent �o c�ase �u,.�-:�isz� and to prop�rZy store garbage.
6��:� Laf�.yett�, Jirn Vau��n, 78t:-« �:32 reo.uest�d t•�ell be tested, i�ater
sa:n�le taken.
Io� 79tr� �,alay, 8 unit �.nt. �ui�d:�_::;, Lots 3, ��, 5, and b, Block 4, Spring
�aroo'� �ar'_-� �� d� , or�i:�c by �3r . r r " r '° r;� - , �
I Z �:z„ �-�,e�c.:�.n, 517 �_e�.iczl. �rts Bldg.
Co: :�1ai�z� oxz narl:.in� o�` c��rs a;.zcl ;arb�ry� cans , ThEre was a du.mpster
• h�r�, uarb4ge ca�?s i-�ad been G��;,'� :�ci nnd c��ere ,clean. No nua.sance at
• this ti�e. ;�1i2I rec�2�cZc �:t a 7 a�� �r c7ate.
562� ct� 5t. T�;. :�., f�z�rnin; ga.•r_b.;;e, i,tr, sent to occupant to cease
bvrnirl ; an� to nrane�:1J s fiore ;2.a~ az �e ,
5�13 2; S�. ws�ere th.ere ��a� a�et°:�nt f3_re. QctiTned by Leslie P3ye, 425 .
35�.��. Ave. ?�7. Lot 19, BI... 22 �?yc�c� s�ar:� r;a�. �'ir� de�t. has on fiZe ,
us recen� f ire. Could not get �x� . auts 7 de �o�sn � t Lo�;. too bad, A.�'r.
'�y Lund i.s intereUt�d �n ��y�n^; :�i�. Ta�?ced �o �±i:n by phone (784-2322}
Ii tnis is not eonn�eted to mw.�xc: ;.pai s�t���r, it shouLci be.
5850 2'-; St. , T ot 2 an� 3, �� oc?: �: 3, �:.yc�� L���rlt .'�d�, otanea by A�ipls. F�ederal
, C�J3 :�:"a�quette. Po3.ice conni��.izl: EC:-5-195, b���.en windows and apen
coaZ bin. Ltr, ta board up wincc�t�s �?ZCl ,�';� coal bi.n inaccessible to �
iSul Viron Jrive {5ervice 1?d. at c'�sborne ;d, an.d ��iway 65, j Requested
to cne��: TrG�.l�r sales , Coulci �:.; �d n�t?�ing out of ord�r. 5.
I���iJ :�:`is s is s i:��z t��h.ere �.n open � t�.: � E�;is �ed . �echeck revealed this has
• �e�n ab�t�d.
I360 C.��tn Av4, co��vlaint of �r�_i� <:�. �-ra::�es belzind here. Could not find
�� is adc�re� �. :�id.� ? oo'_e over vic�.i:ity �n� couLd find no evidence o£
�?ile.�� oi ju.Lx'c or traile� �rasnes . Lenny Cocl-iran did hav� a good gross
c�*��ncrcial r:�ESS on Central that i.:� a justifiabZe complaint.
_: �:,'� - % 9 � �._e ��-��� ��
1' �` - ~• "11 �'S :�_ �o ; v� �ci �aini:s o� this befor
�: �;i �.'oZ_. . � , � � �� -r c c: i3r . . ,. 3 � ., co.a� e
: Y�?��ed �y �er_�z�.rc? vu�'c�i:�s�;i. C.�c c� a•:,���� �er �ervin� bo�h �ni�s, ho�•�evEr,
c.�:�-��s�e� ,��as �:�pLy so �;�i? ���xve t�� r�c'�ec�� ?aLe•r.
7�r��- Van �� ��z S �. i�; .�:. , o=..rzcc� b�� C3.ar�nce ar_d Ju1ia Scherer, 99th Ave.
., i�, �_r_c =`iss?s��.��i ;,iv�r, SS'�i �(322�,• �`'��.�.or Drive� "L'arnado debris,
tr��s, ��.d �re� braj�c'-�.^�. �o�t 3, �' ac�: 5, 5:��.ffer's SubDiv. No. 1.
'L �r .�o c Iea� afzd c? ���r .
Lo � s 1 I� nd ? 2, :31�c�: 1, Onoj-�ay i':1 � r: �dz�. (Area o� 7839 Oak Street)
Car�. �orcnson, t�6I5 Univ�rs ity ^�v,� . N. �'. , i�?pls . junk, trash an� w�eds .
L tr, to c lean zn d c lear.
��r��s 2i;, ?_7, and 2�, ;31,oc?c 2, Oa:: �rove :�dn. (Vacan� lots south of 6E89
:��o<-;a S t.� o=.•m�d by Carl SU�GTiSOI1 ��6I5 linivers ity Ave . ZT. �. , A'�pls .
iras'_� and �,•�eeds . Ltr. �o c? ea�.z ��.�� cte�r.
L�t 2, �1ac'.� 3, ,�eac�oT�r<-^oor i�dn. (7'�2G 'r3�con;, ;�rn�rd Jul�co�•�sl:i, 142�
`'olan Te�:��c?, �'pl.s, and '�`r, �:c? C��?e�, 52 >. L. rirst, New Brighton, r'inn.
rArn�do deb� is . L �r . to c�.�an ai:i3 clear .
•i•%oon ?laz S?�oppin7 Cen�e� , s�iL]. ;�-�t�.n� ca:�nZaints on �;arba�;e and trash.
3nvesti,..•,ation re�ealed ��o s�ai�sta:��ra� 17:4�iAV@?'1-G'?1�S. Given untiL Jt�ne
21 , 19F��: �r �•?ii1 ��arr_ ovc-r �� Ci•,: � �`zttnr�cy. �ernard JuL;co�aski, 1420
��""ola�? W'errace and :+7oazaZc� i�� ��.r:�'l. :, 333 �.icV C� ee�c � er�cace N. E.
522 ��a_aree St .':a . �., Lot �: , a3? �c �. 4, _=�oryzo� �zeia!�.ts o�med by a
aern� �:. ,��ste�or . Co::aZ� wn� c��' ,=:��r:! �s.e odor, nrobably a dog.
ir�vesti��.�ion ieveal�r t?��.� 5223 ''ierc:� �.s s�fai�c'r_in� over irom a septic
�an!c to :��uni�i�al s�t-�e-r ��nc3 thz� :L; t��.�obab?y the odor t':e con�plaintant
��� s bL��. s:n�1.i in� . ��w���::ctia�. :��..; 'aeen r�ac�e. A ca��lai�^�� of dog
a��r �.t 522? is com��z��e�iy u:�zju�ti=i�d. ��ck yard is neat and cl.ean.
5241 ���ro�e, ��ot II, B?ocr: 4, ��:�izoi� yI'.�Elo-:7�CS9 oFmed by a Donald
S87 t??��.��.. y S%CS7 Hu�lbold� .�ve. �� ., 5�'�30 . Co�r�laint of piled lu.mber,
s�ac�c ana bec�.s�rs.�;s . ��vesti�� : ion reveal.ed �h�� 1ot l:ad been
c3eun�d �.nd cleareci, anci is foi s�z:Le t%�8-2283 j.
53u �:Ly S�. (�ots 31, 32, ?3, �: 34.: �31oc::. Y'. :4iv�rvie�a I�ei�hts Eidn.,`�
Q�,mec� �J �'.� r. '-:a�r�'��ans c•�_�o is ir_ � �i�:�ne�in Cou_zty Rest rio:me. Ta���s
cel � o, i;iEC�, _��`r� . Ac��rson iives bei:incl th�rn at 531 �over ��ho:n can
co=3�ac� for in�or:�atio�. .'rs .�?ar.c.�1*�h just G.*est has key when Afrs .
� eterson is gon�, T'�use okay. S?^� ct�s c�nde:nn�d to be abated.
:�:�v 3, J�.e :�e«��� A��iv-� �.;.c:s
�'';�� �:_c>�wa� , o6�i s� �.c�. i�ash, ;��n't, 06.� ti�es. �ots 4-9 and 50, B1ock 6,
:^�.���rv� ��.�� ��:::i,n �s '�,c'�:, 9 o�am�� b� .,:�v�.n ��arcus, 682I Ceda?� Lake �d. and
?'Cr:'1.1^. L':.i.�7' �'�'CC:G'�2T ry v��. ti"�3�^�t?vi.�@. �z�.uCi°: CO22C1C;�.'tIG� for htznan occupar.cy.
G�:d�=�d �o c���n ar.� C�.C�:r �rash.
5C t� �'u�o, F.�ats ��7 a�1� �:�& 9�i.oc'� S,, �'�,ive-rv�e�� �eights Adr.. , Gunther R.
an: .Tcsyce ZiciceNmu� ar�d :•"inneso�G ��de��.� , o�J3 �`arquette. CompZaint from
�. �>`rs, ;���cr;ast on .°��,o �o sea �.i�at cou�� b� done about a shack. No
v�oi��:�o:� here. �mai� d�7Elii.� � o�:�i�g occupied. I�To nealth nuisance.
78�0 s.�ex Lane, Lots 2G, 2�.9 BZoc:: ."�A, �;iv�rview :iei;hts Adn. I'lood home.
C����.a�.r_-t of 2Fss. �,ove at S71 79�.z ;�7ay �;. �., 784�-5613. O�mer, Viking
r�,eaity, �-3Q Ist �ve. ?4Y. and 4rvi�:L� Jerdensen. Conde:nned for hu�+,an
?870 zpex Lane, Lot 1�, 31ac�: �P�-�, :2ivervie�r Hgts. �dn. owned by
S�an�.�y B. Z?oren;��.d, Titl� Ins ."3 tdg .,:�Fpls . Complaint of N�rs . Hove,
571 79th ��lay AT. E., 78�--5bI3. T�1�.nCed to 3�now what can be done with this
hous e. Co�d emned t'or �.u.man occuna �cy . ( �� looci home .}
�01 79th ?�?ay, �.ots 1 and 2, Bioc� �, Rivervi��r Hgrts. Adn. Settergren Oil
Co. and T�ain City �ederai, 801 t�`a,:�uette. Condemned for human habitation.
:�Iso ��a3.ph I3uane T��ern�r, b0I �zll�.�.ny .N. �. listed by l�noka County.
• 627 Cheryi 5�., received co*nnlai.n� via poZice Dept. of garbage and junk.
:�olice inv�sti.gate� a�d favnd mos�_Ly pap�r., poard of H�alth investigation
�evealed piLe of 3unk �o rear, V�-��ant. �'ormer occupant was a B. K. Davis.
Cnrn�r is G�ar�� L, LaP�noti�re �ahca is I.isted in prone book at this address.
'i?�oras .4. �?ali � as i'ee owner ., 451 i G1. 36 � St. and N. W. Home Federal
Savin�s a�d �aan a� 730 'Iennepin. � Ltr. to ihr. �aPenotiere to cl.ean and
c�ear with cop�es to �!. j�.. Home Fc�-�i. and P�1r. �;all.
Lo�s 8 and 9, �1ocl� 3, Shaf�rs Su"i7iv. �r�. l on Van �uren between 75th
a�id 7�th. F_ev?ous3.y repor�ed as �ax �orfei� and notice sent to �ounty
�o cle�r. and clear �rash and junlc., County states not tax forfei.t owned
�y i1� L�. Sh�ff�r, 5060 Central c�v��. �T. E. ��r. Shafer says he• soZd these
iots to ?�aio:: A. and Ruby Norlandc�:� 10 yrs . a�o. I�e gave the=r� a deed
E�ahich �,ras never f iied. Coun�y sC}�:> tuxcs are 3 yrs . delinquent. Not
forfeit �.ztil I969. Traced the PYn:�lar_ders as far as Oregon, but can�t
find their address there, �eques��:d ;�7al�ter Freeman to abate.
:�ots 7 and 8, B1ock 5, Springbrool; Park �dn. (104 block of Longfellow}.
O�.d �.ouse loo��s like it is bein� t��7rn down or hi� by fire. Condemned
ar.d ordered �bated. Owner H. M. j���lmberg, I63. Z,ongielZow.
: ) `r ,
... . J ._... ._..:� _C�...._�,v.._,.._v.: v:';.�..
,. �� c- ^' �:
. ,t..� ^> .�`� .. `.tC''. �l)y `.'x.��..i� � �, .)�t Ll �:^t�Cl'. L'u .: :`ut?. ��1.^�.�>t'",. `LO �.%�i Z.Oil�l`C7.�.OG7j
�.L.:._�� T��� ��.�. cc��a ;, w�:�� d�.��.._ >, �.�� s::. �n�. ���cec���. G`�,�xaed by 3os�ph
:;,. � � �� � u�. 5 n.� � . ? :� ;��� �, .c� `c»o.-� anc. � __�c�':a Cc;ca_� �y h�.� ?�at r,�, i? ec out tay
.,�L�.���--�.�� �:,4 t'�.cJ ��.�e -r�t� �c:r?r;� c�. ?:�cu�sL�d �;����Zte� }�'�eeM�n to abate.
511 � ?_'; � �� . i`: . ?� . , �.o � s ? ; l�• , � �. _�� 5 , �' . 2 E- , �-:yd e Par?t ^�dn . owr.ed by
;l�.l�e� ; a:;�c� i:i�'�y, ��?? !:.:i� ;;•�. . �'. i:.. � I uF-:at mui�Cip3.e dweilin�
t�?�i-', ;�u �'�}�!�.'�., c1T1� i(r'i t1S �' CiV..^-.i. :` � i;' "" :Ll�.:� L.:i�: COi1i.c'1? ilv�5 a.11CZ b.�.OW112a
�'tiOL"z'i. :.i-C.'7.';ilUC�r1it70C,'�. �?�CGLlC'Si.�3G �C) 1').LCZV"+C�.^; *:"il7�G �'L'@QL�i1� pZC�t UT� 821C�
c� c'.���: a�� c�.�� :c, °��o� ��_: r',� r';l,:l ���c^� a:�d. :' �by that �hey have
�: �i-
so?d �,�is as �i �u�� i, ��:'� tc� �W�r. Trv?:�� �'�rr^an� r�eaical 4rts T31dg
U25 ?��i�o1.Ie� ^��a�. , �- :�? 5. L���_ .;ent t�� Lr. �"cr:�an to cZean and clear�
c1..'1�it� n:inVlti-v� �C�.L�Cf'ilr^.���^-. ?�7.�':t LT�„
; � 15 !. �.z-z � � . �I. i:. ��TcG? nccu-��.�, :: . irus'� � ef t by �'or:ner occu�ant .
G�l��� G� �.la��e�� �o n� �k u� �.�nc� �hcJ s��.c' t??ey �.,o�l� G-10-66 but
c? cin' � s?zc��� up. r,�i�.1 '�ave c°�e;:: ��d ;�y ��'ond� y, b-I3-66 . .
53�; J�g��svi�.i�, Rod;�i ;��ic1����c., COA1D���i_�t �f jt.;.�71c trash and debris.
�. vesti��.�ior� r�vE«� �d G.i � n-= ��: ��s plus 'our� in� garb� ;e. Ltr. to
cie�i� and clr�ar, cca�e bur��:ia �::.�d �ra��r�.y s�or� garbage.
• Samples taken of i �oor� Lake
2� Pfunicipai water samples takc�a,
. ) Iy
Julq•8, 1966
a )�"?
: T0: Earl P. Wagaer, City Manager
� _ '__ �,�, '.,F
FROMe Marvin C. Brunsell, Finance Director �`'' .
�; �
SUBJBCT: Connectioa charges or eanitary sewer main assessment
charges on property lying north of 69th Avenue, west
of University Avenue and east of the railroad right-of-tvay.
The area described above has not been assessed for saaita.ry aewer
main with the exception of a partial assessment put on in 1956 to
take care of same of the costs in the lower end of the City.
At one time it was contemplated that a sewer main line would be
installed to take care of the area in question. It aow appears that
the area will be connecting directly onto the North Suburban Sanitar�r
Sewer Main.
When and if the property does connect to the sanita.ry sewer main,
the City of Fridley will have to`pay connection charges to the North
Suburban Sanitary Sewer District. As I understand the policy of the
City Council, the propexty owners will not be paying the charges
directly in those areas that have already had a sewer main asseasment.
The question is what assessment or what connection cllarge will the
area described above be charged? The plat of Co�nerce Park lies
within this area and we are�getting assesament inquiries on the
property,but we cannot give an accurate figuxe out as we do noC knaat
what the policy of the City is to be with regaxd to either an �
asaessment or a connection charge to be le�ied on the property. ,
• � .
;; :
_� .
� ��
; �I � •
. . , �
MSMO. . .
. , . . . 1' 1� .• • � � .
. DsQOb�t 30, 1965
. .. .�
c' c� .
. , ,
�; T0: Karl P. �lagn•r� City Managas .
. , , � ',
:, FRO�ts Ms►rvin C. Brunaell� .Fin+�ncs DiY�ctor .. .
j • � . � .
� SUBJBCTs Sanitery oewer main aa�aaaco�nt aad charges to b� paid to North Subusban
; � 8anitary 8�es Di�trict . �
i '
i•! .' There has been some discuesioa relative to tha aethod of financia e ��
g or r i�ing th�
+ j: money for the conaection chsrgas wbich the City of Fridley must paq to tha North ' �
� j= SuburbaA Sanitary Ses�►er Diatrict. IC i• my racommeadation that among tbe means �
i�' uaed to finance thia coat would be to sseeas the property in Fridley aht.ch haa not
ae yet received the full sanitary �Bey►er main •os�sanant, thereby putting it on a , ';
'�� •' par with the reat of ths property in i+ridley.
; � � . �
. !:
;�; There are threa main 4reae I am speakix�g of. Area aumber one i• the asea south ;.
:�; of Osbome Road, west of University Aveaue, eaet oi the raiirasd tracks 84d nortb �
of 69th Avenue. Area number t�►o is ths area lying betWeea the railroad traclu� aad
;� Univeraity, o�td north of Oeborne Road. There is also a thisd area wbich liea just
north of Rice Creek and eaet of Highwu�y �65. An additional 4ewer line may havs to
`�'� be installed aome day in the futuze to aerve area numb�r three. But as I undaretead.� �
F� it� nreos oae and t�ro aill oot have to ha`te additional �ever maina installed. They
'� Will be able to make u�e og tb� exieting main lines, or ti� into the North Suburba�
1 '� trunk line.
� � . � , ,,_ ..
• Area number one hae an azea of epprox�rsately 6�580,130 feet. If this were asae��ed
I� ;` et the rate of $.45 per 100 square feat, w aeaeaement of $29�610.59 could be
reslized fram area number one. Forty ::ive cents per 100 •quare feet ia uaed in
! ' the abave example ae that ie what the Ather areasnorth of Rice Creek Were ssaeeaed '
;; for sewer main aervice when Projeat �2G Ment in. This rate was �Yrived at by using tho .
� original assessment south of Rica Creuk, adding on tbe increase ia canatructioa coet
�� .up until the time Projeat �24 waa seeooaed aad deducting th� $.2S partial a�ses�meat �'. _
i.�'�which haa bBea appliad on all property in PYidley.
.� �. Area aumber three has aa area.of appro7cimat@ly 20,535,550 square foat.�'If tbia aYea
I'� ': were asaeeaed ati $.45 per 100 equsre taet� $92,409.98 eotitld b� r�ised• �'he totai for
;� : th� two areaa would b4 approximately $1.Z2�020.57. i.
� ,
� Some of the property in area nvmber one apparently i• to be dev�loped io tho near
A 'future. _
�. .
; j I am not eure what the baeis for makinF the aaseaement �ould have to be. It may hav�
;� � to be oa the baeie of �► connection chargaa� rather than.,an assea8caent, or ox� an
,� , a8aesameat based on the chargea tha Cit.y will be payiag tti� North Suburbsa Sewer
�� .Diatrict in lieu of inatalliag the sevcs mein� or pos�ibly an additioaal aseess,aeat •
; � could ba mada for �11 or�part o! th� area in qu�ation uadar Pro�act �24� aa Pro�ect �24
? vea uader aaao�aod ip tba �mowat ot �78�S7S.00. Thi� lin� �aa run alon� Qaivarsity
'� Avouua �nd vould b� t�o�dt�ta� �d��ceat to � portio� ot th� prop.rq io qwstioa�.
i . . ,. � .
; , ,, . .
; � , , �;. � , , .
� � '� , • ^ x f : ' , �. . .
+ � s,, , << , � ' , � �
� ' • . ' , j�`� y (� xr � ! �i� 3' ,�` `J t ' rM'� 1 . , .
{ � � ,� . \�- �{ ; � . � .
1 ; . . s �
. . . : • � . ; a s �', iv ", �,f 1 � i '
� i ' �.: y � 'r ✓ ,
. . � . . ��r � � t � . .� 'I: : , 1 ��
'. ,
. _..._._ . ____...__� - -_ �:. _�__.. . c �.'�. �.�, . r-.. • � .. . • . ' ' _
cr�r o� �znz��:x, r:ir.r:��arn
au� :, i966
Ni�IBF:R OF P�'.tiESITS I' SU!�1l
29b6 2965 TfTTS YEAR LAST YEUt
Resi.dential 9 2k 89 T5
Reeidential Garagee 39 22 73 1s1
Alterationa & Addi�ion�e � 432 71 587
Multiple A+�rellings 1 0 5 1
Con�marci+al 0 Q � !�
Induetrial 0 0 3 0
Muc�icipat G 1 1 1
Chu: chea b Schoo],a 0 1 0 1
Hospitala 2 0 2 1
s�gae b 5 36 19
Maving 1 � 3 2
Hsating 25 62 152 lbo
pi�sng 32 �5 i58 170
Eleatricai 55 �82 320 1s21
Reaidentigl Gara�ae
Alterationa & Additiona
M�ltiple DWe�l.i.n�cs
Churches & Schoola
� 2oa.�ooa $ 1�78,820 ��.,7�b,ioo �1,358,b2o
l�6,1?0 30,b02 96,063 60,73l�
86�010 289259878 �la2,�78 ����,2�2,8T0
92�000 0 292�000 D 27.000
a o 7oa.,5ar ��� 430,000
o a 8't4,5�SJ �� b
o ��5aa �.77,42I �L,5oo
o 57�995 0 57,995
1].6,000 0 1a6,0o0 . 2,000,000
17 , 254 6 s 60a 37, 875 11�, 475
0 20 Oq0 2 000 20 000
, y � e 1 f � !
aut+�, 1966
Blacktopping � Aa�a].t
House Moving
Q31 Heating
Well Drilling
i � 15�00
i9 2a5000
36 5�0.00
73 10825.00
?�b 690000
1 1,5a00
23 345.Oo
?� 60,00
9 135.00
3 45.00
9 225000
1 1,� s00
s •
1966 1965 THIS 1'EAR LA3T YEAR
- - - .�...
� 755 3�, S83 $�o, t�o
1,b91 L,982
1,038 5,343
1,179 2,595
SIt3NS ?06 39 1122 108
, s � ,