01/10/1966 - 00021696� �a � APPOINTMENTS TO VARIOUS COMMITTEES AND CONIMISSIONS: Mayor Kirkham suggested that this item be tabled until the next meeting. Motion by Wright to table a11 the appointments to the next meeting except the Council Secretary, and that, Sue Miskowic be employed as Council Secretary, on a temporary basis only, until an Administrative Intern is obtained, and then he will become the Council Secretary. Seconded by Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. DESIGNATION OF DEPOSITORIES - RESOLUTION DESIGNATING LEGAL NEWSPAPER - RESOLUTION SETTING COUNCIL MEETING NIGHTS - RESOLUTION DESIGNATING COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE ON N S.5 S.D , AND RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DIRECTOR ANll ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO SUB[iRBAN RATE AUTHORITY; Mr. Kir.tham asked if these items could be delayed until the next meeting. Attorney Smith stated that he could see no problem. Mr. Smith suggested that this meeting be ad�ourned until the lOth of Sanuary Motion by Harris to continue items 11 through 16 until the lOth of January Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. i.uiiviv tr�.-i�v� nutn�i� 5, AUDITOR'S SUII dk77: . Motion by Councilman Wright to adopt Resolution ��2-1966 Seconded by Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously AESOLUTION ;�3-1966 AUTHORIZING COMBINING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT, LOTS 4, 5, AND 6, BLOCK 23 IIYDE PARK: Motion by Councilman Wright to adopt Resolution �f3-1966. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. �k4- BLOCK 9, LOWELL'S ADDITION Motion hy Councilman Wright to adopt Resolution t'�4-1966. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voicevote, there being no nays, the motion carried Unan in�oa s 1 y. AD JOIIRNMEI`IT : F] The motion was made and seconded that the Council ad�ourn to Sanuary 10, 1966 Respectfully suUmitted, � Marvin Erunsell Acting Secretary to the Council �"�� � / , i I { /� �'I� 4v♦ � iJ ��j G"�c..fi l � � �� !J7/ �� � ,� Sack 0. Kirkham � .-'` MAYOR ADJOURNED COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 4- 1966 - JANUARY 10, 1966 The Ad�ourned Meeting of Sanuary 4, 1966 was called to order by Mayor Kirkham at 8•00 P M. on 7anuary 10, 1966. ROLL CALL MGMBERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Harris, Sheridan, Wright, Samuelson MEMB�RS ABSENT: None 1 � L � � ' � APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT - SURGER KING: Mr. Sherber with Huber Sign Company was present and stated that the request had been presented to the Council previously for a sign permit for Burger King in the vicinity of Satellite Lane and University Avenue He stated that Mr. Peterson, owner of the property, was supposed to be here but had not come in as yet. Mr. Sherber said there was a question on the square footage of the sign and the square footage has been reduced as well as the lighting of the sign changed There was a representative of the church present as we11 as the Pastor of the church The Pastor pointed out that the corner the church sits on is a very nice corner with a lot of trees and he hates to see a sign put up that would hide the trees and spoil the beauty of the corner. There was a discussion on location of the sign, whether it should be located farther away from the Zntersection or on the Uuilding This discussion was tabled until later in the meeting RESOLUTION ik5-1966 DESIGNATING A LEGAL NEWSPAP�R: Motion by Wright to adopt the Resolution designating a legtzl newspaper, inserting the name of the Fridley �dition of the Record as the officia;i newspaper for the year 1966. Seconded by Samuelson. Mr. Samuelson made a motion to amend the Resolution to the effecC that the Fridley 2Tews would be appointed for the first quarter of 1966. Seconded by Harris. Councilman Tdright stated that the Gharter says the official newspaper shall be designated annually Mayor Kirkham stated the reason it was being done in this way is that, in all likelihood, there would be some competition to the Fridley Record within the year, as another newspaper is thinking of locating in Fridley, and this would give the new newspaper a chance to have the husiness. Councilman Wright asked Mayor Kirkham if it was his contention that the Fridley Record was doing an unsatisfactory �oh. Mayor Kirkham stated he was not implying this, but that the Council should encourage new business and should give the new business every opportunity. Councilman Wright suggested that the Council should hear from the old and the new newspaper. Mr. Rod Chalmers of the Fridley Record was present lIe asked the Council if they were aware a newspaper must be in existence one year Uefore it can become the legal newspaper for the City. Joanne Wright, 171-63� Way, stated on behalf of the annual subscribers to the Fridley Record, that she feels the Council should appoint a legal newspaper for one year as a lot of people pay their subscription by the year. There was a vote on the amendment to the original motion Those voting in favor; Rirkham, Sheridan, Harris, Samuelson. Opposed; Wright �'he motZOn carrZed. Councilman Wright asked Mayor Kirkham if he felt a new business should Ue given preference even if the original business had performed its service well. Mayor Kirkham replied that he asked for a chance for the new news- paper to show what they can do. Councilman Wright said he felt that this was political retaliation. One of the residents from the audience stated it seems that a paper needs a year to prove itself A 1ot of papers open up and then fold, and that he was perfectly happy with the coverage of the Fridley Record, and this would put the Fridley Record in a awkward position. A question was asked if there was a record of the number of people subscribing �o tl�e two papers. The publisher for the FrLdley News stated that, as of last Friday, there were 2,472 paid subscribers for the Fridley Record. Mr. Kirkham stated that he could not Le11 what the number of subscriptions would be for the new newspaper, but this was Lhe purpose of the three month trial period. Councilman Wright stated that this does nothing except satisfy a political whim On a ro11 call vote on the original motion, those voting in favor: Kirkham, Harris, Sheridan, Samuelson. Opposed; Wright Motion carried � �_ �2 DESIGNATION OF DEPOSITORIES FOR CITY FUNDS: Councilman Sheridan asked the Finance Director whether there was any stipulation requiring the liquor store money to be kept in the Camden Bank. The Finance Director replied that the Resolution selling the liquor store revenue bonds designated the Camden Northwestern Bank as the depository. Motion by Sheridan to name the Fridley State Bank for a11 funds except the Municipal Liquor Funds, and the Municipal Liquor Funds are to be kept in the Camden Northwestern State Bank Seconde� by Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously RESOLUTION �k6-1966 DESIGNATING TIME AND NUMBER OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETINGS: Motion by Wright to adopt the above Resolution. Seconded by Harris Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mobf.on carried unanimously COMMITTEE AND CONA4ISSION APPOINTMENTS: Councilman Harris stated that he had directed a letter to the Council suggesting several chang�s in the different con¢nittees and commissions, and that he asks that the people who are on these cummitte.s now ,erve until some decision has been made on the suggested changes. Motion by Harris to the effect that the people now on the committees ren�ain on the committees until such time that a decis�,on has been made on the revision of the Planning Commission, and the City Manager is directed to provide th� infoxmation on the proposed revision to the planning Commission for their comments. Seconded hy Wright. Mayor Kirkham said this is an effort on the part of the Council to streamline the Commrttees and Commissions. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously APPOINTMENT TO STREET AND i1TILITIES SUB-COMMITTEE: Motion by Wright to appoint Daryl Nagel to the Streets and Utilities Sub- Committee on a temporary Uasis until it is rearganized. Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a vozce vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT TO PARI�S AND RECRCATION CONIMISSION TO FILL THE VACANCY OF NIIt DONLIN; i%Iotion by Sheridan to appoint Mr. Thomas Cochran for a two year appointment to the Parks azd Recreation Commission. Seconded by Wright, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT TO POLIC� COMMISSION: Motion by Harris to appoint Wilbur Whitmore to the Police Commission for a term of three years. Seconded by Samuelson Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMCNT TO TH� BUILDING BOAR.D; Motion by Sheridan to appoint Leonard Samuelson as the Council Representative on the Building Board for a period of one year. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BUILDING BOARD VACANCY CREATED BY THE RESIGNATION OF JESSE WALLACE: Motion by Wright to appoint Dr. Eugene Chenette to the Building Board for the period of one year. Seconded by Harris. Mr. Wright stated that Mr. Chenette is an engineer and he has a PhI! and that the I3uilding Board requires that it have an engineer on the Board. All were in favor of the motion, the motion carried. ' � � � � �� RESOLUTION if7-1966 DESIGNATING A DIRECTOR AiVD ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO THE SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY; Motion by Harris Co adopt the Resolution designatLng a director and alternate director to the Suburban Rate Authority with the insertion of Ray Sheridan as the director, the alternate director to 6e Leonard Samuelson The motion was seconded. Upon a voice voCe, there being no nays, the motion carrxed unanimously OF TRUSTEES 1966 DESIGNATING AND APPOINTING A REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE BOARD AN SAN'LTARY SEWER D�STRICT FOR TAL� YEAR 1966: Motion by Wright to adopt the motion lnserting the name oI Ray Sheridan as the member from the Fridley Counci L Seconded by Leonard Sameulson. The Resolution was then changed to add "The City Council of the City of Fridley appoints as alternate director, Mr. Dave }Iarris". Those voting upon the motion: All in favor, the motion carried. APPOINTMENT TO THE HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Motion by Wright that all the members co the Human Relations Committee be reappointed with the exception of Mr. North who has moved, Seconded by Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Wright to appoint Mrs. Jean Reynolds, 5432 - 3rd Street, as a member of the Human Relat:ons Committee Seconded by Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT OF MAYOR PRO-TEM: Motion by Samuelson to appoint Dave Harris as Mayor Pro-tem for the year 1966. Seconded by Sheridan Upon a voice vo*e, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPOTNTMENT OF TEMPORARY SECRETARY TO THE COUNCIL; The City Manager reported that Sue Mi5kowic had declined the appointment as Council Secretary as she has been appointed �xecutive Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce and would not have time to seave as Council Secretary. Motion by Wright to appoint Mary Lu Strom as Secretarg to the Council at an equitable salary, to be determined by the Managex, until an Administrative Assistant can be obtained. Seconded by Sheridan Upon a voice vote,there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT - BURGER KING: Mr. Peterson. still was not present. Nlotion by Wright to table this item until the next regular meeting. Seconded by Sheridan. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. REACTIVATION OF CHARTER COMMISSION: Mayor Kirkham stated that, in order to insure continuity of government, he would urge the Council to �oin with him in urging the Charter Commission to , reactivate for possible charter changes. Among them would be a change requiring a Councilman tc resign from office if he runs for office of Mayor The resignation would be effective December 31st of the year in which he 'files for office and the resignation would be tendered at the time he would file for the office of Mayor, The citizens would then have a choice as to who the new Councilman would be, Wyman Smith stated the procedure would be to refer the maCter to the Charter Commission by motion. Motion Uy Harris to refer the matter to the Charter Commission for study Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. -� �; � CONNECTION TO NORTH SVBURBAN SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT TRUNK LINE: The City Manager stated that the procedure would be to direct correspondence to the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District indicating that the City of Fridley will connect to the District line, Motion by Wright that the City Manager be directed to write to the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District, on behalf of the City Council, indica�ing the intent of the City of Fridley to connect a Fridley area served by the North Suburban sewer 1ine. Seconded by Harris. Upon a voice vote, there bei_ng no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION ��9-1966 - RIVP,AVIEW HEIGHTS PROBLEM (TABLED 12/20/65): Mayor Kirkham stated that he was not ready at this time with a proposal for the area. Councilman Wright stated that he would like to report that flood indicators indicate that the City oF Fridley will have a record flood in the spring. The river has already backed up in�o the Creek. Mr. Wagner has been in touch with the Corps of Engineets and a11 indicators seem to point to record flooding. One of the people from the audience stated the river is about four feet above the normal height right now Another person in the audience stated that he had talked to the Corps of Engineers, and the procedure would be for the Council to pass a resolution asking for a feasibility stvdy by the Corps of Engineers to get something started on this. Motion by Ldright to adopt Resolution ik9-1966 - the wording to be completed later - requesting the Corps of Engineers for a feasibility report on a dike for the Riverview Heights flood plain, on whatever is necessary to protect the area from flooding. Seconded bg FIarris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPLICATION FOA CLUB OId SAL� RETAIL LIQUDR LICENSEt Mayor Kirkham stated that the letter from the City Attorney indicates that the Council can not do anything on this tonight as the t�nure requirement will have to be checked out. Motion by Sheridan to 1ay this matter over until January 17th, and the City Manager is instructed to forward a copy of the City Attorney's letter to the American Legion Commander. Seconded by Wright Upon a vo�ce vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. AND WAREHOUSE COMMISSION WITH REFERENCE TD T UNIVF.RSTTY AVENIIE AND EAST RIVER ROAD ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF COON RAPIDS AND FAIDLEY There was a discussion on the proposed road Councilman Wright stated that he feels that it would be appropriate for the Council to encourage this road, but that it should be understood that this road does not take the place of any other pro�ect scheduled for Fridley, such as, the proposed rebuilding of Mississippi Street. Michael 0'Bannon, County Commissioner, was present as well as 7ake Lundheim, the Anoka County �ngineer Mr, 0'Bannon stated that Mississippi Street is the number one pro�ect, and this would not affect that. He stated that Mississippi Street from T.H. i�65 to T.H. ��47 is first, and the following year the balance of Mississippi Strret from East River Road to T.I3. ��47 should be done. Osborne Road is also scheduled to be done in the near future It could possible be done this year Councilman Iiarris asked if thera is any plan for anything other than a crossing at grade of Nlississippi Street and the railroad .Iake Lundheim, the County �ngineer, reported that any solutions to this pro6lem would be very costly. The water problem is great, and there is a problem of space. There is not room enough to construct an overpass or an underpass properly. Councilman Wright stated that i£ this problem can be solved, it would be in the interest of the County and the City to do so, and asked if there was any physical problem Jake stated that there would be a grade problem A member of the audience asked what the resolution was about The City Manager then read the resolution from the County of Anoka dated December 28, 1965 with reference to the proposed new county road on the north end of , I � �J � i Fridley. Councilman Sheridan asked who would share on the railroad crossing signals. Mr. Lundheim reported that the Railroad and Warehouse Commission determines Who Would .hare in the cost, but that Fridley probably would be included, Mr. Lundheim stated that the Railroad and Warehouse Commission has sort of a revolving fund that some money muld possibley be taken out of, and that the railroad would not be sharing in the cost of the signals, but it would probably Ue borne by the two cities and the County of Anoka. Motion by Wright to receive the communication from the County of Anoka � Seconded by Hazris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. A RESOLUTION RECEIVING FEASIBILiTY REPORT AND CALZING FOR HLARING ON IMPROVEMENT FOR CONCRETE CURB AND SIDEWALK ON MISSISSIPPI STREET: The Crty Attorney stated that this resolution would require filling in a dollax amount, and suggested that some of the oral discussion that had been held be put on paper so that they would have some sort of feasibility report, Mr. Qureshi stated that the cost is avaiiable, but how rt is to be shared would have to be detezmined by the governing bodies affected The City Manager stated that this is why Jake Lundheim and Mike 0'Bannon were invited, so that this could be discussed. Mr. Lundheim stated that the only thin� he has done is to make a preliminary coopexative agreement whzch would have to be signed before they could proreed and they did not have any firm estimates as yet, but they should have within a few weeks Councilman WrLght stated this requLres a policy decLSion and suggested that the various alternatives be discussed by the Council There was some discussion at this point on the various alternatives and further discussion later on in the meeting, C FLOOD DISASTERS: � The City Manager read the Oxdinance. Motion by Sheridan to adopt the Ordinanc�. Seconded by Wright. Upon a ro11 call vote, those voting in favor: Kirkham, Harris, Sheridan, Wright, Samuelson. Opposed; None. Motion carried. The City Engineer, Nasim Qureshi, asked the Council if the pro�sed method of cleaning the sewers as presented to the Council at the last last meeting was satisfactory. Mayor Kirkham indicated that it was NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR RESTRAINING ORDER WITH REFERENCL TO THE ARVID CARLSON- AMERICAL OIZ COMYANY DISPUTE: Gouncilman Wright moved that the Council receive the summons from District Court on hehalf of Arvid Carlson & Son, and turn it over to the City Attorney and to give the City Attorney authority Co defend the City and a11 other named as defendents Seconded by Harris, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RIV�RVIEW 1-I�IGHTS PAOBLEM: One of Che members of the audience asked if the Councilman from the lst Ward would make a resolution making sandhags and sand available to the people in the Riverview Aeights area. � Motlon by Wright to authorize the City Administration 'o take a11 reasonable steps to insure the safeCy or the removal of the residents in the area in case of an emergency flooding, and to make emergency supplies and materials available. Seconded by Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, al1 voting aye, the motion carried A question was asked from the audience if they could get bags and sand now. Mr. Samuelson said that the bags a_re available now Councilman tidrzght said thaC if a flood occurred at this time of the year, it would be disastrous Councilman �right stated that the City could make purchases of sand in reasonable amounts. � �� INTERSECTIONS ALONG T.A 4k47. A question from the audience was directed at the Council, asking if they had any plans to relieve the critical situatxons that have arisen at some of the intersections along T.H. �k47 with the construction of the new highway and the service road. It was stated that there are some very dangerous intersections at the pres�nt time, and traffic flow is restaacted Mayor IZirkham stated that there are no plans at the present time, but every- one is concerned. There was some talk of altexnative ideas Councilman Wrighl- stated that plans had been referred to the Planning Cansultant for advice. The City Manager stated that these should be coming back to the Planning Commission this week, and to the Council, at their next regular meeting. SUNI,INE MOTEL. T.Ii. ;k6 A question from the audience was asked of the Council, whether they were doing anything about the motel on T.H. ik65 that had been partially destroyed by the tornado The City Manager stated that one of the owners had had a nervous breakdown, and as a result the courts had given them an extens�on of time, until May lst, in resolving the problem. Attorney Sm7th stated that a petition has been filed bp the City, and it is now in court, and further stated that the attorneys for the owner indicate that the place wi11 be rebuilt. The Council then recessed at 9;45 P M At this point, Mr, Comstock explained to the City Council the various alternatives available for the stocln sewer work to he done in con�unction with the County street improvement of Mississippi Street. Mr. Comstock explai�zed the two basic options the Council had as far as routing of the storm sewer, whether or not there should be a icekeniinm 6asin. The biggest problem was to define what share of the casts the County should bear The meeting was then reconvend, and the Mayor ad�ourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted, � � � ��, ���,� ���.��!� /�.���' l/ Marvin C Brunsell �'f Jack 0. Kirkham Acting Secretary to the Council �/ MAYOR THE MTNUTES OF THE REGLILAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY I7, 1966 The Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Fridley was called to order by Mayor ILirkham at 8:D4 P.M. ROLL CALL MEMBL�RS PRESENT: Kirkham, Harris, Sheridan, Wright, Samuelson MEMBERS ASS�NT: None APPROVAL OF MINUTP,S - REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 4, 1966: Mr, Sheridan stated that he wfshed to make a correction in the minutes under the heading, "Second Reading of Ordinance Amending Chapter 88 - Winter Vehicles". In the first paragraph, fourth line, item 2, it should read, "That motor driven ski or sled vehicles shall not be used on public waters or waterways if such use is prohibited and such prohibition is posted by the Director of Parks and Recreation. Otherwise, such use of such vehicles shall be permitted". Motioa by CounciZman Wright to adopt the minutes as amended, Seconded by Harris, llpon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the mo�ion`carried. 1 ' l J