03/07/1966 - 00021627� � AIWUURNMENT: There being no further businessa Councilman Sheridan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and Mayor Kirkham declared the meeting adjourned at 1:27 A.M. Hespectfully sutsai.tted, �,� �, ��, . /� � �� L� Y, ; �.G`� �/�-G ti �� �,i Mary Lu/Strom Acting Secretary to the Council ' �� �C�; �( ` ���� � Jack 0. Kirkham � �' Mayor THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MbEOA' �; 1966 A regvlar Council Meeting of the City of Fridley was called to order by Mayor Kirkham at 8:03 P.M. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: ICirkham� Wright, Harris� Sheridan� Samuelson MEMBERS ABSII�IT: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 21, 1966: Councilman Wright stated that on page 9, Paragraph 4 oY the F'ebruary 21� 1966 Minutes, under the heading ��Insurance Committee: Liquor Legal Liability", Mayor Kirkham stated that he had a telegram f'rom the St. Louis Fire and Marine Insurance Compaqy. Councilman Yiright stated that this was not the case, hrnvever� and he would like the record to show that the telegrams did not come from the St. Louis Company but from Stewart Smith Agency in Chicago. He stated that at a subsequent meeting this miasrepresentation was corrected and Marsh—McLennon apologized. Councilman Wright stated he would be happy with whatever way the Council wanted to amend this� or show this in the minutes. Mayor Kirkham suggested that copies of these telegrams could be inserted in the minutes with an explanation that subsequently it was discovered the telegrams were not from the St. Louis Marine Insurance Company but from the Stewart Smith Agency in Chicago� and the correction was noted. Following are copiee of the four telegrams: 1. MARSH MCLENNAN MPLS FEHRUARY 21, 1966 TO LO�.RAINE KNAPP F80M R. FRANllSEN P�R MY TW� OF 1-26HAVE YOU AUTHORIZED ANY OTHER QUOTATIONS FOk CITY OF FT.�3DI,EY. IF SO WHO ANll Y1HY. N[iIST HAVE ANSWEEt TODAY. END OR GA PLS 2. THIS IS MARSH MC LENNAN MPLS GA PLS 5 THIS IS STEWART SMITH CHICAGO FRANASEN FROI�I KNAPP CITY OF FRIDI�EY WE HAVE NOT AUTHORI�ED l�NY OTHER QUOTATION — PRESUME OTHERS HAVE Q[IOTED BUT NOT BY OUit AUTHORITY 2.00PMCR ��� 2/21/66 ��� 3/7/66 3. TflIS IS MARSH MCLENNAN MPIS CLLG TO LONRAINE KNAPP STEGi SMITH CHG FROM Fl?ANDSEN WOULD YOU HONOR �1NY �UOTATION OTHER THAN OU1Z5. SUCH AS THE HA➢IU1TH AGENCY REILY IMMEDIAF PT,S END HERE THIS IS STEWART SNIITH WIT.L DELV MSG 4. THIS IS MARSH MC LENNAN MPI,S GA PIS ' THIS IS STE47ART SMITH CHICAGO - FED 21 M5G TO R, FA.ANDSEN FROM L. KNAPP RE - CITY OF FINDLEY Tn`E HAVE NEVER HEARD OF HADRATH AGF,NCY AND WOULD NUT HDNOR THEIR QU6TATION. Y XX AHE YOU CERTAIN THEY ARF QDOTING FROM ST. LOUIS F& M..... 3,30 PMCR Councilman Wright stated that on page 12 of the minutes, paragraph 3, line 3� the minutes should state that it was Mr. Reiser who asked the question of Mr. Herrick, not Mr. Wright. Councilman Harris stated that on page 6 of the minutes� second line, under the heading ��Consideration of %O1 Program�', it should state Mr, Gibbs acting for the City Attorney rather than as the City Attorney, Motion by Councilman Wright to adopt the Manutes of February 21, 1966 with the noted amendments. Seconded by Councilman Harris, Upon a voice vote there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. COMhIUNICATION: CARL PAULSON - RE: ASSFSSMENTSs Mr. Carl Paulson read a prepared statement on the storm sawer assessments. He stated thati of the entire project totaling $190�000 the Minnesota Highway � Department had paid only :�29�000� and the balance including acerued interest were assessed to property owners. He stated he Pelt the cost should have been the responsibility of the Highway Department is a proper agreement. He felt this was a failure o£ the prior City Council to have started sooner and a failure on their part to consider alternate plans. Mr. Paulson stated that the assessment as applied is unacceptable to him� and he believes to other taxpayers, Mayor Kirkham asked i£ anyone had ang further co�nents. Thare were none. 701 PROGkAM (TABLED 2/7/66 nn;D 2/2i/66): Motion by Councilman Harris to confirm the action of the previous meeting with Mr. Hodne when the Council instructed Mr. Hodne to return to the Council with an itemized list of the cost o£ the 701 program, to concur with the out- line in principle and authorize part 1 af the application making it possible to apply. The motion was seconded, and upon a voice vote� there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. JUDGE�S CHAMBERS (TABLED 2/21/66): Mayor Kirkham explained that the Judge has withdrawn this request in cooperation with the Council�s ef£orts for an economy program. Motion by Councilman Wright to table this iiem. Seeonded by Councilman Harris. � Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried, DEPUTY CLE.Fi.K�S SALARY (TABLED 2/21/66): The City Attorney stated that, frora a discussion with Judge Johnson and from an Administrative standpoint, he felt it would be easier not to put the bailiff on an hourly basis. He recommended that the Council grant the increase of $35 a month. He recommended that this be the adjustment mada For this year, however, this could be changed next year in the budget appli- cation. Niayor Kirkham suggested that because of the heavy work load this increase be made retroactive to the lst of the year. � �Iotion by Councilman Sheridan to raise the salary of the Deputy Clerk by $35 a month� retroactive to January 1� 1966, to make a tatal o£ �135 a month. Seconded bq Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Motion by Councilman Harris to waive the reading of the Ordinance, and adopt Ordinance #327 upon second reading and publish same. Seconded by Councilman Wright. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion oarried. Councilman Sheridan eacplained the Ordinance Amendment for the beneYit of the public. Motion by Councilman Harris to waive the reading of the Ordinance and adopt Ordinance �328 upon second reading and publish same. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman Harris explained the Ordinance Amendment to the Public. LIQ.UOR LIABILITY INSURANCE: _� � �_ 3/7/66 Motion by Councilman Harris to ac4ept the bid o£ Marsh & McLennan for $�1,DOG,000 Combined Single L�mit, I3odily Injury, Property Damage and Loss of Aieans of Support as the Liquor Legal Liability Insurance for this year, and cancel the insurance presently in e£fect as o£ March 1� 1966. Councilman Sdright stated that, because it is the recommendation of the Insurance Co�ittee, he seconds the motion. Upon � a voice votea there being nonays, Mayor Kirkham, declared the motion carried. BIDS — 2 POI,ICE CARS (OPENH.D NOON, MARCH 7, 1966): � The City Manager explained that only one bid had been received. He stated that the Council. could reject this bid, but that the Chief vY Police and he felt that this was a good bid and reco�ended acceptance. Councilman Wright asked if there xas any evidence that the bidders �et together and submit a single bid in rotation. The City Manager answered, '�No". Councilman Samuelson stated that it was his under5tanding that the City usually only received one bid. The City Manager stated that two bids had been received last time� but these specifications were £or heavy cars and this might exglain why some of the companies had not bid. Motion by Councilman Wright to Accept the bid of River Motors, 656 E. Main Street� Anoka, Minnesota for two Dodge DK l�l Polaras, and trade in two 19b5 Dodge police cars for a net cost of $35�. Seconded by Councilrnan Aarris. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. BOARD OF APYE;ALS MEETING MINUTE;S, FEBRUARY 2�, 1966: Councilman Wright asked i£ there is a Certificate of Survey and letters from the affected neighbors. The Gity Manager explained that the petitioner also owns the next lot. Motion by Couricilman Harris to concur with the recommendation of the Board oS Appeals and grant Mr. Aarvey Peterson the Variance. Seconded by Councilman Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. � �� �� �� 3/7/6b BUILDIT3G BOAR.D MEETING MItSUTES - FEBA.UARY 23. 196b: CONSIDERATION OF A SERVICE STATIOId AT 73RD AND HIGH4iAY #65 - SUPFRIOR OIL CCMPANY The City Enginzer explained the drainage of the site to the Council, and the representative £or Superior Oil Company, Mr. Berglov, showed copies of the site plsn. Mr, Berglov stated that the Superior Oil Company is agreeable to any aFecifications the City desires for the driveway including rridth� and if the Highway Department wants to put the Service Drive behind the service station, the,y are willing ta mnve forward. He stated that the development oY the entire station hinged on the locatian of the ac�+ess road; they would have � to ]mow which way to slant their station or. the lot. He stated that they are willing to take some chances on the Minnesota Highway Department�s plans for the future, but want a de£inite understanding of the City�s plans, The City Engineer said that the,p should have no problems with the present City plans. There was a discussioncx�n�erning the way the traffic would enter the service station. Counci]�nan ?�dright pointed out that in the future if the business and tra£fic should build up so as to cause a safety hazard, the Citp�s plans could be changed. N�otion by Councilman ldright to concur with the Huilding Baard and grant a Building Permit to the Superior Oil Company subject to the dedication of a 33 Foot froritage drive easement on the east edge of the property to City standards� sodding and landscaping the area north of the building ne�ct to %3� Street when the building is in, a screen of shrubbery and £ence behind the building� that the building be concrete block with brick on the aides and front, and the east side be either brick or planting. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon;a voice vote, there being no nays, Magor Kirkham declared the motion carried. PARKS APID RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES, FEBRUARY 28, 1965: BEACH COI3CESSION LICENSE - PAUL KI�RHAM: Motion by Councilman Harris to concur with the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission and grant the concession license to Mr. Paul Kirkham � for the year 1966, for a£ee of $10(3 with the understanding that services be considered for the winter time also, and that the licenaes will be responsible for all litter as a result of his sales, The motion was seconded, and with Msyor Kirkham abstain�ng� the motion carried. Councilman Wright called the Council's attention to the aplit vote by the Parks and Recreation Commission which resulted in there being no agreement on a lease for the Fridley Little League Association on an area previously discussed in Locke Park. Conncilman Wr�ght recommended that the Fridley Little League Association be placed in contact with Mr. Samuelson�s committee for an area in the £lood plain. Mr. Samuelson stated that their lease will be renewed this year on existing land. COMNIUNIGATIONS UNIVF,RSITY OF NZNNESOTA: INSTITUTE The uity Manager pointed out that this Federal Aid Institute will substitute this year for the annual mayor-council school usually held the same week. He stated that if he has the opportunity, he will attend at least one session. Coi}ncilman �rJright stated that he intends to attend the meeting and he will report back to the Council. �Iotion bg Councilman Sheridan to receive and £ile the letter £rom the [Tniversity of Minnesota. Seconded by Councilman Harris, Upon a voice vote, there being ' no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried, COMMUNICATION: SCHUMACHEH - CLAIM The City Attorney said that he had received a earbon copy of the Siwm�ons and had forwarded them to Dick Schillinger with instructions to send them on to the Insurance Company for an answer, and had agked Mr. Schillinger to keep him posted. Motion by Councilman lvright that the Council turn this matter over to the City Att,orney to act on behalf o£ the CiG,y, Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. �4�j �� 6.f '�� 3/7/66 CDMMUNICATION: FLOLID - ASSESSMENTS Mr. Flolid was present at the Council Meeting and stated that his letter was partially in error. He said that on Wednesday and Thursday he had observed the water flowing down from Hillcrest and it was going siraight down, but it seems there is a slight depression in one area,attd when there is any debris it sometimes causes the water to come down T�v'oody Lane onto a lot below him. He stated he thought it would be better to have the water run into a starm sewer and under Central Avenue instead o£ over it. He asked if this were ever done, would the people who have already been asaeased receive compensation. � The City Engineer stated that when Central Avenue was paved there were crossings put in which are not £unctioning now, but eventually they will be and then the people who are not being assessed now will be assessed� Mayor Kirkham eacplained to A4r, Flolid that the differences in asa�saments could be that some lots are partially in and some iots partially out of the area. Councilman Svright stated that the aim itl to define the benefited district as accurate�y as possible; then in the next phase the next area is assessed� in this way no area is assessed twice. Councilmaz� Sheridan pointed out that this started with the platting of Meloland Gardens. If the whole area had been platted at once, the whole area would have been assessed. The City Attorney stated that the time for appeal on this assessment has expired, and the most practical solution would be to detertnine i£ there is any other land contributing water to the storm sewer then the Council might feasibily make an addition to the system� but the assessments are bu�ding no�r unless changed. Mayor Kirkham stated that if all Mr. Flolid�s questions were not answered, the Consulting �gineer oould review it and make a report. Mr. Flolid said that wouldn't be necessary. Motion b,y Covncilman Sheridan to rec�ive and file the letter from Mr. Flolid, 6053 Woody Lane� Fridley� Minnesota. The motion was seconded. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. � COMNUNICATION: UNIVEHSITY OF MINNESOTA - DISASZER SCHOOL Councilman Wright stated that he had attended the conference last year and had found it very useful during Fridley�s disasters. Motion by Councilman Sheridan to receive and £ile the letter from the Un�versity o£ Minnesota. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote� there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried, COMMUNICATIDh: FINANCE DIHECTOR - S#76 ASSESSMENT FGLICY The Finance Director stated he would like the Council to look at the proposed rolls and decide on one of them or give him some directions to do the rolls in some other way so that they can get set for the public hearing. Mr. kright stated he would like to speak as the Ward Counci]man on this assessment. Ae stated that Item 2 in Sylvan Hills - the Heconstruction in Block 2- which is an$1600 item is absolutely essential, and he iias the impression that the Council has this point of view also. He £eels that Item 3- Reconstruction in Block 1, Sylvan Hills should be cons3dered separate�y. He stated that the question is whether the cost should be borne by the Gity at large or assessed to individual owners. He stated that the system was not satisPactory on the day o£ construction due to many different causes and asserting the City has a share of responsibility, this would come under sewer � repair. He sa3d that although this City has had repairs totaling more than $20,000 in a single year, this is the largest single item ever considered. Counci]man Wright stated that he feels the City should undertake the responsibility £or this repair and it should not be assessed to the property owners, He £cels this is an appropriate time to establish a sewer revenue revolving fund for future items of this type. He was sure that following construction of the sewer, the people o£ the area would petition for standard size streets. Councilman Harris asked Mr. Comstock if the easements were included; he didn�t think the City should have to pay for the easements if this were put on General Obligat3on Bonds. N1r. Comstock answered that he thought the property owners would be glad to give the easements judging by the turnout there has been, Councilman Wright stated that the Council could use the occasion o£ the cublic Hearing to request the cooperation of the people as to easement dedication, whieh would just be dug up - not lost, and completed petitions for streets. �'4 3/7/66 A visitor to the Council Meeting stated that the people in Sylvan Hills feel they have already been assessed for the original sewer� and they feel this is a replacement caused bg rezoning from single homes to apartments, and the people don�t want to be assessed twice. He felt the only improvement is to the apartment houses and they should get the assessment; not the home owners as they feel they have paid already. He stated that he hadn�t understood Mr. Wright�s statement� and Councilman Yuright said he will restate it at the Public Hearing. Mayor Kirkham said that no action was needed at this time, and no other rolls need be prepared. Mayor liirkham said it was his understanding that the conduits Por the semaphores on ihe corner of 53rd and Highway /fb5 are already in place. Mr. 3heldon Mortinson was pr�sent and stated that these semaphores are scheduled to be installed, but the Highway Department i�as told him it w311 be over a year from now and he would appreciate the Council�s help in asking the Minnesota Highway Department to expedite the installation. It was suggested that in writing to the Minnesota Highway Dapartment the number o£ incresing accidents at this location should be cited, Mr. Mortenson also asked the Council for asaistance in obtaining bus service out Central Avenue. The City Manager stated that he was e�cpecting a letter from the hospital also requesting bus service. Motion by Councilman Samuelson to receive the Ietter from Mr. Sheldon A. Mortenson and direct the City Manager to write a letter to the Minnesota Highway Department relative to the installation of semaphores on the corner of 53rd and Highway #/65, and a letter to the Ti,�in City Transit Company, enelosing the letter from the hospital i£ it has been received� stating that the Council eupports them in whatever they ask of the RailrQad and Warehouse Commiseion. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: ,lotion by Councilman Harris to approve for payment General and Yublic Utilities claims #8019 through #�110 and Liquor elaims #�6309 through #g340. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no�nays� Ma,yor Kirkham declared the motion carried. �,STIN�ITE5: Councilman h'right asked the Consulting Engineer about the large stimate £or Lametti & Sons, Inc. which was $101,525•40, Mr. Comstock stated that this estamate is similar to the way the eatimates have been running on this project. He s��.d it is a$1,000,000 project and will run about $100,00 a month. Motion by Councilmsn Harris to approve the followi.ng estimates for payment: D. Pd. Harstad Companys Incorporated �101 Hi�hway #�65 Northeast Fridle,y, Nlinnesota 55432 Estimate �1 (FINAL) Tornado Damage Steel Sewer hlaintenance Building Estimate �2 (FINAL) Tornado Damage — Steel Sewer Maintenanee Bui2ding Estimate #2 (FINAL) Tornado Damage — 375 — 54th Avenue Northeast F. D. Chapman Construction Company 1017 Rhode Island Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55427 Estima.te #6 (FINAL) Sanitary Sewer and 4dater Improvement Project No. 70 (Riverview Terrace, south of Nississlppi Place; Lincoln (Ashton) Street, south of Ironton Street; 5th Street, soutl. of T. H. � � J $ 1,567.34 $ ls6.sz � � 55.66 � 3,963.69 � ��� 3/7/66 Lametti & Sons, Inc. 2560 North Cleveland Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55113 Esti�te /{3 (PpRTIAL) Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 12 (TH. $47� sout,h of T.H. #1G0) Minnesota Tree 8ervice 169 Shady Oak Road, F.�. Box 399 Route 1� Hopkins, hiinnesota Estimate #2 {PARTIAL) 7,ocke Park Tree Removal Praject Ke,ps rdell Drilling Company 413 North Lrxington Farkway St. Paul, Minnesota 5510k Estimate #12 (PARTIAL) F;ater Improvement Project No. 75-A (Three Additional Drift 'J�ells) �omstock & Dav3s, Inc. Consulting Engineers 14l�6 County Road "J° Minneapolis� Minnesota 55432 For Professional Engineering Services for planning and design for the construction of the following: Esti.mate #1 - Storm Setrer Improvement Project i3o, 73 and Sanitary Sewer, Ylater and Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 73 A(54th Avenue Northeast and 54th & Innsbruck 5th Addition) Estimate �2 - Final Estimate - Sanitary Sewer & 4�ater � Improvement Project No, 67 and Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 68 (1964 Sanitary Sewer and Water and Storm Sewcr Construction - See page �3 of Council Meeting Agenda for September 21, 1964 for detail) Estimate #2 - Final Estimate - Sanitary Sewer and Ldater Improvement Project No. 7C (Riverview Terrace, south of Mississippi Place; Lincoln (Ashton} Street, south of Iron Street; Sth Street, south af T.H. {%100) Estimate #2 - Final Estimate - Water Improvement ProJect No, 3k-0 (Crossing T,H. �694 - Johnson Street, 7th Street) Estimate #2 - Final Estimate - Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 5-B (North of T.H. #100� East of T.H. ff47) Estimate �2 - Final Estimate - Water Improvement Project No. 3k-Q-2 (Pumping installation and pumphouse - �^Iell �6 (600 - 63rd Avenue Northeast) Estimate #1 - Final Estimate - l�ater Improvement Pro�ect No. %5-B (Booster Station - 63rd Avenue N.E. & T.H. �100) $101,525.40 w 3,b19.89 � 4,752.� � 5,933.18 $ 2,637.51 5� 47�.13 � 856.a3 � i,iab.o9 S� 522.98 � 888.25 Estimate �2 - Final Esti.mate - Water Improvement Project No. 34-R (Pumping Equipment - Fsisting ivells z,3,4, & 5) � Slb.o7 � Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there beuig no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. �GREEMENT RE: EASII+ENT - BEi,GUM: Councilman Samuelson asked the City Attorney i£ this was a rewrite af the original agreement. The City Attorney stated that this is a rewrite done at the Council�s request. The agreement contains an obligation that runs with the property and is binding on all future owners. The City Attorney stated that he will take the agreement to the Abstract Company and have it recorded on the abstract as a warning to future purchasers. ��b Y � 3/7/66 Notion by Councilman Wright to authorize the City Manager and Mayor to sign the Contractual agreement. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMEIVDING CHAP'1'ER Mayor Kirkham read the Ordinance. THE CODE OF THE CITY Motion by Councilman Harris to adopt the Ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Covncilmxn Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried. Ifii Motion by Counciluian Vr'right to waive the reading and adopt the Ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilmsn Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. THEREUNDER: Motion by Councilman Harris to waive the reading and adopt the ordinance upon first reading, Seconded by Councilman hiright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Nayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. LS#65-16 LOT SPLIT — KEPiNETH HALL: The C3ty �gineer stated that he has both str�et dedications, surveys and deeds. Mr. Hall was present at the meeting and stated that he has sold the property and people are living there. He stated that the Buyers Mortgage Company was holding over u6,000 in escrow. He said he would like to have the lot split ap�roved and the assessments split accordingly. The City Manager stated that the Council could nvt pass a resolution to split assessments tonight. The Finance Director said the Fiuyers Mortgage Company would only need a search. Motion by Councilman Wright to reaffirm the reconunendation oP the Planning Commission of November 16y 1965 and grant Lot Split #65-16 to Nir. Kenneth Hall. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CHANGE ORDF�R N0. 2— SS&SW#73—A: Councilman Flright asked the Consulting Engineer what the reason was for thia change order. The Consulting Engineer explained that the Minnesota ➢epartment of fiealth had reviewed their plans again and this was based on their new requirements. It is considered a preventative maintenance demand as the g�� intake line is the same size as most lateral sewers and a City is more likely to have the proper equipment to clean it. Motion by Councilman Harris to approve Change Order No. 2 SS&SW#73—A• Seconded by Councilman Samuelson, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Niayor Kirkhair� declared the raotion carried. The City Manager stated that he has given the list to Councilman Samuelson�s Committee on Riverview Heights as they may wish to be given the opportunity to pick out a few lots. Mr. Samuelson stated that they are reviewing the list and his committee will work with them in az�q way that they can. It was stated that these lots will not be sold until there is a public suetion, I'� ' � L� probably in May or June. The City Attorney stated that the Gounty Auditor can be notified through the Council if they wish to withdraw any of these properties from the list. Councilman Harris stated that, because of all the discussion on this subject, he would like the recoxd to show there are 144 ta�c forfeited properties in F'ridley as of this date. The City Manager read the Resolution. Motion by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Resolutior �25-19b6. The Motion was seconded, and upon a voice vote, there being no na,ys, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Motion by Councilman Wright to waive the read�.ng axid adoFt Resolution �{26-1966. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declarad the motion earried. Covncilman Wright explained the Resolution to the public. IN Motion by Councilntan Harris to waive the reading and direct the Finance Director to issue temporaxy bonds in accordance with Hesolution �27-1966. Seconded by Councilman Wright. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Motion by Covncilman Wright to waive the reading and adopt Resolution ,�'28-196b. � Seconded^by Councilman^Sheridan:^ Upon a^voicemvote, there^being no nays, T Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. �...,, . ,.. . � Motion by Councilman Wright to waive the reading and adopt Resolution /�29-1966, Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Motion by Councilman iv'right to waive the reading and adopt Resoluiion �30-1966. Seconded by Counc3lman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, �ayor Rirkham declared the motion carried, RESOLUTIUN #31-1966 SPECIAL PLANS AND PROVISIONS - SP-Q285-16 AND 6285-53: The City Manager snowed the Council a map of the plans for lighting on all intersections. Motion by Councilman Harris to waive the reading and adopt Resolution �31-196b. Seconded by Gouncilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman hTright stated that o£ the 5 items £or which there are no petitions, he believes at least three petitions wi11 be forthcoming, and he thinks the Covncil should proceed as it is desirable for the City. The City Manager pointed out that they maq be deleted £rom the Resolution if the Council desires. Motion by Councilman Harris to waive the reading and adopt Resolution �32-1966. The Motion was seconded and upon a roll call vote, those voting aye: Kirkham� Wright, Harris, Sheridan, Samuelson; voting nay: none. Ma,yor Kirkham declared the motion carried. � :, ,� s/�/��= _�_'?�' 3/7/66 The date of the Public HearYng was changed from April kth to April llth at 8:00 P,M, Motion by Councilman Sheridan to waive the reading and adopt Resolution #i33-1966. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a roll call vote� those voting sye: Kirkham, Wright, Harris� Sheridan, Samuelson; vating nay� none. Afayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. " ' RFSOT.iITION #34-1966 ORDF.RING TNPROVF.MF'NT. AYPROVAL OF FLANS AND OkDERING Thn City Engineer showed a map of the area to the Council. He stated that they would like to get this contract let as the earlier this contract is let the better the bids wi11 be. The,y are splitting the project into two schedulea and this is Schedule A, N,otion by Councilman Sheridan to waive the reading and adopt kesolution �,34-1966. Seconded b,p Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays,, Niayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. The Cit,p Manager pointed out that there have been about nine public hearinga held on this district. The City E�gineer stated that the purpose o£ this will be to show the people they have a choice of either doing it now, or doing it at a later date at probably higher prices. Councilmazi Samuelson stated that he feels that if they don't want this done they should charga for the portion that is assessable on thetrunk. h�otion by Councilman Sheridan to waive the reading and adopt Resoltuion , 1i35-1y66. Seconded by Councilman �uright. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared tha motion carried. The time on the Resolution was changed Yrom $:00 to 9�00 F.M. as there will be two public hearings held the same evening, MoLion by Councilman Harris to waive the reading and adopt Resolution 1i36-1966. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� N,aYOr Kirkham declared the motion carried, FETITION �2-2966 - TO CI.EAR RICE CRE'EK aF DEBRIS: Mr. Hammerlund presented the petition with 43 signatures to the Council. The petition is a request that the City of Fridley take such steps as are neceseary to clean Hice Creek of' tornado debris £rom 601 Rice Creek Terrace to University Avenue Northesst. Mayor Kirkham told the petitioners present that several City personnel have looked at the situation and crews have started working on this, especially , on the ice dAmm,ng, He told the people that they could help by pointing out to the crews any particular blockage they knew of. The City Manager suggested they get together with other upstream communities�, on this problem. Councilman �rlright stated that they do not anticipate the present flow will remain but the base level will increase. He suggested they contact the Locke Lake Property Association and form a group as there wi11 be many questions on how to handle the increasing lake levels. He stated he would like to see a group of peapie all the way from the river to Ipng I,ake� because although the policy of the City �ill certainly be to keep the creek in limits, it will inerease as a natural thingo `^�,," `� � 1�_ q.. 3%7/66 Mayor Kirkham assured the people that the Council w�ll work on this problem and the cleaning of Rice Creek will continue: DISCUSSION Ol� OTH� INDIVIDUAL SE4�`ER PROBLEMS: A visitor to the Gouncil Meeting stated that the catch basins in her area were adequate when they were started, but now the people have been assessed, the sewer is in and paid for but the sewer is no longer adequate, and she feels they should receive the same consideration sa the people in Sylvan Iiills. � Councilman T�lright said that their problems were not comparable. He stated that in Sylvan Hi11s it was a health hazard and the restoration of what was originallg planned to be put in. Msgor Kirkham stated that he feels there is a similarity that deserves some considcration and it reouires looking into, Another visitor said that the catch basin near her keeps disappearing. She stated that after a heavy rainfall the ground caves in around the catch basin to a depth of about 10 feet and they are afraid to clean the opening o£ debris. The City Engineer explained that this has been fixed several tunes and that it is a total problem, not just a localized problem. He stated that the excess runoff must be controlled. STANDARD OII, COMPANY SIGN: A representative of the Standard Oil Company and LeRoy Sign Compavy was present at the meeting and showed the Council a design of a sign they would like to install at T.H. �65 and Osborne. Councilman Samuelson said he didn't think the Council should act on this item this evening as there was no formal application. The representative was instructed to bring in a:,ign permit application, and his request could come � before the Council at the next meeting. FRIULEY ZITTLE LEAGUE: Ray Price and 9 other men were at the Council Meeting representing the Fridley Little League. He stated that they were bitterly disappointed in losing something they had never had, and now are looking Tor help in £inding a new place for the Little League. There was a discussion of possible sites, Councilman Sheridan suggested they contact Mr. Berman at F,M.C, and state their desires� perhaps they could do something in the interest of public image. Councilman Wright stated thai the Park Commision w-ill have Yunds to replace the area they will be losing. The Cit,y Manager suggested they talk with Paul IIrown, Park Director. FROPERTY FOR NE,'F? PARKS: Councilman Harris suggested they turn the list o£ taY delinquent properties ov�r to the Parks and Recreation Commiseion before they are sold. He noted that the Cortunission will have some money from the proposed Locke Park sitea and he has noticed the lower University panhandle has an inadequate number of parks. If any of these ta�c delinquent properties could be used, they could designate this to the County. The City Manager stated that ha will refer this matter to the Parks and Recreation Commission, UPDATING CITY CODE: � Counciln�an fiarris stated that there have been so many changes in t}re City Code since the last published City Code of 1963 that he suggests the City i�ttorney - provide the Council wi�h all of the changes, and if there are enough changes he suggests changing the bound volume and havi.ng it republished. PR�FOSED MEETING TO DISCiISS 615T CRO5SING: Councilman Sheridan stated that he would like to set a definite date to meet with the interested people concerning the crossing at blst t�venue and T,H. �`65. It was decided to hold the meeting at 7:15 P.M, before the reguJar Counc�l Meeting on March 21, 1966. Gouncilman Sheridan and the City M.anager will notifv the people on T+sest Moore Lake Drive from Carol Drive to T. H. �65, the businesa men at 63rd Avenue ancl Highwa,y #65 and Mr. Saliterman. ��� 3i�r66 LI�;UOR FUP]D DEPOSITURY: Mayor Kirkham ststed that he had asked the Gity Attorney to check into any restrictions conccrning where the liquor depository may be. The City Attorney has checked with the F uiance Director and the only restriction contained in the original resolution by the, then, Village Council was that it be a bank with F�deral Deposit Insurance and that the original depository should be the Camden Bank. Ma5•or Kirkham stated he feels the City should have all the deposits in a 1oca1 bank. The City Attorne,y was instructed to have a resolution drawn and on the agenda at the next meetzng. PRUPERTY FOR SALE: Mayor Kirkham said he had had a telephone call from Mrs. Strub who oy�ns property in the flood plain area, and she woula like to sell this property to the City at a very r�asonable figure. Mayor Kirkham referred this matter to Councilman Samuelson's Committee, and asked the Cit,y Nianager to draw it to the attention of the Parku rnd R�creation Commission, CONSIDEnATION OF' INSU�ANCE CONSULTANT: Mayor Kirkham stated he would like to bring up a matter tor the Counail�s consideration, He showed the Council a brochure £rom Mr. 6villiam Yeet who is President oY the Insurance Consultants Societq and teaches at the University of Minnesota. He stated that Mr. Peet would come out and study what Fridley tiad and what they might need and give the Council a preliminary investigation Yor a fee oF $200. Then if the Council were interested in doing an,ything further they couZd contract with him at a fee decided at that time. Mayor Kirkham said he wauld like the Council to consider this possibility and have it included in ttie agenda at the n�xt re�ular meeting. AI7JUUf?.IV"MEP;T: There being no £urther business, Mayor Kirkham declared the r�gular Council Neeting o£ March 7, 1966 adjourned at 11:30 P.M. RespGetf�]ly Sui3mi.tted, �%�cc-�.1 � 1 11 � �/' � -�-�-�- �,���z� �� lc 1 a�z/�.���. , �rc Mary Lu Strom �—� Jack 0. Kirkham Acting S�cretary to the Council Mayor THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL M,�'�ETING OF MARCH 14� 196b The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Harris at 8:01� P,M. RGLL CALL MEMf3ERS PRESENT: Wright, Harris� Sheridan, Samuelson MEMBERS ABSENT: Kirkham PUBLIC H�AHING ON IMFROVEMENTS — SYLVAN HILLS — SANITARY SEWER FRQJECT N0. 76: Councilman Harris, acting as Mayor Pro Tem in the absence oP Mayor Kirkham,, explained to the audience that, because there were to be two Public Hearings this evening, the Council was placing a time limit of 45 minutes on this subject. He called on the Consulting Engineer� Mr. Comstock to summarize the Sanitary sewer problem in the Sylvan Hills area. , , '