03/21/1966 - 00021600"� �3 �
there were two reasons: The plows must have room to put the snox and the
National Safety Couu�cil feels this encourages children to walk in a dangerous
position, where they feel safe but could be joggled into the street easily.
Mr. Thayer of the School Board again stated the school�e deeire that a sidevalk
be put in. He said they were willing to accept their full share of the cost
per foot� and pointed out tliat it wouldn�t be legal for them to pay more.
He stated that legally they couldn�t builfl even i£ they wanted tos on City
or County proparty.
� Councilman Samuelson pointed out again that the sidewalks on Mississippi Street
will cost much less right now because of the County�s participation, and the
Council would tla�ve been derelict in their duty if they hadn�t let the people
know. He stated he felt it was in the best interest of Fridley to have a
continuing program of sidewalk construction and it would cut down on the cost
o£ busing the children to school.
Councilman Harris suggested they close and Yinalize this Public Hearing on
curb� gutters artd sidewalks� St. 1966-3. He atated that nev notices Would
be sent out for an asaessment hearing. The hearing was closed at 10:50 P,M.
Reapectfullp submitted�
� �
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/��`�� Z ;� �i.' l� ��/L� �-J-� ✓
Mary Lu Strom
��ng Secretarq to the Council
�j !- ��t ����,./�_��
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Jack 0, Kirkham
A regular Conncil Mesting o£ thr City oS Fridley was called to order by Mayor
Kirkham at 8:20 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Wright, Harris, Sheridan, Samuelson
tiotion by Councilman Wright to adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council
Meeting of Mareh 7� 196b as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Harris, Upon a
voice vote, there being no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
Councilman Wright asked if the Council remembered an item in the discussion
about aidewalks, that has not been included in the minutes, pertain�ng to the
money that could be saved through not having to bus children io school if
sidewalks were available. Councilman Samuelson said it was Mr, Larson of the
School Board who had spoken of a bussing cost o£ �25,OU0� 6ut this was in tne
Riverwood School area,
Motion hy Councilman Harris to adopt the Minutes of the kegular Council �Ieeting
of March 14� 1966 as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a
voice vote, there being no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
The City Manager �plained SectioM 28.1 that is to be excluded £rom the Ordinance.
It deals with precautions aga�.nst fire in general that are covered in other parts
of Chapter 32 of the Fridley Code.
Motion by Councilman Samuelson to waive the reading of the Ordinancea and adopt
Ordinance #�29 uFon second reading and publish same. Seconded by CouncilrE�azt
Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being na a�ys, the motion carried unanimously,
Motion by Wright to waive the reading of the Ordinance, and adopt Ordinance �33�
upon second reading and publish same. Seconded by Couneilman Samuelson. Upon
a voice vote, therc being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
Councilman U?right asked the Administration if the Council could use this
licensin� o£ blacktop and asphalt £irms to tighten the City�s control, and
ask these £irms to £igure out where the water is going and then get land
alteration percnits.
The Git,y Manager stated that a form letter could be written to hand out to
these firms to help control this problem.
Motion by Counci]man L+Iright to waive the reading of the Ordinaxtoe,°and adoFt
Ordinance #f331 upon second roading and publish same, Seconded by Councilman
Harris. Upon a voicc vote, there being no nays, P9ayor Kirkha� declared the
motion carried,
The City Attorney stated that the Supreme Court has ruled that Munici�alities
may not license those persons 13censed b,y the State. The text of the decision
is not out y�et, and it was his opinion it woulcs apply specifically to electrical
contractors and plumbers and others of this type. He stated that as soon as
the test is out, he thought he would have some recomniendations for changes in
this statute.
Niayor Kirkham asked i� there was anyone present who wished to comment on this
item, No one responded. The Mayor stated that he was sure this had been
satisfactorily taken care of when some big ice jams were gotten rid of.
Councilman i�iright asked the City Engineer to make a report on the condition
and life expectancy o£ the Fcice Creek dam. Ae stated he would like to know
who owns it and who maintains it.
The City Maneger stated that he had talked to Mike Hafner, Jr. and their lawyers
were not, quite done with the protective covenants. The first draft o£ the
ordinance has just be�n completed b,y the City Attorney and not su�mitted to
the planning Commission, and so this item could be tabled vntil the April 4th
Council Meetmg to give thc Ylanning Comrrd.ssion a chance to look at it a�ain.
Ha£ner would also like to have a joint meeting with the planning Commission
and the Cit,y.Council at the �arliest opportunity. The City Manager stated
he would set uF, a mceting when he gets the covenants and roagh draft of the
Ordinance. It was suggested they leave part of the evening of March 29�h open
for a possible meeting.
Councilman Harris stated that another thing they wanted to get together with
the Planning Commission on was the reorganization, and the revamping oi the
building cofle. Councilman U�right stated that we are now pushing the construction
season, and i£ there is to be rezoning, there must be hcarings and he feels that
if there are any questions they should get togetizer soon and be prepared to act as
they already may be holding up some building.
hiotion by Councilman Sheridan to table the ordinance proposal and Commerce
Park rezoning un�il the regular Council Meetzng of April k, 1966. The motion
was seconded, and upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham
declared the motion carried.
A representative of the Standard Oil Company was I�resent and showed the Council
a picture of the proposed sig� and a map of its location. He stated that a new
base will bc built and that this was a larger sign; previously it had been 5x7
and the new one will be 5�clfl which violates the sign ordinance so that it requires
a waiver.
L �
Couacilmaan Wright stated that he xas in symgathy raith the occupant because of
the visibility at thia location� but he doesn�t like the idea of granting
wazvers every tifiie. Councilman Samueleon suggested that perhapa national
companies� for instance those located in Nex York could be allowed to put up
their signs. The City Attoroey said thia could be takea to be discrimination
against local businesses.
Councilman Wright suggested that� if the Council agrees, the City Attorney be
asked to drsw up a separate designation xithin the Sign Ordiaance vrhereby
� certain apecifically named high-speed highways would be allowed larger signs
and the small atreets aad certain dinided streets would still limit the size
to 3z square feet. The City Attornay could consult with the Council as to
vhich streets shouIld be included.
w Motion by Councilman Wright to grant a xaiver of the Sign Qrdinance and grant
a sign permit to the St�dard 4i1 Compazyq� Seconded by Councilman Aarris.
Upon a voice vote� there being no n�ys� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion
The City Manager explained the budgetary items and pointed out that thia
chwge doesn�t increase the amount of the budget hut w311 be a different
use bf the monep within the budget.
Motion by Councilman Wright to approve the proposed transfers srithin the Parks
and Recreation 19b6 budget. $econded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice
vote� there being no n�s� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
Motion by Counci]man Wright to accept the recommendation of the Safety Co�nittee
� and draft an ordinance for the Council�s consideration.
Councilman Harris atated that he thought this should be raferred back to the
Parks and Recreation Commission as there isn�t enough parking space now and this
xill just push the parked cars farther up the street. He stated he felt
there should be some sort o£ a planned program. The City Manager stated
that a limited time zone basis helps. Councilman Wright said that he rrith-
draws his motion.
Motion by Couneilman Harris to re£er this parking problem to the Parks and
Racreation Commission. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a vaice vote?
there being no nays� Meyor Rirkham daclared the motion carried.
Motion by Councilroan Wright to reeeive and file the Minutea of the Safety
Co�ittee Meeting oY March lb� 19b6. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson.
Upon a vo3ce vote� there being no n�*s� Mayor K3rkham declared the motion
The City Manager stated that this co�rmaittee had met yrlth Chief McCarthy and
the Recreation Director and there should be a recommendation Por the Council
by the tte�ct meeting.
Motion by Councilman Harr3s to receive and Sile the Minutes of the Human
� Relations Committee Meeting of February 2Yy, 19b6. The motion was seconded
and upon�a voice vote� there being no nqys„ Mayor Kirkham declared the motion
Mrs. McCarty xas not at the Council Meeting. CounciLaan Wright stated that
the Council has gone over this whole matter before and there was no change
since the last time. Mayor Kirkham explained that the owner is stuck zrlth a
60� lot which the Council refuses to let her build on. The Council has
suggested she aell the lot to the apartment owner, but it cannot force the
sale. Councilman Wright pointed out that there was every reason to believe
she knex ahe xas buying the property under a fraudelent sale, and he doesn't
believe the Council can be bent in this xay to disregard building permits.
The City Attorney asked if the Maa*or or the City Manager were far�dliar enou�
with this to know if this xas done with a lot split. The City Atanager
anauered that there had been no lot split to his knoxledge. The Finance
Director stated that sometimes the people go to the Coun�y for a Zot aplit
and it is a long time before the City even knacrs about it. Councilman Wri�t
stated that the attorney has told him that either the buyer or the City could
bring an action to set aside the sale of the south�one half of Lot 1�.
Councilman Samuelson wondered if it Would do any good to withhold the license
of B& M Incorporated until this matter Was strai�tened out. The City
Attorney stated that he thought it migk�t do aome good. It would cause �
them to rectify this matter if they uanted to do any more building in Fridley.
Mayor Kirkham referred the letter from Ardis McCarty� requesting a building
permit� to the City Attorney.
Councilman Wright stated that there was no question of the value of the
Civil Dafense Police Reserve, as cras so amply demonstrated last year during
the disasters, and if the funds are available as stated by the Civil Defense
Directar, he felt this transfer of funds should he suthorized.
Motion by L'ouncilman Wright to comply with the request of the Civil Dafense
Director� and authorize the figure of $750 to equip the golice reserve.
Seconded by Samuelson. Upon a voice vote� there being no n�sy M�or Kirkham
declared the motion carried.
The City �gineer euplained that the City does not issue gas main permits
vhere the City has no utilities as these obstruct the City�s Puture con-
struction of utilities. He pointed out that there are ba3,p thzmir 33ttls
hvuses on this property� and at one time someone had been thinking of
replatting this area, and this main being in could possibly obstruct a�
future replatting sameone might wish to do. Another problem here is that �
57th Avenue and Jefferson Street have only '-� the right-of way dedication in
this area. He stated he didn�t think the Gas Company xanted to do this
enough to undergo all the conditions the City might rrish to place on thia
type of project and he £elt someone had requested gas from theza so they
xere requesting it as routine.
Motion bg Councilman Wright to deny thia request for a gas main permit at
this time beeause it is the standard policy of the C3ty� and adtise the
Gas Compaay that� at such t3me as the City has a final plat and fledication
of easementa for street and utilities� the Council would approve the permit
in confornuty xith �he City�s policy. Seconded by Councilaian Aarris. Upon
a voice vote; there being no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
The City Manager stated that this is brought to the attentiot� of the Couneil
as feasibility reports haQe already been ordered and if the Couneil wants to
turn 73rd Avenue and ly9th Avenue over to the County, or if the County indicates
they vrant to take over these streets� it should be done before the City invests
money in improving these streets.
Counci]man Wright stated he felt it was appropriate to request the County to
take over two roads� 73rd Avenue and 1�9th Avenne. The City Etigina�r stated
that 73rd will be a very expensive road to build� and would be a good one to
turc� over to the County. �
Councilman Samuelson asked about the easements; does the City hava all the
easements� would we turn these over to the County� also xho would get any
future easements� the City of Fridley or the County of Anoka. The City
Attorney stated that it makes no great difference who otm e them as it trill be
public right-of-way.
Motion by Councilman Wright to pass Resolution .#37-1966, to be drafted by
the City Attorney� requesting that the County taks over 73rd Avenue and
l�gth Avanue. Seconded by Councilman Sharidan. Ugon a voice vote, there
being no nays� M�yor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
Motion by Councilman Wr3ght to receive snd file the letter from the Railroad
and Warehouse Commission relative to an iacrease in fares on the Dickenson
� Lines, Inc.� 833 North Street� Anoka� Minnesota. Seconded by Counc�lman
Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared
the motion carried.
Councilman Wright stated that this is the pro�am which is also called the
war on poverty and he has done s�e study on this. He esplained that the
County is authorized to set up a Council o£ from 20 to 30 members, same of
r�hom must be in the deaignated wage bracket to be eligible to receive funds.
He said that so far the Coupcil has undertaken txo or three pro�ects� such
as, the school dropoute. In this case the Caunty contributes in kind rather
than cash so the Government providea the money.
Motion by Covncilman Wri�,ht to receive the letter from the Ana�ca County
Council of Economic�,Inc.� and turn it over to the Fridley Human Relations
Co�nittee ax:d raquest that they do the necessary research and recommend to
the Council xhether or not a satellite office is needed in Fridley. Secanded
by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote� CO11hC1�If13i1 Samuelson voting nay�
the motion carried. (SEE AMENDMFNT APRIL 1�, 1966 MINUTES)
Councilman Wright stated that this represents an innestment in Anoka County o£
aomething in the nei�borhood oY $160,000 of which only a small percentage
is averhead and the re�t goes to the people rrho ❑eed it.
Mayor Kirkham axplained the telegram he had sent to the Mayor of Missisaippi
offeTing assistance and read the reply to the Public.
Motion by Councilman Sheridan to receive and Yile the letter. Seeonded by
Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no n�}*sy Mayor Kirkham
declared the motion carried.
The City Manager atated that heohad heard the reports of the many casualtiea
they had had during the tornado, and thought this pointed up again the value
of the WCCO warninga, and the nalue o£ basements during Fridley�s tornados.
Councilman Harris asked hox long a period of t�me an owner is allowed to bring
a dondemned building up to code. The City Manager explained that the Council
could act on this under the Hazardous Building Code at any t�me� but the
Board of Health gives thera a reasonable length of time, perhaps longer than
necessary so that the Gourts couldn't s�p they weren�t given enou� time.
Councilman Harris stated that he felt 60 days was ample time.
The City Attorney stated that he had had a diacussion rrith the City Health
Officer and they had drawn up a criminal complaint for him� relative to the
garbage at 5110 Hugo. He stated that from time to time the City Health Officer
� has bronght complaints whe�e people haven't complied with his requests. The
City Attorney said that the City Health Of£icer has requested him to draft a
nex ordinance relative to garbage� rePuse and other storage of jvnk and
miscellaneous materials in order to strengthen his position.
Councilman Samuelson asked if thia ordinance would be ready by May lst £or
the spring cleanup. The City Attorney atated that he would have it draFted
for the next meeting. He stated that, also along this line, he had taken a
trip around the City looking at some of the real eyesores with the Building
Inspector such as cars and storage of materials and he racommended that not
only do they pass the necessary ordinances� but that the Council make it
perfect�y clear� perhaps by Notice in the paper� that this is the date that
these places are to be cleaned up, and get the Building Inspector to x�n
them in advance that 3f it is not done some action will be taken. The City
Manager stated that he had asked the City Attorney to go around rrith the
Bui].ding Inspector� so that if they found any place xhere the City c�ouLd
write a complaint, the City Attorney could prepare it tor the City.
The City Attomey stated that he felt t,he ordinances were also de£icient
in the screening of storage materials in commercial snd industrial areas�
and he thought it xould be a good idea to present an ordinance aiong this ,
line, in addition to the other ordinance he has discussed� for the Council's
consideration. _
Councilman Wright stated that the City has repeatedly requested s number
of offenders to clean up and he doesn�t £eel they have been strong enough�
especially in the western portion o£ Commerce Park. He stated that in his
ward there is a building at 6$91 Main Street which he considers a d�[gsz�ss
buildiag and he feels the City should initiate proceadings against it. Phe
City Manager stated he could get together with the Aealth Officer and the
City Attorney and give the Council the £orms aecessary. Mr. Wright stated
that the legal ground has to be prepared very careititlly and perhaps there
should be more facts and figures before a motion to initiate Dangerous
Building Litigation as made. The City Attorney stated that he xonld ineesti-
gate it to make certain there are sufficient grounds for ity but if this ia
the determination of the Council he will procaed on it.
Mr. Frank Liebl� a visitor to the Council Meeting� asked the Council about
the cutting or cleaning of empty lots. He stated he felt this should be
done two or three ti.mes a year, Tha City Manager stated that this is a
very difficult problem to take care of, because in order for the City to
have this work done� it has to go throu� two or three forms, eaeh of xhich
have waiting perio@s in betWeen in order to be reimbursed for the eork done.
The City is not allowed to spend amch money on this under the State Statutes�
and we use a part time man, usually a Senior from the Agriculture campus.
After the people ara notified, they don�t want to come out afld cut the weeds �,. ,
and it is hard for the City to find volunteers to cut the raeeds. Councilman
Wright wandered if it would be posaible to designate certain problem areas
for the next swruner and spray them in the sprin�, although this xould mean
losing the reimbursement, Mayor Kirkham pointed out there probably xould
be some trouble if they lost some neighbor's shrubs thrvugh apraying.
Councilman Samuelson pointed out that the weed inspectors work mainly on
getting rid of the noxious �.*eeds, such as �agwesd. The City Manager
stated that the only solution he could see Nas to have the County do it�
because it has more money and more manpower. The City Manager asked the
City Attorney if the State pre-empts the City's poxer to write an ordinance
on this� and the City Attorney stated he Would check into it.
Motion by Councilman Sheridan to receive and file the raport from the Board of
Health. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote� there being
no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared the mot3on carried.
The Finance ➢irector stated that he thought the owner would be satisfied if
the owner were given credit for the work he has done in the past.
Councilman Wright stated that this was developed on a special use permit
and there have been a nwnber of complaints. He stated that the drainage was �
improperly planned and this is a serious problem. He Pelt that the City
should make the condition that the surface drainage be improved and brou�t
to the satis£action o£ the City so that it does not run on the back vf the
lot or on the lot to the north, and the credit be given on the reeommend� ion
of the Building Inspector� if and vhen it is done.
Motion by Councilman Wright to concur with the recommendation of the owner
the assessment credit uhen he has met the condition o£ surface drainage improve-
ment. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote there being no nays
the motion carried unanimously.
Councilman 5amuelson pointed ont that if the grading costs were more th�n the
credit he vould get� he probably aouldn't do it. Councilman Wright stated that
then he would be liable for the original assessment.
The City Attorney stated that he thought these services would be useful to him.
Motion by CounciLnan Wright to authorize the Finance Director to pay the IdIMIA
seraice fees for the c�ming year. Seconded by Counci]rnan Harris. Upon a
voice vote� there being no nays� Niayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
� Mr. Julkawski was present and e�cplained that he needed a letter From the City
stating there will be a street on part of Lots 3� �� �d 5 Auditor�s Sub-
Division (j25 to close a loari. There was a discuesion about the dedication of
Lots 3� 11� 5 and the YJ� of Fillmore Avenue and about the fact that Mr. Julkoxski
should pump the xater out of the ppnd in his plat.
Motion by Councilman Sheridan to direct the City Manager to give Moon Corpora-
t�on a letter �hen the deed is received� sta+iing that the City has accepted
a street deed for Polk Street over Lots 3� !�� $ and the W� o£ Fillmore Avenue
over the same lota. Saconded by Councilman Harris. Upan a voica vote� there
being no nays� Ma}ror Kirkhem declared the motion carried.
The City Mm�ager explained that the purchase of a tractor would require taicing
$1600 or $1700 from the reserve fund and transferring it to the Parks and
Recreatian budget� if the Council is inclined to authorize the purchase.
When the Transfer Resolution is presented to�the Council� the Council will
formally make the transfer at that time.
Motion lay Councilman Harris to authorize the C1ty Manager to call £or bids
on the purchase o£ a neW tractor. 3econded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a
voice vote, there being tto nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the moiion caxried.
Mayor Kirkhatn remtnded the Council he had given them a pamphlet to consider
about Mr. William Peet an Insurance Consultant. Couocilman Samuelson stated
that he had reviewed the brochure and checked witk� his Insurance Company
and another company and he had heazd noth3ng taut praise. Dr. Sreaona, £ormerly
o£ the School Board, had had Mr. Peet set up the insurance program at the
school, and everyone saw how well the schools came out at the time oP the
tornado. The school program is now being upgraded each year, but it had
originally heen established by Mr. Peet. Mr. Samuelson said he felt it would
be a smari thing for the Council to hire Mr. Peet and then set up the insurance
on a speci£ication and bid basis.
Councilman Wright stated that he had checked and i'ound Mr. Peet�s reputation
quite satisfactory� but he asked if the Council was not pre�udicing what our
own Insurance Committee has to recmmnend. He ielt it would be proper to-hold
back engaging Mr. Peet until the Council had had a discussion with the
Insurance Cotmnittee.
Motion by Councilman Harris to table this item until the next meeting, or
until they receive the report of the Insurance Committee and what they recommend.
Mayor Kirkham stated that they may stall wa�t Mr. Peet�-s preliminary report
also� as they uonldn't be hiring him on a permanent basis at this time� but
� just for a prelimitinry report� and until they heard what he had to say, the
Council wouldn�t knox xhat they wanted. Councilman Wright stated that the
Council xouldta�t knox what questions to aei3c him until they had gotten the
- Insurance Cormnittee�s report� and Mayor Kirkham said they wouldn't know what
to ask the Inaurance Co�nittee until they had gotten Mr. Peet�s preliminary
Councilman Sheridan asked if bhe Tnsurance Committee report xas due soon. The
City Manager said that a time of March 1 had been set for a meeting, and he
vas sure they would meet again at their earliest convenience to specify Ahat
they xould like Mr. Peet to eover. �ouncilman Samuelson sazd that Mr. Peet
Would coaer the City's whole progra�a. CounciLaan Wright stated that he would
vote £or the emplying of Mr. Peet: but he xould like to make sure that the
public confidence in the Insurance Committee wasn�t hurt. Mayor Kirkham
stated that they wouldn�t be hiring Mr. Peet as a replacement� but ta
augnent the Insurance Committee, and with both working at the same time
the aooner the Council could reach a conclusion. Councilman Samuelson
suggested they invite Mr. Peet to the meeting and see what he will do
for �200.
Eouncilman SHgridan seconded the motion by Councilman Harris to table this
item until the Council Meeting of April !y, 1966. Upon a voice vote, there
being no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
The C�ty Manager explained the four quotations that had been received on
printing the pamphlets. The Tri-County P�zblications� Inc. xas the low
estimate and theg could have the panphlets ready by the April lyth m�eting.
Motion bq Councilman Harr3s to authorize the Tri-County Publications� Inc.
to print 1�200 pamphlets. The motion was seconded� and upon a voice vote�
there being no nays� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carriad.
Motion by Councilman Sheridan to approve For p�qment General and Public
Utilities clazms #8111 through #821b. Seconded by Councilman Wright. Upon
a voice vote, there being no n�ys, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
Motion by CounciLnan Wright to approve for pa,yment Liquor Claims #83k1 throu�
#81�2ly. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no
n�YS, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
Mayor &irkham asked who has gone over the details on the American Pipe
Services and Soil Solid3Piers� Inc.� items� and are they Yinished. Mr.
Qureshi got the itemized accounts for the Conncil, The Consulting Engineer
said that they were not quite £inished; that there had been a request for
an extension of tame. Councilman Harris asked Mr. Comstock �hat is with-
held on each payment. Mr. Comstock axplained that 25� is withheld� and in
round figures the co�tsact at this time would be $80a000 of which the City
has paid $60�D00. The City Manager stated that the government released
75� of everything suthorized, and the rest rrill be paid after their final
inspeetion which will not be made until the final date of the eaamination
which has been request�d.
Motion by Councilman Wright to approve the_following eatimatea for p�ment:
American Pipe Serkices
2231 Edgexood Aveoue South
St. Louis Park� Minnesota 551126
Estvn�e #3 �P�TIAL) O.E.P. Di9aster Serrer
Cleaning Program 1965-66 for work completed
as of March 1, 1966,�in accordance xith the
Soil Solidifersy Inc.
10601 Olson Memorial Drive
Minneapoliss Minnesota 551t27
Estimate �f3 (PARTIAi,) O.E.P. Disaster Sevrer
Cleaning Program 1965-66 for xork completed
as of March 1� 1966, in accordance with the
Co�qstock & Davis� Inc.
Consulting Engineers
71�L�6 County Road "J"
Minneapolis� Minnesota
For the furnishing of Professional Engineer.ing
Services for plann3ng the construction of:
$ 21,598.71
$ 22,055.3�
Estimate #1 - Storm Saxer Improvement, Project
No. 12-B (T.H. #1t7, south of T.H. #100 - 100,�
Estimate #1 - Water Improvement Pro�ect No.
75-�, Schedule 1 (Water reservoi.T)
Eatimate #1 - Water Improvement Project No.
75-C� Schedule 2(High Surface Pwnps - Three
Additional Filters)
For the furnishiag o£ resident inspection and
resident supervision for the staking out o£ the
construction xork for:
Estimate �!� - Storm Sewer Improvement rro,7act
No. 12 (SchpduLe A) (T.H. �47� south oi T.H.
#100) (Columbia Heights� State of Minnesota ,
and Fridley)
Estimate #7� - Water improvement Project No.
75-C (Schedule 1) (Water B.eservo3r)
Estimate #12 - Water Impronement Project ldo.
75-A (Three Additional Drift Wells)
Estimate #6 - Sanitary Sexer, Water & Storm
Sewer Improvement Project No. 73 A(sl�th &
Innsbruck 5� Addition)
Estimate �6 - Storm Sewer Improvement Pro�ect
No. 73 �S1ith Avenue Noa�theast}
Estimate #71t - Sanitarq Ses+er and Water Im-
� provement project No. 70 (Riverview Terrace,
south of Missisaippi Place� Lincoln (Ashton)
Street� �outh of Ironton Street; sth Street�
south of `P.H. �100)
Aandall & Perglin
6801 Plaza Curve
Fridley� Minnesota�
55432 P.o. #9557
$ 3,556.16
$ 7,096.84
$ 6,8k7.12
$ 1:,310.W
$ 22.50
$ i95.00
$ 199.00
$ $.00
� 3S.00
For Services Performed: February lOth thru 12th
Install 21� feet of 8" vericated clay
pipe at Sylvan Hills Addition - Elonnect ,
txo 6" House Servicea - One Manhole $�Ie�0U0�00
Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays�
M�yor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
Motion by Councilman Harris to approve the following licenses:
Central Frastop Drive In
7699 viron Road
Fridley� Minnesota
Colonial House Restaurant
b215 Universiiy Avenue
Fridley� Minnesota
Maple Lanes Cafe
63o1y Highway #65
Fridley� Minaesota
by: Sherman 0. Hanson
81�1 Kennaston Dri
Minneapolis� Minn.
�by: Sharron J. Gilbert
7$7}� Alden Way N.E.
Mianeapolis� Minnesota
hy: R&ymond I.. Anderson
bly28 Dellftood Drive
Minneapolis, Minnesota
_� �- ��
� �� �
Fridley Recreatian & 3ervice Co.
6310 Hi�way �f65
M�nneapolis� Minnesota
The King�s Chalet Family Buffet
6259 Highway �65
M3nneapolis� Minnesata
Phoenix Chow Mein
2l�2 Mississippi Street
Fridleyt Minnesota
Family Billiard Ceater
6237 University Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Minnesota
Spartan Dept. Store {78)
5351 Central Avenue N.E.
Fridley, N,innesota
Outdoor Theatre Caterersy Inc.
5600 Central Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Minnesota
Central Embers� Inc.
�y00 Central Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Minnesota
Eunices�s Catering
Fridley V.F.Wo Hall
1040 Osborne Road
Fridley? Minnesota
Fridley Dairy Queen
280 Mississippi Street
Fridley� Minnesota
Aoggetti�s Pizza oP Fridley, Inc.
�8 Mississippi Street
Fridley� Minnesota
2ly0 Mississippi Straet
Fridlep, Minnesota
Sn,yder�s Drug Stores, Inc.
65$2 Un�.veraity Avenue
Fridley� Minnesota
Bill�s Spur
5333 University Avenue
Fridley� Minnesota
Kognans Pure Oil
5695 Haclausnn Avenue N.E.
Fridley� Minnesota
Fridley Sanitation
lJy7j Onondago Street
Fridley, Minnesota
Gallagher's Service� Inc.
8565 Jefferson Street N.E.
Fridley� Minnesota
Suburhan Pick-up Services Inc.
Box 56
Circle Pines, Minnesota
R.W. DTixon Rubbish ttemoval
1001 lst Street
New Brighton, Minnesota
by: William H. GottWaldt RENEWAL
by; John Lindell
Route #B
Anoka� Minnesota
by: Lyn F, Howe RENEWAL
8108 Nicollet Avenue
Minneapolis� Minnesota
bys B. A. Carlson REtdEWRL
55� Winnetka Avenue N.
Minneapolis, Minn.
by: [#er+�lddnb. Aaderson RENEWISL
rdT,iT, Rni�ace S'�rea� NE.
Minneapolis� Minnssota
byt Roy E. Dennis kENEW.hL
201�2 $th Street N.E.
New Bri�ton� Minneaota
by: Central E�bers� Ittc. RENEGIAL
2107 Ford Parkway
St. Paul, Minnesota
by: Eunice L. Mc Clellan NEW
4611 Oliver Avenue No.
Minneapolis� Minaesota
by: Ernest L. Fitch RENF�+IAL
1121 Oak Lane
Circle P3nes� Minnesota
by: Richasd Aoggat^t RENEWAL
21�16 Central Ave. N.E.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
by. Howard A. Nelson RENEWAL
6261 N.E. 5th Street
Mibneapolis� Minnesota
by: Lloyd Berkus RENEWRF.
1878 Hampshire Ave.
St. Paul� Minnesota
by: Dahlheimer Milk Automat RENEWAL
1932 Cressy Avenue
Anoka, Minnesota
by: Dahlheimer Milk Autonat RENEWAL
1932 Ereasy Avenue
Anoka� Minnesota
by: Ben H. Shutrop
by: Richard Gallagher
by: �7ack �[.��GaRl�ser
R.R. �!t
Anoka� Minnesota
by: Robert v7. Nixon RENEWAL
111�0 lst Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Fridley Food Markst
81'$!t E. Riner Road
Fridley, Minnesota
Snyder's Drug Stores� Inc.
b�j82 University Avenue
Fridley, Minnesota ,
Penn Fridley� Inc.
6$1�0 University Avenue
Fridley� Minnesot8 ,
Jim�s Dairy Store
6253 University Avenue
Fr3dley, Minnesota ,
Country Club Market� Inc.
6275 Highway #65
Fridley, Minnesota ,
by: Jamea M. Trupe
John A. Rieck
by; I,loyd Berkus
].878 Hampshire Ave.
St. Paul, Minnesota
i: _ _��/:Mil
by: Penny�s Super Market RENEWAL
by: James A, Rocheford RENE4TAL
by: Harold P. Rehaunel RENE,iJAL
1201 E. Lalce Street
N?inneapolis, Minnesota
Fridley Recreation & Service Company by; William H. Gottwaldt RENEWAL
6310 xighxay �55 �
Fridley, Minnesota
21�0 Missisaippi 3treet
Fridley, Minnesota
� Hcn►ie� s
2l�0 Missisaippi Straet
F'�idley� Minnesota
Mr. & Pfrs. Chester Potasek
310 b2 w� N.F.
I'ridley, Minnesota
Svendsen Signa Znc.
750 North 3treet
Anoka� Mitsnesota
Outdoor Theatre Caterers� Inc.
5600 Central Aventis N.E.
Fridley� Minnesota
Burkes Texaeo
6301 xighway #65
Fridley� Minnesota
Fridley Recreation & Service Co.
6310 Highway #65
Fridl�, Minnesota
Lee�s Stand�d Service
7680 Highvaq #65
Fridley� Minnesota
by: Evalyn J. Nelson RENIIniAL
626� 1V.F. 5th Street
Minneapolis� Minnesota
by: Howard A. Nelson REN�JAL
6261 Ia.E. 5th Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota
by: Mrs. Chester Potasek RENEWAL
by: Mr. G, Svendsen
by: Roy E. Dennin, Jr.
by; Earl Burke RENEWAL
1695 Mississippi St.
Fridley! Minnesota
by: William H. Gottwaldt RENEwAL
by: Lester SchaYfran RENEWAL
85�+3 Nicollet Ave.
Blaomington� Minnesota
�� � ��
Hoggetti�s Pizza
2�8 Mississippi
Fridley� Minnesota
Central Dmbers, Inc.
54W Central kvenue N.E.
Fridley! Minnesota
Ron�s Standard
61�90 University Avenue
Fridley� Minnesota
Fridley Liquor Store #1
5251 Central Avenue Id. F.
Fridley Minnesota
Shorewood Bar
6161 xighway #65
Fridley� Minnesota ,
Fridley Liquor Store #2
3710 East River Road
Fridley} Minnesota
Fridley I,iquor Store #4
658b University Avenue N. E.
F�idley, Minnesota
Penn-Fridley� Ino.
6540 University Avenue N,P�.
Fridley� Minnesota
Barry Blower Company
99 N.F. 77th Way
Fridley9 Minneso6a _
Country Club Market, Inc.
6275 Highway �65
Fridleyi Minnesota
Howie's .
21�0 Mississippi Street
Fridley� Minnesota
Jim�s Daiuy Store
6253 University Ave. N.E.
Fridley, Minnesota _
Snyder's Drug Stores� Inc.
6$82 University Ave. N.F.
Fridley� Minnesota
Maple Lanes�Cafe
b3o4 Highway #65
Fridley� Minnesota
North Star Service
ly01�0 Mar�hall Street N.F..
Fridley� Minnesota
Acme Metal Spinning, Inc.
93 l�3rd Avenue
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Fridley Food Market
8�5� E. River �oad
Fridley, Minnesota
Fami�y �illiard Center
Maon Plaza Center
Fridley� Minnesota
hy: Richard Hoggatt RENEWAL
2416 Cetttral Avenue
Minnaapolis, Minnesota
by: H. Kistal
by: Roland H. Cox
by: D. K. Carter Compamy RENEWAL
by: ➢.K. Carter Company
by: D,I�. Carter Company
by: D.K. Carter Company
by: Penny�s Sliper Market RENEWAL
by: Herman Fraidson BENEWAZ
by: Harold P. Rehaunel RENEWAL
E. Lake & Monk Ave.
Minneapolis� Minnesota
by: Howard A. Nelson
by: James A. Rocheford
by: Lloyd Harkus
by: Raymond L. Anderson
by: Burt Nordstrom
by,: Mildred Dahl
by: Janes M. Trape
John A. ftieck
by: B. A. Carlson
CentTal Sinclair Station
6294 Highv�v �65
Fridley� Minnesota
Pehling Grocery
li21�6 Main Street
Fr3dley� Minnesota
Spartan Industriea (Store �/78)
5351 Central Avsnue N.E. .
Fridley� Minnasota
Superior Dairy Freeh Milk Company
2112 N.E. Hroadriay
Minneapo].is� Minnesota
Etirald Bros. Ind.
2919 Golden Valley Road
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Pederson ➢airy, Inc.
707 South Washington
Hopkins� Minnesota
Suvmu.t Farm, Inc.
11a91 E. Co. Road B.
St. Paul, Minnesota
Consumers Milk Company
500 North Grotto Street
St. Faul, Minnesota
Land 0'Lakes Creameries� Inc.
221� Kennec�y Street N.E,
Minneapolis� Minnesota
dmerican Linen Supp7,y Company
!�7 South 9th Street
Minneapo7ls� Minnesota
Franklin Creamery� Inc.
21U8 Washington Ave. N.
Minneapolis� Minnesota 55�11
Northland Milk & Ice Cream Company
11 Taiest 28th Street
Minneag olis� Minneso�a
Wilfred Oil Company
�709 N.E. Marshall
Minneapolis� Minnesota
North Star 5ervice
ly0ly0 N. E. Mershall Street
Mianeapolis� Minnesota
Lee's Standard
7680 Highway #65 N. E,
Minne�olis� Minnesota
Ron�s Standard
6490 Univeraity Avenue
Fridley, Minnesota
Holly 6b Serv3ce
6500 Universitx Avenue
Fridley, Minnesota
by: Gedar I.ake S7ending Co.
322 N. Cedar Lake Road
Minneapalis� Minnesota
by: Ernest Pehling
by; Geraldine Anderson
_k_ � i�
by; Donald Fournier RENEWAL
2�00 W. Medicine Lake Dr.
Minneapolis� Minnesota
by: Graydon R. �rald
7500 Western Ane.
Minneapolisy Minnesota
by; Albert E. Pederson
by: Al1en'R:.H�L&en
bys J. E. Brugler
by; Larry J. Gordes
by: George F, Amundson =
by: R. L. Harringth
by: Carl E. Forsyth
by: Fred Bvye
by: Oskey Bros. Petroleum Corp. RENEWAL
22s0 University Avenue
Minne� olis� Mmnesota
by: Lester Schaffran
a5�t3 Nicollet Ave.
Bloomington� :ylinnesota
by: Roland Cox
by: L. I,. Lemon
215 South llth Street
Minneapoli.s� MinAesota
cuN rsoLUSE
FMC Corporation
Nor'thern Ordinance Division
l�8th & Marshall St. N. E.
Minneapolas� Minnesota
Minnesota Silica Sand Company
l�3rd Avenue N. E.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Fri¢ley Aelghts Carpet Cleaners
63b6 Pierce Street N,S.
Fridley� Minnesota
by: K, K. Knutaen
by: B. K. Bosder
by: Lawrence J. Maldeney
Hpde Park Motors by: Eldon Schmedeke RENEWAL
5900 University Avenue N.�.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote,, there being no nays� Mayor
Kirkham declared the.motion carried.
PEfITZON �1�-1966:
Motion b,p Councilman Wri�t to receive Petition #1�-19� for blacktop street�
curb and storm sewer betWeen 75th and 77th Street on Arthur 5treet Northeast,
and rePer it to the �,dministration for inclusion in a£uture project. ,fieconded �
by Counci].man Sherid2n, Upon a voice vote' there being no nays� M�or Kirkham
declared bhe motion carried.
PF'TITIOP; {�5-1966:
Councilrnan Sheridan handed a deed dedication for Public Easemen�s on Fireside
Drive between T.H. �{65 and Old Csntral. He stated that the two property
owners have asked to have blacktop streets.
Motion by Councilman 5heridan to receive this deed dedication and request
£or a street and refer it to the Administration for processing. The motion
was seconded and upon a voice vote� there being no nays� Mayor Kirkham
declared the motion carried.
Mr. Schroer was present at the Council 14eeting and explained that this would
be used for only one or two yeaxs as an offiee. The City Manager explained
that this had not gove to the Building Board as previously they had not
taken action �n a similar structure on this sa�ne lot.
Motion by Councilman Harris to grant the application for a temporary structure.
The motion rras seconded� and upon a voice vote� there being no nays, M�{yor
Birkham declarad the motion carrzed.
Motion by Councilman Wright to approve the application for a permit to park
a trailer at 7899 Broad Avenue Northeast ii' the minimum requirements for
sanitation have been met. Seeonded by Councilman Samnelson. Upon a voice
vote, there being no flays� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
� � �,
Counci]man Samueleon asked Mr. Rickard, who xas present at the Council Meeting,
i£�the insurance has satisfactori�y been settled. Mr. Rickard stated that
the case is in court nox, and he would live in the trailer house in the
meant�.me. Councilman Harris asked if the home were over 50� damaged. Mr.
Rickard stated yss� that $8�000 xas the figure the insurance compa� would
settle for� but he did not agree. Councilman Wright asked i£ this would put
the house in full conformity zrith ¢ode� and he answered yes. Councilman
Wright pointed out that the Council did not like to encourage investment in
this area, but this vould be a lever £or him with the ittsurance company.
Motion by Councilman Samuelson to grant a Building Permit to Mr. Rickard.
Seconded by Councilraan Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays,
Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
The City Manager ezplained that the City Attorney was preaenting this contract
for the Council�s considsration, and that they hkve tried to incorporate
protection for the City in this new contract. Anything that had been paid
befora xould not enter into this contract.
The City Attorney stated that it was his understanding that the architect
had some material that the Council had requested at the last meeting� that
he would prssent to the Council as he would ].�.ke to have the contract signed
beYore he goes any further `rith the work. He stated that he had put a fixed
dollar limit on the contract and had arrived at tha figure of $28,000
figuring that the money available for the construction would be $i+00�00�
and we have a 7,� rate instead of the 8� rate that was in the last contract.
Fie stated that they have left the alternates open so that if and when the
Council directs the architect to drax alternates for bidding� a separate
written agreement can be entered into, either at the 75� oi the basic 7,�
or at a dollar per hour rate, and he felt the Council should investigate
vith the architect sfiich wuld be better on each alternate.
Dhe City Attorney stated that he had talked Stith Mr. Smiley on the telephone
and Mr. Smiley has suggested dropping the Words� "Whichever is lesser" on the
first page o£ the contract and in return he xould atrike the 3 times �15 on
the second page of the eontract and insert $25.00 per hour. The Gity Attorney
explained that then it xould be a guess of whether the totsl work Would be
less than $Iy00�000 xhich would make the �'whichever lesser" meaningful, or
the like2lhood that there would be eztra work outside the contraet which xoulcl
be reduced i'rom �y5.00 to $25.00 an hour. The City Attorney also recoamended
that the City reach a firm underatanding on the draiting o£ the final plans
£or the fire and police station� as this srould effect the total price.
Councilman Samuelson stated that he felt tha� could be left unti.l a later
date� and he felt�they should lesve it at the 7% and the wording "whieh�ver
ia lesser^ which would be more advantageous to the Gity. Councilman Harria
said that maybe thys yrould be the time to renegotiate and settla our claim
xith him on the 7th Street site aad start from scratch.
Motion by Councilman Harris that the City enter into the agreement with
S. C. Smiley and Associatea Cwnpany as outlined in the agreement £oxm before
the Council. Phe motion was seconded� and upon a voice vote, there being
no nays� Maqor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
The City Manager stated that Mr, cD�Bannon requested that Lhe Council lsy
this application over to the nazt meeting.
Motion by Councllman Sheridan to table the sign permit application until the
meeting of April !y� 1966. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote,
there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion c�ried.
Motion by Councilman Wright to designate the Fridleq Edition of the Tri Countp
Record the legal newspaper for the remainder of the 1966 calender ysar.
Seconded by Councilmsn Sheridarr.
Counailman Harris stated he would like to amend that motion to have the
designation be for the second quarter of the year as that xas the vx�y it
was done at the beginning o£ the year. Secondad by Councilman Sheridan.
Councilman Wright stated that he would like to knox if there was an,q reason �
to change newspapers or re-evaluate them after thres months. Coupcilman
Harris stated that the original motion in January was quarterly and the
motion is on that bssis. Wright aaid that the Charier required that the
Council designate the newspaper on a year�p basis. Mayor I{irkham sa�id that
there was nothing in the Charter to prohibit doi:ng it quarterly,, and by
doing it qusrter�p� it is sutomatically doae yearly.
�oanne Wright� 171 63� Way� spoke in opposition to tha quarterly designation
because ahe Peels the citizens are involved, in that they �ubscribe to a
newspaper yearly and not quarterly, and they like to knox that it xill be
the official�paper for the l�ngth of their subscription.
Couneilman Sheridan said that the Council Kas defeating their oxn purpose by
doing it quarterly as they are trying to clear the docket at every meeting�
and if they proeeed on a quarterly basis� this item will come up twice more
beYore the year is over with. Mayor Kirkham stated that this wa� a small
matter and doesn't add much to the agenda. Gouncilman Wright atated that
this is not a small matter? and it is a matter of principl7. He said they
have been getting fair and accurate nesrs and this is just holding mut the
bait enery three months. Mayor %irkham seid that only Council�aan Wright
was raising the question o£ Yair and accurate news� and if doing it this way
encourages local bus3neasa the Council has lost nothing.
Councilman Wright asked Cpuncilman Harria i£ he propoged to do this quarterly �
indefinitely. Couneilman Harri�;ansxered that he felt that another nexspaper
had gotten enough encouragement to come to Fridley� and the present neWSpaper
serving the City has upgraded their paper� so he feela the Council haa
achieved snccess already, and the nexspapers will be here tomorrox Khether
the Council does this quarter�y or yearly, and if another newspaper doea
build up its snbscriptions and asks to be considered, he feals the Conncil
should consider them.
Councilman Wright s+�id he felt it would be proper to hear from the
representatives o� the nexapapers on their present status and plans. Tl�a
representative from the Fridley Free Press said that they had not chosen to
put�in a bid, but they did appreeiate the considaration qf Mr. Harris�
amendment. He said he £elt theg may have an sdequate subscription list by
Ms�ry or the mi.ddle of June to be consid�red, but not yet.
Mr. Chalmers oF the Fridley Record stated that when this matter came up before�
their subscriptions nuaibered 21�$0 and as of this Friday they nwnbered 2918,
which he Fesls is a£sirly good ansxer to whether or not the people oP Fridley
wax�t the Record. He stated he agreed xith Mr. Wright that it is unusual to
designate the newspaper every three months in that it leaves everyboc� up in
the air. He s�f:d he was told laai time that there was to be a nerr loeal
fndustry and it turns out to be an Anoka 3ndustry� and even if they did put
an office here� it would still be an Anoka industry and the Record a.s atcleast
a 1lttle closer to Fridley.
There was a diseussion between a visitor to the Council Meeting� Mr. Frank '
Liebl, and Mr. Chalmers about some letters Mr. Liebl said he had xritten to
the Fridley Record and on�y one out of four of them had been published.
Mr. Liebl said that the paper is not ob�ective in local matters and the City
needs two papers to g�.ve both sides. Mr. Chalmers esid that he defended
Mr. Liebl�s right to criticize the nerrspaper� but he resented the accusation
that the p�rer threw letters into the wasteUasket,.
Councilman Wright had copies of the Fridley news coverage frvm the i.ast �hree
issues o£ both th� Fridlep Record and the Fridley Free Press, and shoxed the
Council the colwnn inches and the number o£ articlea about Fridley in each
paper. Councilman Wright stated that in each iastance the difference was
about three to two for the Fridley Record.
Councilman Sheridan asked the City Manager hox much mone�r the City spends
on the legals in the newspaper. The City Manager ar.swered that it would
amount to about $3�000 a year.
iIa}*or Kirkham called for a vote on the motion to amend the designation of the
nesrspaper to be designated for the second quarter of the year. Upon a voice
vote� Councilman Wright and Counci]man Sheridan voting nay� Mayor Kirkham
declared the motion carried.
� Yayor Ki.rkham called for a vote on the amended motion to designate the
Fridley Edition of tha Tri County Record the legal newspaper Sor the second
quarter of 1966. Upon a voice vote� there being no n�YS� M&yor Kirkham
declared the motion carried.
Mr. Erunsell told the Council that td�e City will have to have a separate
account in the Fridley State Bank for the liquor funds, and the City will
have to have new checks printed. Councilman Wright asked about the cost
to the City of the changeover. Mr. Rrunsell said the on�y cost xould he
in the cost of printing new cheeks and the cost of the old unueed cheeks�
of which he had from $$0 to $100 ilorth left. Councilman Samuelson„asked
how long the present aupply of checks would last, Aad the Finance Director
ans�*ered close to six months. Couneilman Samuelson asked if the resolution
were passed topight xould the changeover have to be done a�nediately. The
City Manager stated �hat when Mr. Prunseli ordered the checks� that would
probably take six weeks to txo months at;vway. Councilman Wrigj�t stated
that since this new depository xill benefit the bank by having their
advertising on the City�s checks� perhaps they would print the checks for
nothing. Councilman Sheridan s�d that possib�y they could at least offset
the cogt of the checks the City will have to dispose oi.
Motion by Couacilman Harris to adopt Resolution �39-1966 Designatiag the
Fridley State ➢ank the depository for the liquor Yunds af th� City of
� Fridley, Secondmd by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being
no nays� Mayor K3rkham declared tha motion carried.
Motion by Counc3]man Sheridan to adopt Resolution /j1�0-1966. Seconded bp
Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote� ther� being no n&ye, Mayor Kirkham
declared the motion carried.
The City Manager stated that the Jaycees �sant this resolution for their
Jayceea banquet and he asked if they could be printed as the secretarial help
need to type so maqp Resolutions xould probably cost more than printing.
Councilman Sheridan asked if all the people had been ac}mowledged for the
funds the City had received after the disasters. The City Manager stated
that most of them had been from the lists he had received. Councilman Wright
asked if an accompanying lettar could be sent asking 3f the people Were
axare of apyone vho had not received aclmowledgement to let the Council know.
The City Manager said that these resolution were to be presented by the Jaycees.
The City Attorney etate@ that this police ret3rement fund resolution Was
� drasrn up about a xeek or ten days ago� and further work on it has revealed
that Fridley is now a City of the 2nd class� and has been since last June.
This Hill make a change of major si�ificance in the police retirement
proposal, and also in several other things. The City Attorney went rnrer
brief]y the League of Municipalities brochure on changing fram a third
c7JESS to a second class City and srhere some needed changes must be made on
the pension program� and axplained that it required that a c�rporation be
formed. The City Attorney proposed that the Council lay this�item over so
that he could study thc implications of the change and he xould make a nax
reaolution £or the next meeting.
Councilman FTright stated thare should be a thorough search o£ exactly wh�
the statutory change entails. CounciLnan Samu�lson s�id he frould like to
see a program cost estimate also of vhen the of£icers vi.11 be r�tixd:ng�- how
many and so forth. The City Attorney ststed that although the City has no
alternazive about going into this program� perhaps if an Insnrance Consultant
is obtained a review of the actuarial soundness ot this might be of value to
the Councii. Mr. Whitmore asked the City Attorney if he could
chack the status of the Police Coimnission in the light of the claas
change. The City Attorney said there would be changea in a number of
areas� and he will include all the information he has in the form of a
memorar.dum for the neact Council Meeting.
Motion by Counci]man Y.arri� to table the resolution to establish a police
retirement fund until the next regular Council Meeting of April 6� 1966.
Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays�
M�or Kirkham declared the motion carried.
r Fna urnc.
The City Manager explained that this was curb� gutter� and sidexalks ou both
sides o£ Mississippi Street� o£ which the City�s shaxe is estirsated to be
$1�5,359.��. He said that Item (a} is xarded such that� if they wishad�to
delete the siderralks it could be inserted there. Councilmaxi i�ight asked
the City Finance Director if he had started the assessment rolls yet� �d
the City Finance Director said that nothing more rr311 be dotte on assessm�nt
rolls until the work is completed. He e�cplained ihat the work is ordered in�
and then when the work is completed, an assessment hearing is held to decide
the final rray the project is to be assessed.
Motion by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution #1�1-1966, ordering improve-
ment and final plans and speci£icationa £or St. 1966-3 xith no eacceptions.
Seconded by Councilman Samnelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays,
Ma�ror Kirkham declared the motion carried.
Plotion by Councilman Sheridan to authorize the Mz�.or and the Citq-Manager
to eacecute the agreement with the County of Anoka £or this project. 3econded
by Councilman Wright. Upon a voice voie, there being no nays� Mayor Kirkham
daclared the motion carried.
Mr. Geor�e DeMarais� 6)ylI Pierce Street Northeast� was at the Council Meeting
and stated that for the past six months he has been sxakerled at �:00 or
3:00 in the morning by the noise of machinery being moved around and the
glare of welding machines. Ha said that originally an ordinance had been
passed that there was to be a fence completely around the 2ot, but it hadn't
been put back since the tornado and it was a big mess. Councilman Sanuelson
asked if there had been a change in the operation, and Mr. DeMarais said
that they uere doing some kind o£ manufacturing and originally the building
was to be used for storage. Mr. Samuelson said that they arm not in
compliance with the zoning then, The City Attorney said that this was one
of the plac�s he had looked at, and xas one of the places he had in mind
earlier when he spoke about zoning o£ commercial or industrial property�
and he would agree xith everything Mr. DeMarais said because it was a real
eyesore. Mr. DeMarais said that the machines were all generating or
eompressing machines o£ some kind and that the property was rat infested
also. Councilman Wright stated that the 7,oning map showad part of this
arsa as aoned either C-2 or M-1 and neither of these zones would permit
this activity and so he was sure they could give Mr. F1eMaraia satisfaction.
Councilman Wright stated that he thought the public's and presa's attantion
should be drarm to the £aet that the City's innesiments have earned the
City an amount of $129�971t.81� in interest.
I�otion by Couneilman Wright that the Council express in writing to the City
Maz�ager� Mr. Wagner and to the Finance Directory Mr. Brunsell the Council�s
congratulations and appreciation £or very wise investments. Seconded by
Councilman Sheridan. Uponra voice vote� there being no nays, the motion
Councilman Sheridan presented a letter he had rece3ved from Mr. M.M. Mahurin�
b378 Dellwood AT.E.,, concerning the tra#'fic that is starting to craate a
hazard on Pierce and Dellwood Streets caused by cars leaving the Eounge,
and�nox the shopp�ing center� taldng the side streets.
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Motion by Councilman Sheriden to receive this letter and refer it to the
A�unistratiott for ackowledgement. The motion was seconded, and upon a
voice vote� there being no na.vs� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
. Counci]maa Sheridan stated that he had received a request� by way of the Village
Attorney of Moundaviex� that the City o£ Fridley allow the residents on
the east side of Stinson between 73rd Street and Osborne (County Rd. H2 to
� County Rd. I) hook directly to the sewer maln. He said that this eould
probably be xorked out with N.S.S.S.D. Sor the connection charge, Conncilman
Samuelson said that is the City did this, inspections should be hy Fridley�s
plumb3ng inspector. The City Manager said that his conld be part of � y
agreement that uas made if the policy were changed to take in outsiders.
Councilman Sheridan s� d that an agrseraent would have to cover the present
surfacing also� and that ths,re srould be alot of details to be xarked out,.
He sazd that this is the only part of Moundsview that abuts Fridley� and
this could be a steg,to help ar�y negotiations vith them in the future. Mayor
Kirkham said he could discuss this whep he,met [tith the Mayora. Counci]man
Sheridan said that if the Council wished he will be talking to N.S.S.S.D. and
Houndsview officials the next day� and he �ound discuss the first stepa to
be taken,
Cotsncilman Sheridan said a property ouner on Gardena and Old Central Avenue
had contacted him about the possibility of getting a permi.t to put up a
doubls garage on a lot he owns. 3ie has a franchise for a paint business
and he would like to have a special use permit to use the garage for three
years to store paint. Councilman Wright said that this aounded like it
would fit in with the new zonir.g area there Will be. Councilman wheridan
said he had explained this to the man. After discnssing this item, the
Council recommended the proparty oxner be told that it would be such att�
uphill Yight getting the proper permits and the permission of the Fire
� Department, and because of the length of time it woul.d take to go through
all the neceasary steps� it would be advisable to drop his request.
Councilman Aarris said that because Councilman Samuelson and himself werc
usually available on very short notice� he Wondered if it would not expedite
an,p rudiraentary dealings the Council may have with Mr. Smiley to authorize
them to meet xith him on aiything they dici not £eel required a full Council.
Councilman Wri�t said that his reaction was that anything sufficiently
minor needs no quorum, and in the past they have been able to work with the
City Manager on itema of this type� and i£ it required an important decision,
he did not like to delegate his authority to ar�YOne. Councilman Harris said
that he did not want to usurp anyone�s authority� but i£ the City Manager
wa�ted another opinion� this would be a way to get a quick answer without
putting the City Manager on the spot. The City Manager said that in the
past if there was a policq decision to be made� he would be able to see
this and would call the Gouncil together. This arrangement would be fine
for an opinion� 1£ it was needed� but he £elt he would know if something
required Council action.
Councilsnan Harris said he would like to see a priority program set up for
� seal eoating. The City F�gineer said that he has always streassd the
importance of this� and has xritten memorandums to the Council about it�
but it seemed there was always soanething more important that had to be done.
-- He said that there is a priority l.lst xhenever the Council has the money.
Councilmen Harris said that he would lika to see this item back on the agenda.
Councilman Harris asked the City Engineer how tne paving bids are let,
whether they are indi�idual� combination or both, The City Engineer said
that th�y always try to bunch all the streets together� so that different
groups of one area will make one complete project� then the cost is broken
down into areas. Councilman Harris said that some people in this business
would like to bid� but because they are smaller they cax� only be bonded for
"x° nwnher of dollars. The City Engineer said that spLitiing the areas to
be bid Would not be sheaper to the City. Councilman Wright said that two
or three swall firms could get together and get their aggregate bonds up.
The City �gineer explainad that they bind the area together under a hearing�
and then basical],y contracts are let oncs or txice a year.
Councilman Harris asked abo�t the assessing of the streeta' aa some stre�ts
have different types of bases requtring differ�nt con�truction� and thia
would affect the total cost. The City Engineer statsd thst each atreet is
figured separately and is assessed accordingly,
Councilman Harris wondered if there xas some kind of directive the City
Council could pass on to lend aid and ass3ataqce to clean up and upgrade
the looks of University Avenue. The Gity Engineer said he thought they
would see a lot of improvement when the Serv3ce Drive is completed by the
State. He said that there ara some zoning requirements which the City ia
not enforcittg, like the boulevard requirement becanse of the unfinished
serm.ce drive.
Councilman Harris stated that he xould like to know what has transpired
with the liquor study group that was to be.set up. M�ror Kirkham said th�t
he had gotten the last reply a couple of days ago� and the membera of the
cewun�ttae rrill be contacted and then made official at the ne�ct Counci7�
Meeting. CQUncilman l+Iright said he hoped the Co�mnittes could be ready to
send a representative to the interim comraittee hearing this Thursday.
Qouncilman Harris asked what has been dotte on the sewer rate s�u�jr. Tha
City Manager said that he has been unable to arrive at a�ything �ri.th the
N.S.S.S.D, and will not tae able to recommend sexar ratea until h� knows
what the N.S.S.S.D. charges will be.
Councilman Harris said he Yelt the Council �hould be mmeting sh�rt�y with the
Planning Commiasiott on reorganiaation. The City Menager said that the
Planning Commission did not feel they were quite ready to meet pet as they
ha�e been working on the rezoning� but considera�.ion of it �ras on their next
agenda. Mayor Kirkham suggested they call for a meeting, but give the
Planning Commission �nple time to discuss it first. The City Manager Was
rmquested �o ask the Planning Commission to be ready Por a meeting and have
them set a date.
Councilman Harrie auggested that the Council meet rrith the assessor as
there �re some serious discrepancies on the valuatioa of some vacant
industrial properties. He said he knows that the asseasor has been up-
grading the valuation of the property gradually� but the assessor aould
need some direction from the Council to accelerate bringing the property
up to the proper valuation level. A mesting was set with the Assessor for
Thursday' March 31, 1966.
A visitor to the Council Meeting zsked the Council for a clarification on
how the aidewalks going in on Mississippi Street xill be financed. The
Finance Director said that the final determination rorill not be made until
the work is done and any decision made could be changed up until the time
the Final roll is officially adopted. The visitor asked if there had been
any decision on who would be assessed. Councilman Sheridan said that it
crouLd be the abutting praperty owners, and a portion would be paid by the
School Board, County and commercial at a higher rate than the property
owners. Councilman Wright pointed out that the residents will get ths
street� eurb and sidewalk at about one-half what a normal street aould cost
a resident elsewhere.
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Mayor IC3rkhaia stated that he would like to see the City start something
for the annual clean up� gaint ug veak. Hs anggested that the citireatta
could put materials they had to dispose of out on the curb and that City
crews have a pickup on a given Saturday. Councilman Sheridan thought this
xould xork i£ it conld all be in containe�s� but they should not be able
to rake their leaves out into the atreet to be picked up. Mayor Kirkham
felt that the details could be xorked out, and they may be able to enlist
other organizations and maapower aiso. The City Manager said that perhaps
they could use citizena and donated trucks as the City does not have enough
trucks or maapower for a pro�ect of this type. Councilman Wright said
perhaps they could do it over a period of two days. Counci]man Sheridan
said that perh�ps some organization could spearhead this with the help of
additional volunteers. Councilman Smmuslson suggested they get a letter
ofF to the Jaycees. Councilman Wright said he felt the City could gice
more than �ust a proclamation. Mayor=Kirkham stated that as long as they
agreed� the Council could pursue this further.
There beiag no other business Councilman Samuelson made a motion to adjourn
the Council Maeting of March 21� 19b6 at 12:15 A.'�. The motion was seconded
and upon a v�ice vote� there being no nays} Mayor Kirkham decldtred the
meeting adjourned.
RespectFullp submitted�
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Mary Lu Strom
Acting Secretary to the Counail
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� Jack 0. Kirkham
' Mavor
The meeting xas called to order by Mayor Kirkham at 8:02 P.M.
MT�IBERS PRESENT: Kirkiiam, Harris� Samuelson, Sheridan (arrived at 9:35 P•M.)
Mayor Kirkham stated that a need for the improvemant of the sexer system in
Sylvan Hills was obvious� it cailed £or the Council�s thorough study and a
study of the best feasible way to approach it from an engineering standpoint.
Any property that has a benefit from a project is asses�ad} but this case is
aot as clearly defined and there is a problem as hox to assess for it. The
l+fayar stated that the Couac�l muat ultimate�y make the decision and they are
intereated in the citizen�s vieHS.
kayor Iiirkham explained to the citizens sane of the different steps thai
xauld be done in carry3ng out this project if it were definitely decided
upon. He said that plate and specifications are prepared, studied and
approved. Phe bids are lst by a sealed bid procedure. He said the
contractor is required to carry insurance and £ile per£ormance bonds �rith
the City equal to the amount of the contract. After the work is completed�
an asaeasment roll is prepared, a�other hearang is required on this assess-
ment� and the assessment muat be fair and equal to all benefitted owners,
The property ormer has the right io appeal any assessment he Teels is unfair
or not legal. All the eosta mentioned are extimated costs� and there is a
chance that the final coats might be less.