04/11/1966 - 00021555�t+%2+/� 6 Mayor Kirkham said he would like to pursue this a little farther and solicit the help of a11 the service organizations, and as far as vehicles are concerned, perhaps the local businessmen could donate them Councilman Samuelson stated Chat perhaps the newspapers could Ue of some assistance Mr. Terry Nag1e, Fridley Record, said he had written an editorial saying that he felt the City sknuld do it Mayor Ka.rkham stated th8t this ls what he asked in the first place, Uut he found that the City does not have the equipment in sufficient number. The City Manager stated thaY this could be a tremendous City pro,7ect, and explained that he had seen these pro�ects doae with parades 1ed by High School students carrying rakes and brooms. He pointed out again that the � City does not have the manpower or trucks to do this pro�ect in one day, it could be accomplished in a longer period of time, but the City would need _ a lot of equipment and manpower to do it on one Saturday. Councilman Samuelson wondered if the sanitation companies would donate their trucks and drivers. The City Attorney suggested the unions be contacted Councilman Harris stated that the Crty could use any and al1 donated. Councilman Sheridan �ugges�ed the City eould help the citizens Uy having the Volunteer Fire Department available tio lssue burning permits on the spot, so that the people wi11 not have to come into City Ha11 for the permit AD.TOURNMENT • There being no furthez business, Mayor Kirkham declared the regular Council Meeting of April 4, 1966 ad7ourned at 12;30 A M. Respectfully submitted, _ , 17 ` ' t �/ iC����_-��� �,�L��•,� � _ ��_�,f�C� l�_z��«_�_, Mary Lu Strom j Jack 0. Kirkham Acting Secretary to the Council ,�� MAYOR � THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COiTNCIZ MEETING OF APRIL 11, 1966 The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Kirkham at 8:17 P.M. ROLL CALL MEM6ERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Harris, Wright NIEMBERS ABSENT: Sheridan, Samuelson PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 1966-4 STREETS: Mayor Kirkham explained that there were to he two Public liearings �his evening, and although the meeting was late in starting, it would be continued for a£ull hour if it was necessary. Mayor Kirkham stated that, under the CityCtiarter, notices had been mailed to Lhe property owners known to the Cxty, and printed in the newspaper He said that on this pro�ect, the Cicy has had either a petition from the property owners or else the City Council has determined tha� the proposed pro�ect should 6e studied. The Engineers have givEn the the Council a writcen report that the pro�ect is feasible from an engineering standpoint, and ' have outlined parcels of land that would benefi� from the pro�ect. Ile stated that the City Council wLll uLtimately have to make the decis�on, but they are interested in the people's views, and if ehe Council does decide to proceed with the pro�ect, iY wi11 adopt a resolution to that effect, then plans and specifications are prepared, studied and appro��ed, Contracts are let by seaLed bids and the contractors are required to carry insurance and file a performance bond with the City equal to the amount of the contract After Che work is completed, an assessment roll is prepared and then another Public Hearing is held. The citizens have the right to appeal any assessment they feel is unfaLr. The costs stated tonight are estimated costs and it is possible the final cost may be 1ess, and should not be more. � ��� 4J�IJ66 Mayor Kirkham staLed that they will go through the pro�ecL in areas and the City EngLneer wi11 summarize each indLVidual section. COMNNIERCE LANE: 73RD 9VENUE TO OSBORN� ROAD; UNIVERSITY WEST SERVICE DRIVC• 73RD AVENIJC TO OSBORNE ROAD• City Engineer Qurestn showed the two streets on the map aad stated that these streets had been 100% petitioned Mayor Kirkham asked if there was anyone who wished to be heard on this portion of the pro�ect There was no answer. � SKYWOOD COURT 53z COURT); City Engineer Qureshi showed the street on the map and stated that this was part of a pLaC and the City does have the complete petition for this Mr WalUerg, 1323 Skywood Lane, stated that he understood the code stated that water and secaer must be in before streets, but that this area was dveloped in 1950 before this provision of the code. The City Engineer stated that �his Public Hearing was for the streets and that a hearing has already been held on the sewer and water. Mr Walberg asked if the people wi1L Ue assessed or wi11 the developer pay for this. The City Finance Director stated that in making up the estimate of the assessment, he has included only the property that l,es between 53z Court and T.H. �k10D and the side yard o£ Lot 7, The lots between Skywood Lane and 53z Court, uader Che presen� proposal would not be assessed. He stated that although these peopLe have been notlfied of the hearing, there are no plans to include them in the assessment. Mr. David Abrahamson, 1349 Skywood Lane, owner of Lot 6 said he was concerned about soil erosion as there is 15 feet difference in elevation on his Lot� and he wondered if the City wouLd put up a retaining wall. The CityEngineer stated that the City does not propose a retaining wa11, the land will �ust be sloped Mr Abrahamson asked if it wi11 be sodded, and Mr. Qureshi stated � that the City does aot generally sod, but they probably could seed it He stated thac this could be discussed further whe❑ the pro�ect is done, Mr. William Shields, 1350 53z Street N P�. asked how many lots were being assessed for this street. He complained that he was being assessed al1 the way around his property, and stated he had been assessed for two streets aLready, Fillmore and Skywood Lane He stated that he would pay a regular corner 1ot assessment but not at that price. He asked to see a break down which the Council showed him. He stated that he was not arguing about the assessmenL, �ust the price of $16.84 per foot Mayor Kirkham pointed out that this was not the assessment hearing. Councilman Wright asked Mr. Shields if he was opposed to the pro�ect. Mr. Shields stated that he was opposed as it stands. - STREETS INCLUDED IN THE PLYMOUTH ADDITION IMPROVEMENT: The City Engineer explained that the City is in the process of putting in storm sewer aad the streels are to be torn up. He sta[ed that $25,000 has been earkmarked to be used for repair, and the Council is giving the public a chaace to impro�e their LO year old streets that need improvement and this $25 000 would be used to given them a smaller assessment. He explained that the estimated assessment would be about $7.50 per foot which would cover the cost of the impro��ement in front of the houses and the side streets with two exceptions, 45th would have a lower assessment because the present street zs a good street and the City would �ust change from asphalt to concrete curb � and gutters, and the same thing is true of 3rd Street from 45th to 46th. The City Engineer pointed out that this is the chance to improve the whole area to 36' wide streets w�.th concrete curb and gutter, but the City does not want to order it in if the people do not want it He was asked the present width of the streets, and stated 31' or 37_' wide A visitor asked what the assessment on 3rd Street would be if the people did not want this improvement The City Eng�.neer said there would be no assessment and no improvement. Councilman Wright sCated that the entire community and, more specifically, the Plymouth District will benefit when the "lake" on IIniversity Avenue is done away with, especially those people whose basements it flowed through, and it was his feelzngs that the most important thing was to ge[ the storm _� ��� � e� 4/11/66 sewer in and drain University. He stated that pipes must Ue put in the ground and the street must be torn up, and although the contractors agree to put the street back to its prior condition, it will be done as cheaply as possible and the streets wi11 not be as good as they are today Mr Duane Olson, 101 - 45Ch Avenue, stated that he had �ust finished paying au assessment and he does not want to do it again. He said that the street and curU are asphalt, buC good, and he wondered why l��e had received a notice Councilman Wright explained that the notice is sent to more people than those directly invol,ed, giving everyone a chance to express their opinions � 3RD STREET� 48TH AVENiTE TO 49TH AVENUE: Mrs. Mary Wo�ciak, 4844 3rd Street Northeast, stated Lhat they had petitioned for the pro�ect, Uut she would be interesced in the approximate cost of every- thing including the storm sewer and what the assessment wouLd come to The City Finance Director s�ated that there were no figures on the storm sewer tonight, as it is not included in this hearing and it has noC definitely been decided how much Che City wi11 participate Councilman Wright stated that an approximate estimate for the street would be about $7.50 per front foot, including concrete curb and gutter. 3RD STREET: 46TH TO 48TFI: Mr. Richard Karbo, 4603 3rd Street, stated that next door to him, the blacktop ends and it has a good curb. He asked why it could not all I�e asphalt and save money. He asked about driveways. The Ctiy Engineer stated that the curbs wi11 be recessed, but the drLVeways are the property owners responsibil�ty Mr. Harley Peitz, 4727 3rd Street, stated thathe feels 3rd Street is in such bad condition because the Highway Department detoured a11 tra££ic through 3rd SCreet when University was flooded, and he asked why the Highway Department was not "kicking in". Councilman Wrxght stated that he felt that i� was the fault of �he Highway DepartmenL that disintegration has taken pLace but that lie is proud of the contract that has been negotiated wherein the City of Fridley � pays the smallest proportion. Columbia Fleights pays $600,000 the Highway Department $200,000 and Frxdley $LSO,OOD Mr. Peltz stated that Councilman Wright was talking about storm sewer while he was talking a'oout streets Councilman Wright stated that Fzidley has argued with the Highway Department that we want a share that will repay storm sewer costs and road replacement costs Mayor Kirkham stated that part of the money should be conaidered street restoration cost. STREET: 45TH AVCNUE TO 46TA AVENUE: Mr. Chaxles iIowe, 4560 3rd Street N.E., asked how they would voice their ob�ections to the assessment they are paying now. Mayor Kirkham stated that they were doing it right now. Councilman Wright asked if his uaderstanding was correct that they were in favor of the storm sewer pro�ect, but because they have asphalt curbs now, they are not eager to have concrete gutter, curb and street widening. Mr. H��we stated they would be happy to have it if the City would refund the money they have paid in for an improvement when nobody else did. The Czty Managei suggested they give their names indi,idually and get their opinion in the record. Mr. Gordon R Peterson, 4555 - 3rd Street Northeast stated that he favors the street and curb be left as they are and ob�ects to the improvement Mr. ➢onald 01sen, 4501 3rd Street N E. Bil1 Carlson, 4526 3rd Street N. E., and Mr. R. D. Golden, 4514 - 3rd Street N E also favored that they be left as they are Mr. Richard Kar6o, 4603 - 3rd Street stated that he would like his made the same as their's. Councilman ', Wright stated that Mr. Karbo may have a point but l�e should not be listed as living between 45th an.d 46th Street Mr. Howe asked if they wouLd need a petition against the improvement, or would five be the majority. Mayor -- Kirkham pointed out that this will be at the determination of the Council, but the more names they can get, the better it would be far them. Councilman Wright stated that his understanding was that ehose who have the asphalt curb and are on high land and ha,ve the quality street prefer to remain that way and pay only the storm sewer, and those that are ad�acent to the split between the asphalt and concrete would like to see a smooth transition between the pro�ect, but sti11 want the pro�ect, and as third ward Councilman Chat is the position he wi11 take. � a7 l� 4/11/66 45TH AV�NUE: Mt�IN STREET TO UNIVERSITY AVENUE: Mr. Duane M. Nelson, 101 - 45th Street Nartheast, stated he wouid like the street left the same as it is The City Engineer pointed out that the Columbia Heights side has concrete curbs, and the present Council policy is for concrete curb aad gutters as they feel in the long run they are to the property owners advantage A visi�or stated that twenty years from now when they are Uroken up, then the City could put in concrete curb and gutters. Mr. Qureshi stated that they wi11 be broken up now The Visitor said that the contractor has to put them back as they were, so they would have new asphalt curUs Councilman Wright said to remember that the contractors � put Uack the very minimum. R. D. Scherbe, 4533 Main Street N.E., favored leaving 45th Street as it is Mr. Gary I�erson, 4519 - 2nd Street N. E., stated he did not have street or curb, but that he was going along with his neighbors to cut the assessment down NIr. Ralph Jackson, 452� - 2z Street stated that for 2z Street he pref-ers concrete, but for 45th Avenue, which he is paying for now, he wants to leave it as it is. Mr. Frank J. Kozlak, 451Z - Znd Street Northeast wanted 45th Street left as it is. 46TH AVENUE: MA.IN STREET TO 3RD STREET: No one wished to be heard. 47TH AVENUE: MAIN STREET TO UNIVERSITY AVENUE: Mr Kenneth Shaw, 4701 Main Street, asked if he will pay for both Main Street and 47th Fveaue. Councilman Wright explained that as the ownex of a corner lot, he will be assessed 1/3 prorated share along 47th Street. A visitor asked how the other 2/3 �s broken up then �The City Finance Director stated that to answer some of these questions, the City wi11 have to wait until they see what is left in the improtement pro�ect. If everything were put in wrth the exception of the t�ao streeis pointed out, the assessment rate would be $7.50 for a front foot with the side yards beino charged in addition for 1/3 of their side. If the pro�ect only goes in in spots, these � side streets will be separated and charged to the corner lots and half way up the block. 48TH AVENUE• MAIN STREET TO 2ND STREET: Nobody present wished to be heard. 48TH AVENUE: 21D STREET TO 3RD STREET: Nobody present wished to be heard 49TH AVENUE: ROMAN ROAD TO UNIVERSITY AVENUE: Nobody present wished to be heard. 49TH AVENUE: MAIN STR�ET TO ROMAN ROAD: Nobody Present wished to be heard. 2ND S'TREET: 45TH AV�NIJ� TO 46TH AVENUE: Mr. Iverson, 4519 2nd Street Northeast, asked the location of the sewer from the corner. The City Engineer stated that it was 1 lot depth north from the corner and he stated that some people would like to raise the street, and if � it can be done with the proper drainage, the City will try to do it up to the level of the yards Mr. Frank KozLak, 4512 2nd Street N.E., stated that there is an empty lot next to him and he gets all the water. There was a discussion about a sump on this land that will be filled in after the storm sewer is in There was a discussion, also, about several lots north of 45th Avenue between 2;� and 3rd which wi11 need tile to drain the backyards of the lots to the street Mr. R. Lombard, 4550 2nd Street, asked if the street 1eve1 wi11 be raised. Mayor Kirkham stated that many people have requested this be done, and it wi11 be if at all possible. Mr, Sandin, 201 45th A��enue Northeast, stated that the street cannot be raised until the catch basins are � � � � �. "4/1�1/6E decided between the houses. Councilman Wright stated that the streets will not be raised except, insofar as it is necessary to get the water into the catch basin. They are not trying to change the elevation of the land in the area, but to get the water into the catch basins, 2ND STREET: 46TH TO 49TH AVENUE: No one present wished to be heard. 2z STREET: 45TH AVENUE TO 46TH AVENUE: Mr. Paul Isaacson, 455D 2z Street, said that he was ii. the same position as Mr Sandin. If you put in the curb without raising the street, I am in trouble. Councilman Wxight stated that the City's first iesponsibility is to get the water off the street. If the lots do not drain into the street at the present elevation, the City may have to do some work in Che back yards Mr. Qureshi pointed out that the pipe of the caCCh basin is 4' or 5' down, and they couLd put out pipes to the low areas. Mr. Ralph Jackson, 4527 2? Street Northeast, said that the street is concave and asked 1.f this will be changed. Mr. Qureshi said that it would be domed. 2z STREET: 46TH AVENITE TO 49TH AVENIIE: No one present wished to be heard. ADDITIONAL COiKMENTS ON THIS AREA: Mr. Richard Mange, 101 - 49th A�;enue Noxtheast asked if the County wi11 pay any of the improvement on 49tY�., and CounciLman Wright said that they would if it became a County road. Mr. Mangen asked why they must pay if the County takes 49th. Councilman Wright stated that the County roads are built to a higher standard than City standards, and the property owners pay for the City standard. The C�ty Engiaeer pointed ouL that thls has not been taken over by the County yet. Mr. Jerry Henderson, 213-49th Avenue Northeast asked how long the City wi11 let the dirt f1y. The Gity �ngineer stated that compLetion of the storm sewer is scheduled for Sune 15i.h The City Manager pointed out that the clean up takes some time after the construction is completed. Mr. Collins, 4832 3rd Street, asked what the pipes that were unloaded on 3rd Street are for Mr. Comstock, the Consulting Engineer explained that the water main and sanitary sewer lines wi11 be disturbed so they must be relocated. The storm sewer pipes are 72' in diameter which cuts the existing lines, and as the sanilary sewer is a gravity system it cannot be close to the water !nain HAYES STREET: 75TH AVENiJE T_0 76TH P.VENUE: The City Engineer explained that this had been petitioned by the developer, and there was no one present who wished to be heard on this ONONDAGO STREET: LAKESTDE ROAD TO STINSON BLVD. This also had been petitioned and no one present asked to be heard 75TH WAY: EAST RIVER ROAD TO EXISTING PAVEMENT ON ALDEN WAY; The City Engineer explained that this had been petitioned Uy Che people on the north side, and that the south s2de Ls the St. Pau1 waterworks. He stated that to complete this street to City sLandards, it needs a storm sewer syStam. Mr. Burton E11is, 115 Talmadge Way, stated he would like them to deter the storm sewer and complete the street. He stated this is vacant' land, all sand, and the water �ust disappears He stated that there would be no problem unt�.l this area �s developed Mayor Rirkham asked the C-ty Engiaeer if he recommended putting in curbs if the storm sewer is not put in Mr. Qureshi stated that this would be up to the property owners as the St. Paul Waterworks cannot be assessed and they have agreed to pay only $3300, so it would depend upon whether the properey owners could bear the cost. Mr. Bill Peter, 75th Way, said that according to Che last meeting, they were told they would have curb and gutter, and if they have that, they must have a storm sewer, and the present pxoposal says without curb and gutter r � t`� � 4/11/66 Mr. Qureshi said that this was an alternate proposal. A visitor asked the Council to table the storm sewer until the vacant land is deveLoped. Mayor Izirkham asked for a show of hands of people on 75th Way Northeast that prefer the temporary street without the storm sewer. There were about five hands raised. Councilman Wright stated that he hoped they realized that when this was developed and they wanted a storm sewer, the street will have to be torn up. One lady asked if that meant they would have to pay twice, and Mayor ICirkham said that if it had to be put in later, yes they would be assessed There was a discussion among the people on the way the land would be developed and the way the water would drain in the future. LAPAY�TTE STREET: EAST RIVER ROAD TO BROAD STREET: The City �ngineer explained that the people had petitioned this street. There was nobody who wished to be heard Mayor Kirkham declared the he�ring on Street Improvement Pro�ect St. 1966-4 closed at 10:20 P,M PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0, SSS-C: Mayor IZirkham asked the City Pinance Director to review this pro�ect P4r. Brunsell eaplained that this was the third stage of storm sewer pro�ect �k5. He showed the outline on a map, and the proposed pro�ect. He stated that main trunk lines and laterals on the east side of University have been installed, but not assessed, including the outfall line which runs to the Mississippi River The cost of the proposed improvement for the area on this side of University if 91� per 100 square feet, or, the average lot would cost $91.00 over 20 years. Councilman Harris stated that the reason this has been brought up at the present time, is the fact that this area is a11 con- tributing to the outfall line, and the costs are down as the State has paid �bout $170,000 toward the pro�ect as far as the total area goes. The Cou�ncil feels that now is the time to complete this pro�ect so this moaey can be used to help reduce the cost on this side of University also. Mr. I'rank Lieb1, 222 Mercury Drive, asked if this will help Sylvan Hills. He asked if the water from Sylvan Hills Park wi11 go into the storm sewer. Councilman Wright said that some of it will, but in times of heavy rains, it wi11 still fi11. Mr. Lieb1 asked if the City has all the easements. Couacil- man IIarris stated that the City may not have the easements, 6ut they are computed in the cost to Fridley. Mr. Liebl stated he was in favor if it wi11 help, as I'ridley has spent a lot of money for the park. Mr. Merle Longerbone, 180 Sylvan Lane, stated that this will only benefit Starlite and Trinity He stated that Sylvan Lane and Juniper are a bad intersection as the street has sunk lower than the troughs. He said he gets grass clippings and so forth in his yard Uefore the water gets to the park Whenever there is a heavy rain it comes over the curbing into his yard. The Consulting Engineer explained the history of Sylvan Hills Park. He stated that Sylvan Hi11s was developed before storm sewer was available and the "park" is actually a ret'ention basin. He explained that in a flash flood, the first flow will go into the 12" overflow, and the balance wi11 go into the park srte area. Iie stated that this wiil be minimum when the area is entirely developed. - The City Engineer• stated that when the street on Sylvan Lane and ,Tuaiper are improved the grades could be raised to help the problem. Councilman Wright stated that �.�i�en drainage was first discussed, it was pointed out the people could have good drainage at a high price or partial drainage, and they wanted partial drainage. He asked if they wanted additional catch basins, and eventually raised streets to take the water to the Park. Une visitor stated that this would be fine, but the water sits in the intersection and does not go to the park. A visitor asked if besides the laterals, will this include resurfacing the streets. Councilman Harris stated he thought this would be the time to bring the streets up to City standards if the people desire. There were suggestions that the storm sewer be run in a �iifferent direction. Mr. Qureshi stated that it would be possible to do it the suggested way, but it would defeat the purpose of the retention basin A visitor asked if the Council proposed to put in laterals sven if there is 1 � � � ' � k��l sL C� � 4/L1/66 no drainage problem. Councilman Wright staLed that it would Ue extremely short sighted not to. The visitor stated that the people should decide, not the Council, as they foot the bi11. Mayor Kirkham stated that as far as the laterals are concerned, it is the Council`s feeling that it is thelr obligation to try and look ahead. There has been trouble zn the past by not looking ahead. He stated that it is not the Council's desire to insist, but the Council`s desire to put forth what they think is a good plan and �f the people do not want it, the Council wants to hear about it. � visitor stated that many people have accepted the idea that storm sewers are in- evitHble. Mayor Kixkham pointed out that L'he City does not want to improve the street nithout the storm sewer in first, and later have to d1g it up to put it in. Councilman Wright stated that you pay for proiessional engineering advice to look ahead for you, and they take into account runoff, cost, increased parkint, for muLtiples and many other aspects, and can the CiCy afford not to Cake the advice they pay for� Councilman Harris stated that the Council has agreed to Look into the intersection problem and the Council must decide on the whole area now He said thaC apparently the feeling is for the pro�ect or there would be more ob�ectors here. Mr. Frank Liebl said that the people think that this will take care of a11 their water problems. Councilman Harris stated that the State has put in $170,000 so that it wi11 cost less now than in 3 or 5 years, and if it were brought up later, the people would ask why was not this done before He stated that the engineers feel this is definrtely needed Council- man Wright pointed out rhaC the Cit}� has never put a storm sewer in where the eingineers did not feel it was needed. I-Ie stated YhaY the mains into which the laterals will go wi11 Ue assessed against them, and they have the chance to make use of their investm2nt, Mayor Kirkham asked if anyone was in favor of the pro�ect as outlined. One visrtar said that if iL would take care of it once and for all, yes he was in favor of it, and he asked if the laterals would be assessed against the whole area or �ust those benefited directly Mayor IZLxkham stated that everyone wi11 pay. City Attorney Herr�ck saLd that another way the peopLe are profited is Chat their streets wi11 not deteriorate by having the proper drainage Councilma❑ Wright stated that he had received four telephone ca11s from the Hyde Park area, and in each case they were in favor of the pro�ect AD SOURNMENT ; Mayor Kirkham closed the Public Hear�ng at 11:20 P NI. Respectfully submitted, `,�� � -.i_ i � _ /� �il /„�,,�� ��G; _� i ' j , / / o�iL�� �I�� / )2�L�i—r>✓ �,l c�C L � Mary Lu Stxom �� Sack 0 I�irkham Acting Secretary to the Council MAYOR THE MZNUTES OE THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETLNG OE APRLL 1$, 1966 The Regular Council Meeting of the City of Fridley was called to order by Mayor Kzrkham at 8•15 P.M. ROLL CALL MEMHERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Wright, Haxris, Samuelson b1EMBERS ABSENT• Shendan APPROVAL OF MINUTES, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, APRIL �+, 1966 MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt the Minutes oi ihe Regular Coun.cil Meeting of April 4, 1966 as submitted, Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice wte, Chere being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.