05/02/1966 - 00021519v� 1� -�
the date May 6 through May 15th as this is the anniversary date of the
MOSION by Councilman Harris that the official date of the Annual Cleanup
Pixup week be from May 6, 1966 through May 15, 1966. Seconded by Councilman
Wright. Upon a voice vote, there Ueing no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the
motion carried.
There being no further business, Mayor Kirkham declared the Regular Council
Meetiag of l�pril 18, 1966 ad�ourned at 11:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
, -� �� \i� � � � /� �/ �7
� �- /� �
, ' �., t � �Y�` y� � �°7 Z� ��6Lc �� V ����z . �a-.,—
Mary Lu Strom � �i� Jack 0. Kirkham
Acting Secretary to the Council - MAYOR
The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Kirkham at 8:08 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Wright, Samuelsoa, Harris (arrived at 8;20 P.M,)
MOTION by Councilman Wright to adopt the Minutes of the Special Council
Meeting of Apri1 11, 1966 as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson,
Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carr�ed.
MOTION by Councilman Wright to adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council
Meeting of Apri1 18, 1966 as submitted Seconded by Councilman Samuelson.
Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried.
The City Manager stated that he had talked to the ptincipal spokesman and
advised him that the Council would probably table this until the May 16th
meeting, and he was satisfied wrth this The Crty Manager said that the
owner oi the Shorewood Center was also aware of this fact Councilman Wright
asked the City Engineer if this will hold up the pro�ect for this building
season The City Eagineer said that the prospects of getting it in this
year are getting very slim The City Manager said that Councilman Sheridan
had wanted this on the agenda, but he was not here tonight Mayor Kirkham
said he did not feel the Council should order this pro�ect in yet. Councilman
Samuelson said that to take the two items that Councilman Sheridan is concerned
about, out of the pro�ect would be talcing the heart out of it, and the City
Manager said that it is almost a11 or nothing.
MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to tabLe the consideration of
improvement St. 1966-2 to the May 16, 1966 Council Meeting
CounciLman Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays,
declared the motion carried.
Seconded by
Mayor Kirkham
The Crty Attorney explained that he had done some reasearch on this, and
referred the question to the League of Municipalities and it is a conclusion
that an applicant is not entitled to a refund for past years under the ma�ority
ruLe of most decisions, if the applicant pays these fees without paying them
under pratest The City Attorney recommended that, as far as past years are
concerned, no refunds be made; as far as licenses paid by plumbers and electricians
for the curxent year which started P1ay Lst, this would be a Council policy
matter as to whether they should be returned.
Mayor Kirkham stated that he felt it best to refund the money for the current
year, aad Councilman Samuelson agreed the Council should refuad the money for
1966-1967, and not "grandfather" it, Councilman Wright did not think anyone
would go to court to recover the past fees, as it would not be worth the
court fees.
MOTION by Councilman Wright that the Council refund all electrical and
plumbing 1LCense fees for the years 1966, and later, which have been received
Seconded by Councilman Samuelson Upon a�oice vote, there being no nays,
Mayor Kirkham declared the motioa carried.
Councilman Harris arrived at the meeting at 8;20 P M
SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION - 0'BANNON (TABLED 4/18/66, 3/2/66, 4/4/66 4/18/66):
The City Maaager said that he has heard nothing more about this item since
the original application.
MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to table this application until such time as
it is asked for again by the applicant. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon
a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Pirkham declared the motion carried
The City Manager stated that he did not ha e any proposals to present this
evening He said that Yn checking it appears there is only one other Uesides
the Peet Company on the consulting side rather than the insurance sales sLde
and he had not been able to make the proper contact with them to get a
prospectus or brochure, but he was sure he could have something by the
meeting of tl7e 16th
MOTION by Councilman Wright to table the consideration of hiring an insurance
consultant until the reulgar Council Meeting oL May 16, 1966 Seconded Uy
Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor IZirkham
declared the motion carried,
MOTION by Councilman Harris to waive the reading, adopt the ord�nance rezoniag
Commerce Park and publish. Secanded by Councilman Samuelson
The City Attorney asked the Councilmen iE they had compared the ordinance with
the map to make sure that it agreed with what the Council had orally agreed
on at the last meeting. The Council looked at a map oP Commerce Park
Counc�7man Wright stated that he feLt constrained to vote against this
rezoning because he felt that the Planning Commission and the PLanning Con-
sultant have studied the matYer and have recommended a difierent pattern of
zoning in Commerce Park. Councilman Wright said that it was studied at
greater lengths and with more man hours of thought than the Council individually
or collectioely has had time to spend on it. He said that he had discussed
this with the members of the PLanning Commission and with Mr Hodne and was
convinced that their concept is Lhe appropriate one.
Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Harris, and Samuelson voted aye, Wright voted
nay Mayor Kirkham asked the City Attorney if this needed four votes to carry
and the City Attorney stated that it was his recollection that it did, but he
would check on it. Later in the meeting the City Attorney reported that the
Second Reading of this ordinance needed a two-thirds vote Mayor Kirkham
declared the motion faiLed, Councilman Wright suggested �t could 6e placed on
the agenda when Councilman Sheridan was present, aad he would also like to
give the Planning Commission a chance to talk to the Council aUout it Mayor
Kirkham asked that this ordinance be back on the agenda at the Regular Council
Meeting of May 16, 1966.
`� � ��
The City Manager stated that one sign company was to come to Fridley for an
appointment, but there had been no conversation yet. He hopes also to see
at least two other companies before the next Council Meeting, This ordinance
had been passed on lst Reading and tabled at the Second Reading on Apri1 18th
Councilman Wright wondered if the language the sign people would see would
be 32' or 50', and asked if there should be a consensus of the Council as to
size. The City Manager stated that he thought he should meet with them and
see what they think.
MOTION by Councila�an Wright to table the second reading of an ordinance '
amending Chapter 56.02 until the next regular Council Meeting of May 16, 1966.
Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor
Kirkham declared the motion carried.
The City Manager read the motion of the Board of Appeals recommending that
this Special Use Permit be denied. He also read the motion by the Planning
Commission concurring with the $oard of Appeals and recommending denial.
MOTTON by Councilman Harris to concur with the Board of Appeals and the
Planning Commission and deny the request for a Special IIse permit as requested
by Sen Wolke. Seconded by Councilman Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being
no nays, Mayor I�irkham declared the motion carried.
The City Manager read the motion of the $uilding Board recommending approval,
and the suggestion of the Safety Committee that the north driveway be moved to
the north boundary line and that stop signs be erected on each exit.
Councilman Samuelson said that he has seen this, and that rt is a very nice
plan which is nicely done. Councilman Harris asked about the size of the
building in proportion to the land. Councilman Samuelson said it was about
S,OOD square feet of building on 7 acres of land The City Engineer said
that there were no drainage plans yet Councilman Samuelson said that they
are still developiag these plans as they go along, and he feels this will be
a nice asset to the City.
MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the recommendation of the Building
Board and grant a Building Permit to the Railroad Accessories Corporation
with the provision that an adequate drainage proposal be presented to the
Engineeriag Departinent. Seconded by CounciZman Wright. Upon a voice vote,
there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.
The City Manager read the recommendation of the Building Board to deny this ,
Councilman Samuelson explained that the buildings as originally presented had
brick on the four corners, and the Uuilder wanted to delete 3/4 of the brick and
go to stucco. Councilman Samuelson �aid that he felt that the building permit
had been granted on the original plans and he should build it as orxginally
submitted. Councilman Harris asked why they requested this change and
Samuelson answered that it was to bring costs down,
MOTTON by Councilman Wright that the Council concur with the recommendation
of the Building Board and deny the request for a revised version of the
building permit. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there
being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried
'� � �`�
The City Manager read the motion by the Building Board recommending approval
Councilman Samuelson explained that this garage is a building Lhat sat on a
piece of property on 79th which is presently zoned NI-1 It is seven years old
the building Inspector has inspected it, and it is in fine condition so there
should be no problems. He explained that Barry Blower had had to move the
garage so they had put it up on a trailer and now Mr Fierke would like to
� buy it. Mr. Fierke wi11 ,7ust have to move it around the corner onto his lot
He will put it in line with the other garages and it will be compatible with
the neighborhood. The City Manager suggested that if it will need any work,
the Council could ask for a cash deposit of $100 or $200 which would be
refunded if the work is completed at a given deadline Councilman Samuelson
said that any work would be minimal, perhaps �ust a paint �ob and a foundation
for which he will have to get a Building Permit. Councilman Harris said he
thought it might be a good idea, and it wouLd assure having the garage put on
the right spot on the 1ot.
MOTION by Councilman Wright to approve the request to move a garage
contingent upon the obtaining of a Building Permit for the foundation aad
upon the deposit of a$100 cash bond guaranteeing the exterior finishing
and repair by 60 days after the move is completed. Seconded by Councilman
Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor ILirkham declared
the mot�on carried.
The City Manager read the motion by the Planning Commission requesting a
meeting with the City Council before this item comes up for a Public Hearing
on May 12. The Council discussed a possible evening for a meeting and the
4th of May at 7;30 P.M. was decided upon The Crty Manager said he would
� contact the Planning Commission the next day
The City Manager read the motion by the Planning Commission requesting a
meeting with the Council after the 15th of May for Lhe purpose of further
discussion, and he asked if the Council would like to set a date for this
meeting this evening. Mayor Kirkham stated that the Council could decide on
Lhis at the next regular meeting.
A number of the petitioners were present at the meeting and Dr Lester
explained that almost 6 montEns have gone by since they presented their
first petition, so they are presenting a new one to the Council. He said
that they have the signatures of 37 owners which is G,9% or 1 person short
He stated there were three people they were unable to contact, but they
were for the pro�ect a1so, He asked if they should try to get 2 or 3 more
signatures, or would the 49% be sufficient. Councilman Wright said that the
Council could receive the petrtion tonight, and they could send in a supple-
� mentary petition with the same wording
Dr. Lester asked if the petition could be worded so that if the total cost
of the street, storm sewer and gutter came to more than $14 a lineal foot,
the petition would be void, as they previously had petitioned for the street
at $8, but the figure of $16 had come up at a neighborhood meeting and some
of the people had dropped from the petitioa The City Attorney stated he
felt it would be all right to word it in this way, realizing that the best
the Council could do was to give an estimate based on work let in other areas,
and if the estimate were greater, after the engineers looked the �ob over,
they could report it to the petitioners and they could drop it if it were
higher, unless they wished to go ahead at that time
%e 9 � 9[i
The City �ngineer stated that the cost was estimated at $8 originally as it
was only a sma11 area requested to be paved, but when it was studied a
larger area was taken in, and the preliminary assessment roll was $10.78.
Dr. Lester asked if this were to go through, would it go in this summer or
next, Councilman Wright said that this would depend in part on whether or
not the Council decided to ca11 another Public Hearing which they could do even
though, he understands, they are still within the 6 month period, or they could
decide to go ahead without any legal impediment.
Councilman Harris said that it seems that since the plurality is so close �
and there are many unanswered questions, the other people should be heard,
and he feels the Council is obliged to ca11 another hearing. Dr Lester
said that the same thing would happen as happened last time He said that
the petitioners should not have to petition for storm sewer, but it is
necessary to be able to get their streets, and the people up on the hill
do not want stoxm sewer.
Councilman Tdright stated that for the purposes of debate, he would make a
motion that the Council adopt a Resolution ordering the improvement as
originally speciiied at the Puhlic Hearing for storm sewer and streets in
this area. Seconded by CounciLman Samuelson.
The City Engineer said that two hearings had been held on the street, and
these people in the northern area had not been called in. Councilman
Harris stated that it appears the Council must ca11 in the people on 69th,
and he explained that the people in Ostmans BLock 2 must be called in for
a hearing for storm sewer. A visitor to the Council Meeting asked why these
people cannot be assessed when it is their runoff the petitioners receive
Councilman Wright explained that they can be assessed but there must be a
Public Aearing first. Dr. Lester asked what happens when the people do not
want it and Councilman Samuelson said that the Council could sti11 put it
in ii it were warranted Councilman Wright stated that the first hearing
was on streets only so the Council is obligated to hold a full hearing on
the pro�ect, and if these people were not called for a Public Hearing, the
assessment would be approximately $4.00 instead of $2.25 a square foot if '
the petrtioners carried the assessment
Councilman Wright stated that for discussion, and with the consent of the
seconder, he wouLd revise the motion into two separate motions Councilman
SamueLson consented.
MOTION Uy Councilman Wright that a Resolution be drawn calling a supplemental
storm sewer hearing for the drainage district involved at Hickory Drive and
Hickory Circle.
There was a discussion of a date for the Public Hearing. Councilman Wright
inquired about the construction schedule, and said that if the hearing is
held on Sune 13th, the Council already has had the petition and the hearing
on the streets, and could order both pro�ects after the heariag if they are
so minded. He asked the City Engineer if that would be soon enough to get
both pro�ects in. The City Engineer said that they would still have to call
for bids, and perh2ps they could try at least to get the storm sewer in.
Mr. Nage1 of the Fridley Record said that if the City Attorney could write a
notice that evening, they could get it into the newspaper this week. The
City Attorney said that he could do this, and then the hearing could be set
for the 23rd of May.
�� � �-�
Tne -no�.;on bv Crmn^z��tan Wr2�ht, adont�n� Rc�oxvLior_ r��9-�9oF� r,aLln� a
su*»] emental storm s2laer hearinn ?or the ctra i_r,ape di_s �r1ct invo� c�erl at
Hir,knry ❑r�vA =�rd Hickor;;r P,�rcle or� Ma,y 2�, 196b, was �econd�d br Co�inc-lman
;�mu�lsan� Unan a vo,n.� �rote. t,ha�•� he,n^ r,o na�s. M2yor K�r'c'�em derl_arr.d
t,he mot�_on r 3rr�_ed.
?? ���s dec,_ded that becaur�a it Ur� � 1 ha +� ,; � a i e to Qat ihe ❑ Lrec �,� Zn �hiG
z•Far. ancl trie ,ai.or-n sr�wer mtis+ bc dec��ed or� Faist, f,he moti�_en ���c�ertn� thf=_
pro�erts could bP done after t'�e h�ar�n�. Cou��i7rnaa tiart�ht c,�] alned tc
thP pet2tzelzers that, +o arder t17P pro�ect i�oi� when -t cou�d not �e 1e- av�i;
fbr bids anyt�ray �a^�tl the�c� determ�ned wrether to �rxL �n tre sto�zn se*�rer,
which ln t,ux-! cannot be dnn� until Mat* 23rd at, the ear1���.L, daes not n�kn
�any sens.,
F?�'*1r,L+;Y SpF�sTY C�M'�ZTTTL�F, NiEETTNG P"INUT,��� - t'.PP7L ?0, 19L'o:
mrie Cit�r T�ianager read the mnt�_�n b,r tre S=f��`y ClmmittPe ask�n� t.he C�tiy
Co,iur,11 to nass an ord�_nancP post�_n� parlciri� s;��^, on �rarlcs *�Titn bal% d?amorls.
Council�an T�Ir2oht stateci tnat th�_;, st-m�� p1°c���1em has h�=en r�rys�d b�fore_ Ps;,e;�a:�3�r
�t Crnnmcr:;� Park, t�rhere t,h� ��anlP are t�o 1a?p ca Nra31c f-rom t�e p�Grl,�ne ]_�t tc�
tre ball_ dlamond, so tha;� ��rk f;n 7t,h Str�et, He �i;eues+,r�{ �he zarir�n�
faci]_ities on the Commons b� increased tn acccmodac,r-,� ma�-� pea�7e. an�� th2n mak+,
�hem use it„ Tl?e Counc9l talked al�aut ��si,tin� ch�^ �ar�k ,�_d� and po:,r,?n� the
nn�c�s,+e s'_de (7th Street) r�s,_dent Parking c'nly, enforcza�?s� en com�laini;�
'�ayor Ktrkham sa2c1 ihat h� har� pronot�wd th�s ti,ame tYiin� abpuk a-rear ae��,
ar.d he fr�els that it shrn�ld b� done. Coun�°�_lnian Hz�°r,= �aslced if t=�� p�rk�n�
a*�a27a�7.e n�ca ,n t,h� iot �_s a�equate w'�en ±h� ilamcnd,-; are �n u=e, ��unc,l,�.in
�ar�ffh+, sa:d that on a r�7t�t,ns evPnsn{� tnc lats an� 61st S#,res�t are s�ifFic,ent�
I�?OTTGN hY Conncilman rnfrifiht; th^t the Cozinc �3man nrde� t,he po;tinb e�f "N� Pai°king"
signs, on Lhe park side of all stree+s th,�t arc a��acenc tc pa�•KS ?�a�n_na tiall
diamonds and i,7?at the Grest �� de of 7ih S trze � betw�e*� b0i,h a;��� 63rd nvenae
re �osted "Residential Park�_n� 0!�ly", and tliat nati? R•°r;wrz b� r�n,uest;�cl :,o
make a renart to the Crn�nr�7 as to the ,aduquenr.y o" exist�n�, parlr�n� lois„
Seconded b=r r�,znc�ltc�n Harrz�, UP�n a ve�ev �rotr�, !,hF,•e be7nfi n;� naj;s, NI�TOr
Kzrkram ��r,l_ar�ri the met�on earried.
PARKS A.Np RECRrATTODI CON?!I,9,�SO�� NR�FTZ[�� �n,T�tiTtiS -�PRSL ?�2 1905-
T�ie C_ty Mana, er re2d the mot.ion of the paric� and Herrea+,1on Com�m_ss-i on Fha �
certain tax fnrfPited Fropert;a,, be red ta�n=d. Counc�lman Harr1s �ur=ee�t,rd
+nat the Coizx�cil n�t tos=e�hUr and ]ook at, the prcnerty. Counc lm�n Sainaelson
SuacestP� that it rosld at least bP red t��aed L}?is atrr�ning. Tre G� t� NIanage_�
su�geat�rl that Lhey r�n tag these prop� ri,_c�� tLls efrznin�� ana ai, tihe Cou*�el_l
Me�tting ol M; �,r 16, he wi11 have a m2, and moro �nformatzon ior them a'o�ut rhe
=ndi_v�daal J_ots, and the i�s{. ��an bA revi5 �� et that 'r,�mc.
MOTTON hv Cn��nc��rlan Samuelson that the Covzci7_ cuncur w�lh ±he Par�� anc�
N�rrea��_or, Ccamm�_:�s�_an and red ta,> thn �r��erLle, eil�g�ste�l bv the Parks and
Recreatlor Commisei_on imt�l Guch 1,ime as th��� ha*re b=��n rPV�ewed an�l ;,�irz�e�Tecl
and at tnat t�*ne re]_ease ansr lat:, t?�at are noL apnlicabin co I,he Park Board.
Seco*�drd �;y Co,zncilinan Nar��_s. Upon a�roicP vai,e, crere b�infi no nays, rs�oor
KirkhaTM derlared the motlon carrtied.
The C!ty Mana�Ar read the m�_mites tinforrnlnm t,h� Comm_�_ss�on and Cm.nc�_L o'_' f'-ie
resignn>jnn of Mr. C�r�stian S��jervo7.d.
MOTIOTd k�tr Counci]xnan u�Tr� � to acce�t tkie res ��at�_o�� of A'ir� Sirier�ro7_d and
d=_rect the P.dm_in!vtraLicn to s�nd a letter �i' anpxerzatiion to Mr. Sk-,°rvold
oo*nriPnd�ng hin ior hi�, ps,t s�r��cr�. SPCOnc3e� Y�y Coonc�lman S�rnue,�+�n. IIpon
a��-nica vate�, ther•e beting no na-Ts� Ma�ror IC-rkh3m ��ec"�as•eci the mntion ���rr2ed.
MOTIOT� �a;r �;,otmctilman Harr� U i o re: alve and f1�e tihe le ,ter lrom the Mlnn�sota
1���hwa�� ;���srt.ment �r�rovsna the requesi.ed croseover ai, 69t,h A�ren,�e, Sero-ided
o�,T Counr,i7man 'vami�clson, ti•,cn a vo2ce vor,P, there be-�no no z�ays, °ns�r��� h'i�°khan�
�erlared the raotion aamri_ed.
cEi4RL,ES JO���i50N: Ru,S?r,1dAT70�d:
'"he C�ty Ma�a��r pea_nt�d o�zt that actuallv Mr. Johnson�s term on the Commiss�on
h3d e��re-1 the 'irst oi' Sannar;r and �7e a,as asl<ing tYie Ccuncil, to aopeint somes
one t� re7�?ace h�m,
MO`I':CON by Coan..i?inan Parr�as to �ece�t the ?ett�r ?'rom P�ir� Johneo� ar_� t�
d�rect 1;he �idm�_nistra�_o� 1,0 �end a'etter of appreciation and commenc'atzoa�
to Mr, Johnsosi� Seconcl�d by C�unc�lma*� Wrieht� Upon a ��ice v�te� t,here
b�snp no na,y�r Ma�jcr �irk�,,�m ,��clare�l the *noti_on r�;.ried.
BC7CR11 r,F ��,9irnLr2ATTC�Ti n_DTICr:
1^h� C�t,y ManG�nr sa�_d the.v if the dat� d�d not su�t the C;oL3nr,i1, there migh#,
br� a s3_i�he� el��nce oi' Fet+��:� =t chan�er3, k�ut� the C�iusty l�ssesso�^ may h�ve
roryru�tr,7itr�bs riQht si.�asght through to daly 15th,
P40TfODI by Conne�_iman Harx°as tn race�ve the Board of Equali��tion no+,lce and
accPpi, �he ;:ave oP J.l,y ll�, 1966� as 7_;sl,ed. The motion w�s seconde��, ancl
up�n a vo3^e �.��Le, i,here re_�na no na?rs, Ma�r�r K�rkham dnclared the motion
C? rr•7 r-Ci .
:=iiZY: I���CARTNY RUTI,P,T.AIG P��i�7T:
Mr. Robart �;uzy� �!ttt�rne�� £cr Ardis Mr.Carthli was present at th� �ounctil Meet�n�.
Iie stated ihai, he nad r,orresponrled and t3lked UntH the City 1!ttornej on tPits
matter; F�e sasd thut, pra*��_ouslp the Gotznc�_1 had felt th�t Mrs. hlcCarthy�s ccur�e
af actiot� w�s a�a,rst �he praviou� owne^. fIe st,a�ec� �hai, there were two �raw=
z+�cks. One was i,ne ir.cu,•red ca;,t of' �a l_aT�*suitj an�l a�othar wae the uncertatintJ
cr" re,r.ov-r� i;nrlar this Iar�*su13, lhere 1s the possibil�ty that �t mav necPSSitate
�wo lai�;-,i» t�� zs he 1you1cl not want to he in uhP nosi��on oF havtnF the ��s�rict
Co� ±-i sav tha1, he had not aroceeded suf �; ciently a� f� r as a le,5a7 rP�ned�r �„r�th
th� Counc�l� IIe stai,ed thet �_t bas1ca11J hcils doUm to a ca,e o� emzity ancl
th�= pr�pertv zs s�tt?n� u�eless anc� '��� client wan±s -�,� develon it and �lace
tt on the i,ax rolls.
P�iaVt�r' 1t�_rlcham aslce� r,he �,��. Attcrney �f he had an� comments to mak_e on
I,h�s mal,t,ery Nir, H�r,�rk sa��? l;hat vhis seemed tcr be a�satter at the
d iscx�tion oP tnF Counc�l, TheJ riust �ae� �h the r��sirahil?_ty o£ h2vin� a
I�.�-nlex pror�rLt as reo_LU_recl hzr ti�e Ord�n2nce. He si,ate�3 that the C2�c>�s
a_o` sr�lit, orr',nance was t��L recorde�i with th� �e�2^ter oe �e�ds ce ?T �ee;,
nr,t ar�pear in �h^ ahstrar�„ and �n rr,lir+ n�ir, ���zy wot.ld have an argument
th�t ,��e t.�as no� noLi.frye� in thr atstrac� of the ora�nance. Councilman Wr:aht
s �ai;ed chat, � i, wa s h�_s understandting a lQt ep? i+ can be recorcled w! th #he
1?e�ist.er oi D?��s �f_' �t ls �equestecl r,y the owner whethPr �r n��, �h� Cc�nc�l
t�kES anzr aci,�on, an� that i° �s .-�o+, common proctice Fcr Cc�urici3s to Lnf� m
tne Re;�=ster at` neec9� ,�nei,her ax� not thel ok��y a l+�t solit hecatitse tt is n�t
b_ndin�, Mr.. C;�izv sLet��l t,hat he �c1t vhere taas a quest,lon o£ �Th�;ther t,he
Co2���r��_ could rl��m the lot she f�archas��7 w�s unmarketah]_e ��ece�.�s� �f th�
facL that th� 3ot snli� ��as not recc�r��ec, �[c s�id that a �udge might sa�•
Lhat Mrs. P'1c�ar#h�r �as '�oii�;ht a mark_etablz p;°aperty w�_th a s�ruct•�ze on st.
!'ouncilmaiz ��r��hi sa,cl �,hat t,h� �tr�.ticture �_s m�*r�ble, and the or��nan�e
���1?tt�n� th^ lod, w�� rn�^i�cher� �*Yti_ch �� �e�?� cerrst�tutes nt�tif,cat�on.
v[a�ror'<�_rkham SLat,a� ihat ir t,he Counri) 4rere to r3en« a nu�3d7n„ Permity the
owr.er -a?_l� rint he a�]_e +o hold onto the property and i+, �riJ_� become tax
delinquen�, a��c1 r�mair tha� ��raJ rather than being on the t�x -'olls. He stai,ed
a�hai, �his was the: Ccunc__l�s chnr.ce `.o h<�>n a stsRZCt�are upon a lot z,nth
,t�;_fic�ent sida yard Spac€�a Iie saic� thai, zt N*ou7.d *rte•in �ran+�ng a Ural�-er.
rrl tha Cc�tiuZCZI h�s done tha' k�ei'or�, Councilr�an 3ar•r�s �.sl�ed the s_�1e }-a�°d
w,r?�hs ar;o L�ere was a?�"r.us�ion of po.sible p1_acen�ent o£ a btizildi:�o on 1}�e
��-�to P�rs. ^%��Carth�� askcd the Conr,cai �s tYiev d�_r3 not orana, the Permit, h�J�
isa � ci�e to �=,e� �er mone� back, Ccurc zlm�n W��i �*h+, �a�� M�^„ N;r(;arth=- th� � she
i��id ncti ;�a�r r,lka�f r�„ ,t„= G�ty ar,d �he rmxst Fo �acY $c i,he cn� �,t�o sold heY•
the pro�e*•iv.
r�{?TT��n }� Crn��c,'�7��ra 1�d,��ht, to rece�v2 the oommur�_cstir,r i'ror Mr. Qt���r nn
'�ehalf oi M-°s, ^-�r�7s ^RCr�r=hi� er;� +��,+ +,he Counri� reaFf7r^� =L;: nr�,;,ovs
-- i� nn an�d ��pr,,- a�-ll�� �rl� n.- i'CT�11=T OTi 9nn_hFt��' D� F,Oi. �i 27,IIC1 2u1 0- Z�'J'�, �
�econcl��, }��r Coun,-i"sm3� 9.,m1,elson. Mayr�,� ts,rk77�m ;t��ed th3t be� r,�as nr,1 �agai_=��L
Ih� nct�on te recel�rF� tre con,m»nzr,a%�on� but ti<«� a��in�,+, the actio-�, C+�uncil-
i��n U'r, �), � Said t,ha � i� tl�e mo �ion iai`ls, �e Ur! 11 maYE ar_other moi,ian t� _
rece� ;rr, iI� �r:i, a ro 41 ca� l no i �, Cotmczlman I�tarr`! s, �lr� �ht�, �nd Samuelsen
vcliri� �,re. �n�l Nlayor K_!rk_d,�am vetina nazr� the rc�t�on carrze�.
�� �
c ��,-<,�
Pu���nzric, T,rst�rc;��n�- c?�r�v_��,mirR i�ousr.:
The City Mnn���er ^c;-,1,��? -•,1 �hat ±,h�. U*a� a �� f rw��� ��cu.� 3rd sr��-,a=�� +',P
i��r,ati nr, nn a rr��,y`,
T�IOTTGN by Counca_,�r,�^n Wr�ght tY!at, th� C i+,y �emn �� sh th � s bti„ 1 d� �^ - rheck �Zn
��r�t Ta��h i.he F'�,-F ➢Fr��rfrri�n{. +,c ��e i� the�r � an E�t a useil�l ex_�rc,�c oul_
�P 1'l�' riC-�r��C�l_jtiOn„ S?C`C�7rEr' hzT (iOliR�'.l21f'3n }'3r�^1�, 11pJ'7 � V07C:' VJ�P; 'G�"1�PC'
bein^ no na�rs, Ma�ar H�rkl-am declar�-;d �he m:�l;�,r_ rarr�ed.
MO`n-OPT bv Co,zneilman TIarr; � i,h�i. t7ie i,r�nz��l] �opro<%c `�r payaaen c r�rex°al
an�1 Pub3�� ii�_lii,ie6 Ciaiiag f�81�1_�8 th2c�i�qh �N5;2 ar.c� ;,h� L�!e��or rl�2rns �8516
f,i1-_r0'11�11 i��i�i�i�i„ n�f,��riC�Fr l��r �'C�rC�'lm�n ^�£Tq1i.�l:?r,T'. tip017 a�rQ7�^ ;'J:�'., tl"]G]^P.
be�n� no nay^, S�[ayu�^ '`�rkh�m dFC2_arPd th� mc,+-�,,� c�rri�a.
M�S � i�rripil�;SOT �:
Con�im� man T�1r � s-ri+ : tatEC' that a� ±,h� reisard �ou�,•i =man , he aot�J d lilee ao � e1?
�i,t,ention +n i,he i2��t that, h?*^�. N�n�e�o�a Zs � re�ide*�t of_ shc tih�i°c� w�rd.
MCTTI�AT by Co,anc�lri,�n �dr�cP,E tnat �.he Rdmir,i�,l_°acior_ c��le�rrm Mrs. Nt�nne3o�aa
Sher�rl Fr=tz, on be?�al? r�� the Coutkca_�, c�n��raY?�-atiin�r her and L1�arP�a*�� rer
Por• rei reseni,ing �'r;dley� Seconr7ed b,y Coi�n ,�rnan Samue]_r�on. The mol,-�.on
�acr'�ecl uran�mnus���
P4�TTUT� *�y r;aunc��man Harrtis to �pPrusre th� dlsburse�nn,?t to P�iz•s, i'�inoPSOLa,
��co�dPC+ b�,r Counai7man Sa_mv�lsor. TSnon a vc�ce z�o1,c, r�,�rc hc�uF no nz}rg,
Ma�cr K,r'sham deelared ±�-�� n�or,�cm �earr^F�«,
r STT i�iq T E i:
MO`[']OP7 hJ (�o,�nc�lman fiarr�^ �,o apPro�e i'or p�v-,��r{ rh� fo`�locri-,�� estima,,;�r..
Petr-rs�n-Templtr�, lnc.
6L�02 - 56tt l+venuc, Idort,h
Minne_no7'°. M�nrosot.i, 551a2P
Fst�mar,e �7. 1 0- work co,rm' �}�cl
i,ha c ti a-�e 1'�i° c�ns�,ruoia on a�£
4�ater In�;�°o,r�>_men�, Pr-o7e�t 75-C
�Schec�ti�1� 1 �
�he ri.�r,�_or was s�conde�l hv Gouncil*nan S;rrnu�l;on, an;3 tii»�n e vo�ce cote, thFrt
be�nR no ria��,, Ma}-or Kirkham dPCl_ar�c' th� zrc�,�cn cax�r�ec?.
LT C?;1� E ES :
MOT70Di hy Counc �_7_man Harr�_� ',� �rant the fo]_lo*��,ng licensea:
1�lalte* Freeman Exc�vatir,�
8)5 N��Giss�np, ctrr_r-t DT,F„
F'ril��_�;?rT N11L]Df.�'CG8
G7aalcn �_ Sabb�, Tnc.
�082 P�lk Stre�L N.Fs.
B1?�_ne. ?�;nnesol,2
cns sL��r�c�,s
1 qd,rar,ced Hea�,ln? 2c A�r
Cond�t�o•��ri�=, Irc.
3968 Centrai flv�rn,e iV,=„
!4�nneapol�_:,, MLLnne�ota
Su�.;urban E?e�1,?ng & �heet _T4ei,�1
�:�4� �J� �i�Tlt.�r I1Y'7Vn
P�inne�_FeL: , P��innesnia
G �i1L3AL CON'7'tt(�C7'OP6
�JV: I�T.i�`��"" F�'PCTII3T�
ll.: '2mc� 7�� Iqi�d�GP
h r; ' �n �l^ r' m u�dsdo:i
i.��' : f'c Prl� �h l;l'i1�7q+tc�'c r
R�NL+I �n t
�,nrrUda L
Clem?•or, Inc_
707_ Colum�z'a Bc,ulcvarc7 A�,P.
M�nna2�c�1,:, M�nnevct.a b,-,-c ^7�m Jol,>>-c,, m,rrUr L
Fzrst, F_'._erida bu�_1d�n� G^r�:,ra�,zan
0�5� `.�ni, 81�fi, 5+,•���rt
;�outh T�,am?, 1'lorir'„_ �,�ia �-�'��cm ��. 5�^��a^£e-r TiFUi
� r� �� �
rrsr,la�n C�n�;�t�ct-ir�n Co'm�an�-, S�i^,
���1 �ast lranl:l,r I±�fe�i1,�
1�"�rmcaz��^l�°, P�`�nreso� �
f"�a,�1es �'. Joh�r.sc��
� �(1 �a r{mnn Cl rc]_�
rt•L�1e-�y Tn-nresola �5���2
P? '�e^Nie.� R� Son Const,i-�zr{,� on
i0'�5 Nanroe ,91ree�
An�ka M2nre��ot�
Mo�,le Pom=� �S�n;stix,n �eT�r�,c�
Rrn�1e !�, Ro�r 13
l+ler.an+�r�ay Mir±nesota
L. W. Samutiegsnr� �%one�:r�ct��r�
?800 ��sf, Psver Ro��
Fri�ley, _Minnesc,t<<
CE?�.1.5'�C]"e BT"Crthe�'S CoT7S1YUC�7rn
�'iotl tC� �
Ton� I�ake_ M�nnesota
Nor��en P, SkGI_�E
7.?21 - IJ�tr hxr�nue AI,
I`�1P_rioapC I = n. M1_rir�FSCt.="
'-.� ^7STIC
��acncer� Fe^t,n�* aricl P,s.
f�onrl-it�crt7�;it, 7PC.
�968 C�n+-ra1 9cenue �i.G�
T�I�nne�po7l�s Ntinn°sota
9��t�urb��n Iieat�*�- E SYreet M�LaI
8L19 Center ��riv�
N?srne�ap�l r�;., PRi��ne�ota
Doenke- I,;a��;�%�exs, Inc,
2?? ? Mar�r H.Ll3 � P,ri�ae
�3lnnearol�5, r�Lnn�soi�
P �,/� ;Tn,RTRiC
Je�he� P. St,eC!"en� g• G��nP�tn�r� Tnr.
3819 it�tcn Asre-�tiz� A�.
NllnneaPO�7sy N�nnesct3
➢yT?-UN'R1� T��UCK LI�1AiSF'
�i'1�01_i3 �.l_v-^?Il(:T'u
1911 Seconcl �ve-sue Sonl,1�
Nl�nnea��olzs, Mi�nesota
�3n�`�i�� ParRn �a?r���, Tr,c�
�,1� c������ st,r•EPtr,
��t. Pa�ti7_3 ➢�i�nnesotz�
�?URB=�SN R, r�PR?n��; RrMOi�Ai, LICI'NS��
T�i-Q�+�ni,� Saritaticn
�5� T"s ;s =siE m ��reet P1 .r v
^rid1��, . Nlinnr:eo�a
Pr�tFr•so� Tr•�thn-:; S?n1i,a�i�r
l??l_ - 1?KtY! P.van�:F N�E„
P'ridle�r, MirinESOta
Cl (�A�RT'1'� L? GRi�IBE
B,-s�lh�s Te-�s^a
6073_ Ut��ve,.��_�ty 4�ren�ie DI.F�.
ur�cjle�, vlirmes�ta
bjr: R. il. ]'r���er Trir�
h•-, ��1�=r�_er F,. Johnsor R�RtF"�„inI,
b;+: ��"�art_ K��s,Ier
t,r- q�rr_ Ja R�ss�r�
�zr� T . W, �amo�15 �ri
P, i ; idrTJiA L
�rn�;Ur� I
b,a• �,rchi� �, �c���orE NEbd
Y�v e r'ardePn ]'. �;k�2 �,� REP1�Uln [,
by� Dn��I,�Y C. Kod�.cton
�V• 1Cenn�th Gbir�an�er
"7�r: ii('n�� 1i, Do?T�'ze
RT:NFti'�? L
l��r: i�=77�a�n J. 3teftens RENL�niIt7
l�,re OuEZa P C2n1,er
hv: �,� � Gar.lscn
hy: I�uci]_l�y Tia;�[al_cic
by� • ��1;� r�'CC? TiI'Ot�"in ��
by; 73e*•tram 1ni, Por,i,�
1'r� h�I'i i�� L
��tal�,,iP I,
CanterFurY I�ne
�l�79 � 6_�81 Univers� tt� Avenue
F`rzdleys Mlnreseta
L:I_�Jrd' S Snperior "1 OO�c
7?�S E. ?2�.rer Raad
i;idle�T, Minnesota
Fridl��T A x T^i Dri�re�Tn
7l��9 E. Rit+er rZoHc�
P'rwdl_ezr, M�nn�soi,ti
Tr €, Ott Food Market
7U�a9 �. R�ver Road
F�-i�11ev, ML2ue�ota
Cent*'al Food
7�73 Ceni,i•aJ fiverne 1`I.e�.
Fridley, rT�nn�sr�ta
Fr,dle,•yT V,F.i^i, °ost � 963
lGl�O Osbcxz?e Road
FrZd] ey� Mir�r_�esct�
ti,,;: 9�bart CMris°.e?�son REn1E1ni3L
L�r- i,3u�r1 L� Rrn'�
�.�r. Le� 2, �Ittr�i�„
h,,: Rak,er� �, '�T-��;te
h�, : �Y� ol a �'�r M2r�'en
hF: °�T�r -�n Pa3ia
� rN i�U�.� I,
���, ��,an7
P,L7�T,a U?A L
FiresldF Nigh�, Clul�
?LiuO C�ntral AvFnu��
�ridle;v', I�3nnesoi.a b-,�: I��-i;i� C. Pa-t�_e,�'- R�'ibrrrlAL
St,aadr� ck R� La Beau kmorica7� Lr•git�n
?3"�'� Central �venue N �n�,
Fradle},, Mi.nnesoba b,�a F,3. 4snde-v�str RL1DT��AAL
L'en',�ai_ Fcod
7373 Cen+,r�,a_ Avent�e AT.E.
Fr�dlev, Minnes�ta
r,,,m -r�.�?a Mc r'arnn-, �tENE��f;T,
T*� & C1u t Pc�od Market
7�9 E. River Road
Fridle�rr M2nnesota b-�; Boh�r �[-�, r�iasLr� R}'N�1nr�L
CF�FF, LTC_��1i5 �'
St��ddrick t'� La �3eau Ampr, ��7� Legioz�
i32K Cen�r�l Aver_ue N.L.
Fr,oley� M�nne°ets �,•: �,„ '� ��,°d�?�,,-,5� rAr�tirPL
+�.rr-;z2{1=� PT1�?rr, �lllb
7!�l1� C�ntr�al =`��•Lr.ue D�.g.
Fr� ds_ey, P?innes�ta
Ganterbi�r�r 7nne
bJ!79 - 51�81 Univer�rit�- a.rcm�P
Er9_d1Fy, NitnnESOta
Pr7 d} ��r A& W DT"� va_ In
'72t29 E, River Road
Frldley, Minnes�ta
Bertha E, Y-arick
0359 Ba?�c��r Str�e�t,
n^rlr�le�-, Minnes�ta
t�� : T�.i�,a1 (%. P2 s�,us zal; R�N��riAL
hy: Rehert Chr��l,el�sc,z ItENE41AL
by: _ . �� R. N��r���r�,- �l�T�`vd_aL
'd� b7
5i 2,� f���
'PhF mot�_on t�TSS secnn�er_t b,T Counc�lman Uir�p?�F,p Upoz� a�rolce vcrte,� there l;ein�
na nays, Ma�rnr g�rkham rFGlare�l the m<�+.lnn cairr�_r-ci,
?'i�e City Managa� caplairiPn to �h� Courc�] �haU i�r°,s, Hti3eimarker wUS r•eyne.�a�ng
£our l�_�qnses in her namer twn oi i,hese licensev (c2garF�l,tie and cai's) ha�
b�en eranted to Mr. ?3��e+mac�F;r. He stated thati previous3,y ths i,ave;�n
`'':? �
17 cense ancl �he �r_ and �f£ retal] "I1cenG� haci bee,n u�eniec3 to i�?r, Huetmacker�
w�th tY;e licenc� �i�r,ec+ ��� Mr=. Hnetmzck_er, new she ss reanestin� tne licc�raser
i,a h�r dwr. nam�m
Coitncalm2n �n�r, gh F, aske�: r,he Ci ty @tt� rney if i,he man�iat�ry revoc= tion spectPiec�
a chan9e of or�n�ersh�_v or a changc �f aPplicant. The C1i,�j �ttorney staLe�l that
th�� manr��torg rP•�ccation �p�,�zes to the appl.?c3nt itaz was comr�cted, and if
unde�• thc �es7rs �° *he Ord,nance, �rou _'i_nd tha+ this_appl�cant, is the owner or�
prnTr3 etor5 tFe CcuASil coi�ltrt, at `,heir ds5cret� on, „r��t, ':he li_cense, C��,nci1-
man Sam��^ls�r, s�,_d �e t`ieuAh" 1,he Caunc3l r,hrn.zld cnntinue the9_r nrev7onW ttct�rns.
Co�mri'man �nrr?_�7�t sfa�;ec. h�: ihrni�ht Mrs, Huetmaclser shcul�l be heaid ii' �he �
Mrs. Hue*,ma^l�er �.ra= oresenf at the Council I�7eeting ancl e:c�la�neri t,o the Counc�l
that she has bPen t�,�znin� Red'.� Cluh as the�_r livP]ihoor'�, rounc�lman t��Jr�vht
�sl�ed what nt^ecaut,a�ns she coul_d take s� i#, woulri nnt happen a�aina Mrs.
Huecmacknr sasd l,ne miiiers had come sn after she h�d left, anct s'�e woLild
1�?t^h i t verz: �aref�,Ily, Cnnnr�ilmar. Nlr� �ht asksd the City Msnager i�' there
x,er� any cemn�aints ai the nrec��t tLm�, an� the C�t�,� Men�p�r said neL that
17e l:nPU, D1",
�7C'TI��I Y��, Cctmc�lrran infrl�ht cha} r,he Crnanuil accent the a�nlicaticns anr�
awar�� t'_?e lirpn�F�, on a probat�onary banis ior or_e year w�t,h the undarntar.c�ing
�hat, a rPVie:�r ef ±he neia �ra�ag�ment wt]_7 be made at that t,ime. �he moticy
died for lack r�f a=econd.
The C�t,v �1t,tcx•n�}� stzh�d tyist, Lhe �'�zty oi I'ridley �s issiz�n,a, the licer.sey and
she j�zst ]�as i�a ��1�1�f,r u*lci�r the State 5tatu+e� In this case3 her husban�
v*as the or.e e�r.vict.ed an< the Counc�l ha� tl�e dis.^,reti_on t,o a�Prove� he
rr�ntaoned i,hia �usi, sc ,_� i� �rclers�,ac�e�,
Mr,W Fit��tmack��r as}:cr� �f' the Counc�l wo»l� nrant a. 1�_cer�e 7_f th��r foun� a
b�yer. 'i9,^ Coiinril ^��d t,1,at �t wcYUld depenc� uPon th� hucer� as they w�t�ld
no�, awarr� ,� to someon� san� har been �n troub7e somewhere else. Counct]man
1-��righ{, :;atid I,hat the [;rninci± should be �rery cl��r on thi:; ma�t,er; t,?�at the
ct�27iJ'zcattior�s �f the a�,Fi�cant have nothzn�> t,o da with the locatio*i of the �
orcper-y, anc� the C�i�*�c�l nePd, grcv,ids o+,her than 7_f the pro�ertv needs
up�;rad�ns, The on1�� con�ideraE,ien fo^ t,he declsicrn is whFther she w3.11 keep
it runnlnr t11e waj- it should be„ Ma3ror Kirkham sa�d thai, �ne was zn ef£ect
���rat�ne l��e clu!� tahe�i the c3laree was brou�Yit. t�Irs� F��etmacker said sh�
�aas �aorkin�• th��r�, but had ief't when the zninr,r� ca„�e in, She was asked wh�
rm��'_d he runring Zt in the ezren�r.� if the lir�r,;;�•, tiaere g�anl,ed and she sa�_t?
s�p zrnu?d b� #hr-re, Sr�F askecl what she �,*�s SuPposed t,c� do iP the lteenser v;�re
r��f arantwc:,, cler� the �eorr;° �he r�en;znned the pe�}��e t,hat �,�orl:ec� therey
and s+a+ecl that she °�lt ,she had as much a right to a 1�_cense as anyone, P4ayo_r
l��i•kham pv�rted oub 1hal; a lzc•eztise was not a r��'�t btit a pr�viSe�e. Mrs,
.'uetrnacker exF�n,;��=�; Fo thc [;oiiresl the d�t_�ii_: a£ the een*�i�t:ien charge.
Co��reslman �te�r�•1,s stated tli2,t r=r d�scussi�n brings �ap dii"lereni noints that
i,he Crunc�? is not aware ui� anrl he augee�teu� that CoLmc11 reviez,� +he procee%??n�s
�f' tr�e hear�nr an,ri .*na;te a �uc�ement on that. �rW. Huetmacker was asked if she
couor; att�rd the m�>Fi��� or Mav 7.6, and was t�]d Ghe rou1�+.
r�i�T1�i�� hy Ca��rcilrr�an Wr�gh+,. ±a �ran+� ternporary ilcer_sPe to Mr�. Iiuetniacker
for thiri;p daSrs, T!ie ;n�tior kr�s sec,or.rlec� and uron a vmcF vote, {.he �not;r�
c &.r-r] ,^ri . _
rF��TI��� rzj C^unc�?*nan Harr�_s #� r�celve "r-t,ition �10-1966, Seconded by Council�
��ar. r�e'rz�hi. Upon a ccice trote, there br-:lna no na�rsy Mayor Kirkh�am dee�ared the '
moG7�ai er�rrier�.
MrW Mr,C7lrey re�resen±�n� the Super Amer�_ca Stati_on5� w�2s present at the
Cow2ci7 Nte�isn�, and sca:,ed Lhat Super 4m�r�ra i� leassng t;�e ex?st7_ng
sta�,LOn an r;as* Rivcr Road and Osborne Road. The Gounrs? `lr,��ed at the
�ropo�ec? plans and d_srussec' tl�e si;se and p]�cement ei bhe s�gns.
MOTIOP) bv Counciln�an Sareiae�,,an bhat trs Couttr�l aT�rove t'_�� thr�r neUr s7nn
re �ni r, an�1� r� tlens Cor 2 ny 1�a s! rns anc', a necd mef-fron i sipn up�ir th=
�e_lei,� orz ef th� �n� r�o�';,�r �-i �p an� ona hot:� etrarr7 s2�n. The motion wa �
sei�on�lecl, anrl u-�or a uc?^e vot,e, ther� helnfi no r�}r^. Mctior �<�rkham declared
f i�E r� �-�1C�11 rc^,1 r•� P�j �
P�7T i TTODr �a 1-? 96b RE�T D➢NTS OF H�1IDA`' ��1Ii�S O�Jr,CTTnrr, TO THF, PLaD�D�rD CONSTBUC�
'PTON OF C?T`i HALL _T�1 TCCFtF, P�RK:_ATQn A T,F,T'i']��Ft�h'f?bfin"�I'FiL� _Sf`�?t T�� OF-TI"� r,iinMB�R
OF 061�IMHIRCP� 11LS0 OBJ?'CmTNC'�: � � �
,J � 4J
�/2,� � t
Mr. Min�1Er ,atat�:d r,hat as hP �.r^� ona oi 1.hn cr�c�es* residents �n t,he Fio��aa�
Hills area� he woL�.l.d bF tne spokevman for i,he pet�_ti�_cner�. He sFatFd that
trF: p�ti±,c,n '�,�d 'oeen �i�nEd by 23 of Lhc 26 horneowners, and 1` 'r.wo o� them
hati ri�i; been out �£ town, and one '�uvbanc� ��c�t, '��>m�, he f�lt, the�- would ��ve
h4d lOC1`�� He e:�cplaizied +,h� t th� pcor�]e had boi�2ht the�r hr�mes nlanriina on
he2n.; next, to a�ark. He s+ated ±hat a�;506,000 bnrd �_ssue hac� been ,rcce:i
�or bu�ldin? tt!e f;lt,y N=�1� lr� one area, and nola �t is l�eti*�� ,noved to th�=
park and the pEOT,�e arv not haPPy aboui, ih�_s. �° stat.a�' ths�t �-, ss be�na
muc���i away From Lhe c.cnt�r area, where thz masl, peoplc can its� , t, and tt�e
neoplP whn �rotei or. thE bond �_ssi�e should hat,c, thF courtesv of Imow�n� whz�
2t was done,
� �ayQr v,�kham statecl khai, there were sere�al reasont:, �nd �ood ec�nomlca wa�
�he hine�st. He sa!_d that lt wonLd be rai,hex° ^osl,lv tn ��Jd on tc ihis
nreseni str��ci,ur�s and th� b�zildinp �ras noF, tiaorch add�n� �n �o_ so ai v.o7,��1
b� more economical tu'?„ilti� a nc*�r ,tTMuctur= ra�_r,h��ui, an olcl ba,1d,_n� d�<t�h�ng
��r;at car be dc�ne witY! the de��gn �i tihe ne�,� at,x�uct��r�. H� sa�d thai, the
a_vaslaLle �and at the present loca�,�an would ',� crnz��� n the netia st�r,catr�
im^�«;�tiatc�l-F as thex�e wnul�l he �oo l�_tti- nark_ting and nc U�r,ensien sp�rr� ,�
tha ^�uu��7_ 1r�olced For a new arPa. �r +,he Connc�l d,d not la^nt lo s}��;nd r,he
bond i�su� en �_�r�i tbe,y recided �_i, wcn�l�a >>�: *r� se 1,0 �i°e la?id Lhe Citv a7 rea�y
owned an� r����,c�s� oP th�s prr�rer�v e�*entuallp and ��me ov+ �he�rl, i�e sald th�
iand w211 r�e lan�l�ca�ed an!? �mnrcve� mu�'.� quz��.er th,s Fray, a_nd 1t, sF�l'i „�17_
be oar•]r l�'ce, Mr, K_�nder saici i.h�t �i, wctiiqcl �rinF moro tra_fPir i,o tihe area
2rx� h� un��er�l oo� t,he parking wovld be t�*•ra_rd tha back n�ar Yo� iduy FI21_-. , H�
sald i.h� peCOle �,r�,u1� pre£er t� hatr,q �ra�= [or 70 year°„ �P nee�5��.,-�`, unt,il ih�
nark_ ss de���etoped� He �alr1 he p°-rsonzll,y �,nu7d like t� stie f�pur�a thai, zL
No, _1_�� be creaper af+,ur bti�lldin� a nez, f�_xv s1,aL�cn, and �skFC7 i__ the f,�urc-s
•aera ava�lable, N�ynr Klrk}�am sairi t,nat � F, wa, �•ommor� kncwled�e tha', Nu�ld�r�
nntc an o1�1 bnildZn� d��taz,�.c vrrat� you ear �ln, anc'� the�� wilJ be ���z�i�fi �c ar
are3 i,hst wi71 allow a nne StorY stru�tti.rp :��he?° i,hcn two, and more i�`P°�Cifl
w�i,h tha �1�;4ig7. S�Ir. ,7c�hn MFye;r sa�o thzt, �e iecal3ed '�,be nFw Ci+.zr Ha?1 plar�s
�,ad heen for two stories anc' the: estimates }���3 i�een SK�,�O� ozr�r, and ;r r�i ,�,
was � one s�.ory schPin�, wo» 1 d t1� � � i.iclu��° 1 ne �i re DFnarin ent ai2d th� Pol� ��
DApartmenx.. Msynr xirKham answerecz t]�at � L wo��`�d ri�t inclu�e th�m lrn*ncd�atelv,
� anc+ tr�;. the arch�_teCL had L�_Ld i,he Co�:ncil Lney needet� �he squ�^� ioola�e �i"
a two stcr;r bi,i7_dl^�* an� the pr�es:;nt hu� Ldici� io maMe th� C'�±y F�a�1 Punr �ion, anc?
rictir he has said he can put LhF Same sn�;ar° rn��tace on ���e �torzr anc i+, w�_ll
craet no more.
Cousic�lmsn Wright said Lhat, bha areh_ur�ca, tin_7] Y�� dea�gn�n�r the nFw h��2lriinp
rheauer hec��e,e the Coune�tl ha� �o1n h�m c�, �I� saicl tha+, nr� was in ia�cr
of mosin�� tihe Citq tl�i1, buL he d�saRreecl w�th the Mav�r on the r�a,snn��,.
He sai� he did neL frPl 1,he preseni, lor�tii�n }�e �d any i�romzse o£ denelo�ln�
inr a new Clty Fall as the Canrirra Rt2t,.��r1 t,ra, s ta�nnr , o=, e' s�a rac� wc��i] d r�
the same� t7e TFleih��na Gnmr�Anzr warPhrnise wo„lr1 n�1, mo•re or uperadF, the
CLr2stenson �orre� co,zld oniy b� fa�•o 1�i'tiPd, the Heidel Pror�erty coti�lc� szok
b� de3�='eperl ae thev ha� ho•�ed, and a new C� t�r u�11 � s n�� compat� ble ra� th
Lhe� plannin;* ie�° the area. Mr. N�ncler a,<,lce� Cour,c,lmar_ �a,;ahi. �� hc wac
��o�; sa�ran� that si^�^F (}overmnen�, mo�ae��r Nras noi „�ad icr r�de�-cl�rma��n'., �t
n��aer �n11 develon cnd Yie add�d that he d_� noF �e1, 1r�s fen7,�� he i�e�s
thaz t,Yie pec�]e wi�l deve'LcT� 7r, themscltrF�- Gelir����man �ar�_�ht �a�o ��tiaL l�e
soes no �v�.c'encF of this.
MR, Ti�.p�;�r stated th�t noi,r �hat C�_ip Hall i> n�t��n� £artlier �t.,r�q. t};e fire
"snsurance rates w?�� bF� h,cher and the Cz'��= �a2Jl ,��ed L�ae� T�re s��t2ons.
Coune�7.man Wria_?��, sa-�d that f_Y�r� und°rwr�i.ezs ha�re L�7c7 th�m ihe,y iti*�rv �t�17
clvss a�o��h to th� ccnter. �1 v_�s? �or i,o ,�h� Councs7 P�laL�,in, salc� he ��ac3
e�t,Pnt abai�ti i,�ai� 7�c�a�- �h3�, a_"Le�rc�en ^hPCk.ri�� int�� t1vs, ��^d tha n�o���n� „Lc�
Clty Ha�7_ fa?�tl-,zr r_�acL'n *,ri1? ai'�:�-t the b^zU�ria�5 in a�� area on 1Kain 91._re�F,
� i/2� �"_^i�e1�2�ed on �ae�r !ns�tranr� rat,e �.='oztih waulcl be �po�o�smaie=y $23,OOn
ezrer�* ,�rear. ile sai!� tha'. 7��_c'ifield h2d r,�ac fz3°a st��io-is an� some of these
hu�;_n���=r^en tho�rht, som�= r,or,=,��rat'i.o�? ahorla l�c �„�e„ to ��s5no� twr, {'ire
; ha� �n^=, `1'he C�tSr Man�RUr sa2d that t,�P rsrc ➢An°�ti»nt has ino'.fA,9 in�o
�^`�ra ;•7tFs a.n,'� �n11 ,.nnq"F r+�'] Jt. C(71�nr1�i'LaC 1N7'!Ei1�.. ScR1r' h�rTO ��t'7C'r 9'�e"S
�r�rn ��JC°.tT1? �9n)�°ri P.i W�"�3f'h 'v0'_'F %�1L' S'J�1t10Y1 O{� 61S;G"�;i1°' �lll'�jirr7' I ri��.� 1rlC'
'�nCr�d�'B� n�'rSOnn.>]. `J'hry ��'�^7t0^ 9�71C� :77.H� G1_1�5 *J.]�Lt� ]`121tn n0 ''"I#"f'r ^gIIi;�' l`q
th�: :�amc raie. r�4a�rr�r^ ifirkham sa-�:1 that thc �'',r� D�nr��m��t ,.r��u7d no�,
DCi^� �S8r115r �JL PiCli*E � �.-�°T'�T F �6r1.
�'fr. �T�`in i�!e7i-�rs sa�a t1,at E�� C��anc�_7's n��,n r�c�eon5 seen2 t� kae N�i� la�,�
2T1� f'? SHi1P 71f11'�F�r, }lr z,�L.r'Cj �� L7�� 1iO11Pf�1� ��r7�"i 't'11rr5�,ladfr_rJ ttj'�1°s^ 3V2 �ql��;:
1an�. Co��nr,,_1_me,rt T�Tarr�r; ;;a.td that thFre hti� nnt apna-ar 1.o be an;r r�,��m�rcr_�°
]2n� ZT] t711U �Y'c,�; An49 11�r, 7T'_[��191r1�� 13?7t'� �iP+l��� ��aiTr �pq� �GO ��72Ch 71�n2"LPj"'
�F'.' 5o?C +�7°Ti �'i.,�� Znpkr�.' Rr, 3 lO; 01' S�'r�P�. }JJ'�. Gl']nT Yl.�'fi�'rl CiY1E' `.l�i}l7H Y"EaSCri
anr� stili havr-: ra��rr� ?a;'k, ou�:r h+� �uald.
'^,iere t�aaq a c1�s�^s�-��n nF 6rher� che bui-1_n? �n�' �z � and t,rhere t?�e parinn�
?a� ����13 be. lm,^, ;�irdar ��1ca� �f ihera v �11 be an� screer,i�� s� car i°nh�s
wi11 no�, �1a�� ����,o the '�ome�. C���n��'�n,=�n Harr�e s��d thai tneJ had sn<3=cati2'
�.o t?�c ��°cb� � e�- �h_:, the�r ��raiiEed �=� �� oreparat?_cn te er�hancc tha nroPeri,s�
c�n�? th,�+ h�- ,'�c,,,hi ,t ,rnr a���,,.P�,l^ lon'�i•i� h1�21dinr, T�,r-•, d'is,^uysed i,he
rtesi;°ab�l, Ly o� r�� i�i�d as � nark a�d Counc2lman �rdr� �ht ;;a �d that re h�ci
,�vt�i��;? tr r� ai_���n un',�l h� ha� the a,�s�arance that the f3rst P7^oceeds fro=�
=,12�s ntesP�� ssl,e';e es"marl�e�1 acr� ior acre Por the park l�n� talcen.
P4r. ^��re"���r �sr_ed tnat I'n� ?=�,te�° iron� ch� Cham�er of ConRmea•ce be re2=�, M�yor
xirkham ea,cl ihzt rhP lette�- Uras a recta�t, �P a meeLi_n�? ofi tb� Board ui �
D'_+r�ct�-•e ��ncl not �rcm 1?�� entire ChamY�er of Cammeros, ?ie rea�i tYie le�te'r
kT'�"1'C11 S3'�'� `l>>'i, nT 1 i�Pri,,'�_`10 'Ji t�Zr-.3 i)`J�.r•il tJf' 1)]I'2Ci,0;'8 Y�'� ftnP?! �ZC{, c'i �itOT-i_OTt
oa,sYci, made b�r �3m�t� �����cltd bj �]r�-lerlEe, that the Cl�amher ni Commerce
i��nor�-,and L��e C� t,v Nall he l,u�_l± at its nre�2nt 1on�',ion ar!� 1:nr �, t,he L'<�unc31
��� � � "or;ned �
P4a;�o� l;ir�kham sLa+P� Ih�t ii' a���r of i,he peonle w�9her� 1,o r�ma,r. ?or flrxt;er
dlscu�s�on afte; �he a� u'a^ bua�i�e�� �° the Conncil waa taLen care o£ th��-v
cacre i,�l_rr,rne to clo sn, hut tna� il?. Council had te eon��mie w�+,h tre a�ene?a
2T �r�°' F;]ntP.
T;i�iOLTTTTDN �60-�9ob Rli�IU�:ST7NG `�7T�, Nf1D����,SCTP HIPII[�i�}J llEPA1�TPTEDiT 'I'0 PROCEE➢
___�_--- --- - - ---- - -- - - --- -- --- -- - ----- - - �---
pD� T��� Ar�PTirvJv�T 6)UAn1DRPNT Ol+ I'�i�; TS1Ti±;I�SFCTION UF olST _9�iD IInfI��F,TtSlTy nn1D ^17IE
�iC�RTHL�151 ���UAD�AINT OF P^ISS_T,SGTnPI STRP�-T PN� iIPdIVEi�SITS" AS Pii�����ti� P,? T1�F
- - -- - - ---- - -_ _ __—___,�. --- -- - -- - - -°-- --
Pi,q�iNTn�r_' �;O�15riT'C�LNT 4nTl) n i�OPTGD F S `��F n�LTC° OF 'Pfi�' COUNfJIT : ---
P"r� mhr�m�5 i'cdn=�, plann�na Cens�,7tant. an�� Mr. Roher� YL}nnius, t�T,�;ne�>ot�
-_�T'�i�ra?T Department, �Je*�P at th� CoUnci� Ntee�:!ng to di�ctis, i,heir recc�m�ne�dat�ons
�or seiv��e �°o�cls 21on� i7nic°rs,ttr AtrEmi� a#, K'jth nirPnue, hlst, n,rPm�e 2nr�
P4=, 5�i�5i�n,_ �St*�eP�, zr�+erser-, o,is. i�?.°� "�dn� reported to the Co���c,91_ that
the�r ,7eve =�i ��nnie-� `a rn�-relate the re�auire-nr=nts of ';`�� res_icentsj hi�sine�smen,
�ari�� n;��rc� the Nt�nnasota �epartment of H�gh��r2ys an�^ �,hP�r o�an tdeas oi ;_an�
�lanr7�np, He sai�� thab ih� --1�n ls at ba,^,1, a compromise �n eco*_ron»c
�e�s,_bi7llv and in th� f��*�rl,ior of th� olan itself„ He sai_d that the na�n �
p,arpr�s� i� h,o evpr-d,i.e 'r.'ze mal�r thoroughfara ,mpT•evemPnt. P�?r limit_�^E? !,h=
ar^�ss on th�s n�a;n ti�orr�n�hferc, thc se*_�r�ce roads Y�e�ng �,'�e a^ce�s, thc
'f]�1"OL'd�1 ntJl'PIIl�'nl, iu C7'TtP[�11-2(7 fT' v�^F?3GEr tj7�+,�1]^.25� �j!13 Ol1I'�"JOu° OF ��'�
42T'��Ii.� r•r��.i '1', {�l"P "li�aT'SC.-`Ct,�011 iS f,0 E:�'�Y1321Cr_- 3 SH.�P I110rrE'1lC'T1't,� 117.Ci �]i�. C331C
�d�a ? s to a� ve �_s �,�rh r�ori i'or manueverin� and stack�ng �paeE l��tw�en the
�ni,�^chanNes �nd thc s����c= roads th2r�selve�,
Pfr. Tt;,�jne ,�,,d I,h,�t l,h,= two l�as�c a�nreaches, x�h�r,h hac�� '>een �;one �ver with
i.`�=> �� �^-�n� n�; Con!m� �s �_or � are ("' usira the exi.uttnp_, street �atterns,, which
zs l;rle ch��a�esi, and has les� ��r�'olems, becau�e of land acm��s��ion a�d !2�
red�.,�_�=rnn,. �nP s=�•�n�� roac' lnter�ect��ns themse].vedy iryin^, tis poss�b�eg
to };e ��ac': ?C�0' f�rnr. Lr�� ceni;er l, ne �f Un �vers� �,�; �s vgmte - thF �� ca%7 ed
"'ben� nf i11e R«ad"1 ronr��,tw
�'� sai � thr, k, th�r^F �, ° some re�ommer.d� tions tha t might ���° ann,�idered iromecllately.
i;e •;n��es;,;d tz,ro area� thai, conld be ac�ed �z�on fast hecan5e of the simplieztp
oi tvie �3esa,;n rea��»r�mr:nt� ?nr3'��r;�usc �he; ,ln rnt tie �nte anj= �the_r
r��onun�nri,c2�r, �,h°y can st�r� �n thei;° oeari. TYiese ��o areas *,�ere the noitheast
qti,?�,���t �f nrti_5�;�a,PP� ��t�'P�Q, an•a iPniv�;rstt� Avanne �nd the northmr�;s#, ouaclrant
c� � 61 st �„ei�ue and IIn; -��-��s �1,3�
N� disc��ssed the intersecz�_e� nf f;?_s', and Univers�t� �irst. h!r ��lar.s �or
��he r,o-ihwest qua�irant were to �raea+e !,he present szrv7ce road, which wou1�3
n7 �re ;,he a-�artmer�t 'ions� m�, e`tanrl ta de.reloo for parlcin�, and �_mpa^ove Star
Lane. Tl�e sci�'hne�i, cn�drar�i, can be mainta�nerl ?:, lt �;, Th;� nori.haast_ '
luadr�,�t ,�oti�]r� esfher tc�eo th� tcTo ��,a�r sarvic� road in �+^ prese-,� posit»r
and pro �ide 2 Sli�, oFi rar-� �GOUt Lh� mldwa,y po,r.t aF i,he P400n P�_aza nroperty�
or mnr� ��sF oi an ali,erraUC p�an fer �'_r�� ^�n��r i•rhlrh woul�-'. •racz,te the front
��nd anc] have� a lirrnF,�d s�t°,»;� r�al2t of wap bchin� hhe �ervsce stat�on. :'n
the s�nthe ist ��zadrant ene �3_ec� oi nr�n<_rtp tiro�zld h?°ae to be ptitrchaeer3 a� a
r�°�ce n(� �ppi��,-:�matelv �13,000 to uae rne "'�end �f +h� rnad" aanceq�,o
:171 �,i!F? r7i�1'= eri'? `1177VP'"Sli.�- l'1fCY'3cCi.lOr1� t�}?E ]70"'t,�lf??,^,t 2Rr' SOUilI'.'?c't (�ll2(1'"3?I.fS
�aon'�',�e tl�e '�he�id c�f I,re road" conc�p±. T1�e Carn��1 �i,scu;ear_� ti p�s�ible
slin orf :amn at abo��� �dth tf l,h. 1°ed shauld arlse in th� �'ut,ur�. ThP�r
di�ci��;�d a ooasinle ��u?_--3e-s�c i'er ra., dential {.raFfic on 1,':e northwest
quad�^an� 1nd pea's pea•}_od tra"f�c ?na�rem�n� on the Holldav qua�lran+,
On t,�^_ M�ss�ss�rp� an�i Uniirzrsii,y �nters�ci�io�. 'Phe soul,'_�1.,est quad_rant
wo,il� va��`,e Uh2 s°rvlce drti�e�� f�°c�r". �^f the sorvtcF 9tat�nr� ar.d �rade 1L
f'or _Land t,�l�ind ihe sPx,rLcs sWat,or�. On tl�e northweu� qulr.trant c�e �ervica
� f
� d�'�
r � �EJi]
rnad �roul� be ;et back 2�0" Frnn ±h� center ?ine of Un,ve�s�t�r ���? 7_atier
could ha�*f a s�mchroni�?d 1�rht �nt� th� �nl,ersec�.i�n, There wou7_c] h� a
slin oF� ramp lnta Holly Center. Mr. `Irn�ni= >a, � 1,hat th� �io r+„�ieas �
qnad*ani, �.a s�no+l-,er anadrznT. r,hetr f�7h thr �',,�t,�ic�1 could malce a d�cis�Qn on�
?-Ie stat�d the� feel tha�, Un2versity 4vernir-.� serv�ce co�d shc�l�l he 1eorFrl b3t����n
66th an�l 67th, and the prP;,��n+ n�rviae dr��Te on the rorth s�3e oF' IK-ss�ss_ppl
Street be �rncated. Tha�r s�i•_=eest tha` the a<ce5s ? o �`z� ��^d O�.�L n�^���orcy
she�7d bc 3Q0' �ark irom i,hr� cr;nt�r l�ne o[' i'�e �nl�rch=nge, The sovth�a��
�ixaur„nt, �_s the +r��1�he;t r;ne t4r. H�r�ne said, and an`T soluli�n �,,n„1�1 b� an
�n�er.irt salub�oi3. He sngoe�tea that thex�'�e a r�_�ht tni°e n>ti'y �t
n12.s2=�szppi Street oiF a oscl< un 7and an�1 61�;,h and '�'t?� Si,r�e1, srr���ld h=rnmc�
� tne ser�r2ce r�ad, There rra,s a 1�sQ da°r,iss�on abrnz� ���sslb1e Solut�ons
Cor the Chr�st,�anson corner� and the pos:ib?li',f of ��s�r��r ��m: ,� �,hc
vacated s�r��^F ,ar�u� alcng th� nnrtheasfi qua��°an+, a3 an eccFlr,rai,inr? 1an�
to the h� vhway . Mr, Kurp a�zs said he �.rou�_d ch��:k � ni o_t i t
"4r. Kus7;� u s than rev?_ewed +,h� Pl3nnin:= Co�s>>1 �?r t' s o7 ans From the Nii n�;ese .a
Hti;hwa,y �ta�idpoint. He ;�aid the T4innes.��a t'i�;hway Departiment is ;n s�ttib-
.�..27?f.-.c1 3�;T'EP�TI?R+� 'rTi_ij?i �9••� ijOdrie. The'/ cT'° l_it CC�n�Tl�('i.�, 3CCOi"C], �T. [7T'C]
and Unzsers�_ty. R' 6Lst, kvenue the r.ortl�i�rest auadram, ss �17_ ����ht. 91,
�l'1^. Y1C�ri;1'1B1"t Ql1ilCIT1i'Ta t}':?r f'a�rn^ 1;1"`P 2.1j.?1'773iF, ii'�CT'�-', 15 SitiO�t3nr"�31_
aorPement �n the snaihea.^,t rnzaclrar!t and no chan�e 1ri the sout?�ti,*est, n;iadrant.
At Mi�s:issippl Strert �n tr� �mzthwest anri n^=�ih*„�si, nuadcarr '.hev "�F>
thev mu;t hav� �,�edic�.`rd Pub?"i-� r��dwa}�, Ther� �, suhsi,ani,la? �r��rem�nw
in the northe2si, and ?n the southeas� they �o»�e! deecl 1,he 1=nd v>ack ta 'he
�°I7t,o7' Oi O)_C� U'17_V<'?'S1�;r.
I�`r. R�zrn,��,� ,22�3 1;hat t?aare mu9` hc an aprE�;m�:nt �er�r s��o�. as thPi� ,ire
hc��din� cnntractors tit� alre�+3�1 on a nurohe�° �[' curha and �i�tters. He sa��
that ther- sh�itit� rec�2v� a re,olnt�on irom '.,�� �',otiz�c�? �. : narlta�e d���
s�eciiynr,n that Seme oi i+ c,�ot^� be donr� rinht �,,7ay. The-% C�;e? tl�e�r m�asi
l=r+n�, attd r�nz�t �n zt �_t p� ��a�^�a1. Thi,s ra� =r t�;e resoV,a tr �n can 1� sc what
� s to he deleted at the present +,ime? an� l,hey rot�3d stiart orz thc twn ��eas
�rnmPdiatel_.r� The C�',tr Att�riiey a,k�:l abcut thr-_ r�si,, anc r�[r. Hodee sz-,_�1
there would 6e no contructlon cost to th� C� L1t, ,7us�, the acquis�tlori covts
� �nd +,his zs sbout a$30.000 p]_an For thr�e a�qu�s�t��n^ �nd o^iF aFt�,nativc
xrr2ch wo�k��l be an�ther $10,000,
MOTION b.r Co�.ncilman ��dr,_aht thzt th�. Crninc-l- a leF +; ResnTu l, ��Ti �60-1966
adopt�n� as the policy oi the Co�zn�?1 th^ nrccasal�, a„ ,ha-�n� on -che ?nap; for
tha n�rbhk+cet o�zadrant of the intersr:�t2ar� oi 51s!1 P Tvnue anc� IInivrrsi�,r N.E,
and i.re nlarthF;�=� quad�-n; nP M_iss�_��_�P,- and �1n,,,,ars�#y D�,�. a� +t�e;� �Tan�l
2ncl r��quP�t tha� the Mirineeota �Ii�sht�ra.y �ep�rtrn��t proeee7 on tha'� 1�asis,
Fecnnr�ed h�r Cnunci7man Hax•r3a. Upon a 1r���_ce �>oie, t,h�r� belnr n^ nay;�a ^4av�r
K,�kham ��^lareu +,h� mot�_on c�rr%�.3.
P4a,Tor• Sirkham mr:n+ioned to P4r. Turpa�i,� thzr, 71h Stx�et �rill �et a 1ot mne�s
',-^arf,� now that tne sArv�rF ^oa� w!]1 �,r .racai,cd and p�rhsp<; the Sr,aLv c�uJ�1
r��lr� raTrr the c^tib of pA•ri�p.
?,?Tm?�,, T_rnGUF, PROPERmy:
A 3eleQation of mr_n w�ra a+ the Co;xnr�? p!eer.�n� t� -�n��_rate tYia+ �hPre k�e�^�
,�a� n�_eces of +,ax delinquent propa.x�ty che�r raere �ni,er�sLed ln for T�.t�,7_�
League baseb�ll parks. BL7e]c �b of t"oorP La4�� �1ddti':��r� and S���ii�� Lalce
Park �nd Tak_�=s�r;F Iots 12,1�,11� of Hlo�k 1 and i.�t� >,F,7 ei ulock 2. `[2��
C=+�t Manaoer r,�;n+,Pr� out ±h�', the *4onre Lakr 1d�:'�or_ R1ocI� '_b ha� �us`
hPnn r�d tar�r;es b?r the Park� ar_d Pecreat,�_on D�,partmen-.,. The �r,si?nrs sa,d
thP�r wou3i l�k� the C,ty to p�ck vr +l�e balan�p and iease i L to Lh�m £�r
l� �JC3rP. tL18."t, i.i'r: T,t,�C°C� 7T'C rz7�T7S! +A i�_ 3�_ i+n tli �]1g rlolr�lnP�per, r7T1C� �,Ylc.
� ra r'c B�ard could use +,he f, n1d � enr ��he�r nl a��� Ft � � f th�y ��o n�t conf7_YC �;
ont�- the L�_+,t1e Leaque s�Y�e3;zles, anrl cou?_d usr- cr�� oarL in {,he ofii aeason,
Th��re rrss a d�_scue.ion or the irves*ment that wnuld be made for permanen`,
fix�,�rres �n case the C�ty h�d to b>>3r thQm o-v� 'oeCore l�J vPara raas up, Tl�co
clscusstd U�hether a f�ve year lease woulc he mo^e ad�v,abia, ard the far+,
`.,hat this land was !�ou�'rr�t as well_ sites wh�ch ml�Y �, ��e nceded ir the
dz;:tan+, future. The C,t�r Niana�er sazd he *�rcu7_d f �r�r� out in� land pnrchase
�r1ce a^ there may F.e Li,�r 3�ues,nientis rn� hrl� �Dryn�� Lake Pax•k an�l Lalcrsidr-
rror,�rt}r, Counr��lman ,S�muel;;on ,s�2!� per°iaos soMethin�% coulc� i�� worked out
to s�71t the lnterest. The Cour�i_1 dec�de� they need�d morE �nforrna!�on
beiore a i'anal anr�em�=nt,
��40TI�AT ��r �om�ezlman F� °rt6 k� ta'�le con,-rleraticn of r�emilatln7 water
sr f+ener insi,�l_latsn� unt-Ll F,he meei,n� of May lh±h anci request a lettnr
of 1ta,t� P�c�tion fro�r Lh�� P�u+nhinr 7n�nector. Seconded bg Con�c�Z�an i�lr:t�ht.
LPor� a volce r*cte, !her�e be�n� no riavs, ^4�7or �'�rkham declarod tne mot.i_oxi
F�2ST RF,!?PrNC. 0�� �RDINAVCE AMEI�tn1NG SECTIORT�S 1R:0� and 3�i,C'6 OF TF'E C7TY
rnnT-�pni �,•; Cc�nr.�_lmrn Far�•�s to Ura��re the rea�?�_r_� and zd�rt, vhe orirlin�nceW
S�cande�l h�r C��ar,r�?man iarnghliy and �ipr�n a vo�ce vote, there be�n� no nay�, �
Mayor Kir}�h,�m ��oclar��-� th� motson carrle�l.
FTRST REI�DT�ir, 0�� O�tpIT�A?�C� TO ATgSVD SEr,TION ls5.169 SUB�7V15ION NO, !� TO
PN,RMT_! '1k�E I�„�imnA7,T�TaMt�H1T �' �� PIGGYaB1CK Y�Di A_1VD RaTT_�=TRU�Ii TRAAiSF��17�
- - - - -- - - - -- — - ----- - -
mhe CZtzT A�tiorn�y s�ated That, he s»p�ests they cons7der red��cin� the
35t�00 feet zn ihe orclir,a:�ce as -�_t N�ou1d not st2nd up s£ the co��rt feFls
Zt Es unreasc�naUle� Gourrcilman Harr7s sugr�est�d pErhars the Co�nezl ce�ild
aGk P,he 7Gl n7�r�ner �'or an area wnsra tihzs could be handler3 in the co�nrmu!-t��.
Th� C�_t� �;torne,�r recommen�?ed tlia� the5- �ass ;_t on First rea�Jing, anc� it
crn�1� he stL,r32es more Sult;r bafore +he s�cond readynr�.
P�OTIOhT l�y �%�e�nc�7.ro�n T�dri�h*., to waiz,•e the readln� and �ass the ord�nance
�pn-� f�rst rnadin�. Sen�ncled Uy CoLmci�_man Samuelson. Upon a voice dot�y
thErz }�ein� no riays. Pna��i�r K'�rkham dP�1�r•ed t,he metion carr�_��,
Tl;•= �zt;r r`?n��er said Lhat Counc�lman Harris had asked that this item he
nn tk�e a�enria s� :�e Fee7.s �t �s imperative thet th�_s is dene in �hi_s
ccaistruct,ien �eason. Ne sa�� tha+ �t, car, either �e do�e vrLt„h State A,id
fun��s or th� C�;T,r can ho3d a�ublic Hparing and assess it.. Ma,yor I:irkham
said he C�l� �t s�iould bn dene as �oon as pessiblo and wsth S`;;ate kid funds.
Coun�ilman Samuelscrr asked if a mat can be put on i± as there is no decis�_r�n ,
ye� on the so_orm senre?�. ihe �st�r �ng�neer sa�_d th2t a mat can be put. on
"c�r a couple of yeer�, iie said i.h�t 1„ith th� ne�� storm ���er on Mlssissippi
Streat Lher•� ��s!?1 he mo;e vrashouF,s and ?ti wcu?d be prett,;r hard to put a
nermanent cover o-� �th Stxe�to Councs3m�n Wr«ht� a„ked �_P yo,a can jit t�_f}�
a szih_tanciar�l street for Stat� �id� a.�fl the ��ty rn��neer 3nstirered tha+
i,he C, �,.,� can usc� ma,_nt,enance mon�7, The Clty En�2neer nointed out a�ain
l F:a t wi th t'nF �ze;a stor�n S�v,Ter there w�ll be m��re storm sewer zaas'°iout
probier,�,;� and i,ie Rice Cree?� area had l��en promised trat the�r problem
v.�ou7_rl be st�sdie� and covibinec3 �.r1L1-� tl�,s, �nd i,t!eu are holding out other
prooiems also unt?1 ihe;� lcnow wnat �he Conncil's aeciszon *�iJ1 be. The
Cotinrl3 ��sri,ssed th� three propo�als Cor the Re�_del pr�partzJ an�a whether
lt sh�Uid b� le�± a permane�t po�.�W Co��nr_,lman Harris sugne,ted t�at,
i�,;f;,re a Lem;�orartr mat paes n*�, +h�,r ��cidP 1f a connectsn� pipe ;}h�n7_d g�
i n t'irst. Tl�� C� tv NIa�ra„�r s�id tha � the cost woul� kave to be taken out
oi an assessiuen±, fiund as a_`u �ure assessment, and the �+'�_nanre D'lrer,tor sa2d
t:�e Cl#y Uro�l�d ����e f o sp11 te�n�crarsr hon�ls. Cotmr.i?mar. i�arr�s €,e?d the
°c7iC00 f'en tr^ »!�� ��rou71 he a�ood in�restrrent, if' z+, �,rere needed la+ery
an;i Lhc- County wou�d no�, let them di� up the ^treet. Cnunc��man Sar:ael,on
sa�d th1t, !l�e �-�i,y �: r�t G„re i_t, ,aould ever be neer?e�y and for `�10;00�J
the-- could �ack in Lu�der itiss�_�s�ppi Street �f �t �aas aecessary� anel if' t:�?cy
nut 57,00l7 �nto it no1�r zn f±ni yrars �rie in'„erest would amoznt to ?]y7��J,
and h� �roul_d rathe� pa�r 1,he 9;3,pn� �����,,onal zn �'ive �rears if necessar�T.
M�iTION h7 �oti�c�?ma� Hzrr�s to ��ave 7tn S+,reet from M�ssYS��pp7 Street to
6?{,h Streei, on a �emporarj% Uas!s us>»a Stat2 A?_d P'unds. S�conded b�.r Co�uir,il- '
man Ui-�i�l�t. LTnun a�z� ce v��te, ther� bP1nc no nays� Mayor Kirl�ham declared
the mot_on c?rrZed.
C�t�,- �?-�r,xreer �li�resh? s��c� tha+, snme c�eczsien aho�.il� be marle nn the Rice
Cre�ic zrea, li' +he Co�inc�? �ues nc+ do anyth�ng some temporar�r work should
�e dore ,n Lne area. Thr-. �ouncit discussed instal].ing two ar�ditional catch
7`10TT0\t h7 CouncS+man Harris thai LT-�o catrh bas�.ns be inGtalle�l on Rtce Cree�c
Terrace. Th� rnot�en was �ecor�+ed, and n�,�on a vo�_ce �m}e, there be,n� no n2�-sy
Mayor '��_r?�harn �FClared tl�� motion carrin�.
[ -� ���
, , ��
r',*'n�T�F, OROER �'� �- STORM Sg+�,?F�R ZN1Pi�Ocr�NLFNi p��O,TI�T y12:
'�ne Coneultin� Jn,=inner show�� a map oi' the nra7PC°t tio t;i� Connc�l and
Pxplainnd the pro�<]sec cnanRe order.
PIOTIOPd hy Coun��7_man Ha-r� ; t,hat; tha Cuunc�! sp�t^o�r� Change Ord�r �1, Tn�
mntton was seconded ancl upon a voice vote, �here he�nQ no navs; May��r
K�rk-�am d�clarzd the mot��n �arr'�e�,
°�'.SOLUTION �`61-19b6 APPROVIIQG "UPPLFMLnCmAT, l���L:'f2r,�1�' N�, ? 7'0 Ac;��]s�3Pm?l�I'1'
bi0. ;L�797 BE7'6dELV ilir� �TA IE OF P4I1`J?VLSOTA .�'�niD TH13 CTT�� OF_ ?RTDT�y - g`I`DR�?
� r��_�:7R GONSTF�tJC`PIDni `P,H„ �,`L�7 - PROJi3l T#} 2:
i�I0TI0Pd 5v Coul�cilman Harris t� ac�opt R�so]_utlon ;�k61-?9��6 apprnv!_ng the
sap�l.em[:n�a1, a�reemen'� ka t� the State �f PR�rsnesota. 1^kie mntion w25
serondec, and upor � zro_r.° rot,e, i,n��e h�snf' no neyG, Na�ro±° F-,_rkharn
^1�r,lared �,he *�otton r,arri�rl.
3ESOLUT70N #67_-1966 4PPF(JVSFdC, S'JPP�LP�3T7TAL 4aR°'�.ti➢�VT Br,T��ii�,Fl�i Tz1E G?'rY pr
cT�T7?,EY �?D1D TNF CTTv OF GOI,�JNI3?� H;_Tr;xm� -. 5T0'�n' ,S!�'i;'FR ��On�5TP1r�'TI�A� �^��l
T.H� �r�Zi� r P�OJECT ,`�12;� - -
- --- ---- -- - -� � --
MOTIOnr by L'ounc�ln�n Harr?s tn ar+,��+ r��s�,',�i,i�� '�0�-1�66 anp�°oz-i*_�� t,h;
anpPlement2'1 agre2n,�nt wit,h ihe Cit�T nr Co;umb2a 1Iez��rhts. Tl�e �,ot�on was
.�con;�P�, anc� apo� a*roice vote, t�ere be��r, rn niys. I�7apar IS�rl��a,i �r-�r,lare�l
the motion �arr�ed.
'�GS�JbUr�nli �fb2-1g65 oRDE�:?NG PR�sLSMT^inRV pZnNS� sPF,�IiFT�aml�nr� rnm
i��;mTA?4T$IS �T' `P9F �nSTF TFP'RPOF� S1RP,ET IT�R(1TrIT7 �Id'T PRO�TL+ICT ST, 1966-�
_=-- - - -- � �._-- --- ---
(nDPL,N�r�r�r ;�i-4 "-- --- --- --- ------_ __ —
Counailman Sam��el;�n exp'_�azne� thafi P"r� r?cLer� M�e_�7��z nac� ree,l�estec i:nat
GBth 9ver.c�e zrom Ili�hway i¢G5 i.a Char�;e� lioad bv in� 1�xde�i �n +h1s �r� �^'�
The ��i�y rl3rin�Jer e��id +haL bc had talked to G�i�i�ci3n,ar Shericlan or_ tl��s; an�
he �'�c salfl that a Pub1z� _Iear�r_; �n11 ha�re �o be he=d.
� r�Cl'I'ION Uy Counc�lrn�n Sumuel4on to a�1oT�t Rasclt�t�on �,`6�_1�06. 5��; ��ndsd r,-,
..nnnc�'m-�r t�,'rsght, Un��n a ro1r;� vn�,F, the,�e b�in�; ,±o na��s. Niavor ICarkh2�m
e�e^1�r,Q the mot�cn ;arn�nrl_
tt��sDTd�mTDP�I i�6)�-1nFh A�VF�RT35T�rG FON bI�S 011 CN� n�1�1 �j,�OC' POU1�D ^_'1.5„i� DZmnP
9'RTICF' Ai,i� 0'd�; T�:�y,r 7q�n[Vi}ngTl ���➢Abi CAR: - - - -- - - - - --
T?t�� (,'-t#,�� �?*' i"B_"' 8�7.� t}l�?'h i",1ir3,^-P WFl"G �n T.�7F l,i^rlo�'_ �1�17011n}1 f"i"�="l"2�l_
there were �o be two �r�tcir„ but i,he'�,��1:Pc ��ar'r l,�cn ciiT t,c�is sr� now v'ze�s
�,�er=� ark-nG fn��� eT�e hir, �,zv�^'-^. �'he r,�+v R7,��rr-Pr was ask��-1 � P a ai�;ger
car rhan t,h7e w��= ner�^s�ir?r t� be �.b?e to �a�°ry equzPm-nc, a.�d I��r. �urFtihi
sa,d 'chaN tk��s ��o�i3ci 'cF ���ff�c�ent. a9 7�e� da? no� ha�rc '�z rai°r� r,u�,
r_ctiunm��t� Cu�.ne'��m,�n N�rr!,� no_�ncecl rn,t, �h;�. 11,e 4��ses=c•r hacl con�plaiii_�
rak�c�t�t, thelr cars and 1�e askFd it oi,hex de�e� L���nr� �,ou1� re able to u�F
� t, l�_50 �d}1BT] ]'F W3c Ilqi l�ai7lc PSE'[i }iv a}7P 'r'�i���P�r.i"io- jl�pgrj,I➢�'P�. `I'�"1°
Fp�� neer ��� o th':t i,ha,- 170117 � n�,J,, �enr; � i �, F- �;, ��r 2hrna L 5� f ^"' i'I�^,1
in�nth s �
�0'T'I�'�i ;„ C�,nrr, 1T�n❑ N�rr, � te ac�opt Resal�,t, u, ,1'6�i-'? �66 a�l.reltia s_n� ��r•
�7CS. SP(`C�II�^K'� �'JTI (1�`il�r+-.�lABTi TLTr't_�h�'. T.Ji`Gn 2 �rCl�.._ �rria 'thC'r� };PtP�� ?1kJ
na�rs. ����yar K�skham dFai3*�ed tha mnT,�o� ra�ned.
FFSOL�UTIG�� �SC �qfb nFPRO�zTT1G "xECtiT�Obl OF x�FR`L+�LINF?A�T 5r�&0; WITH THE N`TP'�,ESC1T11
- -- -- - -- -�-- - - - '
--- --- ----� - ----
H7G�I�ni�Y D�;PAR"CNI�R�T:
� ihe C2T-, nrt��„a�Pr �,yp��1r���r� t_�aL the 9t,at� 1a��h,,ray DeparcnenT Uo� �r ti�cF-
L�,ti ol-3 asr°cr�ter_i s�cnP� b�r ?,h� n�cr M�v�ras�.
MOmrGPr �,,� Cc�2�n���r��n i�rr;�ht i;o ado*,� Re^oZ, her; !�(��-]96F. S�ronden ',�,�
�iGl'T1C-lrtlBL? 11BY7"1f�n Uj'_'�r� e VO=CE' VC1f.E � t.a'IC'Y'r i)P�DP' '�O Y�2VS. D2:v_�T^'S" i�� H1C?��14
�1Pr,] �^a�i �,h5; moi,� or_ crrr� e�".
r7�mP�POLI"'r�ni mR�1U�ST`� r,Q'�rirSSSTGr��:
Cnur�,ln�in �larr,� ,�.���t that he had read �]°� leLter and talk°� +,� �h� e�^
Covnc�imen from ether ri{,F;; �r� i'Pi+ thti� Uras ��ei�r ehnri, s��ht�;,' on 1,1��
part of the Mec�o�cliter� TranF,�t Cotnmissso�i ae i+, zrciild only be all�Unz�e
r�ne re�rF4ent,�t�v� Fr�� i'aur c�un+i�s.
MOTT��PT by Goimcilman uarr�s to r�ea�_a�.*e ���c� fzlc the �ommunscei�o,a Frotr.
t,he MetroP�lZten TraneiL Commi��sion SeroneFd �v Cntitimcl?11az� Samreluo*_*,
Upcx� a ��osc� �rc�t�. t?��r� �e��r_r; nr ?�ys. rrayur Ktrkbam decl_r,�ed the mni�cr,
� � r,-;_2ri . -
7,nCATTOn� C';� POSTn1. BO °
'!'hc G�tv Nana�F�� --°n1a�^�c +,ra! the ?'n,� C£ficc hari t,aken the post.al b��
ai•ra�: lrom the "r�nt cr the har•�ti�re ^±.cre, an� weu?�j l�k� t,o p'�aec it in
1"r�on�� �wf ��tt; I,^��, 'I: stai,�t' thai; tYie Posi, C? f2r'e absoiutel�� ta�l"1 not
nut z{, bac]< in iron� ot' the i�arc'v�are �hc,�-e as they want Zt Farther seuth
and if t,hc C;ounczl dces nct want YL �n C�or.t ai ttie C,ty- ��dll, tha�- Vn]_� p�t�
it an 6l;L'� ^irenu, 4 The Guunr,�i dld not izel there was en�ugh roam zn
i'ront, of Cii,Sr Fa� far dtr�*:-u� mall dap:;siting and to�k no acticn �n th�s
�tem. �
1�'UIS�DiC£ PROI�R�IE��•
7hP Clta �iLOr��Fy si�ied k,h�t the nrot�e„ty st 6591 N��n Stx•eet had beet�
c7_eared up accolding to the Healf.h lnspzctor, L�ut that st had been h�arded
�l,r, waih lnfea•�oa� mai,er�a1 ar.r', one win���,rr ,�ras already open, Hc s�?d tre
��_ld�nP Tnsn�c±,�,r rec�mmended star+inv, a d�lapldated l�tizidinz actzar.� tu+,
1,h�;- T��ou3:l te conLrarj* to the 7�x•eTr�rus cou-.cal ac�zon. He said the C�t�%
could +;ak.e aci.�er, t� sre that 1L was sarurcly baarded itp anc' charoe zt to
thc cv,m�r�
�IOTT('N b�f Cnm�rti"?rnan ��rir*};L To nctiFv l,h� oi,mer o? ihe prc�perty at 6541 D4ain
�tieet to co,nrl�te �earcl�i�e up LY�e house sa��sfarto�_iy hY S:CO 'Ptlt�r:;r��y
ec•eiti�ri� �r Cne Ciry �3� do �_� Pr�_da�- and tne �v, ier �,r, �1 be char�ed ?�r
Lhe ce��� SecoroE� hy Coui2ri]�an Sanmelsor. Upon a�rcio� vote. tihere
l,e�nr no �az�e� Ma3ror rc,--kF,��n, �]��lar�c. i,he mot_�vn carriec�� 'I'he Cou.�r,il
�)i�°���=��i resclnl�nr tnelr pre�-3cz�s act�nn zf th�re �r� erlir more lapses
nr t,r� ��v���yr=� �ar� � anr� co �h�ar1 �a�tt� a di"la��dt�ted bu�ldine aet��*+�
The C�i.p Ai,l,orne•� =1i�1 ]�� l�ac� n�e1re^ the Cochran ^ro�er±.j: w,.th Teo�aard C�7ch��n,
and Mr•. Goc�7��n s2�d �,1�aT, tiha nrese�', ren�nt �r�ll�be oi�+, �y du=z-� an�l }�e hv�
rrro�ti� c�eri i o�nt up a�01� ri Fence f"or• �creen_n�� in the bacl�, �otixncllman
Samu�lsrn aslic-d �f he woul� enter iriro an agrecment ti.nth the C�ts*. T}?e C�{,zr
�? ctnrre�r ���_d cr,a+ ii' Tn, �� r�aha� the Counctil w%znts, he will su�gesi, �t tn �
him. Conn��lman N�ri�ht su�ge�ted t?�e Cl1,v A#torney wr2ta hzm a]_etter s��ying
fihat �t zs th� Counc�]is ur.derstand_ng that the pres�nt �peret�_on wil7. ce�?�e
b,r klur-tst 3�i . and in th� m��n=�me � t he will cemplete t1�e screen�nF as per
pr1�r a�_r�Fm�ni., ;uYIF`�llment �i ths<? unrl,�retanc'in� w2?] maMe i_{; unne�essary
to hrst.� cnu,°t act�on, -
'"k�c C�_Lp A*. F,orn��- said iha' the n�r!e aL flLil Rice Creek Terracc has bemr_
�o?�t anc w�-1 t�e reUuilL. — -- --- -- -
R'k�e C� ty Atr.orney sazd that he had �rrlt,cen Nir. Sal� t,ermzn re�ard7_rR � h�
5?7 �'Arn�an Pro*��erty ,^,a�F�n�� thaLy as he had +,old him �ri �revinus letter�j
tY�e� vnr�_ricl',ri� sys�em had �o be �:!stail��, and he hac� sent cop�_es �c� the
�racery chain. He also �n�ic�te�l to Mr, Salltex7nan th�t ?�e was c�elzzi�7t�ent
�n ���it�1n•: tin the ,creer he had pr�n��seri, and =aid that if there were no
i���pons�, n� *aoii�_d take it eo uhe Cotzncil anr3 si�ggest �,?�at the Gouxic;_7
zake acLi�ri. 7'he�e ha= t�ee� r� �esponse. T�ie CZt,7 Att,orney stigaested
ihat ihF a^'l�,n tre Counc�4 coaPd take wa5 to brsng a mi�,d�me�nor ch�rge
a�a�nsti h�m for niolatin�- `,r,� C,i,y f=r� ccde. He said the F�re Tnsne�tor had
�o3c1 Mr. °alscerm4�n te nu� �� a cnr�+�l=ler -!n the b�s�menl, oi the grccerp stox°e
nnci he ha�l n,°ailu agi•e�^�, Crn��c�1man I?�-a^i.� suqge`t,ec! that +he;> could ��,•�
*��r� z cFrtl�r lenptl-i �_ i�n=; an�l _�i' ii, was no{, done tneti could canrel h��
lzcenae.. T�e �%i4-� Attorr�ey sa3_r' the°e was no grarery s�ore licence; and t,he
C�rs- Pr2nlcer no=nted oui, there vrere c-iaar��te 15.^enses anrl 3.2 beF^ licen�PG.
Co�inr�ln��r Gir,mh* sug�esi,�� ihe Ci+,y P4ena�er lnd�c�te to Nr. S�il�t.erman th�
l;aLnc�l t��11 lltt Lhe ]irsnses and Urin� a charge. The CitJ NIanager sa�d '
h� taould ca7)_ hzm the n�x= dzp, The ��ity* At,to_rnev sa�d i,hat i,he next, step
�reulc� seem to t,e ha-rznc a comr]�rnt staorn out, Counc�lman iJr��ht sit�geste�
th�t �t conlr9 be coni.zng�nt on no re�po�-i5co
?nOTSp��� bv Counciln�ar �,�s•s^'�it aut�or�^irin the bri*r�inq of a misdemz�nor com�laini,
ag��_ns� i"�r� `=aL-�,�rn�an f'or �ir,l�t��n of the iire cr��]e. 'Ih�s complaint shall
be a ro��tin��sn� Liolaticr�y such that he u*ill ccn'.��ue t� be ir� =�iolation as
1 onn �� � I he crork �� not do*�e5 an:l i,h�t, t,he Cot;r.�_�1 aizthor, ^,r the C� tp Ma nap�er
�nd t1�� f i t�j At�orne}r, at tlae� r �l� screi.�en, to hr�n� thss �ctinn ii noce�s�ry,
Thr_ mot�on �aas se�c�nd�r'� and i�poz? z �ro�ce votey there be-�n� na r_�aysr NiazTOr
1Cixkham declared the rro;9on car�r,ed.
� ,� _�
5 /2,IF�6
T_he City Atitarrie,y sa�d thai, th� S»r'�ne= i�'o+ei has i;een sold and the r�al
es*,at,� man, nRr, ➢�.mph,yx has indicated that thn neur own�rs hope l,c� cle.an ur�
the area in 3d �1ay� and rebuilc �� c�0 da5v.
The awner of the prnpert,y a+, 6881 C�r+ra]_ Avenue. vThich ss Lhe p�ck?�. �actory,
ir.da �at�*d he wantc�d anc�ther 30 dairs. Trle �iTrr 7��an��er sa� d thdt ttie �Umer
*�anted to take i,l-ie top oI'f and ix,c the boticrf Sor varlou, h�i:��_�,e"se;, an�l
he had told him he „ra3 �i,�re the Cc�unn�7 would noz �o a1on� with +hat. The
City AttorneJ s2�_d the cwner «;I� 1m�r� hc� had hE^.n ele?_a�r�d 1,�- 7 oad rP:;ti?�sc �� o��-�
r,t' somF: cort �
3?OT�Qi� bv Counci�timun 1Jri�ht no ro��,�n��� t,he darz�erous bu�ld��a� }�x�oceedaz�g,
ful'1 i'orce and iu11 spee�. Secondec3 by Cati�nc��ri�n Sam.icl�on. Tinor � vmce
rote, there be�n�* er. nays, p?ay�r K�rkh�m de-clared ri�e mati_r�n carri_ed.
;'c�une:�Iman �^Iri�ht. statnd that he honc � the C� h;r /! � tor:�cy hac +,ne author= I y to
c��tndraw the: dar.gerox�;, hu�7_dingr orocEed�izps aF aoan hs tih� ownei° agre�r io
d�niol_ich an� clear,
SPRIITC, T�F��r P�ahK 1�GF���,M1�:Na :
The �it,-,�r F,tto��7ey asked the �%eun�i! i_f each ot' r,l�em �a;i a cop�, of th'�;,
��re-emF�nt. He said T,h2 war thr ?zrst draFt an�i he wou'_d like to hair� 1he�
comment� of tha, Coneti�7lin� Enrtneer beiorP i r Poes tn tne full Cone�c�7. 3nr+
then he w,ll redra�t it and put �.t on th� aQenda.
�T�RNr 5��'4�lER T3Em[+�1�,FN A�IH; �ni➢ iJ�IKFR;
Cotznr.ilman Samuelsnn ea�d �hat nr� act�on 'nas baen iaken h�j Fd C1�ae�� cn Ab1e
and Bake*�, and that he ha�9 tialke��i *o Vi �?arel who sGid„ 11,at as F�r as hA
��s conr,ernecl, the G�_ty coul� put, �t �n and assess �t. The LLtSr Attorn=�y
;ta+Pd that he hac? wr,ttcn a letter and ialkeci �o F,�3 ChiES Y,wice stinr,E ihF
lei,ter, Cnu�cllman :�nmltelsnn sL:�r�e^t,e�i 1�e Ci t� P ciorne}r wr-� te another
]E�±ter tel_lt-�� n�m i_t was k�c=1ne pui, �xi �y Cti�,,yr ior��:�, ThP Ci�y Fn�iree�
sald that the G+,o,-m sewer an; wat,er were =,up�r;�-e1 F,o �-o _n and `1�_ ��2gE1 had
beer_ niuer+ a pear. �ie sa�c3 the G�+v muct ha�_d a hF�,r�n� �l they are qoln, to
asse�s j_t. Counc;�l,�Fn Sam�:elsor� saad he �+a� talk�ri� ab�vt i.he 12" r�il�e. The
Cit,v Mana�=er �a�_d that he w�l=i r,herk �hzs o��t an�3 see i� thr C�_�y is _�n z
pnsit?on +o dc it.
CrLO'`iL9 CLI�??n:
Tho CZtv Attoi°ney state�l thai, he h_�cl taa•-ne�� �b� r,�oirF�r Fious�r. Inc, c�ai�
szrer to tho �nsurar�ce comn�rvj arid thev rP;urned --t stat±n�* fih�t ;�e,y d-i_d
nnt Fee1 thP City had ?n2r cov�rage w!th the�r comnan�� bec�nse v���. ?�o1-c�F
statPs that. =t �_5 +o rover accident^, therr- h�d heen �o not�;'�_!�tic�r as tc�
the dai;e oF an acc�dent. and �ha�r cl��m tihe� have heer_ �o�;er�s3+F tl�s (1�i,y �r.lv
slnr,e 196ii a;�d thia r,om�l��n, started zr� ]_454. `�'he Clt,-�r Ii�,torne}- said tb�at
z,Yi�3 mcans '�a wi�]_ h�t=e tn ��:�m�t an an=wFr Fer the C� L�- nen��np liah�l�+v
�1a�msng lark o� nobieP �o thP mtitn�_c�pa1� L�P ;o�� �n�r �ama�-e wiL}iin �he 3n
�7a ;Ts nc.�, i'� eutior_ perinrl an� ganeral nntn_� cl,�a3 irnmv��� i=r, H� s= � d t�,a i, ;1„�
�_n�nranoP r�mPan+,� did incicatP t.hat thP�r would, unde�^ a wa�v�r of ri,n��L�
agreement, 1n�rast�_�ate +he �act� and if th�y Fou��d i,h�� ('i t� hnc� 1� ak�i7 i� u
and tif i,heS° alsq -oizn� or_ r��e*��luat�ng the�r �nsstiern, thaL there wa� any
r,cvErage by f3art,ford tne� F,oi,1d tnFt defPr�rl. 'Ph� reservaLscr oP r�:rht, merel•�
states i,'�=t the�r are n�t wa�_v_�nQ anv o° their ela,mecl delenser. Thc; Cit;T
A_tt.ornP;r revommen�e�' l,hp i;Q,,rc��_ �n �his aa Lhe« ma•r nc�t �aar� anzrth�n�, bui�
i,here was nnthing to :1ev�, and ne w�11 gn a]�E.ad and ,3eny t'Ze f�iv'� re;,�e,:;� -
bi� i±,,-.
� MOS7`�nr �Tr Cou�ri�rn�n '„1^a_�-rt Lh�t the Nfaijor anrl �%�ty P7�x�ae�r b� �titithcrsa�°J �c
�n+er into a ResPrvat,ion oF H�_ght,;; /?�reemen'�, t•ri�h Harrfc�rd to aliezr t,hem t�
tin�E,T�ga�,e f�ri.her. Tl,e �no',iar r,rae raecornlec�, anrl u�on a t-mc� votP, there
be�m no nay^,. N�a,�,ror KSrk'��m doc7arec� thu mot,ton carr-ec�,
A�J011iiiMENT :
'�'hFre b�ti�� no �'i;r+,her b,i�lne�;;a Mayor x,Tknan, declarPd t,Y,e RP€ula� Cauncl?
��etin; wf May 2� 1966� acl,7ounred at 3:25 �,N!.
PaSpecifuJ_l;r subml±ted,
� ` —t-.
i �7 c�z� �� ����,z;
�,r7 Lu��Strc�m
fsrt2nR SecsFt.ary to tt?F Co�ar�cll
� �Nf�,vOR /� r �Y./� F{ k�i�n�